ABO American Board of Orthodontics 2013-CALIBRATION-KIT
ABO American Board of Orthodontics 2013-CALIBRATION-KIT
ABO American Board of Orthodontics 2013-CALIBRATION-KIT
Calibration Kit
With Internet access, you may view the ABO’s Video Demonstration for Model Measurements by clicking here.
The ABO’s Calibration Kit will assist you in making a qualitative assessment of the records that you plan to use
for The American Board of Orthodontics clinical examination. Using the ABO Grading System for Dental Casts
and Panoramic Radiographs, the Board requires that each examinee score their final dental casts and panoramic
radiographs as part of the treatment summary contained in each case report. The ABO examiners will also be
scoring these records using the same scoring system to evaluate your treatment results.
In order to provide an accurate assessment of your patient records, the Examiners spend considerable amount of
time calibrating so their results will be consistent and reliable. The information contained here will allow you to
calibrate your scoring efforts and compare them with a "Scoring Key." This will permit you to score your own
results and be confident that you have scored accurately. You may use this scoring system at any point in the
future as a vehicle for self-assessment. Not only will the results of this evaluation help to determine the quality of
your treatment results, but more importantly, it will help to identify areas where improvement may be needed to
maintain a high quality of treatment even after you have become a Diplomate of The American Board of
Read all the information contained in the ABO Grading System for Dental Casts and Panoramic Radiographs
(a.k.a. Model Grading System). While you are reading this information, become familiar with the use of the
gauge and the correct method of positioning the gauge for each of the different measurements. The online Video
Demonstration for Model Measurements can also be viewed.
After you are completely comfortable with handling the measuring gauge and the method of scoring the dental
casts and panoramic radiographs, print copies of the Cast-Radiograph Evaluation Scoring Sheet, and open the box
containing three sets of calibration dental casts.
Begin your measurements using Calibration Cast I. Then find the Case I Radiograph in this kit and score for Root
Angulation. Record your scores on the Cast-Radiograph Evaluation Scoring Sheet and compute a total score. You
should score the models at least twice to determine if your scores are consistent. Do not look at the "Scoring
Keys" until after you have scored Case I as consistently as possible.
When you are satisfied that your scores are consistent, go to the Scoring Keys section of this kit and select the key
(Cast-Radiograph Evaluation) for Case I. This key represents the collective, agreed-upon scores of all Directors.
If your scores are not in agreement with the scoring key, determine the areas where the deviations exist, then put
the dental casts aside for at least one day. Score the casts again one day later and compare your results with the
scoring key.
When your scores closely approximate the key, proceed to Calibration Cast II, and perform the same scoring
exercise. Again, when your scores closely approximate the scoring key, proceed to Calibration Cast III. Carry out
the same exercise as previously performed on Casts I and II.
When your scores closely approximate the scoring keys for Cases I, II and III, you are ready to score patient
records that you have selected for the clinical examination. By performing this calibration exercise, your scores
will be reliable and you will select patients whose finished results will pass the scrutiny of the ABO Examiners.
You are required to submit a Cast-Radiograph Evaluation with each of your cases.
The Discrepancy Index (DI) is a measure of the complexity of an orthodontic case on the pre-treatment models. It
is used by the Board in determining the criteria for case presentations. As a service to you, we are including these
pages in the calibration kit, along with a visual reference called Discrepancy Index Scoring System. All these
items can be downloaded from the ABO website as well. With Internet access, you may view the ABO’s Video
Demonstration for Model Measurements by clicking here.
You are required to submit a Discrepancy Index Report with each of your cases.
The American Board of Orthodontics
................................................................................ Alignment ...... 7
...................................................................... Marginal Ridges ...... 9
.......................................................... Buccolingual Inclination .... 10
................................................................... Occlusal Contacts .... 11
............................................................. Occlusal Relationship .... 13
.................................................................................... Overjet .... 14
............................................................ Interproximal Contacts .... 16
...................................................................... Root Angulation .... 17
In 1994, The American Board of Orthodontics began investigating methods of making
the clinical examination more objective. Since a major emphasis has always been
placed on the final occlusion, the first efforts were directed at developing an objective
method of evaluating the dental casts and intraoral radiographs.
