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Sorting and Algorithm Analysis

Computer Science E-119

Harvard Extension School
Fall 2012
David G. Sullivan, Ph.D.

Sorting an Array of Integers

0 1 2 n-2 n-1
arr 15 7 36 … 40 12

• Ground rules:
• sort the values in increasing order
• sort “in place,” using only a small amount of additional storage
• Terminology:
• position: one of the memory locations in the array
• element: one of the data items stored in the array
• element i: the element at position i
• Goal: minimize the number of comparisons C and the number
of moves M needed to sort the array.
• move = copying an element from one position to another
example: arr[3] = arr[5];
Defining a Class for our Sort Methods
public class Sort {
public static void bubbleSort(int[] arr) {
public static void insertionSort(int[] arr) {

• Our Sort class is simply a collection of methods like Java’s

built-in Math class.
• Because we never create Sort objects, all of the methods in
the class must be static.
• outside the class, we invoke them using the class name:
e.g., Sort.bubbleSort(arr).

• ~cscie119/examples/sorting/

Defining a Swap Method

• It would be helpful to have a method that swaps two elements
of the array.

• Why won’t the following work?

public static void swap(int a, int b) {
int temp = a;
a = b;
b = temp;
An Incorrect Swap Method
public static void swap(int a, int b) {
int temp = a;
a = b;
b = temp;

• Trace through the following lines to see the problem:

int[] arr = {15, 7, …};
swap(arr[0], arr[1]);

stack heap

15 7 ...

A Correct Swap Method

• This method works:
public static void swap(int[] arr, int a, int b) {
int temp = arr[a];
arr[a] = arr[b];
arr[b] = temp;

• Trace through the following with a memory diagram to convince

yourself that it works:
int[] arr = {15, 7, …};
swap(arr, 0, 1);
Selection Sort
• Basic idea:
• consider the positions in the array from left to right
• for each position, find the element that belongs there and put it
in place by swapping it with the element that’s currently there
• Example:
0 1 2 3 4
15 6 2 12 4

0 1 2 3 4
2 6 15 12 44

0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4
2 4 15 12 66 2 4 6 12 15

Why don’t we need to consider position 4?

Selecting an Element
• When we consider position i, the elements in positions
0 through i – 1 are already in their final positions.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
example for i = 3: 2 4 7 21 25 10 17

• To select an element for position i:

• consider elements i, i+1,i+2,…,arr.length – 1, and
keep track of indexMin, the index of the smallest element
seen thus far
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
indexMin: 3, 5 2 4 7 21 25 10 17
• when we finish this pass, indexMin is the index of the
element that belongs in position i.
• swap arr[i] and arr[indexMin]:
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
2 4 7 21
10 25 10
21 17
Implementation of Selection Sort
• Use a helper method to find the index of the smallest element:
private static int indexSmallest(int[] arr,
int lower, int upper) {
int indexMin = lower;
for (int i = lower+1; i <= upper; i++)
if (arr[i] < arr[indexMin])
indexMin = i;
return indexMin;

• The actual sort method is very simple:

public static void selectionSort(int[] arr) {
for (int i = 0; i < arr.length-1; i++) {
int j = indexSmallest(arr, i, arr.length-1);
swap(arr, i, j);

Time Analysis
• Some algorithms are much more efficient than others.
• The time efficiency or time complexity of an algorithm is some
measure of the number of “operations” that it performs.
• for sorting algorithms, we’ll focus on two types of
operations: comparisons and moves
• The number of operations that an algorithm performs typically
depends on the size, n, of its input.
• for sorting algorithms, n is the # of elements in the array
• C(n) = number of comparisons
• M(n) = number of moves

• To express the time complexity of an algorithm, we’ll express

the number of operations performed as a function of n.
• examples: C(n) = n2 + 3n
M(n) = 2n2 - 1
Counting Comparisons by Selection Sort
private static int indexSmallest(int[] arr, int lower, int upper){
int indexMin = lower;
for (int i = lower+1; i <= upper; i++)
if (arr[i] < arr[indexMin])
indexMin = i;
return indexMin;
public static void selectionSort(int[] arr) {
for (int i = 0; i < arr.length-1; i++) {
int j = indexSmallest(arr, i, arr.length-1);
swap(arr, i, j);

• To sort n elements, selection sort performs n - 1 passes:

on 1st pass, it performs n - 1 comparisons to find indexSmallest
on 2nd pass, it performs n - 2 comparisons

on the (n-1)st pass, it performs 1 comparison
• Adding up the comparisons for each pass, we get:
C(n) = 1 + 2 + … + (n - 2) + (n - 1)

Counting Comparisons by Selection Sort (cont.)

