Decoding Pure Rotational Molecular Spectra For Asymmetric Molecules
Decoding Pure Rotational Molecular Spectra For Asymmetric Molecules
Decoding Pure Rotational Molecular Spectra For Asymmetric Molecules
In this paper we demonstrate how asymmetric molecular rotational spectra may be introduced
to students both “pictorially” and with simple formulae. It is shown that the interpretation of such
spectra relies heavily upon pattern recognition. The presentation of some common spectral patterns
in near-prolate asymmetric rotational spectra provides a means by which spectral assignment,
and approximate rotational constant determination, may be usefully explored in the physics and
chemistry classrooms. To aid in this endeavor we have created a supporting, free, web page and
mobile web page.
Microwave spectroscopy is capable of providing unique insights into the electronic struc-
ture and potential energy surfaces of molecules. It has found considerable use in the field of
physics and astronomy, providing an invaluable method to identify chemical species present
in the interstellar medium. Microwave spectroscopy is a mature discipline and several re-
cent review articles are available on the subject1–3 . Yet recent technological advances4 ,
together with lower instrument costs mean that microwave spectroscopy is more accesible
to undergraduate and graduate students than it has ever been before5–10 . Furthermore, the
technology developments now allow broadband rotational spectra to be collected in a few
hours, or less, meaning that students can perform experiments in a timely fashion, i.e. an
undergraduate physical chemistry lab. This being so, the broadband nature of the data
collected means that students are still faced with a complex spectrum that may not be as
easily interpreted as many classroom NMR spectra or low resolution IR spectra.
The rigid rotor, as a model for a rotating linear molecule, is a subject covered in elemen-
tary quantum mechanics classes. It is unusual for classes to consider molecular asymmetry,
because this is often viewed as being too complex a problem. It is the goal of this work to
make this important task easier.
All types of spectroscopy require that the observed transitions, or peaks, be identified.
For many types of spectroscopy spectral peak identification is associative. For example asso-
ciating a specific bond stretch with a peak in an IR spectrum, or associating a methyl group
with a group of peaks in an NMR spectrum. However, in many high resolution spectra, the
task of transition assignment requires identifying the upper and lower quantum states in-
vovled. The spectra produced from microwave frequency studies are usually associated with
the quantized rotational motions of molecules, and the task of spectral peak identification
involves the latter, i.e. the assignment of quantum numbers for the upper and lower states.
A rotational spectrum, like most spectra, should be viewed as a puzzle. These puzzles
contain patterns, often complex in nature, that once unravelled lead to easily tractable
information regarding the geometry and conformation of the subject molecule. In order for
spectral patterns to be unravelled the spectroscopist needs to know the “rules” of the game,
i.e. the underlying theory governing the asymmetric quantum rotor. For any given molecule
these rules may be arrived at from an appropriately formed Hamiltonian operator, solving for
the eigenvalues, and then either deriving or simply applying the appropriate selection rules.
This could be called a bottom-up approach. But there is an alternative where, first, puzzle
solving skills are invoked and spectral patterns identified. After this point the appropriate
molecular properties may be introduced and discussed. This may be considered a top-down
To this end several, powerful, software visualization tools have been developed to help
with the quantum number assignment problem in pure rotational spectroscopy11–15 . In order
to compliment these tools the provision of some common spectral patterns would be useful
for the beginning student.
The aim of this paper is to present some common patterns that occur in rotational spectra,
together with their approximate dependence on the magnitudes of the rotational constants,
so that a top down approach is more available to interested parties. None of the theory
introduced here is new (its over 70 years old16–18 ), however, the method of presentation goes
beyond that found in other sources. Through this article it is hoped that students may be
more easily introduced to rotational spectra, and that rotational spectroscopy may be more
fully included in the chemistry curriculum.
In order for spectral patterns to be identified, and in order to produce a self contained
article, three concepts need to be introduced. These are (i) molecular rotational constants,
(ii) the appropriate quantum numbers to use in transition assignment, and (iii) an overview
of the selection rules with particular reference to how these selection rules relate to the
geometry of the molecule. These are introduced in only a very cursory manner as they are
treated thoroughly by several excellent monographs19–25 .
