Atlas of Refractive Surgery PDF
Atlas of Refractive Surgery PDF
Atlas of Refractive Surgery PDF
Subjects Index
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Highlights of Ophthalmology
Atlas of
Refractive Surgery
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List of Contents
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All the text in this Volume has been created by the author. I am very much
indebted to the Master Consultants and to all Guest Experts who are listed
in this section. They are all highly recognized, prestigious authorities in
their fields and provided me with most valuable information, perspectives
and insights.
This CD-Book has been produced for the benefit of humanity. To accom-
plish this task has required a significant amount of personal sacrifice,
intense concentration, isolation from family and friends and the loyal
support and stimulus of one special woman, my dear wife Wylma
Cordovez de Boyd.
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Fundamental Principles of
Refractive Surgery
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Figure 4: Changes of Power Related to the Corneal shown in the dashed line has a steep curvature of 7.18
Radius of Curvature - Why Changes in Corneal mm with a resultant power of 47 diopters. If present
Curvature Improve Refractive Errors in a myopic eye, it would need to be flattened in order
to move the image onto retina, by means of any of the
The cornea and the air/tear film interface is the procedures shown in Figs. 1, 2 or 3. The cornea shown
primary and most powerful refractive surface of the eye, in the solid line has a flatter curvature radius of 8.65
representing about 80% of the eye's total refractive mm with a power of 39 diopters. The less the diopters
power. The anterior curvature of the normal cornea has of curvature the flatter the cornea. This principle
the greatest power. This illustration shows examples of clearly explains why the refractive power of the eye
two corneas of different radii and consequently different can be modified by surgical procedures that change
dioptric powers. The anterior curvature of the cornea the corneal curvature.
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New Findings on Wound Healing Important (PRK). This causes the keratocytes in the front part of
in Refractive Surgery the cornea to disappear.
The Cause of Regression and Haze After PRK
Steve E. Wilson, M.D., Professor and Chair-
man, Department of Ophthalmology at the University of Apoptosis occurs in all organisms and organs
Washington Medical Center, in Seattle, has emphasized during development, wound healing, or even normal
that important communications exist between the epi- tissue maintenance. It is a subject of great interest as a
thelial cells and the keratocytes in the cornea. If the possible explanation for optic nerve atrophy in glau-
epithelial cells are injured in any way, for instance coma. The wounding of epithelial cells in the cornea
through scraping before a laser procedure (PRK) or causes the cells to release mediators, which stimulate
ablation through the epithelium (PRK), they release programmed cell death. The keratocytes remaining in
many growth factors or mediators (cytokines). When the posterior cornea become activated within a day or
released from the epithelial cells, these can stimulate the two and divide and move into the front of the cornea.
keratocytes to die beneath the epithelial wound. Wilson They produce excess collagen and other products of
has shown that these cells undergo programmed cell wound healing, which cause the regression and haze
death, or apoptosis when merely scraping the epithe- that occur as a complication of excimer laser surface
lium during an excimer laser photorefractive keratectomy ablation by PRK.
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The cornea is approximately 12.5 mm in diam- tant in cases of high myopia treated with LASIK or pre-
eter, horizontally and 11.5 mm vertically (Fig. 7). Yet crystalline foldable posterior chamber IOL's, where the
the only part of the cornea that actually contributes to the presence of a small optical diameter may give rise to
image on the macula is that portion which is approxi- visual problems at night.)
mately the same diameter as the pupil (Fig. 6). The The only portion of the cornea that actually
average pupil is approximately 2.5 to 3 mm in diameter determines the refraction and contributes to the image on
in bright light and about 4 to 4.5 mm in dim light. The the macula is the central 3 to 4 mm with a 3 mm pupil
pupil can get larger in younger patients. (This is impor- (Fig. 6). The peripheral part of the cornea does not
contribute to the foveal image.
The only portion of the cornea that contributes to the image on the macula (M)
is that shown in (C) which is approximately the same diameter as the pupil (normally 2.5
to 4.5 mm). In this figure, the light emanates from source (S). The peripheral part of the
cornea does not contribute to the macular image. For further understanding of these
relations, see figure 7.
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Let us place ourselves in the mind of a surgeon means you have to work in the 145º axis (Fig. 9). The
who works with minus cylinders. If he/she has a patient proper identification of the steepest meridian is ex-
Plano -5.00 at 145 degrees, this means that 145º is the tremely important. There are surgeons who have worked
flattest meridian and he has to work 90 degrees opposite in the wrong axis. That is why it is preferable to think in
that axis, that is, at axis 55 degrees because he has to terms of the diopters in each axis; in our example, Plano
flatten the steepest meridian (Fig. 8). Contrariwise, if -5.00 at 145º in a patient who's keratometer base curve
you have a patient Plano plus 5.00 at 145 degrees, that is 42.00, is best described as 42 diopters at 145 degrees
and 47 diopters at 55 degrees (Fig. 8).
Figure 8 (above left): Proper Identification of Steep- Figure 9 (above right): Proper Identification
est Meridian to Avoid Confusion (Steepest at 55º) of Steepest Meridian (Steepest at 145º)
A description of five diopters of astigmatism Plano plus 5.00 at 145º describes the
at 145º is understood by some to mean that the flatter steeper meridian, which is to be corrected at
meridian is at 145º and by others that 145º is the steeper 145º. The flatter meridian is at 55º as shown. In
meridian. To avoid confusion, we should think in terms our example, this is best described as 42 diopt-
of the diopters in each axis. This example is best ers at 55º and 47 diopters at 145º. The flatter
described as 42 diopters at 145º and 47 diopters at 55º curvature corresponds to less dioptric astigma-
which is the steeper meridian and avoid using the term tism.
Plano minus 5.00 at 145º. One must perform any As in fig. 8, the yellow curve is shown
corrective astigmatic keratotomy at 55º, which is the in the steepest axis.
steeper meridian.
To facilitate your interpretation of this rela-
tionship, the yellow curve is always in the steepest axis.
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Figure 10: With the Rule Astigmatism vertical meridian (blue - F1) compared to the flattest meridian in the
(A) The precise location of the visual axis and axis of cylinder is horizontal axis of the cornea (red - F-2). (C) In this view, the reflected
a must for any effective correction in refractive surgery. This conceptual Placido rings from corneal topography (R) show the oval shape of the
view presents the steepest curvature (shown in the yellow curve) located at cornea in the horizontal position characteristic of this type of astigmatism
90º with 45 keratometric diopters. The flattest curvature shown in green is (Please see Chapter 3). (D) This corneal topographic picture map shows
at 180º with 42 keratometric diopters. As a result, there are 3.00 diopters the typical shape of with the rule astigmatism, with the steepest meridian at
of with the rule astigmatism. (B) This optical cross section demonstrates 90º (more solid colors orange - reddish) and the horizontal meridian in
how the light rays focus on different foci. In this example of a mixed lower intensity colors (yellow and green) representing the flattest curva-
astigmatism shown in 10 (A), the light rays are passing through the steepest ture, with the characteristic bow-tie appearance vertically.
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(A) This conceptual view presents the steepest curvature again in yellow with 45
diopters at 180º in the horizontal axis and 42 diopters at 90º with the flatter vertical
meridian in green. (B) This optical cross section shows myopic astigmatism (red) at 180º
in horizontal axis with the light rays passing through this steeper meridian (F1). In the
opposite focus the light rays are passing through the vertical or flatter meridian (blue -F2).
(C) The reflected Placido rings (R) from the topography monitor show the oval shape in
the vertical position characteristic of against the rule astigmatism. (D) The corneal
topography map shows the typical picture of against the rule astigmatism with the steepest
meridian (orange - red) at 180º and the flattest at 90º (yellow - green) with the bow-tie
appearance at the center.
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1) Simple myoipic astigmatism (Fig. 12-A): Please observe that one meridian is focused in front of the retina
(F-1) and the other meridian is focused right on the retina (F-2). 2) Simple Hyperopic Astigmatism (Fig. 12-B):
In these cases, one meridian is focused right on the retina (F-2) and the other meridian focuses behind the retina (F-1).
3) Mixed Astigmatism (Fig. 12-C): One meridian is focused in front of the retina (F-1) and the other focuses behind
the retina (F-2). 4) Compound Myopic Astigmatism (Fig. 12-D): Both meridians focus in front of the retina (F-1 and
F-2). 5) Compound Hyperopic Astigmatism (Fig. 12-E): Both meridians focus behind the retina (F-1 and F-2).
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Therapeutic Principles of Excimer Laser nisms of the excimer laser vs various other lasers com-
monly used in ophthalmology.
The most significant advance in the past three Ophthalmic excimer lasers use ultraviolet radia-
years has been the emergence of the excimer laser and its tion at a wavelength of 193 nanometers. It is a wave-
rapid rise to dominate refractive corneal surgery. The length that practically does not heat the tissue but actu-
excimer laser is a source of energy that is very difficult ally breaks inter- and intra- molecular bonds. The
to control and apply to the human eye with the assurance molecules in the area of ablation explode away from the
of safety. Harnessing this laser to safely perform corneal surface (Fig. 14).
surgery has been a major technical achievement. The concept of ablative surgery is that by remov-
The argon fluoride (ArF) 193 nanometer excimer ing small amounts of tissue from the anterior surface of
laser is a pulsed laser that has wide potential because it the cornea (Fig. 15) a significant change of refraction can
can create accurate and very precise excisions of corneal be attained. The effect in myopes is achieved by flatten-
tissue to an exact depth with minimal disruption of the ing the anterior dome of the central cornea over a 5 mm
remaining tissue. Fig. 13 presents the comparative mecha- disc shaped area.
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Scanning Lasers
Figure 15: Concept of Broad Beam Laser Application for Refractive Surgery
The most common type of excimer laser is the broad beam laser (L1). The method of application
uses a widening diaphragm or pre-shaped ablatable mask (M) through which the laser beam (L2) passes.
To produce more ablation of the cornea in the center (C) than in mid-periphery (P), the thinner central
portion of the mask allows the laser to ablate the central cornea longer. As the disk is ablated in a peripheral
direction (arrows), the cornea is shaped accordingly in a desired gradient fashion.
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scanning or flying spot lasers have gained attention. Advantages of Scanning Lasers
Instead of using an iris diaphragm to control a broad
Scanning lasers (Figs. 16 and 17) have several
beam, some scanning lasers use a small slit that is
potential advantages over broad beam lasers (Fig. 15).
scanned across the corneal surface (Fig. 16). Flying spot
The postoperative corneal surface may be smoother,
is another type of scanning laser. Instead of a slit that
resulting less often in a healing response which can
scans the surface , flying spot lasers (Fig. 17) have a
progress to corneal haze or opacity. A higher quality of
small circular or elliptical spot perhaps 1 mm to 2 mm
vision and improved visual acuity may also result from
in diameter that is moved across the surface of the cornea
the smoother and more uniform corneal surface when
by computer-controlled galvanometric mirrors.
using scanning lasers.
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Advances in Excimer Laser Technologies
Figure 18: Flexibility of the "Flying Spot" altered to provide aspheric as well as spherical
Scanning Laser May Provide Customized ablations. The mid-peripheral cornea (red
Ablation shaded area-P) can be treated with the laser (L)
to produce a different curvature than that of the
The "Flying Spot" type excimer laser central cornea (D - blue line shaded area). This
has an advantage over other broad beam and slit allows the possibility of a customized ablation
scanning lasers by providing increased flexibil- unique for every cornea. A lamellar corneal
ity in the ablation profile. The profile can be flap (B) is retracted.
McDonnell emphasizes that another possible tism. Some patients do not have perfect symmetry of
advantage of scanning technology is increased flexibil- the cornea, particularly those with surgically induced
ity in the ablation profile or algorithm. The profile can astigmatism after penetrating keratoplasty or cataract
produce aspheric rather than only spherical ablations surgery (Fig. 12), or those with keratoconus (see Chap-
(Figs. 18 and 19). Larger diameters of ablation can be ter 3). Broad beam lasers do not take the asymmetry of
made. The possibility of using topographical maps of the irregular astigmatism into account; they treat all corneas
cornea to guide the ablation is a distinct advantage, the same. The scanning technology allows the possibil-
which will allow for more flexibility in treating astigma- ity of a customized ablation that is unique for every
cornea (Fig. 19).
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(Editor's Note: this flexibility of ablating differ- however, that improved surface smoothness has yet to
ent profiles in the same cornea is being utilized by some be proven in a prospective, randomized trial to translate
surgeons to create or "sculpt" the so-called "multifocal into improved visual acuities.
cornea" which is a significant step forward when it The Nidek and Autonomous lasers are now com-
works but of increased risk to the patient's quality of mercially available, with recent approval by the U.S.
vision when even a minor error in the sculpting occurs. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Other scanning
See Fig. 23. This procedure is experimental). lasers, such as the Technolas laser, remain under study.
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Advances in Excimer Laser Technologies
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With excimer ablation in LASIK (laser in situ ence between the two techniques clearly shows how the
keratomileusis) and PRK (Photorefractive Keratectomy) stroma is significantly weakened in incisional kerato-
most of the tissue is removed from the central part of tomy thereby affecting the strength and stability of the
the cornea. The ultraviolet light has so much energy that globe. LASIK involves no heat damage, no permanent
it smashes the inter- and intra-molecular bonds, ejecting scarring, not even a thermal effect.
the molecules at high speed (Fig. 14). Tissue ablation In the long run, RK patients carry two swords of
in LASIK reaches an average of 250 microns (Fig. 21-B) Damocles over their heads. One is the threat of a blow to
from the original surface of the cornea. On the other the eye severe enough to cause a rupture. The RK patient
hand, during incisional keratotomy (radial keratotomy is always more susceptible to rupture because the cor-
for myopia and astigmatic keratotomy for astigma- neal scars will never be as strong as the original cornea.
tism) the depth of incision into the corneal stroma The second threat is that these scars apparently stretch or
reaches down to 500 microns, close to Descemet's relax with time, which may give the patient more effect
membrane and almost 90% of the corneal thickness (Fig. than the original result. An undercorrected patient moves
21-A). toward a better result, but a properly corrected or over-
Compare this figure with Fig. 5 for identification corrected patient moves into hyperopia, and can become
and respective thickness of each layer. This major differ- quite farsighted.
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George Waring, M.D. emphasizes that, after Surgeons who perform refractive surgery must
about a hundred years of development, refractive sur- be capable of offering their patients at least some of the
gery is now a legitimate subspecialty of ophthalmology. main techniques available that may be effective, afford-
There are now refractive surgery specialty societies and able and safe. These techniques are identified in Figs.
congresses. Journals and a significant number of papers 22, 23, 24 and 25.
on the subject appear in the major ophthalmology jour- If the surgeon uses only one technique for
nals around the world. refractive surgery, then the patient must meet
Refractive surgery in the 21st century re- the needs of the surgeon -- not an optimal clinical
quires that the surgeon develop multiple skills. A circumstance. At the Emory Vision Correction
good cataract surgeon should have a variety of skills and Center where Waring is Director and founder, he and
techniques, including the ability to employ a variety of his colleagues perform a full variety of modern refractive
intraocular lenses where they are needed. In the same surgical techniques. Modern refractive surgical tech-
way, the surgeon who performs refractive surgery should niques are grouped in the following categories:
have a variety of approaches at his/her command to meet
the individual needs of each patient.
These may be done with lasers or with the dia- C) Astigmatism from 1.50 D to 5.00 diopters.
mond knife or other surgical instruments. They are all D) Anisometropia: in children under 10 years
shown in Figs. 22 and 23. of age who have failed to maintain their visual acuity
under therapy with contact lenses or glasses. This
Those Done With Lasers: procedure must be done under general anesthesia.
1) LASIK (Fig. 22-A) - Performed Size of Optical Zones for Myopia and
with Excimer Laser and Microkeratome - Hyperopia
Maria Clara Arbelaez, M.D., has pointed out
A) Myopia from -1.00 D to -10D. Performing that the limitation of LASIK beyond -10D is because
LASIK for patients with myopia higher than -10D has a with scanning lasers it is important not to use optical
larger risk to the patient's final quality of vision because zones smaller in diameter than the size of the pupil in the
they may have difficulty with night vision such as glare dark. In both myopia and hyperopia we need to work
and halos. Some patients who have undergone this with optical zones larger than the size of the pupil at
operation with myopia higher than -10D are very un- night. This limits the upper range of myopic and hyper-
happy because they have to go home as soon as night opic correction we can prudently obtain with LASIK
starts and the pupil becomes larger. This is due to the because the larger the optical zone, the lower the correc-
reduced optical zone used with LASIK in treating high tion that can be attained with scanning lasers.
myopes. For corrections larger than -10 D, we have better
B) Hyperopia from +1.00 D to +4.00 diopters. options available now, namely phakic intraocular lenses
(Fig. 24).
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areas of the many countries he has visited. Many sur- transverse keratotomy (also known as T-cuts). Lindstrom
geons do not have an excimer laser available, and still uses this technique to correct the following refractive
perform RK. errors:
Indications for Myopia: a) Classical 8 incisions: a) Post-keratoplasty astigmatism.
from -2.50 D to -5.00 D. b) 4 incisions: from -1.50 D to b) Refractive cataract surgery (Fig. 23-A): the
-2.50 D. Lindstrom uses RK only in selected cases of cataract patient with astigmatism.
low myopia and as an enhancement following cataract c) Mixed astigmatism as for example, -1.00
surgery (-1.00 D to -3.00 D). Lindstrom never performs +2.00 x 90 (Refer to Fig. 12).
more than 4 cuts and in selected cases of very low myopia d) When excimer laser is not available: astig-
may do a MINI-RK (Fig. 3). matic keratotomy may correct up to 2.5 to 3 diopters of
Waring at the Refractive Surgery Center in astigmatism.
Atlanta (Emory University) offers RK for patients with A combined procedure of excimer and astig-
very low myopia of -1.00 D to -2.00 D, especially for matic keratotomy is used only if the excimer laser is not
those without the financial resources to afford excimer capable of correcting the astigmatism present.
laser surgery. At Waring's center in Atlanta astigmatic kerato-
Harold Stein, M.D., in Toronto, Canada, a pres- tomy is offered for patients with complex astigmatism
tigious surgeon with a very large refractive surgery that cannot be resolved with the laser and for patients
practice uses RK in cases under -2.5 diopters with with residual astigmatism after intraocular lens implant
astigmatism less than -2 D. He has rarely seen any haze surgery.
or other complication and almost zero retreatments are
needed. Changing the Corneal Curvature with Cor-
Two of the most prestigious ophthalmic sur- neal Implants and Injected Synthetic Sub-
geons in Asia are Arthur Lim, M.D., Chief of Singapore's stances
Eye Institute, who also has extensive experience in the
rural areas of China and Pran Nagpal, M.D., head of a
Intrastromal Corneal Ring (Fig. 23-B):
large and progressive Ophthalmic Institute in India.
Intrastromal segments of a synthetic material are placed
They note that most medical centers in larger cities in
in patients with low myopia up to -3.50 D who do not
Asia already have the excimer laser technology available
want a microkeratome flap or laser treatment and who
but that RK is still used in many rural areas.
prefer the potential reversibility of the intracorneal ring
procedure. It is an effective technique for low levels of
We all know, of course, that while RK remains an
spherical myopia. This procedure is discussed in chap-
effective and relatively economical refractive option for
ter 5.
up to 4 or 5 diopters of myopia, the reduction in the
corneal integrity and stability leads to long term changes
Gel Injection Adjustable Keratoplasty -
in the refractive error when corrected with this proce-
dure. These considerations have led to the increasing
(Fig. 23-C). As outlined by Douglas Koch, M.D., the
preference for excimer techniques, particularly LASIK. method involves injecting gel in the paracentral corneal
stroma in order to flatten the central cornea and reduce
myopia. This procedure is discussed in Chapter 5.
2) Astigmatic Keratotomy - (Fig. 22-D) -
Indications Indications: Correction of up to 5 or 6 diopters
This procedure, also known as refractive kerato- of myopia.
tomy, is still widely used. It consists of two techniques: Particular Benefits: It is reversible and ad-
the arcuate keratotomy shown in Fig. 22-D and the justable. Gel can be added or removed as needed,
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(A) A transverse incision of the cornea can also be used to correct astigmatism when performing
cataract surgery. Implantation of an intrastromal corneal ring (B), or injection of gel into a peripheral, circular
track (C), forces the peripheral cornea to bulge, flattening the central cornea for correction of myopia. Mid-
peripheral stromal laser coagulation (thermal keratoplasty, or LTK) (D) causes this tissue to shrink and the
central cornea to bulge for the correction of hyperopia. A scanning excimer laser beam might sculpt a multifocal
cornea (E) for the correction of hyperopia and presbyopia.
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it possible to adjust patients' refractive errors throughout The sequence in which these techniques are
their lives. presented in Figs. 22 and 23 is partly related to the nature
Limitations: It is still in the early stage of evalu- of the procedure, in part to the present acceptance they
ation in human patients. Douglas Koch, M.D., have among ophthalmic surgeons, and the stage of
(Houston), Juan Murube, M.D., (Madrid) and Gabriel evaluation of each technique.
Simon, M.D., are the pioneers in the research and
clinical investigation of this procedure.
The different lens types are shown in Fig. 24. Compared with the techniques utilized to modify
the corneal curvature (Figs. 22 and 23), of which LASIK is the procedure of choice in most cases, phakic IOL
styles and designs are capable of providing the patient with the best visual acuity, quality of vision and quality
of image. While offering their own challenges, the techniques and instrumentation for phakic lens implantation
are adapted from the standard cataract surgery already performed by most surgeons. The parameters for LASIK
and its upper limits of correction as previously outlined as a guide, will serve to provide a better orientation as
to when to use phakic lenses. Although there is some overlap of refractive error correction with each procedure,
usually the best indications for phakic IOL's start when LASIK ends. They are grouped as follows:
1) Phakic IOL's in the Anterior The main experience with this type of lens is with
Chamber (Fig. 24): Kelman's Multiflex design in aphakic eyes. Bausch &
Lomb manufactures this re-designed lens for phakic
eyes under the trade name of Multiflex Nu-Vita. The
A) The Artisan (Iris Claw) Lens designed reports on its use are enheartening.
by Jan Worst, M.D. from Holland over 10 years ago
(Fig. 24-D). This lens is now gaining very much popu-
Indications: High myopia in the range of -
11 to -22 D. The step by step technique on the implan-
larity because of improvements in the design and instru-
mentation, making it a more "friendly" surgical proce- tation of these lenses is presented in Chapter 6.
dure but still requiring much skill. Technically, it is a
more demanding procedure than the Nu-Vita lens. It 2) Lenses Implanted in the Posterior
also provides very good results. It is fixated on the Chamber, Between the Anterior Capsule and
peripheral iris tissue (Fig. 24-D). (See Chapter 6.) It is the Posterior Iris Surface (Fig. 24)
manufactured by Ophtec. There are more years of
experience using this as a phakic lens than there are with A) The Pre-Crystalline PMMA IOL
the Nu-Vita lens.