• The resulting formula for C(n) is the sum of an arithmetic
n - 1
C(n) = 1 + 2 + … + (n - 2) + (n - 1) = i
i 1

• Formula for the sum of this type of arithmetic sequence:

m(m  1)
i  2
i 1

• Thus, we can simplify our expression for C(n) as follows:

n - 1
C(n) = i
i 1

(n - 1)((n - 1)  1)
(n - 1)n 2
= C(n) = n 2 - n 2
Focusing on the Largest Term
• When n is large, mathematical expressions of n are dominated
by their “largest” term — i.e., the term that grows fastest as a
function of n.
• example: n n2/2 n/2 n2/2 – n/2
10 50 5 45
100 5000 50 4950
10000 50,000,000 5000 49,995,000

• In characterizing the time complexity of an algorithm,

we’ll focus on the largest term in its operation-count expression.
• for selection sort, C(n) = n2/2 - n/2  n2/2

• In addition, we’ll typically ignore the coefficient of the largest term

(e.g., n2/2  n2).

Big-O Notation
• We specify the largest term using big-O notation.
• e.g., we say that C(n) = n2/2 – n/2 is O(n2)
• Common classes of algorithms:
name example expressions big-O notation
constant time 1, 7, 10 O(1)
logarithmic time 3log10n, log2n + 5 O(log n)
linear time 5n, 10n – 2log2n O(n)

nlogn time 4nlog2n, nlog2n + n O(nlog n)

quadratic time 2n2 + 3n, n2 – 1 O(n2)
exponential time 2n, 5en + 2n2 O(cn)

• For large inputs, efficiency matters more than CPU speed.

• e.g., an O(log n) algorithm on a slow machine will
outperform an O(n) algorithm on a fast machine
Ordering of Functions
• We can see below that: n2 grows faster than nlog2n
nlog2n grows faster than n
n grows faster than log2n



100 n^2
n log n
60 log n



0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Ordering of Functions (cont.)

• Zooming in, we see that: n2 >= n for all n >= 1
nlog2n >= n for all n >= 2
n > log2n for all n >= 1
6 n^2
n log n
4 log n
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Mathematical Definition of Big-O Notation
• f(n) = O(g(n)) if there exist positive constants c and n0
such that f(n) <= c g(n) for all n >= n0
• Example: f(n) = n2/2 – n/2 is O(n2), because
n2/2 – n/2 <= n2 for all n >= 0.
c=1 n0 = 0

g(n) = n2

f(n) = n2/2 – n/2

• Big-O notation specifies an upper bound on a function f(n)
as n grows large.

Big-O Notation and Tight Bounds

• Big-O notation provides an upper bound, not a tight bound
(upper and lower).
• Example:
• 3n – 3 is O(n2) because 3n – 3 <= n2 for all n >= 1
• 3n – 3 is also O(2n) because 3n – 3 <= 2n for all n >= 1

• However, we generally try to use big-O notation to characterize

a function as closely as possible – i.e., as if we were using it to
specify a tight bound.
• for our example, we would say that 3n – 3 is O(n)
Big-Theta Notation
• In theoretical computer science, big-theta notation () is used to
specify a tight bound.
• f(n) = (g(n)) if there exist constants c1, c2, and n0 such that
c1 g(n) <= f(n) <= c2 g(n) for all n > n0
• Example: f(n) = n2/2 – n/2 is (n2), because
(1/4)*n2 <= n2/2 – n/2 <= n2 for all n >= 2
c1 = 1/4 c2 = 1 n0 = 2

g(n) = n2

f(n) = n2/2 – n/2

(1/4) * g(n) = n2/4


Big-O Time Analysis of Selection Sort

• Comparisons: we showed that C(n) = n2/2 – n/2
• selection sort performs O(n2) comparisons
• Moves: after each of the n-1 passes to find the smallest
remaining element, the algorithm performs a swap
to put the element in place.
• n–1 swaps, 3 moves per swap
• M(n) = 3(n-1) = 3n-3
• selection sort performs O(n) moves.
• Running time (i.e., total operations): ?
Sorting by Insertion I: Insertion Sort
• Basic idea:
• going from left to right, “insert” each element into its proper
place with respect to the elements to its left, “sliding over”
other elements to make room.

