In'l!c~Cigatjon into the [ortuetes o.f rn~rlie"'i!ll Greek f8.!llfiUli~ is a. oompamm'"'!l.y O'ld b .... ,md~ (II)' :erz;)<I~,inK: st~ and the. t':~i.1~imJr Mgh totl."iflda.:n::l 0!!:':.f1 ill;'o'~ In 'lhi~ tt~Ld try' the 8t'~[ DLi.c:l'I1~ is everywhere: !:,1X(I1!fi"l~' J-fu almosc du'o!':IOhri.loolrCd yean. lOrd FiimiliiU Ai!.IgLt.:it_-iI'd B~I7I1J~1'i'Q6 ~LtiU stands U~~HP~"i'\Cld ....... d :in part !1;'LU~ ~>IJ ~mi.!lm the 5tandard woo·l:. ~f ~i:!It:r)!:ncI!:J ~n tboug-.h ~mbo ""ih<'lt QHn_datocl for ilYlpc:~~~~ B~·:G~rLi;illil: g~eaL{lgy aT.J.tJ P!'o~f~r::~~"hy., The !\'o-ifl de"ol'>lilopmcnJt of EYZ&n!· ~rudie:a, in the (;f}!Ilrn:. IJ.f the laat hundred r~ il:i.l.S indeed brmJ!ght to light nl.LJtJ!llOrotl.s p["~io'lliilL)' "~~'bIAlW1l1l :;.ol)~In:~, thus subBtl!intl.iIHy 1;::~11'i.c:hilBg the ahu~jlll;)ollt ~lIli.l~riid wrukh ~tDl.L awaits !:cl!Jo~ srud~ Lng [pruhl~nq. connected with both jami!L~ :l1:~lAl i~tdi'!fldu~~ m me .&yun~ Empire, whether ef'noble ar.igin Gr eemmoners,
It If. true t~it the hou~~ ~ DO'L1l..;I~ nevwEllttElilned diJ;:; [ame and 1:bA:. ]?c"pulari"0" of :;u~.;,ll ,dylil;)SliC r:affiLl-w~~ fI4 li.h~ Kt)ll~n0'rlOi, or !h~ P.d .. ~LQIA;Jg-oj, bu~ ;~H 1 h~ :;i.-un!: trw: "[)o~~kai rose to the top of ttbe g,,',i?aIlfLtJru:: artitoe:racy d' the part c.f the eleventh century, The aim of the: present , .. 'ock is !to as:i!2 the ooD"tribuoon of thi£ frunlly ~ or mow ;::::'!:.E!otly (If ~lijl!! '[:!"!!~rl!:> <IJT g;oo~ of ~~L'" 'I/;ih(l; 'OOI'E Ih~ name - to the po3~'i~1 ~'I~~ euill:lIl~L bjsrory M ,8yULntirum dov.u to I453. _ \ lim !l:h'afc of Parts I, U and ].I 1 -ofthl!. study [0 [Wi- W~ :;ubmi~'l\l!d as ~L dQC;IIJIIOJJ tho!"',..;;:i~ to the iJ!lili'lfJl:HI~ty of Londnn {a brief 3Ijirnji'lH~ry oof Lbis w;!!5; pu'hliilLKd UI the lJ'lJ.Uel:J"1l qf.IM!II'~iMnJj i:lr.slwK{iJlR~~~!J, 37 (! 9fi4] , !i!j.].....a)_
It ih a pL'wil~ t(lo ;1dmOou'I~]g,~ n1!n: the ~ooljJjragc:mof.n~ .i_~nd h~p "",,·tt.i.d.i [ hiL¥1t recei ... ocl ""hi!J:: Wi"'i.tin._f this book from Professor J- :M_ Hu~r:.y. 1 b3.\""C brrnenttl:d ~t'~3itl.'1 fiY,lm ho::r oonst:ulIt advice and ~,pt;:L't~l~ced.judgc:mcn( and ;:un n,~r: gr.&kf1l1l~ for her 91 ssiaeance in re .... ~:;i'1g rhl! i','llsmpt, [ would :1"~ J i.loc to Lh~ moot cinccrd)' Professer R't.lUltri:. 'Etl)'WnLng who re<!.d. 1'11~ wCloJ'il:. 3it ... -arious ~[a~ oL'nd I;);lleroo valll.!li.llM~ ~j l~ci~m .. [am much ind~bi~1 [00 .Pl'~fCSSDI" 'P'-,,-iLd 1 \'~[11C'l: fUT allOMJlg f'~ to Wr'l~~.lll the unpublished ,thlt-'"j~ rtf'l rtL-oc KomTl~rwi hf hi$ LUi:: ",,-iIi!'" Dr ~L WLLI,~k •. ])r,: Jongh- I should l1~$(j ];1;:£ to t~~MU. mr I"L iend DI" :". M, Paltaglfftakis .rUb'" v l!IYjO'LlS atln!:ltnu::~ i .... ~ S,llggC!'lUOns,
A H.C!'le:arcn l.rdl.o~ip <.Lt lll~ 11,stlJlute; of [~i:O;[[~I·ical ~,'lIYh, l .. I'I. ... ..::~i"['. or ltlIlldenl duriim,g the ::;~i{;Jf~ r 86s-'1- e:Ll;;tbl~ll me r? ;::'~tu~ rn:r ~t:l'\. _1.11 l~ ~'If-'.[ RI~~~.I:i'l1 <!IlJd' ft~c:-i]~~."1"":.d m.y "'~I(.)rk" The 'f!'tlbLIC.n 1""1'1. lL.:.dt h.L~ l ... --...: 1'1 [LI.h..lo::: p!!1o$i lYl~ I]y gmnt,j (j'01l111 ~hJl: )l;Lnn.:: F:i teh l'tmd. 11,1,4.; bobr-l Tthl,.1!(lIbi:... l~l ue ~ aud I hr TWIi.:Ii.y.St:'J}t":~., .H1.d 1 ~~~·fulL'· 1""«'I,)1"'~ 11'1\ '~Pl14 ('I..' .11"11 L' t~i.&. ass ifl'l :mt":l}';,
Pinnlly I w,t"luLd like to ("';,lJII~'~ my 1 11 .. , n].;" U'I tIH.· ~1-.~rL. 1.1(':\ L •• ~.I!f:!.--~~ Icm l~ lht' Atl FL"~!-l rOl' .'1«cpL~llg th(' book flt'! ~LI h'i':-_~LiL'-lI ,11h1 1.1' I tL~'i"IL ~L III kIf" i.llv~IUl'i ble hdp in mlm~" w.~pi.
NiOil;e 0111, the &pelling of Gr~l::k N ames
l"ART I' introd11crio:n,
Me:Jnbe,_1'S of the DQukl'CS Family
T]re NaltL,e at Deukas in other' Falllilieli
l'hll:.'l.' rv
IDrmkf1li Ill! utllnDwIi. Eitl.!:::kgrolilnd .N amca known only fr!:fl:rnI, St'ill!oi
r. 'The Dcakai after '1453 11., The De:d'l,l'~;tivcs,
.N mn~:.; (in the Doukas Fam.iJ.y) N ames (in other F 8.1iCii'~k~) TiU~
'lb~ otiII l.Jo1I:i.-Dfluiks.&.' [J,ppe;LL1:l fUr Lll!:: ".l:!l' ~j,R~ UIL 6'. 3!J;S ~ru:l I"j[j; ,.jgubt d~Yl!d ~m ehe 1ilm~ ral"i.t .: of Ju:r, PJ:'C::3l..l1iJlB,bly held by the ftml:ld-cu of !he ~ that AliruL'isItod in th:JllCmtury·. Im~~d ~ntil3:r nanses el!Da'Elh tUig fj-Clln ~pCiltding .1nny ~di:i5, were q1Jll~t_:: llL:lual:ial Byzal~.ti'llr['l.~ TMi r-alill::. m m ~1l:IS no~ r:LTl.icuJ1l.Tl~' '!.'1.-:idE.:lp.t ead at tb!'lJt tirilW- and 'I-\Ia.S .al~JlLi.l:;~blc to lil~ :mny tfl~,d~ ~'bo 1{Io"(:1"!l;: in ~l~t:: of ratner' r~-r1".i'bI:;: u~~LiJbL":Y dl~tri-tta If;lill~ng ffitt!;1I:11t tbe JI,lru.:J.iOOfrD p~~' I;I[ ~1!Il:. theme IlfatJ!.gt:JI,."j Tlse air.o;t: ~l1.K I!Ile.l:lbgnoil. mi~h.[ ~'I,'~ ~L the son lJ.f ~IK.h al~ unkj1l0'..,'R d!f,lt:, slnce ~~ :ztr~ :iptcir~· him ~ .:0 ~!.I" 1Irn,.,.a;~, and be ]Jl1gnl w:U ~I~ ... _t:: been th~ fust ~ to be ("'tM in tlm '[J1artrlr:t and t>o ::J~lrntr,: illiLot! .tI~ili~;u~' J."8lU:: as !Ii ~UITI8mC. "ro be ~l;lre, B. CDl!iple ~ !!aIILe.r references ~ SI~lfllil!n"tUS a.a:3aciarred with :mp~c-d! rn~tlh~ of die });J~I" IlfiniIj";4- but th~~ ~mt; ~t:rl!lrl.d1 dauJl:rtfm. There it': no.i u~ti6~tioll
fgr ~UV.f'C"'i..:I!;" i!h-n~ .hi"'" "").!p:i([~I~'ll ..... 'M a.lready in 1!.S~ .[I.!; e:tIfly as tkt. ci.-:bth
t;U1l1.!l1)". .
'The' fir:;'t J.)ol!l..X .~<; ~~ a .trnaa of coordy 1iI~iiWd r."mily Q',IJI"Tl:,,-r.!tirn,i;
",~plj: ll!1i;1J1. hc~ ffiighl have bt:"g~t..~. [Q. a nail.lm: ~~ti .... ~ iUl military crcl.;:o;. The e.p1["OOl1 b;~J'; b~1 L ~p:!'~ed. ~al [~ DDU~?, _ d~,,:m:l~ .froJIJ. thE: Amonalll dy-;tI§iS!,Y d:J.1:ou,gn a f.o:;m;i!lt:tlE:aU,&, bllll. a~ nord~[I,bl-e.~~I.:md: ~r:l :-'Llpport o[tbu ean 1M: foolJcl.1 J:t"L the lGiU~:f tEU~. liiffiLlIl "! !liul Deulses ?Ire tlJ ~O:lll!:.i 1il:.::11:i!l1I: ssseciated wii.L:L l';~phl~~L, .al.'ld h i:i pro~.hl£ 'IJ~art the f~mHy !;[:!I:3tl.e from. that regi.on.,~
It. nca!!l b~1!L ~~red 'IJlfLt the Dt)u~~ were (If ,i\n:n.-l;Ili.~ ba~und, I! is..1n ~[abll~ i1.ct ~Lit.t. th~ Al1illmi~l1 element ....-;!,!l; .i~Lflu~fitial, ~J;~Ly 5n rtM al-my, u.urinhg the ~dndJ, ;1[1.1 the ~~lld1. OCI!lr(;l.II:-j~J iLl~ tl:ie~' h;'l'l; lb~tl[lt ~loO::n ~~ tm .. :~ the DI~~, I~b~ ~~f' !~t;li[1g oonkmptNOlT-:r 11)l[~ (f;lICb as. thi!: KQ1.illtk1J~, K~urtl"k"-~J 3/00 MmC']e)~ WI!R. tl~ Arm.eni ... 1l [Jrii~.~_l HUll: till'; GBlL11ilJot be mD:atl:UIrti-aLoo !!iiIU~~ there app'tiln; two t:ot :00 evM~tt ~!: ill ~Iwwi'"'i tfu1!i:. mf! .Dow~ .tI.'" a whlJl~, Of' 1I:'.ioo ll! !Ii~t: tlLti.lnbcr [Jr gr.fl!.;ij:io (t{ ~be.m, r.DL!lld.
MOrt l3cilli~ .u.f .r\mw)io.n tlri,g;in brill." .Arlll.l:eT'itilll namee, en cuOC<: l~ 31 ~;Q~.
- .. aW-n~ of _~,=,rd;;m first 1);~~'I1~ :m1.OO1g thi.t DDu&t::s.. ".l" of BilTd..ns ~~,. ~ tllt ~",tiOD. mil)' InI'C5.Ii:I.DlaM~· he C;;;;p'bi~,,,,d by a mat'r~'i: ~f tblat
~ ise th,,- fIB! n:uilts of ~ f':nlliLy's Jrlc'I1lb.K:r:3 arc :;111 GI'Cek, with i~dm~ll;~ KOI}.5(;1.ntULOO,:;mod Michael prea:iD1IililJl.lIting. the ])oul!;~ iJ-rigit:l~ [n'lnili WAeI'lo'! LIn: ... \.mIcni;LrL irnpavt. \Y; .r1.6~ 3I~ i~ atJ'lOOl~t.
La..o.dy. it 'Ih~ DOI1~~ had been of Al"lll'l1::nJ:m ong'nl, 'lh.ii~ would :5i\!it'~ly h.""!.'!!c Io:und an ~o in ~k lalo::: of dL-c~ OLllt:~tt)'. The A[m~na;m. or at 'l~illSt the eastern, bad:;:tOUIld cl' Ba::;LL~ias I L'.i b!:1lr.~~·"tL iu the c1E!1Uuth.1,~],~ ,derol:ruiI~, Erom die Ar=.c.ids j Lill;_~~ me Pbokades wh~~ nl.ay 119.,\,1:; originated in .'\mwIlEa tool prtde in ~lip:p:lcillg tni:!lt tfu::t hlLd aa ;:m~!~:r.o; the: Reman .Fabu bill ~dr mroogll th~ inu:rmedi<!.'f· of ~ia. [ Thia [rue of an, rml.':l!lbl ~~n,t i1 hOw~r ahsem in the di:'a:r:rlh-c.en~t'ry II.T'3tliJtian on. the o:r.igi". Qf tlt~ n~mbl_
Tht. fiJ~ oj If..f' ~i
M:i~, 1 !2Q4" there were three ,rli';lind f;nni.l.i~ of DoLl~ai, these Ctf the ~Ir '1=.111 om[UI!'Y who are alw,"y~ Td';::rTOO ~I;I h,y thr: =:.11;ltf: ftlnl'l, tlf~Iol~, lliJ!; :'>I-nall groo,p whidt Elourimed. under rs;L"i~!;:'!'i[J~ H '~I1d. ;U"P,: oOO:l:;il!lOiQlllally OlU~~ LY-.:![lL, i.!tviil MaJI.~ U-.t imp!:nai family iIl~ members of whlcll. !U~ !liGti,V!!:; duril1g ,,'h~ pt!rt'li"l1 rO~J 150'0 Much more Dnrrmrom dl-iln ~e three greups tuell. ~~~ ;:!!'I!: the \'jl.l" E~7.ilnt~liI~ rni:g;1l1 .. illy of other ilimilta" who acquired the name of t1ouk::l~ o11~ !n oomptr"f1d room ,.....wth o~hcr ~umaJh'K:5. (~.g. Doubs-AngICb· Klirnnl:llc.:a-'F;Ll~i.o!~). 'rne m;;lllllY CLIli~ in wbi.'th the name flf Deukaa entirely DVEnh.a.dowed Ihr,: pil.'lronymil; pr-oper 3hGULd aka· be ~.(!:I~tirnltl:! iTii ttu~ caID;g;O:ry. Tb~ :;'::Ni:LL IJm,ic.rily [If "Iwm 1!1I:11t,Ii,es. b~krflg of oout'X 00. 'tho!'! lI;lJ~:iiH'y, -til' Sit len:s~ 10 Ih~ · .... d]..;,o.....d,r.) cl=td~ 'bllt ,..~' QCc.a~omIlUy the ~fI~l'rn:-I!."i .d,;,o nq~IiI'ti...~11 lDwkni
m. hU]11,'bl.::r wsJ..k.5. oi lift.
Non m.;<1~(;r how W~[lFl I1t-f iR)I7.;lII!;ne OOOOfpt ~~ thL:: 'I,lnhr 'Of ~hl!; f~lJ1I!i Iy, 1N<tt1 iii l"J~rfiClil.l ("41JIpiif13OJl ~~ DJUI,1; ~L:r.i:' was rml~ net mueh in 'Commtll) ?rtw'ttn die 'kn~h.-~t\i1)' DOIllkc:i. ;lnd dl1: impl!lhl f"lln1lv of the later pl;r.i(lrt. nle ::m~u.llle"'o(Itll":1o r;;f the r"')1 Jnl,=r nud1:ll fill a tlec;~d!l:r and tile house owWl iJla UlIWi!b.~ r<lm~ l)!J lhe d~d~ penl.otJrl.elJ by Al'ldruniloc.. :i and KQJJ1;5.1nntlnl"f< 3. ~rn.c: mnd!'rn lC..Mr!al ~.ll,;l""~ sdvaneed !.hI:' ... ie ...... th«L tkes€: liTi~fI, belonged to ;llt=: ~-p".!Wotrfu& ].rn:1~ .... 1 ilfl:n~.ot:r.!ry .-.r til': ,"",~I'rl"lIl f-!1~]11C~ which eouht not r'l:OPI~f:11.~ Ll~'o'd l!,1 Lh~ rather hUTIlblt: lr'K":ial brlC~1 t~lml I'If L;!O:I~ V]. IJ~ a ~r.:.' 11'1 .I~ RI~ that ~il J"I:wILI~ (i.~. t~I~1 or Amlmni!«J!o :i from [1Li: ji:!-:r1~ ~ Kaoo.lL1 ur ~ rh r- .aLtl"ml"lccl I':II~IJJ Q( t) r:!oJ .:Ii"f: KiW'i nr",,'JJt hoc:JiIjJ'~ 1her lj~~~l 'I1.olW tr"'i"jur-.nt ~1I'1I~h""'U:1I11.ry d lalli"l~g~~ ~tl in'l'l""rhd ,imh.orit .... ,..,..lIidl
o(;UlffilIUtfti I dll" ~ I JI"4()IP" ~rii J~ I r "'kl ')'
• - II ~ I "-",,r, I iJ .~ r.1"01 U IIlI f'~lo!I<~.I1~ dIJrilllg !hl' 1I~!i.~
~ fA Bailooli.ot 1 r ~ 111.-r - J . I
. '=" Q\o{(''III:r lin ......... It ":II'~ lh:L[ I hr- Unl~kr;"l lJI)~~.:o;:tl
;;i~riJ1~!J!",d rEimilla, 8~ thw the ~1"4:)~ of ~hd!l" l~lIJiLe -sp:r~r:l !';liJL turther. '1.1ti!. p'j)~r.i:gc !l!.f the '!1I;uj}~ 'I,',I".;JS lO a grl!il~ r;t;{OCrit ~U];! i.W tlae i!'I!I;)fn:ia.s~ of Ei~ ~ to j);iOOa5 KQmJ1>l;:IJ(j~i ,mt! :!I~er." ~lflbcir IP;LJljJ~J!hiJdJ"I!~, ecl'fl.C.laUy !'I.dDpl~d it. This
"pL'8iC~t'l:L: w.'!!; not mnl~b~~d w tlLti KO:Il'lltLt:Mi !I;~. The }\hF-1tlL, ~c ~sin can also L:II: ~8I~ te 'E~e :Mj. ~J,.;c ~~ 'bi.rtli 1.6 aC'llI!!",;il Douhi 'l:'Ild. it ",,<'If' 'LnJ1TofQ ;J, bL'an.J::h [If these In iEpifllll; that pn:)'l'gl dyn..,lITIk iIOllalililio w p~[I.'"C ~ tJ3'[W: ~r:J ""~"eTl1I GL'C~,]! until tb):! OOul'bJ::J::ni::l~ 1Oi::IrLt'lJill'- A gl"i!<"'1l nUillbcr C,UB aN: iI"tt~[~d in ...... hjdh the 'I~a..m~ !;If Dool;l.,!!; ]l; bnc"ne aJ.tKIg m~h ~li".IlIf oth~ lWble :i1.l~.l"IaLI!le, OT where ill oomp!.oetEl~· ~['l';ba.d~ ;,jIild r<:plil~ed th;::: pTL'I:rQ-· l1.ymi.J:;.l. hi o:::!:I;.;~i.u fal11ll'i~ iJ;" i~ IJQ[ d~fi1;::IlILt ~O fi:nrl tl1ie ~]IIJ)."1~r.ll fur tlrre: !I,.glJ!piJcm. Ij}-j" &1! ~tam~ ;I![pl to t~a()~ ~~, i:ldS"j;llI. whiJ~' iIil (:,.tb~rCII~ dlis. is jmp[!~-·
'l.'1In:t'II, (:1111[., It. ~I'i'~,: d •. 1(,iIolL't!i ~II> ,';1 .• r· .'j"'l.'~' 1\;"
~] j"j~j"1Na:lm prrnfL(Jotcd ~(I tin~ pmd llqn of ~-;tiJ;.;I I\§JJ l~~fiil;r.. :a tfLltk b)" whit.h he Is. reIlt;C1i~·d WI {]11 n!16' t111.:: :t~Dh or '!jIJ3.r"
In trying to n!bi:IIllii~H1(.t 1'1~e: pl1!';1~ ntthe I"{;V'I:l~t oM ·Ka~i.flILLinol, it is IKI\ E.a..~:f IJil; reeondLt moe llTl!l'i:r'r.I1IpadiA!Li.t:, a'in:Jmlll.O!:itiJe, atrft:\Jdo!;:l' 1)1' i .qDth~· chreni.:;]"wIiLJ. th e :;J;pt"JfI!!ir:~lc' 'lien-ion of the WJ'd: S. ,Barilii ]ri'llwro-. Ahhtlup:b ~=e zoo-retil flg:ra. iIi. the bro;u;:l 4mtLiru!::i ~If 1.10:1: ~1'IIt'; rd[l,1l!ld. ~lter m'·I.'J:rth~ fl!.il ~J:i capk.ln ;i!lotie;r;;w:bl:!dl~' the'iaroo ~jlro'la.m;' ~OOLI",ES. :I1.r.:;l IIJ SUrnI[J1OJUI18' K~tantinfX'i aed then i.n iI"I!ln\ln,G; .',gru111l!'i~· 1I111T'i !lJnd nol;!lp'illg ~o put dO'l!'!o711 [he ! qM1;s i 'IlI.!t.
-~~Ilt!- ~Jl'l.;ie.~r Ui baw developed :1IG f:oVLaWiS", W~1il true .:.mpr:oor Aluan&r Iel] olli~~iy ill :md e-1f4::ry h~ ..,r~;4well' ...... ni~~~, ilIA! p:1m::t.l1;h Jiollb)j:1.(!oS ULmed mlJt:.ux.. H'C d'!';patd~.l .... LdtttL' [0 hinl. Lll'gil~~ jl'1I)mpl:El.(:li_Q~LOI-' tJl!l:: ~',I(:I'eigri"-; ~!1e:cbm'l rleurh, 'Dcnii:-:: 'I,'i<lS to ~I.lpy t:.on!~~nllinIJPIiP. whri.lJ:; (ilrthl!.r ~IJ~ wOI.lLd :JippRiplilltd)i ;:_'(rn1~ £nJoo. h"tkoJ~.; ~llti.I~~ -(1.11 tu~ papuu-..",i:l"l, KOD:;t:ut'linoo I¥!L~ blJ hI!. pJlJ)clit.irno:i ee-ernpeaor.v All these p1i\ru; hOLriI c;r.rt.ti!1J)<' he!!c. worJ.,~ out pr-io-r to AJ~ruC~e-'s d~dL :;uLdi rxE.WrI'ilIlllIrJ~· dl!E: paLL·jal:'cl, bad nat ~IIlSFltX:ocd ~h:;i:t h)l'! hi.m!'Or.iJ' was to bot flppoh'i:t«I a member oft!)e: ~ rmm£lJ. Ere ~oo.k the! dei:.i!:;,i{Jn [0 i[).~'it-c ll-oID: 00r..''!.1!I;~ I,~ ~nI~~ ELitil alla -wi!Jbed [0 'S1!e him nu lhe til~roo-'& TII;~-'Er. th.a·11I :I-'ll-'lru! DIJlAlr !i.lltdf.:~~ible -ROO 'UE1~",bl-'E 11.'1;IJr.[l~ [iIhlng -MiI v. 1I,1TI~"'g~ IJf N~~ ll'LiMl'ity of KonstRnttl:lO,'i; ~i',;;I.rph~ro::::l:lU~I.!::.'J. ft1taI~wl;iii~ Ale:U1m.!C'J' summoned tne ~trL.ut;:lL ~jj hi!:: !k.ath bOO and 10 thel",~~=""~ 3l,;1rpi."iiOiC .o.ppo~nl'Od h~m m:lI!! flf tlse gJJ3ii.'diaru; fur t!;Ji!!! 11~11' ]I r.1I!1C1 p;' ol:tIlPfl'l)l.·4 Alex~'H:ler ~~I;:.d ~1-'J1 6, J LiM 91l. I ~ ~'i..,... .... that he Ill!IiLal' :?I!iSJ!lJed ~~!1re il'1. the! ~ll[lItt "'LI:ele: or ffit:. rcgel'l~r, Ni~l1li!1i:!..:l lfLWt. 11=l'J.'IIe ISlm~1~ hl~ pE\l:..l!ltIaLwn:: letl~r OCt rt:!lJ:; :!'Imi)jrl'io~l~ gcl'1~r::!Il.
[li'of1oT nlS 1:lWl't, Kan!ll:a'llt~I~Oii 1!~'2I~llly welcemed liIol;! patnrorm',!;; GLlI, lii.ilhl:g;h !)I~ly aL'bi:r initial be:;im~il:ll'_[o!! He Vl!'3£ 1Ki~ in Com~t:IlLlllw,p:le: :IIL'ld the 'IlIi}w,:. ..... r ~he
I t "-~ti.on ""f 1111.: em,..,.I .... 'r·~ 1iI'vI1~ tcdll®'l' 111~ n"lglII "" .1" .1"mLl'.