In the past, several indices have been used to evaluate the outcome of orthodontic
treatment.1,2,3,4 Generally, these indices compare pretreatment and posttreatment
records to determine the quality of the final result. However, these indices are not
precise, and the validity and reliability of these indices has not been established. The
Occlusal Index5 has also been used to determine treatment quality. However, this
method is tedious, and the system is more appropriate for scoring pretreatment rather
than posttreatment records.
In 1987, the PAR Index6 (Peer Assessment Rating) was developed to assess an
occlusion at any stage of development. Over 200 dental casts representing various
pretreatment and posttreatment stages of occlusion were used to establish this index.
The PAR Index has good reliability and validity, however this measuring system is not
precise enough to discriminate between the minor inadequacies of tooth position that
are found in ABO case reports. Therefore, an ABO committee was formed in 1994, to
begin field testing precise methods of objectively evaluating posttreatment dental casts
and panoramic radiographs.
At the 1995 ABO clinical examination, 100 cases were evaluated. A series of 15 criteria
were measured on each of the final dental casts and panoramic radiographs. The data
showed that 85% of the inadequacies in the final results occurred in seven of the 15
criteria (alignment, marginal ridges, buccolingual inclination, overjet, occlusal
relationships, occlusal contacts, root angulation).
Therefore, at the 1996 clinical examination, a second field-test was initiated to verify the
results of the previous test and to determine if multiple examiners could score the
records reliably and consistently. In this field test, a subcommittee of four Directors
evaluated 300 sets of post-treatment dental casts and panoramic radiographs. Again,
the majority of the inadequacies in the final results occurred in the same seven
categories, but the committee had difficulty establishing adequate inter-examiner
reliability. The subcommittee recommended that a measuring instrument be developed
to make the measuring process more reliable.
In 1997, a third field test was performed using the modified scoring system with the
addition of an instrument to measure the various criteria more accurately. All of the
Directors participated in this field test, and a total of 832 dental casts and panoramic
radiographs were measured. The same seven criteria were evaluated. A calibration
session preceded the examination to establish more accurate use of the measuring
instrument and improve the reliability of the Directors. The results again showed that
the overwhelming majority of the inadequacies in the finished results occurred in the
aforementioned categories. However, the Directors decided to add interproximal
contacts to the scoring system to raise the total number of criteria to eight. In addition,
modifications were made in the measuring instrument to improve measuring accuracy
among Directors.
In 1998, the fourth and final field test was initiated. Again all Directors participated in
the evaluation process. The new and improved measuring instrument was used. An
extensive training and calibration session was performed prior to the actual
examination. The major objectives of this final field test were to refine the measuring
and calibration process, and to gather enough data on general performance to establish
the validity or cut-off for passing this portion of the clinical examination. This field test
was extremely successful. Not only did it reaffirm the benefits of using an objective
system for grading the dental casts and panoramic radiographs, but also it helped to
establish standards for successful completion of this portion of the clinical examination.
Based upon the collective and cumulative results of these extensive field tests, the
Board decided to officially initiate the use of this Model Grading System for examinees
at the February 1999, ABO clinical examination in St. Louis. In order to assist the
examinee in selecting cases that will successfully pass the examination process, the
Board is providing the examinee with the same system used by the Directors. The
Board encourages examinees to score their own dental casts and panoramic
radiographs during their preparation for the clinical examination in order to select cases
that will successfully pass the ABO Model Grading System.
Marginal ridges are used to assess proper vertical positioning of the posterior teeth. In
patients with no restorations, minimal attrition, and no periodontal bone loss, the
marginal ridges of adjacent teeth should be at the same level. If the marginal ridges are
at the same relative height, the cementoenamel junctions will be at the same level. In a
periodontally healthy individual, this will result in flat bone level between adjacent teeth.