The geometry of any molecule may be reduced to three rotational constants, A, B, and
C, which are inversely proportional to the moments of inertia about the three principal
axes, a, b, and c. By convention, the abc axis system is orientated such that the A rotational
constant is largest in magnitude, and C is smallest. Accordingly, an important skill is to
be able to locate the a principal axis in such a way that it runs through, or close to, as
much atomic mass as possible, followed by the c principal axis such that it is perpendicular
to the a axis and runs through as little atomic mass as possible. For examples of this
axis system Figure 1 displays three different molecules in their principal axes. The three
molecules are thioxoacetaldehyde26 (top), hexafluoroisobutene27 (center), and 1,1,1,3,3,3-
hexafluoropropane28 (bottom).
The relationship between the magnitudes of the rotational constants, i.e. the shape of the
molecule, governs the gross appearance of a molecules rotational spectra. Ray’s asymmetry
parameter17 , κ = (2B-A-C)/(A-C), provides a quantitative measure of how far a molecule
is from any symmetry relations. In the symmetric prolate limit where A > B = C, then κ
= -1, whereas in the symmetric oblate limit where A = B > C, κ = +1. Figure 2 displays
the moment of inertia ellipsoids for the prolate, perfect asymmetric, and oblate tops. The
ellipsoids provide a visual cue of the relationships between the moments of inertia, and help
the student visualize molecular rotation for an asymmetric top by imagining the ellipsoids
spinning on a surface. Naturally, most molecules are asymmetric and, as may be observed
in Figure 2, possess moment of inertia relationships that lie somewhere between the oblate
and prolate limits. For many molecules κ is close to -1 and they are then described as near-
prolate asymmetric tops. This is a very common molecular shape and this paper focuses
mainly on this type of rotational spectrum.
The rotational quantum numbers for asymmetric tops are denoted as JK−1 K1 . The rota-
tional quantum number J is familiar from the linear rigid rotor, however the K−1 and K1
labels (not quantum numbers) require brief explanation. Consider a symmetric top, either
oblate or prolate. A second quantum number, K, is required in the energy expressions
for these molecules. This quantum number pertains to the quantized rotation about the
molecules symmetry axis. The quantum number K can take values of J through to -J in
integer steps. However, only a K 2 term appears in the energy expression and so, excepting
the K = 0 levels, all K levels are doubly degenerate. Now, for a prolate top, the energy
levels for a specific quantum state, JK , increase in energy from J0 up to JJ . In stark contrast
to this the oblate top energy levels, JK , increase in energy from JJ up to J0 .
FIG. 1. An example of three molecules in the abc principal axes system. Notice how, in each case,
the a-axis is located such that it is as close to as much atomic mass as possible. As evidenced
by the inset κ values and rotational constants, all three molecules may be considered near-prolate
asymmetric rotors. The direction of the dipole components for each molecule are shown. The lines
between atoms indicate connectivity and not bond order. The three molecules are thioxoacetalde-
hyde (top), hexafluoroisobutene (center), and 1,1,1,3,3,3-hexafluoropropane (bottom).
FIG. 2. The moment of inertia ellipsoids for symmetric prolate (left), asymmetric (center), and
symmetric oblate (right) molecular rotors.
For the asymmetric top there is no symmetry axis. This means K is not a good quantum
number for an asymmetric molecule. However, each energy level for the asymmetric top
may be linked to (i) a K value in the prolate limit, this becomes the K−1 label, and also
(ii) a K value in the oblate limit, which becomes the K1 label. Essentially, we may imagine
that if an asymmetric top in a JK−1 K1 state were to “morph” into a prolate top, then the
quantum state would be JK−1 . If, on the other hand, the asymmetric JK−1 K1 state were to
“morph” into an oblate top the quantum state would be JK1 .
C. Selection Rules
The gross selection rule for rotational spectroscopy is that the molecule must have a
dipole moment. In the case of an asymmetric molecule one must consider the components
of the dipole along either the a and/or b and/or c principal axes. A key skill requires that
electronegative/electropositive elements, or groups, be identified for the subject molecule
within the abc axis system. In this way one can tell a priori along which axis or axes a
dipole component will be non-zero. Figure 1 shows three examples of molecules with either
a−, b−, or c−dipole components.
