Supporting (Implementation (A) (B) : Department of

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Ser N31/545
4 Jun 18




Ref: (a) DoD Instruction 5000.69, DoD Joint Services Weapon and Laser System Safety
Review Processes, of 9 November 2011
(b) DoD Manual 5000.69, Joint Services Weapon Safety Review Process, of
30 July 2014
(c) JS-SSA, Software System Safety Implementation Process and Tasks Supporting
MIL-STD-882E, of 1 April 2016
(d) JS-SSA, Software System Safety Implementation Process and Tasks Supporting
MIL-STD-882E, JS-SSA-JG Rev. A, of 10 October 2017

Encl: ( 1) Joint Boards Endorsement

(2) JS-SSA, Software System Safety Implementation Process and Tasks Supporting MIL-
STD-882E, JS-SSA-JG Rev. B, 14 March 2017

1. Reference (a) establishes policy and assigns responsibilities for the Joint Services Weapon
Safety Review (JSWSR) Boards. Reference (b) specifies that the Joint Services-Software Safety
Authorities (JS-SSA) functions as a review authority under the direction of the JSWSR Boards
for software safety.

2. The JS-SSA Sub-Working Group of the JSWSR developed the original issue of the
Implementation Guide, reference (c ), with subsequent endorsement by the JSWSR on
29 June 2016. The JS-SSA revised the Implementation Guide, reference (d), with subsequent
endorsement by the JSWSR on 17 October 2017, to address initial comments received from the

3. The JS-SSA performed an out-of-cycle revision of the Implementation Guide to incorporate

JS-SSA-approved comments and recommendations resulting from U.S. Navy-initiated Carnegie
Mellon (CM) Software Engineering Institute (SEI) review of reference (d). Comments resulted
in revising Section 3.9 Perform Code-Level Safety Analysis of the Implementation Guide, as
well as clarifying the importance of application within the software development life-cycle and
processes. Technical content and data structure is unchanged as compared to reference (d).
Identified administrative and clerical errors in text and figures have also been corrected.

4. The JSWSR Boards have endorsed this revision to the Implementation Guide. Enclosure ( 1)
provides the chairs of the JSWSR Boards signature endorsements of this revision, referred to as

Distribution Statement A: Approved for public release; distribution unlimited.


JS-SSA-IG Rev. B. Enclosure (2) provides the JS-SSA endorsed Software System Safety
Implementation Process and Tasks Supporting MIL-STD-882E, JS-SSA-IG Rev. B.

5. The point of contact for this action is Mr. Eric Hawley, USN, Naval Ordnance Safety and
Security Activity (NOSSA N31). Mr. Hawley may be reached at DSN 354-6018, commercial
(301) 744-6018, or email at

By direction

Copy to: (electronic)

Army Weapon System Safety Review Board (P. Vittitow, K. Rose, D. Hanline)
USAF AFSEC/SEW (Col M. Murphy, J. LaHoff)
96TW/SES (M. Bridge, Dr. A. McKenzie)
NA VORDSAFSECACT (E. Hawley, D. Bower, M. Dabney, T. Coles-Cieply, C. Manns,
R. Rishell, D. Sadler, M. Demmick, G. Vargo)


The undersigned endorse the recommendations of the Joint Services Weapon Safety Review -
Joint Services-Software Safety Authorities Software System Safety Implementation Process and
Tasks Supporting MIL-STD-882E (Implementation Guide), JS-SSA-JG Rev. B, 14 March 2017.

Digitally signed by CARO.MARY.E.1257718359

CARO MARY E 1257718359

• • •
DN:c=US, o=U.S. Government, ou=DoD, ou=PKl, ou=USN ,
Date: 2018.06.04 13:24:55 -04'00'

Ms. Mary Ellen Caro Date

Chair (Acting), Navy Weapon System Explosives Safety Review Board

Digitally signed by
Date: 2018.06.01 12:49:02 -05'00'

Ms. Patricia S. Vittitow Date

Chair, Army Weapon Systems Safety Review Board

CARRILLO.FRANCISC0.123114422 Digitally signed by

2 Date: 2018.05.11 09:14:45 -06'00'
Francisco Carrillo, GS-15, DAF Date
Deputy Chief, AF Weapons Safety
Col. Mark C. Murphy
Chair, U.S. Air Force Non-Nuclear Munition System Explosives Safety Board

Enclosure ( 1)

Software System Safety

Implementation Process and Tasks
Supporting MIL-STD-882E
With Joint Software System Safety Engineering Handbook References


Distribution Statement A
Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited

This report is provided in fulfillment of the JS-SSA and provides implementation guidance for Software
System Safety program requirements that comply with the requirements specified in MIL-STD-882E and
guidance detailed in the Joint Software Systems Safety Engineering Handbook (JSSSEH).

Enclosure (2)
March 2018

Table of Contents
1.0 Software System Safety Abstract ........................................ ........................................... ...... 1

2.0 Specialty Task Outline and Process ... .. ................................................................... .............. 2

3.0 Process and Process Tasks for Software System Safety (SSS) ................... .... ... .............. .. .... 2

3.1. Process Task 1.0: Prepare the SSMP ............................................................. .. ..................... 4

3.1.1. Reference Documents ............. .. ................................................................ .................. .. ........ 5

3.1.2. Process Subtask 1.1: Obtain Inputs from Acquirer Regulation s and Policies ................... ... 5

3.1.3. Process Subtask 1.2: Obtain Inputs from MIL-STD-882E and Compliance Documents ....... 5

3.1.4. Process Subtask 1.3: Obtain Commitment from Program Management .................... ..... .. . 6

3.1.5. Process Subtask 1.4: Prepare SSMP for Review and Approval ........ .. .................................. 6

3.1.6. Process Subtask 1.5: Provide Inputs to the RFP and SOW ................... ................................ 6

3.2. Process Task 2.0: Prepare SSPP ................................................................................. .... ....... 6

3.2.1. Process Subtask 2.1: Obtain Inputs from the SSMP ......... ....................... .. ................ .... .... ... 7

3.2.2. Process Subtask 2.2: Obtain Inputs from Compliance Documents .................... .. ................ 7

3.2.3. Process Subtask 2.3: Integrate Software Safety Engineering Criteria .................................. 7

3.2.4. Process Subtask 2.4: Prepare LOR Appendix ........................... .. .. ....................... .. ............... 8

3.2.5. Process Subtask 2.5: Obtain Acquirer Approval of the Developer's SSPP ......................... 10

3.3. Process Task 3.0: Preliminary Hazard Analysis ............... ...... .............................................. 10

3.3.1. Process Subtask 3.1: Identify Hazards Pertaining to the Baseline System ....... ................. 12

3.3.2. Process Subtask 3.2: Identify Hazard Failure Modes ....................................................... .. 12

3.3.3 . Process Subtask 3.3: Identify Hazard Causes (Hardware/Software & Human Error) .. ...... 13

3.3.4. Process Subtask 3.4: Identify Mitigation Requirements .... ................................................ 13

3.3.5. Process Subtask 3.5 : Categorize Hazards with Risk Assessment Code (RAC) .................... 14

3.4. Process Task 4.0: FHA .............................. ......................................................................... .. 14

3.4.1. Process Subtask 4.1: Functionally Decompose the System .. ....................................... ..... . 15

3.4.2. Process Subtask 4.2: Identification of All Functionality ..................................................... 16

3.4.3 . Process Subtask 4.3: Document Functional Failure Consequences .... ............................... 16

3.4.4. Process Subtask 4.4: Determine Severity of Functional Failure Consequences ................ 17

3.4.5. Process Subtask 4.5: Identify SSFs .............................. ................... .................................... 17

3.4.6. Process Subtask 4.6: Allocate SSFs to Subsystems and Software ...................................... 17

3.4.7. Process Subtask 4.7: Map SSFs to the Software Design Architecture ............................ ... 17
March 2018

3.4.8. Process Subt ask 4. 8: Assign SwCI t o each Softw are Funct ion w ithin SSFs .. .. .................... 18

3.4.9. Process Subtask 4.9: Identify Failure M it igation Requ irements ......................................... 19

3.5. Process Task 5.0: In itiate System Requirements Hazard Analysis (SRHA) .... ............... ...... 20

3.5.1. Process Subtask 5.1: Review System and Functional Specifications.................................. 21

3.5.2. Process Subtask 5.2: Identify and Tag Contributing Safety-Significant Requirements (CSSR)
.......... ... .. ............ ... ... ... ... .... .................................... ........ ................................................... .. 21
3.5.3. Process Subtask 5.3: Identify and Tag GSSR ..................... ............ ....................... ...... ....... .. 21

3.5.4. Process Subtask 5.4: Identify and Tag Mitigating Safety-Significant Requ irements (MSSR)
...................... ....... ......... ............................................ .................. ... ..... ......... ... ............ ... ..... 22
3.5.5. Process Subtask 5.5: Document Output of SRA Steps ........................................................ 22

3.5.6. Process Subtask 5.6: Define Verification and Validation for Each SSR ...... ......................... 22

3. 5.7. Process Subtask 5.7: Incorporate Each SSR into the Applicable Documents...................... 23

3.5.8. Process Subtask 5.8: Assess Compliance of the System Hardware and Software with SSRs
. ................................................................................................. ........... ............... ................ 23
3.6. Process Task 6.0: Perform System and Subsystem Hazard Analyses ................................. 23

3.6.1. Process Subtask 6.1: Integrate Hazards from the PHA .................................................... .. 25

3.6.2. Process Subtask 6.2: Identify and Document New System/Subsystem Hazards ............... 25

3.6.3. Process Subtask 6.3: Perform Causal Analysis on System/Subsystem Hazards ...... ... ... ... .. 25

3.6.4. Process Subtask 6.4: Derive Specific Mitigation Requirements ......................................... 26

3.6.5. Process Subtask 6.5: Categorize Hazards with a RAC ................................. ....................... 26

3.7. Process Task 7.0: Finalize SRHA ........................................................................ ... ............... 26

3.7.1. Process Subtask 7.1: Reassess SSRs ............................. ...................................................... 27

3.7.2. Process Subtask 7.2: Specify New System/Subsystem SSRs ...... ....................................... . 27

3.7.3. Process Subtask 7.3: Assess Compliance of System/Subsystem Hardware and Software
with SSRs .................................. ...... ... ... ...... .... .. .... .. .................................................... ........ 27

3.7.4. Process Subtask 7.4: Author Appropriate Change Requests against Requirements ........ . 27

3.8. Process Task 8.0: Perform Final Safety Requirements Traceability ................................... 28

3.8.1. Process Subtask 8.1: Trace Safety Requirements to Design Architecture ....... ................... 28

3.8.2. Process Subtask 8.2 : Trace Safety Requirements to Hazards ............................................ 29

3.8.3. Process Subtask 8.3: Trace Safety Requirements to Implementation .............. ................. 29

3.9. Process Task 9.0: Perform Code-Level Safety Analysis ......... .. ......................................... ... 29

3.9.1. Process Subtask 9.1: Determine the Software Functionality to Analyze ........................... 30

March 2018

3.9.2. Process Subtask 9.2: Determine the Software Modules to Analyze .................................. 31

3.9.3. Process Subtask 9.3: Determine the Objectives of the Analysis ......................................... 31

3.9.4. Process Subtask 9.4: Analyze LOR-1 Software .................................................................... 31

3.10. Process Task 10.0: Perform Software Test Planning .......................................................... 32

3.10.1. Process Subtask 10.1: Ensure Correctness and Application of the LOR Test Criteria ......... 32

3.10.2. Process Subtask 10.2: Ensure Safety Functionality is Tested .............................................. 32

3.10.3. Process Subtask 10.3: Comply with the LOR Test Criteria ................................................. 33

3.10.4. Process Subtask 10.4: Assist in Writing Test Cases and Test Procedures .......................... 33

3.11. Process Task 11.0: Monitor Safety-Significant Software Testing ....................................... 33

3.11.1. Process Subtask 11.1: Ensure Software Testing Conforms to LOR Test Criteria ................. 33

3.11.2 . Process Subtask 11.2: Ensure Safety Functionality is Tested ............................................. 33

3.11.3. Process Subtask 11.3: Monitor Test Defects and Corrective Actions ................................ 34

3.11.4. Process Subtask 11.4: Review Final Software Test Results ................................................ 34

3.12. Process Task 12.0: Perform Safety Risk Assessment .......................................................... 34

3.12.1. Process Subtask 12.1: Reassess all Documented Hazards .................................. ............... 35

3.12.2. Process Subtask 12.2: Verify Hazard Mitigation ................................................................ 35

3.12.3. Process Subtask 12.3: Assess Partial Mitigation or Failure to Mitigate ............................. 35

3.12 .4. Process Subtask 12.4: Assess Safety Risk ........................................................................... 36

3.12.5. Process Subtask 12.5: Document and Communicate Safety Risk ...................................... 36

3.13 . Process Task 13.0: Participate in life-Cycle Management and Support .... ........................ 36

3.13.1. Process Subtask 13.1: Assess all Proposed Changes to and Operational Impacts on the
System ............................................. ... .. .............................................................................. 36

3.13.2. Process Subtask 13.2: Identify Changes and Operational Impacts Associated with Current
Hazards .................................... ........................................................................................... 37

3.13.3. Process Subtask 13.3: Identify New Hazards, Failure Modes, or Causes Associated with
Changes and Operational Usage ....................................................................... ................. 37

3.13.4. Process Subtask 13.4: Mitigate Hazards, Failure Modes, or Causes .... .............................. 37

3.13 .5. Process Subtask 13.5: Document and Communicate Safety Risk ...................................... 37

3.13.6. Process Subtask 13.6: Update all Safety-Related Artifacts ................................................ 37

4.0 Acronym list ................................................................................. ...................................... 39

5.0 Glossary ............................................................................................................... ............... 41

March 2018

List of Figures
Figu re 1.0: Initial SSS Process Chart for Pre-Contract and Requirements Phases ........................................ 4
Figure 1.1: Process Task 1.0 Prepa re the SSMP Subtasks ............................................................................. 5
Figure 1.2: Process Task 2.0 SSPP Task and Subtasks .......................................................................... .... ..... 7
Figure 1.3: Sub-Process Task 2.4 Prepare LOR Appendix to SSPP ................................................. ............. .. 8
Figure 2.0: SSS Process Chart for Requirements and Preliminary Design Phases .... ....... ............ ..... .. .... .... 11
Figure 2.1: Process Task 3.0 PHA Task and Subtasks .. ....................................... .. ....... ...... ... .... .. ................. 11
Figure 2.2: Example of Hazard Failure Modes Represented in Simple Logic Diagram ......................... ...... 13
Figure 2.3: Process Task 4.0 Task and Subtasks ...... ........................ ......................................................... ... 15
Figure 2.4: Example FHA Format ......................................... .... ..... ... .. ..... ...... .... ................ ... ....................... 16
Figure 2.5: SSF Mapping to Software Design Architecture Example ............. .................................... ......... 18
Figure 2.6: Process Subtasks for 4.8 Assign SwCl/ LOR ................................... ................. ... ...... .... .............. 19
Figure 2.7: Process Task 5.0 Initiate Safety Requirements Analysis Task and Subtasks ............................. 21
Figure 2.7.1: Initiate System Requirements Hazard Analysis Task and Subtasks ..... ...... ............. ....... ....... 21
Figure 3.0: SSS Process Chart for Detail Design and Implementation Phases ................................... ....... .. 24
Figure 3.1: Process Task 6.0 Perform In-depth Hazard Analysis and Subtasks ............. ...... ........ ................ 25
Figure 3.2: Process Task 7.0 Finalize System Requirements Hazard Analysis ... ......................................... 27
Figure 3.3: Process Task 8.0 Perform Final Requirements Traceability and Subtasks ....... .......... .. ... .......... 28
Figure 3.4: Hazard Closed-Loop Requirements Traceability ........................ ... .... ... .... .... ...... .................... ... 29
Figure 4.0: SSS Process Chart for Test and Deployment Phases .... ...... .......... ... ..................... ..................... 30
Figure 4.1: Process Task 9.0 Perform Code Level Analysis and Subtasks ................................................... 30
Figure 4.2: Process Task 10.0 Perform Software Test Planning and Subtasks .................... ........................ 32
Figure 4.3: Process Task 11.0 Monitor Safety-Related Testing and Subtasks ... ... ..... .......... ................ ... .... 33
Figure 4.4: Process Task 12.0 Perform Safety Risk Assessment and Subtasks .... ...................................... . 35
Figure 4.5: Process Task 13.0 Participate in Life Cycle Management and Subtasks ................................... 36
Figure A.l: Preferred LOR Tailoring Method Example ... ... .................. ................... ............... ...................... 43

Appendix-A Preferred Level of Rigor Activities Table

March 2018

Revision History

Revision Date Description

- 29 June 2016 Initial Release
A 17 October 2017 Updated to incorporate annual JS-SSA member comments.
Text and figures updated to create tighter coupling
between IG and MIL-STD-882E Tasks
B 14 March 2018 Out of cycle revision to incorporate JS-SSA approved
comments and recommendations resulting from U.S. Navy
initiated Carnegie Mellon (CM) Software Engineering
Institute (SEI) review of Rev. A. Comments resulted in
revising Section 3.9 Perform Code-Level Safety Analysis, as
well as CM SEI recommendations to clarify importance of
application within the software development life-cycle and
processes. Technical content and data structure is
unchanged . Corrects identified administrative and clerical
errors in text and figures.

March 2018

1.0 Software System Safety Abstract

Software System Safety Engineering {SSSE) focuses on two primary objectives; first to design, code, test,
and support software with the appropriate Level-of-Rigor (LOR) to instill a confidence, or the assurance
of safe software; and to define the necessary safety requirements for the design, code, test, verification,
and validation of software that specifically target and mitigate the software "causes" of the defined
hazards and mishaps of the system. Each of these two objectives is covered in detail within the Joint
Software Systems Safety Engineering Handbook {JSSSEH). Requirements to meet the SSSE objectives are
specified in MIL-STD-882E. The challenge is getting Acquirers (Customer) and Developers (software
developers) to specify how they will turn the objectives of MIL-STD-882E and the JSSSEH "guidance" into
actual SSSE requirements. The objective of this document is to provide Department of Defense (DoD)
Acquirers and their Developers with the implementation details necessary to take the requirements of
MIL-STD-882E and the "guidance" of the JSSSEH and define the process and tasks required for a
compliant SSSE program. MIL-STD-882E and guidance of the JSSSEH will continue to be the parent
source for guidance on how to meet identified software safety engineering requirements. This
document is also appropriate for use by non-DoD entities developing software for safety-significant

This revision of the originally released version of this Implementation Guide focuses on correcting
known errors and inconsistencies in the document, create greater alignment between the document
and the parent MIL-STD-882E requirements and tasks, and incorporate results and lessons learned from
the successful initial release of the document. This revision maintains the core purpose and structure of
the original version, which is the process and tasks to implement and execute a MIL-STD-882E compliant
SSSE program as part of System Safety Engineering (SSE) and integrated within the overall software
development processes.

