Final Project
Final Project
Final Project
Master of Science
Ms. Vijayalaxmi
Under the guidance of
Dr. Jyothi C. Honnalli
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This is to certify that the project entitled “Anatomical Studies of Selected Plants
of Sharnbasva University Campus kalaburgi. submitted by Ms ijayalaxmi to
Sharanbava university, Kalaburagi, is the original work carried out by her in
the Department of Botany Sharnbasva University, Kalaburagi under my
Research supervision.
I further state that this M Sc project or any part thereof has not been submitted
for any other degree or diploma.
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This is to certify that the project entitled “Anatomical Studies of Selected Plants
of Sharnbasva University Campus kalaburgi. submitted by Ms Vijayalaxmi to
Sharanbasva university, Kalaburagi, is the original work carried out by her in
the Department of Botany Sharnbasva University, Kalaburagi.
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I hereby declare that the present M. Sc project work entitled “Anatomical
Studies of Selected Plants of Sharnbasva University Campus Kalaburagi.
submitted by me to the Department of Post Graduate Studies in Botany,
Sharnbasva University, Kalaburagi is the original work carried out by me under
the Research supervision of Dr. Jyothi C. Honnalli Department of Post
Graduate Studies in Botany, Sharnbasva university Kalaburagi.
I further declare that the result of this project have not been previously
submitted for any other degree.
Place Ms Vijayalaxmi
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The success and final outcome of this project required lot of guidance and assistance
I have great pleasure to express my deep sense of gratitude to my project guide Dr.
I would like to thank Dr. Arjun Shetty, Asst. professor and Chairman Department of
project and giving us all support and guidance which made me to complete the project.
I also thank Dr. Dwarka D Jadhav, Asst. Professor Department of Botany Sharnbasva
University, kalaburgi. For her guidance and suggestion during this project work.
I convey my sincere thanks , Dr. Sandhya Hugar Asst, Professor Department of Botany
Sharnabasva Universiy, kalaburgi, for their encouragement and more over for their
timely support and guidance till the completion of our project work.
providing all the encouragement huge care and moral support throught my life. I
Ms Vijayalaxmi
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CONTENT Particulars
1 Introduction 7-12
2 Review of Literature 13-14
3 Materials and method 15
4 Result and Discussion 16-51
5 Summary and Conclusion 52-54
6 Referance 55-57
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The plant Anatomy is the study of internal structure of various plant parts. the word anatomy
comes from the Greek words “ ano” meaning ” up” and tome meaning “a Plant cutting. The
detailed studies of plant anatomy originated with the invention of the compound microscope
in the seventeenth century. Nehemiah Grew (1641-1712) and Marcello Malphigi (1628-
1694) studied the anatomy of vegetable plants in England and Italy respectively they were
Their perceptive work formed the foundation that led to the development of our
understanding of cell structure and cell division. Nehemiah Grew is considered the founder of
plant anatomy which presented classification of plant tissues as consisting of different bodies.
(woody parts, strings, fibres pith, parenchyma and pulps) also recognized vertical and
horizontal systems of tissue and described secondary growth of bark and wood.[ Nurul et al.
The anatomy of vegetables Begun in 1672, the other outstanding figures include Robert
Brown (1773-1858) who discovered the nucleus, and the plant Embryologist Wilhelm
Hofmeister who first described the alternation of generation in life cycle of land plants. One
of the most plant anatomists of the twentieth century was Katherine Esau recognized on her
Anatomical studies can explain where, when, what, and how level of chemical compounds
are deposited, cellular change and cellular abnormalities occurred. The anatomical study can
be clarified the qualities of the wood properties and also provide potential tool of taxonomic
studies mainly in the absence of reproductive organ, flora and fruiting. [Dr. Anami et al
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The complete anatomical description of plant organs may very use full in order to identify
the cells and tissue fragments for the conformation of species in herbal products. In the past
similarities with the other species in the same genus. The purpose of this study is to evaluate
Plants represent one of the important element of the biodiversity. Practically the Kalburgi
district remains to be explored from the taxonomic view considering anatomic structure and
morphological changes that takes place from few decades because of heavy agriculture,
rainfall, and water availability can alter the structural changes of the plant.[ Rubiyat
The dry deciduous forest of Kalburgi have rich vegetation in this area many of plant species
are migrated, introduced and isolated ones, this district has no high mountains, hence thick
vegetation of evergreen type is not found. The scrubby and thorny forest occupies 80% of
total forest area. over a period of time. The forest of this area have undergone tremendous
changes due to influence of human interference resulting in habitat destruction and also due
The rain fall of Kalburgi varies from all other districts of Karnataka. The climate of the
district is generally dry with the temperature ranges from 80 C to 450 C and the annual rain
fall of about 750mm and relative humidity varies from the 26% to 62% in winter. The soil
type in this district are deep black soil, medium soil, the deep and medium soil covers the
The plants which are locally available in our campus (Kalburgi) are taken for anatomical
studies. In which few plant belongs to the family Euphorbiaceae (Euphorbia hirta ,
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Euphorbia heterophylla, Acalypha indica, Phyllanthus niruri) Apocyanaceae
The Euphorbiaceae family is the largest family of flowering plants in which most of the
plants are herb but some are shrub or tree. The Euphorbiaceae family is the fifth largest
flowering plant, it has about 7500 species organised into 300 genera and 37 tribes and three
subfamily. The plant exhibit great variation in their habit may be herbs shrub or trees with tap
root system and stem is herbaceous or woody erect very rarely climbing as in tropical genus
Tragia. The leaves are alternate, some time they are opposite, in many Euphorbias taxa the
leaves are scaly and in some plants leaves are reduced to spines. The inflorescence various
greatly it may be racemose or cymose or some time complex. The cyathium inflorescence
and milky latex are the peculiar characteristics of Euphorbiaceae. The flowers are unisexual
they are much reduced and may be monoecious or dioecious. The fruits are schizocarp and
breaks violently and dehisce into one seeded cocci. Pollination by entomophilous ( through
The Apocyanaceae is a family of flowering plants that includes herb and shrub, succulents,
and vines. there are about 300 genera and 1300 species in this family. The members of this
family are found throughout the word, but they are more commonly present in the tropical
region. There is great variation in the habit of the plant of this family. They may be herbs.