In addition, if marginal ridges are at the same height, it will be easier to establish proper
occlusal contacts, since some marginal ridges provide contact areas for opposing
cusps. Based upon the four field tests, the most common mistakes in marginal ridge
alignment occurred between the maxillary first and second molars. The second most
common problem area was between the mandibular first and second molars.
Occlusal contacts are measured to assess the adequacy of the posterior occlusion.
Again, a major objective of orthodontic treatment is to establish maximum intercuspation
of opposing teeth. Therefore, the functioning cusps are used to assess the adequacy of
this criterion; i.e., the buccal cusps of the mandibular molars and premolars, and the
lingual cusps of the maxillary molars and premolars. If cusp form is small or diminutive,
that cusp is not scored. In past field tests, the most common problem area has been
inadequate contact between maxillary and mandibular second molars.
Overjet is used to assess the relative transverse relationship of the posterior teeth, and
the anteroposterior relationship of the anterior teeth. In the posterior region, the
mandibular buccal cusps and maxillary lingual cusps are used to determine proper
position within the fossae of the opposing arch. In the anterior region, the mandibular
incisal edges should be in contact with the lingual surfaces of the maxillary anterior
teeth. In past field tests, the common mistakes in overjet have occurred between the
maxillary and mandibular incisors and second molars.
Interproximal contacts are used to determine if all spaces within the dental arch have
been closed. Persistent spaces between teeth after orthodontic therapy are not only
unesthetic, but can lead to food impaction. In past field tests, spacing is generally not a
major problem with ABO cases.
Root angulation is used to assess how well the roots of the teeth have been positioned
relative to one another. Other than periapical radiographs or three-dimensional
imaging, the panoramic radiograph is probably the best practical means for making this
assessment. It is incumbent upon the examinee to present imaging evidence to
document posttreatment root position. If roots are properly angulated, then sufficient
bone will be present between adjacent roots, which could be important if the patient
were susceptible to periodontal bone loss at some point in time. If roots are dilacerated,
then they are not graded. In past field tests, the common mistakes in root angulation
occurred in the maxillary lateral incisors, canines, second premolars, and mandibular
first premolars.
figure 1 figure 2
In the mandibular posterior quadrants, the mesiobuccal and distobuccal cusps of the
molars and premolars should be in the same mesiodistal alignment. In the maxillary
arch, the central grooves (mesio-distal) should all be in the same plane or alignment
(fig. 3). If all teeth are in alignment, or within 0.50 mm of proper alignment, no points
are scored.
figure 3
figure 4a figure 4b
If the discrepancy in alignment of a tooth at the contact point is greater than 1 mm, then
2 points shall be scored for that tooth (fig. 5a,b). No more than 2 points shall be scored
for any tooth.
figure 5a figure 5b
In both maxillary and mandibular arches, marginal ridges of adjacent posterior teeth
shall be at the same level, or within 0.50 mm of the same level (fig. 6).
figure 6
In scoring, do not include the canine-premolar contact; and do not include the distal of
lower 1st premolar.
If adjacent marginal ridges deviate from 0.50 to 1 mm (fig. 7), then 1 point is scored for
that interproximal contact. If the marginal ridge discrepancy is greater than 1 mm (fig.
8), then 2 points shall be scored for that interproximal contact. No more than 2 points
will be scored for any contact point. The marginal ridge will be considered as the most
occlusal point that is within 1 mm of the contact at the occlusal surface of adjacent
figure 7 figure 8
The buccolingual inclination of the maxillary and mandibular posterior teeth shall be
assessed by using a flat surface that is extended between the occlusal surfaces of the
right and left posterior teeth. When positioned in this manner, the straight edge should
contact the buccal cusps of contralateral mandibular molars and premolars. The lingual
cusps should be within 1 mm of the surface of the straight edge (fig. 9). In the maxillary
arch, the straight edge should contact the lingual cusps of the maxillary molars and
premolars. The buccal cusps should be within 1 mm of the surface of the straight edge
(fig. 10).
figure 9 figure 10
Do not score the mandibular 1st premolars nor the distal cusps of the second molars.