(Fig. 24-A): This lens was designed and created by
Indications: High myopia in the range of Professor Joaquin Barraquer, M.D., of Barcelona,
-11 to -22 D and high hyperopia in the range of +6.00 Spain. It is implanted between the posterior surface of
to +10 diopters. the iris and the anterior capsule of the crystalline lens and
fixated in the sulcus.
B) The Multiflex Nu Vita Lens, with fixa- Indications: High myopia in the range of -11
tion in the anterior chamber angle. This is a less skill- to -22 D.
demanding procedure (Fig. 24-C) but has the disadvan-
Benefits: Contributes significantly to correct
tage of the precision needed to calculate the size of the
vision in patients where LASIK is contraindicated. Be
lens (from white to white at the limbus +1 mm).
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Figure 24: Procedures with Refractive IOL's to Correct Very High Myopia and Very High
Very high myopia is best managed with phakic intraocular lenses. They can be placed
in the posterior chamber between the iris and the normal lens (A, B); or in the anterior chamber,
supported by the chamber angle (C) or the peripheral iris (D).
For very high hyperopia, a lensectomy can be done and two aphakic intraocular lenses
implanted on top of each other (E).
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There is a wide variety of intraocular lenses 1) Allergan's Array Multifocal Foldable IOL
either available or in the stage of development to correct
(Fig,. 25 A-B): At present, this is the only foldable
aphakia at the time of cataract surgery. The lenses are
multifocal intraocular lens that has been approved by the
from traditional as well as new designs and materials.
FDA. Virgilio Centurion, M.D. recommends its use for
Alcon has a one-piece acrylic lens. Graham Barrett has
surgeons who are confident with phacoemulsification
designed a one-piece hydrogel lens. Allergan has a new
and small incision techniques. This lens is made with a
acrylic lens currently under investigation. Storz, now a
silicone optic and PMMA haptics.
division of Bausch & Lomb, has manufactured a lens
Having used different kinds of multifocal IOL's
that has a hydrogel acrylic optic fused to PMMA haptics;
in the past, Centurion is familiar with the deficiencies in
this lens has been approved and is being used widely
clinical results inherent in some designs. This new
throughout Europe. Using an interesting technology,
multifocal lens, however, is a refractive molded lens
Mentor has developed the Memory Lens, a hydrogel
instead of a diffractive lens, which were the ones that
acrylic that comes pre-rolled. Although it must be kept
gave rise to visual difficulties in the past.
chilled, it can be taken from the case and inserted into the
Douglas Koch, M.D., points out that studies
eye without being folded or requiring any other manipu-
conducted using this lens show very high levels of vision
with little evidence of contrast sensitivity loss. A case-
control study conducted by Jonathan Javits, M.D.
New IOL Systems of Particular Interest comparing patients who received monofocal IOL´s with
patients who had the Array multifocal IOL‚s showed
There are three designs and systems that have clearly that patients with multifocal IOLs, were func-
created particular new interest because they each pro- tionally better and happier with their vision. This is the
vide a significant contribution of a different nature. They first study that has shown these results so convincingly.
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Figure 25: IOL Systems of Particular New Interest for Correction of Aphakia
The Allergan Array foldable multifocal lens is implanted in normal fashion (A, B). The Alcon
AcrySof lens provides a very high quality image from a foldable lens, with less posterior capsule
opacification (C). The Jacobi assymetrical lenses (D) are multifocal but provide emphasis for distance
for one eye and for near for the other.
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Studies in various parts of the world seem to Dodick, M.D., has found that pre-warming the lens
reveal that more than 85% of patients have 20/40 or dramatically facilitates the ease of the fold. This is done
better vision without correction after implantation with at his institution by placing it in a warm environment
this lens. All of the 456 patients in the US Clinical Study such as on top of a sterilizer that has an ambient tempera-
had J3 or better, and more than 60% were J2 or J1 without ture between 100 and 105 degrees. This seems to soften
correction. About half were 20/20 without correction. the material and facilitates the gentle folding of the lens,
Researchers working with this lens have the making it much easier to implant especially for high
clinical impression that depth of focus and quality of diopter lenses which are more difficult to fold.
vision are improved if the surgeon implants the second It is also important to keep in mind that if the
eye within 4 weeks of the first implantation. Patient surgeon performs rapid folding of a cold lens, this may
satisfaction is higher if there is a very short interval leave striae in the lens that could conceivably interfere
between the first and second eye. (A short interval with visual acuity.
between surgeries is usually the case when modern small A second measure taken by Dodick to facilitate
incision cataract surgery is performed, if the cataract this lens' entry into the wound after folding and holding
merits removal in both eyes. - Editor). it with forceps is to pinch the lead edge of the lens with
a second forceps, to make the "nose" conform into a
bullet or missile shape. This facilitates entry into the eye.
2) Alcon's AcrySof Lens (Fig. 25-C): The Once the nose enters into the eye, the rest of the lens
long-sought solution to prevent opacification of the follows with great facility.
posterior capsule following extracapsular extraction Dodick does not use an injector, although that is
seems to be partly attained through the implantation of another modality. He uses folding and insertion forceps
the AcrySof lens. Recently published studies and exten- to insert the lens. They must be very fine folding forceps
sive experience of prestigious ophthalmic surgeons re- so as to add very little bulk to the combination of lens and
veal that IOL's made from polyacrylic material (such as forceps that have to enter through the small wound.
the AcrySof lens manufactured by ALCON) are associ- Dodick likes to divide the implantation of the
ated with a significantly reduced incidence of poste- lens into three stages once it is in the anterior chamber.
rior capsular opacification and consequent much First, when the lead haptic is in the capsular bag, the lens
lower YAG capsulotomy rates. It is not indicated for is allowed to unfold. Stage two is the implantation only
"piggyback" use. of the optic. Stage three once the optic is implanted is to
implant the superior haptic by rotating it with the Lester
Special Features About AcrySof´s Implan- hook or placing it with a Kelman-McPherson forceps.
tation Dodick considers that a common mistake when implant-
ing an AcrySof or any soft IOL, is to implant it in only
At the present time this is the only approved
two stages. Once the inferior haptic is placed into the
acrylic lens in the United States. There are other acrylic capsular bag, some surgeons proceed immediately to try
lenses currently being produced in Europe. to place the optic and the superior haptic in one second
Upon handling the lens, it is important to keep in stage. His experience has taught him that implantation
mind that especially in high powers up to 30 diopters this becomes simpler and more controlled by dividing it into
is a thick lens. This makes folding more difficult. Jack the three stages described.
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3) The Asymmetrical Multifocal IOL cataract surgery: monovision and multifocal IOL im-
(Fig. 25-D): Professor Karl Jacobi, M.D., and Felix plantation. However, while patients with monovision
Jacobi, M.D., in Germany have introduced a new fea- see a blurred, out-of-focus image, patients with this lens
ture to multifocal IOL implantation. The idea of asym- combination see a distinct and clear image in each eye,
metrical bilateral multifocal IOL implantation was first although there is a low image contrast in the eye with the
advanced in 1993. It came from the realization that a non-dominant focus.
reduction in contrast sensitivity is inherent in the optical
design. This reduction may be clinically significant and Foldable Diffractive Multifocal Lens
disturbing; it can especially interfere with night driving.
Karl Jacobi devised the concept of splitting Another important new development in this con-
light distribution for the far and near focus between both cept is the third generation, foldable diffractive three
eyes. The concept requires bilateral cataract surgery with piece silicone multifocal lens with asymmetrical light
implantation of two different types of multifocal IOL‚s. distribution developed by Felix Jacobi, M.D. The ad-
One eye receives a multifocal IOL that is dominant for vantage of this diffractive lens is that it is independent
distance with a light distribution of 70% for the far and of pupil size and not subject to optical decentration
30% for the near focus. The fellow eye receives a problems.
multifocal IOL that is dominant for near and has a light This diffractive three piece silicone lens can be
distribution of 30% for the far and 70% for the near focus. folded and implanted through a 3.5 mm self-sealing
The idea is to provide an improved binocular contrast clear-corneal incision, thus reducing wound induced
sensitivity and better distance and near visual acuity than astigmatism to nearly zero. The lens optic is biconvex
can be provided by bilateral multifocal IOL‚s with and also aspheric, thereby providing good optical perfor-
symmetrical light distribution. The method essentially mance similar to a monofocal IOL. This lens system is
combines the two ways of correcting presbyopia after available through Acritech, Germany.
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Preoperative Evaluations
and Considerations
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treated with phakic IOL’s. Be cautious in implanting Absolute and Relative Contraindications -
soft, foldable posterior chamber phakic IOL’s in them Special Precautions
because the IOL’s optical zone may be smaller than
these patients need and they may have visual problems
at night. In other, less highly myopic patients, these 1. Monocular Patients: As emphasized by
IOL’s are quite successful (Fig. 24). Machat, they are always a contraindication since this is
an elective surgical procedure.
Elements Not Related to Refractive Errors 2. Keratoconus and Sub-Clinical Keratoconus
1. Orbit Configuration: Patients with small or (Fig. 26): They are both contraindications for any
deep-set orbits and narrow palpebral fissures should be refractive surgery. We must always be alert to detect a
discouraged from having LASIK because the micro- sub-clinical keratoconus. They are more definitively
keratome suction ring cannot be well-positioned and diagnosed through corneal topography, as presented
may interfere with passage of the microkeratome itself. later in this chapter. If not detected, a refractive surgery
PRK as advised by Lindstrom or RK are the procedures procedure may result in the development of ectasia
of choice in these cases. because corneal stability has been affected. By all
means, be on the lookout for these patients because, in
2. Autoimmune Diseases and Collagen addition to the possible development of ectasia, the
Vascular Diseases: PRK is absolutely contraindicated results are unpredictable.
because of the risk of stromal melt with an exposed
stromal surface. LASIK might be performed but make 3. Healed Corneal Scars from Herpes Simplex:
your decision with particular caution. It is best not to perform refractive surgery in these
patients. Reactivation may occur. Also avoid doing this
3. Glaucoma: LASIK may be preferable in
surgery in patients with history of kerato- uveitis or
patients in whom intraoperative pressure rises with
ophthalmic herpes zoster.
steroids or who have a strong family history of glaucoma
since a steroid-induced pressure rise may seriously
4. Retinal Pathology: a) Retinal Tear: All
complicate the postoperative course or result in visual
candidates for refractive surgery must have a detailed
field loss.
fundus examination with the binocular stereoscopic
Patients with glaucomatous field loss should be
ophthalmoscope and the pupil dilated. If a retinal tear
avoided. The brief intraoperative rise in intraocular
is present, even if asymptomatic, it should be sealed
pressure (IOP) from the suction during LASIK may
with adequate laser before any refractive surgery is
theoretically do further damage and cause further field
performed (Fig. 27). If undetected or not adequately
treated and if a postoperative retinal detachment develops
It is also important to consider that measuring
needing a buckling procedure, this may alter the refractive
intraocular pressure with the applanation tonometer
result, which may at times be significant. Patients with
following excimer laser surgery may provide erroneous
a retinal hole or lattice degeneration merit evaluation by
results, usually with a tendency to give readings on the
a retina specialist.
low side, that is, less than the real pressure. Of course,
A history of retinal detachment or retinal tears is
the usual tendency of glaucoma to get progressively
not an absolute contraindication, but in these patients we
worse may be masked by this situation or may give rise
must be quite cautious and have a detailed fundus
to a pseudo low tension glaucoma.
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Figure 26: Preoperative Evaluation - Importance of Diagnosing Keratoconus and Sub-Clinical Keratoconus
This view shows a comparison of the profiles of normal corneal curvature and thickness (A) ideal for any
refractive procedure, and typical keratoconus (B). Keratoconus can be detected by abnormal keratometric readings,
topographic alterations or, when marked, by clinically abnormal corneal curvature (arrow) and the typical striae. The
detection of sub-clinical keratoconus during the preoperative evaluation is also essential. Sub-clinical keratoconus can
be detected only with computerized corneal topography (Fig. 40). Any refractive surgery procedure is absolutely
contraindicated. Otherwise, the patient may develop progressive corneal ectasia with an unexpected, bad visual and
refractive result.
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examination preferably by a retinal specialist before these changes because postoperative deterioration of
undertaking refractive surgery. vision may be independent of the procedure.
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This cross-section view shows the different layers of the cornea and the amount of tissue ablated
(variable from case to case) in excimer laser treatment with the LASIK technique for myopia. The total corneal
pachymetry is 560 microns (P). The “A” zone shows the average thickness of the corneal flap in LASIK (130
- 180 microns). This is related to the type of microkeratome used. The “B” zone shows the depth of tissue ablated
from the stroma. This is varies with the amount of myopic correction the surgeon needs to attain and the type
of excimer laser system utilized. In this case we present the parameters of a patient with -8.00 D of myopia with
a stromal ablation of 80 microns. The “C” zone shows the amount of remaining corneal tissue not treated during
the excimer laser procedure. In this particular case it amounts to 320 microns.
It is important to assess these measurements in detail and to keep in mind that the recommended
remaining corneal tissue in every case should be at least 250 microns, to avoid complications like postoperative
corneal ectasia.
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As emphasized in Chapter 2, LASIK in patients correction that provides the best visual acuity with the
with myopia over –10 D and large pupils may give rise least amount of minus correction. It is important not to
to visual discomfort. The same applies to phakic IOL over minus the patient.
implantation when using very thin, foldable lenses with The importance of the vertex distance
a small diameter optic. measurement, particularly as the amount of myopia
increases, is that with most modern lasers, the vertex
Visual Acuity distance is required for accurate calibration by the laser
When planning any refractive procedure, mea- The cycloplegic refraction is important in order
surement of visual acuity with and without spectacle to prevent overcorrecting the patient. It should be done
correction or contact lenses and best corrected visual with retinoscopy followed by subjective refinement.
acuity (BCVA) is essential.
High myopia is associated with reduced BCVA, Biomicroscopy
which may differ between spectacle correction and contact
lens correction. Higher myopes and patients with high As emphasized by Buratto, the presence and
astigmatism may have a level of visual acuity with rigid quality of the tear film should be evaluated and specific
gas permeable contact lenses that may be impossible to tests, such as Schirmer’s and tear film breakup time
replicate with refractive surgery. When considering a (BUT) done. Corneal clarity, and absence of conjunctival
refractive surgery procedure in these patients, it is pathology which could perhaps cause difficulty with
important that the patient be aware of these limitations in fixation of the suction ring in LASIK, should be noted.
order to achieve high levels of patient satisfaction. Tonometry is necessary to exclude undiagnosed ocular
hypertension or glaucoma and to establish a preoperative
Refraction intraocular pressure (IOP) level.
The examination of the anterior segment for lens
A manifest and cycloplegic refraction is stan- changes, such as early posterior subcapsular cataract,
dard. The vertex distance in cases of high myopia is should be done both to document its existence prior to
measured. In cases of very high myopia, a disposable surgery from a medical/legal point of view, and to
contact lens of -7 D or -8 D may be fitted and the patient suggest the possibility of lens extraction by
over-refracted over this contact lens. phacoemulsification, with (or without) implantation of
Buratto recommends that the manifest refraction an intraocular lens (IOL), as an alternative method of
be the one selected for the refractive surgery correction. refractive correction.
It must therefore be carefully performed using the
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Keratoscopy 29), and assumes that the remainder of the cornea, both
peripheral and central, is perfectly sphero-cylindrical.
The standard clinical and surgical keratometer On a spherical surface, such as a steel ball, two
that we had used for many years to measure the power of small samples are sufficient to determine the curvature
the cornea, particularly for contact lens fitting, is not and power of that surface. However, as the cornea
reliable for refractive surgery. It measures the curvature becomes less like a steel ball and more aspheric or
of the cornea, only along the two principal meridians, irregular, the two measurements that the standard
at points 3 mm to 4 mm apart on the central cornea (Fig. keratometer makes are not sufficient to describe the
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central and pericentral corneal power. These are Figures 30 and 31 show the Placido disk mires
areas of the cornea where refractive surgery is mostly reflected from the normal cornea. With this instrument,
performed although the center is the location of important clinicians are able to appreciate, on a qualitative basis,
changes in LASIK, PRK and RK. To add information to distortions inherent in individual corneal shapes. For
the corneal curvature obtained with clinical keratometers, example, severe cylinder and irregular astigmatism
photokeratoscopes were developed that enable the (Figs. 10 and 11, Chapter 1 and Fig. 32, Chapter 3), as
photographic capture of Placido Disk mires reflected well as moderately advanced keratoconus (Fig. 33) can
from the surface of the cornea (Figs. 30, 31, 32). all be appreciated from simple visual inspection of
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In this case the central and inferior rings (SR) show the advanced,
central steepening (SR) pattern seen in keratoconus. There is a characteristic
distortion in the pattern of the rings. For a clinical picture of this
abnormality, see Fig. 26. For computerized corneal topography of
keratoconus and sub-clinical keratoconus, which are essential to detect in
the preoperative evaluation, see Fig. 40.
keratoscope Placido disk mires (Figs. 32 and 33). This is done using
simple guidelines. Mires larger in diameter, broader in width or
more widely separated than normal are an indication of low power
of the underlying cornea. The steeper portion of the cornea reflects
the rings in a pattern in which they appear closer together (R - Fig.
32). Figure 34 shows the irregularities in the Placido disk image
following radial keratotomy. A similar visual inspection approach
is used with intraoperative keratoscopes to reduce the amount of
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This state of the art equipment combines a series of illuminated rings, a digital camera, and
a computer. The rings are reflected from a normal cornea as circular and equally spaced, as shown in
Figs. 30 and 31. This image of the Placido disk rings is digitized by the computer shown in this figure
and viewed by the physician on the computer monitor as a digitized color corneal map - a practical and
clinically interpretable system.
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How Computerized Corneal Topog- The corneal map obtained through computed
raphy Works corneal topography covers the entire corneal surface: not
only the center, but the mid-periphery and periphery
Klyce has demonstrated the usefulness of color- where many of the abnormalities are present as well as
coded maps of the corneal surface, in which the cooler the changes that occur from refractive surgery. The
colors, such as blue, represent flatter areas of the cornea instruments traditionally utilized for computerized cor-
and the warmer colors, such as red, represent steeper neal topography to provide this information look at the
areas (Figs. 10 and 11, Chapter 1 and Figs. 36 and 37). reflection of an illuminated Placido disk from the cornea
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(Figs. 30-34). The patient fixates the center of the disc be dark blue for the 37 diopter areas and dark red for the
(Figs. 30-34) and the equipment’s computer 45 diopter areas. The in-between colors are distributed
transforms the Placido disk image into a digitized between these two parameters (Fig. 39).
map (Fig. 35). Recent developments have resulted in When you are making a comparative analysis of
more sophisticated targets than the Placido disc. different cases, or the same case over time, it is of more
Most refractive surgeons, however, still prefer equipment value to ask the instrument to provide you with an
based on the Placido disc. absolute color scale in which a given color represents
the same curvature in each map. This eliminates the
The Color Map Process in the Making confusion that may occur if the user fails to pay attention
to the color scale. An absolute color scale is also useful
A video camera takes an image of what is being in pathological corneas . The color scale shown in
reflected by the cornea. This image can be transmitted to Figs. 36-39 has 15 color zones. Reddish colors represent
the screen of a video monitor. When satisfactory, we can steep curvatures and bluish colors represent flatter
freeze the image shown on the video screen. Immedi- curvatures, with yellows and greens in between.
ately, by means of a digitized computer system within When using the absolute color scale, each color
the instrument, the numbers read by the computer from represents a 1.0-D range. This means that the patient
various areas of the surface of the cornea are transcribed may have up to 0.9 D of astigmatism (43.00 x 43.90) and
into an already existing software program that translates theoretically have a uniform pattern. Ideally there should
these into local corneal curvatures. The computer as- be relatively uniform local curvature over the pupil.
signs different colors to this numerical, digitized infor- Accuracy of computerized topographic data
mation of the various corneal curvatures: red to the depends upon proper acquisition of good images. Poor
steeper curves, blue to the flatter zones. The color focusing, decentration, and shadows can all adversely
that is assigned to each curvature is shown on the affect the image.
vertical color bar present on the side of the topographic Gills, Mandell, and Horner have emphasized
map (Figs. 36 and 37). that correct alignment for videokeratography is a critical
requirement for high accuracy and precision, although
Interpreting the Color Maps its importance is frequently underestimated in a clinical
setting. The corneal sighting center (CSC) is the point
The computer returns the image to the video where the line of sight intersects the corneal surface.
screen in colors instead of numbers (Fig. 38). The video Light rays entering the eye are centered about the CSC,
image in the computer screen provides a relative color are refracted by the ocular interfaces, and ultimately
scale at the edge, which is expanded or contracted form the foveal image. The CSC is the primary reference
depending on the range of curvatures in the cornea being point for refractive surgery in that it usually represents
measured. For instance, if the flattest zone of a specific the center of the area to be ablated in photorefractive
cornea is 37 diopters and the steepest zone is 45 diopters, keratectomy, and the center of the area to be spared in
the relative color scale assigned by the computer would radial keratotomy.
