Annual Report Ssso Karnataka 2017-18
Annual Report Ssso Karnataka 2017-18
Annual Report Ssso Karnataka 2017-18
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Sri Sathya Sai Trust (Karnataka) Sri Sathya Sai Trust (Karnataka)
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Sri Sathya Sai Education Trust (Karnataka) Sri Sathya Sai Education Trust (Karnataka)
Financial Statement
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Sri Sathya Sai Publications Society (Regd) Sri Sathya Sai Publications Society (Regd)
2017-18 has been a magnificent gi of Swami! Sri Sathya Sai Jnana Vikasa programme was
Sai Gayathri blessed everyone in Karnataka to held in few more centres before it was
chant her name for over two crore mes and temporarily suspended pending the revision
perform a grand Maha Yagna at Brindavan. Sai in Organisa on Charter.
Gayatri Ko Nama Japa Yagna was an unique
occasion as chanters from all parts of the State Samarpan, One With Sai, Bhak
gathered to bask in the glory of the fulfilment Bhavananandam, regular programmes at
of their two year old Sadhana. Brindavan con nued successfully, Alumni
Medical Camps and other major medical
Swachha ta se Divyata programme saw the camps were organised in many Districts.
members of the Organisa on and devotees
and general public dedica ng themselves to Let us all remember that we are instruments in
making a meaningful contribu on to the Divine mission. Swamy is the doer of every
be erment of the environment and society. single ac vity, whether it is at state,district or
sami level in the organisa on.It is the sincere
Maha Narayan Seva scaled new heights with effort of so many sincere devotees and Grace
Swami reaching out to the poor and needy all and blessings of Swamy.
over the State. In a clinical opera on, material
for preparing the Maha Prasadam was In loving Sai seva,
transported to all the District head quarters.
Nagesh Dhakappa
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Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organisations (Karnataka) Annual Report 2018 Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organisations (Karnataka) Annual Report 2018
1. SRI SATHYA SAI ARADHANA MAHOTSAVA Narayanas were served Maha Prasadam all
MAHA NARAYAN SEVA: As part of the over Karnataka.
Aradhana Mahothsava of Bhagwan Baba,
Maha Narayan Seva was organised in a unique It is noteworthy that 40 talented singers from
way all over Karnataka. Karnataka, led by Smt. Padma Arun, State
Spiritual Coordinator(Mahilas), par cipated
This year the Trust extended the support to all in the Pancharatna Kri s singing at Prasanthi
Districts by providing them with raw materials Nilayam.
required for the prepara on of Bisibele Bath,
Sweet Pongal and Curd Rice. The material was
packed in lots for 500 Narayanas and sent by
Lorry Transport. Totally over 153,000
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Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organisations (Karnataka) Annual Report 2018 Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organisations (Karnataka) Annual Report 2018
20. Solar table lamp was distributed to facility will be given to school. Ba ery can
students of school in SSSVIP Pandarwal, be removed & brought to school for
Haliyal Taluk , U ara Kannada district on charging.
auspicious day of 92nd birthday of our 21. Solar table lamp was also distributed to
beloved Bhagawan. Total 30 families Shri Sathya Sai Seva Grama Higher Primary
covered. “Give light , People will find the School children Alur , Haliyal Taluk , U ara
way”. This project is dedicated to school Kannada district on auspicious day of
only. Solar panel will be installed in school 92nd birthday of our beloved
itself & lamp will be given to children. They bhagawan.Total 47 families covered.
can charge only in school. 20 nos charging SSSVJ schools by school children , teachers and health Kit containing toothbrush, paste, sai
ac ve workers. Mangalore protein, apple and laddu... Shri Sathya Sai Vidya
Tree plan ng completed at Govt primary and high Jyo School ,Village Domgera, Haliyal Taluk.
schools in Kadabagere involving teachers and Dated 2.10.2017 , Par cipants : Gents-10 , Ladies-
students today BANGALORE West. 15 , Children-35 . All villagers , anganwadi & school
Swatchata and tree plan ng at kodikere village. children, sai youths took ac ve part in this service
Gents and Mahila youths,Balvikas gurus,Balvikas event.
children and ac ve sevadal in all 75 people Swachata programme at SSSVJ Bapuji school by
par cipated and the programme was a grand Kamakshipalya youth and elder sevadals who also
success. Mangalore did the cleaning of kitchen of prashanthnagar
ganesh temple.