Twining shrub or trees. The stem is usually erect, branched, solid, glabrous rarely tuber like
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and thick. the leaves are simple, petiolate, usually opposite decussate. In rare cases the leaves
are alternate or even whorled. The inflorescence is of cymose type it is very rarely solitary as
in vinca plumeria (terminal cyme) the flowers are pedicellate, bracteate, bracteolate,
hermaphrodite, actinomorphic, regular, some time zygomorphic in rare case the flowers are
comprising 950 genera and 20,000 species out of which 697 species occur in India. They are
world wide in distribution and abundant in tropics and alpine regions. Mostly the plants are
herbs, shrubs. The leaves are opposite, exstipulate rarely stipulate; inflorescence is capitulum
or head surrounded by involucre of bracts; ray and disc florets, flower tubular or ligulate,
corolla gamopetalous, petal 5 lobes stamens 5 epipetalous filament free and anthers are
The Nyctaginaceae OR 4 o’ clock family includes 30 genera and 300 species. It is widely
distributed in tropical and temperate America and warmer parts of the world. They are called
4 o’ clock because of the fact that the flowers in certain members of the group open in
greatest numbers in late afternoon. Most of the plants are herb, shrub or scandent or tree,
stem is herbaceous or woody erect or even climbing, leaves are alternate or opposite, simple.
branches, flowers open in late afternoon, flowers are hermaphrodite rarely diclinous,
The family Menispermaceae is commonly known as moonseed family includes 70 genera and
400 species distributed largely throughout paleotropic regions and a few genera extend into
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the eastern Mediterranean regions and eastern Asia. Mostly the plants are twining woody
vines (lianas) rarely erect shrub or small tree, the leaves are simple rarely trifoliate in tropical
spp petiolate, exstipulate; inflorescence is racemose, dioecious, flowers are small unisexual,
The family Lamiaceae is commonly called mint family which includes 260 genera and 3200
species of world wide distribution. In India it is represented by 400 species. Sweet aromatic
smell due to essential oils present in sessile glandular hairs; stem rectangular in cross section,
aerial, herbaceous rarely woody erect or prostrate, the leaves opposite decussate rarely
alternate, simple exstipulate with hairs, inflorescence verticillaster, the flowers zygomorphic,
axile placentation, gynobasic style, seated on lobed disc, fruit schizocarp carcerulus.
The Verbinaceae family is commonly called verbena family it includes 77 genera and 3,020
species, out which 21 genera and 125 species occurs in India, the members of family are
inhabitants of tropical and subtropical regions, they also extend into temperate lands. The
plants are herbs, shrub or trees. Leaves are simple, exstipulate, opposite or whorled, the
stamens four didynamous unequally paired, epipetalous, carpels two syncarpous, superior,
65 genera and 850 species which are chiefly represented in tropical and temperate regions. In
India it is represented by 50 species. Plants are mostly herbs and shrubs. Leaves exstipulate,
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simple, opposite or alternate hairy. The flowers are small inconspicuous and usually with
tri capillary, unilocular with single basal ovule; fruit one seeded nutlet.
The Rubiaceae family commonly called as madder family of flowering plant, consisting of
611 genera with more than 13,150 species. Plants are mostaly herbs, shrubs, or trees,
distributed in tropical areas of the world. leaves are opposite each other with stipules.
Inflorescence is of cymose type, the flowers may bear a single or in cluster, fruit may be
The Solanaceae family is nightshade, or potato family. It is a large family consist of 102
genera and nearly 2500 species, the members of the Solanaceae family are found throught the
world but most of the abundant and widely distributed in tropical regions. The members of
the this family are annuals biennials or perennials’ and are usually herbs, some are shrubs or
trees. The leaves are simple, alternately arranged. Flowers are characterised by solitary or
clustered with petals and sepals, the fruit is usually a berry or a capsule.
