Rural Study Guidelines Handout by Ar. Pradeep Reddy Navakoti
Rural Study Guidelines Handout by Ar. Pradeep Reddy Navakoti
Rural Study Guidelines Handout by Ar. Pradeep Reddy Navakoti
(A) To project survey data on to a design brief.
(B) To be able to design with respect to environment.
(C) To understand the use of forms in relation to open spaces.
(D) To project the need of a community in the design of facilities.
The following are the various stages of the rural development project:-
(A) Formulation of objectives
(B) Surveys
(C) Analysis
(D) Identification of the problem ( public participation required)
(E) Recommendations
(F) Preparation of development plan, types of house and community facilities
(G) Implementation
(H) Monitoring
(I) Review
Formulation of objectives
The rural development project should aim at
(A) Community development ( general uplift of people in terms of social life, education, economic,
development and improvement in health)
(B) Improvement in infrastructure ( includes improvement in housing conditions, proper water supply
and drainage, electrification, marketing and storage facilities and transport linkages).
This comprises the study of the rural environment and the influences the occupational pattern and
population characteristics, the physical environment and the available infrastructure. Surveys are
undertaken to get statistical information regarding existing conditions.
Physical surveys: effort is made here to arrive at approximately, the access, boundaries, street
network and levels if any, of the existing village. Besides this, the impact of zone of influence
surrounding this village will have to be looked into.
Visual survey: the visual impact created by important landmarks such as temples, water
bodies like tanks, ponds, rivers, besides, the pattern of growth of the village and it’s
relationships with surrounding environment will be dealt with. The rural scene and the
activities in all its aspects will be realized through the survey.
Socio- Economic survey: this is a house-to-house survey giving data regarding family size,
income, occupation, and aspirations etc of the households.
Housing survey : design aspects and construction aspects regarding housing are to be dealt
with. Details regarding existing house types based on plot and plinth areas, materials used,
construction techniques adopted and structural conditions are collected. Traditional methods
of building with rural materials are to be covered.
Infrastructure, public amenities and environmental survey.
With the study of the village on hand, the various groups have to analyse every aspect, visual surveys
analysis will help us to identify the physical characteristics, retention of important landmarks, future
growth pattern, retention of rural survey analysis will have to identify village boundaries, house
boundaries, open spaces to be preserved areas under cultivation and that which could be cultivated,
areas for device, etc. Socio-Economic analysis will help us to broadly classify the household with
various income and occupation groups, caste and ethnic composition, literacy percentage, etc with
this we will broadly able to identify the economic base. Whether the village is economically
backward or not what sort economic activity can support the village in future, etc. The housing survey
will broadly classify or otherwise. They will list out the design of present housing and the survey on
services will help us to identify methods of garbage disposal, sources of water supply, sanitary
conditions etc. Other facilities to be identified for example, health, education, transportation etc.