Youth wing(ladies) North Kanara conducted Swachata se divyata tak programme organised in
swachata se divyata tak and health awareness Shri Sathya Sai Vidya Jyo Village Neelavani Haliyal
program at sssvj school Domgera and Neelavani ... taluk. Ladies: 30, children: 25 , Gents: 10
Program started with bhajan nd followed by par cipated in service event. Plan ng of Chikoo
cleaning of the school and village premises and trees on 9.10.2017
plan ng chikku tree in school... And then given Happy to inform that Karnataka tops the list for
health awareness to students... And distributed tree planta on
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Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organisations (Karnataka) Annual Report 2018 Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organisations (Karnataka) Annual Report 2018
technological support, resulted in the outstanding Dr.Shivakumar from Brindavan Campus addressed
presenta on. The team felt humbled by the the par cipants. A Veda Poshana workshop was
interest and response to the exhibi on. conducted at Kalloli Sathya Sai Grama Seva Kendra
district Belgaum
Spiritual Wing, Veda group had organised various
workshops in Bangalore and elsewhere. A Rudram chan ng programme was conducted by
preparatory workshop on the Importance of Veda Mahila Youths of Sri Sathya Sai Seva Samithi
Chan ng in Daily life was organised at Brindavan Vajantriwada, on 19/11/2017 at Ganapathi
as a forerunner of the All India Veda Conference. Te m p l e M e n a s i ka a , B a a d , Ka r wa r a n d
Siddivinayak Temple near market Karwar
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Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organisations (Karnataka) Annual Report 2018 Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organisations (Karnataka) Annual Report 2018
2.ESWARAMMA PURASKARA: 3. NITHYA NARAYAN SEVA : As part of its Director of the Hospital and other dignitaries
The Annual Eswaramma Puraskara, blessed by commitment to reach out and serve the poor and joined Sri.Ramesh Kumar in the seva by
Bhagawan and ins tued by Mahila Vibhag of our needy, Sri Sathya Sai Nithya Narayana Seva was distribu ng the food to the people on the
Organisa on in Karnataka was conducted on 18th launched on 5th December ,2017 at Kidwai inaugural day.
February, 2018 at Brindavan. Smt.Sasibala, Memorial Ins tute for Oncology, Bangalore.
Na onal Coordinator, presided over the func on Under this scheme, every day 1000 a endants of
and gave away the awards to renowned Mahila the pa ents would be provided with good quality,
social workers of Karnataka, Smt.Subhashini nourishing food.
Vasanth, Ms.Muktha and Smt.Sarojini Puthran.
Sri.Ramesh Kumar, Hon’ble Minister for Health,
The highlight was the grand Pallaki procession Government of Karnataka inaugurated the
from Gokulam to Sai Ramesh Hall, led by the programme. He lauded the ini a ve of Sri Sathya
Students' band with Mahila groups carrying the Sai Seva Organisa ons in taking up this
poornakumbhas and youth carrying the programme and hoped that such seva would be
beau fully decorated Pallaki of Bhagawan. extended to few other general hospitals where
Members of Sri Sathya Sai Trust, Karnataka, office thousands of poor people would benefit from it.
bearers, members and devotees in large numbers
par cipated in the programme.
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Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organisations (Karnataka) Annual Report 2018 Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organisations (Karnataka) Annual Report 2018
4.GOLDEN JUBILEE OF KODIBAG SAMITI: was the distribu on of Amrutha Kalasa to 50 poor members and devotees of Mudhol to strongly in Mangalore, with 6 senior devotees ligh ng the
Kodibagh Sami in North Kanara District and needy families. Sri.Vinay Kumar, Trustee, Sri grow towards its Centenary! lamp on 20th May, 2017. All of them were
celebrated its Golden Jubilee Anniversary in a Sathya Sai Trust (Karnataka) shared many honored on the occassion.