!JI) a ;11").;):; 1!;r.:1e!~ a h.IIN'" 1"
.... r;l-i:'o"''iT A Ill' I.N-Q ~ J)4l LJ I'= ..... a -::I:l
flna.T'1.;~ or tm~ ~La.'bC~ ~i..&.iI~1 b)" "'ul.u.r::timl~ in publ3t e.;'liruf(:.J~ This W;L'I; ~p~rrJe~l~1. ~;ll~~r:.l~ ;:!I~ _;~ shnrt term poU~': but ~1'!Ifo)ri.UJIIIL'Lt.I)· in th~ ~r.>d j~ ~~rk!l~l.y 3Jfll(:t'1.eIiI tl~.f ~fEi(:Jen'l::t' ..:tf t1l", i!I[':Inoo kil"'!X::! oW, 'lll'harn the. 1!I~Ir1:ktl ur!h'l! [!!.I'i[y p1'flgramrr:'1:: fell. E1!1;lJI. ]'sCl!05. [be ~l'-aLelt ~111ogis~ of Ib~'. !'inA m O1drni~ tb",[. hli,l~q;!l!t:C1. (tfdru anntl}' W;UI di~1'-t>rOI.l!l.~
~t."LlltU~1):5 ;;s;: I;l;In~h,~~ !t,~ p~,rrol'ill~ af J=r.I1iIlf,' ....... twic.'h WI!!.100 fbL4 fuUi!.T C"tFP~o;I:;i(ll1 lmAI:~ the- KoI~lIl~~lll:H.J;3 P'JoiIL.oo .;iJrl..rft~cd to him ooc['t:lill !:Ir hio; miTt!}f 'tl.'!!)a'.ki:l ... ~~VI!:II4S them .a.~ a r..(ll!!p1e 'Of omtioIM • .N tiatll[';:!l~lf hlgJI1)! ocuOCtgbLie_ In nltC [Jf these th~ ;:!Iulbl!li:' \~lLrJlu:J: ~aLo;e; d1~ ·~r.I\pcror' a favoo;rablc disp1l"~ti"'l1 1'O~fi:l; ~r::btl~ in g.cncr.:1l. :soTIL'l::thing ~tat JLfld bt~rI enlhclr HllIkT\(I/o~n in she dill!');!:. (If ehe p;r~dlrlg mKn when tl~ p:lb~ \'0'21& mJJy occupied wj~hL ;!!cmini!;t~ti'r'l: II'IlIlUrLo::.~'" MOreG\'CT W(; pa~ ao lLlililLbl:r 1:i.r bn!:.f letber.,; bw. :P~~llo;; eo DDu kas, M~ Qfwlti.ol:h tll~ "'fly J~.gJlltnlll ~iI~ oon~el"Qpwfl.T}' ~0:'Th:; • .j.1
TIIi.'CC [OOrtr.dll!:i 00 Kf!lo'lbU!.iltLin~ l!Itof; .kiHiowIl_ TIre Gt'!lt ],!, a m!r.ibi!i~IJ'~ m tlnc 1 'Lthl LSUm Cr.::flt'Lllry ]In-~<~&rl in ~OO. ~tulinen~i!; gr. r";l2. {I;iL ~Fi:ilr, 'LVtIkh i.!!RJ.I d1 ·ilD",,~nlary'.~'" :\no:JlIL£r ~dl)' l~rvl:.I:L [lUilLill!Lurol: til] =cl_ P.i:IlI'"_ tV- '!if..:!!: ~hi['jl,l,"!; him rl)w-tm~ with his oocond wife: Budokia, I;f~ ir)' ~iI~ v~rgi1t.o» not :5;UW:;: j;b~ jjO ,'1~i.'J ~lln~1 (loll .1.'111 -engr';L"~11K oJJf~i_[."l'-rJ bu~ llu~ p~ '1.It lb!:. Virp,Y1l is taken by Chri.::;t.~ 111:1~ l}'pe:3 ef scala of du: emperor ::.1HI ~;lITVi'l,'!:, • .fMLd ~f1~ b~r tlll!! ]EA'i!;l'IflB~ .i!{i:.:.wQTIi;,d~·,~ !I~~.1~ K"""'il"f'o!Iln~'I'Il'S ~rrj1L~ios '~Lwl' .0 LI"J!ol'3~.~ and K~F'IJi'T"'l¥cl.W {tafltli.d.os ,;; l1~~.u
I'Q hI!.; b~tbL'!l" ]i!K!I~LlLd 13 wham he rno~d.f!. :3. CaetaJt, KMnali[i.:II.OS ihu.ILd a frw~o1 ;a;1~d YilILLlabl'f coll~g\'II:~.A::.. .Jruady E-ta.m, he rma.TT~ 'ffi-j~ Fln;f.
;i11!l II\.ti\"" "LnlY CSU"eer rm;ghl ~'''.:.- j-"r,! ;",..·,1 .... ·,·11 ;,.1"(, I', .. T";!!;" .-.1 II:: """J:JI,,,jr,fI'I X s 2,= IlUt.:rn the otber iL-a.utl there is 00 reason ro ~Upp05C; that it 'W~ p.'lf"tif:1]I .. uly I>IpG[}~UL II!1. 1 ]:I~i Ioannes WIL'Ij ;LrTI.I'Il1Ig thp_>;e: gp-n~r.!JI,; of the =.IoL wlu:} ~[] the .8.,!il.E:p gf tJml ~aJ: uru.'IJlI::~fIilLly pL4:iti!.:lr.lcl Mi..i:bi:l.d VI fell' mart: fa\l(ltlf5.] Is i~ ~CIIll],bt~ tn &.i2..":i!.lIl"l1>!"! 'l:.baL he ;hm ruld :;mRO::; responsible PQ<itiDn fin W. =iern fllJ)"nw::r; rliliI::r ~.".idG.I)C(;. tlllitL-'or(I1il1y 1"hJ:)Llgh por,rlLap;:; int:l:llldwi~'E, dees ill r~t.t !on_I(8l!;;i~ om Ldl!,~tili':- .. 1,tion 4i1f Ittl!OtlR"O ..... ~th Itl!li K-lIlipdM cF Ed.'l:::5SI:I., ~{I::Lru"1~ [)o'llkill2l~ (! O~) ,~.
Altl~QIl!l:tl lo:o:.nm,s became 'the tnM~¢,i "il")llE"lsel]cr ;:J~ bl!:; 1oo-.i:1t.bcr (~o!J9-Ci7), h-c i!l: [)O[, paJl.'ti~l1!arl.}' (ol'1~i'C~"1l)u,~ rh~riJ~.1I: d~is ~I."JQi]. Nr:"I£:t'"theJ~~ fn:rm the v=y b1::gb~,~im.g ,hE is known !rI' ],~ ... ~ l:J.otI.lALCUV(: 8M his pilre in hP.lping tn ~titl8ui:ah the diln~I:oua COI"1!1i[l~r.1'-'l 0f I OI5T i~ OOhP,d,! Th~ ~~r>llt..:l I:lSii.!Iill:r HffC' to him !L~ the (.~mr. 'Umnk 16 his exo:::I'1lr,J]:I:~l rliKI]~[:r' I""bidl Koom.,1:1lilin$ ~.!!' .oonfEJ""f"oEcl. l1ptlrL ru~,~ J.o,'lIIn~ "Wi!I~ tlmciaJJy the mose [;JE"4);II"11[1~t perut.."ill 1£1. me stase ali!m +he ~mp::;oo:!''':.< w,ifit and children, 1:iI1We. ... ur nn at least one O(~~~ he
, iE'.!'dl£d, It. p.. ['iii. i",~ iliao! lOOlU'1!;!' ;;,,,,1 IH,Il, ,ll.e[jruiJ:iJ..l ruui. p-.!"Ii'>l'l k~l~ ci 1m:;L~. P:;ellm in 'II .lr.i!Ler to b:im rr.;"I:lrl:~: d~ .. :tl: 711~ I.'TPu~ .... ~ 4·tr""UJl,a" ... """, ""i ~f.; m:iJ.aL _,y,j~1'PI: ~ai ....... _~ i ~I'±: J. F.~Dn::Jlk, ~~ ~N1it"CIilheq;, dl!lB~, 1", la~, I'i.I!!~L. p, I~ ltimn.d..s trim ,1& '",!""~ u~~!l.J) .11 ~11!u:i~Jioc, wiilh ::J. ClIIII!lIif:11- 1'Lk::.:itr.i. Koonncl1liQ Med. Ilh.c ~ri. flJilnMal on ilIr rmif'"-[gujJ a.( CMJruuuin~lr. CII.m!a.:, !, p. '9"1~, .so;nrlb-illg: Wr.. U. '-''';1;-;:,,1(:11'1. a4? II. m::JlII '~ilh ;''' i,c,ld" 1<Ui.o""doo~1! '=" '1l1 ili I "'1' tiLli.ll~. a, ~t.l ;,1u-tJ, .I" p, ]6·!,
]. KOOJ:",. [I, II'- G!~
.' In 'lh::: li,,,,1. Ji'I~D! ili;: ~'~'L!P!III .Iof [l1!ulsJ.l~. ,u;r.d IruLeMi. ...r ~ ~ :JflPli.:d ro ,~Jln-:!!;:tr>'!i'"",'" ss (lM C, ~ in Iha'L lLIXoo:n!;J. Th:,; A' :bisl~ri;'1\ M~[Lbo!w d EiI~ in ~ (;},ril<v<l.I~, (u;!Ill!lallE"1il I;rr E. Dulaurier, P":r~. I~. p, LtIG, ""'ril"d Jtl"[ rhe ~rnOi of E';"I=ur, aill~ Dcru~ (-llilWtz,e), ""'1m Idttnij!:d. 11]0 one ,,.(" [],~ oo~It!l[ f.lmilic:o: I1r In:- .:ruplre, . ...w imv.i~ bl,' T",,,,l<<'!:I:I. [ 1M!~ ~ Cto_milln .. 11JA'I])1~ "ilA WI'Ll 11:11'1;;] 111J~ !I,~ oWl ~b.e kHU·"!. ~b::Iil;l.~i";', 'nlCll!l!11~ Itf l:tIi. ~.::rmf[:;'; ",1'Iii' '"f11"~ b'!.' a .,.,~ll~~ and tcli~bI.t m::U;/Ul1:ripl ~1iJ3", I"ict"1~ o!Jl1 4, .r\~i~il I as!!, whiGl1 1IL1:1I[]1l1"ill IOllfll"">l n" ... \l~ ;u. Ih ,ruii"I'iP'''' "r!I .~[ Wu. drne: see It. r)r,.:,~t=;~, ,~\:i,jw: Na~. c;"..'"r'i;!1>! lID MO<llJ!'T"1""t1 ,rr.n;:l. IL &r FI:rIdI o.i5Jill (f.:!.ffi, 1~+!>t, p. 2:i!Z' 'TI,t: lO'aperoI" KQI1'1'l,cll~ ~!' 1mI'! Hr'#'r:J:f_ ~ ot~:llJl~ c!.iJJlIlIrl, .. ·h .... 1 ~ro'" I~ ,!ii.I,'t;ni~r ci ~ (.::1. E. I .. Dni~,~lIil1., Dk -D~IF'""~.i.&:: ~~LI"i.Jffir~ ~Cll.Tj~.1.b J1)P L.I~IIl, ~~. 1;1J', ~ ~-W. 'bu.~ il 1I..Jg'h t IX W:I""CI .. ~rJlI~:r ;:..1~rlb::"", ... he ~u.:..nL:r ~~ I:lpilil ~ diJOOTIoo. ~I HoditiDn, .liiJ ~Jl~ !rAu.;!1;!y ~(jnJ."W..: 1m: 11"';1.1.n.d·,c.~ li:w:1; mlikin[!' ehr-m NIl! pe!!"Xl, and "'i", ... cl~, ]'="'<"1(":::' ~~~ ........ ~I ~ !P"'"r.r~"~ af,h.1.3 b:om~ ~ ..... ~" w;v, ~~ ~1Jo rhc 'il":llI""";tIIl th ror..E , v; N. Zh1::w:'<ii, ~:J:s-t1l d1Jl'13I1~ ~~ ~ ~r.J.:, ,., -~:!I 0;:;. XI. 'o'C1;:'.,/!!", 1 (1~9). s:~~, wllo eili~t1iI:.oo OOm!"111;<'1'1fod 'IlpDlll 'h~ ,,,.r,cc <,., 'li~i!::Id([n, ~ 1:tI:t 'i~ ktilil/410 loannr» ]}oc,\ilzn:;;" iEII [.u:t J'Wmll!:i: .[)QuJ.:1I" I.l,~ I~I~ r~. '~'[;.'ilrt' ~n' .t11 I~ 1hE~ is furth~r ..,_;i,l",nDt ~D Il,~ ~~t th:l! loomu'! CrrrllH~ di..rnnl':" ~hr ~r[y )"'.111:', .:1111., bNclt.B s '",i~~ ..... ~ fi"." II. ~i~ ;!rl }fJ'lt:::u anri .11 n~b~' .!i),ri n on [![fi~i~1 .;oc-.'i!l'L'~~_J:. Thid. ~~Iin:n i • .ilc-j~ (ciX:(i n Je~!.1::r .. -.Iu.;:b i'v11i'i:> hTlJiit: h. kmlKro: 'r.rItr'"1jJ 'Illo J. [K1!'-"1DW IrJ!.1"T '1.'(1TI1!!f"t1 I!J~ b<lRl1t!l aDIiI KnL ],c, ~l:II~ :rr .. rn !MI,""'" (~''¥''*'Ihr"': p.g' ..-iii N • ./J '~~ if~'fl4"",-l"""'_;; ,id) lUfii mf'm~, [kIN~l1mk, "I~ elJ;,.,iP' I.!I!iJ.
i.J"mmedfntdy l"Dl::iIJf~~ him f~ l~u; ~!:l~.e:;I:i le in lBill.hyn~fL, .;1M LII CoIlClt.'1ntillapit I,"",",fltO" .,~ nnOO'~ ""~~HI ""'~th I"-<cllos I'lIo f::" ...... "' .. <;It", jOii1.L ruk .,r M i<"~ ... d i ~ ,."L1 h~ mtl~her_1J TILl!- dY.llaanoC arJ·..!~F:l:rnl::J1(t POO\'[U ct· !'I short dUr.-Ltioll 11., the ~{le!t;pe>::l.oI:f1 l1C'\'L'jj nf Knrnmm;v;" l~bera{ic.11 1:or.npiereIV ::!<ll.liau th~ ~~~IIIC, IWIJf1!3 ~l..~ dLloewd (!rltll:I~tL ro l~is", !.llu. iJ'l'lll'lil:.El.tiCHl!> ml!·;lr'g I)I.H of E,i»t.! a '.l kl'il;l\\l'l1. !~ •. I'iILp.,¢l1.i~ 'Wi~ll R.o"rmnOl. She 'IIIi::"I!- ~l.ilL in fLn 1IiC~~ve P"-I~Li.a~. ;;;:!Ip"'bl'l!: 0{ i£iop~ il~ lillU'l'I1~I' d~,,;ill:~Lo.;. TJI;Ii ;lrl.ti • .Ii'..'lJ'mP.lI'1.o~ p;<Ii'[)' wJ1!irJ. b~r 'W1!b ~I.(! C'..;;~r ~uMed 10m Pi£[J05.' Rd\'i-c~·. l'oIia:i:[lOtl P['!OO'I'lptly, Bcitll:5 3LIVJXII"tl!d by 'Ilu::
Vilr"I·I@El.11 ~lml:'L'll it fO~I!d 1';lln;:lldfl ~l) 'bI1M; ClIJE "c;iL ami proclaiJl'lbl Mime:! r if ,;u. oo!~ !!!r.nP~II'IlL' (tnltl Oeooh~r I or.1 } .. Li r'l.lI1"":!, OalaM¢Ik:, [b!l:Iiru1'JJer mthc flol~I,jJ'i: r'iJr..~itr! [, ~~hO-l{'''".lj P.I IJ~t~~ pCHoL'l3lL !!'ii:Ctii)" I:<r J,=ncr.1 D01IkM. l~a.:Ei ru!:;pe[~~ !".Ir !IlI.:·I~trrJin.g M~IL RulltIDiLY.:l ;md W;L~ ba'l"Ji5~~d (D· the i.:al~ fI[ F"rinkip!".l t,(I~~l:11!1 'ltlridi ~!)1I1e oIloflilli.' children, , s
Ther~ f;.oLn he nil rlonht tht the real iru!ti{:a[I)L' of '-!IH tbl!.'ll!! or."1SI:ic measures I'M"!'. ~~I'" C3!.:~~ bimacl[ \\<l~ for ~he :hr.-;t O'Ind (l11~)i' 1~rn~ becarne i[]1Ai rlri....Jl:lP: force i:II!~Lir'ld tI. 'I.'I¢.!,l: I"1.III~r, .'\oi:;~i....cIY!lS!iatcd b.y his L\lP(:; ]1J1l.!l, he rn~.d~ MiTe thE!o~ the I esktanOl! uft'=L by RtlErI;ln~1 in ...... ,,1... Mi'llm" ~5. cmshed, TJk: ~uf'd3 are r.JLplieit in oom:l,:;:m:nL.l'I~ the Dl"Le::33J"l!IJ ll'IIUUy Ie hlbJl'I,E! fo:r t11,f,! dr.~I;JI~ b!1f!d1ng('ifRI)'m...'.llQI, i" His pr-l:d(l:m~l'in,n~' illl·mn~l.{lC in the COllJ'[ WBa h!:i~I'IlVOll:e oWLly Df bdd" d~lrol~~'l'\llI iIl~lrJ ",'I;J.i:; !iJlL1i.:tFlteL~dl)· bmLIIght ~11 alJ ;:,ltd.
JI Il/i:IIl.H, I, 1'"- Ikl: Ir.!...... Il... ,I., ~. f'liil,W'l,-U' .... ~:~I ~ :p.. .lr I~ H .s: ~h,i1, I ~clI~. I" ,;,~,
IJ ,11' .... 1011, I, 11f1' Os:· .:r-
~JoJli.Juorni.3.1'iCln om. I O:!lor"JI1;:!!;, S~elal (Ii tnt!1l1 I.';!!)'lt.1in cornplirutnl.!l <Ll»JJt hi.!. ]WJ~rn..1J1l,ljh~]J "'I~d ~ un l.i~ la~'c Df lLLlll~i.11!£,J':; h11! all th~ !;llm~ J'\;oel~ d,!app~~ of hh fri.t,~d'!- 1)~r.,r,l ..... f i:mn):~ :tor ~"Ci ;ml; ad' ~pi>I'i. uf'llLil- l;illd_A SUIJ, 01)111 a 00 doo e OI!~m11 .I~t:: iiJld ]~l he::.ltalc to pr~ the! [1:!~r'~ .'11~ inleJ~\ ~jjj .IJZfi.min;g_l" CeJ"I2Iin. q'llu~il)'lTt" Qf'II .fIiJI.<itomy 31t1l: arurw~r~d i.rJi:LIwtlL>l:[' 1e1~"'I •• ~1 E.qunlly ~1lt!i2lble 1::; ~ Llil .,.,.hit:.h ,PJcl~ um,,1tl"atl,lL.ilJlei him, .:;In 1ho!: l;Iinlh frl a '!Vl1I["ii;l~L .".,hl;J i:m account of hia inability t6 ~~ jlI(oF,l~I'I}' i:3 !.:d:IIlJtd 'a. !f:~DI~~ ~1h:1!;',"·J: Iiis 31~Q ItnOWrl that iffillll1.t!!i l1iims~fwl"(I~; numher "F h~'I'r' tflD1rl~n~ary lettoc!:1i 'Lr,i ~1J1:l!,~] !JI)I)!!; of ..... 'I:rii:£b alJm~, 1.'ktD>l:D'!.u=:r ~noo gi\'id- 'LI"i dLt: c:xtr~rnt!L1.iJ1[~~ting i'11form;1,1"ion th.~:~ tne QJ~r tofl'l.: JlLi1in~ 1ill ha ... 1:: l1le ,;.t;b",l3Ir'!I tl"WJ~ L'f~ters 'l!op1ed i!ll!l& p1ll:.!!::,y(:tL 44, T~)i.::; i!i Jirttil in r3J£:L tbe ol~L1 i["i~~iIollC~ (1i his [I;~'i ... ity i I~ h.a'!.'~I~g rn!llmrn:::nJ!"ts copied. "11l>!: f,'iml)'UJ; 001'1_ ]!I"", 8~' :r,4')(I9. '1;"'I~~h !:'OO~~aiJl.a ~hc iJ~ ~~dll'Zr~~ lmpu1a, W~ WdUltl1 I:l:r" hi!:i ~l'ltt-.ary Midtael H"~~!:oiI.~s 'I't ~hr,JIlM ;111000 bt: DltI~ed that J.oonme& l:toII.![kn.:; hiims.elf'lJ'LlId~ ~~ J~Iol:D':ary ~Jl\oo-t.o;" A liin~Ullh-'l}~ntury 1'IUInll!f';r:.ript appEal"!;; LI:i ~I:iibe OCt lUn:i. .(!, l'"!f11n1n to $1: ,B&i!.,~
I(!~n~e: Douk.1~ ~r1~ne.d" ]J~ly ~OO>~l~' 'I ri1.5, 'I;;';rell~ a da.ugJll£~ af UlJ:; Dr,;!.,,!: 8~~r,~ I }i. ilE~a!:iP~ik:!i."1 Thank_.; ~ tlLE kll:J8 funeral orntion 1'se13D!:i d~bcd Ii:!< .bEJ: death (~rell~ died itt lo6o....fi6J I seme ~ndderlils of'R'leI 1£[(; are lU1Q1N1l"~ :By thls lVi2icr,bp;li", Ieannea became ti~ fi!tll!l:l: of two !-O~, i~1"ldD'l!il1fikoo !l'J al~d :Koo,.tiLll~!irl.i:.l!:i ,~.;<". He S:lJIr",h'r,rI, both,
l1 ... ve tJ;;]d ~1Al JU:ID1u:'!d ~;oOOL110n or IIhp rnn:I:: IJm ~~m,pLy [he: !W"..onr;!~ry ~ n<J ::;nh[)r:dJ~!!!~t. ;:11;'11"1 ...m.kb \"IM ~r; ;1.I:il1nal (ad p~at:[L'I:;,dl)· equel 'l6 rn'-!. Dr 1m brotkl'.11' O~ (be: tl.'fIC: ~ !EUldlJki;a'!l, [Itlan ro "R.arnaUD:3. ...... as rot-!! of rhe irul:I"lUID';IJit. dlt\lclapmeltl:i!:i but :!IIP-Pt'TeTltly !~iledi ~:(I- :re;!I1 i!'".(! !i1o!':ir ~~rn..,L5
HlI[ d. [L /iI,! ... ni~IL,.nil:ii.:-ml. '~II~ !IJ.!" I',." .'H ~1~J~J1~i""'I' <i~ '~I"'/'i,./t.lllf.' \'i'" "1" ~ J.o!'I \'11 [[oou.. r'! 1"l,'tlLlr d .. l!.uh·ll L :I,L' c..aTo;I', .!fI .. ttI, .t.J, ~ I 'I~~I\' ~ L I ~I.
1'. I. 1Jo.
"EIIlII£JI.~ Q;r TKto": l"QUkAS rid/liL .....
d.&t he h~ been l;..t1dl~' trt:a!M Dr Mid~ad '~1'~. "lJtlmusll 1'1.'
«JUI$C Rkr to some a-th.~ jru:iJo:m1, ~lji~c th['-.!~ ap]J:1iI-eII~' in f .. ,\,I),I~ II'I~I/ or ~ mOIl)' hB;.,"C OOcaQaLl~j[)' b~,: lo,,;!(al'd_'l:d a .. " ZLJO:;~t'~~T' I"1Jo Ih.:;: LIl~~ ~I. to the birth of tfu: oI:Rl~t'U1" ~ ~1)11 Kaw:;[;'!ntuuz.; 23· H!:", r311ier tlla3t Ule ~ AndronikO!i 16, It..lll ln.r;n ~\I_ggCSkd ~'. the ffiIIP'I~,I'O.~ I'J.1! RoJ-bm GIII~.J.rd;u prospective bL~dq:.'TtIf,Irn fiN 0TiIe: uf Lb~ NOonit;1Il L:h~l:"l s daL'gJue,,,;, 1'¥D ~
.... ith similar ro[1~En!t, written b)'P!-;~'lIl)!, pll1l fon'f:.1.n:i [ll~ r~rx:e:I'i'l,'~ rcB.l~~ propo.!-3Ils.I" AIUr.,)ugh these phl1~ f'e.l1, UtlLY do 11 ~1:nLd~ i:'~d[..-'-iItt 111~~ KoosWltiCU.' i:1ffidR.L poottiOH w~ '!'UL!"l1 !II-i!.~ ILi~ rn.:u'J.j?lgt;: "",_m,ld be: 1!(t11rid~:~ &5 :LJ} o!rrC(;LL~ m~~ of 7jJ~1.:!iLll~ BF,;:]n.l!LI[~ s fOJ'J1!k_~;~bI~ eJLi:.I:II,Y. T~ ''C2fi later, .UTcr Mt~h:.1[:1 ~ 14 OO'iil t ..... s OOI'JlI, '1mi];~.'1· pHI~l(im.Jom: w~~ ma.:it! I Gu~. 1m~ 1';.G;u.:3Lan~;IJ!- ,,,as nO' ton~r the Ll.lpic ;j)[ the Ilo!1lh' 3imd 'lI.cli[:J~ nego[iJlioroJj, ,·\ppar~!~lly his f",\!iIL ~itLof:in at OOtl rt had RDlv' be>:!11 tal:~1 D)' iho:: ~"GWtStr PO::!fPh.Yh:ogr.n~tuli !'yfltlJll. 1m fl.:l.Lher !uJf1ed [a .Il1l11!"ltf te C!lM'lJl!Il.r or -Ult Norma~1 1e.'du':l~ !if;"",-s.