March 2018

2.0 Specialty Task Outline and Process

This distillation of MIL-STD-882E and the JSSSEH into implementable process task requirements is
presented as a decomposition of parent and children activities in a process task numbering format. The
parent tasks are graphically represented depicting inputs to the tasks and the produ cts that the task
would likely produce. Tasks identified as MIL-STD-882 requirements are coded in the graphics using an
extreme bold border of the task box. Task decomposition is to the level necessary for a basic
understanding of the process, the tasks that implement the process, and the products the tasks would
likely produce. The requirements derived that apply to each task will be specified and cross referenced
to both the applicable MIL-STD-882E requirements and JSSSEH sections and paragraphs that provide
guidance on meeting the requirements. As such, any DoD Acquirer or Developer should be able to
develop SSSE tasks and requirements that comply with MIL-STD-882E and the guidance of the JSSSEH.
Appendix A of this document is a LOR task table that should be used to develop the defined process
tasks necessary to meet M IL-STD-882E Table V LOR requirements. The LOR task table also supports
accomplishment of the MIL-STD-882E Tasks for the SSSE contribution to SSE. The LOR table should be
assessed for tailored implementation for any given program, and tailoring is permitted as long as the
tailored LOR tasks are approved by both the Acquirer and Developer.

3.0 Process and Process Tasks for Software System Safety (SSS)
The process for accomplishing a successful SSS program begins with the contract between the Acquirer
(typically a DoD Agency, Program, Project or Product Office) and the Developer (generally referred to as
the Developer or Software Developer). It is essential for the DoD Acquirer to adequately specify the SSE
and SSSE tasks and artifacts necessary to meet the requirements of MIL-STD-882E on contract. If the
Statement of Work (SOW) does not define the required Developer safety tasks and artifacts, then the
overall safety program is likely to not meet either the service-specific or the Joint Services safety
requirements. The vast majority of SOW tasks are reflected in Appendix A under SSE Tasks required for
adequately supporting the software system safety effort. Additionally, the SOW must specify the
frequency of meetings; Cont ract Deliverable Requirements List (CDRLs) items; and necessary reviews in
order for the developer to adequately bid their efforts.

The Acquirer must adequately plan for the tasks that will be required and implemented by the
Developer. This planning is accomplished prior to the Request for Proposal (RFP) (or contract change for
existing programs) and documented in the System Safety Management Plan (SSMP) as referenced in
JSSSEH Para 4.2.1 and detailed in Section 3.1 Process Task 1.0. Specific Acquirer tasks that must be
accomplished prior to contract award include (but are not limited to);

• Develop SSMP.
• Utilize the Mishap Risk Matrix, Software Criticality Matrix (SCM) and associated input definitions
of MIL-STD-882E, unless a tailored version has been approved in accordance with (IAW) DoD
Component Policy.
• Charter the System Safety Working Group (SSWG) to include all managerial, organizational, and
technical relationships.

March 2018

• Develop Safety input to the RFP, SOW and other contractual documentation (this is where Tasks,
CDRLs, and required analyses, etc. should be specified, as well as when/where
delivered/documented). Required analyses should include: MIL-STD-882E Task 102 System
Safety Program Plan (SSPP), Task 106 Hazard Tracking System (HTS), Task 201/202 Preliminary
Hazard List (PHL)/ Preliminary Hazard Analysis (PHA), Task 203 System Requirements Hazard
Analysis (SRHA), Task 204 Subsystem Hazard Analysis (SSHA), Task 205 System Hazard Analysis
(SHA), Task 206 Operating and Support Hazard Analysis (O&SHA), Task 208 Functional Hazard
Analysis (FHA), and Task 301 Safety Assessment Report (SAR). As applicable, Task 209 System-of-
Systems (SoS) Hazard Analysis may be required.
• Define Acquirer specification safety requirements.
• Provide safety requirements input to other relevant documentation (e.g., Software
Development Plan (SDP), Test and Evaluation Master Plan (TEMP), System Engineering Master
Plan (SEMP), and Configuration Management Plan (CMP)).
• Work with the Program/ Project/ Product Manager (PM) to ensure the system safety and
software system safety program is adequately resourced and staffed.
• Ensure Acquirer Safety is part of the configuration control process (voting member of Acquirer
chaired boards, participant/reviewer of safety impacted items at the level (MIL-STD-882E Task
304). Evidence can be incorporated into the CMP and/or Board Charter(s).
• Perform analyses required to define the System Level Mishaps and interfaces/contributions
provided by supporting system elements (e.g., multiple Developers may be developing different
critical subsystems and each must account for their respective contributions to system mishaps) .

Figure 1.0 includes the initial process tasks required by the Acquirer and then transitioning to the tasks
required by the Developer after contract award. This document will step through the parent process
tasks beginning with Task 1.0: Prepare System Safety Management Plan. Subtasks (children to the
parent task) will also be presented and discussed to ensure that the reader fully comprehends the scope
and details of each major task described . Where applicable, references to MIL-STD-882E and the JSSSEH
are provided for further detail.

The SSSE process and tasks described in this document can be applied within an integrated system and
software development process regardless of software development technique. Current software
development best practices have shifted from the classical, aligned with the overall system development
schedule, waterfall process towards more rapid (e.g., Agile), model-based software development
processes. Current processes use varying terminology to describe their tasks and life-cycle phases.
However, at their core, all software development processes follow the "Establish the Program,
Requirements, Design and Architecture, Implementation, and Test and Verification" process steps. The
primary "difference" is that within the rapid, model-based software development processes, the
development steps are applied to smaller subsets of overall software functionality and capabilities
during a given development cycle and the process occurs within a much smaller timeframe than the
overall acquisition schedule. For example, the "Requirements Phase" may focus on taking the system
engineering domain architecture artifacts and developing Use Cases to implement the "Requirements
and Capabilities" specified by the architecture artifacts as opposed to a natural language Software

March 2018

Requirements Specification (SRS). The tailoring of the LOR Tasks specified in Appendix A becomes even
more important to accomplish at program outset, to include updating of term inology to match the
software development, and subsequent integration within the software development process activities.
SSSE must be integrated within the software development team, as well, to both be able to provide SSSE
analysis in support of the software development effort and to ensure the development team is meeting
their SSSE LOR task requirements.

Process Inputs
Software Safety Appendix E
Handbooks and
Compliance Docs
Contract Award
:- ____J_ ____ _----- - i PRE-CONTRACT ANO
Prepare System
Safety Program
2.0 Plan
Sw Syst em Safety
Program Criteria
,~ lORTask Table
2.4 Appendix


c:::::J = Mll-STD-882E Requirement


Software Safety Process

System Safety Level-of-Rigor
Program Plan Task Table

Software Safety Deliverables or Artifacts

Figure 1.0: Initial SSS Process Chart for Pre-Contract and Requirements Phases

3.1. Process Task 1.0: Pr ep are t he SSMP

It is standard practice within an Acquirer's program office to develop a SSMP for a program (or family of
programs) . This document defines the Acquirer's requirements for the establishment, structure,
resourcing, and implementation of a system safety and software system safety activity for the program,
or family of programs, to be managed by an individual Acquirer program office. The SSMP must
document the system safety program requirements as established by applicable Federal and Civil law,
and DoD acquisition authorities. Subtasks to this process task are depicted in Figure 1.1.

March 2018

'LI I. Hlfcrrti((' lJnc;ti;H it,

The following documents provide the basis for the format and criterion for the SSMP and this
implementation guide:

• DoD Instruction 5000.02, Change 3 - Operation of the Defense Acquisition System, August 10,
• MIL-STD-882E - Department of Defense Standard Practice, System Safety, May 11, 2012.
• DoD Joint Software System Safety Engineering Handbook, Version 1.0, August 27, 2010.
• RTCA D0-178C, Software Considerations in Airborne Systems and Equipment Certification, 2011.
• SAE Aerospace Recommended Practice (ARP) 4754, Certification Considerations for Highly-
Integrated or Complex Aircraft Systems, November 1, 1996.
• SAE Aerospace Recommended Practice (ARP) 4761, Guidelines and Methods for Conducting the
Safety Assessment Process on Civil Airborne Systems and Equipment, 1996.

Standard Practice MIL-ST0-882E, Task 102

Prepare System Prepare System

Safety Mgmt Plan Safety Program
1.0 (Acquirer) 2.0 Plan

Obtain Inputs From Obtain Inputs From Obtain Prepare SSMPfor

Provide Inputs to
Acquirer Regs and MIL-STD-882Eand ' Commitment From -:i Review and
1.1 Policies 1.2 Compliance Docs 1.3 Acquirer PM 1.4 Approval
l.S RFP and SOW

Figure 1.1: Process Task 1.0 Prepare the SSMP Subtasks

:LI .L.. Prol l'S~ Sut1t:1sl, 1 1: Obtain lnp.its from Ani t·fn·r Hcgubtinn~ and Polil iC'S

The requirements for a system safety program are explicitly documented in MIL-STD-882E. The
Acquirer' s specific regulations and policies provide the requirements for generation of the SSMP. The
SSMP must reflect the criterion established in these regulations and policies as well as in MIL-STD-882E.
Examples may include such things as Air Worthiness Certification criteria for air vehicles to the
requirements established by individual safety boards (i.e., regulatory, Service and Joint Safety Review
Boards) . The SSMP must include these additional safety program requirements that will aid the Acquirer
in meeting all certification or acceptance authority criteria. The SSMP should ensure that all of the
Acquirer's system safety and software safety requirements are adequately transitioned to the RFP and
the SOW, and ultimately flowed down to the Developer. This flow down of the SSMP ensu res the
Developer's System Safety Program Plan (SSPP) supports the Acqu irer meeting their safety
requirements. Developers bidding on the contract must have a clear understanding of t he Acquirer's
expectations for the system and software safety engineering efforts. This allows the Developer to bid
and propose a system safety program based upon Acquirer requirements and expectations.

3. 1.3 Prnn·ss ~uht;i~!i l ./.: Oht<1ii: Inputs from r.~!I.-S n>-HB:n~; :inti C:nmp!iann· llort1!1H'llb

MIL-STD-882E, Task 101 provides direction on content for system safety program management.
Individual Acquirer programs may possess system safety requirements that are not explicitly covered in

March 2018

MIL-STD-882E, regulations or policies, but deemed important by the Program Office. The development
of a SSMP must take into consid eration the requirements that are defined by other compliance

Without Program Management "buy-in" regarding the necessity and Return-On-Investment (ROI) of a
comprehensive system safety engineering effort, the probability of successfully influencing the design
from a safety perspective is greatly reduced. The system safety program defined by the SSMP must
possess ~oncurrence and acceptance from the PM. This is the best opportunity for the System Safety
Manager to adequately communicate the system safety ROI to Program Management in terms of the
total life-cycle costs associated with mishaps as it affects human injury or death, programmatic costs,
schedule, operational readiness, operation effectiveness, and organizational reputation.

:-{.1.5 Proct>ss Subtask I A: i'n:'pan· SSMP l<n· Rt•Vit'w and i\pproYal

Ultimately, it is the Acquirer who must meet their respective program requirements. The SSMP defines
the path forward for all system safety efforts to be performed by both the Acquirer and the
Developer(s). This plan establishes the overall system safety requirements whereas the Developer's
SSPP defines the processes, methods, tasks, and tools to be implemented to meet the SSMP and
contracted safety requirements. The SSMP must also include all applicable requirements for the
establishment and implementation of a software system safety program .

Once the SSMP is produced and approved by Acquirer Management, the system safety requirements
language defined in the plan must be captured in each RFP and SOW that are published by the program
office to support the design, development, and test, of each program asset being developed or updated.
If the system safety requirements are not captured in the RFP and the supporting SOW, the Developers
will possess no contractual basis to perform the necessary tasks to complete a successful system safety
or software system safety program.

3.2. Process Task 2.0: Prepare SSPP

[Ref: JSSSEH Paragraph 4.2.1, Fig. 4-6, and MIL-STD-882E Task 102]

The SSPP is the document of compliance for the contract as it applies to system safety and software
system safety engineering. Figure 1.2 depicts the process subtasks as they apply to the task of preparing
the SSPP for approval. The Developer's SSPP, including the Software System Safety Program Plan
(SwSSPP) requirements, must define how the Developer's contractual safety requirements are flowed
down, implemented and verified by their development team, sub-developers, subcontractors, or

March 2018

MIL-STD-882E, Task 102 Mll-ST0-882E, Task 202

Prepare System Perform
Safety Program Preliminary Hazard
2.0 Plan 3.0 Analysis
Mll-ST0-882E, Para B.2.2.5
Obtain Inputs From Obta in Inputs From Integrate Software Prepare Level-of- Obtain Acquirer
System Safety ~ Compliance ~ Safety Engineering -~ Rigor Task Table -, Approval of SSPP &
2.1 Mgmt Plan 2.2 Documents 2.3 Criteria 2.4 Appendix 2.5 LOR Table

Figure 1.2: Process Task 2.0 SSPP Task and Subtasks

The SSMP (or equivalent Acquirer document) defines the relevant compliance criteria from standards,
regulations, and handbooks, and defines the terms and term definitions to be used on the program and
to charter the SSWG. From the SSMP and Contract tasks, the Developer prepares the SSPP that defines
and documents the processes, tasks, and deliverables to be accomplished on the program to comply
with the contractual safety requirements. The SSPP should contain, as a minimum, the information
defined by MIL-STD-882E, Task 102 and the corresponding Data Item Description (D ID), Dl-SAFT-80100A,
System Safety Program Plan. If the JSSSEH is cited in the SOW, SSMP, and/ or SSPP, then this JSSSEH
Implementation document should be used to develop Software System Safety Progra m (SwSSP)

The primary compliance document is MIL-STD-882 . Depending upon whether this is a new acquisition
program or a fielded system in the Sustainment phase (such as a legacy program), the contractual
version of MIL-STD-882 may be Revision E or an earlier version . In addition, each DoD Service may have
separate compliance documents for software system safety. On aviation related contracts, aviation
specific compliance documents or standards may be required . This is important to understand because
each individual standard can use terms that are common to the safety community but possess totally
different meanings. As an example, the FHA as defined by SAE ARP 4761, Guidelines and Methods for
Conducting the Safety Assessment Process on Civil Airborne Systems and Equipment, has a different
purpose, content, and format as an FHA as defined by a MIL-STD-882E.

:L:L 3. •1 roc l'~S Su ht ash ~.3: tntcgr.1k ~oil w.1n S~!kty Engi1weri11g Criteria

The specific processes, tasks, and deliverables to support SSS engineering should be complete ly
integrated into the main text of the SSPP. IAW with MIL-STD-882E requirements, the SSPP must detail
how the SSS requirements are going to be addressed for all safety-significant software (as software is
defined in MIL-STD-882E) within the system. The SSS input to the SSPP must address the requirements
for each development phase and also address validation and approval of tools, models, and simulations
that will be used in the development, support, and verification/validation of safety-significant software.
The SSS engineering criteria to be specified in the SSPP, and implemented, should be extracted from
both MIL-STD-882E and the JSSSEH.

March 2018

[Ref: JSSSEH Paragraph, and 4.3.2, JSSSEH Figure 4-13, Table 4-3, and Table 4-4; and Appendix A-
Level of Rigor Task Table]

The SSPP must contain the comprehensive LOR Task Table that establishes both the Developer's process
and design requirements for SSS. The Acquirer, either via reference to the SSPP, or inclusion in the SSMP
must specify an initial LOR Task Table for the Developer to tailor and implement as part of their SSS and
software development programs. The LOR Table contains the specific required process tasks and design
requirements to obtain the necessary body of evidence that software introduces an acceptable
contribution to mishap risks for the program, as well as to implement and meet the intent of the general
requirements of MIL-STD-882. This confidence can only be obtained if the defined tasks for each
software development life cycle phase are successfully defined and accomplished. The subtasks of
Process 2.0 are presented in Figure 1.3.

Mll-STD-882E, Para B.2.2.S

Prepare Level-of-Rigor Obtain Acquirer
Task Table Approval of SSPP &
2.4 Appendix 2.5 LOR Table

Obtain Inputs From Obtain Int egrate Tasks
Prepare LOR Task Integrate With All
Compliance Concurrence From with Dev & Test
Table Program Plans
] .4.1 Documents 2.4 .2 2.4.3 Oev & Test 2.4.4 Processes 2.4.5

Figure 1.3: Sub-Process Task 2.4 Prepare LOR Appendix to SSPP f'ron·ss S11bt11sk 2.4.1: Obit/ill LOH Task /11p11tsjrum Co1n11/i1111c<' /J11n1111e11t,·

Preparation of a LOR Table that will be accepted by the Developers' development team and approved by
the Acquirer and their independent safety reviews, necessitates that compliance documents become
the foundational input to the table. For example, in MIL-STD-882E, Table V defines the general LOR
requirements for each level of Software Criticality. The purpose of Process Subtask 2.4 is to take those
general requirements and then specify the specific implementation requirements the program will
execute to fulfill the MIL-STD-882E criteria. DoD Service requirements must also be assessed for
inclusion into the table, as well as the requirements of the various Service and Joint Safety Reviews.

For aviation-related programs, SAE ARP 4754/4761 and RTCA D0-178C, Software Considerations in
Airborne Systems and Equipment Certification, are called out for the purposes of ensuring that
airworthiness requirements are established and fulfilled to obtain an Air Worthiness Release (AWR) . In
addition, each of the Services, either jointly or independently, may have unique LOR requirements for
specific subsystems that require separate approvals, such as fuze, ignition and laser subsystems.

