How-To-Get-To Llullu Llama

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5 Getting to Llullu Llama Mountain Lodge

9 Map of Quilotoa Loop

12 Public Bus

14 Arriving to Isinlivi by Public Bus

21 Departing Isinlivi by Public Bus

27 Self-Drive Instructions

29 Things to Bear in Mind

31 Quito to Llullu Llama Mountain Lodge Via Quilotoa

39 Quito to Llullu Llama Mountain Lodge in isinlivi

43 Via Guingopana Pass

45 Via Sigchos
Getting to
Llullu Llama
Mountain Lodge

Let us explain you step by step.

Llullu Llama Mountain Lodge is locat-

ed at 2800m of altitude in the village
of Isinlivi, County of Sigchos, in the
Province of Cotopaxi in Ecuador.

Type “Llullu Llama Mountain Lodge”

in Google Maps and you’ll find our
exact location.

Llullu Llama Mountain Lodge is lo-

cated right on the famous Quilotoa
Loop, the road that connects the city
of Latacunga with the villages Isinlivi
– Sigchos – Chugchilan –
Quilotoa – Zumbahua.

We recommend entering the loop on

one side and leaving on the other side
to fully enjoy all the beauty of the loop
with the magnificent Quilotoa Crater
Lake in the middle.

Isinlivi is the perfect place to base

yourself to explore the Quilotoa Loop.
We recommend a 3 night stay to en-
joy some of the most stunning hikes When hiking the full Quilotoa Loop,
in the area and maybe some other Llullu Llama Mountain Lodge is the
adventure activities as well. perfect place to start or end the loop.

Map of Quilotoa Loop
You can get to Isinlivi by public or
private transportation, hike here from
Guingopana Pass or Sigchos, or you
can drive yourself.
Find below the public bus schedules
and self-driving instructions.

If you would like to arrange private

transport, ask us in advance. Another
option is to ask your travel agent to
drop you off in Isinlivi after your day-
trip to Cotopaxi, Pasochoa or Illinizas.
The Happy Gringo travel agency in
Quito is a reliable agent to organize
this with.

Public Bus

Arriving to Isinlivi
by Public Bus
To get to Llullu Llama Mountain Lodge by public bus, first step is to get to the
city of Latacunga. From Latacunga there are several options:

Bus to Isinlivi: there are 2 early Saquisili Market: on Thursday’s

buses per day from Latacunga to Isin- you can catch the bus at the market
livi (duration 2 hrs) in Saquisili to Isinlivi at 11am.

Guingopana Pass: When taking Bus to Sigchos: there are several bus-
the “14 de Octubre” bus to Isinlivi, es per day from Latacunga to Sigchos.
ask the bus driver to drop you off at From Sigchos you can either hike to Isin-
Guingopana Pass – this is the highest livi (3-4 hr), take the bus or a truck taxi.
point of the Cordillera, 4100m. From
here it’s an amazing 2 to 3 hours hike
downhill to Isinlivi over the road.


Quito to Latacunga:
There are busses leaving every 30 min- This bus ride takes an hour and a half and
utes to Latacunga from Quito’s Quitumbe costs about $2. We recommend to leave
Terminal Terrestre. From the New Town your hotel between 7am and 8am to make
Mariscal area or the Old Town historical it in time for your connection in Latacun-
center the best way to get to Quitumbe ga to Isinlivi or Sigchos. There is also a
bus station is by taking the Trolebus di- taxi service operating between Quito and
rection south. Ask your hotel where the Latacunga. Depending on where your ho-
nearest Trolebus stop is located. The tel is located in Quito, the price is between
Trolebus final stop in the south is the Qui- $12 and $17 per person, and the taxi only
tumbe station. From there, jump on the takes one hour to Latacunga. Contact us
first bus to Latacunga. for more information.

Baños to Latacunga:
Busses leave every 30 minutes from 4am A bus ticket to Latacunga costs about
to 6pm from Baños to Latacunga – it is $2,50, and the drive takes approximately
best to double check bus timings and 2 hours. We recommend leaving your ho-
buy a ticket in advance. The bus termi- tel between 7am and 8am to have enough
nal in Baños is located at the Rocafuerte time to make your connection from Lata-
Street, behind the Central Market (Mer- cunga to Isinlivi or Sigchos.
cado Central).

Cuenca to Latacunga: From Guayaquil to Latacunga:

When coming from the southern city of From Guayaquil to Latacunga the bus
Cuenca the bus ride takes approximately ride travels via Riobamba and Ambato
7 hours and a half at about $8 to Lata- to Latacunga and takes approximate-
cunga. The Terminal Terrestre in Cuenca ly 7 hours at about $7. There is just
is located at Av. España y Sebastian de one bus a day so it is best to check
Benalcazar. Check bus timings in ad- timings the day before. An overnight
vance. It may be necessary to spend the in Latacunga is recommended.
night in Latacunga or near the Cotopaxi
national park.

