Lexicon Mi'qmak
Lexicon Mi'qmak
Lexicon Mi'qmak
, pawn
aklasie’w n., English, Briton
a adv., okay; yes; affirmative; alright aklasie’wi’simk n., to speak the English
a’ okay; yes; alright; affirmative language
a’a n., yes, affirmative aklasie’wi’skw n., Englishwoman
aja’sik v., it moves aknimatl v., s/he tells of him/her
aja’taqn accession aknutasit famed; talked about
aja’tu v., move (it) aknutk v., s/he is telling a story; tells
ajela’lik I am not able to help him/her about it; talks
ajela’toq s/he cannot help it aknutmaqn n., news, report, narrative,
a’jela’toqsip s/he had arranged; s/he had story, tidings
prepared a’kwesn n., hat
aji preverb, going to; went to (ie, visit); al prefix, in the process of doing
preference over; moving forward something
ajiaq it is becoming more ala over there; that
ajiej it moves to the next hour ala’ there, that
ajiet it is the next hour ala’lukwet v., s/he is dancing around or
aji-espeimikewey n., superior towards
ajiet s/he/it moves linearly alamatl v., s/he is searching for
a’jijkopilaqn n., bandage someone
aji-klu’suti n., superiority in alame’sik v., mass is going on
attractiveness alame’suo’qwan n., surplice
aji-ksalsuti n., preference, predilection alamk I’m looking about for him/her
aji-ksatk s/he prefers it alanj n., herring
ajine’it v., s/he is coming after me alapaqtekl v., they are scattered all over
aji-npan v., are you going to sleep, are the place
you going to sleep? alapit s/he is looking about
aji-ntawa’qa’tuatl surpass alaplkikwa’si I move my eyes about
ajioqjimanaqsi n., bramble; black berry ala’q s/he swims about, hither and
bush thither
ajioqjimin n., black berry alaqtekewinu n., tar (sailor)
aji-pikwelk there is more alasenk s/he shines a
ajipjulnek v., we wish for you flashlight/torchlight about
ajipjusuti n., hope ala’sit v., s/he travels/walks around
ajipjutaqn n., hope alasui’k v., s/he wades through the snow
ajite’limk v., I think more of him/her ala’suinu n., traveler
ajite’tk v., s/he cares more of; alasukwet v., s/he wades about in the
expression of preference for water
ajite’tm v., I prefer alasumk I beseech, adore, invoke,
ajkneiwa’taqney n., that which inflicts implore him/her
harm alasutmaqney n., of religion, prayer
ajkneiwaqn n., injury; disaster; harm, alasutmaqneyimk n., to be sacred
harmfulness alasutmat v., s/he is praying
ajkne’k s/he/it is injured alasutmewinu n., a Christian
ajkno’taqn n., injury alasutmo’kuom n., church, sanctuary
ajoqlue’j perch ala’tumk to carry
alawey n., pea altuitaiek we’re diminishing in number
alayja’sit v., something is flying around altu’peka’lik I diminish it of its liquid
(animate) content
ali preverb, in the process of doing aluamk I lack confidence in him/her; I
something am dissatisfied with him/her
Aliet Harriet aluam’kiaq it is becoming gloomy
alikasit s/he hides about aluam’kwiaq it is growing dark
aliki’pukwet s/he is staggering aluamsimk to lack confidence
aliktesk it moves in a jerky fashion aluamu’k it appears less than
alio’qsamk v., to go sledding satisfactory
alipe’kwa’sit s/he roves aluamukwiaq twilight
alipqomink v., to skate aluaptasik it is not seen as being
ali’puluey v., I ride (animal) satisfactory
alisawet s/he is yelling about aluaptmikewey rejection, disregard
alisukwit s/he is boating about alu’ey I am unsuccessful (foraging, etc.)
alita’mk n., to walk or move about aluk n., cloud
alja’t v., s/he is staggering alukman n., grape
alje’mamkewey n., baseball bat alu’naqiet v., s/he is jumping around
al’ko’qwek it drifts about (in the water) alu’sa’lik I put him/her on a diet
allikai v., I am walking alu’sa’lukuti n., maceration
almi’jkaqn n., toy alu’sat s/he is lean, lank
almiketoq s/he curses, execrates alu’stik s/he is dissatisfied with what is
almilita’snik v., they (2) were playing being said
almimatl s/he verbally attacks him/her alusul n., measles
almutik s/he curses it al-wije’tioq v., you are going around
al-qapitk v., it is hanging (ie. flag) with (person); (+ wen?) who are you
alqupaljik n., silk going around with?
alsink s/he flies alwite’lmatl s/he has second thoughts
al-smwetoq v., s/he is passing out about him/her
something to eat (ie. meat) alwite’taqn n., the state of being
alsuikn n., sternum doubtful
alsumk I own/direct/control him/her a’ma v., swing hand over dice in a
alsumsimk n., to be free Waltes game
alsumsimkewey n., freedom, liberty, amalamek, amalimaq, amalmaq,
independence amlamekw mackerel
alsusit n., boss, director, commander, amalapaqsmit s/he is spotted,
conductor variegated
alsusuti n., authority, domination, rule amalapita’teket s/he is adorning,
alsutk s/he owns, dominates or directs it decorating; she is diversifying
al’taqiaq n., it spirals amalapita’toq s/he adorns, decorates it
altaqita’jik v., they are slithering amalapskite’ket s/he is engraving
around (ie. eels) amaleka’taqn n., flower garden
al-tawaqtmay I go about asking for amalekn n., printed cloth; material;
things calico; v., throwing or playing for fun
altipeka’lisit lower amali preverb., for fun; for enjoyment
altuamka’toq s/he diminishes it amalima’q v., it is sweet; n., sweets
amaliteket v., making crafts for fun or amiputumk to rub on
very fancy ami-tluemkewey n., allusion
amali’sik v., I embroider, adorn it amiw nearly, middling, scarcely, partly;
amaljikwej n., raccoon sort of, similar
amalkal’timk n., dance; the act of ami-wliaq it’s going reasonably well;
dancing it’s sort of nice to use
amalkamk n., to dance ami-wli-kqamutk s/he stands it
amalkna’taqatimkewe’l n., decorations tolerably well
(ie. Christmas) ami-wsku’tmimk to allude to
amal-lukwet s/he is adorning, amintesink landed improperly; twisted
embellishing or decorating amjaqa’taqn n., the object used for
amalo’pekien v., the party smudging, smearing
amalpaqamej n., chipmunk amjaqnik s/he spreads it
amalsasik pretty flickering or light rays amjaqtesteket s/he spatters
(ie. diamond) amjlakwe’j minnow
amalsiktmat sees, hears something amjoqtelikn n., pear
portentious Amlamkuk n., Memramcook
amalsittal heard or words will not be amnaqo’mkik a river runs meandering
taken seriously amnika’toq s/he curves it
amaltelmat s/he purchases toys, fancy amniw roundabout
things, etc. amno’mkitk it meanders
amaltoqta’tijik v., they are baking amnteskaq to go around him/her
everything; making a variety of sweets amoqsik I char it
and breads amsamatal I have over-eaten
amal-tu’wajik v., they are playing ball amselapukua’tijik they speak
for fun disparagingly, complain
a’maqnawey I’m applying, anointing amselewistoq s/he speaks disparagingly
(salve, oil, etc.) amselutk s/he grumbles about it, speaks
a’maqnsuti n., salve, ointment, balsam disparagingly
amasek adv., it is far, long distance, amskwes adj., position word, first; in the
remote beginning, a long time ago
amasikeimk to be parsimonious, amskwesewe’l adj., his/her first born
miserly amskwesewey n., the first time,
amasikeiwaqn n., meanness, parsimony Monday; first, initial, the first one
amasikiskik adj., the days are long; it is amsute’kan n., doll; Barbie
a long day amu n., bee
amasipuk it is a long winter amuaw n., hornet
amaskwiplneuitaq v., mistreated amues n., wasp
amasqalk I am far from him/her amuj adv., yes; to the contrary; n.,
amasqatk I am far from it affirmative reply
a’mat v., s/he waves his/her hand over amujpa it has to be
(ie. waltes bowl) A’n Ann
ama’toq s/he applies it (make-up, salve, anakwe’j n., flounder
perfume, etc.) anamaske’j n., mole (animal)
ami- sort of, middling, partly, scarcely anapapita’q v., diamond open weave of
amipisit s/he is lukewarm basket; woven to one side
aniapsuinu n., penitent (male) Antle n., Andrew
aniapsuinu’skw n., penitent (female) ap anew, again
aniapsuti n., remorse, penance apaja’si come back
anka’law n., calf of the leg apaja’sit v., s/he comes back; she
ankam look at him/her returns; s/he is coming back
ankaptekemk to observe apaji prev., returning
ankita’simk to think apajikiaq rebound, elastic, reverberate
ankita’suti n., thought, condsideration apaji-klusimkewey n., answer
ankmayiw adv., immediately; as soon as apankitatimkewey n., pay, payment,
ankmteskut v., s/he is approached recompense
immediately a’papi n., rope
anko’tasik it is being kept a’papi’j n., thread
anko’tasit s/he tends or cares for apaqt n., middle of the lake; way out in
anko’te’n v., look out for, beware; take the lake; sea
care of it apaqtu’jke’l seaward (nearby)
ankua’likik I augment them; I augment apaqtuk n., in the middle of the lake; far
or append them out to sea
ankua’taqn n., addition, appendage apat- to return
ankuiejik they increase in number; new apatkwepukua’toq s/he leans it
generation apatnik s/he hands it back; refund
anku’-ika’taqney n., supplementary apatnmatimkewey n., the act of
ankui’sasik seam returning by hand; reimbursement; an
ankui’toq s/he makes more of it object used as such
ankuowa’t s/he is furry apattelatimkeweyey n., ransom
ankuowey n., hair (of animals), fur apatui v., save it for me
anku’palikatkl packing more away; api n., bow (arrow); have done
packing extra (something)
anku’pikalatl splice (a rope) a’pi n., net
anku’tawaqtimay v., I am going to ask apia’ji’jk n., violin
for more for myself apia’ji’jkapi n., chord; fiddle string
ankweiwatl s/he guards, cares for, apiapo’ke’n v., stir it
maintains him/her a’pi’j n., scarf; little bow
ankweyasimkewey n., caution; the act apija’sitisk v., you will/will you come
of caring for oneself back
ankweyul v., I am watching out for you a’pi’ji’j n., filament
ankwiskaql n., jointed apijqa’tmk to rummage throught it
ankwiska’toq s/he joints it apijqo’likik to frisk them
anquna’lik I cover him/her apijqo’tasik it ransacks, it is ransacked
anquna’sun n., coverlet api’k v., I have made it
anqunepisun n., moccasin string apike adv., anyway
anquni’kn n., cover, veil apikjilu n., skunk
anquno’sun n., blanket apiknapi snow blindness; sun and snow
ansale’wit n., angel blinds you
ansma adv., just then; just exactly apiksiktatik v., forgive each other
an’taliej n., perch (fish) apiksiktatimkewey n., forgiveness,
an’tawe’s n., wood pecker absolution, reconcilement
apiksiktuaqn n., forgiveness apoqnmatm I encourage or assist it
apintukulit s/he returns from making a apoqnmuajik v., s/he is helping them
living apoqnmuey I help
api’sk adv., especially apoqnmui v., you help me
apistane’wj n., marten; sable apoqnmuksuti n., assistance
apita’taqn n., yeast, leaven apostale’uti n., apostleship
apita’teket s/he is rising bread apostale’wit n., apostle
apiknajit February ( the snow blinder) app again; had done (something)
apitamkiejit juniper appisqa’tew s/he will lock it up
apitapekiejit n., turkey apsatpat s/he has a small head
apitqisia’toq s/he turns it wrong side apsawlet carry a small load
out apse’k s/he is slender
apitqisiekik s/he wears it inside out apseka’toq s/he folds it small
apj again, anew apsi’kan n., lodge, hut, small house
apje’ji’jit adj., it is small; s/he is little, apsi’kuom n., small house
very small, petty apsipnaq n., small loaf
apje’jite’tekemkewey n., to think very Apsipukwejk n., Port LeBear (N.S.)
