Etihad Museum Project: Case Study and Lessons Learnt
Etihad Museum Project: Case Study and Lessons Learnt
Etihad Museum Project: Case Study and Lessons Learnt
Case study and lessons learnt
01 - Case study
About Dubai 5
Dubai's history 5
About RTA 7
Project description 10
Project milestones 13
Exhibition planning 14
historical buildings 24
Lessons learnt 26
02 - Lessons learnt
Managerial lessons learnt 31
Case study
4 5
١.3 1.4
in a city that expands at a remarkable rate.
From the timeless tranquility of the desert
to the lively bustle of the souk, Dubai offers
and its
the tourist can experience everything from
The Roads and Transport Authority (RTA)
rugged mountains and awe-inspiring sand
emerged in November 2005 as a public entity
dunes to sandy beaches and lush green parks,
with an independent corporate body and a
from dusty villages to luxurious residential
full legal capacity to perform all business and
districts and from ancient houses with wind
actions needed to achieve its objectives. RTA
towers to ultra-modern shopping malls.
is a government-owned entity and based in
Dubai is now a city that boasts unmatchable Dubai.
hotels, remarkable architecture and world- The Emirate is both a dynamic international
class entertainment and sporting events. business centre and a laid-back tourist escape;
RTA plans and constructs transportation and
a city where the sophistication of the 21st
road projects within Dubai, or between Dubai
The beautiful Burj Al Arab hotel presiding over century walks hand in hand with the simplicity
and neighboring emirates. It enacts rules and
the coastline of Jumeirah Beach is the world's of a bygone era. But these contrasts give
regulations and draws up comprehensive
only hotel which offers seven star services. Dubai its unique flavour and personality;
strategic plans for road systems, and land
The Burj Khalifa is the world's tallest structure a cosmopolitan society with an
and marine transit networks to keep pace
and reminds us of the commercial confidence international lifestyle.
with Dubai's economic development plans
according to highest international standards.
Its roles include developing and implementing
policies necessary for achieving optimal
utilisation of existing transport and traffic
elements. It attends to studying and endorsing Its Board of Directors oversees administrative,
the privatisation of related businesses, and technical and financial affairs, develops the
establishing, managing and commissioning overall policy and project programs, prepares
an integrated transport system that provides budget proposals for onward submission to
services customised to community needs. Dubai’s Executive Council for endorsement,
It sets up regulations, and administrative sets up Organisation Charts, endorses fare
and operational systems relating to its core structure for transportation, and appoints
business. auditors.
It compiles and implements findings of studies RTA comprises five agencies: the Traffic and
conducted for fixing and implementing fees Roads, Public Transport, Licensing, Rail and
to traffic and roads including proposing fares Dubai Taxi Corporation and three support
for using roads network, licensing drivers sectors: Strategy and Corporate Governance,
and vehicles, and setting fare structure for Administrative Corporate Support Services and
mass transit routes. It attends to upgrading Technology Corporate Support Services.
legislations and procedures of drivers and
vehicles registration and licensing to realise
the strategic objectives of transport system
in Dubai, conducts licensing of mass transit
routes and all RTA business-related activities.
6 7
1.5 RTA's organisational
Internal Audit Director General, Chairman of the Board of Executive Directors Office
Strategy and Corporate Governance Corporate Administrative Support Services Corporate Technology Support Services
Public Transport Agency Traffic and Roads Agency Dubai Taxi Corporation Rail Agency Licensing Agency
8 9
1.7 Project team
Figure 01. Aerial view from Jumeirah Road
Executive Committee
Steering Committee
• Road and Transport Authority
• Dubai Culture and Arts Authority
1.6 Project
house functions. The fast-tracked project also
includes an extensive plaza and the provision
of both underground and surface parking.
