Inferno! #04 PDF
Inferno! #04 PDF
Inferno! #04 PDF
~dYJOneS Editor
A BlACK LIBRARY 4 Ghost Maker
PUBLICATION The Tanith First-and·OnJy meet their new commander.
By Dan Abnen
EDITOR 16 Gaunt's Ghosts
Andy Jones illustration by Logan Lubera and Craig Yeung
18 Ultimate Vengean,e
WRITERS lllustration by David Pugh
Dan Ahnett 20 Paradise Lost
Andy Jones Grunsonn's Marauders set sail for adventure, beer
Bili Kaplan and gold! By Andy Jones
Chris Pramas 32 A Good Day to Die
Gordon Rennie Sgt Fortius believes his time has come. Script by Bill
Kap!an; art by Jeff Rebner, Mark Irwin and Dan
ARTISTS Nekrosis
Wayne England 40 Orlo,k vs. Makadon
Ralph Horsley LUustration by Karl Kopinski
Mark Irwin 41 Rites of Passage
Karl Kopinski In the nderhive, you grow up fast - or you die. By
Logan Lubera Gordon Rennie
Dan akrosis 50 Cardinal Vlriniul
David Pugh Computer art by Kev Walker; poem by Andy Jones
Jeff Rebner 52 The True Story of hi<: the Lost
KevWalker Also known as Eric the Restless, Eric the Red, Eric
Fishbane ... By Ralph Horsley
Craig Yeung
56 Plague Marine
PRODUCTION llIustration by Wayne England
Marc Gascoigne 57 Into the Maelstrom
The renegade White Scar must choose between the
ADMINISTRATION Emperor - and Chaos! By Chris Pramas
Judy Purewal 64 Obvious Tadi<:s
The Blood Angels face a sinister new enemy. By David
Boar Boss 66 Dear Infernol ...
by Kev Walker Well, seeing as it's Christmas..
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'-"Orkshop lid. 1997. Blood Angels. Catachan. Codex, Eye of Terror. Inferno!.
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IRE, LIKE A flower. Blossoming.
4 Pale, greenish fire, scuttling like it
was alive. Eating the world, the
Opening his eyes, Ibram Gaunt,
Imperial Commissar, gazed into his
"own lean, pale face. Trees, as dark
green as an ocean at night, rushed past
behind his eyes.
'We're making the final approach
Gaunt looked round, away from his
reflection in the small, thick port of the
'1' HE SPIRES AND towers of Tanith
Magna rose to meet the small barbed
orbital cutter, and saw his adjutant, Sym. shape of the cutter. The city, set here
Sym was an efficient man of middle years, amid the endless oceans of evergreen trees,
his slightly puffy flesh marked across the looked from the air like a complex circle of
throat and cheek by a livid, ancient bum. standing stones, dark grey slabs raised in a
clearing in defiance of the forest around.
'I said we're making the final approach,'
Banners and brazier smoke fluttered from
Sym repeated. the higher fortress walls, and outside the
'I heard you,' nodded Gaunt, gently. city perimeter, Gaunt could see a vast plain
'Remind me again of the schedule.' cut from the forest. Row upon row of tents
Sym sat back in his padded leather chair stood there, thousands of them, each with
and perused a data·slate. 'Official greeting its own cookfire. The Founding Fields.
ceremony... formal introductions to the Beyond the tent·town, the huge black
Elector of Tanith and the government shadows of the bulk transports, whale·
assembly.. review of the Founding mouths and belly ramps open, squatting in
regiments... and a fonnal dinner tonight.' fire-blackened craters of earth, ready to eat
up the men and the machines of the new
Gaunt's gaze drifted back to the vast
regiments of Tanith. His regiments, he
forests that flew by under the window. He
reminded himself, the first Imperial Guard
hated the trappings of pomp and protocol, regiments to be founded on this enigmatic,
and Sym knew it. 'Tomorrow, sir, the sparsely-populated frontier world.
transfer shifts begin. We'll have all the For nine years, Gaunt had fought at the
regiments aboard and ready to embark head of the Hyrkan Eighth, a brave
before the end of the week,' he said, trying regiment that he had been with from its
to put a more positive slant on things. founding on the windy hills of Hyrkan to
Gaunt didn't look round but said 'See if the ferocious victory of Balhaut. But so
you can get the transfers to begin directly many had fallen and another founding
after the review. Why waste the rest of would fill familiar uniforms with unfamiliar
today and tonight?' faces. It was time to move on. Gaunt had
felt grateful to be reassigned. His seniority,
Sym nodded, thoughtful. That should be
his experience, his very notoriety made
him an ideal choice to whip the virgin units
A soft chime signalled imminent landfall, of Tanith intO shape. Pan of him - a young,
and they both felt the sudden pull of eager but small pan, deep inside - relished
deceleration. The other passengers in the the prospect of building a fresh name for
craft's long cabin - an astropath, silent in the Guard's roll of honour. But the rest of
his robes, and officials of the Adeptus him was dull, set rigid, empty. More than
Ministorum and the Oepartmento anything, he felt he was simply going
Munitorium - began to buckle their through the motions.
harnesses and settle back for landing. Sym He had felt that way since Siaydo's death.
found himself looking out of the port, The old commander would have wanted
watching the endless forests that so him here, wanted him to carryon to
intrigued Gaunt. glory... after all, wasn't that why he'd made
his gift? But Gaunt was so tired. Such a
'Strange place this, this Tanith. So they
reward seemed so far away.
say.' He rubbed his chin. 'They say the
The cutter dipped. Great brass shutters
forests move. Change. The trees apparently,
atop one of the cities largest towers hinged
urn, shift. According to the pilot, you can
open like an orchid's petals to receive it.
get lost in the woods in a matter of
Sym's voice dropped to a whisper. 'They
say Tanith has a touch of Chaos! Can you
believe that? Being this close to the edge,
you see.'
Gaunt did not reply.
N THE FOUNDING Fields, the men Bragg - huge, hulking, genial Bragg -
f) looked up as an approaching currer
purred overhead, banked against the
slow cloud and settled like a beetle over
shuffled over from his tent, a flask of hot
sacra in his hands. 'Need warming up?' he
asked Corbee, and Corbec nodded a smile
the city wall towards the landing tower. to the giant man. Bragg poured four cups,
'Someone important,' noted Larkin, and passed one to Larkin, who barely
squinting up at the sky. He spat on the looked up but muttered thanks, and one to
wirecloth in his hand and resumed Rawne, who said nothing as he knocked it
polishing his webbing buckles. back.
'Just morc traffic. More pompous off~ 'You reckon that was our Commissar,
worlders.' Rawne Lay back and rurned his then?' Bragg said at last, asking the
face to the sun. question Corbec knew he had been dying
Corbee, stood by his tent, shielded his to get out since overhearing the man's
eyes against the glare and nodded. 'I think remark.
Larkin's right. Someone important. There Corbee sipped and nodded. 'Gaunt.
was a big Guard crest on the flank of that Yeah, most like.'
transport. Someone come for the Founding 'I heard sruff, from the Munitorium blokes
Review. Maybe the Commissar himself.' at the transports. They say he's hard as
Corbec dropped his gaze and looked nails. Got medals too. A real killer, they say.'
about. On either side of him, the rows of Rawne sniffed. 'Why can't we be lead by
three-man tents stretched away in ordered our own, is what 1 want to knOw. A good
files, and guardsmen in brand new militia commander's aU we need.'
uniforms sat around, cleaning kit, stripping 'I could offer,' Corbec said soCdy.
guns, eating, dicing, smoking, sleeping. Six 'He said a good one, dog!" snapped
thousand men, all told, mosdy infantry but Larkin, returning to his obsessive polishing.
some artillery and armoured crews, three Corbec winked across at Bragg and they
whole regimems and men of Tanith all. sipped some more.
Corbec sat down by his own cook stove 'It seems funny to be going, though,
and rubbed his hands. His new, black-cloth dunnit?' said Bragg after a spell. ') mean,
uniform chaffed at the edges of his big for good. Might never be coming back.'
frame. It would be the very devil to wear 'Most like,' said Corbee. 'That's the job.
in. To serve the Emperor in his wars, over the
He looked across at his tentrnates, Larkin stars and far away. Best get used to the
and Rawne. Larkin was a slender, whipcord idea.'
man with a dagger face. Like all the Tanith, 'Eyes up!' called Forgal from a tent nearby.
he was pale skinned and black-haired. 'Here comes big Ganh with a bce on!'
L.arkin had dangerous eyes like blue fire, a
They looked around. Major Garth, their
left ear studded with three silver hoops,
unit commander, was thumping down the
and a blue spiral-wyrm tattoo on his right
tent line issuing quick orders left and right.
cheek. Corbec had known him for a good
Garth was a barrel-chested buttress of a
while: they had served together in the same
man, whose sloping bulk and heavy, lined
unit of the Tanith Magna militia before the
features seemed to suggest that graVity
Founding. He knew Larkin's strengths - a
pulled on him harder than most. He came
marksman's eyes and a brave heart - and
up to them.
his weaknesses - an unstable character,
easily rattled. 'Pack it up, boys. Time to ship,' he said.
Rawne he did not know so well. Rawne Corbec raised an eyebrow. 'I thought that
was a handsome devil, his clean, sleek was tomorrow?' he began.
features decorated by a tattoo starburst 'So did I, so did Colonel Torth, so did the
over one eye. He had been a junior officer Depanmento Munitorium, but it looks like
in the militia of Tanith Attica, or one of the our new Commander·in·Chief is an
other southern cities, but he didn't talk impatient man, so he wants us to start
about it much. Corbec had a bad feeling lifting to the troopships right after the
that there was a murderous, ruthless streak Review.'
under Rawne's oily charm. Garth passed on, shouting more
'Well,' said Colm Corbec to no one in Gaunt had nodded politely.
particular, 'I guess this is where it all Now Gaunt sat in private in an anteroom
startS ... ' of the Assembly. He'd slung his greatcoat
and his cap on a hardwood chest nearby
and Sym had laid out his dress jacket for
the dinner that would commence in thirty
minutes. If only he could rid himself of his
headache, and ofthe bad taste in his throat
that he had landed a weak command.
cloak from his broad shoulders. His bright His seventh was replaced by the dull
eyes tightened in his lean, grim face and he clack of dry metal.
wheeled and fired again into the gloom. In Hurling the spent bolter aside, Gaunt
the smoke-shadows nearby, red-eyed backed away towards the silo bay doors. He
shapes shrieked and burst, spraying fluid could smell the rancid scents of Chaos over
across the stonework. the smoke now, and hear the buzz of the
Las fire cut the air near him. He turned maggot-flies. In a second they would be on
and fired, and then took the staircase at a him.
run, vaulring over the bodies of the fallen. Autocannon fire blasted into the heathen
There was a struggling group up ahead, on nightmares, sustained heavy fire from an
the main landing. Two bloodied fighting angle nearby. Gaunt turned, and saw the
men of the Tanith militia, wrestling with boy, the piper with the fish tattOo, laying
Sym at the doors to the Launch silos. down an arc of covering fire from the
'Let us through, you bastard!' Gaunt portico of the silo bay with a sentry's
could hear one ofthem crying, 'You'd leave autOcannon that he had rested across the
us here to die! Let us through!' stonework. 'Get in! The last cutter's
Gaunt saw the autopistol in the hand of waiting for you!' cried the boy.
the other too late. It fired the moment Gaunt threw himself through the bay
before he ploughed into them. doors into the fierce whirlwind of the
Raging, he broke one's jaw with the butt cutter's engine backwash. The side hatch
of his bolter, knocking the man backwards was just closing and he scrambled through,
to the head of the stairs. He picked up the losing the tails of his coat to the biting
other and threw him over the stair rail into hinge.
the smoke below. Enemy weapons fire resounded off the
Sym lay in a pool of blood. hull.
'I·l've signalled the carrier fleet, as you Gaunt was face down on the cabin floor,
ordered ... for the final withdrawal ... leave drenched in blood, looking up at the
me and get aboard the cutter or-' Sym terrified faces of the MunitOrium officials
began. who made up this last evacuation flight to
'Shut up!' snapped Gaunt, trying to lift the fleet.
him, his hand slick with the man's blood. 'Open the door again!' he yelled. 'Open it
'We're both going!' again!'
'T-rhere's no time, not for me ... just for None of them moved to do so. Gaunt
you! Go, sir!' Sym rasped, his voice high hauled himself up and heaved on the hatch
with pain. From the bay beyond, Gaunt lever. The door thumped open and the boy
heard the scream of the cutter's thrusters scrambled inside.
rising to take off readiness. Gaunt dragged him clear of the hatch and
'Damnit, Sym!' said Gaunt. The aide yanked it shut. 'Now!' he bellowed down
seemed to reach for him, clawing at his the cabin to the pilot'S bay. 'Go now if
tunic. For a second, Gaunt thought Sym you're going!'
was trying to puU himself up so that Gaunt The cuner rose from the tOwer bay hard
could carry him. and fast, lifter jets screaming as they were
Then Sym's torso exploded in a red mist jammed into overdrive. Aerial laser fire
and Gaunt was thrown back off his feet. exploded the brass orchid-shuners around
At the stairhead, the grotesque shock them and clipped a landing stanchion.
troops of Chaos bayed and advanced. Sym Hovering, the cutter wobbled. Below it,
had seen them over Gaunt's shoulder, had Tanith Magna was a blazing inferno.
pulled himself up and round to shield Forgetting fuel tolerances, flight
Gaunt with his own body. discipline, even his own mother's name,
Gaunt got to his feet His first shot burst the pilot hammered the main thrusters to
the horned skull of the nearest beast. His maximum and the cutter fired itself up
second and third tore apart the body of through the black smoke like a bullet.
another. His fourth, fifth and sixth gutted Left to die, the forests burned.
two more and sent them spinning back Gaunt fell against a bulkhead and clawed
into their comrades behind on the steps. his way to a porthole. Just like in his
dreams ... fire, like a flower. Blossoming. It made Gaunt queasy. He tossed the slate
Pale, greenish fire, scuttling like it was aside.
alive. Eating the world, the whole world .. The shutter opened and Kreff entered.
lbram Gaunt gazed intO his reflec£ion, his Kreff was the frigate's executive officer, a
own lean, pale, bloody face. Trees, blazing hard-faced, shaven-headed man in the
like the hean of a star, rushed past behind emerald, tailored uniform of the
his eyes. Segmentum Pacificus Third Fleet. He
saluted, a pointless over-formality given
that he had been covering as Gaunt's
adjutant in Sym's place, and had been in
and out of the room ten times an hour ever
since Gaunt came aboard.
'Anything" asked Gaunt.
'The astropaths tell us that something
DAY SIXTEEN, may be coming soon. Perhaps our orders.
ABOVE NAMETH There is a current, a feeling. And also,
urn ... ' Kreff was obviously uncomfortable.
IGH OVER THE cold, mauve,
He didn't know Gaunt and vice versa. It
marbled world of Nameth, Gaunt's had taken Sym four years to get used to the
ships hung like creatures of the Commissar. Sym ..
deep marine places. Three great troop What is it?' asked Gaunt.
carriers, their ash-grey, crenellated hulls
'I wondered if you would care to discuss
vaulted like monstrous cathedrals, and the
our more immediate concern? The morale
long, muscular escort frigate Navarre,
of the men.'
spined and blistered with lance weapons
Gaunt got up. 'Okay, speak your mind.'
and turrets, hooked and angular like a
woodwasp, two kilometres long. Kreff hesitated. 'I didn't mean with me.
There is a deputation from the
In his stateroom on the Navarre, Gaunt
troopships .. .'
reviewed the latest survey intelligence.
Tanith was lost, part of a conquered wedge Gaunt turned hard at this. 'A what?'
of six pLanet systems that feU to the Chaos 'A deputation of Tanith. They want to
annada pincer which Macaroth had allowed speak to you. They came aboard thirty
to slip behind his over-eager warfront. Now minutes ago.'
Crusade forces were doubling back and re- Gaunt took his bolt pistol out of the
engaging the surprise enemy. Sporadic holster slung over his chair back and
reports had come in of a thirry-six hour checked the magazine. 'Is this your discrete
deep space engagement of capital ships way of announcing a mutiny, Kreff?'
near the Circudus. The Imperial Crusaders Kreff shook his head and laughed
now faced a war on twO fronts. humourlessly. He seemed relieved when
Gaunt'S ruthless retreat had salvaged Gaunt reholstered his weapon.
three and a half thousand fighting men, just 'How many?'
over half of the Tanith regiments, and most 'Fifteen. Mostly enlisted men. Few of the
of their equipment. The cruellest, most officers came out alive.'
cynical view could call it a victory of sons. 'Send three of them in. Just three. They
Gaunt slid a data-slate out from under a can choose who.'
pile of other documents on his desk and Gaunt sat down behind his desk again.
eyed it. It was the transcript of the He thought about putting his cap on, his
communique from Macaroth himself, jaeket..
applauding Gaunt's survival instinct and his He looked across the cabin and saw his
feat in salvaging for the crusade a significant own reflection in the vast bay pOrt. Well
force of men. Macaroth had not seen fit to over twO metres of solid bone and sinew,
mention the loss of a planet and its the narrow, dangerous face that so well
population. He spoke of 'Gaunt's correct matched his name, the cropped blond hair.
choice... frank evaluation of an impossible He wore his high-waisted dress breeches
Situation', and ordered him to a holding with their leather braces, a sleeveless
position at Nameth to await deployment. undershirt and jack boots. His jacket and
cap gave him command and authority. Bare- opportunities. 1 need soldiers, not corpses.'
armed, he gave himself physical power. Gaunt gazed out into space. 'Use your
The shutter clanked and three men loss, don't be crippled by it. Put the pain
entered. Gaunt viewed them without into your fighting spirit. Think hard! Most
comment. One was tall, taller and older men who join the Guard never see their
than Gaunt, and built heavily if a little homes again. You are no different.'
paunchy. His arms were like hams and 'But most have a home to return to!'
were decorated with blue spirals. His beard Corbec spat.
was shaggy, and his eyes might once have 'Most can look fOIWard to living through
twinkled. The second was slim and dark, a campaign and mustering to settle on
with sinister good-looks that were almost some world their leader has conquered
reptilian. He had a blue star tattooed across and won. Slaydo made me a gift after
his right eye. Balhaut. He granted me settlement rights
The third was the boy, the piper. to the first planet I win. Help me by doing
'Let's know you,' Gaunt said Simply. your job, and I'D help you by sharing that
'I'm Corbec,' the big man volunteered. with you.'
'This is Rawne.' The snake nodded. 'And 'Is that a bribe?' Rawne asked.
you know the boy.' Corbec said. Gaunt shook his head. 'Just a promise.
'Not his name,' Gaunt said. We need each other. 1 need an able,
'Milo,' said the boy, clearly 'Brin Milo.' motivated army; you need something to
'1 imagine you're here to tell me that the take the pain away, something to fight for,
men of Tanith want me dead,' said Gaunt something to look fOIWafd to.'
Simply. Gaunt saw something in the reflection on
'Perfectly true,' said Rawne. Gaunt was the glass. He didn't turn his head. 'Is that a
impressed. None of them even bothered to las pistol, Rawne? Would you have come
acknowledge his rank and seniority. Not a here and murdered me?'
'sir', not a 'Commissar'. Rawne, grinned. 'What makes you put
'Do you know why I did what I did" that in the past tense, Commissar?'
asked Gaunt. 'Do you know why 1 ordered Gaunt turned. 'What do 1 have here then?
the regiments off'lanith and left it to die? A regiment or a mutiny?'
Do you know why I refused all your pleas Corbec met his gaze. 'The men will need
to let you turn and fight?' convincing. You've made ghosts of them,
'It was our right-' began Rawne. hollow echoes. \'(le'U take word back to the
'Our world died, Commissar Gaunt,' said troop ships of why you did what you did
Corbec, the title bringing Gaunt's head up and what the future might hold. Then it's
sharp. 'We saw it flame out from the up to them.'
windows of our transports. 'You should 'They need to rally around their officers.'
have let us stand and fight. We would have
Rawne laughed. 'There are none! Our
died for Tanith.'
command staff were all on the Founding
'You still can, just somewhere else.' Fields trying to embark the men when the
Gaunt got to his feet. 'You're not men of
bombardment started. None of them made
Tanith anymore. You weren't when you
it off Tanith alive.'
were camped out on the Founding Fields.
Gaunt nodded. 'But the men elected you
You're lmperial Guard, servants of the
to lead the deputation? You're leaders.'
Emperor first and nothing else second.'
He turned to face the window parr, his 'Or Simply bold and dumb enough to be
back to them. '1 mourn the loss of any the ones to front you,' said Corbec.
world, any life. 1 did not want to see Tanith 'It's the same thing,' said Gaunt. 'Colonel
die, nor did I want to abandon it. Bur my Corbec. Major Rawne. You can appoint
duty is to the Emperor, and the Sabbat your own juniors and unit chiefs and
Worlds Crusade must be fought and won report back to me in six hours with an
for the good of the entire Imperium. The assessment of morale. I should have our
only thing you could have done if I'd left deployment by then.'
you on Tanith was die. If that's what you They glanced at each other, taken aback.
want, 1 can provide you with many 'Dismissed,' prompted Gaunt.