little of, meanness apsitek adj., it is small
apje’jk n., it is small, little apskalpa’timk to turn to look back;
apji always retrospect
apji-jikla’lik I banish him/her, I rid of apskwapikitk n., a whirlpool
him/her forever apskwapukuet reiterate
apji-jikla’ltimkewey n., banishment apskwa’sit s/he comes back, turns to
apji’jkmuj n., wild duck; black duck; return
blue heron apskwa’toq s/he changes it, shifts it,
apjisink s/he is bedridden turns it around
apjoqji’jit s/he is skinny; thin apsoqsit it is small round, slender
apju normally; usually aptapuet nearly perishes with rain
apjun n., handle aptaqnet s/he is famished, starving
apkoqmaqa’toq s/he unrolls or unwraps apteteskuatl v., immobilizes someone
(by untying) a book, paper, or roll with the foot
apknualk I amuse him/her aptipilk v., I tie, him/her or it in a
apkwa’laq untie him/her permanent fashion
apkwapaqk s/he unscrews it aptiqatk s/he resides permanently,
apkwaqa’toq s/he unbuttons, unclasps it resident
apkwa’sit s/he is untying, unfastening aptisqeikn n., key; lock
apkwilja’toq I take it from his/her hand aptitek it is permanent
apkwiljeket s/he snatches, grabs from aptlama’latl v., s/he smothers,
aplekemu, aplikmu n., bullfrog suffocates him/her
apliet blunder aptlamit s/he is not breathing
apli’kmuj n., rabbit, hare aptoqisuti n., an upright rail
apli’kmujewipskaq v., big snowflakes aptoqnusit v., s/he leans on something
falling while walking
apo’qejit, apo’qijej n., woodpecker aptuklit v., came back with food, goods,
apoqnmaq v., I am helping etc
apoqnmasuti n., assistance, patronage
aptukulit s/he returns successful from a’qiti-klamsitk demur; somewhat
hunting disobedient; believes half of it
aptukuluatmik caught (seized) a’qiti-npat doze
aptu’n n., staff, cane, crutch aqneyaq v., I take care of him/her
apua’teket s/he/it warms, the warmer aqq conj., copy; and; also
apu’atl v., s/he sends it to him/her aqtamkiet half full
apuipkek it rebounds, be elastic aqua’toq s/he places it out of sight
apuipke’kn n., spring, parts of a aqupaqji’k n., silk
wooden trap a’se’k n., next room; across; the other
apuipke’kney n., spring pole room
apuipketesk it bounces a’sikaq v., I do and meet him/her
apukji’j n., mouse asimatl incites, urges, tempts someone
Apuknajit n., February; the snow- asimk I prompt or encourage him/her
blinder a’sisaptik v., overlooks something
apuksikn n., link a’sisu’naqiala’titl v., they jump over
apuktaqtek n., lace collar (folded) him/her
apukwe whoever asita’latl v., confronts, avenges
apusiaqtek n., lace someone
apu’sit v., warms one self asitapukuet v., replies
apuskapukuet v., s/he curses asite-iknmuatl v., returns something,
apuskapukuo’qn n., obscenity someone
apuskilua’t s/he feels nauseous astie-klulatl v., replies to someone
aputamkiejit n., juniper asite’lmatl v., allows someone
aputa’nskekemk v., to flip it over asite’lmultes v., I will let you; I will
aputa’nskiet v., s/he falls over, turns a allow
somersault asite’tasit v., be allowed
aputa’skik s/he wears it inside out asito’taqn n., avengement
aputeka’teket v., s/he turns things asito’teket retaliate
inside out askaiwatl v., wounds, troubles someone
aq and aska’sit v., limps
a’qai woe! alas! askayakwi’tis bothered by (something)
a’qajeyaq v., I appease him/her asoqma’sit v., crosses over water
aqam, aqm n., snowshoe asoqma’timkw v., to go across
aqamoqey, aqmoq white ash asoqmi- prefix for across
a’qataiwkwn half asoqmkaqn, asukomkaqn n., bridge
a’qatapniaq n., twilight asoqmasukwet v., fords a river by
a’qatikiskik n., noon wading
aqa’y oh! a’ssisu’naqiatmi’titkl v., they jumped
aqayemtik v., s/he whimpers over things
aq elp moreover assite’lmuksin v., you are allowed
a’qitaik half astua’sij v., where paths meet
a’qitayu adj., half astua’toq v., attaches, joins it
a’qitat simple, dull, silly, half wit, astu’kopijik v., they sit facing one
imbecile another
a’qitateskik arrive half way astu’tesk v., vibrates
astu’testoq v., vibrate
asua’latl v., carries it to and fro atuomkmin n., strawberry
asuapekiaq it swings back and forth aunase’k phrenetic
asui’pit v., goes back and forth awana’qa’teket v., does things
asuita’sit v., doubtful; of two minds awkwardly
asukom n., six awase’maqn n., brush for brushing
a’su’n n., sweater; cover away flies
asu’testoq v., causes something to awelikj n., hornbead
wobble awelikjilmusi n., witch hazel
a’t adj., -that one; adv., -over there; awiapo’qmi’tij v., they are stirring it
(suffix) for walking awia’lusk n., halo around the sun or
atakali n., toad moon
atankuamk v., selling crafts, fish, etc. awia’sit v., travels in a circle
atankue’kitip v., we went to buy it for awiawo’qpisn n., incense
him/her awije’jk adj., scarce; rare
atawi s/he knows how to do (something) awiopo’qasik v., stir
atel adv., just now; about awioqika’toq v., bends something
atiewiktuatl v., bids someone farwell awisiw seldom, rarely
atiu farewell (adieu) awiskuk spy
atki’k larger awisukwit v., circumnavigates
atki’ksipn v., if it was bigger awnaqa adv., instead
atkik v., causes it to move by awnas v., to hurry
bodyweight awnase’k v., hyperactive (eg. as a child
atkitemimk v., to cry may be)
atkisa’teket v., kindles, ignites awnasi adv., quickly; denotes a
atknawet v., deals “confused, hyperactive manner”
atknuet v., distribute, divide, dispense, awnaskaqnik adj., it is chaotic
allot, dole awniskweka’tasik adj., it is covered
a’tlai n., shirt awniskweka’taqn n., blanket-like cover
a’tla’kwekn n., cloth awo’kejit, awo’kwejit n., spider
atlasmit v., he rests awsam adv., too much
atlasmuti n., rest, repose, relaxation awsama’sit v., over does it
atlasmutikiskik n., Sabbath awasma’taqn n., excess
atlika’sit v., strides, steps awsami adv., too much; very
atnaqn n., checker awsamiw excessively
atniaq v., wind shifts awsampa’q water level (tide) is too high
atoqwa’su n., trout awsma adv., just then, just now
attikna’sit v., works hard, struggles awti n., road, way, path, street, highway,
atua’skwesink v., lays flat on back, route
supine awtikewey the (thing) that costs
atua’skwetesink v., falls backward something
a’tukwaqn n., tale; story; legend awtukwet v., charges, fixes the price
a’tukwet v., s/he narrates old stories or
legends E, e’
atu’tukuej, atu’tuej n., squirrel
atuomk n., sand, gravel e’e yes
atuomkimin n., berry eimu’tisni’k v., they were there
ejaqjeta’tl v., knocks someone down ekwija’latl v., places someone in the
ejela’toq v., cannot help it water
ejikla’latl v., ejects, discards, moves ekwija’sit v., enters the water
someone out of the way ekwija’toq v., immerses it
ejikla’timk v., to go away ekwitamet v., s/he is fishing; fishes with
ejiklekemk v., to throw away rod and line
ejiklsik v., it is blowing away ekwitk v., it is in there (the water)
ejiklteskaq v., I chase it away ekwitnk v., holds in the water
ejinkwa’sit v., bows low ekwjipukua’sit v., steps on it
ejinpit v., sits low ekwjisink v., lies on it
ejintek it is low ekwsi-ktaqma’sit v., eats lightly,
ejkwet v., hiccough lunches
ejkwit v., sneezes ekwtipit v., sits on it
ekel adv., once in a while elaijiteket v., pulls
ekiljet v., counts, reads elaijitoq v., pulls it
ekina’muete’w n., teacher; one who ela’kitteket v., cutting with a saw
teaches ela’kittoq v., cuts it with a saw
ekinua’tatipn v., s/he was informed by ela’lut v., s/he is taken over there
him/her elamkiaq n., sandy point
ekinuwa’lsultijik v., they introduce elamklek flame or fire running thither
themselves; make themselves known elamko’toq v., array, spreads
ekitasik v., it is counted ela’muet n., waiter; v., serves
ekiteket v., counts, reads food/drink
ekitk v., reads, counts it elanik v., you have family resemblance
ekitmuaji v., s/he counts (it) for them elanqa’teket v., folds it together
Ekkian n., Stephen elanqi’sawet v., pleating
ekna’sij v., when s/he dresses up elanqipit n., plied, pleated
ekna’sit v., dresses oneself elapalaji v., s/he blesses them; v., s/he is
ekna’tu’n v., to decorate doing the dishes; s/he is washing the
Ekntie’wimk n., Sunday, Sabbath; dress dishes
up day elapaqtek n., marked, streaked
eksitpu’k n., morning elapa’sij v., when s/he looks over
eksitpu’kewey n., breakfast elapa’sit v., turns to look in that
eksitpukiet v., s/he wakes up early in direction
the morning elapa’si’tij v., when they look over
eksikpu’nuk n., tomorrow morning elapa’sualatl v., to reprimand
eksuet v., tells a lie elapatasik adj., it is blessed
eksuo’qn n., lie, untruth, fable elapa’timk v., looking towards a
eksuo’qni-lui’tmasit v., perjures one’s direction
self elapeka’latl v., suspends, swings
ekulamit v., dying, fetches the last gasp something/someone
ekwa’tesma’sit v., bolsters self up with elapeki’sik v., embroiders; adorns it
a pillow with ribbons
ekwa’tesmo’tlk v., bolster someone up elapekit v., s/he crawls over to (some
with a pillow place)
elapesasik n., slit
elapeksit descendant of elatqite’ket n., hedge; make a hedge of
elapesawet v., slits, slices up a hide or brushwood
wood into strings or strips ela’tutl v., s/he or is being taken to
elapesik v., slices or slits it him/her
elapilk v., carries a liquid elawika’toq v., adorn with porcupine
elapit v., s/he looks towards a direction quill work
elapoqtestoq v., mark elawti’katk makes a road
elapska’teket v., adorning with beads elawti’kmat passes
elapskite’ket v., engraves, carves elawtukwet v., sets a price
(stone) eleket v., cast, tosses, flings, throws
elapskituatl v., carves someone in stone something
elapultitki’k v., they were looking eleki’sawet v., be cutting out moccasins
towards one direction eleki’sik clip
ela’q v., swims thither (as a person) Elen n., Helen
ela’qatesk it snaps elepn n., elephant
ela’qatestoq v., snaps a gun eli prep., towards
elaqatimk v., election; race; betting eliaji v., s/he is making them (a)
elaqlatl v., tosses someone; throws eliankuita’jik (=) equals; when the
someone towards extension begins (ie. the poles on the
elaqpa’toql v., weaving basket bottom; sled or wikuom)
weaving or making knots elia’q v., passed in that direction
elaqpilmat has curtains elia’tiji v., they are making them
elaqpisasit aproned (inanimate)
elaqpit v., a mat or curtain laid over a eliatl v., makes it
window or floor eliemk v., to go
elaqpitek it is lined elikasit v., takes refuge, hides there
elaqteket v., voyages, sails, navigates elikasuti n., barricade, fortification,
elaqtekewinu n., mariner, navigator, defence
sailor, shipman elika’timk v., to walk
elaqtekewinuey n., nautical elikkamu’j n., nickname for a person
elaqtesk n., flap eli’pit v., moves smoothly in that
elaqtuaj v., tosses it to someone direction
elaqtuksiekik v., they throw them over elipketmin v., making splints using the
to us teeth
elasa’sit v., the sun shines towards Elisapet n., Elizabeth
(some place) eli’sasik stitched
elasukwa’t v., s/he wades in the water eli’sasilita v., it was sewn for him/her
elat bears family resemblance eli’sasit n., a stitched up ghost
elatejitoq v., hauls, pulls, drags or drives eli’sawet v., sews
something elisink v., s/he is lying there
ela’timk to go eli’sknawet plait
elatioq v., you resemble someone elisknuasik braided
e’latl v., says to someone elisknwasit n., it is knitted
elatniaq wind goes down; the fierce elisma’sit v., s/he lies down
wind abates elisqapeka’tu’nl v., weaving the sides
ela’toq v., takes it thither of the basket
elistik v., disobedient elmikjetek it is backwards
elistuatl v., disobeys someone elmikjipukuik it stands on the wrong
elisukwet v., wade thither end
elisukwit v., sails, paddles (a canoe, elmi’knik n., future, hereafter
rowboat) elmi’pit v., goes home, thither
elita’suwatmik v., you count on elmisma’sit v., turns the back while
something; you put all your faith in lying down
something; you depend on something elmisukwit v., paddles towards home,
elitk v., flows thither thither
eli-wsimukwat v., runs away, escapes in elmitk flows thither
that direction elmi-wela’kw following night; towards
elkesasik it is plowed evening
elkesawet v., ploughing elmo’tu v., I am taking (things) home
elkimit v., s/he is sending me with me
elkomikteket v., calls out elmoqtesink v., falls
elkusua’t v., climbs elmikitk v., sends something home
elkuta’toq v., s/he pours it elmiko’qwet v., drifts away
elkwesma’sit v., lays down the head elmipukua’sit v., turns back to
ellutasik fenced, enclosed elmitek extends, the road extends on
elmakitmi’tis they had sent (something) elmite’ket v., pounds, drives with force
home elmiteskuatl v., runs after someone,
elma’latl v., takes someone home chases someone home
elma’lik an., I am taking him/her home elmitqa’latl v., drags along a rope or
elamalqek n., pit, hole, cavity something rope-like
elmamklek v., fire is running away, on elmitqa’toq v., drags something
the ground attached to a rope, wire
elmaqteket v., goes thither sailing elmitukwi’k v., (s/he) runs home
elmasenmat v., lighting his way thither elmniket v., carries a load thither on his
elmatejmkwet v., rides thither shoulders
elma’timk v., to go home elnikatk v., carries it thither on the
elmatqek n., bushes extend away from shoulder
the speaker elniket v., carries on the shoulder
elmatqi’pit v., runs smoothly through elnma’toq v., pushes it in a smooth
the bushes fashion
elma’tumk v., to take it home elnmik it is stuck in
elmawlet v., carries a load thither, on the elnmtesk v., pierces it with a sudden
back thrust
elmeket v., tosses it forward elnmul v., I am giving it to you; I am
elmi prefix; homeward handing it to you
elmiaq in the event that….; it is going elnmta’titl passing it back and forth to
thither each other; passing it to just one person
elmiet v., to go home; goes home, elokwisteket v., installs hoops
proceeds thither elokwistoq v., puts on a rim, to rim
elmietaq v., s/he went home elo’latl v., transports things there
elmiey v., I am going home eloqisk n., fallen wood (trees)
elmi’kasik n., a closet or nook eloqmaqa’toq v., bundles it up, wraps it
eloqsawet v., carves (wood) elukkwalut v., s/he is being followed
elo’toq v., transports things there elukutiek v., we are working
elo’tu’n v., put it there, you take (them) elukutijik v., they are working
over elukutimk n., work, weekday
elp conj., and; also; too elukutisnik v., they had worked
elqana’j groundfish; any bottom feeder elu’kwalatl v., points to someone
elqnapukua’sit v., tramples on elukwalut v., s/he is being fixed
(intentionally) elukwe’k v., it worked
elqnateja’sik n., sled-runner elu’kwek it points
elqnateja’toq v., drags, pulls elukwemk v., to work
elqnatek n., bottom, base elu’kwit v., choking
elqnatekapi’l n., splints for basket elulatl v., asks someone to perform a
bottom task
Elsapet n., Elizabeth elu’sknawet v., mix bread, make bread,
elsaqasik n., partitioned knead, mix dough
elsekniknji’j n., brick elutk v., imitates it
elsumsulti’k v., we send ourselves there elutuatl v., imitate someone
elsu’tmaq v., I blame (him/her) eluwe’wamuksit looks angry
elsik v., cuts it with a knife eluwe’wit v., s/he has a bad temper
elsmuatl v., cuts it for someone with a eluwe’wia’timkewey n., frenzy
knife el-wije’watl v., s/he is accompanying
elsmuetoq v., sends food him or her
elt conj., and; also; too elwimanaqsi n., choke cherry
elta’tl wounds someone emekwa’sit halfhearted, careless
elta’mk v., everyone goes to; act of emekweiwatl v., ill-treats someone
everyone going emekwiplnatl v., torments someone
eltaqa’q v., shoots thither emisqa’latl v., strips someone
el’tasik it is being built emisqa’lsit v., strips one’s self of
elta’tl v., s/he hits someone or clothes
something emisqa’toq v., strips something
elteskawtijik v., they go by the way of emisqei v., I am bare; without clothes
elteskmuaji v., s/he chases them emisqeimikewey bareness
towards him/her emittukwalatl v., visits someone
elto’kwet v., is injured there emitklpukua’sit v., kneels
eltoql v., s/he makes them (things) emkisqa’wik adj., round
eltu v., I am making emmitukwalatl v., s/he is visiting
eltukwi’k v., s/he runs to…; s/he knows him/her
towards… emqatui’ket v., lends, gives credit
eltumk v., to make emqwanji’j n., spoon
elue’wa’latl v., drives someone crazy, emteskape’wit looks arrogantly proud
angry emteskitutk v., acts pompous
elue’wiet mad, maniac, crazy emtesko’teken v., you are flaunting
elue’wit mean, malicious your possession
elui’tmasuti n., oath emtoqwa’latl v., praises, applauds
elu’j making things which are animate someone
(ie. moccasins, gloves, etc)
enaqitmitij v., to put up temporary esamkwamk v., the act of drinking
shelter esaqnkitek v., it is lying there
enaqitmua’tis v., they built it for esatapukua’sit v., steps backward
him/her esata’lik v., to challenge someone, move
e’natl v., loses someone, something backwards
enkatk v., measures it esata’sit v., s/he is backing up; moving
enkejit n., inchworm backwards
enqa’masit v., restrain’s one’s self esata’toq v., moves it back
enqa’sit v., s/he stops esa’tl v., orders someone out
entoq v., loses it esatapukua’sit v., steps back
e’nusit v., strays, loses one’s self esatapukuet v., talks backwards, recants
epa’latl v., sets esattesink v., someone, something
epa’sit v., sits down, takes a seat recoils
epasma’sit v., s/he lays down; lies down esattesk v., something recoils
epatkwete’ket v., pounds esipulatl v., sharpens something
epekisasik v., cloth, etc., is warmed esiputoq v., sharpens something
epetoqsit v., groans, moans Esisoqnik, Eskisoqnik n., Eksasoni
epipnatk v., bakes something eskatalk v., eats what is raw
epipnoqsik v., charred eske’k adj., raw
epit v., s/he is sitting, be sitting Eski’kewaq people from the
e’pit n., woman, female Guysborough to Halifax area
e’pite’ji’j n., little girl, damsel eskipa’tl v., waits for someone
e’pite’s n., young girl, damsel eskipe’sit v., waits
epkenaqn n., dung, manure eskipeteket v., hopes
e’plewi prefix., high, best, fancy eskipetk v., hopes, waits for it
eppesatl v., heats something eskimalk v., I am waiting for someone
eppesk v., heats something eskipatl, eskitk v., eats it raw
eppetek be warm (liquid) eskmalatl v., waits for someone
epqatuoq starving wood eskmaqtmalitl s/he is pregnant;
epqwanji’j n., spoon expecting
epsaqtej n., stove eskmat v., waits
epsi v., I am hot eskutasik left not eaten
epsimkewey n., fever eskwato’tl v., s/he is left with
epsitkwa’sit v., raises high eskwiaq what is left
eptaqan, eptaqn n., dish; plate eskwia’q (=) left over; remaining
eptaqnji’juo’ko’m n., cupboard eskwiet what is left, remaining
eptek v., it is hot esmatl v., s/he is feeding him/her;
eptekwan n., freckle sustain someone
epukjik adj., soon esmsit v., feeds oneself
epuna’latl v., lowers someone, esmuetoq v., distributes food
something esmut v., s/he is being fed
epuna’limatl s/he speaks disparagingly esnaqapilk v., ties it in a bundle
to him/her esnaqjo’tu’nl v., tightening splints on a
epuna’lsit v., lowers self basket
epune’k down, downward esnaqmikek n., solid ground
e’s n., clam esnaqpilawet v., ties bundles
esna’toq v., crams, packs etlelmi’tij v., they are in the process of
esne’k hard, solid laughing
esnoqnet v., gathering wood etle’nmat has a fire on
eso’s v., s/he was told to leave etleweyik positive, true, valid
eso’t v., s/he is told to leave etlewistoq v., in the process of (s/he) is