The bus from Latacunga to Isinlivi takes approximately 2 hours. The bus drops
you off at the main plaza in Isinlivi from where it’s just a one minute walk to
Llullu Llama, ask our neighbors and they will show you the way.
Watch your belongings at the bus station of Latacunga, and while on the bus!

Saquisili Market: On Thursday’s the Guingopana Pass: You can also ask
bus leaves directly to Isinlivi from the bus driver to drop you off at Guin-
Saquisili market! From Latacunga you gopana Pass, the highest point of the
can take a bus or a taxi to get to the Cordillera. From here it’s a beautiful hike
market (15 min). Once you arrive at downhill to Isinlivi following the road.
the market, we recommend you buy Sigchos: Another option is to take a
your bus ticket first to make sure to bus to Sigchos. From Sigchos you
have a spot to sit in the bus to Isinlivi. can hike for 3-4 hrs to Isinlivi, catch
a taxi truck or take the bus to Isinlivi.


Monday Latacunga 12h15 Saquisili Sigchos 14 Octubre 14h45

Latacunga 13h00 Saquisili Guingopana Reina de Sigchos 15h00
Latacunga 12h15 Saquisili Sigchos 14 Octubre 14h45
Tuesday Latacunga 13h00 Saquisili Guingopana Reina de Sigchos 15h00
Latacunga 12h15 Saquisili Sigchos 14 Octubre 14h45
Wednesday Latacunga 13h00 Saquisili Guingopana Reina de Sigchos 15h00
Saquisili 11h30 Saquisili Sigchos 14 Octubre 13h00
Thursday Saquisili 12h00 Saquisili Guingopana Reina de Sigchos 4h45
Latacunga 12h15 Saquisili Sigchos 14 Octubre 14h45
Friday Latacunga 13h00 Saquisili Guingopana Reina de Sigchos 15h00
Latacunga 12h15 Saquisili Sigchos 14 Octubre 14h45
Saturday Latacunga 13h00 Saquisili Guingopana Reina de Sigchos 15h00
Latacunga 12h15 Saquisili Sigchos 14 Octubre 14h45
Sunday Latacunga 13h00 Saquisili Guingopana Reina de Sigchos 15h00

Please note that bus schedules are subject to change by the bus companies without
previous notice. On the loop in general, busses do not always run in time and can take
longer than expected. During special festival seasons, more or less busses may run.

There are several busses a day be- your hike no later than 2pm. If you ar-
tween Latacunga and Sigchos (du- rive later to Sigchos it is also possible
ration 1,5 hours). If you missed your to rent a truck taxi at about $10 to get
connection for the direct bus to Isin- from Sigchos to Isinlivi (30 minutes).
livi, then you can take one of these
busses to Sigchos. Every Sunday there is a beautiful local
From Sigchos it is a beautiful 3 to 4 market held in Sigchos, so if you arrive
hour hike to get to Llullu Llama Moun- early you can stroll around the market
tain Lodge. We recommend to start before making your way to Isinlivi.


Latacunga 6H00 Saquisili Sigchos Reina de Sigchos 8H00

Latacunga 7H00 Saquisili Sigchos Reina de Sigchos 9H00
Latacunga 8H00 Saquisili Sigchos Reina de Sigchos 10H00
Monday Latacunga 9H00 Saquisili Sigchos Reina de Sigchos 11H00
Latacunga 10H00 Saquisili Sigchos Reina de Sigchos 12H00
Latacunga 12H00 Saquisili Sigchos Reina de Sigchos 14H00
Latacunga 14H00 Saquisili Sigchos Reina de Sigchos 16H00
Latacunga 6H00 Saquisili Sigchos Reina de Sigchos 18H00
Latacunga 6H00 Saquisili Sigchos Reina de Sigchos 8H00
Latacunga 7H00 Saquisili Sigchos Reina de Sigchos 9H00
Latacunga 8H00 Saquisili Sigchos Reina de Sigchos 10H00
Tuesday Latacunga 9H00 Saquisili Sigchos Reina de Sigchos 11H00
Latacunga 10H00 Saquisili Sigchos Reina de Sigchos 12H00
Latacunga 12H00 Saquisili Sigchos Reina de Sigchos 14H00
Latacunga 14H00 Saquisili Sigchos Reina de Sigchos 16H00
Latacunga 16H00 Saquisili Sigchos Reina de Sigchos 18H00
Latacunga 6H00 Saquisili Sigchos Reina de Sigchos 8H00
Latacunga 7H00 Saquisili Sigchos Reina de Sigchos 9H00
Latacunga 8H00 Saquisili Sigchos Reina de Sigchos 10H00
Wednesday Latacunga 9H00 Saquisili Sigchos Reina de Sigchos 11H00
Latacunga 10H00 Saquisili Sigchos Reina de Sigchos 12H00
Latacunga 12H00 Saquisili Sigchos Reina de Sigchos 14H00
Latacunga 14H00 Saquisili Sigchos Reina de Sigchos 16H00
Latacunga 16H00 Saquisili Sigchos Reina de Sigchos 18H00