The trio rumed away confused. treacherous unknown terrirory in the hope
'Milo? Wait, please,' said Gaunt. The boy of finding a wormhole into the enemy
stopped as the shutter closed after the two positions that might not even be there.
men. The prospect made him feel sick.
'lowe you,' Gaunt told him baldly. Thoren's subaltern drew his attention
~d you paid me back. I'm nor militia or suddenly to the double file of sixty men
Guard. I only got off Tanith alive because moving down the covered transit trench
you brought me.' towards them. Scrawny n1ffians, dressed in
'Because of your service to me.' black, camo-c1oaks draped over them,
Milo paused. 'The Elector himself plastered to their bodies by the rain.
ordered me to stay with you, to see to your 'Who in the name of Balor's blood-'
needs. I was juSt doing my duty.' Thome began.
'Those two brought you along because Halting his column, the leader, a huge
they thought the sight of you might mollify blackguard with a mess of tangled beard
me, didn't they?' and a tattoo - a tanoo! - marched up to
They're not stupid,' noted Milo. Thoren and saluted.
Gaunt sat back at his desk.' either are 'Colonel Corbec, 1st Tanith. First-and-
you. I have need of an adjutant, a personal only. General Hadrak has ordered us
aide. It's dogsbody, gopher work mostly, and for·.vard to assist you.'
the rest you can learn. It would help me to 'Tanith? Where the heLL is that?' asked
have a Tanith in the post if my working Thoren.
relationship with them is going to continue.' 'It isn't,' replied the big man genially. 'The
Before Milo could answer, the shutter General said you were set to advance on
slammed open again and Kreff entered, a the enemy positions over the deadzone.
slate in his hand. He saluted again. '~re've Suggested you might need a covert scouting
got our orders, sir,' he said. force seeing as how your boys' scarlet
armour stands out like a baboon's arse.'
Thoren felt his face Aush.' ow listen to
me, you piece of f-'
A shadow fell across them. 'Colonel
Thoren, I presume?'
Gaunt dropped down into the dugout
from the trench boarding. 'My regiment
DAY THIRTY, arrived on Blackshard yesterday night, with
BLACKSHARD DEADZONE orders to reinforce General Hadrak's
effortS to seize the Chaos stronghold. That
' ( ' HE PERSISTE T crump of heavy presupposes co-operative effon:s between
gunnery drummed the low, leaden our units.'
sky over the ridgeline. An earthwork
Thoren nodded. This was Gaunt, it had
had been built up along the ridge's spine
to be. He'd heard stories.
and, under hardened bunkers, a
detachment of Imperial Guard - six units of 'Appraise me, please,' said Gaunt.
the 10th Royal Sioka - were readying to Thoren waved up an aide who Aipped up
mobilise. a map-projectOr, and displayed a fuzzy
Colonel lboren walked the line. The men image of the deadzone. 'The foe are dug in
looked like world killers in their ornate deep in the old citadel ruins. The citadel
battledress: crested, enamel.led scarlet and had a sizeable standing defence force, so
silver warsuits built by the anisans of Sioka they're well equipped. Chaos cultists,
to inspire terror in the enemy. mostly, about seventeen thousand able
fighting men. We also-' he paused.
But perhaps not this enemy. General
Hadrak's orders had been precise, but Gaunt raised a questioning eyebrow:
Thoren's heart was heavy. He had no relish 'We believe there may be other
for the approaching push. He had no abominations in there. Chaos spawn.'
doubt at all that it would cost him dearly. Thoren breathed heavily. 'Most of the main
To push blind, unsupported, into fighting is contained in this area here,
while artillery duels blight the other fronts.'
Gaunt nodded. 'Most of my strength is ' AU T WAS AMAZED. He'd seen his
deployed along me from line. But General
Hadrak also directed us to this second
fJ men practise and train in the belly
holds of the big carrier ships, but
now here, in the wild of a real deadzone,
Thoren indicated the map again. 'The foe meir skills starded him. They were all but
are up to more than simply holding us out. invisible in the stinking mire, just tiny blurs
They know sooner or later we'll break of movement edging between stacks of
through, so they must be up to debris and over mounds of wreckage
something... trying to complete something, towards the slumped but massive curtain
perhaps. Recon showed that this flank of walls of d,e citadel.
the ciry might be vulnerable to a smaller He pulled his own Tanith camo-c1oak
force. There are channels and duClS leading around him. It had been part of his deal
in under the old walls, a rat·maze, really.
t 'with Corbec: he insisted on leading them
'My boys specialise in rat-mazes,' said in to assure loyalty, mel' insisted he didn't
Gaunt. give their position away.
<You wam to go in first?' asked Thoren. The micro-bead in his ear tickled. It was
'h's mud and tunnels. The Tanith are Corbec. 'First units at the tunnels now.
light infantry, you're armoured and heavy. Move up close in pairs.'
Let us lead through and then follow us in Gaunt touched his throat mike.
support when we've secured a beachhead. 'Hostiles?' he asked.
Bring up some suppon weapons.' 'A Iinle light knife work,' crackled the
Thoren nodded. 'Very well, Commissar.' reply.
Gaunt and Corbec withdrew to their A few moment later he was entering the
men. dripping, dark moum of me rubble tunnel.
'This will be the first blooding for this Five chaos-bred warriors in the orange
regiment, for the Tanith first.and·only,' robes of meir cult lay dead. Before him, the
began Gaunt. Tanith were forming up. Corbec was
Wiping blood from the blade of his long,
'For Gaunt's Ghosts,' someone
silver knife.
munnured. Mad Larkin, Comec was sure.
'Let'S go,' said Gaunt.
Gaunt smiled. 'Gaunt's Ghosts. Don't
disappoint me.'
They needed no other instructions. At
Corbec's gesture, they hurried fonvard in
pairs, slipping their camo--c!oaks down as
shrouds around them, lasguns held loose
and ready. The hybrid weave of me hooded
c10a1<5 blurred to match me dark grey mud
of the ridgeway, and each man stooped to
smear his cheeks and brow with wet mud
before slipping over the earthwork.
'1' HE ELECTOR OF Tanith, may his
soul rest, had not lied about
anything, Gaum decided. The Ghosts
Thoren watched the last one disappear had proved their cunning stealth crossing
and then span the trench macro-periscope the open waste of the deadzone, and he
around. He looked out, but of the sixry had no clue as to how they threaded their
plus men who had just passed his position, way mrough me crazy Iightless warren of
there was no sign. the tunnels so surely. 'They do not get lost,'
'Where in the name of Solan did they go?' the Elector had 'boasted, and it was true.
he breathed. Gaunt suspected that the foe had assumed
nothing bigger than a cockroach would
ever find its way through those half·
collapsed, death-trap tunnels.
But Cornec's men had, effortlessly, within
minutes, rising from the tunnels ends
inside the curtain wall of the city, taking
long, silver Tanith knives to pallid and
blotchy throats, and burning their way in Rawne and Suth rook advantage of the
through the enemy's hindquartcrs. Now confusion to grab a few more yards. Rawne
the Tanith first-and-only were proving they unwrapped a tube-charge and hurled it
could fight. Just like the Elector had said. overarm into the archway.
From behind a shattered pillar, Gaunt The blast was deafening.
blasted with his bolter, blowing two cultists
apart and dcstroying a doorway. Around
him, the advancing Tanith lacerated the air
with precise shots from five dozen lasguns.
Near to Gaunt, a sharp-faced, older Tanith
who Gaunt had heard the men call Larkin
was sniping cultists off the top of the
nearest balconies. His eye was tremendous. ' AU T HEARD Corbec's call in his
A little further on, a huge man, a gentle
giant called Bragg, was shouldering the
heavy bolter and taking down walls and
f • earpiece. 'Get in here!' He scrambled
• into the smoky interior of the
temple. At the door, he paused. 'larkin!
columns. The big weapon had originally Bragg! Orcha! Varl! With me! You three,
been mounted on a sled, but Bragg had cordon the door! Cluggan, take twO teams
torn it free and slung it up like a rifle. down the flank of the building and scout!
Gaunt had never seen a heavy bolter carried Gaunt entered the chapel, mashing
by an unarmoured man before. The Tanith broken glass underfoot. He could smell the
called Bragg 'Try Again' Bragg. He was a stink. Corbec and Rawne were waiting for
terrible shot, admittedly, but with firepower him, their other men stood around,
like that he could afford to be sloppy. watching with lasguns ready.
Just ahead, a six man fire team lead by 'Something down here,' Rawne said and
Corbec gained the entrance to a temple led Gaunt on down the littered steps.
building complex, grenaded the doorway Gaunt slammed fresh rounds into his bolt
and went in with lasguns, paired off to give gun, then holstered it and picked up
bounding cover. Forgal's fallen lasgun.
'Heavy fire in my section!' Corbec Beneath the chapel was an undercroft.
radioed w Gaunt. 'Some kind of church or Dead cultiSts were strewn like rag dolls
temple. Could be a primary target.' around the smouldering floor. In the
Gaunt acknowledged. He would bring centre of the chamber stood a rusty,
more teams up. Moving down the aisle of metallic box, two metres square, its lid
the massive temple, Corbec edged through etched with sigils of Chaos.
rubble and heavy crossfire. He nodded a Gaunt reached our. The metal was warm.
pair past him .. Rawne and Suth ... and It pulsed. He snatched his hand back.
then the next. His own cover partner, 'What is it?' asked Corbec.
Forgal, bellied up close in the mica dust of 'I don't think any of us want to know,'
the temple floor, and unslung his lasgun. said Gaunt. 'Some relic of Chaos, some
'Down there,' he hissed, his eyes as sharp unholy object, an icon ... whatever, it's
as ever. 'There's a lower storey down something valuable to thcse monsters,
behind the altar. They've got a lot of something they're defending to the last.'
defence around that doorway. The big arch 'That Sloka Colonel was sure there was a
under the stained-glass.' reason they were holding on,' Corbec
It was true. suggested. 'MaJ'be they're hoping support
'You smell that?' Rawne asked over the will arrive in time to save this.'
radio. Corbec did. Decay, stale sweat, dead 'Let's spoil those chances. I want a
blood. Rank and harsh, oozing from the systematic withdrawal from this point, back
crypt. out under the wall. Each man leaves his
rube-c.harges here. Rawne, coUect them and
Forgal began w crawl forward. A lucky
rig them - you seem to be good with
shot vaporised the wp of his head.
explosives. '
'Sacred Feth!' sang Corbec and opened
Within minutes, the Ghosts had
up in rage, bringing the entire stained glass
withdrawn. Rawne crouched and
window down in a sheet onto the alter.
connected the firing pins of the smaU but relic, which had given meaning to the cult
potent antipersonnel charges. Gaunt defence, robbed them of the will or need
W:llched him and the door. to continue. Hadrak also noted the
'Pick it up, Rawne. We haven't much significant role in the victory played by the
time. The enemy aren't going to leave this newly-founded Tanith 1st, which had
area open for long.' supplemented his own forces. Although, as
'Nearly done,' Rawne said. 'Check the Commander-in-Chief of the Blackshard
door again, sir. I thought I heard action, he look overall credit for the victory,
something.' he was magnanimous in acknowledging
The 'sir' should have warned him. As the work of 'Gaunt's Ghosts', and
Gaunt turned, Rawne rose and clubbed panicularly recommended their stealth and
him around the back of the head with his scouting abilities.
fist. Gaunt dropped, srunned, and Rawne Commissar Gaunt, wounded in the
roUed him over next to the charges. stomach and shoulder, emerged alive from
'A fitting place for scum like you to die, the deadzone twenty minutes after the
ghost maker!' he murmured. 'Down here blast and was treated by medical teams
amongst me vermin and the ft..Ith. It's so before returning to his frigate. He might
tragic that the brave Commissar didn't have made his way our of the enemy lines
make it out, but the cultists were all over faster, had he not carried the unconscious
us.' Rawne drew his las pistol and lowered body of one of his officers, a Major Rawne,
it towards Gaunt's head. back to safery
Gaunt kicked out and brought Rawne
down. He rolled and sLammed into him,
punching him once, twice. Blood marked
Rawne's mouth.
He tried to hit again, but Gaunt was so
much bigger. He struck Rawne so hard he
was afraid he'd broken his neck. The Tanith
lolled in the dust. DAY THIR'fY-ONE,
Gaunt got up, and eyed the timer setting. ABOVE BLACnSHARI)
It was just dropping under two minutes. TIFF WITH drug-dulled pain, Gaunt
Time to leave. Gaunt turned. In the
doorway of the room, the warriors of
Chaos moved towards him.
walked down the companion way of
the troop carrier and into the holding
bay. Nearly nine hundred of the Tanith
were billeted here. They looked up from
their weapons drills and Gaunt felt the
silence on him.
'First blood to you,' he said to them.
'First blood to Tanith. The first wound of
vengeance. Savour it.'
bilges. Jiriki rolled softly with the swell of
the sea. 'He hasn't moved aU day, and Keanu
thinks he's back home in orsca.'
johan studied the barbarian lolling in the
steersman's seat. Wearing nothing but a loin
cloth and horned helmet, the Reaver
Here begins the tayle of Cjrimer4g glistened menaCingly
(jrunsonn, fabled Dwarf Addventurer, 'Take mich Horne, Momma!' the Barbarian
gargled, his teeth chattering uncontrollably.
and his band of Heroes, other-wise 'Don't you be worryin' about yon Elf, lad,'
knowne as (jrunsonn's .JI.1arauMrs, as they Grimcrag interjected. 'He's always doin' that
set sail for Addventure on the High suspendered animalation trick of his when
things get tricky' The Dwarf deftly prodded
Seas, in search of the comatose Jiriki with a boat hook. 'See,
A madly canted deck, so far down in the 'Vot?'
water that it was not much of a climb at all 'Grimcrag, you didn't?'
even in their weakened state. Crazy angles, 'Not exactly, lad ... 1 think he missed out
creaking hawsers, the desolate flapping of the bit about the tea chest leaking... '
ripped .and tattered sailcloth. Not so A diplomatic Elven voice: 'Look here,
different from their own recent fate. Hook Black Pugh Beard or whatever your
Keanu barging the others aside name is, are you going to help us or not?'
impatiently, muscles straining as he pulled 'Depends, eh, lads? Shall we help the
at the iron ring on the deck hatch. hoity-toities?'
Nothing.. then the screech of swollen A chorus of despicable cheers and catcalls.
wood on rusted meta1. 'Dependink on vot, 'zactly?'
A black square leading down into 'Got'ny gold in those boxes?'
nothingness. The stench of stagnant death ')ai'
and decay. The slap of lazy waters in the
dark bilges below.
'For heaven's sake, Grimcrag. Yes, yes, yes,
Heat-bloated bodies gently bumping
just get us off this blasted boat!'
against him in the darkness. Fetid water
'You'll be wantin' water then?'
climbing quickly over their waists. Fish
swimming blindly about their legs. The 'Ja.'
discomforting feel of being ghoulish carrion, 'Yes.'
unwelcome visitors intruding upon the rest 'Mmph!'
of the dead. Heavy crates. A race against 'Definitely.'
time and the horror of joining the bodies in Ropes and grapples snaking down. Chests
the hold for ever. brim full of Bretonnian gold hauled up on
A portion saved. Exhaustion. The sad sight board. A fishermen's net lowered. Salvation
of a once-noble vessel slipping in sight. Four sun-bleached souls about to
ignominiously below the waves, leaving at end their week-long torment. Heaven is
its last nothing more than bubbling froth nigh.
and a few shards of timber.
The endless sun by day and the chill
blackness of night. Day after day after day in
a boat piled high with nothing but gold.
Death's shadow never seemed far away.
Who would succumb first?
'Sail ahoy!'
Hope! OHAN STIRRED IN his heat-drenched
'You sure, ELfy?' half-sleep. He already knew the ending of
'Yes, it's some kind of corsair.' this particular dream. He'd seen it for
'Wave everything! We're saved!' real, and dreamed it a hundred times a day
since. His eyes opened a crack, as he
'Hide the gold, lad!'
wondered yet again if maybe, somehow, this
'Where, for heaven's sake?' was all a dream, a very bad one. Perhaps he
'Halloo! Halloo!' was really lying on silk sheets at home in
A brine- and barnacle-encrusted tramp. A Castle Baltenkopf? Pitiful hope seized his
patchwork of old repairs over older repairs. hean.
A grimy grey sail. Tar and smoke-blackened But no, here was the boat, and there sat
timbers. A ruined figurehead jutting like a the disconsolate form of the renowned
broken tooth. The most beautiful ship Johan Grimcrag Grunsonn, unceremoniously
had ever seen. stripped down to filthy grey vest and long
A grizzled, suspicious face. A toothless johns. The lugubrious Dwarf still wore his
grin, a hooked hand. A swarthy bunch of no- iron-shod boots and his helmet, but his
hopers. Angels in disguise, no doubt. armour and precious axe were tucked
'\'(lell 'pon my soul, if it ain't the great under his bench for safe-keeping. Johan
mister lardy-dardy-I-wouldn't-hire-your-ship- blearily noticed that today the Dwarf had
if-I-was-in-the-middle-of-the-Great-Ocean-on- rolled his sleeves up. Perhaps the sun was
a-tea-chest Grunsonn himself... ' finally getting to even him.
Johan turned over and qUickly drifted off they hadn't eaten each other. They still had
into fitful sleep again, the endless monotony their honour.
of the slap-slapping of the sea against the It was so hot he could barely breathe. Eyes
boat's flimsy side a familiar lullaby. After a closed, he groaned softly. What a way to go.
few hours of blissful oblivion, the dream The stabbing pain intensified, followed by a
came on again. repetitive dull thumping ache in his head.
After a moment, Anstein opened his eyes.
Grimcrag stood over him, staring open-
mouthed at the horizon. Waking up to the
view of a Dwarf's badly-sewn long johns
crotch revealed secrets to the young
adventurer that lesser men had died for
merely talking about in casual conversation.
The Dwarf was absent·mindedly stabbing
grinning madly to one another. Even him in the chest with a marlin spike, whilst
Grimcrag has forgotten the thought of simultaneously stomping nervously up and
his gold in the joy of rescue. Fresh water? A down on the ex-envoy's head with a heavily
bath? Food? What it is to have friends! booted foot.
Halfway up and disaster strikes - the net 'Pack it in, Grimcrag,' johan croaked
falls away, plunging them down into the sea. through sun-dried lips. 'Just lie down and
Uproarious laughter from above die quietly like the rest of us.'
When they surface, the ship is already The Dwarf mumbled something through
drifting away. Their small, sorry boat is his salt-encrusted beard.
dragged alongside by the current for a johan thought he had misheard. He
moment, as if forlornly hoping for a tow. painfully raised his head, and pawed feebly
The corsairs laugh cruelly, jeering at the at the Dwarf's long johns. His breath came
Marauders from the safety of the gunwale. in rasping sobs. '\xrhat did you say?' He was
'Come back!' johan gurgles. surprised to see that the Dwarf was
weeping. Must be a delayed reaction to the
'MY GOLD!' shrieks Grimcrag.
loss of so much gold.
)iriki and Keanu swim with strong,
Salty tears ran down the grizzled Dwarf's
accomplished strokes towards the boat.
cheeks, mingling with that already tangling
The pirates throw down some water skins
his beard. johan strained to hear his cracked
and a few barrels of salted fish.
whisper. 'Land, lad. Marvellous: green,
The Marauders clamber, exhausted, into grassy, diggable bloody lAND!'
their floating prison cell once more.
Ironically enough, there is more room
without all the gold. At least johan can
stretch his long legs.
Grimcrag is inconsolable, shouting curses
southwards long after the pirates' sail has
dipped below the distant horizon. The
sharks circle. In the boat they alI know they
are doomed. EANU WAS MOSTLY awake and
rowing hard by the time they
approached the beach, rounding the
rugged headland into the sheltered cove
beyond. So far, the island had seemed an
impenetrable fortress, with cliffs on every
side, but the Sight of this sheltered cove
took johan's breath away. A strip of white,
white sand stretched for perhaps a quarter
OHAN WOKE WITH a start, a sharp of a mile, with projecting horns of rock
stabbing pain in his heart warning him sheltering the cove from the open ocean.
that finally his time was nigh. He had Coral reefs made bizarre liVing citadels in
hoped that he would not be the last to die. the clear water, and also created a natural
He didn't think he could stand that. At least barrier against any heavier swells.
Negotiating towards a gap in the reef, 'Achtung! Valkink Lizarts!'
