Environmental Impact of Bioethanol Production: Wpływ Produkcji Bioetanolu Na Środowisko

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Proceedings of ECOpole

Vol. 2, No. 1 2008

Joanna MARSZAŁEK1 and Władysław KAMIŃSKI1


Summary: Renewable energy sources enable improvement of environmental protection and are an important
element of sustainable development. The contribution of renewable energy to the total world energy balance will
grow continuously. Ethanol produced from renewable energy sources - biomass, is the most promising future
biofuel. At present, it is used in fuel industry as an additive to petrol. In view of the development of biofuel
production and ecological aspects, according to the EU recommendations, it will be produced and subsidised in the
nearest several years. The use of biofuel has a positive effect on ecology, diminishes the emission of exhaust gases
and improves the work of transport facilities and energy safety. It is suggested that fuelling cars with bioethanol
would reduce greenhouse gas emission by 10÷15% compared with ordinary petrol. Presently, there are a number
of advanced technologies of ethyl alcohol production in the world depending on raw material subjected to
fermentation. According to the degree of processing, raw materials for the production of ethanol, the energy output
of the process is different. In the future the production of ethanol (for fuel) will depend largely on waste materials.
The authors describe modern techniques of ethanol production, dehydration systems mainly pervaporation and
hybrid solutions. On the basis of available literature and our own data, process energy efficiency was compared
with different raw materials, transformation technology and dewatering techniques.

Keywords: biofuel, ethanol production, dehydration

Over millions of years the solar energy was accumulated in form of fossil fuels such as
coal, petroleum, natural gas. The secondary carriers of energy which arose from their
processing, such as petrol from petroleum, coke and gas from coal, are being adjusted to
civilisation demands. The traditional fuels, intensely used are reduced irrespective of new
geographical discoveries and technological progress. In view of the approaching crisis,
there is more and more interest in alternative (renewable) carriers of energy, including
biofuels, biomass, biogas, water power industry, wind power industry, solar collectors,
photo-galvanic cells, heat pumps and geothermal energy.
Biofuels are liquid or gaseous fuels used in transport which are produced from biomass
- biodegradable fractions of products, wastes and remains from agricultural production,
forestry as well as biodegradable fractions of municipal and industrial wastes. Ethanol
produced from renewable energy sources is the most promising future biofuel. At present it
is used in fuel industry as an additive to petrol that heightens its octane number and
combustibility. Addition of ethanol to fuel means that combustion is more efficient and
emission of exhaust gases is reduced. In view of the development of recoverable fuel
production and ecological aspects, according to the EU recommendations, ethanol will be
produced and subsidised in the period of the nearest several years (6% of all tranport fuels
sold by 2010) [1-5].

Ethanol production technologies

Ethanol can be obtained by chemical synthesis or by ethanol fermentation (biological
method). Fermentation is a reaction induced by catalysts - enzymes produced by living

Faculty of Process and Environmental Engineering, Lodz University of Technology, Wólczańska 215,
90-924 Łódź, tel. +48 42 631 37 08, fax +48 42 636 56 63, email: marszalek@wipos.p.lodz.pl
66 Joanna Marszałek and Władysław Kamiński

cells. There are a number of advanced technologies of ethyl alcohol production in the world
presently, depending on the raw material subjected to fermentation. The raw materials
containing simple sugars and suitable for direct processing through fermentation are white
beet and its processing products, sugar cane, domestic and citrus fruits, some tropical plants
(punk), juices of certain trees (birches, maple), honey. The group of raw materials
containing starch and polysaccharides, such as cellulose and inulin used for the production
of ethanol should comprise cereals in form of food grain of rye, barley, corn, oat, wheat,
sorghum, besides also vegetable bulbs of potato vegetable roots, seeds of bifoliate plants,
fruits, timber, grass, moss, etc. Using current production technology the cheapest
bioethanol produced in world comes from sugarcane in Brazil and in Europe from starch
crops [6].
Presently the production of ethanol (for fuel) largely depends on waste materials:
lignocellulosic biomass such as crop residues, wasted and energy crops (switchgrass),
fast-growing trees such as poplar and willow, waste paper and package material, cereals in
form of grain unsuitable for consumption, domestic and agricultural waste (maize and
wheat stalks) [7-11]. However ethanol production from lignocellulosic biomass is not yet at
commercial scale, even though many technologies are mooted. The total potential
bioethanol production from crop residues and wasted crops is about 16 times higher than
the current world ethanol production (31·109 dm3 in 2001) [12].