If the mandibular lingual cusps or maxillary buccal cusps are more than 1 mm, but less
than 2 mm from the straight edge surface (fig. 11a,b), 1 point shall be scored for that
- 10 -
If the discrepancy is greater than 2 mm (fig. 12a,b), then 2 points are scored for that
tooth. No more than 2 points shall be scored for any tooth.
This section of the evaluation determines the adequacy of occlusal contact of the
premolars and molars. The buccal cusps of the mandibular premolars and molars (fig.
13) and the lingual cusps of the maxillary premolars and molars (fig. 14) should be
contacting the occlusal surfaces of the opposing teeth. Each mandibular premolar has
one functional cusp. Each mandibular molar has two functional buccal cusps. The
maxillary premolars have one functional lingual cusp. However, the maxillary molars
may have only a mesiolingual functional cusp.
figure 13 figure 14
- 11 -
If the distolingual cusp is short or diminutive (fig. 15), it should not be considered in the
evaluation. If this cusp is prominent, but does not contact with the opposing arch, then
points may be scored. If the cusps are in contact with the opposing arch, no points are
scored. Do not score diminutive distolingual cusps of the maxillary 1 st and 2nd molars,
nor lingual cusps of the mandibular first premolars.
figure 15
If a cusp is out of contact with the opposing arch, and the distance is 1 mm or less (fig.
16), then 1 point is scored for that tooth. If the cusp is out of contact and the distance is
greater than 1 mm (fig. 17), then 2 points are scored for that tooth. No more than 2
points are scored for each tooth.
figure 16 figure 17
- 12 -
This section of the evaluation determines whether the occlusion has been finished in
an Angle Class I relationship. Ideally, the maxillary canine cusp tip should align with (or
within 1 mm of) the embrasure or contact between the mandibular canine and adjacent
premolar (fig. 18). The buccal cusps of the maxillary premolars should align with (or be
within 1 mm of) the embrasures or contacts between the mandibular premolars and first
molar (fig. 18). The mesiobuccal cusps of the maxillary molars should align with (or be
within 1 mm of) the buccal grooves of the mandibular molars (fig. 18).
figure 18
If the maxillary buccal cusps deviate between 1 and 2 mm from the aforementioned
positions (fig. 19), then 1 point shall be scored for that maxillary tooth. If the buccal
cusps of the maxillary premolars or molars deviate by more than 2 mm from ideal
position (fig. 20), then 2 points shall be scored for each maxillary tooth that deviates.
No more than 2 points shall be scored for each maxillary tooth. In some situations, the
posterior occlusion may be finished in either an Angle Class II or Class III relationship,
depending upon the type of tooth extraction in the maxillary or mandibular arches.
figure 19 figure 20
- 13 -
In a Class II situation (fig. 21), the buccal cusp of the maxillary first molar should align
with the embrasure or interproximal contact between the mandibular second premolar
and first molar. The buccal cusp of the maxillary second molar should align with the
embrasure or interproximal contact between the mandibular first and second molars. If
the final occlusion is finished in a Class III relationship (when mandibular premolars are
extracted), the buccal cusp of the maxillary second premolar should align with the
buccal groove of the mandibular first molar (fig. 22). The remaining occlusion distal to
the maxillary second premolar and mandibular first molar are adjusted accordingly.
figure 21 figure 22
The overjet is evaluated by articulating the models and viewing the labiolingual
relationship of the maxillary arch relative to the mandibular arch. In order to determine
the proper relationship of the casts, the examiner must rely on the trimming of the backs
of the bases of the models. The models are set flat on their backs, in order to
determine this assessment (fig. 23).
figure 23
- 14 -
If the models are mounted on an articulator, then the articulated mounting shall
determine the proper maxillary and mandibular model relationship. If the proper overjet
has been established, then the buccal cusps of the mandibular molars and premolars
will contact in the center of the occlusal surfaces, buccolingually, of the maxillary
premolars and molars (fig. 24). In the anterior region, the mandibular canines and
incisors will contact the lingual surfaces of the maxillary canines and incisors (fig. 25). If
this relationship exists, no points are scored.