Kou . .:lb.'lrl~ DtNIJ.:~ ia L!g;~iJiI beanl of [I) I tin .ll.:;; ilollc; frrr,:nd, ;~1I1.d ~W:II:iail! ar AI~ Kom.ooJ.o1)!l;, Muda ~~ hi! 'NOLo.; ~Yif.h~ to 5>i:EAje:-.ifu marrioo tQ 1.J~ ~tr 7..0:: Zol"I: Fi:.Qft5u:.nljl);!j ""'a.o.; unaele ro ad~i~ ... e tlli~, I ~ 1'J11: tWft 11lC11 .nppe.l:r J..! ~a.d.c::.iTl-9.['JW; lare ilL I V]] tlunllg tb~ ~~.;: I:Jf tlo'l!o;t~mit1>!J'p!~ b)" the foNer;!! ~t'" lQafuLe'; U~01 ITIi~. Whh a haodTLII! or rru::~I, bath were ~"1TIlUJk.d ~~.i~1i {hI!! ~ru.iuility of i'1<lrditlg tIN: bll.d '''''all:; of the d[)'_ A tin~lily .o1J~tI OO1.IIL~g"C{lIo; !-'LLT(I'li:iC: Jail)' Dlo' A~~ 1'(!!!iljj[l!!:t en a ].~~Gtae,d"T C3ptur-c of SQmI:" tWl;:Rty l;o!l~[~~ of 1110: i!il~}' 'W(JoJt him idgh pr.,ioo from t~I~'!' oIlyzan1"i'lile.:l, illlll::~IJdLl1i ilbI: emperor h~lf J(o]1::l!;~nil:io~ ~'I(; ;!!re [ak!, lJltal:,];:: to :O::I~I"I:; iM I,hi.:;; DriAllnph, ~C~ both .f1RlkJyCd 3~ld (;'1'I",lmts, and bLuJll~d hLI rrkt,d tOr nul ~1."1.Vi~lg j[;l Mrn [oj'JLn bUTI LJL the ;3ucocsdbl arn.b~,:;h, .. z.
_~ fto",· moo I·!:.s. later, wir]O::I1I !ite fLl~;JjL aiilgC; ,iJ~ the t'1:;Io'\1']Jt of ~i k>C(l'OOroo Bcr.. 1I.11ei;:;Jll!::l W~lI ~00Ed, Mk:~ad J 4~ hr:llrlS' ;1i::oOut !Q :tIibt1~r.."tl!"j ,~rLom;ly !lt1.o\ii{Ju (i[ -olfcirug ]~i!J; cnuWI'bling- 1i1l"1)1l~ i.'I) L~JM.i4:aJL~1ao. No chubt he had • ."lread~' Jest all hope ~~ 5e"o!u.r1EL!o!; ~I;" fur hia tlwn. ~)1}, Pres.w~1..."1.b!:r' w;ithuu,t his b!"~tber"s kIlCIWJ~~,
:8Ll! 11~ {!'itL nor !Ii1ILL'Ii.'Ire thil v.I~rh "Vo:-ry ~tl:r' ;[jfle:t',~a[!b. t!rl .• I:; OctobEr 1081. in a bktody ~11I~1m"'l~t. lJdb.fe lJ),T1EI.1;b1ofl Ille \'ffif. l!;lJt.D1l {og€:rllell' wJIli IlItlmller valbJ!t COlTilmdc:, Nll:ii::p'hom~ .1lI'Ym;:![I~r:1[]~, ..... hn ,I';U; ~t!"L':l-1t."il It(I Kr;.~~FlInul:lll' ~s!Ci' ~ !}.Q,1J 5]l~al:ti.Qg IJfI~i~ tlEa'i.h~ ·Wjlliar.~ tJ[ Apu!li!. ;!I[w.~ tbAlD!':' W'J..:I bLlritd
...... i4~L 'fhA: prO~L' b(JII01m' ...... .
Ko"ru:iLEl.nt!l:!! DO~lb.!l; .tJkrlyol1f1:[:, but h£,j brld" Li(~ ~ IIjI;. i~t imJic."lJte. that .;U:; EI. p~l'¥Il1 he l~ad IfMt'1::: RDm~r.ahlA! ot:jElililltie; tllal1l il!Lth~r [I~ 11iis bti:lU:I!:rL Psdloz, ~~bu h1Je.\~ him ~ll1jltl!uely, ri.'!!....oLtl a ~ba.f'8.Cl£r :!Ii:l:1:[M liaI l~imi'5- in witkh hI:: ]Nai~ him frn" hk d~m~r.1ty i~l horsemanship and ~n tn.!JIoting. Th.~ :s;un!E auutm" also VI':['oJ1~ a ,(lIeQi.r;,;ll. IN!30We for ni~ ln~trm;)lll}l1_'~
No iJmo'llm prorlXaiJt Of :i~1 c§ t:.olll:l~'-![I!liin app~;3JL' to haee Do::IiI p~r\'~,.~J' Tb~rl~ l.3 alao n~~ t:'iI'iden'!}~ that he Dtliilnjro,
J'UIoTII;L 'lIo'..:iI.50 [ftc oI:ldest. d,lU8hkr or~l~ or:rnpe:I;I:IL' Koru~lIIntiim~~ .x .1.:<' Ultd hk ;5l!'l;ond I'll f~ Eo 1.11 do ki..,"1, I g he L"11t C'f ed .;L1nO.1lI a!:l [(;i'i .ILm d ~!o' [Il'; ~ Ii Ll ~ I!£L-T;: \ll'J1.{: n l'\1:.Ll g::; ''''1" rtJIJ!;
bu. LJi ro !li.1.[1' .:J,Wo!I~' Oil
'J .... WMal:, 1, I). 1131_
.. 'Q~J.dJit!hiHi IbdJto =~,l!J ~poli~i.u!: ~~""
CaI:alill.llUlliU !I-;'! est rubb.wnil~u~ .h~,1Ilt"I: oiJecl!Dli', .1'.." .titm .u ,i'l.,!in! (.<ro:...-wd, w •.... "
Dr MI;" ~fu'l)T~O:: too Ai:lri.,lJW5 Kmml.1::I1i)~t Zi:ie; ;:!I~~rn 'bl;Io 1n~"W: ~~ thr::
Il\'l)illler: uf~~'I[!a!t one dn'l.lll!:h~l'!r oM ILlIklllf'.l'l.'ffi ','~
T1IICI:Idm;8 .... '<tS the ~td-OOm dausi~l.oI;r tiC Ktlmi[;tHt~nll~ X I ~ and E d kIi; mrt ~. r; .. ·l~ is heard Qf kr,ll". Ar~[' 1Di[ she was 8L~1l [1"1. '[l1l1;ft".i?(~L.I: ~,' Venetian d~~ ~(I'[fl(:["Jioo .1i.1'1lLt:. (HI70---.84} who 00 the ol)('r:;.;-rmDn 1i'1I.(:~l'd !t..e high It)=lIllL: dlgni(r ?f p~f!~roJ'~ 5b~ 'NU sci[ 311['/011 'W~.oC1l1. P~I las WL'(f~~ ~~ ~lJ1t .oJ her r.'1~r rn hL.::i hl~[Ory.l h" ts not knoviln ",1h~thlIT ~!1~ hnd EI!n
r.hildn:::lI. ' '!
:2:0. Zue (t. lo62-befure r 136)
Of th~ two ~mu-; or the C:i!..ocs!ll~' lo;tTmr:s f.J ill1l;1 Jtti~ "Wi.fc 1,:;'iror.l1e-, f'; wid t]r,c elder' ;li~"'cl.L Sf" fl'h.c 1iI.OTC IJLJbil:a!lr.d~ll!-!. 1kt~D ~c~tir:lli: befo:re TO~a.~ he ~ ruUlJerl, ~r hi::s ~1"e[,'Ili.llL gii31rrdf3lther i\.odr-oniiliioo N,;.'; f"ie ~];Ire.iLn ItIJ have d~~'i3 JriTmJ'ieJf IiJolclWli'l/e-ly ro !'j '!11iLiili!l["'I c..1.T[![!T iIIcd in ._g~ OOUJiSe of 'lti::; Hr~ '~, PfL"rt i~L many c::rmpil.igns. [n tb~ WL~'L'CCi3 hie is oI)oOO;19ML:lLH'l" I:i..!Ilr:d a pr~roN--d~,,4bl!1t by ~nh. pd'ioo the d.~igl1~~Nm. 'firt:> L,mll":~r iaLp'I~l}rl ~~lic ~pcr,!:.:ibili tles i! QLiiHI~f'qUe'.illt~y it 'QHI~t be: iJiePi.m1ed i'I!- 3; highlr h..n[1CLi!lry tii:ki CDnf(;HCil !~];II1tI, i1!l ustcd i.1f tlL'I: ir:llI~~ri.aL~mi1:;" In ; i'i..mdwlloit.Ql5 3100 ("i1.rnr:ulbJ:: I!lqu.<rn:r im~ti:J[,Jl 00 u 30 t-o:Ii nl dlgr.;Lt-y· or~~ItJj"~
w~ ti.o. ,llO~ he<'ll!'"..,.r A.IU]ml~1J.oci~· i!!jo1:i ... i til:!!li prlar to IiJ'p.(n that ~ :hre.'~~,," lcWti.::d 1l:OIT'J11.'n[J:Li IV DjQ~~ne::; ~Il hi~ last d~trol~~ .::.lLlcF,laign in .r'\~11. 1<.4.Uwl'" and at M11.'n~~kert 'I:lhe OODLm!lLl1di cl' W r~1"" wr.rtpl:!riaL L~llits, ofI~ting of ~~il!
Tll'Il or,..,l"I!.e m Rom:;Jnm W::!3 ~~w ~t. The fOml.(:r ~tJp!!!I'nr IIp 'Ill me. for.llce:;.-; flf J\,ja'n;JI, 'I/,mo5tC~ 1:I,e_IIIIl3iae an u,~lredi~"C at[~t:J:)p'lllm .... ,ill ·I)'!RC' h.iJ o:Ad rUL~' CriWin, 'N'c[hing rem;J."iMQ hilt hi:; imffl:i:.ll"Lli!r. m?,Ij;:: on[:.r lI<rl£r ;t !W!ol~rnlll pra[)li~ of p;Jj~om ,;t'n~1 ::(:lif.I~t:!i_. ,AtlXIl"i:lin~ ihJ r..oII!It act!Jlln~ Andr'il-niko~ wa.o; ~l'Mldrt~d hy a ::i11il~[!:: FIlL}' fj)'l~ his i:ldJ.::aloll ::Ld~'I~r.:'iiIry ilfid tro:md RmTJ;t,1l.'I]G in 8. tmlru1er uditting- hia former Itigh pmi~ion, 1-" OtL fb" ltm'l'll}\·~nTd jOut"l\ty oJ"[l~ l;iutlC t(t D1wnd the 'CI1.1'lt] ... ~; _~m~m.m'~1;t': ~~_l: to tJi:WIt r'&~ hi_,; \'Oii;l; on behalf tJ&1l1'll<11liW ~nd wrote. Uti l~i!.f:athcr- lh~ reul inst:i.p~t(lr ~nht .ra..tEI!;u.TC:-lcIr~liIg clall1¢TbtJ'; Hu: ~niIJ:ttt~~ if really e"i.'Cf' 'rnRdc:~ ~~ t,!ot!ILOred,1><i :::I'lld ::lI~' N~aiOi'"l !f1e i'"1".! e[ll~!!a« WSI~ mevcil~~)!" bU~~d 00 i8JW1'i:: [1lI72""n
HO'!i"-~""Er 91~CC5<,r~I' hL~ ~~I!:~L11~ \\\~lh RCInOlIIIl:11l. 'm:l],), j,~..,!:- b::c:III, Aruilror'lil::.oJ 1iI~~r ]tad :II. iI"~IL'Y inillOli!:.luial po.5iUo:ni in I!b;;; ~. Ht: OOOIm!1!J111l1~· ~IQ""~ hils ~tcr ~nd! itL th;;; fELIn. of 1073 (~n~ ~~'l: ~nl; clashes 'Witb ml-rel"bl)_l~~L:3) bt, II.'E.tItinln 'iAillIpoolIIry S'!:IG!~,::.ion with hlm i.n B~tbflili.:z;_I>!I Tner l;mth ~tl.!lrru:d to ~ !;o"lpJ[;t.L in c-hc- follmo.r.inij .-itl!cl. bLII[ UL [~~ LIk&:l~lilll::le [be J~(.1]t .uf ~ hR;d l»olren O~I,l :in Ar:.ia MLI~or, It '!IIM:5I!IggcsCcdtc th~~OT M·i(11:'l!~. 111fuJt A~dh"onl~ ~he!w.ld be sene ~111:1st ROllwil, a ~l\I!<J3I~1 wluch! be [urJ~ JiwoIu aEt the ::ul",ie(; of t\!ikephgri,17.>r.lo..lkt:rltwlJLy LooJJm;3 13 assumed the ON~r.il1i. (:(Imtl~al~d" EIIl'!G Andr.:,""Li~w, g~ill eontin1liing ii& ko;7;'o"A'~M.r.m rduJn.~J ~OtJ: p~ll1'l .i.u t:loc £~ooi,ti:(m. III tlH: decisive bntrle th;tt 'W.1,ll fllli,~M (»1 'Lhe ZomPOI.!! "'rid~ I;If SoiII1;[Ados h~ ~'l31!- in. clu~ of the !",ft, ...... jnlg of ~me irnperi;L1 I,;Ih:1l12l[l,;:.17 _"LtIUIIIWI.1- ):I).~ fbu!ljh'l bL':!'i'l.'ely. but hL~ ~tl~"t'a krQ~ Ib 1!II'1E1 tL}· , a.!ILd 11(: hi'JI1~1f .... ·ao:; 1/lfIJJJn.d!:d, H~dn,g tll'a[ biJ. fil[Mr 1 ... 1(1. bl!:f!l~ ~aJ.oo.Jl puisonee, Iw. rushed fun'lw,d to rescue bi~n_ In !iiploo of ti1i~ wOIJml~J UI~ ll.'()V-eb<I!t;~ OIlI'1tl wLlh ~"woLd iD hn.n4c ~~ ~c~E.d! .LIJ. f:UUil'lg P.I W:L'1{ 'l]~rougft t~ o!!IJI!nr:l:r' lLI}{;;!I. iki II ing .o; Q~ bis iilo'p,POI~!3tIit;s., But '~&1o::: :~t~~IL]l[, was ~rrd lLi!:o ]XIwcr, U~ !'I!a.t.:hed. the spot where the C::iI~EI1r ~ bJild, but WTJ'I)lmd!td '9.'00 fio!!oo!:lr amu:]·l.(;(I. he onl:r eseaped rile?i~ thitrlu~L hi:3. fE!.ther'l'i- ~1l!EI ... \iitl~k<n nt UW J::'I!-t fI'IGrl1l1.e.llL COluequeliltly ~I!:! !!:Iu ..... iL:3 mpmred.'~
'I'hc t\"'I:I pn"l;Iner.:: i:1~o:rod ' l;."1pti.vj[y in R~u~'~ ."ill;;l, ''''':e["o!!: movOO_ 1).') 1"Ioj~L'!lni.a.. all !!!o::rntlil[, of 114 IruoIl.ILds .... %no:ht:!l~ikQ.!i QIlJl~IAOOJ~ detesterlLbl!d d;;::::Flj~e: ~h!:: !IIqrre[:l~ll ll'li HGe1..-.ed f'l'OII1 tke FL~". Allier lOOoru-~dembl~o!! I!ffim~ i1ill Cacsru: pc!:l'iw~doo Roo~d to 1il!o:Jl> .... ]U~I~ iD ~.wd eo C';ow;t~.ntLl~f" lLlll>l"dCl!" fh,1,t he mlgll.t r~Lve p1o[l1!l" l1Iledi;:;::2lL [~,1n'1~L l~e'Te. '~'111!! L~b-t:1 (O!1<~teC ~DUY [J1iI, D»u.3~tJ.oii.Jl tbat [h1~ ~.!! (If'" }\nd.ronil:m 3~~ld, be ~rc'~ b~· 'll~ rr,[!1l.b: :1::: hostagea, Affb~- Ti::;il~hing the ,oopi,t::d ~Ie ~·."rOO l;llt he oDly f!l"ijoYl!d good. ~lth lor >L brt-t[ p;::ririd_ He ~Ill f-cll ~II, 'L1tlb time ..... 1~1t dro~:;, ~L'lLd. 'l.lw ~l.olJi:;1i!1r.:: 1.I1'ere ~lnaM1: to :;'1.VE him. 10;. JtlldmI1LJ:.QS e:rt'Ihtaootl tll.e tl:taJl~l;Itl~ Me VliJ.h the name (If!:: &l1'd rli"d 0014, OC.(i:)ber [(l7I'~~
Kiln"'!!! 5t~ 0:1' ,..H:II: 11)00 U &Jr. S II A~H I;'""
1"he ~~ m;;lJ!! nL1lL!.;= ~~ II,._kl?'d J",'Lth ~ht: r.o.QIIlled pr.q~~n er KL..-...~_ ..... i im...-.rt>oTU r:1.::>.::"1I=nL~ t",,. d"" undc 1~[,.",o.lIlLg or ml1,.~ ;l"jdm.illi.s~ .
•• ......_ .-"~. 'l!t.. "1""'" illl~
~::L of feudal jOlno m .. "1.na1<emt'ml~ 111 ,.~~tm!~I, m~ rIDp;:-:r1L!! 9.~t l;qf.!; tht
~Ftbru.l~ ~ ntJ,~ I thru L< ;tfl~J" 1 he dr::fc..··H ~Rnm"lI;II:I!I\~:r allY ~I!ci~l':-':<lill" ~ bdiind thi,.; ~~mLl~ gt"mt by ~~I~ emperor, It un.",.y Po.=lbLy be ;;In eN£1~1 a{ m(: LmJ)(1i.,l f.1.V(I~1 r ~I~ ,..,·ti~r.H"I~tJl1, ~t ('jtl:" !)8lrtll,ing of the r:1~.n it ""1Ji...~ .W-'lf th~ th;:st :\ml.mmk- ....... "UI [!~I'1'red ' .... ith L~I"I~ '[(:"~=-d. ai't>cr his rC'lllill ~j"J
(~'>taI1~n:II;;rh"- , , • " .
Lile h~ t"::!iher, .. ..!.,I1i!l~I1I::["i.< 'L~ on UIItm:J9i~;(; ~rrn:; ~Y1th PseUr,L5. 'Tho.:ilC (!k~i..s a letter or the schnlar add:rr=P.d ~r;I him., wbicl1J L:a. jl.~ f;~l;."t an ~haf~~~al' PiLJ~[(jj b;, hil:; &r.;[ ~i1ar'i ~u~~ ewer Rmlmno:a (spnng w~) .. !~ 11"" ~. ;;!I~ ~Yj [0 lli3..'ld:: fiJJ.oc.JJ p;1rt iJ~ th~ c..'~;1!r's hlll:lilitg ~p~hio!l~; ~~ ~ ~:.nJ ddilllil~l;i arrribueahle [6 _-\.irrdUOJlillrn has been preserved t~;tnng [ho(;. lrux:r11lIl01:l.: eil"a'r~ ~Il.~, ·~lrupolli'«t' 7If.".JJr~, rq..W"'fI'lI~~'¥ ~ t"'JL~~ '1'c,~ 0!'1(~.\@ ~~;
'.AfiL~:ys ...... ~ .::!IOL-"loo .. I! ._
\"I'li:ll bd9re 1006 .I\.JDt3~t!IJi.k(1~ married ~[;.!ti:;L, ::1, JSld}' .Q[ Fh IJga~~al'l ot"igin \'io"OO 'WlL:. ;:s [b.lJgh~~ of prince Tro;~;11"1. tIolJd c:llaililli..'I:l ~~I!i!i!try fr.i;lrn bns: Jb!'TirLJeI (00#IQU .. z, 1f;!!ri~, rrcqu.::nuy 1;2111«1 by ]Il~f" tLlJlh;Ll1d "s ~ltlc 01.~ fJIIJ~~ri.oJ;z' WEi.! iI, ror~w. ....-r.Jm.:L11 ,."na (:ID!.~1 ~e inlLu~I~~ in th~ C:Olllri:. oft\.lexj!.l~ I KD:IiI.llleJl!M, S:h~ rebuih ihe .::hllHh of Lbe Cilcrra. '[);IOI;l&Slo!!ryJI a.l1di '!.Iia~ QJl cJO!oil: ~~1"l1Il:l 'With 1tH! hml)11< ~ist ~·.Ij~h~'m!IWs Z~bct:l.Qi.~ll Priot" to her death, J'J.ihri<l. mill; ~~ \'cil ;md: rhe Dl6J1a.!-tll; [1am::II:: nf Xene ~ she d led on :2":[ N!1!l"I!ClllJber t:tf uim UlkklltflNJ1 ye3r du.ring rhe nil;!n of A.!1:.x.ius..JtI
r:; hi.:. m;:tniagE tn Mari~, A[1doo:n~ DO!JJ:a~ b~!!I'D.e th f;L[&!~r (if .lh~ chrlrlnfl: Mil;.h~d ,~4, ] o.anElf!. ·~3, E.Jfe:.LC ~.:i: Ani!l;l! ~/' and "TIJ..i::flfLt.r.i. d. TIM flrn: three we:n; born hP-1iJ.ri': ~c.b~.l' It is inkNl~Li.1l1! to llIOt;;: dl.!at tiTle 1'Jf11M" '', SQ CClI"DtmQl) 8rf.1f1ng the r .. miii'CS ~f KOI!Il'D~ll(l!"iJ Pal::;!icll:r&m,
~ T':;'" oJ:'.I;:J.;".Tdt '..r,.,~~.orur<'~ "A'~q'ii.S"Lo =Li .:I.-:!k.I.."!'"II;; j~ Til-',j~ o'iil ~ ~ a;ri"j!oJ'I'I ~., ".. ........ ..:.;,[0\ ~ M M. Vi p .. a.~ {-PC, !"l"1~ «II, I:I~OJ.
'itO t-;!3'J' MiT LN 03 I][) U Kfl. S (PI
.n -thil.rl_l \ ... rh;~te~·I!J.· lnlbr.m;.!tjOll flll Kens La.1l Ij 1:100 , li.f~ j~ TCCDoom by w SlIurr~ is .al:rrull.:lt. m]w:1,Y:-; "n';~d1ahly ~mc(,bl:d WJth his high pooi tir.:t:ll il." an imperial pru~(~ :.!!i._d mere :5pt!I;::If.II:",ilir Wlith. the; p;rulOl1ged illlJugfl lI.a.ioll i!:1T'.I91':; ~(t %:f~1! .. "11"d" j,lt. he-;r~~uaJ'y Ti,ghj~ to ~he throne,
At '" ~rr rl:31r~:r' ~c Kan:aa:a~~tirlr:"los rl'oOCL"'K:d tbi!'! ir.nperi.a.l, il1."i~ia. that i~ hI:: ~ des'iSllll!u:d as. h!!lr a.ppar02nt..II Tilms at ;II. dLIliIl:;Jjl)t pcri{Klin t\lJgwt ~OH- ~ 1J.".,.rlpra'il!'l] E;:tCil,l)f.t~LI~)I:IU !'!&'~~~"1.'IJQ1iIr~d te 3.P['lI.'5l~ the l\rurJl'1O'.1\1Ui b::: ph)' t/TII! betrothal Qf tlu; mfan:~ !Q ~e of ,~aN.rl O!JII::;c3t'd'~ d::1~,ghtm..! TIu.l ""au:; ::!ig~cd upon. Th~g;d carne 1'0 Coru[;U1.t~I~l,,'Ip!~:;11td bccant~ t-:I'(OI¥11 [0 the GI"M as T-Trilr.;:n4:. Until i:v3:iclliLd'5 I4 bU hl 1 018 ~h1c \viI~ ;L,I the rutilL"t: 'W,ife. of :;I; fllllJt~ I:!:TIIlIIXr-QrJ TtK: dii::a.!.JJJuti-c!lI. ~':(r I'b;: betrothal ~Mr RWL'1JWill:ta.' a~!.nn and t!1,C. C:~I~fLllrtruetl,t ;ci Hd~l~1! lI"~ ;~ r..(I!1vcnil: 5(;[1,100 as tl~l! [;I.,~~;:;xrt fQ[' G L1i::.tlllrd'!-;
ai1:",d .. on By- .. mnlLmU.9 '
fu ~ li1(1,t~rrn] I;;IWI1~ql)l:r:J~ of }r.tHdLiOC.L'!l ltf fall. [h;:: ~1:iUl1g ~me, despite Eli>; lU.ather·~ 5100IJM :m\rljrri_'~ ~o the 0(;1,'" Nh1~ro:L' B{I~.8~ICi~!~, ~I:;]d tOI"(;OOUJ1Cf" an his rights and P'P!::fOgativr:.:i_l Thia g,a~ r,~ La eertain l['Ji~~?ih":meni;S found in IWJI-GI'~k seueces to the d[r!(lL ~hu Botaueiaees h.wl ~Oll~I;;Lll~m.Q~ G~tr3ted.~ TILt:. r;:[)nf!L~ M811"ia. made p;:;:L"ji:3i:(:I~t foLt~tr[)lljg ~fI iw.l'l!! leur snn ~p,l;rIgn~~d .. 1:; ~Itc I;;L'IIIIfl11 I 1("': L I', I» huJi. sru: .l1.iJM j~~Iil::(!: llbl: ~ and cl~iitlll!!l.S Bl1l;LI:1I9iLLI~ 1l1p,.,lIf ~1~I;ld~~d, ~~ ~I~pp~rt tho!! ~:am!W;Jlu[\l: [\f:lllLOtbl;J' uf~lis n:illll[ivt:.:l_u
lill ~p1~ of t';~lilJnr dud 11~ r~1;I! fint, '~lLl1'i tid' Ak: • ...if!J I':! L~iBft .:!I~'i!l or M<lrua"~ 1i~ lnAruenre at tll.LI.l tim~ 'l"hl!;! rig.l~t.I d KoIfL!I2I!lJLi~ 'I!.·tf~ fDrl3IHy qLJaYLttL
lII!UI;I!oZi;!Ui CI F 'THE ])("J U K .... s fj' JI. ""-r L \-
~M!k'tIlD I!Joubt thillll tN! infi!l'ilU::~' Qf the cm~!:rO' \o,t]J!:h 1If1ll .. in. ~egsrdl .'