Latacunga 6H00 Saquisili Sigchos Reina de Sigchos 8H00

Latacunga 7H00 Saquisili Sigchos Reina de Sigchos 9H00
Latacunga 8H00 Saquisili Sigchos Reina de Sigchos 10H00
Thursday Latacunga 9H00 Saquisili Sigchos Reina de Sigchos 11H00
Latacunga 10H00 Saquisili Sigchos Reina de Sigchos 12H00
Latacunga 12H00 Saquisili Sigchos Reina de Sigchos 14H00
Latacunga 14H00 Saquisili Sigchos Reina de Sigchos 16H00
Latacunga 16H00 Saquisili Sigchos Reina de Sigchos 18H00
Latacunga 6H00 Saquisili Sigchos Reina de Sigchos 8H00
Latacunga 7H00 Saquisili Sigchos Reina de Sigchos 9H00
Latacunga 8H00 Saquisili Sigchos Reina de Sigchos 10H00
Friday Latacunga 9H00 Saquisili Sigchos Reina de Sigchos 11H00
Latacunga 10H00 Saquisili Sigchos Reina de Sigchos 12H00
Latacunga 12H00 Saquisili Sigchos Reina de Sigchos 14H00
Latacunga 14H00 Saquisili Sigchos Reina de Sigchos 16H00
Latacunga 16H00 Saquisili Sigchos Reina de Sigchos 18H00
Latacunga 6H00 Saquisili Sigchos Reina de Sigchos 8H00
Latacunga 7H00 Saquisili Sigchos Reina de Sigchos 9H00
Latacunga 8H00 Saquisili Sigchos Reina de Sigchos 10H00
Saturday Latacunga 9H00 Saquisili Sigchos Reina de Sigchos 11H00
Latacunga 10H00 Saquisili Sigchos Reina de Sigchos 12H00
Latacunga 12H00 Saquisili Sigchos Reina de Sigchos 14H00
Latacunga 14H00 Saquisili Sigchos Reina de Sigchos 16H00
Latacunga 16H00 Saquisili Sigchos Reina de Sigchos 18H00
Latacunga 6H00 Saquisili Sigchos Reina de Sigchos 8H00
Latacunga 7H00 Saquisili Sigchos Reina de Sigchos 9H00
Latacunga 8H00 Saquisili Sigchos Reina de Sigchos 10H00
Sunday Latacunga 9H00 Saquisili Sigchos Reina de Sigchos 11H00
Latacunga 10H00 Saquisili Sigchos Reina de Sigchos 12H00
Latacunga 12H00 Saquisili Sigchos Reina de Sigchos 14H00
Latacunga 14H00 Saquisili Sigchos Reina de Sigchos 16H00
Latacunga 16H00 Saquisili Sigchos Reina de Sigchos 18H00

Please note that bus schedules are subject to change by the bus companies without
previous notice. On the loop in general, busses do not always run in time and can take
longer than expected. During special festival seasons, more or less busses may run.

Take good care of your belongings both in the bus station and on the bus!

There are two busses daily from Quito’s Quitumbe Terminal Terrestre directly to
Sigchos. You will arrive too late to Sigchos to hike to Isinlivi, but you can catch
a truck taxi at $10 to make your way to Isinlivi.


Monday Quito 14h00 Sigchos Reina de Sigchos 17h00

Quito 18h00 Sigchos Reina de Sigchos 21h00
Quito 14h00 Sigchos Reina de Sigchos 17h00
Tuesday Quito 18h00 Sigchos Reina de Sigchos 21h00
Quito 14h00 Sigchos Reina de Sigchos 17h00
Wednesday Quito 18h00 Sigchos Reina de Sigchos 21h00
Quito 14h00 Sigchos Reina de Sigchos 17h00
Thursday Quito 18h00 Sigchos Reina de Sigchos 21h00
Quito 14h00 Sigchos Reina de Sigchos 17h00
Friday Quito 17h00 Sigchos Reina de Sigchos 20h00
Quito 9h00 Sigchos Reina de Sigchos 11h00
Saturday Quito 14h00 Sigchos Reina de Sigchos 17h00
Quito 16h30 Sigchos Reina de Sigchos 19h30
Sunday Quito 18h30 Sigchos Reina de Sigchos 21h30

Please note that bus schedules are subject to change by the bus companies without
previous notice. On the loop in general, busses do not always run in time and can take
longer than expected. During special festival seasons, more or less busses may run.

Take good care of your belongings both in the bus station and on the bus!

If you made your way to Sigchos, you can either hike for 3-4 hrs to get to Isin-
livi, or catch a connecting bus.