A molecular rotation about the a principal axis places different symmetry requirements
on the relation between upper and lower wavefunctions in a rotational transition compared
to a rotation about either the b or c axes. These requirements are manifest in the relation
between the upper and lower quantum states K−1 K1 labels. It is the parity of the labels, i.e.
even (e) or odd (o), that we concern ourselves with. In short, for a molecular rotation about
the a-axis, along which there is a dipole component, a change in parity is only allowed for
the K1 label. This is referred to as an a-type transition. For a c-type transition, a change
in parity is only allowed in the K−1 label. For a b-type transition, a change in parity must
occur in the K−1 and K1 labels simultaneously.
In this work we have assumed the rotating molecule to be rigid. Real molecules do,
however, undergo distortions in their average nuclear positions as rotation occurs. This is
referred to as centrifugal distortion and is accounted for in a descriptive set of molecular
parameters by several centrifugal distortion constants29 . The magnitudes of these constants
are, crudely, inversely proportional to the square of the molecular mass. The centrifugal
distortion constants are many orders of magnitude smaller than the rotational constants.
The effect of centrifugal distortion on the observed spectra is to change the frequency of
a given rigid rotational transition. The effects are generally minimal, i.e. a few kHz or so
for low J transitions, but can become significant, i.e. many MHz, for high J transitions.
They have been ignored in this work because at low J, i.e. J less than, say 10, centrifugal
distortion does not effect the patterns of rotational transitions observed. However, with
modern microwave spectrometers, the precision of measurement of rotational transitions is
such that the effects of centrifugal distortion are routinely observed and must be accounted
for in the Hamiltonian operator.
In the following we have selected some common transition series observed in rotational
spectra for asymmetric molecules. The transitions are discussed using the notation JK
−1 K1
−1 K1
, where the double prime indicates the lower state.
We describe them pictorially and by the provision of simple formula. It should once again
be noted that effects of centrifugal distortion have been neglected. The spectra displayed
in Figures 3 through 8 were calculated exactly using the rotational constants provided in
each figure using a complete Hamiltonian matrix diagnolization routine30,31 . The calculated
spectra relate to molecules at rotational temperatures of 3 K which is a common temperature
for operating a modern microwave spectrometer. The simple formulae provided have been
determined through consideration of both the closed algebraic expressions for the lowest
J energy levels20 and also through a posteriori examination of exact spectra. A useful
compilation of empirical relations for the frequencies of rotational spectral transitions is
provided by Gordy and Cook25 . However, to the best of our knowledge, many of the formula
provided here appear in print for the first time.
In regards to strategy, assignment should begin by examining the entire rotational spec-
trum and looking for repeating patterns. If patterns can be located they may be compared to
the portions of spectra displayed in Figures 3 through 8. Once patterns have been identified
the empirical relations provided below, and summarized in Table 1, allow initial approxi-
mations of the rotational constants A, B, and C. With initial estimates of the rotational
constants further patterns may be searched for and the process repeated in a bootstrap
TABLE I. Summary of Transition Patterns and Features
R-branch, J ′ = J ′′ + 1
Transition type Frequency Notes
(B + C)(J ′′ + 1) For each J ′ ← J ′′ , with
J ′′ > 0, transitions are
spread over (B − C)(J ′′ + 1)
′ ← J0,J ′′
A + C + 2CJ ′′
′ ← J1,J ′′
(3B + 2C − A) + 2B(J ′′ − 1)
′ −1 ← J1,J ′′ −1
(B−C) (B−C) ′ ′′
(3A + C + 2
)+(B + C)(J ′′ − 1) Doublet split by 2
′ −2 ← J1,J ′′
′ −2 ← J2,J ′′ −2
(5A + C + 2
)+(B + C)(J ′′ − 2) Very closely spaced doublets
′ −3 ← J2,J ′′ −1
′ −1 ← J0,J ′′
A + B + 2BJ ′′
Q-branch, J ′ = J ′′
Transition type Frequency Notes
A. R-branch transitions
1. a-types
These transitions are perhaps the easiest to locate in a broadband spectrum. The ease
with which they may be located is based on their regular harmonic pattern. They occur in
groups centered at approximately (B + C)(J ′′ +1), i.e. every B + C MHz a similar looking
group is observable. Each group spans (B − C)(J ′′ +1). A sample of one of these groups is
shown in Figure 3 for three different asymmetries. It is observed that the strongest transition
in this group, the J0,J
′ ← J0,J ′′ transition, moves to lower frequency, away from the center
606 - 505
616 - 515 615 - 514
120 MHz
A=10000 MHz
B= 910 MHz
C= 890 MHz
k= -0.996
10740 10800 10860
600 MHz
A=10000 MHz
B= 950 MHz
C= 850 MHz
k= -0.978
1200 MHz
A=10000 MHz
B= 1000 MHz
C= 800 MHz
k= -0.957
FIG. 3. An example of a common pattern for a-type R-branch transitions. The three patterns
show the effects of increasing asymmetry as the figure is viewed from top to bottom. The center
of the group is located at (B + C)(J ′′ + 1), the spread of each group is equal to (B − C)(J ′′ + 1).