_!lUi'll!.. ~ WxdY ~rW:h1~ for ~.Le prorni»l'~ ~mtl the. la'lli,!;I; h~I1~II'''~ Lts 1II,cll::llallOl ~ Plum Lli!;;; l'ulbI;;[ he 1'r.:I..!:O ~1'I[1,goo :ilL the h!1'pl!rl~lJ palao:: 'bI! l!:ll tlK ~~OL.I ~ and an the .1rl ... iL':e ~ la::'lIlo~IIf'''<; l~, Ma~lII, il'l.f~lle:ro .r,~~~f - issue :ill dJ~11J .'lml ~1J1~!wu~>' confirm [jill! S.~C:.lrJ 1 l'1i1'lvll~~ '""'rIl ~
e1_~U1N: used ro appear in ;;;[aoo d~ILments., ami OlJ pUbhe 00J',:I"':"_ I
~- - _n:. - ~ 'k~ L I • ~-"""I5. Ii!
at;cl)nqnll~ the .::J:Il pX:(oOl , JIll ;'1.11 tl'lm;mm, rll1J!l,grl Pll['(::r nornlt'li!lJ qL~t. I
1"he dim;]!:.: o!;.UTiI~ i.Ii &: ..... [b~ .1 rbl!T the birtb 00' Ale1Jo~ 1\ dd~,;t cMiW Alllll..' 'Ji. l
~Il' ' . l J'a~
(born {In :I: lkcemh!:r ~\tt;OJJ when Ki:lI!'L'3[I:m~llWO~ W2IS ~~TOth~d '[IJ m!:!r. ~n«:: ~
clriIdrm ..... rere LooJ,;od upon as the ru'lun~ nulcl1lj .atul 1'!J'!:'Jt' J1;~mt!I; ~~ i.1«:11,d~ ill aedamauous.t+Ir is h~l't1. to ~L"ll hev ... siaeerc theseacts ~ i\Ji.'!:<io:;: '!!;,'(:1'Ci for 00 a t=:tt"..I! extent (h~ \\'!;:~ dee ~G poLiti.o::3i1 o:m!lOid~r'lIiiCtJ~ HoweV"l:lL' G-ril!': C''''1ill~[ 3i.mpL~ di~i$J; them ;!,!i hypocritical 01.'" e .. ·tm pro'l,liii~~I1!::!l. S~lK.IltJd tMe ~m.J!~tw have foUloo to tm....-e lit 1'IIJ.aic- heir, U11;': l;tr.~r'CI:th9lJ a.fAnn ... 101 to KQm:talltill.ol)!. I"'IlLild h;w'c -offi:>rm an idr:'lII150Eu'i:imt.
it i.:5 gc::D!!:I'3.lL~' a~UH1~ that the b[rth ~lr ]Qil:lmCS Kfnnru:::ru:r.; jll'l 108';1' 1/,I'.LOj tlll~ f'C25OO .... ·h:!o· Ktlrl!l;t:anl~I'IO::; 'I;~as Jr.::p.t:i ... t:d of hia J·j~,+IIL'i. 'I'hie ~l~11iIdiil r~l1n .. ~ euougn, bu L j~, fact ITD1Ia.LIU that no aourcc supports ;!JLIe'il ~n hypl)fb~~, Oil the OOltL=rf: the DnI~ au LhlJl who touches on ~-h.:: que;tinn ~rnJ~l~es tluu ~J[}!! bctI otho:!11;lllEy i:nde-rl "",ith -'om:a[antimlol';· death, 15 Ah",;"Yli Sffi!JJti",(: to .a1~:n~i.JIa:
OOJllmr.lII!d widt h~ -Ll1Iliort1JIl~:tr:' fiMl . .;:~, &1l1Ia, 1 fJ( hlin~ that ~b~ tau ,{oImeto J'Em{':lJ}b~ du:: h.;mQU(:5. 'Whirll ~h-ey Imt'h ~'OO_I~ App,ueilltl,y 'i:hi:; \Y3.i al~~' II, thUiS ef I""-e- past h!i)' 6 JIlL1J11li.L)·1 t.t&J;1 d~~ d~ Ibr a ~ll~cli of TIN:Oo pb}'hl!O! of B~']_g;I.ri9l..r1 Olll~' llrye..i~1 I [los give;. a n::;~ro:n for Al:a:jlJ~' d~(r:.ioo. ~ing l!:I him. this d.;priwtkm w.~~ due [~ a gra;l,l'!:' di:5r;:~ !h~~ bd'~lL [ILE pal'J'lh~TII8trubl$. Qhll!. :pr>C."'i~,miIIB· hi~ ruilurf: ele v. tIl~101l1 to [J~I: rhrone, -rIlE d~ 'W~ j, not ~ed ~~i!tl.J::.1L1 I~ to the rtl~~l1g man's dea.tlL~1 Ntiw, 'the: derneiien ce:rta.lnlJr OCe>llrred b.::oon;. ~ oSa. ",mt Konfit9lmjrull. did nnt dii:: l,mb • .'Inc- t.~'i:: It i~ tm[lL;fqre aOU:II;:wh5lt lJIII ikety [hat a 'gl:'~~I.'I!:" iUn~ ;lJ. .Br,·~njas cl~i bes i~ IXIUJtL have ~~n nUII~ than six )I"I~n; eo 'CtIIH)' d the. porphyrot,;01.'I~. He ..... ~r it i~ ~iM~, [!I~~t Koruli.;mti'J1lJ"5 ]001:' hia privi!~,s btc:.:.1I'1lC- of !J:Ime mLIlr..r dl~~ ..... ~~io:.:h dl"" !l;1'!:'Yer l!'r.npl)J'Jl]T wara qUL-c&. [0 .il!.
lInnll'-.rli::'lt.::iv 'I.rl.t!~ ]03JII'~' I.~ birth, BI,}'I!!1ni05 is frequ!':l\tl'lo' ir..~ 00,.[8:rlllU}(lI;, '~lld J~~ could [M1Tpood" ~I:r I;InwillilWr l\8.'I,Ie I illhrl II, ~iblc: ~..Irly di,...;a:; .. m [08] "",,·i1-h l'ht:; :r.1I~l"j1 OD':: 30-1l11: »:0;: ye..1f5.l!i.l:er,
ll~lt even i r mhi!-; ~L'II! ~IJ~ KIJI!I~t.J.mii~6.l 0iIe'I111luOO to reoeive Utl~ :lhvoUf LlP ~r} thI:: eiul, lIIwi Ak:-.:i.w is n:::flU!'Cd ~O I~a."'t a:mtilluOO LIJ ~1~{'jW t:.1th~rl~' .aileC,.o. ti"~l"[;! W]~~l the: OO1p~r-l)[' .§II:Q,ppc:tl at s.r.L·~ 01'1, ]~i.s 'IiI1;l!f-l:h ag.aitlJ.t tb~ ~rb;;; C'ally iu ItIM, Koru;t;1.n~-in!lJG i-rwitod ::'00 ~~L~I'I:iiliIlOO llirt:l, ~11 hi", own ~~CJL.;j~'4! and f1l-l:~IJ~'qltC ~t:L~ rI~;rr~r ;:-~,n~d Pen.Ilr:.~'li~~!< FQC' the f~"!>l !11ru'! lIe,I"1lli ilHl:Ilu.. il1g ic P';:!!B'~II:.IFN!I~ ~It l:L_lfilhl<Ll-y ;:-~lmp-~lgn. Du[ til!:!: m·;lCt1~J'llma!.B_,:!oJE;)LIOO (IDI"P'IpNy ~C'l!IS!:t;I hiJl~.JI For btl patt l~ :tElnli!lm~d I")I<I} to J'!.J~:<I!:lS ,;1.TIQ refused to klld hL3 E)Q(I~ i.-t:o the n:bcl. Nil«:p'ht)ra~ Dj~nl!llJll i.T'II !lpi~e ~ his ,tlto'tlLo!:r'.'j. 'nifpL'~{iO<JL Lill the: plat,:L..'I ThIN!. he' is h-f-o.rn of:lID b'ti"I~ amd ~ II'Il.J!.t have di~ !&!tlt"tlr rulttlL-W.a rd!i.
no!! i't OO-IUait'l.J:l ILtde personal infbnuatian, It ~ alltlool. III ~l.elllt'" ovl!.r hll!l·- trut it conmins <l1oo:r:..g ::tIlc.iiorl'in prttire of M,.1ri!'r!. lilt adtI[tiOIllI ule ei:Lil.d is. ~p~:rncnkd (or h~ be.',lII~Y "n-d hR_,; i'l1lbP.lltW<£~ ;l!I; w~1 ,Ill .h.~!. ;ti;iilhy 1!11 rr.!;tT'llly
sports such !'!I!; hl',nii~Lfo 1~ll'1al1!Shi~~ asul [be: 1:>l¥W,,'z1 .. .
"l~ p;rrtr.:lnm; tlf KDH~la;I~!!iII:'I!:Ij: &L!.l-:..a!. 1L8.!- been preserved m die r-toly CI'(I-I"'lI .nf HUl'lffoJry whioth daees [1.'Oro e. J 07V~
1t~M:!lnut!i; OF THE DOt.' RA:'; l· ..... )..1 II Y
•• ~.~ As. a child, 1'-flchacl, ro~tht"L' wi1 h his bmthL:T", ·ill'.Ul ~fllJ.r.b1 II.='~-.",,,,,~ Jr~ ~~. 10150) ~~ }1[.)S;~;t~ ~11 Ilh .. t hiE! nu!w..:r A l,dL~>"I1IiJ.:",,,, wl:m (]~ '-;':"""''r.,. ill oould be allowed to gn ttl' ('..nn::;tnon rhiople .r~~r I1n~pEr ntOOi..r.'&..l! ...... -~ L_.· • d - ~~ '. U.e,II_ !DoD. ~ ~k h~d IlK: two """"1'"S ernpnsnne ~n a I!IJr~!i; 1.11 BI"~II}'rliil. Thl!!'e
NiclI.cI'!I: ami Joomlod.' 25 slave attendants W'::'LC ~IJ~II! m ''I!.'ll~ni~lg 'i!~ i loW ~t \1,~th 1:h[Jruu~h kno ..... !edgc: or she wmw Ild~,~ 1;i] [1:1 hel die OO)~ l!SC3:pe to ~iclt~llw.cliil_ l1~or ciho~ a ~YLOljn less mght ffl~. tl1~f "'t~l:tl1~~ but ;dtbou!:,:h W pt.1.'J7j h"d. 1~[l ~:JlL ... ..fulI, 'WOT"kcd out, ~l~ly 'I,',I}~I~ I-t~ .a.tteJ1rbnt, l.h~ eunuch [..eon.t'iLki~, "...",~ ]~I1;"y enough 'I;U $hp On~ af!lJ.i: i'.nrlcr!.:li.'!tCm, afic::r a ""',bole :night's. arduous wDoLt he W.!l3 ;Saf~ly to )fiO;JmI:ld.i;J; .and ciumcJ:: llmloLtbll!dly [a Corutrul~nopl!!.. iu: .a y~mn.g man, MIc.II"lG.IJ~ mtI!tionl;l;l 3~in. In t1~E: p.t'=IC"tl!; of [flo!::. blK~L1 i!lileiillml!lli~1 m.3.:1:r.i~[;!:: ~ [til!!! rI~ cre.u~ ~pl:.ror NJkf!.phul'U'l HI &1.aI1(';1.a.~j;o.: I", I:JI~ 1!X-e'mpI"4!lI.'§ ~1·lLl:.lilI he pb~-edi :ill dc:1k.ilt>1:. p3r~_ :PO]~·.iiL.g dl'l;! C;!Iil'iiLl:'~ ~1"J::;tnL'l::daru.. he prmnptl~'p1Qdl!lom l!. pri-est ."1t 111~ ri.ght time W bl~ [M iTTegllllllL" '::e:N:ffir::.J~y_.I, T'hrec )i~n '1:lI~;:r., hi: accompanted hll. grnl1.dl7ltlm- at the crucial OOJ~fl!J1:";I'I~;1; i"I.t .scl1j~.L jn 1l11'll.~il:l wttkn the ca.m:'iidaULTe of Ak::1:i.oo K.oml;){:m:~; 1~~ ;!I~ emperor W-..L~ noally tigttcl upon.l
.-\:5 :J. man ~kGt to the palace 6~~Jl by ~1.'1,ti.OTlShip and by IKlI,T1'i:i[l;ruib~p, li4.iclliLd. not 00.1::-- reecivcd varinus !LmbI)lllf.::; but sJ!.O ~cti'!f(;~)' p;~rtidpati::d ill ~e:\'1i.r.11 mililiB,ry {:flgag~~[I1.!;.6 H~ l~W tfl~ d ... il diB;B~Lr (If ,'w,~ ~1MiI In:)Jm :lit l~t l 083 oo\\rar~ he fLn~L ~h~ i rnportant rank or prolwbillJ,[lr.t; In the warr.l:re hetw~en ~ .mB.~~Jt;g N' fed by &h"::'n1J.lml 3i1'ijd ~e ~yz:allltiJ!rt;'i JII1. TllWaLy jl1
, lSI ~. 'ofJr~ Michw is dt5ull1l;od. ;u: bG'in1J Sl:ill n. e!.dl,J (;r.DI'.>"', ik"yt!n~ pJ!'- 7~ :IT.). 1>l.1~ j" !!J?f: b.e ];o,~ 2:lr~~ " ~'(I"ur..g IEL1.JI (~-;j Brl'£:III .• p. lSl'l). W'JII;;.I1 ~~k.!; l"iII)[.¢ ~:"" CIKWj)ll fm It.!:! ~ 1:i;:.r'1!: ~ni~ll. Lm~.I66) •. t;.[icl1~r~ W'oI!' !tiU:m .ilil'rn ... ~ (if.-trJ*" Mi'lHoS', I, p, In(I, MIM' l!oIl"I::"';I~u!milll::li 00 I(j~n'1!:J. I.J'III'I; !11t'; birth 00 ~ ~I'f.lfIM..Il1 (1j,IIIiILu, \", pp. Stlj'"'D) ;;.uul:I rd"a t;;. :o;,liclm~l: (d"; [O:!IUI~ I,l. ", 'I.~). TJ1~ :r1l"l[(j~ t!t l!i.m: is ~rerum.::L'bLF i:h::J! DJ bb! 1["[:n]IB~I K"n.,I'.J..nUn~ .X'i Px<:ldaci.sozan ""llIlI 'Io\=:IIl 111m !:nl~ tr~oo,;u oo.-em.pemr '1'~1JM., n. 1I'r 11(.8/. h ii111-..o-rcl"~~ ~,;,16: 00 S1tJlptr-.r Ib~t his bE.ll, ooil1rill.OO. ~.PJII:o:..:rn~fd~ .... i1b Mitb..ul VII' • .:r1llH~""l1 but neiehe .... r IliI:H: !!'o\~111:Il CiILI be .h1od. .~e "ff ..... M; bunl ,., r~ nred in ~1iorJ UI ~~","h",,1 mt IMkI: :IIJ1l1t~It;.ti b!-' mc.ill'ir.I'ln:,..;h.!r ID!1E"I~ ~~. "\'lidULd ';0; ~!r1:h iI.~ I~ mlln P::"l' to bmt: Ill'"CI!11 till! f~rb' !i!oldc._
, 1I1)'m. .• f,il. ~:;---&...
• IIry~ .. J'fI", I ~Ij..-.;J: d. 1l,. ~b., ·NiotE!h~ .I U ikll;.IIlil!b~i.:~ (I ~,.[).;I') eL M~rie d·AJ~":~., ..... ~j.A:! l~.rh G-,~I f.'l.'m.:.:lr.....,.o:.! ~El:di.r oll)~i"""-'I I (~ !~). e:oJl'!!dn~l~ iii. I H-
j ~..,. :h I 1.lI Tr.1i"hiOO an:1 I~ ,J!otII'~ IL" I ~, .
n. I~ e n-oIH" , ~.' .... 1 .:&!r ~tI ~lIud'l!'r IIV.''''"",,", l .... rJl~fI<o Ihl:' 1,1",'1 ""LTlI~II'i tn ...... II, ... t'J.,
(!rX!lI>llIJl'Jol,cll1~1 ~ 1 .... 1iI.1I Y I •
L!r>id"l1~il"'ii.:-d b~
, 1:)fI~i"'I' &""'(;" 11 1" fl .,.,., I L6(i,
I'!;O , Ii: I I ._.1' ~I ,~II'~ 1""Hlh ilL h'rrlc'l !1,1"1'. ,~ ~l_
1 'n,l! m.:1":,,1 1 nil I'm; n..,..· , .
1It:ltW:~E RS Q!, THE .Dc) rr ........ s ['11. til ~ LY
~ W1known n~. Doukas 'W'a.~ tP..,~ tho:: eask of rt·~t"!..,, h' ~tultul LL~ l.. .... ..uo.:. t'>1'(r kvgc. ~~IL')o.L_ At LIlt: head !I)J . .a ~tl;~~ Irr
~ ro.u. he set ~[ >!Ind .bd"ar~ I..andl~~ 01:'1 Cn::t: be: .~ropr~~ Cit t~1!! I":!' ~ Edand of KMpa,thru, Ln.elldjll~. perhaps 10 H"L~~r 11.1!!i ~hJ~)l-; 8.!I~~1 t:Il;J,kI!! ~h~ Ull~
~tioll.! pn[Jr be !!.l.c decisive assault, .H.L:i: .Il~mUJocnt Landing crewto:i "'i' It widdjilrcid {nnfwioM that it ;:~U::;~d iJo 11'C'1¥ rIl.ou:p m Crete: Lh~; L~I1iI~' ;!j~lIijt1IL :1:1 t"C~ KH)'].:(,; ~Wo ~ asseseinnted before; DOLlhL~ ~I:t his fOOc on t~e~~ Crrto!: men ::;ubrnLU(:d withour further bloodahcd.s '
1'11"1: SUhJllg".J.[LOJL of C~l'L"Ilf. tumed Clut to be a more 0:":<l1\pJk7.!t0d Pmtr.;;;3 Ha\'iClC lLd~u.:rtdy garrisoned Crete. I)0uJ.:.a1l PLXlt¢t;rkd. to CypL'u" .ud [II) ~ fir.!;[ 3.rPld: c.aP!u.ted. the strenghold of _Kyr.r:nia. !he .11;10:;.,1.1 ~Slllrp;:t' RIII~[)~t.4,. ",00 Ol,C-t-l)J""djrljl! to Ann!!. 1(J'l, IJSld Iirtlc :1J~Jum;~ ~me:I~OI.!. h~lT1"illd fn:un !'o;"io:t::L"l. fi"l fat:~ the: Llrilporia.L eroops but daL'oI:u J~fll '!.'p.n!l'I'f(; 411 npen cllll:lb 'i!.1tll 1M'111, HiS spasmodie ~1:am::e- ~OOt1 camp!ctdj;' trjBt.~p~d, 3111.,13 rla-t 1~ :afi.9- WTI:rd~ he: 'IIr.1iL!i eapmred by Ilouteumitea, a l'iltl~t:", .. d, ~u']i;fe:r Dtillbs, ~I 'lu!i3 lite LTJlpenal eeetrel w..aa once :!I[lIIL~ e-:ltt:eu'lK:Ly_ :i.~~eL"t~, E1I~d ;a rji!;W ifO""tJ"rt£ir F.u"l1aLh~ PJlI.iJokal~'~ '!!.'3:!- appointed on this ~Lr;~~t!gl-'l; ta!and_ 19aiJl~1~ tben ri!::LW"J~ lu C onstantinop ['C. ' ,
Itt W lOOOoaQllelit of We5ti::~1'l. .t''u:ia M~iWJ' fnl!-nwul'lS tile ~t(Jt'~'nil1g (if' Nlft1!i1, {fi) JL1I)f 1097) b:r- ~ile knigbtb of tltt F3rs'i. Crtl!'U~,tL~, I cmlilru::cS D?:;1lt::~ plavcd.~ OllIl£LlLy conspicuous rote, In, a m~-a5-\JiL't ainn:d ,iLt rrii5hil"<:il~jng [ii£ &:UuA:, 1i::t.llIi~ or the maritime primipaLHle!l, he w;u mdtred ttl !':jJe"~d \vc:rd, ofNml";'llCl!.'~ cap~l~r~ ;Lr"JC ills!) ro di~Jn,y '1"~;:h.iiE" d3/u~1Hi:I' whrl h;ld been [SlML'L ~,-jS>iln~r there, Om:1:: 0!rt)T~ h.~ h;.,ti tl!,e ~lIprem~ command ("ir t~l~ .!urmy II:n.a the Bott, but a~ the h~Ll rtf" th.; bt~~r he plO!;~d [!, {lcr~aili Kklpi!i:': ~~ whom ~1l!:; go"'l~mfllf~.hL.[J of &myrul!I Win- pl'nmu~ ;1'1 ~o:: e¥Cl"Jt of j~ ~~'Il!ilm~. ~ o!~nJile::; b~iq[";;:J. tbi!; ~o:wn. 5tiJl1til~
e .~.lrLW, II, P- [00: d.E:. t"'r-rIOi'1'J, HfMiH ~ III ],Ioo~~ ~I~ .ru MoyM .qt f]"t,,;", I~")i aTigincllf publi[h.f1! iD .R.!!i.I:: ,N~rm! LJrin, lo!l ].I (l!l!)~~i ~-..;; H. G~lomt.·£-j\'ll""f::Ij.;.I, 'L'Ulm~1ioo [J1ifur,j["1!; de ~ ~ bfl;!lJ1t~. n, :J;~ (1fjl61~; 224'-1i. Th~ C',"~II. 1I:"L.,..;d ~fii" p;:;.il;Dl ~ a:&, d~i him in II, ..... ~~'~ !K,i!.t ~'~l1 is, Mdnil:]l!'<!afld w,·h!r..l' by XI~iJ.oM, biJMp or ::-kth.~ in 11.11_ Sot lit,~ edition of V4loilir~'ki~ ic Pli:lIDI~~ ,~!,,';' Ji!N,·dl., IfI (~~J. 7:;-3.. 'fbi!::lOCOI.:!Il[ !lIJpp.'k-n.~~ JI~. h~ ~I) 9~,)'" 11l1.:! 00 MI,"'" <::J'iIILT'lL &IThni f~ ~I;.. Tlv )'~Oi~r~nh .. r m:ik15 DaLl.!i~ ~eL '1!1Jo I:h~ ports.fir J!l'I~II)i;):<' (~I;IM~ ,~~ it J. """c:,I,,;,,~ IheiL 1ft ~'ht .. ~1lI111:'"..jAh S<lim -""..-lImos 1iI1111o ul.~11 rnoo!H;l'Ilioo ~1';i;1 ~" ... aid~,.r'l.h>l;illoh.-..l i Iht 1WoI"IIi of K~" death re£I~III-.d him Ih.~, :II'1cl trn~' tlt;::n. iI:itl '11" I~ :l.l..J ""Li.'bI',I, """,I''Q~ ~I'ET C~~ ,[,il~ wnion ilrlh" Vil'a ml'lh;; I~ clilllkliiti if oot i.l11JHID'iI,If., ro' ~ ii.I,~.tJlr.r ~11 iJ1h;: fI~t ~~ K''I;m.1Ro!:CIn i[!l ""'i1.YP!".lilh_ n,j<:''l'rth~ ]ebler.; clThoop:hyl>.kiJlll ;-'(I:...~ia, t."ol.tra,-",I eo loon:n~, ri,iKl>1 IUpPO!'ll, Ii, .. Io:Il:lli!ro;L Duu:lz..s !iiD.t~ at ~_ T:ll!: 19T11.."'li!l'.ll modl:'ip'".lhlAo, ""'!1"C"":111 :hiJ "1i'i:'r>rCi~~i!J1l ~r the :rl"i"' ....... ~bl" ol:lispD!idoo ,;of i:'h[!. ~&:Irr:;m-e: !;[tW-ro.. him and b-t;'" Dilllk211 ro (OOI.l1l1r il OOU:. ...,.i(11 ~ ... ~ ~ ~h.e "".jOB nf:"l.lL.Ii!M !.IJoIi!l]n!.\'; Ill!: !1.I!~r'"~ Ur.m;'!!'i in, hd:M,l,"r. i::o.;;~ ~~ ~I.r ~I!EL I,. J>G, 1'9~ ,,,,II,, ~~I ~ (_ ~ul:.. ~.l'2)' ~I;I"" it I' 1l'"A'ill:.ok I~L TOu.pI,:.-[",~!o .. v.&i LOO III. I;1IOI.eun";:rn brJ-mll'" u[,h~ I-e:I!'Id"'t:II ~, I~ oIICGL!llJl~!£ 1.I''''J"'.,",l: r.irl ~~ Euw.lI; e", =I'.Q.) !~c wr ha-\'~ Jill or.rid"!II(>I" of nriy ~I!.!~ ~' ~L!ilMequ,",nt :"1I'0'\.r.Llll'J111 r,( rD;,nr.a ,..,ili !h~ "rh n LnUt.JlI~in oI)r It", i,I:mI1 11,;u o::IIII.:J r.o;l~illl Ill!; ~ru:c In, I >!: 1~1.4.-r rJ Th...,.,phybkl.o:I. ~",11~ i~ rn:",1 lhe I>i'.J;)l;,U!lt Ill' 11,,:I"IJdo Mf0.ii. it i~ rttl!!{ln::Luk [Q t.:rr.r~JO"(" ,h~ Hlrr;H ~ ~'J~iJ ~f~' rrr"'I~NI I ~'Ilixll:ou-, 1:\1" clli.rh'K, the H!t"-"'lli;n~ II):~t'" ~1"" dlwr-t..
>Ii .'" It;~ "",'r:Y~:rI" I~'II o1hh,·'t"i'h"-d ~r"rnJ h"i'" Sp.. N_ M ru-; n ,"",,! , '8~ (','>riI.....:U>;'!l". :uh1'M'~f ~'f"",.,..{~ 1'''~ ~~~- ... ,' ~,.,Ikr.'to1' 1'f~1', ~'fIJEi l' (I!.Io!t') , '~I!-:J«.' l ~1JrCl!1:,.