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Unfortunately, in order to simplify their design, Both screening topography and postoperative
most present videokeratographs do not align on the CSC. topography should be done when the patient is able to
This, fortunately, is usually of little clinical consequence maintain good fixation and a good tear film and double
in most cases. However, knowledge of the alignment checked if the reliability is questionable.
process is necessary in order to properly interpret more
complex corneas. The Role of Contact Lenses
In essence, the map provides a close estimate of Raymond Stein, M.D., Co-Director of the
the shape and refractive power of the cornea. The data is Bochner Eye Institute and Assistant Professor of Oph-
used to calculate the ablation needed in each area, but thalmology at the University of Toronto, Canada, em-
keep in mind that the data obtained is not perfect. In phasizes that if the patients are contact lens wearers, he
interpreting color maps, one must particularly observe will do serial refractions and serial topography to make
whether the pattern is irregular enough to cause concern sure that their corneas are stable. For soft lenses, he
about the reliability of the map, and to determine what generally prefers to have the patients out of their lenses
the position of the pupil is relative to the curvature for a minimum of 3 days, and for rigid gas-permeable
pattern displayed in the map. The only way to become lenses, a minimum of 3 weeks. But this may vary widely.
adept at reading and evaluating maps is through study For those patients who are currently wearing
and practice. rigid gas-permeable lenses and may not have worn
glasses in years, Stein considers it is sometimes helpful
to give them the option of being fit with soft lenses that
Importance of the Tear Film During they can wear up until a few days prior to surgery. Stein
Computerized Corneal Topography is an expert on contact lenses with a large refractive
surgery practice.
Leo J. Maguire, M.D., has pointed out that The concept of how to manage contact lens
keratoscope images are formed by reflection, which wearers is not unanimous. Buratto recommends the use
occurs at the tear film layer. Tear film may not be of corneal topography to monitor the cornea following
problematic if it is uniform over the entire corneal contact lens removal. He recommends that soft contact
surface, but it can cause problems if the patient is tearing lenses be discontinued for 2 weeks and rigid or gas
sufficiently to cause lacrimal lakes at the upper or lower permeable contact lenses for 4 weeks prior to
lid margins or if focal tear film breakup distorts kerato- consideration of refractive surgery. He has pointed out
scope mires and leads to digitizing errors. Artificial tears that this period of contact lens discontinuation may even
can alter the results of videokeratoscopy; for most prepa- be two to three times longer if corneal molding is
rations, he recommends waiting at least 5 minutes be- detected, and that continued monitoring is required to
tween applying the drops and performing the kerato- allow stabilization of the anterior corneal surface until
scope exam. reliable keratometric and topographic readings are
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Figure 40: Subclinical Vs Clinical Stage Keratoconus (Based on a Placido Disk System) – Preoperative
Computerized corneal topography is an essential diagnostic method in the detection of corneal pathologies
such as subclinical keratoconus. It is important to make this diagnosis before refractive surgery. In figure “A” we
observe a slight alteration of curvatures in the central and inferior zones (orange-brown), which indicates locally
increased curvature due to subclinical keratoconus. These patients are asymptomatic, and this condition is not
detectable in the clinical exam or using a standard keratometer (Fig. 29). In contrast to what we have observed in Fig.
“A”, Figure “B” depicts a clinical, symptomatic keratoconus, with high keratometry values and a greatly pronounced
inferior corneal curvature plotted by the computer in red and orange. (Artistically modified by HIGHLIGHTS with
permission, from James P. Gills et al classic text: Corneal Topography: The State of the Art, published by Slack Inc.)
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Fig. 41: Computerized Corneal Topography Using the PAR System in Normal Cornea
This is an elevation type topography map of a normal cornea. Thinking of the cornea like a mountain, elevation
is defined as the "height" above the limbus or base of the cornea. In contrast to Placido disk based systems, this grid
based system allows the creation of elevation maps with which we can presumably diagnose such pathologies as
keratoconus more efficiently. In addition to maps showing elevation, three-dimensional and dioptric topographical
maps may be obtained which permit very sophisticated evaluation of the corneal surface. (Artistically modified by
HIGHLIGHTS with permission, from James P. Gills et al classic text: Corneal Topography: The State of the Art,
published by Slack Inc.)
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Figure 42: Computerized Corneal Topography Using the ORBSCAN System in Normal Cornea
This system constructs a topographical map from multiple, parallel slices of a slit lamp light. It is able to display the
posterior, in addition to the anterior, corneal curvature. According to Professor Murube, this permits a greater understanding of
the cornea’s optical properties, its curvatures, and its thickness. This figure depicts a normal central corneal curvature illustrated
by the typical green and yellow colors for 43.5 D. (Artistically modified by HIGHLIG HTS with permission, from James P. Gills
et al classic text: Corneal Topography: The State of the Art, published by Slack Inc.)
Videokeratography based on computerized analy- other situations where linking between corneal
sis of the Placido disc remains the most widely used topography and excimer laser ablation are desirable.
method for analysis of corneal topography. Alcon, Efforts continue in this area, however this technology
Humphrey, EyeSys, and Tomey produce widely used remains experimental.
instruments. There are a number of other companies that The Orbscan corneal topography device uses
are also involved in Placido disc-based technology. One scanning slits to monitor both the anterior and posterior
of the advantages of this technology is that it has had far surfaces of the cornea. Recently, Orbscan has
more validation, so the strengths and weaknesses of the incorporated Placido disc analysis with the scanning slit,
maps are understood by clinicians. presumably to provide an analysis of both the anterior
Rasterstereography is a technique pioneered and posterior corneal surfaces and, therefore, information
by PAR Technology and still remains relatively unused. about corneal thickness across the entire cornea.
It has gained little acceptance in the clinical community. Professor Juan Murube, M.D., in Madrid, who
This technology could have utility for monitoring cor- has extensive experience with all three methods, descri-
neal topography intermittently during refractive surgical bes the Orbscan system as providing 40 successive
procedures designed to reduce corneal irregularity, or in optical slits with a slit lamp using 45º of angulation, first
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20 slits from right to left followed by 20 slits from left to What We Need for the Future
right. By reflection of light from both the anterior and
posterior corneal surfaces, you obtain simultaneous Peter McDonnell, M.D., considers that even
topography as well as the corneal pachymetry. though computerized corneal topography has been es-
Murube considers that Orbscan technology, has sential to advances in refractive surgery, the changes in
now about 10% of the market. Both Murube and technology during the past years have not been dramatic;
Wilson believe that its acceptance is slowly increasing. they have been small, incremental changes or improve-
Wilson considers that the main problem with the ments in software (Figs. 30-35). In general, existing
Orbscan scanning slit technology is that it has not been devices still rely on reflective ring images, or Placido
validated in studies published in peer reviewed journals. ring technology (Figs. 31 and 35). McDonnell considers
Thus, although the image provides analysis about cor- that this technology has definite limitations. The math-
neal topography pre- and post-refractive surgery, ematical assumptions used to generate maps depend
clinicians are left wondering about the accuracy of this upon the quality of the corneal surface. They estimate
information since no independent verification has been the curvature of the cornea based on reflected images, for
forthcoming. Just recently, Bausch & Lomb Surgical which a good tear film is necessary. Because a tear film
acquired Orbtech, for linking corneal topographical may not be present on the cornea during surgery, these
analysis with excimer laser ablation. Further devices have limited applicability for intraoperative
investigation will be required and there are some accuracy- monitoring.
related issues that need to be resolved.
New Generation of Devices
The Most Important Developments
Several investigators are exploring what will
In Wilson’s judgment, the most important de- possibly be a new generation of devices using laser
velopments in clinical applications of corneal topogra- interferometry, or laser holography. McDonnell be-
phy are linkage of corneal topographic analysis with lieves that a new breakthrough approach may be what is
excimer laser ablation. This has long been a dream of needed for measuring with the precision of a micron or
refractive surgeons and efforts have been increasing in less the height of different areas of the cornea. A new
this area over the past two years. Currently, this linkage generation of devices may not require a tear film and may
is confined to what may be called “snapshot linkage” in facilitate topographically directed ablation. Such ad-
which the initial corneal topography is utilized in pro- vances may dramatically decrease the problems of un-
gramming an excimer laser. Presumably this would dercorrection and induced overcorrection. Significant
need to be a laser with scanning capacity. This remains changes in corneal topography will probably require a
problematic, since it is not clear that the information technological leap into some other area than Placido ring
provided by any current topographic instrument is suffi- technology.
ciently reliable to allow precise ablation such that central Leo J. Maguire, M.D., at the Mayo Clinic
islands or decentered ablations can be corrected. considers that we need better instruments that can
Additionally, Wilson believes that it is unclear provide more precise quantitative measurements of both
whether the information provided by these different the surface and optical quality of the cornea. We need
topographic technologies is sufficiently reliable to allow better methods that can accurately analyze complex
even normal corneas to be corrected so that aberrations surfaces and peripheral cornea, as well as differentiate
interfering with “perfect” vision can be eliminated. between artifact and real corneal distortion. New
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instruments will be introduced over the next few years in an attempt to refine an irregular cornea. Currently, this
that he hopes will more closely approximate the perfect remains theoretical.
corneal topography system. Wilson emphasizes that real time corneal
Refinements in videokeratography are expected. topography is the ultimate dream of refractive
Some units will be able to display results using more than surgeons. However, several major problems must be
one method for estimating curvature. Some will be more overcome. These include the speed with which
sensitive to local changes in corneal shape. Others will topographical analysis must be performed as the cornea
better estimate the cornea’s refractive properties. Other is ablated, acquisition and analysis of corneal topography
techniques such as neural networking may allow more on a rough surface while the excimer laser ablation is
specific identification of sub-clinical keratoconus, contact being performed, and the level of accuracy of the
lens-induced corneal warpage, and other distortions. topographic measurements.
Maguire points out that positional measurement
approaches (e,g., rasterphotography, and slit imaging or Topographic Assisted LASIK
Orbscan) must sample more points on the corneal
surface and be made even more sensitive at measuring Maria Clara Arbelaez, M.D., one of South
corneal height. America’s most prestigious refractive surgeons, has
It is still unclear whether videokeratoscopy is the been working with Michael Knorz, M.D., in attempting
best way to measure changes in optical performance to develop a method by which LASIK can be performed
induced by corneal surgery and disease. The answer will with a topographically assisted program. This is particu-
depend on the relative capability of videokeratoscopes larly important in the presence of the irregular astigma-
and other competing instruments as they continue to tism often found after penetrating keratoplasty, penetrat-
develop. Videokeratoscopy will remain the technology ing injuries, or peripheral corneal scars. While these
of choice if improvements in both hardware and software irregular patterns are poorly treated by broad beam
enable it to perform better than it does now. The excimer lasers, a specific program designed to re-sculp-
successful technology will be the one that is most accurate, ture the corneal surface based on the preoperative refrac-
produces information that is most understandable to the tive evaluation and corneal topography may provide the
clinician, and is available at a cost acceptable to the eye ultimate method of treating irregular corneal patterns.
care provider. This is an attempt to create perfectly shaped corneas for
these difficult cases.
It is important to keep in mind that the current
Real Time Corneal Topography excimer laser programs only allow the treatment of
regular refractive patterns. Irregular astigmatism is
More advanced applications of the linkage of currently a contraindication for excimer laser
corneal topography to excimer laser would include inter- refractive surgery, as the treatment of this pattern with
mittent monitoring during ablation and real time corneal the current excimer lasers yields unpredictable results
topography-ablation. In the intermittent analysis, the and visual distortion. Arbelaez has reported rather good
excimer laser would treat based on initial topography results with high patient satisfaction following
and then, after a few moments of treatment, topography topography-assisted LASIK in irregular astigmatism
would be obtained once again. At this point, the excimer post-keratoplasty, post-trauma, decentered ablations and
laser would incorporate this new information and con- central islands. This method is still pending refinements
tinue intermittently scanning and obtaining topography and further development.
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Figure 43: Preoperative Evaluation – Importance of Endothelial Cell Count Using a Specular
The potential decrease in number and the alteration in shape of the endothelial cells following a refractive
procedure, especially with excimer laser, makes a preoperative study worthwhile. This figure illustrates the distinctive
coloring of the cells, according to size or density, produced by computer analysis. The table below the figure lists the
number of cells in the sample as well as the size of the analyzed area in microns and the average size of the cells studied.
The values for a normal corneal sample are also included in the results. This study gives us an evaluation of the
anatomical and morphological states of the endothelium before the surgery.
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LASIK: THE DOMINANT PROCEDURE weakness, which in some cases has led to the
complication of ectasia, a situation much like keratoco-
Peter McDonnell, M.D. emphasizes that now that nus (Fig. 28). (Editor’s Note: This is clearly presented
LASIK (laser in situ keratomileusis) is by far the pre- in Fig. 28, Chapter 3, and the text next to it titled “How
dominant refractive surgical procedure, we are begin- Much Ablation to Perform”).
ning to learn both its full potential and its limitations. Lindstrom prefers LASIK over all other proce-
This includes refining our knowledge about how much dures in low, and medium to high myopia up to -10 or -
refractive error can be corrected with LASIK while 11 D, within the parameters and exceptions discussed in
maintaining a high quality of vision. (Editor’s Note: In Chapter 2. For exceptions he occasionally performs
Chapter 2, we emphasized that the prudent cut-off for PRK and RK.
LASIK is -10 D. Higher myopia is best treated with Waring at the Emory Vision Correction Center
phakic intraocular lenses). McDonnell points out that in Atlanta offers LASIK for the majority of his patients
increased experience with LASIK will allow us to better because it is the preferred technique by surgeons at the
determine answers to several important questions, such Center. Recovery is very rapid. Further, enhancement
as how thick the cornea needs to be to avoid structural procedures can be done to adjust the outcome.
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gentamycin is quite epitheliotoxic and therefore should tively also reduces epithelial toxicity. Patients should
be avoided. Tobradex (tobramycin .3%-dexamethasone keep their eyes closed once anesthetized, as the blink
1%, Alcon) and Ocuflox (floxacin 0.3% from Allergan) reflex is diminished and the corneal surface may be
may be used safely. Fluoroquinolones are not toxic to damaged by the drying effect with the eye open.
the epithelium and provide excellent broad spectrum LASIK is performed as an outpatient procedure,
bacterial coverage and penetration; however, some sur- without a lid block. At first it seems difficult operating on
geons have questioned their association with precipi- patients without a lid block, although it is becoming a
tates and interface opacities in some cases of LASIK. routine procedure in small incision cataract surgery. Lid
An eye wash solution is irrigated into the blocks are unnecessary and inconvenient because many
conjunctival fornices to remove any meibomian secre- of the patients are more comfortable without a patch
tions or the tear film debris which is present in many postoperatively. With a lid block if the patient leaves the
patients. The patient is made comfortable in supine clinic without a patch or removes it, they would have
position under the laser with the surface of the cornea lagophthalmos, their flaccid orbicularis muscle will pre-
perpendicular to the laser beam . vent them from spreading tears properly across the
A topical nonsteroidal antiinflammatory cornea, and they may develop an epithelial erosion from
(NSAID) drop may be instilled preoperatively to help drying.
reduce any discomfort or inflammatory reaction. Most surgeons recommend using a lid specu-
lum that has very little metal along the upper and lower
Anesthesia and Adequate Lid Speculum lid margins, such as the Barraquer light weight wire
McDonnell has found that patients generally Operating Room - Cleaning and Sterile Pre-
tolerate surgery very well using the minimal amount of
topical anesthetic needed. He often uses unpreserved
anesthetic agents to avoid toxicity to the epithelium. All personnel and the patients themselves must
Machat has observed that when both eyes are treated in wear caps and shoe covers. For the most part this is an
the same session, the second eye is more sensitive when extraocular operation, but you never know when it could
the operation is started. This is commonly referred to as become an intraocular procedure because of a potential
“second eye syndrome”. There appear to be multiple complication with the microkeratome. For this reason,
factors for increased sensitivity, including a heightened all sterile precautions must be maintained. The surgeon
awareness of what will transpire and tachyphylaxis of must scrub and put on gloves. A sterile cover for the
the eye to repeated applications of proparacaine. There- Mayo stand is utilized and the scrub (surgical) nurse is
fore in bilaterally treated patients, it is best to apply the required to use sterile gloves when placing the instru-
topical anesthesia to each eye only immediately be- ments on the stand.
fore treatment. Machat also recommends application
of topical anesthesia with a soaked surgical spear to the Ocular Fixation
upper and lower fornices. This is where most of the
discomfort from LASIK occurs, because of its relation to Patient self-fixation on a coaxial target is the best
the eyelid speculum. The vacuum from the suction ring method to use for ocular fixation. Patients can accurately
creates a well tolerated mild pressure sensation. The fixate on a target for the several minutes that may be
lamellar incision itself is virtually painless. Therefore, needed for the photoablation. Consequently, self-fixa-
by anesthetizing the fornices well, especially the upper tion can be more accurate than fixation provided by the
fornix, patient comfort and cooperation are greatly en- surgeon.
hanced. Applying the anesthetic immediately preopera-
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Other Important Markings of the Cornea (Fig. 45) assistance in evaluating cyclotorsion of the eye when
doing cylindrical ablations (Fig. 45).
Assuring Correct Realignment of the LASIK PREPARING THE EQUIPMENT AND
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in patients with high myopia these include submacular have occurred steadily, especially during the past 2
hemorrhages, possibly related to unrecognized subreti- years. Waring points out that automated keratomes,
nal neovascularization (Figs. 49, 50). The very high such as the Innovatome and the Hansatome (Fig. 4 B)
pressure and deformation of the globe have also led to the manufactured by Bausch and Lomb - Chiron , allow the
development of retinal tears and retinal dialyses al- microkeratome to move mechanically across the eye
though this is very infrequent. without requiring the surgeon’s hand to push it. The
ability of the microkeratome to make a very smooth
Potential for Vision Loss incision, without chatter marks has also improved. The
Innovatome, which has a blade 100 microns thick and
In McDonnell’s extensive teaching experience, 1 mm wide, can make an extremely smooth surface. A
because of the learning curve, the patient’s chance of microkeratome preset to a cut a standard thickness such
losing two or more lines of vision may be on the order of as the Chiron - Bausch & Lomb Automated Corneal
4% to 8% with a surgeon who is first performing LASIK. Shaper (Fig. 47-A) or the Moria manually advanced
After the surgeon has performed 50 to 500 surgeries - microkeratome can now be used fairly safely.
surgeons argue about this number - the risk of loss of The Moria Company also makes a new auto-
vision may drop to about 1%. Still, obviously, this is a mated microkeratome that can create hinges with differ-
substantial risk. Therefore, the prize will go to the ent orientations, either superior or nasal. Several of the
company that develops a microkeratome that is less new microkeratomes including the Eyetech and Mastel,
complicated, has a very high margin of safety, and that use diamond blades or other gem blades in the hope of
can be mastered more rapidly by surgeons. creating a much smoother surface (Fig. 46-A). Some, as
the SCMD microkeratome (Fig. 47C), use a cable or a
New Approaches in Developing Micro- turbine to drive the blade across the surface, rather than
gears. Advanced, automated microkeratomes have be-
keratomes come very prevalent, and have the advantage of a consis-
tently uniform performance (Fig. 47 A-B).
The newer microkeratomes have fewer interchange- The instruments have also become less complex
able parts, making them easier to clean and assemble. and the assembly simplified. There are now one-piece
Gears have more protection, so there is less chance of microkeratome heads. Several manufacturers, including
jamming and interruption during the creation of the flap. Laser Sight, and Moria make plastic disposable micro-
keratomes that are driven by gears across the surface
Improvements in Design and Performance (Fig. 47-E). After a single use, they are discarded and
replaced. Disposable microkeratomes, however, have
Thanks to the research and teaching efforts of not yet been proven advantageous in a published series
industry and ophthalmologists, improvements in design of cases (Fig. 47).
Figure 47: LASIK – Main Types of Microkeratomes Now in Use (See next page)
The smoothness of the lamellar cut in LASIK depends greatly on the efficiency of the microkeratome used. (A) This side view of the Chiron
Automated Corneal Shaper (ACS) depicts the movement on the tracks of the suction ring (G-gear driven) (red arrow) as it makes the lamellar cut. The
instrument’s head may be calibrated for different corneal thicknesses as well as various flap diameters (F). Motor (M). (B) The Hansatome was designed
optimizing microkeratome technology by combining the original Automated Corneal Shaper and improving its capacity to pivot along a track (G) and
post (P) in order to create superiorly- (F) and nasally-hinged cuts (See inset). It may also be adjusted to different depths, and diameters of up to 9.5 mm.
(C) External view of the Turbokeratome from SCMD illustrating the concept of a manually controlled lenticular cut. The flap has a thickness of
approximately 160 microns as well as a diameter of up to 10 mm (depending on the manufacturer). It is placed between the edges of the track of the
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suction ring (yellow arrows) and uses a turbine motor, which allows for high-speed cuts, producing very high-quality flaps. (D) The Chiron Hansatome
Microkeratome is shown in place on the eye. The motor blade portion (M) is placed (red arrow) on the pivot post (P) of the fixation ring (R). Suction
of the fixation ring to the eye is provided via a channel located within the handle (H) located nasally (N). The motorized oscillating blade advances across
the cornea (blue arrow) by the motorized gear (G) moving along the elevated track (T) of the suction ring. In this way, the blade creates a lamellar corneal
flap, hinged superiorly (S), as it pivots securely on the suction ring post (P). Blades are disposable. (E) This external view illustrates the use of the recently
manufactured disposable microkeratome. It is made of plastic and its features are similar to the aforementioned. These disposable microkeratomes may
be manual, or automaticly driven by a motor that moves the microkeratome along a track on the suction ring (yellow arrow). The depth of the cut is
variable, according to the surgeon’s previous calculations.
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Confusion still exists because of the more than The blade has been maintained as it was origi-
ten different styles of microkeratomes currently on the nally developed, with an angled position and oscillatory
market. Data are not available to determine whether movement. New blade materials have been developed,
one or two of these styles are clinically better than the but in general metal blades are the ones most used.
other ones. Most of the new designs have been The new generation of microkeratomes with
available only 1 to 2 years, so there is limited clinical angular motion allow the surgeon to change the position
experience. During the next few years surgeons must of the hinge either superiorly or nasally.
carefully determine which of these instruments are safe Since no one microkeratome may be best for all
and practical enough to use with LASIK, and which ones cases, ideally a refractive surgeon may want to master
will turn out to be impractical and therefore disappear two or more microkeratomes, preferably incorporating
from the scene. both technologies, in order to be able to offer each patient
One new approach involves using a high speed, the highest reliability that LASIK technique can attain.
high pressure, thin stream of water to create the micro-
keratome section (Fig. 48 A-B). The potential advantage Preventing Complications with Microkera-
of this approach is that raising the eye pressure to
extreme levels is unnecessary.