The Fabaceae family is also called Leguminosae family of flowering plants, the family
consist of more than 700 genera and about 20,000 species, the plants are herb, shrubs, vine,
or trees. The leaves are usually are pinnately compound, the plants have indeterminate
inflorescences, some to reduce to a single flower, the flowers are a short hypanthium. The
The Acanthaceae is a family of flowering plants consist of 220 genera and nearly 4,000
species distributed predominetaly in the tropical and subtropical region of the world. The
plants are herb, shrubs or trees. The leaves are arranged in opposite pairs, the flowers are
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bisexual, bilateraly symmetrical and are usually enclosed by leaflike bracts, the flowers with
The comparative study of the plant structure , morphology , and anatomy has always been
the backbone of the plant systemic which endeavors to elucidate plant diversity, phylogeny
and evolution. The second half of the 20th century has been a fascinating period in which
systemic and structural studies greatly prolifited from new techniques and methods. keeping
in view of important ascpects of anatomical studies the present study has been focussed on
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The real founder of plant anatomy are consider to be the Italian biologist M. Malpighi and the
English botanist N. Grew who published the first (1675-79) second (1682) works on this
The first attempt of investigation started from the time of soleredor (1908) and then it is
started by Metcalfe and chalk. Sinott (1914) has concluded that 3 traced trilacunar node is the
Hare (1943) proposed the classification of petiolar anatomy based on the configuration of
vascular structure. Haward(1959,1962, 1974) advocated that petiolar anatomy and nodal
Hussin and Sani (1996, 1998) evaluate the taxonomic significance of leaf architecture for
some members of the family. Foliar epidermis particularly provide features of taxonomic and
phylogenetic importance.
Hickey and Doyle (1972) had presented the leaf architectural patterns of woody dicotyledons
Dilcher(1974) also provided an important view regarding the same. Melville (1974) had
studied the comparative leaf architecture of the angiosperms and recognized six classes of
Hussain and Sani(1996, 1998) and Hussin et al (1997) evaluate the taxonomic significance of
Secretary structure and secretary materials are very important taxonomic tool due to their
restricted distribution within a particular group. The petiolar anatomy of Indian members of
malavaceae has been studied thoroughly by Mandal (2010) and Mandal et al 2010
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The anatomical study of some Indian members of malvaceae had been done by Mandal 2010
The foliar anatomy study of Malvaceae and sterculiaceae as a whole plant study done by
The petiolar vascular structure of the Malvaceae and systemic significance had been done by
dehay (1941)
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The fresh plant materials are collected from Sharnbasva University Campus Kalaburgi.
Some plants with root, stem, leaf, and fruit were collected from different places, in which
preserved stems and roots were selected for the anatomical study. The plant materials were
Free hand sections were prepared from stem and roots. For preparation of stem sections stem
piece was cut into thin sections with razor blade and submerged into the water in petri dish.
Thin and uniform sections are separated from petri dish. and used for microscopic study.
In case of root section also the young roots are cut into thin section with the help of razor
blade and submerged into the water. The selected section of both organs stem and root were
The thin sections of stem and roots were stained with 1% of safranin solution by adding 1 to
2 drops. Safranin is used for tissue differentiation there are different stain are used for cell
The excess of stain is removed with the help of filter paper. The stained section were
mounted with clean cover slip, and finally the stained section of stem and leaf were observed
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Euphorbia hirta L.
Class : Magnoliopsida
Order : Euphorbiales
Family : Euphorbiaceae
Genus : Euphorbia
Species : E. hirta
Euphorbia hirta belongs to the family Euphorbiaceae, it is native to tropical America now it
is wide spread at low altitudes throughout the tropical and sub tropical regions. It prefers the
sunny to lightly shaded dry condition. E. herita is one kind of weed in cultivated fields of
perennial crops grassland roadsides, gardens lawns and waste places. It is slender annual
hairy plant with many branches from base to top, spreading up to 40 cm height reddish or
In the present anatomical study the Cross section of the stem was circular in shape,
covering with cuticle layer, epidermal layer was made up of uniseriate, isodiametric and
elongated cells which are compactly arranged bearing unicellular and multicellular trichomes
similar work were carried out on Euphorbia hrita and they also observed same characteristics
(Sereen and Shahida 2015) The cortex is differentiated into outer and inner cortex both
parenchymatous and chlorenchymatous cells were present. In the cortex the cells were rich
in chloroplast, and laticifers cells were also observed in the cortex zone, the Euphorbia has
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centre cylindrical stele due to presence of vascular bundls they shown variation in species
and these characters are reported in E. hirta (Rubaiyat Sharmin sultana2017) The phloem was
in external position and usually surrounded by thick fibrous tissue which resemble the bundle
cap. The pith is distinct visible at the immature stage, the pith cells were large in size.
Similar to that of stem cross section, the root cross section also represents circular shape and
it is covering with thick cuticle and trichomes, the root shows three distinct layer epiblema,
cortex and pericycle, the epiblem is typically uniseriate outermost layer which consisting of
tubular living cells, cortex is parenchymatous with intercellular spaces, the last layer is
endodermis, pericycle is present next to the endodermis which is single layered and
parenchymatous conjunctive tissues occur between the xylem and phloem, the pith is
parenchymatous these similar studies were carried out on Euphorbia hrita and they also
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Euphorbia heterophylla L.
