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Medical Gas Training

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Main Contractor : SAUDI OGER.

Medical Gases System

PN02- Medical Colleges

Medical Gases System, Installation, Testing &

Prepared By: Monzer Salahdine
Ahmad Kanawati
 Medical Colleges In PN02 as below:
 Building 2.1.0: School Of Medicine.
 Building 2.2.0: School Of Basic Sciences.
 Building 2.3.0: School Of Clinical Skills Development Center.
 Building 2.4.0: School Of Nursing & Physiotherapy.
 Building 2.5.0: School Of Dentistry.
 Building 2.6.0: School Of Applied Medical Gas.

 The medical gases system ( compressed air, vacuum air, O2, N20)
installed in medical colleges in PN02 to serve the lab area outlets or
equipments like head walls, power columns, simulation lab, mannequin,
fume hoods, dental chairs area and others.

 Building 2.1.0: Compressed Air, Vacuum Air.

 Building 2.2.0: Compressed Air, Vacuum Air.
 Building 2.3.0: Compressed Air, Vacuum Air, O2, N20.
 Building 2.4.0: Compressed Air, Vacuum Air, O2.
 Building 2.5.0: Compressed Air, Vacuum Air, O2, N20, Amalgam system
 Building 2.6.0: Compressed Air, Vacuum Air, O2.

 Building 2.3.0 and 2.5.0 are the most complicated in medical gases in
PN02 where all systems available .
 Air Components( compressed Air):
 Oxygen Gas:
• Oxygen is essential to human life, it is found in the air we
breathe and the water we drink (H20).
• Oxygen makes up around 21% of the air you breathe. It is
also the most common element in the Earth’s crust.
• The sun’s mass is made up of around 1% oxygen.
• Oxygen therapy is used as a common medical treatment.
You may have seen patients on TV or in real life using an
oxygen mask.
• Concentrated oxygen promotes fast combustion. While a
spark or heat is still needed to start a fire, having
concentrated oxygen near various fuels can be very
 Nitrous Oxide N2O:
• Nitrous oxide commonly known as "laughing gas", has been
used since long period to relieve pain and anxiousness during
medical procedures.
• Nitrous oxide is a compound with the chemical formula
N2O. At standard temperature and pressure, N2O is a
colorless, non-flammable gas with a pleasant and slightly
sweet odor and taste. It is used in dental treatment and
surgery for its anesthetic and analgesic effects. It is also used
in motor racing as an oxidizer to increase the power output of
engines. It acts as a boosting power in Racing cars.
• Nitrous oxide is commonly prepared by deliberate heating of
ammonium nitrate, which decomposes into nitrous oxide and
water vapor.
NH4NO3(s) = 2 H2O(g) + N2O(g)
 Nitrous Oxide N2O:
Training Module
1. Compressed machine supply medical air to the AVSU than to the
outlets and medical equipments.
2. Vacuum machine absorbing from medical outlets to AVSU than
to the machine to outside building.
3. AVSU control medical gases to the lab and operation rooms.
4. Oxygen cylinders supply O2 to the AVSU than to medical outlets.
5. Nitrous oxide cylinders supply N2O to AVSU than to medical
6. Masters alarm connected by control cable to all medical
equipments such as vacuum and compressed machines, oxygen
cylinder and nitrous oxide cylinder control panels to monitor all
the medical gases services.
Schematic Module
Compressed Air

Vacuum Air


Console- Medical

Schematic Module
Control Cable


Master Alarm
Schematic Module
 Medical Gases System pass by the below procedure:


 Pipes installed for medical gases are copper pipes
Type – K for medical use( MULLER- seamless):

