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Amber Kunes Classroom Management Plan Secondary

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Amber Kunes

Classroom Management Plan


Enter quietly and politely; remove your hat if you're wearing one; don't interrupt other
students; follow the appropriate procedures for each time of day (e.g., morning, after
lunch, after a special class). Go to your assigned seat and begin working on your bell
ringer assignment.
A student, who is not in the classroom when I close the classroom door, is considered
either late or tardy. A student is tardy if he is without a pass or note from another teacher.
A student is late if he arrives with a pass/teacher note after I close the door. Late
students need to give me their pass at an appropriate time, i.e. when I’m not talking to the
class as a group. There is no penalty for arriving late with a pass or note from another
Students who were absent will find any assignments that were completed in class in the
“Absent Bin” located on the shelf near the teacher’s desk. The student will have 1 day per
absence to complete the assignment.
Students will turn in their homework assignments in the homework bin located by my
desk as they enter the room. Each class will have a designated bin with their period and
class time on it.
Getting the Class’ Attention:
To get the classes attention, I will stand in front of the classroom with my hand up in the
air. I will wait patiently for the class to quiet down before I give an announcement or
Visitor in the Room: (What will the students do while you are with a visitor?)
When visitors enter the room and I am meeting with them, the students will look over
their work and remain silent or I will ask the class to quietly discuss with their partner
two interesting facts they have learned about the material that day/week until I am
finished speaking with the visitor.
Getting the Teacher’s Attention:
If a student would like to get my attention, the student will remove a HELP card and
place it on the outside of the pocket that is located on the desk. This will allow for the
student to keep working. When I am finished helping the student, I will place the HELP
card back in the envelope.

The student will raise their hand to get my attention and ask politely to go to the
restroom. The student will grab the restroom pass and leave the room quietly; do not play
in the restroom; return to class before two minutes have passed (promptly).
Lining Up/Hallway:
Stand up quietly; push in your chair; take all necessary items; line up without touching
others or talking; face the front of the line; watch where you are going.
Collaborative Group Work:
Do not bring anything with you unless I ask you to; politely find a place to sit where you
can do your best learning; sit flat, not on your knees; or at the tables in assigned groups;
listen carefully for new information; do not speak when someone else is speaking.
During transitions, I will secure students’ attention: “Focus on me, please.”
I will explain the procedure: “In a moment, return to your desks and take out your health
education textbooks.”
Prepare kids for the signal to start: “When I say ‘smooth,’ you’ll quietly proceed.”
Initiate the transition: “And... smooth.”
I am not going to say “go,” because that word cues students to race.
Observe: Watch to make sure all students are complying.

What to Do When Done:

If you finish an assignment, first work on any unfinished assignments that are in the front
pocket of your work notebook; when you finish those, you may choose to read a book,
write a story, illustrate a book, make up math problems, work on a research project or
work on assignment from another class.
Students will put up all your materials and turn in necessary assignments. Please remain
in your seat and wait for me to dismiss you.
Home and School Connection:
I will send home school announcements with the students to give to their parents or
guardians. If it is an important letter that needs to be signed the student will be
responsible for getting the signature from their parents or guardian and bringing it back in
the appropriate time frame given. I will also utilize a “Remind” app for my parents that
will utilize technology to remind them of important events.

Bullying Pledge:
“I believe everyone has the right to feel safe
I will commit to standing string against bullying
I will treat others with respect and kindness
I have the compassion to not be a bully
And the courage to not be a bystander
It is my responsibility to help others who are being bullied
And to report bullying when I see it or when it happens to me
I will not stand by. I will stand up.”
-www.Donewith Bullying.com
Bullying Procedures:
 I will take necessary steps to prevent harassment by teaching my students about it
and by supervising them adequately.
 I will be alert to signs that a student is being harassed by others and I will act
 I will know the school’s policy about harassment as well as my responsibilities.
 I will involve administrators, parents, or guardians, and other support personnel
according to the guidelines specified by my district if one of my students is
involved in harassment.
 I will not ignore the situation, if I observe the incident, no matter how mild it may
appear, I will take actions.
 If an incident occurs, I will put the school’s procedures into action by speaking
with an administrator.
 I will meet the students whom I suspect of having harassed a peer and ask them to
tell you about the incident.
 Then I will ask for the details in writing. I will not speak with the victim first so
that there will be a few reprisals for tattling.
 I will meet with the victim to discuss the incident.
 I will have the victim write a report of the incident as well. I will support the
 I will talk with the parents or guardians of the students involved to let them know
what has been reported. They should understand not only what happened but also
that there is a school policy about harassment and that the incident has been
reported to the administrator.
 I will elicit their support in working with me to prevent further abuse.
 I will work with both students together to reconcile their differences. The abuser
should apologize to the victim.
 At the end of the conference, both students should have a better understanding of
their behavior.