• Example:
0 1 2 3 4
15 4 2 12 6

4 15 2 12 6

2 4 15 12 6

2 4 12 15 66

2 4 6 12 15

Comparing Selection and Insertion Strategies

• In selection sort, we start with the positions in the array and
select the correct elements to fill them.
• In insertion sort, we start with the elements and determine
where to insert them in the array.
• Here’s an example that illustrates the difference:
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
18 12 15 9 25 2 17

• Sorting by selection:
• consider position 0: find the element (2) that belongs there
• consider position 1: find the element (9) that belongs there
• …
• Sorting by insertion:
• consider the 12: determine where to insert it
• consider the 15; determine where to insert it
• …
Inserting an Element
• When we consider element i, elements 0 through i – 1
are already sorted with respect to each other.
0 1 2 3 4
example for i = 3: 6 14 19 9 …

• To insert element i:
• make a copy of element i, storing it in the variable toInsert:
0 1 2 3
toInsert 9 6 14 19 9

• consider elements i-1, i-2, …

• if an element > toInsert, slide it over to the right
• stop at the first element <= toInsert
0 1 2 3
toInsert 9 6 14 14
19 19
0 1 2 3
• copy toInsert into the resulting “hole”: 6 9 14 19

Insertion Sort Example (done together)

description of steps 12 5 2 13 18 4
Implementation of Insertion Sort
public class Sort {
public static void insertionSort(int[] arr) {
for (int i = 1; i < arr.length; i++) {
if (arr[i] < arr[i-1]) {
int toInsert = arr[i];

int j = i;
do {
arr[j] = arr[j-1];
j = j - 1;
} while (j > 0 && toInsert < arr[j-1]);

arr[j] = toInsert;

Time Analysis of Insertion Sort

• The number of operations depends on the contents of the array.
• best case: array is sorted
thus, we never execute the do-while loop
each element is only compared to the element to its left
C(n) = n – 1 = O(n), M(n) = 0, running time = O(n)

• worst case: array is in reverse order

each element is compared to all of the elements to its left:
arr[1] is compared to 1 element (arr[0])
arr[2] is compared to 2 elements (arr[0] and arr[1])

arr[n-1] is compared to n-1 elements
C(n) = 1 + 2 + … + (n – 1) = O(n2) as seen in selection sort
similarly, M(n) = O(n2), running time = O(n2)
• average case:
Sorting by Insertion II: Shell Sort
• Developed by Donald Shell in 1959
• Improves on insertion sort
• Takes advantage of the fact that insertion sort is fast when an
array is almost sorted.
• Seeks to eliminate a disadvantage of insertion sort:
if an element is far from its final location, many “small” moves
are required to put it where it belongs.
• Example: if the largest element starts out at the beginning of
the array, it moves one place to the right on every insertion!
0 1 2 3 4 5 … 1000
999 42 56 30 18 23 … 11

• Shell sort uses “larger” moves that allow elements to quickly

get close to where they belong.

Sorting Subarrays
• Basic idea:
• use insertion sort on subarrays that contain elements
separated by some increment
• increments allow the data items to make larger “jumps”
• repeat using a decreasing sequence of increments
• Example for an initial increment of 3:
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
36 18 10 27 3 20 9 8

• three subarrays:
1) elements 0, 3, 6 2) elements 1, 4, 7 3) elements 2 and 5

• Sort the subarrays using insertion sort to get the following:

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
9 23
3 14
10 27 18
8 20 9 18
36 3

• Next, we complete the process using an increment of 1.

Shell Sort: A Single Pass
• We don’t consider the subarrays one at a time.
• We consider elements arr[incr] through arr[arr.length-1],
inserting each element into its proper place with respect to the
elements from its subarray that are to the left of the element.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
• The same
example 36 18 10 27 3 20 9 8
(incr = 3):
27 18 10 36 3 20 9 8

27 3 10 36 18 20 9 8

27 3 10 36 18 20 9 8

9 3 10 27 18 20 36 8

9 3 10 27 8 20 36 18

Inserting an Element in a Subarray

• When we consider element i, the other elements in its subarray
are already sorted with respect to each other.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
example for i = 6:
(incr = 3) 27 3 10 36 18 20 9 8
the other element’s in 9’s subarray (the 27 and 36)
are already sorted with respect to each other
• To insert element i:
• make a copy of element i, storing it in the variable toInsert:
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
toInsert 9 27 3 10 36 18 20 9 8

• consider elements i-incr, i-(2*incr), i-(3*incr),…

• if an element > toInsert, slide it right within the subarray
• stop at the first element <= toInsert
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
toInsert 9 27 3 10 27
36 18 20 36
9 8
0 1 2 3 4
• copy toInsert into the “hole”: 9 3 10 27 18 …
The Sequence of Increments
• Different sequences of decreasing increments can be used.

