Municipal Ordinance No. 2018-02 PDF
Municipal Ordinance No. 2018-02 PDF
Municipal Ordinance No. 2018-02 PDF
Province of Iloilo
Municipality of Igbaras
SECTION 2. Declaration of Policy. Sections 447 (5) (xv), 458 (5), 468 (4) (viii) of the same
Local Government Code, vest upon local sanggunians the power to establish local councils
whose purpose is the promotion of culture and the arts, coordinate with government agencies and
non-government organizations and subject to the availability of funds, appropriate funds for the
support and development of the same.
SECTION 3. Creation of the Council – Envisioned to be the local counterpart of the National
Commission for Culture and the Arts (NCCA), the Igbaras Municipal Council for Tourism, Arts,
Culture and History is hereby created to formulate policies for the development of culture and
the arts at the municipal level; implement these such policies in coordination with the NCCA as
well as with affiliated cultural entities both from the private and public sectors; “ encourage
artistic creation within a climate of artistic freedom; develop and promote the Filipino national
culture and arts; and preserve Filipino cultural heritage.” The council shall be under the Office of
the Municipal Mayor and shall render submit annual accomplishment report to the Municipal
Mayor as a monitoring and evaluation mechanism.
The representatives from the private sector who will sit as Vice Chairman, Secretary and
Treasurer of the Council shall be elected annually by the members of the private sector.
The Board of Directors shall have the power to set and draw up policies and formulate the
implementing rules and regulations affecting or related to the promotion and development of the
tourism industry in the Municipality.
SECTION 5. Term of Office. – The Sangguniang members shall serve up to the end of their
current term as Councilors. Private sector representatives shall be co-terminus with that of the
appointing Municipal Mayor.
SECTION 6. Powers and Functions of the Council– In order to pursue its mandate, the
Council shall have the following powers and functions:
a) Prepare an annual plan to promotion culture arts and cultural heritage consonant to the
Medium-Term Philippine Development Plan for Culture and the Arts, to be integrated in
the Comprehensive Development Plan (CDP) of the municipality;
b) Meet quarterly and prepare report of tourist arrivals, tourist activities and quarterly
accomplishment report;
c) Formulate programs and recommendations to develop local culture and the arts;
d) Ensure the protection, preservation and conservation of the local cultural and historical
e) Conduct cultural events such as cultural festivals, competitions, lectures, seminars, fora
and symposia; set up exhibits during fiestas and other related activities;
f) Conduct periodic consultations with stakeholders to identify grassroots-based cultural
concerns, issues and agenda;
g) Encourage the development of local cultural industries;
h) Conduct periodic inventory of local cultural objects and sites in coordination with the
National Commission for Culture and the Arts, Cultural Center of the Philippines,
National Museum, National Historical Institute, National Library and other national
cultural agencies;
i) Ensure continuous and sustainable cultural education.
j) Set up a municipal-wide network of barangay councils for culture and the arts to ensure
optimum people-based participation;
k) Network with international, national and local cultural and artistic groups/agencies;
l) Link up with government and non-government agencies for assistance;
m) Advise the Municipal Mayor on all matters pertaining to culture and the arts;
n) Accept and rally for donations from both the public and private sectors;
o) Mount Spearhead fund-raising projects;
p) Craft the implementing rules and regulations of this ordinance;
q) Formulate the annual budget of the Council and submit the same to the Municipal Mayor
for inclusion in the annual budget;
r) Perform other functions which may be necessary for the preservation/conservation of
national cultural heritage/properties.
SECTION 7. Operational Budget/ Sources of Funds. The Council shall draw its budget from
the account of the Office of the Municipal Mayor. Initially the Municipality shall appropriate
One Hundred Thousand Pesos (P100,000.00) for the calendar Year 2019 and shall appropriate
funding for the succeeding years for its yearly operations and in the succeeding year(s), a
separate appropriation account in favor of the Council shall be included in the annual budget.
SECTION 8. Meetings and Quorum –The Council shall have a minimum frequency of
meetings of four (4) times a year (quarterly). Any number of the officers and members present in
any meeting called upon prior written notice shall constitute a quorum.
SECTION 9. Compensation and Remuneration. - The chairman, vice chairman, secretary and
members of the tourism council shall perform their duties as such without compensation or
remuneration. Members thereof who are not government officials or employees shall be entitled
to necessary traveling expenses and allowances chargeable against the funds of the Council,
subject to existing accounting and auditing rules and regulations.
SECTION 10. Secretariat. – The secretariat composed of the following is hereby designated to
provide administrative and technical support to the council.
a. Executive Secretary
b. Sangguniang Bayan Secretary
c. Tourism Staff
d. Human Resource Office Staff
SECTION 11. Repealing Clause – All resolutions, ordinances, memoranda and other issuances
inconsistent with this ordinance are hereby repealed or modified accordingly.
SECTION 12. Effectivity – This ordinance shall take effect fifteen days after its publication in a
local newspaper of general circulation within the Municipality of Igbaras.
Presiding Officer
Date of Approval