Database Normalization: Mohua Sarkar, PH.D Software Engineer California Pacific Medical Center 415-600-7003

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Database Normalization

Mohua Sarkar, Ph.D

Software Engineer
California Pacific Medical Center
„ A database is an organized collection of
data whose content must be quickly and
„ A relational database is one whose data
are split up into tables, sometimes called
What Is Database Normalization?

„ Cures the ‘SpreadSheet Syndrome’.

„ Store only the minimal amount of
„ Remove redundancies.
„ Remove anomalies.
„ Restructure data
Concept of normalization and the
most common normal forms.
„ Originally developed by E.F. Codd in 1970. He then
wrote a paper in 1972 on “Further Normalization of the
Data Base Relational Model”.
„ Normal forms reduce the amount of redundancy and
inconsistent dependency within databases.
„ Codd proposed three normal forms and through the
years two more have been added.
„ Normalization organizes the data into tables where each
item is a row and the attributes of the item are in
There are two goals of the normalization
„ eliminate redundant data (for example,
storing the same data in more than one
table) and
„ ensure data dependencies make sense
(only storing related data in a table). Both
of these are worthy goals as they reduce
the amount of space a database
consumes and ensure that data is logically
To begin
Lets first, memorize the 3 normal forms so
that you can recite them in your sleep. The
meaning will become clear as we go.
„ No repeating elements or groups of
„ No partial dependencies on a
concatenated key
„ No dependencies on non-key attributes
Parts of a database



• Each row constitutes a record or tuple

• Each column constitutes an attribute. So
the Attributes/fields become “columns”.
• Rules determine the relationship
between the tables and tie the data
together to form a database
An attribute is a property of an entity.
And an entity is like a noun. It is a person, place,
thing, or event. The entities that are of interest
to a school include students, faculty, and classes.
Normalization is the process for assigning attributes to
Description of Normalization

„ Thus Normalization is the process of organizing and

designing a data model to efficiently store data in a
database. The end result is that redundant data is
eliminated, and only data related to the attribute is stored
within the table.

„ Redundant data wastes disk space and creates

maintenance problems. If data that exists in more than
one place must be changed, the data must be changed
in exactly the same way in all locations. For example: A
customer address change is much easier to implement if
that data is stored only in the Customers table and
nowhere else in the database.
There are a few rules for
database normalization.
Each rule is called a
"normal form."
The Normal Forms
„ Four most commonly used normal forms are first (1NF),
second (2NF) and third (3NF) normal forms, and Boyce–
Codd normal form (BCNF).

„ First Form: sets the very basic rules for an organized database

… Eliminate replicated data in tables

… Create separate tables for each set of related


… Identify each set of related data with a primary


… No partial functional dependencies.

The Zero Form
„ No rules have Contacts
been applied Name Company Address Phone1 Phone2 Phone3 ZipCode

„ Where most
Joe ABC 123 5532 2234 3211 12345
people start
Jane XYZ 456 3421 14454
(and stop)
Chris PDQ 789 2341 6655 14423
„ No room for
„ Usually
wastes space
First Normal Form
„ Eliminate
repeating columns
in each table Id Name Company Address Phone ZipCode

„ Create a separate 1 Joe ABC 123 5532 12345

table for each set 1 Joe ABC 123 2234 12345
of related data 1 Joe ABC 123 3211 12345
„ Identify each set of 2 Jane XYZ 456 3421 14454
related data with a 3 Chris PDQ 789 2341 14423
primary key 3 Chris PDQ 789 6655 14423
„ All attributes are
Benefits: Now we can have infinite phone numbers or
single valued &
company addresses for each contact.
Drawback: Now we have to type in everything over and over
again. This leads to inconsistency, redundancy and wasting
space. Thus, the second normal form…
„ Second Form

… Createseparate tables for sets of values that

apply to multiple records.

… Relate the tables with a foreign key.

… Records should not depend on anything other

than a table's primary key (a compound key, if
necessary). For example, consider a customer's
address in an accounting system. The address is
needed by the Customers table, but also by the
Orders, Shipping, Invoices, Accounts Receivable,
and Collections tables. Instead of storing the
customer's address as a separate entry in each of
these tables, store it in one place, either in the
Customers table or in a separate Addresses table.
Second Normal Form
„ Create separate tables for sets of Id Name Company Address Zip
values that apply to multiple records 1 Joe ABC 123 12345
„ Relate these tables with a “foreign 2 Jane XYZ 456 14454
3 Chris PDQ 789 14423
„ addresses the concept of removing
duplicative data:
„ Meet all the requirements of the first PhoneNumbers
normal form. PhoneID Id Phone
„ Create relationships between these
new tables and their pre decessors 1 1 5532
through the use of foreign keys. 2 1 2234
„ Remove subsets of data that apply
3 1 3211
to multiple rows of a table and place
them in separate tables. 4 2 3421
5 3 2341
6 3 6655
„ Third Form

…Eliminate fields that do not depend

on the primary key.

…Each non-primary key attribute

must be dependent only on primary
Third Normal Form
„ Eliminate fields that
do not depend on the People
primary key. Id Name AddressID
1 Joe 1
2 Jane 2
3 Chris 3
PhoneID Id Phone
1 1 5532
AddressID Company Address Zip
2 1 2234
1 ABC 123 12345
3 1 3211
2 XYZ 456 14454
4 2 3421
3 PDQ 789 14423
5 3 2341
6 3 6655 Is this enough? Codd thought so…
What about “many to many”?
„ Fourth Form : also called Boyce Codd Normal Form (BCNF)
… In many-to-many relationships, independent
entities cannot be stored in the same table.
… A relation is in 4NF if it has no multi-valued
…Occasionally, it becomes necessary to
stray from them to meet practical
business requirements. However, when
variations take place, it's extremely
important to evaluate any possible
ramifications they could have on your
system and account for possible
„ Fifth Form:
… The “very esoteric” one that is probably not
required to get the most out of your database.
… “The original table must be reconstructed from
the tables into which it has been broken down.”
… The rule ensures that you have not created any
extraneous columns and all the tables are only
as large as they need to be. The rule do exist,
but are rarely considered in practical design.
Disregarding these rules may result in less than
perfect database design, but should not affect
Steps in Normalization
Why normalize?
„ Properly executed, the normalization process
eliminates uncontrolled data redundancies, thus
eliminating the data anomalies and the data
integrity problems that are produced by such
„ It does not eliminate data redundancy; instead, it
produces the carefully controlled redundancy
that lets us properly link database tables.
„ Increases the integrity of the data
„ Improves efficiency
„ Although normalization can be hard, it is worth it
in the long run.
What do I need to remember?
„ Keep normalization in mind.
„ Don’t replicate data in a table.
„ If you break the rules, know why you are
breaking the rules and do it for a good
What are the Benefits
of Database Normalization?
„ Improved data integrity!
… No INSERT or UPDATE anomalies.
„ Decreased storage requirements!
No redundant data stored. (strings vs. ints *
millions of rows)
„ Faster search performance!
… Smaller file for table scans.
… More directed searching.

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