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Abstract: This study aimed to enhance the oral communication skills (conversations) of ANU
students. The sample of the study consisted of 20 students (12 female students and 8 male
students) all of them are studying English language, the majority of the sample were the seniors
and juniors students, while freshman were minority students. The researchers used random
sample method. To achieve the objectives of the present study, the researchers used semi-
structured interview as an instrument for data collection. The results of this study revealed that
the students of ANU face many problems related to speaking skill, such as confusion and
embarrassment; students did not learn speaking lessons correctly at school, and face difficulty in
pronouncing some words. The results also showed that the most frequent problems were the
limited amount of vocabulary among students, while the least frequent problems were the
difficulty in understanding questions. This study also presented some of appropriate solutions to
overcome the weakness in speaking skill, such as practicing speaking English inside and outside
the classroom effectively, using the modern social media to communicate in English and to
express the students feelings and needs.
Key Words: Speaking skill , EFL , communication skills , Ajloun National University students.
International Journal of English and Education 182
ISSN: 2278-4012, Volume:5, Issue:3, July 2016
I . Introduction
English language is a universal language and one of the simplest and easiest languages in the
world. It is the official language in a large number of countries, it is estimated that the number of
people in the world that use English to communicate on a regular basis is two billion. English
language is the dominant business language, and it has become almost necessity for people to
spoken English, because there are many motivations to learn this language, such as: the modern
world language of media, international economic, tourism, technology and scientific articles, and
the Internet that demands a good knowledge of English especially of spoken English. English
language is considered as foreign language of a lot of Arab countries, like Jordan, Iraq, Palestine,
Arab Gulf, and others. Jordan uses it in the government, some formal situations, in addition, of
the Jordanian universities; they use it as a first language in lectures and debates. While reading
and listening are considered to be the two receptive skills in language learning , and writing and
speaking are the order two productive skills necessary to be integrated in the development of
effective communication. Of all the four macro English skills, speaking seems to be the most
important skill required for communication. Zaremba, (2006).
However ,speaking for special communication usually occurs in contexts where speaking
performance is conducted for an audience in differing circumstances. The principles of public
speaking are also intertwined with the development of speaking for special communication.
When a speech involving an audience is taken into consideration, the act of speaking is
considered to be more complicated than general everyday conversation and a number of other
skills are therefore included in the speaking delivery process, e.g. choosing topics, organizing
thoughts, tailoring the message, and adapting to listener feedback (Lucas, 2001).
Finally , speaking English language skill is one of the important of four language skills to be
developed as a means of effective communication in both first and second language learning
context in Jordan Universities, particularly at Ajloun National University. Effective
communication by mean of speaking usually creates a number of benefits for both speakers and
business organizations for example effective speaking skill results in achievements during
ceremonial speaking activities, job training, activities, job interview, and other business purposes
(Osborn, et al 2008). We can say any person without oral communication skills will suffer in this
era of competition and may find it difficult to achieve a higher position. Speaking is an
interactive process of constructing meaning that involves producing and receiving and
processing information (Burns & Joyce, 1997).
International Journal of English and Education 183
ISSN: 2278-4012, Volume:5, Issue:3, July 2016
investigate the English language speaking skills used by Ajloun national university students
when they make a conversation, dialogue, and discussion, in order to improve these skills and to
help students them overcome these difficulties and suggest new strategies for teaching speaking
that may help both students and teachers.
- Research Questions
This study guided by the following research questions:
1. What are the tasks that students use in developing their speaking skill at ANU?
2. What are the influential factors that related to the students' weakness level at in speaking
skill at ANU?
3. How can students overcome the weakness in speaking skill at ANU?
Urrutia, & Vega (2006) conducted an action research project on the understanding and actions
taken to improve speaking skills through games in a public school called “Federico García
International Journal of English and Education 184
ISSN: 2278-4012, Volume:5, Issue:3, July 2016
Lorca” in Colombia. The sample in this study was twenty girls and twenty boys from 14 to 18
years old. Questionnaires, teacher’s journals and video recordings were used as data collection
instruments. The results of the study were the majority of students considered that speaking is the
most complicated ability to work out; also, the researchers noticed that students sometimes spoke
English, but the majority of them did not speak during the English class.
Rama, Ying, lee & Luei (2007) conducted an action research study on the hypothesis of using
language games to improve speech skills during English classes in a primary school called
“Jurong” in Singapore. The participants in this study were 78 students. The researchers used two
different methods for two different groups; they divided students into experimental group in
which was implemented a communicative method where were implemented language games to
improve speaking skills, and a control group which was focused in a teacher centered method in
which teachers used real- life activities including the essential vocabulary to perform a
conversation. The results of the study organized in two tables. The first table shows the study of
pre-tests and post-tests where 4 students did not were present in class during the pre-test and a
total of 35 students were present in pre-test and post-test.
