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Eznec 4nec2: Antenna Design For Free Using Mmana-Gal Software

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EZNEC and 4nec2 are based upon the Numerical Electromagnetics Code, or NEC, which is a popular
antenna modelling system for wire and surface antennas originally written in FORTRAN in the 1970s
by Gerald Burke and Andrew Poggio of the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.
MMANA-GAL on the other hand is based upon MININEC which was written by John Rockway with
support from Jim Logan.
These 3 programs are the most commonly used by radio amateurs.


There is a free Demo version 6 of the program EZNEC but although it is the full program, it is
restricted to only allowing upto 20 segments for any antenna design which can be quite restrictive.
The author experienced problems when trying to install 4nec2 and hence its use was abandoned.
As a Christmas present, the author received a copy of the RSGB Publication
‘An Introduction to Antenna Modelling’ by Steve Nichols (G0KYA) which
includes a free CD containing the program together with sample antenna
designs. This together with the program being a free download resulted in its
choice! The free basic program (version can be downloaded from :-


The name is derived from :- Macoto Mori (JE3HHT) who wrote the
ANtenna Analyser program - which was later modified by Igor
Gontcharenko (DL2KQ) and ALex Schewelew (DL1PBD)

MMANA-GAL has the following functions :-
•Enables an antenna to be defined in terms of straight wires (no loops) using xyz coordinates to
specify the ends of each wire. Hence an antenna consists of one or more elements, where each element
consists of one or more connected wires
•All wires must be of the same material but can have different diameters
•The design can be easily raised to a given height above ground (whose properties can be defined)
•One or more feed points (of definable characteristic impedance eg 50, 70, 300 etc) can be added at the
centre/beginning/end or anywhere along any wire (eg dipole is single centre fed wire)
•Loading coils/tuned traps etc can also be added to any wire
•Antenna design analysis of impedance/SWR/Far field plots with graphical display
•Automatic antenna optimizer with respect to jX, SWR, Gain, F/B, Elevation, and Current
•Ability to compare designs and also to export spreadsheet type files

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MMANA-GAL cannot model the effect of wire insulation upon the velocity factor of an
electromagnetic wave which results in calculated wire lengths being longer than required in practice.
The solution is to design the antenna for a working frequency which is proportionally higher than
required in practice.
eg if pvc coated wire is used to construct the antenna then the velocity factor drops to approx 0.95 and
the wavelength is 0.95 of that in free space. Consequently wire lengths would need to only be 0.95 of
that predicted by MMANA-GAL. Alternatively, use a 1/0.95 ie approx 5% higher design frequency to
It would also appear not possible to have different materials within any single design - eg it is not
possible to have copper wires and an aluminium support pole within a given design.
MMANA-GAL cannot model buried radials
There are also limitations within the free basic version namely :-
Segments 8192
Wires (max.) 512
Sources (max.) 64
Loads (max.) 100


The program starts in the View window which initially just shows the xyz coordinate system.
However, it is useful to check when using the program for the first time that SWR values will be based
upon your preferred characteristic impedance eg 50 ohm. This is done by clicking on Setup (top left)
and choosing Setup from the drop down menu and checking that in lower left of the Setup window that
R = 50 and jX = 0 for Standard Z (SWR=1).

The Geometry window defines the end points of each wire as XYZ Z (height)
MMANA prefers the Z Axis to define element heights agl, the X Axis to (3,2,7)
define element separation (eg Boom position for a Yagi) and the Y Axis
for eg element lengths for horizontal elements (Y=0 for vertical elements)
7 Y (W)
Diagram shows a point (eg wire end) at a height of 7 units agl, positioned
3 units (eg along a Boom) and at a horizontal position of 2 units in the Y 2
X (N)
However, if you find the coordinate system difficult, then the Wire Edit window
option may be easier found by clicking on Edit at the top left of the View window and select Wire Edit from
the drop down menu which will be explained later in the talk.

Design and analysis of an antenna is done in these stages :- Enter wires - position and radius
Enter source point - ie where antenna fed
Enter details of any point L/C loads
Run Calculation and examine SWR & F/B
Run (optional) Optimisation for eg SWR

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To demonstrate the program, MMANA-GAL basic will be used to design and analyse a simple 2m two
element vertical Yagi using 2mm diameter copper wire with the antenna base placed 1.5m above real
ground at a design frequency of 145.5MHz.

