ASTM Subcommittee: E13.19 On Chromatography
ASTM Subcommittee: E13.19 On Chromatography
ASTM Subcommittee: E13.19 On Chromatography
ASTM Subcommittee
E13.19 on Chromatography
John V. Hinshaw, Serveron Corp., Hillsboro, Oregon, USA.
Standards play a crucial role in the US Pharmacopeia (USP, Rockville, Founded in 1898 to address problems
chromatography and other fields of Maryland, USA), and the American Society with non-standardized steel railroad tracks,
endeavour that bring together academic, for Testing and Materials (ASTM International, not-for-profit ASTM comprises an international
commercial and consumer concerns. In this West Conshohocken, Pennsylvania, USA) technical framework within which committee
context, a standard defines agreed-upon should be familiar to most LC•GC Europe members from various public and private
procedures, test methods, product readers as organizations that issue concerns work to develop, maintain and
descriptions, classifications, guides or standards that involve chromatography in disseminate standards. More than 30 000
nomenclature definitions. Recognized some form. ISO, for example, maintains 82 members represent producers, users,
standards provide a common framework chromatography standards that specify ultimate consumers, those with a general
and a benchmark to which diverse groups analytical methods for a wide variety of interest and representatives of government
can refer. A standard for testing detectors, materials, as well as the ISO 9000 quality and academia. Members from more than
for example, is useful to manufacturers for management and ISO 14000 environmental 100 countries participate in 140 or so technical
evaluation and quality control and to management standards for which it is committees concerned with approximately
chromatographers for comparison between perhaps best known. IUPAC publishes the 11 000 standards in diverse areas, including
manufacturers, as well as for internal international standard for chromatography stainless steel, skiing, food service, concrete
performance qualification. The same is true nomenclature and continues to issue pipe and, of course, chromatography.
for columns, inlets, data-handling systems periodic updates.1 EPA publishes analytical Balanced participation: One of ASTM
or any other instrument used in standards for air, water and soil analysis. International’s strengths is the requirement
chromatography. Nomenclature standards USP’s US Pharmacopeia–National Formulary, that committees maintain a balanced
enable chromatographers to understand which is revised annually, is the bible to membership between producers, users and
each other through agreed-upon terms pharmaceutical companies for all aspects general interest members, which is
and expressions. Rapid and effective of drug and related pharmaceutical products. reflected in the process of standards
international communication — essential ASTM International: As excerpted from creation. This practice reinforces the intent
to the advancement of chromatographic the ASTM Mission Statement found on its of standards as tools to promote
science — would be greatly hindered website at, ASTM interchange between producers and users,
without these standards. The usefulness of International is a “…developer and as well as to protect the general welfare.
standards extends far beyond laboratories provider of voluntary consensus standards, No single interest can dominate a
into the areas of jurisprudence and related technical information, and services committee or unduly influence the
consumer affairs, as well. having internationally recognized quality standards.
and applicability that promote public ASTM committee structure — how it
Standards Organizations health and safety and the overall quality of works: The primary organizational unit
A large number of organizations promulgate life; contribute to the reliability of within ASTM International is the committee.
standards. Among them, the International materials, products, systems and services; ASTM committees are formed around a
Organization for Standardization (ISO, Geneva, and facilitate national, regional and logical grouping of standards and activities.
Switzerland), the International Union for Pure international commerce.” Its first strategic Table 1 lists the committees responsible for
and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC, Research objective is “to provide the optimum standards that use chromatography in some
Triangle Park, North Carolina, USA), the US environment and support for technical form. Currently, the ASTM web site lists 465
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA, committees to develop needed standards individual active standards that involve
Washington, District of Columbia, USA), and related information.” chromatography and 32 work items in
progress. These standards are written and proposed standard is returned to the task an on-line meeting place for groups to
revised constantly and discontinued group for further work. interact in real time. Electronic voting on
occasionally as the needs for specific Modern tools: Although it’s now more standards facilitates timely balloting and
analytical tests arise and wane. Technology than 100 years old, ASTM International is greatly reduces mailing costs and the
developments also provide the impetus for firmly ensconced in modern information amount of paper used. A series of on-screen
new standards creation. Standards can be technology and makes a number of presentations for committee officer training
revised to incorporate the latest technological electronic standards development tools also are available from the website. The
advances as they become available. available to its members. A series of ASTM Annual Book of Standards is always
Each committee consists of subcommittees detailed manuals, guidelines, templates available in the print version, but the
responsible for a more focused topic area and related documents are all available standards can be accessed more
within the main committee’s purview. on-line at ASTM maintains conveniently on annually updated CD-ROM
Committee D02 on Petroleum Products an on-line interactive standards forum disks. The standards also are indexed and
and Lubricants, for example, includes facility for document development and searchable on the ASTM website.