• Our version uses values that are one less than a power of two.
• 2k – 1 for some k
• … 63, 31, 15, 7, 3, 1
• can get to the next lower increment using integer division:
incr = incr/2;

• Should avoid numbers that are multiples of each other.

• otherwise, elements that are sorted with respect to each other
in one pass are grouped together again in subsequent passes
• repeat comparisons unnecessarily
• get fewer of the large jumps that speed up later passes
• example of a bad sequence: 64, 32, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1
• what happens if the largest values are all in odd positions?

Implementation of Shell Sort

public static void shellSort(int[] arr) {
int incr = 1;
while (2 * incr <= arr.length)
incr = 2 * incr;
incr = incr - 1;
while (incr >= 1) {
for (int i = incr; i < arr.length; i++) {
if (arr[i] < arr[i-incr]) {
int toInsert = arr[i];

int j = i;
do {
arr[j] = arr[j-incr];
j = j - incr;
} while (j > incr-1 &&
toInsert < arr[j-incr]);

arr[j] = toInsert;
} (If you replace incr with 1
} in the for-loop, you get the
incr = incr/2; code for insertion sort.)
Time Analysis of Shell Sort
• Difficult to analyze precisely
• typically use experiments to measure its efficiency
• With a bad interval sequence, it’s O(n2) in the worst case.
• With a good interval sequence, it’s better than O(n2).
• at least O(n1.5) in the average and worst case
• some experiments have shown average-case running times
of O(n1.25) or even O(n7/6)
• Significantly better than insertion or selection for large n:
n n2 n1.5 n1.25
10 100 31.6 17.8
100 10,000 1000 316
10,000 100,000,000 1,000,000 100,000
106 1012 109 3.16 x 107

• We’ve wrapped insertion sort in another loop and increased its

efficiency! The key is in the larger jumps that Shell sort allows.

Sorting by Exchange I: Bubble Sort

• Perform a sequence of passes through the array.
• On each pass: proceed from left to right, swapping adjacent
elements if they are out of order.
• Larger elements “bubble up” to the end of the array.
• At the end of the kth pass, the k rightmost elements are in
their final positions, so we don’t need to consider them in
subsequent passes.
0 1 2 3
• Example:
28 24 27 18

after the first pass: 24 27 18 28

after the second: 24 18 27 28

after the third: 18 24 27 28

Implementation of Bubble Sort
public class Sort {
public static void bubbleSort(int[] arr) {
for (int i = arr.length – 1; i > 0; i--) {
for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) {
if (arr[j] > arr[j+1])
swap(arr, j, j+1);

• One for-loop nested in another:

• the inner loop performs a single pass
• the outer loop governs the number of passes, and the ending
point of each pass

Time Analysis of Bubble Sort

• Comparisons: the kth pass performs comparisons,
so we get C(n) =

• Moves: depends on the contents of the array

• in the worst case:

• in the best case:

• Running time:
Sorting by Exchange II: Quicksort
• Like bubble sort, quicksort uses an approach based on
exchanging out-of-order elements, but it’s more efficient.
• A recursive, divide-and-conquer algorithm:
• divide: rearrange the elements so that we end up with two
subarrays that meet the following criterion:
each element in the left array <= each element in the right array

12 8 14 4 6 13 6 8 4 14 12 13

• conquer: apply quicksort recursively to the subarrays,

stopping when a subarray has a single element
• combine: nothing needs to be done, because of the criterion
used in forming the subarrays

Partitioning an Array Using a Pivot

• The process that quicksort uses to rearrange the elements
is known as partitioning the array.
• Partitioning is done using a value known as the pivot.
• We rearrange the elements to produce two subarrays:
• left subarray: all values <= pivot equivalent to the criterion
• right subarray: all values >= pivot on the previous page.

7 15 4 9 6 18 9 12
partition using a pivot of 9

7 9 4 6 9 18 15 12
all values <= 9 all values >= 9

• Our approach to partitioning is one of several variants.