colourful programme at Karwar. The event, in experiences with Bhagawan and advised the 7. 17TH ANNIVERSARY OF SSSIHMS
which over 3000 devotees par cipated, clearly members to spread Bhagawan's message of Love The 17th Anniversary of SSSIHMS (Super Specialty
show cased the love and devo on to Swami by with the firm convic on that 'Manav seva is Hospital) was celebrated on Friday, 19th January,
members and public of Karwar. Madhava seva'. 2018 at the Super Hospital Premises. The func on
In the concluding part, Balvikas children was graced by Sri.Ashwini Kumar Choubey,
The various programmes organised to mark the presented colourful programme of Bhajans, Hon'ble Minister of State, Ministry of Health and
occasion, especially the youth meet, reflected the Dances and Drama. Sri.Niranjan, Alumni Member, Family Welfare, Govt of India and Sri.Ramesh
commitment of the members, both past and distributed prizes to the children and shared his Kumar, Hon'ble Health Minister, Govt of Karnataka
present. A special souvenir was brought out to thoughts on Swami's message to youth. and large number of members from the Medical
mark the occasion. Fraternity and senior devotees apart from the
Staff of the Hospital, Sevadal Members and The programme was a ended by 75 office bearers
general public. The highlight was the pledge by and devotees of the Dakshina Kannada District.
Hon'ble Minister to vist the Hospital once a year The speakers for the programme were State Vice
and perform seva! (Photo) President and State Coordinators.
8. SRI SATHYA SAI JNANA VIKASA PROGRAMME: Sri. M. Padmanabha Pai District President
Sri Sathya Sai Jnana Vikasa Programme has been organised and conducted the programme on a
launched in Karnataka to create greater grand scale.
awareness about our Organisa on and provide
clarity about their role in the organisa on among The talks were mainly to revitalize Spiritual,
Office bearers of Districts and Sami s. The Educa on and Service Wings of the Organiza on
programme is being conducted in all the Districts at Samithi Level. The speakers men oned about
6. GOLDEN JUBILEE OF MUDHOL SAMITI of Karnataka. State Office-bearers conduct this various ac vi es which could be done across
5. GOLDEN JUBILEE CELEBRATIONS OF SRI (BAGALKOT DT) programme. Sathya Sai Organiza on.
SATHYA SAI STUDY CIRCLE, BANGALORE EAST. Mudhol Sami in Bagalkot Dt celebrated its 50th
Sri Sathya Sai Study Circle (ITI Sami ) in Bangalore Anniversary on 25th February 2018. The aspisious
East District, celebrated its Golden Jubilee on Golden jublie celebra on was inaugurated by
25th and 26th of January, 2018. Shri Nagesh Dhakappaji State President. Nagar
The Sami has the unique privilege to be named sankirtane, & Kumbha Procession took place. The
by Bhagawan Himself as “Sri Sathya Sai Study highlight was the colourful cultural programme by
Circle”. Bhagawan Himself lit the lamp and started
it in the ITI Township on 26th Jan, 1968. Swami
used to regularly visit the Sami and bless the
The special programme being conducted by State
The Celebra ons commenced on 25th January Coordinators for crea ng greater awareness of In the Sri Sathya Sai Jnana Vikasa Programme held
with 50 Bhajans by the Sami members followed our Organisa on and its ac vi es for members in at Davangere, State Coordinators conducted the
by Sri Sathya Sai Vratha performed by 30 couples. various Districts, was held at Hassan on 1st and programme well a ended by over 80 office
State President, who was the chief guest, 2ndApril. Over 120 office bearers from the District bearers from the District. Senior Members of the
released a Souvenir and honoured senior Par cipated. State President's address was the Organisa on lit the lamp and inaugurated the
devotees who had been associated with the Study Balvikas children. Around 1200 devotees highlight of the occasion. programme. There was good inter ac on by the
Circle for the last 50 years and past convenors. par cipated in this func on. May Swami bless the par cipants.
The highlight of the programme on 26th January In May, Jnana Vikas programme was inaugurated
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Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organisations (Karnataka) Annual Report 2018 Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organisations (Karnataka) Annual Report 2018
9. INAUGURATION OF SRI SATHYA SAI GRAM A Samarpan programme was held on 28/5/2017 large number of members and devotees a ended.
SEVA KENDRA: Sunday from 10 am onwards. State President Sri
Sri Sathya Sai Gram Seva Kendras were Nageshdhakappa was the chief guest at an
inaugurated at Hassan and Mangalore. impressive func on, in which State Office bearers
A new Sri Sathya Sai Gram Seva Kendra was and DP North Kanara and other office bearers and
inaugurated at Shiriya in Kasaragod District devotees in large number were present.
