Ship SM Cyber Security
Ship SM Cyber Security
Ship SM Cyber Security
February 2019 1
Cyber Security
1. 8. 9.
Policy Qualification Emergency
7. 15.
2. 10.
Office CIP
Responsibility Reporting
Support Improvement
3. 6. 11. 14.
Compliance Master PMS Evaluation
4. 5.
12. 13.
Risk SMS
Documentation Verification
Assessment (Result RA)
The ISM Code is a mandatory international instrument to establish measures for the safe management
and operation of ships. The modular concept of the Code allows the integration of necessary cyber
security measures in the Safety Management System (SMS) of the company.
Such integrated management system corresponds with the requirements of the IMO Resolution
FAL.1/Circ.3) whilst it is able to avoid a single competing system which could lead to additional
administrative and financial burdens of the company.
The integration allows the company to amend their own safety management system with the required
and specific Cyber Risk requirements that encourage the management and acceptance of changes.
ISM Cyber Security 20.February 2019 2
IdentifyIdentification of hazards
The results of the risk assessment - and thus the necessary and critical systems.
5. safe guards – are a subject to be included into the SMS of
SMS Protect Protection against attacks.
the company. They are recorded as a process or operating
(Result RA) instruction or in another suitable way. Basically, the Detect Identification of an attack.
required measures should be made known to the crew. If Respond Measures to respond to an
the RA determines that certain measures should not be attack.
made public or should not address all persons within the Restore Measures to be done after
Company, they can be a subject to the SSP. an attack.
ISM Cyber Security 20.February 2019 3
Hazard Identification
Create a list without rating & risk determination with all potential hazards and potentially List of all potential hazards
endangered assets - GAIN AN OVERVIEW and potentially endangered
systems on board as a non-
IT IF OT ACP exhaustive list to be further
updated which serves as the
Information Interface – Operational Access Points basis for the risk assessment.
technology and IT & OT technology -
networks System installation USB If it is created in a team of
LAN various participants (e.g.
Office-PC´s GNSS
WLAN Masters, engineers, DPA,
EMAIL & Internet AIS quality manager, CSO, super-
IP phone RADAR & ECDIS intendents, IT managers /
SAT phone Engine control experts, top management,
Mobile mass storage etc.) and subdivided in
weather PC System- and valve & mobile units
PMS Server control advance into the four areas
… IT, IF, OT and ACP, the list
WLAN / LAN Sensors
Concrete can provide a comprehensive
(Cargo-PC) Steering gear identification: basic picture of the hazards.
… Alarm & monitoring at which plant?
Internal audits on board and onshore at the Qualification plan ISM 6.5
13. office will be amended with cyber security Training needs and training plan identified?
Verification aspects and will be conducted at intervals not
exceeding 12 months. SMS instructions ISM 6.5
RA result? Qualified instruction?
The implementation of the cyber security
management to the company ISM system as Emergency preparedness ISM 8.1, 8.2
well as the continuous updating is monitored Contingency plan sea / shore?
and verified by audits and reviews. Regular drills based on the plan?
Shore support (emergency response team)?