1.8 Overall project
Etihad House, where the treaty was signed, is
being restored to its original form along with
structural upgrades. The structure of the nearby
guesthouse is being re-built and its fittings
The new 26,000 m2 museum and associated and furnishings being restored to their original
buildings celebrate the Union of the Emirates condition. The curved Ministers building is being
in 1971. The museum will focus on the years re-built on its original location and will serve as
1968 to 1974, with the political and social a VIP function space.
context of how the union of the truciate states Initiate Design Execute Close
came about and how they subsequently The museum is located underground and
flourished. The site consists of both restored connects the pavillion, guesthouse, and • Define problem • Detailed current state • Solution specific • Knowledge transfer
analysis methodology
and reconstructed historic buildings and a new Ministers’ building. Landscaping surrounding the • High-level analysis • Client acceptance
• Stakeholder engagement • Project management • Continuous improvement
pavillion entrance in the form of a scroll with historic site will be restored to its original look • Relationship building
• Scope plan
• Solution Architecture
seven inclined columns representing the pen from 1971. The new water feature edge matches • Organisational readiness
assement • Resource planning
• Time • Project closure and audit
used to sign the constitution document. The the original shoreline from 1971. Further, a new • Business case
• Cost
• Quality
museum contains permanent and temporary 123 m flagpole has been constructed to replace • Project implementation
galleries, an auditorium, teaching spaces, cafes, the existing landmark flagpole, which is located plan
10 11
1.9 Project milestones
Revised Procurement Strategy - Level 1 Programme
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
Option 1 -
Two stage tender
Stage 1 -
Enabling Works
Negotiate -
Enabling Works ASGC 2 months
Stage 2 -
Main Contract
Final Design
3 months
and Tender Docs
12 13
1.10 Exhibition 1.11 Overview
planning of museum zones
The Union Museum will tell the story of the The Exhibition Designers have summarised ZONE A Public/Non Collections: ZONE C – Non Public/Collections:
unification of the Emirates and the ongoing the criteria that define such a classification
Spaces accessible by the visiting public, Spaces to which public does not have general
process of unification since 1971. for museums, as would be recognised
which do not contain collections such as the access but which house collections such as
internationally, and is included in Appendix A.
Lobby, Retail, Cafe and Theater spaces. Collection storage, Shipping and Receiving
As a major new public attraction in Dubai, World class goes beyond achieving the
areas, Crate Storage, Conservation Laboratories
and the vehicle that will announce the story architectural expression. It also refers to
ZONE B Public/Collections: and other collection handling areas. These
of unification to all, with a particular focus a generous space program and a sustained
spaces require museum collection standards
on the period spanning from 1968 to 1971, world-class operation, with programmed Spaces for public use that contain collections
of environmental control and security but not
but capturing nonetheless the major factors activities and adequate staffing. such as Galleries, which meet Museum
levels of finish required for public use.
that contributed to this major event and the Three exhibition space options were studied standards for public presentation as
resulting positive impact to UAE’s residents. to determine how size impacts the world well as collections standard security and
environmental controls
ZONE D Non Public/Non Collections:
The intent of the Client is to ensure the class qualities as well as how it affects
Museum project will be housed in a world the anticipated visitor attendance. Spaces to which the public does not have
class facility and will encompass a world Refer to attached appendices. general access and which do not contain
class visitor experience. collections such as staff offices and work areas.
Figure 01 - Overview
of museum zones
Zone A - Public Non-Collection Zone C- Non-Public/Collection
14 15
Figure 02 -
Visitor circulation
Visitors circulation
Non-public VIP Zone A Zone B
Prayer Rooms
16 17
Figure 03 - 1.12 Artifact
Collections circulation sourcing process
Identification of potential artifacts for display Phase 2 Content Development
in the exhibition is an ongoing process that & Exhibition Design
Loading Dock begins with the Interpretive Master Plan,
• The next step in identifying artifacts occurs
continues through the content development
when the exhibits identified in the
and exhibition design phases, and finally into
Interpretive Master Plan are broken out in
the fabrication and procurement phase of work.
the Research Matrix. The Matrix identifies
Collections Shipping which exhibits could feature artifacts or
atnd Receiving
Phase 1 Interpretive Master Plan
replicas, and directs research into potential
• At this stage of the process we begin to objects and sources.
identify the types of artifacts that may be
• The Draft Content Package makes some
available for display in exhibits, based on our
preliminary recommendations on potential
background research, and discussion with
artifacts for display based on research done
the clients and other institutions regarding
to date. For example this military uniform,
the availability of relevant artifacts.
Crating/ or that Abu Dhabi stamp, and any information
Uncrating Crate Storage on potential sources for these items.