3.2. 1.2. /1ro{·1•ss S11/Jtas/.: 2.·1.2: l'n·11tll"I' tlle LOR J"11sk 'fa /Ile Appendix

An initial LOR task table is provided in Appendix A. An initial LOR task table can also be included in the
Acquirer's SSMP and provided separately by the Acquirer to the Developer. This table can be tailored
for each individual program's capabilities and requirements based upon the criticality, complexity, and

March 2018

constraints of the program. All tailoring must be approved by the SSWG and the Acquirer. It is highly
recommended that the Acquirer obtain concurrence of tailored tasks from the various applicable review
authorities as well. Where tailoring is implemented, it must be adequately explained, justified and

Within the LOR Table, the criticality is ranked in accordance with both the mishap severity definitions
and the software control category definitions of MIL-STD-882E. LOR ranking is from lowest criticality
Software Criticality Index (SwCI 5) to highest criticality (SwCI 1) as referenced in MIL-STD-882E Table V.

System Functions that are deemed Safety-Significant Function (SSF) IAW MIL-STD-882E are assessed for
their criticality (see Sections 3.5.2, 3.5.3, and 3.5.4) and are architected, designed, coded, and verified in
accordance with the LOR tasks documented in the program's approved LOR Table. LOR tasks must
include the software development process tasks, software test and verification tasks, and design
assurance features that are required for each SSF.

In reality, budgetary and schedule constraints may play a role in tailoring requirements. However, if the
budget and schedule do influence the tailoring process, it will likely produce more safety risk for the
system, or at minimum impact acceptability by review authorities. Table VI of MIL-STD-882E provides
requirements for notifying management and risk acceptance authorities of the consequences of lack of
LOR application. When potential programmatic or safety risks resulting from budget and schedule
impacts are identified, they may also require inclusion in the overall Program Risk tracking system to
maintain management visibility. Risk acceptance performed in one contractual activity should be
reassessed for the next contractual activity. l'rncess Suhlask :..!.4.3: Ohtain LOR Co11nm·c11ce ji·om Dc \'C·/o11ml'llt anil TC'st
The software developers, architects, and testers must be integrated into the software SSE activities and
be involved with the definition and implementation of LOR tasks. This is an important step in that the
safety team must understand the system and software architecture to define the software criticality and
the derived LOR tasks. In addition, the software developers and testers must fully comprehend their
role in the execution of a successful software system safety (SSS) program. They must understand what
they are required to accomplish by LOR definition and safety assurance rationale of the tasks to be
accomplished . The software developers and testers should have an input to the definition and tailoring
of LOR tasks. Any task that is perceived to possess little ROI for the resources expended should be
flagged as candidates for tailoring with appropriate justification to include the potential safety risk
rationale. Process S1Jbtask 2.4.4: f11fe.<Jra f f' /.(JR Tosl<s lt'ith De\·t:lopmc11t and fesl Proresst'S

The approved LOR tasks must be fully integrated into the software development, coding, and test
activities of the Developer. Some of the LOR tasks are accomplished by the system safety team,
whereas many are actually accomplished by the software design, code, and test teams. Those tasks
assigned to software development and test must be part of their defined processes as documented in
their planning documents.

March 2018

:J.:.!.-1.S. }1/'llC'D.\ S11htask :.!..J.S: fllf('_(f/ '(I((' um Ta.\/(~ into f'ertinenl J'1 O,Y/'11111 P/011.\
The approved LOR Table tasks must be adequately documented in the applicable Developer
specifications, plans, and process documentation as requirements. Docume nt s t ypically include:
Software Requirements Specification (SRS), SOP, Software Test Plan (STP), Software Configurat ion
Management Plan (SCMP), and Software Quality Assurance Plan (SQAP) . The Develope r must ultimately
be able to answer the questions " How did you meet LOR requirements?" and, " Where is t he evidence?"

The Developer's SSPP must be submitted for review and approval by the Acquirer to ensure it
adequately addresses SSE and SSS requirements and tasks, to include references to other Developer
documentation that may implement SSS requirements. This review and approval includes the approval
of the LOR Appendix. Acquirer approval of the LOR Table, including concurrence from their safety
review authorities, represents Acquirer concurrence that the tasks defined in the table are sufficient (if
implemented and evidenced) to provide the necessary assurance that safety-significant software is
being designed, coded, and tested in accordance with defined best practices. All LOR tailoring must be
explained and justified . As the program matures, changes to the LOR table should be coordinated with
and approved by the Acquirer (often via the SSWG) and Developer, as well as the applicable review

3.3. Process Task 3.0: Preliminary Hazard Analysis

[Ref: JSSSEH Paragraph 4.3.4 and MIL-STD-882E, Tasks 201 and 202]

The software system safety process as initiated in Figure 1.0 continues as depicted in Figure 2.0 below.
Within the software development life cycle, this is considered the requirements and preliminary design
phase of development.

March 2018

Process Input s
(=:l = MIL·ST0-882E Requir ement
System Baseline :___ :.a~:.g2~~---J,
Documentation L~~f~\~~~:~t.!.'!~~ },1 Design
De.sign •t ______ i ______ 1,
Seventy Oefinrtions
I "1
Sa fety·Significant ' Assign SwCl/LOR
G r
I Functions ,
to ea ch Sw kn
within SSF's
Defined Process

J, ! Defined Design

1------~ 4.0
: J, Requirements

1 "'"~~·~
Hazard An alysis

I inputs

3.0 Preliminary I
Hazard Analysis I Requirements •

GD ©
.............. . .
~· ~
Requirements Hazard
S.O Analysis



Software Safety Process Software

Planning Docs
Safety-Significant STP
Preliminary Functions (SSF) List
Specifications CMP
Safety Deliverables Ha2ard Analysis
or Artifacts

Figure 2.0: SSS Process Chart for Requirements and Preliminary Design Phases

Figure 2.1 depicts the initial Developer PHA effort in Process Task 3.0. The PHA commences almost
immediately after contract award. Notice that the Functional Hazard Analysis (Section 3.4 Process Task
4.0) is likely to be performed concurrently with the PHA. This is considered acceptable because these
two analyses basically provide specific and essential information that brings accuracy and fidelity to each
individual analysis. The safety DID pertaining to the PHA is Dl-SAFT-80101A.

M IL-STD-882E, Task 202 MIL-STD-882E, Task 208

Perform Perform Funct ional
Preliminary Hazar d Hazard Analysis
3.0 Analysis 4.0
Identify Haza rds Identify Hazard
Ident ify Hazard Identify Mitigation Categorize Hazard
Perta ining to ~ Causes (HW/SW & ---, .
. Failure Modes .4 Requirements
3.lBaseline System 32 3.3 Human Error) 3 3 .S wit h RAC

Figure 2.1: Process Task 3.0 PHA Task and Subtasks

March 2018

The PHA is performed under the responsibility of SSE and its scope is dictated by the SOW and contract .
The PHA is the initial analysis performed on the system for the purpose of the identification of potential
hazards and mishaps which are documented within the PHA. The PHA begins w ith development of the
PHL. The PHL, detailed in MIL-STD-882E Task 201, provides a summary list of potential hazards and
mishaps for the system, including those with software contributions. SSSE must support the
development of the PHA by providing assessment of the system's software within the context of the
system. Another important purpose of the PHA is to identify potential failure modes and causes of the
hazards in order to define (as early as possible) mitigation requirements for the system and software
specifications. Mitigation requirements should be defined as early in the analysis process as possible
and documented in the specifications, resulting in fewer derived safety requirements after the design
matures within the life cycle process. Section 3.6.3 provides discussion of Generic System Safety
Requirements (GSSR). During the PHA, mitigating requirements will likely consist of high level
specification requirements and GSSRs. The PHA is one of the earliest opportunities to influence the
design and design decisions regarding the use of software in performing SSFs. PHL and PHA results are
used to populate the initial Hazard Tracking System (HTS) records as defined in MIL-STD-882E, Task 106.
As the results of the PHL and PHA mature and evolve in subsequent safety analyses, the HTS records will
also evolve and mature.

[Ref: MIL-STD Task 202 and JSSSEH paragraph 4.3.4]

The preliminary mishaps and hazards are identified based upon the capabilities the system is to provide,
the preliminary design baseline, and the safety risk potential that the system could possess. Preliminary
hazards may be either formalized or eliminated as they are peer reviewed by system designers and the
SSE team within the SSWG. Regardless of the final disposition of the identified hazard, all hazards are
captured and documented in the HTS (MIL-STD-882E, Task 106).

Hazard failure modes are the primary failure paths leading to a hazard as represented in the example
logic diagram of Figure 2.2 . In the depicted example, "Loss of Engine" is the system-level hazard with
four primary failure modes (there are likely others); Bird Strike; Loss of Fuel to Engine; Failure of Engine
Control; and Failure of the Compressor. It should be noted that these failure modes will likely be
tracked as separate sub-system-level hazards in a subsequent SSHA. Continuing the logic diagram lower,
it is evident that each sub-system-level hazard possesses individual failure modes. It is important to
accomplish the analysis for the PHA in a "top-down" manner in order to keep track of the context
between mishaps, system-level hazards, sub-system-level hazards, failure modes, and failure mode
lower-level causes. Once the hazard failure modes are identified, each failure mode can then be further
analyzed for specific causes from a hardware, software, and human error perspective.

March 2018

Loss of Aircraft
Loss of Life
- Mishap Effect

F1ight Into
T errain
- Mishap

Loss of Control
__ ___ .......
Controlled Flight

Surfaces Into Ground

Failure of Failure of
Bird Strike
Engine Control Compressor

Failure of Failure of Clogged Fuel Out-of-Fuel
Fuel Pump Fuel Line Line Condition

Figure 2.2: Example of Hazard Failure Modes Represented in Simple Logic Diagram

Both "loss of fuel to the engine" and " failure of engine control" events are likely to contain one or more
software causes (contributions to fault or failure). The PHA should continue as fa r down the causal
pathway as the design will allow in order for the definition of as many safety-significant softwa re
mitigation requirements as possible early in the system's design cycle.

The PHA must be performed in such a way as to be able to see the context of how software reacts to
hardware and human operators, and how the hardware and the human reacts to how the software
functions. Hardware, software and human operator hazard causes must be addressed within the PHA to
ensure that functional and physical interfaces are included in the analysis. Note: It is essential that the
PHA and follow-on analyses be performed to the depth necessary for the identification of specific
hazard mitigation requirements that provide the evidence of sufficient AND-Gate protection (e.g.,
design redundancy) against the probability of failure propagation to the top event.

[Ref: JSSSEH paragraph]

Because the PHA is performed early in development, the hazard mitigation requirements that are
identified by the PHA and the FHA analysis might be more general (high level requirement) in nature.
Multiple derived lower-level requirements may be necessary to fu lfill a high-level requirement as the
design matures. This derivation of lower level requirements must occur as the system design matures.
From the SSSE perspective, it is important to understand context for potential mitigation requirements

March 2018

that may be assigned t o software and to ensure their integration into the PHA and software

Each identified and documented hazard and mishap is initially categorized in terms of mishap severity
and likelihood of occurrence. This initial RAC is assigned prior to any mitigation action unless there is
evidence of specific provisions, alternatives, and mitigation measures that have been verified to have
been implemented within the design to reduce risk. MIL-STD-882E defines severity and likelihood of
occurrence (probability) and must be used unless tailoring has been approved by the Program's DoD
Component Executive. Each hazard and mishap is assigned an initial risk assessment, commonly known
as a RAC, and documented in the HTS hazard record. RACs can be obtained from the Risk Assessment
Matrix as defined in Table Ill of MIL-STD-882E. Software does not have a probability of occurrence
component, so it is not necessary to assign a probability at the software causal level (of the hazard), but
the PHA should consider how a software cause(s) affects the overall hazard and mishap probability of

RAC is the allocation of severity and probability of the mishap when all hazard mitigations are
considered in the design and requirements are implemented for the procedures and training of
personnel operating and maintaining the system. In most instances, the severity of the hazard or
mishap will not change, unless the associated system capabilities and design changes. Changes in RAC,
from initial assignment to risk acceptance, will likely be a reduction in probability only. The PH A task
concludes with the capture of all PHA data in the hazard analysis worksheets that are imported into the
Acquirer-approved HTS.

3.4. Process Task 4.0: FHA

[Ref: JSSSEH paragraph 4.3.3, and MIL-STD-882E Task 208)

The FHA is another foundational SSE analysis performed under the responsibility of system safety
engineering and its scope is dictated by the SOW and contract. Additionally, virtually all safety review
authorities expect a FHA as part of the program's objective evidence for identifying and classifying the
system functions and the safety consequences of functional failure or malfunction prior to obtaining
review acceptance and concurrence. The FHA is one of the most important analyses that the system
safety analyst will perform . As the software implements functions within the context of system, it is
essential to understand which functions are safety-significant and which of these will be implemented
by the software. It is also important to ensure (by LOR analysis and test tasks) that the SSFs
implemented by the software perform exactly as intended and that they do not perform any unintended
functions. Further still, and given the fact that software will possess control over safety-significant
functions and that undesired events are likely to occur, it is important that fault/failure detection,
isolation, annunciation, and tolerance is built into the system and software design architectures. The
FHA is the first step in reaching these objectives . The Process Subtasks of the FHA are presented in
Figure 2.3 below.

M arch 2018

MIL-ST0 -882E, Task 203

MIL-ST0-882E, Task 208
Initiate System
Perform Functional Requirements Hazard
_ Hazard Analysis S.O Analysis
4 0

Functionally Document Identify Safety· M ap SSF' s to Identify Failure

Decompose t he
_4_._1_ S_ys_te_m_ _~
·1 Funct ional Failure
4.3 Consequences
4.5 Functions
J Software Design
4.7 Architecture
4 .9 Requirem ents

" 'i' ---...,.1'--~ l 1'

,.....---~--..... ,-----
\ ' - --..... I ,.....----\'----... ,.....---"""'------.. I

ldent 1f1cation of All

Determine Severity Allocate SSFs to J Assign SwCl/LOR t o
of Functional Subsystems and each Sw Function _J
_ Functionalit y
4 2 4 .4 Failure 4.6 Software 4.8 wi thin SSFs

Figure 2.3: Process Task 4.0 Task and Subtasks

The FHA described here is not the same as the FHA described in SAE ARP 4761 that is required for
Airworthiness Release. There are different purposes for the two analyses. The primary purpose of the
FHA described in SAE ARP 4761 is the identification of mishaps and hazards by analyzing the system
functionally. Conversely, a primary purpose of the FHA described here and in MIL-STD-882E is to
identify all system functionality, determine which are safety-significant and implemented by the
software, and then map these SSFs to the software design architecture. Once mapped to the
architecture, mitigating requirements can be identified. By performing the FHA described here and in
MIL-STD-882E, the analyst will be afforded insight to the mishaps and hazards of the system. It should
also be noted that there is no reason why the FHA format cannot be formatted in such a way to meet
the intent and purpose of both SAE ARP-4761 and the safety FHA described here.

3.1 !. Prort'~S Suhtasi\ ·!.I: h111ctio11;1ll~· Dt•rnmirn~e tli(' Sysicm

The information contained in the FHA reflects the same level of maturity as the design architecture. This
is expected, and reinforces that the FHA must be kept current through all phases of the development
lifecycle, to include functional, physical, and contractual changes made under configuration control.
Frequency of updates to the FHA should be specified within the SOW and contract. However, SSSE
should update the software inputs to the FHA IAW the software development process and schedule . The
format of the FHA should reflect that which will provide the analysis "answe rs" required by the analyst
and criteria of the contract.

The first step of the analysis is to decompose the system. If the system is mature enough, this first step
may be a physical decomposition of the system. If the system has not yet been allocated to specific
pieces of hardware, this decomposition will be functional. The system must be analyzed functionally
from the perspective of both "what the system is documented to do functionally," and "what you think
the system can do functionally." The former is an assessment of documented functionality from the
functional specifications and the latter is assessed by analyzing the functionality of the physical
components of the system . The analysis of the physical attributes of the system is likely to provide
insight to "hidden" or undocumented functionality. This is especially true for systems heavily using
Commercial-off-the-Shelf (COTS) components.

March 2018


System Individual Fundional Consequence of Seventy of Safety. Assianment of M•pto Failure
Decomposition Functional Failure Modes Eath Failure Consequence of Significant sec • nd swc1 Software Mitia:ation
Descriptions Mode Failure Modes Functions Oesi1n Requ irements

Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Process

Subtask 4.1 Subtask 4.2 Subtask 4.3 Subtask 4.3 Subtask 4.4 Subtask 4.5 Subtask 4.8 Subt ask 4.7 Subtask 4.9

Figure 2.4: Example FHA Format

Figure 2.4 provides an example of a FHA format that will provide the analyst with the most bas ic of
information required by the analysis. If the analyst (or the Acquirer) requires more than this simple
example format can provide, the format can be tailored to add the appropriate columns to the format to
identify and track the information required. The decomposition of the system is documented in Column
one. System decomposition can be done in a Work Breakdown Structure -like structure which may aid in
structure, flow, traceability, and assignment of responsibilities. For instance, on large, complex
programs such as an Aircraft (see Figure 2.2) the hazard "Loss of Engine" may be completely under the
control of the Engine Integrated Product Team (IPT). The Engine IPT is more likely to support safety if
the FHA can readily show the IPT which parts it is responsible for.

:L4.2. Prncc·~s Suhta ~ li -L~· l1kntitkati11n ;d Al l f u l!ciion;tlity

Column two of the example FHA format in Figure 2.4 depicts where the system functionality is
documented. For the initial FHA, the functionality may be "higher level" functions that have not yet
been decomposed to lower level functionality. For an initial FHA this is sufficient for this level of analysis
maturity as lower-level functionality will likely take on the same criticality as their parent higher-level
functions. Ensure that all functionality is identified . First, identify what you think it can or should do
functionally. Second, compare the functionality identified with the documented functionality of the
functional specification and reconcile the two lists. Lastly, identify any functionality that is identified in
hardware literature or the performance specification to determine whether there are "hidden" or
unintended functions residing in the system. During this activity, it is also good to keep a list of
undesired functions from a safety perspective. It will be imperative to ensure that the system either
does not have the capability to perform undesired functions or that the system possesses the necessary
inhibits and/or interlocks in place to ensure these functions do not occur when they pose a safety risk.

