Ethernet Data Link - Test: Troubleshooting

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320 GC, 320, 323, 330 GC and 330 Excavator Machine Systems Troubleshooting
Media Number -M0081162-02 Publication Date -01/08/2015 Date Updated -12/09/2018


Ethernet Data Link - Test

SMCS - 7610-038-MCH

Ethernet Data Link

The following is a list of Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTCs) associated with the Ethernet data link of
the machine.

Table 1
Machine Display
DTC Code Description System Response
3901- Ethernet Data Link #2: Camera data is not received by the monitor at expected
9 Abnormal Update Rate time. Camera displays blue screen.
3901- Ethernet Data Link #2: Camera is not accepting the configuration request.
14 Special Instruction Camera displays blue screen or incorrect image.

Each Ethernet data link circuit is an input and output of select electronic control modules. The data
link is designed to carry communications between the electronic control modules. The data link
consists of internal control circuits and the connecting harness wiring.

Possible Causes for an FMI 9 Diagnostic code are:

The FMI 9 code means that the monitor has lost all communication with a camera for a period of

• Camera is not connected to the display.

• Camera is not powered or has failed. 7/14/2019
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• Display camera Ethernet channel has a short, open, or damage that effects the electrical
characteristics of the high speed data link.

Possible Causes for an FMI 14 diagnostic code are:

The FMI 14 code means the camera is communicating but does not accept the IP address or camera
setup configuration, or display is not connected to the correct camera part number.

• Camera software is not compatible with the monitor system.

• Camera has failed.

• Camera part number does not match with application.

Illustration 1 g06340169
Camera and Display Connections

The preceding diagram is a simplified schematic of the camera and display connections. The
schematic is electrically correct. However, not all the possible harness connectors are shown. Refer to
the latest revision of the Electrical Schematic to view the entire circuitry of the machine. 7/14/2019
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Diagnostic Trouble Code Procedure

Prior to beginning this procedure, inspect the harness connectors involved in this circuit. Poor
connections are often the cause of problems in an electrical circuit. Verify that all connections in the
circuit are clean, secure, and in good condition. Check the wiring for pinch points or abrasions. If a
wire issue is found with the Ethernet wiring, the wiring must be replaced not repaired. If a problem
with a connection is found, correct the problem. Verify the 3901 diagnostic code is active before
performing this troubleshooting procedure.

Note: If troubleshooting the symptom of a blue screen in place of a camera image then follow the
FMI 9 troubleshooting table below.

1. Identify the active FMI code associated with the Datalink fault.

2. Use the list below to determine which procedure to follow.

• FMI 9 Diagnostic code, proceed to Table 2.

• FMI 14 Diagnostic code, proceed to Table 3.

Table 2
FMI 9 Troubleshooting
Troubleshooting Test Steps Values Results
1. Identify Which
Component Is Having
Communication Problems
Communication OK - Component is identified.
A. Use the System
Status identifies
Communication Status screen
which Ethernet Proceed to Test Step 2.
in Cat ET to determine which
components are
component is having
having problems
problems receiving
communications from which
other component.
2. Inspect The Harness and OK - The machine harness connectors are
Harness Connections The machine harness tight and free of corrosion and the harness
connectors are tight is not damaged externally.
A. Turn the start switch and and free of corrosion
disconnect switch to the OFF and the harness is not Proceed to Test Step 3.
position. damaged externally.
NOT OK - The machine harness or
B. Inspect all harness harness connectors are in need of repair.
connections related to the
Ethernet Data Link between Repair: Replace any damaged connectors
the monitor and the problem or replace the damaged harness. Damaged
camera. Make sure that the harness must be replaced not repaired. The
connectors are clean and harness can be replaced or the Ethernet 7/14/2019
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tight. cable specifically can be replaced with a

patch cable. Refer to Service Magazine,
C. Check the connectors for M0088075, "Ethernet Patch Cables are
proper mating. Ensure that all Available for 320 GC, 320 and 323 Next
the seals are present and in Generation Hydraulic Excavators".
Proceed to Test Step 6.
D. Check the harness for
signs of damage or abrasion.