11. State Level Orienta on Programme for the 12. NEW SCHOOL ADDED IN N.KANARA DISTRICT 14. GOKULAM ANNIVERSARY:
District Educa on Coordinators was organised at With the blessings of Bhagwan Baba, Sri Karikan 19th Anniversary of Sri Sathya Sai Gokulam
Eswaramma Higher Primary School, Davangere on Parmeshwari Educa onal Ins tu on at Honavar Complex in Kadugodi was celebrated at an
15th and 16th April. in North Kanara District was taken over by Sri impressive func on with Sri Sai Sathyanarayana
Sathya Sai Trust Karnataka. Puja. State President and other office bearers and
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Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organisations (Karnataka) Annual Report 2018 Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organisations (Karnataka) Annual Report 2018
16. SPIRITUAL SADHANA SAPTAHA (Bangalore This sapthaha has definitely contributed in EDUCATION WING:
West District): increasing the spiritual quo ent of all the
Every Year in summer a Spiritual Sadhana members of the samithis.
Sapthaha is being conducted by Prashanthnagar
and Chandra layout samithis with its associated 17. HOPE PROGRAMME:
Bhajan mandalis. This year too, a Sapthaha was The specially designed programme for the youth
organized on the theme: SAI VALUES IN DAILY LIFE. in colleges HOPE was conducted on 3rd May at
This was conducted from Monday the 15thMay to Sahyadri College of Management in S.Kanara
Saturday the 21st May 2017. District for MBA Students
The weeklong sapthaha commenced with
following ac vi es in the morning: Large number of students and staff
Omkaram, Suprabhatam, Jyothi Medita on, enthusias cally par cipated in the programme.
Nagarsankirtan and in the evening there would
be: Veda Chan ng, Bhajans & Spiritual talk by
selected speakers on Sai values.
1. Bal Vikas Parthi Yatra: South Kanara District organised a Parthi Yatra for Bal Vikas children, Gurus and
parents from April 18th to 22nd. The group consisted of 60 members. A er Samadhi Darshan, they visited
various temples, Super Specialty Hospital, Planetarium and par cipated in Suprabatham and Nagar
18. Sri Sathya Sai Kalpa Vruksha: 3.BALSANKAR SHIBIR: BELGAUM DIST: On 6th
Corporate employees of IHS rendered seva at May, Indal Nagar Sami – Belgaum concluded 34
Super Specialty Hospital and also planted more days of Bal Sankar Shibir for 21 Balvikas children.
than 100 fruit bearing saplings. Dr.Sundaresh, Over 30 parents par cipated. On this occasion, to
Director also par cipated in the tree planta on. mark Eswaramma Day Bu ermilk seva was also
40 Trees were planted in SSSVJ School Gudar performed. Over 400 benefited.
Nagar village Ballari dist. The trees were adopted
by students and name of thetree is the name of
adopted student! A unique ini a ve indeed.
occasion of Eswaramma Day, Kasaragod sami
The following topics were covered by young conducted Mathru Puja. Large number of Balvikas
speakers selected from the samithi itself: children, parents and devotees par cipated.
Monday- Greatness of Human birth
Tuesday- Prac ce of TRUTH in daily life
Wednesday- Sense Control
Thursday- Ego Management 4. A Balvikas group-2,workshop was held at
Friday- Glory of Woman hood Mysore on 2nd July, for the group-2 gurus of
Saturday-Pa ence & Forgiveness. mysore, Hassan, mandya and coorg districts,
There was enthusias c par cipa on from all school teachers of Sri Sathya Sai Baba schools and
devotees, including Balvikas children. gurus to be from Chamarajanagar district also
a ended.
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Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organisations (Karnataka) Annual Report 2018 Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organisations (Karnataka) Annual Report 2018
5. A Balvikas traning programme for new gurus as 3. BHAJAN TRAINING Programme was organised
held on 16th July 2017 at Chamarajanagar.There 1.Bhajan Training at Udupi Dist. at Hassan, in which State Spiritual (Mahila)
were many other Balvikas ac vi es like the Bhajan training was conducted on 13th and 14th Coordinator and her team par cipated. 85 7. Sathya Sai Seva Samithi, *Kasaragod*
paren ng programme in Bagalkot and opening of May 2017 at Sathya Sai Mandir, Brahmagiri, Udupi persons (both gents and Mahilas) a ended. The celebra ng Navaratri Uthsav by Vishnu
Two Balvikas centres on Gurupoornima day in by Brindavan Mahila Bhajan group headed by Smt. response from the par cipants was Sahasranama,Lalithasahasrana, Bhajan and
U ara Kannada District. Padma Arun, State Spiritual Coordinator overwhelming and they showed keen interest in Tapovan parayana daily from 04.00pm to 06.45
every aspect of the training. pm.
