National Immunization Schedule

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National Immunization Schedule (NIS) for Infants, Children and Pregnant Women

Vaccine When to give Dose Route Site
For Pregnant Women
TT-1 Early in pregnancy 0.5 ml Intra-muscular Upper Arm
TT-2 4 weeks after TT-1* 0.5 ml Intra-muscular Upper Arm
TT- Booster If received 2 TT doses in a pregnancy 0.5 ml Intra-muscular Upper Arm
within the last 3 yrs*
For Infants
BCG At birth or as early as possible till one 0.1ml Intra-dermal Left Upper Arm
year of age (0.05ml until
1 month
Hepatitis B - Birth At birth or as early as possible within 0.5 ml Intra-muscular Antero-lateral
dose 24 hours side of mid-thigh
OPV-0 At birth or as early as possible within 2 drops Oral Oral
the first 15 days
OPV 1, 2 & 3 At 6 weeks, 10 weeks & 14 weeks 2 drops Oral Oral
(OPV can be given till 5 years of age)
Pentavalent At 6 weeks, 10 weeks & 14 weeks 0.5 ml Intra-muscular Antero-lateral
1, 2 & 3 (can be given till one year of age) side of mid-thigh
Pneumococcal Two primary doses at 6 weeks and 14 0.5 ml Intra-muscular Antero-lateral
Conjugate Vaccine weeks. Booster dose at 9-12 months side of mid-thigh
(PCV)# of age.
Rotavirus# At 6 weeks, 10 weeks & 14 weeks 3 Oral Oral
(can be given till one year of age)
IPV Two fractional dose at 6 and 14 0.1 ml ID Intra dermal two Intra-dermal:
weeks of age fractional dose Right upper arm
Measles/Measles- 9 completed months-12 months. 0.5 ml Sub-cutaneous Right upper Arm
Rubella 1st dose# (Measles/Measles - Rubella can be
given till 5 years of age)
JE - 1** 9 completed months-12 months. 0.5 ml Sub-cutaneous Left upper Arm

Vitamin A At 9 completed months with measles- 1 ml Oral Oral

(1st dose) Rubella ( 1 lakh IU)
For Children
DPT booster-1 16-24 months 0.5 ml Intra-muscular Antero-lateral
side of mid-thigh
Measles/Measles- 16-24 months 0.5 ml Sub-cutaneous Right upper Arm
Rubella 2nd dose#
OPV Booster 16-24 months 2 drops Oral Oral
JE-2 16-24 months 0.5 ml Sub-cutaneous Left Upper Arm
Vitamin A*** 16-18 months. Then one dose every 6 2 ml Oral Oral
(2nd to 9th dose) months up to the age of 5 years. (2 lakh IU)
DPT Booster-2 5-6 years 0.5 ml. Intra-muscular Upper Arm
TT 10 years & 16 years 0.5 ml Intra-muscular Upper Arm
 *Give TT-2 or Booster doses before 36 weeks of pregnancy. However, give these even if more than 36 weeks
havepassed. Give TT to a woman in labour, if she has not previously received TT.
 **JE Vaccine is introduced in 230 endemic districts after the campaign.
 *** The 2nd to 9th doses of Vitamin A can be administered to children 1-5 years old during biannual rounds, in
collaboration with ICDS.
 #Phased introduction, presently in select states/districts

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