I will explain and model each classroom procedure to the class. I may ask for several
students to role play the procedure with me. I will talk out loud while demonstrating and
modeling the steps with each procedure. I will allow time for discussion, questions, and
clarification. Next, I will break the students into small groups to practice with each other.
We will do each procedure one by one so there is no confusion. As the students are
practicing with each other I will observe them in action. I will have them practice until
they are doing it correctly and feel confident about the procedure. As I observe the
students practicing the procedures, I keep an eye out for students who look lost or who
are not following directions. I will verbally coach the students with prompts and
encouragement. I will be patient and understand the need to teach and reteach a
procedure for reinforcement. I will encourage a student who is following a procedure by
specifically affirming the action or deed, rather than by dispensing a generic word of
Teacher: “Ok students this is what we will do when we are working or in a discussion
with groups and I need to get your attention. I will stand in front of the classroom with
my hand up in the air. I will wait patiently for you to quiet down before I give an
announcement or instruction.” I will demonstrate to them where I will stand and I will
raise my hand nice and tall.
I will ask the students to start talking quietly with their neighbors and watch for my que.
I will then wall to the front of the room and raise my hand nice and tall. The students will
notice and become quiet so I can give instruction.
Ok class let’s do it again, I will let them talk amongst themselves and then I will do a
small task and then come to the front of the room and raise my hand nice and tall. I will
acknowledge the class and give them thanks for following instructions.
Discipline Plan / Classroom Rules

I believe having an effective classroom management plan will help minimize any
disciplinary issues in the classroom. If there is a system in place and you teach, rehearse
and reinforce it frequently, there will be small room for any disciplinary issues. When
discipline is needed, I believe the teacher should hear the student out and be firm and
clear of what is expected from the student. At the conclusion of the resolution, both
parties should have an understanding. When making the classroom rules I will include
the students because I feel they will follow them and respect them more so than me
handing the rules and telling them to follow them.

Classroom Rules
 Be respectful towards one another
 Be on time and Prepared
 Participate in the activities
 Give 100%

Reward System
I will have a fake currency in my classroom that can be earned called “Bonus Money”.
Students can earn the bonus money by turning in homework on time, acing an exam or
quiz, following the class rules, or doing a good deed in the classroom to help another
student. The students can use the bonus money for extra points towards a low score on a
test or assignment, a homework pass, sitting in the comfy chair located in the classroom,
or towards the treat jar.

If students’ form of behavior become apparent for example, talking at the back of the
classroom, I will move into their proximity in hopes that will eradicate the small talk. I
will use low profile intervention of eye contact if needed or calling their name to refocus
their attention. I will remind students of the procedures and the classroom rules they
helped create. Further consequences, I will ask the student to come into the hallway and
state they are not in trouble, but I want to chat with them. I will talk with them and ask If
I did anything to offend them and work to solve the problem. I will send a letter home to
the parent and let them know of the issue and tell them if it was solved. If student
behavior continues, I will call the parent and have a meeting with them. If the issues
persist or if they worsen, I will let the administrator know so they can handle the
Accountability Component
For accountability, I will recognize and reinforce positive behaviors. I will give my
students praise and have moments where the class will give each other high fives when
the class exhibits good behavior. I will reinforce my high expectations for the students so
they will know what is expected in the classroom. I will have a letter sent home to parents
that explains my expectations, the classroom rules, and procedures. I will ask the parents
to sign the letter and have the student to return it, this will be reinforcement to hold the
students accountable.

