PIP: A Database System For Great and Small Expectations
PIP: A Database System For Great and Small Expectations
PIP: A Database System For Great and Small Expectations
Oliver Kennedy and Christoph Koch
Department of Computer Science
Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA
{okennedy, koch}@cs.cornell.edu
Abstract— Estimation via sampling out of highly selective join preserve the statistical properties of the data being queried,
queries is well known to be problematic, most notably in online allowing users to obtain metrics about and representations
aggregation. Without goal-directed sampling strategies, samples of query results. The previously mentioned risk-management
falling outside of the selection constraints lower estimation
efficiency at best, and cause inaccurate estimates at worst. This application, built on top of a probabilistic database, could
problem appears in general probabilistic database systems, where use the database itself to obtain error bounds on the results
query processing is tightly coupled with sampling. By committing of arbitrary queries over its predictions. By encoding the
to a set of samples before evaluating the query, the engine wastes statistical model for its predictions in the database itself, the
effort on samples that will be discarded, query processing that risk-management application could even use the probabilistic
may need to be repeated, or unnecessarily large numbers of
samples. database to estimate complex functions over many correlated
We describe PIP, a general probabilistic database system variables in its model. In effect, the application could compute
that uses symbolic representations of probabilistic data to defer all of its predictions within the probabilistic database in the
computation of expectations, moments, and other statistical first place.
measures until the expression to be measured is fully known.
Few systems are general enough to efficiently query prob-
This approach is sufficiently general to admit both continuous
and discrete distributions. Moreover, deferring sampling enables abilistic data defined over both discrete and continuous distri-
a broad range of goal-oriented sampling-based (as well as exact) butions. Those that are generally rely on sampling to estimate
integration techniques for computing expectations, allows the desired values, as exact solutions can be hard to obtain. If
selection of the integration strategy most appropriate to the a query contains a selection predicate, samples violating the
expression being measured, and can reduce the amount of
predicate are dropped and do not contribute to the expectation.
sampling work required.
We demonstrate the effectiveness of this approach by showing The more selective the predicate, the more samples are needed
that even straightforward algorithms can make use of the added to maintain consistent accuracy. For example, a query may
information. These algorithms have a profoundly positive impact combine a model predicting customer profits with a model
on the efficiency and accuracy of expectation computations, for predicting dissatisfied customers, perhaps as a result of
particularly in the case of highly selective join queries. a corporate decision to use a cheaper, but slower shipping
company. If the query asks for profit loss due to dissatisfied
customers, the query need only consider profit from customers
Uncertain data comes in many forms: Statistical models, under those conditions where the customer is dissatisfied
scientific applications, and data extraction from unstructured (ie, the underlying model may include a correlation between
text are all forms of uncertain data. Measurements have ordering patterns and dependence on fast shipping).
error margins while model predictions are often drawn from Without knowing the likelihood that customer A is satisfied,
well known distributions. Traditional database management the query engine must over-provision and waste time generat-
systems (DBMS) are ill-equipped to manage this kind of ing large numbers of samples, or risk needing to re-evaluate the
uncertainty. For example, consider a risk-management appli- query if additional samples are needed. This problem is well
cation that uses statistical models to evaluate the long term known in online aggregation, but ignored in general-purpose
effects of corporate decisions and policies. This application (i.e., both discrete and continuous) probabilistic databases.
may use a DBMS to store predictions and statistical measures Example 1.1: Suppose a database captures customer orders
(e.g., error bounds) of those predictions. However, arbitrary expected for the next quarter, including prices and destinations
queries made on the predictions do not translate naturally into of shipment. The order prices are uncertain, but a probability
queries on the corresponding statistical measures. A user who distribution is assumed. The database also stores distributions
requires error bounds on the sum of a join over several tables of shipping durations for each location. Here are two c-tables
of predictions must first obtain a formula for computing those defining such a probabilistic database:
bounds, assuming a closed form formula even exists.
Probabilistic database management systems [3], [4], [21], Order Cust ShipTo Price Shipping Dest Duration
[5], [11], [17], [18], [10], [20] aim at providing better sup- Joe NY X1 NY X2
port for querying uncertain data. Queries in these systems Bob LA X3 LA X4
We assume a suitable specification of the joint distribution p of by MCDB by using a common codebase (both systems
the random variables X1 , . . . , X4 occurring in this database. are implemented on top of Postgres) to enable fair
Now consider the query comparison. We show that PIP’s framework performs
select expected_sum(O.Price) considerably better than MCDB over a wide range of
from Order O, Shipping S
where O.ShipTo = S.Dest queries, despite applying only a relatively straightforward
and O.Cust = ’Joe’ set of statistical optimizations. Even in the worst case,
and S.Duration >= 7; PIP remains competitive with MCDB (it essentially never
asking for the expected loss due to late deliveries to customers does more work).
named Joe, where the product is free if not delivered within
seven days. This can be approximated by Monte Carlo sam-
pling from p, where q represents the result of the sum aggregate The estimation of probabilities of continuous distributions
query on a sample, here frequently devolves into the computation of complex integrals.
PIP’s architecture allows it to identify cases where efficient
x1 . . . x2 ≥ 7 algorithms exist to obtain a solution. For more complex prob-
q(~x) =
0 . . . otherwise. lems not covered by these cases, PIP relies on Monte Carlo
In a naive sample-first approach, if x2 ≥ 7 is a relatively integration [14], a conceptually simple technique that allows
rare event, a large number of samples will be required to for the (approximate) numerical integration of even the most
compute a good approximation to the expectation. Moreover, general functions. Conceptually, to compute the expectation of
the profit x1 is independent from the shipping time x2 . Despite function q(~x), one simply approximates the integral by taking
this, samples for x1 are still discarded if the constraint on x2 ~ from their distribution p(X)
n samples ~x1 , . . . , ~xn for X ~ and
is not met. taking the average of the function evaluated on all n values.