1I1N.,,,t/1n I'dl~n, I">', ~~ .... .:); a. ~~~ ,,] f .. ,r· v«. tl,l:"kIJ,1 L, Dill', Ill- (r~f); ~3rr<J'
r I ,'-'I ~ I' I~".t I' j. I " ....... v., ... 01", ~I 'II 1.1", n, 'if!.,
J ~ I iJo er i I ... L fi- • ~., f .,." ~ ~""'I' 0~~.,;,.,-" .'~, ~." .. ,.r"';iF, t:;.11 ~h I" ~ I 'I JII'- Ir J II ~t r 'I~"I uf
1' .... ,.1.11. J r I 11,:.:1 .::I~,~,." ..".,..II,W. . . I
- --- ---
Ato;::KI,o, (!IQtJ~AlN"'" lJ!inlkalt)3 1:0 G~i.o::;. y~~ thp.: eouple's hCIIJI!i; cl~ are f&r from I"'C!l itSt •• blkJtOO- The union 3Ip).:IE-3.1'!: to ha ... e pnxLLlceil :lot 1~1 tW(] 5011~ f';ill4ll10r0s l~ ';11I1:d l-\ll.Q~! ki:1~ r_al';i, rt1~e ..... fr-~ l:iIllJl!rl !llFi:-I:r ll~ti.r ["e;Frli..-c: gralH.lfaLhers, Ni'kq;!ho~ P.alilJi!;)]o~ wi.d .Arldmmkl'lS :U, amt3 rn'l]f hR,ve e:n.l~·~d u,~ IlQllel Ql~!'Jd aurnsme DouI£1m-iFu.iri.i!lkip:D.~ which cti..l:Dt into ~le dhtlll::;- ~~ tweiillli cent~lry-
T.heod~ ...... a.:l ~1Lt: ~I~~st ~Ll!I:r uf AruLn::m!k.;i1 !II, 2I1l,j she must ~neTefl)Je ba ... r,;l:iEitIJ born. in :!1Ioollrt I IJ~ She had been 'pl.QUIlised' 1:6 Gt.a try h.i:.r PME[lb ~!nce ite[' tnr.'·liil;~l .aTl~ J;i"'I!r! in ;~ ~"1:l11.t ~1il1"'~r. ~h~ monnsric rmme of E.;~. Tbeod(l(l""a djEdj 011 00 F~lll:llIIiL1' ·"f liu:l. ul~nlfl\""J~ }'dilr Wt!m: dLE: T;:piJvm IJ[ K;x!rnar.itooMoe 'IJfaB written t 1 I ~iIJ" [8);=
2g. N
]lli:XB3J1,$ Q I'" T ~~ to: ~~ r)VK .... 3 F .... ,:.t [,L 'rf
W ~ ss. ru h i~ hl;llm brJ im<!lgin~ jl~lI:t a man'i;,gt1 'W""h!: ~ i!XI.:Ilcl ~ •• dJlll~teT or l~ki~. K~~.I~I]~~~ {wJ1'OIi~ ~~ll~~.AI~!1,," h.,cl ~lrlJ.>:i~ 1akm Eirt:Bc 26) and (111~ [11' F.m~r.II:: ~ a6 bmtal,a1l,; ~ :l!:.m1The ~b~} m~ u .. 1t been an l)thMWL::;1.'; !m!I~!.aL"!!I flf~)JI tlfK~1'./I.ntiu.Q.~ :22_ " ~
Tbere appears m ~ 1~1l I:VitlJ!ll~ a:.; [u "",,+II~thlo!':r ZD~ .3..~ had :lIELy bL1:JU1i::~ ee ~[tr:;,
:) I. Theodora. D[)llkii'i na (fl, C_ I I Q 5-)
In a .ccrl.Jpl",- of al~DI~,ylfuJo.u.::: ..3~dl~atD'I"!o" epj~ms rd"Ct.r.I~CIt I.:; ~cad.e to ~.I]ph~rn~ iIl1oC. W'ilil of i br. f,mIW.'~ iiiWl1JM Ni IroltrLo 50 :MaUl fik.i!i taka lon, '1]" IrI e pGeID.5 ! P tal;. or ~e[" ru; 'l)oLlkoblili.~1 (I~ 11!:. lli '~DC oat tbe !Jl)llk1'4 branch', i a.liHI oin~ cr them pL'qI,<i:dc-::; ~OrJTI~ <lruiii1~l;in~1 'Iv.;~ Qn her I:IoflCC~:f.. E1Lpht1:I:lj'JJ.oI: wa< ;z" Ii:r2l[1l'l~ Jililugh'k!r Q:f ~bc p711~IJ~Jbr :iV1icll>"tld.i2'.;l,:1.lwl. be:r r.1.t'h.or.r. wl\n carried the d~liity (If PiWf.!~iEIfl:it (prw.u~(qJ~~ ~r?) 'L~1L:i 1J:q,llud Tbcolit)fcr..l, B}' her Inunil8t: lIJ :MaLllrol:!;!Ilr!!k,Lic[l, E'lLpbtooytll.t: bfa!lm£ [11", mother oJ" t'l!o"() cltil4r¢J1., T~(lrm.J 1:IIL4!i :Marla,.!;
I::LlIp-h['QW[l~llI1ii!'l!~i1L ]~1.'!; ~I~, [liE! ~nui.tkkwEb~cr of Mkbael .2~ I!lt.b~ Lhrough b~ father Theedoros or'thrrmJgtJ Iw:r 1Jnkn,m1,'fi mothl!F, I wo~lkl !;nppm:t iI1~ second 11.yp!l'tllll!!1h .. In unnther Itlpil!jraJo, (I[ ~te. :la!LlIl.t COllt(:~iim a. e'::H3.;in Thccdl)l<I. Th;ukiliu3i sud her husband 'l"heodl'llT)!i ,;L.~ 'm,!!d.' These CIiII:IM be dt~ ~"i1it5 of" [~'.pbffitOyru: ..
3 I (J;" N"a {fl. t:. E ~ 00')
A. ilarugh~~ oJ!! ~dl2ld ~t}, of ~11IL'kI1;::1'NI~. lrame is !II1l1,~d~ to:1 :in .al] ,J~~~~S~l:'IlUc.'l !::iiiUooe. In fueol. onl ... mer Ioannes, ,;L .It~pbQ\' of .i\I;:ltiIO~ l, IS rd\::'I:T,"d. Ih i:II~:;"I. YlJ!pj9"p.';" {p{<~':m~h1i ;>om-~I}-!,OI,w) d~{jcl!siel 3![~!
I.UUUJ lULl!! Of" THE DOll!{";' ~ ;r .... ;m.L'I'
E'I.'C[l11.1;t1ty ~ltbro!jc_o:d mnnustle liJ~J Thoty appear to h~ ld"~ II. nu.m~ of !!:bildrcll, rnQ'i"I~' lInll:l)l)1,'l11;,TI)ctr ~L :b.1:idlli!l!!.l. -:J. ~Ll~I'l.L1 ;!(:0Ctt"l 01 dill: JJrcLlbi ;jI~ the .K..mia~!!"iI)L'. ·t1il:tl 'ItlUil!_~ "Th~. d'$liinl;ni~hoo b~L uffitwl :J.nd ~ A.,1'l:!Llrmll::~ ~a.:s J:{aim.:l1~ri:J~ ~6"Wii1!,; ~180 ant Qr LbLiT !I:1D..!_ ~
33, Zoe {fl. ·c. ] E!:Q)
'["il~ U' Zflf 'W'8!- 9. daug)1.Ri:' of N :Daow~ .Z:) hils 'N.ite. the d.nJp:bte.~ or ]~ N'='J:1i1rmJ1.oM. Sbl!! rn;trri.edl t1l'e .reMsi\H GI!r.rrgi"J' Ekrt.'lrn;i!l!~~C ;II. r.e];tti1.!1I!: b'llL <LPPlIIL't.:LlIdy M[ ii. i[!l~[I11:!!!."t (If flu: l~i!lpCItClt~ ..... lWio JJ.O.I.,.f'fl(;i:' died $hi)T~~y .rl"~I:W:'.!~ .. ds, u~· thks ma·rri.'i!F:1!:, Zee. ~ILijd ;!J d;J[1J~hb~r.l
In th~.!i JWi p£nU1l:5. 'I/I.'hD lV!.V(i ~m>c: [he name o_f n:mk.':;;~ >i:Lth{:~ :.!:.'j. tbrir alii known runli3ltlc tilt as .9.1.l _9:.Lkm!ll~T~ one Dr C'i.'eJ!I ItL.ot:lltripounJ {OITI1J M\le- b~ _g:rQUped ~~Ldt:l' tlK: (RmJl~ to w!}loch t~jI .:l:ppropl'Ja'i.e.t~· be-1m'g., 8E1D1"lc" i"i1!J,te:r.~. :sudL f;jJ~he;> hl!."~. been ~.iI&l!d, M!!!I],¥ 0:1 them :U!! oul)' F~,recS{:rl"b!ld by a. ~j .. I~ name ..... other.:: I~rtlll:lo!: 'mQ~ !In;lln, tw~tf·. 'iNbe.reI,'D' PI;l5;,';1 ble, an ::li!"~' ~;"I~ been 1!J:l..:I-: ho ,p-'"p[".n, th~ ;LPJ"l'-,U,ULof:I: Qr rilo(: narn~ of Doul:!'1s in !}.~~ f~Dli~ X~I=-; !c ~y, the dL~ ~antlLI1I~Ilhl;l"('! .m"(: but &I il"r3iell.lm of [jl~ VoIlry g.~~ nWD~ .af :I!:~"Z.a.nLuk!l. who ;adcp~ 3;,~d m~ ·tm~ DaD)!:: [Jf J)ou1'-!~ Wi,1l'It 't],~ publreaU!iti. .:If M ..... docUml!lLI::!l, ~f1I~r""'1~~, l";~i"!~~ and a1J~e:I' !"lI;iIUa::s. U1;P; I'~:]~t Jl'F(rS(IpDg;i"apb.y wLI1 d.crub~~ be rurLbe~i.l~Llmiilt-!\t~.
The in(roolJcrory Linea [0 C'3Iclt fa!i~"I.iI~·, ~:!1'I111: .N them q1li~t!::!I:-tJiet: ::U"Ul~ f.1!1" riTl)ru .arI~IJa~I!", iL.,.'L'C beeru. w"riCkliI aol~L~ [(I ;a£flllaiut ~~tr:: r-e:!IId~ \~iu~ I·h\,: falilily bad~111l:1I fro:'rIJ far .1S it relares to the ][)Oi.JW f"ul'li&" W1Jtb tbi:3; l~l. "de\\' Ot:i;;~~al P:rXlUlPOV"'p~I.iI:O!iL inro;rm;!,"tt.:m E1a~ beau a.ddl!il. r!1 ~ftc ab!>CI~.oc ""r TTIlD'l'<: S)'~m~. auc l~lJliL\~nl uf ll~1;. -majority of ili-c f8lI"D.aLilZ:; t:l;lmol.ll!Jltocd, thi::3 m;l:;' I;.~ ofoo.Jm~ 'lm: 1'!1oogh it is. [IOtt::l.i~rJlr j~,;-.(!>Jllplcte-. Only pCl:!"ilJm; whG are -cal~d. Oo"Wkfii E:ry tlH; M'lITT'::; Il.','I!e bull nl~dud~ here, '111i!l has fir r.Q;Ill"Se i~~ {l.isall\\al'l~~. h ru~aM tlnl tin.:? :J. diff-fIT:lll ~I"'J1al1TI\.': ;!' artaehed !t) ~].~k ·chiJdJ:enJ bn1~I1~t1i. GI ~"iI'li:It j:!&J'f:IL"I.s., ~~ have to 00 (I1nil!~ from COt1Sid..era!ion. nut [he ll!Ltl#TVLl,t~ve WQI.lW baNe OOL"tI. bl,!.>~ the OOIJip~ !:.If 11t15 studv whkl, ~£' only ":O~Erru!rl ...... ith dte pl"l""l5(l~ph]o' cf thl; Douk::al_
.... "DRIJLl'i1a~
~' p~.~ D.oukh Adri~ ~ Twa dlJt:utn.m~ d J .... ly .:M-9 arc ~fP'Cd by ",111 """'l""'n:..I ~,...,,, 1 ( ...... ,\(0'.1 ..... ,'1') 1P~"lf~ D"..,br. Adri",r..Il<:l.' 'J'I:.c:r (>I):f1ccrlJ 110 ..1U.fOUII; between INuLIVf.L'L :\!I;;tnll];' n lu:I UIooE mQ:ITI;"I!!.teT~' flf Xerrrpn1$P1Ktu oUvt:r lin erut~ in :M:ft~ofliii. Petro! l!I~ I;() bn.'le b~1:11 3. Ih'1I:ikru="lrl fOT M j_,; r,allll:=d e !"lyo ... l...,.,acJ"iJ~,J· ",mlll.'!: had. 01111) been ClJ"ta.i.t:d .,,',., in~ br tile I::JCpl!rnl", One 4Jd" ehe dO~UIfI;:;1li1!< rI~r.ri~. him ;"IS:Ii fl!' ... ·" cf ~'"hil;pp[l, .'~nLtta-I ;zIl1d 1'hi~ JT"I~~' :&~unt ri:lil" Lilt· [1~l'"Il'C ofDflLllkas, 1:!ilon1J:: b.l" him, ..... hich eGllh:l. ha~ ~~Iffi ~ DI~ In· the
{lLmil~' or ;'~.D1.. .
TI1.C i\f.""ilk!ru:s \">'i:~ -II. f~mil:r aCtLi'/oii ullrJrll! rhe l2l:Sl fI~riod ef 'l!r1;Z&.llti.u..ul'i!i ~is~J::J1.t:~_ Tbt 1I.:.'1~1l1.: {'.AlI£ViwlI anel 1m", ''oc,III}'JI" fi1.rm 'A~q}p62iibLyd~~L\,e:s {1TOJn the verb 'Ly,r;u ..... (00 itLOO(!lJf, "kI glcrl:ify)" S~\IlI:-ul Jt'lC"rlll~r:o; Ilf t:t...:: :h{lme: n.'~ lm.ffi\'tL: Kc.J1.:::!iHfI!~1D1:'.!: Ai§a.l~t ln c, l2~CI: _\{;u'JlleL Aplll'ffi t .. 13JIl'J5- C-tilif~OO ~lIDL'lin .,.. 1<1>OO.~ 5Qm:~t~~ -1!Jfie>r 1 Q4'1 Ionnnes Atl!lYJ.opmiJoo Wfll- !:i!!WL to ha vi!! ~l.!j U FlbJl ;!lnlJ:Hifl:' rj ~I.e-J"!. j\ gal L.oot (' A ~ Wi'll! "f ~ I) of'" fJ 111 ci aJ!:" u) .. t :N i Iom!ao.s J!ki.u]iQb!::5 1'\g.'UOO k RoUes-ted both !IS <1. scribe .""ind ~~ ~cli1i1N ~'ritu (If Mm~ In LH1.a (.'b1arul !::Id.,IOE:r rdb'l:.Iil.'Xii i,1j wc;p~tili~d Agilillto.ll£J Jilt" fruall tb!: .lhurL~t:1l1lL ICentlllty, An l\.g}LLlOii (~~) ..... ru; !tlITlollTlgthl:: .-m:l\PJJ.5 i:)r;11lIJ1rL1m:rpl~, .. , ... 11IQ .... -e~ .1.rr~>erl m1 ~ J:!'.E.t:!;.tIlIul.:r 13' I.~ .. \:JwUi.iO': i\ga.llim i!! mentiened in .f!, letter (if }..{~:aU)~1 Raoul to lAII~Il.''';''; .Mi!'!I)!I(.1I..i!~ (I ~Gf~.')l Au. UmkillOWlL I'i.".tiri'.:~ of ~bl:: ~!liIiJii~ p~ ;zId;;l~d a l .. mer ro ali i\g&JOOn,'1 'Of OO1!T~ ~II~ ];u;tno::feFoP.IlIr.~ do na\ tl~rij~· iDlpL'Y difr~~.,t fll!.l'3cm~; i:Olt<t r.lf i.COI:>:; !):f [bern may RppL~' '00 a member ot ~&.~ []!lub.:a.i.Agalkm~ mentiened b~·.
A.J~'OO, sometime bc.tOre 1 ~5a, msrrind Etll"phro:a)"DI.'!' K¥taIlil1Jlljt~ID and became tflc ~tbN of;six rorui--.1mong tru:m:J 13ruik~ IlI. A~~D:3 UI~ and KOIII.!i.[c&mlli1[1;5,"· the oth-c~' games bcil'Jg iUillocrtain or U[d;l1tl)"~n - arld tWI) dall~h~CO" .. ]:;.i~I1~lf nnd -.E.'h~.~j· /'u, (llir aa ut mIL Ix: ast:e,rbd:I1I1~, 11(1r1~ of ~is dt,kI~1lI j,; ~t;I" m~'!·i(!fled as Imving ~h'C' name ofDctuika:L
4;[]' 10:;<'1'i"'(:1I; .l!..lll!JDI~~ looi"uLe::ii, the ,;.cm of l{J;Jnlit.l.ntil1(t! Angelo! Md "TIJeol'li;lr.L K(i .. riin~tle :iJ ;.IIW1'l]'~ 1:.0Il1Jr.1'! T)oo}:lI.::l by the :iOtIfC~1 T11'.: d..iP.;ni1t)' of ~t¢I.'Mt.w w;as 3ippamnt1r Gonfta:tf!:l upon him ;ah6rdy ;]J~r, II a;:;f'P,:01I..d~d. tlw. ~h1IO[)e.1 T1.~' t1l1ol~ d rD;mlliCS' bjrlhu. IlJ;lt. kli>l)'Liffi. and the ODII.vEl11io'nn.1 referell't:1! IA!o bim ;1]; .UI 'old mau' ilL I ~ I~.'j,l. rtoes nm hdp 'If.l Ii:t it. 1[1 :!<r.ry ~I::, bu. il8me ~5- mot fCrr the i"ln;l time: on i! Maro;;.h J i66, II] .iUl im~1 cl.r.:t¢uTnenJl:. i 1'>I!1!L ye.a:["1; later I[lilRlI"i~ I}DTWllal~ed O!I ~~r.tlll of th;:- .. rrny~! rhe bMtlc ttf Myt'"iok:~pha!mII! but faiLW low I\l:pd tl~r. '!!.'~en o.ttl.:acd [I) do Xli ....
L';~ h'i,; [I!b~r t:~ II"diLti.\'~io:1~l"In~ [!i)u"ka~ ~1lYJii'USed tr..e !\eg:1rrte Dr Ainmoni):I;I~ ]. and he 1iIE!.t!.Jf.lIJJy joined !1at"ld!; 'with b~ m~pn~ h" ... ,i;ios. in. tR-E d~Ptf.;l1C .al'fur~ thi1it oIllVEr.il1Ul!!!oI1" !he last Kom~~,]" 1m d~ ~l.'lwil!oJt oL)~t':..IElt!D1, Kcin~ the ~1~i1ILti.Qt"I. of :ns.l:!'1l:tit:i~ in ;ilCUj:l[Wg til!:: wll .i!1~u-J!! r"mlJln, hi!'; r.!I~ :3. 12IIlRh. "by af'fl;!:orir.ig hii!l []!{j,'1:1 hald h!3'ld. tn h.': i;JoI)WI1ed instead, but ,hls. sesnm' ~ vil]bElld11i:tpp03~d by ~ people wtit:l ~bOIllLCd !hiaL tl1rP.Y d~ .1irI!it "I,'L~lL 'I!:J be ruled b}' an old m:lll1 ,Ii ll\t:l;6'~t~ hi:.;-; .~ ll;<ilJ1:n~ ~(Il)): ])-"rt kTi ~ev.r:rel C!1'J111J!~ign< ~L~t b:". th,e, ~~ tl:llp0i1f1~ 8l!:tLillil[ tbe r£bElLiI;II!!; :B.u.l!Q1ri;!IIJ..5, anrl a.l leaR !:II" one ~e3tiO:Ti1 i~ ~. SlIid t>h<i,t h~ ~rnrr:n:;Jltd~ t~ ·~ULntiT1~ fQ'1:"09I O!' .. ;;O H(r~e"'l!l" the: ~~I1'ti.l ul!lpt:ror ~l~d bUiL -ofl;~"w~ bill eyes on dJ~ ~hJmU:: ;J,w:l ~I~ !1~'i·iIcctl]EIor re..llJ"OO ll).,lIl'~· clese -i!.!;OOl;i.l~ll)M wirlt tlK: rubd r".If:.iios lkiJ,'(iII1.'5,,'" '"fho:r..: ;]J1iI~ w b£- 00ln1C: [nllth iitl, 'I.l~i=. t:I~ Ioofiilei> Wl'If. quid t ... ~;u"PPO'r.I h.i~ ;j)'lh~~ tlt::pb~ J'!J~~s lU in the ('.!MIll' .",r 1.195. ""nd. h.iJ t:Il1:l!lP;~UIYIt3 presence ia a1~tM ~11 tbl; [lI~ IJll:It E:i6ll\rl.~ ~bc: lL'i::W]Y c~,J!"ed ~peroJ" ttl d-Lfi: p2Il:L t E..] 'I
Tl;U~; KILIII:J!: 0:11 DOV);; .... :i ur OT Kl!. P.. ~"')II t 1.1 f. ~
~ ~ tM lB.:!it ~'~ of .h8IlIIkio5 IT (! 18.~95) M~~L 'W:::I., ii"t ~ 0 tile theme of Myhl.......a and M~Slfto!.!LdBCtn m Asia M'in'D.J7 ~ ... itll die nM of __ ~ Ml~.~· and ]~-=: hcld t~ ~~l~C L~~t li!11!11,!:T Abioo tv
t~ .!t. ~ an1;l:Cl:dart'i [If ILl~ ~t.'I,~k]un~11Jt ~r'L F.P'Jr~l' m;,J. have Jltl)t l
~ sati:d'~lCIril~' 9p131in~: hut 11i~ .tLppG~"'r!ln~ ,in Gr;eox- ill I;&to:: liI!flI'l:I"ru;ltb~ ~ Fourth eru.. ... ,dl:. 'I!.'U m l:~pl.ill~ 'v~thM:LCItn~]!. ad~~nturt'tl.l5 Il;~tLJr'~. Q,nuarr 'tQo v.MI 11:;u; !.:.ti.!l. ~'I':nm~.:: ~m~ru!..:d b),' ~f"]~oh~, !t.~ '~Qt ;~p~r tlut he ~'fi" ildap~ 'Or w.ll:; ~v>!:n the d'gl1lty f,lf &.'i/n.!I~,; ~l\ilnrn.g hu; rule h~ l::pjru:a (120y-t, 1 ~ 15); ueither do th~ Gli'li!e.k !-G1.IIH:es. name h,m as su~b.~' Ind:.=a:d it z.t1!UT1:3 tlu. he ~rr.Lir..l:cl fJam ~s:!il'milLg aJny particular tid.:; dUL"b~1!:" hls te.I~4'e.1r ]"~il{; .1=1:. TIe TJl(lo1 ive'; behind, lind !~~j¢ "'..,'o':;!a'.:L da,ie 6f, ~1~~;h;~I,'!:I'S :U:3:usi''_i:1000,l in: of. I ~! ~.~ aoeording til ;!J uaditien :!'It l3~lf~da ~r:;~t),6 ~re .iltev.-.i,t;:~ 4l~J'S'C!J1;~.
T ..... "(tI seals ot.Mkh~e:l ;!ill'.:': prcscl"'lol:d dare f:rom befurc JQ(I._), ?rb~ lx.u. the !~eI1ili;
~poiywpx!. 'W-'w.""l~ il'hl~~ dolj~ -f'rfP
l1Spd.f~ w04-".iil' .!'(][)(!!l~ .ilo.n.:'(!.FIlW ~(f,lH,D"''''~Dv.nll<S! ""~ Iii r.;~iW!."