espa’latl v., exalts, elevates someone in talking; speaking
dignity etlewistulitl the one who is talking
espa’lut v., treated eminently etlewistu’tijik v., they are having a
espaqmikek n., highland conversation
espa’teket v., does something in a etli adv., in the process of; doing it now
dignified way etli’kat v., s/he is in the process of
espa’toq v., hoists, elevates it in dignity building his/her home
espe’k lofty, prominent etlite’lma’titl v., they think (something)
espi- prefix., best, high about him/her; they suspect
espi-witapl n., best friend etlite’tmi’tij v., they think it is
espi-ji’nmuit famed, honourable, happening now
illustrious gentleman etl-lukwey v., I am working; I am in the
espite’tk v., thinks highly of it process of working
espipit v., s/he/it is high etlte’mi’tij v., they are beating on it
essawiaqn n., dye, color e’tmatk v., argues about it
essawia’teket v., paints etoqtalatl v., broils
essawiatk v., dyes, colors etoqta’tijik v., they are baking
e’t says etoqtatk v., roasts, broils
eta so (ie. not so much true) etoqtesawet v., cuts people off
etamatl requests, solicits of someone etoqteskuatl v., beats someone to it
etamk v., I am asking him/her for; I am etoqtet v., s/he is cooking
begging him/her for; beseech Etquljewiku’s n., May; frog-croaking
etawaqtmasnik v., they used to ask of moon
him ettoqwatmuaj v., leaves it for someone
etawemk v., to ask for Etue’l v., Edward
etek adv., it is there; it is situated etuiw both sides
etepna’tl v., catches up to someone etuk adv., maybe; perhaps; possibly
etl adv., doing it now eulamkusit languish
etlamklek burning eulamuksit is forlorn, thin
etlapeka’toq v., swings it eulamukwa’teket v., doing poorly
etlapekiaq v., it is dangling eula’qmuejit n., figuratively an evil
etlapekiet v., dangles being responsible for famine
etla’qatesk v., vibrates eulawsimkewey n., scarcity
etlaqtesteket v., flaps eule’jit poor, pitiable; destitute
etlaqtestoq v., flapping something eule’juaqn n., poverty, poorness;
etlasit it is shining, lit, glowing destitution
etlatalk v., eats eulemk n., to lie
etlatek it is lit euliatl v., treats someone horridly
etle’k v., the embers of the fire are still eulistuatl v., listens to someone
going carefully
eulite’lmatl v., feels compassionate ewtipit v., s/he is sitting on it
towards someone ewulte’k v., 1. his/her dwelling was
eulite’teket compassionate, merciful shabby; it was in a poor state, 2. I beat
eulite’tk v., feels badly about it him/her badly physically or in playing a
eulu’ktat be poorly clad game
eune’k foggy eyk v., s/he is there/here; resides, present
eunikiskik foggy day eym v., I am there/here
ewanta’sualaji v., s/he forgets them
e’wasit v., is being used I, i’
e’watl v., uses someone, it
ewe’ka’toq v., loosens, relaxes it i’- prefix., to sometimes do
ewe’kipiatek v., loosens due to drying; iap n., male of the ox or moose kind,
shrinks bull
ewe’kipiatk v., loosens it by drying it; iapa’we’sm n., bullfrog
shrinks it iapjiw forever, always, eternally,
ewe’kik v., loosens it with own weight evermore
ewe’kitek it’s loose iapjua’toq v., s/he renders it perpetual
ewe’klamit v., breathes weakly, badly; iapjuewey n., perennial
has lung disease iapjueweya’toq v., perpetuate
ewe’wa’tisni anm., they used them i-aputa’nskitesink v., somersaults
ewe’was’tisnl v., they used him/her /ik can be descriptive (ie. sisku/ik,
ewe’wk v., s/he is using some thing samqwan/ik, wastew/ik)
-ewian suffix., -if it were me ika’i v., I have arrived
ewi’kasik/l v., it/they are written down; ika’l v., let her/him go
it is written; picture ikalatl v., protects, defends someone
ewi’kat v., s/he is building his/her ika’latl v., places someone; unhands
house; pitches a tent someone; sets someone down
ewi’katl v., draws a likeness of someone ikaluet v., defends; defender
ewi’kiket v., writes, draws ikana’sit v., s/he is leading; s/he goes
ewipk calm; water is smooth; sea is ahead; leads
calm ikantuk n., front; in the front; in front of
ewipniaq calming ika’q v., it is here; it gets there
ewi’teket v., names ikasumsit v., apologizes
ewi’tik v., names it; mentions it ika’taqn n., garden
e’wk v., uses it ika’taqnimanl n., produce
ewktipit v., sits on it ika’taquk v., till the ground
ewktapilaqney n., wheel barrow ika’tatimkewey n., bet
ewle’jit v., s/he is poor or unfortunate ikatno’tultimk race
ewlia’tisna v., they treated him/her ika’tu v., let it go; put it here
badly ika’tueyey n., wage, wager
ewlite’lmatl v., s/he feels sorry for ika’tumk put
him/her ika’y I have arrived
ewlite’teket v., s/he is sympathetic iknmaj v., you give it to him/her
ewluktataq v., s/he was dressed shabby iknmakwemk n., fortune
e’wm v., I am using (it) iknmakwet blessing
ewne’k v., it is foggy iknmasit gives to one’s self
iknmawkwe’tis v., they were i-pmiet v., goes by again and again
miraculously given ipsownqwe’wj, piptoqnqwe’wj n.,
iknmatimkewey v., they are given grasshopper
(thing); free gift i’-qwa’timk n., landing, landing place
iknmatimk n., being given; giveaway i’-siptaqtesmatl v., s/he continuously
iknmu v., give it to him/her pulls at it; continuously pulls its length
iknmuet v., gives i’ske’k n., yeast
ikte’k v., s/he yawns istaqo’qej n., cardinal
-iktuk suffix; at the place of; into, istue’k adj., quite different, dissimilar,
within, in, on, at, amidst, amid, among unlike
ilajit v., s/he gets ready/prepared italui’tasik what name it is commonly
ila’latl v., heals, repairs someone called
physically, mentally, spiritually istuite’tk distinguishes it in thought
ila’matulti’k v., we agree; we reconcile i’tli-kneta’mk n., dressing room
ilaqpo’l v., tie (it) i’-tli-ksispa’lsimk n., bath
ila’skw n., sing., playing card
ilastaqeke’titl v., she fixes her hair by J,j
throwing it to the back
ila’tu v., fix it; arrange it in order jajika’sit v., walks along the shore
ileko’toq v., s/he folds it in order; puts it jakej n., lobster
in order (e.g. bed) je adv., even
iliet improves, comes ‘round in health je’ adv., you don’t even
ili’lsit v., remakes oneself jel adv., plus; also
ilite’taqn n., reconsideration Je’n n., Jane
iljo’qwa’sik v., rights itself (as a vessel jentesk n., suddenly gets quiet
in the water) jijamit stink, fetid
ilkitk v., re-reads, re-counts it jijaqmiju’wej to be deceased
ilkwija’taqn n., pacification, atonement jijawej n., a frog; noisy swamp animal;
ilkwi’teket v., steers peeper; a small species of frog
ilkitk reckon jijikwa’toq v., makes it narrow
ilpalikat v., s/he packs his/her things jijikwe’j n., strait (narrow)
ilsmek v., we are cutting it (ie. wood) jijiwikate’j n., sandpiper
ilsumatl v., passes sentence on someone jijklue’wj n., sheep
ilsutaqn n., judgement, decree jijklue’wji’j n., lamb
ilsuteket v., judge jijklue’wjui’sit v., bleats
ilta’l v., close it jijuaqa adv., suddenly
i’-lu’kwet v., s/he regains his/her jijua’qiet it’s rusty
composure jijwa’qa’toq corrodes it
ilumaji v., s/he lectures to them jikjawiknejewamu’k, nijinjewa’mu’k
-ima’q suffix of smell orange
i’mu’titaq they will be there; the people jika’jewe’j n., lint
will be there jikajikwetutk scowls
inaqan n., right hand ji’kaw, ji’ka’w n., bass (fish)
inaqnk n., right jikeiwatl v., watches someone
i-naquet v., stammers, stutters jikesawnaq n., shell of clam, oyster
i’nes adv., probably ji’kete’ket v., hews
ji’kij n., stump of a tree jipalk v., I am afraid of (him/her)
jikijij n., 1. a snail 2. decoration made jipaluejituiemkewey n., hysterics
on a basket using splints jipaluet apprehensive
jikijo’n n., rooster jipaqatesink v., startled
ji’kikney n., (currying) knife jipijka’m n., a horned snake; crocodile;
jikistaqna’si v., I strain my ears to hear serpent
jikijij n., conch jipiskl n., pl., roots
jikiji’ji’j n., snail jipjawej n., robin
jikitli’kwej n., kingfisher jipji’j n., bird
jikla’tu (-) subtract; take away jiptuk prep., perhaps; maybe
jikleke v., throw (it) away jipu’ji’j n., stream, brook
jikltesku v., chase it or him away, Jipuktuk n., Halifax (Nova Scotia)
bumps him/her out of his/her place jitnaqipisiney n., corset
ji’kmaqn n., rattle (a Mi’kmaw jiki’kes n., chickadee
tambourine) jokom n., biggest part of the tree (base)
ji’kmat v., dancing with feet jujij n., bug; insect
jikmit v., growls jukakitmui send me (something)
jikni’ket v., making a hole in the ground juku’e v., come (1); come here
by using a hand tool jukwa’l v., bring (it/him/her)
jiktek calm; all around is quiet, silence jukweke v., throw (it) here
jikoqs n., dried rotten tree
jiko’tasit v., s/he is watched over K,k
jiko’teke v., look out for; I watch
jiksitk v., listens ka’jijaqn n., toilet tissue
jiksitmimk n., attention ka’jijat wipes behind
jilape’k n., scratch kajue’nuj n., cat
jilaptoq someone’s footprints kaknawe’ji’jl n., pl., cookies
jilein v., you get hurt kakwet n., starfish
jileiwatl v., wounds someone kalaman therefore
jile’k mark, injured Kale’mewimk n., Lent
jiliplneyimk wounded Kalo’lin n., Caroline
jilpit imprinted kamlamimk n., respiration, breathing
jilsik v., marks it with a knife kamlammit v., breathes
jiltek n., mark kaltie n., quarter
jiltik leaves a bite mark kamaulamun n., pl., heart
jiltmikewey n., for nibbling kamulamunapi n., arteries
jiluikasik evidence of writing; signs Kanata n., Canada
ji’memk v., to paddle kan’takknuejit n., ape; monkey
jimpekn v., 1. to wring the water out of, kantaliej n., flounder; flatfish
2. the act of milking a cow kapaqsapukuet v., speaks haphazardly,
jimsiku n., poison ivy jabbers
jinkija’toq v., squeezes it kapaqsetekl n., objects are disorganized
ji’nm n., man kapaqsewistoq v., speaks using lewd
jinpaqikn n., presser, squeezer language
jioqsmusi n., maple kapaqsi- prefix haphazardly
jipalajl afraid of someone
kapaqsita’sit v., thinks in a jumbled, kaqmik stands
confused manner kaqmitesink v., springs to one’s feet
kapaqsite’tk v., thinks of it in a kaqmklek v., finishes burning
confused manner or disrespectfully kaqmutuatl v., bears with someone
kapaqsiw at random, disorderly, kaqnmat v., depleted, runs out of
irregularly something
kapaqtejkl n., pl., goose berries kaqoqsik v., burns it completely
Kaplie’l n., Gabriel kaqo’tk v., expends, uses it all
ka’qaju’manaqsi n., wintergreen; kaqo’toq v., takes it all
winter or tea berry plants kaqpa’q the water has all dripped out
kaqaju’mann n., crowberries, box kaqpesa, kaqpesaw n., smelt
berries kaqsit is burnt, burnt out
kaqamimk v., to stand kaqskusi n., cedar
kaqamutk v., perseveres kaqteskaqik v., I wear them out
ka’qan n., door kaqtukewe’j n., giant ant with wings
ka’qana’tasi n., gate seen before a thunder storm
kaqape’k fail, be defective kaqtukow, kaqtukwew n., thunder
kaqapeteskuajl v., trip kasa’latl, kasik v., wipes it
kaqapitk v., it is hanging kasa’taqney n., wiper (such as a cloth
kaqapukuet v., finishes talking for table, floor, etc.); dish cloth
kaqapuek n., it is wet kasikwa’si v., wash your face
ka’qaquj, ka’qawej n., crow kasikwatk v., erase
ka’qaqujui’sit v., croaks, kaws kaskimtlnaqn one hundred
kaqatalk v., s/he finishes eating kasoqiaq v., fades
kaqawe’k v., rough mannered kaspelaw n., gaspereaux
kaqawitutk v., pouts, looks angry kastio’mi n., molasses
kaqawiw roughly kastik n., ground juniper
kaqi adj., end of ka’t, katew, katewl n., eel
kaqiaq all gone, ended kata’law n., pl., mussels
kaqi’s many times kati end of word
kaqi’sakutk is of many races Katlin n., Catherine
kaqi’satuet speaks many languages kattuk n., wilderness, desert, barren
kaqisi- various katu adv., what about; anyway; but,
kaqi’sijik n., many of them notwithstanding
kaqisipunkek many years kawatk n., spruce (tree)
kaqi’sk adv., often; always kawatkupi n., ale, beer (spruce)
kaqi’sunemika’toq divide it many ways kawatkw n., black spruce
kaqi-tepiaq adj., lots of them kawi n., porcupine quill
kaqipesik v., rips it ke adv., please
kaqjikatek n., shade ke’ adv., just
kaqkisa’taqatijik v., they have finished kejiata v., s/he knew who it was
their task; they finished their job; they kejiatl v., understands, is aware, knows
have completed what they set out to do him/her
kaqlamiet v., out of breath; s/he runs keji’kasik n., corner, nook
out of breath kejikaw very recently
kaqma’latl v., stands someone up
keji’kik v., I know them; I know of kekwa’sin v., you move slow
them kekwa’sit v., s/he moves slow
kejimqwat v., is sore ke’kwa’toq v., places it on top
kejita’latl v., places him/her/it under ke’kwatpan n., top of the head
kejitapit v., s/he is inside something (ie. kekweimk n., to be slow, tardity,
hole) tardiness
kejitasimkewey n., experience ke’kwe’k n., upstairs
kejitekemkewey n., knowledge ke’kwi- to the top
kejima’sit is sincere, serious kekwisko’teket v., unjoints
kejitu v., I know; (mu) I (don’t) know kekwitk v., flows slowly
kejkapa’latl, kejkapo’latl v., claws, kekwiw slowly
scratches someone ke’kupa’sit v., sits down on high
kekatu’k n., old age; senile; half asleep ke’kupit sits up on high (on a roost)
ke’kijoqja’latl v., hugs someone ke’kupukua’sit v., stands upon
kekina’masuti n., learning something
kekina’muatl v., teaches, admonishes ke’kutek it is atop
someone ke’kwa’latl v., raises, places s/he/it on
kekina’muet v., teaches top
kekinua’latl v., warns, betrays, exposes ke’kwamka’toq v., heaps earth upon it
someone ke’kwa’sit v., ascends, mounts
kekinua’teket v., message bearer, kelapaqq v., fastens it with a screw
betrays, warns kelapaqte’k v., nails it on
kekinua’teketoq v., shows it kelapjete’k v., grasps it
kekinue’k unique, particular kelapkikwet v., looks askance
kekinuwatul v., I am telling (as in kelaqapilk v., enchains
inviting) you keleiwatl v., cherishes, keeps, maintains
ke’kipu’naqiet v., s/he jumps on it (someone/something)
kekjekwat with young (said of a Kele’l n., Clara
woman) keliket v., watches, watch dog,
kekjio’qwat cow, sheep, etc., is watchman
pregnant ke’lim v., hanging in; maintaining
kekkam imp., look!, you look! kelite’tk v., commits it to memory
kekkunit n., godparent kelja’latl v., congeals it
kekkunk has kelja’sik v., thickens
kekkik is attired kelja’sit congeals, freezes
kekna’latl adorns, decks, decorates keljipnaq bread is frozen; s/he froze to
someone/something death
kekna’sit v., dresses one’s self keljit is frozen
keknesit is dressed, outfitted kelkik v., holds it steady
Kekntie’wimk n., Sunday kelkwiska’tasik unjointed
kekpewisk n., morning dew kelnatl v., holds someone
kekunaluej skate; fish with flattened kelnik v., holds it
body and wing-like fins kelo’tk v., keeps, retians, minds
ke’kupit v., on top of; s/he is on top of kelpilk v., ties something
(it) kelpisit is bound
ke’kutnaqn-iktuk top of the cliff keltaqmiktik adj., frozen ground
keltik adj., frozen kepmite’ltimk v., think highly of; held
kelu’kw v., it is good in highest esteem (ie. God); respect for
kelu’lk is pretty, fine, good, each other
commendable kepmitutk v., looks proud
keluluet v., speaks to people, asks for kepmlika’sit v., walks, steps proudly
hand in marriage kepsaqa’toq v., bolts it, locks it, shuts it
kelusa’sit v., s/he speaks up up
kelusit v., speaks kepsaqtek n., kiln, stove
kelu’sit v., s/he is beautiful; person has a kepta’timk v., to get off
good character kepta’toq v., takes it out or off
keluskapeuti n., falsehood, fraud, Keptekewiku’s n., November; river-
fiction freezing moon
keluskapewit n., liar, dishonest keptin n., captain
keluskutoq v., fastens with a pin; keptineuti n., captainship
fastens a button keptik freeze up; water is completely
kelutmelsewimkewey n., intercession but lightly frozen over
kelutmelsewit v., asks on behalf of, kesalatl v., s/he likes or loves him/her;
mediates respects someone
kemutmatl v., steals from someone kesa’latl v., s/he is hurting him/her
kemutnalatl v., steals ke’sa’latl v., places something/someone
something/someone into the fire
kemutnasit is stolen kesalk v., I love (him/her); I like
kemutnet v., steals, robs (him/her)
ke’n thanks (I give you thanks) kesalkusik is acceptable, liked
kepamkukwek mouth of the river is kesalkusit beloved, estimable
obstructed by sand kesalkusuti n., estimableness
kepapskitk stream is obstructed by kesaltimkewey, kesaltultimkewey n.,
rocks, obstruct love, like
kepe’k n., narrows in a river or bay; kesaltultimkewe’l n., valentine
Quebec kesaluejijik n., burdocks
kepijo’qajl v., stops a bottle kesasek v., shiny; luminous, bright,
kepijoqwa’toq v., closes it, obstructs, glorious
prevents kesasekewey n., glory, lucidity, lustre
kepistaqnat is deaf kesa’sit v., hurts part of body by moving
keplama’lajl v., stifles someone kesatm v., I like to (do something); I
keplutoq dams, obstructs, blocks up like (it)
kepma’lajl v., holds someone in high ke’sa’toq v., places something into the
esteem, regards fire
kepmeimkewey n., stateliness kese’wlik v., I like (it); I have a passion
kepme’k worthy, glorious, respectable, for (it)
reputable; memorable, highly kesi suffix., emphasis on verb
significant, respected kesik n., winter
kepmete’k v., depletes, exterminates ke’sik please
(such as wood, animals, berries) kesikauek it is loud
kepmite’lsimkewey n., arrogance kesikauistoq v., speaks loudly
kesikauistumk n., exclamation
kesikaulamit v., grunt keskija’sit v., climbs over an obstacle
kesikawa’timk n., to go fast (eg. a fence)
kesikawelmit v., laughs aloud keskija’toq v., puts it over something
kesikaweta’q v., it makes a loud noise; keskisqunajit n., puffin (bird)
it is noisy keskitkusuet v., climbs over
kesikawetoqsit v., noisy by voice, keskma’sit v., crosses over, takes most
screechy direct route
kesikawintoq v., sings loudly keskmsimkewey adj., to be gifted;
kesikawitk current is strong, water giftedness
flows rapidly keskuk adj., it is heavy
kesikawoqsik wind roars keskulk v., s/he is heavy; is weighty,
Kesikewiku’s n., December; the great heavy
month keskwaulet v., carries a heavy load on
kesiktkita’taqn n., detestation the back
kesiktkite’tik v., detest keslek it is stink; stinks
kesinukowamuksit looks sickly kesma’toq v., pushes something evenly,
kesinukwaj v., something is painful for smoothly
him/her (eg. body part) kesmiket v., pushes, propels
kesinukwaq is sick, morbid kesmkik v., shoves it
kesipiaq itchy kesmlamit v., exhales
kesipiemkewey n., itch kesm’te’k v., drives it with an object;
kesispa’teket v., washes (something) tap someone for attention
with water kesnoqwat is a filthy liar
kesistaqnawet n., does the laundry kesnukuwik v., it ails me; it hurts me
kesita’tl v., s/he hurts him/her (ie. I have a toothache)
kesite’in v., you hurt me; romantic kesnukwat v., s/he is sick
connotation (you touched my heart) kesoqek v., it has a strong odor
kesite’limk v., I cherish (him/her) kesoqsit has (been) burnt
kesitesink v., hurts one’s self in a fall or kespaqmi’k n., last day (the last of the
some accident world)
ke’sk adj., each time, before, while kespa’tamit v., has eaten all the food
keskapskek n., wide stone kespa’toq v., eats the whole bit
keskaptik v., loses something from sight kespi suffix., for the last time; the last
keska’q it is lost time; last, finally
keskaqmikek land, plain, etc. is broad kespiaq comes to an end
keska’sit v., disappears kespiso’tlatl v., clothes, begrids
keska’t v., is lost, is astray kespisun n., belt
keskata’sit v., forgets, loses from mind kespik adj., dull (ie. knife, spear, etc.)