9. ENTRY OF WIRES AND SOURCE (No Loads in this design)

There are two entry methods (Geometry & Wire Edit) but here we will use the Geometry window
Geometry Window Method
From the opening View window, click on the Geometry tab at the upper left
Enter Name for antenna design and change the Freq to 145.5MHz
Ensure DM1=800, DM2=80, SC=2, EC=2.
Assume that the Yagi has a Driven element initially approx half a wavelength long together with a 6%
longer parasitic (undriven) Reflector element.
At 145.5MHz a half wavelength is 300/(2 x 145.5) metres which is approx 1m. The Reflector will
initially be 6% longer (1.06m) and placed a fifth of a wavelength (0.4m) from the Driven element.
The antenna will be designed in the XZ plane and hence Y=0 for all points on the antenna, X defines
position along the boom, and Z defines height above ground.
The antenna wire radius is 1mm.
Antenna wire end points are entered in meters and it is necessary
to press Enter after entering each value. The Seg column should be
kept at the default -1 value for optimum segmentation.
Start with the longer Reflector (wire 1) with its lower point at
X=0, Y=0, Z=1.5 and upper end at X=0, Y=0 and Z=2.56.
The Driven element (wire 2) is positioned initially 0.4 m along
the X axis. Since it is 0.06m shorter but centred on the Reflector,
its lower end is at X=0.4, Y=0, Z=1.53 and its upper point is at
X=0.4, Y= 0, and Z = 2.53.
This is shown on the XYZ coordinate diagram opposite :-

Having entered the end points of the wires, the source (ie point on a wire where the antenna is fed) is
added next. The feed point is at the centre of the Driven element, wire 2 and is entered as w2c in the
Source Pulse box as shown in the diagram below. Other options are w2b to feed at the beginning of
wire 2, and w2e to feed at the end of wire 2.

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Now that the wire and source details have been entered, the antenna performance eg SWR etc can be
calculated. This is done by clicking the CALCULATE tab in the upper left and in the Calculate
window which opens, select the GROUND t ype as REAL and leave ADD HEIGHT at 0. Finally,
select Cu wire as the MATERIAL.
Click START and the first line of the table gives the antenna’s initial design performance namely
SWR is 2.27, Gain is 6.25 dBi and the F/B is 7.61 dB
Click on PLOTS which opens a window to show initially the Far Fields plots of Directivity (left plot)
and Take Off (right plot).

The resonant frequency of the antenna (ie when jX=0) can be found by clicking on RESONANCE and
YES to write to tables then select the Z tab and note the frequency where jX=0 which gives a resonant
frequency of 139 MHz indicating that the antenna element lengths are too long.
However, clicking on Plots/ and Far Fields tab shows a useful low angle lobe at 10 deg.
It is useful at this stage to save the initial antenna dimensions using File/Save As
The resonant frequency must now be optimised to 145.5 MHz and the element spacing of 0.4m
optimised for the best Gain and F/B
Click on the Optimization button at the bottom of the Calculate window.
Select All Elements (Table should show 3 lines of entry - element 1 adjusted for Z (length) , element 2
also adjusted for Z (Length), and a third row for element 2 adjusted for Interval (Boom spacing)

If there is no 3rd row, click Type and select Element, double click the 1 under Position and edit to 2,
and ensure Int (Interval) is shown under What
Set the Gain, F/B, and SWR sliders fully right, and all others fully left
Click Start and select No to saving the results

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This results in optimised results of :-
SWR of 1.01, Gain of 7.25 dBi (5.1 dB), F/B of 8.4 dB
Now return to the View tab and note the new element lengths and separation (obtained from the X values)
Reflector 100.6 cm, Driven 95.4 cm Separation 40.8 cm
Plots/Far Fields shows the radiation pattern
Plots/SWR/Detailed gives the SWR plot as
shown opposite.


To help evaluate the effectiveness of
MMANA-GAL to model the effects of wire
insulation (enamel in our case) and wire
end effects, it is useful to compare the
predicted and measured values of resonant
frequency for the Driven element alone with
the Reflector removed.
The MMANA-GAL predicted resonant
frequency is obtained by switching to the Geometry window, select any value for wire 2 (Reflector), right
click and select Del from the drop down menu to remove wire 1.
Use Calculate/Start (but do not optimise) to find a predicted resonant frequency of 150 MHz.
The antenna (Driven element only - 95.4 cm tip to tip) was then built and fed with RG58 via a 10T choke
balun near to the feed point (necessary since feeding a balanced antenna with unbalanced coax).
The resonant frequency was measured using an MFJ Antenna Analyser and compared with the 150 MHz
predicted value. My measured value was actually 145 MHz ie lower indicating that the elements are too
long due to wire insulation and end effects by approx 3%.
The MMANA-GAL analysis was then repeated at a 3% higher frequency of 150 MHz to compensate for
the analysis not correctly allowing for enamel insulation and wire end effects.
To do this, reload the initial antenna dimensions file saved earlier and in the Geometry window, ensure that
the Frequency is now set to 150 MHz.
Repeat the analysis and optimisation as before to give an SWR of 1, Gain of 7.25 dBi (5 dBd giving a power
gain of almost 3.2) and F/B of 9.41dB.
The final practical element lengths obtained from the View window are now :-
Reflector 98.4 cm Driven 92.6 cm Gap 37.6 cm
which when constructed should have a minimum SWR at 145.5MHz


Best starting point is to download a copy of MoxGen from http://www.moxonantennaproject.com/design.htm
and enter 145.5 MHz as the design frequency. The antenna dimensions (6 wires) produced by MoxGen have
been entered into MMANA-GAL and the antenna file can be downloaded from the Club Website.