The- Lifo "f St Theodom t'6z '§ 'tm~'I' '£i,{:i:c"h!>ld 19._d m~rr~!XI ;II. bdy 1lr th~ ~Ii!:lisseD~ f.amiLy, and REb::. her d'C5lth be took a ceualu ,of her!; who, had ,I~~~~ly beeeme a 'IilJ!Ww aflOCL" [J[(: ~i(lal(;i.on of h':::I' husband &'i!u;"!;.:':l'I~~m, a loGB.1. SU'i. CI~ot'.9 nl~ ~L'Ury ;_[ lL1l1:. l:iL[LL~Lr t:r,I",r,r:~ ~j; ~rt ]~~1 'bOiRdi OJ] ~, histerical ~Mt ... L, :ll; a aln~r.ruprJ:;'~r'l ,;onru i!1for!'ru U~ tba't Jv1iM2idl. aft,er h~ ~~ 't6 Art.!., m;LrTIl:rl ~h~ Q;;!ll,.!ghter ..n::in E.piro~!! ,nlagJ~21«:io [~ a~l)' cai"" hficlu-r:L .loS; !\efl!U'rud !g. ~ the ialiltN" of thr~ ... ku,J!l]:h~~ - Tl~I:'l;.rli;lT'I, Marla, .unl fI~le IJnn;:Lm~ - Pf'OOObJy a 30(1, Kfln.';l.;::In!ll!.'Oi~1l" Ellnd in addirion an il1egitim:;"l~ IIf.JI'l \1 Lcni!,~1 4JJ.
ou"W. lVIa.l"I~' r to, L nnd IIl1 21 r.~;~n~'~ript l..m~Q(: \~ri~ 0[1 ~ r "" • .._ p
. " ',h" , ,. ~~ "~P,.:%tIUCT l~
]U~ ltll..lll_? 11'; ;!:TL'en m 1 ~ Ierm tC-)'YI'~,>k.I!XIl:~.l A.s a ye.ung !lind UI'i!!lf":rMibl~ m:..n
D~lIA.:U"I05 ,mr~~~I!d. b.~ brother hlal"!l!leli in. Th=~e-.:. in ~"'!'14 ..... iLli tit.; J;1~ ~ dt~p~r/!.5. HI-; ml;:" ~~'L' breuglsr, I.@ nn end btl! 'iii !"l!4G-i b~' ~tR.~ ..... Ixt. ImpL'I~n~~ l:k~~ldn()l'; m tl1~ fmtr~ uf r~r,ntiil.lHi. i.11 B~th>'Di::!l! w."':;:11: he ilpparo!'!otly diLt!d. At leis fall lee t:rmlQ not hrl.'l/e. b~E;lt mueh abcv-=: Lw~1'Y y~l~ I!If ~e.>!I
47· A!ll.ilflliL DaukaiuiJ" A1~lm, i;.;tn .. ed Douk;;l,' 'L\'!!,,'; the cML:r .;t:L'Igt1~er 1lf 1rh~n~.:J3 <12.~ [0. or. T.~!24. ~bJ:'; ~r.i; ~~ep"~t1 :DwlIla.o; .rQ~ tlu:i fLIILLiI[1E kinr, r.l Serbta (r~~ 7--34-) and th~IL' bl:l,I:IJUW ring 1\ilG bi:erL plE:ll!l:'1'E:I;i.' AfiIeT Ult" MLlL of h1~L' husband, l'!&JIlril!Jl sDuj!h1. ['ot[LI~ ;!it [h~~;t",a ml.l!1 ~O\'i:f.I~\cI;:.,llr roetllrn-Mi ro 3erbi:a where she died in ahout [2513, H
48, :Mleh1li1G[ {Ii.o:mn~a5)iD~'§.~ Mkbad fir l!.r";..-u::; W;L~ ;I, 1;...,!;mm ~[1 of Mi..chad I IS, I! pmJ~blr born rn,rririg die ooTfr ~e3iL';3 of his fa~heT'~ rtlI..:. He gffir.:iali:,o berne: th~ 1'1:;"1.m~ ;;:If DQ,J kns , m~~ in the OOll'lpolJlI'1d fonn ~~"'il"k ;j ,,cl"'UIOO$>," bml: Lil:t;: O-1:hl~ ~m~~I:1'; flr h~ Ilq~l~ l~ i~ ~~me:~ rd"~red tl!l a!;
1"P :tf~1Ia; 01' I)OUKAS 111 O'fltEIfL F .... !iI~~H~S
the ~ !IOU~, fo'ron't after I ~::tn~ until lii!"; ne~i;h, whje~1 ~I)I~ I;Q ~ bI!fOr'I!: kJgtIl!t ~ ~l he dl~~~rl tho!: OL1T.1tT£ ;;)f EPlE"n~ ~ an . • tr1. ~~ tllic:r. In., L:24£h .,~ [tic: Oo:;.M!"~rJ,f !:bl;;! I).fti'O'Lh~. (If" bE.; ~ ~ 49 lO tl1~ grnn~a.u_ght~ flf J]:9.~~tz~1 MI",h.,~1 '\'nI!l bt"IQDured h)'" !lu::
N.iall~aJlf"UO'~[Lh th~d~H~,.,f ik_,~I'. ,." ,
~ afle< his C;5ti1lblL~hmc:nt m Epln:Jl!i~ :,'iIl1cl\i!.e.I IruLr.r:loC. 1'hood.t:.r~
'&:tndip~m1 L6'Z.~ TnI!)' h u d tlll'!:P;; ~U:! N~pJ1iJ.fO~ 'N, In3lt~ jl1, mid De~n:!II!Cio.o:-Mi..rhn.~J 51 and ehree dilotlg3ltllr!':.~ MlCh!llci '1'MB also Ulltd:o.tb~r (If.~ 'llegj - ~t: ~ T.I~o:tdorg.s~ and !I.'oL!:nifl.'t'.l' j:E wM 3ippe:it':!. Iltl h;v!ole; ~Il 1!(i1:':1~ ~~ u(Mr' d~Uthen, TIlt: lifo of St TILt:fnlCira. asC'ri~d ii~ TT1Ii:;stt~~, a l2-d,:." of the r,aJ:llOl:t'CIl~ ~, 1:0 11ull1i~ and she 1;;Ql't..~ hili,,..,,,, ~ilol}l;T:I ~'h:e '[Dath~:r .,r nl::i
b&surd ~[1£.
49- Ni~;~;btlr[]~: H.:.~\'~. t~lt! eldest oo:m, of,,!!~ I/l ElindThtt'ld'M'Sl 1'#.His bhth ean be ~nl~' "'~n:I;~tclr 4,li!l«:d ~o '~ ~ :1:40- .... H~3 ::;D~!:' c''!'i[8Iul dGClm~Ellt tJ.can; JW cigr..l.I.tlJr~'[! iillirl the [gr;:;.'!!k seurees lad ~ atmbutc fiUY if.:.gnrnn~t to rum." Nil:~.Iloro~ m'I~Epjlu::; f['!OO!lJ tlir; d(:3!u, Gfl!Lis fa.tJ~e.r (bf'JOlli:AI.'g;I!.i!i[' 12~$) till bE: elied in e. ['!ol9 e, 1~
H~ wifE Annil. -dil:tl before 129~. and sn [~I£ fu)[.vWLllg '1~""!Ir L';lhc.b;]~ m;lTl"lerl. thi! (r,mtlC" wi& nf LW~~ MUntin i s"~ W;~!l; a ijhul,p'l~[" ~",r- nhe HclIllf:?!rilLi) rul~ Tm~ _1 There ~~em V) have been. or.;hlld~l~ fr~HI Lhi~ ~~;;u-rii:l(ge bUt 1;i1) cl;;:taJ[,; are ~l1oIll'II, In I J04 Mi.cb8,=,1 'L'f,;!3 ~1!~~m~ or- rJ~lI;tb~g- ;lllli;! rogotJ~eT wi~lt hi!.;-wl.OO <IIml .el.llldren W-J..'I U~I~WI1 ineo prison, Iii!; d,,:h l..andJi, whkh had l:1I!;1!'!rI gi'!.'tn [0 him as dowr). hy 1fjcll5ad VIIJ, went to Mkhi1l~l IX <1l5 '!:ompeiU3i'lioo far 1~ LOl2:. (fr his ":":"po::~a[.[l.!, nco ~\!.ia Minm'. His NI)U:5'l: ~~s -lLls-o i!lmiI~Q1kd ;:uld waa ~ te tID:: d~ TiJi:I!IlIl;Jf:::; P.al3iloJo.g.o.s,~ The ye.:lT m bk dC'~""I,th: remains Lillkl:lO"WJl!,!.oJ
M. !CcJ~tinos. Oouk.a.s.: ~,I.r,- W .. U:i 3. ~(I;fL af'!'09lt1lllll!S :FI'I,YltO'71 he ~1tI;~ded JlI!I chI:: ruler of K rop..1=..!: :!IO"rntC~1m1:! liE::Ibt(!: T2:!19." KoJlStarlitll\O.s. WOl8 k'l\61 ... nI DoIJbst' 3.00 ~r1"iOO tlVi: dIgni"LT (If ~i"drN,'s LlttLc ia lYI.t:EI.tiooo:~ .abll1ll[ iki as ~Ttg It! H-op.f, bil. wil<: W;L~ t",:dk:~ Anna ]!.\f<lgi~~~. ~1lI:l. (iii!d iil [3 t~ Mns.(.1.r..tlJID5 bocar.t'I~(; ~M t'1,th~r oDJ'3. sen Iorumes..53 and died m £ )D~.';'
55- looJl[l£:5 • .!!'lo:G I::kJlllki:il:!3: I08nne:s. !fi-c lnocffocti'l,'l! L:a.'lt ~r. of NI)!I.. p;,.tr.l..'l_ W::I!I; i:!I. ::;.j;oll of ·K.(I!1~lal"l(jnoo 54 and +re sources speak of bil;[) :a.-; !J..l,,1\as .an4 An~lm.1 Lil:re lib fO!l~lUit' and gr-iLTildf~th~, ~ seems tao ha~'1; ~l1mOO ~f! discir.}" ["if ftfust#c1i)1n ... /, Ieaones WE!.!- 91 Irrl!!!n of f~bl,C natuee ::md ~i!iI7l~ bif, d~;Lin threatened by Llu:: !CtG3iL ·lliIl!.gn!ll~, in £::!i r.5 he mluri.t;tL E.irc:.II~, an ilkgilo~~ d~u~hl= J _"\iLodronilroa ]i, There w~:re I!I.O issue, alia h~ dio1 a.uCr three 1o.E.!..rn ofll'1",rnl!cl.liff, wlL.n young man, 5n r:li ra, L~
s-Ii. 1ofL_j1'r.1~:G D!imk;)5~ Ioannes 'W,,'::i not pfo~rly ,1, ])£ IYuil ;1Il1 Omlt.i, bEU\g lim ~ ofGW!.-8lt1lfl.i Ontini, dlOC p-t'I~EII~[1-11re ceunt of Cqtbaila~ia, <l!mri, MELlia., 11M". daljJgi'1~r !!!l Nil«:pha-JO.5- 49 'Of £pkJj~ NC'F.crthcless~ he {;lIiIpJ~ tb~ !iJiIGr(: impre:;~h·e 'IumllW:!1~ oolJaub~ and h!:: is someeimes referred to all SLllcll.1"! $om£; I[::r~ !lIJ'I11"DE l](l~i.;H In calling h.lm ,,"~PTI'.;Ir, l:t ~Jmt· is the: CO!!LliLt; de:api.i~ thl:. fR,~t dJ::Il!' 1l1u: _!!;i!l1IcrlilJ.ueIH Gf Con:;tl!lnt1ncpr!:: had Pllr.ctl;d.y conferred upou b[m ~~e, [If dupaf.1L'J lOOlIlJll!:::!:l; :!'I~J:;"r mUIDocriiojI his brother Niftahl:DS in E_ ~ 3-O;:~
• G~ I, 'P, 31:j), j .1:':,,.,10,, IT, :PI~' <Io~MI,
, Gns-, I, 51, tII!i .;1, l";o.r,tUiUI211~, ("~~ ~ ~i::!twfn, p, mg, 1l!J". :91 i 11\. 'W, no, 10, AftEr hm'~ lkl!ll" "\"n'l 1f1""ri",1 l.iJ '''I.,IPikru 'but ili.;d 1111 t:-!,_, Nml~ w;u aJ:!1u~II~ a D~ o-rToIH!m-::J.' (..-::!;; :p.OOVI; p."!Y.'k. ii, ~), ...... ~ made a ~1 r:'"U![; .1, p, J'1 Lh ;mil. "!loW in rum ~~I:«I.~hi.!bI";lIJ""T rl;l.~"'"l1G,::;Qilll:i.'ii:i:-
p.fI.1aiologru. tli~ ~[I[L t:lf n.::II~lnl"." .'.iT, 1m ~r.&JII"le. the rllol..M::r of tINo(Io ~til:d~l'1. NIl:~IJbMO'r S.'! ~rUtL fbormuJ...2
[l.1- NijU.'J:!~!l)lOOi~ .D'I!I~~; Nihph.wo:; W".L3 "" son ui 1"';"TLilt:5 S5 nnd bil. wife Annal bfiJlg buru ~n ':;'lIU/-ry,l'l{;::' WEI.!; i!:1'I1001.11y hi!JWn b'y lli.e [1;,.m~ ~I.}.:,lth£.. ~ His bdd lir~ "Wiili "'_ 5t_ll[m~ IJ[lE. ~\ne.;r ~~e e:l!lrl.:r' Iln~I.l.c~~:'SJ,II) !1,·Ll.e:ililplll w:M:q"UJre. ini:1 patl;'"ftlal I[1IUtlUIJ(!L)£ It"L EpIJ'~1 NI~hiMo:a ll,\;:LO, 'made a y.:m,JPhJ'tha::tM. ill 1139~ ;!Ina "W:1.!S wken eo ~~I"i~.n~pLi::, hi 111i!.' ci.\li1, \'1,'8r hte 'IQ!~ 11h F::!.t1rocill.l1!.w K:::;nlakou"'~1)1i ..... h6 afL..!r 11J1~ :I1n.,l 3!Jceru un L::;'l:i' b.(mtrurerl nim ~~.tb iIh-:: d.ign1tY ·of t'I~pal.o!1_~ ~~ 1350 N~1l1"'1'11):; _[(Iffitm:d 1;ne to\'fl1J. 1)1' t"h(: li~H~,]».ikt ;1ml . ..&.ina~, T !;lind in, '1lI;"te r lJ51 .akitlji; ad"'1If1~Rc!:e \;Ir Ih;: "ilIlr·b"ultl.L ,.[(Lk,.1:iOO hll Epirus, 'we:;rul I:!iUiL"t! ;11ld wa.::~ al)'lc !D gain O:ilttrr,.i r,..f ,-.ffilii-!. 11ti5., bOVlo"oi:'/C:r. Jhl noe bs.t [;:)]~!!: aa ~Il lS!)S Ni.ik!:~'!:Iro~ 'W;u:; kill-ed .I1e31: '111~ ... jlJ~~ (IF .i\1:.hekun -wbi I~ 6gi~[iJ~!l: 31gllimt ifhe .:\1bMlii!:!on.5."!
:['11 1.~7 J\.1UW ;:H·I.'fl~d ~h1~ m;~rr.:ia~ I;I,f iXil:~Qoo~ with Maria., tlte dllil1ghte:r. (If r~me::; K3JUa~OI<!:r.or..E1M.1;o Tl~ ~ULT~i:. \1Ia::; nlJt t)f·1J!,1i'l"arll.'iI IJDtiM ro"iTJeQIIJ.(; c:!,ll1r,ing T~41-2:, 1">- 1 lm' LU !I: ~ui~ earLy yc<I.!I"~ there had been Ii 1:MI'fI:; 00- 1IMr.r.y llJD1 1:0 u.Jc; d!1ll1L;~h~er (It t~Ui ~inC(;;i:5. of T'ru~n~l), II. A~r his ~bL'~hm¢l!t in ·~i~. NU"'r.[lb(tfO~ ~)!:~llo.:i1 his ...n!i;:; r!i1li1L lIl;l[".nl.'d Hdi!mG, lli.~ i:Ol:ru:~ ii 11k StL·tian b~.u_ Th~ .5.00po. tilll:.!l::li rDt" pWjtb;~l ~L".:i, Viall'(;ih:;!1'T ~rrri ilXTlii :Nil:~p.lLGJ;(IS [\!Il-r:d MRlul:a \, ... JI!:lo ~Il tbe m'=tlinnrrti: hI'! ·t.~rJ:l .!'E.C~1i 11~r. he ~rfli:1tiEt MSJiIW!!.l at }''1~~,~ H"aWC;'ileT, b::~1:: ~ returned [.0 .E.pll"1I.lI her ~bz,oo ..... ;1.;; d'Ct~_L2 'Tl1e:i!r "r.1];lrdaBI! reJ1l~i!1~ dui1dkBll md bi;tru. ~el:illila.l!l)· w1iI!'l~. 11.0
A Ji'0 t;_ AUK 0 S
_o\.PRE. NQ S
~A~ (IIIIK! called ~ ~PI~I EU1.d ' • ..f"!'l'P!l.[bsz.~. u., aa i,ti.h;:lbtl;ant (!oj'! Uti:: n:mkiilrj tcwn of A.~- The f..vmty (lftflSlt It;tm~ WLlJo; ;oLlready lIII:d«dcd 'IXIlIOt1g Ii:L:: ~LObl
., . '" '" - ' f A. I e.~
of the EtTlpirE of I" lol;.'U!a IIi. 1 c25a.J ":10:> !1l £1<1tLV4! IJ· . pros, oaJ~!\~ K~r&IL~ ·Ilt
~ of Con;t<l(1,til1l;1fiJ~ ([134-'::'']) is (loct:ls!~l!IIll:t' c1'!~kd ' A'!T~1~:~ .~ ~I~ Af'~[Jos., O.r'll~:k.l1f1Wn first name, was. k1Jioo, Whll~ fig]ltil:iij' 91~i.Jl~ rl!'J:: Bulg;u-:m, leader hl[l,Jlolll, I !!7i·1
From !h.e !J~irl!OErlth· 1J1'1""';1~;'L J~w fJ~'~f~k :~~ sWlod. Th~'~h[.Ap~~naii' it is D.O.' .:::I~iI" how rhe L13JIl1:: of" lJ:01JJ:~ 'm~~~d I:'ht:: on"Drna'l;a~ of tbe fa.ntil,,/
• .ljthDugb (lI'1C."Lpre:I!'OO C::H~ me ~ampOll.l.1Jd P<Li..aiO:I~-Dou.l:>L!: :~!\d t;(i!J~ bave ~IJ dc::.rend~lIbt ~lfa I!mLoll witha member Q-f tit£; tllcigni:ng ~iol:!, ir is I1IQ['¢ ~e ·t~ nLpPIJ~~ r~L.i.l,t !:h~ f[)olin '[t?)Il~::!Is-.ApL'l,!.Illj~ lJ'1II(:d ita t::.;:i~~eJ!1~1; tG :L =niai~ eoncladed between t.h1~ AP11:1lIJi !l!OO ::1, noble Nieacan f~mlily whieh rn£: meantime employed the name afJJo!.1hta.
~r. IDouka.!iI A:~s:: In. -a a~~al' YP~~. wrktm by Throdorm K<'l~lltJ~ I!iniJ1:>L~ ;oL11Itl [hab.!~ ttl JurI)!;! L285. ,L·mtlTI_g ~b~ ,'ll'irn~es; tl~L~ nn:1:i'ti:: ;zjf 1f1t..J.' l.. _\fm,~:;", ,d' l¥1J.t!<11'~ :r"'{.l illE~ 70tJ rr ~ A:rrp9;l1'1loL? ia ~ncl~Lot.:h:;Q,6 ~ni'Jo!Il is dlbJ,rlOl1fJy.(L (~pnk i') error for. .:(I~~. 'llrl:.; Deukas AJ~'~:!ruJ!;" ~'lIru;p!!cili;il nTI't Dame, mlGbt be :Ma1ill!U:L (j~,
62. Ma4Uel·Doult3l13. A,paa!ii:1::. A ~!o~l)m'l:rLt dated in }'<hy H!~_!I; and ~igmed by the dMiEJriXM rliiil" dJ..a~L!<'~ fA~vwl' .Ma1Rlf'l 8gol~[\Q~ul(ls" 'mJ:ntD M:a.ctutL 3..iILIlI ~f~ll'S 'lJl) htl1l !M 7.,.jj: o!I~~J Tii ""pn'J'i:n~ MI1~ .iyl"!'J ~~.wl' (l;ij),~~;"'i? ~ ~(; 'lMHJ?'~~7(1r.! .4D~ JR.I,ooii.vIZLIi1r~ l'JloI~ • A'I1'P"lI>i:;l~,oII AJt that time; qi1~ G-'J!ruJ: l)Q1.lka.:s Ap~ wa~ :~~ ooi;l'~ whm. ~he rn.onk.s ofl..(:mbfmj!aB..