:·L-l . '.~ . l'run•ss Su hL1.'tl\ ~.:~: !Jon111w nl Fu n dio n:il 1:a ilure Conscqrn•nrt•s

Once all known functionality of the system is identified and documented, each function must be
assessed against the following scenarios:

• The function is unavailable (does not occur when expected to occur).

• The function malfunctions (degraded, partial, or unexpected results of the function) .
• The function performs its intended activity but is out of sequence.
• The function performs its intended activity, but at the incorrect time (too early, too late, outside
defined window).

March 2018

When documenting the consequences of functio nal failure it is important to understand that the
consequences can (and w ill likely) be different for each of the failure scenarios described above. Each
functional failure consequence must be documented in the FHA table.

:·L1.·L f'rcH·1.·s.., Su!i!a<.k 'IA; Dl'tt•r111i11l ~('\t'I ity of !71mrtio11al Liii11n· <.011st·qtt('IH"('\

After all functional failure consequences are adequately identified and documented, each must be
assessed against the hazard and mishap severity definitions as defined by the SSPP. This is only an
assessment against severity of the consequence and not the likelihood that it will occur. Once a
severity allocation is determined for each functional failure scenario consequence, these allocations are
documented in column five of the example FHA depicted in Figure 2.4. MIL-STD-882E Task 208 specifies
inclusion of a probability component to the analyses. If specified for the program, a column should be
added to the analysis worksheet to document the probability assigned for the function to be allocated
to the functional design . Assignment of both severity and probability components of the RAC to each
SSF supports management risk decisions . The probability of a function fa iling or malfunctioning as a
causal factor to a hazard must be accounted for within the context of the hazard (record) that it applies.

Each functional failure consequence is assessed against the severity definitions and formally
documented in the FHA. For an individual function, there may be multiple severity consequences, and
severity of consequences for that function. However, the function is assigned the worst-case severity
consequence as determined by the analysis. The functions will be identified as having a safety
consequence or no safety consequence based upon their linkage to a mishap/h azard. Those with a
safety consequence will be referred to as SSFs and be assigned to the following t wo subcategories:

• Safety Critical Function (SCF) : Functions that possess either a Catastrophic or Critical severity
• Safety-Related Functions (SRF) : Functions that possess either a Marginal or Negligible severity

As SSFs are identified and classified as SCF or SRF, each must be allocated to the respective subsystem
and software that implement them . The initial version of the FHA, performed early in the program, may
only be able to allocate SSFs to major subsystem and the software levels only. However, as the FHA
evolves and is updated as the design matures, the allocation to specific subsystems and software
implementation must be specified. The greater the fidelity of the allocation of SSFs to subsystems and
software, the more effective SSE will be in working with the design and architecture, software
development and test teams in focusing required hazard mitigations and LOR resources.

Once all SSFs have been identified, the analyst must map each fun ction to its software design
architecture (to either software modules of code or "use cases" in Object Oriented Design (OOD)). This
is required both for end-to-end traceability of requirements and to support subsequent detailed

March 2018

analyses. This will be important when specific hazard analysis is accomplished and software causes to
hazards are identified and analyzed. This mapping will provide the analyst with a defined point of entry
to the software in order to analyze the software's contribution to hazard initiation or propagation. This
mapping will also allow the analyst to determine the simplicity or complexity of the design of the SSFs
and the effectiveness of functional and physical partitioning of the software design architecture. An
example of the SSF mapping that is required is presented in Figure 2.5. The SwCI is determ ined in the
next section (3.4.8) although it is represented in Figure 2.5. Mapping the SSFs to the software design
architecture supports the derivation of the SwCI since it may be necessary to define the software control
category, a key element of the SwCI.

( Funct;on ) ['---
sw-CI )[_____
c1 )(_cs___
c )[_____
cs_u )

Weapon Firing SwCI 1 Missile Weapon Firing Target Acquisition

......~?.~..!..-.~i·~·~······ ..................................................................... ............................ .... ..
Target Authenticate

Missile Fire

Figure 2.5: SSF Mapping to Software Design Architecture Example

[Ref: MIL-STD-882E paragraph 4.4.1 and JSSSEH paragraph]

Software' s functional criticality as described in MIL-STD-882E, Table V, is determined by the unmitigated

severity of the consequence of functional failure (or malfunction) in conjunction with the software
control category assignment as defined in MIL-STD-882E, Table IV. The result is the SwCI assignment
from SwCI 1 to SwCI 5. The SwCI will be assigned for each function assessed . The SwCI assignment
becomes the LOR by definition and provides the software developers and testers with the safety
assurance requirements for the design of each.

Process subtask 4.8, depicted earlier in Figure 2.3, identifies the assignment of SwCI to each software
function with identified SSFs. Allocation of SSFs to specific LOR categories is essential, both to ensure the
provision of rigor to the functions of highest safety criticality and to ensure the management of the
critical resources necessary to implement that rigor. This Process task can be integrated into the
accomplishment and documentation of the FHA. Regardless of whether it is included in the FHA or
accomplished separately, the accomplishment of the specific subtasks comprising subtask 4.8, identified
in Figure 2.6, must be performed for each SSF and be thoroughly documented within the artifacts of the
safety analysis.

March 2018

MIL-ST0-882E, Para 4.4.1, 4.4.2

Allocate SSI 's to

Subsystems & Sw
M•P. S.5F's toA1chitecture
4.6 4.7
Assess SSF Against Assess SSF Against Combine SCC and
4 Software Cont rol ~ Consequence Severity to asign
4.8.1 categories 4.8.2 Severity 4 .8.3 SwCI

Figure 2.6: Process Subtasks for 4.8 Assign SwCl/LOR

3.4.ll. J. Prnc cs., Sahl as/< 4.lU: Asse~s SSF ayai11st Sojlware Cont /'o/ Cate,qories (SU.]

MIL-STD-882E, Table IV defines the secs. These definitions may be tailored if change is warranted.
However, all tailoring must be thoroughly justified and approved by the appropriate Acquirer authority
in accordance with MIL-STD-882E. This subtask focuses on the assessment of SSFs against the defined
definitions of the secs documented in the SSMP and SSPP. Accurate assessment of the sec based upon
the complexity of the system, autonomy of the system's functionality, and/or its command and control
authority is imperative.

3.4.R.'L. ProN'.\S S11l;t11sl< 4.U.l: 11.\sess the SSF for the r:o11s1•q11 e11n· S1·1•erity

This task should have been accomplished and the information documented in the FHA. Th is information
is also required at this point to assess the criticality of the SSF against sec and the worst-case Severity
criteria for the purpose of assigning the LOR to the function .

.i.4.113. P1·on·ss Subtask 4.l?.:1: Combilw S('(.' w ul Severity to Assi.<Jll Si~·('/

The Software Safety Criticality Matrix (SSCM) provides the LOR allocation for SSFs. MIL-STD-882E Table
V defines the SSCM. Once the sec and the severity of consequence of the hazard/mishap are
determined for a SSF, the LOR can be determined by the predefined and approved SSCM. The Sw CI
specifies the LOR value for SSFs and is determined by combining the sec and the severity of
consequence (from the FHA), which were previously assigned to the SSF.

3.4.fU. Process Subtask 4.RA: Ass(qn tile LOR tv tile SSF

Combining the activities of Process Subtasks 5.2 and 5.3, the LOR can now be assigned to the assessed
SSF. An LOR assignment of 1-5 is allocated to each SSF and the SSF must be designed, coded, tested,
and verified against the approved LOR criteria.

Specific software contributions to hazard and mishap fai lure conditions must be adequately mitigated as
a design priority. As insight and design maturity is obtained, insight as to how the system is to function,
its physical characteristics, and the potential failure pathways to hazards, must be used to determine
whether adequate mitigation is either present or absent in the design. If adequate hazard mitigation is
already present or accounted for in the form of preliminary (either generic best practice, or from the
PHA) requirements, those requirements should be tagged for follow-on safety verification and

M arch 2018

validation . However, if the FHA identifies a shortfall in hazard control, mitigation requirements must be
identified and documented and communicated to the system engineering and software development
teams for inclusion in the applicable system and software requirements specifications. The initial FHA
task concludes with the capture of all FHA analysis data in the hazard analysis worksheets that are
imported into the Acquirer-approved HTS.

3.5. Process Task 5.0: Initiate System Requirements Hazard Analysis (SRHA)
[Refer: JSSSEH 4.3 .5 and MIL-STD-882E Task 203]

The primary mechanism to "influence the design" in order to reduce the safety risk is to define specific
safety-significant requirements and include them in the system and software specifications. Safety
requirements are the primary mechanisms to fulfill the first step in the system safety order of
precedence; design for minimum risk.

MIL-STD-882E, Task 203, if specified by the contract is to perform and document a SRHA to determine
the design requirements to eliminate hazards or reduce the associated risks for a system, to incorporate
these requirements into the appropriated system documentation, and to assess compliance of the
system with these requirements. Within the JSSSEH, this process task is Section 4.3.5 Safety
Requirements Analysis {SRA). Regardless of whether M IL-STD-882E, Task 203 is specified on the
contract or not, the requirements analysis tasks must be performed as part of the SSE process. The
J5SSEH SRA task executes a process to ensure that the safety constraints and criteria of the system are
aligned with the safety requirements of the system to minimize the safety risk potential of the hazards
within predefined Concept of Operations (CONOPS). Safety requirements to minimize the safety risk
potential that are present in the specifications, are tagged as safety-significant. Tagging of requirements
usually takes place in the Developer's requirements management and traceability toolset. Where
requirements are absent, they must be defined, documented, tagged, and included into the
specifications. If the new system safety requirements (SSRs) are not added to the specification, the
contribution to the applicable system risk(s) must be included in the hazard analysis risk assessment.
The subtasks for initiating the JSSSEH SRA process are defined in Figure 2.7. The results of the SRA must
establish and provide evidence of bi-directional traceability (top down and bottom up) from safety
criteria and specifications to design, implementation, Verification and Validation (V&V) and mishaps and
hazards. The JSSSEH SRA task accomplishes many of the requirements specified within Task 203 SRHA.
However, there are additional items prescribed by Task 203 SRHA that must be accounted for if that task
is specified on the contract. Figure 2.7.l specifies the additional Task 203 SRHA subtasks that must be
accomplished to successfully address that contractual analysis.

March 2018

JSSSEH 4.3.S Mll -STD-882E, Tasks 204 and 205

Initiate Sefety
Requ irements Perform SHA/SSHA
S.O Analysis 6.0

Review System and Identify and Identify and Identify and Complete Process
functional Tag Tag Tag -> Subtasks of figure
S.l Specifications 5.2 CSSRs 5.3 GSSRs S.4 MSSRs S.5 2.7.l

Figure 2.7: Process Task 5.0 Initiate Safety Requirements Analysis Task and Subtasks

Mll-STD-882E, Task 203

Perform SHA/SSHA
Output of Process 6.0
. Task 5.4
5 5
i Incorporate into
l Define Verification
and Validation for
each SSR
Design Documents,
Specs, and Test Plans ~
Assess complia nee
of System Hw and
Swwith SSRs
5.7 5.8

Figure 2.7.1: Initiate System Requirements Hazard Analysis Task and Subtasks

This subtask involves a review of the system and functional specifications for t he system in
development. The primary purpose of this task is to identify and include t he missi ng requirements from
a safety perspective. SSS should be a part of the configuration control process. SSS must provide their
inputs to the requirements identification process in a timely manner. SSS must thoroughly review the
preliminary specifications, as well as proposed requirements change actions, and determine where
safety-significant requirements are necessary for incorporation .

:~.!l.l Prntt'~' Snht;t\!i !l.~: ldt'11tify ,rnd Tag Contdln~tlllg Safety-Sig11ific.1r1t Rt'qufrernt'11t'

Requirements that are safety-significant must be identified and tagged. For example, a requirement to
"Issue Fire Command" is a safety-significant requirement because it " contributes" to the safety risk
potential of the system, it does not mitigate it. Subsequently identified and tagged derived lower leve l
requirements provide the actual mitigations to mishaps associated with "Issue Fire Command."

:·L !l."~. Pron·<;s S1ihtas1< r,,;:!; !tit'!llily a11d Tag c;ssR

This task focuses on the identification of initial (generic) safety requirements for the system and getting
them included into both the hardware and software specifications. These GSSRs are based on:

• Lessons learned from other programs.

• Similar systems hazard analysis.

March 2018

• Generic lists of "best practices" (e.g., JSSSEH Appendix E; STANAG 4404).

• The safety implications of the choice(s) of particular programming languages and development
processes .
• Historical mishap data on similar system .
• User (operator, maintainer, supporter, etc.) inputs.
• Information gleaned by accomplishing the PHA.
• Information gleaned by accomplishing the FHA.

MSSRs are safety significant requirements that specifically provide mitigation of identified hazard and
mishap causes. MSSRs can only be identified if hazard analysis is accomplished to the detail level
necessary to specifically derive new requirements that mitigate a cause of the hazard by reducing the
likelihood of causal initiation and/or causal propagation.

MSSRs can also be derived by decomposing higher-level requirements such as GSSRs into lower-level
requirements for the design. Higher-level GSSRs, such as " The system shall initialize into a known and
predefined safe state," must be decomposed to lower-level requirements that mitigate the possibility of
initializing into an unsafe state or define specific safe states of the system. These lower level
requirements can only be identified, in this specific example, after the specific steps of initialization are
defined and the unsafe states or conditions of the system identified. As with all the safety-significant
requirements that are identified and tagged within the requirements management and traceability
application, they must be traced both to design, and back to the hazard(s) that it helps to mitigate. In
addition, all safety-significant requirements must take on the LOR criteria of the function that it is
implementing within the design architecture. The initial SRHA task concludes with the analysis of all
requirements documented, an associated assessment of all requirements gaps and an assessment of
compliance of the development of the system hardware and software with identified SSRs. Results from
the analysis are imported into the Acquirer-approved HTS.

As the design of the system matures, the SRHA must also mature. The maturation of the SRHA will be
covered in Process Task 7.0, Finalize SRHA.

:i.S.S. Prnn•so,; Suhta~ii. S.S: Don1111t·11r Output ol Sf<:.\ Stt·ps

The purpose of this task is to document the results of the SRA task into the Acquirer specified format of
the SRHA, if the SRHA Task 203 has been specified for the contract. The results of the SRA task will
completely satisfy the SRHA requirement or provide core input to the SRHA.

:·LS.6. Pron•ss Suiitasl\ S.<1: Ddftll' Vl'ril:califlli a!HI \'a!hi;1tiou tm E; ('h SSR

The purpose of this subtask is to define the verification and validation approaches for each SSR
identified to eliminate hazards or reduce associated risk. The verification and validations methods are
typically classified as:

March 2018

• Inspection - An examination of the item against applicable documentation to confirm

compliance with requirements.
• Analysis - Use of analytical data or simulations under defined conditions t o show theoretical
compliance. Used where testing to realistic conditions cannot be achieved or is not cost-
• Demonstration - A qualitative exhibition of functional performance, usually accomplished with
no or minimal instrumentation.
• Test - An action by which the operability, supportability, or performance capability of an item is
verified when subjected to controlled conditions that are real or simulated. These verifications
often use special test equipment or instrumentation to obtain very accurate quantitative data
for analysis .

:1.5.7. Prorl'~S Subtask S.7: l11corpura!t• Each SSR into the Applicahll' Dorn111e11ts

SSRs identified and approved must be incorporated into the applicable engineering design documents,
and hardware, software, and system test plans.

:~.!1.H. •'nH 1~s<; Suht a'>l< !1.H· ,1ss1·ss Cnmp:i;inn· of tl1e S\·stem H;ird\\ are ;ind Softwarl' \\'ill:

As the program proceeds and the design evolves and matures, the SSE must continue to analyze the
system and software design, architecture, hardware, and software for compliance with the SSRs. SSRs
must be addressed at all contractually required technical reviews, and SSE must address the hazards,
mitigation measures, and means of verification and validation for SSRs at technical reviews. As test
plans are developed and executed, both the plans and results must be reviewed for compliance with
SSRs. Ultimately, at the end of the SRHA effort, applicable mitigation information must be incorporated
into manuals and plans.

3.6. Process Task 6.0: Pe rfor m System and Subsystem Hazard Analyses
[Refer: JSSSEH paragraph 4.3.6 and MIL-STD-882E Tasks 204-206, and 209 for SoS]

As the system design matures, the hazards identified in the PHA and the failure modes identified in the
FHA must be transitioned from the PHA and FHA to the SSHA and the SHA as defined in Figure 3.0. The
SSHA and SHA are SSE analyses performed under the responsibility of SSE and their scope is dictated by
the SOW and contract. Whether the SSS analyst is working at the system level or the subsystem level
analysis, this is the phase of the program where in-depth causal analysis typically takes place due to the
availability of documentation for a maturing design.

March 2018

Process Inputs
c:J = Mll-STD·882E Requirement
System Specs

Maturing System Safety·Significant Softwore

Design Requirements
Functions (SSF)

@ --' Perform
_.,.. Specific Mishop/
Hazard Causes . ----- ~
Finalize System
Requirements - ..)
6 Haza rd Analysis 8.0 Traceobility


----------------------> i STP
Traceabil ity



Software Safety Process

Hau rd Requirements
Tracking Traceability
SHA Database
Safety Deliverables Database
or Artifacts

Figure 3.0: SSS Process Chart for Detail Design and Implementation Phases

Regardless of SSS analysis techniques used, it must have the ability to allow the analyst to:

• Map or track SSFs to specific modules (or use cases) of code.

• Possess insight into the software's functional and physical interfaces with hardware, other
modules of software, or the human interface with the system.
• Provide insight to both the system and software design architecture.
• Comprehend what could functionally take place within the software design or code based upon
loss of function, degraded function (or malfunction) or functioning outside the bounds of the
predetermined parameters of timing and sequencing events.
• Determine where fault management should reside within the software design architecture (fault
detection, isolation, annunciation, logging, tolerance, and/or recovery).

The process subtasks of Process Task 6.0, Perform SHA/SSHA are depicted in Figure 3.1 below.