among its 31 subcommittees several that discussions. A virtual meeting tool provides
involve chromatography — Hydrocarbon
Analysis (D02.04), Gasoline and Oxygenated
Fuels (D02.A0), Hydrocarbons for Chemical Figure 1: ASTM committee, subcommittee and task group structure.
and Special Uses (D02.D0) and Liquefied
Petroleum Gas (D02.H0). Each subcommittee Main
is accountable for individual ASTM standards; committee
subcommittee D02.D0 holds responsibility
for eight chromatography standards.
Each of the subcommittees in turn forms
task groups as needed to perform the Task
Subcommittee groups Subcommittee Standards Subcommittee
detailed work of creating, modifying and
preparing standards for approval; .02 .01 .03
subcommittee D02.D0 includes individual 01
task groups for ethylene, propylene, and A 02
C4 and C5 hydrocarbons. Task groups are
formed when the subcommittee members 03
identify and agree upon a specific B 04
standards development need; each task
group can have responsibility for one or 05
more standards. Figure 1 diagrams the C
relationships between the main committee,
subcommittees and task groups.
Consensus standards: ASTM standards
are classified into six categories: product
specifications, test methods, practices, Table 1: ASTM technical committees responsible for standards that use chromatography
guides, classifications and terminologies. Committee Number Committee Name
The consensus process enforces the D01 Paint and Related Coatings, Materials, and Applications
usefulness and validity of ASTM standards
by ensuring that standards are relevant and D02 Petroleum Products and Lubricants
widely applicable from the beginning. After D03 Gaseous Fuels
a standard is approved for use, periodic
review and regular reapproval keep it D11 Rubber
current with changing requirements and D15 Engine Coolants
technologies or bring about its eventual
withdrawal or replacement. D16 Aromatic Hydrocarbons and Related Chemicals
With the consensus of a task group, a D19 Water
new or revised standard is returned to a
subcommittee for voting. After being D20 Plastics
accepted at the subcommittee level, the D22 Sampling and Analysis of Atmospheres
entire main committee votes on the
standard, and it is submitted for society D26 Halogenated Organic Solvents and Fire Extinguishing Agents
review as well. Standards sometimes are D27 Electrical Insulating Liquids and Gases
voted concurrently by the sub- and main
committees to streamline the approval D34 Waste Management
process. The subcommittee responds to E15 Industrial and Specialty Chemicals
any negative votes, although a negative
vote must be deemed persuasive and pass E47 Biological Effects and Environmental Fate
through a review process before a
ASTM Activities in Chromatography means for characterizing crude, refined and exist in the 1950s. There was essentially no
ASTM International has been involved with synthetic petroleum materials. Simultaneously, standardization between the different
gas chromatography (GC) almost from its GC columns and instrumentation underwent instrument companies and suppliers.
beginnings in 1952. The first 10 years of rapid development — new instruments and Columns were made for a specific
GC saw a tremendous surge in research techniques appeared on the market almost instrument–injector–detector combination,
and applications in all areas. Petroleum every month.2 However, the interchangeability and stationary phases and supports varied
chemists, in particular, immediately realized of columns and GC methods that modern considerably from one manufacturer to another.
the potential of GC as a new and powerful chromatographers take for granted did not The beginnings of ASTM E19: ASTM
Committee D02 on Petroleum Products
and Lubricants, founded in 1904, is
Table 2: ASTM Standards from Subcommittee E13.19 on Chromatography.* arguably the first ASTM committee that
Designation Year First Approved Description became involved with GC early in its
E260-96(2001) 1965 Standard practice for packed-column GC development. By the end of the 1950s,
ASTM members recognized the need for a
E355-96(2001) 1968 Standard practice for GC terms and separate committee to coordinate standards
relationships concerning the practice of GC, so they
E516-95a(2000) 1974 Standard practice for testing formed the ASTM Committee E19 on
thermal-conductivity detectors used in GC Chromatography in 1961. The purpose of the
new committee was — and still is — to
E594-96(2001) 1977 Standard practice for testing flame
advance the field of chromatography by
ionization detectors used in GC or
supercritical fluid chromatography (SFC) promoting exchange of information, by
sponsoring meetings and symposia, by
E682-92(2000) 1979 Standard practice for LC terms and standardizing terminology, and by
coordinating and formulating scientific
E685-93(2000) 1979 Standard practice for testing fixed-wavelength practices and methods of analysis applicable
photometric detectors used in LC to the entire range of chromatography
practice. The work of this committee is
E697-96(2001) 1979 Standard practice for use of electron-capture
detectors in GC
coordinated with other ASTM committees
and organizations that have mutual
E840-95(2000) 1981 Standard practice for using flame interests. In 1968, the scope of the
photometric detectors in GC committee was generalized from GC to
E1140-95(2000) 1986 Standard practice for testing chromatography to accommodate liquid
nitrogen–phosphorus thermionic ionization chromatography (LC). Today, the committee
detectors for use in GC is involved with all forms of chromatography,
including ion chromatography, gel-permeation
E1151-93 1993 Standard practice for ion chromatography
terms and relationships chromatography, thin-layer chromatography
and supercritical fluid chromatography.