In general, even taking a sample from a complicated PDF
A. Contributions
is difficult. Constraints imposed by queries break traditional
Selective queries exemplify the need for contextual in- Monte Carlo assumptions of normalization on p(X) ~ and re-
formation when computing expectations and moments. This quire that the sampling technique account for them or lose pre-
paper presents PIP, a highly extensible, general probabilistic cision. A variety of techniques exist to address this problem,
database system built around this need for information. PIP from straightforward rejection sampling, where constraint-
evaluates queries on symbolic representations of probabilistic violating samples are repeatedly discarded, to more heavy
data, computing a complete representation of the probabilistic duty Markov-chain Monte Carlo (MCMC, cf. e.g., [6]) style
expression to be evaluated before an expectation or moment is techniques such as the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm [13],
taken. To our knowledge, PIP is the first probabilistic database [6].
system supporting continuous distributions to evaluate queries Recently, a paper on the MCDB system[10] has promoted an
in this way. integrated sampling-based approach to probabilistic databases.
PIP’s approach encompasses and extends the strengths of Conceptually, MCDB uses a sample-first approach: it first
discrete systems that use c-tables such as Trio [21], MystiQ computes samples of entire databases and then processes
[4], and MayBMS [1], as well as the generality of the queries on these samples. This is a very general and flexible
sample-first approach taken by MCDB [10]. It supports both approach, largely due to its modular approach to proba-
discrete and continuous probability distributions, statistical bility distributions via black box sample generators called
dependencies definable by queries, expectations of aggregates VG Functions. Using Tuple-Bundles, a highly compressed
and distinct-aggregates with or without group-by, and the com- representation of the sampled database instances, MCDB
putation of confidences. The detailed technical contributions shares computation across instances where possible during
of this paper are as follows. query evaluation.
• We propose PIP, the first probabilistic database system Conditional tables (c-tables, [9]) are relational tables in
based on c-tables to efficiently support continuous prob- which tuples have associated conditions expressed as boolean
ability distributions. expressions over comparisons of random variables and con-
• We show how PIP acts as a generalizable framework for stants. C-tables are a natural way to represent the deterministic
exploiting information about distributions beyond simple skeleton of a probabilistic relational database in a succinct and
sampling functionality (e.g., inverse cdfs) to enhance tabular form. That is, complete information about uncertain
query processing speed and accuracy. We demonstrate data is encoded using random variables, excluding only spec-
this framework by implementing several traditional sta- ifications of the joint probability distribution of the random
tistical optimizations within it. variables themselves. This model allows representation of
• We propose a technique for identifying variable indepen- input databases with nontrivial statistical dependencies that are
dence in c-table conditions and exploit it to accelerate normally associated with graphical models.
sampling. For discrete probabilistic databases, a canon of systems has
• We provide experimental evidence for the competitive- been developed that essentially use c-tables, without referring
ness of our approach. We compare PIP with a reim- to them as such. MystiQ [4] uses c-tables internally for query
plementation of the refined sample-first approach taken processing but uses a simpler model for input databases. Trio
[21] uses c-tables with additional syntactic sugar and calls
Cσψ (R) = {| (~r, φ ∧ ψ[~r]) | (~r, φ) ∈ CR |}
conditions lineage. MayBMS [1] uses a form of c-tables called
U-relations that define how relational algebra representations . . . ψ[~r] denotes ψ with each reference to
of queries can encode the corresponding condition transfor- a column A of R replaced by ~r.A.
CπA~ (R) = {| (~r.A,~ φ) | (~r, φ) ∈ CR |}
ORION [18] is a probabilistic database management sys-
tem for continuous distributions that can alternate between CR×S = {| (~r, ~s, φ ∧ ψ) | (~r, φ) ∈ CR , (~s, ψ) ∈ CS |}
sampling and transforming distributions. However, their rep- CR∪S = CR ] CS
resentation system is not based on c-tables but essentially _
Cdistinct(R) = {| (~r, {φ | (~r, φ) ∈ CR }) | (~r, ·) ∈ CR |}
on the world-set decompositions of [2], a factorization based
approach related to graphical models. Selection queries in this CR−S = {| (~r, φ ∧ ψ) | (~r, φ) ∈ Cdistinct(R) ,
model may require an exponential blow-up in the representa- if (~r, π) ∈ Cdistinct(S) then ψ := ¬π
tion size, while selections are efficient in c-tables. else ψ := true |}
A. C-tables Fig. 1. Relational algebra on c-tables.
A c-table over a set of variables is a relational table1
extended by a column for holding a local condition for each tu- The relational algebra query is
ple. A local condition is a Boolean combination (using “and”,
πPrice (σShipTo=Dest (
“or”, and “not”) of atomic conditions, which are constructed
from variables and constants using =, <, ≤, 6=, >, and ≥. σCust=0 Joe0 (Order) × σDuration≥7 (Shipping))).
The fields of the remaining data columns may hold domain
We compute
values or variables.
Given a variable assignment θ that maps each variable to a CσCust=0 Joe0 (Order) = {| ((Joe, N Y, X1 ), true) |}
domain value and a condition φ, θ(φ) denotes the condition
obtained from φ by replacing each variable X occurring in it CσDuration≥7 (Shipping) =
by θ(X). Analogously, θ(~t) denotes the tuple obtained from {| ((N Y, X2 ), X2 ≥ 7), ((LA, X4 ), X4 ≥ 7) |}
tuple ~t by replacing all variables using θ. CσCust=0 Joe0 (Order)×σDuration≥7 (Shipping) =
The semantics of c-tables are defined in terms of possible
{| ((Joe, N Y, X1 , N Y, X2 ), X2 ≥ 7),
worlds as follows. A possible world is identified with a
variable assignment θ. A relation R in that possible world ((Joe, N Y, X1 , LA, X4 ), X4 ≥ 7) |}
is obtained from its c-table CR as C. Probabilistic c-tables; expectations
R := {| θ(~t) | (~t, φ) ∈ CR , θ(φ) is true |}. A probabilistic c-table (cf. [7], [11]) is a c-table in which
each variable is simply considered a (discrete or continuous)
That is, for each tuple (~t, φ) of the c-table, where φ is the
random variable, and a joint probability distribution is given
local condition and ~t is the remainder of the tuple, θ(~t) exists
for the random variable. As a convention, we will denote the
in the world if and only if θ(φ) is true. Note that each c- ~ and the continuous ones by Y ~.