March 2018

MI L·STD·882E, Tasks 204 and 205 M IL·STD·882E, Task 203

Fina lize System
Perform SHNSSHA Requirements
6.0 7.0 Hazard Analysis

Identify& Pe rform Causal

Derive Specific
Integrate Ha za rds Doc.uments New --)' Analysis on Ca tegorize Hazards
~ Mitiga tion ~
From PHA System/ Subsystem Syste m / Subsystem with RAC
6.1 6 .2 Hazards .4 Requirements
6.3 Hazards 6 6.5

Figure 3.1: Process Task 6.0 Perform In-depth Hazard Analysis and Subtasks

:~.(1.1. t'niccc,<.: S11l;t;1sk <d; /11tegratt· H<?z.1rds frnrn th1· Pi!..\

This subtask was introduced in the previous paragraphs. From the total set of hazards considered in the
prior phases of the safety program, only those that are determined to be credible for the system and its
intended test and operational environments are carried forward to the SSHA or the SHA. In addition,
some of the hazards may be transitioned to either the O&SHA or the Health Hazard Analysis (HHA) .

The purpose of the SHA and SSHA is to take the safety information generated in the predecessor PHA
and FHA, combined with safety assessment of the system interfaces and maturing subsystems t o
identify system and subsystem hazards. The more architecture and design specific SHA and SSHA will
likely yield new hazards that were not discovered during the PHA and FHA. Identified subsystem and
system hazards are formally entered into the SSHA and SHA worksheets and each must be analyzed to
ensure the hazard risk assessment and associated RAC is reflective of the matured design,
implementation and mitigations.

This task requires access to up-to-date and accurate system design documentation . Regardless of the
methods or tools used to perform the causal analysis, the results must be at a level:

• Necessary to either account for mitigation already in the design arch itecture (probably as the
result of the GSSRs included in the early versions of the specifications), or to derive MSSRs
where mitigation is either absent or insufficient.
• Sufficient to account for software causal factors (either as causal initiators, or causal
• Sufficient to comprehend the interdependencies and interfaces between hardware, software,
and human error causes.
• Necessary to account for physical, functional, or contractual interfaces between the system
integrator and other sub-developers or vendors.
• That validates the rationale to discontinue analysis at a lower level (further down the causal
pathway to its root source).

March 2018

One of the best ways to determine the adequacy of the design architecture in context with the systems'
functional and operational environments is to accomplish a simple logic diagram (event or fault tree) of
the hazard and its causal pathways. This provides a graphical representation of the hazard causes in
conjunction with the Boolean "AND" and "OR" logic required to accomplish an estimation of the
adequacy of the probability of occurrence. If a quantitative Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) tool is utilized as a
method to understand the design logic, the failure probability of software functionality should be set to
" one (1)" to understand the control of the software within the system context and impact to top-level
event failure probability and cut sets. This will help to demonstrate the dependency of the software
functionality on the design architecture.

:·t6.4. Prote.'S" Suht'ask (~.4: De1 i\·1· ~pecific Mitigation Rt>quin'llll'!1ts

[Ref: JSSSEH paragraph 4.3.5.l.3 and

As stated above in process subtask 6.3, the hazard causal analysis will either confirm the existence and
adequacy of hazard mitigation, or it will determine that it is either nonexistent or inadequate. In the
latter case, the remaining safety risk potential must be adequately dealt with from a hazard mitigation
perspective. This task requires that specific mitigation requirements be derived and successfully
included in the design maturation process, such as the system safety program documenting a Change
Request to explicitly identify an existing design requirement that implements the identified mitigation as
part of the program's CCB process.

[Refer: MIL-STD-882E paragraph 4.3 and subsections; and JSSSEH paragraph 4.4 .4)

Upon completion of the causal analysis and assessing the adequacy of the mitigation or control of each
hazard failure mode (propagation pathway), each hazard and mishap is then reassessed against the risk
assessment criteria of the SSPP. Each hazard record should be assessed for its RAC and that RAC should
be annotated in the record. Each hazard analysis task concludes with the capture of all safety analysis
data in the Acquirer-approved HTS in the form of individual hazard records.

3.7. Process Task 7.0: Finalize SRHA

[Refer: JSSSEH paragraph 4.3.5 and MIL-STD-882E Task 203)

Process task 5.0 was the initial SRHA, performed early in system development. Task 7.0 represents the
culmination of the SRHA during the SHA and SSHA efforts of process task 6.0. This task will ensure that
safety requirements analysis is formally completed and adequately documented. This formal
documented safety artifact will be an essential document to be revisited for future updates or changes
made to the system. The subtasks of this process are presented in Figure 3.2 below.

March 2018

MIL-ST0-882E, Task 203 M ll-ST0-882E, Task 401

Ftnahze SRHA Requ irements
7.0 8.0 Traceability

I Reasse ss System ,,...-A-ut-ho-r A-p-pr-op-

Specify New A'i~es!i. Compliance of
Safety Change Requem ~
, System/Subsystem System/ Subsystem
Requirements Against
SS Rs Hw & SW with SSRs
7.1 (SSRs) 7.2 7.3 l7 .4 Requirements

Figure 3.2: Process Task 7.0 Finalize System Requirements Hazard Analysis

:i. 7. l Pnicl'ss ~uht?.sk 7 1: H c il~Sl ~s S~Hs

SSS must first reassess the GSSRs and MSSRs defined for the program as part of Process Task 5.0 Initial
SRHA. There must be evidence within the design architecture or design processes that these
requirements have been adequately addressed. Traceability from GSSRs to these artifacts must be
evident. MSSRs must be reassessed to determine those initial MSSRs that must be further decomposed
and allocated based upon the results of the SHA/SR HA.

This task formally wraps up and documents the specific GSSRs and MSSRs to mitigate and control the
SSHA and SHA hazards. Much of this effort was accomplished in process subtask 6.4, but it is important
to finalize the SRHA documentation in this area . Traceability from SSRs to the design must be evidenced
and documented in this phase of development.

:l.7.:-<. l'n:n'\S ~'!11tasi.; 7.:-{: Ass t' ~s C.m:;pJial't·c oi S\ o,t(·m/St1hsystcm H;;nh\<1n· and
Snftw.1i·e \\'it h '.'\\fh

As with process subtask 7.2, this process subtask is also a summation of the efforts that were
accomplished to finalize each hazard record in Process Task 6.0 and assess the current RAC. The
software test cases and procedures must be reviewed to ensure that the testing actually verifies the
safety-significant requirements in context to their intended or expected functionality. Further
discussions regarding test is provided in Process Task 10.0. Traceability is from safety-significant
requirements (or functions) to design, and then to software test cases and results. Traceability must be
documented and provided as evidence.

:·L'/ ·L Prol't"iS Suhtas!\ 7.4 : 1\11t!:or /\p prnpda tl' Cilangt: Relp!<'sts agai11:-.t flpq11ircrn1•11t-;

This process subtask is also a summation of efforts accomplished in process task 6.0. As the software
design is being reviewed and design reviews are accomplished, incorrect interpretation of the safety-
significant requirements must be identified and adjudicated. The actual documentation associated with
a defect or deficiency will be governed by the configuration management tools used and the
Configuration Management Plan . The primary cause of software defects is poorly defined, ambiguous,
unclear, incorrect, or missing requirements. Therefore, the SSE should work with the requirements
team and engineering teams to author any necessary requirements inclusions or clarifications that

March 2018

remain for action to reduce safety risks . The SRHA concludes with the analysis of all requirements
documented and the results from the analysis included in the Acquirer-approved HTS.

3.8. Process Task 8.0: Perform Final Safety Requirements Traceability

[Refer: JSSSEH paragraphs, 4.3 .6.3.3)

An important task of SSS is the preparation of the safety-significant engineering artifacts that provide
the evidence or audit trail of the SSS work accomplished. As depicted in Figure 3.3, the SSRs of the
system must be sufficiently traced to the design and also back to their corresponding hazards and
mishaps to complete the evidence audit trail. Much of the work required for this task has already been
performed during the previous analysis tasks. As such, this Requirements Traceability task is intended to
be a final assessment of end-to-end SSRs traceability prior to conducting software testing and Code-level
Analysis for LOR-1 software. The importance of performing this final assessment of traceability is to
reduce the risk and impacts of either failing to adequately test SS Rs or having to do separate, late testing
of SSRs.

JSSSEH, 4.3. 7 .3.2 M IL-ST0-882E, Task 401

Perform Final
Requirements Perform Code·level Perform Software
8.0 Traceability Analysis lO.O Test Planning

Trace Safety Trace Safety

Trace Safety
Requirements ~ Requirements -,
8.1 To Design 8.2 To Hazards Implementation

Figure 3.3: Process Task 8.0 Perform Final Requirements Traceability and Subtasks

'i.B.1. i'l"<!lL'~~ Suhlasl\ 8.1: Tt·;ice ~alt•ly lkquin.•nwnls to ne~ ign /\rchilL'Clun:

As depicted conceptually in Figure 3.4, there is traceability from the hazard/mishap record, where
causes are determined and mitigations identified via mitigation requirements, to the design
implementation of the requirements within the system design architecture. This traceability from
hazards to the design is essential to ensure mitigation requirements are complete, correct, consistent,
implementable and verifiable.

March 2018

Verification of Hazard Mitigation

Mitigation Requirements

Verification of Design
I~~!1J!)}) 1
Implementation Implementation

System Design
ArchitectIJre 17'
Figure 3.4: Hazard Closed-Loop Requirements Traceability

:·LH.2.. Procl'<;S Subtask H.l: 'I rarl' Saft>ly ffrqn i rcwcn ts to Hazards

To complete the closed-loop hazard mitigation process, safety requirements are traced from the design
and their verification back to the hazard/mishap record to formally provi de the evidence of hazard
mitigation and control. This traceability flows from the system design architecture and the
requirements verification back to the hazard/ mishap to confirm the mitigation and control of hazard
causal factors (refer to Figure 3.4) .

3 .H :{. Pron·s\ Subta~k B.:·L Trac<' S<l!<'ty Ht·quirem 1·11t s to lmpk:1H·11!ati1m

The traceability of safety requirements to the design architecture must include the implementation
within the software code. This implementation will later be verified in accordance with the approved
Software Requirements Verification Matrix (SRVM).

3.9. Process Task 9.0: Perform Code-Level Safety Analysis

[Ref: JSSSEH paragraph]

As depicted in Figures 3.3 and 4.0 and depending on the LOR assessed, Code-Level Safety Analysis is the
next step of the software system safety process. Code-level safety analys is is required and called out in
the LOR table for LOR-1 software.

March 2018

Process Inputs
c:J = Mll·STD·882E Requirement

Software Review
Software Code
(various Builds)

RQMTS Participate in Life-

~ 13..0
Mana ement
I Perform I,'.
Soft ware Test -T--I

~lOii.llitOllitPtiilailil!nliltnitiinlillll_,. ! 1
Perform Safety Risk

':I I J Assessment for all


--------· '
Software Test
12.0 Hazards
ll' I•

I t

Software De fe ct

,, : .I !I
; I
• f
Monitor Safety·
: J
"'--- -- ----· -- Sign ifica nt
1.0 Testin
l 1
Software Safety Process
Software Code Software Test Safet y Case
Fin al Build Reports or Safety
Safety Deliverables Assessment Report
or Artifacts

Figure 4.0: SSS Process Chart/or Test and Deployment Phases

:LY.1. Pron·ss Suhl<.:s l\ 9.1: fktcrmi:H· th t> Soltl\'<llT f.m1ctio11ality tn /w;1l:o-.(·

Figure 4.1 depicts the process subtasks for the selection and implementation of the code-level safety
analysis. Software assessed as LOR-1 should be evaluated and assessed using the code-level safety
analysis technique.

JSSSEH, 4 . MIL·STD·882E, Task 401

Perform Code Level Perform Software

Analysis Test Pia nning
9.0 10.0

Determine Determine
, Determine Modules
:;: Functionality to
,· . to Analyze
-> Objec tives of the Analyze Code
9.1 Analyze 92 9.3 Analysis 9.4

Figure 4.1 : Process Task 9.0 Perform Code Level Analysis and Subtasks

March 2018

Software modules (or use cases) that implement the functionality identified in Process Subtask 9.1 must
be identified and tagged for analysis.

Before the safety-code level analysis begins, the SSS analyst and the assisting Subject Matter Experts
(SMEs) determine the specific objectives that are required to be fulfilled by the code-level analysis.
Objectives of the analysis should consider the operational context of t he system/software to determine
values, data ranges, etc. to use in the analysis. Examples of specific objectives that may be fulfilled by
the accomplishment of a safety-code-level analysis include, but are not limited to :

• Specification to code tracing.

• Complex logic accuracy.
• Equation and algorithm accuracy.
• Fault and exemption handling.
• Forward or backward logic tracing.
• Safety-significant requirements implementation (compatible with architecture, mode ls, is
verifiable, conforms to standards, complies with requirements).
• Safety-significant data handling.
• Effects of concurrent processing.
• Accuracy and integrity of external file structures.
• Integrity of lower-level functional interfaces.
• Off-nominal inputs from functional or physical interfaces.

:-LlJ.4. Prou•ss Sulilasli C}.4: ;1nah·:te I.OH- I Solt ware

Upon identification and documentation of the objectives to be accomplished, t he code level analysis
review must be scheduled and conducted . Any errors or software deficiencies discovered in the safety
code-level analysis review, to include errors identified in safety-significant code that is not specifically
part of the analysis, must be formally documented and submitted to the software development team for
defect resolution. Specific questions to be answ ered include, but are not limited to:

• Is the code uniquely identified as such in the module header?

• Is the intended functionality of the software coded correctly?
• Have the requirements been correctly interpreted and coded?
• Is the timing and sequencing of the functionality correct?
• Is the logic for functionality accurate and as simple as necessary?
• Have all nominal and off nominal inputs been accounted for?
• Are variables or file structures adequately protected?
• Have fault and exception handling been adequately considered and implemented?
• Does the code contain any dead or unused code, or unintended functionality?
• Is this code influenced by concurrent processing?

March 2018

• Are safety significant software programs and functions implemented and executed on multi-
core processors?
• Are data races or shared data issues detected to prevent the corruption of safety-critical data or
• Can corrupted data lead to incorrect decisions by safety-critical software?
• Can mutual exclusion deadlocks freeze autonomous software control over safety-critical
functionality or processing?
• Are the code's interfaces witQ. other code and modules compatible?
• Are the functions and code isolated and/or partitioned from non-safety code where required?

3.10. Process Task 10.0: Perform Software Test Planning

[Ref: MIL-STD-882E Tasks 303 and 401, JSSSEH paragraph 4.4.1 and Appendix A- LOR Table]

Software test planning from a safety perspective actually begins during Process Task 2.0 when t he LOR
task table is defined, documented, and agreed upon by the SSS, software development and software
test teams. It is best practice of software test teams to test each software requirement that is
documented in the software requirements specification. At a minimum, all SRS safety requirements
must be reviewed to ensure the implementation complies with safety design requirements and mapped
to test cases.

Mll-ST0-882E, Para Mll-ST0-882E, Task 303

Perform Software Monitor Safety·

Test Planning Significant Testing
10.0 11.0

Determine Assist in Wri ting

Reassess LOR Test Comply with LOR
>- Functionality to Test Cases and
lO. l Criteria _ Test Criteria
10.2 Test 10 3 10.4 Procedures

Figure 4.2: Process Task 10.0 Perform Software Test Planning and Subtasks

A portion of the software test planning for the program has been accomplished with the fulfillment of
Process Task 2.0 when defining the LOR tasks for each phase of the software development and test life
cycle. The LOR Table provides specific software test tasks for each LOR allocation. At this specific poi nt
in time, the SSS reassesses the LOR software test tasks to ensure that t hey are still relevant and to verify
that the tasks have been accurately accounted for in the STP.

3. ! C.2. Pr111 t'S!-' Su;1~asi< 1 !t.:.?.: En ~on· Safct\' Funrtint!ali'.\' :s Te ste d

All safety-significant SRS requirements should be tested. Safety-significant requirements should be

formally documented within the SRS as accounted for in Process Task 7.0, Finalize SRHA. SSS can assist
the software test team in developing specific test cases and procedures to ensure that each SSF is
exercised and tested IAW its LOR. The testing should demonstrate that the software functions as it is
expected to function in both nominal and off-nominal operations and environments.

March 2018

LOR test requirements, as defined in the program's LOR table, must be specifically adhered to for the
purpose of increasing the confidence that the software does not possess unnecessary or undocumented
safety risk potential. At this point in time, it is the responsibility of SSS to verify that the software testing
is conducted in accordance with the criteria as documented .

SSS should assist in the test case and procedure development for safety-significant Computer Software
Configuration Item (CSCls), Computer Software Component (CSCs) and Computer Software Unit (CSUs).
SSS should possess insight as to how the software should perform functionally and what the software
should be prohibited from doing. Specific safety test criteria for consideration when writing test cases
and test procedures can be found in the program's LOR Table.

3.11. Process Task 11.0: Monitor Safety-Significant Software Testing

It is SSS's responsibility to monitor the software testing of SSFs. Monitoring should also include notifying
and inviting the Customer to witness testing. "Monitoring" can come in the form of participation or
witnessing test events, or from the review of test results and Software Quality Assurance (SQA) sign-
offs. The test objectives and test criteria must be fulfilled by the test activity in accordance with the STP
and the LOR Table's design assurance criteria as depicted in the Process Subtasks of Figure 4.3.

MIL·STD·882E, THk 303 MIL-STD·882E, Task 301

Monitor Safety· Perform Safety Risk

Significant Testing .0 Assessment
11.0 12

l Ensure Tests
Conform to LOR
11.1 Test Criteria 11.2
Ensure Safety
Functionality is
Monitor Test
Defects and
11.3 Resolution
Review Final Test


Figure 4.3: Process Task 11.0 Monitor Safety-Related Testing and Subtasks

Specific software test criteria have been established in the LOR task table. The software test activities
must be accomplished in accordance with this established LOR criteria. LOR test criteria that are not
fulfilled must be formally documented and accounted for in any safety risk assessment that is
accomplished for the program, IAW MIL-STD-882E criteria. MIL-STD-882E, Table VI, provides
requirements for documenting potential contributions to system level risk associated with LOR shortfalls
(i.e., if LOR tasks are unspecified or incomplete).