Keanu muttered something about catching a Johan's question was forgotten as all eyes
chill, and Johan could see whisps of steam swung forwards. All, that is, except for Jiriki,
escaping from beneath the Barbarian's who was facing the wrong way and asleep
helm. Clearly the man needed rest soon. anyway. A strange procession was making its
'See aU that green, lad?' shouted Grimcrag, way through the jungle and ontO the beach.
pulling on an oar. 'That shows there must What indeed looked to be four- to five-foot
be water on the island somewhere.' The tall, walking lizards were emerging in small
Dwarf was wearing a relieved grin along groups, carrying bows, blow pipes and
with his boots and underclothes, and had crude swords. Others were throwing
obviously heroically put the matter of his quantities of fruit and flowers into the
gold to the back of his mind for a while. lagoon, while slightly larger Lizards began
Despite Johan's best efforts, and the blOWing on trumpets fashioned from
crazed shouting and whooping of them all, polished shells.
they had failed to rouse Jiriki from his deep In all, Johan soon estimated there to be
slumber. Grimcrag had explained that it upwards of a hundred lizard men on the
sometimes happened like that - and the beach. So engrossed were the reptilians,
Reaver had grunted something about that they didn't seem to have noticed the
'Vontink a lie in, praps' - but Johan could intruding boar. In fact, and Johan thought
see that the Dwarf was concerned. thiS most peculiar, they seemed to be
studiously avoiding looking up or out to sea
Johan trailed a finger in the clear waters,
at all, as if terrified of what they might see.
watching the myriad schools of fish flash in
the sunlight beneath him. He had taken an 'They won't be expecting us, make no
mistake,' giggled Johan, his fish spotting
hour at the oars, rowing around what
looked to be a huge lump of jungle-covered momentarily forgotten.
'Vat is dey?' Keanu asked. 'Never seeink
rock, and now he was taking a well earned
rest. So many fish. Nothink like dat before.'
Then Grimcrag shouted for him to grab a 'Dunno, Keanu, but best be on the safe
boat hook and be ready to fend off. 'We're side,' Grirncrag growled, reaching
instinctively for Old Slaughterer, his trusty
going through the gap in the reef, lad, and
axe. Only once the mighty blade was
we don't want to hole her.'
wedged firmly between his stumpy legs did
As they navigated safely through, the Elf
he recommence rowing. 'Johan, you're an
slept on, snoring softly, his feet at the tiller
envoy, this should be right up your street,'
and his head just behind Grimcrag's seat. the Dwarf grunted over his shoulder. 'Do
A few moments later and they were into something useful for a change.'
the lagoon, five hundred feet or so from the 'Ja, Usevul.'
white sands of the beach. Johan had once
Johan looked at the throng of lizard men
read a book from Araby about exOtic fruits.
they were fast approaching, and racked his
Surely what he was seeing now were indeed brain for the appropriate phrase or saying.
the fabled, enn, barnarnowls or something; Visiting ambassadors he was fine with, or
the exact name eluded him. representatives of the merchants' guild, but
'Looks like we're in for a sojourn in a hundred apparently semi-civilised lizards
paradise, eh, Grimcrag?' he shouted throwing fruit into a lagoon on a desert
excitedly, pointing shorewards. 'See, corker island was something different altogether.
nuts.' 'Well?'
The Dwarf grinned deliriously, 'Yes, and 'Ja, say Somzink..'
jimjam trees too!' Feeling that his talents were obViously
Johan sighed contentedly, sat back at the being called into question, Johan stood up
tiller and peered at the fish again. and made his way to the from of the boat
A moment later, Anstein, Grimcrag and with what he hoped was an air of quiet
Keanu made simultaneous exclamations. confidence. From the way Grimcrag beamed
·Grimcrag, there's no fish at all in the toothily and nudged the steaming barbarian,
lagoon! Why d'you think that might be?' he had succeeded so far.
'Hell, lad, what's that coming from the Standing at the very prow, Johan cupped
jungle?' his hands to his mouth.
'HALLOO! HALLOO! DO 'T KILL US - shut as he clutched his head to stop it falling
WE, ER, COME IN PEACE!' off. johan's skull felt as if the Dwarf was
Judging by the coUective imake of breath enthusiastically excavating for gold
from behind him, his speech had a dramatiC somewhere behind his frontal lobe. 'Must
effect on Grimcrag and Keanu. The lizards have been some party,' he thought, groggy
on the beach were immediately thrown into from what could only have been last night's
a state of high panic. Some buried their excesses of ale. Cosy in his blanket, johan
heads in the sand, others ran off into the desperately tried to let sleep reclaim him.
jungle. Others feverishly threw more and Something slimy and cold began wriggling
more fruit into the lagoon. Johan saw one of up into johan's nose. It was only then it
them biting large chunks out his trumpet. A occurred to a sluggish Anstein that he
few braver souls, who unfortunately all hadn't been to a party for weeks, not since
seemed to carry bows, stood uncertainly on three days before they set sail on that
the shoreline, arrows knocked and ready. accursed boat. 'Boat. .. '
• ow you've gorn and done it, lad,' johan frowned inadvertently in his
Grimcrag muttered. 'At least try and smile, slumber, as dislocated thoughts fell like
nice, like.' dominoes through his drowsy brain: 'Boat..
Johan fixed his best diplomatic grin as shipwreck ... pirates .. island ... lizards ..
Keanu and Grimcrag continued to row. MONSTEIl!!!'
A moment later, something triggered the A swift moment later, Johan was very
lizards into even more frenzied behaviour. much awake and cautiously opening an eye,
Within a few seconds all save a dozen or so whilst keeping the other screwed firmly
lonely warriors had vanished into the shut, just in case. He sneezed to clear his
jungle. The creatures raised their bows nose of what could only be an inquisitive
uncertainly. johan could see that they were wonn, and blinked his one open eye. Total
still trying to avoid looking directly out to darkness. Either he was blind, or
sea, which couldn't do much for their somewhere black and smelling of sandy
chances of hiaing anything. earth. Somewhere black, sandy and with
'Bound to be poison-tipped. I heard once wonns. Johan briefly wondered if maybe it
that.. .' Grimcrag was rudely interrupted by was better to imagine he was blind.
an unmistakable Elven shriek from the rear Cautiously he edged onto his back,
ofthe boat. immediately encountering another problem.
'AAAAAARGH! What in Tiranoc and the He seemed to be roughly wrapped in some
sunken realms is that!!!??' sort of coarse material. It enveloped him in
'Oh good, jiriki, you've woke-' began a manner most unlike a blanket. The word
johan as he rumed, but the words died on 'shroud' drifted through the backwaters of
his lips. Anstein's srunned mind, on an unavoidable
Perhaps fifty feet behind the boat, collision course with his conscious
approaching them in a huge welter of thoughts. Struggling free of his 'blanket',
spume and spray, was the biggest, most Johan gingerly reached upwards with his
fearsome looking beast he had ever seen. right hand. Almost immediately his nails
scraped rough wooden planks in the dark.
Panic struck as quickly as the Dwarf
Mineworker's Guild when the pit-head bar
ran out of Bugman's.
'Buried alive!' Johan gasped, thrashing out
wildly about him in the inky blackness. In
every direction he hit wood almost
immediately. 'Oh No Oh 0 Oh o!' he
ONSCIOUSNESS slowly seeped back
C into johan Anstein's wiry frame, like
reluctant treacle leaching through the
stygian depths of an old gravel bed.
shrieked, before lying very still, like a
desperate and cornered beast. 'Think,
Anstein, think!' he muttered, teeth
chattering uncontrollably. A terrible fear
Something was tickling his face. gnawed at his innards, threatening to rerum
'Two sugars in mine, Grimcrag,' johan the blind panic which had all but
groaned, keeping his eyes screwed firmly overwhelmed him a moment ago.
)ohan recapped the situation aloud, in a Mad, blind panic swept over johan again,
vain attempt to calm his pounding heart. carrying him like a broken twig before a
'The monster - that's why there were no fish mountain river in flood. He screamed, he
in the lagoon. That's what the strange yelled, he cried insanities at the darkness as
lizardy men were making offerings to.' he hammered and clawed weakly at his
johan stopped for a moment as a violent coffin lid for what seemed like hours.
trembling fit seized his frame. It passed. Eventually he was exhausted, and lay
'We almost reached the beach, then it was panting in the darkness. It was no good. He
upon us,' johan whispered slowly to was surely doomed to die, probably of
himself, as the recollection of the dread asphyxiation when the air in the fetid hole
fanged monstrosity which had assaulted ran out.
their tiny boat flooded back into his Johan slumped, beaten and dispirited in
memory. the cool blackness. He was ready, at last, to
He remembered it roaring in insensate die. As one of Grunsonn's Marauders.
fury. He remembered its tiny, bestial eyes,
staring fixedly at him from a can-sized head
atop a mast-high neck. He remembered the
water streaming in frothy torrents from its
crustacean-encrusted back. johan
remembered jiriki loosing arrow after arrow
at the beast. He smiled as he remembered
Grimcrag's axe, a whistling arc of gold and N THE BEACH, the Marauders sat
red in the bright sunlight. He remembered
the barbarian's war cry as the Reaver struck
again and again with his wicked longsword.
O around a small fire and devoured
chunks of half-cooked sea monster
with gusto, as the eventful day drew to a
He remembered the moment when the close. On the distant horizon, the sun sank
beast began to know fear. He even recalled beneath the waves, its angry red orb
his own blade - a cold sliver of silver extingUished for another day.
pricking at the gargantuan monster's side. 'Marooned in the middle of nowhere!'
johan gulped in the darkness of his tomb jiriki muttered, picking delicately at a tender
as he recalled what must have been seen as morsel.
the moment of his own death. Tears welled Grimcrag stared wistfully out to sea, hot
in his eyes, tears of sadness and frustration. fat running down his bearded chin. 'Reckon
At least he would be remembered as a hero, that was as good a fight as any I've had for a
killed fighting a great beast. And they had while - thought it had us fer a moment or
slain it, of that he had no doubt at all. two.'
Even buried alive, on a far distant isle, for 'Nah!' spat the Barbarian through stringy
that he surely was, Johan allowed himself a haunch, black eyes gleaming in the firelight.
grim smile as he remembered the sea 'Ve voss just Veak., dat's all, uddervise ve're
monster's death throes. Bleeding from a killink it pretty damm QVick, ja?!'
hundred or more wounds, it had threshed 'S'pose so,' answered Grimcrag after a
the water to a pinky red froth. Its cries had moment's chewing, before shaking his
echoed around the cove over which it must shaggy head as if to clear cobwebs away.
have been undisputed lord for many years. 'Eeh, though, we're gettin' all maudlin and
And johan remembered its massive tail no mistake, aren't we?' The Dwarf's
swinging round as if time had slowed, eyebrows furrowed and he gestured with
clearing the water like a fifty-foot yard arm. stubby fingers at the feast which lay before
The others had instinctively ducked just in them. 'Look at this lot, 'nough to keep us
time, but johan could clearly see in his going for weeks.' He turned to the others
mind's eye that he, alone, had not. He could and smiled his broken-toothed, bearded
remember a flash of pain and a great many grin. 'S'not all that bad, is it lads? Old
stars, then nothing more, but now he Grimcrag saw you right in the end.'
nursed the bump on his head and silently jiriki threw back his head and laughed
wept salty tears of pain, fear and frustration. sarcastically. The silvery note rang clear
Buried alive! johan desperately hoped he across the cove. He wagged a slender finger
had been given a good send off at least. . reproachfully. 'Oh yes, Grimcrag,
everything's just fine!' The Elf looked unmistakable smell of charred and burning
around them pointedly. 'Here we are, stuck flesh.
in the middle of nowhere, with no boat, no 'This is it then, Hell it is for me,' johan
hope of rescue, nor even a map!' It wasn't burbled, terrified and miserable. At least he
often that the Elf betrayed much emotion at wouldn't be stuck in the dark for ever,
all. which perhaps was some small consolation.
At this sudden outburst Keanu and :Avake, jung 'un?' The unmistakable voice
Grimcrag sat open-mouthed, fat and saliva ripped through johan's mind, and reality
dribbling from their chins in equal measure. rapidly readjusted itself in his brain.
Jiriki sighed and kicked languidly at the 'Gghhh?' the ex-envoy burbled, wondering
sand before looking up and smiling sadly. how Keanu came to be down in Hell too.
'Oh what's the use, we're stuck here!' Perhaps he had a visitor's day-pass.
looking stern, the Elf continued in an 'Head betta? Hungry?' Keanu's voice
admonishing tone. 'Bear in mind though, cajoled, but Anstein knew tbat devils and
Grimcrag, it's no use trying that "I'm your daemons could be very convincing if they
caring father" routine with us any more, you wanted. He backed off to the far side of his
sneaky old miscreant, we've known you far coffin, trying to remember suitable holy
tOO long for any of that nonsense to work - signs or gestures. Something outside sighed
we're not young Anstein, you know.' patiently.
At the mention of johan, the conversation 'Kom on out, you're Schleepink tOO long,
ground to a halt. Keanu reached a ham-sized ja? Nitcmares also. by da look of it. All
fist into the fire and lugged out a huge, tangled unda da tarpaulin you are.'
crisped slab of meat, sizzling hot and The delicious tang of roasting meat
dripping fatty juices onto the sand. reached Johan's nostrils and his grumbling
'johan would like that bit, I'll wager,' stomach decided the maner in lieu of his
Grimcrag grunted, nodding at the hunk of concussed mind.
flesh. 'He always did like a nice bit of 'Keanu?' he whimpered hopefully, 'Is it
crackling.' really you?'
They paused in unison, the unspoken Whatever stood beyond the coffin seemed
bond of untold shared adventures and to pause and ponder the question.
brushes with death uniting the Marauders' 'Ja, 'f Korse, schrupid!' With one mighty
thoughts. heave. the Barbarian lifted the boat away
A dull thumping and muffled shrieking from johan, who lay revealed, blinking in
intruded upon their reverie, and Keanu the firelight.
stood up, rack of monSter in hand. He Johan shivered uncontroUably, wrapped in
padded lithely across the beach to the spot his tarpaulin-shroud, dazed and confused.
where their battered rowing boat lay An all-important question rose to the fore of
overturned on the sand. The thudding and his battered mind, back as he was, from the
shouting quite clearly came from beneath dead. Before he could StOP them, his
the upturned hull. Keanu reached down cracked and swollen lips had formed the
and carefully lifted up one side of the boat, fateful words.
peering underneath through the small firelit
'Can I smell... crackling?'
crack. A pair of wild and staring eyes greeted
him, accompanied by animalistic growls and
they were plunged into the greeny darkness place [Q set a trap (even the words trap and
of the humid forest canopy. track were strangely similar), and the very
Jiriki took the lead, gliding with silky thought of plunging off into the forest, as
footfall along the jungle track. The Elf Keanu had, filled the young man with
sniffed the air, listening intently at every queasy unease.
turn. It was a source of some contention 'Anyhow,' Grimcrag carried on, waving his
between Keanu the hulking Barbarian and axe vaguely at the vegetation, 'what's the
Jiriki the Elf as to which had the most highly use of being able to creep about in the
attuned senses. No one would argue that in jungle?' Johan was about to enter a plea on
the natural state, an Elf's senses were behalf of forest lore, tracking, hunting and
keener than those of man or Dwarf, but the so on, but Grimcrag was in full flow. 'No,
Reaver had long proven himself to be heightened and truly useful senses relate to
something of an exception. His ability to real things, things you can touch .. .' The
pinpoint danger was second to none Dwarf's voice tailed off, and Johan had a
(except maybe Jiriki on a very good day), pretty good idea what he was
and he too moved catlike in the jungle, but contemplating, and it wasn't dusky maidens
staying perhaps ten feet from the path itself. from Araby.
Grimcrag was still rumbling about 'All that 'Such as ... gold?' He ventured, prodding
sixth senses nonsense!' and snorting Grimcrag from his reverie.
derisively to himself. He made no attempt at 'Well, I s'pose that's as good an example
quietness, clattering along in his trusty as any,' Grimcrag whispered hoarsely. 'My
armour, the clanks and bangings senses can detect gold - and beer too, for
interspersed with frequent hearty belches. that matter - from a distance of...' The
This disregard of any possible danger, to Dwarf stopped in his tracks and frowned.
Johan's way of thinking, made something of Johan looked puzzled. Surely Grimcrag
a nonsense of the others' theatrical was not about to be overcome by a fit of
movements. honesty regarding his claims? Looking over
'Let me tell you, young Anstein,' bellowed his shoulder at the Dwarf, Johan almost
the Dwarf, receiving a recriminating stare bumped into Jiriki. The Elf had stopped
from Jiriki and a muffled 'Qviet!' from a dead still, managing to meld almost invisibly
nearby bush. 'There's some senses what is into the background. Only his bright red
'stremely useful, and others,' the Dwarf jerkin gave him away, and the best the Elf
pointed at Jiriki's frozen form, 'what isn't.' could manage under the circumstances was
Johan noticed that for all his brevity, the to vanish to the extent that it looked as
second part of Grimcrag's utterance was though someone had left their shirt out to
little more than a whisper. The Dwarf dry on the bole of a tree. Of Keanu there
belched, shrugging apologetically. 'Pardon was no sign.
me, lad, sea monster. Always repeats Over his shoulder, Johan could see
something awful, in my 'sperience.' The Grimcrag standing still as stone, eyes closed,
Dwarf pushed his warhelm back and nostrils dilated as he sniffed the leaden air.
scratched Vigorously at his grizzled scalp. Sending darting glances all around in search
'Hot, innit?' of trouble, all Johan saw was further
Johan nodded, peering cautiously into the evidence of paradise. Yellow-white shards of
gloomy canopy on either side. Everywhere, sunlight flashed through the greenery,
things were moving; unseen things that catching the heavy moisture in the laden air
flapped, or scrabbled, or crawled, or juSt like glittering gemstones. Nearby, unseen, a
made atonal cooing noises in the distance. stream trickled and gurgled seductively. A
Sword drawn, the envoy felt decidedly multi-coloured bird with huge wings sang
uncomfortable as they made their way down sweetly as it glided between treetops far
the beaten track. He didn't want to go first, overhead. Water trickled off the mound of
as that way lay almost certain first contact stark white skulls Sitting by the bend in the
with them, and he didn't want to go last, as pathway.
that way he was almost certain to be picked 'Skulls?'
off without anyone else noticing. In actual 'A village!'
fact, he didn't much like the idea of being 'Qviet, dammit!'
on the track at aU, as it was such an obvious 'BEER!'
HE SETILEMENT appeared desened alley made the old Dwarf gasp in surprise.
- a collection of thatched mud huts, At that moment, a commotion on the far
of curiously familiar design, situated side of the clearing announced jiriki's
in the middle of a sun-drenched clearing. arrival, as the Elf marched a captive lizard-
Ringed by palm trees bearing coconuts as creature into the clearing.
big as Johan's head, the village certainly 'Writing on stone!'
looked idyllic. The tinkling burble of fresh,
'Gentlemen, we have a captive.'
flowing water sounded from behind the
furthest hut, and the only other sounds
came from the jungle. The three adventurers aU exclaimed at the
same time. jiriki's prisoner took advantage
Stepping around the pile of skulls, which
on close inspection seemed to belong to an of the confusion by trying to scuttle off [Q
assortment of creatures of all shapes and the safety of a pond on the edge of the
sizes, )ohan peered at the dwellings laid Que clearing. The Elf hauled it back qUickly with
before him. Squinting in the harsh sunlight, a tug on the rope which he had tied around
the taners of his sweat-soaked shirt sticking its stomach. The creature sank down onto
uncomfortably to his back, he stood stock its haunches beside the Elf, looking
still and watched for any sign of movement. disconsolate. A long tongue shot out to grab
a passing fly, but after a moment the bizarre
Having wisely discarded his scarlet blouse,
reptile-man sat still, blinking its big eyes in
Jiriki was a shadow amongst shadows. The
the harsh sunlight.
last johan had seen of him the Elf had been
somewhere to the left, behind a cluster of 'Not so fast, froggie. Stay where you are!'
wooden, shed-like buildings. That had been The Elf tied the other end of the rope
at least ten minutes ago. Of Keanu there was around a sturdy post which supported one
no sign at aU. of the huts, then turned ro the others.' ow,
what did you say?'
'Come on then, lad, no point in hanging
about when there's beer to be drunk,' 'Writing!' shouted johan, scraping
Grirncrag said cheerily. "Sides, there's furiously at the pyramid.
obviously no one at home.' With that, the 'Beer!' exclaimed Grimcrag, gesturing at
Dwarf strode into the village, his heavy the unmistakable shape of a large vat Sitting
boots kicking up little dust motes in the in the cool shadows of the side alley. The
clearing. Somewhat more heSitantly, johan Dwarf had found a supply of hollowed
followed in his footsteps. coconut shells that obviously served as
In the centre of the cluster of huts, a small mugs, and held one beneath a cork bung on
and overgrown pyramid thrust uncertainly the side of the wooden vat. Removing the
towards the sky. Overhead, the palm trees bung, the Dwarf was showered in a dark
which ringed the clearing sent branches brown liquid. A hoppy smell filled the wann
scurrying as if to try and close off the and humid air. Fining the shell, he replaced
immodest gap canred in the jungle canopy the stopper, grinning happily.
johan approached the structure for a closer 'See, beer!' Grunsonn chuckled, downing
look. He was troubled by the red-brown the shell full in one capacious gulp. 'Good
stains which marked the age-worn stone. too, but maybe could have done with
Nonetheless, he tugged at the covering of standing f'ea bit longer.'