• Partitioning is useful in its own right.
ex: find all students with a GPA > 3.0.
Possible Pivot Values
• First element or last element
• risky, can lead to terrible worst-case behavior
• especially poor if the array is almost sorted

4 8 14 12 6 18 4 8 14 12 6 18
pivot = 18

• Middle element (what we will use)

• Randomly chosen element
• Median of three elements
• left, center, and right elements
• three randomly selected elements
• taking the median of three decreases the probability of
getting a poor pivot

Partitioning an Array: An Example

first last
arr 7 15 4 9 6 18 9 12
pivot = 9
• Maintain indices i and j, starting them “outside” the array:
i = first – 1 i j
j = last + 1 7 15 4 9 6 18 9 12

• Find “out of place” elements:

• increment i until arr[i] >= pivot
• decrement j until arr[j] <= pivot
i j
7 15 4 9 6 18 9 12

• Swap arr[i] and arr[j]:

i j
7 9 4 9 6 18 15 12
Partitioning Example (cont.)
i j
from prev. page: 7 9 4 9 6 18 15 12
i j
• Find: 7 9 4 9 6 18 15 12
i j
• Swap: 7 9 4 6 9 18 15 12
j i
• Find: 7 9 4 6 9 18 15 12
and now the indices have crossed, so we return j.

• Subarrays: left = arr[first : j], right = arr[j+1 : last]

first j i last
7 9 4 6 9 18 15 12

Partitioning Example 2
• Start i j
(pivot = 13): 24 5 2 13 18 4 20 19
i j
• Find: 24 5 2 13 18 4 20 19
i j
• Swap: 4 5 2 13 18 24 20 19

i j
• Find: 4 5 2 13 18 24 20 19
and now the indices are equal, so we return j.

i j
• Subarrays: 4 5 2 13 18 24 20 19
Partitioning Example 3 (done together)
• Start i j
(pivot = 5): 4 14 7 5 2 19 26 6

• Find: 4 14 7 5 2 19 26 6

partition() Helper Method

private static int partition(int[] arr, int first, int last)
int pivot = arr[(first + last)/2];
int i = first - 1; // index going left to right
int j = last + 1; // index going right to left
while (true) {
do {
} while (arr[i] < pivot);
do {
} while (arr[j] > pivot);
if (i < j)
swap(arr, i, j);
return j; // arr[j] = end of left array
Implementation of Quicksort
public static void quickSort(int[] arr) {
qSort(arr, 0, arr.length – 1);

private static void qSort(int[] arr, int first, int last) {

int split = partition(arr, first, last);

if (first < split)

qSort(arr, first, split); // left subarray
if (last > split + 1)
qSort(arr, split + 1, last); // right subarray

Counting Students: Divide and Conquer

• Everyone stand up.

• You will each carry out the following algorithm:

count = 1;
while (you are not the only person standing) {
find another person who is standing
if (your first name < other person's first name)
sit down (break ties using last names)
count = count + the other person's count
if (you are the last person standing)
report your final count
Counting Students: Divide and Conquer (cont.)
• At each stage of the "joint algorithm", the problem size
is divided in half.
☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺
☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺
☺ ☺ ☺ ☺
☺ ☺

• How many stages are there as a function of the number of

students, n?

• This approach benefits from the fact that you perform the
algorithm in parallel with each other.

A Quick Review of Logarithms

• logbn = the exponent to which b must be raised to get n
• logbn = p if bp = n
• examples: log28 = 3 because 23 = 8
log1010000 = 4 because 104 = 10000

• Another way of looking at logs:

• let's say that you repeatedly divide n by b (using integer division)
• logbn is an upper bound on the number of divisions
needed to reach 1
• example: log218 is approx. 4.17
18/2 = 9 9/2 = 4 4/2 = 2 2/2 = 1
A Quick Review of Logs (cont.)
• If the number of operations performed by an algorithm is
proportional to logbn for any base b, we say it is a O(log n)
algorithm – dropping the base.
• logbn grows much more slowly than n
n log2n
2 1
1024 (1K) 10
1024*1024 (1M) 20

• Thus, for large values of n:

• a O(log n) algorithm is much faster than a O(n) algorithm
• a O(n logn) algorithm is much faster than a O(n2) algorithm
• We can also show that an O(n logn) algorithm is faster than a
O(n1.5) algorithm like Shell sort.