discrete random variables by X
table has at least one possible world, but worlds constructed
Throughout the paper, we will always assume without saying
from distinct variable assignments do not necessarily represent
that discrete random variables have a finite domain.
different database instances. ~ = ~x, Y
~ = ~y )
We will assume a suitable function p(X
B. Relational algebra on c-tables specifying a joint distribution which is essentially a PDF on
Evaluating relational algebra on c-tables (and without the the continuous and a probability mass function on the discrete
slightest difference, on probabilistic c-tables, since probabili- variables. To clarify this, p is such that we can define the
ties need not be touched at all) is surprisingly straightforward. expectation of a function q as
The evaluation of the operators of relational algebra on mul- XZ Z n
1 X
tiset c-tables is summarized in Figure 1. An explicit operator E[q] = ··· p(~x, ~y ) · q(~x, ~y ) d~y ≈ · q(~xi , ~yi )
y1 yn n i=1
“distinct” is used to perform duplicate elimination. ~
Example 2.1: We continue the example from the introduc- given samples (~x1 , ~y1 ), . . . , (~xn , ~yn ) from the distribution p.
tion. The input c-tables are We can specify events (sets of possible worlds) via Boolean
COrder = {| ((Joe, N Y, X1 ), true), ((Bob, LA, X3 ), true) |} conditions φ that are true on a possible world (given by
assignment) θ iff the condition obtained by replacing each
CShipping = {| ((N Y, X2 ), true), ((LA, X4 ), true) |}. variable x occurring in φ by θ(x) is true. The characteristic
function χφ of condition (event) φ returns 1 on a variable
1 In the following, we use a multiset semantics for tables: Tables may
assignment if it makes φ true and returns zero otherwise. The
contain duplicate tuples. Sets transformations are defined in comprehension
notation {| · | · |} with ∈ as an iterator. Transformations preserve duplicates. probability Pr[φ] of event φ is simply E[χφ ].
We use ] to denote bag union, which can be thought of as list concatenation The expected sum of a function h applied to the tuples of
if the multisets are represented as unsorted lists. a table R,
select expected_sum(h(*)) from R; Computing probabilities,
moments, and statistical tests
can be computed as
hX i h X i X h i Query plans on c-tables
E h(~t) = E χφ ·h(t) = E χφ ·(h◦t) Query Evaluation
t∈R (t,φ)∈CR (t,φ)∈CR
Data Store
(the latter by linearity of expectation). Here t(~x, ~y ) denotes (Probabilistic) c-tables
the tuple t, where any variable that may occur is replaced by
the value assigned to it in (~x, ~y ). Succinct, interchangeable
representation of joint distributions
Example 2.2: Returning to our running example, for CR = of random variables
{| (x1 , x2 ≥ 7) |}, the expected sum of prices is
Fig. 2. Pip Query Engine Architecture
··· p(~x) · χφ (~x) · t(~x).Price d~y = A. Symbolic Representation
(t,φ)∈CR x1 x4 PIP represents probabilistic data values symbolically via
Z Z random variables defined in terms of parametrized probability
··· p(~x) · χX2 ≥7 (~x) · x1 d~y . distribution classes. PIP supports several generic classes of
x1 x4
probability distributions (e.g., Normal, Uniform, Exponen-
tial, Poisson), and may be extended with additional classes.
Counting and group-by. Expected count aggregates are Variables are treated as opaque while they are manipulated
obviously special cases of expected sumaggregates where h by traditional relational operators. The resulting symbolic
is a constant function 1. We generally consider grouping by representation is a c-table. As the final stage of the query,
(continuously) uncertain columns to be of doubtful value. special operators defined within PIP compute expectations and
Group-by on nonprobabilistic columns (i.e., which contain no moments of the uncertain data, or sample the data to generate
random variables) poses no difficulty in the c-tables frame- histograms.
work: the above summation simply proceeds within groups of These expectation operators are invoked with a lossless
tuples from CR that agree on the group columns. In particular, representation of the expression to be evaluated. Because the
by delaying any sampling process until after the relational variables have been treated as opaque, the expectation oper-
algebra part of the query has been evaluated on the c-table ator can obtain information about the distribution a variable
representation, we find it easy to create as many samples as corresponds to. Similarly, the lossless representation allows
we need for each group in a goal-directed fashion. This is a on-the-spot generation of samples if necessary; There is no
considerable strong point of the c-tables approach used in PIP. bias from samples shared between multiple query runs.
Developers can (but need not) provide supplemental infor-
mation (e.g., functions defining the PDF and the CDF) about
Representing the uncertain components of a query’s output distributions they extend PIP with. The operator can exploit
symbolically as a c-table makes a wide variety of integration this additional information to accelerate the sampling process,
techniques available for use in evaluating the statistical charac- or potentially even sidestep it entirely. For example, if a query
teristics of the expression. If our risk-management application asks for the probability that a variable will fall within specified
assumes a general model of customer profit and customer bounds, the expectation operator can compute it with at most
satisfaction that relies on queries to create correlations between two evaluations of the variable’s CDF.
them, the sampler can detect this lack of dependency, estimate Because the symbolic representation PIP uses is lossless,
profit and probability of dissatisfaction separately, and com- intermediate query results or views may be materialized. Ex-
bine the two afterwards. Even with relatively straightforward pectations of values in these views or subsequent queries based
integration techniques, additional knowledge of this form has on them will not be biased by estimation errors introduced
a profoundly positive impact on the efficiency and accuracy by materializing the view. This is especially useful when a
with which expectations of query results can be computed. significant fraction of query processing time is devoted to
Accuracy is especially relevant in cases where the integral managing deterministic data (eg, to obtain parameters for the
has no closed form and exact methods are unavailable. This model’s variables). Not only can this accelerate processing
is the case in a surprising range of practical applications, of commonly used subqueries, but it makes online sampling
even when strong simplifying assumptions are made about the feasible; the sampler need not evaluate the entire query from
input data. For example, even if the input data contains only scratch to generate additional samples.