• As the story being told by the permanent
exhibition in the Etihad Museum is largely
• The Final Content Package will incorporate
idea based, focusing on unity, identity and
feedback from the client on the preliminary
the concepts behind UAE Constitution, it was
artifact recommendations and will have new
decided early on that this exhibition would
Permanent Collection recommendations based on ongoing research.
not be heavily artifact based. There is also
the limitation that no collection exists • As content development and exhibition
already that has artifacts related to the design happen concurrently, each will
events around unification. continue to inform the other and changes
can be made as design evolves or new
• It has been noted in the Interpretive Master
research uncovers potential artifacts.
Archival Storage Collections Workroom Plan that where an authentic artifact cannot
be sourced for display, in some cases a replica • By the end of this phase of work there will
could be made instead. be a good understanding of the types of
artifacts desired for the exhibition, as well
• For the most part, the Interpretive Master
as direction on which will likely need to be
Plan was devised to make use of dramatic
Temporary Exhibition replicas and which should be authentic
Storage Collection Supplies imagery, audio, video and multimedia
artifacts sourced from different institutions.
interactives that can express the key
concepts to visitors. This is a word class,
high-tech, experiential exhibition rather
than a traditional artifact based one.
Zone A
Exhibition Gallery Zone B
Zone C
18 19
The artifacts that
• Objects that are to be reproduced will
Phase 3 Fabrication and Procurement
be the responsibility of the exhibition
• Once the final content package is approved fabricator, who will make them according
recommendations document:
• The museum must have the capability to
from other institutions or individuals,
securely store all artifacts—borrowed and
or procuring artifacts in another way,
acquired—until the time that they are needed
for example through purchase.
for exhibition installation. It is not wise to take
• The loan process must be undertaken by possession of these too early if there is not
the owner of the project, who will be appropriate storage. A. Traditional coffee service implements
responsible for the artifacts on display in
• Artifacts and replicas will be installed by the B. Traditional Bedouin guns
the exhibition. Consultants cannot make
exhibition fabrication team, except in some
loan requests. Borrowing from other C. Falconry equipment
circumstances where borrowed artifacts are
institutions is a formal process that involves
required to be installed by professional
making the initial request, agreeing to terms, D. Traditional Emirati drums
curators under the terms of the loan agreement.
completing loan agreement forms, shipping
and installing the artifacts. E. Traditional period head coverings
• In some cases, certain artifacts may not be
in the possession of the museum in time for F. Pearl diving equipment
• Artifacts that the museum will formally
installation, and plans should be made to
take into its own collection must follow an
accommodate these in the future once they G. Camel racing gear
accessioning process. This does not apply
are secured. In some cases a reproduction
to artifacts on loan. H. Flags of each of the seven Emirates, prior to Unification (modern or reproduction)
could be used in the interim, or a display
case added
I. Stamps from the individual Emirates, prior to Unification
K. UAE Constitution
L. First aid box from the Medical Services Corp of the Abu Dhabi Defense Force
Q. Taxidermy falcon
R. Commemorative coins issued by the UAE Central Bank to commemorate Rulers or special events
T. Uniforms from the UAE Military, including from humanitarian missions, and women’s uniforms
V. Uae Military equipment set rocket launcher, gas mask, medical bag, gas detector used in Kosovo
20 21
1.13 Permanent Diagram explaining
exhibition sections the primary visitors route
22 23
1.14 Special construction 3D Laser Survey done for Guest House
Depending on the technology employed, UTEC can scan millions of points per second with a range
• Clash Detection Aid in pipe design and clash detection by scanning an area of interest
and Eenerating a CAD model
• Civil Engineering Collect topographic data or create accurate volume calculations of a stockpile
to determine how much substance has been removed from a location
• Historical Buildings and Sites Capture a 3D point cloud with minimal disturbance to the location
Commissioning Survey
It is unlikely that professionals in the heritage sector who require laser scanning data or products will
themselves have the means or expertise to undertake the work. It is more likely that survey work will need
Cathodic Protection System to restore Etihad House to be commissioned and undertaken by a specialist contractor. The following considered in the survey.
• Consider the level of detail required and the extent of the subject. These are often the overriding
• Corrosion is a natural but controllable process
parameters used to determine the appropriate survey technique and/or deliverable product.