Tate, M. L. (2007). Shouting won’t grow dendrites: 20 techniques for managing a brain-
compatible classroom. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.
Thompson, J. G. (2013). The First-Year Teachers Survival Guide: Ready-to-Use
Strategies, Tools and. John Wiley & Sons.
Classroom Management Plan: Seating

Teacher’s Desk: I placed the teacher’s desk in the back and close to the students’ desks. I
will hardly ever be at my desk during instruction but if I need to take care of a quick task,
I can still view all my students.
Mini Fridge: I have a mini fridge because I like to stay well hydrated and I think it will be
beneficial so that I do not have to exit the classroom during class time if I need water. Also,
I can place my snacks in the fridge to eat before the next class or on my lunch break.
Students’ Desks: I chose circle tables because I believe the students will be more engaged
and it will be easier to do activities together. I believe having circle tables will also help
the student develop social skills and accountability with each other. I think having circle
tables will allow an easier flow in the classroom for me to work in the power zone and the
students to move around if needed.
Storage: I have the storage in the back of the classroom so I can conveniently get to any
supplies needed.
Shelves: I have the shelves tucked away in the corner because I think it looks more
organized and I dislike clutter. If I am given textbooks, I can have them stored on the
shelves or if we have classroom chrome books, I can have them stored on the shelves as
Circle Rugs: I have the circle rugs in the classroom because this would be where we come
together as a big group and discuss a topic, do skits, and other group activities. I want a
place in the classroom where the students can be themselves, in a safe and organized way.
This could also be our “free thinking” circle , if we have extra time, the students can
collaborate on new ideas for a project we have in class or discuss how they can apply new
skills learned in class to the real world.
Projector: The projector will be centered in the middle of the classroom and face the front
of the classroom. This allows for all the students to be able to see the front board.

Students will have assigned seating that will be established on the first day of school.
Before the Students Arrive Checklist
Preparing for the first day of school:
 Organize Your Paperwork:
o Enter names in gradebook and attendance book/software.
o Organize student portfolios.
o Write a welcome letter.
o Prepare a substitute teacher folder.
 Organize Curriculum Materials and Lesson Plans:
o Unpack and collect all textbooks, workbooks and reading materials.
o Store them on the bookshelves.
 Other curriculum tasks:
o Write lesson plans for the two weeks, including over planning lessons.
o Prepare all copies, handouts, and materials for health education needed the
first week including any laminating that needs to be done.
o Prepare a plan for distributing materials.
o Label all materials that will be distributed.
o Prepare simple activities for the first day of school.
 Prepare an Attractive and Welcoming Classroom Environment
o Section off the bulletin board
 “I Do”- what the teacher will do.
 “You Do”- what the students will do.
 Bell Schedule and Specials Bell Schedule.
 Post posters on the walls that are relatable to students, positive
quotes and health education facts.
o For seating, I will make a seating chart and post it on the board on the
first day of school.
o Set up specific areas such as workshop centers and displays.
o Set up calendar and circle time area, if necessary.
o Post classroom rules and consequences.
o Determine classroom jobs and post information.
o Prepare any materials related to buses, walking, etc.
Ms. Amber Kunes
Room #
Health Education EC – 12

I welcome you new students to our amazing school and to Health Education class.
I have no doubt that you will have a fun experience learning about health this year.
Looking forward to meeting you!
Dear Parents,

My name is Amber Kunes, I am the 9th and 10th grade health education teacher and I am
glad to welcome you and your child to my classroom this year. I graduated from the
University of Texas at Arlington with my bachelors in exercise science and am currently
working in curriculum and instruction at Tarleton State University. I am interested in
reading and enjoy taking my kids to the local parks around the county. We really enjoy
being outdoors.

I am looking forward to meeting you as well as knowing each student in my class. If

possible, I ask that you write me a letter about your child and their interests. Also, you
can include anything that I may need to know to assist your child and making this school
year run smooth. I will do my best to make sure classes are interesting and the students
comprehend and learn the material in a fun way. I do not want to stick to being only
academically focused. I want to develop the creative skills and interest of students.

We have some important dates coming up ( list the dates here and reminders).

If I have any minor issues in class with students, I will speak with them directly about the
issue and send home a letter about the situation and ask that it be signed by the parent or
guardian and be returned the next day. However, if any major issues of concern arise, I
will be in contact with you to discuss the issues. If you would like to meet me to discuss
your child’s performance or any other problems that he/she is facing in class, please feel
free to email me at any time at mbrkunes@gmail.com or call me at (school phone number
and my extension). I will promptly respond to you message and we can schedule a
meeting to discuss any concerns.