independent variables sampled from well-studied distributions Example 3.1: Consider the running example in the context
(e.g., the normal distribution), it is still possible for queries of c-tables. The result of the relational algebra part of the
to create complex statistical dependencies in their own right. example query can be easily computed as
It is well known, at least in the case of discrete and finite
R Price Condition
probability distributions, that relational algebra on block-
independent-disjoint tables can construct any finite probability Y1 Y2 ≥ 7
distribution [15], [9]. without looking at p. This c-table compactly represents all data
still relevant after the application of the relational algebra part part of the seed for the pseudorandom number generator used
of the query, other than p, which remains unchanged. Sampling by the sampling process.
from R to compute C-table conditions allow PIP to represent per-tuple uncer-
select expected_sum(Price) from R;
tainty. Each tuple is tagged with a condition that must hold
is a much more focused effort. First, we only have to consider
for the variable to be present in the table. C-table conditions
the random variables relating to Joe; but determining that
are expressed as a boolean formula of atoms, arbitrary in-
random variable Y2 is relevant while Y4 is not requires
equalities of random variables. The independent probability,
executing a query involving a join. We want to do this query
or confidence of the tuple is the probability of the condition
first, before we start sampling.
being satisfied.
Second, assume that delivery times are independent from
Given tables in which all conditions are conjunctions of
sales volumes. Then we can approximate the query result by
atomic conditions and the query does not employ duplicate
first sampling an Y2 value and only sampling an Y1 value
elimination, then all conditions in the output table are con-
if Y2 ≥ 7. Otherwise, we use 0 as the Y1 value. If Y2 ≥ 7
junctions. Thus it makes sense to particularly optimise this
is relatively rare (e.g., the average shipping times to NY are
scenario [1]. In the case of positive relational algebra with the
very slow, with a low variance), this may reduce the amount
duplicate elimination operator (i.e., we trade duplicate elimi-
of samples for Y1 that are first computed and then discarded
nation against difference), we can still efficiently maintain the
without seeing use considerably. If CDFs are available, we
conditions in DNF, i.e., as a simple disjunction of conjunctions
can of course do even better.
of atomic conditions.
B. Random Variables Without loss of generality, the model can be limited to
At the core of PIP’s symbolic representation of uncertainty conditions that are conjunctions of constraint atoms. Gener-
is the random variable. The simplest form of a random ality is maintained by using bag semantics to encode dis-
variable in PIP consists of a unique identifier, a subscript (for junctions; Disjunctive terms are encoded as separate rows,
multi-variate distributions), a distribution class, and a set of and the DISTINCT operator is used to coalesce terms. This
parameters for the distribution. restriction provides several benefits. First, constraint validation
For example, we write is simplified; A pairwise comparison of all atoms in the clause
is sufficient to catch the inconsistencies listed above. As an
[Y ⇒ N ormal(µ, σ 2 )] additional benefit, if all atoms of a clause define convex and
to represent a normally distributed random variable X with contiguous regions in the space ~x, ~y , these same properties are
mean µ and standard deviation σ 2 . Multivariate distributions also shared by their intersection.
may be specified using array notation. For instance,
C. Condition Inconsistency
[Y [n] ⇒ M V N ormal(µ, σ 2 , N )] Conditions can become inconsistent by combining contra-
Thus, when instantiating a random variable, users specify dictory conditions using conjunction, which may happen in
both a distribution for the variable to be sampled from, and a the implementations of the operators selection, product, and
parameter set for that distribution. As a single variable may difference. If such tuples are discovered, they may be freely
appear simultaneously at multiple points within the database, removed from the c-table.
the unique identifier is used to ensure that sampling process A condition is consistent if there is a variable assignment
generates consistent values for the variable within a given that makes the condition true. For general boolean formulas,
sample. deciding consistency is computationally hard. But we do not
Rather than storing random variables directly, PIP employs need to decide it during the evaluation of relational algebra
the equation datatype, a flattened parse tree of an arithmetic operations. Rather, we exploit straightforward cases of in-
expression, where leaves are random variables or constants. consistency to clean-up c-tables and reduce their sizes. We
Because an equation itself describes a random variable, albeit rely on the later Monte Carlo simulation phase to enforce the
a composite one, we refer to equations and random variables remaining inconsistencies.
interchangeably. Observe that while we limit our implementa- 1) The consistency of conditions not involving variable
tion to arithmetic operators, any non-recursive expression may values is always immediately apparent.
be similarly represented. The equation datatype can be used 2) Conditions Xi = c1 ∧ Xi = c2 with constants c1 6= c2
to encode any target expression accepted by PostgreSQL. are always inconsistent.
Random variable equations can be combined freely with 3) Equality conditions over continuous variables Yj = (·),
constant expressions, both in the target clause of a select with the exception of the identity Yj = Yj , are not
statement and in the where clause. All targets including inconsistent but can be treated as such (the probability
random variable equations are encoded as random variable mass will always be zero). Similarly, conditions Yj 6=
equations themselves. All where clauses including random (·), with the exception of Yj 6= Yj , can be treated as
variable equations are encoded as c-table conditions, the true and removed or ignored.
context of the row. As this allows a variable to appear several 4) Other forms of inconsistency can also be detected where
times in a given context, the variable’s identifier is used as efficient techniques to do so are known.
Algorithm 3.2: Checking the consistency of a condition
Though PIP abstracts the details of a variable’s distribution
1) consistencyCheck(ConditionSet C)
2) foreach Discrete condition [X = c1 ] ∈ C from query evaluation, it distinguishes between discrete and
3) if ∃[X = c2 ] ∈ C s.t. c1 6= c2 , return Inconsistent. continuous distributions. As described in Section II, existing
4) foreach Continuous variable group K (See Section IV-A) research into c-tables has demonstrated efficient ways of
5) initialize bounds map S0 s.t. S0 [X] = [−∞, ∞] ∀X ∈ K
6) while St 6= St−1 (incrementing t > 0 each iteration) querying variables sampled from discrete distributions. PIP
7) let St = St−1 employs similar techniques when it is possible to do so.