Class : Magnoliopsida
Order : Euphorbiales
Family : Euphorbiaceae
Genus : Euphorbia
Species : E. heterophylla
Hight, leaves are 4-5 lobed and stem with milky exudation, the stem is hallow covered with
scattered hairs, the male and female flowers lie in clusters at the top of the stems, each
flower head (cyathium) with a solitary terminal, female flower surrounded by male flowers
enclosed in cup shaped involucre with a solitary conspicuous gland, the fruit is capsule.
From the present anatomical study it is observed that the cross section of stem is circular in
shape and it consist of epidermis, cortex, and vascular bundles.The epidermis is single
layered parenchyma cells which is rich in chloroplast followed by cortex, the cortex is multi-
layered with collenchyma cells and single layered endodermis is present, the vascular bundles
are radial arranged conjoint collateral endarch and pith is hallow the similar work were
carried out on Euphorbia heterophylla and observed the similar results which is observed in
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By the persent study, it is reveled that the transvers section of root is circular and it is
differentiated into three regions epiblem, cortex and pith. The epidermis is thickly
cuticularized and it is single layered, cortex is many layered and lignified cells are also
observed. The xylem vessels surrounded by thick walled cells, similar to that of stem the
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Acalypha indica L.
Class : Magnoliopsida
Order `: Euphorbiales
Family : Euphorbiaceae
Genus : Acalypha
Species : A. indica
It is small erect herb growing upto 60cm or more. The ascending branches are angled and
hairy velvet. Leaves are broadly ovate nearly triangular in shape. Flowers are stalkless, borne
on erect axillary spikes longer then the leaves, male flowers are minute, crowded distally,
female flowers are scattered along the inflorescence axis, leaf like toothed green bracts are
The cross section of stem is oval in outline made up of small barrel shaped cells which are
compactly arranged, the epidermis is single layered covered with thick cuticle. It is followed
by 6 to 8 layered cortex out of which two layer are collenchymatous and rest of them are
parenchymatous. The vascular bundles occurs in continuous ring. Pith is broad, the
secondary growth is also observed, but in cortex region some of the cells showing raphids
and granular matters, these similar characters are reported in early studies (Thakaur and Patil
2012) but they also observed raphids and granules in pith region.
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The root is differentiated into epidermis, cortex and vascular bundles, the epidermis is single
layered made up of parenchyma cells, the cortex is 2 to 3 layered laticifers cells. The vascular
bundles are compactly arranged, the protoxylem is towards the epidermis and meta xylem
towards the pith, secondary xylem and secondary phloem cells are observed.
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Phyllanthus niruri L.
Class : Magnoliopsida
Order : Euphorbiales
Family : Euphorbiaceae
Genus : Phyllanthus
Species : P. niruri
Phyllanthus niruri is tropical plant commonly found in coastal areas, it grows about 50 -70
cm tall and bears ascending herbaceous branches. The stem is smooth and light green. It
bears numerous pale green flowers which are often red colour. The fruits are tiny, smooth
From the result of present study it is observed that in Phyllanthus niruri. the stem is circular
in outline, and the epidermis is single layered rectangular in shape, the cells are wide and
thin walled, the cortex is multi-layered with collorenchymatous cells, a thick cortical fibres
are observed in cortex region and also consist of xylem vessels, the vessels are angular wide
and thick walled .The xylem rays cells are thick walled and lignified, the phloem includes
sieve element which are wide and compact collateral open type and vascular bundles. the
stele is some what wavy in shape due to arrangement of vascular bundles. The phloem
elements are reduced but in some species they are present on abaxial side, similar work were
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carried out on Phyllanthus niruri and reported that the presence of phloem cells on abaxial
By the present study it is observed that. The root is circular with shallow ridges, the
epidermis is broken and there is thin layer periderm, root hairs are also seen, the cortex is
multi-layered tangentially elongated cells are present and thin walled. The xylem vessels are
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Boerhavia diffusa L.
Class : Magnoliopsida
Order : caryophyllales
Family : Nyctaginaceae
Genus : Boerhavia
Species : B. diffusa
It is perennial herb, it grows upto 1 m tall, the stem is sticky thickened at nodes green or
purple in colour. Leaves occur in unequal pairs and have stalks covered with hairs. Flowers
occurs in panicles or umbel like clusters in leaf axils or at the end of branches with 3 to 9
flowers are present per bunch, the leaves is 4 mm long and flowers are white pink in the
upper part which is divided into 5 lobes. It contains a single club shaped longitudinally
ribbed seed.
In the present anatomical study. The cross section of the stem is almost circular in outline,
the epidermis is single layered with thick cuticle, the cortex is many layered differentiated
into outer collenchyma and inner parenchyma, parenchyma follows the zone of collenchyma
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and it forms the rest of cortex. many vascular bundles are arranged in rings and a zone of
secondary tissues are also observed The outermost ring has many bundles due to secondary
growth, phloem occur in the form of crushed obliterated patches. The innermost ring consist
of two vascular bundles. Each bundle is conjoint, collateral and open. bundles lie close to
pith. they are known as medullary bundles in the centre and small parenchymatous pith is
present. The raphides were present in cortical region in early studies but absent in present
In the present study it is observed that the cross section of root is circular in outline, the root
is differentiated into epidermis cortex and vascular tissue. The epidermis is single layered
with tangential shaped cells. In the present study raphides are absent but similar work
carried [Babu et al. 2017] they showed cortex region contain raphid cells and starch grains.
