Stavan Manjari - English
Stavan Manjari - English
Stavan Manjari - English
You, who control the world like a puppeteer with his strings,
You are omnipresent.
All the sciences and scared books are still delving
To plumb the essence of your nature. ….6
You are the CHINTAMANI of the poor and the down - trodden !
You are the divine purifer (Ganges river ) for your devotees!
You are a raft for those drowing in worldlinees!
You are the refuge of the timid. ….16
6. i.e. Rama
Each year,
The old waters go and the new
Flow into the river bed;
It's the law, as you know. ….43
7. Three sons of Bramadev who were born of his own mental conception.
8 . A d evo tee o f Go d w it h t he f a ce o f a ho r se .
9 . A B h il wo m a n , a d ev o tee o f S h ri. Ra m a .
1 0 . So n o f Va li 1 1 . H a n um a n 1 2 . P a nd a va s ' U n cle.
1 3 . T h e d a i ry la d s a nd m a id s, co m p a nio n s o f S hr ik ri s hna .
Oh,Sadguru Sainath,
You are my "KALPATURU"! 1 5
You are the means for crossing this worldly ocean,
You alone are so - undoubtedly. ….56
You are "KAMDHENU"! 1 6
You are "CHINTAMANI"! 1 7
1 8 . T h e g rea t f o u nd e r o f na t h P a n th . 2 0 . M a nk o g i Bo d ha le o f D ha m a n g a o n.
2 1 . S A KH a ra m M a ha ra j o f L o n i. 2 2 . Sa in t f ro m H um a na b a d .
Your present manifestation,
And your manifold nature
are really difficult to understand !
The knowledge about your caste and creed
You do not reveal to anybody. ….62
If any pasad were brought at a time other the afternoon Naivedya and if
Bade Baba or other Muslims were present, Baba would order the first
"Sura" of Koran to be recited and would himself join in. But in the
absence of Muslims, this practice was never follow.
There was Hindu - Muslim rivalry;
Therefore , to bring about unity and amity.
The masjid and the fire worship were embraced by you,
To show your "leela" to the devotees. ….71
Saints, I reckon
Higher than gods;
For distinctions such as mine and thine
find not a place in their proximity. ….76
27.The two demons killed by Lord Vishnu and Shri Rama respectively.
We worldly people
Gather layers of impurities again and again ;
Therefore, we are the right people
for the "DARSHAN " of saints. ….87
28. The dirty clothes. 29. These arise out of spiritual conditions,
physical conditions or due to fate.
30. Vishnu
If ritualistic worship
Of you, is to be performed by me,
To do that I have no wherewithal’s,
Place on my head
Your hand and bless me, oh Lord!
Wars off my sorrow and worry
For this GANU is your servant. .8-131
Similarly , I am a sinner,
But, I am under your protection;
Will you not redeem me, Oh, GURURAYA
From my sinful state? …140
Worldly or spiritual,
In whatever objects I seek satisfaction,
I have no doubt, O GURURAYA,
That you will grant me these. …141
With your grace,
Control my mind ;
If the oceans are sweetened
There is no fear of their being salty. …142
Whatever be my shortcomings,
They are all yours !
You are the foremost among the spiritual masters,
So do not stint while giving. …144
Go on pilgrimage to Shirdi,
Concentrate on the lotus feet of Baba,
Who is the succour of the poor and the meek,
The wish- fulfilling tree for the devotees ! …157
In Shake 3 3 1840
In the bright half of the BHADRAPAD month,
Monday, in the second 'PARHAR' 3 4 …159
33. i.e. A.D. 1918 34. i.e. three houres after sunrise.35. Near Indore.