E1303-95(2000) 1989 Practice for refractive index detectors used The first products of E19 activities included
in LC the “Recommended Practice for Gas
E1449-92(2000) 1992 Standard guide for SFC terms and Chromatography Terms and Relationships
relationships (E355),” which was approved in 1968, and
a series of standards on flame ionization,
E1510-95(2000) 1993 Standard practice for installing fused-silica
thermal-conductivity and electron-capture
open-tubular capillary columns in GC
detectors followed soon after (see Table 2).
E1511-93(2000) 1993 Standard practice for testing conductivity During its first decade, E19 members were
detectors used in LC and ion active in all areas of chromatography. E19
chromatography committee reports from 1968–1970 describe,
E1657-98(2001) 1994 Standard practice for testing among other things, task groups for
variable-wavelength photometric detectors standardization of methods, general GC
used in LC procedures, cooperative sample testing, LC
data, and standard materials and reagents.3,4
E1698-95(2000) 1995 Standard practice for testing electrolytic
conductivity detectors used in GC During the late 1960s, members were
interested in assembling standardized GC
E1747-95(2000) 1995 Standard guide for purity of carbon dioxide retention data and related standard
used in supercritical fluid applications methodology that would permit
*The number after the hyphen indicates the year in which a standard was created or last chromatographers to identify unknown
revised; the year that it was most recently voted for approval is in parentheses. For example substances by their retention behaviour. The
E355 was first approved in 1968, last revised in 1996 and reapproved in 2001. ASTM subcommittee on Storage and Retrieval of
standards must be reapproved every five years, so all the E13.19 standards will be up for GC Data reported at the E19 Ninth Annual
reapproval in the 2003–2004 period. If a standard is not reapproved after eight years, it can Meeting in 1970 that 1817 copies of Gas
be discontinued.
Chromatographic Data Compilation5 had
been sold, and that the “…first supplement 4
GC Connections
will soon be published…[and] a second photometric detectors; capillary column chromatography is not a viable and
supplement…will appear in 1972”.4 The installation; supercritical fluid chromatography; growing field, nor will they say that the
compilation included more than 23 000 and ion chromatography as listed in Table 2. routine chromatographic techniques have
individual pieces of retention data. Several Beginning in 1995 or so, active interest no place in present or future laboratories.
related task groups and committees in E19 began to wane. Probably as a Technologies that use chromatography
described their efforts to abstract data reflection of the beginnings of a consolidation continue to develop rapidly, but they don’t
from published sources and to correct in chromatography industries, fewer necessarily look like the more mature
methodologies. Chromatography
meetings, publications, research projects
Both of these trends — the adoption of new chromatography and other activities abound in forward-
looking areas such as LC–MS and
techniques into the array of routine methodologies and the proteomics, micro–total analysis systems
development of new as-yet unproven technologies — will (µTAS) and comprehensive two-
determine the course of chromatography standards from this dimensional GC. At the same time, further-
time forward. developed techniques — such as capillary
electrophoresis (CE) and related electrodriven
liquid separations, high-speed GC, high-
errors in the compilation. This Herculean committee members had the time and temperature LC, chiral and molecularly
effort might seem unwieldy and corporate endorsements for active pursuit imprinted separations, solid-phase
unnecessary to modern chromatographers, of E19 activities. As a consequence, the microextraction and high-speed MS, to
but the routine use of mass spectrometry annual E19 symposia were discontinued, name a few — are at various stages of
(MS) detectors with gas chromatographs although the biannual committee business integration into laboratory environments.