Hamzah & Ting, (2009) conducted a qualitative and action research study on success of using
group work in teaching speaking in English classroom in a school called “SMK Damai Jaya” in
Malaysia. The sample of the study was 33 students and 3 English teachers. The researchers
conducted three oral activities where students were observed then they received questionnaires
and three experienced teachers where observed as well. Questionnaires, observations and
interviews were used as data collection instruments. The researchers carried out a series of
questionnaires in Malay language were students could provide their opinions about the group
work activities to improve speech skills and their consciousness of participation in those
activities. The results of the study expressed enthusiasm in group work activities and proficiency
in spoken language, because they were secure of expressing themselves in small groups which
avoided anxiety to speak in another language.
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ISSN: 2278-4012, Volume:5, Issue:3, July 2016
- Research Instrument
In order to examine the detected English speaking problems among students whose major is
English language and literature, interviews were mainly used in this study. Thus this study
provided opportunities for students to talk about their experiences in their simple own words.
These interviews were conducted on 20 students who are studying English language at ANU.
- Data Collection
All interviews were recorded and taped among the study by using different mass media, such as
recording devices or smart phones provided with recording application. Then al questions in the
interviews and students responses have been written on hard copy for further records and statistic
- Data analysis
The interviews were conducted with all the participants. All interviews conducted in Arabic
language then translated to English, depending on the interviewee’s preference, the length of
interview ranged from approximately 4 to 7 minutes. Each interviewee was asked to describe
their English speaking experience as English language learners during their study program. Each
interview centered on the difficulties and weaknesses that facing speaking English skill of the
participant during the study program. Common statistic applications computer programs used to
analyze the data. Although following a pre-determined structure, the interviewer was able to ask
probing questions to gain a fuller understanding of the issues under discussion (Gillham, 2005)
method. All the interviews were tape-recorded and transcribed verbatim. If an interview was
conducted in Arabic, it was later further translated into English in its entirety. In keeping with a
tradition in qualitative research, the transcripts of the interviews were read, re-read and annotated
with comments and specific descriptive phrases.
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ISSN: 2278-4012, Volume:5, Issue:3, July 2016
Table : 1
The Tasks that Affect to the Development the Students' Levels in Speaking Skill
1 Conversation 11 39.28%
2 Questioning 3 10.71%
3 Explaining 3 10.71%
4 Discussion 3 10.71%
5 Presentation 2 7.14%
7 Dialogue 2 7.14%
Table 1 shows the tasks that required from the students inside the classroom at ANU are:
conversation, questioning, explaining discussion, presentation, make interview, dialogue, giving
example, and submitting application and C. V.
- Conversation
The results of this study showed that conversation skill was the most frequent speaking task that
is required from students inside the classroom, 11 out of 20 students (39.28%), mentioned that
they have to make conversation inside the classroom. An evidence of that is as follows:
Participant number thirteen said, "Conversation was required from student by the lecturer inside
the classroom".
- Questioning
The results showed that questioning task was less than the conversation task, 3 students out of 20
students (10.71%), mentioned that they have to make questioning inside the classroom. An
evidence of that is as follows: Student number six said, "The teacher request answers on the
questions from students".
- Explaining
The results presented that this task is exactly as questioning task, 3 out of 20 students (10.71%),
mentioned that they have to make Explaining inside the classroom. An example of that is as
follows: Student number fifteen said, " The teacher wants from the student to explain a topic, or
International Journal of English and Education 187
ISSN: 2278-4012, Volume:5, Issue:3, July 2016
- Discussion
This section presents medium results as previous task, 3 out of 20 students (10.71%), mentioned
that they have to make a discussion inside the classroom. An evidence of that is as follows:
Student number twelve said, "The lecturer makes a discussion among students about certain
- Presentation
This part showed medium results between these tasks, thus 2 students out of 20 students (7.14%),
mentioned that they have to make presentation inside the classroom. An example of that is as
follows: Participant number nine said, "The teacher divided the students into group to present
- Making Interview
Making interview task presented result exactly as presentation task, 2 out of 20 students (7.14%),
mentioned that they have to make an interview inside the classroom. An example of that is as
follows: Student number one said, "The lecturer focused on how to make an interview among
- Dialogue
This task presented the same results exactly as "making interview" and presentation task, 2 out of
20 participants (7.14%), mentioned that they have to make a dialogue inside the classroom. An
example of that is as follows: Participant number nine said, "The lecturer forms many of groups
to make a dialogue among students".