8) foreach equation E ∈ K
9) if at most 1 variable in E is unbounded IV. S AMPLING AND I NTEGRATION
(use the bounded variables to shrink variable bounds)
10) foreach X, St [X] = St−1 [X] ∩ tightenN (X, E, St ) Conceptually, query evaluation in PIP is broken up into
(Where N = the degree of E) two components: Query and Sampling. PIP relies on Postgres
(computing bounds from some equations may be slow) to evaluate queries; As described in Section II, a query
11) if tightenN has not been defined, skip E.
12) if ∃X s.t. St [X] = ∅, return Inconsistent. rewriting pass suffices to translate c-tables relational algebra
13) if no Eqns were skipped return Consistent. else return Consistent. extensions into traditional relational algebra. Details on how
1) tighten1 (Variable X, Equation E, Map S) query rewriting is implemented are provided in Section V.
(example of variable bounding for degree 1 polynomial) As the query is being evaluated, special sampling operators
2) Express E in normal form aX + bY + cZ + . . . > 0
3) if a > 0, return [−(b · max(S[Y ]) + c · max(S[Z]) + . . .)/a, ∞] in the query are used to transform random variable expressions
4) if a < 0, return [−∞, −(b·max(S[Y ])+c·max(S[Z])+. . .)/a] into histograms, expectations, and other moments. Both the
Strong consistency guarantees returned by this algorithm are marked in bold, computation of moments and probabilities in the general case
while weak ones are marked in italics. reduces to numerical integration, and a dominant technique
With respect to discrete variables, inconsistency detection for doing this is Monte Carlo simulation. The approximate
may be further simplified. Rather than using abstract repre- computation of expectation
sentations, every row containing discrete variables may be n
1 X
exploded into one row for every possible valuation. Condition E[χφ · (h ◦ t)] = · p(~yi ) · χφ (~yi ) · h(t(~yi )) (1)
n i=1
atoms matching each variable to its valuation are used to
ensure mutual exclusion of each row. Thus, discrete variable faces a number of difficulties. In particular, samples for which
columns may be treated as constants for the purpose of consis- χφ is zero do not contribute to an expectation. If φ is a very
tency checks. As shown in [1], deterministic database query selective condition, most samples do not contribute to the
optimizers do a satisfactory job of ensuring that constraints summation computation of the approximate expectation. (This
over discrete variables are filtered as soon as possible. is closely related to the most prominent problem in online
This sampling algorithm is presented in Algorithm 3.2. aggregation systems [8], [16], and also in MCDB).
Due to space constraints only tighten1 is presented in this Example 4.1: Consider a row containing the variable
paper, but all polynomial equations may be handled using a
[Y ⇒ N ormal(µ = 5, σ 2 = 10)]
similar, albeit more complex enumeration of coefficients. The
PIP implementation currently limits users to simple algebraic and the condition predicate (Y > −3) and (Y < 2). The
operators, thus all variable expressions are polynomial. How- expectation of the variable Y in the context of this row is not
ever, since consistency checking is optional, more complex 5. Rather the expectation is taken only over samples of Y that
equations can simply be ignored. fall in the range (−3, 2), (coming out to approximately 0.17).
D. Distributions A. Sampling Techniques
As variables are defined in terms of parametrized distri- a) Rejection Sampling: One straightforward approach to
bution classes, PIP’s infrastructure is agnostic to the imple- this problem is to perform rejection sampling; sample sets
mentation of the underlying distributions. When defining a are repeatedly generated until a sufficient number of viable
distribution, programmers need only include a mechanism (satisfying) samples have been obtained.
for sampling from that distribution, much like [10]’s VG However, without scaling the number of samples taken
Functions. However, PIP is not limited to simple sampling based on E[χφ ], information can get very sparse and the
functionality. If it is possible to efficiently compute or estimate approximate expectations will have a high relative error.
the distribution’s probability density function (P DF ), cumu- Unfortunately, as the probability of satisfying the constraint
lative distribution function (CDF ), and/or inverse cumulative drops, the work required to produce a viable sample increases.
distribution function (CDF −1 ), these may be included to Consequently, any mechanism that can improve the chances
improve PIP’s efficiency. of satisfying the constraint is beneficial.
Distribution specific values like the P DF , CDF and in- b) Sampling using inverse CDFs: As an alternative to
verse CDF are used to demonstrate what can be achieved generator functions, PIP can also use the inverse-transform
with PIP’s framework. Further distribution-specific values like method [12]. If available, the distribution’s inverse-CDF func-
weighted-sampling, mean, entropy, and the higher moments tion is used to translate a uniform-random number in the range
can be used by more advanced statistical methods to achieve [0, 1] to the variable’s distribution.
even better performance. The process of defining a variable This technique makes constrained sampling more efficient.
distribution is described further in Section V. If the uniform-random input is selected from the range
[CDF (a), CDF (b)], the generated value is guaranteed to produces the result table
fall in the range [a, b]. Even if precise constraints can not T C φ
be obtained, this technique still reduces the volume of the 5·X (Y1 > 4) ∧ (Y2 > 2)
sampling space, increasing the probability of getting a useful
sample. A human may find it useful to know that for a given possible
c) Exploiting independence: Prior to sampling, PIP sub- world, T contains one row with C equal to 5 · Y1 in worlds
divides constraint predicates into minimal independent subsets; described by variables Y1 > 4 and Y2 > 2, and is empty in all
sets of predicates sharing no common variables. When de- other worlds. However, analysis of large volumes of data in
termining subset independence, variables representing distinct this form requires the ability to summarize and/or aggregate.
values from a multivariate distribution are treated as the set of Analyzing a table containing several hundred or more rows of
all of their component variables. For example, consider the one this form becomes easier if a histogram is available.
row c-table of nullary schema (i.e., there is only a condition Sampling operators take in an expression to be evaluated
column) and the expression’s context, or boolean formula of constraints
associated with the expression’s row and output a histogram,
R φ2 expectation, or higher moment for the expression under the
(Y1 > 4) ∧ ([Y1 · Y2 ] > Y3 ) ∧ (A < 6) constraints of its context. As described in Section II, without
loss of generality, it is possible to express the context as a set
In this case, the atoms (Y1 > 4) and ([Y1 · Y2 ] > Y3 ) form one
of conditions to be combined conjunctively.
minimal independent subset, while (A < 6) forms another.
