Finale Flores Research
Finale Flores Research
Finale Flores Research
Dagupan City
School include the following to learn; Functions and their graphs, Basic
confidence, and ability to stay on task and, in the case of math, quickness.
In school, those advantages can get multiplied rather than evened out.
One reason, is that teaching methods are not aligned with what cognitive
science tells us about the brain and how learning happens. Reyes, (2008)
from the point of view that it brings together the reality of how important
difficulty when dealing with numbers and often leads to students not fully
and research papers were found to describe studies in which teachers and
University of Luzon Graduate School
Dagupan City
world who have already the k-12 Program. In order to make students
logical connections with what they know and use appropriate strategies in
(Light & Littleton, 2009; Steinburg, Dornbusch, & Brown, 2012; Wentzel,
2009). Many researches showed that the socialization process which takes
place during the peer teaching is useful and helpful for both, tutor and
tutee. It increases the motivation of the students to learn and in the same
time the social standing among peers will be much better (D. Fuchs, L. S.
Fuchs, Mathes, & Martiniez, 2012; Rohrbeck et al., 2013; S. Miller & P.
each other. One of them (peer teacher) conveys knowledge and skills that
University of Luzon Graduate School
Dagupan City
approach including two students. One of them takes the role of the teacher
5; 2016 125 other takes the role of the learner. Saif (2010) considered peer
the desired skills and knowledge with full coordination with their teacher
any problems may arise between students. Researches show that peer
mentoring is useful and has many benefits for students and teachers.
Vasay (2010) reported that peer mentoring is helpful for fast learners and
slow learners as well. It helps fast learners to master the concepts related
to the course and confidently express their ideas. Slow learners improve
and develop their performance and get a better understanding of the terms
of the lessons. Peer mentoring helps both, fast learners and slow learners
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Dagupan City
achieve the educational goals. Peer mentoring also is very useful in some
who has more experience and knowledge. A faneh (2009) considered peer
very well or who recently completed the course successfully, and another
Higher Education and the government for that matter is to strengthen the
Thus, more information and activities for the students will broaden their
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the results of the survey test given to the students recently. The causes
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Conceptual Framework
mentees. When this occurs on a school, the peer mentors can assist
school (Allen, McManus, & Russell, 2009; Sanchez, Bauer, & Paronto,
and career goal attainment (Sanchez et al., 2009; Ward et al., 2010). Also,
mentees were generally satisfied with their mentors and the mentoring
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Peer Student’s
Mentoring Achievement
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mentoring to children and youth, one that also comes with the additional
or near-peer youth who serve in the mentoring role. These programs build
counseling, and peer support groups, and often deliver their services in
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University of Luzon Graduate School
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consists of 48 students.
peer mentoring has been the foremost goal of education. The findings of
Students. This study will help give a high quality competence level
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Parents. This study will encourage them to give full support and
Definition of Terms
peer mentee).
mathematical thinking.
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Dagupan City
Chapter II
This chapter presents the conceptual and related literature and studies
Conceptual Literature
study. These are categorize into two (2) themes: Peer Mentoring and the
Peer Mentoring
school and even at the university level find that mathematics is difficult
students meet this challenge. One way to achieve this is by giving students
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can work together in groups. Solomon (2009) suggested that in order for
learning to take place, people should talk and interact with each other.
People naturally learn from each other and work cooperatively in their
increase the attention and motivation of the student. Oslen and Kagan
Dornbusch, & Brown, 2012; Wentzel, 2009). Many researches showed that
the socialization process which takes place during the peer teaching is
useful and helpful for both, tutor and tutee. It increases the motivation of
the students to learn and in the same time the social standing among peers
will be much better (D. Fuchs, L. S. Fuchs, Mathes, & Martiniez, 2012;
each other. One of them (peer teacher) conveys knowledge and skills that
University of Luzon Graduate School
Dagupan City
approach including two students. One of them takes the role of the teacher
and the other takes the role of the learner. Saif (2014) considered peer
the desired skills and knowledge with full coordination with their teacher
in case there are any comments or questions. However, the teacher should
students. Researches show that peer mentoring is useful and has many
benefits for students and teachers. Vasay (2010) reported that peer
teaching is helpful for fast learners and slow learners as well. It helps fast
express their ideas. Slow learners improve and develop their performance
and get a better understanding of the terms of the lessons. Peer teaching
helps both, fast learners and slow learners in developing important values
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Dagupan City
which a student learns from another student who has more experience
the elective courses for Arts students (Education, Social Sciences, and
weak and the percent of the failures is always high. The researcher
department and also with Learning Support Center (LSC) director. Many
reported by the director of LSC that some weak students (not all students)
A discussion was held about the category of the students who may get
benefit from peer mentoring strategy. Failures students were divided into
three levels or three categories. The first category included students who
scored in the midterm exam (which is out of 20) from 0-20%. The second
category included students who scored in the midterm exam between 20%-
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40% and the third category included students who scored in the midterm
exam between 40%-60% (passing percent is 60% not 50%). The professors,
LSC director, and the researchers agreed that the best category which may
get benefit from the peer mentoring strategy is the third category (40%
60%).The study therefore aimed to find out the effect of peer mentoring on
in Oman.
mathematical skills and the associated key ideas in this subject. Topics
France, (2009).