- Give an Example
The results of this task" give an example" were the least of other task, one participant out of 20;
(3.57%) mentioned that he/she has to give an example inside the classroom. An example of that
is as follows: Participant number five said, "The lecturer required from student to give an
example about something inside the classroom".
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ISSN: 2278-4012, Volume:5, Issue:3, July 2016
This part shows the difficulties and problems that students are suffering through English oral
communications inside the classroom at ANU, (See Table 2).
Table: 2
The factors that cause problems and weakness for A.N.U students in speaking skill
Number Weakness Frequency Percentage
Table 2 shows the factors that cause problems and weakness for ANU students.
The frequency of these factors ranges from 1 to 13 and the percentage also range (2.08%) to
(27.08%), as follow:
International Journal of English and Education 189
ISSN: 2278-4012, Volume:5, Issue:3, July 2016
- Pronunciation Difficulties.
The results of pronunciation difficulties seemed to be less than all previously mentioned
problems, 3 students out of 20 students (6.25%) mentioned that they have suffered of
pronunciation problems. An evidence of that is as follows: Student number fifteen said, "I have a
problem in pronunciation of some words".
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ISSN: 2278-4012, Volume:5, Issue:3, July 2016
Table :3
1 Practice. 11 30.55%
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ISSN: 2278-4012, Volume:5, Issue:3, July 2016
- Practice
The results showed that practice was the perfect approach that students must follow, to overcome
their problems regarding speaking skill, this way took the top frequency, 11 students out of
20,(30.55%) mentioned that they have solutions through practice to overcome these problems.
An evidence of that is as follow: Participant number eleven said, "When we practice more
conversations, we will exceed this weakness.
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ISSN: 2278-4012, Volume:5, Issue:3, July 2016
- Focusing on Pronunciation.
Correct pronunciation of words or structure was some of students' responses to facilitate making
a conversation in a good way; the results presented, 1 out of 20 students (2.77%) mentioned that
he/she has many ways to overcome the problems. An example of that is as follows: Participant
number eight said, "We must focus on right ways to pronounce words".
- Development of Grammar.
The results showed that students must have ability to correct language mistakes to overcome the
problems through the speaking skills, as students' responses, 1 out of 20 students, (2.77%)
mentioned that he/she has solution to overcome the weakness.. An example of that is as follows:
Participant number six said, "Students should develop grammatical rules".
V. Discussions
- Discussion the Results of the First Question
The previous chapter showed the discussion and analysis of the results, according to the first
question which dealt with tasks that are required from the students inside the classroom at ANU,
such as interview, dialogue, discussion, conversation, etc. the conversation task had the high
ratio that students presented inside the classroom among them, while giving an example task had
a low percentage. These results were different from the results of Bashiruddin, (2003). Through
the analyzing of the results, the researcher believes that these tasks are very essential for the
students to develop themselves in oral communications their studying program.
International Journal of English and Education 193
ISSN: 2278-4012, Volume:5, Issue:3, July 2016
faced the oral communication difficulties, because they have lacked English vocabulary. This
study was similar to the other studies of communication difficulties confirmed by Liu and
Jackson (2008), but dissimilar with (Suleiman, 1983; Mukattash, 1983; Ibrahim, 1983). The
researcher thinks that the reasons of students' weakness during oral conversations were limited
participations with other universities, limited speaking with each others, and using Arabic
language inside the classroom also was a key reason that caused such problems.
VI - Conclusion
To shortcut the findings of this study, new strategies should be involved to improve students'
English language speaking skill at ANU. It is suggested that English lecturers create situations
that can encourage learners to produce English oral interactions because such interactions can
provide learners with opportunities to explain concepts and help them to vocalize concrete
meaning, by vocalizing concrete meaning, learners can lean their tendency towards English oral
communication activities. In addition, the current methods to get the learners to approach oral
communication activities are by producing a task-based learning style of teaching. Traditional
learning methods (by posting comprehension check questions) limit the learners' opportunity to
have two-way communication between learners and the instructor. Task-based learning is the
ideal approach that can enhance learner' communication ability and through problem solving
activities, teachers get the chance to observe how learners construct and reconstruct their
VII - Recommendations
The researchers recommend that other researchers conduct studies at other universities to
contrast the differences and similarities points for teaching speaking skill by incorporating
speaking strategies into their teaching methods and approaches, teach the students to use the
appropriate strategy for a specific purpose or a specific skill area, and encourage them to use the
strategies as much as possible. The researchers also recommend that students should use modern
mass media such as Face book, Twitter. Whats App to develop their speaking skill.
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