This paper focuses predominantly on sampling operators
Because these subsets share no variables, each may be
that follow per-row sampling semantics. Under these seman-
sampled independently. Sampling fewer variables at a time not
tics, each row is sampled independently. The aggregate in
only reduces the work lost generating non-satisfying samples,
question is taken for only over the volume of probability space
but also decreases the frequency with which this happens.
defined by the expression’s context for each row. For example,
d) Metropolis: A final alternative available to PIP, is in the case of Monte-Carlo sampling, samples are generated
the Metropolis algorithm [13]. Starting from an arbitrary for each row, but only samples satisfying the row’s context are
point within the sample space, this algorithm performs a considered. All other samples are discarded. If the context is
random walk weighted towards regions with higher probability unsatisfiable, a value of NAN will result.
densities. Samples taken at regular intervals during the random The choice to focus on per-row sampling operators is
walk may be used as samples of the distribution. motivated by efficiency concerns. If the results table is larger
The Metropolis algorithm has an expensive startup cost, than main memory, the sampling process can become IO-
as there is a lengthy ‘burn-in’ period while it generates a bound. Per-row sampling operators require only a single
sufficiently random initial value. Despite this startup cost, the pass (or potentially a second pass if additional precision is
algorithm typically requires only a relatively small number of required) over the results. While we do consider table-wide
steps between each sample. We can estimate the work required sampling semantics out of necessity for some aggregates, the
for both Metropolis and Naive rejection sampling. development of additional table-wide techniques is beyond the
Wmetropolis = Cburn + [# samples] · Csteps scope of this paper.
in per sample
Note that the resulting aggregates are still probabilistic data.
1 For example, the expectation of a given cell is computed in the
Wnaive = · [# samples] context of the cell’s row; The expectation is computed only
1 − P [reject]
over those worlds where the row’s condition holds, as in all
By generating a small number of samples for the subgroup, other worlds the row does not exist. In order to compute the
PIP can generate a rough estimate of P [reject] and decide probability of satisfying the row’s condition, also referred to
which approach is less expensive. as the row’s confidence, we define a confidence operator. If
the confidence operator is present, all conditions applying to
B. Row-Level Sampling Operators
the row are removed from the result and the resulting table is
Evaluating a query on a probabilistic table (or tables) deterministic.
produces as output another probabilistic table. Though the raw PIP’s sampling process, including all techniques described
probabilistic data has value, the ultimate goal is to compute above in Section IV-A is summarized in Algorithm 4.3.
statistical aggregates: expectations, moments, etc. To achieve Despite the limited number of sampling techniques employed,
this goal, PIP provides a set of sampling operators: functions this algorithm demonstrates the breadth of state available
that convert probabilistic data into deterministic aggregates. to the PIP framework at sample-time. Independent group
Example 4.2: Consider the c-tables sampling requires set of constraints. CDF sampling requires
distribution-specific knowledge. Metropolis sampling requires
R A φ1 S B φ2
similar knowledge, and also employs bounds on P [reject] to
5 (Y1 > 4) X (Y2 > 2)
make efficiency decisions. All of this information is available
The query to the expectation operator, making it the ideal place to imple-
select A * B as C from R, S; ment these, as well as more advanced optimization techniques.
Algorithm 4.3: The expectation operator; Given an expression
and context condition, compute the expression’s expectation table sampling semantics.
given that the condition is true and optionally also compute We begin with the simplest form of aggregate expecta-
the probability P [C] of the condition being true. If sampling tion, that of an aggregate that obeys linearity of expecta-
is necessary, both values are computed with , δ precision. ~
tion (E[f (~y )] = f (E[y])), such as sum(). Such aggregates
1) expectation(Expression E, Condition C, Bool getP, Goal {, δ})
let X̄ = the set are straightforward to implement: per-row expectations of
2) √ of variables in E
3) let target = 2·erf−1 (1 − ) f (~y )χ(~y ) are computed, and aggregated (e.g., summed up).
4) let N = 0; Sum = 0; SumSq = 0 Of note however, is the effect that the operator has on the
5) foreach variable group K ∈ C s.t. ∃X ∈ K ∧ X ∈ X̄
6) let Count[K] = 0; Sampler[X] =Natural ∀X ∈ K variance of the result. In the case of sum(), each expectation
7) consistencyCheck(K) (See Alg 3.2) can be viewed as a Normally distributed random variable with
(save the bounds map S generated by consistencyCheck()) a shared, predetermined variance. By the law of large numbers,
8) If inconsistent, return (NAN, 0)
(if a given variable has bounds, try to sample within those bounds) the sum of a set of N random variables with equal standard
9) foreach X s.t. S[X] 6= [−∞, ∞]∧X has CDF/CDF−1 functions deviation σ has a variance of √σN . In other words, when
10) Sampler[X] = CDF computing the expected sum of N variables, we can reduce
11) (keep sampling until we have enough˛ samples ifor , δ precision.)
h ˛
the number of samples taken for each individual element by
while target · ˛( Sum )2 − SumSq
˛ Sum
12) ˛+ N < [δ · Sum]
AND N < 1/delta
a factor of √1N .
13) N = N+1 If the operator does not obey linearity of expectation (e.g.,
(We only need samples for variables in both E and C) the max aggregate), the aggregate implementation is made
14) foreach variable group K ∈ C s.t. ∃X ∈ K ∧ X ∈ X̄
15) if Sampler[X] = Metropolis for any X ∈ K more difficult. Any aggregate may still be implemented naively
16) run metropolis over saved state for group K by evaluating it in parallel on a set of sample worlds instan-
17) else do... tiated prior to evaluation. This is a worst-case approach to
18) Count[K] = Count[K]+1
19) if (Count[K] − N )/Count[K] > Metropolis Threshold the problem; it may be necessary to perform a second pass
20) if all X have a PDF function over the results if an insufficient number of sample worlds are
21) Sampler[X] = Metropolis ∀X ∈ K generated. However, more efficient special case aggregates,
22) scan for start point to initialize Metropolis state for K
23) if unable to find a start point return (NAN, 0) specifically designed to compute expectations are possible.
