Struktura Eseja Primjeri Za Uvod I Tematske Rečenice Vezna Sredstva Za Uvođenje Argumenata U Odlomcima

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Uvod Despite the fact that…can be seen as…there
a) 1 općenita (catchy) rečenica o temi are people who hold the opposing view. First/Firstly/First of all
b) Teza (2 stajališta iz zadatka svojim riječima) Although it is often argued that… there Second/Secondly/ Second of all
c) is/are…, some people claim that…
Odlomci FOR & AGAINST While some people state that…, others One point
Struktura believe that… (for/against)/advantage/disadvantage is that…
Tematska rečenica (prvo/drugo stajalište iz zadatka svojim There are arguments to support both views. Another point (for/against)
riječima). Vezno sredstvo, argument (potpora/primjer.) It is widely believed that…/There is a /advantage/disadvantage is that…
Vezno sredstvo, argument (potpora/primjer.) commonplace notion that…/People
frequently say that…/Many would argue On top of that/ In addition (to this)/Also/
Zaključak that…/It is often argued that… Moreover/ Furthermore/ Indeed
a) Sažetak (parafraza teza na temelju It has been thought that…
odlomaka/teme). OVDJE NEMA NOVIH We tend to assume For example/ For instance/ such as/ Not only…,
ARGUMENATA! There is evidence from research but also…
b) Vlastito mišljenje It cannot be denied/There is no doubt that
It is true/evident/clear/obvious that Finally/ All in all/ Last but not least/ In a
It is easy to notice nutshell/ To sum up
Let us hope
…although it seems that XY is/are quite/very/pretty KONTRAST (međutim, unatoč, iako)
beneficial/promising/constructive/advantageous/lucrative RAZLOZI (zbog, radi) However
for…, it can be concluded that… Due to (the fact that) Although/Even though
…despite the numerous benefits of XY, we can also Owing to (the fact that) Despite (the fact that)/ In spite of (the fact
assert/state that… Because (of) that)
Taking everything into consideration/In conclusion/To Since/ As Nevertheless/ Nonetheless
conclude/On the whole/ All in all, it is inevitably/clearly While/ Whereas
obvious that… regardless of the fact that… POSLJEDICE (stoga, zato) Unlike
In my opinion/ As far as I am concerned/ If you ask me/ I Therefore/Thus/ Hence In theory… in practice
personally believe/I am inclined to believe So/Consequently SVRHA (kako bi, zato da)
This means that In order to/ So as to
As a result, … So that / In order for (object) to
reduce, decrease, lower – smanjiti
increase, enlarge – povećati To be honest
improve, enhance, upgrade, better – poboljšati, unaprijediti Provide/present an opportunity
connect, link, associate – povezati Hold the belief that…
define - definirati Hold the opposing/same view
determine – odrediti For other purposes
distinguish, differentiate – razlikovati Inadvertently, by accident – nenamjerno, slučajno
simplify – pojednostaviti On purpose – namjerno, hotimice
accomplish, achieve – postići Luckily, fortunately
reveal, uncover – otkriti Sadly, unfortunately
aim – ciljati Considering/regarding
aim, goal, target, objective – cilj Inevitable/unavoidable
purpose, point – smisao, svrha Do your best to…
point of view, viewpoint, stand – stajalište, gledište
counterproductive ČESTE ZABUNE I POGREŠKE
comprehensive – sveobuhvatan Affect/effect
incomparable – neusporediv Sensitive/sensible
far-fetched – nerealan Principle/principal
reasonable, sensible – razuman Lend/borrow
generalise beside / besides
rectify – popraviti economic/economical
estimate, evaluate, assess – procijeniti felt / fell
impose – nametnuti its / it's
depend on, rely on (dependable, reliable, trustworthy) – pouzdati se, ovisiti lay / lie
omnipresent, ubiquitous – sveprisutan major/mayor
prednosti i nedostatci – benefits and drawbacks, advantages and lose / loose
disadvantages personnel / personal
vrline i mane – virtues and faults/flaws price / prize
big, large, vast, enormous, huge, gigantic, gargantuan – velik, golem quite / quiet
say, state, claim, announce, proclaim – (iz)reći, objaviti, obznaniti some time / sometimes

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