Hanas and vines, a twisted mat of root and 'Never mind that, come and look at this
leaf which conspired to convince the casual lot!' johan was beside himself. He had
observer that this pyramid was, in fact, climbed almost to the very rop of the
simply a strangely shaped bush or tree. pyramid, where a large clump of vines
ndeterred, the envoy pressed on, ripping concealed some kind of ornate stonework.
and tugging at the tenacious growth. johan The others walked over, Grimcrag
had spotted something which he thought be slurping beer. The Elf shook a warning
of considerable interest, and wasn't to be finger at the lizard thing, which had crawled
put off easily. into the shade offered by the canopy of a
So had Grimceag, pulling aside a hastily nearby hut.
thrown-together shield of palm fronds from 'Rik!' The creature gave a croaking burp,
alongside of one of the buildings. What he but made no attempt to untie itself,
saw positioned in the cool dark of the side apparently resigned ro its fate.
'Did that thing call you "Rick"?' Grimcrag A spear thumped into the ground inches
asked, throwing the empty coconut shell from jiriki's boot, making the Elf jump in
away. The Dwarf stood at the base of the shocked surprise.
pyramid, clenched fists on hips, staring 'LSSSRlK' LSSSRlK! LSSSRlK!' This time,
belligerently up at the young man atop the the croak was a chorus of many voices.
construction. Bits of vine and moss floated Very slowly, the Marauders turned round.
down towards the Dwarf. 'Wotcha doing, They were completely surrounded by
Anstein? This thing doesn't look tOo safe!' perhaps a hundred angry and agitated lizard
'Rikl LsssRik!' said the lizard. creatures, all wielding spears, bows or
'And you can shut up n'aU.' blowpipes.
Jiriki was peering intently at the base of 'Poisoned, like as not,' Grimcrag
the pyramid, where Johan had uncovered a exclaimed, reaching for Old Siaughterer. A
patch of bare stone. Using a silk kerchief, cruelly barbed arrow shot into the sand, a
the Elf dusted some smaller fragments away mere hair's breadth away from the Dwarf's
from the surface, peered for a moment, then reaching fingers. He hurriedly snatched his
stood back in surprise. A clod of earth hit hand back, and a glassy grin crept over his
the Elf on the head, but he made no face. For the first time in years, Grimcrag
indication of noticing. Grunsonn faced a multitude of foes without
'How?' ]iriki began, brows furrowing in his trusty axe in his hand. In his heart of
surprise and consternation. 'What?' heans, Grimcrag knew thar this did nothing
good for their odds of winning. It also made
'See, I told you, and that's just the start!'
him horribly embarrassed. Caught short, he
joban's voice wavered with excitement.
flushed bright red.
'LsssRlK! LSSSRlKK!' In the shelter of the
The lizards advanced, hissing noisily and
hut, the lizard thing was getting quite
brandishing their impressively sharp-looking
'Wot?' Grimcrag called, stomping over to
'Don't worry, Grimcrag, I won't tell
where the Elf stood mesmerised. The Dwarf anyone ... even if this whole tragic mess is
peered at the stonework. 'Wot is all the fuss your fault!' whispered jiriki, nodding at the
ab- eh?' The Dwarf stood as if frozen, a thick Dwarf's axe.
and stubby finger repeatedly tracing a
Their captive lizard nodded
carved line in the exposed stonework.
knowledgeably and burped almost to itself
'R1 KKRI KKRI KK!! LSSSRlKKK" 'S'Rikkitiz!'
'I ... vill ... Return .. .' whispered Grimcrag,
reading the words inscribed on the base of
the pyramid. A large clump of vines
descended upon him, and he looked up,
the spell broken. 'Unh?' grunted the Dwarf,
dropping his axe in surprise.
jiriki was staring, mouth open, pOinting at
the top of the struCture with a slender
NEXORABLY THE Marauders were being
johan Anstein, ex-Imperial envoy, was
kneeling unmoving in front of the statue he
I forced up to the top of the pyramid,
where Johan stood swaying in the intense
heat of the sun. Grimcrag could see his axe
had revealed at the very pinnacle of the at the base of the pyramid, apparently of
Little interest to the lizard creatures which
'I'll be blowed!' declared the Dwarf. ringed the pyramid, gesturing with their
'Looks like a statue of one of them Norsey spears and bows. Their hissed chanting was
types.' He scratched his head, puzzled, all but deafening. The Marauders glanced
leaving streaks of soil smeared across his nervously about them, hoping to spy some
brow. 'How'd that get 'ere then?' way out of their hopeless predicament.
Staring down at them from atop the small 'A pretty pickle you've got us into, lad, and
pyramid was the unmistakable form of a no mistake,' Grunsonn grumbled, sitting
Norseman. down on the top step. 'And us with no
'Actually,' johan began, 'don't you think it weapons 'n'all.'
looks a Iitde like-'
Johan gasped in indignant surprise. 'What looked at Johan and Jiriki, and grinned his
do you mean, Grimcrag? It was you who familiar grin. 'Dunno what came over me,
said the place was deserted. It was' you that lads!.' Seaing his helm to its correct angle,
drank theu- beer.' The young man pointed at he whispered quietly to himself. 'Me old dad
the axe the Dwarf clutched. 'And what do always said "'It's not the axe as makes the
you call that thing, a toothpick?' Dwarf", and 'appen he was right.'
Grimcrag was clutching his spare axe, '( hear you, my friend. ow is not the time
Orcflayer, in one scarred paw, but his for carping,' Jiriki agreed. 'Let'S do it!'
miserable countenance spoke volumes. 'It's 'Oh heavens, there are hundreds of them,
nOt the same. JUSt don't feel right. It's all in with magic and nets. We're bound to die
the runes, y'see.' The Dwarf gestured now, aren't we?' muttered Johan, more in
vaguely with the deadly looking axe at the anger than fear. The deathly confidence
throng of lizards before them. 'If them exuded by Grirncmg and Jiriki was strangely
things kill me while I'm not using Ole infectious, and the two older Marauders
Siaughterer, I'll, 1'11. .. ' His voice choked, and were heartened by the sound of Johan's
a tear crept into the old Dwarf's eye. sword scraping clear from ics scabbard.
Grimcrag cast a shamefaced gaze at his At the base of the pyramid, twenty feet of
boots. When he spoke again, it was with a very steep steps below them, the lizard
small and tremulous voice. 'Well, I'll just things gathered. Looking up, they obviously
never live it down.' weren't too keen to climb the steps, nets or
Jiriki slapped the Dwarf on the back of his no, not into the waiting blades of three
head, knocking his helm down over his eyes. belligerent warriors \vho had such an
'Stop being so pathetic, Grunsonn; we've obvious height advantage over them. They
been through worse that this, just.' The Elf rasped and burped amongst themselves,
stood steely-eyed beside young Anstein, an and a few launched arrows up to skitter and
arrow nocked in his fine Elven bow; skip on the flagstones of the pyramid.
At that moment, their attention was d.rawn 'Come on then, frog spawn!' Johan
to a commotion on the edge of the clearing. shouted. 'Come and get your legs chopped.'
A huge Lizardman, bigger than the others He turned to Grimcrag. 'Shame old Grail-
and bedecked in all manner of feathers, mad Pierre isn't here, he loves frogs' legs.'
bones and other dubious finery, strode Grimcrag guffawed. Jiriki smu-ked.
towards the pyramid. The creature had 'LSSSRIKK!' the lizards croaked as one, but
almost blue-black skin, and in one scaly they did not advance. The Shaman reached
clawed hand it wielded a long staff. As the the bottom of the pyramid with bounding
Marauders watched, lightning-blue flames steps, and squinted up at the warriors.
glittered balefuUy around its tip. 'Nrssssssss?' it hissed angrily at them, then
'Uh oh, they've got magic.' Johan rounded on its cowardly compatriots. After
manoeuvred himself behind the statue. a few minutes of frantic hissing and
A crackJing bolt of blue energy surged croaking, the black lizard threw off its
towards them, but even though it was lying headdress in apparent disgust, and shook irs
at the base of the pyramid, the potent runes mottled head resignedly. It shrugged its
on Old Siaughterer drew and earthed the shoulders and pointed up beyond the
seething forces emanating from the pyramid top. The other lizards foUowed its
shaman's staff. After a moment, the gaze, and immediately went into a frenzy of
Lizardman stopped trying to immolate the excitement, hopping up and down and
Marauders and stood nonplussed, its head hissing enthusiastically.
cocked on one side like a bird. It studied Atop the pyramid, the Marauders watched,
them intently for a minute or so, then transfixed.
squawked something at ics fawning retinue. 'Now what?' Grimcrag grunted.
They scuttled off and returned moments 'They seem excited about something,'
later, bearing some heavy-duty nets. The Johan muttered, confused.
Shaman nodded up at the warriors, and Jiriki turned to face the way the lizards
licked its thin lips expectantly. were looking. 'Sun's going down. They'll
On top of the pyramid, Grimcrag stood up wait for the dark.'
and set his lips in a stem pout. 1\in't going The others turned and looked. There was
in no net. Sham·t. Ain't no fish!' The Dwarf no denying the faCt that the sun was Sinking
fast. Already its ruddy red globe fondly EEING THE CHARGING Barbarian, the
touched the top most branches of the crees,
and soon it would drop out of sight"
S lizards flung their weapons aside,
dropped to their knees and buried their
completely. heads in the sand.
'It sinks so fast in these climes; began Grimcrag, Jiriki and Johan came to a halt
Johan. at the bottom of the pyramid. A carpet of
'No wonder neither, it puts such an eftan lizard backs stretched away from them.
in all day. It's prob'ly 'zau5tcd.' Grimcrag shrugged and raised his axe.
'So what shall we do" the Elf asked. 'Hardly seems fair! Still, never look a gift
'Do?' Grimcrag snorted. 'What d'ya think coin and aU that.' he grunted, decapitating
we're going to do?' three lizards in one blow. Jiriki stopped the
'Well,' began Johan, 'I, for one do not slaughter by adroitly tripping the Dwarf
intend being butchered in the dark.' over. Black blood was splanered
'That's the spirit, young ·un. Let's go get everywhere, but the remaining lizards sat
"em, eh?' mOtionless.
'Yes, well ... oh hell, why not!' 'Oi!' exclaimed the Dwarf, dragging
Drawing themselves to their full respective himself to his feet. He made for the security
heights, the Marauders prepared for battle. of Old Slaughterer.
At the base of the pyramid, the lizards 'leave it, Grimcrag,' Johan hissed.
realised that something was about to 'Something's happening.'
happen, and they began to form formal Berserk, Keanu charged onwards, dimly
ranks of shield, spear and bow. wondering where the enemy had gone and
If still undedded in their hearts (and nOt why the floor was all lumpy. He slowed to a
one of them would ever admit that such was loping trot, then a walk, then finally
the case) the Marauders atop the pyramid stopped. He could see Jiriki, Grimcrag and
had their minds made up by a familiar Anstein all right, but he could have sworn
heavily-muscled figure who appeared in the that there was a whole horde of. .. Jiriki was
dusk tight around the path to the village. His gesturing at his boots.
voice reached them as a heavily accented 'Vat?' he bellowed, still partly berserk,
bellow peering down. He was standing on the chest
'Vat you vaitink for - Marauders or of a large lizard creature, a black-skinned
Mauses?' The Barbarian was already at a run one bedecked in feathers and bone. He
towards the lizards, the glitter of his sword a raised his sword to strike.
deadly sliver of malice in the dying rays of The lizard's eyes bulged, but it managed
the sun. to croak loudly. Keanu dropped his sword in
'CHAAARGE!!!!' roared Grimcrag, leaping surprise; the other Marauders did likewise.
down towa.rds the waiting lizard horde. He They all clearly heard the Lizard Shaman
didn't even turn to see if the others were speak words - understandable words.
following. Battle cries to the fore and now 'Velkomsss God LosssErikkk. Long half ve
to their rear threw the lizards into total Vaited innit yessssss.'
panic. Despite the entreaties of their The living carpet whispered at K.eanu with
Shaman, Anstein saw them turn to flee. the rustling, hissing squeak of a hundred
Their path was blocked by a charging lizard voices, 'LSSSRIKKK! LSSSSSRIKKK!
Barbarian. A Barbarian who wielded a two LSSSSRlKKK!'
handed sword in his right hand and a Grimcrag paned Johan on the shoulder.
heavily scarred iron shield on his left arm. A Tll be blowed! Maybe this isn't going to be
Barbarian who howled like a wolf as he so bad after allr
charged towards the assembled hordes of
reptiledom with no apparent concern for
his own safety.
Tumbling down the pyramid towards the
lizards' backs, Anstein could see that this 7he saga of'Paradise Lost'
was going to get very bloody very fast. They continues on page 68
obviously didn't take very well to surprises.
Then something very strange happened.
EREK ROSE PAINFULLY to his feet, wiry and intense as a sump rat, did like,"vise.
]aal blushed in anger - the runt of the 'Go easy on 'em, Dorn,' one of the
liner, they called him! - and spoke out, his veterans said, slapping the lad on the
voice shaking with emotion. 'My clan has shoulders as he passed.
raised me and protected me. All I ask is a 'Nah, give those Cawdor scum hell, Dorn,'
chance to serve it in return and reclaim the the other grinned. 'Get yourself back in one
blood debt owed to me by the murderers of piece and I'll give you some of my
my parents.' winnings!'
Herek smiled in satisfaction, quietly Herek watched the slight figures
impressed by the young ganger's resolve. disappear from view, knowing that there
He would need it where he was going. was no more advice he could give them. For
'Brave words, young Jaal. Now Let us see if two day-cycles he would remain here,
you can make good on them. The enemies waiting to see which, if any, of the young
you go to face do indeed carry the colours juves returned.
of House Cawdor. Let your hatred give you 'Good hunting - all of you!' called Herek
strength, but never forget that we have more into the gloom, stepping back and
need of live warriors than dead heroes.' signaLLing for the twO gangers to dose the
At Herek's Signal, the two gangers who doors. He offered up a silent prayer, calling
had accompanied them down to the on the Emperor to watch over the young
entrance to Hive Bottom - seasoned warriors. He had tried to teach them
veterans who had once fought under everything he knew. From now on they
Herek's leadership - moved to haul open were on their own.
the immense blast-doors at the bottom of
the shaft. Beyond these doors, their outer
surfaces scarred and pitted by the centuries
of ferocious assaults from the things that
dwelled on the other side of them, lay a
world of darkness and danger.
The young initiates crowded around the
HE HUNTER MOVED easily through
open doorway, eager to see what lay
beyond. Hive Bottom. A place that, until
now, they had only heard tell of in
childhood stories tailored to frighten them
T the crumbling ruins, more at home
here than it had ever been in the
palaces and landscaped parks of che Upper
into obedience. A fearful place populated Hive. 1£ it had ever had a name, it had long
by mutants and witches, and where deadly ago forgotten it. It paused, checking the
traps - toxic waste pools, poisonous mists information relayed to it through its
and grotesque mutant creatures - were armoured body and savouring the thrill of
always waiting to ensnare the unwary. the replay images being fed directly into its
mind from the suit's memory systems. Steel
Back when he was leader of the Steel
claws punching through flesh. The feel of
Skull, leading raids on Goliath merchant
laser bolts and bullets ricocheting
convoys and Cawdor settlements under the
harmlessly off armoured skin. The screams
f:1ag of House Orlock, Herek had braved the
of its victims and the images of their faces as
dangers of Hive Bottom many times. Even
they died in agony.
now, though, he still remembered his very
It had been too long - scarce two hours-
first Sight and smell of it during his own rite
since its last kill. It felt its body's auto-
of manhood, and understood exactly the
systems activate into life at the joyous
fear and apprehension his young charges
replay of those few bloody seconds. Fibre-
must be feeling now.
bundle muscles twitched with life,
The two gangers silently scanned the armoured plates clicked and flexed
darkness around the doorway, their together and its claws slowly unsheathed
weapons primed and at the ready for any themselves as memory circuits sent an
sign of danger. Satisfied, one of them waved electronic thrill of pleasure through its
the young bloods forward with a sharp body. Sensor systems flared into life,
gesture. Dorn looked around at his fellows invisibly scanning the area and locking on
with a Wide, brave grin and strode into the to a distant group of targets moving
darkness; the others followed with more chrough the darkness.
ner-vous steps.
The prey was still far off, but coming and fight in the relative safety of the tunnels
closer. The Hunter turned and moved around the compound.
silently towards it. Now he felt that same familiar sensation
of lurking danger again, coming from out
there in the surrounding darkness.
Somehow he just knew that something dark
and deadly was out there - and it was
coming closer.
'DEAD! THEY'RE ALL dead" Al Lan's
shout, the rest of the gang came
Cawdor gangers died bravely as a warrior
should, fighting to the last with a weapon in
running with their weapons drawn. their hands. '
They found their terrified comrade standing Mallin stood up, holding up the fused
in the centre of the abandoned serdement. remains of a laspistol marked with House
Its crumbling walls and burned-out Cawdor battle emblems. He held it our for
dwelling holes were a teStament to the them all to see, a grim look on his young
destruction that had long ago been visited face. 'The power-pack on this laspisrol has
upon it by the marauding mutic gangs that been burned out. Whoever was carrying it
roamed the wastes of Hive Bonom. kept on firing until he'd exhausted its
'Dead! They're all dead!' lan repeated po,ver-charge.
over and over, gesturing at the scene of "And those two juves-' He gestured with
bloody carnage around him. 'Look at them, his ann at a pair of sprawling bodies. 'The
Dam! What kind of thing could ha\'c done ground around them is littered with spent
this to them!' cartridges from their stub pistols. Jaal and I
Dam looked, stunned by what he saw. He count at least ten cartridges apiece for each
had been prepared for some kind of weapon. That means they had time to
ambush - the rules of the ritual allowed for reload and fire again before they died.'
almost anything, and victory often went {Q Mallin paused, looking directly into
the first gang to reach the dueUing arena Oorn's eyes. 'No, Darn, this was no
and set a trap for their opponents. But ambush. These warriors all died fighting an
this... This was something he could never enemy they knew was coming at them.'
have foreseen. Behind Dorn, Mikhal and Lan exchanged
50 far he had counted five dead Cawdor nervous glances and raised their weapons.
gangers, although so many body parts were From his position behind Mallin, Jaal
spread across the ground that it was surreptitiously released the safety catch on
difficult to tell exactly how many of them his own laspisrol, hearing the reassuring
there may have originally been. One of hum that told him it was fully charged.
them hung high above their heads, impaled Dorn stepped forward, locking eyes with
on a steel beam jutting out of a shredded his challenger, bur none of them could have
walkway. They had all been killed at close failed to notice the new note of uncenainry
range - that much, he was certain of - in his voice. 'Not an ambush, then. But I
ripped apart and their remains left for the still say this was nothing more than the
scavengers. But killed by what? he asked work of murie scavengers.' He continued to
himself fearfully. glare at Mallin. 'Either way, we have nothing
Darn glanced around him, checking the to worry about. Everyone knows 5cavvie
positions of the rest of the gang. Mallin and packs never stick around after a raid. Even
his runt brother were searching amongst now, they'll be far away in their lair Licking
the bodies, but he became uncomfortably their wounds and counting their plunder.'
aware that Lan and Mikhal were looking to All eyes were on Mallin as he crushed
him for some sign of reassurance. As the Dorn's words with thc cold logic of his
appointed leader of the hunt, he knew it argument. 'Then where are the bodies?' he
fell to him to assert his authority over the retorted. 'All these shOts fired, and not one
situation. 1\n ambush,' he said, not feeling dead attacker? Everyone knows 5cavvies
as confident as he tried to sound. leave their dcad and even their injured
'Something was waiting for them before behind them.'
they arrived here. Scavvies, most likely. a Mallin paused, pointing towards the dead
ganger would kill like this, nOt even bodies around them. 'And, if it really was
Cawdor scum. 'Whoever they were, they are 5cavvies that did thiS, why haven't the
long gone from here ... ' bodies been stripped of their weapons and
'No. This was no ambush. Look at the cQuipment? Jaal and I have checked the
evidence, Darn. It is lying all around your area for tracks. All we can find are those of
feet.' Darn turned at the sound of Mallin's the Cawdor gangers.' Mallin stood defiant,
voice, seeing his rival bending down over awaiting Darn's answer.
the butchered bodies of the dead gangers. 'Then what are you saying?' sneered
'There was a full-scale battle here. These Darn, running his hand over his close-
cropped hair. 'That a ghost, a ghost that can
walk through bullets and las-blasts, came at each other as j aal dared to mention
here and killed them all?' that dreaded name. Spyrers: cruel
It was jaal who answered, stepping hunters from the Upper Hive, descending
forward to name the unspoken terror word down intO the depths of the Underhive in
on all their minds. 'No, not a ghost.' he packs to hunt their prey, seeking enough
stuttered heSitantly. Everyone turned to kills to return back up the Spyre to be
stare at him. Mallin nodding reassuringly at recognised by their kind as rightful
him to continue. 'It's a Spyrer. A single members of the Hive's aristocratic elite.
Spyrer did this. We are being hunted, Darn. All of the young Steel Skull gangers had
All of us. It killed every single one of these heard fearful tales of the exploits of these
Cawdor juves, and now it's coming after most hated of killers, knOWing that even the
us.' most battle-hardened veterans of their
settlement were afraid of such enemies.
But, it was whispered, there was one sort of
Spyrer even other Spyre Hunters feared.
The lone renegades. Those who had
developed too much of a taste for death
and never returned back to the Upper Hive.