In addition, some investigators are exploring the Carmen Barraquer believes the best way to
possibility of using a solid state laser such as a picosec- avoid complications with any microkeratome, which is
ond laser to make the flap instead of doing it mechani- a precise and delicate instrument, is to understand ex-
cally with the microkeratome. Many small pulses are actly how it works. Barraquer recommends that sur-
applied at a specific depth within the cornea, so as to geons work with the instrument that they really know
break the adhesions between the anterior flap and the best.
deeper cornea. The laser-created flap is lifted up, the
ablation is performed, and the flap is replaced (Figs. 56, Surgeon's Responsibility
57, 58). Which of the many new approaches being
developed by several different companies will prove to Waring emphasizes that it is the responsibility
be the most effective over the next 2 to 3 years remains of the surgeon to know the mechanism of operation, the
to be seen. procedure for safe clinical use, and the problems that can
occur with whatever microkeratome he or she elects to
Carmen Barraquer’s concept of the present
use. It is the responsibility of the surgeon to use the
status of this complex subject is that its evolution has
instrument correctly, and not the responsibility of
provided us with two different kinds of instruments:
the manufacturer to ensure that the surgeon does a
those with the original lineal motion and new ones which
good job. As Carmen Barraquer emphasizes, the
have angular movement. In addition the surgeon can
surgeon must work with the microkeratome he/she really
choose between manual or automatic displacement.
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(Left) Exploration of other possible approaches to creating lamellar corneal flaps includes the use of a high speed,
high pressure thin stream of water to create the section. Shown is a conceptual view of a thin stream of water (W) striking
the cornea (C) in a controlled fashion, to section a flap (F). The potential advantage of this approach is that the raising of the
intraocular pressure may be unnecessary as compared to the current blade type microkeratome approach. (Right) This is
another view of the hydrokeratome (water jet) completing the dissection of the corneal flap. Water (W). The red arrows
indicate the stream of water making the section, avoiding any possible surrounding tissue damage, as well as the formation
of metal particles. It is capable of various section-depths as well as corneal diameters up to 10 mm. The inset shows the
mechanical instrument that gives rise to the “water jet”.
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The center of the pupillary area (V) has been marked with methylene blue (See Fig. 44). Peripheral
markings here also been made (Fig. 45). These markings will permit perfect realignment of the corneal flap
to its pre-op position. The LASIK pneumatic suction ring (S) is placed on the eye (arrow). With a suction
pressure greater than 65 mm Hg, the instrument fixates the globe at the limbus and provides a dovetail track
(T) for the microkeratome.
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Making the Microkeratome Cut with BSS helps the microkeratome glide easily. Occa-
sionally, a narrow palpebral aperture may necessitate a
Once adequately high intraocular pressure is lateral canthotomy but usually gentle manipulation of
obtained, the corneal surface is irrigated with balanced the eye speculum to open the lids and expose the globe
salt solution (BSS) to minimize epithelial roughening as is sufficient. The microkeratome is loaded into the dove-
the microkeratome is passed. Moistening the cornea tailed groove on the suction ring (Figs. 49, 51). The gears
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of the microkeratome must be properly engaged prior to activation of the surgeon-controlled foot pedal. It is
activation (Figs. 51, 52, 53, 54). In the case of automated advanced to the stopper mechanism. Upon completing
microkeratomes such as the Automated Corneal Shaper the cut, the instrument is then reversed and removed.
or the Hansatome (both made by Chiron, but there are The vacuum is discontinued and the suction ring is
other effective ones), the instrument is advanced by removed.
Figure 53: LASIK - The Microkeratome Instrument and Lamellar Section Technique
Shown is a conceptual cross-section view of the microkeratome instrument producing a lamellar corneal section. As
the microkeratome is moved (arrow) across the cornea within the dovetail tracks of the suction ring (S) (Figs. 49, 51), the
oscillating microkeratome blade (b) cuts the lamellar section (1). The depth of cut is determined by adjusting the shim, or spacing
footplate (d), beneath the blade. The lamellar section will follow the dotted line shown. A "stop" device on the instrument will
prevent a total excision of this lamellar section (free cap). Hence, the lamellar section becomes a hinged (h), disc-shaped flap
which will be reflected either medially or superiorly to expose the corneal stromal bed beneath. It is this stromal bed which is
treated and reshaped with the excimer laser.
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Myopic LASIK
(click over video clip)
Slade recommends that after positioning the of the ablation field (Figs. 55, 56) the surgeon proceeds
patient’s head so the corneal surface is perpendicular to with the stromal ablation, applying the excimer laser
the ablation beam, and prior to lifting the flap and over the entrance pupil (Fig. 56). The ablation is based
beginning the excimer laser stromal ablation, the sur- on the laser’s computer calculations, programmed for
geon and staff should reconfirm the proper laser set- the final desired refraction. As the ablation proceeds, the
tings. Gimbel places a sponge around the limbus to centration should be cautiously monitored. If significant
absorb hemorrhage from limbal vessels. He then reflects movement occurs, the surgeon should stop the ablation,
the flap with a single motion using forceps (Fig. 55). reorient the patient, and proceed when properly aligned.
This is less of a problem if the surgeon is operating with
PERFORMING THE LASER ABLATION the new eye-tracking laser systems which automatically
follow the movement of the eye (pupil) (See Fig. 20).
After the corneal flap has been folded aside on its During the ablation, fluid may accumulate on the
hinge either nasally or superiorly and, consequently, out corneal surface and should be wiped dry. A single pass
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Figure 55: LASIK - Lamellar Corneal Flap Being Reflected - External View
This external view shows a lamellar corneal flap (f) as it is reflected (arrows) to expose the superficial corneal stroma.
Notice the hinge (h) of the corneal flap. Creation of the lamellar section as a flap, rather than a totally excised disc, will allow
easy replacement of the flap back to its original position following laser treatment. This ensures exact realignment of the flap
and attempts to minimize postoperative astigmatism.
Figure 56: LASIK for Myopia - External View - Excimer Laser Ablation
Once the lamellar corneal flap (f) is reflected, the exposed stromal bed of the cornea (s) is ablated to a predetermined amount
and shape with the excimer laser (I). The excimer laser beam (I) is shown here as applied to the corneal stroma centrally, which differs
in the management of hyperopia (See Figs. 59 and 60). The pretreatment shape of the exposed corneal bed is shown here to compare
with the following figures.
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Figure 57: LASIK for Myopia - External View - Post-Laser Ablation Stage
Following laser treatment (ablation) of the corneal stromal bed (t), the central corneal curvature is seen to be
effectively flattened by a predetermined amount (a minus refractive change shown here as a shallow cavity in the central cornea).
The corneal flap (f) is shown with its proper hinge, which can be either nasal or superior. The flap is then replaced over the top
of the treated area, and the change in curvature which was made to the corneal stromal bed will be translated to the anterior surface
of the flap. The steeper, pre-op corneal curvature is shown in ghost view for comparison. (Note: the amount and shape of corneal
tissue shown removed is exaggerated to highlight the concept of this procedure).
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POST-LASER MANAGEMENT OF FLAP debris from the interface. The flap is inspected to ensure
proper position. Check with the previously made cor-
The flap is gently swept forward and positioned neal mark to be sure the flap is in proper alignment
back onto the stromal bed with a blunt-tipped instrument (Fig. 44, 45). Avoid exerting too much pressure: that
(Fig. 58). Irrigation under the flap proceeds from the may stretch the flap and damage the epithelium. The
hinge outwards, and is minimized so as not to cause too interface is allowed to dry for several minutes. A slit
much stromal hydration, which can lead to poor flap beam is used at high magnification to search for debris
adhesion. Irrigation is completed to clear any remaining trapped under the flap. If present it is gently irrigated out.
The lamellar corneal flap (f) is shown placed back onto the
treated stromal bed (t). Notice that the curvature change made to the stromal
bed beneath the flexible flap is now translated to the anterior surface of the
flap. The central corneal curvature is now flatter than the pre-op curvature
shown in ghost view. The hinge (h) of the corneal flap has allowed a direct
reapposition of the flap to its original position on the cornea, minimizing
any astigmatism from unwanted rotational misalignment. The lamellar
corneal flap is not sutured.
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The goal is to produce a myopic ablation which is centered correctly over the pupil, as shown
in figure "A". In figure "B", (surgeon's view) the ablation disc is decentered superior-temporally. Light
enters the pupil from the ablated disc, the edge of the disc which has poor optical quality, and untreated
cornea below the disc which produces an out-of-focus image. In addition, the decentration itself produces
an irregular astigmatism. All of this results in an unhappy patient.
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2) A Crescent-Shaped Second Image (Fig. 62): This is the result of performing a laser ablation
smaller than the pupil diameter. When the pupil enlarges during darkness the patient gets a ghost image from the
uncorrected paracentral cornea. This very bothersome complication can be prevented if we follow the basic
principle: do not attempt to perform LASIK in patients with myopia greater than -10 D. In these patients the surgeon
needs to create a deeper stromal ablation using a smaller diameter excimer laser ablation to provide a larger myopic
correction. This is done respecting the strict protocol of Jose Barraquer’s law (Fig. 28) regarding how deep within
the stroma are we allowed to ablate.
If the diameter of the ablation is smaller than the diameter of the pupil, the retina receives a sharp and clear
image from the ablated disc and, in addition, a second, out-of-focus, Crescent-shaped image from the surrounding,
unablated cornea.
In this figure, we observe how the diameter of the ablation (A) is significantly
smaller than the pupilar diameter (P) during dilation in the dark. This, in some cases, causes
permanent glare, shadows and even double vision. It is recommended this disparity be
avoided by making sure the ablation diameters are greater than 5.5 mm, especially in myopia
greater than 6 diopters. It is also advisable to observe the approximate diameter of the
pupillary opening by dimming the intensity of the slit lamp light before the procedure. Corneal
flap (F).
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Free Flaps or Caps (Fig. 65) sive. If the cornea has become too thin or its surface too
irregular, another alternative is to perform a lamellar
Free flaps or caps (Fig. 65) are caused by faulty keratoplasty.
microkeratome assembly, flat corneal curvature, and/or
inadequate suction. If the flap has not become too Poor Flap Adhesion
edematous it may re-adhere spontaneously to the stroma.
If a full disc is cut as shown in Fig. 65, it can simply be Poor flap adhesion may be a sequel to excessive
left in the microkeratome while the laser ablation is done irrigation during flap replacement or too much manipu-
in the bed. Then the disc is repositioned on the eye with lation of the flap. The flap may re-adhere if gently
or without suturing. If the cap is not in the microkera- stroked into place and given longer than the normal 4
tome and the surgeon needs to obtain the correct orien- minutes drying time to settle. If this is not sufficient, it
tation and be sure whether the cap is upside down, place should be sutured.
the cap in a corneal transplant dish without irrigation and
it should spontaneously recover its shape. Trapped Debris
In order to reposition the flap correctly it is
essential to follow the preoperative markings made as Trapped debris may originate from the tear film,
described in Fig. 45. If necessary the flap may be sutured unclean irrigating solutions, surgical instruments in-
in place. cluding sponges, or atmospheric pollution in the operat-
Gimbel points out that if a free cap has been lost, ing room. Although it often does not affect the visual
there are two choices. The surgeon can allow the stroma outcome or healing of the flap, such debris should be
to re-epithelialize. In this case, the refractive outcome irrigated from under the flap at the end of the procedure.
may be satisfactory, but haze formation may be exces- Solutions for irrigation should never come from an open
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The most common post-operative complication with corneal lamellar flaps is edge
slippage or wrinkling of the flap. Note that the edge of the flap (S) has slipped slightly and
there is some wrinkling (W) of the flap (F). Such a condition, if not corrected, could lead to
epithelial ingrowth (arrow) between the flap (F) and the treated corneal bed (B) beneath.
Proper operative technique can avoid this problem. Wrinkles across the center of the cornea
can produce multiple images, glare and distorted images.
medicine glass or "clean" dish, only directly from the surgeon should inspect the eye shortly after surgery. If
manufacturer's bottle. there is a wrinkle or a slip, the flap can be refloated,
repositioned, and left to dry as usual. If a small edge slip
Postoperative Flap Complications is seen days to weeks postoperatively that does not affect
visual acuity, no treatment is needed. If wrinkles of any
Wrinkling sort are seen across the center of the flap (Fig. 66), the
flap should be lifted, refloated, and sutured in position
The most common postoperative complication with a running eight-bite antitorque 10-0 nylon suture,
with the flap is slippage or wrinkling (Fig. 66). The which is left in place 5 to 7 days (Fig. 67). Repositioning
a wrinkled flap can be done a year or more after
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Preventing Epithelial Ingrowth decreased their rate of epithelial ingrowth from 10% in
early experience with LASIK to their current rate of less
The major technique for preventing epithelial than 1%. Epithelial ingrowth comes from a fistulous
ingrowth from the edge of the flap is to press down the tract at the edge of the flap rather than from implanta-
edge of the flap at the end of surgery with a micro-sponge tion of epithelial cells during the procedure (Fig. 69).
to decrease the space between the flap and the bed If an area of less than 1 mm of epithelial ingrowth
epithelium (Fig. 68). Using a meticulous repositioning is present at the edge of the flap and not advancing,
technique, the Emory Vision Correction Center has there is no need for treatment because the cells will
Figure 68: Prevention Technique for Lamellar Flap Slippage and Epithelial
The major technique for preventing epithelial cell ingrowth from the edge of
the flap is to secure the edge of the flap at the end of surgery by pressing it into place
with a micro sponge (S) as shown. This eliminates any space between the edges of the
flap (F) and the corneal bed (B).
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After the repaired flap has been repositioned, a single or double interrupted suture (arrows)
is placed at the spot where the epithelium encroached under the flap. This will help close the fistula
and prevent the recurrence of the epithelial ingrowth. epithelium (E) and surrounding fibrous tissue
is performed with a spatula (S) on both the corneal bed (B) and the back of the flap (F). The flap is
then repositioned as it would be following a normal LASIK procedure.
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 103
Central Islands
interrupted suture at the spot where the epithelium was,
so as to help close the fistula and prevent recurrence of
Central islands result from uneven stromal hy-
the epithelial ingrowth (Fig. 71). Only rarely does epi-
dration or obstruction to laser energy from the ejected
thelium appear beneath the center of the flap without a
corneal vapor. The problem occurs infrequently with
connection to the edge. Epithelial ingrowth should be
scanning slit and flying spot excimer lasers (Figs. 16-20)
treated early because it is easy to manage at an early
and software modifications have also made it less com-
stage. If the center of the flap and the bed are not affected,
mon with broad beam lasers (Fig. 15). Central islands
the laser treatment itself is not affected. It is an error to
cause glare and ghosting. They often resolve spontane-
wait until the epithelial ingrowth reaches the pupil-
ously over a period of 3 to 12 months.
lary zone before treating it (Fig. 72).
Figure 72: Epithelial Cells Observed under the Paracentral and Midperipheral Areas of the Flap
Epithelial ingrowth should be treated early because it is much easier to remove at an early stage, as shown
in Figs. 69 – 71. It is an error to wait until the epithelial ingrowth reaches the pupillary zone or even the paracentral
area before treating, as shown in this figure. The accumulation of epithelial cells may have various shapes. It usually
appears in the center or the margin of the flap as cotton-like, white clumpy zones. It causes irregular astigmatism and
visual impairment when they are located centrally.
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(-1.00 to -5.00 D)
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In his classic book titled “The Excimer: Funda- Indications for PRK (Fig. 73)
mentals and Clinical Use,” published by Slack in 1997,
Harold Stein, M.D., (Toronto, Canada) devoted much Stein prefers PRK for low grades of myopia, two
space to cover the clinical aspects of PRK. At that time, (2) diopters or less. Lindstrom considers PRK to be the
in Canada and the U.S., PRK was the predominant procedure of choice in the following conditions:
excimer laser procedure. 1) Superficial scar with myopia.
Three years later (year 2000) Stein as well as 2) Basement membrane dystrophy with myopia.
most prestigious refractive surgeons worldwide consider 3) Myopia when unable to use a microkeratome
that the dominant procedure is LASIK and not PRK. because of a high brow or tight lid with narrow palpebral
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This magnified external view shows treatment of the central cornea with the
excimer laser for PRK. The laser beam (1) ablates the superficial corneal tissue by a
predetermined amount. This ablation will create a refractive change to correct myopia by
slightly flattening the central corneal curvature. The pre-op shape is shown here to compare
with the following figures.
Prof. Rosario Brancato, M.D., one of the world’s Other Indications for PRK over LASIK
eminent scientists, with special emphasis on lasers in (Fig. 74)
ophthalmology, considers that PRK has proven to be
effective and quite predictable in the correction of low to In addition to the indications for PRK outlined
moderate myopia. The safety of the procedure has been above, the following conditions make PRK a better
extensively assessed as well, with only a minimal choice than LASIK:
percentage of eyes ending with loss of best corrected 1) Cornea thinner than 2.50. Such corneas do
visual acuity after treatment. But Brancato now also not allow an effective and saf e LASIK procedure
prefers LASIK in most cases of myopia within the range (Fig. 28).
of -2.00 to -10.00 diopters, as most refractive surgeons 2) Patients who have previously had corneal
do when they can manage the microkeratome well. incisions from RK or astigmatic keratotomy and who
Even though PRK is safe and effective, it has a need further refractive surgery.
fairly large incidence of postoperative corneal haze, 3) Patients who previously had RK and became
which often leads to a delayed visual recovery. overcorrected (hyperopes).
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The globe shown is divided into two halves (superior and inferior) for direct comparison of pre and post-
op corneal curvature change from PRK, as it relates to the resulting change in refraction. The upper half shows a steep,
pre-op corneal curvature (a) causing a myopic refractive effect. Note that the focal point (b), (from a point source of
light), is anterior to the retina. The lower half shows the flatter, treated central cornea (c) following PRK. The resulting
minus refractive change now causes light to focus on the retina (d).
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The antibiotics most used topically in PRK and number of patients following PRK (Fig. 77). Instead, the
other refractive surgical procedures are Ciloxan most effective measure is to keep the corneal tear film
(ciprofloxacin HCL, 0.3% - Alcon) and Ocuflox in good condition for at least six months to a year with
(ofloxacin - Allergan). Either one may be used one drop artificial tears without preservative. This seems to be
every 10 minutes for three times during the immediate more important than steroid drops.
preoperative period and
postoperatively four times a day for 5 days, to protect the
eye at least one day after removal of the bandage contact Postoperative Changes in Corneal Shape
lens. Antibiotics are continued topically until the
corneal epithelium totally heals. Following PRK for myopia from -1.00 to -5.00 D
3) Steroids: their use postoperatively continues the central corneal curvature of the laser treated area is
to be controversial. There is no proof that they prevent flattened, thereby decreasing or correcting the preopera-
or shorten the duration of the haze that appears in a good tively existing refractive error (Figs. 78 and 79).
Some patients develop a diffuse subepithelial haze between 3-4 weeks following
PRK. The amount of haze is not usually related to the degree of ametropia treated. It may even
appear in eyes with low degrees of refractive errors. In this illustration a grade 3 haze (H) is
presented, which may significantly affect the patient’s visual acuity. In most cases, the haze
greatly diminishes or even disappears after one year. This is a major disadvantage of PRK.
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In this postoperative view, the central corneal curvature of the laser treated area (t) is seen to be effectively flattened,
thereby decreasing or correcting the myopia previously existing (see also Fig. 74). The steeper, pre-op corneal curvature is shown
in a ghost view for comparison. (Note: the amount and shape of corneal tissue shown removed is exaggerated to highlight the
concept of this procedure).
For clarity, a half-section of the cornea has been removed to view the post-op cornea in cross section. The flatter post-
op curvature of the anterior surface of the cornea can be seen (t). The steeper, pre-op corneal curvature is shown in ghost view for
comparison. (Note: the amount and shape of corneal tissue shown removed is exaggerated to highlight the concept of this
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2. The surgical procedure is safe. There is
ICRS technology is possibly the most impor- almost no risk of perforation.
tant development in refractive surgery for low levels
of myopia (-1.00 to -3.00 D and astigmatism of 1.00 D 3, The operation is easily performed at relatively
or less) since the development of excimer laser tech- low cost and provides very rapid visual rehabilitation.
niques. This group comprises a majority of myopes. The ICRS provides at last a refractive surgical procedure
that is not very technically demanding so that the majority
Why the ICRS Is Such An Important of anterior segment surgeons will be able to perform
it safely and effectively in their patients.
4. Because of its relative simplicity, and with a
1. The confirmed clinical results are
cost accessible to many more patients than the excimer
outstanding, so that the United States FDA has recently
laser procedures, the ICRS will in time become the
approved the procedure (Figs. 81-86).
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 115
procedure of choice in patients who have from for the technical developments and significant funding
-1.00 to -2.75 D, maximum -3.00 D and very low of the long trial studies.
astigmatism (-0.75 D, maximum -1.00 D). This The pioneers who undertook the task of clinical
operation as structured at present does not correct trials for at least 10 years to finally prove its success and
astigmatism. safety are Walton Nose, M.D., and Professor Rubens
Belfort., M.D., at the Federal University School of
5. The ICRS provides stable and predictable Medicine in Sao Paulo, Brazil, and David J. Schanzlin,
correction through several years post-operatively. M.D., in the United States. The three of them worked
together although independently in admirable
6. Visual results are excellent. The ICRS does coordination to develop the techniques in humans.
not touch the central area of the cornea, so patients Following extensive and careful animal trials,
preserve their best spectacle-corrected visual acuity. Walton Nose, M.D., and Rubens Belfort, M.D. operated
on the first blind cases and then on 10 myopic patients in
7. The ICRS can be reversed or adjust-ed, 1991. Afterwards, they proceeded to use different types
unlike excimer laser procedures. Enhance-ments can be of rings to treat various degrees of myopia. Protocols
performed easily by exchanging the ring segments (Fig. under specific constraints both in Sao Paulo with Belfort
82). The segments can also be removed,thereby and Nose and in the U.S. under Schanzlin’s supervision
reversing the refractive effect if so desired (Figs. 83- were strictly followed finally leading to FDA approval in
86). the U.S. Belfort is enthusiastic about the results already
obtained as well as the potential for the intracorneal ring
Brief History of Development as a technique to correct hyperopia and presbyopia as
well as low degrees of myopia. Arturo Chayet, M.D.,
Jose Barraquer pioneered the study of intracor- in Mexico has experience using rings in cases of
neal devices with keratophakia in 1949. In 1966 he presbyopia and hyperopia. His results seem to be
reported relatively discouraging results with synthetic promising but need further, long term evaluation.
lenticular implants.