Fig. 1. Ethanol energy balance depending on applied production technologies: a) based on processed materials,
b) currently worked out technologies, c) future technologies

Production costs of bioethanol vary and are dependent on the prices of raw materials,
the method of production, the extent of refining undertaken and the supplementary
Environmental impact of bioethanol production 67

utilisation of bio-products and waste. Depending on the degree of processing the raw
materials for the production of ethanol, the energy output of the process defined as the ratio
of energy contents and energy supplied for production is different. The energy output in
case of ethanol production ranges from 1.7 to 3.8. The more processed the materials
subjected to fermentation, the lower the energy gain of the entire process (Fig. 1). Hence
the current vast interest in biofuel production technologies using waste materials eg
agricultural and forest waste such as straw or shavings. Among other eg the continuous
production process composed of thermo-pressure hydrolysis, enzymatic hydrolysis,
fermentation and ethanol dewatering is proposed, which is characterised by a high level of
heat recovery and recuperation (2.95) and low production price (0.24 EUR/kg EtOH) [13].
Another alternative for the future are biorefinery - multisystems producing fuels, solvents,
plastics and food from waste biomass and involving ethanol and lactic acid fermentation

Ethanol dehydration methods

Ethanol obtained during ethanol fermentation and rectification has about 95% vol.
ethanol. Production of anhydrous ethanol used for fuel purposes requires overcoming the
barriers of a positive homoazeotrope. Now, the most important ethanol dehydration
techniques used in the world industry include azeotropic distillation and dehydration on
molecular sieves.
An alternative to the traditional methods of ethanol dehydration is pervaporation (PV)
or vapour permeation (VP) - the new generation of membrane separation techniques
[15-17]. During pervaporation, a liquid stream is separated on a semi-permeable membrane
into two streams: a gaseous permeate (enriched with a water) and liquid retentate (enriched
with ethanol) [18]. A comparison of the costs of ethanol dehydration by various techniques
in a bigger system (Tab. 1) indicates that operating costs of the membrane techniques (PV
and VP) are smaller by half than other dehydrating methods.

Table 1
Comparison of the cost of ethanol dehydration (94% mass) by various techniques [US $/Mg] [19, 20]
Vapour Azeotropic distillation Adsorption on
Operating costs Pervaporation
permeation (cyclohexane) molecular sieves
Vapour pressure reduction - 3.2 25÷37.5 20
Water cooling 1 1 3.75 2.5
Electric energy 10 4.4 2 1.3
Distillation component - - 1.2÷2.4 -
Exchange of membranes or
4.75 4-8 - 12.5
Total cost 15.75 12.6÷16.6 31.95÷45.65 36.3

Pervaporation is economically justified when at the inlet water concentration in the

system is less than 10% and when at the outlet we expect dehydration of the order of
100÷10 ppm of its content. If still higher product dehydration is expected, then much bigger
membrane surface and higher pressure reduction on the side of permeate is required. Cost
of ethanol dehydration decreases with an increase of permeation flux and mass fraction of
ethanol in permeate and grows with an increase of membrane cost.
68 Joanna Marszałek and Władysław Kamiński

When analysing the literature on the subject, it is possible to identify concrete trends in
the development of pervaporation in ethanol dehydration industry. The PV installation can
be an independent, final stage of dehydration (in order to overcome the azeotropic point),
a direct stage after fermentation process (to concentrate the ethanol below the azeotropic
concentration) or an element of a hybrid solution combined with the presently used
techniques (distillation and dehydration on molecular sieves).
In literature there are many examples of hybrid processes of pervaporation with
distillation [19, 21, 22]. Such hybrid processes enable savings of operating costs (lower
energy demand, not use of additives) but not always of investment outlays (process
complexity and high membrane prices). The development of hybrid processes of
distillation-pervaporation and broad applications in industry will depend not only on high
process efficiency but first of all on reduction of the membrane cost. The hybrid systems
will bring about economic advantages at long-term processes but they are not profitable in
the case of small ethanol dehydration systems.
Beside building of new ethanol dehydration systems based on hybrid processes of
distillation-pervaporation, producers offer also implementation of the pervaporation in the
already existing installations [15]. The PV module can be placed between the distillation
and azeotropic column, this will be a double increase of efficiency and related reduction of
energy cost, dehydration costs, more efficient use of the existing system and a possibility to
control the PV module. Similarly, the PV module can be connected to the already existing
dehydration on molecular sieves, this will cause an increase of process efficiency and the
quantity and quality of water removed, reduction of product recirculation degree and energy
consumption. Just this last application that consists in placing PV between distillation and
adsorption on molecular sieves, can bring in the future the biggest economic benefits in the
process of ethanol dehydration.

