Iloilo State College of Fisheries: ST Sem

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Republic of the Philippines


Dingle Campus, Dingle Iloilo

Course Syllabus in Convention Management

1st Sem. A.Y. 2012-2013

I. Course No : HRM 311

II. Descriptive Title : Front Office Procedure
III. Credit : 12 units
IV. Vision, Mission, Goals and Objective
The Iloilo State College of Fisheries shall become the Iloilo State University and shall have been identified
as the center of excellence in fisheries and marine sciences, agriculture, education and technology in Western Visayas.
The Iloilo State College of Fisheries will produce graduates who will become leaders in teaching, research
and extension in the basic and advanced fisheries and marine sciences, agriculture, education and technology in Western
Visayas. These graduates will also be globally competitive, dynamic and vibrant and will have developed wholesome and
socially acceptable values, attitudes and skills with ethics for service and high standards of professionalism.
Produced managers and entrepreneurship for hospitality and tourism industry

1. Offer relevant and multi-disciplined programs that match the demands of the industry;
2. Inculcate the right values and ethical standards in the workplace;
3. Develop management system and technologies through research and extension.

V. Course Description: This course design to provide students with the knowledge, skills and attitudes to perform front
office and reception duties and be qualified as a Front
Office Attendant in any lodging establishment.
VI. Pre – requisite: Basic Computer Technology
VII. General Objectives:
1. Describe the duties and responsibilities of the Front Office of department
2. Describe the duties and responsibilities of a telephone and demonstrate telephone techniques commonly applied in hotels
3. Describe and explain reservation procedure
5.Explain the principles tom perform front office accounting, a range of cashiering duties and a range of additional front office duties
performed during guest stay over
6. To perform guest departure procedures and services
VIII. Course content:
I. Introduction to front office
II. Room types and rates
III. Reservations
IV. Manual and Computerized booking system

Objectives Topics Teaching Values Focus Instructional Assessment Time Ref

Strategies Materials /Evaluation Frame
1. Memorize the VMGO I. Orientation Student
2. Take note the School rules a. Vision, Mission, Goals Lecture Patriotism Student Oral Handbook
and regulation and Objectives Discussion Obedience Handbook Recitation 2 hrs Course
3. Familiarize the coverage of b. School rules and Awareness Course Syllabus
the course regulations Responsibilities Syllabus Chalk,
c. Grading system and Chalk, Blackboard
course requirements Blackboard
1. Demonstrate the knowledge I. Introduction of front
of the key functional areas of office Recitation
Front Office 1. Front Office Operation Lecture Understanding PowerPoint 7 hrs R1 .p3
2. Explain the role of front office 2. Organizational structure Discussion Awareness presentation Quizzes
in selling hotel services and 3. Personnel of the front Learning Evaluating
facilities. office department Activities Hands out In output R4
3. Identify the use of statistics 4. sections of the front 15 hrs
and reports with in front office office department Textbook
operations. 5. Front Office Roles
4. develop an organizational 6. coordinating
chart depicting the functional Departments
relationships among hotel
divisions and departments.
1. Identify the different types of II. Room types and rates
rooms and rates. 1. Rooms Types Lecture Pictures Recitation R9. 1,4,5,7
2. Identify the room status 2. Room Status Categories Discussion Understanding Hands Outs
categories. 3. Room status Cycle Activity Determination 15 hrs
3. Calculate the different methods 4. Room Rates Role playing Quizzes
Internet source
of room rates. 5. Establishing Room Rates Evaluating 7 hrs
4. Analyze statistics relevance to Learning The
establishing room availability activities output/projects
5. Apply the basic concept of yield Assignment
management. laboratory
1. Identify major sources of III. Reservations Lecture
reservations. 1. Types of Reservation Discussion Pictures Recitation
2. Describe the different types of 2. Reservation System Activity Understanding Hands Outs 7 hrs
reservations and identify the 3. Source of Reservation Role playing Determination Internet source Quizzes
information sought during a 4. Reservation Forecasting Evaluating
reservation inquiry and contained in 5. Reservation Process Self Discipline The 15 hrs
a reservation record Learning Laboratory output/projects R,1,2,4,&7
3.Describe policies and procedures activities manual Assignment
surrounding the confirmation, Film laboratory
change, and cancellation of Showing
different types of reservation.
4. Explain the function of typical
management reports and
reservations records that can be
generated from reservations data.
5. Identify the tools managers use to
track and control reservations
1. Understanding of the new IV. Manual and computerized Lecture
technologies utilized in the hotel booking system Discussion Understanding Pictures Recitation 7 hrs
industry. 1.Manual booking Activity Determination Hands Outs
2. Perform the steps of 2. Computerized Booking Role playing Internet source Quizzes
computerized booking system. System Self Discipline Evaluating 15 hrs R. 10%9
3. Differentiate the importance The output
between manual and computerized Laboratory Laboratory
booking manual
4. Explain the function and
operation of computerized system
1. Perform the arrival V. Registration Lecture Pictures Recitation
chronology 1. Arrival Chronology Discussion Understanding Hands Outs
2. Construct registration system 2. Registration Process Learning Determination Internet Quizzes 7hrs R. 2,6,8
that helps ensure hotel’s 3. Primary ways of Checks- Activity source Evaluating
profitability which meeting the out Brain Self Discipline The output 15 hrs
needs of guest. 4. Guest Folio storming Laboratory
3. Perform safety and security Role plating Laboratory
procedures manual Project
4. Perform guest registration
procedures Film showing

1. Summarize front office VI. Front office accounting Lecture Pictures Recitation
accounting fundamentals, and cashiering Discussion Understanding Hands Outs
including issues surrounding 1. Front office Accounting Learning Determination Internet Quizzes 7hrs r.5 and 3 r8
accounts, folios, vouchers, 2. Accounting Entries Activity source Evaluating
points of sale and ledgers. 3. Front Office Cashiering Brain Self Discipline The output 15 hrs
2. Describe the process of storming Laboratory
creating and maintaining t front Role plating Laboratory
office account manual Project
3. Describe typical procedures
for processing and tracking Film showing
common front office accounting

1. Lecture- Discussion
2. Brainstorming
3. Role Playing
4. Film Showing
5. Learning Activities
IX. Course Requirements
1. Attendance
2. Quizzes/ Assignment
3. Project
4. Hands on Activity
5. Active participation in class discussion
6. Midterm and Final Exam
X. Grading System

Lecture =40% Laboratory= 60%

Quizzes- 25%
Oral Recitation- 15% Role playing 30%
Project- 10% learning activities- 15%
Attendance- 5% Oral Recitation- 15%
Assignment- 5% 60%

Midterm Exam
Final Exam 40%

XI. References:

1. Front Office Operation- Ismael, Ahmed (2007)

2. Front Office Procedure- Amelia S. (2009)
3. Hospitality- Walker, John R. (2006)
4. Front Office System and Procedure- ElpediaMarteLago (2010)
5. Introduction to Hotel; and Resort Management- Buen Santos (2010)
6. Hotel Froent Office Management- James E. Bardi (2011)
7. Introduction to Hospitality- (Walker, John R. (2011)
8. Check in- Check out managing hotel Operations- Gary K. Vallen & Jerome J. Vallen (2010)
9. http:/ Daily-operating-cos Formula

Prepared by: Reviewed by: Approved by:

Judith B. Cordero Tessie G. Ortizo Tessie G. Ortizo

Instructor II Chair, Instruction Chair, Instruction

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