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achievement has been evident for the last 2 years. The current debate
that achieve learning goals for students with different skill and ability
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Research literature
of the field and provides others’ ideas and work in areas close to that
study. These are categorize into two (2) themes: Peer Mentoring and the
Peer Mentoring
cooperative learning. It not only benefits the students and their learning,
but it also benefits the teachers. As she interviewed her students after they
saying, “Before your class, I disliked math. I was always getting aggravated
and scared by it. Working together with those around me in a group was
a great help in understanding the material and the many different ways in
students motivates them and their critical thinking skills are enhanced,
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Dagupan City
as well, students becoming more familiar with their peers while still
enjoying mathematics.
I had no one to bounce ideas off of!” Williamson, ( 2012). This was a
students. Her research process was to have half of her class work as a
team for the lesson, and the other half work individually. She found that
the teams that worked together were very confident and felt less frustrated
them to solve complex problems much more easily. Rather, they regard
the algebra itself as the problem, and the toolkit as hopelessly complex.
This result is not surprising given that algebra is often taught in ways that
violate all three principles of learning set forth in How People Learn and
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Dagupan City
functional relationships very efficiently; find the value of one thing (such
as the gas price) when we know the value of the other (the number of
quickly grasp the direction, magnitude, and rate of change in one variable
usually allow them to calculate the cost for a specific amount of gas once
they know the price per gallon (say, $2) with no problem. Students know
that 2 gallons cost $4, 3 gallons cost $6, 4 gallons cost $8, and so on.
While we can list each set of values, it is very efficient to say that for all
a great deal.
supports and tackle the different concept, understanding, and ideas, and
the same concepts of Fuchs and colleagues, (2009) showed that students
mentor and the reaining will be the mentees. Another concept of Pachman,
Sweller, et. al, (2013) that only when a peer mentoring was applied and
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mentoring methods are another way to elicit high rates of learning Nist, et.
Al, (2008).
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in the present study that included the research design, subject of the
researcher used this design to analyze the Status because the researcher
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University of Luzon Graduate School
Dagupan City
the barangay which is about 12.7 kilometers from the Bauang town
green fields of its three dimensions and within, full grown fruit and forest
trees are planted making the school atmosphere fresh, cool and shady the
whole day long. There are twenty school buildings. 15 rooms used for
All rooms are properly lit and ventilated. It supplied by portable water
drawn from electric motor pump from a dug-well. Sanitary water sealed
toilets are built in every room for the school children and employees.
and best loving care the children. There are seven nationally funded
teachers, four local school board teachers and one DepEd subsidized
Kindergarten teacher.
the study.
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Dagupan City
Collaborative Survey and the other was a Strategy Survey (see Appendix
The pre-test and post-test are parallel test. Both are composed of
four parts, the first part is to identify if it is a function or not, second part
following functions.
The Pre and Post-test made was with Table of Specification and
assured that the respondents information taken were solely be for the
purposes of this research work to ensure a valid and reliable data. Further,
they were given enough time to answer the research instrument to ensure
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Dagupan City
the conduct of peer mentoring approach. After directing the pre-test the
following techniques;
images printed on the cards and the manners in which they are used
identify the flashed images. This is why flashcards are ideal to use as
teacher raises it for some time then hides it and asks the students to
answer the given problem set, then the students will be given some time
to answer. Then when the students cannot easily answer on the given time.
The teacher could easily give feedback and explain the answer to the
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assessment to check if they acquire the skills and learn the concept.
Worksheet are given 2-3 times different problem sets until they got a good
and reasonable results. it’s a useful tool to help, develop, strengthen, and
slightly different from the pre-test. Before the start of the study of the
researcher from the office of the Principal. Likewise, the researcher made
strategies. It was used also in the pre-test and post-test as well as pre-
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T-test was used to treat the significant between the student learning
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This chapter presents the data gathered, the results of the statistical
during the pre-test and the post test. The data relative to these are
reflected in table 1 and table 2 in which this study shows that the peer
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Table 1.
Students’ Performance in General Mathematics
Test Scores during the Pre-test
28-30 0 0
25-27 0 0
22-24 3 6.3
19-21 8 16.7
16-18 15 31.2
13-15 12 25
10-12 10 20.8
and out of 48 students did not reached 75% minimum passing score of
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Dagupan City
Table 2.
Students’ Performance in General Mathematics
Test Scores during the Post-test.
28-30 24 50
25-27 12 25
22-24 12 25
19-21 0 0
16-18 0 0
13-15 0 0
10-12 0 0
Mean = 25. 81
study and with the total mean of 25.81. There are 36 out of 48 students
reached 75% minimum passing score of which the DepEd requires and
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Dagupan City
Table 3.
Level of performance in General Mathematics Test Scores
of Grade 11 students in the pre-test and post test
post-test. The table reveals that the Grade 11 have the mean 15.81 in their
pre-test, while 25.81 in their post-test. This means that peer mentoring
learn mathematics.
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general mathematics
Table 4.