keskatesk v., vanishes kespitek adv., the last one; the back one;
keskate’tk v., forgives, forgets about it switch hand; Saturday
keske’k v., it is wide, is broad kespukwa’luksuti n., fraud
keskelmatl v., favours it, is particular kespukwa’tekemkewey n., to lie, fraud
about it kespukwitnatuemk n., to speak the
keskija’lsit v., puts one’s self over Yarmouth dialect
obstacle kespu’tuatl v., wins over someone,
beats him/her
kestuna’latl v., chokes someone ketu I want to (do something)
kestunepilaqn n., gallows, a hanging ketuapsit v., protects or defends self,
device takes care of self
kestunepilatl v., hangs someone; ketuaqitesink v., dodges into the bushes
strangle by hanging someone ketueiwatl v., wishes to harm or get
ketalqa’teket someone who extricates someone
ketalqa’toq v., takes it out of a ketui want to (do something); a desire to
contained space (do something)
ketanteket v., hunts ketuitu v., I want to make (something)
ketantaqatipnik v., they were hunting ketuk v., a rooster crowing, an animal
ketapekiemk v., to sing vocalizing, person yelling
ketaqma’sit v., eats ketuksimk n., to be sleepy
ketipkwa’latl v., heals, assuages ketu’muet v., plays an instrument and
someone sings
ketipkwiet convalescing, healing ketupk craving to eat it
ketka’latl v., causes someone to become ketutamit longs for something to eat
intoxicated ketuwatqa’sij v., went into
ketkamatl v., looks at someone with kewiaq v., topples
disgust kewisinmik n., to be hungry
ketkaptik v., looks at something with kewji v., I am cold
disgust kewjiaqiet v., is chilled
ketkiemk n., drunkenness, intoxication kewjik inanm., cold
ketkite’taqn n., disgust kewpatl v., gnaws down (a tree)
ketkite’tk loathes, is disgusted by it ki’ interjection oh, my
ketkuja’toq v., turns it over kia’skiw just so, exactly so, all right!
ketkujesink lies face down kia’spi more than required; too much,
ketku’kwek v., capsizes overly
ketku’kwet v., topples kia’spa’sit v., over does it, goes too far
ketkunit v., lodges for the night kijka adj., a little
ketkwi’k v., runs kijka’ a little, a bit
ketl right?; is that so; yes, sure; is that kiju’ n., Mother (direct)
true ki’k n., your house
ketlamite’lmatl v., confides in someone ki’kaja’suti n., stubbornly persistent
ketlamite’tasit v., is accredited ki’kaji v., continually doing something
ketlamite’teket v., believes ki’kajimatl v., reprimands, reproves
ketlamite’tk v., has faith, believes in someone
something ki’kajimtimkewey n., altercation,
ketlamsitasit v., believes himself disputation
ketlamsitatimk n., a belief ki’kajiw in spite of, notwithstanding
ketlamsitk v., believes, obeys ki’kajo’tk v., stubbornly resists;
ketleweyuti n., truth continues to use it
ketloq adv., after all ki’kajo’tmikewey n., resistance
ketmenet v., is eradicated ki’katapukuemk v., to be insistent
ketmeta’ji v., kills them or harvests ki’kateskik v., forcing his/her way
them all, cuts them all down ki’katqatk v., prolonging his/her stay;
ketmoqja’latl v., push overstaying one’s welcome
ki’katsik v., is stubborn, intractable kinikit is able-bodied
kikatsimikewey n., intractableness kinikwejit n., ant
ki’katsituatl v., disobedient towards kinikwek prickly (sharp point)
him/her kinipewaj pole over bonfire which holds
ki’katsituin are you disobeying me the pot
ki’katteskik v., forges ahead despite kinisku’nej, kini’squnej n., swordfish
obstacles kini’skuta’sik v., is cut pointed (as with
kikja’l v., put it close an axe)
kikjiw near by; close kini’skwapskek n., point of a rock
ki’kk n., sharp, keen kini’skwejit n., thistle
ki’klikjenawet v., tickles kini’skwikn n., peg
ki’kli’kwej n., chicken kini’swa’toq v., points it
ki’kli’kwe’ji’j n., chick kini’skwikuom n., an A frame house, a
kikmanaq n., our family; our friends house with a sharp peak
kikmaq n., your family kini’skwikuomk on the top of the
kiknaq n., our house wigwam
kikpesan n., rain kinite’lsit egotist
kikwajita’si I miss you already and kinitutk snobby; mature looking as with
you’re not gone yet a baby
ki’kwa’ju n., badger; wolverine kinsit v., brags
ki’kwesu n., muskrat kinu pron., we; us
ki’kwesu’skul n., sweet flag kinua’taqn n., message, sign, signal,
ki’l pron., s., you; thou, thy indication
ki’lewey it is yours kioqjimusi, jioqmusi n., maple (white)
ki’likik adj., sharp kipita’si v., you get off
kiljaqn n., counter; reading material kiplno’lewa’ki n., province
kilmus n., your brother or sister in law ki’s it already happened; have, has
of the opposite sex already
kilu’nu n., our food kisajit v., is ready (as in dressed or
kimaknutmuatl v., whispers to packed read to go)
someone, speaks to someone secretly kisaknutmaqn n., treaty, agreement
kimapteket v., watches secretly kisa’latl v., has completed it, repaired it;
kima’taqn n., concealment, secrecy has coerced, compelled, forced
kimaptik v., peeps at it kisamkipni’k v., I have already picked
kimelmit v., laughs secretly, giggles them
kimewistumk n., to whisper kisa’muemkewey n., to come to an
kimiw secretly agreement
kimtemit v., sobbing quietly kisa’muet v., has come to an agreement
kimu’tuk covertly, secretly, privily, sort kisapniaq v., the sun has risen; dawn
of, in a way kisapuet v., has gotten wet from the rain
kina’masuti n., instruction kisatalk v., finishes eating
kina’matino’kuomk n., school house kisa’taqn n., performance
kina’matnewey n., education; kisa’tasit v., has been repaired,
information; instruction completed
kinap n., one who has powers; gifted kisa’teket v., has completed work, has
man, great warrior, hero accomplished
kiseyu v., fool him/her; (ma) I can’t kiste’k s/he can play it on a musical
survive instrument or can sing it; has beaten it
kisi preverb; already, after, permission; (such as with an object); it was funny or
able to; passing peculiar; have beaten someone (i.e. as a
kisiku n., elder; an old person form of punishment); it was amusing
kisikui’skw n., old lady (like a movie)
kisikuo’p n., old man kisteliket v., has purchased
Kisikwekewiku’s n., August, fruit- and kis-tla’tekejik v., what did they do
berry-ripening moon kistlewo’kekek v., can I talk to
kisikwej adj., when s/he grows up (him/her)
kisikwenatl v., has raised someone kisua’teket v., insulates
kisikwenk v., has raised it (crop) kisue’k adv., it is warm; has good
kisikwet v., mature, has fully grown insulating quality
kisimanik v., has ripened Kisu’lk n., Creator
ki’sit it is cooked sufficiently Kisu’lkw our Maker, deity, God
kisitaqn n., creation kitap n., (your friend)
kisitaqne’k n., something manufactured kitaqasit is muscle sore
or homemade ki’tek v., it is cooked
kisita’sijik v., they have decided; mind kitjus your spouses brothers and/or
made up sisters married in the same family
kisitasik is built, construction complete kitk both, each
kisitasit is made, is built kitmaqn n., tally, counter
kisita’sit v., s/he has made up his/her kitmaqnn n., book; letter; counting
mind; has thought through, arrived at a sticks
decision kitmotaqn n., his/her belongings
kisite’taqn n., plan kitnmat s/he has a difficult time
kisite’tk v., concocted, decided, kitpu n., eagle
determined kitu’l n., your beard
kisitluetisk v., you can say that kiwalsin are you/you are afraid of
ki’sik v., cooks something (eg. fish, spiritual beings
animal); cooks it kiwaska’sit v., s/he is turning around to
kiskaja’lluk adj., persistent go back
kiskaja’tumk v., to prepare kiwasklapa’sin v., look over your
kiskamit is fattened shoulder; looking back
kiskuk adv., today kiwasqanitestasikewey n., four cents
kiskusit has had enough sleep cake
kisna conj., or; either kiwiksis v., begging; asking for
kiso’ltikl v., they are humorous; they something
can survive on their own kiwta’sit v., takes circular route
kisoqe’k prep., in the woods kiwkto’qikit it is round
kispasimkewey n., dryness kiwkto’qopukua’si v., turns around;
kispatek is dry turn around
kispesan n., rain kiwnik n., otter
kispnemk n., weariness kiwto’qi adj., around
kisteju n., culprit, prisoner, slave, kji prefix, emphasis of something
bondman kjiapluwe’w n., principal moose hunter
kji-eleke’wit n., King of kings (ie. God, Kluskapewey n., belonging to Kluscap
Christ) kluskutaqn n., pin, fastener
kjijitoq s/he knows klusuaqan n., words
kjikan n., city; town kmaqtam n., your brother or sister-in-
kjika’qawej n., raven law of the same sex
kjikmuatkw n., white spruce kmis n., your older sister
kjiknam n., your younger brother km’squnej n., swordfish
Kjiku’s n., December; the great month kmtn n., mountain
kji’nimum, kji’numum n., your kmu’j n., stick; wood
husband kmu’jijapiey n., red maple
kjiniskamitj, kjinukmitj n., my great- kmuksn n., (your) shoe
great grandfather kna’ji’j n., sesame seed
kji-pituimtlnaqn one million; 1,000,000 kna’muwen v., you teach
kjipituikuji’j n., your great-great kne’ji’jk in a little while
grandchild kne’k v., s/he is sharp witted; in a while
kji-wikuom n., chiefs dwelling; largest knekk adj., far
of wigwams kniskamijinu n., our grandfather; our
kjimntu n., devil; spiritual being stepfather
Kjipuktuatuet speaks of the Halifax kniskamitj n., your grandfather; also
dialect your stepfather/father-in-law
Kjipuktuk n., at, to or from Halifax knki’kuk n., pl., your parents
kkat n., your foot knukwatikn n., type, letter (of the
kkij n., your mother alphabet), figure
kkisikum n., your husband kojua n., Mi’kmaq dance
kkwe’ji’j n., your younger sister ko’kmaw n., your relative
kkwis n., your son kokom n., big old tree
klaman conj., so that Kolipie n., Albert
klamuksis n., uncle komkwejwikasikl n., pl., hieroglyphics;
klapis adv., finally; at last writing system using symbols
klapjiek v., we have a hold on (it) ko’pikejik v., they are using a net
kla’qa’eket n., policeman kopit n., beaver
kla’qij adv., gently; carefully; gradually kopite’j n., sowbuck; woodlice
Kle’l n., Clara ko’qimin n., thorn bush
klimuej, klmue’j n., mosquito ko’qli’kwej n., hen
klitaw n., raspberry koqoe’l pronoun pl., what
kljemeka’sik bayberry bush; a bush koqowey what is it?
