Case Study 1

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Casestudy 1

Q1. The Networked System to be designed is for partial automation of a vineyard.

Wireless Vineyard
You can assume that the size of the vineyard is 0.5Km2. Each plant in the vineyard is equipped with
temperature, humidity, leaf moisture, leaf temperature sensors. (While only a single temperature,
humidity is sufficient multiple leaf temperature, leaf moisture sensors are used). The vines are laid out in
proper lanes.

Fig1a: Vineyard Fig1 b: Simba Fig1c: Sensor Node/Plant

The data is collected at intervals of 5 minutes.
There is a data mule in form of “Roger, Simba & Bandit”, who go around the farm thrice a day at fixed
time, fixed route and collect data from certain sensors (not all) and carry them to a central station. This
decides the watering and lighting schedule of the vineyard.
For the WSN
(a) What is the deployment pattern – how many motes will be required, are all motes of the same
type?, where will you place each mote? Show with appropriate figures and Justify.
(b) For the application scenario – what are the characteristics that the network protocol stack should
possess (In terms of energy conservation, processing and memory requirements, fault tolerance,
data criticality, data aggregation and compression, real-time operations, maintenance)?
(c) Would a time synchronization Algorithm be required? Describe the synchronization protocol?
(d) Would a Localization Algorithm be required? If so which one will you use and why?
(e) Show a block diagram level architecture for each of your sensor nodes.
(f) Would use Clustering? If so which algorithm and why? Will this clustering be hierarchal? Justify
(g) Which Routing Algorithm will you use and why?
(h) Topology Control requirement is necessary- Suggest a protocol that would work ideally in such an
(i) What are the MAC protocols that you will use for this WSN?
(j) What is the addressing method that you will use in the WSN?
(k) How do you integrate the data mule with the network protocol stack?
(l) Analyze your protocol stack with the characteristics you have defined in Part (c) of this question.
Does your protocol stack satisfy all requirements?
(m) What are the main challenges that your WSN must address?
The grapes harvested are sent by a fleet of a dozen vehicles.

Shipment Tracking

From the vineyard to the consumption sites thousands of kilometers are covered – hence the condition
inside the shipment containers needs to be monitored. The environment in terms of temperature,
humidity, moisture level must be monitored in each vehicle. In case of any variations alerts are sent to a
remote system on cloud.

Fleet Tracking

Using GPS technology all vehicles are tracked. The vehicle locations and the routes taken by the vehicle
are collected, aggregated and analyzed on the cloud. for detecting bottleneck in the supply chain such as
traffic congestions on the route, generation of alternate routes. Discrepancies between actual and
planned data, so that remedial actions can be taken.

On-Board Diagnostics

This can detect faults in vehicles or warn of impending faults. OBE Sensors collect data regarding speed,
engine RPM, Coolant Temperature, OBE Bus Faults. This along with the status of various vehicular sub-
systems connected via Intra-vehicular network are collected and sent to the cloud, where it is analyzed to
generate alerts and suggest remedial actions to the driver.

(n) Design/ Suggest / Modify the required/existing protocols for these three types of network
embedded applications. Justify your Protocol in terms of how it satisfies Network Characteristics.
Show the diagrammatic layout of each network.
(o) What are your suggestions for the on-board vehicular network in terms of network structure and
protocol stack.
(p) How will the three types of network in (n) be integrated? Show the entire integration design with
sufficient explanation. Also, diagrammatically indicate how is it connected to the intra- vehicular
(q) At what layer of the protocol stack will these networks integrate and why?
(r) What are the various challenges in designing the complete transportation systems? Suggest
methods to mitigate them.

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