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Bougainvillea spectabilis (Willd)
Class : Magnoliopsida
Order : Caryophyllales
Family : Nyctaginaceae
Genus : Bougainvillea
Species : B. spectabilis
Bougainvillea spectabilis is extensively climber having curved woody thornes on the stem
and branches, the leaves are ovate, entire, the inflorescences are branched and axillary or
terminal panicles, and the flowers are three petaloid bracts arranged as an involucre of bract,
the bracts are purple colour, the fruit is achene with anthrocarp
Form the result of the present study it is observed that. The stem section of Bougainvillea
spectabillis is circular in shape, epidermis is single layered with thickly cuticularized. The
cortex is many layered deep and differentiated into outer and inner regions. The outer region
large inter cellular spaces. And also observed inconspicuous endodermis, pericycle lies just
below the inner cortex and forms discontinuous layers of sclerenchyma cells. The vascular
tissue system consist of primary tissues, secondary tissues and medullary bundles. The pith is
not clearly marked but numerous vascular bundles are scattered in the pith region and each
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Mirabilis Jalapa L.
Class : Maganoliopsida
Order : Caryophyllidae
Family : Nyctaginaceae
Genus : Mirabilis
Species : M. jalapa
and tropical regions of America and only one indigenous species is observed in southern
Asia. It is a long lived perennial herb growing up to 2 meters height with a tuberous root. The
leaves are egg shaped in outline with broad end at base, the flowers of M. Jalapa occur in
group which are fragrant and open in the afternoon, the flowers are pink or red in colour,
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From the present result it is observed that the transverse section is almost circular in outline,
epidermis is single layered and multicellular hairs are absent, cortex is many layered and
deep. The cells are thickened at the corners. Parenchymatous region follows hypodermis and
forms major part of cortex. This region extends up to endodermis. It is many layered deep
vascular tissue system, the secondary phloem is separated from secondary xylem by 2-3
layered ring of cambium. Numerous vascular bundles are scattered in the centrally located
parenchymatous pith, a little amount of secondary growth takes place in the medullary
bundles. The vascular bundles are conjoint, collateral and open type.
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Tinospora cordifolia ( Willd. )
Class : Magnoliopsida
Order : Ranunculales
Family : Menispermiaceae
Genus : Tinospora
Species : T. cordifolia
Indian subcontinent and China. The stem of Tinospora cordifolia is succulent with long
filiform fleshy aerial roots from the branches. The bark is creamy white to grey; leaves are
membranous and cordate, the flowers are small with yellow or greenish in colour,
inflorescence is axillary terminal receme or racemose panicles, the male flowers occur in
cluster and female flowers are usually solitary, fruits are fleshy and single seeded.
From the present study it is observed that, the stem is circular in outline, the epidermis is
single layered parenchymatous with thick cuticle, the cortex is two to three layer of
collenchyma cells, the inner layer of cortex are parenchymatous with intercellular space. The
stele surrounded by pericycle and consist of parenchyma cells, bellow the pericycle vascular
bundles are present. The bundles are of different shapes and size and remain arranged more
or less in a ring, the vascullar bundles are collateral and open. A strip of cambium is observed
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Tridax procumbens L.
Class : Magnoliopsida
Order : Asterales
Family : Asterales
Genus : Tridax
Species : T. procumbens
Tridax procumbens is annual herb grows up to 20 cm in height, leaves are simple opposite,
serrate or dentate acute fleshy and pubescent. Flowers are yellow, centered white or
yellowish flower with three toothed, fruits are hard achene covered with stiff hairs and having
a feathery white papus at one end, seeds are numerous with small tuff silky hairs on one side
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From the present study it is reveled that the outer most layer is more or less circular in shape
and single layered cells are regular without chlorophyll, a number of multicellular epidermal
hairs are found on the layer, hypodermis is the outer zone of cortex and it lies below the
cortex, the cortex is many layered of thin walled parenchymatous cortex, the pericycle is
inner most layer of the cortex. The vascular bundles are arranged in one ring and very close
to the pericycle, the vascular bundles are conjoint, collateral and open type, xylem and
Form the present study observed the root is almost circular in shape it is differentiated into
three zones epidermis, cortex and endodermis the epidermis is single layered parenchymatous
pith with thick cuticle, the cortex is two to six layered and it consist of 2 to 8 layered cork
cells, the vascular bundles are irregularly arranged and xylem and phloem cells are present,
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Vernonia cinereal (L.)
Class : Magnoliopsida
Order : Asterales
Family : Asteraceae
Genus : Vernonia
Species : V. cinerea
It is an erect annual herb, stem is slender grooved and ribbed. Leaves are simple alternate,
variable in shape with elliptic or lanceolate, flowers are pinkish and purple rounded or flat
In the present study it is observed that the cross section of stem is having furrow and ridges,
with cuticle, the epidermis is single layered and uniseriate, trichomes are present on upper
surface of the epidermis, the cortex is many layered, in cortex collenchyma and multiseriate
cortical parenchyma cells are observed, the innermost layer endodermis is single layered and
vascular bundles are radially arranged, the vascular system is represented by xylem and
phloem cells, the metaxylem is towards the periphery and protoxylem is towards the pith. The
cambium is observed in between the xylem and phloem cells, the pith is parenchymatous.
there are three different type of trichomes present on the stem and leaf. Similar work were
were done on V. cinerea and reported the similar results such as presence of three types of
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In the present study, it is observed from the transver section of root is circular in shape, it
has three regions such epidermis, cortex and endodermis, the epidermis is single layered
parenchymatous cells, next to the epidermis cortex is present and the cortex consist of
parenchymatous partitions, the endodermis is single layered, the vascular tissue system
consist of xylem and phloem cells, the medullary rays are obseverd in pith.
