WRM of Bengawan Solo River
WRM of Bengawan Solo River
WRM of Bengawan Solo River
Bengawan Solo River Basin is located on East Java and Central Java Province,
Indonesia. It is comprised of 17 Regencies and 3 Cities, which has characteristics
as the following:
1. Pola Pengelolaan SDA WS Bengawan Solo : Water Resources
Management Strategic Plan of Bengawan Solo River Basin
2. Rencana Pengelolaan Sumber Daya Air WS Bengawan Solo : Water
Resources Management Plan of Bengawan Solo River Basin
HISTORY Ujung Pangkah
Madura Strait
Since 18th Century, when Dutch Colonial Government exist in Indonesia, water resources infrastructures of
Bengawan Solo River Basin were started to be developed by composing plan on Solo Vallei Werken and
Floodway. Construction of Floodway was then executed by Government of Indonesia through Ministry of
Public Works in 2002.
Year Activities by Ducth Government in Indonesia
1880 Bengawan Solo River Creek was moved from Madura Strait to Ujung Pangkah to avoid sedimentation on Tanjung Perak Port
1916 Construction of Prijetan Dam in Lamongan Regency
1935 Construction of Pacal Dam in Bojonegoro regency
Water Resources Management
(Based on UU No. 7 / 2004 & PP No. 42 / 2008)
Stage of Implementing Water Resources Management
(Based on UU No. 7 / 2004)
Pola pengelolaan sumber daya air (Water Resources Management Strategic Plan) is a basic
framework on planning, monitoring and evaluating water resources conservation, water
resources utilization and water destructive force control activities (UU RI No. 7 Tahun 2004)
Pola Shortterm: 1 Yr
Midterm : 5 Yrs
Longterm: 20 Yrs
TA Activities (JWA):
1. Improvement of water distribution (intake, canals, gates in pilot area)
2. Effective reservoir operation manual in a pilot tributary
3. Flood mitigation and watershed conservation
4. Capacity development for implementation activities related above key areas
Risks Opportunity
Flood occur annually To construct river protection
To develop concept of living in harmony with flood
Water scarcity due to inefficiency of water To control and maintain irrigation infrastructure
distribution To develop appropriate system on water distribution
Sedimentation on dam and river To conduct dredging
To conserve land
Deforestation on upstream catchment area is To conduct conservation based on public participation
causing sedimentation on the dam and river
Land use changing To implement law enforcement on controlling land use
Issues on ADB TA-7547
Supporting Investment in Water Security in River Basin
From the beginning of this ADB TA-7547 program, BBWS Bengawan Solo, Directorate BPSDA, and
Japan Water Agency (as the implementing agency) had already disscused on the activity plan in order to
avoid overlapping with the existing goverment programs and to synchronize with the Water Resources
Management Strategic Plan of Bengawan Solo River Basin.
Check gate
Kabupaten Karanganyar
Colo Weir
Secondary canal
Irrigation Area: 21,300ha
L= 64.2km
Design capacity Q=24m3/s
Main Canal Being used from 1982
27 secondary canals 17
Stakeholder Workshops in 3 Regencies
(Sragen, Karanganyar, Sukoharjo - Central Java - Indonesia)
Participants: Water User Association (P3A, GP3A), farmers group, Gate operators, Local
governments (agriculture, water), PJT-1, BBWS, etc
Field Surveys to main canal and secondary canal
Interview with TOR Gate Operators, GP3A, and Local Gov.
Proposed priority actions for improvement
Priority actions : hard components
Rehabilitation related to water volume control of main canal and intake
to secondary canal (gates, monitoring facilities)
Countermeasures for sedimentation at critical points
Dawuhan Dam
Field Survey and interview at Madiun and Dawuhan Dam
From PUSAIR, ,in charge of dam O&M From UPT Madiun with Inspection Report 24
Identified points to be improved
Management of O&M
Operation level is low and need firmer governance
Improve practical management scheme (reporting, evaluation,
instruction, etc)
Prepare O&M manual for the Dam
Establishment of Dawuhan Dam Working Group
for manual formulation
Flood mitigation and watershed conservation
Pacal and Soko River
1) Location of Soko River in East Java
Soko River Village
Condition of upstream area
• The pilot area is located at the bottom of the valley, and surrounded
by the bare mountains because of deforestation.
• It is suspected that their mountains don't have water-holding
capacity well, and the runoff of water to the Soko River is very sharp.
And it causes serious erosion problems
Condition of upstream area
Typical view of Soko river catchment area after illegal logging in 1999-2000’s
Stakeholder workshops in Bojonegoro
Proposals from stakeholder workshop
Community empowerment (early evacuation with early
warning system (TA 7276, ICHARM)
Public involvement (e.g. supported by forest sector,
River works (repairing bank protection, etc)
Additional early warning system
River & reservoir maintenance (check dam, etc)