Monday Sigchos 12h00 Isinlivi Bus azul 13h00

Sigchos 14h30 Isinlivi 14 Octubre 15h15
Sigchos 12h00 Isinlivi Bus azul 13h00
Tuesday Sigchos 14h30 Isinlivi 14 Octubre 15h15
Sigchos 12h00 Isinlivi Bus azul 13h00
Wednesday Sigchos 14h30 Isinlivi 14 Octubre 15h15
Sigchos 12h00 Isinlivi Bus azul 13h00
Thursday Sigchos 14h30 Isinlivi 14 Octubre 15h15
Sigchos 12h00 Isinlivi Bus azul 13h00
Friday Sigchos 14h30 Isinlivi 14 Octubre 15h15
Sigchos 12h00 Isinlivi Bus azul 13h00
Saturday Sigchos 14h30 Isinlivi 14 Octubre 15h15
Sigchos 12h00 Isinlivi Bus azul 13h00
Sunday Sigchos 14h30 Isinlivi 14 Octubre 15h15

Please note that bus schedules are subject to change by the bus companies without
previous notice. On the loop in general, busses do not always run in time and can take
longer than expected. During special festival seasons, more or less busses may run.

Take good care of your belongings both in the bus station and on the bus!

Departing Isinlivi
by Public Bus
There are several ways to leave Isinlivi: Bus to Latacunga: there are several
early busses from Isinlivi to Latacunga

Hike to Sigchos: a beautiful 3-4 Quilotoa Daytrip: Book a daytrip

hours hike from Isinlivi to Sigchos, with us to the Quilotoa Crater Lake,
from where you catch the bus to after the daytrip you can catch the
Latacunga. bus to Latacunga, or pay our driver
something extra for the drop off

Milk Truck: A fun adventure! You Hike to Chugchilan: continue your

can take the milk truck to Sigchos adventure on the Quilotoa Loop and hike
from where you catch the bus to to the next village.


You can catch a direct bus from Isinlivi to Latacunga. Since the locals use the
bus to go for work in the cities, most busses leave very early in the morning.
Only on Monday and Saturday there is an afternoon bus.

Let our staff know in case you would like to catch an early morning bus, to
receive your boxed breakfast to take away the evening before you leave.


Monday Latacunga 5h00 Guingopana Saquisili Reina de Sigchos 7h30

Latacunga 2h30 Sigchos Saquisili 14 Octubre 5h30
Latacunga 2h30 Sigchos Saquisili 14 Octubre 5h30
Tuesday Latacunga 5h00 Guingopana Saquisili Reina de Sigchos 7h30
Latacunga 7h00 Guingopana Saquisili Reina de Sigchos 9H30
Wednesday Latacunga 6h30 Sigchos Saquisili 14 Octubre 9h00
Latacunga 2h30 Sigchos Saquisili 14 Octubre 5h30
Thursday Latacunga 5h00 Guingopana Saquisili Reina de Sigchos 7h30
Latacunga 2h30 Sigchos Saquisili 14 Octubre 5h30
Friday Latacunga 5h00 Guingopana Saquisili Reina de Sigchos 7h30
Latacunga 2h30 Sigchos Saquisili 14 Octubre 5h30
Saturday Latacunga 4h00 Guingopana Saquisili Reina de Sigchos 6h30
Latacunga 6h45 Sigchos Saquisili 14 Octubre 9h15
Sunday Latacunga 13h00 Guingopana Saquisili Reina de Sigchos 15h30

Please note that bus schedules are subject to change by the bus companies without
previous notice. On the loop in general, busses do not always run in time and can take
longer than expected. During special festival seasons, more or less busses may run.

Take good care of your belongings both in the bus station and on the bus!

There are several ways to get from Isinlivi to Sigchos:

• Hike for 3 and a half hours

• Take the milk truck at 09h30 from the central plaza of Isinlivi to Sigchos (45 min)
• Pick-up truck taxi at $10


Monday Sigchos 7h15 - Bus azul 8h00

Sigchos 9h15 - Milk Truck 10h30
Tuesday Sigchos 7h15 - Bus azul 8h00
Sigchos 9h15 - Milk Truck 10h30
Sigchos 7h15 - Bus azul 8h00
Wednesday Sigchos 9h15 - Milk Truck 10h30
Sigchos 7h15 - Bus azul 8h00
Thursday Sigchos 9h15 - Milk Truck 10h30
Sigchos 7h15 - Bus azul 8h00
Friday Sigchos 9h15 - Milk Truck 10h30
Sigchos 7h15 - Bus azul 8h00
Saturday Sigchos 9h15 - Milk Truck 10h30
Sigchos 7h15 - Bus azul 8h00
Sunday Sigchos 9h15 - Milk Truck 10h30

Please note that bus schedules are subject to change by the bus companies without
previous notice. On the loop in general, busses do not always run in time and can take
longer than expected. During special festival seasons, more or less busses may run.

Take good care of your belongings both in the bus station and on the bus!

From Sigchos there is a bus to Latacunga every day.

On Friday and Sunday there is a direct bus from Sigchos to Quito.