Time Analysis of Quicksort

• Partitioning an array requires n comparisons, because
each element is compared with the pivot.
• best case: partitioning always divides the array in half
• repeated recursive calls give:
n n

n/2 n/2 2*(n/2) = n

n/4 n/4 n/4 n/4 4*(n/4) = n

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

1 1 1 1 1 1 … 1 1 1 1 0

• at each "row" except the bottom, we perform n comparisons

• there are _______ rows that include comparisons
• C(n) = ?
• Similarly, M(n) and running time are both __________
Time Analysis of Quicksort (cont.)
• worst case: pivot is always the smallest or largest element
• one subarray has 1 element, the other has n - 1
• repeated recursive calls give: comparisons
n n

1 n-1 n-1

1 n-2 n-2

1 n-3 n-3
....... ...
1 2 2

1 1
• C(n) =  i = O(n2). M(n) and run time are also O(n2).
i 2

• average case is harder to analyze

• C(n) > n log2n, but it’s still O(n log n)

• All of the comparison-based sorting algorithms that we've seen
thus far have sorted the array in place.
• used only a small amount of additional memory

• Mergesort is a sorting algorithm that requires an additional

temporary array of the same size as the original one.
• it needs O(n) additional space, where n is the array size

• It is based on the process of merging two sorted arrays into

a single sorted array.
• example:
2 8 14 24

2 5 7 8 9 11 14 24

5 7 9 11
Merging Sorted Arrays
• To merge sorted arrays A and B into an array C, we maintain
three indices, which start out on the first elements of the arrays:
A 2 8 14 24 k
j C
B 5 7 9 11

• We repeatedly do the following:

• compare A[i] and B[j]
• copy the smaller of the two to C[k]
• increment the index of the array whose element was copied
• increment k
A 2 8 14 24 k
j C 2
B 5 7 9 11

Merging Sorted Arrays (cont.)

• Starting point:
A 2 8 14 24 k
j C
B 5 7 9 11

• After the first copy:

A 2 8 14 24 k
j C 2
B 5 7 9 11

• After the second copy:

A 2 8 14 24 k
j C 2 5
B 5 7 9 11
Merging Sorted Arrays (cont.)
• After the third copy:
A 2 8 14 24 k
j C 2 5 7
B 5 7 9 11

• After the fourth copy:

A 2 8 14 24 k
j C 2 5 7 8
B 5 7 9 11

• After the fifth copy:

A 2 8 14 24 k
j C 2 5 7 8 9
B 5 7 9 11

Merging Sorted Arrays (cont.)

• After the sixth copy:
A 2 8 14 24 k
j C 2 5 7 8 9 11
B 5 7 9 11

• There's nothing left in B, so we simply copy the remaining

elements from A:
A 2 8 14 24 k
j C 2 5 7 8 9 11 14 24
B 5 7 9 11
Divide and Conquer
• Like quicksort, mergesort is a divide-and-conquer algorithm.
• divide: split the array in half, forming two subarrays
• conquer: apply mergesort recursively to the subarrays,
stopping when a subarray has a single element
• combine: merge the sorted subarrays

12 8 14 4 6 33 2 27
split 12 8 14 4 6 33 2 27

split 12 8 14 4 6 33 2 27

split 12 8 14 4 6 33 2 27

merge 8 12 4 14 6 33 2 27
merge 4 8 12 14 2 6 27 33
merge 2 4 6 8 12 14 27 33

Tracing the Calls to Mergesort

the initial call is made to sort the entire array:

12 8 14 4 6 33 2 27

split into two 4-element subarrays, and make a recursive call to sort the left subarray:

12 8 14 4 6 33 2 27

12 8 14 4

split into two 2-element subarrays, and make a recursive call to sort the left subarray:

12 8 14 4 6 33 2 27

12 8 14 4

12 8
Tracing the Calls to Mergesort
split into two 1-element subarrays, and make a recursive call to sort the left subarray:
12 8 14 4 6 33 2 27

12 8 14 4

12 8


base case, so return to the call for the subarray {12, 8}:

12 8 14 4 6 33 2 27

12 8 14 4

12 8

Tracing the Calls to Mergesort

make a recursive call to sort its right subarray:
12 8 14 4 6 33 2 27

12 8 14 4

12 8

base case, so return to the call for the subarray {12, 8}:

12 8 14 4 6 33 2 27

12 8 14 4

12 8
Tracing the Calls to Mergesort
merge the sorted halves of {12, 8}:
12 8 14 4 6 33 2 27

12 8 14 4

12 8 8 12

end of the method, so return to the call for the 4-element subarray, which now has
a sorted left subarray:

