Midterm Exam

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La Salle University

Midterm Examination
Educational Technology 1 Lunel S. Samrano, LPT
June 26, 2019 Instructor

Multiple Choice: 25 points

Directions: Read the statements carefully. Write the letter of the correct answer on your test booklet.
1. What term was associated to something that is created with imagination and skill that expresses
significant ideas/feelings?
a. art b. skill c. craft d. talent
2. What Greek word is referred to as Technlogy?
a. craft b. art c. techne d. techno
3. What does the Greek word of the term technology mean?
a. craft and art b. skill and art c. craft and skill d. craft, skill and art
4. What is technology according to Dale?
a. the applied side of scientific development
b. all ways people use theit inventions
c. a complex, integrated process
d. organization for analyzing problems
5. Who stated that, “Technology is a profession like teaching”?
a. Dale b. Jonassen c. Gagne d. David
6. When was the Pythagoras Academy built?
a. 100 BCE b. 310 BCE c. 410 BCE d. 510 BCE
7. Who made the first paper in China?
a. Lun Ts’ai b. Tsai Lun c. Ts’ai Lun d. ts’ai Lin
8. When was public education first implemented?
a. 1600 – 1700 b. 1600 – 1800 c. 1700 – 1800 d. 1800 – 2000
9. When was the audio visual age?
a. 1920 b. 1930 c. 1940 d. 1950
10. The year 1995 was considered as what?
a. camera age b. digital age c. information age d. technological age
11. What are considered as channels of avenues of communication?
a. educational media b. technology integration c. instructional technology d. Technology
12. Who is the center of the systematized instruction chart?
a. teacher b. learner c. child d. Individual
13. Technology is bane when the learner
a. surfs the internet for information
b. is updated of the news daily
c. has uncritical mind on images floating on tv
d. will become more creative and innovative
14. What blessing did technology bring?
a. easier communication with loved ones
b. rely most of the time on internet
c. detriment to learning
d. people become passive and lazy
15. When does constructivism occur? When learners
a. are actively involved in the process of learning
b. are passively receiving information and knowledge
c. are constructing knowledge of the world
d. reflect and evaluate their experiences
16. Which of the following is not an example activity in constructivism approach?
a. field trips b. films c. direct instruction d. Experimentation
17. Teacher A wants to be organized in giving the instruction to his students. What should be the first step
that he will do?
a. refine the process b. define objectives c. evaluate outcome d. choose methods
18. After the discussion, Teacher K wants to check if her method used was effective for her Grade 8
students. What should she do?
a. assign personnel roles b. implement instruction c. evaluate outcomes d.refine process
19. A Science teacher already have his end in mind to the topic that he will discuss in a day. What do you
think is the next thing that he need?
a. choose appropriate methods
b. choose appropriate materials
c. select materials and equipment
d. implement instruction
20. A visual model that presents the bands of experience arranged according to degree of abstraction is
a. three-tiered model b. cone of experience
c. systematic approach chart d.Gagne’s 9 Events
21. What experiences in the cone belong to enactive learning process?
a. verbal symbols b. dramatized experience c. motion pictures d. TV
22. What is considered the most abstract level of the cone?
a. contrived experiences b. still pictures c. TV d. Verbal symbols
23. Who is the proponent of the three-tiered model of learning?
a. Edgar Dale b. Jerume Bruner c. Robert Gagne d. David Jonassen
24. An elementary teacher wants to give hands-on activities to her grade one pupils. What experience in
the cone should she integrate in her instruction?
a. direct purposeful b. dramatized c. contrived d. demonstrations
25. What level of the three-tiered model is presented through a series of illustrations?
a. enactive b. iconic c. symbolic d. graphic

II. Enumeration: 15 points

1-4. Steps in the proper use of Instructional materials
5-12. Systematized instruction
13-15. Roles of Educational Technology in Learning

II. Illustration: 10 points

Directions: Illustrate the following concept.
1. By means of a graphic organizer, illustrate the Cone of Experience and label the experiences
that corresponds to each tier of level in the Three-Tierd model. (10 points)

“Believe in yourself; have faith in your abilities”

-Miss Lu

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