Amber Kunes
Room _____
First Day of School Agenda
(Agenda will be the same for all 8 periods)

Before Class (7:30am – 7:55am)

 Have a clearly marked sign on the door and on the front chalkboard that indicates
the name of the class, the teacher, the hour, and the room number.
 Place a copy of the All About Me activity on every student desk to be completed
as bell work.
 Set up individual trays for every handout the students will need to pick up. Place a
sign near the trays that reads, “Please Take One.”
 Set up a copy of the textbook, a sample binder, and a sample notebook on the
chalkboard sill.
 Use the overhead projector to display the seating chart.
Great at the Door (7:55am – 8:20am)
 Welcome each student with a handshake and hello.
 Tell each student the following:
o They can find their seat by referencing the seating chart on the projection
o They should grab three handouts on the table at the front of the room.
o The have a bell work activity waiting for them at their desks.
Welcome and Introduction (8:20am – 8:35am)
 Welcome everyone to the first day of school and ask the students to take a few
minutes to finish the bell work.
 Take attendance by referencing the seating chart.
 Welcome everyone again and introduce myself.
 Provide a few tidbits of appropriate personal information (educational
background, family, etc.)
 Explain why I love teaching.
 Stress that I am very excited to be back at school and that I look forward to a
successful year ahead.
Syllabus Explanation (Handout 1) (8:35am – 8:45am)
 Ask students to reference the Course Syllabus handout.
 Explain the basic course information.
 Provide instructor contact information.
 Discuss the course objectives.
 Identify the required class materials and reference the items set up on the
chalkboard sill as a visual reminder of what each student will need.
 Explain the grading scale.
 Discuss specific academic requirements.
Class Policies Explanation (Handout 2) (8:45am -8:55am)
 Ask the students to reference the Class Policies handout.
 Discuss my overall discipline philosophy.
 Explain the short list of simple class rules and ask the students to explain why
they are in place. Ask the students if they would like to add any class rules to the
 Stress that the class rules will be consistently enforced.
 Explain the tardy and late arrival policy.
 Discuss the importance of academic honesty.
 Discuss the attendance requirements.
 Explain the late-work policy.
 Explain the make-up test policy.
 Ask each student to sign the back of the Student Information Survey in the space
that indicates they understand and agree to all of the class policies.
Class Procedures (Handout 3) (8:55-am – 9:03am)
 Ask the students to reference the Class Procedures handout.
 Explain the purpose of class procedures by using an appropriate analogy.
 Promise the students an organized and efficient classroom.
 Explain the importance of following procedures.
 Explain the difference between procedures and rules.
 Explain and rehearse the following procedures: 1) entering the room, 2) bell work,
3) picking up materials, 4) coming to attention, 5) arriving late, 6) leaving the
 Explain that other procedures will be explained and rehearsed as they become
necessary (obtaining absent work, taking make-up tests, using the bathroom,
getting a detention, getting extra handouts, handing in homework).
Dismissing the Class (9:03am – 9:08am)
 With a few minutes remaining, reiterate my excitement for the upcoming year.
 Tell the students that it was nice to meet all of them.
 Rehearse the procedure for leaving the classroom and require the students to wait
for teacher dismissal before leaving the classroom.
 Collect student information sheets as the students leave the class.

Passing Period (9:08am – 9:13am)

2nd Period (9:13am – 10:01am)
Passing Period (10:01 am – 10:06am)
3rd Period (10:06am – 10:58am)
Passing Period (10:58am – 11:03am)
4th Period (11:03am – 11:51am)

Lunch Schedule
A Lunch (11:51am – 12:28pm)
5th Period (12:33pm – 1:21pm)
5th Period (11:56am – 12:44pm)
B Lunch (12:44pm – 1:21pm)

6th Period (1:26pm – 2:14pm)

Passing Period (2:14pm – 2:19pm)
7th Period (2:19pm – 3:07pm)
Passing Period (3:07pm – 3:12pm)
8th Period (3:12pm – 4:00pm)

*Passing period will be used to take restroom breaks and getting a drink of water.

Reference: https://www.effectiveteaching.com/userfiles/cms/unitFiles/21/GoBe110FirstDay.pdf
First Day Bell Work Assignment

For the first day the bell work assignment will be an All About Me assignment. I want to
get to know my students right away and I think this will be perfect in doing so.

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