On~ i,; ~pted iI:o idEmify M~an'l.!cl .o01lI£a~ .Af1l'l!'.i!Io~ wHh :.5. MilinueL ]XH.!Ik;aS .... 'i'lg i':i ;tlro known [rom tbJ:! documenrs of L~fLhil~.i~:~. l"'I~ W.,~ ;1 'we;LI i'by l:~l'Idfru".ll~ 11!1. Asia. MUIt!r, an~ Ibn:;:; of his ]~~~1:v:; ;~n: pre&l:~,~ One of ~~ d i,;-
.... 1IBI1bo:I~LfUlr" "L",'·."...,.,,,,n,r f'M'h",1"1 .... f ""b~,I.",ru:". wb!J. iii: >nCtLl!.9;T.lC . .,j iJ1 tEle ~I cI ~ Sa:ran.tu.~ (Oi:tobc:t' J J!:!ti)- H~ mani~ ~h~ fI~ly da'ILglu~ or ~ Sa.rantmG!! who died bd"fI~ I.$~I!i.. Th.:ry· had ~I!c~ral 'i:hiJdrel'l_
The B~'Za.ntiD~ f9.m.iJ)· Dr Asan ar- . .""i.s:Iu.~1!,"; CAw) 'AI[;Inl~) CIIJ:Il~ lTi1~'Q. b~1E1€, 'i!.'.ttb the marriage of the J.5u[garilill tzar I "",m TEl l'&:tR \l,'i!l~ Bloor!.(: ~illi[obgit'l~ ~I~ d.&.ughtu of MichiU:1 V.III h\ I~ ,a.:!. One a-f tlj~iJ' !;):}M. a{]~'l!~ tBl>i: n&Jl'!ri:: nf Doukas Angclos KrrDllleJ'Jo!l. Pa] Th~ ~\saI1;!iilJi, 1i'~I!JA:!UlI'~;;' d~'grnli!~ as:
PaLail!llagoi. eentinaed to fi.'ppG:i:r ul}JI.;"t[er I4!J.!J-
6-]. Andronikos DO'I.lJU:I.~An~lQ5 Ko..b:ai~IM:;I:S, FaJaiiDl!eogo51 ~ Pfdle:;: wrotl2 & num~ af:p::w:;:Dl:! for tl~ lnan~ w.homh~ ~:;dl~ by tI:l~ abD"'C aE1"p'~9Ii.itJl".i5..oI Andronilro::i '·'as B. son c.f E.lxEnlr::, ;:Ii dn~gh'OOr [Jf ~.Liohaf'l VJI] I tJ,y her 11iIB.rJ:i;lg~ to the Dulg:rrriRlJ rzar Ivan III A~OO.3 & IJ,\as oorn. iu th~ lase q,u;uter Gf ~&tc th~mtb')' and diOll "d\cr [,3.45- T~~ surnaeue A4,m ia ~'cry frequcldDy iLtL1,!r;hro to himand to ~Us ehlldren •. He Dn'llui£d th~ orhm:gbtu <fIf rM.:k:bacl fJ!) :=.d ~€<I!ri::!l. ljJ' :!lind: Jlad r",,'Il ~~ loa!it'l]~ and M<!.!L'IlIIi1, and a dll!~'ghter E~~I'iI~ ...... :100. ~~ the 'Wife offu!:ul~liI~ V] Kar..t:!IlkomimOO_
158. l[];I!liln~ Pilnrkti.5l A!I::l!I'I! i\ ~eaB h~r~ [hoi:: illl:!ljG:dptro.,~; I.rf'Jwji!iii~ 1I'9p.:r •. yiI~DJ '.f!'.IJJ&:u.IlE.l df,l~~] uv.· , AIl'~.7 TIl(;. word d~ 'i~ net ~ml.:in but 9iFfjl~;!!t'lI qwl)f probable. In lfII~ m ~- malll)' persons ·~H'l:d 'J'~,: '1f~",{~5'.l jl 11; dffiirult te d(;:'re['.m.'~ ·...,,1'10 this ~rtkulat IO'_D1U:8 .Doukas han. k
'I1tc: pUM: of &ni:r{1)~ JUJ..a beN!. .s:.pL.s;ined ;aJo; 'b~~lg dl!.J:i'!l~r:1 either trrnm, thl!; wonI 1lO~ (bwh) OT ~ WOJrl jfaJ'iDllo (my-fish).' Tlae &L·t;~tzEili 'III.'E!'e a. dis~ a)"':a..Dctn~ hmJ.'s':: ~~OO t~~L the .I~jJt:c (enth ~~~L~'ry onwMdi ~1,;'J,yo:t aJ1 ~ part in serving the stare, p;trt~ula['L~ In. ~e ;:LrlJ))i,- FTIJoliIl ~"ly tllm:3 d1~ ~' .a.ppe:arS to hn .... ~ been ~:mhl"shi!d 111. Ih.r.:tile i~ ~ven ::tt ~ bl~r ~~i(itl Ieannes HI ,2 \IIJt5 ,;om::! [0 have hl~ tl:!tll~ tu that rcIPDn,~ t'!ul Llll~r.mIlL'.l:m,&,! b!:oo.';:m t'\\'(11 l;i"1m!fi.(:S. (If the r;'u:rIIL'ly created the house of ]"j]plGb:Ha~C!; (d". AC'rt~[.[I~~I·), anestcd in the thir~I) . .n[h 1C~I~t1lit'li :!lIL'd, 1~1lCr ILt:ltL still in ~i~I'lL"'t' at CDm.!.m~i;l1cpJc: in the ::;~b~;::fJ~l~ (;~!!II[,)i.S I!i LEI~ 1,!.1~,(:lIfth ~n'~l1'ry tl>r J4ta~ became r>r.b·~etl [0 I[h~ ]!kycL1i1lioi~6 .,nrl ~.],r. oon;:f~ 1x:t:'!.\fC~ 1.h~ 'biro ~.Li(!;!l; eenunued lor OOj'l'l~ tilt'le. ~
ALtbDI!Ig1l1 the emperor '~ILI1I:.."; III.,2 dl.Olie to me th~ FLame Df DfI~tb.~. it iE. (Ioh .... :iD'l!.:S tlsat !ill- patC'oo'r'TTlrW: pmpEi' ·wa:5. B~!!:a!I:2e:3." Dc.~pi~:c the Iact ~h;~e the &i!!L ..... tE'>l!· an ancienr h(l(l.~r::, it !!I; E'ad~1t E'ttUlli3:!t" lh3t il:v;: ClIl'l'p~I:ol)I' hi'JilSCif ignDrnl this ~lLd OLlJy boasted of heing dW)I;ll1.d~ .fmil1l tb~ ~Q~ElTiI~oi i"iOO the Doubi..~ III Ill£ same 1fICLnj oontem.por.ilry ~~s oomplim-r.nted him ",'iltln thl~ fa.otili.:!,[' cpLtlh(;l!.S .il1i'ID»'";evr-i"~''=' .d[!~[l;'olII·," .::!Iltllt«ltrhil'J'7(l\·/:I: and J~1I11:0~,1l
V-4- l;;neodotll':ri. ~~I!IIk::\!~,~m. Ko.DU:L-r.-:n~ P.ii,ffiilIl':1Qg;L'na.: TIu:: ~p~ 'I'hoo!I.or.31 w1i.IJ bcralllC the wlf~ of;~~l. VIU {~!J '!.';I';EiB a '!!t 00. Ioannes, tbc suu of I~'l.OIki(l~ j'3~ ;:ui!l! ]1ml,(~kia';l and ;s1~El"'lBIt'S to h!l,'liC; been ~ ~Ij~. 1~j'[f.i, The llam~ !-l1~ Cilnltdfl '~L'oC t~.!l: o-f her mlrLi.!:'b::md. A'L a ro!.IDg :aa.:e in J :Z5:3-~ Theodora JTTaf['.i~1 the fj'll'h:u:e emptmr Mid-lad ~1j1;i~ltle:oo. tfth: .di~d Dn.:;. ~r;!![\fb t30l,J~ fii:r !C;ottaut ~~lsbcar the i:om:rLpbflil et~pa, ~~mm'l'1] w,,.,,.Ii'i:noll. .tl~""~
~ .rl~oU..Jttly,il,,'I!.1'I
75, Tlh,ootlll)'l'IJS D'i!lIit!ki'l.!il L!IIs:j_~;lIi!1,: '1fi~l;Id;OO'o~ Utlf NiG;~l.,,",'85 ,thl:: flln.l~ ron gf Ioannes III 72 ~rul his wi£~ E.i.LT;:1J.e I ~ j' He prefl!!:fled ~.-g !';J~ itlrrwill' aa 19~!' .iil~I:'i<iI!~ oil iW.Q'XIl,Pl!S: and ~~m~ llionlleillpor.L'r.:-" seurees call him SQ, I:
'fll!& H .... N'Ii: 0" DO U It ..... .!: 1::<1 a"'lu: 'Il F A~L I Ll.Y.s
RI",",mt~ his !'lame- is ~ ail Komnenos La.:abLr,ls, r OJ: me:. ...... ..::,f't>e:.. -
~11 & W3.'!i born ~rl)' in_ [::122, Slpproo:.ima1:ctr ;OLt tlu:_ [~m;:; 'wlkrl b,~"r:~ ~ .unperor,J lrut 1:iI1iCC he IS 1"J1!"1,'~ v;llh:d 'pOq]hy~llltlli, ""i: I!T"J;:LY 1I1~jj thlt his bi:r1h pra.'1:tkd his thth~".l ,;]01: eollllJOOt, li~ w.a.a oI!aUcd afl:~cf hia ..... t
. _II.. ' r- !:;r.Iial
~thl9' Tht!OOoo"o~ I ] .a,> • .::rm_'"
1~C!i HI f'l;iled Ig t:!'IiiW11 !1i1'S[l~L dLllru_!!: ~~i~,tlfel'LTIl~ atLol~ so ~ \'I!.I.;:l ~Bl~ ~.mpemr by Ilu:: &ftC.)' 8M [he ;!I,t NrIl]1pl~;!II~urlJ .rhlb-'!li:l11! hfa~hl!'l"'~ deoath ot!. 4- )l(l\'fmbe:r [::15<1:. and W'aE: SY-JlIl!l:.fI!iA':.~lly L';fLi~d ~m. ~ ~]kidcl ~ His LCl:I:l[la[itl[l. lla\ ... e<,,'~r, had to ...... .I1it ,fOr ~iu:: eJOCtlf.m of <!I ntw pa.[l!"1~1Hh7 ;:,r.;1 was ~5~t1.bLy perlormed e"l1)1ll1 I''!ljj. LI~ hia f~[~l,oI;r, Tb!:'Qtk.~ \lo';JJj S,1Ibj:t to t:pll~.]1;. at~("h ~n~ !l;1~~lm bed 'blJo a severe oae ~ Anglilst ,['2!~ at th.e e..1i']\f il~ nt !hH1:y.U:". 011'1 hi!'> dlS!lih b~ he !QI;III: 1J1oJ-nE!..allC ... \(j'lli~ ncbitlDl1g tb~ 11~r,jji!. Dfn][:~.I>J Ht \\'.a.~ Bul"L.t::d ~t [hI? Jru('U:L~~O:ry 7W!-' .tl.J.:raI~i!., I t
A.! a 00)' of d-CVoi::.ll; Thcederos VIo'i:L"; 1:II:::tr.:.rtl~~ to tl1{,; ru~l!C-yenlo."nld Heiet"ll! 4l O::llllCh[eI" 00' che .ikJJg..llrian [:iiillr 1 ..... :1tl. 11 ru.;:,!I] ]11, 1''Sl.3ll' 1::1 Till:l~r "'"!Ct'C" l1l1:Mt'il!t! il:, [~15"1l 1'11~ m;lOmn.:ge produced :Il""1:" cilLi]dn~l1: Ionnnes 'la, F.i~,n ~t'.ia,l~ TILW!:kiraJ"I,,;uLci Ewd~~ii!..17
"I'lH: !f.DlPtt'6J' Tlefot!dl"ir(l~ ~ I QQCIlp-ki3 a:i~ flU'1_,,;!~~~~ng place in tru:l:i~rure oM tI-.;l:: th~~tb crntw'Y_ H:I~ t1wotQ~W:aL 'WJ J.]Il~ ;L']:,(: n'UnM:rulJ~Lj !lind hI; Wlib
13 RY IE N:N I 0,5
nil l'tAlII& Or DOUJ;; .... a ]~ .:)l'HBI~ PAMI"'~I';;5. ~iI~:J!kt~ ~.: £i:rm~ J)OW:.&.iItTL I'Il1IS the ~ldOit rl311Rb~ ...,;M0ri_ ~ ~ni""", nrrd r'uln!i. , "'~ ",~d ~Fn1i- bo;k:ni(J(] gr.filn~ rI5" th"
d'1NnIm: il6. She is lT1~tfo::m.OO several Cltlt:::l, i 11 ehe Tjpil'iJIJ of ~1.t! K " tr:;:1ur::r :mill par'CirulPly in tTI!'In~.lnn '1\,~'h .'be: C<pfJ?'tfr. of lh~ 1~[mW!Ltil: "...~[~~r-;f~~ pam 'tD 111:t" ;;liner Ihor. deaths ~ tl1f: empress's d~~'~'gh[en; 1'!.J~l'1a r(}7 ;)nri M"W' b;. ~ ilfiiJ. th~ fllu[1~r'~ !,",~'II.'fG~t1Jdren~ ELI~I!I>l'::-'!i n;liml'l~ is; inC'lI~D ""~ ~IIa,]
These UtiflH5 had bap FI Ell ed .I(11lg bdat't !h'C" fi-'lill'ilt il!l~;::[ wa.~ Wfjjt~lI (m(l=;,q, ~ ,r.rMI.C,-, II'~~ T';'~ ~), .s~,b50il~'{;ntly Dia';Q,r(:1L;Q! ap.pI~~&3 ebe ~[r];Lrda .:'Ir'l::il~ I ~:3j'g--Sa) ~ 3.1~d b~ foC" f(_~]"gh'l!=IlI~ N~ir.oo mad '1;J.y ~bCI} d~ hut ~tt3~tJl!:!;r P;fII'dotJ, W&l iPl'O'DI.p'~~' ~Vl::.IL Ojaoo[\l9\O~ iw""~\'P.J" WlI.::! !!obll Iiltlt .l8.w.1!'.c...l arwI 'IMTQ[J!: ~O ..:m~ Gf N~i~~ aLJOU~r.:-; (AnlitirriOG ? T.i ~~t~T1f. "'_w ts.:.lt6!M,,_9i.,.-..r:r.v_ .f'1r; -n-F ~Il'i p- f1"'~l'il)aod once IT]ar[! ailwd ,&\[' itl;~ .;dJrolu~ Uo).n 0: (Il.! hrJ 'l'o'l'llol:h 31f,!pa!IIEllltly ~lill Ib;mrrJ~[tt~ M'inL The preie.l"Vt:d p-,:rri!:udmJ k:ri:r IS a rc:p!y {O hi~ I'IlIGII<le;t" D:i<Utln::ncn, is fgrgi,wm by tho: oIlt..lln:::h but he is I'~l:lmr:tO,'J 1']1)[ ltI illLernpt to minimizt ~i5. ~I! ,md i& ~h~d !tio il.dh:efe to 'the
tiol .. /I,JIA
(19:' :M"kl~l1~l 'D~" ... .s. (;:Ia'bas 'l\"lrIi::'hi!JlIi~~uk:!l; He W.ll- o:mc r..f 1M &:w :ruc~ ,~i1:Ii fl]er~,"L1~ du ... ~'g th~ ] eLgJ'l ~r. AI.~al onllro3 n~ l)Ul .II~ Il:a.I"tl!l" h.-u 1w9\ hGllJc[J~11 ~~fil00d ]1\ ~m>!! 0 ~t :~ltIL tbat ~r tile _JlI~~tifJl'V»_ ~;::h.i1cl To:.r· Jlrul.I!!ilOW~! IhE r~llI .IHlim>!! cl MIiI;Ii~LJ !l.O~V~1h~r WHit ~h,;.t of hL'I; 'Wife, appears (Ill! [1.'11 i[l£.'-L~P'llr::m. no kin~er e;-;:t;mL.' of F~mli'rmk..,.~~(I' whi.l:;h VtI';!!; ,~ OIInl"l oopioo by G;:l:lsic:b (1578) _I C?~'ht'!.I:,""IM:,_ eO'l'tcmr.-:w;Lry ~mL5 refer 1D rum .I!.i GJl1bii",] DO~lkas GI3Jb.;1s,~.01" l.m:bant:mtc::; Gb'ba.';,1 Ml!I::h;!.d'~ care!:!" fkLL the ~t '1;1Il.'C do::ade::; !.")If the r.liulctClmUIL ~n'Lllry ~~ th~ 6r3~ ~!. .u.f the fOLliLI.:d'1"olt !!~C~ll~.'" I ~t! oouhl bi!ll,'I,1~ been bQL'I~, in I il5QI6wJ ~ bLit b~ pu'tn'i!:: remain 161JlLl~' 'I)ilLhO'l)'LHL, In c ! ~73 h~ was ;L kOiJr'~I~t~ ;L'l'iId '!ub::i!XLllEtiiJy Itt: ~ created. ~s. p.~J ~ pirr1MriJU, rt1t\flY ... ~ri11J~~t~ ;1m:L Iiuany pJ';~tm~-·~ ,H~ elied
!b4~[Lr bc~C;:; ~ 3 [!1!' r·
1:IikbarJ GhtI!i.:3 if. the Wtge;::L of several E~ln'Ei b::.- l'hll~, .!DIlI:'!: ar lki~
d~di'l:ato.T}' to In!Ly o~~elr3_ He ],~ti1se.lf W,LU; ~:h", a'l.UMr .m-;'in ~~!l;tllf!:9..1 o[;{1.~nau aDd of a \1.'Ork 011 Stl";!lC;gy'J. H:c; i3. ~J~ .Vi:ilJciat;::d ..... h.b iIlu:: ['CitOffi'i.ipn Dr twu tlI0IhELS~!~~; [i!il: P:mmrtl~~!l:3Ir~~I;I~ at Coru;tar'ltiW!lo]liI'C i'lb L~~·~ and St. J DI:1[1 tM:
]J;!fi ri:s t l!t S I) :u'l'pO Ii!. , J 5
MidLUcf.s "",if:e W~!1 Ni:l.'l'ia Ikmikain.i\ JGl1tl~Mile i~~a.lflro@rJ!I; Hr;;!ruil~13. r 53·
AL~~ !Ii, pflfm ot f'h~~t is "n ~~rr~ty [Il the 'l'l1l!D~fikoo on fJ:;,e:balf or ="' bona ",roD desired w be; gi~n t~jp~' of dtj]dren>]~ jJt :II.'Ppei1.n [ha.~ lLiJter iilllif~ the tt11.c1)!!1t b:re";~I~ ~m IJ;litli!fIit~ -of'L tliLlJgiL'~'~'-17 \1IM iLf't.!!n,,',n~ ml:luiai, ,lI;.mLrt:I~"Li1ro:; ItT-
hfi,~-e b~1l. a ~~t)dcO.1'I!t -ofOi;:!E.e"trim 94-
Tit(: iIli:l(lMi :K.itlg~~tl!:. _ (Ii~,jtH~; !h~ fr;lr~ K;v'tl~N-tjg i!l 'Io\ITI;)ng') iI; common ~1l'l':iJlK tb~ 1M-it .c.en[Ijfl.~ ~[ 13;O':",~lt~!u'ln: I:I!!!lt'll!l; OOtEiC b:r loohl"",t'I=. aaul =tiljll~ ;:1!kl. It a i1.O't .b~Q1,"'1'!. hoil1llo' the ILil.JnC of DO!.lk,1G piI~ imo the r."mil'r',l
00- '[~~~ ~hJ;t!lllitm:; D_DUk~.l .I~ll:: wus !hi! ptl5!l~ oaf the OOIlW[!:I!I·tlh ~~J.Jry -end. P.u, gr_ 2(1oj'~ whklt wn~;.!m!l; \W~ ef Lueian and otber ~n;:,.i-tnt w~t5, ~ In D~n;;br;a' J 357 an k,;tmL£:i Kalotnetos iz:5 met ..... ~1-1Ic ~ hut there is. JlO 1} ... k1C.i~ so Ldentify him witln :J:lu~ p['o(:~e1lt l'll'+lnn~ K;.! DuukM.
~;~di deci!:lLV'e rh::I'cJ,t at .I:i:rI.I1Ui!i (-:liS cfl,i1:1I,1 r 1 51$) h<: ..... ~~ taken p. isoncr.
nIL IN>C111tl.,]Ly ]..1: r~~u.m"l:d 1:0 (:i")Il!l1.ailtl~wplr:o, ~L irl I I ~ he: I~L 1i1~ ~TTT.r in gbb. ',['1. .. ~ '1CfI.T!-; later b~ llJUk. a leading part 'In.' IIItW HUfI~rlilll. caoliJlll&o.
~" Dtltl~.u.' dhAin~toc.lj a..rill pwlllli~l"J~ i~ 'lkl!l. .... ·ax round CXTD='Km in tbe iII~IJlI;Fl)'ic ~t'.c[i.orI [J[ a 1EI(lIlUlll1;t1W ~'~. bearing n ooot:Iml~ITLCtI"iHi'l(: ifl<cYip~rJ)ltI. rlAiCi!' in tb.::. d)..smnt :Magy.fl'r 1.e~br'Jr:I,:i: ,ManlLeI tilMA his. di:o;lilllF:uishell 1~1'i~\C .:nu:r,: tI~i)re •. IJ. J oT} ~ ~.llIl hCll"!. [0 JI!rLJull!ii:l ro renesv an atlia-Dee
JU:":l.!um~ CI ~-.:Wll&n. ...... J'tI!o;: ill. IIp.:otL!, .lhr D.:ru.k"t!'" . d '11
~ ~ fDr tlJi~ erection of the CJ (w: h~ I-h . .mgary hi:&." dll"C!"~ 11. e rUi:rrod to.4 l"UWl~' if appears <IlILOLt r~n'~~I)o!.l!o:;L~ f1jll:l!';eII tr[ed bis h~,~~ Iiu!t3. nsre, I
AcrDTJ:lill!o:; ~ thi:>. I!.aa._ki03 .... as i!I. Kl:ltlUl~ -OJ"! his ~~E"I(!r;!'; ~i.d!! anda ~Ib,~ CI~ dt~[ ?[ bLS fii.tlte~. HI;"; rn::!I[ct"I~3iI. gn:lILdliLtb~ olI'Il>I;I h~ fatl.II:!I">ln-!'il' ..... (I1r P~.I13 3 hli W1.rC'~ bl"(lthc:r lT1!5t~Ldt.) "lv:re oot~~ ,f~ro1Q~. 80m!! of ~'lki.i: ,iJlIr{lrl~I.IIj~:~ can 'be cnrrnberuted j'~ ha ..... hQ:; 'IoII!Io& LO laet tEl,;: sun ~r an l!l.ill:Hlt~wn da'1_gllbEr r:t r.b~ .!I~baJ~Tal'i:lr ha_ahloo ]lum'lrl~Ii!~, .1, brothel of ~F;]n1~el [.,~ MI;iI"if:i:J"A":r Ji~ i!; also described ~ oonl1l 31 close J e]a.LL .... e Qf :E'Ilphll"O~].'w.;: Idlre nnd l!...iWIrDIl;1ooo::; .1(1'& ~ 01 {.1.Ct ,,,,,·hid. ~,,~ ~1iI:t;~ ~]~. ifi .. is ~I:IU!I~ thnt :tbc fu.lbl:i: -ot' [:;aakir.i.:j b~l!;m~ te UJI:: Df!~L Ka.IiIL:!I~en;1I nlld,., as IS 1t~\'l5!Ilp-d in the :si:5:Ll, tiJ.;1t he: i:1ffid.ofIU~' cmpJored 'IllCi 1)E!.mJ! u.fDr.Jld:a.~.I"
Is.l!.w.:ii"", ,I).,ul.t..~ of Cypr'lJ.!i is tne only kIHY .... ·,n oion of ~Jli~ N Doukal"· hi:; lIl&.:I ~itcl. &1. Armeni;J,n '~rlYl 1 I but lhl! irm::riplilIU tlf the &CtII! CEu~m)t ~t::r [(/ ~bi,.; m;rrril!.ge. T~ is .uf _OOIl~ 'llLbe. (105l!IiLk ~h;:!t he had £~iOWiLy takeJIl. ;;I,l-; wife d"if. cl.i!iu!!:i:.Ll:r (1")1:" ~I;,e '1.1l[~r) '.:II! un 1.1111 kno .... 'n 5.!hQ1lolcm~.
1£04· ~1.f.3tQm_Il;;OlI;: DCi~S,Hc Ix:I(Ji~'elJ to .Jlil: ml~IJUS c'mtwLo!iKI!. gf A.n.dll"IlI!'1~~.:;o; I ""'~lir;,b ]:",:c.ame rnfarml:!l~ throLl!!:h !b~ill' i:~QW~ ill cI~hl:.ig WiA..ll lite cl'jipEttJr ~ l:Il1o;rn[.l'~ 'Or ~p&t..I.b> FaU,ug: in~iIt d~r:!I[::oI;: on acC"!:'luiI~t ,gf"bli: reletinn-
ccnt\:I bat up j[l ehe .l~ I"lf Al&lu!l; I m L~ I' It f:o;rollid !1(1l ;.o:;q_II.itL 1h
~. for m.u p1Wijp:, N'1!~·~[ru:.I(& tllcir p,'(ikmdn .. uu.l~· miJirtary ~ g,ound ~ed KI gi'l!l:: !~eln a ~ul:lecrio;r ~~FI~ity ''''L1~cl~ O'.JoJ~ti~lli:d 'm;;l:I~crru,,{eoil until tM full of {h~r d~tlaJ!y, and CiV'<:ni'L'rrel'"W"l.rd~ I~ W8l~ i.lilt:l~ d1l:!lu:ndalll!; h . .b~ 1E5L;,I.[i!ihed th,em,;eh;a itl Epirua ".1~ im T~bL'1:Cmt [ _
The T1UI~e of Eirene :;f; W AJr.xi.ol~ ~1iIIJI:I~~ In .I tv]EI 1:a!L~~ tb~ I"izIrrI!:! Ii Dollkal ta 6t adopsed by mm~ d !l'~u> lr.lllmt{I!la.~ r:lC!l~ndB;ra~. I\o:e. or ~hdr childl'ElJ1 '3Jl.d ,jIt I~t, I",Inl: tiL tblci[' gmndsaru::1 aU P~flL~)' :;P~kLI~!{ ,I;tCiiil1M:iloi are somefirnes r.:.~111[1 , .... 1I1L tbc J1~ of]J(].u:k:its lII~d ail :S.U~tL \...11 L 1'U1!~ ... brwl;T"¢JI~nt here, Ths oompotllld Kv.fW?t~l'~-":(JI~ wmi -il]ro oI:O~IJ~ [Til ~h~ 1wl!'l1't:b. I:.I:.IJ!u[,)" bu~ it i'!o~ a pu["(!11l1X'1:o1~;; fClrm,~
107. ,Ann;;!. KCmlll'!"1IL(!- {Dc;uJ.;;aJn;J.): AlJml. K;::ml11i~I;:", ~ .. c faffi.ciIl!O hi!tarhn} ;;]lId fi .. r,;~"!mm liIa ... gl~Le.r J J.U~.tI:I. I 3~tl Eil'Eltl! .!J6, ,I~ ~~: ~~,t once te:fl:iroil. '1:,0
'.Pll.f ehe E{Iilll=lenai B " ~...b!t'k: :a>"ld f n r- 11,,'Oir .. d~i ... ~I:r n;I!K'"~!I.t r~71I~~, i!ft. ,~;
A. KIJTnD..::n(l!: ~;~, Tii ~,; ~.~ .. ~. (ed.. c. Aj'!Ilth....,.idt:l;. OzmLilIIi!inap,It:,I.fl:rn), J!PI &-1 I; G.. MUITW, 'L 'all.ginJ:! des O!m~, ,\e2!>!If.n;d~ !;:,OlJ;lIm,;m:, &"1'f.!"~iQ dt. /;a, $q:I;:';' H,.J~': 11 (l:9t.,)";U~-lo(i; Cl!~I3.ndOJl, Ie G.:-!n~~~. :1, PI?- !I'[ II.: c. I!:l!.t::kl~r, Ama C:tm..u'.,!-,,; A ~ (Uc-.d~II, 19!i9), I"JI\ ·11t:.:i"""!:iJ 'K. r. AlIn;m1~, I ',lJ _"Ta~ nil .fl'''!'''''i"'-'~I'·' 6."."1< . ...;, I D (J~), ~~21: A .. l"tt(t!i~~K~r.ll..1m:us; , ·0 ~, ... ":"'t K~:; ...."T:~~~~ ~1lD" ,..,~ ... "j"I))QI'~ .f.I~~ ;., ... ~= .. ', oJI1}j}8. ~ [i~l, 6&;i'--7Q- V!!r"j 1111~~rtmlll~ lbr ~ p=IIAL "-JI I ... I ~V1 I}~ [l[c;LJiiln.illf lilC!!lIlfll,..,t;: i" !Jl:ill I¥~~[];] !~~ .... ~ s. IJ~ JI~11 l.:! G~.JJ.. C,L='"~ i:. I!v~ (Wlp!lblilh.~1. (i .... ;II;I(;;I. ti.merb:Ii.Ol1 ~t ~h.e UnWerili~ 11)( I£"'~, I !J]i]. ~ cr.nI.\91[ d 'INII;I o!1kr books em I!.* I!\,'"i~ [Dl:m~riLIS Stept.~napaL; Ckimn:i!rtej, PriZ:u 1t1;'~i1:l' ~ L:! ~ """Wiri,/,' rn Cmn,J,u ~a r..., ""',"'-., "~j'J.!t', Iu ~u!W'I fi III ~ ilIJ ,.!f~ (Arr .... l;;"rri;!.lTI. l7!ll [lUi S, ~ .• 8a£oo H~ii!l ~h; o.r.,·ill):;l:1, Ot.!.t 4'MJ mrw~ do ~ "'r;i~ Jwi'dJ¥=di.1... ~t;I irrJpirim;!"q eA~I';[Io!" (Vi!IIiJ3ie:, I~ i:o: w~I't" Gmtzllilio:.,