The innovative modern ICRS tech-nology is due
to the combined work of A.E. Reynolds, O.D. patented
in 1984, J.Z. Krezanoski, Ph.D. and John Petricciani.
This led to the formation of the KeraVision
Corporation (California) which has been responsible
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fibers to vault over and under the ring (Figs. 82, 83). This SURGICAL TECHNIQUE FOR ICRS
shortens and flattens the cornea centrally and peripher-
ally (Figs. 84, 85, 86), with reduction of the myopia. The The ring segments are marketed under the name
ring implant flattens the cornea differently than inci- “Intacs” by KeraVision Inc. of Fremont, California, the
sional or laser ablative procedures. The rings flatten the manufacturer (Figs. 83, 84, 85, 86).
peripheral cornea more than the central cornea (Figs. 84,
In contrast, incisional and ablative procedures
Preoperative Evaluation and Preparation
convert the normally prolate cornea into a more
The preoperative evaluation, preparation of the
centrally flattened shape postoperatively. The way ICRS
patient for surgery and postoperative management are
flattens the central cornea without touching it also
basically the same as for other refractive surgery tech-
minimizes the aberrations seen with other procedures.
niques as outlined in Chapter 3.
It is an outpatient procedure that takes a short
time to perform. Tetracaine may be used as the topical
How Does ICRS Affect Corneal Physiol- anesthetic, one drop each within a 10 minute period
ogy? ranging from the preparation of the eye for surgery and
actually starting the procedure.
According to Terry Burris, M.D., studies reveal The preparation and drape are important because
that a narrow device such as a ring implant, even if water all the lashes must be covered and isolated so that the ring
impermeable, can be successfully supported within the segment will not be in contact with any of the lashes
stroma, particularly if placed somewhat deeply. Lateral which otherwise bring bacteria into the intrastromal
diffusion of nutrients around the device allows access to channel (Fig. 82).
the superficial corneal layers, which normally receive The light wire lid speculum is the most widely
their nutrition from the aqueous and limbal blood supply. used. In the U.S. most surgeons use Betadine (povidone
The ICRS does not significantly disturb the distribution iodine - Purdue Frederick) paint on the eyelids, and may
of glucose in the cornea. place 2% povidone iodine solution into the cul-de-sac
Previous clinical studies with other intrastromal for 1 to 2 minutes and wash it out prior to the procedure
devices showed that biocompatible materials could be to make sure there is no implantation of bacteria. In other
well tolerated without stimulating corneal inflammation. parts of the world, preferential use of preventive antiseptic
preparation vary but this may be used as a guideline to
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Figure 83: Technique for Implantation of the Intrastromal Corneal Ring - Pre-op
This cross section of the anterior chamber shows the location of the tracts (T) which are made in the
corneal stroma. A tract is made in the stroma at a predetermined fixed depth in a circular fashion (blue arrows)
around the optical zone (Z). This is accomplished with a special instrument. Note the curvature of the central
cornea (red arrow) for comparison to the next figure.
emphasize that more strict measures to prevent infection (KeraVision marker) and the peripheral corneal thick-
must be taken than in LASIK. ness is measured by ultrasonic pachymetry over the
planned incision site, most of the times at the 12:00
The Implantation Procedure meridian.
The incision location should be measured at 8
mm from the geometric center of the cornea instead of
Four Fundamental Steps from the center of the pupil. The implant needs to be
equally spaced from the limbus. The incision marker
1) The Incision makes a 1.8 mm mark. A diamond knife is set to 68% of
the peripheral corneal thickness and is used to create a
The implantation procedure involves making 1.8 mm incision allowing introduction of the lamellar
an incision, a channel and then implanting the ring dissecting instruments (KeraVision, Inc., Fremont,
(Figs. 82-84). The corneal geometric center is marked California).
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2) Creating the Channel is introduced through the incision and rotated 180 to 190
degrees to create a mid-peripheral half-circular channel.
A corneal lamellar spreader is used to initiate the The dissector is rotated out of the channel, and its mirror
lamellar dissection in both a clockwise and a counter- image-shaped dissector is used to fashion the other half
clockwise direction (Figs. 83, 84, 85). A Suarez corneal channel (Fig. 84). The vacuum centering guide is remo-
lamellar stromal spreader is one of the most useful ved.
instruments for dissecting a “pocket” during this stage of In essence, following the incision, the
the procedure. implantation procedure entails creating the channels in
As described by Terry Burris, M.D., a vacuum the stroma in a clockwise and counterclockwise direction.
centering guide (suction guide) is applied to the globe, The suction ring also helps in maintaining a good grip on
and the clockwise or counterclockwise stromal dissector the eye.
The intrastromal ring consists of two semi-circular implants (R). They are guided into
the tracts (T) on each side of the optical zone (Z). Their final position is shown in the cross section
view below. Note how the rings alter the shape of the cornea as seen in the cross section.
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3) Implanting the Ring open even slightly during the first 1 to 2 weeks postop,
tears can enter the channel and could cause variability in
After suction is released, one of the two ICRS is wound healing or some variation in vision throughout
inserted and rotated into either the clockwise or counter- the day. Of course, suturing has the drawback that you
clockwise channel and pushed into place with a may induce astigmatism if tied tightly. Keep this
Sinskey hook. Its mate is similarly rotated into its in mind. Sutures should be removed approximately
respective portion of the channel. As described by 1 month after surgery.
Daniel Durrie, M.D., there is a clockwise and a counter-
clockwise ICRS ring (Fig. 82). Each ring is designated
Visual Results
as such in the packaging so that you know in which
direction to go. Those are placed in the channel with a
Schanzlin reports that according to data from the
twisting or dialing motion.
FDA, 97% of the patients achieve 20/40 or better visual
acuity. At 1 year, 74% of the patients achieve 20/20
4) Final Step - Suturing
vision and 53% see 20/16 or better. About 30% see
20/12.5 or better at 1 year.
A single 10-0 or 11-0 nylon suture is placed to
Much like LASIK, 35% of patients are 20/20 or
ensure closure of the incision edges. If the wound is left
better on postoperative day 1, 13% are 20/16 or better
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and stay there through the remainder of the time, and Visual recovery is just as quick, if not more rapid,
57% achieve 20/25 or better 1 day postoperatively. than a LASIK procedure. Predictability is good, with
By 1 month, 41% are at 20/16 and 62% are at 20/20, 68% of patients falling within 0.5 D of plano.
Dr. Schanzlin said. Best corrected visual acuity loss is really not a
By 6 months, half achieve 20/16 vision, and significant issue with the ICRS because the center of the
70% achieve 20/20 vision. This continues to improve cornea is not touched. Few cases had some irregular
so that at 12 months, 53% had 20/16 and 74% had astigmatism induced by having a ring that was dislocated
20/40. inferiorly. Therefore, centration of placement is key.
This frontal view of the eye shows the intrastromal corneal ring
elements (R) in their final position peripheral to the optical zone (Z). As
compared to laser correction for myopia, this procedure has the advantage
of being reversible by simple surgical removal of the ring elements.
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Radial Keratotomy
incisions; and the mini-RK as devised by Lindstrom
The Present Role of Radial Keratotomy relies on shorter incisions in an attempt to preserve the
strength of the globe and decrease the long term hyper-
opic shift. With these three advances, modern radial
keratotomy is still a desirable option for both sur-
George Waring considers that radial kerato-
geon and patient (Fig. 87).
tomy (RK) for myopia is still an acceptable procedure in
Waring believes that refractive keratotomy is
the early 2000’s. This operation has been around in its
still alive and well. It is particularly important in areas
modern sense for over 50 years. It has even more utility
where an excimer laser is not available, which is most
with the recent advances in technique: staged surgery
cities in the world. Most ophthalmologists and groups of
allows for enhancements to fine-tune the operation for
ophthalmologists cannot afford a $500,000 laser and
the individual patient; safer knives create more uniform
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cannot sustain the cost that running such a laser requires. He has observed that in countries “less economically
But they can afford to do RK. Now that the procedure developed”, ophthalmic surgeons in rural areas still
has been formalized in systems and taught in courses perform RK as an important part of their surgical practice,
around the world, refractive keratotomy can become a even though in the major cities of those same countries
part of the ophthalmic practice of any good, properly excimer laser advanced technology is available either
trained and prudent anterior segment surgeon. within major institutions or private eye centers.
Aron Rosa in Paris, France agrees with this RK may continue to decline with the advent of
position. Although she is a laser expert, she still the ICRS discussed in this chapter, which has the same
performs RK with some frequency, particularly as indications (low myopia) than RK but is safe, predictable,
enhancing procedures. not demanding of high surgical skill, confirmed excellent
Professor Juan Murube, M.D., (Madrid, Spain), clinical results and rapid visual rehabilitation.
one of Europe’s most prestigious refractive surgeons We still need to know how much its cost will be
who also has wide experience with the needs of particularly for the groups of patients in different countries
populations in different regions of the world, believes that still do well with RK, if carefully planned and
that RK continues to be a valid operation although in performed.
slow and continued decline.
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RK Techniques
There are two techniques for radial keratotomy and their main objective is to treat low
to moderate myopias. They are: 1) The Mini-RK (Mini-Radial Keratotomy) (Fig. 88)
which is essentially indicated in myopias of lesser degrees between -1.00 and -3.00 diopters,
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The surgeon centers the segmented cross-bars around the mark previously
made to identify the pupillary center. The marker is designed to allow seeing the
already marked center of the cornea. (Photo courtesy of Prof. Juan Murube, M.D.)
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After aligning the marker with the pupillary center, a very firm
circular impression has been made in the epithelium. The four basic radii
at 90º from each other are very clearly marked. This provides the surgeon
with a clear guide on which to displace the knife in the exact direction
peripherally. (Photo courtesy of Prof. Juan Murube, M.D.)
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This is the only marker that provides this special radius, he needs to get oriented by looking at the opposite
feature of significant value to the surgeon. Most others radius.
only make a peripheral circular mark (Fig. 93) which is Although the Murube RIC Marker has only four
of little use because as the surgeon proceeds to slide the (4) radii, it serves just as well to make eight (8) exactly
knife, his/her hands and the knife itself interfere with placed incisions because the other four (4) incisions are
exact viewing of the respective peripheral mark, so he placed between the original four (Fig. 92). Since the
does not know if he is in the right path (Figs. 97-98). In latter are marked exactly at 90º from each other (Fig. 91),
order to detect whether he is making the cut in the exact no error is made in identifying the correct placing of the
additional four incisions (Fig. 92).
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Figure 93: Determining Corneal Thickness with the Ultrasonic Pachymeter - Guide to Determine Blade Length
The pachymeter readings (P) to determine the corneal thickness are taken at 3, 6, 9 and 12 o’clock at the edge of
the optical clear zone. The dotted shaded area shows the location of the actual pachymeter probe with the probe sleeve being
the white ring surrounding this area. A detail of the pachymeter probe tip is seen in the inset. While the probe tip sleeve (white
ring) crosses over the thickness of the optical zone (T), the actual probe (dot shaded area) is tangent to the outer perimeter
of the mark. The knife blade is set to 100% of the thinnest of the four paracentral corneal thickness readings. The optical
clear zone border in this illustration has been marked with a trephine and does not provide the markings of the 4 basic radii
at 90º to each other that are obtained with the Murube Marker (Fig. 91)
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Setting and Using the Diamond Blade The “coin” gauge is designed to help the surgeon
check the knife setting in a safe way, holding the knife
firmly in place, thereby preventing chips in the diamond.
When one has measured all four (4) paracentral
The knife is set with the micrometer handle but double-
areas (Fig. 93), one sets the diamond blade at 100% of
checked in the coin gauge (Fig. 94).
the thinnest of the four (Fig. 94). Consequently, if your
Although the diamond blade is set by the
final readings were 0.52 at 12 o’clock, 0.53 at 3 o’clock,
micrometer handle, which is usually fairly accurate, it is
0.54 at 6 o’clock and 0.50 at 9 o’clock, one would set the
often incorrect by several microns.
blade at 0.50.
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Therefore, instead of just setting the micrometer handle frequent irrigation of the cornea and proceeding at a good
on the knife, the knife is put into the coin gauge and the pace without wasting time after ultrasonic measure-
reading is tested against a strip of metal that is very ments are made.
carefully calibrated (Fig. 94). More sophisticated,
microscope-like instruments for calibrating the exact
depth of the knife blade are available. Making the Radial Corneal Cuts
The blade is inspected under high magnification Use Lowest Magnification
and high zoom for chips, while it is in the holder, and it
is placed at exactly the right depth. The diamond blade It is recommended that the cuts be performed
tip must be in perfect condition. under the lowest magnification of the microscope be-
cause you need to see the entire cornea to make sure that
Preventing Loss of Corneal Thickness the cuts are radial. High zoom will cause you to make
and Perforations non-radial and poorly spaced cuts.
During this time the cornea should be covered Role of Surgeon's Accommodation
with Weck-cel sponges soaked in the topical anesthetic
of the surgeon’s choice and the assistant should be If the surgeon is under 40 years of age he/she
dropping anesthetic drops every ten seconds while the should focus very close to the eye and use accommodation
surgeon issetting the knife blade. If the cornea is not because during the cuts he will push back hard on the
continuously moistened, it will lose one percent of its globe which is displaced backward in the orbital fat. A
thickness for every minute that it is exposed to the hot younger surgeon can relax accommodation if the eye
light of the microscope. Consequently, if the cornea moves away. An older surgeon without accommodative
thins, and if the blade is set to the ultrasonic pachymetry reserve has to re-focus quickly up and down with his/her
readings taken when the cornea was thicker, there will be foot controlling the microscope during each cut, which
a high perforation rate. This can be prevented by is slightly inconvenient but can certainly be mastered.
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optical clear zone before proceeding with the incision. Order of Radial Incisions
This is important. The knife must reach its full level of
depth before one begins carrying out the incision. The Following the first incision which is done on the
actual incision is made very slowly. Perforations are temporal side, the next (second) incision is carried out
most likely to occur during the first millimeter or two directly across the first incision; that is, in the nasal
of the incision since this paracentral area is the thinnest quadrant (Fig. 91). Move the eye with one hand in the
part of the cornea. Perforation close to the limbal area opposite direction of the flow of the diamond knife. This
is very unlikely because this is the thickest area of the allows the knife to flow through the tissue in a very
cornea. Moving the knife very slowly will allow you to straight line, which prevents an irregularity to the incision.
detect a microperforation when it occurs. It appears as a After completing the temporal and nasal incision,
small oozing and not a gushing of aqueous from the you may complete the four initial cuts following the
incision as one would see if the knife were passing orientation made by the Murube Marker (Fig. 91) or the
through the tissue at a rapid speed (Figs. 99 and 100). 8 incisions as shown in Fig. 92.
The instruments should be completely dry during the execution of the radial incisions. This is done
so that if a drop of fluid (A) appears, it is certain to be from the anterior chamber and not from liquid running
down the knife handle. With a dry surgical field any dry instruments, a microperforation can be noted
immediately and the blade withdrawn before a major perforation is produced.
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For illustration of corneal markings in a four Emmetropia Being our Common Goal
incision RK or Mini-RK, see figure 91.
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Complications of RK and Mini-RK for refractive errors such as RK, Mini-RK, and Astig-
matic Keratotomy, is dependent on good wound healing
and the maintenance of a healthy cornea with a stable
Intraoperative refractive result. Kurt Buzard, M.D., considers that the
three principles of post-operative management are:
Microperforations undoubtedly occur at a 1) Early identification and treatment of wound
higher rate in the initial series of a novice radial kerato- healing problems which may lead to overcorrections
tomy surgeon. Even highly experienced surgeons, every or astigmatism. 2) Frequent postoperative follow-up.
time they perform this operation have a micro 3) Make the appropriate choice of secondary surgical
needleholder, fine tissue forceps, two tying forceps procedures only when the refractive result is stable.
and a 10-0 nylon suture on an auxiliary surgical table.
Having this ready
gives them a good sense of security. There is nothing Major Post Operative Concerns
worse than getting these instruments together in a hurry
when you have a perforation that requires suturing. Buzard divides the post operative course into
Fig. 100 shows how you may detect inadvertent four periods, the first 24 hours, the first two weeks, the
microperforation of the cornea. You may use an olive- first six weeks and long-term.
tipped syringe and irrigate on an angle and not perpen-
dicular to the cornea to clean out the incisions and
First 24 Hours
ensure that there are no epithelial cells, or blood or
foreign bodies that will interfere with wound healing and
In the first 24 hours patient discomfort is the
cause glare.
primary concern. The surgeon should anticipate this
If there is a microperforation, placing the 10-0
problem and should be prepared to see the patient if only
nylon suture requires a particular technique. The suture
to provide reassurance. Adequate medications to control
should be placed as far away as possible from the optical
pain are essential.
zone and through the margin of the perforation closest to
the limbus (Fig. 102). Apposition of the wound should
be just edge to edge with no pressure at all. If one ties the
Therapeutic Contact Lens
suture too tightly because of fear of wound leakage, this
will probably lead to a significant amount of induced
Buzard advises the use of a therapeutic contact
astigmatism (Fig. 103).
lens to be applied immediately after surgery with hourly
artificial tears. This may reduce postoperative pain and
Undercorrections and Overcorrections discomfort. If a therapeutic contact lens is not used,
patching is indicated for the first 24 hours.
These complications will be discussed in
a separate chapter 10, dedicated to enhancements for all
First Two Weeks
major refractive surgical procedures.
During the first two weeks the major concerns
are: 1) completion of epithelial healing; 2) reduction of
POSTOPERATIVE MANAGEMENT ocular inflammation; 3) appropriate stromal wound heal-
ing; 4) intraocular pressure. In the patient over age 40,
Principles the use of steroids to control ocular inflammation in the
first week should be balanced against the possibility of
The success of cosmetic incisional keratotomy slowing wound healing and inducing an overcorrection.
Steroid eye drops, if used at all, should be employed for
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Postoperative Refraction
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Gel Injection Adjustable Keratoplasty
Gel injection adjustable keratoplasty is a new Present Status of Procedure
technique developed by Dr. Gabriel Simon while he
was working in Jean Marie Parel’s laboratory at the
Bascom Palmer Eye Institute in Miami in the late 1980’s.
The methodology involves injecting a semi-solid gel in Although it is still in its infancy, GIAK seems to
the paracentral corneal stroma in order to flatten the have a promising future. The investigators behind this
central cornea and thereby reduce myopia. procedure, both in the laboratory and clinically, are very
respected authorities in the field of corneal and refractive
surgery. Mainly, Gabriel Simon, M.D., now in Madrid;
Indications Douglas Koch, M.D., main medical monitor in the
United States with the responsibility of obtaining FDA
It is anticipated that GIAK be used to correct approval, and Professor Juan Murube, M.D., in Ma-
between -1.00 to -4.00 D of myopia. drid, Spain.
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First, a stab incision (I) is made in the cornea to the desired depth at the optical zone. The stromal plane
selector (C) is placed in the groove to start the tract. The delaminator (D) which is a coiled metal device on a handle,
is rotated 360 degrees within the corneal stroma beneath a small metal guide (B) to produce a circular tract in the cornea
(blue arrows) around the optical zone. The guide ensures that the delaminator enters the stroma at the proper depth (red
arrows). The delaminator is then rotated out of the tract (T). The structure of the delaminator is shown simplified in
the main illustration to display the concept. The actual delaminator is shown in the inset.
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as the 360 degree tract is dissected. The delaminator is Its unique benefit is that the position of the gel in the
then rotated out. Gel is injected in small aliquots into the cornea can be adjusted through simple postoperative
tract and then massaged around the cornea to distribute modifications. A patient who ends up 0.75D and is
it evenly throughout the tract. More gel is inserted if unhappy with the results can be treated with an injection
indicated, and the procedure is repeated if necessary, of a little more gel (Fig. 106).
depending on how much corneal flattening is desired What is most stimulating about the
(Fig. 105). procedure is that it may make it possible to adjust
patients’ refractive errors throughout their lives
Benefits - Adjusting Refractive Errors (Fig. 106). Gel can either be added or removed. For
example, for patients between ages 20 and 40 who
By distributing various amounts of gel to different tend to experience a myopic shift, more gel can be
parts of the dissected tract, the ophthalmologist can injected. Patients between 40 and 60 tend to have a
presumably correct myopia above 5 or 6 diopters as hyperopic shift. Koch believes some gel can then
well as astigmatism (Fig. 105). The main aim now is to be removed. This procedure, then, may provide a
correct low myopia up to -3.00 to -4.00 D. This refractive reversible way of changing a patient’s refractive error
procedure may make it possible to correct myopia in in order to compensate for age-related changes in
a way that is not only reversible but also adjustable. the eye.
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(A) Shows the pre-op corneal curvature for comparison. (B) Shows gel (G) placed within the circumferential
tract and the resultant flattening of the central cornea (small arrows). (C) Theoretically, if more correction is desired,
more gel can be injected, even at a later date. Note additional flattening of central cornea (large arrows). (D) The
procedure may also offer the ability to reverse the refractive correction later in life by removing some or all of the gel
(G -arrow) from the tract. Note that the central cornea steepens (arrow) slightly with removal of some gel. The corneal
curvature changes in this illustration are highly exaggerated from reality to convey the concept.
Remaining Challenge size. (See Figs. 81-86 in this chapter). With this semi-
solid gel, on the other hand, the surgeon does not know
Koch emphasizes that one of the greatest exactly how much is to be inserted. It is therefore
challenges with this type of procedure is to monitor the essential to monitor either the corneal curvature or the
results accurately. With the related technique of the refraction at the time of surgery in order to determine the
intrastromal corneal ring segments (ICRS), the surgeon refractive effect that is achieved. Intraoperative
knows exactly how much material is inserted. The ring videokeratoscopy and refractometry are now being
segments are relatively rigid objects each with a specific explored as ways of monitoring these effects.