Reduction in greenhouse gas emissions

The estimation of greenhouse gas and energy balances of bioethanol is complex. For
comparison with fossil fuels the full fuel cycle must be considered: production which
required inputs and combustion which is considered to be CO2-neutral. The final
accounting is country-specific and is a function of raw material cultivated, the associated
agricultural yield and utilisation of by- and co-products.

Table 2
Overview of CO2 eq. emissions (cultivation, production, distribution and vehicle emissions) saving from
bioethanol compared with reference fossil fuel vehicle [23]
CO2 eq. emission savings
[g/km] [Mg/1000 dm3]
Sugar crops 90 1,2
Starch crops 30 0,4
Lignocellulosic crops 183 2,5
Lignocellulosic residues 191 2,6
Brazilian sugarcane 212 2,9

Table 2 presents total greenhouse gas emissions weighted in terms of their global
warming potentials, as a result of utilising bioethanol over the corresponding fossil fuel.
Use of European bioethanol yields a CO2 emissions savings of 13÷83% compared with
Environmental impact of bioethanol production 69

operation of standard petrol vehicle. Bioethanol produced from Brazilian sugarcane has
a better well-to-wheels energy balance and CO2 emissions savings above 85% [23-25].

The dwindling fossil fuel resources and their increasing prices have led to a wordwide
search for alternative energy resources so the demand for alternative fuels is on the increase
these days. Using biofuel has a positive effect on ecology, diminishes the emission of
exhaust gases and improves the work of transport facilities and energy safety. The
biochemical method of ethanol production is less expensive and more efficient. Some
governments are undergoing a fundamental change in their preference of fuel sourcing.

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70 Joanna Marszałek and Władysław Kamiński

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Streszczenie: Odnawialne źródła energii umoŜliwiają zarówno poprawę stanu ochrony środowiska, jak i są
waŜnym elementem zrównowaŜonego rozwoju. Udział energii odnawialnej w ogólnym bilansie energetycznym
świata stale wzrasta takŜe z powodu zmniejszenia emisji gazów i minimalizacji odpadów. Etanol wytwarzany ze
źródeł odnawialnych, jakim jest m.in. biomasa, jest najbardziej obiecującym biopaliwem przyszłości. Póki co,
uŜywany jest w przemyśle paliwowym jako dodatek do benzyny. Z uwagi na szybki rozwój produkcji paliw
i aspekty ekologiczne, zgodnie z wytycznymi Unii Europejskiej, zarówno produkcja etanolu, jak i jego dodatek do
paliw będzie wzrastać w najbliŜszych latach. Biopaliwa przynoszą pozytywny efekt ekologiczny, obniŜając emisję
gazów wylotowych, polepszając zdolność spalania i bezpieczeństwo energetyczne. Przewiduje się, iŜ samochody
na bioetanol w porównaniu z konwencjonalnymi mogłyby zredukować emisję gazów szklarniowych o 10÷15%.
Obecnie na świecie istnieje wiele zaawansowanych technologii produkcji alkoholu etylowego w zaleŜności od
surowca poddawanego fermentacji. Stopień zaawansowania technologii i przetworzenia surowca wpływa na
wydajność energetyczną procesu. Przewiduje się, iŜ w przyszłości produkcja etanolu do celów paliwowych
w duŜej mierze zaleŜeć będzie od surowców odpadowych. Autorzy opisują nowoczesne techniki produkcji
etanolu, systemów odwadniania, w tym głównie perwaporacji i rozwiązań hybrydowych. Na podstawie dostępnej
literatury i własnych doświadczeń porównano wydajność energetyczną procesu w zaleŜności od zastosowania
surowców, technologii i technik odwadniania.

Słowa kluczowe: biopaliwo, produkcja etanolu, odwadnianie

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