HSG38 Lighting at Work
HSG38 Lighting at Work
HSG38 Lighting at Work
at Work
© Crown copyright 1997
Applications for reproduction should be made
in writing to:
Planning 3
Organisation 3
Control 4
Monitoring 4
Risk assessment 4
Assessing lighting in the workplace 6
Lighting hazards 7
Lighting effects 7
Managing lighting hazards 13
Appendix 1
Summary of lamp characteristics 43
Appendix 2
Legislation 52
References 55
Further reading 56
Glossary 61
1 This guidance explains how lighting contributes to the health
and safety of people at work. Although it is aimed primarily at those
responsible for health and safety at work, employees may also find it
5 Poor lighting can not only affect the health of people at work
causing symptoms like eyestrain, migraine and headaches, but it is
also linked to Sick Building Syndrome in new and refurbished
buildings. Symptoms of this include headaches, lethargy, irritability
and poor concentration.
Costs of poor lighting to business
6 Poor lighting at work can represent a significant cost to
business in the form of:
increased absenteeism;
11 Employers need to identify priorities and set targets for
improvement. For example, they will need to assess whether the
lighting design is suitable and safe for the type of work being done.
They also need to consider any future changes in the work
conditions as this may require different lighting design. The costs
and benefits of different lighting design will then need to be
considered together with the suitability of lighting for the
12 Organising for health and safety involves the provision of staff
with the necessary training and appropriate equipment to do their
job safely. This includes those responsible for lighting maintenance.
Employers also need to ensure that staff are aware of their
responsibility towards their own health and safety and that of other
people. For example, it is important that employees notify their
employers, or those responsible for health and safety, if lighting is
faulty or damaged.
14 Controlling health and safety risks includes the setting of
standards and maintaining them. Standards set need to be realistic
and measurable, and may include lighting maintenance, which can
coincide with general maintenance so that it does not interfere with
work activities. This would then ensure that lighting is checked on a
regular basis and that correct lighting levels are maintained.
Risk assessment
those in the workplace are aware of the hazards and are better
placed to deal with them;
A s s e s s i n g lighting i n t h e w o r k p l a c e
Lighting hazards
lighting effects;
Lighting effects
25 Glare occurs when one part of the visual field is much brighter
than the average brightness to which the visual system is adapted.
When there is direct interference with vision the condition is known
as disability glare. Where vision is not directly impaired but there is
discomfort, annoyance, irritability or distraction the condition is
Figure 1 Disability glare from a light fitting
Colour effects
Stroboscopic effects
Veiling reflections
Visible radiation
Problem sources
(a) Tungsten halogen lamps used in office desktop and close range
spotlight applications
Checks Solutions
Insufficient light on check illuminance levels are clean lamps and luminaires
the task in line with lighting replace failed lamps
recommendations (see increase reflectance of room
page 37) surfaces, for example
check spacing mounting change decor to light
height ratio against colours
manufacturer's data remove obstructions
check for veiling reflections decrease spacing of
luminaires or provide more
provide local lighting
move the working area
Luminaires too evaluate effect of luminaire if bare lamps are used, fit
bright brightness by shielding eyes some form of light controller
with hand or move outside the
exclusion zone (Figure 18)
Hazards Checks Solutions
Luminaires too bright for bare lamps check if linear luminaires are used,
whether the lamps are change the orientation to
within the exclusion zone provide an end-on view
(see section on minimum raise height of luminaire, if
lighting recommendations) the reduction in luminance
is acceptable
increase reflectance of room
surfaces against which
luminaires are seen
Natural light seen check the effects of sky fit blinds to windows and
through windows or brightness by shielding whitewash roof lights
roof lights too bright direct view of window ensure that the walls and
and/or roof light ceiling areas surrounding the
windows and roof lights
have a high reflectance
rearrange work to avoid
looking towards windows/
roof lights
lighting design;
type of work;
health aspects;
individual requirements;
emergency lighting.