24) continue to next K (line 14) For example, consider the max() aggregate. If the target
25) else return (NAN, 0) expression is a constant, this aggregate can be implemented
26) generate one instance of all X ∈ K using Sampler[X]
27) ... while samples do not satisfy K extremely efficiently. Given a table sorted by the target expres-
28) update Sum Q = Sum + E[X̄], SumSq = SumSq + E[X̄]2 sion in descending order, PIP estimates the probability that
29) let P rob = K Count[K] ∀K not sampled via Metropolis the first element in the table (the highest value) is present.
(We’ve gotten some work towards P [C] for free already) The aggregate expectation is initialized as the product of
(If the we actually care about it, we might have more work)
30) if getP = True this probability and the first element. The second term is
(Variables in C but not E haven’t been processed yet) maximal only if the first term is not present; when computing
(Also, Metropolis doesn’t give us a probability) the probability of the second term, we must compute the
31) foreach variable group K ∈ C
s.t. 6 ∃X ∈ K ∧ [X ∈ X̄ ∨ Sampler[X] = Metropolis] probability of all the second term’s constraint atoms being
32) if |K|V ars = 1 AND X ∈ K has a CDF function fulfilled while at least one of the first atom’s terms is not
33) use CDF to integrate P [K] fulfilled. Though the complexity of this process is exponential
34) else integrate by sampling as above (w/o metropolis)
35) update P rob = P rob · P [K] in the number of rows, the probability of each successive row
36) return ( Sum N
, P rob) (P is ignored if getP = False) being maximal drops exponentially.
Example 4.4: To illustrate this, consider the table (anno-
C. Aggregate Sampling Operators tated with probabilities)
Aggregate operators (eg. sum, avg, stddev) applied to c- R A φ P [φ]
tables introduce a new form of complexity into the sampling 5 X≥7 0.7
process: the result of an aggregate operator applied to a c- 4 Y ≥7 0.8
table is difficult to represent and sample from. Even if the 1 Z≥7 0.3
values being aggregated is a constant, each row’s context must 0 Q≥7 0.6
be evaluated independently. The result is 2n possible outputs,
each with a linear number of conditions in the number of Based on the probabilities listed above,
rows. If the values being aggregated are variable expressions, E[max(A)] = 5 · 0.7 + 4 · 0.8 + 1 · 0.3 + 0 · 0.6
the result is an identical number of outputs, each containing
data linear in the size of the table. However, if the desired precision is 0.1, we can stop scanning
This added complexity, coupled with the frequency with after the second record since the maximum any later record
which they appear at the root of a query plan, makes them can change the result is 1 − (1 − 0.7) ∗ (1 − 0.8) = 0.056.
an ideal point at which to perform sampling. As aggregates
compute expectations over entire tables, the probability of a V. I MPLEMENTATION
given row’s presence in the table can be included are included In order to evaluate the viability of PIP’s c-tables approach
in the aggregate’s expectation. This behavior is termed per- to continuous variables, we have implemented an initial ver-
Rctable A B φ
X ∗3 5 X >Y ∧Y >3
Postgres Y 3 Y <3∨X <Y
Rewriter ⇓⇓⇓
Rint A (VarExp) B (integer) φ1 (CTYPE) φ2 (CTYPE)
PIP Plugin
X ∗3 5 X>Y Y >3
SQL Functions Y 3 Y <3 NULL
Datatypes Integrator Sampler
Fig. 4. Internal representation of C-Tables
Distribution more input tables have CTYPE columns, the query causes
Definitions an error unless the aggregate is labeled as a probability-
removing function.
Fig. 3. The PIP Postgres plugin architecture • UNION operations are rewritten to ensure that the num-
ber of CTYPE columns in their inputs is consistent. If one
sion of PIP as an extension to the PostgreSQL DBMS as input table has more CTYPE columns of a given type than
shown in Figure 3. the other, the latter is padded with NULL constraints.
-- left(X,phi1), right(X,phi1,phi2)
A. Query Rewriting select *
from left UNION right
Much of this added functionality takes advantage of Post-
is rewritten to
greSQL’s extensibility features, and can be used “out-of-the-
select *
box”. For example, we define the function from (select *,NULL AS phi2 FROM left
CREATE VARIABLE(distribution[,params]) ) UNION right
which is used to create continuous variables2 . Each call Note that these extensions are not required to access PIP’s
allocates a new variable, or a set of jointly distributed variables core functionality; they exist to allow users to seamlessly use
and initializes it with the specified parameters. When defining deterministic queries on probabilistic data.
selection targets, operator overloading is used to make random PIP takes advantage of this by encoding constraint atoms
variables appear as normal variables; arbitrary equations may in a CTYPE datatype; Overloaded > and < operators return
be constructed in this way. a constraint atom instead of a boolean if a random variable
To complete the illusion of working with static data, we is involved in the inequality, and the user can ignore the
have modified PostgreSQL itself to add support for C-Table distinction between random variable and constant value (until
constructs. Under the modified PostgreSQL when defining a the final statistical analysis).
datatype, it is possible to declare it as a CTYPE; doing so has
the following three effects: B. Defining Distributions
• CTYPE columns (and conjunctions of CTYPE columns) PIP’s primary benefit over other c-tables implementations is
may appear in the WHERE and HAVING clauses of a SE- its ability to admit variables chosen from arbitrary continuous
LECT statement. When found, the CTYPE components distributions. These distributions are specified in terms of gen-
of clause are moved to the SELECT’s target clause.
select *
eral distribution classes, a set of C functions that describes the
from inputs distribution. In addition to a small number of functions used
where X>Y and Z like ’%foo’ to parse and encode parameter strings, each PIP distribution
is rewritten to class defines one or more of the following functions.
select *, X>Y • Generate(Parameters, Seed) uses a pseudorandom number
from inputs generator to generate a value sampled from the distribution. The seed
value allows PIP to limit the amount of state it needs to maintain;
where Z like ’%foo’ multiple calls to Generate with the same seed value produce the same
• SELECT target clauses are rewritten to ensure that all sample, so only the seed value need be stored.