was completely unknown at that time. meetings in conjunction with the Pittsburgh Both of these trends — the adoption of
The 1960s–1970s: The E19 meetings of Conference and other conferences continue. new chromatography techniques into the
the 1960s and 1970s were well attended; In 2000, Committee E19 was consolidated array of routine methodologies and the
for example, 235 registrants attended in into Committee E13 (Molecular Spectroscopy) development of new as-yet unproven
1968 and 151 in 1970. The committee as the E13.19 Subcommittee on technologies — will determine the course
membership grew from 208 to 246 Chromatography. At that time, all existing of chromatography standards from this
between 1968 and 1970 and remained E19 standards were reapproved, which has time forward. In turn, the creation of
more or less at that level until the 1980s. ensured their continuity for the time being. appropriate consensus standards with the
The annual meetings included topical Today, E13.19 has 39 active members from participation of all interested parties will
sessions and subcommittee and task-force a cross-section of the chromatographic help the transition from academic discovery
activities. Topics for the 1970 and 1971 community. (See sidebar for more to practical implementation.
meetings included GC quantification and information about upcoming events.) ASTM Subcommittee E13.19 is ideally
standardization, high-resolution capillary The consolidation of the late 1990s suited as a forum and framework for
column analysis of hydrocarbons, LC of high heralded a new phase for traditional GC developing standards and maintaining
molecular weight hydrocarbons, applications and LC as once-novel techniques found existing chromatography standards as
of gel-permeation chromatography, life science their way onto the palettes of routine appropriate. Successful engagement in
applications of LC, new technology in LC, chemical analysts. Ironically, the these activities, however, requires strategic
practical aspects of performing LC separations, widespread acceptance of fused-silica planning, research, standards proposals,
environmental analysis by chromatography, capillary GC columns and diode-array LC task group formation and standards
chromatography laboratory automation detectors — to name only two of the many creation. The current situation in E13.19
and troubleshooting in GC. new chromatography instruments whose represents a great opportunity for interested
The 1980s–1990s: The high interest level and use became routine — meant that the parties to become involved and have a
broad-ranging treatment of chromatography need for high-quality consensus standards chance to contribute in these activities. The
topics continued at E19 annual meetings became greater than ever. The downsizing committee invites participation at any level
for almost two decades. I attended my first trend in industrial laboratory staffing
ASTM meeting in 1980 and joined soon challenged less-experienced personnel with
afterward. I remember attending meetings unfamiliar techniques, which in turn Future ASTM E13.19
in San Diego, California, USA; Atlanta, caused an upswing in demand for
Georgia, USA; Norfolk Beach, Virginia, chromatography standards as guidelines
USA; and Kansas City, Missouri, USA. for laboratory operations; instrument 18 November 2003:
Registration often exceeded 100 and purchase, installation and maintenance; Autumn 2003 meeting of ASTM E13.19,
various seminars and short courses on data storage and retrieval; interpretation of Somerset, New Jersey, USA; held in
current chromatography topics were held. results; and other aspects of routine conjunction with Eastern Analytical
Standards development activities continued chromatographic analysis. Symposium.
at a high pace during this period. The 7–12 March 2004:
committee produced new standards in areas The Future of Chromatography
Spring 2004 meetings of ASTM E13.19,
such as LC refractive index, fixed- Standards Chicago, Illinois, USA; held in conjunction
wavelength and conductivity detectors; GC What is the future of chromatography with Pittcon 2004; exact time and location
nitrogen–phosphorus thermionic, standards? It is the same as the future for to be determined.
electrolytic conductivity and flame chromatography. No one will argue that
I would like to thank Leslie S. Ettre of Yale
University (New Haven, Connecticut, USA)
and Gloria E. Collins of ASTM International
(West Conshohocken, Pennsylvania, USA)
for their assistance in preparing this “GC
Connections” column.
1. “Nomenclature for Chromatography,” Pure
Appl. Chem. 65, 819–872 (1993).
2. L.S. Ettre, Milestones in the Evolution of
Chromatography (ChromSource, Portland,
Oregon, 2002).
3. “Report of Committee E19 on
Chromatography” (Seventh Annual Meeting,
Cincinnati, Ohio, 24–27 September 1969), in
Proceedings of the ASTM (American Society
for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, 1969),
pp. 432–434.
4. “Report of Committee E19 on
Chromatography” (Ninth Annual Meeting,
Denver, Colorado, 11–24 October 1970), in
Proceedings of the ASTM (American Society
for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, 1971),
pp. 363–365.
5. Gas Chromatographic Data Compilation
DS25A (American Society for Testing and
Materials, Philadelphia, 1968). 6