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Parthenium hysterophorus L.
Class : Magnoliopsida
Order : Asterales
Family : Asteraceae
Genus : Parthenium
Species : P. hysterophorus
Parthenium hysterophorus is much branched short lived herbaceous plant, leaves are
alternately arranged, numerous small flower heads are arranged in cluster at the tips of the
branches , each flower head is capitulum borne on a stalk of the flower heads, the flowers
are white or cream coloured and have five tiny petals. Five small seeds are observed.
From the result it is observed that the outer layer of parthenium is some what circular with
furrow and ridges, single layered epidermis with trichomes is observed, the cortex is angular
made up of collenchyma cells and parenchyma cells with chlorophyll, endodermis present
next to the cortex, the vascular bundles surrounds furrow region and it is collateral open
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Amaranthus spinosus L.
Class : Magnoliopsida
Order : Caryophyllales
Family : Amaranthaceae
Genus : Amaranthus
Species : A. spinosus
Amaranthus is an erect many branched annual herb growing up to 1.5 cm, the stem is smooth,
robust cylindrical often reddish in color. The leaves are simple and alternate or with sparse
hairs on the main veins below, the small green flowers are grouped in clusters in the axils of
the leaves and terminal spike, the fruit is a dehiscent capsule that splits and opens at maturity.
In the present study it is observed that transverse section of stem is almost circular in shape,
the epidermis is thickly cuticularized and barrel to rectangular in shape with unicellular
hairs. The cortex is many layered and differentiated into collenchyma and parenchymatous
cell, a few layered parenchyma cells follows hypodermis, the cells contain chloroplast and a
distinct endodermis is present. Numerous vascular bundles are scattered in the centrally
parenchymatous pith, cambium cells are separates secondary xylem and secondary phloem,
the medullary bundles are also seen, the vascular bundles are conjoint, collateral and end
arch open. In the Cortical region of starch sheath cells are observed. But oil globules are not
observed , in earlier study the oil gobules are reported(Manik Baral 2013)
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Achyranthes aspera L.
Class : Maganoliopsida
Order : Caryophyllales
Family : Amaranthaceae
Genus : Achyranthes
Species : A . aspera
It is an erect or spreading long lived perennial herb which can grow about 2m tall. The leaves
are green above and paler below, the small greenish white flowers form narrow elongated
spikes, the bracts surroundings the flowers in fruiting stage have sharp pointed fruits with
From the present study it is observed that the transverse section of stem is almost circular
and shows ridges and furrows, multicellular and multiseriate hairs are present. The cortex
differentiated into chlorenchyma and parenchyma, collenchyma occurs just below the ridges,
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chlorenchyma forms a few layers below the epidermis in the grooves or between the
collenchyma patches, and endodermis and pericycle lies immediately outside the vascular
tissues, pith is parenchymatous and present in the centre, medullary bundles are also
Rauwolfia tetraphylla L.
Class : Maganoliopsida
Order : Gentianles
Family : Apocyanaceae
Genus : Rauwolfia
Species : R. tetraphylla
The Rauwolfia tetraphylla is small shrub that will reform that turn black as they grow up to
the height 8-cm. The transverse section of stem consist of epidermis, cortex, vascular bundles
and pith, the epidermis forms protective layer, stem is single layered. The cortex lies below
the epidermis, the cortex is differentiated into collenchyma, parenchyma, and chlorenchyma,
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endodermis is made up of collenchyma cells of 2to 3 layer thick, these cells contain
chloroplast, medullary rays are present, xylem vessels are located towards the pith, the
xylem is conjoint and collateral endarch, the protoxylem is towards the pith.
The transverse section of stem consist of epidermis, cortex , vascular bundles and pith. The
epidermis forms protective layer of stem with single layered The cortex lies below the
endodermis, the collenchyma cells consist of 2 to 3 layer of cells these cells contain
chloroplast and medullary rays are present xylem vessels are located towards the pith the
xylem is conjoint and collateral endarch, the protoxylem is towards the pith.
The epidermis is single layered and differentiated into single layered epidermis, cortex,
endodermis and pith, the root shows externally 2-8 alternating cork cells, the secondary
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cortex consist of several rows of tangentially elongated to isodiametric parenchyma cells,
Tabernaemontana divertica L.
Class : Maganoliopsida
Order : Gentianles
Family : Apocyanaceae
Genus : Tabernaemontana
Species : T .divertica
It is a shrub very common in India generally grows about into small tree with thin crooked
stem the large shiny leaves with deep green crape jasmine blooms in spring but flowers
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The stem is circular in outline and it has 3 region such as epidermis, cortex and vascular
bundles. The cortex has angular collenchyma with five to six layer of cells followed by latex
containing parenchyma cells, the central cylinder is made up of bi collateral vascular bundles
Nerium oleander L.