• CP system can be applied to mitigate corrosion
• Start by working out what data are needed in order to answer the questions you have set.
Try to come up with requirements for accuracy and products. It may not be necessary to specify
• Unions House protected by ICCP system
the actual technique to be used, just the required products.
• CP design based on 20mA/m2 current density in accordance with BS EN 12969 • To consider how you will use the product; additional costs might be hidden in buying
new software/hardware.
• All materials and Installation shall comply with the requirements of the CP design
• To discuss the requirements with possible contractors. A good contractor will be able to advise
• Only qualified and experience contractors shall carry out the CP installation
you if your requirements are achievable, realistic and necessary, as well as provide information on an
and commissioning
alternative deliverable product that you may not have considered. Also, discuss the work with other
• Quality control during installation and commissioning members of your organisation, especially with those with relevant expertise, as other uses for the
survey data and products may be apparent to them, and may increase the overall value of the work
• CP Monitoring after commissioning to be commissioned.
A quality assurance (QA) check done before accepting the survey and passing
it into the archive and on for use.
24 25
1.15 Lessons learnt
12.3. Tendering Challenges
12.3.1. Most of materials of the exhibitions was part of the provisional
sum items due to availability of the information during the design stage
12.4. Construction Challenges
The Etihad Museum Project faced many challenges during the project life cycle 12.4.1. Short period of construction (18 months for the Main Works package
from conceptualization to completion. RTA documented these challenges as lessons including the exhibition works)
learnt to be used in future projects as also to benefit for the Engineering 12.4.2. Excavation around the historical buildings
community as a whole.
This section provides a summary of the main challenges faced by Etihad Museum
Project classified according to the project phase where the occurred.
26 27
Digging a very deep excavation around the Etihad House
28 29
02 2.1 Managerial
lessons learnt
These managerial lessons learnt apply • A clear, strong and unwavering vision.
to top management of the owner
• Absolute trust in the team and the
organisation and can be useful to any
team must also have absolute trust
governmental agency and/ or privet
in the leader and his vision
developer who plans to undertake a
similar project. • Ability to influence all major players
on the project
• Technical knowledge
For projects to succeed, the project leader
• Momentum, control and follow -through
must possess, display and apply
several characteristics of leadership • A positive, no-nonsense, can do attitude
excellence as listed below:
learnt from
management plan covering the entire as a mega project; however, the client should
utilise all the resources available for it. project including such as Engineer, do the following:
From these management techniques and the project management company (PMC),
the Independent Safety Assess Client must develop its own complete project
the Etihad
their adaptation, RTA could draw several and the Operator. organisation chart with experienced staff and
lessons learnt.
• Integration of the work of the Engineer, clear roles, responsibilities and Authorities.
the PMC and the client with clear roles
The following section summarise the lessons • The Client’s project staff must focus
for each.
learnt from this prestigious/ historical project 100% of their time and effort on the
into five categories: Managerial, Technical, • Studying the effects of any changes on delivery of the project.
Administrative, Financial and Contractual. all aspects of the project (Time, Cost, Quality,
Safety, etc.)
30 31
Monitoring and Control Risk Management 2.2 Technical
lessons learnt
• Client needs to set challenging deadlines
• The client must have a robust risk management
• Client must develop and use strong reporting process of their own without relying on those of
systems to monitor progress the Engineer or the contractor
• Top management should always use • Client must develop plans to deal with
multiple sources of information to ensure all anticipated risks The technical lessons learnt apply to the technical aspects of project
that they have full picture management. Although these lessons learnt are drawn from a museum's project,
• The client should always have alternative
they actually apply across most disciplines within the construction industry.
• Client must make the right decisions at the plans and work-arounds
right time. Delaying decisions will only result
in problems getting larger and the project
going into stagnation
• Client must ensure a balanced work
distribution between all parties
32 33
• Construction methodology must be defined
• Client must conduct a detailed soil very well before proceeding with the
investigation report before starting the design baseline programme
• Client must get involved in the reviewing • Enabling works recommended to be separate
the design with Authority phase of the project
• Client must have technical team onboard at • Steel structure design must be developed
the site to control the quality, cost, and time by specialist, not by consultant
34 35