Latacunga 8h00 Saquisili Reina De Sigchos 10h30

Latacunga 9h00 Saquisili Reina De Sigchos 11h30

Monday Latacunga 10h00 Saquisili Reina De Sigchos 12h30
Latacunga 11h40 Saquisili Reina De Sigchos 14h10
Latacunga 12h20 Saquisili Reina De Sigchos 14h50
Latacunga 14h30 Saquisili Reina De Sigchos 16h00
Latacunga 16h00 Saquisili Reina De Sigchos 18h30
Latacunga 8h00 Saquisili Reina De Sigchos 10h30
Latacunga 9h00 Saquisili Reina De Sigchos 11h30
Latacunga 10h00 Saquisili Reina De Sigchos 12h30
Tuesday Latacunga 11h40 Saquisili Reina De Sigchos 14h10
Latacunga 12h20 Saquisili Reina De Sigchos 14h50
Latacunga 14h30 Saquisili Reina De Sigchos 16h00
Latacunga 16h00 Saquisili Reina De Sigchos 18h30
Latacunga 8h00 Saquisili Reina De Sigchos 10h30
Latacunga 9h00 Saquisili Reina De Sigchos 11h30
Latacunga 10h00 Saquisili Reina De Sigchos 12h30
Wednesday Latacunga 11h40 Saquisili Reina De Sigchos 14h10
Latacunga 12h20 Saquisili Reina De Sigchos 14h50
Latacunga 14h30 Saquisili Reina De Sigchos 16h00
Latacunga 16h00 Saquisili Reina De Sigchos 18h30


Thursday Latacunga 8h00 Saquisili Reina De Sigchos 10h30

Latacunga 9h00 Saquisili Reina De Sigchos 11h30
Latacunga 10h00 Saquisili Reina De Sigchos 12h30
Latacunga 11h40 Saquisili Reina De Sigchos 14h10
Latacunga 12h20 Saquisili Reina De Sigchos 14h50
Latacunga 14h30 Saquisili Reina De Sigchos 16h00
Latacunga 16h00 Saquisili Reina De Sigchos 18h30
Friday Latacunga 8h00 Saquisili Reina De Sigchos 10h30
Latacunga 9h00 Saquisili Reina De Sigchos 11h30
Latacunga 10h00 Saquisili Reina De Sigchos 12h30
Latacunga 11h40 Saquisili Reina De Sigchos 14h10
Latacunga 12h20 Saquisili Reina De Sigchos 14h50
Latacunga 14h30 Saquisili Reina De Sigchos 16h00
Latacunga 16h00 Saquisili Reina De Sigchos 18h30
Saturday Latacunga 8h00 Saquisili Reina De Sigchos 10h30
Latacunga 9h00 Saquisili Reina De Sigchos 11h30
Latacunga 10h00 Saquisili Reina De Sigchos 12h30
Latacunga 11h40 Saquisili Reina De Sigchos 14h10
Latacunga 12h20 Saquisili Reina De Sigchos 14h50

Latacunga 14h30 Saquisili Reina De Sigchos 16h00

Latacunga 16h00 Saquisili Reina De Sigchos 18h30
Latacunga 8h00 Saquisili Reina De Sigchos 10h30
Sunday Latacunga 9h00 Saquisili Reina De Sigchos 11h30
Latacunga 10h00 Saquisili Reina De Sigchos 12h30
Latacunga 11h40 Saquisili Reina De Sigchos 14h10
Latacunga 12h20 Saquisili Reina De Sigchos 14h50
Latacunga 14h30 Saquisili Reina De Sigchos 16h00
Latacunga 16h00 Saquisili Reina De Sigchos 18h30

Please note that bus schedules are subject to change by the bus companies without
previous notice. On the loop in general, busses do not always run in time and can take
longer than expected. During special festival seasons, more or less busses may run.

Take good care of your belongings both in the bus station and on the bus!



Monday Quito 4h30 - Reina De Sigchos 7h30

Quito 14h15 - Reina De Sigchos 17h15
Tuesday Quito 4h30 - Reina De Sigchos 7h30
Quito 14h15 - Reina De Sigchos 17h15
Quito 4h30 - Reina De Sigchos 7h30
Wednesday Quito 14h15 - Reina De Sigchos 17h15
Quito 4h30 - Reina De Sigchos 7h30
Thursday Quito 14h15 - Reina De Sigchos 17h15
Quito 4h30 - Reina De Sigchos 7h30
Friday Quito 14h15 - Reina De Sigchos 17h15
Quito 4h30 - Reina De Sigchos 7h30
Saturday Quito 14h15 - Reina De Sigchos 17h15
Quito 11h30 - Reina De Sigchos 14h30
Sunday Quito 14h15 - Reina De Sigchos 17h15

Please note that bus schedules are subject to change by the bus companies without
previous notice. On the loop in general, busses do not always run in time and can take
longer than expected. During special festival seasons, more or less busses may run.

Take good care of your belongings both in the bus station and on the bus!