6. Educa on Wing Karnataka orga nised a Crea ve
workshop for group-2 Balvikas gurus of Benga luru 8. On 15th Oct 17 Annual day celebrated at Kalloli
rural, Kolar, chikkaballpur and Tumkur Districts in sami dist. belagavi. Smt. Sujata Vijayanand of
the premi ses of Sri Sathya Sai Vidyanike tan Davangere was Guest speaker. Over 400 people
Bagepally on 6th Aug 2017. par cipated & had lunch prasadam
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Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organisations (Karnataka) Annual Report 2018 Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organisations (Karnataka) Annual Report 2018
10. BHAJAN TRAINING: Bhajan training by Sri where in relevance of Ramayana in this modern 21. Ramnavami was observed in a solemn water and providing to people on the streets.
Sandeep Ambig & Group at Vakkalakoppa in Sirsi age is told, was conducted at New Donbosco func on at Seva Kshetra Bidar. Bangalore West District combined S cker Cam
of U ar Kannada District. school Channapatna on 16th Dec 2107. About 60 - Indiranagar Samithi (Sai Darshan) in Bangalore paign (by affixing s ckers bear ing Swami's
students and 10 teachers par cipated in this value Central Dist. Celebrated Ram Navami with a two messages on Auto rickshaws) along with this seva.
11. A week long Akhanda Bhajan programme was based program. hour "Burra Katha" on Ramayana, by the Burra
held at Sai Geetanjali Temple, Cantonment, Ramakatha Rasavahini series of lectures: 8th was Katha trio Dr.Sai Raghu Ram, Sai Prabhakar and 2. BUTTER MILK SEVA, BANGALORE SOUTH: HSR
Bangalore in which singers from many Districts conducted at Police training school in Sai Arvind. The songs, narra ons were in Telugu, Layout Mandali distributed bu er milk packets to
par cipated with devo on and fervour. channapatna of Ramanagara district. About 550 interspersed wih English explana ons and sharing all the bus drivers and conductors passing through
trainees in this a ended. Police trainees were of experiences in Divine presence who personally Agara Junc on on outer ring road. It was well
12. 5th Sapthaha in the Vahini Ser ies being also told about prac cing of Human values guided the trio. The devitees enjoyed the two received and acknowledged with beaming smiles.
conducted in Bangalore West was jointly through the characters of Ramanagara and how hour programme.
organised by Rajajinagar 1st block with Maha these values will help to become model police
lakshmi Layout on VIDYA VAHINI from the 7th to officer. 9th talk was conducted at Ramanagara 22. A new sami was started at Humnabad town
13th of August 2017. District Jail on 23rd Feb 18. About 180 jail inmates district Bidar
were advised about Importance of
transforma on from Tamasic to Sathivik. 10th 23. Interna onal mahila day was celebrated at
talk was conducted at Divya chethana English Indi sami Bijapur Dist.
School. About 200 students a ended in spite of
preponed examina ons SERVICE WING:
18. Mahaa Shivaratri was observed with Rudram
Chan ng. Pujas and Akhanda Bhajans all over the
13. A unique one month Nagar Sankirtane State. At Brindavan, celebra ons started with
programme has been organised at Bagalkot. Procession of Trayeeshwara Lingam from Trayee 3. Distribu on of Note books, Mangalore:
Brindavan to Kalyana Mantap, then Mahaa Mangalore Sathya Sai Seva Samithi distributed
14. Bhajan Training programme was organised at Rudrabhishekam to Trayeeshwara Lingam with 18 books and other sta onary items to 3 Vidya Jyothi
Malur in Kolar Dist. sacred dravyas. The Maha Rudrabhishekam was schools and 3 other schools in the SSSVIP villages
conducted for World Peace. Divine discourse was where we conduct Balvikas . May Swami shower
15. Sathya Sai Grama seva kendra kalloli followed by the commencement 12-hour his blessings on these children .
celebrated 20th year of 'Deepotsava' program. Akhanda Bhajan. Hundreds of devotees
This is a very special program celebrated by the par cipated throughout the night. 4. BUTTERMILK SEVA AT CHIKBALLAPUR: The
sami by collec ng Oil from every home in the Annual Car Fes val of Sri Lakshmi Venkataravana
village. Swamy Gadidam was held on Vyshaka Poornima
The program started with Veda Chan ng followed day. Our Chikballapur Sami served bu er milk to
by Bhajans. Sri. Suresh Kabbur spoke about the over 7000 devotees from 11 AM to 4 PM which
Swami's messages and why we celebrate was very much appreciated.