].11.~ . Prnn·s<> S11bta~k 11.2: Ensure ~.ik:•; fm1ctio11.llity i<: ·;l'..,!Ccl

As defined in Process Subtask 11.1, SSS ensures that all safety-significant functionality is adequately
tested in accordance with LOR criterion. Specific test objectives for safety-significant functionality
should include such criteria as :

March 2018

• Software performs the function as intended and produces the expected outcome.
• Software performs the function in its intended time allocation and within its defined sequence.
• Software does not perform undocumented, undefined, and unintended functions.
• Software performs as expected in normal or nominal environments and conditions.
• Software performs as expected in off-nominal environments and conditions.
• Software can detect faults/ failures of safety-significance.
• Software can isolate faults/failures to minimize the propagation of faults/failures to the system.
• Software can annunciate fault/failures to appropriate control entity responsible for recovery
• Software can take appropriate autonomous recovery action (if there is a requirement) to
defined faults/failures.
• Functional, physical and human interfaces to ensure they are under positive control.

As the software testing commences, SSS must monitor the testing accomplished (unit testing,
integration testing, and Formal Qualification Testing (FQT)) on safety-significant elements of the
software design architecture. " Monitoring" can be in the form of reviewing test cases, procedures, and
results or witnessing software test events themselves. Any failures, anomalous conditions, causal
factors, or hazards identified in software test must be documented, and tracked to a suitable solution or
corrective action. Defect resolution, or changes made to correct software deficiencies must be
accomplished in accordance with the Software Configuration Management Plan.

:L · : .< Pron·~' S11ht<:si< 11.~: R1•\'i1·w 'ioftw.itT T<·~t ,-a·s.i!ls

Upon the completion of defined software test cases and procedures, the SSS must review the software
test reports. The review of the software test report should confirm:

• The software test case is accomplished in accordance with the test procedure.
• The software test results verify the successful implementation of safety requirements.
• The software test results verify the adequate mitigation of hazards and hazard causal factors .
• The software test anomalies and defects are adequately identified, documented, and rectified .
• The software defect resolutions are adequately regression tested.
• Traceability from test reports/results to hazards and mitigations is performed and evidenced.

3.12. Process Task 12.0: Perform Safety Risk Assessment

[Ref: MIL-STD-882E, Task 301, and JSSSEH paragraph 4.4.4]

As the SSS process is implemented, the conclusion of software testing will usually bring the program to a
point in time where "influencing the design" is also concluded. The remaining options for hazard
mitigation or control in our "order of precedence" are procedures and training for operators and

SSS must support the system safety requirements to document safety risk as depicted in Figure 4.4.

March 2018

Mll-ST0-882E, Task 301 MIL-ST0-882E, Task 304

Participat e in
Perform Safety Risk
Life Cycle
lZ.OAssessment 3.0 Management

J, /,

Reassess All Assess Partial or Document and

Documented ~ Verify Mitigations ~ Failure to 7 Assess Safety Risk ·~ Communicate
12.1 Hazards 12.2 12.3 Mitigate 12.4 12.5 Safety Risk

Figure 4.4: Process Task 12.0 Perform Safety Risk Assessment and Subtasks

3 .J ~.1 l'nH c•ss Suhtask 12.1: lfrassess ail llo< unH'Bll'd Hn.ards

The safety risk assessment update after the completion of verification activities begins with a
comprehensive assessment of each documented mishap and hazard in the HTS. This assessment is a
confirmation that the hazard records contain complete and accurate information .

] 1 2.2 Proc(s~ ~11ht;:sl< I ~ .~· \·(·'"L\· lfazard 1•,1iCgation

As the HTS records are being assessed for hazard mitigation verification, the SSS must verify that
documented hazard mitigations have been adequately and accurately documented within the HTS
records . The evidence pertaining to the successful implementation of these safety requirements
becomes the necessary evidence for mishap and hazard mitigation.

In the process of verifying the successful implementation of safety requirements, SSS may discover that
some safety requirements were only partially implemented, deferred to later software builds, or
completely rejected. Partial or no implementation of safety requirements (including hardware,
software, and human action requirements) for a given mishap or hazard equates to safety ri sk. The
amount of safety risk will be dependent on other factors that must be considered, such as:

• The severity of the mishap or hazard occurrence.

• The number of other hazard mitigations implemented.
• The Boolean relationship of other mitigations with the mitigation that was not implemented .
• The ability (or inability) of the system to detect, isolate, and recover from a failure should the
failure occur.
• Body of Evidence (i.e., the results of LOR ta sk implementation) to meet the LOR specified in M IL-
STD-882E, Table V.

Software safety requirements that are not implemented must remain in in the software requirements
and CM documentation and be prioritized for the next software build or Engineering Change Proposal
(ECP) that occurs.

March 2018

Safety risk assessment is a comprehensive evaluation of the mishap risk that must be accepted prior to
test or operation of the system and exposing people, equipment, or the environment to known hazards.
This process subtask determines the safety risk that must be accepted IAW DoDI 5000.02 .

The results and conclusions of the safety risk evaluation are formally documented within the SAR.
System Safety Ri sk Assessments (SSRAs), and corresponding risk acceptance must also be performed, as

3.13. Process Task 13.0: Participate in Life-Cycle Management and Support

[Ref: MIL-STD-882E, Task 304, and JSSSEH paragraph C.11)

Modifications or changes to the system are likely to occur multiple times before the system is
decommissioned and taken out of service. Changes are either the correction of defects and deficiencies
identified by the system user or maintainer, or the functional or physical upgrade of the system to
enhance operational effectiveness and suitability. The latter can even be the result of the redefinition of
the mission that the system is to accomplish. Regardless of the reason for change, the SSS program
must be prepared for change and to accomplish the process tasks regarding change as depicted in Figure
4.5. Detailed Life-cycle Management tasks are also found in Appendix A, Life-cycle Support Phase Tasks.

Mll-STD-882E, Task 304

Iteration Loop for
Participate in Update All Safety-
life Cycle . - ---- _~-a_ch ~-ha.!111:.~~~-;~!1-----------· Related
13.0 Management 13.6 Artifacts

Assess all Proposed Identifying Changes Identify New

Hazards or failure Mitigate Hazards or Document and
Changes & Operational
Modes Associated failure ;> Communicate
and Impacts from Impacts With
with Changes or 13.4 Modes 13. 5 Safety Risk
Operational Usage Current Hazards
13.1 3.2 Operational Usage

Figure 4.5: Process Task 13.0 Participate in Life Cycle Management and Subtasks

To actively participate in a product's life cycle management, SSS must be famil iar with, and an active
participant, in the configuration management process.

·~ 1 :~ 1. ;·on><,-; S.ilit;1.o..·l· 13. r. ·~ ~.~- l·s~· ;ill:>. :i; (ISt'd ('h; 1 1 µ~· ... tc ;l d (I ()•1 ; ;1(i1'11<1l Impact~ (1! 1 ~! 't


At a minimum, System Safety should be a member of the Configuration Control Board (CCB) with
signature authority on ECP actions or upgrades. SSS must review every change request pertaining to the
system software and provide input to the System Safety representative on the CCB. Additionally, as
results from Operations of the system are obtained, any impacts of Ope rational usage must be assessed
for safety impact.

March 2018

:i. l :·L:>. l'rnn•-;s Sl1hL1<;:f{ 13.2. ilkntif\ Cll,rngt'" .rntl Opcrntion<l! Imp;~ct..- i\~ .rnci;ilt•d 1\·ith
Curn nl ,;~·

Functional or physical changes to a legacy system will likely affect the status quo of the existing hazard
analysis and must be assessed against documented hazards and accepted risks, or for the potential to
introduce new mishaps and hazards. Additionally, Operations of the system may reveal previously
unidentified safety hazards and/or causes and mitigations of existing hazards.

:·C1 :-L:{ Pnin•so; ~·nhta-:1, ! :-L:~: ldt•11til_1· N1·\\' Ha'larrh, r;:ilt:n.· f\;<:d1•'\, or Call.''t''. A<>•:pci;;tc'd
\\·ir.1 i'J ;,m~:c~ •• ilrl Cpt ratim;;d U~;•µ(

The system safety analysis of a change to the system or Operations of the system must determine
whether the change or Operations creates a mishap/hazard that did not exist in the legacy system, or
has an impact on an existing mishap/hazard. If this is the case, the mishap/hazard must be analyzed to
determine how it will be mitigated or controlled to an acceptable level of risk. If new mishaps/hazards
are not created by the proposed design change, there is a potential that new failure modes or causes
are created for existing hazards of the systems. These new failure modes and causes to existing hazards
must also be addressed, to include re-visiting accepted safety risks.

:LUA. ProrC'ss S11bt;1!,I\ 1:3.-I: l\1itigatt· I!azanb, F.tilun· J\l!:cit'~. or Ca11~'('!,

Mishaps and hazards, failure modes, and causal factors identified by the safety analysis for the proposed
system change(s) and Operations must be adjudicated just as any hazard identified during system
development. Mitigation is not complete until the modified software functionality has been analyzed
and tested (including regression testing) IAW its LOR.

:i.1 :·LS. Prnn._.,., ~uhta ... k I 3.S: Illa ullll'lll and fum11Hmit.1tt> S;1kt.r Hi-;k

As change requests are processed, approved, analyzed, and implemented, all safety analyses must be
accomplished for the purpose of reducing safety risk potential to the greatest extent possible (or
practical). Upon the completion of the system safety and SSS engineering tasks, a safety risk assessment
is performed and documented. New or updated safety risks must be accepted in accordance with DoDI

Upon the completion of system safety engineering and management tasks associated with a change, all
system and system safety related artifacts must be updated to account for the change and its ultimate
safety risk potential. For any given change action, the following engineering artifacts should be
considered candidates for update:

• SSPP (if there were any changes to management or engineering processes, tasks, budgets, or
• Hazard Analysis (analyses accomplished to date, e.g., PHA, FHA, SSHA, SHA, O&SHA).
• In Depth Causal Analysis (e.g., FTA, Failure Mode, Effects and Criticality Analysis (FMECA)).
• SRHA (all safety requirements artifacts to include updates to the SRS, SOP, or STP as required).

March 2018

• SAR (or possibly Safety Case to account for the safety risk assessment) .
• HTS (to account for all hazard analysis record keeping to include hazard mitigation and/or
control) .

Updating the artifacts related to safety produces the necessary evidence of hazard identification,
documentation, categorization, and mitigation for those organizations and personnel operating,
maintaining, and supporting the legacy system.

Ma rch 2018

4.0 Acronym List

ARP Aerospace Recommended Practice
AWR Air Worthiness Release

CCB Configurat ion Control Board

CORL Contract Data Requirements List
CMSEI Carnegie Mellon Software Engineering Institute
CMP Configuration Management Plan
CO NO PS Concept of Operations
COTS Commercial-off-the-Shelf
csc Computer Software Component
CSCI Computer Software Configuration Item
CSSR Contributing Safety-Significant Requirement
CSU Computer Software Un it

DID Data Item Description

DoD Department of Defense

ECP Engineering Change Proposal

FAA Federal Aviation Admin istration

FHA Functional Hazard Analysis
FMECA Failure Mode, Effects and Criticality Analys is
FQT Formal Qualification Testing
FTA Fault Tree Analysis

GSSR Generic Safety-Significant Requirement

HHA Health Hazard Analysis

HTS Hazard Tracking System (database)

IAW In Accordance With

IPT Integrated Product Team

JSSSEH DoD Joint Software Systems Safety Engineering Handbook

LOR Level-of-Rigor

MISRA Motor Industry Software Reliability Association

MSSR Mitigating Safety-Significant Requirement

O&SHA Operating and Support Hazard Analysis

000 Object Oriented Design

PHA Preliminary Hazard Analysis

PHL Preliminary Hazard List
PM Program Manager

March 2018

RAC Risk Assessment Code

RFP Request for Proposal
ROI Return-On-Investment

SAR Safety Assessment Report

sec Software Control Category
SCF Safety Critical Function
SCM Software Critica lity Matrix
SCMP Software Configuration Management Plan
SOP Software Development Plan
SEMP System Engineering Master Plan
SHA System Hazard Analys is
SME Subject Matter Expert
sos System-of-Systems
sow Statement of Work
SQAP Software Quality Assurance Plan
SRA Safety Requirements Analysis
SRF Safety-Related Function
SRHA System Requirements Hazard Analysis
SRS Software Requirements Specification
SRVM Software Requirements Verification Matrix
SSCM Software Safety Criticality Matrix
SSE System Safety Engineering
SSF Safety-Significant Function
SSHA Sub-System Hazard Analysis
SSMP System Safety Management Plan
SSPP System Safety Program Plan
SSR System Safety Requirement
SSRA System Safety Risk Assessment
SSS Software System Safety
SSSE Software System Safety Engineering
SSWG System Safety Working Group
STP Software Test Plan
STR Software Trouble Report
SwCI Software Criticality Index
SwSSP Software System Safety Program
SwSSPP Software System Safety Program Plan

TEMP Test and Evaluation Master Plan

TRR Test Readiness Review

V&V Verification and Validation

March 2018

5.0 Glossary
Acceptance Criteria - Criteria that a system, software build, or component must satisfy in order to be
accepted by an Acquirer, acceptance authority, or a certification authority.

Acquirer- Stakeholder that acquires or procures a product or service from a supplier. The Acquirer may
be one of the following: buyer, customer, owner, or purchaser.

Baseline - Specification or product that has been formally reviewed and agreed upon that thereafter
serves as the basis for further development and that can be changed only through formal change
management procedures .

Causal Factors - (1) The particular and unique set of circumstances that can contribute to a hazard. (2)
The combined hazard sources and initiating mechanisms that may be the direct result of a combination
of failures, malfunctions, external events, environmental effects, errors, inadequate design, or poor

Contributing Safety-Significant Requirements -A subcategory of the defined safety requirements of a

system . CSSRs are requirements contained within the specifications that contribute to the safety risk
potential of a system by the functionality that they will perform. CSSRs do not mitigate risk.

Control Entity - The specific entity that provides autonomous, semi-autonomous, or responsive
situational awareness command or control authority over unmanned system funct iona lity. The entity
may be human, software logic, or the logic programmed into firmware or programmable logic devices.

Developer -A private or government enterprise or organizational element engaged to provide services

or products within agreed limits specified by the Acquirer.

Failure - The inability of an item to perform its intended function.

Failure Mode - A term used to describe one (of possibly many) mechanisms that could contribute to
failure. In context to a hazard, the failure modes are descriptors of the overa ll mechanisms that could
lead to a hazards existence. Individual failure modes consist of causal factors, causal pathways, and
pathway initiation events.

Firmware - The combination of a hardware device and computer instructions and/or computer data
that resides as read-only software on the hardware device.

Function -A task, action, or activity that must be performed to achieve a desired outcome.

Generic Safety-Significant Requirements - A subcategory of the defined safety requirements of a

system. GSSRs are a product of documented system development, safety best practices, and lessons
learned from legacy programs.

Level-of-Rigor - A specification of the depth and breadth of software analysis, test, and verification
activities necessary to provide a sufficient level of confidence that a safety significant software function
will perform as required.

Mishap -An unplanned event or series of events resulting in death, injury, occupational illness, damage
to or loss of equipment or property, or damage to the environment.

March 2018

Mishap Probability- The aggregate probability of occurrence of the individual events or hazards that
might create a specific mishap.

Mishap Risk -An expression of the impact and probability of a mishap in terms of potential mishap
severity and probability of occurrence.

Mishap Severity-An assessme nt of the consequences of the most rea sonable credible mishap that
could be caused a specific hazard or combination of hazards.

Mitigating Safety-Significant Requirements -A subcategory of the defined safety requirements of a

system . MSSRs are normally identified during in-depth mishap and hazard causal analysis and are
derived for the purpose of mitigating or controlling failure pathways to the mishap or hazard.

Qualification Testing - Testing conducted to determine w hether a system or component is suitable for
operational testing.

Regression Testing - The testing of software to confirm that functions that were previously perfo rmed
correctly continue to perform correctly after a change has been made.

Requirement - (1) A condition or capability needed by a user to solve a problem or achieve an objective.
(2) A condition or capability that must be met or possessed by a system or system component to satisfy
a contract, standard, specification, or other formally imposed document s. (3) A documented
representation of a condition or capability as in (1) or (2).

Safety Critical -A term applied to a condition, event, function, operation, process, or item of whose
mishap severity consequence is determined to be either Catastrophic or Critical by definition.

Safety Requirements Analysis -An analysis w hich identifies, categorizes, prioritizes, and justifies the
safety requirements to be implemented on a system to influence the design of that system from a safety

Safety Related -A term applied to a condition, event, function, operation, process, or item of whose
mishap severity consequence is determined to be either Marginal or Negligible (less than critical) by

Safety Significant - A term applied to a condition, event, function, operation, process, or item that
possesses a mishap or hazard severity consequence by definition . That which is defined as safety-
significant can either be safety-critical or safety-related.

Validation - The determination that the requirements for a product are sufficiently correct and

Verification - The evaluation of an implementation of requirements to determine that they have been

March 2018

Appendix A
Preferred Level of Rigor Activities Table
The Level-of-Rigor (LOR) task table formally defines the softw are safety process tasks, software
development and test tasks, and special design criteria required to fulfill the requirements of MIL-STD-
882E, Table V. It is essential that the LOR tasks defined and contractually required on each program
make logical and economic sense from a both a safety risk and return-on-investment perspective. In
addition, it is important that the tasks defined are fully integrated into the standard practice processes
of both system safety engineering and software development and test processes. With this in mind, the
Acquirer and the Developer may tailor the preferred tasks provided in this implementation guide.
Figure A.l provides a graphical representation of the recommended method of tailoring the task table.

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S.:i o• l'
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Figure A.1: Preferred LOR Tailoring Method Example

It is recommended that tailoring consists of making changes to the columns of the table to determine
whether a specific task will be required for a given LOR level as depicted in the figure. It is also
recommended making word changes to the actual tasks themselves not be accomplished. The tasks
themselves have been formally documented and peer reviewed as "best practices" and should only be
tailored as a last resort where special circumstances warrant the change. As an example, LOR Task RP-8
states: "Coordinated Safety-significant Requirements Review for correctness and completeness." This
could be tailored to state that only Safety-Critical requirements be reviewed for correctness and
completeness. The documented rationale for this tailoring may be that the system possesses an
extraordinary number of safety-related requirements and the rapid acquisition budget and schedule
does not warrant the accomplishment of the task for lower severity level requirements.