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Surgical Management of
High Myopia Chapter 6
(-10.50 D and Higher)
Phakic IOL´s
The Artisan Lens
The Nu-Vita Lens
The Barraquer PMMA Lens
The Implantable Foldable
Contact lens (ICL)
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The general consensus is that although, initially, different prestigious refractive surgeons from various
countries performed and recommended LASIK for all degrees of myopia (low, moderate, moderately high
and very high) it is now clear that this procedure is not recommended in very high myopias (greater than
-10 diopters). This is because of important limitations in night vision, loss of best spectacle-corrected visual
acuity, some visual aberrations and diminished quality of vision.
The surgeon’s goal is to provide his/her patient not only a satisfactory postoperative visual acuity as
measured in the Snellen chart, but also to sustain a very good quality of vision.
Some ophthalmologists have seen patients operated with LASIK for myopia larger than -10.50 D who
end up with a postoperative vision of 20/25 without spectacles or contact lens correction but, at day’s end, they
must rush back home because they cannot drive at night or go about normal activities in surroundings with
low illumination.
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In these specific patients (-10-50 D or higher) phakic IOL’s provide the following: 1) excellent
refractive accuracy; 2) preservation of corneal sphericity and the patient’s accommodation; 3) reversibility
or adjustability; 4) predictable healing and; 5) rapid visual recovery and a stable postoperative refraction.
High myopes are usually very satisfied. Their post-op uncorrected visual acuity is generally better than
their pre-op best-corrected visual acuity.
Phakic IOL’s have a major advantage over corneal refractive surgery: they can be removed; the
procedure is reversible. It is easy to remove a Baikoff style anterior chamber lens (Nu-Vita lens) by sliding it
out of the incision (Fig. 120). The Worst’s Artisan lens can be removed by spreading the claws to release
the iris (Fig. 114). The posterior chamber plate lenses can be easily removed (Fig. 133). Waring’s experience
with the soft, foldable lens made by Staar is that this very thin lens can be slid back out through the original
incision without cutting the IOL into smaller pieces (Fig. 138).
1) There are concerns about safety. We lack long-term data and strict follow-up with the Nu Vita
and the foldable posterior chamber plate lens. The procedure and the lenses are still being improved. The
longest experience has been that of Dr. Jan Worst’s anterior chamber Artisan Lens although both design of
the lens and the implantation technique have gone through modifications that we feel are positive. Joaquin
Barraquer’s hard, PMMA pre-crystalline lens has had the second longest and very thorough follow-up.
Because of the safety concerns and limited follow-up with some lenses, it is important that the
ophthalmic surgeon use only those phakic lenses which have been tested and for which there is long or medium-
term data. Those include the four (4) phakic lenses that we presented in this chapter, as follows: (1) Anterior
Chamber Lenses: the Artisan and the Nu Vita lenses. (2) Posterior Chamber Phakic “Plate” Pre-crystalline
Lenses: the Barraquer PMMA Lens. The Guimaraes-Zaldivar is made of a hydrogel collamer.
Experience with other lenses, of various designs and made of different chemical materials have begun
to show significant late complications. Brauweiler et al from Bonn, Germany, have reported a 73% incidence
of anterior subcapsular cataract after implantation of posterior chamber silicone lenses in phakic eyes
followed for a minimum of two years. These Fyodorov style lenses were made of silicone, by Adatomed. So
far these anterior subcapsular opacities have not affected visual acuity but they do discourage the implantation
of this specific type of phakic lenses.
Consequently, surgeons using posterior chamber phakic plate lenses should be extra cautious and
inform their patients of this risk. Other posterior chamber phakic lenses presented in this chapter have also
shown this complication but they have been minimal. Long term data and using the already tested lenses
is essential.
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The anterior chamber Multiflex NuVita phakic intraocular lens has fixation of the lens haptics (F) within the angle (arrow) of the
eye. Note the relationship of the artificial lens (I) anterior to the natural lens (L) and to the iris. (B) The Artisan (iris claw) lens is also placed
in the anterior chamber but is clipped to the peripheral iris stroma (arrows) by means of a slot in the haptic. Note the relationship of the Artisan
lens (I) anterior to the natural lens (L) and the iris. (C) A third type of phakic IOL is the posterior chamber plate lens group, which are fixated
in the ciliary sulcus (arrow). These lenses (I), are anterior to the natural lens (L), but located posterior to the iris (shown in dotted line).
2) The implantation of these lenses demand much surgical skill and great attention to detail. It is much more
demanding than phaco and posterior chamber IOL insertion for cataract surgery. Certain parts of the surgery
are similar, but there are many new difficult challenges to meet and overcome.
For success, it is essential to prevent damage to the corneal endothelium, anterior chamber angle, the iris
or the crystalline lens.
They are: 1) The former Baikoff Multiflex style Nu Vita anterior chamber lens with fixation in the
angle, made of PMMA (Fig. 107-A). (2) The Artisan lens designed by Jan Worst with a fixation mechanism
to the peripheral iris stroma (Fig. 107-B); and (3) the posterior chamber plat e lenses that fixate in the ciliary
sulcus (Fig. 107-C).
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Waring prefers to use the latter in the form of a foldable lens that can be inserted through a non-sutured 3
mm or 3 1/2 mm clear corneal internal valve self-sealing incision. (Editor’s Note: this type of lens is also
known as the “implantable intraocular contact lens”.) This is the type of incision many phaco surgeons use
for cataract surgery. The posterior chamber phakic lenses consist of two important sub-types:
a) The Joaquin Barraquer hard, PMMA IOL pre-crystalline plate lens and,
b) The foldable “Implantable Contact Lens” also implanted in the pre-crystalline space between the
posterior surface of the iris and the anterior capsule of the crystalline lens. This lens is made of hydrogel/
collagen polymer and was jointly pioneered by Ricardo Guimaraes, M.D., (Brazil) and Roberto Zaldivar,
M.D., (Argentina).
This group of lenses (pre-crystalline) are fixated in the ciliary sulcus.
Because of the minimal space available, it is challenging to insert a phakic IOL without causing
complications like corneal endothelial damage and secondary cataract. Waring provides general advice for
surgeons about technique:
First, when implanting anterior chamber lenses, the surgeon should determine before the surgery that
the patient’s anterior chamber is more than 3 mm deep. Second, in all implantations, anterior and posterior
chamber, the incision should be very carefully constructed, and a viscoelastic that can be completely removed
from the eye at the end of the surgery should be used. (The anterior chamber lenses: Nu-Vita and Artisan, need
a corneal valve incision. The Joaquin Barraquer posterior chamber plate lens or pre-crystalline lens requires
a 7 mm limbal incision). Anesthesia depends upon the surgeon’s choice. Topical anesthesia is possible, but
with a larger incision there is some collapse of the anterior chamber even when viscoelastic is used.
Peribulbar or retrobulbar anesthesia is certainly useful, especially if a large incision is going to be made.
When actually inserting the lens, the surgeon must pay meticulous attention to surgical detail so that the lens
does not hit the corneal endothelium or the crystalline lens.
Tables are used for most phakic IOL’s currently to look up the power of the lens needed to correct a
given refractive error. No mathematical formulas, yet. This makes it much easier. This includes the Artisan
and Nu Vita lenses. For the Artisan lenses, the tables were constructed by Van der Heijde, a world class
authority on lens implant power calculation and selection. For the Barraquer pre-crystalline lens, the
manufacturer calculates the power based on clinical data provided by the surgeon, and each lens is custom-
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How Does Peripheral Iris Support Differ from the Old Iris Clip Lens Implant Design?
The so-called iris clip lenses such as the Binkhorst 4-loop and Worst Medallion were really
pupil margin and iris supported. The haptics were never onto the iris; instead the lens was fixated by the pupil
and the haptics cradled the iris in their arms. Iris clip lenses were used only in aphakic eyes. Skillfully inserted
they were capable of good long term results, but they had several disadvantages. Pseudophakodonesis
(wobbling as the eye moved) could lead to corneal endothelial touch and damage. This was most often seen
if the lens (the pupil) was decentered, displacing one of the anterior haptics too near the peripheral cornea.
Dislocation occasionally occurred, especially in patients who rubbed their eyes, and was a worrisome
possibility if the pupil needed to be dilated. Dislocation could be limited to subluxation by using an iris or
trans-iridectomy suture, but these added to the difficulty of the surgery.
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Even subluxation could lead to major endothelial damage if the IOL fell forward and rested against the cornea.
Long term pupil margin erosion by the loops led to glare and more dislocations. These problems were
ameliorated if extracapsular surgery (ECCE) was done so that the stability of the posterior capsule was
retained. But by the time ECCE was widely adopted, posterior chamber lenses had supplanted other styles.
In 1978 Worst began using lenses of an entirely new design, literally clipped to the peripheral iris.
Because the slotted tips of the haptics pinched the iris (Figs. 108, 114, 115), Worst unfortunately named them
belying the gentleness of these lenses on the eye post operatively. Happily, the name has been changed to
What are the Advantages?
No major investments are needed in lasers, keratomes, and disposables. Techniques are those
already known well by anterior segment surgeons, and special instrument investment is small.
The iris periphery is a stable platform, moving very little even with dilation of the pupil, and providing
a privileged area for the fixation of an intraocular lens. The mode of enclavation of the loop tips (Figs. 114,
115, 116, 117) produces a pillow of iris over the most peripheral part of the haptics, further guarding against
touch of the plastic to endothelium (Fig. 109). Most (but not all) studies have shown no late leak on fluorescein
iris angiography.
Figure 109: Positive Features of the Artisan IOL with Regard to the Corneal Endothelium
The Artisan IOL with its mode of enclavation of the loop tips produces a pillow of iris (P) over the most peripheral part of the haptics.
This pillow of iris guards against touch of the plastic to endothelium (E) as shown in this eye with corneal depression (arrow).
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Although peripheral iris damage can occur if surgery is difficult or clumsy, long term iris atrophy and/or late
subluxation of the lens is rarely seen.
The pupil can be widely dilated and scleral indentation used without worry. The lens does not depend
on anterior chamber angle support, thus avoiding ovaling of the pupil, UGH syndrome, and the late corneal
decompensation of some anterior chamber lenses. It does not rest on the crystalline lens, avoiding possible
late production of cataract, such as the anterior subcapsular cataract now being seen in some patients with
phakic pre-crystalline posterior chamber lenses.
The theoretical complications of chronic iritis, iris atrophy, IOL dislocation, and corneal decompen-
sation require more prospective study, but so far have been rare, including the results of a European multicenter
study and phases 1 and 2 of the US Clinical Trials. There is no iridodonesis in the phakic eye, and therefore
minimal pseudophakodonesis. This lens has the advantage that one size fits all eyes. It has been used with
considerable success over the past 12 years in both aphakic and phakic eyes. Moreover, it can be centered
directly over the pupil (Figs. 113, 114, 117, 118), unlike both the anterior chamber angle fixated lens that
centers on the angle and the pre-crystalline posterior chamber plate lens that centers on the ciliary sulcus.
Like most intraocular lenses, this lens depends on excellent quality control and superb finish for its
good results. (Posterior chamber lenses placed in the capsular bag may be an exception.) Those lenses used
by Worst himself are made by Ophtec. Poorly made copies can, of course, give bad results.
Surgical technique needs to be smooth and gentle. Patient relaxation and control are paramount. Some
surgeons prefer general anesthesia when skilled modern anesthesiology is available. A high density
viscoelastic should be used to ensure avoidance of endothelial touch during insertion and manipulation in
the shallower phakic anterior chamber (Fig. 110). Until a foldable version becomes available, a 5-6 mm
incision is required and must be closed skillfully.
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A lens glide (G) is placed through the incision and across the anterior chamber. With viscoelastic filling the anterior chamber, the Artisan
lens (L) is grasped with a special forceps (F) and inserted into the wound on the lens glide. A second instrument, an irrigating cannula (C), is placed
inside the haptic loop and serves to push the lens (arrow) inside the anterior chamber.
A peripheral iridotomy is needed, as with all phakic intraocular lenses (Figs. 117, 118). Correct clipping
of the loops onto the iris is critical and so far has been best accomplished with a two handed approach (Figs.
114, 115, 116). Newer, simpler instruments should allow this part of the surgery to become easier.
Surgical Technique
The pupil should be kept moderately constricted. One or two stab incisions are made according to the
technique to be used (Fig. 110), and the anterior chamber filled with high molecular weight viscoelastic (Fig.
110). Methylcellulose should not be used.
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The special Operaid irrigating enclavation instrument (E) is introduced through the stab incision (P) or through the main incision
under the Artisan loop tip. Using the instrument, a fold of iris is lifted (arrow) through the slot in the tip of the lens haptic. The instrument
is withdrawn slowly, being careful that it does not catch the iris. The Artisan forceps (F) stabilizes the lens during this maneuver.
An Operaid Enclavation Instrument is introduced through the stab incision superior to the Artisan loop tip.
This instrument comes double armed, in right and left hand configurations, to use depending on which loop
of the IOL the iris is being attached.
Using the enclavation instrument, a fold of iris is lifted through the slot in the tip of the lens haptic
(Fig. 114 and detail in Fig. 115). The instrument is withdrawn slowly, being careful that it does not catch the
iris. The maneuver is repeated for the other tip of the lens (Fig. 116). If a peripheral iridotomy has not already
been made, it must be made now (Fig. 117). The iridotomy is a vital part of the procedure and must
not be omitted. Lens position and fixation is inspected (Fig. 118).
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When perfect, the wound is closed carefully. All viscoelastic is patiently removed while maintaining the
depth of the anterior chamber with balanced salt. Steroid and antibiotic drops are placed. If there might be
residual viscoelastic, prophylactic Iopidine or Latanoprost may be used to control any rise in pressure.
Instruments and techniques are being devised to allow easier, one handed attachment of the lens to
the iris.
Postoperative Care
The normal postoperative course is benign, with rapid gain of vision. As with all intraocular
surgery, the patient is cautioned to be seen at once if the eye becomes red or painful, or the vision becomes
blurred. Intraocular pressure and cellular reaction in the anterior chamber are watched. Steroid and antibiotic
drops are used until all reaction has subsided.
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Postoperative Complications
Should the lens not be centered, a loop can be detached and reattached with some ease. Detachment
only requires that one side of the loop be depressed while the lens is stabilized by forceps. In the rare event
that a loop of the IOL is found not to be securely attached to the iris, it can be reattached through stab incisions,
repeating the maneuvers illustrated in Figs. 110-116. Should an IOL need to be removed (for power
exchange, for example), detachment of both tips is done as described above, under high density viscoelastic.
Then enlarge the wound, slide the lens out, and replace it. Be gentle with the iris, and do not touch the corneal
The lenses may be obtained from Ophtec, Schweitzerlaan 15, 9728 NR Groningen, Holland. They
are distributed for the clinical investigation under FDA regulation in the US by Ophtec USA, Inc., 6421
Congress Ave., Suite 112, Boca Raton, FL 33487.
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 163
Figure 119: Comparison of Nu Vita Phakic Anterior Chamber Intraocular Lens With Previous Kelman
Multiflex Design
(A) An earlier design of the Kelman Multiflex anterior chamber lens had the two haptics (H) originating from the same side of the
optic. (B) Shows how the compression (arrows) of the haptics (dotted lines) was transferred to only one side of the lens (E).
(C) In an attempt to distribute the forces of the compression of the haptics more evenly, to prevent decentration, the Nu Vita
IOL design has the two haptics (H) originating from opposite sides of the optic. (D) Shows how compression (arrows) of the
haptics (dotted lines) is now more evenly distributed in a directly opposing fashion. This cancels out lateral movement of the
optic from the center on compression.
The Nu Vita phakic anterior chamber IOL (MA-20) is produced by Bausch & Lomb. It is made
of PMMA. A new generation lens is made of a foldable hydrogel biocompatible material that is hoped to be
safer than PMMA in the anterior chamber. This may be available in the near future also through Bausch &
The Nu-Vita lens, formerly the Baikoff AC-IOL is based on the Kelman Multiflex style. Waring
emphasizes that the only style of aphakic anterior chamber lens that has survived during the last 15 years is
the Kelman Multiflex style (Fig. 119). The published clinical literature documents that this lens is safe for
the eye. According to Waring, the advantage of using a Multiflex style phakic anterior chamber lens is
that it is the easiest lens to insert. Therefore, there is a lesser risk of surgical damage or complication than
occurs with the other phakic IOL’s.
This technology takes advantage of the fact that most surgeons can place an anterior chamber lens
more easily than the other styles.
In Fig. 119, you will find an important comparison of the main features of the Nu Vita Phakic Anterior
Chamber IOL with the previous Kelman Multiflex design.
Surgical Technique
The step-by-step technique is shown and described in Figs. 120-125. There is little difference from
the usual implantation of a Kelman style anterior chamber lens except that greater care must be taken to ensure
good anterior chamber depth to avoid damage to the corneal endothelium, iris, and lens.
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Maria Clara Arbelaez, M.D., considers the Nu-Vita lens her technique of choice for the correction of high
myopia, from -8.00 D and up, because the results are predictable and safe, and the lens provides good quality
of vision with improved contrast sensitivity. She emphasizes that a miotic must be used and a small iridectomy
be performed, as needed when implanting all anterior chamber lenses. These are very delicate lenses and the
haptics can be easily broken. Their cost is around US$700.00.
Calculation of Size
This is a most important measure to take with the use of the Nu Vita lens. Meticulous calculation of
size is essential so as to avoid inserting a lens that is too small. Dr. Arbelaez measures the limbus from white-
to white and adds 1.0 mm. The need for exact size measurement contrasts with the Artisan lens which has the
advantage of one-size fits all, although it is more difficult to implant than the Nu Vita lens.
In these patients, Arbelaez inserts the Nu-Vita lens first and later follows with LASIK in a second stage
to correct the astigmatism.
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In the search to correct high myopia above -8.00 and -9.00 D with methods other than excimer laser
(LASIK) Professor Joaquin Barraquer, M.D., F.A.C.S., developed in 1995 an ingenious technique for the
implantation of an ultra delicate PMMA phakic lens between the posterior surface of the iris and the anterior
surface of the patient’s own crystalline lens (Fig. 133). This is the pre-crystalline lens to correct high
myopia, starting with -8.00 D and higher as advised by Professor Barraquer.
The reasons for avoiding LASIK in high myopia have already been outlined: lower quality of vision
and contrast sensitivity than with phakic IOL’s, in addition to the other occasional problems inherent to the
LASIK technique.
Barraquer has implanted these lenses in 183 eyes since 1995 with the valuable collaboration
of Dr. Mercedes Uxo. A thorough and meticulous follow-up and analysis of each case has been
performed. Fig. 126 shows how this lens fits into the pre-crystalline space and corrects high myopia.
Historical Significance
Historically, we must keep in mind that Joaquin Barraquer, Director of the Barraquer Ophthalmo-
logical Center in Barcelona, and Professor of Ocular Surgery at the Autonomous University of Barcelona,
Spain, after becoming a world recognized leader in the implantation of anterior chamber lenses over 30 years
ago, was the first one to report through multiple lectures and world literature the complications that he was
observing with these lenses after several years of successful implantation.
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Figure 127: The Barraquer Pre-Crystalline Posterior
Chamber Lens
The fact that after very careful consideration, he has now created a new method for the correction of high
myopia based on this pre-crystalline posterior chamber IOL implant is important because of his widely
respected reputation and credibility.
The lens has evolved through three (3) generation-designs. The third generation lens has
successfully overcome initial problems that presented with the first two (2) generations. The majority of the
Barraquer series has been performed with the third generation lenses which began in June 1997 (120 eyes from
a total of 183.)
The lens is manufactured by Corneal W.K. in France. It is fixated in the sulcus (Fig. 134). It has an
optical diameter of 6 mm. The length of the “body” of the lens is 9 mm. It has flexible haptics up to 14 mm
in diameter (Fig. 127) to allow adequate sulcus fixation (Figs. 132, 133). The “body” of the lens, the 6 mm
diameter optic, has two 1.5 mm plates which are necessary to avoid capture of the lens by the iris when the pupil
dilates. The iris glides smoothly over the plates and the optic. The periphery of the IOL remains in front of
the crystalline lens and behind the iris (Figs. 133, 134).
Two lateral channels ensure communication with the posterior chamber and adequate circulation of
aqueous in the space between the IOL and the anterior surface of the crystalline lens. This avoids a suction
effect which could produce contact between the posterior concave surface of the myopic IOL and the anterior
convex surface of the crystalline lens. The anterior surface of the IOL is slightly convex, and very smooth. The
optical correction is produced by the difference in curvatures of the two surfaces of the IOL (Figs. 127, 134).
This design insures no interference with the normal movement of the iris and adequate separation of the implant
from the anterior surface of the crystalline lens.
The Barraquer pre-crystalline lens, with its 6 mm optic, prevents the patient from seeing confused
images at night when the pupil dilates. Spontaneous widening of the pupil at night is particularly common in
young highly myopic patients. The foldable soft lenses utilized for high myopia have a smaller central optical
area and some patients seem to have problems seeing at night.
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Figure 130: Barraquer’s Pre-Crystalline Posterior Chamber IOL Implantation Technique - Step 3
(A) The two plane horizontal beveled incision made with the keratome (D -figure 6) is completed (red arrow) with Jose Barraquer’s
scissors (S) in the deep layers of the groove. (B) Viscoelastic is introduced with a cannula behind the iris, in front of the crystalline lens, toward
the ciliary sulcus at 6 o’clock (1-blue arrow) and then (2- blue arrow) at 2 o’clock. This will facilitate safer and easier introduction of the flexible
haptics into the sulcus.
Inserting an intraocular foreign body between the posterior surface of the iris and the anterior surface
of the crystalline lens certainly requires a highly skilled surgeon to prevent harming these delicate tissues.
Perhaps, with time, more experience and a great deal of teaching and training of other surgeons, this technique
might prove to be an important positive step in the quest for a method that is certainly much less costly than
the present Excimer procedures and would be available to more surgeons and more patients.
1) Two weeks before the lens implantation two YAG laser iridotomies are performed (Fig. 135-
2) Deep general anesthesia. This has been Professor Barraquer’s preferred method for many years.
3) Intravenous Mannitol, in order to obtain maximum hypotony.
4) Fornix based conjunctival flap which is provisionally sutured to the sterile drape, covering the lid
margin to avoid contact of instruments and the IOL with the eyelashes.