Instead, these lone killers remained in the
Underhive, adapting to the environment of
HE HUNTER WAS CLOSE, closer than their new home and mercilessly hunting
any of them dared imagine. From its down all that crossed their path. When such
position high above, perched on the a renegade was discovered, even the most
underside of an overhanging walkway, it bitter enemies amongst the gangs would
could look down directly upon them to join forces to destroy it.
study its prey. Watching them, selecting 'He's right, Darn,' said Lan, panic
which one would be the first of its victims. breaking his voice. 'This is the work of a
Its sensors tuned into the sound of their Spyrer!'
voices, storing them in memory. The words Mallin nodded in agreement. 'We have no
were unimportant - it had been years since other choice. We must abandon the ritual
the Hunter spoke or listened to the voice of and return to Herek. He will know what to
another human being, save the sound of its do. We have to warn our people that there
victims' screams. is a Spyrer on the loose!'
It listened only to the tone of their voices, 'No!' Dorn snarled, gesturing wildly with
realising after a moment that two of them, his laspistol. 'The test is not yet over! To
the two biggest, were argUing. Let them return now, without any kills, would bring
argue, it thought. As if the question of shame upon us all.' He paused, staring hard
which of them led the others would make at the other juves and daring any of them to
any difference to the final outcome! contradict him. 'Our enemies are dead, but
The Hunter chose its target, sensors we have been offered a far worthier
zeroing in on it to study and record. This opponem to face. The test goes on, and
one was stronger than the others, and the when we return it will be in triumph to
rest would look to it for leadership. The present Herek with the head of a Spyrer!'
other one talked bravely, but the Hunter's
'This is madness, Darn!' Mikhal
sensors detected the nervous beat of its
interjected, trying to reason with his leader.
heart and the frightened tone in its voice
'Even tlle bravesr'gangers would not choose
which betrayed its words.
to fight such an enemy. I say Mallin is right.
let these striplings follow their new
We should-'
leader, it thought. It would soon show them
Mikhal's voice tailed off as Darn silenced
just how vulnerable they were, when he
him with a single threatening glance. 'I am
would be the first to die.
the leader here - and I say the test goes on.
The Hunter uncoiled itself from its hiding
I thought you were loyal to me, Mikhal. Are
place, scuttling along the underside of the
you siding with thiS coward and his runt
walkway as it moved silently towards its first
brother?' Mikhal stepped back a pace as if
chosen victim.
he had been physically struck, staring
shamefacedly at the ground and unable to Mallin. It had laken Mallin!
meet Dam's eyes. )aal sank to the ground, knOWing Ihal the
Unnoticed, at the back ofthe group, jaal's others were wasting their shots and that his
head buzzed with sudden pain. That feeling brother was already lost to them. With a
again, a sense of utter dread, only stronger sickening lurch, Jaal saw the object lying on
now than he had ever felt before. And, with the ground where, only seconds ago, his
it, something else: strange alien thoughts - brother had stood. Mallin's severed hand,
violent and predatory - crowding into his still clutching the useless las pistol in its
mind from elsewhere. jaal's vision blurred lifeless grasp.
and the ground span beneath him. jaal doubled over and retched Violently,
Suddenly he was no longer standing with this final horror too much for his shocked
the others. He was hanging in the darkness senses. He had known that the Spyrer was
high above, looking down on them aU. His out there. He had seen it in his mind,
body was not his own. Instead, he felt known it W<Ui coming after them. He should
himself sheathed in a cold metallic shell, have said something earlier, tried to warn
powerful fibre-bundle muscles responding them what was about to happen. If he had,
to his every move. He could hear Darn's Mallin would still be alive..
challenge to Mikhal. See Mallin backing 00; Dom's boot crashed into his ribs, sending
his hand moving towards his pistol holster, Jaal sprawling across the ground. With a
unaware of this new danger above him. shock, jaal realised that he had been
There was a rush of air. Jaal felt himself babbling to himself, speaking his thoughts
falling, no, leaping. out aloud. 'Traitor!' screamed Darn. 'What
He snapped back into his own body. do you mean, you knew what was going to
Numbed, he tried to shaUl out a warning as happen"
the thing descended down from the Dorn turned towards Lan and Mikhal,
darkness towards its target. 'Mallin! Above pointing in fury al the figure of)aal lying al
you! Look-' his feet. 'You heard him! You heard him say
Too late, Mallin looked up to see the he knew it was out there. He knew, and he
Spyrer dropping down tOwards him. Jaal led it straight to us! He's one of them. A
caught a glimpse of a dark spider-like witchling! He's been in league with this
shape, its outline blurred as though it was a thing all along!'
Living part of the darkness from where it Witch ling. jaal knew the word. Psykers,
came, and then it was upon his brother. some called them. To be so nan1ed was a
Mallin raised his weapon to fire. death sentence, the Redemptionists
Somelhing impossibly fast and lerrifyingly ruthlessly hunting down anyone suspected
sharp flashed through the air. Mallin of possessing such feared powers.
screamed, the las-blast from his weapon 'Then we should take him back, Dorn,'
discharging harmlessly into the air. jaal stammered Mikhal, staring at jaal as if the
fumbled for his own weapon. In the split- youth could strike him dead at any
second it took to draw it, Mallin was gone. moment. 'The elders should judge him. It is
More laser blasts lanced through the not for us to decide.. .'
darkness - Darn, Lan and Mikhal firing , a!' Darn raged, aiming his laspistol
upwardS, their shots ricocheting off directly into Jaal's face. 'He has betrayed us
stonC\vork and girders and illuminating the aU and led his own brother to his death! He
heUish scene in bright flashes. jaal caught is a traitor. and I shall judge him where he
strobing glimpses of the Spyrer carrying the stands!'
screaming figure of Mallin with it back up Terrified, jaal closed his eyes, fearing he
into the darkness. At first Jaal thought the was only seconds away from execution at
Spyrer was actually floating through the air the hands of the wild-eyed Dorn. But the
but, looking closer, he saw the gleam of expected shot never came. Instead, he
something thin and silvery reflected in the heard the sound of an echOing voice calling
light of the las-blasts: a metallic web-line out from the darkness around them.
anchored to some point in the darkness 'Help me, DOlO. Help me, )aal. Help
above and spun out from the Spyrer's wrists, me ... ' It was Mallin. Mallin was still alive!
strong enough for it to carry both it and its Weak and in pain, judging by the agonised
prey out of range of its enemies' weapons. pleading of his voice, but still alive.
How could that be? thought jaal. Spyrers 'Help me, Dorn. Help me, jaal. Help
never spare their victims. Perhaps Mallin me... '
had escaped. Perhaps- Darn signalled for silence, trying to get a
'On your feet, traitor,' said Darn, dragging fix on the location of the voice. There, up
him to his feet by his clothes. 'It seems your ahead. Through the ruins of a tumbled
Spyrer master still values the life of its archway they saw a walkway across a
servant.' Darn jammed the barrel of his bubbling pool of toxic sludge, its acrid
laspistol painfully against the back of jaal's vapours giving off a noxious stench.
head and hissed into his ear in a voice full Through the poisonous mists they could
of anger and loathing. 'It has spared the life see something waiting for them on the
of your brother. Maybe it wanes to trade his other side of the walkway.
life for yours.' They shuffled closer, covering their
mouths to avoid breathing in too much of
the fetid air. A couple of paces ahead of his
fellows Lan was the first to see it. He
stopped dead, barely able to believe the
Sight that awaited them. It was the body of
Mallin, hanging puppet-like from a metal
web of razor-edged wire that cut through
his body in a dozen places. Mallin's head lay
'HELP ME, DaRN. Help me, ]aaL Help on the ground in front of him, that same
me ... ' The Hunter looped the mocking voice sounding as if it was coming
recording through its suit's vocal directly from his lifeless lips. 'Help me,
systems, mimicking the voice of its victim. Darn. Help me, jaal. Help me.. .'
An old trick, but one that had often served it
The Spyrer exploded our of waste pool. It
well in the past. The trap was set. Now it
landed nimbly on the walkway in front of
would wait and see if the prey took the bait.
Lan and Mikhal, its armoured body
streaming with burning pollutants and
corrosive acids. jaal howled in terror as it
reared up before its prey. Its sinuous body
was composed of black armoured plating
which flexed and locked together as it
moved. jaal was reminded horribly of the
stories he had heard of the monstrous
HE YOUNG STEEL SKULL gangers spider-things that inhabited the deepest
AAL RAN THROUGH the maze of ruins,
as the Spyrer lifted its stW-living victim off
his feet, raising him high above its head in a knowing that the Spyrer was close
superhuman show of strength. Mikhal did behind him. He could feel its thoughts
scream, a long agonised howl from the very bUZZing in his head; whispering horrors
depths of his soul, as the Spyrer released that he barely recognised as coming from
the blade's venom ceUs into his body. anything human. Occasionally, he would
With a dismissive gesture, the Spyrer feel his mind spiral out from under him.
hurled its victim over its head, ripping the Then he would be inside the mind of his
blades out from the juve's body. Mikhal enemy, seeing and experiencing everything
landed on the walkway behind, his body around it as it moved across the tOp levels
already starting to convulse and contort of the ruins, leaping from structure to
into agonising shapes as the deadly venom structure and scuttling, insect-like, up the
coursed through his veins. Then the Spyrer sheer sides of walls and shafts.
turned to face its two remaining victims. He found himself running towards a
'You bastard!' Dorn hurled Jaal aside and rusting metal walkway, maybe a metre wide,
charged the Spyrer, blasts from his laspislOl spanning a chasm from some long-past
ricocheting harmlessly off its armour. At the hivequake, its sheer sides dropping away
last moment, Dorn dropped the pistol and into nothingness. The Spyrer was hunting
drew his knife, throwing himself at the him, he knew, probably herding him into
Spyrer with a roar of defiance. The ganger another of its traps. If only he could control
crashed into the Spyrer, catching it off- this new ability; focus these visions that
balance and sending both him and his flashed through his mind ...
enemy backwards into the waste pool. His boots made the precarious walkway
)aal turned and ran, knowing that Dorn's echo beneath his pounding feet. A voice in
auack had been a brave but hopeless Jaal's head suddenly screamed a warning,
gesture. Behind him, he could hear Dorn telling him to stop. )aal threw himself onto
screaming in rage and agony as he tried to the reverberating walkway, seeing in an
pull the Spyrer down with him into the instant the deadly trap he had almost run
corrosive depths of the waste pool. )aal into: strands of the Spyrer's metallic web-
knew the Spyrer would survive - nothing line, strung out across the walkway. If )aal
could kill it - and it would be coming after had kept on running he would surely have
him next. He snatched up Lan's laspisrol, been sliced apart.
realising the futility of the gesture but A wave of terror washed through the
wanting to at least die fighting with a young ganger. The Spyrer was just playing
weapon in his hand. with him, tOying \vith him like a cat until it
closed in for the final kill. What chance did
he, Jaal the runt, the weakling of the litter,
stand against such an enemy?
A dark shape swooped low over his head
and)aal felt a vibration as it landed on the
walkway behind him. He hauled himself up
and span around to face the Spyrer,
HE H NTER P LLED itself out of the
the voice of his dead brother. 'Conquer fear the Hive Bottom long after the Spyrer itself
and you will be ready to call yourself a true had been swallowed by the chasm.
At the sound of Mallin's voice, something
convulsed inside jaal's head. Fear gave way
to fiery rage and hatred as he heard this
creature, this foul thing, speak with the
voice and words of his dead brother. His
fury opened up something within him,
blossoming like a match igniting kerosene.
Something that had been there all along, 'HEREK? FACE IT. If DolO ain't coming
waiting to be set free. Power - pure, back, none of them are.' The Steel
unfocussed power now channelled and Skull gangers waiting by the open
released by his rage. blast-doors looked more worried about
Jaal was thrown backwards onlO the hard, losing their wagers than any real sorrow.
cold metal, as he felt some uncontrollable The old man sighed to himself, and
energy erupt from his body, a wave of turned back toward the light. 'Very well.
enormous concussive force spreading out Seal the doors,' he ordered. 'They've had
from him in all directions. The walkway an extra day.cycle. We've put ourselves at
beneath his feet buckled as the aged metal tOO much risk already by Waiting here so
was rent by the supemarural force Jaal had long.'
somehow released. With a scream he Herek watched as his two lieutenants
realised he was sliding down towards the carried out his orders, and silently swore
Spyrer's web of razor-wire. under his breath. He had lost whole parties
Jaal scrabbled up the slope of the of juves to the ritual before, but he'd had
collapsing walkway, grabbing hold of a bent high hopes for at least some of this group.
suPPOrt beam. Turning he saw the Spyrer But, at the last, there would be other tests
leap from the shifting platform as it gave and other initiates, all of them eager to
way under its feet. prove their manhood amidst the dangers
A thin web-line shot out from its that lay in wait on the other side of those
outstretched wrist, seeking a secure anchor doors.
to the structure at the other end of the From his hiding place, jaal watched the
vanished bridge. 'No. Not this time,' swore gangers haul the blast doors closed. He
jaal, determined that the Spyrer would not wanted so much to shout, to run towards
escape him. 'This time the hunt ends here.' them, to tell Herek and the others that he
Unthinking, jaal raised the laspistol in his was still alive, that it was over - that he was
free hand, aiming not at the Spyrer but at safe and just wanted to go home. But he
knew that would be madness.
the web-line supporting it. He reached out
with his mind, focusing his expanded Everything had changed. Now that he
senses on the thin strand of metal glittering knew what he was - a Psyker, a witchling -
in the darkness, and pulled the trigger. A he knew he could never return home. Not
searing bolt of laser energy leapt from his that his step-family would mourn him, not
gun, his mind flying out with it, leading it, when they had lost a real son. He was
taking it to its target. The shot hit true, orphaned again. He was an outcast, a
vaporising one segment of the web-line in a renegade, doomed to dwell in the darkest
flash of white-hot energy. places with the others of his kind - the
freaks, monSters and mutants of Hive
Caught in mid-swing, the Spyrer rumbled
down into the darkness, diamond-edged
claws throwing off sparks as it tore at the After a long moment, jaal turned and
sheer wall of the chasm, vainly striking out walked away. He did not look back at the
to find a desperate handhold. final clank of the bolts when Herek's men
sealed the doors shu! behind him. Silently,
, ooooo!' Mallin's dead voice cried as the
he slipped off into the shadows, already
creature fell. 'Jaaaaaaa!"
welcoming the protection and anonymity
And then it was gone, its death-scream they offered. •
amplified by its suit systems, an electronic
screech that seemed to echo forever across
Your mighty warriors. Your vainglorioQs warriors.
Your men of ste·el. Your men who trust in steel.
Your religion of duty and honour. Your religion of mindless duty and
me4lniogless honour.
What of it if a million should
What of it? Another million will
lie unburied and unsung?
not lie unburied..
Your worthy dogma. Your ancient and worthless dogm4l.
Your inflexible creed. Your dead and inflexible creed.
Your dediution to war and to the Your dedication to war where there
certainty of final victory. Un be no victory.
What of it when the pure warm What of it? No more w.i11 the
blood of our innocent sons blood of our innocents stain the
still stains the rich soil? rich soil.
.,1' .
'~AKE UP, CORSAIR! We're laughter filled the cramped quarrers of the
~almost there.' Sartak snapped smuggler's ship. 'I've heard more
back to consciousness, only to convincing lies from Ogryns.'
find himself looking down the barrel of a 'If you don't believe me/ Sartak said,
bolter. Beyond it was the disapproving flatly exasperated after days of such
face of Arghun, a Space Marine of the exchanges, 'then why in the Emperor's
White Scars. Although Arghun had not name are you here?'
slept for days, his eyes were alen and his 'If you were a true Space Marine,'
grip on the bolter firm. Arghun thundered, ' you wouldn't even
'I am nOt a Corsair, Arghun,' Sartak said have to ask me that question! I am here
with dignity, 'I am like you, a Space because I was ordered to be. That's all I
Marine, of the Astral Claws Chapter.' need to know.'
Arghun reached down, grabbed Sarrak's 'Arghun, I'm weary of fighting with you,'
shoulder with his left hand and hauled replied Sarrak with a sigh. 'What I've told
him roughly to his feet. Forcing his bolter you is the truth. Huron Blackheart is
against the side of Sarrak's head, the White planning a massive attack on an
Scar spat in disgust, 'You filth. The Astral undefended Imperial world. lf I can find
Claws betrayed the Emperor! You lost the my friend Lothar on B1ackhearr's flagship,
right to be called a Space Marine long ago. he should be able to tell us where the
You're nothing but a rcaver and a pirate.' arrack will fall.' Sarrak had told his story a
Sartak felt the cool metal of the bolter dozen times, but it was plain from the
against his flesh, but somehow he look on Arghun's face that the White Scar
remained calm. He knew the White Scar didn't believe a word of it. Still, Sarrak felt
would not kill him now. There was too compelled to speak the words, hoping in
much at stake. 'I am here to restore the his heart that they were true. 'Then,' the
honour of the Astral Claws,' he said in a Astral Claw finished, 'we can signal the
level voice. 'My reaving days are over.' rest of your Chapter and bury Blackhearr
Arghun released Sarrak from his grip but forever.'
kept the bolter handy. 'Yes: the White Scar He paused, before adding, 'If you ever
growled, '50 you said in your moving take off this inhibitor, that is.' Almost
speech before Subatai Khan. After years as unconsciously, Sanak ran his fingers over
a murdering cur, you woke up one the heavy collar around his neck. As
morning and realised you still loved the always, he could not find any kind of
Emperor.' Arghun's voice dripped with seam.
scorn. 'And now you're going to help us Watching him with amusement, the
kill Huron B1ackhearr .. .' The White Scar's White Scar laughed. 'What's wrong? Don't
you like being Arghun's dog, Corsair? It's victims to their cruel gods. Blood, booty
the only way to teach you discipline and and terror were their masters now, and
obedience.' The smile left Arghun's lips as Sartak found it increasingly hard to believe
quickly as it had come. 'Besides, ] couldo'r that he had been one of them. Looking
risk you alerting your friends in the Red down at the fading Astral Claws markings
Corsairs before our arrival. on his power armour, now but a dim trace
'Whatever, we are almost to the of their former glory, Sartak wondered if
Maelstrom,' Arghun continued. 'You'll there was any honour left to salvage.
have your precious powers back soon Unwilling to meet the eyes of any of his
enough.' The White Scar slung his bolter former comrades, Sartak scanned the
reluctantly, but kept his eyes on Sartak. great bay. His gaze came to rest on the
'Just try to remember what it really means prone forms of Huron's Dreadnoughts.
to be a Space Marine and a Librarian.' These massive machines of destruction
Sanak locked eyes with Arghun. 'I swear stood chained amongst the broken pillars
before the Emperor 10 prove the truth of of the central temple, as if their lifeless
my words and restore the honour of the husks could be reanimated at any
Astral Claws.' moment. But it was naught but an
'Then may the Emperor have mercy on illusion, for the sarcophagi which housed
your soul, Corsair.' the pilots that gave life to the stomping
beasts were well away from the
Dreadnoughts. Sartak knew them to be
housed behind the Great Seal, safely
locked away in Huron's temple of
temples. Although the Red Corsairs
consigned the deranged and insane to
lives of living torment inside the metal
RGHUN AND, SARTAK slOod in the sarcophagi, they still treated the
MOVED Q lCKLY amidst the
ARTAK Khorne's chosen champion amongst the
twisting corridors of ~uron's Red Corsairs. Dark and wiry, Lothar was an
warship. It had been two days since experienced fighter, true enough, but
his return and at last it seemed safe for Crassus was a bloody-handed psychopath
him 10 move about freely. The Blood a full head taller than him, with few equals
Reaver's small fleet was even now cruising in hand-(Q·hand combat.
through the Maelstrom, heading for an This is not a duel, thought Sartak grimly.
unknown destination. Excitement ran This is slaughter.
high amongst the Red Corsairs, for Huron 'Khorne demands a sacrifice!' the
Blackheart had promised them booty and Berserkers chanted wildly. 'Blood! Blood
blood aplenty. for Khorne!'
Sartak tried to appear calm as he 'Lothar!' Sartak bellowed and tried to
searched the ship for Lothar. By now his break through the ring of blood-hungry
friend should have discovered where the Berserkers, but half a dozen arms held
arrack was to fall, for he had won a place him back. Lothar caught Sight of him but
amongst Huron's inner circle. But the was fully engaged in trying to fend off
man had not been in his quarters, nor was Crassus. The chain·axe of the insane
he in the galley. Now, Sartak was forced to warrior hammered down upon Lothar's
roam the great ship almost at random, chainsword, driving the weary warrior
hoping to find his friend before it was too back with every blow. Sartak could see that
late. Lothar was bleeding from many wounds.
The Astral Claw found himself heading Each time he parried, the Marine was just
deeper into the bowels of the labyrinthine a little slower. while Crassus seemed to
ship. The corridors stank of stale blood grow stronger with each blow.
and he began to see skulls and bones As the howls for blood reached a
lirrering the grilled walkway. This was the frenzied pitch, Crassus roared and
part of the ship claimed by the followers smashed the chainsword from his
of Khorne, and Sartak usually went out of opponent's hands, and in the same fluid
his way to avoid it. But he must find movement buried the axe in Lothar's
Lothar and this was onc of the few places chest. The chewing blades of the chain-axe
he had not searched. lOre through Lothar's flesh and he
Sartak had seen no onc for almost an screamed in pain as his hot life·blood
hour, and this only added to his agitation. gushed all over the crazed Berserker.
