"Pack The Bus" Suggested Supplies

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“Pack the Bus” Suggested Supplies

Wide-ruled composition notebook Spiraled notebooks

Mead Composition Notebook Red pens
#2 pencils (regular size, sharpened) Socks (sizes for grades K-12)
24-count Crayola crayons Underwear/boxers (grades K-12)
Expo dry erase markers Wide-ruled notebook paper
Classic broad tip Crayola markers Sharpie Markers/Pens
Washable markers Graphing paper
Colored pencils Package of dividers
Ruler (inch and centimeter) 3-Ring Binder
Fiskar brand scissors College ruled loose leaf paper
Sticky notes Index Cards
8 color Crayola Water Paints
Pink erasers, pencil top erasers
Elmer’s white school glue
Glue sticks
Plain Folders (2 pockets and middle clips)
Regular size plastic school box
Larger boxes of Kleenex
Paper Towel rolls
Small paper plates
Sandwich size baggies
Gallon size baggies
Clorox Wipes
Hand sanitizer
AA/AAA batteries
Plain backpacks

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