E. Check the wires at the

connector. Ensure that the
wires are secured tightly into
the connector. Pull the wires
gently to verify they are
locked by the terminal
position assurance tabs and
do not pull out of the

F. Check the exposed wires at

the connectors for nicks or
signs of abrasion.

G. Check for moisture inside

the connector.

H. Check that the data link

wiring is not kinked and
meets the bend radius
requirement of 66 mm
(2.6 inch) diameter or more.
3. Check For Short To OK - The harness circuit resistance is
Ground In the Data Link The reading is greater correct.
than 5K Ω.
A. The start switch and Proceed to Test Step 4.
disconnect switch remain in
the OFF position. NOT OK - A reading is less than 5 Ω.
The machine harness has failed.
B. Disconnect the machine
harness connectors from all Repair: There is a short between frame
electronic control modules ground and the contacts of the Ethernet
that use the suspect Ethernet Data link circuit in the machine harness.
data link. Replace the harness or replace section of
Ethernet cable requiring repair with the
C. At the ECM connector of correct patch cable. Refer to Service
concern, measure the Magazine, M0088075, "Ethernet Patch
resistance between the frame Cables are Available for 320 GC, 320 and 7/14/2019
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ground and the positive 323 Next Generation Hydraulic

terminal of the suspect Excavators"
Ethernet date link circuit.
Note: A resistance greater than 5 Ω but
D. At the ECM connector of less than 5K Ω may indicate a loose or a
concern, measure the corroded connection in the circuit. A
resistance between the frame resistance measurement greater than 5K Ω
ground and the negative indicates an open in the circuit.
terminal of the suspect
Ethernet date link circuit. Proceed to Test Step 6.
OK - The resistance measurement is
4. Check For A Short
Proceed to Test Step 5.
Between The Data Link
NOT OK - The resistance measurement is
not correct. The wires for the data link are
A. The start switch and the
shorted together.
disconnect switch remain in
the OFF position.
The reading is greater Repair: Replace the damaged harness.
than 5K Ω. Damaged harness must be replaced not
B. With the suspect Ethernet
repaired. The harness can be replaced or
datalink harness connectors
the Ethernet cable specifically can be
disconnected from all
replaced with a patch cable. Refer to
electronic control modules,
Service Magazine, M0088075, "Ethernet
measure the continuity
Patch Cables are Available for 320 GC,
between the data link wires.
320 and 323 Next Generation Hydraulic
Proceed to Test Step 6.
5. Check For A Short To OK - The harness circuit resistance is
+Battery Circuit In The The reading is greater correct.
Data Link than 5K Ω.
Proceed to Test Step 6.
A. The start switch and
disconnect switch remain in NOT OK - A reading is less than 5 Ω.
the OFF position. The machine harness has failed.

B. All related modules remain Repair: There is a short between the

disconnected from the +battery circuit and one of the Ethernet
Ethernet data link harness. Data link circuits in the machine harness.
Replace the damaged harness. Damaged
C. At the machine harness harness must be replaced not repaired. The
connector for the Machine harness can be replaced or the Ethernet
ECM, measure the resistance cable specifically can be replaced with a
between the connector contact patch cable. Refer to Service Magazine,
for the +battery and the M0088075, "Ethernet Patch Cables are
positive Ethernet connector Available for 320 GC, 320 and 323 Next
contact. Generation Hydraulic Excavators" 7/14/2019
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D. At the machine harness Note: A resistance greater than 5 Ω but