figure 24 figure 25
If the mandibular buccal cusps deviate 1 mm or less from the center of the opposing
tooth (fig. 26), 1 point is scored for that tooth. If the position of the mandibular buccal
cusps deviates more than 1 mm from the center of the opposing tooth (fig. 27), two
points are scored for that tooth. No more than 2 points are scored for any tooth.
figure 26 figure 27
- 15 -
In the anterior region, if the mandibular canines or incisors are not contacting lingual
surfaces of the maxillary canines and incisors, and the distance is 1 mm or less (fig. 28),
then 1 point is scored for each maxillary tooth. If the discrepancy is greater than 1 mm
(fig. 29), then 2 points are scored for each maxillary tooth.
figure 28 figure 29
Note that although Overjet is typically scored by assessing contact between opposing
teeth, this score is subject to examiner modification. For example, cases in which
incisors display extremely acute inter-incisal angles and/or significant overlap of incisal
edges may be scored an additional point.
This assessment is made by viewing the maxillary and mandibular dental casts from an
occlusal perspective. The mesial and distal surfaces of the teeth should be in contact
with one another (fig. 30). If 0.50 mm or less interproximal space exists, then no points
are scored.
figure 30
- 16 -
If greater than 0.50 to 1 mm of interproximal space exists between two adjacent teeth
(fig. 31), then 1 point is scored for that interproximal contact. If more than 1 mm of
space is present between two teeth (fig. 32), then 2 points are scored for that
interproximal contact. No more than 2 points are scored for any contact that deviates
from ideal.
figure 31 figure 32
The relative angulation of the roots of the maxillary and mandibular teeth is assessed on
the panoramic radiograph. Although this is not ideal, it gives a reasonably good
assessment of root position. Generally, the roots of the maxillary and mandibular teeth
should be parallel to one another and oriented perpendicular to the occlusal plane (fig.
33). If this situation exists, then no points are scored.
figure 33
- 17 -
The ABO acknowledges the distortion that frequently occurs within panoramic
radiographs. The Board has recommended the following:
If a root is angled to the mesial or distal (not parallel) and is close to, but not touching,
the adjacent tooth root, then 1 point is scored for each discrepancy (anterior, premolar,
and/or molar areas, fig. 34). If the root is angled to the mesial or distal and is contacting
the adjacent tooth root (fig. 35), then 2 points are scored for that tooth.
figure 34 figure 35
- 18 -
The Board’s decision to evaluate an individual case as Complete or Incomplete is based
upon multiple factors. Record quality and the ability to finish a case are important, but
they are not the only aspects that are considered in the evaluation. Case management,
a sound understanding of diagnosis, treatment planning and mechanotherapy are
equally important and are discussed during the actual interview when cases are
reviewed with the examinee.
The Directors of The American Board of Orthodontics have spent countless hours
developing this system for assessing the occlusal and radiographic results of
orthodontic treatment. The usefulness of this system depends not only on its objectivity,
but more importantly on the validity and reliability of the measurements. After repeated
comparison of both objective and subjective systems, the Directors are confident that
the “cut-off” score to pass this portion of the clinical examination is valid. Reliability will
be insured through the use of a precise measuring instrument, in addition to training and
calibration of the Directors before each examination. In order to be fair to all
examinees, a confidence interval is established to account for interrater variability.
Although the underlying purpose of establishing this grading system is to insure reliable,
objective evaluation of orthodontic records, the Board sees a much greater benefit to
publishing this grading system. Now, examinees may grade their own results before the
clinical examination and know if their results will pass Board standards. Furthermore,
Diplomates may use this scoring system at anytime in their clinical career to determine
if they are producing “Board quality” results. The Board hopes that this method of self-
evaluation will help to elevate the overall quality of orthodontic care.
- 19 -
B This portion of the gauge has steps measuring 1 mm in height and is used to
determine discrepancies in mandibular posterior buccolingual inclination.
C This portion of the gauge has steps measuring 1 mm in height and is used to
determine discrepancies in marginal ridges.
D This portion of the gauge has steps measuring 1 mm in height and is used to
determine discrepancies in maxillary posterior buccolingual inclination.