Class : Magnoliopsida
Order : Gentianales
Family : Apocyanaceae
Genus : Nerium
Species : N. oleander
Nerium oleander is a evergreen shrub or small tree that grows up to 5m in height, the leaves
are long, simple, whorled. Linear leaves are in pairs of three or whorled, green, leathery,
narrowly elliptic to linear entire. The flowers are grown in cluster at the end of branch.
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Single or double cymes with attractive colour that varies from white, pink or red with sweet
The transverse section of stem is triangular in shape. the epidermis is single layered
parenchymatous with thick cuticle and trichomes. The cortex is 2-3 layered collenchyma
cells. the cortex consist of crystals and latex producing cells, the vascular bundles is
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Catharanthus roseus (L.)G.Don
Class : Magnoliopsida
Order : Gentinales
Family : Apocyanaceae
Genus : Catharanthus
Species : C. roseus
Catharanthus roseus is an evergreen sub shrub or herbaceous, the leaves are oval to oblong
broad glossy green hairless with midrib and short petiole and the flowers are small white to
dark pink with a darker red centre. The fruit is pair of follicles 2-4 cm.
From the present study it is observed that the stem is circular in outline with slight wavy, the
epidermis, cortex, endodermis pericycle and vascular bundles can be distinguished, the
8 layered collenchma cells, the endodermis is single layered and vascular bundles are
radialy arranged which represents xylem vessels and phloem cells, pith is located at the
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Ocimum sanctum L.
Class : Magnoliopsida
Order : Lamiales
Family : Lamiaceae
Genus : Ocimum
Species : O .sanctum
Ocimum is an erect much branched with pungent odour, it is one of the perennial herb with
stem and branches subquadarangular often tinged with purple flower somewhat woody at the
base, softly the inflorescence is verticil Laster, flowers are in axillary a or terminal racemes
of compact whorls, floral axis are as long as calyx slender, the fruit is nutlets of 4, ellipsoid,
smooth and brown metted with minute yellow and black spots covered with short fringe of
The young stem is quadrangular in outline. The outermost layer is epidermis composed of
elongated isodiametric cells and covered by thick cuticle, the cortex is parenchymatous with
air spaces. The stele has four vascular bundles and the vascular bundles are conjoint collateral
and open, xylem is without fiber trachide with libiriform fibers. Pith is in the centre consist of
lignified parenchyma cells. Secondary thickening develops from the cambial activity,
sclerencyma tissues are surrounds the phloem group of vascular bundles these similar
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Hyptis suaveolens (L.)
Class : Magnoliopsida
Order : Lamiales
Family : Lamiaceae
Genus : Hyptis
Species : H. suaveolens
It is annual erect profusely branched aromatic herb, stem is quadrangular densely softly
hairy grooved sometimes leaves are ovate, acute and apex is cordate or rounded at the base
or bluish purple rarely solitary in axillary and terminal sometime panicles. Fruit nutlets are 2
oblong or ovoid flat glabrous with blackish brown emarginated at apex and white mark on
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The stem is quadrangular in outline, the stem is differentiated into epidermis, cortex,
endodermis, the epidermis is single layered compactly arranged parenchyma cells with
single layered, vascular bundles are arranged in each corner and cortical bundles are
Lantana camara L.
Class : Magnoliopsida
Order : Lamiales
Family : Verbinaceae
Genus : Lantana
Species : L. camara
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Lantana camera is a thorny shrub, upright half climbing or some times hanging, the leaves
are simple opposite, decussate, attached by short hairy petiole, the stem is four angled
covered with stiff flowers with large umbel round shaped 2 to 6 cm in diameter, flowers are
surrounded by an involucre of bracts narrowly ovate, fruit is small fleshy purplish black
From the result it is observed that the Lantana camera stem is quadrangular in shape, the
epidermis is single layered, the single layered epidermal cells are compactly arranged by
barrel shaped parenchyma cells with slightly thick walled. Epidermis consist of trichomes
and trichomes are unicellular next to the epidermis hypodermis is present. Hypodermal
is observed and they are made up of parenchyma cells, the vascular bundles are arranged in
each corners, the cambium is present in between xylem and phloem. The cortical bundles are
observed. But in the early report the cortical bundles are not observed in Lantana camera
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Bauhinia purpurea L.
Class : Magnoliopsida
Order : Fabales
Family : Fabaceae
Genus : Bauhinia
Species : B. purpurea
Bauhinia purpurea is a small medium sized deciduous fast growing shrub or tree. The leaves
are simple, alternate with round base to shallow cordate, inflorescence is terminal panicles;
flowers are numerous hypanthium, turbinate, purple to nearly white or at least purple marked.
The transverse section of stem is circular in outline and four armed or cross shaped in outline.
The epidermis is single layered with unicellular trichomes and hypodermis is made up of 2
to 3 three layered collenchyma cells which is rich in chloroplast, the endodermis is clearly
visible. Vascular bundles are conjoint collateral endarch and xylem vessels are also
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Ixora coccinea L.