Deepotsava and importance of Deepotsava. In
this program 50 Gents, and 70 Ladies par cipated
19. Rudrabhishekam Bilwastakam Shivastothara 1.DRINKING WATER AND MAJJIGEE SEVA: To
16..A unique Satsanga & spiritual awareness Saiashtothara was conducted at devotees house quench the thirst of general public during the hot
programme was conducted in interior forest of Hebbandi gramasevakendra Bhadravathi. Over summer months, extensive Majjige Seva and
village, Sathya Sai Grama Seva Kendra at 200 devotees par cipated. Drinking Water Seva was performed all over the
Kyatanagar in North Kanara Dt. All village elders & State. At Bus Sta ons, public places, Seva Kshetras
children joined in the spiritual event 20. 50th inaugural day celebrated at our Kundapur and other centres these sevas were held and
samithi, Udupi dist. on 25.3.2018. They have thousands of people bene fited. Cantonment 5 . Ay u r ve d i c m e d i ca l ca m p at A n a nt h a
17. Ramakatha Rasavahini, a unique program declared 50 programmes in the samithi Bangalore adop ted a novel method of carrying
throughout the year.
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Padmanabha temple, Perdur on 8.10.2017 by our 20th May, near Shri Sathya Sai Vidya Jyo Village has been organizing the medical camp in Perdoor
Udupi samithi. Neelavani between 8AM to 5PM. A team of for around 15 years con nuously.
Consultants and paramedical staff from JAYADEVA
6.Roaster for Seva at Brindavan and Super INSTITUTE OF CARDIOLOGY, BANGALORE, 11. Free monthy Medical camp to BP and diabe c
Specialty Hospital for Sep'17 -18 was released conducted this camp. This camp is an effort to pa ents started at Vagata Sami on 18/2/18. 52
with some modifica ons. reach out to poorest, create awareness of heart pa ents have registered for regular check up and
diseases and get them the best available medicines will be provided by Sami .
7. Water bed was donated to a very needy pa ent treatment under the Government flagship
with bed sores at govt hospital Mangalore. programmes 200 pa ents from 60 different 12. Medical Camp was organised at Talapady, D.K.
were distributed to 85.In the special service camp villages a ended. District.During this camp 185 People were
8. Majjige neeru vitarane by Katukukke Samithi, i n M y s o r e , c o n d u c t e d o n S u n d a y, benefi ed. Of these 139 people had General
KSARAGOD Dist., on the day of Tirupa Srinivasa 16th,JULY,2017,Eye/Dental/Diabe tes checkup 5.Free Homeopathy medical camp was held in two checkup, 46 people hand dental checkup, 73 had
Maha Mangalothsava programme at Katukukke was carried out and about 200+ villagers Shri Sathya Sai Vidya Jyo Villages Domgera & eye checkup and 49 people had Random Blood
temple, more than 5000 devotees were served. benefited from the service. Neelavani, from 9am to 7pm on 3.12.2017. More Sugar level tested.Free op cals were distributed
than 100 pa ents took benefit of the same. to 39 needy and 15 pa ents were requested to
9. On 11 Mar 2018 Belagavi dist Sevadal training visit hospital as followup for further treatment.
shibir at kamkeri Sami . Ramdurg & Hulkund 6.Mega medical camp at Prashant Vidya Kendra
Sami too a ended. Total 22 gents, 40 Mahilas Bayar . 850 people benefited. Spectacle to 150 and 13. Our Kadandale samithi, Udupi dist have
present along with 7 resource persons machines worth 15000/- were distributed. celebrated their anniversary on 18.3.2018, by
conduc ng Ayurvedic Medical camp and
7. A Mul Speciality medical camp was organized honoured the doctors of Alva's Ayurvedic
MEDICAL CAMPS by Kasaragod Samithi, on 18 November by a Hospital, Moodbidri. They have also distributed
team of doctors from KMC Mangalore. Free sarees to womens of earlier adopted village,
Diabetes screening, blood sugar check up and Mulladka.