Significant Difference Level of performance in General
Mathematics Test Scores of Grade 11 students
in the pre-test and post-test
Level of t-critical
performance value at
N Mean t 0.05
Pre-test 48 15. 81
-1.230 1.761
Post-test 48 25. 81
that has been proven highly efficient and has become popular in recent
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years (Crosby, 2013; Karcher et al., 2015). In the study of Rhodes (2011),
a study state that the fast pace and recall practice using the peer
Klaiss 2015).
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Summary of Findings
design. The subjects of this research where the forty-eight (48) grade 11
senior high school students who are diagnosed to have lack of knowledge
A teacher made test was used in this study. Frequency and t-test
were used to treat the level of performance of the Grade 11 students in the
Through analyzing the data, the researcher have concluded that the
and incorporating more activities into the classroom, the data showed,
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through Tables 2-4, that the majority of the students either had similar
beginning of the lesson until the end. Results paralleled other studies that
recommend that there will be further study of the use of group work and
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frequently in mathematics classes. They also feel that their students need
Possibly, they were uncomfortable with the new approaches. Although the
students said they felt that the multiple intelligence lessons were beneficial
to them, as indicated in the strategy surveys, the researcher felt that the
average test score data did not reflect any benefits from the MI lessons.
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Antil, L., Jenkins, J., Wayne, S., & Vadasy, P. (2008). Peer Mentoring;
prevalence, conceptualizations, and the relation between research
and practice. American Educational Research Journal, 35(3), 419-
University of Luzon Graduate School
Dagupan City
Talamage, H., Pascarella, E., & Ford, S. (1984). The influence of peer
mentoring strategies on teacher practices, student perceptions of
the learning environment, and academic achievement. American
Educational Research Journal, 21, 163-179.
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Dagupan City
Greetings of Peace!
(sgd)Henry E. Flores
Approved by:
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Dagupan City
C. In Exercises 15 to 20, for each set of ordered pairs, plot the related points. Then
use the vertical line test to determine which sets are functions.
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15. {(3, 1), (1, 2), (2, 3), (1, 4)} 16. {(2, 2), (1, 1), (3, 3), (4, 5)
17. {(1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 4), (5, 6)} 18. {(1, 4), (1, 5), (0, 2), (2, 3)}
19. {(1, 2), (1, 3), (2, 1), (3, 1)} 20. {(1, 1), (3, 4), (1, 2), (5, 3)}
D. For Exercises 21 to 28, use the vertical line test to determine whether the
graphs represent a function.
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Dagupan City
E. In Exercises 29 to 30, from each pair, identify which variable is dependent and
which is independent.
29. The amount of a phone bill and the length of the call.
30. The cost of filling a car’s gas tank and the size of the tank.
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9. 10. 11.
C. In Exercises 15 to 20, for each set of ordered pairs, plot the related points. Then
use the vertical line test to determine which sets are functions.
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15. {(3, 1), (1, 2), (2, 3), (1, 4)} 16. {(2, 2), (1, 1), (3, 3), (4, 5)
17. {(1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 4), (5, 6)} 18. {(1, 4), (1, 5), (0, 2), (2, 3)}
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19. {(1, 2), (1, 3), (2, 1), (3, 1)} 20. {(1, 1), (3, 4), (1, 2), (5, 3)}
D. For Exercises 21 to 28, use the vertical line test to determine whether the
graphs represent a function.
E. In Exercises 29 to 30, from each pair, identify which variable is dependent and
which is independent.
29. The height of a ball thrown in the air and the time in the air.
30. The amount of penalty on an unpaid tax bill and the length of the time unpaid.
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Pre and Post test
OBJECTIVE Remembering Understanding Applying Analyzing Evaluating
1,3,4,5,6,7,8 8
1. Decide whether it
is a function or
not in a given set.
21-28 8
3. Use the vertical line
test to identify the
graph of a function.
8 8 2 6 6 30
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The images printed on the cards and the manners in which they are
teacher’s hand. The teacher raises it for some time then hides it and
asks the students to answer the given problem set, then the
students will be given some time to answer. Then when the students
cannot easily answer on the given time. The teacher could easily give
learning styles. PowerPoint can be one of the most powerful tools for
University of Luzon Graduate School
Dagupan City
effective ways of learning. Chalk board style is a boring style for them
and no longer pleasing to the students but rather they are more
as their assessment to check if they acquire the skills and learn the
concept. Worksheet are given 2-3 times different problem sets until
they got a good and reasonable results. it’s a useful tool to help,
University of Luzon Graduate School
Dagupan City
Aspiring for a career with opportunities to explore my full potential
and consistent career growth, always optimistic and willing to learn from
challenging opportunities.
Age : 27
Gender : Female
Birth Date : February 02, 1992
Birth Place : Bauang, La Union
Civil Status : Single
Height : 5’’6
Weight : 65
Nationality : Filipino
Religion : Jehovah’s Witnesses
Name of Father : Deceased
Occupation : n/a
Name of Mother : Deceased
Occupation : n/a
Person to be contacted
in case of emergency : Ginalyn F. Munio
Balaoan, La Union
University of Luzon Graduate School
Dagupan City