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Postoperative Astigmatism
Figure 135 A-B: Postoperative Quiet Eye with Intact Pupil By making the incision superiorly, between 10
and Small Astigmatism Following Barraquer’s Technique and 2, and placing adequate tension on the sutures, the
for Pre-Crystalline IOL Implantation
wound is hermetically sealed. In the early stages
Figure 135-A (above) shows a highly myopic right postoperatively a -4.00 diopter with the rule
eye in the preoperative stage. The patient is 39 years old, visual astigmatism or even higher is initially seen (Fig.135-
acuity is 0.5 (20/40) J1 with a correction of -23.00 -1.00 x 35º.
A YAG laser iridotomy at 10 o’clock was performed 15 days A). This astigmatism is spontaneously reduced to -
preoperatively. Fig. 135-A (right) shows the same eye 9 months 0.75 or -1.00 D with the rule upon healing of the
postoperatively with a visual acuity of 0.9 (20/20-) J1 with good corneo scleral incision (Fig. 135-B). If the astigmatism
accommodation to read without spectacles. Please observe that
there are no keratic precipitates over the surface of the pre- persists, the sutures can be cut with the YAG laser 3
crystalline lens nor the anterior capsule of the crystalline lens of months postoperatively.
the patient. The anterior chamber is normal. Good pupillary Joaquin Barraquer believes that the low
light reaction. Applanation tonometry 11 mm Hg. Figure 135-
B (below) shows corneal topography of the same eye 40 days postoperative astigmatism (Fig. 135-B) is the result of
postoperatively with astigmatism of -0.66 D with the rule. The a well healed incision done in two planes at the
postoperative astigmatism 7 days postop, however, was -4.00 D surgical limbus (corneo-scleral), very precise suturing
with the rule. (Photos courtesy of Professor Joaquin Barraquer,
M.D., F.A.C.S.) and eventually cutting any remaining suture causing
traction 3 months postoperatively.
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Figure 136: Foldable Posterior Chamber Phakic Lens (ICL) -
Insertion Technique - Step 1
This is an ingenious development originally known as the “Implantable Contact Lens” ( ICL)
or foldable, soft pre-crystalline lens as pioneered by Ricardo Guimãraes, M.D., in Brazil and Roberto
Zaldivar, M.D., in Argentina. It is manufactured by the Swiss company, Staar Surgical. The original name
of ICL was chosen to differentiate this lens from the posterior chamber intraocular lens (PCIOL). The critical
feature of this lens is the new material of which it is made: a mixture of hydrogel and collagen polymer, which
is called a collamer. It is very permeable and hydrophilic. The ICL is placed between the iris and the natural
crystalline lens.
It is soft and very thin - only 100 microns in thickness, as compared to the 1 mm required for a
30 diopter power silicone lens. Although this lens is fitted in the posterior chamber, it does not lie on the
surface of the crystalline lens. A space that varies between 100 and 150 microns exists between the capsule
of the crystalline lens and the new ICL (Fig. 137-B). This space allows for circulation between the two. This
new lens is so thin that almost no pigment movement occurs in the eye.
Many surgeons refer to this lens now as a posterior chamber foldable phakic lens, to avoid confusion
by the term “implantable contact lens.”
Guimarães recommends this lens for the young adult patient with myopia higher than -10 diopters
as the first option and for every case of hyperopia over +3 D.
Zaldivar, who has limited his practice to refractive surgery and has extensive experience with all
refractive procedures prefers its use for patients with more than 10 diopters of myopia or more than 4 diopters
of hyperopia. With this lens Zaldivar can correct up to 20 diopters of myopia and up to 12 diopters
of hyperopia.
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Both Guimarães and Zaldivar consider that patients with myopia less than -9 D diopters are better
candidates for laser in situ keratomileusis (LASIK). Patients with more than -10 D myopia suffer from glare
and have poor contrast sensitivity after LASIK. They prefer to use ICL rather than LASIK in the group of
patients with high ametropias.
There are two main disadvantages: 1) it is a somewhat risky procedure and must be done by a very
experienced surgeon so as to avoid harming vital surrounding tissues, especially the crystalline lens (Figs.
137-B and C; 138-B, 139) and; 2) it has high cost. The lens itself, which is manufactured in Switzerland, costs
about $700. The final cost of dispatching and courier not including import tax is about $800. Obtaining the
lens from the manufacturer takes about 1 month.
It is identified by Staar Surgical as the IC 2020. It has a flat, very delicate plate (optics) with very thin
haptics and a 5 mm meniscus optic (Figs. 137 B-C). It is foldable (Figs. 137 A-C). It is inserted through a
3 mm wide, temporal clear corneal incision with an internal corneal valve.
Figure 137 A: Foldable Posterior Chamber Phakic Lens (ICL) - Insertion Technique - Step 2
The lens (L) is shown unfolded further as the plunger pushes (arrow) the lens out of the inserter and into the anterior chamber. This
illustration is shown from the surgeon’s point of view as he/she is operating. The lens is implanted from the temporal side of the eye as shown
in Figs. 137-B and C.
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Figure 138 A: Foldable Posterior Chamber Phakic Lens (ICL) - Insertion Technique - Step 3
The distal haptics of the ICL are placed in behind the iris before the proximal haptics. With a spatula (S), inserted through one of
the side ports, the distal extremity of the ICL is gently pushed (arrow) into the posterior chamber, to the ciliary sulcus. The same movement
is used to place the proximal haptics into the posterior chamber. This illustration is shown from the surgeon’s point of view as he/she is
operating. The lens is implanted from the temporal side of the eye as shown in Fig. 138-B.
Implantation Technique
One week previous to the surgery, two peripheral iridectomies are performed using the YAG
laser, to avoid pupil blockage (Fig. 136). They are done one week before surgery because they are difficult
to do intraoperatively when the pupil is dilated. The iridectomies are performed very close to 12 o’clock.
Implanting the lens requires a 3 mm temporal clear corneal incision (Fig. 136). The lens is so thin that
it can be folded and inserted through this very small incision (Fig. 137 A). The surgical technique must be
very smooth. A temporal corneal tunnel incision is made followed by two paracentesis. Then the chamber
is filled with viscoelastic. The pupil must be very dilated. The lens must be folded in a special cartridge and
injected very slowly inside the eye (Figs. 136, 137 A-C).
The recently redesigned lens injector has a sponge attached to the plunger that facilitates insertion,
prevents air bubbles and allows better lens positioning. Insert the plunger and release the lens. Place the
haptics beneath the iris with a spatula without applying any pressure to the optic (Figs. 138, 139).
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Figure 140: Conceptual Cross Section of All Stages for Implantation of a Foldable Posterior Chamber Phakic Lens (ICL)
This conceptual cross section shows the insertion and unfolding of the (ICL) compared to the final configuration of the ICL in
position behind the iris and in front of the crystalline lens. (1) The plunger (P) inside the inserter pushes the distal haptics of the ICL into the
anterior chamber (blue arrows) while unfolding as shown. (2) In separate maneuvers, the haptics are then placed (red arrows) into the posterior
chamber behind the iris and into the ciliary sulcus. The iris will then be constricted. The inset shows a surgeon’s view of this final configuration.
This illustration is a section of the eye taken from 3 to 9 o’clock, as the ICL is inserted through the temporal approach.
In a group of 160 human eyes (patients), operated by Guimarães there have been no complications
from the ICL. In fact, he has observed that this patient group has been the most satisfied of any group of
the refractive surgery patients he has had. He has patients who have an ICL in one eye and have undergone
a LASIK procedure in the other. The patients themselves can compare the results. Even though the correction
using the ICL was much higher, patients said they had better vision in the eye with the ICL than the one
on which the corneal refractive procedure was performed. Guimarães considers that the ICL is reliable
because it is reversible and offers predictability and high quality.
Zaldivar began to work with this lens in 1993. After 4 years of follow-up, no patient from the original
group has developed cataracts. At first Zaldivar was concerned about the possible development of pigment
dispersion glaucoma because of the contact of the iris with the lens, but the first lenses of this type were
redesigned and improved. This new lens is so thin that almost no pigment movement in the eye occurs.
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Surgical Management
of Hyperopia CHAPTER 7
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Although treatment for hyperopia is much less Important Points to Consider Upon
advanced than for myopia, the ophthalmic surgeon is Counseling
happy to manage these patients because we finally have
solutions for their visual limitations. When treated Machat recommends some important points to
successfully, they do become the most grateful and consider when counseling hyperopic patients:
satisfied patients. Figure 141 clearly presents why. 1) Since many patients (particularly younger
Before surgery, the patient cannot adequately focus for patients) with lower degrees of hyperopia can see 20/40
far nor near without spectacles or contact lenses (Fig. uncorrected, it is best when speaking to them to talk
141-A). Following effective therapy, the patient can see about final refractive results.
without glasses both for far and at times even for near, as 2) For patients with more severe degrees of
if a multifocal effect had been created in the cornea (Fig. hyperopia, one should discuss the treatment in terms of
141-B in this chapter, and Fig. 23-E in Chapter 2.) a reduction in the degree of hyperopia. The goal is to
Even though presently effective and safe treat- have less than 1.00 D of residual hyperopia remaining
ments are recommended mostly for low or moderate postoperatively after an enhancement.
degrees of hyperopia with the exception of phakic IOL's, 3) Enhancements are typically performed earlier
this is not a factor of major concern because the
The pre-op view on the left shows the patient with hyperopia when light rays (red) are
focused (A) beyond the retina. The patient cannot adequately focus for far or near.
Following surgical correction (right), the steepened central corneal curvature with
increased dioptric power enable the light rays (red) to be focused on the retina or even in front of
the retina (B), enabling the patient to now focus well for distance and often for near.
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The ablation done with the excimer laser beam, shown in red, is performed in the mid-periphery and periphery of the cornea. It
is in this area that the laser subtracts or ablates tissue. The area shown in black and identified in arrows as 6 mm within the red beam is actually
the central optical zone (OZ) which must be 6 mm or larger, and never less than 5.75 mm. The excimer ablation into the periphery of the
cornea begins where the limiting diameter of the 6 mm optical zone is located. The elevated zone in the center shown in light pink and green
(C) actually represents the steepening of the central cornea created by the ablation of the mid-periphery and periphery, leading to correction
of hyperopia. Flap (F).
than with myopic patients, usually 6 weeks following the
primary procedure.
4) We can often produce monovision, creating
Fundamental Principles for Hyperopic
1.00 D of myopia typically in the non-dominant eye, so Correction
long as the total degree of hyperopia treated does not
exceed +6.00 D spherical equivalent. The fundamentals of Carmen Barraquer's
technique are based on the principle of using the laser to
subtract or ablate tissue from the mid-periphery and
periphery of the cornea. The ideal optical zone is
larger than 6 mm in diameter (Figs. 142 and 143).
The treatment of hyperopia with LASIK is
At present Barraquer and her colleagues are
positively evolving and most promising. This had not
working with optical zones of 6.5 mm and 7 mm for
been successful until recently. New computer programs
hyperopic correction (Figs. 142, 143). With the 7 mm
and better excimer lasers are making predictable hyper-
optical zone, up to 5. 5 diopters of hyperopia spherical
opic LASIK possible. Among the surgeons who have
equivalent can be corrected. With a 6.5 mm optical
the largest experience in managing hyperopia with
zone, 8 diopters spherical equivalent can be corrected.
excimer laser is Carmen Barraquer, M.D., from
Bogota, Colombia. She has developed truly effective
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PRK may be utilized for hyperopia between
+1.00 to +3.00 D, maximum +4.00 D. It is really a
second choice when compared with LASIK because of
the patient´s ocular discomfort associated with the
procedure and the slow visual recovery.
PRK may be the procedure of choice, however,
in a good number of aphakic eyes that have a tendency to
be small and may be deeply set in the orbit with
somewhat tight lids. This makes it almost prohibitive to
use the microkeratome for LASIK.
Figure 145: PRK for Hyperopia - Removal of
Corneal Epithelium
Surgical Technique The first step in PRK is to remove the
corneal epithelium (E). This is done mechani-
As in all PRK's the first step involves mechanical cally (no chemicals) with a blunt spatula (S) and
frequent irrigation with BSS (O) is done in order
removal of the corneal epithelium (Fig. 145). to maintain the stromal bed clean and uniform at
Because the corneal ablation with excimer is located in the time of the laser application and tissue abla-
the mid-periphery and peripheral areas of the cornea, the tion.
In PRK the entire surface of the corneal
epithelium must be removed in the entire cornea. epithelium is debrided because the diameter of
the laser ablation is done precisely on the mid-
peripheral and peripheral areas of the cornea, as
shown in Figs. 142, 143, 145 and 60. Visual axis
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This is followed by the corneal stromal ablation the tissue with consequent steepening of the central
itself (Fig. 146). The parameters for excimer ablation in cornea. (Dr. Antonio Mendez G. from Mexico was
PRK hyperopia are the same as previously discussed for pioneer several years ago on the use of heat to treat
LASIK (diameter of optical zone, location of ablation in hyperopia through his method "Corneal Radiodiathermy."
mid-periphery and periphery (Figs. 142, 143, 144, 60). Like most techniques for hyperopia, however, the
diminution of the refractive error was not lasting because
of regression - Editor).
PHAKIC INTRAOCULAR LENSES IN Although a number of different lasers have been
HYPEROPIA investigated, the vast majority of clinical work has been
performed with the holmium:YAG laser. Two types of
The significant developments with phakic in- delivery systems are available for the holmium:YAG:
traocular lenses have been amply discussed in Chapter 6 1) a contact probe holmium laser, which is the Technomed
and presented in Figs. 107 - 140 for the correction of laser that is under study by Professor Jean and others in
myopia. Germany and 2) a non-contact slit-lamp delivery system,
The lenses mostly used for hyperopia are the as developed by Sunrise Technologies, Inc in the United
Artisan lens (Figs. 108-118) and the ICL or posterior States.
chamber phakic foldable plate lens (Figs. 136-140).
Because this is an intraocular procedure with consequent
higher risks, the present trends lean toward implantation
What Is this New Laser?
of phakic IOL's in the higher ranges of hyperopia from
Douglas Koch, M.D., a highly credible clinical
+3 D to +10 D.
investigator at the Cullen Eye Institute, Baylor College
The surgical technique is the same as that
of Medicine in Houston, has reported promising results
presented in Chapter 6 but there is an important change
with the Corneal Shaping System manufactured by
in the power of the lens, from minus to plus.
Sunrise Technologies. This non-contact holmium YAG
We also need to consider that many of these eyes
laser is a unique device with a slit lamp delivery system
are rather small and more difficult to operate.
that delivers eight spots simultaneously (Fig. 147). As a
result, symmetrical effects can be achieved. This attribute
LASER THERMAL KERATOPLASTY has made it possible to eliminate some of the problems
(LTK) IN HYPEROPIA like irregular astigmatism, which plagued the procedure
when other devices were used.
This is perhaps the first choice in low hyperopias of The Sunrise Corneal Shaping System differs
+1 D to +2 D. This procedure, however, still remains under from other lasers being used in refractive surgery. It is an
evaluation. infrared laser that works at 2.1 microns. A separate laser
Although thermal keratoplasty for hyperopia has unit is connected to a slit lamp delivery system with a
been available for more than a decade, until recently, fiberoptic cable. The patient places his or her chin in the
results were disappointing. New developments, however, slit lamp delivery system. The patient looks at a red light,
make LTK a promising technique. The procedure has and then the laser energy is delivered. Koch usually
evolved from using various types of contact devices to treats with two rings; each ring requires seven pulses,
utilizing lasers to deliver the light energy that is which takes only 1.4 seconds (Fig. 147). The procedure
converted to heat. The heat results in contraction of is extremely rapid.
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Reasons for Favorable Results correct any important amount of astigmatism that may
be present with the hyperopia.
Extensive work on laser thermal keratoplasty has
shown that three factors help to explain the new, favora- Patient Satisfaction with LTK
ble results. First, most hyperopia is low hyperopia— +2
or +2.50 or less. Secondly, hyperopia becomes much Patients over 35 years of age are really "presbyopic
more symptomatic as patients reach their 40's. Patients hyperopes." They have been gradually losing vision for
with hyperopia have different experience with refractive several years. Consequently, a return of vision with such
errors than most people. They have had excellent vision a simple procedure as LTK is most welcome and leads to
throughout their youth and through the early adult years. much patient satisfaction.
Then they develop premature presbyopia in their 30's
(Fig. 141). All of a sudden in their 40's they also lose VERY HIGH HYPEROPIA
their distance vision. The aging of the visual function is
therefore much more difficult for people with hyperopia
than for people with myopia, who at least retain
Clear Lens Extraction and Piggyback IOL's
useful near vision. A third factor is that the laser seems
Virgilio Centurion, M.D., has clarified that the
to work much better in patients over age 40.
piggyback intraocular lens was primarily designed for
The fortuitous confluence of these three factors
the correction of patients with high hyperopia and
leads to favorable results. Koch's studies (performed in
cataracts, especially over 30 diopters. Ophthalmologists
conjunction with Peter McDonnell, M.D., at Doheny
are now using this lens system to correct patients with
Eye Institute) in the U.S. have shown that, after 3 years
very high hyperopia as well.
follow-up levels of 1.5 to 1.75 diopters of hyperopia
The piggyback lens solves the problem of having
have been corrected with the Sunrise laser. Very little
to implant a lens of over 30 diopters on a very short eye.
regression has occurred after 6 months. In Koch's
First it is almost impossible to find a manufacturer of
and McDonnell's patients there was only 0.4 diopter of
lenses with such high power. Secondly, they yield a
regression between 6 months and 2 years, and almost no
great optical aberration. For that reason, 3 years ago
regression between 1 and 3 years.
Dr. John Gayton implanted the first piggyback lens.
Now we know that one, two, three, or even four intraocular
Limitations of LTK in Hyperopia with lenses can be implanted inside the capsular bag because
Astigmatism the capsular bag in normal eyes has a thickness of about
4.5 mm (Fig. 148).
In the management of low degrees of hyperopia, Centurion has treated 12 patients with high
for which LTK seems to be quite effective in the range of hyperopia over 28 diopters using two implants. With the
+1 D to +2 D, we must keep in mind that it does not two lenses, the quality of their vision improved, with an
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visual acuity might be considered unsatisfactory. The diagnostic evaluation discussed in Chapter 3 for all
amount of astigmatism that is troublesome to a patient is refractive surgical procedures. This includes stable
variable, but usually around 0.75 D. refractions. Patients younger than 21 years old may not
Astigmatism greater than 0.50 to 1.00 D gener- have a stable refraction.
ally requires some form of optical correction. Lindstrom Computer assisted corneal topography maps are
points out that an astigmatic refractive error in the range important to help ascertain which patients might be poor
of 1.00 to 2.00 D might be expected to reduce uncor- surgical candidates because of preclinical keratoconus,
rected visual acuity to the 20/30 - 20/50 range, and 2.00 irregular astigmatism, or some other corneal abnormal-
to 3.00 D might reduce uncorrected visual acuity to the ity.
20/70 - 20/200 range. 4) Younger patients must be aware that older
Visually significant astigmatism is also quite people end up with more surgical correction for the same
common after surgery. After extracapsular cataract amount of surgery when astigmatic keratotomy is per-
extraction, astigmatism greater than 1.00 D is quite formed (Figs. 154 - 156). Thus, smaller optical zones
common, with astigmatism greater than 3.00 D present and more incisions may be necessary in the eyes of
in as many as 20% of cases. High astigmatism after younger patients which increases the risk of possible
penetrating keratoplasty is even more common, with side effects.
astigmatism greater than 1.00 D basically being the 5) Miles Friedlander, an expert on astigmatism,
norm. Troutman and Swinger estimated that nearly points out that not all astigmatism has to be surgically
10% of all clear penetrating keratoplasties are compli- corrected. Sometimes even a moderately high degree of
cated by high postoperative astigmatism. Troutman astigmatism is not disabling to a patient.
was the pioneer of the techniques to reduce such astig- 6) Friedlander also emphasizes that it is impor-
matism with his classical "relaxing incisions" and "wedge tant to be sure that the decrease in visual acuity is due to
resections." the astigmatism. Sometimes the patients' poor vision is
due to cystoid macular edema following cataract surgery
Selecting the Patients for Surgery rather than to astigmatism. A simple way to make this
assessment is to use the pinhole test. Usually if a
We must keep in mind the following principles: patient's vision can be improved with a pinhole, then the
cause is in the anterior portion of the eye. If the pinhole
1) As emphasized by Slade, spectacle lenses are does not improve the vision, then other causes should be
poorly suited for astigmatism correction as they may explored.
cause aniseikonia, especially for newly corrected astig- 7) Among the most important objective criteria
matism patients. Because refractive surgery can change for surgical correction of astigmatism used by Miles
the asphericity of "forgiveness" of the cornea, astigma- Friedlander, M.D., F.A.C.S. and his close collabora-
tism may be best treated with surgery instead of spec- tor, Nicole S. Granet, B.A., the following are funda-
tacles. mental: 1) The corneas must be healthy; 2) The astigma-
2) The surgical correction of idiopathic astigma- tism must be symptomatic; 3) When combined with
tism is considerably more predictable than the surgical radial keratotomy, correct astigmatism greater than 0.75
correction of postkeratoplasty or postcataract astigma- D if the RK is 4-cuts; correct astigmatism greater than
tism, in which individual wound healing may affect the 1.50 D if the RK is 8 - cuts (Fig. 157).
outcome. Some of Friedlander's most important subjec-
3) All patients being considered for surgery of tive criteria are: 1) Awareness on the part of the patient
astigmatism must undergo the very careful preoperative and the surgeon of the limitations of the surgery recom-
mended. 2) Awareness of the range of results.
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image previously focused behind the retina to focus on flap for LASIK. This usually occurs in patients with very
the retina (Fig. 150). This steepening of the flat axis is narrow eyelid fissures. Such a problem may be over-
obtained by removing more tissue from the mid-periph- come by performing a small canthotomy at the lateral
ery and periphery as in the ablation for hyperopia but at canthus followed by stretching of the speculum.
the pre-determined axis (Figs. 152, 153). 3) LASIK (Figs. 151 and 152): Lindstrom
considers this to be the best operation in most cases.
Alternatives for Treatment 4) INTACS (ICRS): Work is underway to treat
astigmatism two ways: 1) one way is to rotate the
There are two alternative methods for treatment incision (being studied now with very encouraging
of astigmatism. They are: results), and 2) with product modifications using vari-
able thickness INTACS, as described by Belfort.
