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2nd PT in English Reviewer

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I. Directions: Listen carefully then answer the questions that follow. Choose the letter of the correct answer.

The Mountain and The Squirrel

by Ralph Waldo Emerson

The mountain and the squirrel had a quarrel, and the former called the latter "Little prig.
Bun replied, "You are doubtless very big; But all sorts of things and weather Must be taken in together. To
make up a year and a sphere. And I think it no disgrace to occupy my place.
If I'm not so large as you, You are not so small as I, And not half so spry: I'll not deny you make A very pretty
squirrel track. Talents differ; all is well and wisely put; If I cannot carry forests on my back, Neither can you crack a
1. What was the cause of the quarrel between the mountain and the squirrel?
2. What does the squirrel mean by saying “all sorts of things and weather must be taken in together to make up a
year and a sphere”?
3. What does the squirrel mean by saying, “If I’m not so large as you, you are not so small as I.”
4. What advantages that the squirrel has over the mountain?

II. Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer.

5. Wetlands are synonymous to________.

A. rivers C. ponds
B. swamps D. seas
6. What is the root word of the word rarity?
A. rar C. rarity
B. rare D. –ity
7. Which of these does not belong to land vegetation?
A. farms C. orchards
B. gardens D. reefs
8. She did not get the correct answer. So her answer is ________.
A. correct C .incorrect
B. right D. excellent
9. He always say, “You are bad Grandma!” The boy is ________.
A. impolite C. unpolite
B. mispolite D. dispolite
10. My mother bought a cheap pair of shoes in the market. She bought me_______ pair of shoes.
A. unexpensive C. misexpensive
B. inexpensive D. disexpensive
11. Although I was unable to understand all of the details of the presentation, I did get the gist of it.
A. humor C. main point
B. notes D. joke
IV. Directions: Complete the table below.





V. Directions: What reference materials will you refer to get information on the following?
Write Al for Almanac, En for Encyclopedia, and At for Atlas.

17. Mr. United nations in 1980. ___________

18. The first dog in space. ______________
19. The total land area of the Philippines. ___________
20. Information about Alburquerque, New Mixeco. _________
21. The history of music. ________
22. Who is Queen Elizabeth? ________
VI. Directions: Determine if the source would be a Primary Source (P) or Secondary Source (S).

23. A painting by Leonardo Da Vinci. _____________________

24. A letter from John Smith about his meeting with the Powhatan Indians. __________________
25. A text book describing the “The Great War”.____________________
26. A college professor describing how the pilgrims lived. ________________________
27. A reporter describing his time in Iraq. ____________________

VII. A. Supply the blank with the correct degree of adjectives in each sentence. (e.g. good – better)
28. Mathematics for me is the (hard) _______ subject.
29. Mall of Asia is (gigantic) _______ than Festival Mall.
30. Which do you think is (pretty) ______ , a velvet gown or a satin gown?
31. Pagudpud is the (far) _____ place I’ve ever been.
32. Watching TV is the (less) _____ of my priority right now.

B. Rearrange the sentences by placing the adjectives in correct order.

33. My mother bought me a black, long, beautiful, silk gown.

34. I live in a brick, lovely, ancient, gigantic house.
35. We love our English, young, intelligent, teacher.

C. Underline the adverb of intensity used in each sentence.

36. Our driveway is completely flooded.

37. Daryl’s cheese cake is absolutely delicious.
38. Ms. Tess is terribly grumpy today.

D. Rewrite each sentence using the given adverb of frequency in its correct position.
e.g Khian comes homes after class.(usually )
Khian usually comes home after class.

