Casting Blemishes and Supply Chain Relationship in Cast Iron Foundry
Casting Blemishes and Supply Chain Relationship in Cast Iron Foundry
Casting Blemishes and Supply Chain Relationship in Cast Iron Foundry
studied for this purpose is Ammarun Related work are summarized in Table 1.
Foundries (AF). Established in the year
1991,AF is a large Ferrous Foundry setup
located in Southern part of India. Committed
to high technology from the very start, AF
producesGrey Iron -from low tensile to high
tensile strength grades, DuctileIron -
Pearliticthe Ductile Iron to various ranges of
Ferrite Ductile Irons. Company also
specializes in the production range of
Automotive items like Brake Drums, Brake
Discs, Hubs, Flywheels, Timing case, Oil
sump and Gear Box Housings, Housings,
castings for tractor application, Valve body
assembly castings, Motor and pump castings,
Compressor part castings, Castings for
General Engineering Industries, Castings for
textile machinery application. Company has
secured various State and Central Government
awards including ”BEST FOUNDRY
AWARD” for the year 2003.AF is committed
to green environment through deployment of
cleaner technology, preservation of natural
resources and committed to Corporate Social
Responsibility. AF has developed alternate
sources for power through wind mill project
for self generation of electricity by installing
two machines of 850KW capacity (Gamesa
Make of Spain). AF has ongoing projects
concerning preservation of rare materials used
in the foundry. AF has successfully developed
in-house,sand reclamation process wherein
silica sand is recovered from used CO2
bonded mould sands. The company has put up 3 Foundry Processes
a working model ofthe same in house.The
Foundry is certified to Environment The output of the foundry is in the range of
Management System ISO 14001:2004 1500 tons of good castings per month and out
standards by Det Norske Veritas AS, of which 850 Tons from SINTO high pressure
Netherlands. molding line, 600 Tons from conventional
ARPA molding line and 50 Tons by hand
2 Related Works molding. Table 2 shows list of main
22 Int. J. Res. M.M.A.Engg, 2015, 1(3), 20 -27
equipments installed in the foundry and Fig. 1 laboratory to monitor foundry sand quality on
shows the foundry process in detail. a continual basis.
Spectro-meter ARL Thermo electron Push/Pull View: Pull processes are initiated by
Corporation Switzerland make is equipped to a customer order, whereas push processes are
analyze 20 elements with metallographic initiated and performed in anticipation of
image analyzer to precisely to estimate the customer orders as in Fig.3.
various micro structural constituents.
Mechanical testing laboratory equipped to 5 Types of Blemishes and Remedies
estimate tensile strength, hardness and sand
23 Int. J. Res. M.M.A.Engg, 2015, 1(3), 20 -27
The molding process causes blemishes in they can be used to solve majority of quality
castings which may be eliminated with best related issues.
molding practices or repaired using method
They are :
such as welding and other metal working
processes. Some of the major blemishes in 1Check sheet
sand casting production are listed in Table 3.
2Brain Storming
4Control chart
6Scatter diagram
7Pareto chart
6.1Check Sheet
6 Methodology
total poured quantity and total rejection,
The Seven Basic Tools of Quality is a molding blemishes, melting blemishes,
designation given to set graphical techniques fettling blemishes and patterns blemishes
and most helpful for troubleshooting issues during the period.
related to quality. The tools are suitable for
people with little knowledge on statistics and
24 Int. J. Res. M.M.A.Engg, 2015, 1(3), 20 -27
6.5 Histogram
A study and discussion with all the This paper considered a simple supply chain
stakeholders showed that insufficient number model, where the relationships and various
of air vents was the major cause for the parameters were identified. Fig 7 shows the
blemishes. Based on the shape and size of the supply chain linkages in jobbing foundry
casting, the number of vents were increased to processes. The rejection due to casting
six and the results show that this has a positive blemishes can be reduced with effective
effect. Table5 shows clearly the rejection supply chain linkages between pattern dept.,
percentage before and after providing molding dept., and melting dept., to satisfy the
additional air vents. The introduction of this external customer and with feedback from the
method over some of the major blemishes are: external customer, the rejections can be
bend blemishes due to molding reduced from further reduced with continuous improvement.
1.234% to 0.942%, blow blemishes reduced This work has allowed exploring and
from 0.218% to 0.13%, mold broken reduced understanding the complex behavior of
from 0.079% to 0.029% and there is no molding sand, core sand effect to the
blemishes due to pattern. Due to this production of iron castings and its rejections,
improvement the supply chain between good customer satisfaction, thereby improving
internal customers and external customers the supply chain efficiency. It is useful to take
improved as the percentage of overall the decisions by studying the graphs with
rejection got reduced from 2.874% to 2.057%. regard to the products and its quality with
respect to blemishes. It is useful to make
Fig. 7 Supply Chain Linkages in Foundry inventory policies and by taking the yearly
Processes demand, one can able to estimate the casting
rejections, sand level and core level and also
the rate of production.