Summary of Linkedln
Summary of Linkedln
Summary of Linkedln
Hafsa Naveed
Thus usability has always been accepted as a major contributor to the perceived success of a
system. For web based systems, usability is absolutely critical. Jakob Nielsen puts this very
succinctly in the following two quotations:
1) “Usability rules the web. Simply stated, if the customer can’t find a product, then he or she
will not buy it.”
2) “The web is the ultimate customer empowering environment. He or she who clicks the mouse
gets to decide everything. It is so easy to go elsewhere; all the competitors in the world are but a
mouse click away”
Usability Evaluation Methods (UEM):
Usability evaluation methods (UEMs) are a set of techniques that are used to measure usability
attributes. They can be divided into three categories: inspection, testing and inquiry.
This section highlights the following usability evaluation methods which will be used in this
research experiment: heuristic evaluation (inspection); user testing (which involves think-aloud
protocol) with field observation; and questionnaires.
Heuristic Evaluation
Heuristic evaluation is one type of inspection method. It was developed by Nielsen and Molich
(1990a), guided by a set of general usability principles or ‘heuristics’ Magoulas et al. (1990)
stated that “heuristic evaluation is a widely accepted method for diagnosing potential usability
problems and is popular in both academia and industry”. Firstly, pre evaluation coordination
session (a.k.a training session) is very important. Firstly, pre evaluation coordination session
(a.k.a training session) is very important. Before the expert evaluators evaluate the targeted
website, they should take few minutes browsing the site to familiarize themselves with it. Also,
they should take note of the actual time taken for familiarization.
User testing
This involves asking users of the site to carry out tasks and observing their actions, where they
have difficulties and where they are successful. These tasks should cover the main functionality
of the system and simulate expected usage patterns. The usability of web-based systems has an
immense impact on users and these users may not revisit the website if they encounter problems
in using the system. As a result, the usability of web-based systems is essential in finding out
how successful they are. The user testing method includes examples such as
‘think-aloud’ protocol, questionnaires and field observation.
Field observation is the simplest of all methods and involves visiting one or more users in their
places of work If possible, the observer should be almost invisible to ensure normal working
conditions. Videos are used occasionally to make the observation process less interfering
because they can be replayed to go over the scenes that are captured.
Questionnaires are useful for studying how end users use the system and their preferred features.
Indirect usability tests can be supplemented by direct usability ones - such as think-aloud. User
satisfaction, user preferences and
Possible uneasiness can be identified easily by using questionnaires, which can also be used to
gather statistics.
The objective of this study is to evaluate the usability of the social networking site LinkedIn, to
discuss and analyze the results, and to make recommendation(s) for social networking site
developers in order to improve the website based on the difficulties discovered by users and
In this study there are two questionnaires, which are pre-test (pre-evaluation) and posttest (post -
evaluation). Pre-test was used in both the expert evaluation and user testing to collect
demographic data of users and expert evaluators. The second, post-test, questionnaire was used
in the expert evaluation for collecting the experts’ opinions and in the user testing for two
1) To collect users’ opinions and
2) To measure users’ levels of frustration
And/or satisfaction when using LinkedIn.
Recruitment participants:
The expert evaluators and users (both experienced and novice) were asked by email if they
would be willing to take part in this experiment. Also the age of the experienced/novice users
was requested to be between 21 and 40 because this age falls within the age range of people who
often make use of social networking systems.
Pilot Studies
Both ‘user testing’ and ‘expert evaluation’ instruments were piloted to make sure that the
language, logistics and questions would achieve the result for which they were designed.
Heuristics Evaluation Pilot Study
To confirm the suitability of the general setting of the heuristics evaluation, a usability expert
was requested to evaluate the setting.
However, some expert evaluators highlighted the following problems regarding these heuristics:
1) If a connection sent an invitation by mistake, it cannot be revoked.
2) Some icons are not visually and conceptually distinct.
3) There is no visual feedback in menus or dialog boxes about which choices (options) are
4) How to undo actions is not clearly defined.
Users’ Satisfaction
In analyzing the answers to the nine questions, twenty two users rated themselves as having the
highest overall satisfaction (66%)(all experienced users), whereas three users (9%),comprising
both experienced users and novices, rated themselves the lowest in overall satisfaction.
Eight novice users (25%) were unbiased (neutral) about the social networking site.
The results of both experiments indicate that LinkedIn is slightly more difficult for novice users,
and especially first time users, than for experienced users. This result shows the importance of
assessing first time usage because negative first impressions may dissuade users from returning
to the SNS site. About 18% of SNS users recently surveyed revealed that lack of usability was a
significant reason for not returning to the site the difficulties that were discovered by the novice
users were 35% minor and 4% major. No catastrophic usability problems were encountered.
Therefore, there is a need to improve the areas which participants pointed out as being difficult
in order to reduce usability problems and attain optimum user satisfaction for the novice users.
Hence, following the set of recommendations summarized above on how to improve the overall
use of social network sites should solve many of the usability problems. Further studies can be
conducted by considering the following issues in order to overcome the drawbacks that occurred
in this study:
· Employing a wider age range of participants (i.e. upper age more than 40 and lower age less
than 20).
· Employing a balanced gender ratio.