The values of rotational constants used to generate the spectrum are shown.
Within each group of transitions, and when the A rotational constant is of modest magni-
tude compared to B and C, transitions involving high values of the K−1 label are observable
FIG. 4. A second example of a common pattern for a-type R-branch transitions in which the K−1
label takes values larger than 2. The transitions appear as doublets starting with the highest K−1
doublet located at approximately (B + C)(J ′′ + 1) with the successive lower K−1 doublets occuring
at higher frequency and increased splitting.
2. b-types
1. J1,J
′ ← J0,J ′′ : The lowest frequency member of this group of transitions, i.e. the 111 ← 000
transition, occurs at A+C. Transitions in this family then progress to higher frequencies
spaced by 2C, giving a general formula of A+C+2CJ ′′ . An example of the progression is
shown in Figure 5.
2. J0,J
′ ← J1,J ′′ : The lowest frequency member of this group of transitions, i.e. the 202 ← 111
3. J2,J
′ −1 ← J1,J ′′ −1 and J2,J ′ −2 ← J1,J ′′ : For a given J
′′ ′ ′′ ′′
these two transition types appear
FIG. 5. Common b-type R-branch transition patterns. Two sequences are shown, firstly the
′ ′′ ′′
J1,J ′ ← J0,J ′′ transitions with approximate general formula A + C + 2CJ , and secondly the
′ ′′ ′′
J0,J ′ ← J1,J ′′ transitions with approximate general formula 3B + 2C − A + 2B(J − 1).
as characteristic doublets within the rotational spectrum. The lowest pair of transitions
allowed are the 221 ← 110 and the 220 ← 111 transitions. The center frequency of the
doublets in this family of transitions is given by (3A + C + 2
) + (B + C)(J ′′ − 1). The
(B−C) ′ ′′
splitting between the doublets is given by approximately 2
J J , i.e. half of B − C,
multiplied by the product of the upper and lower J values. Given the dependence of the
frequency on 3A, these transitions often fall at higher frequencies than the previously listed
transitions. For example, for the CH3 CHO the 221 ← 110 transition falls at approximately
179 GHz. An example of the progression is shown in Figure 6.
4. J3,J
′ −2 ← J2,J ′′ −2 and J3,J ′ −3 ← J2,J ′′ −1 : For a given J
′′ ′ ′′ ′′
these two transitions appear
as very closely spaced doublets. For values of κ approaching -1, where B − C is small, the
doublets are often not resolvable. The center frequency for the doublets appearing in this
family is given by (5A + C + 2
) + (B + C)(J ′′ − 1). As was the case for the previous
set of transitions, these doublets often fall at high frequencies, owing to their dependence
on 5A. An example of the progression is shown in Figure 6.
3. c-types
1. J1,J
′ −1 ← J0,J ′′ : The lowest frequency member of this group of transitions, i.e.
110 ← 000 transition, occurs at A+B. Transitions in this family then progress to higher
FIG. 6. Higher K−1 b-type R-branch transition patterns. Two sequences are shown, the text
should be consulted for further description. These doublets are often useful in making quantum
number assignments.
B. Q-branch transitions
1. a-types
1. J1,J−1 ← J1,J : The lowest frequency of these transitions, with J=2, occurs at 3(B − C).
For J > 2 the transition frequencies increase according to the recursion formula ν(J) =
ν(J − 1) + (B − C)J. For near prolate cases B − C is a small number and accordingly
only very high J transitions would fall in observable regions where they will likely be low in
2. JJ,1 ← JJ−2,2 : These transitions are found at 2(A − 2(B + C))(J − 1). The transitions
FIG. 7. A common c-type R-branch transition pattern. The J1,J ′′
′ −1 ← J0,J ′′ transitions have an
approximate general formula of A + B + 2BJ .
are found as closely spaced groups where the J level changes, the K−1 does not, and the K1
levels increases by 1. That is, the 331 ← 312 transition will be found close by (a few tens of
MHz) to the 432 ← 413 transition and so on.