NOTE: Third molars are not scored unless they substitute for the second molars.
You may download the ABO Grading System for Casts-Radiographs from
the ABO website > Orthodontic Professionals > Clinical Examination >
Download and Print: Forms and References.
This gauge is included in the Calibration Kit along with three sets of pre-
measured cases. There is a digital component to the Calibration Kit which
arrives as an attachment to the email receipt of purchase. The digital
component contains the grading system manual, panoramic radiographs
and scoring keys.
- 20 -
3. Gottlieb, E Grading your orthodontic treatment results, J Clin Orthod, 9:156-161, 1975
5. Summers, C The occlusal index: a system for identifying and scoring occlusal
disorders, Am J Orthod, 59:552-566, 1971
6. Richmond, S., Shaw, W, et al. The development of the PAR Index (Peer Assessment
Rating): reliability and validity, Europ J Orthod, 14:125-139, 1992
7. Mckee, I., Williamson, C., et al. The accuracy of 4 panoramic units in the projection of
mesiodistal tooth angulations, AJO-DO 2002, 121:166-175
8. Peck, J., Sameshima, G., et al. Mesiodistal Root Angulation Using Panoramic and
Cone Beam CT, Angle Orthodontist 2007, No. 2:206-213
- 21 -
Pre-2006 Marginal Ridges – In scoring, do not include the canine-premolar contact; and do not
include the distal of lower 1 premolar.
Occlusal Contacts - Do not score diminutive distolingual cusps of the maxillary 1st and
2nd molars, nor lingual cusps of the maxillary first premolars.
2007 Points will be scored in absolute value; therefore, change “deduct points” to
“score points”.
Language update - change “Objective Grading System” to “Model Grading System”.
References – Addition of McKee; Peck, Owens articles.
June 2008 Occlusal Contacts – If cusp is out of contact, score for each posterior tooth; no more than
2 points per tooth.
Root Angulation – Omit scoring the canine relationship with adjacent root; new
examples for Figures 34 and 35.
March 2011 Overjet – Note that although Overjet is typically scored by assessing contact between
opposing teeth, this score is subject to examiner modification. For example, cases in
which incisors display extremely acute inter-incisal angles and/or significant overlap of
incisal edges may be scored an additional point.
June 2012 Scoring for Complete/Incomplete – new section and title replaces former discussion titled
Passing Score.
- 22 -
Reference - ABO Cast/Radiograph Evaluation
See Grading System for Casts-Radiographs for entire discussion
Marginal Ridges
Occlusal Relationships
Interproximal Contacts
Buccolingual Inclination
Root Angulation
INSTRUCTIONS: Place score beside each deficient tooth and enter total score for each parameter
in the white box. Place an “X” on extracted teeth. Second molars should be in occlusion.
Cas Case #1
16 yr 9 mo
Case #2
15 yr 11 mo
Case #3
19 yr 8 mo
Occlusal Contacts
Calibration Kit
Scoring Key 3
Alignment/Rotations 1 1 1
1 1
Marginal Ridges
Occlusal Relationships
1 1 1 1
1 1 2 2 1
Interproximal Contacts
Buccolingual Inclination
Root Angulation
Overjet 3
0 1 1
INSTRUCTIONS: Place score beside each deficient tooth and enter total score for each parameter
in the white box. Place an “X” on extracted teeth. Second molars should be in occlusion.
Occlusal Contacts
Calibration Kit
Scoring Key 0
1 1
Marginal Ridges
Occlusal Relationships
1 1
1 1
1 1 1 1
Interproximal Contacts
Buccolingual Inclination
1 1
2 1 1 1
1 2 1
Root Angulation
Overjet 0
INSTRUCTIONS: Place score beside each deficient tooth and enter total score for each parameter
in the white box. Place an “X” on extracted teeth. Second molars should be in occlusion.