Load this file into MMANA-GAL and use Calculate/Start to obtain the antenna performance.
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The results can be optimised as per the previous 2el 2m Vertical Yagi
example ie using Optimization/All elements/OK in window that
opens. However, edit the Association in line 1 from 0 to 3 in order
that any changes in the Reflector vertical height are also applied
equally to the Driven element in order to retain the rectangular shape
of the design. As before set the Gain, F/B and SWR sliders fully
right with all others left to achieve optimum Gain, F/B and SWR.
Finally, rerun the analysis at eg 150 MHz to compensate for wire end
effects etc.
A copy of the optimised antenna design file (at 150 MHz) is available
from the Club’s website.


This final section has been added to show how the Graphical Wire Edit mode can be used to define the wires
rather than having to work out the xyz coordinates as done in the 2m 2el Vertical Yagi example.
The antenna will be assumed to be at 10m above Real Ground and constructed from 0.8 mm Cu wire and
consist of 3 wires - a central 10m long wire with two 3m long wires attached at each end.
Open MMANA-GAL which will be in the View mode and click from the top bar Edit/Wire Edit to open the
Wire Edit window.
Click on the XZ Projection and New Wire buttons
In the upper half of the window hold down the Left Mouse button and draw a single horizontal line (in red)
symmetrically about the vertical Z axis.
Click in top right wire details box to open Wire Definition window.
Keeping the Mid Point, check and alter if needed that Z1=Z2=10m and also that X1 & X2 are symmetrical
but do NOT press Enter yet
Then alter the Length to 10+3+3=16m and press OK
Select Wire Edit button and Right click on the single wire and select Divide Wire into 3 pieces

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Still in Wire Edit mode, select central wire 2 and open Wire Definition window and Keeping the Mid
Point, edit wire length to 10m and OK. Wires 1 and 3 are now automatically each 3m long. Finally click on
the lower right OK and then select the Geometry tab. Should now give 3 wires as required.
Enter source centrally on wire 2 - w2c
Enter Loads (click Use Loads) and enter w1e/LC/22pF/100(Q)/14.2 MHz
Similarly enter w3b/LC/22pF/100/14.2
Calculate and check 14.2 MHz and No height and Cu wire.
Start gives SWR 2.38 and Resonant freq 14.42MHz
Need to get better SWR thus :-
Select Optimization with SWR slider fully right, all others fully left
Line 1 should entered as Wire/2/Y1/-2 (-2 Association ensures that ends are symmetrical) and Line 2 as
Start/ and No to option to Save
Gives SWR of 1.75 and check SWR Plot using Plots/SWR/Detailed.
Now look at 7.15MHz
Geometry 7.15 MHz, Calc/Start gives SWR 9.8 and Resonant at 7.6 MHz
Optimise wires 1 and 3 for best SWR thus :-
Optimization/Wire 1/Y1/-2 plus a second line with Wire 3/Y2 and with the SWR slider fully right, all
others fully left/Start/ and No to option to Save
Gives SWR of 1.45 and check SWR Plot using Plots/SWR/Detailed.
Finally it is useful to recheck 14.2 MHz using Geometry 14.2 MHz Calc/Start to get SWR 1.76
Best to now build the antenna and trim the centre section for best SWR at 14.2 MHz and then finally
trim the outer sections for best SWR at 7.15 MHz
To determine coil construction go to Tools/HF Components/Coil and enter required inductance of 5.71uH
and opt for calculate by coil diameter. Enter 2.5cm for coil diameter and wire dia of 1mm and 1mm
Results in a 23 turn coil, 4.62cm long with 2.5cm diameter
To get an Excel plot of SWR v Frequency - go to File & select Table F/SWR/Gain/Z * csv
In new window set Fmin to 3MHz and Fmax to 20 MHz
with a 50 kHz step. Ensure Not Match is selected.
OK and select file location and WAIT! window
disappears when done.
To display, open this file in a Spreadsheet program eg
Excel, OpenOffice or LibreOffice.
Select XY Scatter graph, smooth lines only, and ensure
that the vertical SWR axis is logarithmic.

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Now have a 40/20m trapped dipole approx 17m (56 feet) in length with a min SWR of 1.45 at 7.15 MHz
(under 2 over most of the band) and 1.76 at 14.2 MHz (under 2 over the SSB part of the band) when mounted
at a height of 10m.
However as before, the built antenna may need some trimming due to any wire insulation/end effects not
modelled by MMANA-GAL. The reader may need to edit the wire radius to suit what is available.
Hopefully the reader has found this article sufficiently stimulating that you now will give MMANA-GAL a go.
Enjoy and please contact me if however you find anything in this article which needs correcting.
Terry (G4CHD)

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