Class : Magnoliopsida
Order : Gentianales
Family : Rubiaceae
Genus : Ixora
Species : I. coccinea
Ixora is large glabrous shrub with few branches. Leaves are simple, opposite decussate,
elliptic, ovate. Flowers scarlet in dense sessile or short peduncle corymbiform cymes. Fruit is
globose smooth crowned with persistent calyx. Seeds are concave on the ventral surface.
From the present study, it is reveled that the stem is circular in outline, single layered
epidermis with thick cuticle which exhibit collenchymatous hypodermal cortex which is
made up of collenchyma cells, the endodermis is single layered, casperian strips are absent
but similar work was carried out in the family Rubiaceae and observed the casperian strip in
cortex region[ Silvy and Mathew 2016] From the cross section it is also observed the
presence of vascular bundles which are radial arranged conjoint collateral with thick
sclerenchyma cells. Pith is parenchymatous and uniseriate xylem rays are present.
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Withania sominifera (L.)Dunal
Class : Magnoliopsida
Order : Solanales
Family : Solanaceae
Genus : Witania
Species : W. somnifera
The withania sominifera is small perennial shrub growing 35- 37 in tall the leaves are dull
green colour, elliptic, in shape. The flowers are small green and bell shaped. The ripe fruit is
orange red .
From the present study it is reveled that, the cross section of stem is circular with thick cuticle
and epidermal cells are small, the outer layer of cortex cells consist of collenchyma cells,
and the vascular bundles are represented by phloem and xylem, inner layer of parenchyma
zone consist of sclerenchyma cells with the well-developed pericycle. The pith is
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Gymnema sylvestre R.Br.
Class : Magnoliopsida
Order : Gentinales
Family : Asclepiadaceae
Genus : Gymnema
Species : G. sylvestre
A large stout woody climber with densely appressed hairy. Leaves elliptic or obovate acute
rarely pubescent above. Flowers are small crowded umbelliform cymes. Fruits are slender,
follicles. Glabarous seeds narrowly ovoid oblong flat with broad pale brown thin wing.
From the present study it is revealed that the T.s of stem is circular in outline with thick
cuticle. The epidermis is single layered parenchyma cells which were rectangular in shape,
the trichomes are multicellular. The cortex is parenchymatous, endodermis is absent and the
pericycle is not clearly visible. The vascular bundles are regularly arranged with primary
xylem and primary phloem and xylem fibres are also observed. Similar studies were carried
out on Gymnema sylvestre and it is reported that presence of clear pericycle with notable
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Crossandra infundibuliformis L.
Class : Magnoliopsida
Order : Lamiales
Family : Acanthaceae
Genus : Crossandra
Species : C. infundibuliformis
Crossandra infundibuliformis is small shrub, the leaves are opposite decussate, lanceolate,
acute, inflorescence are spikes, the flowers are bracteate, elliptic-lanceolate, glandular hairy.
From the present study it is observed that the T.S of stem is circular in outline with thick
cuticle, the epidermis is made up of barrel shaped compactly arranged parechymatous cells,
the cortex is differentiated into two type outer and inner cortex, and they are made of by large
parencymatous cells, next to the cortex, the stele is observed, the stele is composed of
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The plant Anatomy is the study of internal structure of various plant parts. The Anatomical
studies can explain how, where, when, and what level of chemical compounds are deposited
in plant cells and also the cellular changes and abnormalities. The anatomical study can be
clarify the qualities of the wood properties and also provide potential tool of taxonomic
studies mainly in the absence of reproductive organ, flora and fruiting. Because the past
similarities with the other species in the same genus. The purpose of this study is to compare
the plant structure, morphology, and anatomy. And plant anatomy has always been the
backbone of the plant systemic which endeavors to elucidate plant diversity, phylogeny and
By keeping in view of important aspects of anatomical studies. The present study has been
campus kalaburgi. the slected plants are E. hirta ,E .heterophylla Acalypha indica,
sylvestre and Ixora coccinea, withnia sominifera which are belongs to different family, each
family shows some important characteristic features such as laticiferous cells in Euphorbia
hrita cenral hallow pith in Euphorbia heterophylla. Acalypha indica shows raphids in cortical
region, similar to these family some other peculiar character are also observed like the
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presence of unicellular and multicellular trichome on the epidermal region in Asteracea
family, cortical bundles and medullary bundles, scaterred vascular bundles in Nyctaginaceae,
and few characters are not reported in previous study, but the present study shows very
interesting result in a anatomical studies, from the results of the present study it was
observed that calcium crystal cells, raphids, and diffrenent shape of outermost layer of
epidermis such as circular, angular, quadrangular. Furrow and ridges formation is also
observed, some are wavy in outline, the change in structure, presence of different types of
cells and arrangement due to climatic conditions, so an attempt has been made in the present
study to carry out in dry decidudeous region of kalarburgi that to in the month of April and
may, the temperature during this period is very high and water avaliabilty is also very less in
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The present study provides the basic information and inter relationship between the plant
species. The anatomical study is great tool for identification of plant species. The
ecosystem functioning, it provides data to explore and describe the biodiversity through
scientific analysis, further investigation on these plants can provide great scope in the field of
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