connector for the Machine less than 5K Ω indicates a loose or a
ECM, measure the resistance corroded connection in the circuit. A
between the connector contact resistance measurement greater than 5K Ω
for the +battery and the indicates an open in the circuit.
negative Ethernet connector
contact. Proceed to Test Step 6.
OK - The diagnostic code does not exist at
this time. The initial diagnostic code may
6. Check If The Diagnostic have been caused by poor electrical
Code Remains connection or short at one of the harness
connections. Resume machine operation.
A. Reconnect all harness
connectors. Return machine Proceed to Test Step 7.
to normal operating
condition. NOT OK - The diagnostic trouble code
has not been corrected. If the diagnostic
B. Turn the disconnect switch code has not been corrected after
and the start switch start performing the procedure a second time,
switch to the ON position. The diagnostic code the ECM may require replacement.
is no longer present.
C. Clear all diagnostic codes. Prior to replacing the camera, always
contact the Technical Communicator at
D. Operate the machine. your dealership for possible consultation
with Caterpillar. This consultation may
E. Stop the machine and effect repair time.
engage the safety lock lever.
Follow the steps in Troubleshooting,
F. Check if the diagnostic "ECM - Replace" if the ECM needs to be
code is active. replaced.

Proceed to Test Step 7.

7. Verify The Software Part OK - The software part number is correct.
Numbers(1) All the part numbers
are correct. STOP.
A. Verify that the following
information is correct: NOT OK - The monitor part number is
not correct.
-The part number of the flash
software for the monitor is Repair: The monitor has the incorrect
correct. software installed. Flash the correct
software. After flashing the software, wait
two minutes. Then turn the push to start
ring to the off position and the disconnect
switch to the off position. Then turn the
disconnect switch to the on position, and
the push to start ring to the on position. 7/14/2019
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Check the camera view. Refer to the

Troubleshooting, "ECM - Flash Program"
section for additional information

Consult your Caterpillar Authorized Dealer for the correct part numbers of the flash software.

Table 3
FMI 14 Troubleshooting
Troubleshooting Test
Values Results
1. Identify Which
Component Is Having
OK - Component is identified.
CAT ET identifies
A. Use the System
the components that
Communication Status in Proceed to Test Step 2.
are having problems
CAT ET to determine
which component is having
problems receiving
communications from
which other component.
OK - All the part numbers are correct

Proceed to Test Step 3.

2. Verify The Correct NOT OK - One or more of the part numbers

Monitor Software Is are not correct.
Repair: The monitor has the incorrect
A. Verify that the software installed. Flash the correct software.
following information is All the part numbers After flashing the software, wait two minutes.
correct: are correct. Then turn the push to start ring to the off
position and the disconnect switch to the off
-The part number of the position. Then turn the disconnect switch to
flash software for the the on position, and the push to start ring to
monitor is correct. the on position. Check the camera view. Refer
to the Troubleshooting, "ECM - Flash
Program" section for additional information

Proceed to Test Step 3.

3. Check If The OK - The diagnostic code does not exist at
Diagnostic Code Remains The diagnostic code this time. The initial diagnostic code may
is no longer present. have been caused by poor electrical 7/14/2019
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A. Turn the start switch and connection or short at one of the harness
the disconnect switch ON. connections. Resume machine operation.

B. Clear all diagnostic STOP.

NOT OK - The diagnostic trouble code has
C. Operate the machine. not been corrected. If the diagnostic code has
not been corrected after performing the
D. Stop the machine and procedure a second time, reconfigure the
engage the safety lock camera.
Proceed to Test Step 4.
E. Check if the diagnostic
code is active.
OK - The diagnostic code does not exist at
this time. The initial diagnostic code may
have been caused by poor electrical
connection or short at one of the harness
connections. Resume machine operation.


4. Reconfigure The NOT OK - The diagnostic trouble code has

Camera not been corrected. If the diagnostic code has
not been corrected after performing the
A. Reconfigure the camera procedure a second time, the ECM may
The diagnostic code
using the camera require replacement.
is no longer present.
configuration screen on the
monitor. Prior to replacing the ECM, always contact
the Technical Communicator at your
dealership for possible consultation with
Caterpillar. This consultation may affect
repair time.

Follow the steps in Troubleshooting, "ECM -

Replace" if the ECM needs to be replaced.

Consult your Caterpillar Authorized Dealer for the correct part numbers of the flash software.

Copyright 1993 - 2019 Caterpillar Inc. Sun Jul 14 01:34:20 UTC+0700 2019
All Rights Reserved.
Private Network For SIS Licensees. 7/14/2019

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