CTYPE columns in input tables are passed through. The • PDF(Parameters, x) evaluates the probability density function of
exception to this is in the case of special probability- the distribution at the specified point.
removing functions. If the select statement contains one • CDF(Parameters, x) evaluates the cumulative distribution func-
or more such functions (typically aggregates, or the conf tion at the specified point.
operator), CTYPE columns are not passed through. • InverseCDF(Parameters, Value) evaluates the inverse of the
cumulative distribution function at the specified point.
select X,Y
from inputs PIP requires that all distribution classes define a Generate
is rewritten to function. All other functions are optional, but can be used
select X,Y,inputs.phi1,inputs.phi2,... to improve PIP’s performance if provided; The supplemental
from inputs functions need only be included when known methods exist
• In the case of aggregates, the mechanism by which for evaluating them efficiently.
CTYPE columns may be passed through is unclear. Thus C. Sampling Functionality
If the select statement contains an aggregate and one or
PIP provides several functions for analyzing the uncertainty
2 For discrete distributions, PIP uses a repair-key operator similar to that encoded in a c-table. The two core analysis functions are conf()
used in [11] and expectation().
Sample First
tuple-bundle concept using ordinary Postgres rows. A sampled
3000 variable is represented using an array of floats, while the tuple
bundle’s presence in each sampled world is represented using
a densely packed array of booleans. In lieu of an optimizer,
test queries were constructed by hand so as to minimize the
Execution time (s)
RMS Error
RMS Error
0.001 0.01
1 10 100 1000 1 10 100 1000
Number of Samples Number of Samples
(a) (b)
Fig. 7. RMS error across the results of 30 trials of (a) a simple group-by query Q4 with a selectivity of 0.005, and (b) a complex selection query Q5 with
an average selectivity of 0.05.
The third query Q3 in Figure 6 combines a simplified form demand exceeds supply. For the purposes of this test, the
of queries Q1 and Q2 . Rather than aggregating, the query model was chosen to generate an average selectivity of 0.05.
compares the delivery times of Q2 to a set of “satisfaction Though the comparison of 2 random variables necessitates the
thresholds.” This comparison results in a (probabilistic) table use of rejection sampling and increases the time PIP spends
of dissatisfied customers that is used in conjunction with generating samples, the decision to drop a sample is made
Q1 ’s profit expectations to estimate profit lost to dissatisfied immediately after generating it; PIP can continue generating
customers. A query of this form might be run on a regular samples until it has a sufficient number, while the Sample-First
basis, perhaps even daily. As per this usage pattern, we pre- approach must rerun the entire query.
materialize the component of this query unlikely to change on Note the relatively large variance in the RMS error of
a daily basis: the expected shipping time parameters. the Sample-First results these figures, particularly the first
Though PIP and Sample-First both take the same amount one. Here, both the selectivity and the price for each part
of time to generate 1000 samples under this query, the query’s vary with the part. Thus, some parts become more important
selectivity causes Sample-First to disregard a significant frac- while others become harder to sample from. In order to get
tion of the samples generated; for the same amount of work, a consistent answer for the entire query Sample-First must
Sample-First generates a less accurate answer. To illustrate provision enough samples for the worst case, while PIP can
this point, see Figure 7(a). This figure shows the RMS error, dynamically scale the number of samples required for each
normalized by the correct value in the results of a query for term.
predicted sales of 5000 parts in the database, given a Poisson Returning to Figure 6, Queries Q3 and Q4 have been run
distribution for the increase in sales and a popularity multiplier with PIP at a fixed 1000 samples. As Sample-First drops all
chosen from an exponential distribution. As an additional re- but a relatively small number of samples corresponding to
striction, the query considers only the extreme scenario where the selectivity of the query, we run Sample-First with a corre-
the given product has become extremely popular (resulting in spondingly larger number of samples. For Query 3, the average
a selectivity of e−5.29 ≈ 0.005). selectivity of 0.1 resulted in Sample-First discarding 90% of
RMS error was computed over 30 trials using the alge- its samples. To maintain comparable accuracies, Sample-First
braically computed correct value as a mean, and then aver- was run at 10,000 samples.
aged over all 5000 parts. Note that PIP’s error is over two We expand on this datapoint in Figure 5 where we evaluate
orders of magnitude lower than the sample-first approach for Q4 , altered to have varying selectivities. The sample-first tests
a comparable number of samples. This corresponds to the 1
are run with selectivity times as many samples as PIP to
selectivity of the query; as the query becomes more selective, compensate for the lower error, in accordance with Figure
the sample-first error increases. Furthermore, because CDF 7(a). Note that selectivity is a factor that a user must be aware
sampling is used to restrict the sampling bounds, the time of when constructing a query with sample-first while PIP is
taken by both approaches to compute the same number of able to account for selectivity automatically, even if rejection
samples is equivalent. sampling is required.
A similar example is shown in Figure 7(b). Here, a model It should also be noted that both of these queries include
is constructed for how much product suppliers are likely to be two distinct, independent variables involved in the expectation
able to produce in the coming year based on an Exponential computation. A studious user may note this fact and hand
distribution, and for how much product the company expects optimize the query to compute these values independently.
to sell in the coming year as in Q1. From this model, the However, without this optimization, a sample-first approach
expected underproduction is computed, with a lower bound of will generate one pair of values for each customer for each
0; the selection criterion considers only those worlds where world. As shown in the RMS error example, an arbitrarily
Sample First expectations, moments, and other statistical measures in prob-
abilistic databases more accurate and more efficient. The
availability of the expression being measured enables a broad
range of sampling techniques that rely on this information and
allows more effective selection of the appropriate technique for
a given expression.
Acknowledgments: This material is based upon work supported by the
National Science Foundation under Grant IIS-0812272. Any opinions, findings
and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of
the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science
Foundation (NSF).
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Cumulative Distribution R EFERENCES
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