March 2018

As a reminde r, all LOR tailoring of ta sks and the rationale for LOR tailoring must be reviewed and
approved by the Acquirer to ensure that the intent of the LOR activity meets the intent of MIL-STD-882E
and any acceptance authority.

lege nd:
PR: Prerequisite Requirement- Required regardless of LOR or required in order to assess and determine LOR
ACQ: Task Requirement Performed by the Acquirer
R: Required for assigned LOR AO: As directed by Customer/Contract
IV&V: Independent verification and Val idation N/A: Not Applicable for this program or LOR

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Required System Safety Tasks to Support

Software System Safety Per MIL-STD-882E

ACQ-1: Document the Acquirer's plans and Acquirer PM Acquirer Software PR Acquirer System Safety
processes to meet the requirements of the Acquirer Systems System Safety (SSS) Management Plan (SSMP)
System Safety and Software System Safety Engineering (SE) Service Safety Review
programs. Authorities
Acquirer System
Safety Engineering
Section 3.0 Process and Tasks for Software I (SSE)
System Safety

ACQ-1.1: Specify Mishap Risk Matrix, SwCM,

Hazard Tracking System (HTS) and charter SSWG.
Acquirer PM
Acquirer SE
I Acquirer SSS
Service Safety Review
I PR I I I I I Acquirer SSMP
Obtain approval from DoD Component for any Authorities
Acquirer SSE
tailoring of MIL·STD-882E matrices.

ACQ-1.2: Specify the baseline LOR Task Table to I Acquirer SSS I Acquirer Team I PR I I I I I Acquire SSMP
be used and/or tailored for the program

ACQ-2: Develop safety input to Request for

Proposal (RFP), Statement of Work (SOW) and
I Acquirer SSE I Acquirer SE I PR I I I I I RFP, SOW, contr act
Acquirer SSS
other contractual documentation (tasks,
analyses, CDRls, etc.)

Section 3.1.6 Provide Inputs to the RFP and SOW

ACQ-3: Define Acquirer specification safety Acquirer SSE I Acquirer SE I PR I I I I I Govt. System Specification, COD
requirements Acquirer SSS

ACQ-4: Ensure safety is a m ember of the Acquirer SSE I Acquirer CM I PR I I I I I CM Plan and Charters
configuration con trol process (voting member of Acqulrer SSS
Acquirer chai red boards)

ACQ-S: Initiate hazard analyses Acquirer SSE
Acquirer SSS
J Acquirer Team
I I I I J Acquirer safety artifacts

SSE-1: Document the Developer plans and Developer System Developer Program PR System Safety Program Plan
processes to meet the requirements of the Safety Manager Manager (SSPP) and Software System
System Safety and Software System Safety Developer Software Developer Hardware Safety Program Plan (SwSSPP).
pr ograms. Safety and Software Design SOW, CDRL
Engineering Acquirer Approved SSPP/SwSSPP
Developer Software

PR: Prerequisite Requirement- Required regardless of LOR or required in order to assess and determine LOR
ACQ: Task Requirement Performed by the Acquirer
R: Required for assigned LOR
IV&V: Independent Verification and Validation

1,;Ltlfi_,.i; 4 3 2 1
Section 3.0 Process and Process Tasks for
Software System Safety
I Design Architect

MIL-STD-882E, Task 102 I Developer


SSE-1.1: Define the safet y terms (and the Acquirer System Developer System PR Documented Program-Specific
definitions) to be used on the program, to Safety Manager Safety Terms and Definitions. MIL-STD-
include deviations from MIL-STD-882E. Developer System Acquirer SSWG Review 882E definitions and terms are
required unless approved by

Safety Manager and Approval
appropriate authorities
Section 3.1, Prepare the SSPP; Subsections 3.1.1 - Developer Software
3.1.S Design Architect Acquirer Approved SSPP

[Best Practice]

SSE-1.2: Detail within t he SSPP/ SwSSPP, how Developer Software I Acquirer SSWG Review I PR I SOW, CORL. SSPP/SwSSPP
the SwSS tasks will be accomplished within the
specific software development life-cycle for the
Developer Software
and Approval
I I I I Acquirer Approved SSPP/SwSSPP

project. Development
Section 3.2.3 Integrate Software Safety
Engineering Criteria
MIL-STD-882E, Task 102

SSE-1.3: Develop safety entry/exit criteria for Developer Software Acquirer SSWG Review PR Input to SwSSPP
each program phase of the software Safety and Approval Input to Software Development
development life cycle to include concept Developer Software Plan (SOP)
refinement, requir ements, preliminary and Development and
detailed design, coding, Test Verification and Input to Software Test Plan (STP)
Validation (V&V), software release and support). Input to CMP
Configuration Mgmt
[Best Practice] Input to SwQAP
SSWG Minutes

SSE-1.4: Document the Software Control Developer Software Acquirer SSWG Review PR Defined Software Control
Category (SCC) Definitions to be used on the Safety and Approval Category Definitions
program Developer Software SwSSPP
Section 3.2 Prepare the SSPP Development and
Devel oper Software
, Design Architect
(MIL-STD-882E, Table IV)

SSE-1.5: Document the Software Criticality I Acquirer System I Acquirer SSWG Review I PR I
Matrix (SCM) for the program Safety Manager and Approval I I I I SSMP
Program Software Criticality

PR: Prerequisite Requirement- Required regar dless of LOR or required in order to assess and determine LOR
ACQ: Task Requirement Performed by the Acquirer
R: Required for assigned LOR
IV&V: Independent Verification and Val idation
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Developer Software Matrix

Developer Software
SSWG Minutes
Development and
Section 3.2 Prepare the SSPP
Developer Soft ware
[MIL-STD-882E, Table VJ Design Architect

SSE-1.6: Develop (or update) Level of Rigor (LOR) Developer Software Acquirer SSWG Review PR LOR Table
task table for the program to include tasks and Safety and Approval
work products for each LOR software
Developer Softw are
development phase SSWG Minutes
Development and
Developer Software
Section 3.2.4 Prepare Level-of-Rigor Table Design Architect

[MIL-STD-882E, Table V]

SSE-2: Support th e System Safety W orking Acquirer System Acquirer SSWG PR SSMP, SSPP. SSWG Charter and
Group (SSWG) Safety Manager Proceedings
Developer System
Safet y, Software
Design Architect,
Software Safety,
Section 3.0 Process and Tasks for Software Software
System Safety Development & Test

SSE-3: Set-up a Hazard Tracking System (HTS) for Developer System Acquirer SSWG Review PR, AD Hazard Tracking Database
the program Safety and Approval
SSWG Minutes
Section 3.2.1 Obtain Inputs from the SSMP Acquirer System
Also, Statement of W ork tasks Safety

[ MIL-STD-882E, Paragraph 4.3.2]

SSE-4: Perform a Prelimin ary Hazard Analysis Developer System Acquirer SSWG Review PR List of System Level Mishaps
(PHA) to ident if y the safety mishaps and hazar ds Safety and Approval
List of Hazards and Hazard Failure
and safety m it igation requirements
Preliminary Hazard Analysis (PHA)
Section 3.3 Preliminary Hazar d Analysi s (PHA)
SSWG M i nutes
[MIL-STD-882E, Task 202 J

PR: Prerequisite Requirement- Required regardless of LOR or required in order to assess and determine LOR
ACQ: Task Requirement Performed by the Acquirer
R: Required for assigned LOR
IV&V: Independent Verification and Validation
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SSE-4.1 : Enter each hazard identified int o the Developer System Acquirer SSWG Review PR Individual Hazard Records o f the
HTS Safety and Approval HTS
Section 3.3.1 Identify Hazards Pertaining to the SSWG Minutes
Baseline System to Include the Preliminary
System/Software Architecture
[Mll-STD·882E, Paragraph 4.3.2]

SSE-4.2: Assign the severity and probability of Developer System Acquir er SSWG Review PR RAC Assignment for each Hazard
occurrence to each hazard identified and Safety and Approval Record
calculate the initial Risk Assessment Code (RAC) SSWG Minutes
based on the best available data documented,
including provisions, alternatives, and mitigation
measures to eliminate hazards or r educe
associated risk
Section 3.3.5 Categorize Hazards with
[Mll·STD-882E, Para 4.3.3]

SSE-5: Perform a Functional Hazard Analysis Developer System Acquirer SSWG Review PR FHA
(FHA) to identify the safety-significant fun ct ions Safety and Approval List o f Safety-Significant Functions
Section 3.4 FHA
Functional Flow to Subsystems
[Mll·STD-882E, Task 208] and Soft ware Item s.
LOR Assignment to Safet y-
Significant Software Functions
SSWG M inutes

SSE-6: Perform a System Requirements Hazard Developer System Acquirer SSWG Review PR,AD SOW, CORL, Safety Requirements
Analysis (SRHA) Safety and Approval Analysis (SRA)
Section 3.5 Initiate Safety Requirements Hazard SSWG Minutes
Analysis (SRHA), Section 3. 7 Finalize Safety
Requirements Hazard Analysis
[MIL-STD·882E, Task 203)

SSE-7: Perform a System Hazard Analysis (SHA) Developer System Developer Software PR System Hazard Analysis
and accomplish an in-depth causal, interface, and Safety Safety
failure mode analysis of the identified hazards to
identify specific hardware, software, and human-
related causes and the safety mitigating
requirements to eliminate or control t hem.
Section 3.6 Perform System and Subsystem
Hazard Analyses (MIL-STD-882E, Task 205]

AD: As directed by Customer/Contract
N/A: Not Applicable for this program or LOR
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SSE-8: Perform Sub-System Hazard Analysis and Developer System Developer Software Subsystem Hazard Analysis for
accomplish an in-depth causal, interface, and
failure mode analysis of the identified hazards to
Safety Safety I I I individual subsystems

identify specific hardware, software, and human-

related causes and the safety mitigating
requirements to eliminate or control them.
Section 3.6 Perform System and Subsystem
Hazard Analyses
(MIL-STD-882E, Task 204]

SSE-9: Perform initial Fault Tree Analysis I Developer System I Developer Software I Fault Tree Analysis on prioritized
(FTA)/Event Tree/Logic Diagram on prioritized
Safety Safety I PR, AD I I I I (by SSWG) mishaps or hazards

Section 3. 6 Perform System and Subsystem

Hazard Analyses
(Best Practice]

SSE-10: Per form a System-of-System Hazard

Analysis (SoS) to identify unique SoS hazards
I Developer(s) System
I Developer(s) Software
I PR,AD I I I I I Sos Hazard Analysis

[MIL-STD-882E, Task 209]

SSE-11: Perform an Operating and Support I Developer System I Developer Software I

Operating and Support Hazard
Hazard Analysis to identify hazards from the long
term operation, maintenance, and support of t he
Safety Safety I I I Analysis (O&SHA)

application, and to identify mitigating

requiremen ts
[MIL-STD-882E, Task 206)

SSE-12: Review of all Software Troubl e Reports Developer Software Developer Software I PR I ( I I I STR Review Results
for safety applicability to safety-significant Safety Development and Test
functions and mishaps/hazards (STR)
Developer Software
NOTE: Refer to subsequent Life-
Section 3.12.3 Monitor Test Defects and Design Architect Cycle (LC) Support Tasks required
Corrective Actions, 3.12.4 Review Final Software
to support sustainment after
Test Results
design is put under Configuration
(MIL-STD-882E, Task 304] Control

SSE-13: Produce Safety Case or Safety Developer System Developer Software PR,AD Safety Case
Assessment Report as di rect ed by the customer Safety Safety Safety Assessment Report
(SAR). Ensure the SAR captures all of the
SSWG Minutes
relevant SSS elements applicable to t he system

PR: Prerequisite Requirement- Required regardless of LOR or required in order to assess and determine LOR
ACQ: Task Requirement Performed by the Acquir er
R: Required for assigned LOR

IV&V: Independent Verification and Validat ion .. , . .. .

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Section 3.0 Process and Process Tasks for
Software System Safety
[MIL-STD-882E, Task 301]

SSE-14: Maint ain records of compliance with the

tailored program safety requirements.
I Developer Software
Acquirer SSWG Review
and Approval
PR, AD All System Safety and Software
Safety Engineering Artifact s
Software Quality SSWG Minutes

(MIL-STD-882E, Tasks 102, and 104] I Developer Software

Development & Test
Software Quality Assurance (SQA)
Audits and Results


RP-1: Review generic software safety Developer System Acquirer Review and R R R R List of Generic Safety-significant
requirements from other standards, including Safety Approval Requirements documented in
coding standards or industry best practice and Developer Software RTM tool
identify the software safety requirements that Safety SSWG Minutes
are deemed appropriat e for the
system /softwar e. Tag and t rack t hese Software
Safety Requirements in the Requirements
Traceability Management (RTM) tool

Section 3.5.3 Identify and Tag Generic Safety

Significant Requirements
[MIL-STD-882E, Task 203)

RP-2: Review System Requirements Specification

(SRS), and identify t he functional requir ements
Developer System
R R R R I List of Contributing Safety-
significant Requirements
that contribute to t he hazards. Tag and track
these safety-significant Requirements in the
Developer Software I I I I I I documented in the RTM Tool
Requirements Tr aceability Management (RTM)

Section 3.S.l Review System and Functional

Section 3.5.2 Identify and Tag Contributing Safety
Significant Requirements (CSSR)
[MIL-STD-882E, Task 203)

RP-3: From the FHA and the PHA Analyses, Developer System R R R R List of Derived Safety-significant
derive high-level safety requirements to m it igate

PR: Prerequisite Requirement- Required regardless of LOR or required in order to assess and determine LOR
ACQ: Task Requirement Performed by the Acquirer
R: Requi red for assigned LOR

IV&V: Independent Verification and Validation
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identified hazards and failure modes. Tag and Safety (high-level) Requirements
track these mitigating safety-significant Developer Software
Requirements in the Requirements Traceability Safety
Management (RTM) tool.

Section 3.5.4 Identify and Tag Mitigating Safety

Significant Requirements (MSSR)
[Mll· STD· 882E, Task 202, 203, and 208)

RP-4: Assign the Software Criticality and LOR to

each Safety-significant Requirement based on
I Developer Software
I Developer Software
R R R R I LOR Assignments to requirement s
based upon previously defined
the software control category and the highest
severity of the associated hazard (functional
I I I I I software function SwCI.

contribution) of the safety-significant function

the requirements are intending t o implement.

Section Assign the Criticality LOR to the

Safety Significant Function
[Ml l-STD-882E, Task 203)

RP-5: Create traceability matrix from safety-

significant requirements (generic, contributing or
I Developer System
I Acquirer Review and
R R R R I Requirements-to-Haza rds
Traceability Artifact
mitigating requirements) to identified hazards Developer Software
I I I I I SSWG Minutes

Section 3.5 Initiate Safety Requirements Hazard
Analysis (SRHA)
Section 3.8 Perform Safety Requirements
(Mll-STD-882E, Task 203)

RP-6: Ensure that SwSS requirements (generic, I I I

contributing, or mitigating) are flowed down and
traceable to the lower level SRS safety
Developer System
Developer Software
Safety I I R
R Requirements-to-Specifications
Traceability Artifacts

requirements, as they are developed.

Section 3. 5 Initiate Safety Requirements Hazard

Analysis (SRHA)
(Summary Task for RP-1 to RP-3)

PR: Prerequisite Requirement- Required regardless of LOR or required in order to assess and determine LOR
ACQ: Task Requirement Performed by the Acquirer
R: Required for assigned LOR AO: As di rected by Customer/Contract
IV&V: Independent Verification and Validation N/A: Not Applicable for this program or LOR
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RP-7: Derive requirements to insure that safety- Developer Software Developer Software R R R I Functional and Physical Design
significant interfaces are validated and controlled
at all times
Requirements Safety I I I I I Interface Analysis
Developer Software
[Best Practice] Design Architect

RP-8: Coordinated Safety-significant Developer Software Developer Software I I I R I R I R I Safety Requirements Revi ew
Requirements Review for corre ctness and Requirements Safety
completeness Developer Software
[Best Practice] Design Architect

RP-9 : Derive requirements for a fault tolerant Developer Software Developer Software R R R I Derived Fault Tolerant
design and tag as Derived Safety-significant
Requirements Safety I I I I I Requirements
Developer Software
Design Architect
[Best Practice]

RP-10: Independent r eview of all Contributing, Someone Other Than Independent Software IV&V, I Independent Safety Requirements
Generic, and Mitigating Software Safety
the Developer Safety
I AD I I I I Review

[Best Practice]

RP- 11: Define the verification method

(inspection, demonstration, analysis, or test) for
I Developer Software
I Developer Software
R R R R Requirements Traceability Matrix
(i ncludes verification method)
each Safety-Significant Requirement Developer Software Software Development and Test
Design Architect Artifacts
[Best Practice]


OP-1: Update all analyses (PHA, FHA, SRHA,

Subsystem Hazard Analysis (SSHA), SHA, and FTA)
Developer System
Developer Software
PR,AD I Updated safety engineering
analysis artifacts
for depth and fidelity based on the maturing
design concepts in the design phase of the
Acquirer Review and
I I I I I Acquirer Approval


Section 3.3-3.7
(MIL-STD-882E, Tasks 202, 203, 204, 205, 208]

OP- 2: From DP-1, identify and add to the SRS Contactor System Developer Software R R R List of Safety-Specific
generic safety and coding standard requirements Requi rements Considered to be

PR: Prerequisite Requirement- Required regardless of LOR or required in order to assess and determine LOR
ACQ: Task Requirement Performed by the Acquirer
R: Required for assigned LOR AD: As directed by Customer/Contract
IV&V: Independent Verification and Validation N/A: Not Applicable for this program or LOR
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4 3 2 --
for fault detection, isolation, annunciation, and Safety Safety Safety Best Practice
tolerance, error logging, and safe state Developer Hardware
transitions, and tag t hese as Mitigating Safety- and Software Design
significant Requirements Engineering
Developer Software
Development and Test
Section 3.5.3 Developer Software
[Best Practice] Design Architect

DP-3: From DP-1 and DP-2, identify and add to Contactor System Developer Software R R R R Derived Safety Requirement s
the SRS mitigating software requirements for Safety Safety OR
hazards causal factors, and tag these as Developer Software
Mitigating Software Safety Requirements or Defects against existing Safety
Design Architect Requirements
defects against existing high-level safety-
significant Requirements.

