Lesson Plan For Demo - Min. Wage

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School Tudela National Comprehensive High School Grade Level 11

GRADE 11 DETAILED LESSON PLAN Teacher Maria Benna D. Mendiola Learning Area ABM
January 28, 2019 Quarter Third
I. OBJECTIVES The students must be able to:
a. Describe minimum wage.
b. Explain the concept of minimum wage.
c. Relate the concept of minimum wage to the Philippine labor situation.
A. Content Standard The learners demonstrate an understanding of the law of supply and demand, and factors affecting the economic situation.
B. Performance Standard The learners shall be able to conduct a survey of current economic situations within the vicinity.
C. Learning Competencies
a. Describe minimum wage. Code: ABM_AE12-Ie-h-7
b. Explain the concept of minimum wage. Code: ABM_AE12-Ie-h-7
c. Relate the concept of minimum wage to the Philippine labor situation. Code: ABM_AE12-Ie-h-7
A. References
1. T G pages
2. LM pages
3. Textbook pages Applied Economics (REX BOOKSTORE) pp. 33-37
4. Materials Manila paper, construction paper, scissors, masking tape, projector, laptop, handouts,
B. Other Learning Resources https://www.officialgazette.gov.ph/featured/how-is-minimum-wage-determined/
Preparatory Activity  Prayer
 Greetings
 Setting the classroom
 Checking of Attendance

A. Review  Activity A. Review of the previous lesson: Word Search

 Students will be grouped into four.
 Each group will be given sheets of paper to play the word search.
 First group to finish the word search wins the game.
 Last group to finish will have to explain the words found in the word search.
B. Activity
 Activity B. Gallery Walk.
1. Different pictures are posted on the four sides of the classroom.
2. Students will be asked to move around the room to look at the pictures posted. They will do it by batch.
3. Students will be asked to take down notes about their observation on the posted pictures.

Analysis :
a. What are the pictures all about?
b. How will you relate these pictures to economics?
c. How will you relate these pictures to our current Philippine labor situation?
Presentation Power point presentation: Wage Matrix for Region X
Wage for Rates for 2018

C. Analysis
Teacher will ask :
1. Based on the screen grab from DOLE, what is a minimum wage?
2. What is the minimum wage mandate and what purpose does it serve?
3. What are the possible factors in the determination of minimum wage?
4. How important is minimum wage to the current Philippine labor situation?
5. How will you relate minimum wage to the current Philippine labor situation?
6. What are the implications of the current minimum wage to increasing number of OFWs?

Values Integration Whys is minimum wage important?

 Learners answer.

Value: The importance of hard-earn money, budgeting and saving.

D. Abstraction PPT short discussion about the concept of Minimum Wage.

 Minimum wage
 According to International labour organization , minimum wages have been defines as the “ minimum amount of remuneration that an
employer is required to pay wage earners for the work performed during a given period, which cannot be reduced by collective
agreement or an individual contract”.
 Minimum wages are set by a s
 Republic Act No. 602 dated April 6, 1951 “An Act to Establish a Minimum Wage Law, and for other Purposes” is the law behind the
implementation of minimum wages across the Philippines. This means that every employer is bounded by law to implement such rules
otherwise they will be fined or sued in court.

 How is minimum wage determined? The Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) through the National Wages and Productivity
Commission implemented the two-tiered wage system. There are four factors that influence the fixing of minimum wage:

1. Needs of workers and their families.

- Demand for living wage
- Cost of living
- Needs for workers and their families
- Improvements in standards of living
2. Capacity to pay
- Fair return on capital invested and capacity to pay of employers
- Productivity

3. Comparable wages and income

- Prevailing wage levels
4. Requirements of economic and social development
- Effects on employment generation and family income

E. Application Group activity: Stripping the budget

1. Learners will be grouped into 3 groups.
2. Learners will be given a situation and make a personal monthly budget from it.
3. They will have to use the following categories:
a. Expenses Categories
b. Realistic monthly expenses
c. Math Calculations
d. Saving Balance
e. Circle Graph – make a graph out from the monthly budget.
4. A rubric will be provided for this activity.
 Theresa is a minimum wage earner working as a saleslady for a grocery store in Misamis Occidental.
She’s currently earning P358.00 per day. It’s her first payday and she doesn’t have any idea how she would budget her pay for the month. Theresa
asks for your help to make her budget.
 Students will answer based on their needs.

RUBRIC for Stripping the Budget

Expense Categories Includes more than 6 expense Includes 5-3 expense items. Includes less than 3 expense
items items.
Realistic Monthly Monthly expense amounts are very Monthly expense amounts are Monthly expense amounts are
Expenses realistic somewhat realistic. not realistic.
Math Calculations T he math calculations are 95%- The math calculations are at least The math calculations are at least
100% accurate and work is shown. 70% accurate and work is shown. 50% accurate and work is shown.
Saving Balance The learners ended the month with The learners ended the month The learners ended the month
an excellent savings balance. with a fair to good savings with no savings balance or a
balance. negative savings balance.
Circle Graph The learners included an accurate The learners included a fairly The learners included a circle
circle graph representing their accurate circle graph graph with many inaccuracies.
expenses. representing their expenses.

Teacher asks the following questions:

1. How did you come up with this budget?
2. What are the factors that you consider in making this budget?
3. What is the importance of savings?
4. What can be a lasting solution to the problems of inadequate wage and unemployment?
5. Why can’t the minimum wage be a lasting solution to the problems of inadequate wage and unemployment?

Individual Activity: SAVE UP!

 After knowing the concept of minimum wage and hard- earned money, as a Senior High School student, make a budget of your weekly
allowance. Make sure that all your expenses as a student are all accounted for. Savings will be greatly appreciated. Make a line graph to
represent your budget.
You will be graded based on the following rubric.
Rubric for SAVE UP!
Realistic Students’ Weekly students’ expense Weekly students’ expense amounts are Weekly students’ expense
Weekly Expenses amounts are very realistic somewhat realistic. amounts are not realistic.
Math Calculations T he math calculations are 95%- The math calculations are at least 70% The math calculations are
100% accurate and work is shown. accurate and work is shown. at least 50% accurate and
work is shown.
Saving Balance The learners ended the month The learners ended the month with a The learners ended the
with an excellent savings balance. fair to good savings balance. month with no savings
balance or a negative
savings balance.
Line Graph The learners included an accurate The learners included a fairly accurate The learners included a
line graph representing their line graph representing their expenses. line graph with many
expenses. inaccuracies.
VI. CLOSURE Importance of hard-earned money, budgeting and saving.
IX. REFLECTION In our day-to-day lives, we work hard inorder to meet our needs. Sometimes or most the time, our pay isn’t enough to survive our needs. But still we
strive to survive. This lesson will teach us the value of hard-earn money, the need to budget just to meet our ends and most importantly the need to
save for the rainy day. It’s a fit we must struggle every day but might as well thank God for the opportunity to do so.

Prepared by:


Teacher II Checked by:

Noted by:

Secondary School Principal II

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