The Starlight: Duterte Signs Free Public Internet Law

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Kyle and Ivy 8/2/2017 STEM 2 Edition Vol.



Free Internet Access in Public Area

President Duterte signed Republic Act No. 10929 and secure Internet access suitable to the needs and
aspirations of the nation,” the law read.
establishing the free Internet access program in
government offices, public schools, hospitals, airports,
Under the new law, free Internet must be provided in
seaports, transport terminals, and other public places.
national and local government offices; public basic
education institutions; state universities and colleges;
public hospitals and health centers; public parks, plazas,
and libraries; public airports and seaports; and public
transport terminals.

The free Internet service will also be separate from the

service for computer systems in government offices.
Technical solutions that may limit or restrict access may
only be employed when there is clear and present risk or

Access to pornographic websites shall be prohibited

under the free Internet program. Government standards
The new law, also known as “Free Internet Access in will also be established to protect the rights and welfare
Public Areas,” aims “to promote knowledge building of children.
among citizens and enable them to participate and
compete in evolving information and communication The Department of Information and Communications
age.” Technology (DICT) has also been designated as lead
agency to oversee the effective and efficient
President Rodrigo Duterte implementation of the law.
MANILA BULLETIN FILE PHOTO) With a year from the effectivity of the law, the DICT
must develop a “comprehensive plan” for the timely and
“The State hereby recognizes the vital role of effective implementation of free Internet program.
information and communications technology in nation-
building, and declares its policy to promote an A “Free Public Internet Access Fund’ will also be
environment for the development of structures that created to provide financing for the program.
would ensure the availability and accessibility to reliable

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