Somerhing was going on, he could sense 'Blood for the Blood God!' the mob
it. Then he heard distant howls from up roared, And then, bearing Khorne's
ahead and his heart sank. As he chosen one aloft, 'Crassus! Crassus!'
approached, Sartak could hear the roar of , o!' screamed Sartak, and ran where to
a crowd and cries of 'Blood for the Blood his dying friend lay, forgotten. Lothar lay
God!' At last Sanak emerged into a wide on his back, his chest a bloody ruin. Still,
cargo bay and slOpped in alarm. All of he yet lived.
Huron's Khornate followers were Sartak knelt next to him. 'Forgive me,
assembled in a circle of crimson and gold, Lothar,' he said. 'I couldn't find you.'
surrounding two combatants. Even above 'I was ... discovered,' Lothar gasped,
the shrieks for blood, Sartak could hear blood frothing on his lips. 'But the
the distinct wh.irr of a chain·axe. He knew attack ... the attack will fall on Razzia.
with cold certainty that this was no Emperor... redeem us.' His ravaged body
ordinary combat. convulsed one last time and lay still.
Pushing himself through the frenzied Around Sartak, the Berserkers of Khorne
warriors, Sartak finally got a view of the howled in savage celebration. Soon they
combatants and his worSt fears were were fighting furiously amongst
confirmed. At the centre of the circle was themselves, driven mad by the sight and
Lothar, stripped to the waist and armed smell of freshly spilled blood. Taking
with a chain sword. His opponent was advantage of the mayhem, Sartak slipped
Crassus, a renegade Ultramarine who was back into the welcome darkness.
ARTAK SAT ALONE in his chambers, eager anticipation of his message. It was
still covered with the blood of his time for him to take on once again the
only friend. Now Lothar and Arghun mantle of Space Marine, Librarian and
wefe both dead, and Sartak knew it was Astral Claw.
up to him to finish Huron Blackheart Sartak knelt and shuffled the Tarot.
alone. The Astral Claw shook with barely Focusing his mind, he drew three cards
repressed fury as he thought about the from the top of the deck and placed them
lifeless body of Lothar, and of his own fall face down. Holding his breath, he flipped
from the Emperor's grace. them over one by one. Horror! Revealed
Sanak's blood burned for vengeance on before him were the Emperor reversed,
Blackheart, but a small inner voice the Tower, and the Ecclesiarch reversed.
crooned to him to wait. A relic of his Sartak suppressed the shock of such an
reaving days, or a clear sign of impending ill·omened hand, quickly reminding
madness, the voice tempted and chided himself that he was not divining but
his soul. It would be so easy, the voice told reforging long broken lines of
him, to stay with Blackhean and maintain communication. Trying to forget the grim
your loyalty. portents thus revealed, Sartak
Yes, so easy, Sartak reflected, but he had concentrated on the Tower. Chanting
followed the easy path for far too many quietly, he envisioned the Tower in the
years. Sarrak remembered those dark days distance, across the great tide of the warp.
on Badab, when Huron had poisoned the Casting his mind outward, Sartak. fell into
Astral Claws against the Emperor. Sanak, a deep trance.
loya) to his Chapter Master, as a Space Always he kept the Tower foremost in
Marine should be, followed him into his mind, as he searched for the spirit of
heresy. But the years of reaving had taken the White Scar librarian he knew to be
their toll on the once idealistic warrior. waiting. The Warp embraced him as it
Like a sleeping man jarred to always did, comforting him like a mother
consciousness, Sanak had opened his eyes as it tried to suck him to its womb. Further
to the depravity and corruption of the and further he reached, beyond the
man once known as the Tyrant of Badab. gibbering hordes of demonic creatures
With this shocking awakening Sartak had which implored him for his soul. Then, at
realised that there was only one way to the last, the jolt of contact. Across the
make good his betrayal of the Emperor. warp, their minds came together and in an
instant it was done. 'Razzia,' he intoned,
'If I must add my own blood to that of
'the attack falls on Razzia.' Information
Arghun and Lothar,' he snarled aloud,
delivered, Sartak broke the contract and
'then that let that be my penance.' Sartak
fled back across the void to the safety of
drew in a deep breath and steadied his
his own body. It was finished.
beating heart. Now, it was time to finish
what he had started.
The Astral Claw knelt on the floor and
pulled a small cloth bag from between the
folds of his bunk. Reaching inside, he
pulled out the Imperial l'3.rot. The magic
paraphernalia cluttered about his chamber
was just for show, mere superstitious
frippery. Huron was strangely proud of his "1~EFORE SARTAK COULD so much as
'sorcerers' and Sartak had been forced to Jij..Jstand, there was a rending crash as
act the part. Runic wands, talismanic the door to his chamber was
skulls, and ancient icons lay strewn about smashed open. Standing in the doorway
haphazardly, the accoutrements of his was Huron Blackheart, flanked by the tall,
obscene trade. cadaverous figure of Garlon Souleater, the
Now all Sartak needed was the purity of Tyrant's most potent sorcerer.
the Tarot to communicate with the White Sanak jumped to his feet, scattering the
Scar ship which circled the Maelstrom in Imperial Tarot across the floor. 'Great
Tyrant, I had not expected you,' he thing Santiago does have,' Huron gloated,
stammered hastily, knowing 'with certainty clapping Garlon on the back. 'Santiago has
that the Tarot had shown him the future millions upon millions of defenceless
after all. citizens. '
'No, I don't suppose you did,' Huron Gadon whinnied in helpless pleasure.
laughed. The Chaos leader shrugged The sorcerer's eyes rolled in his head and
towards his twisted sorcerer. 'Garlon teUs he silently mouthed, 'Blood and skulls .. .'
me that you have been communicating Huron laughed mockingly. Sartak felt
with the White Scars ... and I wanted to cold fury burning in his soul. The Tyrant
come and thank you personally.' continued, 'And what do you think would
'Than me, Great Tyrant?' Sartak let his happen in the Warp, my loyal little
hand rest on the hilt of his force sword, sorcerer, were I to offer up the blood of a
yet maintained a pretence of servitude a billion victims on one night?'
while longer. 'You butcher!' Sartak screamed. 'I
'Yes, Astral Claw, most certainly.' The followed you, I trusted you, and you lead
Tyrant grinned maliciously. 'I wanted to me straight to hell!' In his mind, he
thank you for telling the White Scars that I commended his soul to the Emperor. He
would be attacking Razzia,' Huron knew what he must do. 'In the name of all
continued, his words dripping irony, 'A that is holy, it stops here" he yelled,
touching show of misplaced loyalty'. The dragging his force sword from its scabbard
Corsair's voice rose to a thundering growl and charging the Blood Reaver, howling
and he stabbed his power claw at Sartak. his fury.
'Especially when you consider that I've Huron Blackheart met Sartak's charge
changed my mind!' with a cry of delight, parrying the Force
'Changed your mind" Sartak gasped, Sword with his great metal claw. The
caken aback 'Wha-' sword, pulsing with psychic energy,
Huron waved his hand dismissively. sparked and shrieked as it strove to tear
'Well, no, I Lie. I haven't changed my mind the claw asunder. But the forbidden
as such - we never were attacking Razzia' technology powering the Tyrant's Claw
Sanak began to see the trap which had proved too strong, and after long
been set for him, and his grip was firm moments of straining sinew and muscle,
upon his chainsword. 'You twisted, evil.. Sartak was forced to pull his sword away.
what do you mean?' Backing up as far as he could in the
The tyrant laughed widely at this show of cramped confines of the chamber, Sanak
bravado, and beside him Garlon clapped quickly uttered a calming prayer, before
politely in mock applause. focusing his mind and unleashing a
'We are, in fact, headed for Santiago.' psychic blast at Blackheart's diseased
Blackheart paused to let the awful truth consciousness. The energy of
sink in. 'Thanks to you, however, the righteousness roared within him, and the
White Scars will be far away when the Red bolt flew dear and true.
Corsairs sweep down on that helpless But Garlon Souleater, soaked in the black
planet.' The tyrant grinned again, energies of chaos, deflected the blow with
obviously delighted with the Astral Claws a casual flick of a skeletally thin wrist, all
terrified expression. the while cackling with perverse pleasure.
Sartak staggered backwards, 'There'll be none of that, Sartak.' His voice
overwhelmed by the enonnity of what he oozed mockingly into the Marine's mind.
had done. 'Santiago? But why?' he 'Goodbye, our lovely traitor.'
whispered, horrified. 'There's nothing to The Blood Reaver closed on Sanak, even
steal there, it's an agricultural world of no as Garlon's twisted laughter echoed inside
military significance at all'. his skull. There was no more time for
Garlon rubbed his bony hands together psychic trickery.
eagerly, his wet tongue licking his thin lips As the Tyrant attacked with all the power
in anticipation of some future pleasure. at his disposal, it was all the Astral Claw
'Ah, but you are mistaken. There's one could do to parry the whirling power axe
and merciless claws. Sartak held his force slowly realised that needles invaded his
sword in both hands, trying to keep body, and unknown wires were entwined
Huron at bay with great sweeps of the around his limbs. Some kind of mask was
deadly blade. clamped to his face. Sartak tried to talk,
Huron would not be denied blood. With but he choked on the array of tubes that
a scream of rage and bitter satisfaction, the had been rammed down his throat. In
Tyrant slammed Sartak's blade into the panic, he tried to cast his mind into the
wall and pinned it there with his axe. The Warp, but found that his powers had been
sword was motionless for just a few suppressed.
seconds, as Sartak tried in vain to wrench After what felt like long, desperate hours
the glittering weapon free, but that was of thrashing blindly in the darkness, Sartak
enough time for Blackheart to close his lay in the blackness and waited. Huron
great claw over Sartak's exposed wrists. would come to taunt him soon enough.
With a wicked grin, the Blood Reaver Sartak waited and waited, cut off from
snapped the claw shut with a sickening feeling and perhaps time itself How long
crunch. Howling in pain, Sartak fell to his have I been so? he wondered. Hours?
knees, staring in horror at the bleeding Days? Time had lost its meaning.
stumps. Still Huron did not come. What exactly
Huron stood over Sartak, looking with have you done to me? the panicked
disdain at the wretch at his feet. 'You'd Like Librarian screamed silently.
to die now, wouldn't you, last of the Astral Have I been jettisoned into the
Claws?' emptiness of space, in an escape capsule?
Sartak would not answer. He watched Will I fall forever through the void?
his lifeblood slowly pump away, knowing How would that make me a hero?
that he had failed utterlr His mind cast about, trying to find an
Blackheart walked around Sartak's prone answer, but to no avail. Nothing made any
fonn, crushing the Tarot cards that still lay sense at all.
on the floor. 'But a hero's death is not for In a flash of realization it all became
you,' he taunted, as he brought his leering clear. Sartak remembered his one walk
face dose to Sartak's bloody countenance. beyond the Great Seal. He remembered
Sartak groaned aloud, but he could not seeing the maddened members of the Red
bring himself to meet the Tyrant's gaze. Corsairs encased forever in coffins of
'No, there will be no redemption for you, adamantium, sealed up in the Great
Sartak.' The Tyrant howled in glee. Temple until battle called.
'Instead, I will give you the greatest gift an Sartak knew beyond doubt that the life
Astral Claw could hope for.' support systems of a Dreadnought could
Laughing with delight, Huron Blackheart keep a man alive indefinitely. But what if
turned to the capering sorcerer. 'Take him the sarcophagus were never to be hooked
away, Garlon, and make this sad wretch a into a Dreadnought? What if a man was
hero to be proud of.' locked inside and left to rot for all
Garlon's mind reached out and smashed eternity? \Vhat then?
through Sartak's weakened defences. The Sartak tried desperately to think of
Astral Claw fell into blackness. another possible explanation for his
plight, but the logic was cold and
inescapable. The epiphany of horror
crashed into his consciousness with
unstoppable power. He could not even
scream as sanity fled.
In the frigid darkness of the Maelstrom,
the fleet of Huron Blackheart tore through
space, destined for doomed Santiago. The
ARTAK AWOKE IN total, unutterable
darkness. Surprised to be alive, he Blood Reaver was on his way to offer up a
tried to get up, to move, but found billion souls to the dark gods of Chaos. •
that he could not. Straining his limbs, he
As for the stories, if # I was like #2 I'm not
surprised me opinion on the best story is close
run. As for #2, while I enjoy a good comic strip, I
am very much a words person. So... it's a toss up
between 'The Black Pearl', 'Hatred' and
~,~. .
'Tenebrae', Almost traitorously, I have to pick out
. '. . 'Hatred', The sparse writing highlighted the
setting and tone admirably, and the plot was well
Dear Inferno!
I believe mat Inferno! is an absolUlely cracking
idea. It has enonnous potemial, which should be
exploited to the full. My only question is, why
didn't you mink of it sooner?!
James Ridgewell, Yeovil, Somerset
Dear Inferno.'
I personally think that the idea of Inferno! is
Dear Inferno!
excellent. The Siories in the magazine afC well
I enjoyed 'The Demon Boule' by Alex
done, they deserve a round of applause. The
Hammond; it showed you exactly whal
illustrations are unreal. I wan( (0 be able to get
ecromundan life is all about. I think it would be
my pictures published in it, but I'm afraid mine
inleresting to see into me Jives of the phivers as
aren't worthy enough. Thanks for the mag. 'bu
well as the Underhivers, showing you a bit of
guys rule!
contraSt, Maybe rou could even introduce some
Marc CampbeU, Werribee. Melbourne, Australia of the phive houses!
It would be nice to see some weapon
Dear Inferno! speCifications, such as the bolt gun, You could
Inferno! seems to be a maSler stroke! Because detail ammo types, rates of fire, weight, killing
I'm the Idod of person that finds the mini-story at range ... The Leman Russ lank plans were great,
the beginning of battle reports morc interesting and I was thinking about an 'Orky' version. How
that the report itself, the stories in Inferno! are about blueprints for 'Da GarganI' or 'Da Shokk:
~onderful. The 'No Rules' rule <!> is a~ vcry good Anak Gun'? They would be absolutely hilarious,
Idea. and fun to draw.
If readers wefe to send Slories pictures on a Keep up me good work!
purely casual basis. what would be the chances of Andrew Fletcher, Carlerton, Oxon
them being printed? Maybe a readers' section
wilh this in mind would be a good idea. Dear Infemo.'
The thing which I would mosl like to see is the The first issue was great except for 'The Demon
technical diagrams for really big 40k things, like Boule' which was boring, but IO out of IO for
Titans, or the Gauntlet of Macragge or perhaps 'The lerror of Deam'.
blueprints for a Chapter's home planet HQ. WiUiam Comrie, Achnashcen, Rossshire
There must be someone out there with a talent
for this sort of thing!
Dear Inferno.'
Nick Allen, Bishops Stanford, Hens
While Dwarf, although being this brilliant
firework display of all the aspects of the
Dear Infemo! 'hardware' of the GW hobby, lacks - in my
I happened upon Issue 2 by chance, and it's humble opinion - something. This something
had such an effect that I got as far as unpacking rou can now find in the Citadel joumal and in
myoid models and staring at them longingly - Inferno!, i.e. the creative feedback of me gaming
I've no idea how anyone manages to both write
and play to any great extent without being
community and the more liberal use of the
immensely expandable background of me games.
abysmal at both. Anyway, I came to Warhammer Now, I am quite content having three distinctive
40,000 through reading the novels, and have publications available. Usc \VD to keep in lauch
always been a bit more of a spectator than a with the evolution of the hobby, participate
player. Inferno.' may be the anchor to stop me worldwide via the]ourlUlI (I really have to finish
floating away from this madness. those conversions!) and Jean back, enjoy the
fiction and get the brain department gently to comic strips! 'The Terror of Death' was great,
work with Infemo! though you'd have no idea what's going on if you
Anyehing else? Ah yes: no need for colour hadn't read 'Angels of Death'! Any chance of Kev
inside Infemo!. Works juSt fine as it is. Attractive Walker penning a strip or rwo?
design, good editing. 'What more could one ask One thing I've always enjoyed are 'historic'
for? Keep it up, have fun, thanks for an enjoyable accounts of great battles, etc, The brief piece on
read, 'Operation: Stonnfros(' was great, but we need
Peter Rutkowski, Frankfun, Germany more! NOt so sure about the pictures, though -
the armour looks briUiam, but it muSt have taken
Dear !lifenID! ages to build - is it wonh it for a few photos?
What a gobsmacker! I loved it! Thanks to the I ,,,ish you every success and will cenainly buy
Trolls at Mail Order I got my copy on the day of the next one.
release, I bet loads of people won't get their Tim Melville-Walker, North Baddesley,
hands on a copy until next week, Tell Logan Hampshire
Lubcra that he's got me hooked on 'The Terror of
Death', Will there be a sequel? Dear Infemo!
I'm preHy sure that Inferno! will stare a As a dog handler in the RAF Police, I need
revolution! Brilliant! Smashing! I also hope that something to help me through nightshifts.
you do a strip of the Blood Angels on a strike into Infenlo! worked a treat, read it each night for a
a space hulk! Will subscriptions be available? WLII week. Even the dog was impressed, and he's
electronic version of the publication be available? known for his taste! Who knows, between us we
Oh, just hurry up and get on with making may even send in a couple of Stories for you. We
copies of the next issue! won't do pictures; I can't draw and he eats the
Jonathan Harris, PI)mpton, Demn pencils! But the word processor will definitely get
a bashing; he can type faster than me!
Dear Infemo! Anyway, keep up the good work. Looking
forward to the next issue already, All the best,
Congratulations! After so many years, a
magazine dedicated to stories from the rich Nick Alderman & Air Dog Prince, Coulsdon,
Warhammer universes. More - especially WH40K Surrey
WRITE TO, bifenlO!, Games Workshop Ltd, Willow Road, Nottingham, NG7 2WS UK
ONE OF THE THINGS that makes Inferno! different is that moS( of its r"
contrihfir6'rs-arcl,freelancers, fathcr than mClTthefs(·)f the fam(}us (;ames
\Vorkstlop in-hol:i~/de~gtTtt'~~·;t(;tl1~)f(:, we're I(),()king f()r nlor~
talented people who can write or drom: and who ha\·c.-a good .khmdedge of
the (iames \Xhrk.'ihop worlds. If YOU think that's you. get in uJUt'h and wc'lI
put you in print! " . ~'_
If you 're~a \\Titer, we'd like a one-page synopsis of your story, together" \\'ith a
page of sample writing (either from your intended story or a pre\'iously
published \\J)rk), Remember that we're looking for f~l'it paced. all-action
stories set in (Jne ()f the current (;\X' w()r1ds. \X'c're I()oking [()r seJf-c(Jntained
stories, so then:·s a maximum length ofiooo words (pieces shoner than that
arc vcr)' wc:lcomc-). We are not looking for colour text like that in the G\X'
amly books, nor s~ories set in past times,
Ifvou're an artist, send us a small sclectiol1 ..ofyour artwork. Ideallv, make at
'least onc ()f y()ur pict!:.Ln:s set in a (;W w()r!(l. We arc I()()king f(lr" full-page pin-
up illustrations, abo comic strips, vehiclc cutaways. battlemaps and so on.
If in doubt about an}1hing, havc a look at what's in this issue, Oh, and wc do
pay a competitive rate for e\'cI}1hing wc publish. So if you want to join our
mcrry_~.and, get a together, tht'n scmnt off to:
meticulously timed the tides, how long it
took to get a fire going, run to the boat and
get out to sea. Johan really couldn't see the
pOint, and hoped that Jiriki wouid perhaps
relax a little when he realised that they
truly were in the lap of the gods regarding
Here continues the tayle of (jrimcr.g rescue. They had not had so much as a sniff
(jrunsonn, fabled Dwarf Addventurer, of a sail since their arrival six months ago.
and his band of Heroes, other-wise Still, it was sunny and wann every day of
'knowne as (jruns01l1l'S .'Mar.uders, as they the week. .. maybe they could stay awhile
longer yet. Actually, it wasn't as if they had
try to escape from any real choice in the maner. J iriki should
jolly well wake up and- His thoughts were
interrupted by a familiar rasping voice.
~ssstein, 'vake?' The voice was that of
Froggo, Johan's adopted lizard man. The
young creature - apparently they called
themselves 'skinkz' in their native tongue -
followed Anstein everywhere, eager to
learn as much as it could of the big, wide
- Act II - world beyond its island home.
'Yes, Froggo, me lad, I'm awake. Just
musing.' Johan turned to look at the skink,
which as usual sat a respectful distance
IX MONTHS IN paradise was probably away from its adopted mentor. On matters
Behind them, on the furthest visible The Elf strode into the cave, grinning at
reach of the ocean, the small black speck of the boat despite himself. He pointed at
a sail hove into view over the horizon. On a Grimcrag's construction and tapped a foot
nearby cliff-top, a thin plume of black impatiendy. 'Will that thing really float our
smoke clawed its way upwards into the of there?' The Elf nodded towards the cave
heavy air. mouth. 'Weighed down by so much gold?'