It is perfectly fine to drive your own vehicle around the Quilotoa Loop. Many
roads are paved, while other smaller roads are unpaved. Follow this instruc-
tions to get here from Quito or Latacunga. You can either drive directly to Isinlivi
via Sigchos or the Guingopana Pass. Or you could firstly visit the Quilotoa Cra-
ter Lake and afterwards drive to Isinlivi. Bear in mind the driving times!


Driving in the Andes Mountains can be an amazing experience if you prepare
well for it. You’ll be overwhelmed by the beauty, far reaching views & friendly
people you will meet along the way.
Below a few tips to make sure your trip is as pleasant as possible and with
no surprises!

We recommend leaving Quito early Before leaving the Pan-American

in the morning so that you have the Highway, make sure to fill up the tank
best chance of catching great views to make sure you have enough for the
along the Avenue of the Volcanoes – full loop. In the villages there are no
especially the Cotopaxi and Illinizas gas stations.
peaks are often seen! There are sharp hairpin turns on
Avoid driving in the mountains af- several roads – keep an eye on your
ter dark, it will be harder to find your speed & blow your horn when making
way. Plan to arrive to Llullu Llama be- turns so that approaching traffic will
fore 5.30pm. (from Quito it takes ap- know you’re coming.
prox. 2 hours and 30 minutes to get Cellphone coverage is sporadic on
to Quilotoa. In Quilotoa you’ll like to the mountain roads. In Isinlivi and Sig-
spend up to 2 hours. The drive from chos the Claro company has cover-
Quilotoa to Isinlivi takes another hour age, while in Chugchilan and Quilotoa
and 30 minutes.) the Movistar company has coverage.
If for some reason you do end up Be aware that landmarks are con-
driving in the dark - please don’t pan- stantly changing. We do our best to
ic, just follow the directions and drive regularly update the instructions,
carefully. Phone the lodge in case you but sometimes things change be-
need assistance. fore we notice. If this is the case, or
Remember you are driving in one you feel the instructions are unclear,
of the safest areas in Ecuador – don’t we would greatly appreciate it if you
be afraid to ask the locals for help could let us know so we can inform
and directions. future travelers.

Quito To
Llullu Llama Mountain
Lodge Via Quilotoa

Below directions are for the following When you are located in the New
route: Quito > Aloag > Machachi > Town Mariscal or Old Town Colonial
Lasso > Latacunga > Pujili > Tigua > areas in Quito, the best way to leave
Zumbahua > Quilotoa > Chugchilan > the city is to take the Simon Bolivar
Sigchos > Isinlivi highway which can be reached via “El
The driving notes start on the Pan Trebol” or the “Guayasamin Tunnel”.
American highway going SOUTH to-
wards Tambillo and Aloag.

You can download WAZE on your smart-
phone. Just type in “Gasolinera Lasso”
and it will guide you out of the city, south
to the Pan-American Highway. Use Waze
just to get out of the city, it will not help
you deeper in the mountains. You can also
download MapsMe app since you can use
it offline It is also a good idea to have a
road map with you.

1.- Continue direction SOUTH on the

Av. Libertador Simon Bolivar direction

2.- Continue straight. You will see

signs that indicate you are going
South direction LATACUNGA.

3.- Keep on following direction LATA-


4.- After Machachi you will pass
through the TOLL HIGHWAY (be
ready to pay $1).

5.- Continue. On your left hand side

you are passing by the Cotopaxi Na-
tional Park. You’ll see signs indicat-
ing you are near the volcano. If there
are not too many clouds you will see
the majestic volcano on your left
hand side.

6.- You will pass by the entrance 7.- This is a good point to start look-
road to the Cotopaxi national park, ing for a gas station, in case you
but you have to just keep on following need to fill up your vehicle – highly
the road toward LASSO. recommended before entering the

8.- In LASSO you’ll see on your left

hand side a huge tele communica-
tions tower. There will also be a traf-
fic light on an intersection and below
traffic sign – DO NOT TURN RIGHT
HERE! Just continue straight direc-

9.- Continue direction LATACUNGA /

10.- Do not take the turn to Latacun-

ga, but continue direction SALCEDO

11.- After about 8

minutes, take the turn
right leaving the Pan
American highway up
Take the SALIDA to
the right.

12.- Directly after leaving the Pan

American Highway you’ll reach a
roundabout – take the first turn direc-
tion PUJILI.

13.- Continue this road. You’ll pass
La Victoria to the right, continue to
Pujili. You’ll cross this town and see
a hige stairways up the mountain,
just continue. You’ll pass below stat-
ue on your right hand. Continue the
road from here that leads you up the

14.- At the roundabout, follow the

road direction LA MANA / ZUMBA-

15.- This road leads you through the

stunning paramo landscapes, passing
by small villages. You’ll pass the vil-
lage of Tigua where you can visit sev-
eral shops where they sell their typical
paintings on sheepskin representing
Andean life and wooden masks.

16.- After about half an hour you will

reach Zumbahua. Turn right here and
take the road direction QUILOTOA.