12 8 14 4 6 33 2 27

8 12 14 4

Tracing the Calls to Mergesort

make a recursive call to sort the right subarray of the 4-element subarray
12 8 14 4 6 33 2 27

8 12 14 4

14 4

split it into two 1-element subarrays, and make a recursive call to sort the left subarray:

12 8 14 4 6 33 2 27

8 12 14 4

14 4

14 base case…
Tracing the Calls to Mergesort
return to the call for the subarray {14, 4}:
12 8 14 4 6 33 2 27

8 12 14 4

14 4

make a recursive call to sort its right subarray:

12 8 14 4 6 33 2 27

8 12 14 4

14 4

4 base case…

Tracing the Calls to Mergesort

return to the call for the subarray {14, 4}:
12 8 14 4 6 33 2 27

8 12 14 4

14 4

merge the sorted halves of {14, 4}:

12 8 14 4 6 33 2 27

8 12 14 4

14 4 4 14
Tracing the Calls to Mergesort
end of the method, so return to the call for the 4-element subarray, which now has
two sorted 2-element subarrays:

12 8 14 4 6 33 2 27

8 12 4 14

merge the 2-element subarrays:

12 8 14 4 6 33 2 27

8 12 4 14 4 8 12 14

Tracing the Calls to Mergesort

end of the method, so return to the call for the original array, which now has a
sorted left subarray:

4 8 12 14 6 33 2 27

perform a similar set of recursive calls to sort the right subarray. here's the result:

4 8 12 14 2 6 27 33

finally, merge the sorted 4-element subarrays to get a fully sorted 8-element array:

4 8 12 14 2 6 27 33

2 4 6 8 12 14 27 33
Implementing Mergesort
• One approach is to create new arrays for each new set of
subarrays, and to merge them back into the array that was split.

• Instead, we'll create a temp. array of the same size as the original.
• pass it to each call of the recursive mergesort method
• use it when merging subarrays of the original array:
arr 8 12 4 14 6 33 2 27

temp 4 8 12 14

• after each merge, copy the result back into the original array:
arr 4 8 12 14 6 33 2 27

temp 4 8 12 14

A Method for Merging Subarrays

public static void merge(int[] arr, int[] temp,
int leftStart, int leftEnd, int rightStart, int rightEnd) {
int i = leftStart; // index into left subarray
int j = rightStart; // index into right subarray
int k = leftStart; // index into temp
while (i <= leftEnd && j <= rightEnd) {
if (arr[i] < arr[j])
temp[k++] = arr[i++];
temp[k++] = arr[j++];
while (i <= leftEnd)
temp[k++] = arr[i++];
while (j <= rightEnd)
temp[k++] = arr[j++];
for (i = leftStart; i <= rightEnd; i++)
arr[i] = temp[i];
Methods for Mergesort
• We use a wrapper method to create the temp. array, and
to make the initial call to a separate recursive method:
public static void mergeSort(int[] arr) {
int[] temp = new int[arr.length];
mSort(arr, temp, 0, arr.length - 1);

• Let's implement the recursive method together:

public static void mSort(int[] arr, int[] temp,
int start, int end) {
if (start >= end) // base case

int middle = (start + end)/2;

mergeSort(arr, tmp, start, middle);
mergeSort(arr, tmp, middle + 1, end);

merge(arr, tmp, start, middle, middle + 1, end);


Time Analysis of Mergesort

• Merging two halves of an array of size n requires 2n moves.
• Mergesort repeatedly divides the array in half, so we have the
following call tree (showing the sizes of the arrays):
n 2n

n/2 n/2 2*2*(n/2) = 2n

n/4 n/4 n/4 n/4 4*2*(n/4) = 2n

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

1 1 1 1 1 1 … 1 1 1 1

• at all but the last level of the call tree, there are 2n moves
• how many levels are there?
• M(n) = ?
• C(n) = ?
Summary: Comparison-Based Sorting Algorithms
algorithm best case avg case worst case extra
selection sort O(n2) O(n2) O(n2) O(1)
insertion sort O(n) O (n2) O (n2) O(1)
Shell sort O(n log n) O (n1.5) O (n1.5) O(1)
bubble sort O (n2) O (n2) O (n2) O(1)
quicksort O(n log n) O(n log n) O(n2) O(1)
mergesort O(n log n) O(n log n) O(nlog n) O(n)

• Insertion sort is best for nearly sorted arrays.