39. Kyla listens to classical music. (often)

40. Ludy complains about her homework. (never)
E. Underline the preposition/s in each sentence.
41. I have to place my bag under the table to avoid mess-up of my things.
42. I have to finish my research paper before dinner time.
F. Identify the type of conjunction used in each sentence.
43. She has to go to school but she’s not feeling well.
A. coordinating B. subordinating C. correlative D. None of the above
44. Although Liza is willing to take care of her, she couldn’t.
A. coordinating B. subordinating C. correlative D. All of the above
45. Both her father and mother are at work.
A. coordinating B. subordinating C. correlative D. None of the above
VIII. Identify what type of informational text they are.
46. Teenagers are forever being told that they need a good education so that they can have the career they want, but
many do not listen. However, it is important to remember that your schooling, no matter how long it may feel, lasts
for just a few short years compared to the rest of your life ahead of you. Therefore, it is better to sacrifice a little bit of
fun now so that you can find happiness in later life, as you will be happier if you can do a job that you enjoy and afford
to do the things you want.
A. Literary Nonfiction B. Procedural texts C. Expository text D. Persuasive texts
47. Just like visible light, infrared light, and radio waves, ultraviolet light is electromagnetic radiation. On the spectrum,
ultraviolet light lies between violet light and x rays, with wavelengths ranging from four to 400 nanometers. Although
it is undetectable to the naked eye, anyone who has been exposed to too much sunlight has probably noted the effects
of ultraviolet light, for it is this radiation that causes tanning, sunburn, and can lead to skin cancer.
A. Literary Nonfiction B. Procedural texts C. Expository text D. Persuasive texts
48. A sundial compass is a combination of these two instruments, consisting of a portable sundial which is attached
over a compass via a hinge. There are some adjustable legs that need to be used to level the instrument if not on level
ground. The gnome is hinged and needs to be put in the up position where it locks into place. There should be what
looks like a protractor that is to the right of the gnome that is on a hinge, and this needs to be flipped up as well. The
protractor is used to set the sundial to the correct latitude angle, while the compass is used to find true north based
on the area’s magnetic north declination. Once your sundial compass has been leveled, set to the correct latitude, and
to true north, a shadow will be cast onto the sundial’s face by the gnome. For use in the southern hemisphere, the
same procedure is followed with the exception that true South must be found instead of true North.
A. Literary Nonfiction B. Procedural texts C. Expository text D. Persuasive texts
49. Dr. Jose Protacio Rizal was born in the town of Calamba, Laguna on 19th June 1861. The second son and the
seventh among the eleven children of Francisco Mercado and Teodora Alonso.
With his mother as his first teacher, he began his early education at home and continued in Binan, Laguna. He entered
a Jesuit-run Ateneo Municipal de Manila in 1872 and obtained a bachelor's degree with highest honors in 1876. He
studied medicine at the University of Santo Tomas but had to stop because he felt that the Filipino students were being
discriminated by their Dominican tutors. He went to Madrid at Universidad Central de Madrid and in 1885 at the age
of 24, he finished his course in Philosophy and Letters with a grade of “Excellent.”
A. Literary Nonfiction B. Procedural texts C. Expository text D. Persuasive texts
50. Exercise Your Brain
Nearly seven out of every 10 adults report some type of forgetfulness, according to the Dana Foundation, a New York
City organization with a special interest in brain research. More pronounced memory slips can begin as early as your
30s and become all too apparent in your 40s, explains Michael F. Roizen, M.D., dean of the College of Medicine at the
State University of New York (SUNY) Upstate Medical University in Syracuse, and author of Real Age. While the brain
naturally slows down with age, the good news is that you can offset this process and minimize memory lapses by
constantly challenging your mind. In fact, memory boosting classes are springing up across the United States. “We now
know that the brain is quite plastic, like a muscle, that it can be changed and strengthened,” says Robert Goldman,
M.D., co author of Brain Fitness.
Following are ways to cross-train your brain…and save your memory.
1. Stretch your mind.
2. Try something brand-new.
3. Become a multi-tasker.
4. Exercise your brain.

A. Literary Nonfiction B. Procedural texts C. Expository text D. Persuasive texts

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