bearing waxy gray berries koqqa’ltimk v., to wrestle; to grab
klnikn n., godchild koqqwajiaq v., moving correctly, things
klonkntiej, kloqntiej n., sea gull are going right
kloq n., devil fish kpije’tew it will be a long time
kloqowej n., star kpitnoqom n., your arm
klo’tmui v., take care of it for me kpme’k adj., it is holy; it is sacred
klu’ v., condor ksalsuti n., love
klujjewto’simkewapu n., holy water ksatk if s/he likes it
klujjiewey n., cross ksika’q it if gets lost
kluskapewet always lying; deceitful ksim n., your niece
ksinukowaqn illness; sickness; disease kuwasin n., fallen tree (any kind)
ksis n., your older brother kwajikn n., leg
ksistaqne’n v., wash it; launder it kwalaman so that
ksite’tmin if you cherish it kwe’ hello; Mi’kmaq greeting
ksito’ksin if someone hurts you (from a Kweltamultimk n., Friday; time of
beating) fasting; not meat
ksukulk anm., it is heavy kwetaiwipnaq v., s/he had frightened
ksukwis n., your aunt me
ktaijl pronoun, yours; belonging to you kwetapa’t v., is sinking, drowning
ktantu v., get (it); hunt or earn it kwetapet n., ox
ktapekiaqn n., song kwetapiet v., dives
ktaqmoqne’n v., hold it across kwetayuksiekik v., they frighten us
ktuksuti n., sleepiness kwetmay v., (I) am smoking; I smoke
ktik pronoun, both kwetnasi v., I pull
ktikik pronoun, others kwijm, kwijmuk n., outside
ktlu’sue’skm n., your daughter-in-law kwilu v., look for (it); look for (him/her)
ktul’suk n., your son-in-law kwilutk v., asks for it
ktu do you want to… kwimu n., loon
ktue’m n., your pet; any animal kwi’s n., younger brother (direct); dear
ktuknikuom(k) house to sleep over; boy
place to stay the night kwitamet v., s/he is fishing; also
ktulnal n., our vehicles ekwitamet
ktus n., your daughter
ktutem n., your friend of a different L,l
kuji’j n., your granddaughter, grandson laklans n., barn
or stepson la’lan v., take him/her to
kukmijinu our grandmother lamiko’m inside tree
kukukwes n., day owl lame’k adv., under
ku’ku’kwes n., night owl lame’kewey n., slip; underwear
kukumij n., (your) grandmother; (your) lamikuo’mk n., inside
mother-in-law lampo’q adj., under water
kulaman conj., so that lamqamu’k adj., under the earth
kulkwi’s n., pig lamqwan n., undershirt
kulpatkij n., maggot lamsek bundle hidden (in chest area) by
kuluks n., your nephew women
kuntew n., rock lapa’sitesk v., you will look to
kuow n., pine Lapa’tko’tekemk n., Penticost Sunday
kuowey n., red pine tree lapeki’sikn n., ribband, ribbon
kusapun n., (your) hair laqpilaqnk n., suspenders
kutajuikl v., they are pouring out laqpisuti n., apron
kutapsun n., your clothes laqtu v., throw it to him/her
kutey prep., like la’sewe’l n., panties
kutj n., your father la’taqsun n., pail
kuto’tumk v., pouring it latqite’kn n., basket splints
kutputi n., chair la’tu v., take (it) to (him/her)
leke v., throw it lpa figure of speech to over-emphasize
lentuk, lintuk n., deer lpa’tuj n., boy
Leste’l n., Ester lpa’tu’s n., young man
liates v., I will make (it) (ie. candy) Lsipuktuk n., Richibuctou
lie v., go lta’ten the people will go
likatu v., hide (it); hide it there l’tu v., make (it)
lipkite’kn n., basket splint l’tukwi’e’n v., run towards…; run to…
lipkite’knapi’l n., wood splints used for L’ui n., Louie; Louis
making baskets l’uiknek seven
lipqomimk n., pl., skates luks n., nephew (direct)
Lisa’l n.,Richard lukwaqn n., work
liskinuatasik it is braided lukwaqna’lik v., it bothers me
lisqeikniktuk adj., in the trunk lukwaqna’teket troublesome
lisultitaq v., they will be lying down lu’sknikn n., bannock; bread
lita’sualaj v., to depend on; rely on; let lu’sue’skw n., daughter-in-law (direct)
him/her depend on or rely on someone lu’suk n., son-in-law (direct)
or something l’utaqn n., fence
lketntew v., s/he will carry it to… l’utaqnatkw n., pole
lkwetuk n., female cow
llika’ v., walk M,m
llkuto’tulin v., to pour again
Llui n., Louie ma’ can’t
lluiknek n., seven maja’si v., you leave; I’m leaving
Lluipu’lk n., Louisbourg majjoqtelikn n., arrow
Llui’s n., Louise Majotukuiku’s n., moose calling moon
lmakitmi’tis v., they had sent Ma’kit, Malkilit n., Margaret
(something) home makkot n., skirt
l’ma’lan (if) they take him/her home makun n., chopped ice; wet snow on
lma’liskisn if s/he took you home ground
lmiey v., I am going home malapske’j n., humming bird
lmu’j n., dog Mali, Mali’j n., Mary
lmuji’jmnaqsiey n., willows Malia’n n., Mary Ann
l’nim very Malielen n., Mary Ellen
lnmuatl v., s/he hands it to him/her malie’winew v., to be married
lno’qom n., skate malike’litl person who teases a lot
l’nu n., native person, Canadian or Malilo’s n., Mary Rose
American Indian, North American maljewe’j n., young person
Aboriginal; people mampale’wit, malpale’wit n., pl.,
l’nuatalte’w n., beetle (black) doctor
l’nuey belonging to people malqutimin, malqutmik v., to eat
l’nu-iktuk in Mi’kmaq; in Indian malsano’kuom n., store
lnui’site’waq n., one who spoke a native malsenawel n., white maple
language Maltai, Maltay n., Martin
lnu’k n., people maltejuey n., hammer
Lo’li n., Roddie; Roderick maltew n., blood
lo’q interjection, oh
Maltikle’wimk n., Mardi Gras time; meketa’j v., s/he has caught or received
Shrove Tuesday a lot of…(animate)
ma’minu a lot; with a lot of strength; meketesk v., a lot of (it) fell (ie. snow)
extreme mekite’k v., s/he has caught or received
ma’muni extremely a lot of…(inamimate)
maqamikew-iktuk adj., on the ground mekite’tk v., s/he thinks highly of (it)
maqiske’kl v., ia., they are wide meknik v., sing., an., s/he picks it up
maqitwik v., rough waters; big waves meknman v., in., I have many of (them)
maqmikek n., ground meko’tik v., it costs a lot; it is expensive
maqmikew n., ground; earth mektmi’titl v., they don’t believe them
maqtek v., it it large; it is huge mekway adv., in the middle of
maqtewe’k adj., (it) is black mekwe’k v., it is red
maqtewimkwe’k wine color melkawlejit n., camel
maskue’smnaqsi n., cherry bush melkiknat strong, powerful
maskwenmaqsiey, elwimanaqsi n., melkita’sit v., s/he thinks bravely
choke cherry melknat v., s/he has strength; endurance
maskwi n., white birch melkwiskats v., s/he has a nightmare; to
masqo’teket v., s/he is putting things stiffen while sleeping; dream-state
away consciousness
matama’toqsip v., s/he had taken (it) to meluij with certain emphasis placed on a
the road or water command
Matle’n v., Madeline memkatpamk to be bald
matlet n., blouse menaje’jit v., s/he is brittle; fragile
matnaket v., s/he is fighting mena’piet v., checking the net
matto’law n., boar; bull menaqa adv., carefully; correctly; right
Mattio n., Mathew mena’taqun v., harvesting
matues n., porcupine mena’tasit v., it is being taken off
ma’w conj., also; in addition meniaq v., it is coming off
mawamko’tuan v., I put them in order menjapsu’kwa’t v., s/he gets up
mawa’tekemk (=) equals; in total menja’timk v., to get up
mawi preverb meaning most or all menkitmik (-) subtract
mawi-apoqonmuet s/he helps all menpilumwatl v., ia., s/he unties it for
mawi-kitnmat s/he has the hardest time him/her
mawi-kilnitl an., the biggest mente’muatl v., ia., s/he knocks it off
mawio’mi n., gathering, composition menuaqtmul v., I want it from you; I
(commonly used for Grand Council) want your (something)
mawo’laji an., s/he is gathering them menuekej, menueket v., s/he wants (it)
mawpile’n v., tie (it) together me’sa’la’tisn v., an., they could not do it
me’ adv., again; more meseltmik to have faith in something
mejike’k v., sing., ia., it is dirty me’si can’t do something
mekwaie’k adv., (in the) middle of mesie’waq v., it is misty
mekenk v., s/he picks it up or s/he has mesi’kowik v., sleet storm (present)
lots of it mesinkl v., ia., s/he gets them; s/he
mekenujik v., they are picked or catches them
selected meske’k v., s/he regrets
mekenut v., s/he is chosen meskeyi v., I’m sorry; I regret
meski’k v., it is big metuite’tk adj., reluctant; not anxious to
mesko’ltijik v., they are sorry; they do something
regret metu’kaqanik adj., it is a rough time
mesmanqalaw, misiminaqanaw n., metu’na’q adj., it is stormy (rain/snow)
locust meuisin v., you are picking berries
mesnatl v., s/he catches (it/him/her) miamuj n., a must
mesqnate’kaq v., I punch or strike miawi n., in the middle of
him/her down mia’wj n., cat
messiteskuasnl v., s/he missed him/her mija’qij n., vein
mestatk v., frozen over mijipjamuej n., honey bee
mesti large are affected mijipjewaqnatkw n., fishing rod (food
meskutaqnat v., s/he eats a lot stick)
me’talein how are you feeling? (ie. from mijipjewey n., food
illness) mijisi v., you eat
me’tale’k how is s/he anyway? mijua’ji’j n., baby; infant; small child
me’tal-wlein how are you? mikeken n., leather
metasimsultipnik v., they were mikjikj n., turtle
bragging about their love lives Mi’kma’ki n., the land of the Mi’kmaq
meta’sit v., his/her slight movement is Mi’kmaq n., pl., of the Micmac nation;
heard Micmac people
metasi-wela’kw adj., moonlit night mi’kmuesu n., legendary creature; spirit
mete’saqte’ket v., s/he is knocking on of woods
the door mikwimji v., they remind him/her
meteta’q v., it is making noise mikwite’tk v., s/he remembers
metewa’qite’ket v., hitting iron mila- all sorts; different kinds
meteweko’toq v., you can hear him/her milamu’kl are various colors, types
unraveling something; folding clothing, mila’sit v., s/he is playing
blankets, etc. mila’teket v., s/he gets into everything
metewistulitl v., s/he is talking to mischievous
him/her milatuet speaks many dialects
metla’s (used as a prefix only, and when milia’su’nejit n., water bug covered
referring to age and money) with pebbles and sticks; people who over
metla’sipuna’s s/he was 10 years old dress; caterpillar
metoqiet v., s/he is going down milita’mk play time
metua’lj v., s/he is having a hard time militaw n., hummingbird
with (it) mimajuaqnm n., my life
metua’lukuk it is giving them a difficult mimajuaqnmuow n., their food; their
time livelihood
metua’muejik v., they are having a hard mimajuinu’k n., pl., people
time in arguing their point; difficult in mimaju’nij v., it is keeping him/her
convincing alive
metuamukwa’sik adj., stormy weather mimatua’tuan v., I come up with (thing
(rain/snow); weather is getting worse in need) for time being
metue’k adj., difficult, complicated, it is mime’j, nme’j, n., fish
hard to do; if it is hard, (it) is difficult mimikej n., butterfly
mimkwanmusiey n., red oak
mimkwatumk v., to hide (something) mtln n., ten (10)
minuia’tijik v., they come back to life mtmo’taqn n., business
minu’nsimk n., resurrection mtue’tew adj., it will be hard to do
miptoqmkse’wj n., cricket mtunqanel n., gills
misaiji’j n., flannel mu adv., not
misekn n., rags; pieces of material muin n., bear
Mise’l n., Michael muiwala’titl thankful to him/her
mi’soqo conj., until mujpej n., dolphin
mita conj., because mukk don’t
mita’sisnaq v., wood broke in half; went munti’ bag; potato sack
two separate ways musikisewamu’k, musqunamu’k n.,
miti n., poplar tree blue
mittukwalji (peji) they have come to musikisk n., sky
visit him/her musiktekutim in side of gills
mkikn n., hook muskase’j n., conch; large ocean shell
mkisn n., moccasin musli’newey n., thin silky cloth (almost
mkne’n v., to pick (it) up see through); very fine cloth (violet)
mkumi n., ice musuey n., handkerchief; kerchief
mlkikno’ti n., strength mu’iuatk in thanksgiving; in respect
mna’q not yet
mnijkimusi’k n., area for picking N, n
mnikmiaq boilded till it is off na here (used to tell stories)
mniku n., island naji preverb for going to
mniske’n v., get it na’jijaqn n., glove
mnja’si v., you get up na’jipuktaqnej n., a bat
mnsmik v., the act of cutting na’ku’set n., sun
mntmu’ n., oyster na’ku’setewey n., a month
mnumkwej n., ground hog na’kwek n., day
mo’qi preverb for very much, very bad, naltaqmin v., shaving splints by using a
or terribly hand tool (ie. crooked, curved knife)
moqo, moqwe n., no namikjan n., my palm
msanuk n., halibut na’msit that’s all
msaqtaqt n., floor na’n n., five
msikn n., hail; sleet naniska’q fifty (50)
msiku n., grass; hay nantmi adv., over and beyond the
msikue’j n., sparrow ordinary
msimuksi’k v., if they tell on us nantmi kelusit extremely beautiful
msit pron., all nantmi’kewe’l adv., of the ones that are
msitiamka’taqn n., sand bar over and beyond
mtenimu don’t make a noise na’paji v., pulls them through
mte’skm n., snake nape’w n., male bird
mtetesink v., if you hear him/her napijkiet v., his/her legs give way; s/he
moving around collapses
mteweko’toq v., moving something na’po’qn-iktuk n., fish holder
na’puktaqn n., trap made of small wire; natqa’la’tita v., they took it out of the
snare water
na’puktaqnikemk v., to set a snare na’t wen n., somebody
naqalatl v., s/he left him/her ne’apit v., s/he is looking out; s/he is
naqa’si v., stop peeking out, s/he has good eyesight
naqawet v., stutters ne’ata’q v., the sun comes out after the
na’qek, na’qik over there a bit more; cloud; clearing; the sun is coming out
past a place or area ne’ia’toq v., s/he is taking (it) out to be
naqla’tita v., they left him/her seen; taken out in the open
naqna’mik v., dip into it; I am getting a neiu’naqio’ltijik v., they jump out into
drink for (someone) the open
naqpisit v., clothing is too short for a ne’kipetlaw n., hake; a marine food fish
person resembling the cod
naqsa’tekey v., I am doing (it) quickly ne’kipu’ete’w, nekpukuwetaw n.,
naqsun n., rug; undercovering pollock
naqtm v., I’m leaving (it) nekm pron., him/her
nasa’l v., an., put it on; put him/her on nekmowey n., inan., that one
(ie. the telephone) nekmowkw an., them; they
nasapoqlatl v., to put the harness on a nemiaji v., s/he sees them
horse nemiatl v., s/he sees him/her
nasa’toq v., s/he puts it on nemiskmumk v., to get
nasesipikwatima’tite’wk greasers nemitekemk v., to see
na’sik in spite of nemjino’qasik n., rectangle
nasikwek v., it is growing onto nenaq v., I know him/her
naskimin v., you are wearing it; are you nenaqi quickly
wearing it? nenaqite’tk v., s/he can hardly wait;
naskumnmikatumk math term for all s/he is in a hurry for it
naspila’tiji v., tie them to (something) nenuatl is familiar with, knows him/her
nassikwalujik v., joining in the walk or ne’pa’kutew v., it will kill him/her
march; groups going somewhere nepamk v., to sleep
particular nepamkewey n., ether
nastek v., it is on; it is attached ne’patu v., to win
naste’mekl v., we are pounding on nepk s/he/animal is dead
(something) (ie. nails) neptoq v., cramp in side; out of breath
na’t anin., that one over there nesanoqsit s/he is dangerous; s/he is
nata do you know how reckless
nata’-l’nu’kwat s/he knows how to ne’sijik n., there are three of them; three
Indian dance are alone
na’tami adv., somewhere nesiska’q thirty (30)
natankualij v., selling their things nespi v., I am babysitting; at the same
nata’pipuket s/he knows how to play an time
instrument nespikitk v., s/he counts it in
na’taqmita’nej v., let us go ashore nestik comprehends
natawi I know how; (s/he) knows how nestuimatl v., counsels someone
natawintoq s/he knows how to sing nesutuwa’tisni they were in fear for
na’te’l adv., there their safety or health
net who is it; that; this nikutikl v., they are growing
netaji v., yearn; long for; miss nikwenmi’tisn v., they grew (plants,
neajiktik s/he is lonesome for (it) food, etc.)