Section 3.5.4
[Best Practice]

DP-4: From DP-2 and DP-3, document the newly Contactor System Developer Software R R R R I RTM Tool Update
derived safety-significant requirements in the
RTM tool, and track, and tr ace these
Safety Safety
Developer Software
I I I I I Software Design Artifacts

requirements to design implementation. Design Architect

Section 3.5.8
[Best Practice]

DP-5: Review the design for compliance with the Acquirer System and Developer Software R R R I As directed Assessment of
corporate safety design standards and
guidelines, and Acquirer directed best practices
Software Safety
Developer System
Design Architect
Acquirer SSWG Review
I I I I I Compliance Artifact

(i.e., STANAG 4404, Appendix E of the JSSSEH, and Software Safety and Approval
[Directed Best Practice]

DP-6: Review of the user interface design for I Developer System Developer Hardware R I Assessment of User Interfaces
safety-significant issues Safety and Software Design
with Software Functionality
Developer Software
[Best Practice] I Safety Developer Human

DP-7: Create traceability from all safety- Developer Software Developer Software R R R R Safety Requirements-to-design
significant requirements to the system and

PR: Prerequisite Requirement- Required regardless of LOR or required in order to assess and determine LOR

ACQ: Task Requirement Performed by the Acquirer
R: Required for assigned LOR AD: As directed by Customer/Contract
IV&V: Independent Verification and Validation N/A: Not Applicable for this program or LOR

l~Utl ,
software architecture
Section 3.5
I Design Architect I Safety
I 3
I 1

Section 3.8

[Best Practice]

DP-8 : Functionally partition all implementations Developer Software Developer Software R R Functionally Partitioned Design in
of high LOR requirements from lower LOR Design Architect Safety Design Documentation Artifacts
requirements in t he design
[Best Practice]

DP-9: Assess design's stress tolerant (i.e., Developer Software Developer Software
I I I I R I R I Stress Tolerant Design
memory, processing through-put, timing, etc.). Design Architect Safety
Make appropriate recommendations to update Developer Software
requirements for stress tolerant design. Requirements and
(Best Practice) Design
DP- 10: Perform Design Interface Analysis to Developer Software Developer Software R R Verification that t he design
evaluate internal and external interfaces of Design Architect Safety controls the functional and
safety-critical units to ensure functional and physical interfaces with safety-
physical compatibility across the interface. significant funct ionality
[Best Practice)
Developer Software Developer Software I Safety (functional) Th read Analysis
DP-11: Analyze all safety functional threads to
Design Architect Safety
ensure that all paths lead to their desired
outcomes and that there is no dead/unused
code, unused/ undesired entry/exit points
into/out of the soft ware thread
[Best Practice]

DP-12: Verify that every variable and functional

statement in safety-critical modules of code have
Developer Software
Design Architect
Developer Software
R I Safety-specific Behavioral Review
Results for Safety-Critical Modules
a predefined behavior that fulfill the criteria of
the functional objective
I I I I I of Code

[Best Practice]

DP-13: Independent Safety Review of

Requirements-to-Design for Safety Coverage
I Someone Other Than
System Safety Team
I Independent Software
Independent Safety Revie w of
Requirements-to-Design Coverage
Independent Software Artifact

[Best Practice] I 1 Design


PR: Prerequisite Requirement- Required regardless of LOR or required in order to assess and determine LOR
ACQ: Task Requirement Performed by the Acquirer
R: Required for assigned LOR AD: As directed by Customer/Contract
IV&V: Independent Verification and Validation N/A: Not Applicable for this program or LOR

·~ 4 3 2 1

IP-1: Update existing FTA/Event Tree/Logic Developer System Developer Software R,AD Updated FTA/Event Tree/Logic
Diagram on prioritized hazards Safety Safety Diagr am on Prioritized Hazards


IP-2: Update all Hazard Analyses to include the Developer System Developer Software PR, AD Updated Hazard Analysis
in-depth causal analysis that reflects the Safety Safety
mature(ing) design
Section 3.3 - 3. 7
[MIL· STD·882E, Tasks 204, 205]

IP-3: Update Safety Case or SAR as required by Developer System Developer Software PR, AD Updated Safety Case or Safety
Customer Safety Safety Assessment Report
[MIL·STD-882E, Task 301]

tP-4: Participate in Test Readiness Reviews Developer System Developer Software I I R I R I R I R I Test Readiness Review Artifacts
(Best Practice] Safety Safety

IP-5: Mark safety-significant code header with Developer Software Developer Software R R R R I Code Headers Reflect Correct
the appropriate safety-criticality or LOR
Developer Safety I I I I I Safety Significance

[Best Practice]

tP-6: Perform reviews of code for compliance Developer Softwar e Developer Software PR Artifacts Demonstrating
with safety-significant coding standards and Developer Safety Compliance with Best Pract ices
guidelines (e.g.. Motor Industry Software Developer Software for Safety-Critical Code
Reliability Association (MISRA)) Quality Assurance (QA) Development

(Best Practice]

IP-7: Perform detailed code walkthroughs and

analysis of safety-critical code
I Developer Software
Design Architect
I Developer Software
I I I I I R I Code Level Review Results

Developer Software
Section 3.9 Perform Code Level Safety Analysis 1 Developer
(Best Practice]

IP-8: Create traceability from code to safety- Developer Software Developer Software R R R Requirements-to-Code
significant design requirement s Design Architect Safety Traceability
Developer Software

l egend:
PR: Prerequisite Requirement- Required regardless of LOR or required in order to assess and determine LOR
ACQ: Task Requirement Performed by the Acquirer
R: Required for assigned LOR
IV&V: Independent Veri fication and Validation

I I ~~M~ 1 4 I 3 I 2 I 1
Section 3.8 Developer
[Best Practice)

IP-9: Participate in acceptance review of safety- Developer Software Developer Software R R R Acceptance Review of Safety
significant code Safety Developer and significant Software
[Best Practice] Software Test

IP-10: Independent, Safety Review of Safety- Independent Design Independent Software IV&V, Safety Code-Level Review
Significant Code Safety
Section 3.9 Perform Code Level Safety Analysis


IP- 11: Perform detailed code inspections for Software Softwa re Test R Safety Code-Level Analysis for
fault contributions of Safety-Significant Code Development Team Software Safety Fault Management

Section 3.9.4 Analyze LOR-1 Software

[Best Practice)

IP-12: Review unit test plan to ensure that it Developer Software R R R R Assessment of Unit Test Plan for
defines the requirements for testing units of Safety Requirements Definition
safety-significant code

Section 3.10.2 Ensure Safety Functionality is

[Best Practice)

IP-13: Execute unit tests Developer Software

Developer I I I R
I R I Documented results of Unit Test
(Best Practice)

IP-14: Unit test results review Developer Software

I Developer Software
I I R I R I R I R I Assessment of Unit Test Results
(Best Pr actice]

IP-15: Review unit test results and verify that the
unit tests provide the required unit test coverage
and were executed in compliance with the unit
Developer Software
Developer Software
Safety I I R
I R Documented results of Unit Test

test plan
[Best Practice)


PR: Prerequisite Requirement- Required regardless of LOR or requir ed in order to assess and determine LOR
ACQ: Task Requirement Performed by the Acquirer
R: Required for assigned LOR AD: As directed by Customer/Contract
IV&V: Independent Verification and Validation N/A: Not Applicable for this program or LOR

. --.- di.U.4J.
.;tfutl@ 4 3 2 1
TP-1: Finalize the System Hazard Analysis (SHA) Developer System Developer Software R R R R Final Hazard Analysis Art ifact s
Section 3.6 Safety Safety

[MIL-STD-882E, Task 204, 205, 206, 208)

TP-2: Mark safety-significant test cases with the Developer Software I Developer Software R R R R I Evidence within the Safety-
appropriate LOR
[Best Practice]
Safety Test
I I I I I Specific Softwar e Test Cases

TP-3: Perform a safety review of each test case Developer Software I I I R I R I R I R I Safety Review Results
3.10 Perform Software Test Planning Safety

[Best Practice)

TP-4: Review all requirements traceability

matrices for coverage and completeness
Developer System
Developer Softw ar e
Safety I I I R
I R I Requirements Traceability Review

[Best Practice]

TP-5: Develop software test case procedures to Developer Software Developer Software R R R Evidence within the Software Test
demonstrate software structure (statement Test Design Architect Plan
coverage) is achieved Developer Software Documented Code Stru ctural
Safety Coverage evidence

[Best Practice]
TP-6: Develop software test case procedures to Software Test Software Safety R R Safety-Specific Soft ware Test
demonstrate software structure Software Design Cases
(condition/decision coverage(C/DC)) is achieved
Documented Code Stru ctural
(Best Practice) Coverage evidence

TP-7: Develop software test case procedures to Developer Software Developer Softw are R Safety-Specific Software Test
demonstrate software structure (modified Test Design Architect Cases
condition/decision coverage (MC/DC)) i s Developer Software Documented Code Structural
achieved. Safety Coverage evidence

[Best Practice)

TP-8: Perform a software structural coverage Developer Software Developer Software R R Safety-Specific Software Test
analysis to demonstrate that the appropriate Test Design Archit ect Cases
level of software structural coverage, including Developer Software Documented Code Structural
data coupling and control coupling, has been Safety Coverage evidence

PR: Prerequisite Requirement- Required regardl ess of LOR or required in order to assess and determine LOR
ACQ: Task Requirement Performed by the Acquir er
R: Required for assigned LOR AD: As directed by Customer/Contract
IV&V: Independent Verification and Validation N/ A: Not Applicable for this program or LOR
t W!~

[Best Practice]

TP-9 : Develop software test cases to Developer Software Developer Software R R R Safety-Specific Softwar e Test
demonstrate that the software satisfies its Test Design Architect Cases
requirements and those anomal ous conditions or Developer Software
software errors cannot lead to a hazardous Safety
condition as identified by the Hazard Analyses
from the System Safety process.
[Best Practice]

TP-10: Each software requirement identified as

safety significant in the System Safety Hazard
Developer Software
Developer Software
Design Ar chitect I I I I R
I R I Safety-Specific Softwar e Test
Analysis process shall be traced t o a test case and Developer Software
each test case shall trace back to a softwar e Safety

[Best Practice]

TP-11: Develop software test cases to

demonstrate the ability of the software to
Developer Software
Developer Software
Safety I I I I R
I R I Safety-Specific Software Test
correctly respond to off-nominal, robustness,
and failure mode conditions as identified by the
system Safety Hazard Analysis process. Off
Nominal and robustne ss conditions that must be
considered are: abnormal, out-of-bounds, and
invalid variable input values including zero, zero
crossing and approaching zero from either
direction or similar values of trig functions;
proper state transitions and possible disallowed
state or mode transitions; system initialization
under abnormal and failure conditions; errors in
input values or counter s associated w ith time or
rate f unctions and algorithms; failure modes of
input data strings and messages; out of range
loop counters and other loop failure conditions;
exception handling correctness; fault and error
handling correctness
(Best Practice]

TP-12: Perform a software test coverage analysis Developer Software Developer Software R R Safety Requirements-to-Test
to demonstrate that test case procedure s meet Test Safety Cases Trace

PR: Prerequisite Requirement- Required regardless of LOR or required in order to assess and determine LOR
ACQ: Task Requirement Performed by the Acquirer
R: Required for assigned LOR AD: As directed by Customer/Contract
IV&V: Independent Verification and Validation N/A: Not Applicable for this program or LOR

the requirements based test coverage criteria: a

test case exist for each software requirement;
test cases satisfy the criteria for normal;
robustness, and failure mode testing; all test
procedures used to satisfy structural coverage
ar e traced to requirements; and that
requirements or structural coverage deficiencies
are resolved by identification or new
requirements or new test cases.
[Best Practice)

TP-13: Create a safety-significant test report I Developer Software I Developer Software I I R I R I R I R I Safety-Critical Test Report
documenting the safety-significant formal testing Test Safety
compliance and execution results
[Best Practice)

TP-14: Review safety-significant test results and

verify that the safety-significant test cases
Developer Software
Developer Software
Safety I I
I R I Verification of Test Case
provide the required test coverage and were Developer Software
executed in compliance with the formal test Quality
[Best Practice]

TP-15: Track safety verification failures and Developer Software I Developer Software I I R I R I R I R I Attendance Log
participate in test anomaly resolution Design Safety
Section 3.11.3 Process Subtask 11.3: Monitor Developer Software
Test Defects and Corrective Actions Test
[Best Practice)

TP-16: Plan, perform, and review functional and

Failure Modes and Effects Test (FMET) test plans
I Developer Software
I Developer Software
Safety I I R
I R I Regression Test Plans and
and procedures. Developer Software
Section 3.11.4 Review Final Software Test Results
[Best Practice)

TP-17: Add test cases to the Regr ession Test Plan

to support 100% regression testing for safety-
Developer Software
I Developer Software
Design I I R
I R I Regression Test Plans and
significant functions that have been updated. Developer Software
[Best Practice]

PR: Prerequisite Requirement- Required regardless of LOR or required in order to assess and determine LOR
ACQ: Task Requirement Performed by the Acquirer
R: Required for assigned LOR AD: As directed by Customer/Contract
IV&V: Independent Verification and Validat ion N/A: Not Applicable for this program or LOR
&a -aw:t:~:!ZYt·rm 4 3 2 1
TP-18: Perform 100% regression testing for any Developer Software Developer Software R R R Regression Test Results or Report
safety-significant functions that have been Test Safety
Regression testing must include testing of non-
partitioned non-safety-significant software at t he
same LOR as the safety-significant software.

[Best Pr actice]

TP-19: Perform hazard risk assessments based Developer System Developer Software I I R I R I R I R I Safety Risk Assessment
upon results of verification activities. Safety Safety
Section 3.12 Perform Safety Risk Assessment
(MIL-STD-882E, Task 301]

TP-20: Gain accreditation and validation of

models and simulations that are used to support
I Developer Software

software system safety verification in accordance

with DoDI 5000.61, DoD Modeling and
Simulation (M&S) Verification, Validation, and
Accreditation (W&A).

[Best Practice]

TP-21: Validate models and simulations against Developer Softwar e I I I I I R I R

actual hardware and data. Engineering
(Best Practice]

TP-22: SwSS personnel shall support the system
safety risk assessment process.
Developer and
Acquirer SSWG I I I R
I R Problem Reports, adjudications,
SSWG Minutes

Section 3. 12 Perform Safety Risk Assessment

[Best Practice]


LC-1: Review of all Engineering Change Proposals
for safety applicability to safety-significant
I Developer System
Safety Team
I Developer Softwar e
Safety I PR
I ECP Review Results with System
Safety assessment indicated
functions and mishaps/hazards (ECP)

Section 3.13 Participate In Life-cycle

PR: Prerequisite Requirement- Required regardless of LOR or required in order to assess and determine LOR
ACQ: Task Requirement Performed by the Acquirer
R: Required for assigned LOR AO: As directed by Customer/Contract
IV&V: Independent Verification and Validation N/A: Not Applicable for this program or LOR

Management and Support

[MIL-STD-882E, Task 304)

LC-2: Identify and tr ack safety-significant

requirements to mitigate the safety risk potential
I Developer System
Safety Team
I Developer Software
of the Software Trouble Reports {STRs) or
Engineering Change Proposals (ECPs) being

Section 3.12.3 Assess Partial Mitigation or Failure

to Mitigate, Section 3.13 Participate in Life-Cycle
Management and Support
[MIL-STD·882E, Task 304)

LC-3: Update SSHA, SHA, and FHA (as required) I Developer System I Developer Software R,AD I Updated FHA
Safety Team Safety I I I I I Updated SSHA and SHA

NOTE: If the safety analysis hos

Section 3.13.6 Update all Safety Related Artifact s NOT been accomplished on the
system (e.g., legacy system), then
[MIL-STD-882E, Task 204, 205, 208)
it must be accomplished now)

LC-4: Update the FTA (as required) Developer System Developer Software R,AD Updated FTA
Section 3.13.6 Safety Team Safety


LC-5: Update the HTS (as required) I Developer System

Safety Team
I Developer Software
I RAD I I I I I Updated HTS
Section 3.13.6

LC-6: Participate in Configurat ion Management

process and Configuration Control Board (CCB)
I Developer System
Safety Team
I Developer Software
Safety I PR
I Safety Review and Approval of
ECPs and STRs
[Best Practice)

LC-7: Mark safety-significant software ECPs and

items in CM with the appropriate LOR as
I Developer Software
I Developer
I PR I I I I I ECP Review Results

determined by the SwCI Management

Developer Software
[Best Practice) I I Design Architect

PR: Prerequisite Requirement- Required regardless of LOR or required in order to assess and determine LOR
ACQ: Task Requirement Performed by the Acquirer
R: Required for assigned LOR AO: As directed by Customer/Contract
IV&V: Independent Verifica t ion and Validation N/A: Not Applicable for this program or LOR
~ --:1:w-.1mr-

LC-8: Review problem reporting/defect tracking,

change control, and change review activities for
Developer Software
Configuration I PR
I I I I I Software Trouble Report and
Defect Tracking Results
safety impact and compliance Management
[Best Practice] Developer Software
Design Architect

LC-9: Document the results of any Safety Developer System Developer Software I PR I I I I I Safety Review Results
Reviews Safety Safety
(Best Practice]

Note: Regression testing must be performed on R R R R Regression Test Plans

all changed or modified safety-significant Regression Test Results
software in system sustainment . See TP-18 and

LC-10: Review Test Reports [Safety, Test) Developer System Developer Software PR Test Report Review
(Best Practice) Safety Team Safety

LC-11: Review and give signature approval on Developer System Developer Software PR Safety-significant CR Signature
safety-significant CRs Safety Team Safety from Software Safety
(Best Practice)

LC-12: Independently review safety-significant Someone Other Than IV&V, Independent Safety Review
code changes implemented by ECPs within the Designer/Developer Results
CM process
[Best Practice]


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