Butter Moist Control
Butter Moist Control
Butter Moist Control
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B. Tech. (Dairy Technology) ► DT-2 ► Resources ► Lesson 22. BUTTER MOISTURE CONTROL
Lesson 22
22.1 Introduction
Moisture control and working of butter are essential steps in butter manufacturing which
determines the final body and texture of butter. When the butter granules are formed, its
moisture is checked and the amount of makeup water is calculated to get desired moisture
content in the finished butter. As water and salt are added after granules formation, it is not
easy to incorporate these into mass of butter fat. Working of butter assists in proper
incorporation of these into butter.
After initial working, a sample of butter is taken and analyzed for its initial moisture
content (i.e. first moisture test). The factors that affect estimation of the correct amount of
water to be added are:
b) Estimation of the load of butter in the churn: Accurate estimation of the quantity of
water to be added is possible only if the load of the butter in the churn is accurately
known. The method commonly recommended is to measure the weight or volume of
cream in the churn, estimate the fat content of the cream and calculate the expected yield
of butter from the churn on an assumed over-run.
Let first moisture be 15%, desired moisture content be 15.8%, weight of cream be 1000
Kg, fat calculate of cream be 40% and desired over run is 23%. Then expected yield of
butter = Kg of fat ´ 1.23
= 3.94 kg
This basis of calculation, however, is erroneous. The first moisture is taken on unfinished
butter and the second on the finished butter. So, before straight % method could be used,
it would be necessary to correct the first moisture to the basis of finished butter. It would
be simple to use the formula:
= ((desired moisture - first moisture) / water free solid in) x kg of butter in churn
i.e. the difference with respect to straight method is by 4.63/3.94 = 1.2 times. Therefore
the correct formula may be given as:
Working of butter is essentially a kneading process in which butter granules are formed
into a compact mass. The primary purpose of working the butter is to completely dissolve,
uniformly distribute and properly incorporate the salt, to accomplish complete fusion of
brine and water in butter and to bring the butter granules together into a compact mass for
convenient handling and packing.
2. Final working.
During initial working, excess moisture and buttermilk is removed. This is followed by salt
and make-up water addition and the butter granules are worked again. This is called as
final working and the purpose of this is to properly incorporate salt and moisture in butter
to form a compact mass.
After calculated amount of water and salt has been added, churn door is closed and is set
in motion at slow speed. Working in this way is continued until the free moisture has been
taken up by butter and churn is dry. At this stage there should be no moisture on the trier
plug or a cross section cut from the block of butter and colour should be uniform.
It is safer to slightly over work butter than do under work. Under worked butter may be
leaky in body with large visible water droplets and may develop mottles on standing. This
favours mould growth. Moisture droplet size normally ranges from 1 to 15 micron and
there are approximately 10 billion droplets/g of butter.
If grains are firm and hard, over working can cause stickiness. Over working of soft butter
on the other hand, tend to produce butter with greasy texture. With softer butter over
working may be necessary to prevent ‘mottled’ colour. Working affects the colour of
butter (making it slightly light).
The moisture is associated in washed butter in two forms. A portion of this water is
present in form of a myriad of minute droplets enmeshed and permanently held within the
butter granules. This portion constitutes approximately 8-9% of the weight of butter. The
remaining moisture is present in loosely bound form between the butter granules.
At the beginning of the working process, much of the loosely held water is expelled and the
moisture content of butter decreases to about 12 to 13%. As the working progresses, the
butter loses its granular state and becomes less friable and more plastic. Free butter fat
forms the continuous phase in which free water droplets starts to be assimilated. At this
stage, moisture content of butter increases again. This increase continues and the amount
of water that the butter is capable of assimilating in the working process depends on the
firmness of butter, the speed of the worker rolls and the amount of free water in the churn.
Besides increasing the degree of dispersion of water droplets, working also increases the air
content (which favours growth of microorganisms, oxidative defects and therefore poor
keeping quality of butter). Conventional butter contains 3-7% air by volume, with an
average of 4ml/100g. To avoid air incorporation in butter, vacuum working is carried out.
In vacuum working a partial vacuum is maintained during working. In winter the vaccum
range from 30-40 cm. of Hg during the first part and from 15-20 cm. Hg during the last
part. A lower vacuum is used during summer. This ranges from 20-25 cm during first part
and 10-12 cm during the last stage of working.
If too high a vacuum is used, there is a possibility of drawing liquid fat out of the butter
resulting in greasy butter. To prevent this, it may be necessary sometimes to omit using
vacuum during final stages especially during summer.
i) Bromo phenol blue indicator paper is used for butter in the pH range of 3-4.6
(ripened cream butter). The indicator paper is brought in contact with the surface of
worked butter. Development of blue spots on indicator paper indicates improper
working. No spot of blue colour will develop if moisture droplets are small and well
Worked butter is removed from the churn either manually (this is done with the help of a
metal or wooden scoop) or by gravity (where a large metal tray, on wheel, is placed below
the churn and churn rotated at slow speed with its gate open. The butter thus falls in the
tray). In another method, a large metal tray is wheeled to and inserted into the churn. The
churn is then rotated to lift the mass of butter and let into the tray. Besides this, quite
often, butter is removed from the churn by means of compressed air (compress air at 3 to
5 psi is used to push out the butter – the butter in this case should, however, be soft.
Over-run in butter may be defined as the difference between the weight of fat churned and
the weight of butter made from that. In addition to fat, butter contains non-fatty
constituents such as moisture, salt, curd and small amounts of lactose, acid and ash. These
non-fatty constituents make over-run of butter.
Over-run in butter can be calculated if fat content of final butter and the weight of the total
fat present in cream is known. Suppose, the butter has 80% fat and the weight of butter in
cream is 100 Kg, then the quantity of butter made will be:
Hence, butter made from 100 kg fat in cream is 125 Kg. Thus, the difference between
butter made and the weight of butter fat in cream is 125 -100 = 25.
According to FSSR-2011, butter should contain a minimum of 80% fat, so maximum over-
run possible in butter is 25%.
Other factors that influence over-run are accuracy of testing weight and fat content of
cream, fat losses in butter milk, mechanical losses of fat etc.