Occlusal Contacts
Calibration Kit
Scoring Key 5
Alignment/Rotations 2 1
12 2
2 1
1 1
2 2 2
Marginal Ridges
Occlusal Relationships
1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1
Interproximal Contacts
Buccolingual Inclination
1 1 1
Root Angulation
Overjet 5
6 1 1 2
2 2
INSTRUCTIONS: Place score beside each deficient tooth and enter total score for each parameter
in the white box. Place an “X” on extracted teeth. Second molars should be in occlusion.
ABO ID # _______ CASE# ______ PATIENT ___________________________
> 1 to ≤ 3 mm = 0 pts ≥ 38° @2pts =
> 3 to ≤ 5 mm = 2 pts Each full degree > 38° x 2 pts =
> 5 to ≤ 7 mm = 3 pts
≤ 26° @1pt =
Impinging (100%) = 5 pts
Each full degree < 26° x 1 pt =
1̄ to MP ≥ 99° @1pt =
ANTERIOR OPEN BITE Each full degree > 99° x 1 pt =
0 mm (edge-to-edge), 1 pt per tooth = pts Total
then 1 pt per mm per tooth = pts
Total OTHER (See Instructions)
Supernumerary teeth x 1 pt =
Ankylosis of permanent teeth x 2 pts =
≥ 0.5 mm, 2 pts per mm per tooth
Total Anomalous morphology x 2 pts =
Total Other
Occlusion for plaster models is determined by placing the separated, properly trimmed study casts (Mx/Mn) on a
flat surface and then bringing them together into maximum intercuspation. All measurements must be made from
this position. For digital models, measurements will be made from a standard 3D orientation that is described in
ABO Operational Definition for Digital Model Orientation.
OVERJET: Overjet is a measurement between two antagonistic anterior teeth (lateral or central incisors)
comprising the greatest overjet and is measured from the facial surface of the most lingual tooth (Mx or Mn) to
the middle of the incisal edge of the more facially positioned tooth (Mx or Mn).
For ≥0 to <1 mm, score 1 pt (edge-to-edge)
For ≥1 to ≤3 mm, score 0 pts
For >3 to ≤5 mm, score 2 pts
For >5 to ≤7 mm, score 3 pts
For >7 to ≤9 mm, score 4 pts
For >9 mm, score 5 pts.
In addition, if there are teeth with negative overjet (canine to canine in anterior crossbite >0 mm),
- Measure from the middle of the incisal edge of the maxillary tooth to the facial surface of the
mandibular tooth
- Round up each measure to the next mm
- Then score 1 pt per mm per anterior tooth in crossbite.
OVERBITE: Overbite is a measurement between two antagonistic anterior teeth (lateral or central incisors)
comprising the greatest overbite.
For >0 to ≤3 mm, score 0 pts
For >3 to ≤5 mm, score 2 pts
For >5 to ≤7 mm, score 3 pts
If any one of the lower incisors are impinging on the palatal tissues or there is 100% overbite (a
complete vertical overlap of antagonistic incisors), score 5 pts.
ANTERIOR OPEN BITE: For each anterior tooth (canine to canine) in an open bite relationship with an opposing
tooth, measure from the incisal edge of the Mx tooth to the incisal edge of the Mn tooth.
For each anterior tooth in edge-to-edge relationship (0 mm), score 1 pt per tooth.
For each anterior tooth in open bite (> 0 mm), round up the measure to the next full mm
Then add 1 pt per mm per tooth in open bite.
No points are scored for any anterior tooth that is blocked-out of the arch due to space deficiency or
not fully erupted.
LATERAL OPEN BITE: For each maxillary posterior tooth (from the 1st premolar to 2nd molar) in an open bite
relationship ≥ 0.5 mm from its opposing tooth,
Round up each measure to next full mm
Then score 2 pts per mm of open bite for each tooth.
No points are scored for any tooth that is blocked-out of the arch due to space deficiency or not fully
CROWDING: Measure the most crowded arch (only one arch) from the mesial contact point of the right first
molar to the mesial contact point of the left first molar.
For ≥0 to ≤1 mm, score 0 pts
For >1 to ≤3 mm, score 1 pt
For >3 to ≤5 mm, score 2 pts
For >5 to ≤7 mm, score 4 pts
For >7 mm, score 7 pts.