~ dr:ht sQIi of AkxiOl I and Ei~n~ !J6, btlrn 1l1'li SeptC1lnbe:ilD~t.'e'rnb.r:. Sbortty'<In:l,..; he was pl'9f.b.inoo:l L:mjlD'tll"_ Ioennes -"I'~OOi~d{)li I .'" hiS ... , O'R 15 Augw;t II [:11,. -ROO !'ei:~~l!tl ut'luJ 8 Ap.!-l! [L4.3',-" 'W.h~n hoi; WiI..'o; JI~ filF.lillrll~r UM![np.~' . j-tro ~bl"
In ~hll.l-"3 1 l"'1l:j' IIla.lule:.:: .IlINl11fi(:d the H'Ih~S'a.l':la~ pL·jlL.ot~ p,. - k d::l.l.Ifh1>!:r .00 king' Ll.di. ... l;h', h'M 'WM cail,ed E.iTem.c b,' Ll:il!! CTeI!ks. Sl~ ,: r., ~' a the n~~ Xi:n; on I_~ Augl.lS~ J 13q,~ and ~1oI?iS G!mont~ed b:t' ~I-~!!'! .I3}'za!lti~ di';~h~ By this m:tITI,;J!I:I', Ioannes became Ikr.: f.1I~~tor.F of elghr ch.iJLI!r!:!1l : '\J~~ ( 0'Il ~['I:1n[~.m (lIeS}. l:;,,'~kio:; (t I.lj}, U;mlll~ (t.h~ f'ltt!~.'emJl~r, ll!l~'}, ~aTi)~
,,~Il ~1!111~ of :"'J~r,u;, .I ~oG),!Lm!a (L 11(0), l'heodcra (I ~ r!!}j . Ii
E..Jdtikia 'I. n r.9}, ~ . J ArI
]"9" r""~5 I:k!~b.5;': He- ~ a, :aQni. of th.!! ma~W!m1iJr .. \nd[1lrl:likCI~ E-:bll']- 1\I!!1iI~J a !<On ef .t-\l,,":uo~ ] and EIIT.:o,:; ,z,fj, He is m~Ht1':!m'!.ro ollily !':I;n.r~. iRl COJ'l", JT:et~a wi[b the synod (If 15 }:lm'Gh i [&&,p
nO\, ~nC'J!iii:l'S. ~nl~l."1.~.! A ~ef~!Ii~D.KomI".le-l1ID~ DO'IJika.~ who C"'.n~o[ bt fu~cr id~tlit!lli:d :pa!Id r.m- t~ll'! 0!1Ip~·1n.g atcod, Coisl. ['t. 5 ,iJ~. m ~(]3./-1,' 1"11(: l1l1aGli). ~l:I!1pt .... ;a.s WJ"El[J!f1 ujo' nl~KL.!i\TT,I~ I.-'lImp~ and IOGrurnli.llS hClIlk.1 'Of the Old:
T t:ruIwOCiJ t, I ~
I'll. AJ.~~9:; Ko~I(lIWS (A:tl:J~!!.ltls DtI'Illt:;a[l;) ': There are t~a'~aiu ~~ b)' ;!! fMt.m.Jt.':liTJ7d !!}! "r1'l;:b1~Qnd I StephlHlfL!. S~I1U!l'tI~lo::;. whL~h art all:l.cll~~cl to
~L']I16 ."1.FlP!ti:lJ'S. w be tine Qnlr i1l!S~!I,;~ce- or an tltl(l!!i'OT M Tmb;'!r.1\d bei'fl~ ~hll! dc;:j!l:'~",~edl tot' r.h;:;::;~ /L'Y~L KOfo!loItjll-lI~ had ~I' course 00'ihi1l1!!i [0 ~O ...... iUt 11K J\,lilge-1I:lL. aile ~n nn~' rutln I;.llt~ the poer'a words [I.' ~h~ Influence i.1r the orom. POUtitl ~ ..ty,....,~ J.lJIf..oo.s l{~J"&s ",·hj,::h wa.::; much 11!1L1~~
. ~~I'l~~, _I~tcr_ mil;:.;!. A.I~~~\Jo';u; t~ll'" ~econ,~l-ooL"l Wli. (lr Llil~ C1111lH=1:'(H' l!i!l-,ulCJQ~ of L ~~m:!:ltItL ;;I:IL13 Llll: 1l::lIzlL'a E.1L~I]~, hl:.LlLS ~m 4m _, Octl!!llet' l13ft· 'f.'ligi:~hor.r w~Lh his morher hr;,1fmr. ~Jl(:TDr 00 'I":;: l)'e(Otroib::r l34e. ~all':l wru; (;nJIo, on -.: 1 .J a·;.!r~· 1 g!j.Q_! On !2:S .s1l~YLb±r 13~ I. h>::: ,LIJ'limiEd Tb t....,d.)ta I Pol oougM;;r o:Jf Nike:plwL"OO "-:"'llit.,lo:OIl)!~, .:x>mtn ~l t~ ~[R'~,~ ,..'l.I=i1:l!S dled on !l'I~ liIIarch t :t!ftl,~ Tbe.DdcnJ. ell 1!<! NI)"'I!iY~r ['i;!l~ .. ' He becsuie !he rJlmnc:r 4)f AI~drDmiJ.oc.:,; (,i![.(;~tirn3l~eH;> J\nn., ,'" l~;t5i!~%" M,;1.Tbl~r.l.'.:, IBlJdchla,ll wL.d l.-d:E!.Pn.,u
Ttl!!: :F<'IJI'I'11~:r of KD~ (Jr~m-at'i'1' ,;:ULi! the Dl'M~ !;!o~h;tii: ~;roro~) I!1Ft~ l1Ippl!ar?; in 'Byu!Jir~il.lrn_ .iII.. twrun:b-c~TrtlJry ~r.iLl l:.elLII~g;3 [0 .(i. ·K.rr!,:i~['_"1l1iu.-oo K~~;'~ !1Iald. .a [JJ:JcUuunt of J~I!:r ~ ~6o.i! !qJ"al:!; cf;!IJ ;.:~~ fiojj. MILIo:JH'..qpi1l'T1 ill !Q;ph."iQnh_"" [11 t@i N~ko.!; KfI",!C~ aud i1i~ ~Qn :.'.JaJtVii!!l are ~1!fl~1LaI.'7 Thi:' 'I!{tlH.2i~ ea't[l,bti!l;b~L t~le:fru:el'i .. es in Oti~ Irem the &mL~~lh C.:tlj~IT'!" OOW;Lroik and b!::v:I-I!111: et'le: of the: ~ ~t'llJill!f:il~ 1~01IIl~ ~.IJ!':i'E, .. ~·W'e do ,[,lol ~.fIO"'(O' hew Ut-e' :n.1,rnr~ ofDI:Hlikali C!!ll~~ 't4~ Iu, l.!daptOO by iIl1te m.lli.1}',
[J~- D;ur~g Ko!."ir.S";~~:; Deusas 'iKQre::::13 (0 .tio!l'Llt;(I:l· ~ &p..rov,~l is !T.Ie.fIbwnOO. in .;1, t,let:;!.lIlIl'i:tri.t or (:hlli:imliLa:r da(>::d. in N!':I\'ClrIlbCi' I $~ 1-k wn.,o; ::'i~ odd! ~d' tha~ ~[cry.'~ It i_,; ~Lbl.c ~l\."1.t thE JiIWlI M1gbt ~IE idlCi1.1iliro w:i[}L a.KQ~cs 1.ur.:!iLlilooud 'iJil1:h~ ~,iLr::; [341 <1M! I ~'j, as inh."1.b~tl[il1l SeTT~'~~
I 'f,,~ ",Il!Ut'~f',:a. Tp"n~':;"""" .!iI:rI~j,!""Li ~Lp:m.:4l~".'r'.~' "'::;'~~'<I ~ ':LUi"'" .",;" R'¥"\!Jotv ~-JtflL 1·[i<Kl:tjWM'l'~~' ~fo:: the i~ ~;I 'T .. ~111t-i;>:1i'li"I~. ' '.I'"ico&.n.. '"""~ 1~. T~~~PJf'X'~ I, ·A~~i.Jl'rjl!i"""'''l.tI (1~I~f~'~"
K.oooL::l[ij,nUt1o~ M.fIlw&Cno~ III ·~l1rtIOO¢;l. -('.-." iilre IF!St 1lme: m -5'_ ~ 2,j2 • .... hen
Mi(il~FI,{'L 11 []f Eplrus entrustutl a nl1li2:i{Jnw hi!rtl .• lit! ILl!d !1!Il~ I:fl'!rrrr.c m!Lnitd M:1.n:l Komncee '(\nge'iim!,. :!'I d:!lll.:ll!ih~~ of _'"~ir:h~1 .t 15 Grr Hpi'I'\!~,] 'Tho!'f llad at least one ann .:-liirr:iI<!I1l": 1,~~. &DI1i::~LIot:l~~I]OO assumed the illDII!&!-tit: hilibiL 'iliitiU:lIlt !l:ln ... ~git.11:!i his llI;:[jm!::~ and died semefime l)r.rIj['oe Ot:ooher l !!~Jl.'~
NiklJl«P:I!I; l~I<!IUL·.ia:l A:rill:i~ !P':i!laloLogin:1, IjiJ, :a ~wt:1i d ~lii=~~Kl .\0 III, oornl;'tLme .·C· r ...... '" Th""''1 JJ.o1d ,n l,e,'~t !.'Jill! IQn Ioannes 'Lvf1i:J lS In~1! G'l.!lm 'KufiI:::!II'IlUII!lII .. ''''.:JU· ...".. M
J~en,oo M[Lli'M~, and, !:jill;." L", .. dy does be: IL"i'e thE: 112IJ!I~. of hl""'~ :1.. Angr.h.loJ· h lit" !:iE'/iEmi~ of ~11.:: lllhirti:oL1.I, otlltml' ['o,hkrllo:itt: ::1m] 1:J1S~.rjft :cawlli::d the menastie n:!llbiit \J,\~th 1&1!l: .I~~ -of [~:L"ilLPl. ,:lll!!l. ,/.iurtblYlJoW, !lIntll\~tLTl!-d
lCt Ket'li. Pelf n wbl:>T~ tbe:y rliEil ~r 1 :;:I.$o .. n _ _
If: 1~ mIl riaf~!!tl}' dw who the mLIlIJ.: Ntj]oo ~\ .... I.i:t.:::I![lfI:l wrLi:l, He l~ me:.:rI''''l;)lu~t:l iii b,,'(tI lIt!cripllOll!. of 'O~~1t:. ',E11~$,;, tlu: Iii~l eaLli..".gltim ~ M~
r:ifc:ll'e' mOfu1St'Criu illl'lrl ~be dtlt~r ,
rn S.[lM~,la~..w;'DIl ,!W!'<~~ ;,lhlJo1 M ... Jiil"llltjvdll ~K ~U,n..l..r.:.tIJ ~,,~
ID be prnwe:d .. It J~ pouibJG ~h.~.1:.b~ wa5 :!II"111:1!~li:'I' son of 1I{!:.II~ll:ullLlLli):5,
TIL!!! (~lI(!l), nol~t 1.tJ hI:! or::[')li1fm;~d 'Witli! the Me:iissl!'lIl:(i,] ""'(:J;e ..... -caJtb~' and ptlIiIIfeJ rue 1!i..I~dktrili ill lILirl6!;l]tll.~I1~m~· 'l'h~Ly wh~l'~ tbtry' bll]l~ their f.i:lmi Iy mestasreries of '~ JErrlaid¢rtw!l at!l Sind N~~~ J1.~ near [.':n.n;J.n:1..~ It is tltroogit the: ~Ill"'i,'~d al"eh~~ of 1:be::;~ fal!lJtcl~rlOJt:: t~t ~ uf I:ilJr illfbn1!l:lltiwJ, 1:1(11 1:h.c M[!Jla,osenoi bill bEo:;IOI tr:Ln!S'lnit(~. Not 1I'rj1l.l1i~ IlIf ~beiT membt:i':! at~ L~. hut ~es~ l"C"Lc'l became ~ry [\I!b,~;::d a:.y J:lta.rriag~ bt;Jth with die inl?ti1a.L filu:lUy (If ('0[''1Jillllo:aplc Sind with !]rl~ J1Quk.oj-AIl~'CI.oj d'EpinJ!l:,
NCiI mueh ]1,;1.1 been preserved Cm lilA! b."1£~d aftb~ f~tlliLy. In 'l! "T!J[lIol;l'll:IjI!.a. d;J.~ 10 Sepbi:J)Lbc[" [r~ ~.~ E!. ~ K~ ]i,,'T.kma-o:s ,MaJi(t::~ ~ .. .IT:I~ntioLl~IiI.!!! Tbi.o: man migitt wE1L ba~ been the ,furuIJd~r 'Of the: Eamily :a:1~tl !Jw. t'hth!}[' or KoJL!:Ol=LLi~t:r': 131. Tlill! .ibrm ~flJ)ol~~ - ir.s ,~~i.o:~mc;:; is a.p~~~!.l)l lMl :liMc;l.¢:I c~c:rt - Jtlt~t be the l ~u1Jt rJtil, p.:11B.i:o,!O~¥hk..i erreriu plaec ",I" .Mn);I>llJJ'll~,
i'M[]" I{~\Er1nI.t!J1~ M!itli8Seltll!!: ])~lIoa B~fI:!l. Kiln. .. mli'-iillm i!l ~tlr ~I~ K>I)mm::rI<:I!I; MlI]liaM:.'~D.:l,r lW1i th~ names of DOLlhs.!:1.I~n1 ISryffI.JUw" :1.1"(: occa.o.;]an:lllJ)' at~iLl:.floo tG hi.Jn.> whilll::: the fuJI
:'otE LA,I;.; I L 11.1 XQ!
I~ Jll~IIILi.o:m"4'Id il~, 137',' M'f1Rut:L :Mt!bdui1bl]G '!'t1l:3 ~ Pr:l~1 of Philo:iddphilll, A prje:;t f~crJ'TII _L',":l7fLl, Ft:ll;1J!. )'fcla~hriTlm, 8Vpatn;1I'1 a urJ~umrnt ctf 1447.J Illi ~ Ve.l'!llt"i (iOo.;'1fl'lll~lI'1t of J 'b30 ~"""I!I"a.1 :M~d~1 itlt<l ~lkm~ rios lo;:l.11n,eJ; Cror!,:i.oo) ;:'~I! i.11'.:I!JIJ....--d aIJWJL;!I: illLe m~1'C 'lfuili~ui::lh~d dti:;';("II;; ef'<'i, ~ wbik: :;o:I1I'LC ';7J~ILJ<A< !l)f th~ ':;R.'mC. DfI'lb}J! at'll: l:mD'Wll in ,1Ie I1.uT~tl!lI1llh I:~mllt y.!
&iefon::: he b«,-I!['l!ir=. ~tlhl'lt!rO~, )!ful.ld1lflLJpl~too .b:.!id. lIl.i1rricd :a d:fr.u..&tttr of PbiJ~ ..,..,oom I~~ ~0l:3 to h.we deserted ,ro:!' the :ilak~ (If F.~ldoki3. lhl!: Ilkillighrer of • 'IJ~ia~ III liLlld Euphro:;rn<: 1'01. J!1 ~'!: 'C<' or l ~ April fol!O<j., :M!:lurl~ II:oI)lLph~ acad~ hi! ~ ... ;r,~' out r:rf r~~!:~I:I~:illlolJ'pl!!: rnJl;jl~g w.ith Mom Euclckin, ;8[1rjJ her iJlmher. At M..r,t;;fltopnlL: ltl:'lllar[',i~lEu[t.r;:.]'da, bur hi~ ~ub~~!J>!!ntl!..m~~llItll~ jJJ'0l."ed 111a~r:::._ M-e:oti,(l~ n i" tlt:lW iwLhr:['-i.I~-Ja,w til M~r,r~7gUp"J)IMt;, h;rt~ JrjI1l1 R.l'Jn in the pr(:3O'L(;1f of E.'lJ.dr:LkiR had him blillQ.tu in 1!1. lauth., n~l't'Ed hi: .:It I i tile rQ!:l:lI!£r lI.:inj,.!'troT 'WlIlnde~ ::IIfl}11Jld in Moo}m-opo[is ur:rt:li the end of 1l1~ ytilr wl\ffl he ' ...... '!I: rI;.o'1.U_grol hy the oI!m.I:~rI;:r.::, Olil~ of theh ~1'Ita:iIL~: Tld~I7}' doll Lb1i~,
OJ1Ly .jL &~w r:rI the l1I18ll~' Mi)IJ~!lik~L l;iJir:r l~ [llElllOOL1l:t:l llE.l,e. l\]mll. MI1IT1~ ~P:llk!':d:IL 1loo'Z:11l<~ r;rf 1~[I~llC\\'.I1 liI!'u name irr ~ rIlJ99_~ A <r.ru1m'" !Leon 1JI:I'L.I.~ ii.,.,etl. iL\ ,.1 1 [;1f1.? :lrlrl 'Al'ILaT~r ~ j'I·:r~!i' ut U~ fClI.H1CiCiDth ~~firr.l~_~ HI'" estate I)~ .,ltu'!o'tb~ )"iG'LJ<Ull~ i:p re~l'T~d to II'L a diK,llmCfl,t ~f I :'104&.1 A [lJ.a.iLlli(;Tip~ nrn'iOl;! oUif ilir: }<:""LT 1441 P. tc~Ltiot'L5 ", 1"]1~i'i1D'U!1; MflLt.dcs.'~ Tn~~ ~ alXl :::r. ~l:ial
THl!: U .... ;jof)j. (,It< il~~UKA;:I J~ OTHf-:I!. FiLMILI'E!.~
~ to N~~ MaiJ2;.~, 1 [TIl the ia!<'!r pcr.i",d tbF" "'atl'l~ M'tHoI~'~ bcto:m~ \'~1' oommO['L It) many p:trhl: (I~ tb~ 11.,,;11;021·;: wor["L~
laG.. TheodON:5 &uk.n.~ M[]1.iI~ u, 1t;.i.c!5 ~ r le lliwd ~n. i:b~ [ninee.Htb I!~
and diod as the monk Tb~[(;;l:e~ ilion ::;:4 lJeor:liLlh~!r' ~ ~Il 1U!'li:.:r]I) .... n :;:,Y, ThrodOT0.5 ~)mL6:s l.f(JU2.~l:ioo had giI\"l'.tt). ;lin ttJTI.'T1Ii~1ucrl ]0011 Or St ~ h _ aOO rL'1t:I hI potJV'I'r·.:L to the IJ1.OO.;1srery 1:1[ l"he;::,m~"0[);3 l'W lk.d",iol'i '.E'~;o;o-;- ~
. • . ....:15' llL, He h~~ li«1!1 ,.~ I_f;I!l ;l'jr,';\f!l~,
_:""Coiliing i~ knnwn mL [!..~ f;L'I'iI~i!:t: ~I~n~~~oru, of 'l1l~I:;:Io!;, The tlil!1.!1Ti~ IJf his d-i'l~'gh[er lJ:l :!I. J~I,(;j':IllH:r ttf'LIu: 1-':':IEflLlUg house, as 'INoIi.H ;~tht: \\1'OJ d ~r:,...crro;r-:; . .... ·l1iclw i::; a.FI~li!!d ro IllTn, indicare !.~itiLl. ]~i~ ha"'):grOUILd ..... 11,& [lot 91 hmtlbfu rJm:
TJw: !-U.I El.3LDt:· M[]IJ1!:!I~ (lk!J{.iA,:.:.rv} .is ~r.II~'I; '11,riith in iJtl! ~I:ILI~ [['(!IJtL ~},'C oiIl;cl'el~i:h GefU1I1)'! and in the ~riiJd. Dr the Pal;!ljl;ll~ be;;::DtI~1!!-; ",olTlpa''ati'!!cl.~' wiM-. ~p~rl, !Se-\"CTlIIL .MI)i.J~·a!coo1:~ oceupied ~Llj~1. ~~~~ .(I,lld dllJIT,l~ oft:itD.. Niloollll~ :M,u.lli':.aJon W!I-'i the pa.li_riiaro;,:h of iCorul[a~I-tiI1.~!lpl~ in 114 ';1-!'j! 1 !lind 11 :I~am~~ or his ~ll:l~ hishop of Ali[])'kl~i room. .B.rlllirw.;LI~h~ At 1iL.1~~l'Xilml;!l~l.y tb~ rut.EI~ tillle,i'i Jl&f:ori:4p '!I'& pryrOpflJ{;' MIlI]~krn :ltm.llri~b~,~ (;~af!l:~ Mo.l~IIiLo..I 'Hi!tiI bit fh'l'.! hrothtru h=~ Pi)'Alff[LlL ;~Ild 'r1IIlJCll ~Iab"d. during thtL'4!L_gn of Thc:~ H (! ~.j4~)' TI~q 'Wl:il'r.: men or bumbtc "}'.fis:il~ f!'>l)rTlI Ad .• lII~tly;~i(la," 3ir.d ''=ry' shouly i:ln=- tITle death tlr tl;o!!:t o=rnf"'!n:1oT taL.1::Ji all [""Lm~ Ito a ~fI~lLl I~. G:~ bAid Jil.ll.-rjm 1Jt.c Je3!i'tled: "l'lu:odOta r-;!hl!i.o.IQf!:i:ll;~~ CIInd beC'2lI~I.~ t~e fmtM;r ar ;;mQ'11::~r dJsliml~Ij_,:i1c:d olT!oI:bl and 3:1It~1l.'N -.rn~[]1:qj Mowi:abJ~. [[0 I n ~ :1:75 .£I :\l.:.nlJ~ ~[ou~1Mn ~r:ru::flbDn~d" and later in L"'~ ocntu;ry il~~ .-Inm~~ ~ J!.tlNTltr~ S.'L!:!ph;!.nO:! MOll~!:I<klilb 1.1: TI~C' t>!'blI1~-r It\QIlI5iiz:u1~in(l::; ~u~dtln I;'lIlll~ f17l)m
M 0 U'2: .... r, ON' • .f.I
Thd:ialtl"'~'" {[ ::10';14),' Ky<JI,,'I~m'-~ Wl'U'LG a 11!.1Tt'T !n a .MJOIJ:2::IIliJn r31t3 b.P who
:r1u~b~, r::":!ill_b~r ~,_d mUI a wr,.al'lI~ 1;O'f.:,l~rn~., oi 1f]1')!t' rirncl [OiUlnt:l MO'I.rl!;.!LOO' do T~~I; ~I.""~d JI!1 I. JiH'.~ fl,1}jj [no: l-!I."P'l.,[J.arln~ DCLlI;tno:o; :\~o!ILlEl.IO~ ia I:I1tflrt1O::!I~orl. ;"'~ d.tiad kLl ..... ~PIll~IEluS ~~lI!t Dr J '1; I ,:I.
1~9. I~'f1'n.ol!!;; )[)[lllk:Jl!il M·lJu:r.;U!!In, Hi!! 11IMrlI ;1) the ~nll bill C<~ the ro!llln~r1rh c:G'l1Itul':r- iU..u is. ~Y kn.qwn fI"Q[I!I 'itt.:: poems or l'inl~, r re ~1 (';fLl~td rt\(fIit .innt.MrtoJ/' R!I!1rL th..::; '1~IL'(;,biillloly Jirulli!IUl '[1m .Lti;mnA:l:. ~l~f. )._{o~li'n ..... 'U a ),IU);o't dY.IIII';~'olIri1;oJ ~& ~I~,~ It i!l; ngl od~ ,,~ ... he !:I&![lILfftl. I!bi: iII..OI~ tit ~
THJ;; ~ ... ~a:. r.tP tl1Jt:I> ..... a IN O'elrl~R r-AI'o'IILIE.~
ha:5 O~ tha.I mos. ot N>01)1w11~;!jrotl.(:J' IEI;:mlJkripu; OOnt"";l1
Smn~ m;:mbcr:s. of the f;L'n1fi If of Sa~n:~noo {.E~P;:;!I~'I'~:Wti's}] ::lime: 'Li!.!J Jl:jbJ~ Mlh ~h~ nmte of&ukizl,;, TIEr may hl~ ... e MOptr;d it th~ r~(jg-rillli.
1Iik!_ AOgGl,QS ~il!Ulb,;, ~l"~JIIJt!i:nlJi5 ~ A_ Ptll:m_ Gf PClfl!S is wd~.eI'! fae .ild. ad.d~ 1:0 'A}'}'I'~ .d(j~~'f. ~ .&~:~ Th~, Ul::;J:rl ot:o!J~d .nls{. ~Iili.rn. liJ~ K(tm.r"::[1~i, ns ru& atlw~g[',5,.~ His. Jj!'j!l: 1'1::uru::' IS nor gJ,~1'I.. N lJoal'b..:s Sa.:r.fl11.1~ had a ~u~I'uJ ca~llf:!l" hll [IJ(: .a;rmy "'~ JWl.:I~J-1~ 51 l~iJ!:tJo:i ];ady b)' \'\'j1!()Dt be !un 'ldgb[ cl~iJt!I['E1'], ~ HuJt ElLs ];t"4:: turned ~iiLlt ["C"3!!l:l't;dly !li.:!~0!! he iQlit ill l~~ cl!iWrrn ;!oml .. ~ the tim~ '""belL Pb~k;;; 'Was ' .... ·r:i,ting ~n~~~oio; ~Iad :Ih~tJi,,::1J!d :ll~ o!!rli:ll!rrd a~ffji,
l~, .41elJi;;mldl\lll51 DlJukD.a iSar.J;!'!(te-.IJAl!!';: .Al~al1l!3rDs DolLkiLi S~';!I::'l:entll .......:u llee of Kale, 'Ii da1.!l~bJ~!, C!f M;;uil!; D'o'"lb.[roa PI:>1Zi1:.CIpol1lirq; i~f nere .is :lI. docum~n~' 6f 90 N(iv..::rut~r I ~!2':2'J which O:)onlfixm.::l the !:all! ,,[ t~ I>r ulIl!h ~lOl..L!~ 1'0 (]1.iE :rnona~i:oery of ChiJIlIL1((;a1:" ~ Ue a~rr1.~[Ct hl~'o\C had IJtilHl.t.,jed. ~t)!!i5, nm. ll.lwiloYEo i:!Irni~blEJ with tlll1: mG:i~~ or thl1J1!: mOEiaBr~.~ Af.t.~Dd'i\g:I; i;. ;1;00 .::m:r..tiioo~ in i1EIi;'I~f1e.J: t~l.mb'~.rI,t Qf lui:.' 133!}, j~~lID!ld Dy the .iit!Jll~[I;: ffi 8.J~7t:)J.' KC!I~~!;]imil~1X-i }.;1akJI!I100, wbictt ri:feiJ"S to thE'~ oo'ftLi_!'; J.wotb.eJ!(, ,[I~ liI~ILk Iff[1!1.tim, &!.f':iLiLi.>!!Il!OOI D.i(lIIi!!tk.~ and. ~]koJ&I~ J(J4'.~
~ l:;r I'r" I ro.,,~~ ~,,~ "~ "J .= ~'r I'i K AtJ,o;~I""',· :rD,#~, " .it\!I'I .. ~iI!, (j: (1:;t;3~),
~~~ .-:., & ... , J~ 11' J. hr I~ n,"o'.J<';n I .. u.~"t, Mfwoi{i..r IftoJI.!'W.'r (lip. ~o..G )', .
IIl;lf1lJ~])I ]lI..'UlU;r:o~' t",...d. ~i'C .... ~!I.:f :ru:'!rl~;~p!l !!XpLai~ the ~!IIlme or 1)o.,lk~ whi..r-h ~~ ~f tli£[JiI b!!"-tlT III '~h{: '~rI!"''L'I1itln .r.r~~L!Jl1'. It IS posai ble thR!t an un 11l1o!W111 1'(rr:r~1a:; \\'.u; r:l)[lirrloo ~ a. III~t~r: oI.I5l1;t;~lztl.
!il1)'jr, .l!!Ipk:i;lJ~ E;~~oIJi~ Doo'k~, T~;s ~ r~R:t"1kir;t" i~ I)D~)' ~C:riLLi~['rorl. ~ the Im~i'lIIM cl' Ma![,La p,;rb~r:rLogin;L J.'J l_l He died as dl~ JIL{llLk IQ33rlpLl on -II J;!'r[luary af ;ul Uf\.kJl~n ~aJ! tJ,e:fo:JoJ"E tbJ! T~IJ. r;rf .B41G!ro.s 'Kk;i&t; '!Io'1'L§ wli1Jen~ {Ipuf45J" I~iJS ~~ thoEfa!hcL' !)tATildrlJr:r~ jiM"
200,. Md;rfluil£G~ :KO'm!ii:iWQ'S DiJ'LI1I:&SI 'E'-'!1tn;:Lt[JW,!o';M TOl:'P'lkr:::.o;,: 11~r: ~tv.iittr.1nrt'lW,!:And~al1it;r;r~ Tflt.[Iik~ 1::;, 'tbl! oal~' itr:rr;r ..... n 00JiJ of I~[I;ki[l!; :UJf} and ::ilir.TIa, Ijl .. TILe nam~ hhiol~ """L~ ~tr~~tt'Cr:! fl!'QIJTI W Illa~r, .Li~r:]1:l! fam.:or, l'U;t,li:onilJfl~ b~LJ::B~s monk under t]~t:: ~i.amc: or }j,i~l.' diriL ~I<JL:!I July of"m l,m~OOc...,n ~'e:iiI" b;£.ih:re the Tj.{litml w;i.o.; wlktcn.~ H"l: Sf;~ItlB ~IJ haw: lIl:)amed ;!, l;l.I:l:.. ilft]J~ 'Thftmpl:dfln 'fu._mlly ',",,',00 dir:tL ~[o.r.e r.Jj.B'_~