17.- Pass through Zumbahua fol-
lowing the signs to Quilotoa. On Sat-
urday you can visit the market here.
After Zumbahua you can also make a
stop at the Toachi canyon viewpoint.

18.- Keep on following the paved

road to Quilotoa crater.

19.- At the Quilotoa crater lake you

can take the hike inside the crater
and up again. It is also possible to
rent a horse or mule to take you back
up the mountain. There are sever-
al small restaurants to have lunch.
There are also souvenir shops.

20.- To continue your trip to Isinlivi,

you have to take the same road just
to leave Quilotoa, and turn right direc-

21.- Continue the paved road to
Chugchilan village. It takes about
30 to 40 minutes to get there. From
Chugchilan the road continues as an
unpaved road to SIGCHOS.

22.- The road between Chugchilan

and Sigchos is currently onder con-
truction. So some parts will already
be paved while on other parts you’ll
see big machinery working on the
roads. Keep on continuing this road
until Sigchos, which will take about
30 to 40 minutes.

23.- In Sigchos you immediately turn

right to get to the road to ISINLIVI.
This is an unpaved road for 14 km.

24.- The road takes you through

beautiful mountain landscapes down
to Toachi river where you will cross a
bridge. There the road goes up the

25.- When you reach below sign
“Cochalo de Isinlivi”, DO NOT turn
right, just follow the road to the left.
The road to the right goes to Cochalo,
not to Isinlivi.

26.- Continue the main road. You’ll

pass a sign to the left to Hierba Bue-
na – DO NOT take this road, just keep
right passing by a small bus stop.

Keep on following the road up the mountain until you

Ask our neighbors where to find Llullu Llama
Mountain Lodge.

Quito To
Llullu Llama Mountain
Lodge Insinlivi

Below directions are for the following When you are located in the New
route: Quito > Aloag > Machachi Town Mariscal or Old Town Colonial
> Lasso > Toacaso > Planchalo- areas in Quito, the best way to leave
ma > Guingopana Pass OR Via the city is to take the Simon Bolivar
Sigchos > Isinlivi highway which can be reached via “El
The driving notes start on the Pan Trebol” or the “Guayasamin Tunnel”.
American highway going SOUTH to-
wards Tambillo and Aloag.

You can download WAZE on your smart-
phone. Just type in “Gasolinera Lasso”
and it will guide you out of the city, south
to the Pan-American Highway. Use Waze
just to get out of the city, it will not help
you deeper in the mountains. You can also
download MapsMe app since you can use
it offline It is also a good idea to have a
road map with you.

1.- Continue direction SOUTH on the

Av. Libertador Simon Bolivar direction

2.- Continue straight. You will see

signs that indicate you are going
South direction LATACUNGA.

3.- Keep on following direction LATA-


4.- After Machachi you will pass
through the TOLL HIGHWAY (be
ready to pay $1).

5.- Continue. On your left hand side

you are passing by the Cotopaxi Na-
tional Park. You’ll see signs indicat-
ing you are near the volcano. If there
are not too many clouds you will see
the majestic volcano on your left
hand side.

6.- You will pass by the entrance

road to the Cotopaxi national park,
but you have to just keep on following
the road toward LASSO.

7.- In LASSO you’ll see on your left

hand side a huge tele communica-
tions tower. There will also be a traffic
light on an intersection – you have to
turn RIGHT here direction SIGCHOS.
The village you are entering is called

8.- Follow the road. When you arrive at
the small intersection with traffic lights,
cross the road and continue straight di-
rection TOACASO. You’ll pass through
a small village called Santa Ana. Con-
tinue the road to TOACASO.

9.- In Toacaso, continue the paved 10.- In Planchaloma you’ll pass a

road. There will be two intersections couple of small shops and cross a
with traffic lights, although you won’t small bridge. Just continue the paved
see many cars. Just continue the road.
paved road (DO NOT turn left at the
traffic lights), the road will leave Toa-
caso behind.
Continue to PLANCHALOMA.

After about 8 minutes driving you’ll get to a plain with a few
houses. Here you have 2 different road options to Isinlivi:

GUIGOPANA PASS: This road takes VIA SIGCHOS: The other road op-
you over the Guingopana Pass to Isin- tion takes a bit longer but is a beau-
livi. This road is half an hour shorter tiful paved road until you get to the
than via Sigchos, but you’ll need a town of Sigchos, so this route is more
good vehicle as the road is unpaved, recommended if you have a smaller
rocky and bumpy all the way to Isin- model car. From Sigchos to Isinlivi the
livi. You don’t need a 4x4, but a higher road is unpaved, but in good condi-
model car is preferred. Smaller vehi- tions. The views on this route show
cles can also take this road, but you’ll you very green valleys and fantastic
have to drive a lot slower. The views views over the Illinizas peaks.
on this road are amazing – the typi-
cal paramo grasslands high up in the
Andes are just magical with a good
chance of catching great views over
Cotopaxi and Illinizas peaks. You’ll
reach the highest point of Guingopa-
na Pass at 4000m – a good spot to
get out of the car for a stunning photo!