Grimcrag spat on the floor, disgusted by
the temerity of such a question. 'Course it
will! What do you take me for?' The Dwarf
sromped up ro the Elf and prodded him
with a stubby callused finger. 'While you
lot've bin living it up with yer froggy
friends,' Grimcrag's ann swept around the
cave as evidence of his industry, 'some of
N HIS CAVE, Grimcrag worked tirelessly,
I piling yet more gold artefacts into the
boat and tying them securely down. As
he worked, he endlessly muttered to
us 'ave bin working blimming hard!'
The Elf clapped Grimcrag on the shoulder
and smiled. 'Splendid, my industrious
himself under his breath: 'Can't last, got to friend, splendid. You know that, of all of us,
be a catch. Can't last, got to be a catch.' I am least happy with our predicament, and
The Dwarf's arms and armour were now, we may have... an opportunity.' )iriki
stacked neatly to one side of the cave, headed back to the rear entrance to the
glittering from the sparkling reflections cast cave, before turning once more to face the
by the clear water. The mouth of the cave bemused Dwarf. 'Come on, Grimcrag. We'll
was perhaps a hundred feet distant, a patch be using that boat of yours sooner than
of white heat against the shadowy black of you'd imagine, I'll wager!'
the cave. The slap-slap of water kept a 'What do you mean?' Grimcrag began.
constant rhythm by which the Dwarf 'I'm not using it for fishing, nor joyrides
worked, stacking the gold items one at a neither -look what happened last time ... '
time in a strange looking boat which was )iriki winked conspiratorially as he
moored beside a natural stone jetty. stepped out into the daylight. His lilting
The boat was an odd mongrel voice drifted back into the cave. 'Come on,
contraption, new wood gleaming against Grimcrag, grab your axe too - the tide's
older, more battered timbers. Its prow bore rising, the beacon's lit. By my estimation
a proud dragon head, and there was we have no more than an hour!'
provision for a small mast. Four old and 'It's the sun, isn't it?' The Dwarf frowned
rusted shields lined each side of the vessel, as he grabbed his axe. 'That, and all the
one to protect each of the oars which time you've spent moping around those
dipped into the cool waters of the cave. A cliff-tops.'
bigger, steering oar was mounted at the But )iriki was off and running. His last
higher stem, and the boat looked to be just words, echoing around the cavern,
what it was - a mix between the wreck of persuaded the old Dwarf that something
their rowing boat and a much older Norse imponanr was happening: 'I've spied a sail.
longboat We have company!'
The soft pattering of booted feet
disturbed the Dwarf, and he instinctively
reached for his trusty axe. A moment later
and )iriki's sun-tanned face peered into the
cave. The Elf had taken the most naturally
to the tropical climate, and now looked
healthier than the Dwarf had ever seen
him. 'Grimcrag?' he called, and from his
rone, the Dwarf knew that something was
of grave concern. He stepped from the
shadows. •
K EANU SAT ON HIS bamboo throne,
two Skinks fanning him with the
feathers of some particularly large
and gaudily-plumaged bird. Swathed in
'Here, )iriki - what's up, old friend?' garlands of exotic flowers, the Barbarian
drank warm beer from his helmet; his feet 'Va, yesssss, ya!' the lizards chorused,
rested in a bowl of cool water, which was rocking backwards and forward in delight.
replenished regularly by more scurrying Fang smiled benignly and nodded his
minions. He faced out onto the village crested head.
square, where the now spotlessly clean '('m keepink 'im shan, koz nearly Dinna
pyramid reared up into the sky. time,' the Barbarian continued, striding to
On top of the pyramid, Keanu's likeness, the front of the crowd. Already, a bunch of
or something approaching it, stared back at Skinks stood ready to perform the odd
the barbarian. If he squinted hard, the ritualistic actions which always
entire village had a distinctly Norse look. accompanied the story.
Keanu sighed contentedly. If only it were Keanu grinned: what a stupid bunch of
nice and cold. lizards. He'd heard the story enough times
The Reaver burped loudly. 'Fang, da that he knew it off by hean, almost felt it
Legend vunce more, f'ya pleez.' Keanu was of his doing. He'd give them a story to
gestured languidly at the black-skinned remember. He began, his voice echoing
shaman, who stood in his ceremonial place loud and strong across the clearing.
beside the throne. He had named all the 'Und so beginz da Saga of da Voyage of
Skinks in his 'hearth-guard' after his wolf Erik da Lost, Grear God Warrior of Norsca,
hounds back home in Norsca. und how he broughr Kulture und Beer to
Keanu fondly thought of the band of Paradise.'
heavily.armed reptilian warriors as his very The miming lizards were ahead of Keanu
own Berserkers, although none of them already, making rowing actions as they
had, as yet, betrayed any leanings towards envisaged the ship of Eric the Lost
going berserk at all. 'Not got the ploughing across the mighty oceans to this
temperament fer it/ Grimcrag had small island. Looking around, Keanu could
explained at the last banquet, whilst Jiriki see that the majority of the lizards had their
maintained that it was something to do eyes closed, broad grins of conrentment
with their blood being cold, or some such splitting their leathery faces.
typical Elf nonsense. And so, at leasr for a few minutes, Keanu
On a cue from Fang the Shaman, a bigger escaped from the real world of reaving and
lizard creature, stripped down to a death, as he told the age-old story of Eric,
loincloth, banged heartily on a brass gong great warrior king, and his voyage across
strung up on sturdy wooden poles beside the sea. He told of mighty S(Qrms and huge
the throne. sea monsters (several mimers became
Within minutes, the clearing was alive carried away and bit each other at this
with Skinks, all jostling for places from pOint), of treacherous rocks and wicked
where they could hear the story again. pirates. He told of strange lands populated
Being a Norse barbarian himself, Keanu by strange creatures, of mighty heroes and
appreciated good tales. In his deeds of wonder. And he tOld of how, after
consideration, like a good wine, they many years of travelling, Eric arrived ar this
improved with age. Not that any wine fair land, which he took to be the fabled
which came Keanu's way got the chance to land of Lustria, and named ir Eridand.
enjoy itS autumn years, but the principle Keanu looked around the band of Skinks
was, he felt, a sound one. and almost laughed aloud. He still couldn't
After a while, the hubbub in the small really believe rhe next part of the story
square died down. Fang cleared his throat himself, although there was proof enough
to speak the story on which the Skink for anyone. The Skinks doing the actions
island civilisation was founded. With an were confused by Keanu's expression:
imperious wave of his massive arms, Keanu normally the story didn't stop here, and
bade Fang be silent. Standing, the rhey were repeatedly miming planring a
barbarian addressed the assembled throng. flag in the earth. Keanu hastily drew a
Agog, they listened intently. breath and continued.
'Today,' Keanu began, his eyes sweeping Eric and his wise heroes had stormed the
the appreciative crowd, 'today I'm tellink island, killing ali of the great lizard monsters
da Saga, ja?' who had once lived here. (Fang had showed
Keanu the cave full of bones, and the 'Kean- Eric!' Johan shouted. 'We've got to
Barbarian had been truly impressed - Eric go!'
had certainly known how to fight judging by 'Vot? Going vere?'
the size of some of the skeletons.) He 'Forry-five minutes now!' Jiriki added.
liberated the Skinks to true civilisation, true The Skinks were somewhat agitated, for
speech, freedom ... and beer. they were not used to such an abrupt
The next pan of the Story almost stuck in ending. sually, when Fang was telling it,
the Barbarian's throat, such was the they got a good hour's sun bathing after
enormity of the lie. Now he told of how such an energetic story, or at last half an
Eric and his noble followers had revealed hour in the cool water of the pond.
the true horror of that evil and glittering
Jiriki ran over to the bemused Barbarian,
substance known as 'Golt', and how those
and whispered in his ear. The effect was
bmve and selfless Norsemen had liberated
electrifying. Like a scalded cat, Keanu was
the Skinks from the horrid material of
on his feet, weapons grabbed and running
which they had so much, and hidden it in a
across the clearing in one fluid motion.
far distant cave, never to trouble their
The throng of Skinks blinked and hissed
idyllic lives again.
uncertainly. Fang frowned, unsure as to
And finally, Keanu told of how the day
what his lord was doing.
dawned when Eric and his band of warriors
Jiriki ran after Keanu, shoving him in the
had proven the true depths of their selfless
back to keep him moving. Grimcrag and
love, by setting sail away from the island in
the others had already vanished down the
their ship full of the hated gold, simply to
path co the cave, the Dwarf showing a
get rid of it once and for all. Several of the
surprising turn of speed.
Skinks were weeping great salty tears at this
pan of the story, and not for the first time, Shaking himself free of the Elf's grasp,
Keanu marvelled at their gullible nature. Keanu glared at Jiriki and turned to face his
'Ja, but too much Golt was there for vun Villagers. 'Nor Vurryink,' he hissed at jiriki,
Schip, so as he vent avay, Eric was makink before turning and bellowing at the
da Promise, jar Kcanu shouted the words hundred or so lizards. 'Now is da Time!' he
at the throng. They were all staring, a began, raising his sword to the air. 'My
hundred pairs of unblinking eyes fixed on Berserkers - Volf pack, Bear soldiers,
his face, hanging on every syllable. 'Und vot Schnow Leopards, now is your Time to
was dat Promise?' Keanu implored, secretly fight!'
pleased with his performance. The most inappropriately named groups
As one voice, the Skinks shrieked the of Skinks scuttled off to collect weapons,
words which ended the StOry every time it growling and snapping at each other. A
was tOld. Their voices echoed around the nimbus of blue fire already played around
jungle, and several flocks of multi coloured the tip of Fang's ceremonial staff.
birds took flight in terror. 'I VlLL BE BACK 'What are you doing?' Jiriki snapped,
FOR DA GOLD - SSSO DON'T TO CH, jA?' dancing agitatedly from foor to fool. 'We
Exhausted, the assembly fell silent, and don't have time for this.' Keanu pushed the
Keanu fell back onto his throne, gesturing Elf away and faced the Skinks again.
for beer. The crowd abruptly erupted into 'Now ve must be goink!' Keanu stabbed
applause, as they hooted and hissed and himself in the chest with his forefinger.
slapped their tails on the ground. 'Me, Erik, und my Varriors!' He grinned,
Fang smiled. His prophecies over the showing sharp white teeth. The lizards
years had been borne out. He was the true were starting to look crestfallen. 'But not to
priest of Erikkk. Everyone now knew that be Vorryink! No! Ve take all da nasti Golt
Eric had kept his promise, even if his vith us to da Land beyont da sea!'
warriors had changed a bit over the years. At this, the Skinks looked mightily
Especially the shorr, grubby, bearded one. relieved, and his 'Berserkers' started to
At that moment, the spell was broken as look worried that there might be nothing
johan, Froggo, jiriki and Grimcrag rushed to fight about after all. Keanu put them
into the village square, panting and Out of right, as he backed slowly away from them
breath. down the trail.
'A ship full of evil men is Komink, friends encrusted shoulder. As usual, old Yin-Tuan,
of, er, da big dead Lizart Monsters,' the first mate and veteran of a hundred such
Barbarian improvised magnificently. 'Ya! voyages, sighed resignedly and did nothing
S'right! Lizan friends komink to take you of the sort. Instead, the hulking first mate
away! You stop them, ja? Stop them, my gave out a string of clipped, near-
friend Fank! Lead Skinkz to victor, ja?' intelligible orders to the cut-throats who
At this, J iriki and Keanu turned tail and leaned eagerly over the port bulwark. As if
fled along the jungle path, heading to the already stung by the barbed whip hanging
boat and hopefully a slim chance at escape. at Yin-Tuan's belt, the pirates brought the
Behind them, they heard growing chanting vessel around with a speed and efficiency
and shouting as the Skinks prepared to which belied their ragged looks.
fight for their island. Pugh turned to his second officer,
'You certainly got them going,' Jiriki 'Teachy' Bligh, and sighed loudly. 'Aaargh,
gasped as they plunged down the muddy Bligh me lad, as fine an island fer a-
trail, vines whipping their faces as they ran. plunderin as I ever did see!'
'I'm makink da Divershun - they'll have Bligh, hailing from Sartosa, was a nasty
to get everyvun ashore from da ship for da piece of work, all muscle and psychopathic
fight!' Keanu answered. 'Vot's da Hurri?' intent. A grim smile split his normally
'Diversion? Excellent plan!' Jiriki abruptly emotionless face, and a familiar glitter
darted down a side trail. 'This way, Keanu. came to his black eyes. 'Only island we've
Tide's rising fast and we still have to get the seen this past six month, sir. Lads need a
boat out of the cave!' bit of plllagin'.' He half-pulled his cutlass
A few minutes later and they burst onto from its Orcs kin scabbard and looked
the stony path which led to the cave. around as if intending to pillage something
Hearts pounding, they had covered the right here, right now:
distance to the mooring harbour in a scant Pugh grabbed Bligh's hand and tutted.
five minutes. Ahead, Jiriki could see Johan 'Now, now, Teachy boy, there baint none
dashing into the entry tunnel, and he knew o'them Cathay slaves left to a-play With,
it was a fair bet that Grimcrag was there you've bin and pillaged 'em alL' The pirate
already. Despite his bulk and shape, the captain held his hook under Pugh's nose.
Dwarf could put on a ferocious burst of The spike glittered menacingly in the
speed when need be. Particularly if time sunlight. 'Yer don't want to go a-makin' me
was of the essence, and the reward might cross again, does yer?' Hook Black made a
be escape to freedom with a vast fortune in thrusting, twisting action with the hook.
pure gold. 'Or it might be spiky time fer you again!'
They plunged into the darkness of the Bligh blanched visibly and clenched his
cave, and headed for the heavily loaded legs tightly together. With a disconsolate
boat. If Jiriki was right, and if they were grunt, he pushed his cudass back ioro its
very lucky, six months of not too arduous scabbard. 'Okay boss, okay. I din't mean
captivity were shonly about to end. nowt. S'just. .. ' Bligh's voice died away and
a cunning animal gleam came into his
black, dead eyes. 'The lads needs a good
pillage, is all - they say it's bad luck as kept
us away from land or plunder for the past
six month, bad luck of that there
Bretonnian gold we stole!'
Bligh stepped back, ready to make a run
<AVAST THAT BILGE, mister mate. for it. After a moment's silence, however,
Bring the mains'l forr'ard and his Captain began rocking to and fro,
mainbrace the spinnaker!' Looking giggling to himself merrily. The braid on his
through the fine bronze telescope with his salt-stained jacket swayed with his rocking,
one good eye, Hook Black Pugh could see and the faded medals on his once-red sash
the plume of smoke rising from the island. jangled in the sunshine. Throwing his black
As he studied the idyllic looking landscape, bearded head backwards, the pirate captain
he shouted his orders over his braid- gave out a huge bellow of laugher.
'Curse o'the Grunsonns, is it?' he He turned and pOinted once more at the
guffawed. island. 'We'll call it Pughland, and it'll be a
'Yer, that's right!' Bligh affirmed, looking most profitable watering 'ole and stop off
around the rest of the crew for moral point for the fleets of Tilea, Bretonnia,
support. None was to be had: they all Estalia, maybe even the Empire toffs.' He
seemed to be busy swabbing decks or closed his eyes and a blissful smile split his
preparing cannons. A good few of them raggedly bearded chin. 'Oh yes, me lads,
had climbed the rigging of the mainmast and a bounty we will collect from each and
and were studiously making long needed every one. So no more bloody yellow talk
repairs to the tattered expanse of a of bad luck! That Dwarf is dead and gone
hundred bits of ancient stitched canvas that this six month back!'
passed for the sail on the Dirty Dog. The ship erupted into cheers and
Pugh's laughter abruptly stopped, and he whoops as the avaricious gang envisioned
stomped his iron tipped peg leg hard on the glories and riches to come. Bligh
the wooden planking of his bridge. When smiled menacingly and wondered how he
next he spoke, it was with the deathly calm could get rid of Pugh for good.
he usually reserved for the last words his At that moment, the foppish voice of
victim was destined to hear. He pOinted his keen-eye Dando in the craw's nest rang
hook down at Bligh, who grinned out: 'War canoes, loads of 'em .. and
nervously and held up his hands in they're full o'bloomin' frogs!'
something approaching an attitude of As one, the pirates rushed to the side of
apology the ship and peered towards the island.
'Lissen, Mister Bligh, and lissen good!' Sure enough, a score or more slender
Hook Black Pugh pulled his shabby tricorn canoes were heading straight for them. As
down over his forehead, and glowered the Pugh focused on the lead vessel, he could
length of the ship. 'And that goes double make out a dozen or so fiercely betoothed
fer you lot of scurvy blaggards. Even you, lizards working hard at the paddles.
Mr Yin-Tin-long or whatever y'name is!' He Standing in the prow of the boat was a
swept the fearful Cfew with his steely eye. mean looking black-skinned lizard,
'You might be better sailors than I'll ever wielding a large staff, about which a
be .. .' nimbus of light flickered ominously.
The pirates all exchanged confused looks Hook Black Pugh snapped his telescope
at this frank admission, most unlike their closed and turned to face his crew. He
hated captain. grinned maliciously. 'Tides a'risin' fast! Yin-
'But!' Pugh turned back to face his crew, Tin, (Urn her about. Grog-boy, open the
and there was fire in his voice. "Tis my gun ports. Teachy, get ready fer boardin'.
ship! My letter of marque from our THean Looks like we gO! us a fight!'
Lords-' at this, all the pirates, including Like a well oiled machine, the pirates
Pugh, made elaborate mock bows to one went straight to bat[}e stations, the Dirty
another, '-and my leadership what's got us Dog heeling around so that her port guns
an 'old full o'gold to take 'orne.' faced the oncoming canoes. In short order,
Pugh paused to let the truth sink in. ~d the barrels were run out of the gun ports,
now, me hearties, we have discovered a ten lethal iron-cast eyes staring grimly out
new island for our gracious lords.' (More at the frail craft of the Lizardmen.
mock bowing.) Pugh shook his right hand Pugh raised his scimitar, sunlight glinting
at the island, fast hoving into full view, his off the oiled blade. On the foredeck, Yin-
filthy lace cuffs dropping crumbs of bread Tuan frowned and gestured with a brawny
and other detritus onto the floor. arm.
'So break out the rum, me lads, and make 'Cap'n-'
it a double, fer today we makes our 'Not now, Yin-Tin!'
fortunes from our proud and noble 'But the elevation-'
patrons!' This time the pirates' bows were 'FIREI' Pugh's blade swept down, and the
most sincere. Pugh held a finger to his lips world erupted in a roaring cloud of smoke
as the cheers began to swell. 'ain't finished and fire, as ten cannon balls hurtled
yet.' towards the hapless Lizardmen. Already
several canoes were turning about to head 'Less of that, me lad or you'll feel the
back towards the relative safety of the cove. business end of me 'ook!'
They need not have worried. As the wily 'Err, are we all going?' Yin-Tuan frowned.
Yin-Tuan had realised, the small canoes 'Aaargh! That be so - not fair to deny
were already inside the arc of fire of the some of me fine crew the pillagin' they
great cannons, and their deadly cargo deserve!' Pugh grinned, showing
crashed over the heads of the desperately surprisingly white teeth.
paddling Skinks to turn the sea beyond 'But all of-'
into a welter of threshing foam.
'Don't be so wet, Yin-Tong, it's not like
'Fire lower, you idiots!' Pugh screamed, the Bretonnian navy is about to show up, is
but the great cannons were already at their it?' Pugh made a great show of scanning the
lowest elevation.
horizon with his telescope. 'We ain't seen
'Cap'n, no need to waste any more shot - another sail for months!'
the toads is runnin' away!' Yin-Tuan 'But-'
grinned toothlessly, his scrawny arm
'Get in that there boat NOW!'
gesticulating excitedly over the side of the
ship. Moments later and the long rowing boats
splashed down into the warn1, clear waters.
Pugh spun around, telescope raised to
Moments after that, some fifty cut-throats
his eye. 'Aaargh, it be so!' The captain
were rowing hard for the beach amidst
continued staring down the tube,
scratching his beard with his hook. 'And much shouting and jeering. In the lead
they be putting a fair old distance between boat, Pugh could see that the lizard things
us and them 'n'all ... are we a-driftin' with had already disembarked, and the last few
the tide, Mr Mate?' were disappearing into the jungle, leaving
their canoes on the beach.
With a timeworn sigh, Yin-Tuan gently
prised his captain's fingers from the 'Lily-livered sons of frogs!' he shouted
telescope and turned the brass tube 'We'll be eating thee afore sundown!' .
around. Pugh visibly started, and his hat Turning to face his crew, he grinned
fell off, revealing a balding pate maliciously at Belly Fat Dave, the ship's
surrounded by a scraggy mop of stringy cook, his tongue licking his lips in eager
black hair. anticipation. 'I hope you've got that there
'Aaargh! We can catch the scurvy frogs!' THean Mustard you're so keen on, Mr
Pugh folded the telescope and secreted it Cook. 1 foretell a grand feast in a few
in the voluminous folds of his jacket. hours' time!'