1) The Excimer Laser Procedures (LASIK and INTACS as available today is being investigated
PRK) of which LASIK is the procedure of choice when outside the US for use in the treatment of keratoconus
not contraindicated (Figs. 151, 152, 153). (Colin et al), the treatment of undercorrected LASIKS
(Kritzinger), and in combination with LASIK for high
2) Astigmatic Keratotomy which may be degrees of myopia allowing for the future adaptation to
through arcuate corneal incisions (Figs. 154, 155,) or presbyopia (various). Studies are underway outside the
transverse corneal incisions (Fig. 157 - (inset), 160). US on the use of radially place INTACS for the treat-
ment of hyperopia. These differ from the normal 150
degree arc design and utilize PMMA segments of only 1
Indications for Each Alternative
mm in width. In all applications the central optical zone
is untouched and the positive asphericity of the cornea is
Lindstrom recommends the following:
The present limitation of INTACS is the cost of
1) Astigmatic Keratotomy for:
the equipment. Although the per eye cost of INTACS is
a) Postkeratoplasty astigmatism
$500, the instrument kit which includes two sets of
(Figs. 154-155).
instruments (for a bilateral procedure) and a vacuum
b) Refractive cataract surgery the cata-
pump retails for $36,000.
patient with astigmatism (Fig.
c) Mixed astigmatism such as +1.00 -
3.00 at LASIK can correct astigmatism effectively. It is
90º (fig. 156). usually reserved for treating astigmatism of moderate
d) When excimer not available. and higher degrees. As described by Doane and Slade,
astigmatism is corrected by differential removal of tissue
In addition to Lindstrom's indications, we may in the frontal plane of the cornea in one of the two major
add that present trends tend toward performing astig- meridians. Actual tissue removal can occur by flattening
matic keratotomy in small degrees of primary the steep axis or steepening the flat axis (Figs. 151,
astigmatism and for enhancements. For nomogram to 152).
perform astigmatic keratotomy, see Figs. 159, A-C. Carmen Barraquer clarifies that the early algo-
2) Astigmatic PRK (Fig. 153) for: rithms to perform astigmatic corrections with excimer
a) When the patient has a superficial scar laser were developed based on myopic defects; for this
with basement membrane dystrophy and, purpose elliptical and/or cylindrical ablations centered
b) When unable to perform a on the cornea were performed (Fig. 151). Carmen
microkeratome Barraquer and her colleagues began to correct myopic
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This surgeon's conceptual view is shown to orient the surgeon on the type of excimer laser
ablation done in LASIK for myopic astigmatism. Corneal flap (F). Gauge (G) outlining the degrees
of the circumference shown peripherally. The white vertical arrow within the vertical oval pink area
as seen through the laser microscope shows where the laser is performing the ablation at the 90º
meridian. The darker red represents the pupillary area. Through this mechanism the laser corrects
both the astigmatic and part of the spherical refractive error simultaneously.
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pair of incisions will increase efficacy 25% to 33%. No Make sure you consider the fellow eye. If the fellow eye
additional incisions are effective nor recommended. has astigmatism, especially oblique astigmatism that the
Younger patients tend to achieve a lesser re- patient likes, consider leaving matching oblique astig-
sult than older patients. Therefore the nomogram must matism alone.
be adjusted according to the patient's age. (See Nomo- Friedlander considers that the shape of the
grams in Figs. 159 A-C). keratotomy cut is not in itself important to the amount of
correction as is its proximity to the optical center. Any
point on an arcuate incision is at the same distance
Determining a Surgical Plan from the optical center (Fig. 155 A). Conversely the
T incision will be closest to the optic center only at its
In general, plan to slightly overcorrect against- mid-point (Fig. 157 - Inset). Other points located on a T
the-rule or steep at 180º, and to undercorrect with-the- cut are farther away from the center than the mid-point.
rule. Patients having with-the-rule astigmatism often Therefore, given the same optical zone and incision
have a better range and depth of vision than spherical length, Friedlander considers that the arcuate cut is
patients. more effective than the transverse incision in reducing
astigmatism. The least effective is the radial incision.
Transverse incision shown in inset (I) are used more often to correct low astigmatism and for
enhancements. This surgeon's view shows two transverse incisions (I - inset) placed between two radial incisions.
In this case, the surgeon is treating myopia and astigmatism combining two transverse incisions with four radial
incisions for RK.
In the larger figure, the surgeon is inspecting the incision to evaluate its depth and length and to observe
that no debris is remaining. The transverse incisions shown above and below in the inset are facing each other and
are equidistant, in order to obtain the best corrective effect.
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The specific nomograms for using a 6, 7, 8-9 mm down. The axis of the steepest meridian is identified.
optical zone are presented in Figs. 159 A-C as advised by Place two marks, 180º apart, at the axis of the steepest
Lindstrom. The optical zone should not be less than meridian on the 7 mm marker (Fig. 155-B). The steeper
5.5 mm. The step-by-step technique based on the origi- meridian is marked with a skin-marking pen using pre-
nal technique of Miles Friedlander (New Orleans) is as operative landmarks and an axis marker. Refer to the
follows: nomogram to determine the diameter of the optical zone
The patient is centered under the operating mi- and length of arcuate incisions (Fig. 159). Position a
croscope and the eye is positioned perpendicular to the blade over the steep axis and mark the position of the
microscope. blade to the immediate right and to the immediate left.
Anesthetize the eye with topical anesthetic of Do this at the steep meridian at the 7 mm zone 180º apart.
your preference and mark the limbus with a marking Make one or two arcuate incisions following the 7 mm
pencil at the 12:00, 6:00, 3:00 and 9:00 o'clock positions. zone (Fig. 155-A). The wound is inspected (Fig. 157
The lids are separated with a lid speculum. Additional shows inspection of wound in transverse cut). The inci-
anesthetic drops are instilled. The patient fixates on the sions are irrigated.
operating microscope light, which is turned to a low
level, or a red fixation light mounted on the microscope.
The conjunctiva and cornea are dried with an absorbent Transverse Astigmatic Keratotomies
sponge. The center of the pupil is marked with a Sinskey
hook which has been painted with Gentian violet. A These incisions are more indicated to correct
7 mm (or the diameter previously selected) optical zone small primary astigmatism, postoperative enhancements
marker (Fig. 158) is centered over the pupil and pressed and combined in refractive cataract surgery (Fig. 160).
Figure 159-A
Surgical Option
Find patient age group, then move right to find a result closest to refractive cylinder.
To calculate the size of the transverse incision (when indicated) as compared to the
amount of degrees of the Arcuate Keratotomies outlined above, you may use the
following equivalents:
30º arc= 2.0 mm 45º arc= 2.5 mm 60º arc= 3.0 mm 90º arc= 3.5 mm
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Figure 159-B
Surgical Option
Find patient age group, then move right to find a result closest to refractive cylinder.
To calculate the size of the transverse incision (when indicated) as compared to the
amount of degrees of the Arcuate Keratotomies outlined above, you may use the
following equivalents:
30º arc= 2.0 mm 45º arc= 2.5 mm 60º arc= 3.0 mm 90º arc= 3.5 mm
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Figure 159-C
Surgical Option
(2 x 30º) (2 x 45º)
Find patient age group, then move right to find a result closest to refractive cylinder.
To calculate the size of the transverse incision (when indicated) as compared to the
amount of degrees of the Arcuate Keratotomies outlined above, you may use the
following equivalents:
30º arc= 2.0 mm 45º arc= 2.5 mm 60º arc= 3.0 mm 90º arc= 3.5 mm
Transverse Cuts Combined with RK matism has remained the main obstacle to the achieve-
ment of excellent uncorrected visual acuity after cataract
If transverse keratotomies are combined with surgery.
RK (Fig. 157 - inset), the transverse incision should When cataract surgery is being done with the
never touch or communicate with the radial inci- phacoemulsification technique, and astigmatism that
sions. This leads to complications. merits surgical correction is already present, it is very
In four incision RK, the T cut and arcuate cuts definitely indicated to perform a combined procedure in
will not intersect the radial incisions. In an eight incision order to improve on the patient's astigmatism at the time
RK, the T cuts are on either side of the radial cut in the of cataract surgery.
steepest meridian . They are 2 mm in length each and do Richard Lindstrom, M.D., at the Phillips Eye
not cross or intersect the radial incisions. In a com- Institute and the University of Minnesota, is a strong
bined procedure place the radial incisions first and then advocate of what he calls "refractive cataract surgery".
make the transverse incisions. Refractive cataract surgery is indicated only when per-
forming phacoemulsification with foldable IOL's, keep-
ing a 3 mm incision.
How to Manage Astigmatism at the Time In his extensive research and clinical experience,
of Cataract Surgery about 70% of the patients that he operates for cataract
have less than one diopter of astigmatism preoperatively
With important improvements in the lens power and about 30% have more than one. He does not make
calculations, cataract surgery has become a form of any astigmatic corrections in those that have less than
refractive surgery, offering significant improvement of one diopter. That is good enough for 20/30 uncorrected
both best corrected and uncorrected visual acuity. Astig- visual acuity. Lindstrom becomes somewhat more
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aggressive with astigmatism when there are two diopt- astigmatism by 0.50 diopters. If the patient has 1 diopter
ers or more before the cataract operation. His goal is of plus cylinder at axis 90, and a 3 mm cataract incision
to reduce it to one diopter, not to try to correct it all, just is made at axis 90, he/she will end up with only a 0.5
to get it down into a reasonable range (Fig. 160). diopter of cylinder. If they have +1 diopter at 180 and the
Lindstrom has found that when using 3 mm 3 mm cataract/IOL incision is moved over to the tempo-
cataract wounds, which is possible only with phaco and ral side where the steeper meridian is located, they will
foldable IOL's, the cornea is flattened only between end up with only +0.5 diopter of astigmatism at 180º
0.25 to 0.50 diopters. which is good enough for 20/20 vision uncorrected. If
Luis W. Lu, M.D., in Pennsylvania, who has they have 1.5 diopters, they will end up with 1 diopter
extensive experience with management of cataract and cylinder and that is acceptable. But if they have
astigmatism, emphasizes that we must reduce the astig- 2 diopters to begin with, they will end up with 1.5
matism without overcorrecting the patient or changing diopters and that is outside his goal. Lindstrom's
the axis. outcome goal is 1 diopter astigmatism or less.
2) If more than 1.0 diopter of astigmatism would
Technique for Refractive Cataract Surgery remain, Lindstrom applies the principles of astigmatic
keratotomy at the time of surgery. He does this very
Surgical Principles conservatively. The cataract wound becomes one astig-
matic keratotomy. On the opposite side, at a 7 mm
Lindstrom's surgical principles and technique optical zone, he will make a small 2 mm corneal incision
are as follows: to correct 1 diopter or a 3 mm long incision to correct
1) Move the 3 mm cataract tunnel incision to the 2 diopters of astigmatism in the cataract age group. This
steeper meridian. He thinks of this small wound as an becomes a second astigmatic keratotomy.
astigmatic keratotomy. This will reduce the present
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Surgical Management
of Presbyopia CHAPTER 9
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emmetrope. This works much like a monovision contact the cornea that have different powers. When successful,
lens. this allows simultaneous vision at distance through the
flatter part of the cornea and at near through the steeper
2) Multifocal Cornea Through LASIK part of the cornea (Figs. 162, 163). This effect occurs in
patients with a so-called central island after laser sur-
Another approach to compensate presbyopia by gery, a central corneal area that was not ablated as much
using corneal refractive surgical procedures, is by using as the peripheral part of the cornea (Fig. 163). This small
LASIK to attempt to produce a multifocal effect in the area, 2 mm or 3 mm in diameter in the central cornea may
cornea (Fig. 161). The surgeon attempts to reshape the be steeper by 2 or 3 diopters than the peripheral sur-
corneal surface so there may be different regions within rounding cornea. Such a central island can allow patients
to regain reading vision (Fig. 163).
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The surgeon attempts to obtain these different presbyopia involving changes of different degrees in the
curvatures by placing different sized masks over the corneal curves. She describes the three methods cur-
cornea during ablation. The trade-off is that these pa- rently in development but emphasizes that none of them
tients often have visual confusions, decreased contrast is predictable enough yet to meet current standards
sensitivity, and glare at night because of the simulta- for refractive surgery. 1) LASIK to create a multifocal
neous images, one of which is out of focus for the cornea, placing a mask over the stroma and ablating a
distance they are trying to see. The problem with this bifocal lens (Figs. 162, 163). Although this technique
procedure is that we are not yet able to predict what long- may work, it requires critical centration. Even a slight
term visual complications the smaller and non-uniform decentration can result in confused images and bad
central optical area may create for the patient in front of vision. 2) LASIK and aspheric ablations used in certain
us. algorithms to correct hyperopia, with a slight inferior
Carmen Barraquer, M.D., has very definite decentration. This method can be applied in adult
concepts about the strategy utilized for correction of patients who need hyperopic surgery. Although they
Figure 162: Concept of Multifocal Corneal Shaping for Near and Far Vision
To understand the concept of a multifocal cornea providing correction for both near and far vision, lenses are
shown to represent the multiple refractive powers of such a cornea. Assume that a small, high power lens (A) with focal
length (F) for objects at reading distance (book (G)) is combined inside a larger, low power lens (B) with the same focal
length (F) for distant objects. This combination is a multifocal lens (C).
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Figure 163: Concept of Multifocal Corneal Shaping for Near and Far Vision
In a similar fashion as lenses, one high power (A) and one lower power (B), a multifocal cornea with steep central curvature (red
area) and flatter peripheral curvature (blue area) will focus close objects through the central portion and far objects through the peripheral
cornea, simultaneously on the retina. The representational lenses of varying power are shown related to the multifocal corneal shape. The
curvatures of the cornea are exaggerated for clarity.
may obtain good reading vision, the result is neither result. Carmen Barraquer strontly believes that up to
predictable nor quantifiable. 3) The third method entails now, none of the current methods for correcting
creating a central area with positive power using the presbyopia by multifocal reshaping of the cornea
LASIK technique. The procedure aims to create a reach these standards.
central 3 mm island of positive power over the pupil; Waring also feels that current corneal refrac-
hopefully the patient will use the peripheral cornea for tive surgery cannot be used to manage presbyopia
distance and the central island for near vision, as is done predictably. Many patients after age 40 have developed
with some bifocal contact lenses (Figs. 162, 163). Again, both good distance and reading vision after radial kera-
this technique is neither predictable, nor quantifiable. Of totomy, PRK, LASIK, or an intrastromal corneal ring
ten (10) patients operated on, five (5) are not happy. At procedure. The reason for achieving this is the develop-
present, the standard we try to meet in refractive surgery ment of an effectively functioning multifocal cornea.
is a correction within + or - 0.5 diopters of the desired This cornea works like a multifocal intraocular lens
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(Figs. 162, 163). Some portions focus well for distance body to increase the distance between it and the lens.
and other portions focus well at near. In some patients, Small segments of PMMA are placed in the sclera in
the brain can suppress the unneeded information and use quadrants like small scleral buckles 2.5 mm behind the
only the needed information. Currently, patients who limbus to pull the ciliary body outward (Figs. 164-169).
have presbyopia but good distance and near vision have The second approach is to perform radial incisions in the
it by fortunate accident. There is no way at present to limbal sclera with the aim of relaxing it and changing the
reliably create a multifocal cornea that can focus at shape of the anterior segment (Figs. 170-171). Although
distance and near with sharp visual acuity, and at the the patient can read in the immediate postoperative
same time, ensure that the patient will be free of the period, it seems that this artificial accommodation is lost
problems of glare and loss of contrast sensitivity, and as soon as the scleral incisions heal.
multiple images. Waring also emphasizes that, unfortu-
nately, for every happy patient with a multifocal cornea, Description of Operations on the Sclera to
there are dozens of patients unhappy with multifocal
corneas functioning less than optimally. Therefore,
Improve Presbyopia
Waring advises against using current techniques to
intentionally create a multifocal cornea until more Changing the Anatomy of the Anterior
research has been done. Segment
Operations on the Sclera to Improve These surgeries are based on the theory that loss
Presbyopia of accommodation is a problem of geometry rather than
of muscle atrophy or hardening of the lens with age. Two
Even though these techniques are in the experi- operations have been proposed to change the anatomy of
mental stage and in the process of evaluation, we present the anterior segment, altering the relative positions of the
them here, illustrated step by step, in order to provide you ciliary muscle and the lens. An operation on the sclera
with a clear understanding of the concepts and proce- may possibly change the biomechanical dynamics in the
dures involved. They have created a significant amount anterior segment to restore accommodation (Figs. 164-
of controversy, including rejection of the theory of 171).
accommodation traditionally recognized through the
years (Helmholtz). These operations are based on a new THE SCHACHAR PROCEDURE
theory of accommodation described by the initiators of
these techniques. Recent studies have contended that One approach, spearheaded by Ronald
this theory, on which the surgical techniques are based, Shachar, M.D., Ph.D from Texas, involves placing four
is incorrect. small circular ring implants in the sclera like scleral
Carmen Barraquer describes two strategies buckles over the ciliary body to lift the ciliary body
now used to correct presbyopia by operating on the away from the lens (Figs. 164-169). These small buckles
sclera and the limbus. The first is to work over the ciliary consist of small segments of polymethylmethacrylate
(PMMA) in each quadrant. Although this surgery has
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This method under investigation for the correction of presbyopia involves the
implantation of four small scleral implants (I) directly over the ciliary body (C). These have
the effect of pulling (blue arrows) the ciliary body out (red arrows) and changes the distance
between the ciliary body (C) and lens (L), possibly increasing ability of zonular fibers to exert
traction (white arrows) on lens capsule and change shape of lens. Inset (A) shows a section
of the tunnel (T) made in the sclera before the implant changes the shape of the sclera. Inset
(B) shows the implant (I) in place within the scleral tunnel and its affect on bulging the sclera
outward (blue arrow) and thus pulling the ciliary body out (red arrow). (D) shows a view of
an implant and its cross section.
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The other approach involves creating radial Study of the mechanisms of presbyopia is cur-
sclerotomy incisions in the sclera over the ciliary muscle rently an area of intense interest and research focus.
(Figs. 170-171). These incisions cause expansion of the Steven Mathews, OD, Ph.D, from the Depart-
sclera in the region of the ciliary muscle, which changes ment of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences, Texas
the biomechanical forces and restores accommodation Tech University Health Science Center, Lubbock, Texas,
to some degree. Dr. Spencer Thorton, who has been concludes, after very careful scientific study published
investigating this approach, has found that it helps restore in Ophthalmology 1999;106:873-877, that if presbyopic
reading vision in some patients. patients read smaller letters at near than they were able
This method under investigation for the correction of presbyopia involves the use
of a series of small scleral slits (S) over the area of the ciliary body (C) to induce a shift of the
ciliary body out (red arrows). This changes the distance between the ciliary body (C) and lens
(L), possibly increasing ability of zonular fibers to exert traction (white arrows) on lens
capsule and change shape of lens. Notice the change in shape (blue arrow) of the sclera in the
area of the slits (S).
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This external view of the eye shows shows the location, size and
number of slits (S) placed in the area between the extraocular muscles (M),
for the treatment of presbyopia.
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Enhancements Following Incisional Shallow corneal incisions are the most common
Keratotomy cause of undercorrections and are easily corrected either
in the operating room or at the slit lamp with Buzard’s
Undercorrections procedure (Fig. 176). Briefly, the incision is opened with
a blunt hook and the diamond knife, set to the depth of the
Buzard emphasizes that the three possible causes primary operation, is inserted into the incision and mo-
of an undercorrection with RK are: 1) a poorly planned ved both centripetally and centrifugally in the incision
operation; 2) shallow incisions; 3) a patient who under until no resistance is felt. The knife is “bumped” against
responds. the paracentral end of the incision to eliminate any
Errors in the preoperative plan can be easily beveling of the incision.
checked. Shallow incisions are observed on slit lamp The incisions are re-examined and if an
evaluation as incisions which do not appear to extend undercorrection persists and shallow incisions are still
completely through the cornea on a thin slit beam directly present, the procedure can be repeated with a slight (0.02
adjacent to the clear central zone. to 0.03) extension of the diamond knife. If care is taken
Patients who respond poorly to appropriately to remain within the incision(s), the procedure can be
planned incisional refractive surgery are relatively rare repeated several times with increasing effect. This
and seem to be more common in the younger age group. procedure can be performed even several years after the
Pregnant women have a remarkable ability to heal primary procedure with good results and no corneal
refractive incisions. Impending or coexisting pregnancy instability. Beware of perforation: watch for and stop if
should be a contraindication to incisional refractive there is any appearance of fluid in the incision.
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Subject Index
Astigmatism LASIK (Laser in Situ Keratomileusis)
Astigmatic Keratotomy LASIK - Astigmatism
Astigmatic Keratotomy Nomograms Lasik Complications
Cataract Management and LASIK - Enhancements
Clear Lens Extraction-Phakic Myopia - High
Computed Corneal Topography LASIK - Hyperopia
Contraindications in Herpes Simplex LASIK - Low Myopia
Contraindications in Keratoconus LASIK - Moderate Myopia
Contraindications in Retinal Diseases Posterior Chamber IOL´s
Corneal Thickness Pre - Operative Evaluations
Diameter of Ablation Presbyopia
Endotelial Microscopy Presbyopia - Surgical Alternatives
Enhancements PRK - PhotoRefractive Keratectomy
Excimer Laser Technology PRK - Surgical Technique
Eye Tracking Pupil Size Diameter
Flying Spots Systems Radial Keratotomy
Gel Injection Keratoplasty (GIAK) Radial Keratotomy - Overcorrections
Hyperopia Refraction
Hyperopia - IOL´s Refractive Errors - Factors not related
Hyperopia - LTK Refractive Surgery Advances
INTACS Residual Stroma
INTACS - Surgical Technique Specular Microscopy
Intraocular Lenses Sub - clinical Keratoconus
IOL´s - Aphakia Topography
IOL´s - Phakic Topography - Orbscan
Artisan IOL Topography - PAR System
Barraquer IOL Topography - Placido disc
Implantable Contact Lens Videokeratography
Nu-Vita IOL Visual Acuity vs Visual Accuracy
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Editorial Board
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