Odebox: A Toolbox For Ordinary Differential Equations Boundary Value Problem: Example 1

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ODEbox: A Toolbox for Ordinary Differential Equations

Boundary Value Problem: Example 1

Matthew Harker and Paul O’Leary
Institute for Automation
University of Leoben
A-8700 Leoben,Austria
URL: automation.unileoben.ac.at

Original: January 9, 2013

c 2013

Last Modified: June 17, 2013

1 Boundary Value Problem 1

2 tidy up the Workspace 2

3 Define the Nodes and Synthesize the Basis Functions 2

4 Generate the Differentiating Matrix 2

5 Define Constraints and Generate the Admissible Functions 3

6 Define the Linear Differential Operator for the BVP 3

7 Write Some Results to a LATEX file 4

8 Plot the Results 4

9 Save the Figures to Disk 5

1 Boundary Value Problem

This file demonstrates the solution for a classical engineering boundary value problem. It is the
example of a cantilever with an additional support.

ẏ(0) = 0 y··· (1) = 0

y(0) = 0 y(0.8) = 0 ÿ(1) = 0

Figure 1: Schematic of the cantilever with additional support being considered in this example.

The differential equation for the bending of the beam is,

y (4) − λ y = 0 with y(0) = 0, ẏ(0) = 0, ÿ(1) = 0, and y(0.8) = 0 (1)

2 tidy up the Workspace

1 close all;
2 clear all;
3 setUpGraphics;

3 Define the Nodes and Synthesize the Basis Functions

Define the number of nodes and the number of basis functions used.
4 noPts = 1001;
5 noBfs = 500;
Define the nodes
6 x = dopNodes( noPts, ’gramends’);
7 x = (x+1)/2;
8 %
9 % Synthesize a complete set of basis functions
10 %
11 B = dop( x );

4 Generate the Differentiating Matrix

Set up the local differentiating matrix with support length ls
12 ls = 13;
13 D = dopDiffLocal( x, ls, ls );
Generate a matrix for the second derivative
14 D2 = D * D;
15 D3 = D2 * D;

5 Define Constraints and Generate the Admissible Func-
Define the constraints
16 c1 = zeros(noPts,1);
17 c1(1) = 1;
Find the node value closest to 0.8, this is only an approximation for demonstration purposes. In
an application requiring high accuracy a node would be placed exactly at 0.8.
18 Tinds = find( x <= 0.8 );
19 cAt = Tinds(end);
20 c2 = zeros(noPts,1);
21 c2(cAt) = 1;
Define the derivative constraints
22 c3 = D(1,:)’;
23 c4 = D2(end,:)’;
24 c5 = D3(end,:)’;
25 %
26 C = [c1,c2,c3,c4,c5];
Generate the constrained basis functions
27 Bc = dopConstrain( C, B );
Truncate the basis functions
28 Bc = Bc(:,1:noBfs );

6 Define the Linear Differential Operator for the BVP

Define the linear differential operator
29 L = Bc’ * D2 * D2 * Bc;
Compute the eigenvalues and eigenvectors.
30 [Vecs, Vals] = eig( L );
Sort the eigenvalues and eigenvectors
31 vals = diag( Vals );
32 [vals, inds] = sort( vals);
33 Vecs = Vecs(:,inds );
34 %
35 S = Bc * Vecs;

7 Write Some Results to a LATEX file
Write the Rayleigh-Ritz coefficients to a Latex file for documentation purposes
36 M = Vecs(1:10,1:4);
37 Mlatex = matrix2latex( M );
38 writeStringCells2file( Mlatex, ’coeffs.tex’ );

8 Plot the Results

39 setUpGraphics(10)
40 FigureSize=[1 1 10 6];
41 set(0,’DefaultFigureUnits’,’centimeters’);
42 set(0,’DefaultFigurePosition’,FigureSize);
43 set(0,’DefaultFigurePaperUnits’,’centimeters’);
44 set(0,’DefaultFigurePaperPosition’,FigureSize);
45 MyAxesPosition=[0.14 0.17 0.8 0.8];
46 set(0,’DefaultaxesPosition’,MyAxesPosition);
47 %---------------------------------------------------------------------
48 % plot the first m admissible fulctions
49 fig1 = figure;
50 plot(x, Bc(:,1), ’k’);
51 hold on;
52 plot(x, Bc(:,2), ’k-.’);
53 plot(x, Bc(:,3), ’k--’);
54 % plot(x, Bc(:,4), ’k’);
55 grid on;
56 range = axis;
57 plot( [x(cAt), x(cAt)], range(3:4), ’k’);
58 xlabel(’x’);
59 ylabel(’y(x)_{a,i}’);




0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1

Figure 2: First 3 admissible functions.

60 fig2 = figure;
61 plot(x, S(:,1), ’k’);
62 hold on;
63 plot(x, S(:,2), ’k-.’);
64 plot(x, S(:,3), ’k--’);
65 % plot(x, S(:,4), ’k’);
66 grid on;
67 range = axis;
68 plot( [x(cAt), x(cAt)], range(3:4), ’k’);
69 xlabel(’x’);
70 ylabel(’y(x)_{a,i}’);





0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1

Figure 3: First 3 eigenfunctions.

9 Save the Figures to Disk

71 fileType = ’eps’;
72 printFigure( fig1, ’cantileverWithSuppAddFns’, fileType);
73 printFigure( fig2, ’cantileverWithSuppSols’, fileType);

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