medicines distributed at Kasaragod Samithi,
Kasaragod Dist. on 15 November YOUTH ACTIVITIES
2. A special medical camp was organised at 8. Sathya Sai Seva samithi Madhur , Kasaragod
Bhadrava for Bar Associa on members ( lawyers Dist. organised free Reflexology and Mudra
). The programme was inaugurated by Dist Judge workshop on 19th November
and five more Judges were present. ENT, Ortho,
Eye, General Physician and Blood Pressure, Blood 9.Eye and Dental camp was organized at Pu ur on
grouping & HB content was arranged in the camp. Sunday 5th Nov, 2017. 193 persons benefi ed, of
About 300 lawyers and staff members of the court those 90 tested their eyes, Dental 50, Blood sugar
took part in the camp. For the first me such a kind test was done for 53. Free spec cals were
of Medical camp was organised in the premises of distributed for 53, free medicine were given to 17,
the court. 7 pa ents were advised for cataract opera on at
KMC A avar. … 1. Bagalkot dist youths around 45 members,
3. In the Medical Camp conducted by Mangalore Balvikas students 24 SSSVJP SCHOOL student
Sami , dental 58 + medical 282 = 340 people 10. A free Ayurvedic Medical Camp was organized around 248 and 8 teachers 20 Mahila sevadals,
benifi ed. 140 were tested for eye.Spectacles by Udupi Samithi at Perdoor on 5th November. parents ,CRP ,SDMC Members in Mudhol
were distributed to 93 and blood sugar was tested The pa ents were given free ayurvedic medicine ,Metagud & Amalazari cleaned toilets in SSVJP
for 89 persons. which lasts for a month. SCHOOLS Plan ng trees in schools, today
80 people took the benefit of the camp. Samithi Metagud youths cleaned the Bus stand & painted
1.Medical Camps were held in many places. In the bus stand of the village of Bagalkot dist
Mangalore Medical camp, Total pa ents were 396 4. FREE CARDIAC SCREENING CAMP was
(Dental. 82 and Medical 314) Free eye glasses organised at Sambrani Village, Haliyala Taluka, on
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2. Youth Wing of Dharwar District has been The seva volunteers also ensured the fi ng and
conduc ng Employment Skill Enablement func oning of all these tubelights. Around 35
programme under “Sri Sathya Sai Yuva Jeevan households benefi ed from this seva.
Vikas” with the objec ve to provide service 6.SSSSO Youth wing, Dharwad Dist. has taken
opportunity to the Sai youth of the District, reach ini a ve on conduc ng Employment Skill
out to the needy, deprived graduate youth and enablement program by name “Sri Sathya Sai-
empower them to inculcate value skills and YUVA JEEVAN VIKAS”. Objec ves of the project is
introduce new youth to the Organisa on. They to provide service opportunity for all the Sai Youth
have succeeded in bringing large number of rural of the district, reach out to the needy, deprived
youth into the Organisa on. and passionate graduate youth and empower
them,Inculcate value skills and nurture character 12. 1st Phase of HOPE conducted at G T Ins tute 18. On 10th March, 2018, HOPE Phase 2 program
3. A work shop on “Life is a game, Play it”, for building and foster new youth to SSSSO. of Management for 1st undergraduate students was successfully conducted in Ballari. Total 72
puc students was conducted by Mr.Amit Sood and 140 students a ended the programme Students par cipated. Sri Dr Kishan Bhagavath
his team from Prasanthi Nilayam was held at News about the programme has been circulated - and Sri Rajendra Rao were the speakers of the
Karwar. More than 150 students par cipa ng of to all What's app groups of SSSSO and others, put 13. Hope programme was conducted at KIMSR program. In a ernoon session Students visited
from various colleges up no ces at more than 15 Govt and private ins tute Nagabhavi by Akshay kullarni VIMS Hospital and distributed fruits Prasad to
colleges in Dharwar, Belgaum and Haveri Districts, pa ents.
adver sed in print media and radio. The first batch 14. Shri Sathya Sai Vidya Jyo voca onal training
of seven candidtates have been selected in Dec seventh batch ( vaca on batch for college 19. HOPE : !st Phase of HOPE programme was
'17. students specially for PUC ) at Neelavani. Total 30 conducted at G.T,Ins tute of Management. 140
students from different villages enrolled their students a ended.
7. Phase 2 of HOPE was conducted at Gowtam names for vaca on batch March 2018 – May 2018.
College of Nursing Manjunathnagar.Topics Planned for two batches 15 par cipants each 20. Career guidance programme for Rural Youth
discussed were :Time Management,Anger Shan & Prema respec vely. Every Sunday, special was organised at Haliyal (NK).