Interior lighting
Light fitting
Mounting height
Working plane
Figure 14 Obstruction to a regular array of light fittings. The spacing of the light
fittings should be matched to the spacing of the obstruction
However, placing luminaires closer together need not apply w h e r e
there is a regularly arranged obstruction, for example in works
stores. In this case the spacing b e t w e e n fittings needs to match the
spacing of the obstruction (Figure 14) For more information see
CIBSE Lighting guide LG01. 5
Exterior lighting
planning laws;
Type of work
63 Employers need to consider the type of work that is to be
carried out when deciding on a suitable lighting design. For
example, if a task requires detailed work, local lighting may be
needed in addition to general lighting so that the work can be
carried out safely.
interior design;
working conditions.
Interior design
Working conditions
Health aspects
72 Poor lighting makes the visual system work harder and may
lead to symptoms commonly described as eyestrain. Symptoms of
eyestrain vary according to the lighting conditions and the task being
carried out. They can disappear after taking adequate rest or breaks
away from a particular activity. Symptoms include:
73 Poor lighting can also cause other, more indirect effects. The
natural response to insufficient illuminance or veiling reflections, for
example, is to get closer to the task or to look at it from a different
direction. This can mean adopting unsuitable postures that lead to
other forms of discomfort such as neck- and backache.
Individual requirements
74 It is important that employers take into account the needs of
individuals when assessing their lighting requirements. This should
improve employee comfort and well-being. For example, some
people may prefer to work with little artificial lighting or low levels
of luminance; various lamps have adjustable fittings and controls that
can accommodate these needs.
E m e r g e n c y lighting
illuminance ratios.
Only safety has been considered, because no perception of detail is needed and visual fatigue is
unlikely. However, where it is necessary to see detail to recognise a hazard or where error in
performing the task could put someone else at risk, for safety purposes as well as to avoid visual
fatigue, the figure needs to be increased to that for work requiring the perception of detail. The
CIBSE Code for lighting4 gives more information and recommendations based on scientific knowledge,
practical experience, technical feasibility and economic reality.
The purpose is to avoid visual fatigue; the illuminances will be adequate for safety purposes
The purpose is to avoid visual fatigue; the illuminances will be adequate for safety purposes
The purpose is to avoid visual fatigue; the illuminances will be adequate for safety purposes
95 The exclusion zone criterion can be applied to individual
luminaires (including local luminaires) and to regular or irregular
arrays. Glare may also arise from lamps which are installed on walls
or equipment if the exclusion principles outlined are not followed.
It cannot be applied to glare from large sources, for example where
the whole ceiling is used as a source of indirect lighting, because the
whole of its surface may be too bright. To avoid glare in such
circumstances the average illuminance on the ceiling of normal
reflectance should not exceed 2250 lx.
Line of sight
Illuminance ratios
97 The relationship between the lighting of the work area and adjacent
areas is important. Large differences in illuminance between them may
cause visual discomfort or even affect safety in places where there is
frequent movement. This problem arises most often where local or
localised lighting indoors exposes an employee to a range of illuminances
for a long time, or where the movement between interior and exterior
working areas exposes an employee to a sudden change of illuminance.
To guard against danger and discomfort, the recommendations in the
table opposite need to be followed:
Maximum ratios of illuminance for adjacent areas
An example
An interior area is lit to 500 lux. It has an adjacent, but separate area,
and there is frequent movement of people between the two. From
the recommended maximum illuminance ratios suggested on page
41, the illuminance for the adjacent area would be 50 lux (10:1
ratio). If the only activity carried out in the adjacent area is
movement, the suggested average illuminance is 20 lux. However,
this would give an illuminance ratio of 25:1 between adjacent areas
(ie 500 lux: 20 lux) which is too great as the recommended
illuminance ratio is 10:1. In this situation the maximum illuminance
ratio of 500 lux: 50 lux should be applied, the adjacent area being lit
to 50 lux, at least in the area closest to the doorway. Areas further
away can be lit to the recommended average illuminance of 20 lux.
In other words a transition zone needs to be provided between the
two adjacent areas (see Figure 19).
Appendix 1
Summary of lamp
1 The tables on pages 45-51 summarises the characteristics of lamp
types widely used for light at work. Further detailed information
should be available from lamp manufacturers. Explanations of the
column headings are as follows (the first and last are self-explanatory):
(a) Lamp prefix letters: these may be found marked on the lamp or
on its packaging and in the UK they are widely used as a means
of identification. Additional letters may be added to the end of
the construction of the specific lamp, eg F for a fluorescent
(d) Life: a lamp can be considered to have reached the end of its
life not only when it fails, but also when it flickers markedly or
when its efficiency has fallen to an uneconomic level. A range is
given for each lamp type as life will depend on the lamp rating,
the switching cycle and other operating conditions.