netake’k adj., s/he is shy nili n., my belly button
ne’tatna’tat v., one who has a good nilmus n., my brother-in-law or sister-
sense of smell in-law of the opposite sex
ne’tipsetamit v., smells food; keen nilu’nen n., our food
sense of smell ni’n pron., I; me
netna this; that’s it ninatu’nimn v., feel around with your
ne’w n., four hands; guess with hands
newek drafty, slightly cold outside ninatutekimn v., guess with feet
Ne’wewey Thursday ninen pron., it is ours
newiska’q forty (40) nipapultimk v., a wake; up all night
ne’wt n., one (1) nipi n., leaf
newtayik n., one dollar nipialasutma v., have a merry
newtikesnaq v., s/he lived alone Christmas
newitkikl inan., drafty something Nipi Alasutmamk n., Christmas;
newtikiskik n., one day; one full day; all midnight prayer
day nipino’q n., iron pot used to cook food
newtinemiksijik n., a pair nipisoqn n., a switch; a thin leafy branch
newtipuk n., pond from a tree
newtipukuiktuk n., Big Pond nipit n., my tooth
newtiska’q n., ten (10) nipk n., summer
newtitpa’q n., all night nipmann n., cranberry bush
newtnimi’k alone Nipnik’us n., June; summer moon
newtukwa’llukwet adj., (s/he) is alone; nipnoqan n., yellow birch
one is alone nipuktuk n., in the woods
neyaqita’jik they are coming out nisaqatijumkwey v., I am driving or
nijan n., my child riding downward
nijinjewamu’k pink color; color of fish nisa’timk v., to descend
eggs nisa’tumk v., to put down
nijinuan n., my cheek nisiet v., s/he falls down
ni’k n., my home nisipqumutoq v., slides something
nikana’laji v., s/he leads them; n., Niskam n., god
leader niskamij n., my grandfather (traditional
nikantukwi’k v., s/he runs ahead form); my father-in-law (contemporary
nikatmua’titl v., they measure it for him form)
nike’ adj., now niskimakwe’su n., brown eagle
nikjawiknej n., an orange nisqunamu’k n., purple
nikjawiknejewamu’k adj., orange nisqunamuksit v., s/he is bruised
ni’kmawe’su n., osprey nisto’t v., knock down; push down
niknaq n., my house nisu’naqiet v., jump down from
nikoql n., spears; fishing spears; eel something
spears nitap n., my friend; also my friend
niktua’sit split apart (direct)
niktulnej, niktu’niej n., tern
nitjus n., the spouses of brothers and/or nqatayik, nqatayiw, nqatayu adj.,
sisters married in the same family halfway
nitkuk n., my eyebrow nqate’n v., leave it
njiknam n., my younger brother nqun n., my heel
njikun n., my knee nqusi n., my nail
njilj n., my father-in-law (traditional nsanoqn n., danger
form) nsi n., my lip
nji’nmum, nji’numum n., my husband nsim n., my niece
nji’taqn n., the back of my neck nsis n., my older brother
njukwiji’j n., my mother-in-law nsiskw n., my face
(traditional form) nsisqun n., my nose
nkat n., my foot nsituaqan n., my ear
nkata’law n., mussel nsitunapi n., my larynx; voice box
nkij n., my mother nsukwis n., my aunt
nkumi n., ice nsukwi’s term of respect for elder
nkutape’w n., bachelor woman or aunt; my elderly woman
nkutey (just) like, similar ntakwiskank n., my wrist
nkwe’ji’j n., my younger sister; also nte’pitem n., my wife
younger sister (direct) nte’pite’sm n., my girlfriend
nkwis n., my son ntijin n., my thumb
nmaqtam n., my brother-in-law or ntipun n., my bed
sister-in-law of the same sex ntisikn n., my sock
nme’j n., fish ntlaminu n., my stomach
nmijnike’j, nmjinikej n., crab ntlmaqn n., my shoulder
nmis n., my older sister; older sister ntlpa’tum n., my boyfriend
(direct) ntluikn n., my finger
nmiskmui v., get (it) for me ntlu’suk n., my son-in-law
nmiskwan n., my eyelash ntlutewamu’k grey color
nmpisun n., medicine npisisqunan n., my toe
nmuksnk n., my shoes or moccasins ntoqwan n., dress
nmu’ltes v., I will see you ntsikn n., sock
nmusti n., my stomach ntui’sketu v., sell (it)
no’kmaq n., my relative; cousin; also ntukape’kn n., my chin
relative (direct) ntukwejan n., my forehead
no’qom v., I cough ntun n., my mouth
npa v., you sleep ntus n., my daughter
npaqm n., my back nu’ n., elder; grandfather, not
npitn n., my hand necessarily a relative
npitnokom n., my arm Nuel n., Noel
npo’qn n., a bed Nuelewi n., Christmas
npukwik n., my eye nuji prefix applies to responsibility or
npuskun n., my chest duty or job; the one
nqal v., leave (him/her) behind nuji’j n., my grandchild; stepchild
nqamasiatew it will be easy to do nujikina’muet n., teacher; one who
nqanikuomk n., stable teaches
nqasi pv., fast, something done fast nujj n., my father
nujjinen n., my grandfather oqoet v., s/he is hanging out clothes
(contemporary form) oqoqiaq v., it is moldy
nujkima’q v., melt; thaw; defrost oqo’qitek n., burnt food
nujo’tk v., s/he is taking care of oqpisit v., s/he is bundled up (ie. baby)
(something); one is charge of… oqua expression; wow!!; well I’ll be
nukmi’, nukumi n., grandmother; also darned!!
mither-in-law or stepmother (direct) oqwa’t v., (s/he) has arrived
nukmij n., my mother-in-law or oqwatnuk n., from the north
stepmother, my grandmother oti n., husband or wife (direct); intimate
nuku alright; to give in (overpowered); name
then; let’s go otia I see; I can see
nukwiaq v., breaks when you touch it o’welei response, I am fine
nuluks n., my nephew o’wele’k response, (s/he) is fine
nunji n., my head
nusapun n., my hair
nuseskwalatl she is breast feeding P,p
nusknikn n., my elbow
nuta’n v., you need pajijeketesnu v., throw him/her/it over
nu’te’nmaqan n., camp fire an embankment or road
nutqwe’kek when s/he was young pakaji’jewe’l n., wild roses
nutkwi’taqitite’wk n., drivers; ones Pa’kewimk n., Easter
who steers the way Pa’kiji’jewimk n., Palm Sunday
nutmek v., to hear pa’kiji’jewimkewe’k n., palms
pako’si n., water lily plant; traditional
O, o’ Paksima n., Simon
panta’toq v., open (door)
o’ oh panta’tu v., open (it)
O’jikate’j n., Jack Frost panuatqitukwi’k v., s/he ran out into
o’plapukuet v., says something wrong; the open; came out of the woods
blunders speech papitaqn n., toy
o’pla’siksipnek v., it went wrong; it papka’sit v., he goes downstream
broke down papuaqn n., fun, game
o’pla’taqn n., harm, harmfulness, error, pa’qalaik v., s/he is surprised;
misdeed, damage astonished; s/he is in awe; s/he is
o’pla’teket v., do evil, bad, harm; does amazed
something wrong; s/he errs, does wrong paqa’lit v., (s/he) bit me
o’pla’toq v., s/he does it wrongly; s/he pa’qapukwa’timk n., it is confession
does does it harm; doing it wrong time
o’pltek v., it is wrong; incorrect; it is not paqasita’jik v., they are entering the
right water
o’pli-nsitk v., s/he misunderstands pa’qlaiekip v., we were in awe; we were
oqlmkwa’sit v., s/he bows surprised; we were astonishedl we were
oqlmkwetesink v., s/he falls forward amazed
oqme’k v., (s/he) is greedy paqtism n., wolf
oqnji’je’ka’tijik v., gathering sticks pase’k adj., thick
pa’si v., sit down pemkopa’si v., sit; s/he sits down
pasik adv., only, just pemkopit v., s/he is sitting
paska’sitjt v., breaks up (ie. ice) pemlika’t v., s/he is walking
paskino’lata v., tore him apart pemteskmi’tl v., they pass them by
paskuta’sin v., dress warmly pemtukwi’k v., s/he is running
pasma’si v., lie down pemukwaltulti’tij v., they are following
Pasmay n., Ben each other
pataluti n., table pemwije’watl v., s/he is going along
patatujk n., to the left with him/her; s/he is following him/her
pa’tlia’s n., priest Penatmuiku’s n., April; egg-laying
Pa’tlik n., Patrick moon
patuo’kn n., drift wood penetkultijik v., they are giving birth
pawi slow (furry animals)
pawikispasut anim., slow to dry penu’nsikek the disturbness passed (ie.
pe listen (this is caution and is stronger weather)
and suggests stop everything and listen!) pepke’j adj. thin
peji-kwitamet v., s/he came to fish pepsipqwa’sit v., it breaks (ie. string)
peji’ta’jik v., they have arrived; they are pepuitisnu v., we will shake or tremble
here; they have come pesaq v., it is snowing
peju n., cod pesatemi, pesetu I smell
pekena’tumk v., break a piece from pe’si v., I have something in my eye
pekije’k a long time pe’skewey n., inan., gun
pekisin v., you come home; you arrive Peskewiku’s n., July; feather-shedding
pekisutoql v., s/he brought them moon
pekitnmatimk n., sacred offering peskiaqa’l v., skin them (animal)
pekte’sik n., south peskwe’matmik v., to shave
pe’kwamuksin you are scarce; you are (something)
hardly seen pesqunatek n., nine (9)
pekwatelmuit v., (s/he) brought it for Pestie’wa’ltimk n., honoring ceremony
me pestie’wit v., being honored
Pelonik n., Veronica pesu’kwa’t v., leaps; jumps in a smooth
pem prefix for in the process of fashion
pemamkiaq v., piling up petalu n., lion
pemapekit v., s/he or it is crawling petaqn n., pie
pematijitoq v., s/he is driving on; she is petawlewaji v., s/he brings toys (ie.
dragging (something) Santa)
pemayja’sit v., s/he is flying by petkimit v., s/he has sent me to you
pemi in the process of petkitmask v., s/he sends it to you
pemiet v., s/he is going by Petle’m n., Bethlehem
pemi’kai v., I am building my home; my petto’l v., I accidently hit you
home is being built pewalatl v., s/he wants him to do
pemi-lika’t v., s/he is walking over something
pemi-lmiey v., I am on my way home pewat v., s/he is having a dream
pemi-mtoqita’tij v., they are in the pewatk v., she wants
process of going down pewi’katk v., (s/he) sweeps it
pemketnk v., I am carrying
pewitekemkewey n., dream catcher; pitalu n., lion
something used for dreams pita’q v., it is long in length
Pie’l n., Peter pita’qewe’l n., long pants
pie’skman n., corn pitaqsa’t n., she wears a long dress
pija’latal v., anim., s/he puts him/her in pi’tawk n., upstream
something (eg. jail) pitew n., broth
pijeketa v., anim., s/he threw him/her in pitewey n., tea
something pi’tipatmik v., fill it up
piji’skipat s/he has a long neck; giraffe pitlanji’jk n., string beans
pi’jkwej n., nighthawk; sparrow hawk; pitoqsit adj., s/he is tall
hawn; small hawk pittalu n., rat
pikti v., letting out gas; fart pittaq adj., it is long in width
Pikto’l n., Victor pituimtlnaqn one thousand (1,000)
Piktukewaq people from the Pictou area pituimtlnaqnepikatun ten thousand
pi’kun n., feather (10,000)
pikwelkik they are many pituininiskmaitj n., my great-
pikwelnaji v., s/he has many of them grandfather
piley adj., new pituinuji’j n., my great-grandchild
piljaqn n., mitten pituinukmitj n., my great-grandmother
piltui in a different manner; awesome pitu’kn n., coat that is thrown over the
pilu different shoulders (like a shawl)
piluamkwa’sin v., change colors pitu’pek n., marsh; delta
pilue’k n., anim., others piwikesk n., pl., fish scales
pipanim v., ask him/her piwsikn n., remnants (small)
pipnaqn n., bread piwtiknji’jl n., pl., leftovers; eaten over
pipnu’jaqmati n., mirror pjila’si welcome
piptoqnke’wj n., green grasshopper pkewe’k adj., downstairs; down there;
piptoqoksasik v., cut in round, bowl lower
fashion pkije’nuk adv., it will take long; (ma) it
piptoqo’qasikl v., nails won’t be a long time
pipukwen v., playing an instrument pkijoqa’tuj (him/her) to close (it)
pipukwes n., hawk pkijwej teal
pi’san n., diaper pku n., gum
pisaqnatkul n., moss pku’l n., gum from tree
pisaqnatkwej n., new baby pkwamukskl n., drift wood
pisi n., tent pole plawjiuman n., boiled red berries
pi’si v., urinate plawejuimanaqsi n., leaves of ground
pisit v., s/he is inside of red berries
piskaqn n., sock pqunitpa’q getting dark; (poqji-) at
piskiaq it is getting dark; sunset dusk; it is getting dark
pisko’tasik v., bringing in; it is brought pqwasietes v., you will fall in the water
in pkwatelmu buy it for him/her
piskuije’wi v., come in with me pkwatuan if I earn it
pisku’naqiet v., s/he jumps in pkwimann n., pl., blueberries
piskwa’ v., come in pkwimu n., loon
piskwi in the act of coming in; bladder plamu n., salmon
Plansue n., Frank puknesmit adj., shaggy
plawej n., partridge puksi often
pleku n., nail puksuk n., wood; firewood
ples n., pigeon puktew n., fire
Plsit n., Bridget puktewe’j n., cricket
pmiet v., s/he is going in a certain pu’ktli’skiej, pu’tli’skiej n., black robin
direction puku’kwowij n., sap of tree
pmketn v., anim., carry puku’kowij n., fir tree blister
pmkopa’tinej v., (lets) sit pukumej n., centipede
pmlika’ v., you walk pukwales n., swallow
pmteskwaji v., s/he passed them by pukweli- prefix for many
Po’pi nickname for Levi pukwelk adv., in., a lot of them
poqane’jk n., pl., slippers puljain n., train
poqji prefix, in the process of starting pun prefix for discontinuing something
poqjiaq v., it is starting punajeywuksitesnu v., s/he will leave
poqnitpa’q adj., darkness; it is dark us alone
poqtitemit v., s/he starts crying Punamuiku’s, Punamujuiku’s n.,
poqtiteskaq v., I run after him/her January; frost fish moon (tom cod)
poqtitoqsultijik v., they start making puntasnaq v., s/he cast a curse
noise pusilita v., his/her (friend) has driven
Potlotek n., Chapel Island; Barra Head away
pow adj., slowly puskatal v., I eat often
powkwija’sik v., it surfaces puskuney n., bra
pqajue’wj n., bobcat pusu’l v., shake hands; let me shake
pqasaqliw v., don’t throw me in the your hand
water Pusu’l Puna’ne (direct) Happy New
pqa’w n., dry bark Year
pqo’qt n., area of pine trees pu’taliewe’l n., baskets
psa’l v., anim., skin (it); to skin pu’taptimi’tij v., they (2+) peeked into
psanoq n., halibut something (ie. tent)
psaq adv., snowing pu’tay n., an., bottle
pse’sis n., onion putup n., a., whale
psetkunn n., pl., knots in a tree pwa’saq n., a., large eels
psintis v., will you/you will come
pska’si v., get off the road
pskwesoqn n., grass cutter Q,q
ptlutaqnn n., pl., rules
puistiknna’j n., caraway seeds qalipu n., caribou
pukitli’skiej n., black robin qaliputi n., shovel
puke’l anim., two in half qamawtik n., across the road
pukelnikik an., I have many of them qame’k n., across the water; beyond
pukelniman in., I have many of them qami v., you stand
pukey inan., half qamsipuk n., across the river
pukina’twejit something furry qa’qskwit v., horse’s gallop
puklukwan n., kidney qasaqo’q n., metal; steel
pukna’kwejit n., hairy thing; caterpillar qasqatuk by the edge of the woods
qasqawti n., edge of a road, side of the saqmawuti n., a chief’s position
road saqmu’kualk v., anim., I’m chewing (it)
qasqe’k n., shore; shoreline saqnkitek v., it is lying there
qasqiso’q on the edge of a bluff saqplaq adj., rain or wet snow together
qaspem v., edge of a lake (present)
qata’skul n., eel grass saqsikwemk v., to fish by torch; (ie.
qospemk n., brook; pond night fishing)
qunqwej n/., mudsucker saqtaqtuk n., on the floor
sasap n., jellyfish
S,s sa’se’witew v., s/he will trade, change,
or exchange
Sakali n., Christopher sa’se’wteskatisnik v., they exchanged
Sa’ke’j n., James places; (i’) they took turns
sakji’j n., short coat sasqajij n., perch
saklo’pi n., ribbon sasqapanqe’jkl n., pl., pancakes
sakskale’sk, sakskale’sk, sasqale’s n., sasqatu n., flying squirrel
scallop sasqe’l n., pl., boards
salewey n., salt sasqik it is flat
sa’lewey n., shawl sata’siw n., shrimp
Sal’n n., Charles sata’su, seta’su n., squid
sama’tu v., touch se’k n., some place else; another location
samqwa v., you drink sekewa’t n., sunrise
samqwan n., water sekwiska’toq v., breaks it in a gradual
samqwanik v., it is wet fashion
Sa’n n., John Selusale’mk n., Jerusulem
Sanet n., Janet semakitk v., s/he sends it away
sankewi- prefix carefully; slowly Se’nt n., Saint
Santele’s n., Theresa sepqoqiajk n., grey birch
Santi Kla’s n., Santa Claus sesaqisultijik v., they are swift
Sanuwel n., John sesipikwatima’tite’wk n., greasers;
sapalqite’k v., pierces something, ones with hair greased
someone se’siteksipni’kl v., they were apart
sapa’lukwet v., s/he danced through; se’skwemk v., to yell; holler
made it through sespenmate’w n., a person who cannot
sapikmik n., slush; wet snow; soft snow keep still
sapo’nuk adv., tomorrow Sesukuli n., Jesus Christ, Our Saviour
sapte’kney n., fork Se’sus n., Jesus
saputa’sin v., go through Se’t A’nnewimk Ste. Ann’s Day
sa’q long ago sewisteskl v., it is ruined/broken
saqaliaq v., it sprouts sewk adj., sour
sa’qati n., needle siawi preverb, continue
saqatpitesinlitl v., it peeps out ever so siawi-lta’new v., continue on
often; often appears sike’samuti n., windpipe
saqatuetesink v., falls down sike’saqnaw n., shell of clam or oyster;
sa’qewey n., old; ancient any shell
sa’qitie’j n., dragonfly Sikewiku’s n., March; spawning moon
sikilati, siklati, sikilati n., dogfish; skus n., weasel
small shark skwe’w n., female chicken (hen)
sikn n., sock sma’knisk n., pl., soldiers
sikniske’kmuti n., burlap smatal v., s/he will feed him/her/it
siktli’kwej n., sparrow smwetoq v., (s/he) is passing out
sikue’sawanaw n., black mud in shell something to eat (ie. meat)
Silipay n., Levi snaqu’skl n., drift wood
Sim Pie’lk n., St. Peter’s (Nova Scotia, snaweyey n., sugar maple
neat Potlotek) snawskl n., cat tails
simtuk adv., next; then; moreover; at so’qemuj n., minnow
once So’sep n., Joseph
si’naweyek v., bailing so’qwa’toq v., carries it up
sinumkw n., wild goose; Canadian sqamu’kual v., chew (it)
goose sqato’mink n., pl., raisins
sioqteski’kl v., they came apart sqmoqniej n., slug
sipekn n., gound nut; wild potato sqolj, squlj n., frog
Sipekne’katik n., Shubenacadie staqa like
sipmikiaq adj., triangle or cone shaped stoqanamu’k n., green
siptaqtesmatl v., s/he stretches it; s/he stoqn n., fir tree
pulls it suel adv., almost, nearly
sipu n., river sukn n., tail bone
siputu v., sharpening it Sulia’n n., William
sisip n., bird suliewey n., money
sisku n., mud su’n n., cranberry
sismoqn n., sugar sune’wimk v., fasting
sismoqne’j n., small, see through ant suomusi n., beech nut
si’st n., three, three times Sutik n., Judina; Judy; Judith
Si’stewey n., Wednesday
sisua’qate’kn n., bell
sisua’qeta’q v., jingling sound T,t
sitm n., shore
siwe’k v., it is boring, be tired Ta’ O a saying after a dance or song or
siwkw n., the season of spring prayer
Siwkwewiku’s n., March; spawning takle’i v., I am mad
moon takli’j n., duckling; tame goose
skimtuk adv., next, then, moreover, at taklita’si v., I am thinking angry
once thoughts
skite’kmuj n., ghost tal prefix, where; what
skite’kmujuawti n., milky way talamu’k what color is it?; what
skitokom n., outside tree condition is it?
skma v., wait tala’sitaq where did s/he go?; where is
sko’qiet v., s/he is going up towards s/he?
something tala’teketesnu what will we do now?
sku n., bloodsucker talawtik how much is it?