2. b-types
FIG. 8. An example of a b-type Q-branch progression of transitions.
K−1 = 3, occur at approximately A − 2
higher in frequency.
For the higher K−1 members of these types of transitions, the pattern observed is such
that increasingly higher J transitions appear at increasingly lower frequencies as doublets,
whereby the two transition types mentioned immediately above, begin to overlap one an-
The patterns, described by the formulae above, are summarized in Table 1 and shown
in Figures 3 to 8. To test the performance of these relations the following procedure was
performed. A simple FORTRAN 77 program was written (an Excel spreadsheet, or MathCad
program, would achieve the same purpose) to use the relationships in Table 1 to generate
the transition frequencies for a total of 75 transitions of J up to 10, at different values of
Ray’s asymmetry parameter, κ from -1 to -0.8. The frequencies generated were compared
to the exact frequencies for the transitions generated by a complete Hamiltonian matrix
diagnolization routine using Herb Pickett’s SPCAT program30,31 . For each κ value, and for
the three cases J ′ < 10 (75 transitions), J ′ < 6 (43 transitions), and J ′ < 4 (23 transitions),
a standard deviation was calculated according to:
[ (ν(act) − ν(est))2 ]
SD = (1)
where N is the number of transitions. The results are shown in Figure 9. It is not at all
surprising that the simple formulae provided work poorly at high J and high asymmetries.
If one sets a quantitative limit of desiring the predicted transitions to fall, on average, within
50 MHz of their actual location, then it is found that it is only possible to work with high
J transitions, i.e. J ′ up to 9, when κ is between -0.975 and ≈ -1. If, on the other hand, it is
necessary to work with an asymmetric species where κ is -0.8, or even lower in magnitude,
then it is found that the formula presented produce transition frequencies within 50 MHz of
the actual frequencies only for transitions involving J ′ less than or equal to 3.
FIG. 9. A plot of the standard deviation in MHz pertaining to the comparision of actual rigid
rotor frequencies compared to those generated using the simple formulae given in Table 1 for several
different molecular asymmetries.
This may appear very unsatisfactory. However, the situation is better than it seems when
one recalls, the very thesis of this paper, that it is the pattern of transitions that is more
informative in regards to quantum number assignments than the absolute frequencies. Figure
10 shows this comparison. The upper portion of Figure 10 shows a rotational spectrum
calculated exactly using SPCAT. The lower portion shows a stick spectrum produced from
the relationships given in Table 1 and the same rotational constants. The match is sufficient
that a quantum number assignment could likely be made for over 50 % of the transitions
FIG. 10. The actual rigid rotor spectrum arising from the rotational constants given (top), com-
pared to the rigid rotor spectrum generated using the same rotational constants and the simple
formulae given in Table 1 (bottom).
In order to visualize the patterns of transitions formed by the relationships given in Table
1 both a web-based visualization tool32 and matching smartphone mobile web page33 have
been created. Using either medium, users can enter a set of rotational constants, press “Plot
Spectrum”, and then see the patterns that result from the relationships given in Table 1.
The transitions displayed are colorcoded so that the a-type transitions are shown in red, the
b-type transitions are in green, and the c-type transitions are in yellow. A screenshot of the
smartphone application is provided in Figure 11. The display format follows closely that of
the excellent AABS software package for the assignment of broadband microwave spectra
developed by Prof. Z. Kisiel11,12 .
FIG. 11. Screenshot of the smartphone mobile website supporting this work. Users may enter
values for the three rotational constants in MHz and then plot the patterns of transitions that
result from the formulae of Table 1.
The information provided allows for students to adopt an alternative approach to consid-
ering the quantum mechanical, asymmetric rigid rotor. In this method students are actively
involved early, that is in the task of spectral assignment. Web and smartphone resources
have been created to assist in this endeavor. The tools provided facilitate, and prompt, in
depth discussion about the under lying theory and application of microwave spectroscopy.
We are grateful to Mr. Frank DeChirico, Mr. Bryan Harrison, and Prof. S. E. Novick
for proof-reading this manuscript and their improving comments.
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