 Pipes are identified from the machines in basement to

the outlets and medical equipments in floors.
 A-Compressed Machines:
Different Brand Installed In PN02:
1. DURR: In Building 2.5.0.
2. POWEREX: In Building 2.2.0, 2.4.0 and 2.6.0.
3. AMICO: in 2.1.0 and 2.3.0.
A. 1-DURR( Building 2.5.0):
Two units installed in 2.5.0, one unit serving the LAB &
One unit serving the dental chair area.( each have 6 pumps-
7 bars , 3000 l/min).
A. 2-AMICO( Buildings 2.1.0 & 2.3.0):
 One unit installed in 2.1.0 serving the LAB area( 6.5 bars, 200
 One unit installed in 2.3.0 serving the simulation operations
rooms( dissection, nursing skills lab- 6.5 bars, 300 CFM) .
A. 3-POWEREX( Buildings 2.2.0 & 2.4.0 & 2.6.0):
 One unit installed in 2.2.0 serving the LAB area in first floor.
 One unit installed in 2.4.0 serving the LAB area in ground floor.
 One unit installed in 2.6.0 serving the LAB area first and second.
 B-Vacuum Machines:
Different Brand Installed In PN02:
1. DURR: In Building 2.5.0( Amalgam system serving
the dental chair).
2. POWEREX: In Building 2.2.0, 2.4.0 , 2.5.0 and
3. AMICO: in 2.1.0 and 2.3.0.
B-1-DURR( Building 2.5.0):
Two units installed in 2.5.0 serving dental chair area with
the amalgam separator.
B-1-DURR( Building 2.5.0- amalgam):
Each vacuum machines have 4 pumps ( two duty and two
standby (each 3000 l/min, Pressure -16 PSI hg, 0.24 bars
low pressure), with antibacterial filter….
B-2-AMICO( Building 2.1.0 & 2.3.0):
One machine installed in each building serving the lab area
in 2.1.0 and the operation rooms in 2.3.0( have two
pumps, each 200 CFM at -29 PSI hg)
B-3-POWEREX( Building 2.2.0 & 2.4.0 & 2.5.0 & 2.6.0):
One machine installed in each building serving the lab
areas( between 180 and 280 CFM at -29 PSI hg).
• C- Oxygen Cylinders:
- Buildings 2.3.0( 24 cylinders), 2.4.0 ( 24 cylinders), 2.6.0( 16 cylinders)&
2.5.0( 20 cylinders)- divided to two main in each building one in use and
one standby - serving the medical equipments.
• C- Oxygen Cylinders:
• The pressure inside the cylinder around 2000 PSI where after PRV the
pressure reduced to 55 PSI( VIKTOVICE cylinders- 50 L of water capacity).
• D- Nitrous Oxide Cylinders( N2O):
- Buildings 2.3.0( 16 cylinders), 2.5.0( 20 cylinders)- divided to two main in
each building one in use and one standby- serving the medical equipments
pressure in cylinders 2000 PSI after PRV IS 55 PSI(VIKTOVICE
cylinders- 100 L of water capacity).
• E- AVSU(Alarm Valve System Unit- AMICO)
- Installed in all buildings of PN02 to control the medical gases serving the
lab and operation rooms.
• AVSU – Pressure Alarm):
 Compressed air have low and high
pressure alarm( 60 PSI H/P , 40PSI L/P
where the working pressure is 55 PSI).
 O2 have low and high pressure alarm (
60 PSI H/P , 40PSI L/P where the
working pressure is 55 PSI).
 N20 have low and high pressure alarm(
60 PSI H/P , 40PSI L/P where the
working pressure is 55 PSI).
 Vacuum air have low pressure alarm (
-16 PSI hg where the working pressure
is -29 PSI hg).
• F- Master Alarm Panel:
- Installed in all buildings of PN02 interfaced with all equipments and
AVSU in order to monitor the level of medical gases system ( vacuum and
compressed machines, O2 & N20 Cylinders, AVSU…).
• G- Medical Equipments served by medical gases:
- Head Wall in 2.2.0 and 2.4.0 and 2.6.0
- Power column 2.3.0 and 2.4.0.
- Fume hood 2.1.0 and 2.2.0 and 2.5.0.
- Console 2.1.0, 2.2.0, 2.4.0, 2.5.0 and 2.6.0.
- Dental chair in 2.5.0.
- Sterilization machines in 2.5.0
- Air and vacuum outlets in LAB in 2.1.0 and 2.2.0 and 2.5.0.
- Simulation lab for dental chair in 2.5.0 in ground floor.
- Others.
• G- Medical Equipments served by medical gases:
• G- Medical Equipments served by medical gases:
Testing & Commissioning
 Test Procedures:
The testing commissioning of the medical gases system in PN02
follow the HTM-02 standard and NFPA -99 as below:
1) Leak test( all pipes are tested by nitrogen for leak test).
2) Flushing( all pipes flushed by compressed air and nitrogen
to clean them from particles and humidity.
3) Cross test(valve test- when valve close, gases not allow to
reach medical outlets and each gas serve the correct outlet).
4) Particle test( to check of non presence of particles).
5) Purity test( to check the percentage of concentration of O2
& N20 – must be above 99.5%).
6) Flow test.
Testing & Commissioning
 Flow & Pressure Drop as per HTM code:

 Purity as per HTM code:

Testing & Commissioning
 Purity as per NFPA 99:
Testing & Commissioning
 The medical gases system tested and certified by Third
Party- PROMEDIC Where their engineer certified by
HTM-02 ( Engineer Raja Khoueir).
 Below tools used for the tests:
Testing & Commissioning
 Why we make the above test ??

1. To maintain the equipments life and

saving money.
2. To reduce the patient risk.
3. Maintenance team to inspect and
check in daily basis to maintain the
above two items.
Precautions & recommendations
1. Avoid absorbing water by vacuum.
2. Avoid absorbing dust by vacuum.
3. Check the machines and make a check list.
4. Oil must be change for the vacuum
machine according to oil schedule.
5. Antibacterial filters and other to be check.
6. check list for all equipments to be
provided and check it in daily basis.
7. Cylinders of O2 and N2O to be check
through Master alarm and check list to
avoid the unavailability of medical gases.
Precautions & recommendations
 Example of inspection of vacuum
machine (POWEREX)- Schedule:
Certificates In PN02

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