Skuls n., river-freezing moon tale’k how is s/he?
skun n., liver tali prefix, how; what
talianuk (mu) nothing is going on; (ma) ta’sik how much?
nothing will happen ta’ta n., father (direct)
taliaq what’s happening?; what’s going tato’p n., octopus
on? tatuji how much; how far
talikiskik what is the weather like? teke’k adj., it is cold
tali-ksukk how much does it weigh? teken which one
tali-pkije’ktitew how long before tekik inan., it feels cold
something happens? tekloqiaq it’s beginning to get chilly
tali-pkiji-skmates how long will I have tekniet v., s/he is sweating
to wait? tekpa’q (it) is cold
tali-pkiji-toqtetew how long will it take tekpewisk n., dew
him/her to cook it? tekteskawet s/he is kicking
tal-kaqanik what is the tekweyatioq v., (wen) who stays with
atmosphere/situation like? (ie. at a party you; s/he is with you
or dance or place) tel prefix – shortened from teli
tal-lukwen what are you doing? tela’lsin v., it is your own fault
tal-pittaq how long is it telamuksit v., s/he is that color, s/he
talsikn n., pit of stomach looks this way (dirty)
taltek what does it look like?; how does telamul v., you look like…
it appear to be? telapukues v., s/he had said
tal-tepautik how much is the total telasuetek v., that’s the shape its in
amount? tela’tekemk v., to do, that is the way it
talte’tmin what do you think about it? is done
taluenek, talue’sip what did you say? teli prefix, thus; there
taluisin what is your name? telianuk (mu) (it) is not true
taluisit what is his/her name? teliaq it is true; it is right
tal-wlein (me’) how are you? telikk the shape of it
tamaj to ask him/her for something telimaji v., s/he tells them
tami where?; (mu) nowhere telimk v., I tell him/her
ta’n when teli-nesanoqsit v., that is how
tapaqn n., toboggan dangerous/reckless s/he is
tapatat n., potato telita’sit v., s/he thinks
tapinepikatu’n multiply telitmk, telitumk how to make
Ta’pit n., David something
ta’pitji’j n., turbot teljl prefix, extreme
tapsun n., pl., clothes tel-lukuti’tij informing them of their
ta’pu n., two activity
ta’puewey n., Tuesday tel-lukwet this is what s/he is doing
tapuiska’q twenty (20) Telo’lis n., Delores
tapunaskumnmikatu’n divide te’plj n., goat
taqlto’jik v., they are sore losers; angry telta’simk to assume, to think; to have a
because of a loss because of a fight preconceived notion about something
taqma’si v., serve yourself telte’tmu v., (mu) I (don’t) think so
taqmk v., I hit him/her teltoqsit v., s/he sounds like
taqtaloq n., lizard teluemkv., to say
ta’sijik an., how many are there? teluisi v., my name is
telukitimkis that is what you do to (it) tetuji this much
temasqekemk v., to break tetutki’k adj., they were owed
temik it is deep tewa’telimek v., in., we paid (it) out
tepa’q it is cold (water, tea, etc.) tewa’ttukwi’kaq v., s/he ran out
tepa’sis s/he got on (something) tewiet v., s/he/it went out, to exit
tepaskimin v., are you capable; are you Tewitk n., Grand Narrows
qualified Tewitka’jk n., Little Narrows
tepautik it is worth it tewji this much
tepesk adj., it is complete tewopa’sit v., s/he looks out ( eg.
tepi prefix, enough window/door)
tepiaq that is enough; it is enough; that tiake’wj n., mink
is enough of them tia’m n., moose
tepiass you better; you should tiplu’lewey n., butter
tepi’ketumkik v., they are being handed ti’ti slang for a child or baby
out tities n., bluejay
te’pi’sewey n., pepper ti’tikli n., horned owl
tepkik n., night tkipow-iktuk n., at the well
tepknuset n., moon tkismi v., swim
te’plj n., goat tkitpa’q cold night
tepne’k v., catch up with tknaqniktuk n., in the cradle board or
tepot n., boot cradle
tepo’tuek v., we are loading it up (eg. tknu n., sweat
onto a boat) tku’k n., pl., ocean waves
tepte’mat v., has picked/saved enough tl prefix, shorter form for teli
te’s each time; every time tlaqna’tu’nl placing wedges for balance
te’sijik head count or eveness
te’sik the amount of tla’teke v., do it
te’sikiskik n., everyday tla’tu do (it) like this
te’sipow n., horse tlawk n., wings
te’siska’q this amount in 10’s tle’j let it be; never mind
te’siskekipuna’t age is in the ?0’s tle’k they are from…
te’sipa’q n., every night tlewistuek (kis) (can) I speak to
te’sk everytime (him/her)
tetaqi I owe this much to them; I owe tli prefix
them tlia’ even though
tetimnik n., square tliaj (na) so be it; Amen
teto’qi- to the fullest extent tliaq if it is so
teto’qi-pmiet s/he is going as fast as tlim v., tell (him/her)
s/he can tlimi v., tell me
tetpaqa’n v., you are right tlitpiet if it happens to him/her
tetpaqi prefix, right tl-lukwen v., to do something; to do
tetpiw at the same time, simultaneously some work
tett n., here; way tltek (it) is like that
tettuji v., anim., s/he is owed tlue v., say it
tetuejit n., June bug tlukwuti’tij what they are doing
tetuje’ksipnik they were (_) years old tluwey v., say it
tma’kitaqan, tma’kitaqn n., saw upmawtik n., the ditch; the side of the
tmaqan, tmaqn n., pipe (for smoking) road
tma’qni’ n., shell duck upmetesk v., to twist (eg. ankle)
tmasqise’n v., cut (it) upmetuk adj., to the side
tmawey n., tobacco upmikk adj., it is crooked
tmi’kn n., axe u’t adj., this
tmitqi’knn n., scissors
tmk n., first W,w
tmkwaliknej n., crane; heron
tmoqta’w n., log, trunk of a tree waiekn n., wool
to’q adv., however, then, therefore waio’pskl n., beads
toqi- prefix for two doing something waisa’m n., lion
together waju’aq adj., it is full
toqjui- prefix for upward wa’li’j n., rowboat
toqluaqn n., side of the neck walipot n., boat
toqpisiliji tied together walquesquwaw-iktuk n., at the channel
toqtetew v., s/he will cook walqupaqtek n., puddle
Toqwa’q, toqa’q n., Fall walqusquwawal many cracks
tplutaqn n., law walqusut a hole was carved in it
tqamuewe’l n., old lady sticks in Waltes walsaqta’wk n., big dish; eating dish
tqoqwej n., bobcat waltes n., ancient traditional Mi’kmaq
tu’an v., you are/are you playing ball game played with bowl, six dice, and
tu’aqan, tu’aqn n., ball counting sticks
tuatqituk adv., in the bush walwapek adj., oval
tujiw adv., then wantaqkopi v., sit quietly; sit still
tuju adv., as far as, up to wapei v., I am white
tukwape’kunatkw n., jawbones wape’jkl n., flour
tukwiet v., s/he is waking up wape’k adj., (it) is white
Tuma n., Thomas wape’w n., swan
tuopitl n., window wapna’ki n., the Confederacy to which
tupkwan n., earth; dirt the Micmacs belonged
tupkwanamu’k brown color wapnaqnk n., a dice game consisting of
Tupkwa’ntimk n., Ash Wednesday eight bone dice played during the night
tupsi n., alder waqama’tu v., clean (it)
tu’s n., granddaughter, younger sister; waqan, waqn n., knife
daughter (direct) waqa’skiaq sleigh; tobaoggan
tuwa’timk v., playing ball or some sport wa’qi n., your flesh
Twi’knek n., Mulgrave (Nova Scotia) wa’qij adv., hardly
waqntew n., bone
U,u wasitpa’q adj., a clear night
Wa’so’q n., heaven
ukmuljin, ukumuljin n., eight (8) wasoqa’taqn n., ring
u’lukwet v., animal (ie. dog) howling wasoqatesk v., lights up; n., lightening
u’n n., fog wasoqek n., light; adv., lit
Unama’ki n., land of the fog, one of the wasoqiman n., red ground berries
seven districts (Cape Breton Island)
wasoqotesteket v., s/he is taking we’kwata’si v., I am scared
pictures wekwilat v., barking
waspu n., seal wela’kw evening
wastew n., snow wela’kwek adv., last night; last evening
wasuek n., flower wela’lin v., I thank you; you have done
watapji’jit n., small yellow bird me good
wataptek adj., of the color yellow welamk I think s/he is cute or handsome
wa’w n., egg or beautiful; I like his/her looks; I have
waysis animal an adoration for someone
weja’latl v., (s/he) got him/her from welamsit v., boastful; one thinks they
(some place) are the best; conceited; likes ones’ own
wejaqma’tasik it is boiled; it is being looks
boiled welamu’k adj., good-looking, of a good
weja’tijik v., they come from (place); kind
they’ve been to welaptik v., in., s/he likes the looks of
weji prefix, from; from there; because of it; s/he admires it; s/he thinks it’s pretty
wejiaq v., it comes from welaqna’maq adv., it is raining heavily
we’jia’tiji v., they have found (them) (pouring)
wejien v., you have/have you been to welatalk v., s/he eats well
(some place) welei I am fine
wejimt v., to ask permission to do weliaq v., it is good; that’s good
something weli-kiskik adj., good day
wejinu’kwatm I am trying it welikit adj., an., it has a nice shape
we’jitoq v., s/he has found (it) welikwetutkaq v., s/he had a cheerful
wejkoqielitl anim., rolling towards them look
wejku’aq v., it is coming welima’q adv., smells nice
wejkwapeniaq v., the coming of the welipsetm v., I like the smell of it
dawn welitasit is well made
wejkwapit v., there s/he is; s/he is welite’tm v., I approve; I think it’s a
sitting there good idea
wejkwa’tumk v., to bring welitpamu’k adj., in., it has a pretty
wejkwi prefix for coming color
wejkwu’nimul v., I am handing it to weljaqe’k v., s/he is well off; s/he is
you happy with what s/he has
wejo’tu’n v., you get them from (place) weljesink adj., s/he is in a happy mood
wejue’ksipnaq v., s/he was close to weljewiaq v., it is fun
getting hurt welkaqnik it is a blissful time; it is a
weju’sik adj., it is windy good time; it is a fun time
we’kaiw as far as (in distance or time) welkina’mua’tisin v., they taught
wekatesk n., pl., northern lights him/her well
we’kaw adv., by the time welknetek dressed or decorated nicely
wekayi v., I am angry welkuik v., I feel comfortable; s/he
we’kayiw adv., as far as (in distance or makes me feel comfortable
time) welkutat adj., dresses nice
We’kopa’q, We’kokma’q n., welkwija’luek it makes one feel good
Whycocomagh inside
welmitoq v., s/he is nice; s/he behaves weskeweimk v., to laugh
wel-nemu’t s/he is seen clearly; (s/he) is wesko’tk v., to have, possess
visible weskumt v., you talk to him/her
welnmk inan., it feels good to touch wesku’tk v., s/he talks about; speaks
welnut v., anin., it has a velvety feel to about it
it; it feels good to touch weskwijinuit v., s/he is born
weloqatalultimk n., supper wespekiaq v., it is leaking
weloqi prefix., all night wesua’tumk v., to take
welqamiksit v., s/he is good; s/he is wetakutmn n., your relations; your
behaving roots, your family line
welqatmu’timk v., the act of having fun wetalqet v., s/he has dug
together wetapeksin n., your relatives
welsitk v., s/he likes the sound of it wetasenma’tisni’k v., they lit their way
(either sound or what someone has to wetewelimit v., laughing
say) wetewi- prefix, making noise
welta’q adj., it sounds good (eg. music) wetewijuik v., water flowing
welta’sit v., s/he is happy wetewilua’t v., sound that cow makes,
weltek adj., well placed, it is nice; it is cow’s mooing
pretty wetewintoq v., s/he is singing
welteskuajl v., meet up with wetewistoq v., talking
wen pronoun, who; someone wetewpaqtesk v., splashing sound
wenamutki’k anim., lost sight of them weto’temit v., s/he is crying loudly
wenaqapa’sit s/he looks up wetqolsipn v., to forbid
wenaqa’tumk v., to lift wettaqane’wasin n., your roots; blood
wenaqi- prefix for an upward motion line
wenaqiet v., s/he jumps wettaqto’jik v., it is being played for
wenaqipkuta’q v., smoke goes up in the wettik v., the wind comes from
air we’tuaptik v., s/he does not like the
wenaqpitiesiku n., snipe looks of things
wenewey who does it belong to we’tuein v., to have feelings
wenik pl., who (2+) we’tujiw v., (mu) I don’t feel cold
wenji’kuom n., house we’tunimn v., feel with your hands
wenjikuomk n., at the house we’wmn to use (it)
wenjitia’m, wen’jutia’m n., cow wiaqi prefix, together
wen’juikoqmin n., plum wiaqojmej n., bettern; a kind of marsh
wen’ju’ksnan n., shoe bird allied to heron
wen’ju’sipeknk n., turnip wije’s n., a fly
wen’ju’su’n n., apple wije’wi v., (you) come with me
wenl pronoun, whose wijik n., spruce partridge; grouse
wenmajita’sit s/he is tormented or wijikmajik n., his/her brothers and
mourning sisters
wenqajite’lmatl v., s/he has pity for wijkawi n., fin on top of eel
him/her wijkwe’tlaqan n., birchbark container
wenuj n., French man (dipper)
wesimukwat v., flee wi’k n., his/her home, place
wesi’tala’titl take notice; noticed wi’kanak n., beanstalk
wikapu’k adj., taste good wiskoqey n., black ash; made from black
wi’katikn n., book ash
wikewik n., it is blubbery; fat wisqi adj., suddenly, quickly
Wikewiku’s n., October; animal- wisqimplita, wisqi-nplita s/he died
fattening moon suddenly
wikk adj., it tastes good (solid food) wisqoq n., ash tree
wilatmu’j n., elf wissukwal v., cook it
wikmaq n., his/her family wisua’sumkwey v., to whistle
wikpi n., American elm witjusl n., his/her spouses of brothers
wikplasikewey n., something that has and/or sisters married in the same family
been smoked (meat/fish) wius n., meat
wiktamit v., likes to eat sweets wjaqalma’skwi n., peeling
wiktm v., I like the taste of it wjaqma’taq it is boiling; (sankewi-) it is
wi’kuamujik they are found to be simmering
amusing wja’tuten you can get (something) at a