Grabbing hold of a bell rope, he gestured The fat and sweating cook was already
with his hook over the port side of the sharpening several deadly-looking cleavers
galleon. As the action stations bell rang on a whetstone he always carried with him.
loud and clear over the still waters of the 'Cap'n, theys going to taste bootiful!'
lagoon, Pugh squinted at the receding The pirates' boats surged towards the
canoes. The manic glint which normally prey, like hunting dogs hot on the scent of
preceded grand slaughter was in the a wounded beast. In Pugh's estimation, the
pirate's eye, and his thin lips were wet with isle was not so large, and once the lizards'
spittle. 'Aaargh, me brave lads! Lower the canoes were burnt, the things would have
. boats, drop anchor, boarding all crew, nowhere to go, except into the pirates'
women and children first, take no Waiting cooking pot.
prisoners!' His cut-throat crew made for 'Faster, me lads, faster - I'll warrant
the boats, carrying marlin spikes, muskets there's gold an' jewels fer the pickin' too!'
and cutlasses. As one voice, Hook Black Pugh's scurvy
Pugh shoved with a spur-booted foot to crew cheered lustily and pulled harder on
encourage any laggards to embark in the the oars. A few moments later, the prow of
boats. 'Last one ashore is the lily-livered the lead boat ground against the soft sand
son of a toothless bar-crone from of the beach, and a dozen hard-bitten
Marienburg!' pirates leapt eagerly ashore. They were
'So you'll be last aboard then, sir - shall I confident that their great captain was going
save you a seat?' to deliver booty, treasure and grog in
abundance to the dark holds of the Dirty now was an unexpected run in with their
Dog. He always did. lizard 'subjects' over some misinformed
One way or another. breach of tribal etiquene. johan could see
that the other Marauders had already made
their decisions, and were imperceptibly
moving into full combat readiness. More
hissing and angry spear-gesturing, however,
stopped them in their tracks.
From the shadows, Froggo stepped
forward, with what passed for a sinister
grin on his reptilian features. 'Ansstein, you
'ANSSSTEIN, SSSSSTOP!' A sibilant teach too well. I Iissssten yessss, lissssten
hissing filled the cave as the
weill...' The creature bared sharp teeth and
Marauders rushed into the
brought up its spear to point accusingly at
welcoming darkness, johan in front and
the Marauders.
just a little out of breath. He almost ran
into a spear in the darkness, and they 'What's it mean, Johan?' Grimcrag
skidded to an abrupt halt, scant twenty demanded gruffly. 'We haven't time for
paces from their boat, this... '
'Go easy!' Grimcrag grunted, nearly 'SSSSHUTTUP!!' one of the Berserkers
tripping over his axe. 'Is that our friendly barked at the Dwarf, whose stubby fingers
reptile?' were already twisting restlessly at the haft
of his axe.
'Froggo?' Johan asked, confused by the
flinty point which dug sharply at his chest. Froggo upended his spear and prodded
'What's all this about?' johan hard in the chest with the halt. 'Not
godsssss no!' He prodded again for
As his eyes grew accustomed the dark,
emphasis and Johan stepped back a pace.
Johan could make out perhaps a dozen
'Not freindssss no! Not LossRikk no!'
shadowy figures, dappled reflections
A faint ripple of 'Losssrikklosssrikk'
flickering on the wall in the dim light from
the cave mouth. Lizardmen, hand-picked echoed around the cave. Froggo nodded
'Berserkers' by the look of it - wielding and continued.
spears and other dangerous-looking 'Robbersss yes! Liarssss yes! Thieves
weapons. This felt an odd time for a yesssss!' the lizard man hissed, pOinting at
goodbye committee, and the lizards' the boat. 'Gold! Richesssss in ressst of
general demeanour suggested agitation. world!'
'Maybe quarter of an hour left, Anstein. j ohan rubbed his chest and sighed. 'Look
Look at the water level: the cave mouth will Froggo, you really don't understand-'
soon be impassable!' jiriki's silky voice was 'Yessssss, do underssssstand!' the
edged with impatience, sounding like it creature interrupted, tongue flicking
was emerging despite clenched jaw and rapidly in and out. 'Undersssstand too
grated teeth. 'I - will - not - miss - this - well!' Froggo took a step forwards and
chance!' The threat in the Elf's voice was gestured towards the Marauders. His
clear. fellows shuffled forwards after their leader,
'Well, Froggo?' johan demanded, trying not looking too sure of themselves but
to size up the situation. Glancing ahead, he taking comfort in their superior numbers.
could see that the rising tide had indeed Spears and dart guns were levelled at the
already ensured that it would be a tight fit Marauders, and a dozen pairs of reptilian
getting their outlandish boat out of the eyes stared with unblinking ferocity.
cavej in a few minutes the task would be The tide rose implacably in the watery
impossible. He knew that they had very cave. The atmosphere of urgency was
linle time if they wanted their plan to work, almost tangible in the cool damp air.
otherwise they would be stuck on the johan instinctively knew that this could
island in the middle of a war between get .very nasty, very fast. Even under the
pirates and lizards, with no means of situation, he briefly marvelled to himself
escape. The clock was ticking, and johan that a few months ago he wouldn't have
knew that the Last thing they could afford known anything instinctively at all, except
perhaps how to serve wine to a visiting 'What" bellowed Grimcrag. 'Did I hear
burgomeister or THean ambassador. you right' Did you say "take the gold"?'
Danger is a marvellous teacher, and Johan Blinded by his recently acquired
had recently been undergoing some very confidence, Froggo nodded and licked his
practical remedial tuition at one of the lips. 'Yesss!'
most infamous cramming schools around. A moment's silence descended upon the
'Now, Froggo,' he began, backing cave, broken only by an urgent Elf voice
leisurely in the direction of what looked to whispering, '00 them, do them now!'
be a fairly safe alcove in the cave wall, arms The 5kinks shuffled in the sand. Grimcrag
raised in supplication. 'Don't do anything looked like he might be about to explode.
rash .. .' Johan peered at the scene through his
, 00, Ansssstein, this isss the time of fingers, almost daring not to look. Beyond
Firssst Lord Froggo!' The Lizard expanded the gaggle of Lizardmen, the cave mouth
its throat sac and croaked emphatically. If looked awfully small. Water was lapping
lizards are capable of a mad glint in their over the top of the jetty, and Johan
eyes, Johan rather fancied that he could see doubted whether the bow or stern of the
one right at this moment. 'King Frogggo!' boat would clear the entrance already.
the Skink croaked, raising its spear above 'We're going to be too late,' he mumbled
its head as the others nodded and bobbed to himself, aghast, 'and it's all my fault!'
enthusiastically. In the event, Froggo decided the matter.
'Eh?' Grimcrag muttered, axe half-raised. The lizard hissed at Grimcrag and pointed
'Vot?' scowled Keanu, his sword to the tunnel at the back of the cave. 'You
somehow mysteriously out of ilS scabbard. are not ssso tough! Take your beard and
Jiriki seemed to have vanished go!'
completely, to the surprise of the lizards. 'Right, that's enough of that! That's
Maybe the cold of the cave was gening to enough of that! That'S fighting talk and I'm
them, but compared to the lithe your Dwarfl'
movements of the Marauders, they seemed The cave abruptly exploded into violent
to be distinctly slow. Then again, and bloody action, largely composed of a
Grunsonn's Marauders in action did seem swinging axe, a lunging sword, a Aurry of
to have the ability to make time run like deadly arrows and a dozen screaming
treacle. Whatever, there were a dozen of lizard men.
the enemy, so Johan decided to take no Johan closed his eyes tightly, and covered
chances and quietly slid behind the rocks his ears too, just for good measure. This of
in his alcove. course meant that he completely missed
'Yesss! You go! Now! Leave disss boat! Go the arrival of another twenty or so hand-
and fight piiiratessss!' picked and heavily armed Uzardmen via
Froggo seemed to be getting quite the back tunnel to the cave.
agitated, and Grimcrag seemed to be
getting the drift of what the skink was
'You what?' the Dwarf grunted, a
dangerous edge creeping into his voice.
Clearly Froggo wasn't listening too
'Leave now and live, meeesssssta
Grimcrag,' he hissed, and his retinue
'GO EASY, LADS, they'll be around
here somewhere.' The pirates edged
prodded angry spears towards the Dwarfs through the jungle, following the
rock solid and disconcertingly squat frame. path from the beach. 50 far (hey had
'You go! We takessss da gold and ssship, quickly despatched the few lizard creatures
and ssssail away yesss!' who they had caught. They hadn't had it all
The lizards hissed and burped their own way, though, three. of their
appreciatively, clearly pleased at the number falling to poisoned darts, and one
prospect of sailing the high seas in their being dragged into the jungle by
new found ship full of gold. something big which roared and hissed as
it carried the screaming man away into the Within a few minutes the first huts were
undergrowth. Four dead pirates for a half burning, black smoke rising straight into
dozen dead lizards seemed poor trade to the still dead air, no wind to disperse or
Pugh's boys, used as they were to attacking blow it away. A few minutes later, the
ships carrying nothing more hostile than a pirates discovered the beer vat, to evil
few easily-bribed guards and a hold full of cheers of great delight.
shackled slaves. Amidst the carnage, Pugh stood on the
They were getting nervous. They knew bottom step of the pyramid with Yin:luan
the island wasn't very big, yet they had been and Bligh. 'Very good, me lads, this'll do
marching for what seemed like hours. And nicely! Reckon they'll be back any minute
they had left their ship completely deserted now, eh?'
in their bravado and eagerness to kill. Bligh just grinned wickedly and held up a
Pugh recognised the restlessness razor·sharp cutlass until its silver blade
amongst his men, and knew that he had to glinted in the sunlight, rellecting the warm
think of something fast. He knew that his blue of the sea behind them through a
lads weren't above foUowing his own past break in the jungle canopy. Something
example of slitting the captain's throat and caught his eye, and he suddenly looked
making a quick getaway, no doubt led by a away, across the clearing. 'What rhe-' he
new leader rapidly self.promoted from the began, well·honed murderous instincts
ranks. Pugh licked his lips and fidgeted immediately to the fore, but his fears were
with his hook, beady eyes scouring the quashed as a multi-coloured bird broke
jungle for signs of life. The path was well cover with a raucous atonal squawk which
trodden, that was sure enough, but belied its beautiful red plumage. It
whether it actually went anywhere.. fluttered and flapped clumsily to another
'Cap'n, here!' Yin·Tuan's excited voice tree, where it perched nervously on a
broke the oppressive silence. Pugh spat on tOpmost branch, obviously readying itself
the sand and smiled, wiping a grimy cuff for marc prolonged flight.
across his sweaty brow. He hurried up to 'Losing yer nerve, Mr Bligh?' Pugh
where the first mate and 'Teachy' Bligh enquired, and all the pirates in earshot
stood at a bend in the path with swords laughed appreciatively. Pugh secretly
drawn and wolfish grins. A small stream thought that perhaps Mr Bligl1 WdS getting
could be heard running over rocks a linle too big for his stolen gentry boots,
somewhere close by, and a pile of skulls and it wouldn't hun if they were one less
indicated some kind of warning. The officer ,vhen they rejoined the ship. He
pirates ignored it, staring ahead around the grinned condescendingly at his second
bend. officer, who scowled back at him. Hook
'Aaargh!' exclaimed Pugh, beaming Black Pugh was happy. Things looked to be
roundly and slapping his first mate on the turning out just right after all.
back. Yin-Tuan coughed and swallowed a
chunk of chewing tobacco, grimacing at dle
vile taste. 'Aaargh! Didn't I say as how we
would catch em?'
Yin·Tuan and Bligh nodded, raising cruel
swords as their captain gestured for the
rest of the pirates to catch up. Soon a
gaggle of cruel-eyed thieves and cut-throats OHAN DUCKED DOWN, both so that his
peered around the corner, grinning and
chuckling at the Sight of the lizard man
village laid out undefended before them.
J head would not scrape against the roo~
and also to avoid the slashing blade of
the sword wielded by a lizard who was
The pyramid in the centre of the village did frothing at the mouth with uncontrolled
not attract a second glance as the pirates rage. Keanu had taught the Skinks only too
spread out to begin the looting. well 'Da Vay off da Berzerka'. The boat
'Lets burn it to the ground, boys!' rocked alarmingly, and johan grabbed at
shouted "ugh. 'That'll bring the newts a- the bulwark to stop himself going
runnin', I'U warrant!' overboard into the cold water.
The hissing groans of dead and dying knots. The fight was now too close in for
lizards reverberated chillingly around the arrow work, and Jiriki's blade was a cold
cave as the Marauders desperately tried to streak in the dappled light.
cast off. Blowdarts, spears and arrows 'By all the gods let's go!'
hissed through the air all around them, and , nnh! These floorboards ain't well
several struck the boat with dull thunks as made, them's all splinters. ot so quick,
they splintered the wood. frogface!'
Grimcrag held the stem, his axe carving a 'Left unda Right unda back unda dammit
glittering figure of eight in the damp air, an dammit DAMMIT!'
arc which no lizard man had so far stepped Without really thinking what he was
into and survived. Jiriki was at the dragon doing, Johan plunged into the fray, sword
prow, shooting with deadly precision into stabbing to left and right. Needle teeth
the mass of reptiles which heaved around snapped at him, scant inches from his face,
the small dock where the boat's stem was and he seemed to be surrounded by a \vall
still tethered. Every so often, the elf turned of steel and claws and sharpened stone
and squinted at the diminishing arch of axe-heads. The sharp smell of lizard
light which was the cave mouth. washed over him, a mix of rubber and fish-
'Cast off, for pity's sake, Keanu, cast off heads, and scaly anns reached out to drag
now!' Jiriki screamed, loosing another him from the boat.
arrow into the throng. 'I have few arrows ot to be SlOpped, Johan stabbed and
left, and we have no time at all!'. thrust, peering into the gloom until he saw
In the stem, ducking to avoid spears and what he sought - the rope at the point
darts, Keanu fumbled with the knot with where it passed over the rim of the boat
which Grimcrag had secured the boat. 'Left side. His sword raised over his head before
unt3 Right und through ... oyer, dammit! descending in a flashing arc. A burly
Right ova Left und bak.. yet!' Lizardman blinked in comprehension and
Glancing down from his position at the tried to stop the wicked blade, only to have
stem, Grimcrag sighed as he saw the mess his arm severed cleanly below the elbow:
Keanu was making. 'For heavens sake, Black-blue blood fountained over Johan.
meathead, its a simple bendshank!' The The sword parted the rope and thwacked
Dwarf tried swinging his axe one-handed into the bulwark with such force that it was
and leaning back to undo the rope, but his stuck fast. Even with a two-handed grip,
gnarled and stubby fingers could not quite Johan could not drag it free.
reach. As the Dwarf looked away, All around him, lizards hung onto the
momentarily distracted, the Skinks took boat to prevent it drifting intO the cave, and
their chances and swarmed towards the cold eyes stared at the ex-Imperial envoy. A
stern. Three were instantly decapitated, the forest of blades inclined towards him, and
glowing runes on Old Siaughterer hissing time slowed to a standstill. A face he
and flashing as the awful blade did its recognised grinned evilly, twisted into a
bloody work. The blade snagged on bone malevolent parody of the creature he had
deep in the fourth Lizardman's body, and once counted as a friend. It wielded a spear
Grimcrag almost toppled over as his in both hands, and as it thrust forward,
momentum was abruptly stopped. Blood Johan saw his death in the glittering black
boiled from the Lizardman's mouth as it orbs of its eyes.
collapsed on the killing blade. 'Froggo, nooooo!'
'Bugger!' 'Ansssssstein oh yesssssss!'
'Kill them yessssss!' the Lizards screamed At the last moment, Johan felt himself
as they swarmed up the side of the boat. thrown backwards by the scruff of the neck
There were so many of them now that they by what could only be described as heavily
threatened to overturn the small craft, muscled fingers. A massive sword cleaved
overloaded as it was with carefully boxed- the air, barely slowing as it cleaved Froggo
up gold and jewels. too. In the same gracefully deadly
Grimcrag tried desperately to fend them movement, and with barely a shift in his
off from his kneeling position in the bilges, stance, Keanu reversed the blade and
as Keanu redoubled his efforts with the swept its razor edge along the side of the
boat. A great hissing wail resounded, and a bloody minded expression which belied
moment later the boat began to drift into the dwarfs easy words. As the blade swung
the middle of the cave. Sitting up in the back, Johan could have sworn that he
bilges, Johan was almost sick as he saw the caught the words, 'Shan't - have - me -
row of perhaps a dozen clawed lizard paws gold!' expelled through gritted Dwarf
still clutching the side of the boat like the teeth, and then the axe was hurtling
broken sutures of a macabre wound. towards its target. And Johan understood
'Get rowing!' Jiriki yelled, and Johan Grimcrag's intent the split second before
grabbed vaguely at an oar. Grimcrag was the axe ripped through the proud dragon
already pulling with a vengeance, and the prow, sundering four feet of very solid and
heavily laden boat surged gamely towards seasoned wood as though it was the pulpy
the rapidly diminishing entrance. Even flesh of an overripe fruit.
Johan could see that the water in the cave From his position on the crate, Keanu
was almost at the high tide mark, and he could only gulp appreciatively, heaving air
doubted whether there was already any into his lungs as he recovered his breath.
room for the miniature Norse longboat to 'That'll do nicely, eh?' Grimcrag gasped,
clear the cave. gesturing over his shoulder with a callused
A rasping, scraping grinding sound thumb. 'Now we'd best get a move on, as
assured him that he was right, when the we have company on the way!'
proud dragon prow caught on the craggy Johan and Jiriki needed no second
rock of the cave roof. The boat ground to a bidding, and were already at their oars,
halt immediately, throwing Keanu hard pulling for all their might. Together, their
onto a heavy crate and ripping the oar from efforts just matched those of Keanu, who
Jiriki's hands. heaved mightily on the OPPosite oar,
The Elf lowered his head and closed his corded muscles standing out on his neck
eyes. 'We've lost!' he whispered 'We're and shoulders. Freed from the grip of the
really stuck here now... and even we can't rocky roof, the boat leapt forwards almost
beat all the lizards on this forsaken island.' eagerly, and Johan reckoned that with their
lower profile, they might make it after all.
Johan looked around wildly. Jiriki was
right, there was no way that the boat was Just. If they ducked.
going any further. The cave roof sloped 'Pity; that figurehead was the best bit of
down towards the entrance, and their boat the boat I reckon, good solid timber crafted
was firmly wedged in place by the ornate by a skilled carpenter!' Grimcrag's voice
dragon headed prow. Glancing shoreward, drifted wistfully across the cave.
he could see that the water was boiling as 'Shut up and grab an oar!' came the
the Lizardmen hurled themselves into the chorus back.
water and began swimming towards their
frail craft. Johan knew in his heart what the
Skinks intended: they would tum the boat
over and drown the Marauders by sheer
weight of numbers and their superior
aquatic fighting skills.
'It can't end like this!' Johan shouted,
looking around for some way of escape. 'AMRGH! YES, ME lADS" Hook Black
there was none. Despair clutched at his Pugh beamed, surveying the
heart. burning village 'This'll do very
'Unngh!' grunted Keanu, clutching weakly nicely indeed!' Well satisfied with the
at his sword, the wind knocked from his pillaging so far, Pugh grinned broadly,
lungs by the impact with the heavy crate. scratching at his slUbbled chin with the
'Heads down, everyone!' Grimcrag business end of his hook.
shouted cheerfully, leaving barely a second A few yards away, invisibly merged with
for the Marauders to act on his sage advice, the jungle, several hundred Skinks looked
as once more Old Slaughterer was pulled on with murder in their cold eyes. Sharp
back for a mighty swing. As he dove for the daggers, spears, bows and poisoned darts
deck, Johan could see the sheer, grim, awaited the signal, for they were
determined that none would escape. He wagged a finger remonstratively at the
'When red bird flysssss away... • a feather- ex-Imperial envoy. 'Him or us lad, him or
bedecked lizard man with blue-black skin us. And you do like a bit of crackling as
hissed ominously. much as the next man!'
If Bligh had not been so distracted by the Johan brightened up a little at the
flight of the brightly coloured bird, he mention of crackling, and looked over the
might have noticed movement in the stem of the vessel. The sun glittered on the
reflection in his highly polished blade. But wake of the ship, and seagulls danced in
even if he had seen it, he would probably the air, no doubt hoping for any detritus
have thought he was seeing things. For from the Marauders' last meal. 'You won't
who could believe a smallish, makeshift find any crackling!' Johan shouted through
mongrel boat, piled up with crates and so cupped hands, but his voice was lost in the
low in the water that it looked near (Q wind in the sails.
sinking ... or the tiny reflection of the The Dirty Dog sailed serenely away from
Dwarf waving rudely at him from the tiller? the island into the setting sun, and a new
As it was, he saw nothing but an ugly red chapter in the legend that is Grunsonn's
bird which caused his mates (Q laugh at Marauders drew to a close.
him. And if there was one thing he hated, it WeU, almost ..
was being made fun of. So he just stood at
the base of the pyramid and fomented
murderous plans for his captain. 'No one
makes fun of Arbuthnot Bligh,' he
muttered, and death was in his eyes.
With an ungainly flapping of scarlet
Wings, the strange bird took flight.
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I N THE NIGHTMARE FlJruRE ofWarhanuner 40,000,
mankind teeters on the brink of extinction. The galaxy·
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