• Mergesort has the best worst-case complexity, but requires extra
memory – and moves to and from the temp array.
• Quicksort is comparable to mergesort in the average case.
With a reasonable pivot choice, its worst case is seldom seen.
• Use ~cscie119/examples/sorting/ to experiment.

Comparison-Based vs. Distributive Sorting

• Until now, all of the sorting algorithms we have considered have
been comparison-based:
• treat the keys as wholes (comparing them)
• don’t “take them apart” in any way
• all that matters is the relative order of the keys, not their
actual values.
• No comparison-based sorting algorithm can do better than
O(n log2n) on an array of length n.
• O(n log2n) is a lower bound for such algorithms.
• Distributive sorting algorithms do more than compare keys;
they perform calculations on the actual values of individual keys.
• Moving beyond comparisons allows us to overcome the lower
• tradeoff: use more memory.
Distributive Sorting Example: Radix Sort
• Relies on the representation of the data as a sequence of m
quantities with k possible values.
• Examples: m k
• integer in range 0 ... 999 3 10
• string of 15 upper-case letters 15 26
• 32-bit integer 32 2 (in binary)
4 256 (as bytes)
• Strategy: Distribute according to the last element in the
sequence, then concatenate the results:
33 41 12 24 31 14 13 42 34
get: 41 31 | 12 42 | 33 13 | 24 14 34
• Repeat, moving back one digit each time:
get: 12 13 14 | 24 | 31 33 34 | 41 42

Analysis of Radix Sort

• Recall that we treat the values as a sequence of m quantities
with k possible values.
• Number of operations is O(n*m) for an array with n elements
• better than O(n log n) when m < log n
• Memory usage increases as k increases.
• k tends to increase as m decreases
• tradeoff: increased speed requires increased memory usage
Big-O Notation Revisited
• We've seen that we can group functions into classes by
focusing on the fastest-growing term in the expression for the
number of operations that they perform.
• e.g., an algorithm that performs n2/2 – n/2 operations is a
O(n2)-time or quadratic-time algorithm

• Common classes of algorithms:

name example expressions big-O notation
constant time 1, 7, 10 O(1)
logarithmic time 3log10n, log2n + 5 O(log n)
linear time 5n, 10n – 2log2n O(n)
nlogn time 4nlog2n, nlog2n + n O(nlog n)

quadratic time 2n2 + 3n, n2 – 1 O(n2)

cubic time n2 + 3n3, 5n3 – 5 O(n3)
exponential time 2n, 5en + 2n2 O(cn)
factorial time 3n!, 5n + n! O(n!)

How Does the Number of Operations Scale?

• Let's say that we have a problem size of 1000, and we measure
the number of operations performed by a given algorithm.

• If we double the problem size to 2000, how would the number

of operations performed by an algorithm increase if it is:
• O(n)-time

• O(n2)-time

• O(n3)-time

• O(log2n)-time

• O(2n)-time
How Does the Actual Running Time Scale?
• How much time is required to solve a problem of size n?
• assume that each operation requires 1 sec (1 x 10-6 sec)
time problem size (n)
function 10 20 30 40 50 60
n .00001 s .00002 s .00003 s .00004 s .00005 s .00006 s
n2 .0001 s .0004 s .0009 s .0016 s .0025 s .0036 s
n5 .1 s 3.2 s 24.3 s 1.7 min 5.2 min 13.0 min
2n .001 s 1.0 s 17.9 min 12.7 days 35.7 yrs 36,600 yrs

• sample computations:
• when n = 10, an n2 algorithm performs 102 operations.
102 * (1 x 10-6 sec) = .0001 sec
• when n = 30, a 2n algorithm performs 230 operations.
230 * (1 x 10-6 sec) = 1073 sec = 17.9 min

What's the Largest Problem That Can Be Solved?

• What's the largest problem size n that can be solved in
a given time T? (again assume 1 sec per operation)
time time available (T)
function 1 min 1 hour 1 week 1 year
n 60,000,000 3.6 x 109 6.0 x 1011 3.1 x 1013
n2 7745 60,000 777,688 5,615,692
n5 35 81 227 500
2n 25 31 39 44

• sample computations:
• 1 hour = 3600 sec
that's enough time for 3600/(1 x 10-6) = 3.6 x 109 operations
• n2 algorithm:
n2 = 3.6 x 109  n = (3.6 x 109)1/2 = 60,000
• 2 algorithm:
2n = 3.6 x 109  n = log2(3.6 x 109) ~= 31

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