wikumatl v., s/he is calling or yelling place
for him/her wjijaqmijl n., his/her soul
Wikumkewiku’s n., September; moose- wjika’qaku, wjika’qawej n., raven
calling moon wjikanmusiey n., sumac
wikuom n., wigwam wjimsntew s/he will try to catch it
wi’kuo’qtut v., s/he is being envied; wjinu’kwalsites v., I will try
harassed wjipenu adj., easterly
wi’kupaltimk n., feast together wjipisk n., root
wikwaje’jk v., s/he gives pleasure wjit for
wikwasamu’k adj., it is pretty wjukwate’n v., bring it
wikwiess v., s/he fainted wju’sn n., wind
wilmusl n., his/her brother/sister-in-law wkaiuti n., anger
of the opposite sex wkamulamun n., heart of the tree;
wilu n., his/her food his/her heart
winamu’k adj., in., it is dirty wkat n., his/her foot
winapewit adj., s/he is ugly wkisitaqnk n., something that has been
winik v., it is shaped bad, ugly, or awful handmade
winikiskik adj., it is a bad day wksipsunji’j n., gnat; a small winged
winima’q adj., it tastes awful insect especially one that bites
winqamiksit adj., s/he is obstinate; s/he wkwajikn n., his/her leg
is difficult to manage, control, or sub- wla n., these; this
due; stubborn wlaku n., yesterday
wintek adj., it does not look nice; it is wla’kwsipnekwla’li v., do me good;
ugly (tli) do me a favor
wisapeklaw n., spruce gum wla’lij if it does him/her any good
wisawe’k adj., it is yellow, golden wla’lukn v., don’t know if it will do
wisawisuliewey n., gold him/her any good
wisawoqsit, wiskumakwe’su n., fish wlein when you are well; (me’ tal) how
hawk are you
wiaswoqte’j n., goldfish wli prefix, do it good; do it exceptionally
wli-ankamkusitew v., s/he will be wunaqpite’siku n., snipe
looking good wutan n., village; community
wliasoq v., it would have been nice
wlimul I am saying nice things to you
wljaqa adj., do it softly
wlkutaj adj., dressed nice
wlo’nuk adv., tonight; this evening Nature
wloqataltow v., s/he will have supper
wlpultik v., sit right apitamkiejit juniper
wlteskua’tipni they met up with… aputamkiejit juniper, bark good for
wlte’taqatitesnen we will approve of it diabetes
wnaqa’l v., lift him/her up aqamoqey white ash
wnaqapemk n., pl., his/her disciples awelikj hornbeam
wnaqiet v., s/he jumps awlikjilmusi witch hazel
wnki’kuk n., his/her parents elwimanaqsi n., choke cherry
wo’kin n., backbone of the fish epqatuoq starving wood
wow n., stock pot; large cooking pot ji’kij stump
wowkwis n., fox jikoqs dried rotten tree
wpis n., fin jimsiku poison ivy
wpn n., lung jioqsmusi maple
wqutaqn n., thorax; chest cavity jipiskl roots
wsimkwas v., s/he ran away jokom biggest part of the tree (base)
wskijinuti n., child birth kapaqtejkl goose berries
wskitqumu n., earth ka’qaju’manaqsi wintergreen, for heart
wskwe’w n., female bird trouble
wskwijinu n., person kaqaju’mann crowberries, box berries
wsmuit v., to have horns kastik ground juniper, for bladder and
wsua’l take him/her kidneys, drink boiled ground juniper – 3
wta’n v., open sea tablespoons 3 times a day)
wtapa’tis v., I will drown kawatkw black spruce
wta’pi’l n., his/her net kawatkw a spruce tree
wtaqney n., heat kjikmuatkw white spruce
wta’tukwaqanm n., his/her story klitaw raspberry
wtip n., brain kmu’j wood
wtlukwaqn n., his/her work or kmu’ja’qamikt woods
occupation kmu’jijapiey red maple
wtmawey n., his/her tobacco kna’ji’j sesame seed
wtmo’taqn n., his/her belongings kokom big old tree
wtnaqsunl n., his/her rug ko’qimin thorn bush
wtne’n v., pull (it) out ksu’sk hemlock
wtoqwan n., dress kuow pine
wtul n., (his/her) car kuowey red pine tree
wtun n., his/her mouth kuwasin fallen tree (of any kind)
wtute’ketew s/he will win lamakom inside tree
wuloqialta’yek v., we are going out all lmuju’jmnaqsiey willows
night malsenawel white maple
maskue’smnaqsi cherry bush
maskwenmaqsiey choke cherry, also apli’kmuj rabbit
elwimanaqsi jijklue’wj sheep
maskwi white birch jijklue’wji’j lamb
mimkwanmusiey red oak jikijo’n rooster
miti poplar kajue’j cat
nipmann cranberry bush ki’kli’kwej chicken
nipnoqan yellow birch ki’kli’kwejewey chicken meat
pakaji’jewe’l wild roses ko’qli’kwej
patuo’kn drift wood kulkwi’ji’j little pig; piglet
pepimkewey alum kulkwi’s pig
pisaqnatkul moss lkwetuk female cow
pku’l gum from tree lmu’j dog
plawejuimanaqsi leaves of ground red mia’wj cat
berries matto’law boar; bull
pqa’w dry bark skwe’w female chicken; hen
puistiknna’j caraway seed te’plj goat
puku’kowijk fir tree blisters (cures te’sipow horse
cancer and VD) wenjitia’m cow
sepqoqiajk grey birch wenjitia’mu’j calf
sikniske’kmuti burlap
skitokom outside tree Wild Animals
skokomul new wooden boat
snaweyey sugar maple amaljikwej raccoon
stoqn fir tree anamajske’j mole
stoqon fir; fir trees apalpaqmej chipmunk
suomusi beech nut apikjilu skunk
tmoqta’w log, trunk of tree apistane’wj marten
tumkutiask woodlot of fallen dead grey apli’kmuj rabbit
trees apukji’j mouse
tumkutiaska’qamikt lots of trees apuksikn lynx
tupsiey alder; of alder atu’tuej red squirrel
wasoqiman red ground berries elepn elephant
wikpl American elm jijawej a small species of frog “peeper”
wisapeklaw spruce gum ki’kwa’ju badger
wiskoqey black ash ki’kwesu muskrat
wjikanmusiey sumac kiwnik otter
wkamulamun heart of the tree kopit beaver
wta’nuskl drift wood kopite’j sowbuck
kwetapet ox
lentuk deer
matues porcupine
melkawlejit camel
Animals - Waisisk mia’wj cat
mia’wji’j kitten
Tame or Farm Animals mikjikj tortoise/turtle
mnumkwej ground hog pkwimu loon
mte’skm snake plawej partridge
muin bear ples pigeon
paqtism wolf pukitli’skiej black bird
petalu lion pukwales swallow
piji’skipat giraffe sinumkw wild goose; Canadian goose
pittalu rat sisip bird
pqajue’wj bobcat sktli’kwej sparrow
qalipu caribou takli’j tame goose
sasqatu flying squirrel takli’ji’jk duckling
skus weasel tities bluejay
taqtaloq lizard ti’tikli horned owl; night owl
tiake’wj mink tma’qni shell duck
tia’m moose tmkwaliknej crane, heron
tia’mu’j moose calf wape’w swan
waspu seal watapji’jit small yellow bird
wowkwis fox wiaqojmej bittern; a kind of marsh bird
allied to heron
Sisipk – Birds wijik spruce partridge; grouse
wisawoqsit fish hawk
apji’jkmuj black duck; blue heron wjika’qaku raven
apo’qejit woodpecker wskwe’w female bird
istaqo’kej cardinal wunaqpite’siku snipe
jijiwikate’j sandpiper
jikijo’n rooster; male bird Bugs and Insects
jikitli’kej kingfisher
jipjawej robin amu hornet; bee
ka’qaquj crow awo’kwejit spider
ka’qawej crow awo’kwejitwapi spider’s web
kitpu eagle enkejit caterpillar; inch worm
kloqntiej sea gull jijawe’j cricket
klu condor jikijij snail
kukukwes night owl kaqtukewe’j giant ant with wings seen
ku’ku’kwes day owl before a thunderstorm
kwimu loon kinikwejit ant
malapske’j humming bird klimuej mosquito
mikitaw humming bird klmue’j mosquito
militaw humming bird kopite’j sowbuck; woodlice
msikue’j sparrow kulpatkij maggot
na’jipuktaqnej bat lnuatalte’w black beetle
nape’w male bird; male duck mijipjamuej honey bee
ni’kmawe’su osprey mimikej butterfly
niktu’lnej forked tailed gull, tern miseminqanaw locusts
niskimakwe’su brown eagle pukn’kwejit hairy thing; caterpillar
pi’jkwej night hawk; sparrow-hawk; pukumej centipede
small hawk sismoqne’j small see through ant
sku bloodsucker kekunaluej skate
sqmoqniej slug kinisku’nej swordfish
tetuejit June bug kini’squnej swordfish
wije’s house fly kloq sculpin, devilfish
wksipsunji’j gnat km’sqnej swordfish
msanuk halibut
mujpej dolphin
Fish Names ne’kipetlaw hake
nme’j fish
Shellfish peju cod
plamu salmon
ankata’law mussel putup whale
e’s clam qumqwej mudsucker
e’sik clams sasap jellyfish
jakej lobster sasqjij perch
jikijij snail shells; periwinkle sata’su squid
mntmu/k oyster/s sikilati dogfish
muskasej conche shell; sea horn siklati shark; small shark
nekpukuwetaw Pollock so’qemuj minnow
nmjinikej crab ta’pitji’j turbot
sakskale’sk scallop wisawoqte’j goldfish
sasqale’s scallop wtato’p octopus
sata’siw shrimp
seta’su squid Fish Parts
sike’saqanaw any shell
kata’qapi’l eel skins
Fish mtunqanel gills
musiktekutim inside of gills
ajoqlue’j perch nme’juey fish (ordering in stores)
alanj herring piwikes fish scales
amalamek mackerel wijkawi fin on top of eel
amalmaq mackerels wo’kin backbone of the fish
amjlakwe’j minnow wpisk fins
anakwe’j flounder
atoqwa’su all fresh water fish Other Water Animals
elqana’j groundfish (any bottom feeder)
ji’kaw bass aplekemu bullfrog
kakpesa smelts atakali toad
kakwet starfish jijawej noisy swamp animal
kantaliej flatfish; flounder jipijka’m crocodile
kaqpesaw smelt milia’su’nejit water bug covered with
kaspalew gaspereau pebbles and sticks
kaspelaw gaspereau samqwane’j greenfrog
kata’law mussels sqolj frog
kataq eels waspu seal
katew eel
Lunar Calendar Feasts and Holidays
Apuknajit February; the snow-blinder
Etquljewiku’s May; frog-croaking suliewey silver
moon – Akesiku’s jjijuwaqitewamu’k rust
Keptekewiku’s November; river- jikjawiknejewamu’k orange
freezing moon – Skuls maqtewe’k black
Kesikewiku’s/Kjiku’s December; the maqtewimkwe’k wine
great month mekwe’k red
Kisikwekewiku’s August, fruit and musqunamu’k blue
berry-ripening moon nijinjewamu’k pink
Nipniku’s June; summer moon nisqnanamu’k purple
Penatmuiku’s April; egg-laying moon ntlutewamu’k grey
Peskewiku’s July; feather-shedding stoqnamu’k green
moon tupkwanamu’k brown
Punamuiku’s January; frosh fish moon wape’k white
(tom cod) wataptek yellow
Sikewiku’s March; spawning moon wisawsulieweyamu’k gold
Wikewiku’s October; animal-fattening
Wikumkewiku’s September; moose-
calling moon – Majotukuiku’s
Numbers and Positions
Seasons Numbers
Kesik Winter ne’wt one
Nipk Summer ta’pu two
Sikw Spring si’st three
Toqwa’q Fall ne’w four
na’n five eskwia’q (=) left
asukom six mnkite’n (-) subtract; take away;
l’uiknek seven mentally remove
ukumuljin eight mawa’tekemk (=) equals
pesqunatek nine mawkitmik (+) plus; add
mtln, newtiska’q ten menkitmik (-) subtract
newtiska’q jel ne’wt eleven naskumnmikatumk all
newtiska’q jel ta’pu twelve tapinepikatu’n (x) multiply
newtiska’q jel si’st thirteen tapunaskumnmikatu’n (/) divide
newtiska’q jel ne’w fourteen
newtiska’q jel na’n fifteen
newtiska’q jel asukom sixteen Groups of Things
newtiska’q jel l’uiknek seventeen
newtiska’q jel pesqunatek nineteen asukomnemi’kl six of them
tapuiska’q twenty l’uikneknemi’kl seven of them
nesiska’q thirty na’nimi’kl five of them
newiska’q forty nesunimi’kl three of them
naniska’q fifty ne’wnimi’kl four of them
aukom te’siska’q sixty newtiska’qnemi’kl ten of them
l’uiknek te’siska’q seventy newtnimi’k alone
ukmuljin te’siska’q eighty pesqunateknemi’kl nine of them
pesqunatek te’siska’q ninety tapunimi’kl two of them
kaskimtlnaqn 100 ukmuljinnemi’kl eight of them
ta’pu kaskimtlnaqn 200
pituimtlnaqn 1,000
pituimtlnaqnepikatun 10,000
kji—pituimtlnaqn 1,000,000 Ten
Ankami, welmitu’n aqq mawi kelu’sin Kjiniskam, sa’q me’j siwnek ika’like
Se’sus, kplaqanek etli mitklpukua’si; nike’j apji’ek jel atel nike’j wsitawi’ek
melki attikna’sit njijaqamij ktlasaumulin. kwlaman mu’ualnek msit oqoj na
ankweywin ma wtamulek ewlistmuin Mawi ksite’tmnej ta’n te’si’tis
nike’j teli-alasumulekl pekiamu’kl Kmitkinaq keknuwe’k Lnu’ki’k
miamul wa’so’q msitati’tij Knkwi’kinaq teli wli wekasultisnek
njijaqamijinaq pa iknmu. Na tliaj. Sape’wuti kesatmi’tis
Nike’j wa’so’q eski’pulkik
Aniapsimkewey Nike’j wa’so’q eski’pulkik
(Act of Contrition)
Repeat Chorus
Niskam, lo’q meskeyi pata’lulin mita
ki’l lo’q welmitu’n aqq ki’l lo’q Mawi espite’mnej ta’n sape’wik
kesalkusin, kejituanl ntlue’wuti’l Mesnmu’tikip ksikntasuti
wekayaskl, wjit kniskaminu Sesukuli Nekla kesaltulti’kwi’k wenujki’k
elita’si apiksiktuin, ma tawew apj ketui Meltami pkisitulkipni’k
pata’lnu aqq aniapsitis. Na tliaj. Wa’so’qewet elta’suti
Repeat Chorus
Repeat Chorus
Mi’kmaq Songs Mawi espite’tmnej ta’n pekwa’sik
Teli ksalulk pa’tlia’s kutjinu
Mi’kmawey Ktapekiaqn Wtlukwaqanm siawa’sik
Me’j teli wajua’sik
Chorus: Espe’k kusto’qminu
Nepsa’tunej wli mtawekn
Ta’n wetawu’lkw ne’atoq klujjiewey Repeat Chorus
Nentie’tmnej klikn
Ta’n kaqamik se’ta’newey Mawi ksite’tmnej ta’n ewle’julti’k
Wli ntu’tinej ketlewe’waqan Me’j ankweyu’lk nutawtikemuet
Kisu’lkw-iktuk weji wla’luwek Wejkwapa’sit ktininaq l’nuwulti’k
Klnmnej alasutmaqan, wlo’ti-iktuk Se’sukuli wijikitulti’kw
ela’luwek Nujwiulk kesi ksaluet
Repeat Chorus
Mawi ksite’tmnej ta’n apu’lkl
Kijinu Ma’li l’nue’katikw Kaqtukwaq wejkwita’jik
Aqq Seta’n kelu’lkwl nespi pkwatulki Kaqtukwaq wejkwita’jik
Jel kitk wlo’ti’l tepnmulkl Kaqtukwaq wejkwita’jik
Ketlewey weleiwe’kati
Petukalaq wejkwita’jik
Repeat Chorus Petukalaq wejkwita’jik
Petukalaq wejkwita’jik
Petukalaq wejkwita’jik
Kepmite’ltimkewey Ktapekiaqn
Kikpesan nisijuik
Kepmite’tmnej ta’n teli l’nuwulti’kw Kikpesan nisijuik
Nikma’jtut mawita’nej Sankew nisijuik
Kepmite’tmnej ta’n wettapeksulti’k
Nikma’jtut apoqnmatultinej Paniaq, paniaq
Apoqnmatultinej ta’n Kisu’lkw teli Paniaq, paniaq
Wla wskitqamu eya, eya
Na’tel nujo’taqitisni’k
Naqsi pejita’snik
Se’susal, Malial, So’sepal wejia’tisnika,
Na to’q elp kinu naqsi wije’wanej
Ki’s Sa’q
Chorus (Long Ago)
(Silent Night)