OCCLUSAL RELATIONSHIP: Models must exhibit the patient’s maximum intercuspation. The Angle molar
classification is used.
If the mesiobuccal cusp of the maxillary first molar occludes with the buccal groove of the mandibular
first molar or anywhere between the buccal groove and the mesiobuccal or distobuccal cusps (Class I
to End On) - Score 0 pts.
If the mesiobuccal cusp of the maxillary first molar occludes with the mesiobuccal (Class II end-to-end)
or distobuccal (Class III end-to-end) cusps of the mandibular first molar – Score 2 pts per side.
If the relationship is a full Class II or III - Score 4 pts per side.
If the relationship is beyond Class II or III, measure the additional distance, round up to next full mm -
Score 1 addl. pt per mm per side.
LINGUAL POSTERIOR CROSSBITE: For each maxillary posterior tooth (from the 1st premolar to the 2nd molar)
where all the maxillary buccal cusps are > 0 mm lingual to the buccal cusp(s) tip of the opposing tooth - Score 1 pt
per tooth.
BUCCAL POSTERIOR CROSSBITE: For each maxillary posterior tooth (from the 1st premolar to the 2nd molar)
where all the maxillary palatal cusps are > 0 mm buccal to the buccal cusp(s) of the opposing tooth - Score 2 pts
per tooth.
Anomalous morphology of tooth size & shape (e.g. natural and/or iatrogenic) - Score 2 pts per tooth.
Midline discrepancy – The midline for each arch equals the mid-point between the Mx central incisors and
the Mn central incisors demonstrated by two vertical reference lines. The discrepancy is the difference
between the two vertical reference lines measured in the horizontal plane – Score 2 pts for ≥ 3 mm.
Spacing –
o For generalized spacing per arch in which there is ≥ 0.5 mm of space on both sides of any 4 teeth or
more - Score 2 pts per arch.
o For Mx central diastema of ≥ 2 mm - Score 2 pts.
Skeletal asymmetry (treated nonsurgically) – Score 3 pts (appropriate diagnostic information recommended)
Occlusion for plaster models is determined by placing the backs of properly trimmed casts (Mx/Mn)
on a flat surface and then bringing them together into maximum intercuspation. All measurements
must be made from this position. For digital models, measurements will be made from a standard 3D
orientation that is described in ABO Operational Definition for Digital Model Orientation.
Overjet (horizontal overlap) Relationship
Overjet is a measurement between two antagonistic anterior teeth (lateral or central incisors) comprising
the greatest overjet and is measured from the facial surface of the most lingual tooth (Mx or Mn) to the
middle of the incisal edge of the more facially positioned tooth (Mx or Mn).
Negative Overjet Relationship
If there are teeth with negative overjet (canine to canine in anterior crossbite > 0 mm),
round up each measure to the next mm, then score 1 point per mm per anterior tooth in
crossbite. This is measured from the middle of the incisal edge of maxillary tooth to the
facial edge of the mandibular tooth.
Overbite (vertical overlap) Relationship
B. Represents an overlap of greater than 5 mm
therefore 3 points are given
100% Overbite
B. C.
1.5 mm overlap
yields no points
Vertical Tissue
1.0 mm
≥ 38º = 2 pts
Each full degree > 38º add 2 pts
≤ 26º = 1 pt
Each full degree < 26º add 1 pt
1 to MP ≥ 99º = 1 pt
Each full degree > 99º add 1 pt
Other Classification Exemplars
The midline for each arch equals the mid-point between the Mx central incisors and the
Mn central incisors demonstrated by two vertical reference lines. The discrepancy is the
difference between the two vertical reference lines measured in the horizontal plane.
Score two (2) points for 3 mm or more.
4mm = 2 pts.
4mm = 2 pts.
Other: Tooth transposition-
score two (2) points for each event
Other: Skeletal asymmetry (treated non-surgically) –
score three (3) points
(appropriate diagnostic information is recommended)
Other: Additional treatment complexities-
Score two (2) points for each occurrence