Dissertation Paper Jetir
Dissertation Paper Jetir
Dissertation Paper Jetir
org (ISSN-2349-5162)
Abstract : In any of the developing countries, rural area holds a majority of the population, throughout the world. In India the
rural area consists of 68.8% of the total population [1] .The migration has increased stress on urban infrastructure. So there is a need
to develop rural areas to improve the quality of lifestyle of people as it is a common psychology nowadays that urban areas has
more quality of life than rural areas. But, since long times the government has been trying to cater this problem by introducing
various village development schemes. This paper contains basic needs and importance of village development followed by the detail
study of Saansad Aadarsh Gram Yojana, its impacts and at last factors affecting the village development were derived. Thus by
focusing only these factors, it’ll be easy for the implementation of various development schemes.
2.1 Importance
In the process of the development of the country rural development has assumed greater importance as comparison to the
earlier period in India, because it’s a country comprising of majority of population living in villages.
2.3 Objective
To find out different impacts of “Saansad Adarsh Gram Yojana”, and various critical factors and its sub-factors affecting
These factors and its sub-factors are directly related to the development strategies of any village.
Rural areas are often needed to be developed for better livelihood and technology for the overall development of the nation. Smart
Villages will not only reduce the migration towards urban area but also enable the population flow from urban to rural area as well.
The government scheme like SAGY is found to a best catalyst in achieving overall rural development. This scheme is based on the
development with community participation instead of doing by government alone, so the outcomes are better than any other schemes
in achieving overall development of the Indian villages, but some past case-studies revealed that either it took haphazard
development in selected villages or is left undeveloped to a great extent. So to avoid these two problems the Govt. has to focus only
critical factors and its sub-factors which actually plays role in development.