Tungsten A tungsten filament 8-18 1000-2000 Warm Excellent Immediate Immediate Social/commercial
heated to white light interiors such as
incandescence in a hotels and shops,
glass envelope display lighting,
emergency lighting,
hand lamps
Tungsten A tungsten filament 18-24 2000-4000 Warm Excellent Immediate Immediate Display lighting,
halogen heated to white light area floodlighting
incandescence in a
small envelope
containing halogens
High MBTF An electric discharge in 10-26 5000-8000 White light Moderate 4 10 As a replacement
pressure a high pressure for tungsten lamps
mercury mercury atmosphere when longer lamp
tungsten contained in an arc life is essential
blended tube in series with a
tungsten filament
heated to
incandescence; the
whole contained within
a glass envelope with a
fluorescent coating
Summary of lamp characteristics (continued)
Name of Lamp Construction and Luminous Life Apparent Colour Run-up Restrike Typical
lamp type prefix appearance efficacy (hours) colour rendering time time applications
letters (lm/W) (min) (min)
High MBF An electric discharge in 35-54 5000- White light Moderate 4 10 Industrial lighting,
pressure a high-pressure 10 000 road lighting
mercury* mercury atmosphere
contained in an arc
tube within a glass
envelope with a
fluorescent coating.
Needs control gear
Metal MBI An electric discharge in 66-84 5000- Depends Good 5 10 Industrial and
halide* a high-pressure 10 000 on the commercial
mercury atmosphere halogens lighting, area
with metal halide used in the floodlighting
additives in an arc tube, arc tube
sometimes contained but tends
within a glass envelope. to cold
Needs control gear white light
Summary of lamp characteristics (continued)
Name of Lamp Construction and Luminous Life Apparent Colour Run-up Restrike Typical
lamp type prefix appearance efficacy (hours) colour rendering time time applications
letters (lm/W) (min) (min)
Tubular MCF An electric discharge in 37-90 5000- Anything Anything Immediate Immediate Industrial and
fluorescent a low-pressure mercury 10 000 from warm from commercial lighting.
atmosphere contained white to moderate to Rapid development
in a glass tube cold white excellent includes compact
internally coated with a light depending on versions suitable as
fluorescent material. the properties replacements for
Needs control gear of the tungsten lamps
High- SON An electric discharge in 67-121 6000- Anything Varies from 5 1 Industrial lighting;
pressure a high-pressure sodium 12000 from poor to good area floodlighting;
sodium atmosphere in an arc slightly depending road lighting. Rapid
tube contained in an orange to on the development
outer envelope. Needs nearly pressure includes one form
control gear white light used with good colour-
Low- SOX/SLI An electric discharge in 101-175 6000- Yellow Non-existent 10 3 Road lighting and
pressure a low-pressure sodium 12000 light security lighting
sodium atmosphere in a glass
arc tube contained in a
glass envelope. Needs
control gear
This lamp type should not be used if the outer envelope is broken because considerable quantities of ultra-violet radiation will then be emitted.
