Republic of The Philippines Department of Education Region Iv-A Calabarzon

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education


SY : 2016 - 2017

NAME: _______________________________________ Score: ____________________

GRADE AND SECTION: ___________________________ Date: _____________________

I. Which of these is made up of smallest particles of rocks which contain decayed matter of plants and


a. Land b. Soil c. Mineral d. water

2. How many types of soil are there?

a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4

3. Which type is characterized as having the finest particles that holds greater amount of water?

a. Loam b. Clay c. Sand d. Rock

4. What do we call the scientist that study about soil?

a. Meteorologist b. Geologist c. Botanist d. Zoologist

5. Why is soil important to living things? Because it _____________________

a. form part of the earth where animals live c. serves as place where people live

b. provide the necessary nutrients needed by plants d. All of the above

6. How do each soil types differ?

a. Texture b. Color c. Shape d. A and B

7. Which of the soil type is good for making pots?

a. Clay b. Loam c. Soil d. Rock

8. Which soil has loose particles?

a. Clay b. Loam c. Sand d. Rock

9. Which type of soil do you usually expect if the community is along the seashore?

a. Loam b. Clay c. Sand d. Mud

10. In which layer of the soil do we usually find loam?

a. Topsoil b. Subsoil c. Bedrock d. Mud

11. Which type of soil is best for planting?

a. Loam b. Clay c. Sand d. Rock

12. How does decayed organism like plants and animals make the soil fertile? It ____________

a. Change its color c. Makes the texture finer

b. Enhances odor d. add nutrients to the soil

13. How does soil help plants? It _____________

a. provides anchorage c. serves as home for many plants

b. provides necessary nutrients for growth d. All of the above

14. Why is soil called a renewable resource? Because it _____________

a. will not last long c. can be recycled

b. available for use anytime d. needs to be conserved

15. Which best describe humus? It is ____________

a. a mixture of decayed plants and animals c. forms part of the loam soil

b. a combination of any of the types of soil d. topmost layer of the soil

16. Which soil holds much water?

a. Clay b. Loam c. Sand d. Rock

17. Which of these variables refer to the things, materials or conditions that remain constant or the

same in the experiment?

a. Manipulated variable c. Constant variable

b. Responding variable d. Experimental

18. Which of these variables are varied or changed in the experiment?

a. Responding b. Controlled c. Manipulated d. Constant

19. A wind vane tells what component of weather?

a. wind direction b. wind speed c. wind temperature d. wind gauge

20. What instrument measures the speed of the wind?

a. barometer b. thermometer c. anemometer d. temperature

21. At which time of the day can you have the shortest shadow?

a. 9:00 a.m. b. 10:00 a. m. c. 12:00 noon d. 2:00 p.m.

22. What is the news about the weather called?

a. meteorology b. weather forecast c. weather man d. weather girl

23. What does the daily weather forecast tell you?

a. Temperature and place c. wind vane and anemometer

b. wind speed and direction d. all of the above

24. When the wind is blowing gently, what weather do we have?

a. fine b. stormy c. rainy d. windy

25. A wind is blowing from the east going to the west. What is its name?

a. North wind b. East wind c. West wind d. South wind

26. During a stormy weather, how does an anemometer spin its cups?

a. very slowly b. moderately slow c. very fast d. slower

27. Which of these tells there is an approaching storm?

a. dark clouds and cold air c. strong winds and heavy rains

b. gentle wind and rain showers d. fine clouds and warm air

28. How does the wind move during fair weather?

a. The wind moves gently. c. The wind moves violently.

b. The wind blows hard. d. The wind moves very fast.

29. The sun is shining brightly. The wind is calm and it is warm outside. What do you think is the air


a. The temperature is normal. c. The temperature is high.

b. The temperature is low. d. The temperature is very low.

30. You see dark clouds in the sky. You are going to school. Which should you do?

a. Bring extra clothes. c. Wait for the rain to fall.

b. Bring an umbrella or a raincoat. d. Absent from the class.

31. The air temperature drops to 18 C. What should you wear?

a. thick clothes b. thin clothes c. new clothes d. night gown

32. Which gives us enough heat and light in order to live?

a. sun b. hydro power plant c. generator d. flame

33. When are shadows formed?

a. When light rays hit an opaque objects. c. When light rays hit translucent objects.

b. When light rays hit transparent objects. d. When light rays hit hard objects

34. When does an object cast a longer shadow?

a. When light rays are slanted. c. When light rays are sideways.

b. When light rays are on top. d. When light rays are trapped.

35. Why do opaque objects form shadows?

a. Because they absorb the light that hit them. c. Because they bend the light that hit them.

b. Because they reflect the light. d. Because they cover the light hits them.

36. In which process do plants release water from their leaves?

a. Condensation b. Evaporation c. Precipitation d. Transpiration

37. How do animals and humans release or give off water particles?

a. Through transpiration c. Through condensation

b. Through respiration d. Through precipitation

38. When you opened the kettle, you have seen droplets of water on its cover. What process in the

water cycle is shown?

a. Condensation c. Precipitation

b. Evaporation d. Transpiration
39. Crizta will be joining her friends in swimming on Sunday. What must she do to avoid sunburn?

a. Apply coconut oil c. Apply sunblock lotion

b. Apply lemon jelly d. Apply avocado paste

40. Which of these is not a good practice?

a. Wearing umbrella during sunny days. c. Applying sunblock all over the skin.

b. Looking at the sun directly. d. Wearing dark glasses on hot days.


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OBJECTIVES No. of Days Percentage No. of Items Item

Taught Placement

 Define what soil is. 1 2.5 1 1

 Identify the different types of 9 22.5 9 2-10

soil based on their physical
 Identify factors that affect the 5 12.5 5 11-15
growth of plants.
 Investigate the effects of the 3 7.5 3 16-18
soil type on the growth of
 Use weather instruments to 2 5 2 19-20
measure the different weather
- room temperature
- anemometer, wind vane,
wind sock
 Record the weather conditions 5 12.5 5 21-25

 Make simple interpretations 4 10 4 26-29

about the weather as recorded
in the weather chart.
 Identify safety precautions 2 5 2 30-31
during sunny days, rainy days
and windy days.
 State that the sun is the main 1 2.5 1 32
source of heat and light.

 Describe how shadows are 1 2.5 1 33

 Describe how shadows change 2 5 2 34-35
in position and length at
different times of the day.
 Observe the processes 3 7.5 3 36-38
involved in the water cycle.

 Practice safety precautions to 2 5 2 39-40

avoid the negative effects of
too much exposure to sunlight.

TOTAL 40 100% 40

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