Management & Ego Management.40 plus classes will be organised. Video show of previous
students a ended the session batches ac vi es displayed for new students. RADIO SAI:
The following Broadcasts in Kannada was
8. Total 23 students who had a ended HOPE 15. SSSYJV Students a ended the Job Mela which organised by Radio Sai Karnataka team.
programme, par cipated in hospital Seva by was held at K.E. Board First Grade Degree 1.Kannada language broadcast 17-04-2017
Bellari Dist. College,shivaji Circle Dharwad. Eshwaramma Puraskar
9. Our Youth team visited Govt. First Grade 16. Bangalore Central District invited Alumni of
College, Khanapur and took a session on Swami's ins tu ons for an interac ve meet on 2.Kannada language broadcast
4. A Leadership training program was held in "Personality Development" for final semester 11th March, at Sai Darshan.The idea behind ths 01-05-2017 conversa on with Brindavan singer
Brindavan from 29th-31st July in which youth students and at the end of the session I explained was to exchange views and find out to the reasons Smt. Kowsalya Murthi.
from all over the State had par cipated. To ignite about SSS Yuva Jeevan Vikas...... as to why Alumni are not integra ng into SSSSO 22-05-2017 conversa on with
their leadership skills, the youths who have and not par cipa ng in Samithis near their places Brindavan singer Smt. Hema Shenoy.
a ended the program, have been bestowed with 10. 23 girl students from Sri Sai College for Women of residences. Around 22 members of Alumni
responsibili es under various projects. Each of of Bangalore West district rendered Seva at Super par cipated. 3.Kannada language broadcast
them has been provided with the me frame of 8 Hospital from 18th to 24th.. CD No.222 Scheduled date of broadcast 05-06-
months from Aug 2017-March 2018 to prove 17. A one day Summer Workshop on the theme: 2017 talk by Dr.G.K Narayana.
themselves as true leaders. 11. 2 day values and Hope programme was 'ROLE OF WOMEN IN INDIAN CULTURE' was
conducted at New Horizon Engineering College conducted on Saturday the 10th March, 2018 for
5. Devotees and youth wing members of Sri Sathya Bangalore for close to 2000 students. Excellent the students of Sri Sai College for Women in
Sai Seva Samithi, Sirsi, distributed LED tubelights feedback was received from the students who Rajajinagar.About 250 Students a ended the
to all the houses in the Yadoga village, Haliyal (NK), showed great interest in serving society. programme.
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Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organisations (Karnataka) Annual Report 2018 Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organisations (Karnataka) Annual Report 2018
Raksha Bandhan celebrated meaningfully by
SAMARPAN ONE WITH SAI 1. World Pollu on Awareness Day was children of Sri Sathya Sai Primary School,
Regular Monthly Programme of Inspiring Address Regular Monthly Programme of Inspiring Classical
aby a Devotee of Bhagawan. Music / Bhajans
observed in Shri Sathya Sai Primary School, Bijapur
Godbole Mala, Bijapur with many interes ng
April 16th, 2017:Speaker : Sri. M L N Swamy, April 24th. 2017: ac vi es like clay modelling, speeches,
(Alumnus of SSSIHL) Ar ste: Smt. SavithaSai& Party drawing, art and cra done by the students.
May 21st, 2017:Speaker : Sri. VineetBaso a, May 28, 2017:
(Alumnus of SSSIHL) Ar ste: Smt.PoojaVaidyanath and Party
June 18th, 2017: Speaker: Ms. Rani Java(Daughter of June 26, 2017:
Sri. Lachman Java, founder of Joy Ice Creams) Ar ste: Kumari.S.Harshitha& Party
February 18th, 2018:Speaker:Dr.NatabalaAnjanaiah, February 25th, 2018: 3. A Drawing compe on ( for Boys ), and
Former State President, SSSSO, A.P. Ar ste: Students of SSSIHL, Brindavan Campus Rangoli Compe on ( For Girls ) was
conducted by Shri Sathya Sai Primary School
March 18th 2018: Speaker: Dr.DeepakAnand, March25th, 2018: Godbole Mala Viajypur.
Alumnus, SSSIHL Ar ste: Sri. VivekKarmahe& Party
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Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organisations (Karnataka) Annual Report 2018 Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organisations (Karnataka) Annual Report 2018
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Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organisations (Karnataka) Annual Report 2018