Summary of light fitting characteristics
light fitting type Appearance Suitable lamp Mounting Typical light Glare control method Typical
types positions distribution application
Bare batten MCF Surface or In all directions No control or glare Offices, industrial
pendant premises
Trough reflector MCF Surface or Widespread but Glare controlled by Offices, industrial
pendant downward, some shielding premises
upward light if trough
has slots
Linear prismatic MCF Surface or Varies widely Glare controlled by Offices, industrial
pendant depending on the limiting light premises where
characteristics of the distribution lamps have to be
prismatic panels enclosed
Recessed diffuser MCF, MBF, MBI, Recessed Widespread but Glare controlled by Offices
SON downward reducing brightness of
light source
Recessed prismatic MCF, MBF, MBI, Recessed Very variable, Glare controlled by Offices
SON depending on limiting light
characteristics of distribution
prismatic panel
Recessed reflector MCF, MBF, MBI, Recessed Directional, depending Glare controlled by Offices
SON on the properties of the limiting light
reflector distribution and by
Recessed louvre MCF, MBF, MBI, Recessed Widespread but Glare controlled by Offices
SON downward shielding
Bare lamp reflector MBFR, SONR Surface or Widespread but Glare controlled by High bay industrial
pendant downward thickness of reflecting premises
layer on lamp
Bare lamp reflector MBFR, SONR Surface or Widespread but Glare controlled by High bay industrial
with anti-glare skirt pendant downward shielding premises
Summary of light fitting characteristics (continued)
Light fitting type Appearance Suitable lamp Mounting Typical light Glare control method Typical
types positions distribution application
High bay reflector MBF, MBI, SON Surface or Concentrated Glare controlled by High bay industrial
pendant downwards shielding premises
Low bay MBF, MBI, SON Surface, pendant Widespread but Glare controlled by Industrial premises
or recessed downward, depending shielding (unless a where low mounting
on whether reflectors. diffusing or prismatic heights are
prismatics, diffusers or cover is used) unavoidable
louvres are used in the
Uplighters MBF, MBI, SON Free-standing, or Widespread but Glare controlled by Offices
furniture upwards shielding
mounted, or
Downlighters Tungsten, MBF, Recessed or Concentrated Glare controlled by Office and display
Compact MCF surface downwards shielding areas
Summary of light fitting characteristics (continued)
Light fitting type Appearance Suitable lamp Mounting Typical light Glare control method Typical
types positions distribution application
Bulkheads Tungsten, MBF, Surface Widespread Little glare control but Industrial premises ,
SON, SOX, MCF brightness usually low exterior areas
Floodlighting Tungsten Varies with the shape No control of glare Industrial area
projector halogen, SON, of the reflector used within beam, shape of floodlighting, car
SOX, MBF, MBI beam controlled by parks
reflector used
Street lighting SOX, SON, MBF, Widespread but closely Moderate glare control Road lighting
lanterns MBI controlled within by limiting light
specified angles distribution
The Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 (HSWA) places a duty on
employers to ensure the health and safety of employees and others
who may be affected by their work activities.
In practice this means that lighting should not endanger the health
and safety of people at work. The HSWA also places a general duty
on lighting manufacturers and suppliers, to make sure that their
lighting is safe and does not present a risk to health and safety. This
responsibility includes providing instructions on using and
maintaining lighting.
The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999
place a duty on employers and self-employed people to assess risks
to health and safety from their undertaking. This will include risks
from lighting. The duty holder must also identify what measures are
needed to comply with health and safety requirements and make
arrangements to manage these measures effectively.
3 The radiation safety of lasers used for display purposes HSE Books ISBN
0 7176 0691 0
Safe use of work equipment. Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations
1998. Approved Code of Practice and guidance L22 1998
ISBN 0 7176 1626 6
COSHH: A brief guide to the Regulations: What you need to know about the
Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 1999 (COSHH)
INDG136(revl) (single copies free; ISBN 0 7176 2444 7 for priced
packs of 10 copies)
BS 4533:1990 Luminaires
BS 8206 Part 1:1985 Code of practice for artificial lighting; BS 8206 Part
2:1992 Code of practice for daylighting
CIBSE Lighting guide (LG03) Areas for visual display terminals 1996
ISBN 0 900 953 71 3
CIBSE Lighting guide (LG05) Lecture, teaching and conference rooms 1991
ISBN 0 900 953 47 0
Health effects from ultra-violet radiation Documents of the NRPB Vol 13,
N o l 2002 ISBN 0 85 951 475 7
Other publications
Essentials of farm lighting (Ref: 4764) Electricity Council, Farm Electric 25
Threshold limit values for chemical substances and physical agents American
Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists 1995-1996
ISBN 1882417 11 9
Recommended practice for photobiological safety for lamps and lamp systems -
General requirements ANSI/IESNA RP-27.1.96 ISBN 0-87995-139-7
Lighting for industry and security: A handbook for providers and users of
lighting Lyons, S L, Butterworth-Heinemann, London, 1992
While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the
references listed in this publication, their future availability cannot
be guaranteed.
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