11.- About 8 minutes after you’ve

passed the village of Planchaloma
you’ll see a couple of houses. On
your left hand, there will be a cobble-
stone road to the left. There will be a
sign pointing this direction – ISINLIVI
& GUINGOPANA. Take this cobble-
stone road.

12.- Continue until you get to a cou- 13.- The road takes you up the
ple of houses. Turn left here and con- mountain in hairpin turns.
tinue the cobblestone road.

14.- On the other side of the moun- 15.- Continue this road. You’ll pass
tain you’ll get to a small village called houses and a small school, cross a
Yanahurco. After the church, turn small bridge – just continue the road
right and continue the dirt road. which will go up higher and higher. If
it’s not too cloudy, on your right hand
you’ll see the Illinizas and maybe
even the Cotopaxi.

16.- Almost at the top of the moun-

tain you’ll see several huge rocks.
When arriving at the top, one huge
rock on your right hand side will stand
out, it will be right aside the road.
You’ve reached Guingopana Pass at
4000m. A great point to get out of
the car to stretch your legs and take
some stunning pictures (on the other
side of the rock you can climb on it for
the best view).
You see this sign here…

17.- When continuing you will see 18.- Keep on following this road. It
another sign saying “Bienvenido a will go down and down into the valley.
Isinlivi”, you are still about half an About ten minutes before reaching
hour away from reaching Isinlivi. Isinlivi, you’ll see the cheese factory
Continue the dirt road crossing over on your right hand side with beautiful
the pass – you’ll see the stunning par- pine trees.
amo landscape of the Andes above
the clouds!

19.- Continue the road until you reach 20.- Continue, and then turn left. Af-
Isinlivi, you’ll see the high school at ter 30 meters, turn right and you will
your right hand side and the street is see Llullu Llama Mountain Lodge in
paved in this last part. Continue. Pass front of you. Let our staff know you
the cemetery. When you arrive to the arrived and they will open the gate for
main plaza, pass the church (right you so that you can park your car on
hand side). our property.



11.- About 8 minutes after you’ve

passed the village of Planchaloma
you’ll see a couple of houses. On
your left hand, there will be a cobble-
stone road to the left and a sign say-
NOT TAKE THIS ROAD! Just continue
the paved road to the right.

12.- Continue the paved road 13.- On your left hand side you’ll
through the mountains – you’ll enjoy pass a CENTRO DE ACOPIO – this is
the beautiful landscapes. Take your a milk collection point. There will be
time to take pictures – if lucky you’ll beautiful pine trees. You’ll cross the
have amazing views over Illinizas to mountains down into the valley along
your right! steep hairpin bends – you’ll cross
small rivers and bridges, you’ll see
small houses.

14.- Continue the paved road down

and through the valleys for approxi-
mately 45 minutes. Then the road
slowly climbs up a mountain where
you will reach a neighborhood called

15.- Continue following the paved

road climbing more up until you reach
a sign saying “Bienvenido al Canton

16.- Continue following the road
entering the town of Sigchos. Turn
RIGHT and after two blocks turn
LEFT at the intersection where you
see a brown sign pointing direction to
Quilotoa (see image below). If you get
lost in Sigchos, ask the people for the
road to Isinlivi (“Donde esta el camino
a Isinlivi?”).

17.- Keep on going straight for a

couple of blocks, until you arrive to
an intersection where you see below
sign. Turn LEFT to Isinlivi.

18.- The road now becomes a dirt

road. In just a few minutes you arrive
to a Y intersection – turn LEFT.

19.- Continue this unpaved road go-

ing down. You pass by a small church
on your right hand side.

20.- Just a few minutes after the 21.- Keep on following this road.
church, you will see a sign pointing on You will reach a part where on your
a dirt road to go right indicating the left hand side there are steep cliffs
hikers trail to Isinlivi, do not take this down into the canyon. Drive slowly, in
road! Just keep on following the main curves blow your horn so that coming
unpaved road. traffic can hear you.

22.- Keep on going. The road will now

slowly descent until you reach the riv-
er. Cross the bridge and continue the
road going up on the other side.

23.- You will reach a curve where a

sign saying “Cochalo de Isinlivi” or
“Bienvenido al Barrio Cochalo de
Isinlivi” pointing to the road to the
This road takes you to the village of
Cochalo. Just continue to the road
curving to the left.

24.- Continue the road climbing up

the mountain. You will reach a “Y” in-
tersection. To the left there is a sign
that says “Bienvenido to Hierba Bue-
na” – do not take this road! Just fol-
low the road to your right. In the curve
there is a small bus stop.

25.- Now just keep on following the 26.- Then turn RIGHT again and you
road until you reach Isinlivi. When will see Llullu Llama Mountain Lodge
reaching the village take the first road in front of you. Let our staff know you
RIGHT slightly going down. arrived and they will open the gate for
you so that you can park your car on
our property.



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