Siemens Power Engineering Guide

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The document provides information about Siemens Power Transmission and Distribution Group and their products, services, and contact details.

Siemens Power Transmission and Distribution Group offers intelligent solutions for transmission and distribution of power including high-voltage systems, medium-voltage systems, metering, secondary systems, power systems control and more.

It mentions that Siemens has manufacturing facilities in over 100 countries worldwide and that all plants are, or are in the process of being, certified to ISO 9000/9001 practices.

Power Engineering Guide

Transmission and Distribution

4th Edition
Power Engineering Guide
Transmission and Distribution

Your local representative:

Sales locations worldwide (EV):

Distributed by:
Siemens Aktiengesellschaft
Power Transmission and Distribution Group
International Business Development,
Dept. EV IBD

P.O. Box 3220

D-91050 Erlangen
Phone: ++ 49 - 9131-73 45 40
Fax: ++ 49-9131-73 45 42

Power Transmission and Distribution

group online:

Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition


This Power Engineering Guide is de- Siemens AG is one of the world’s Siemens Power Transmission and
vised as an aid to electrical engineers leading international electrical and Distribution Group offers intelligent so-
who are engaged in the planning and electronics companies. lutions for the transmission and distri-
specifying of electrical power genera- With 416 000 employees in more than bution of power from generating plants
tion, transmission, distribution, control, 190 countries worldwide, the company to customers. The Group is a product
and utilization systems. Care has been is divided into various Groups. supplier, systems integrator and service
taken to include the most important One of them is Power Transmission and provider, and specializes
application, performance, physical and Distribution. in the following systems and services:
shipping data of the equipment listed in ■ High-voltage systems
the guide which is needed to perform The Power Transmission and
■ Medium-voltage systems
preliminary layout and engineering Distribution Group of Siemens with
tasks for industrial and utility-type 24 700 employees around the world ■ Metering
installations. plans, develops, designs, manufactures ■ Secondary systems
and markets products, systems and
The equipment listed in this guide is ■ Power systems control and
complete turn-key electrical infrastruc-
designed, rated, manufactured and energy management
ture installations.
tested in accordance with the Interna- ■ Power transformers
tional Electrotechnical Commission The group owns a growing number
of engineering and manufacturing ■ Distribution transformers
(IEC) recommendations.
However, a number of standardized facilities in more than 100 countries ■ System planning
equipment items in this guide are de- throughout the world. All plants are, ■ Decentralized power supply systems.
signed to take other national standards or are in the process of being certified
Siemens’ service includes the setting
into account besides the above codes, to ISO 9000/9001 practices. This is of
up of complete turnkey installations,
and can be rated and tested to ANSI/ significant benefit for our customers.
offers advice, planning, operation and
NEMA, BS, CSA, etc. On top of that, we Our local manufacturing capability
training and provides expertise and
manufacture a comprehensive range of makes us strong in global sourcing,
commitment as the complexity of this
transmission and distribution equipment since we manufacture products to IEC
task requires.
specifically to ANSI/NEMA codes and as well as ANSI/NEMA standards in
regulations. plants at various locations around the Backed by the experience of worldwide
world. projects, Siemens can always offer its
Two thirds of our product range is customers the optimum cost-effective
less than five years old. For our cus- Siemens Power Transmission and
concept individually tailored to their
tomers this means energy efficiency, Distribution Group (EV) is capable of
environmental compatibility, reliability providing everything you would expect
and reduced life cycle cost. from an electrical engineering company We are there – wherever and when-
with a global reach. ever you need us – to help you build
For details, please see the individual plants better, cheaper and faster.
product listings or inquire. The Power Transmission and Distribu-
tion Group is prepared and competent,
Whenever you need additional infor-
to perform all tasks and activities in-
mation to select suitable products from
volving transmission and distribution
this guide, or when questions about
of electrical energy.
their application arise, simply call your
local Siemens office.

Sales locations worldwide: Dr. Hans-Jürgen Schloß
salesloc.htm Vice President

Siemens Aktiengesellschaft
Power Transmission and Distribution

Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition

Quality and Environmental Policy

Quality and Environmental –

Our first priority
Transmission and distribution equipment
from Siemens means worldwide activities
in engineering, design, development, man-
ufacturing and service.
The Power Transmission and Distribution
Group of Siemens AG, with all of its divi-
sions and relevant locations, has been
awarded and maintains certification to
DIN EN ISO 9001 and DIN EN ISO 14001.

Certified quality
Siemens Quality Management and Environ-
mental Management System gives our
customers confidence in the quality of
Siemens products and services.
Certified to be in compliance with
DIN EN ISO 9001 and DIN EN ISO 1400,
it is the registered proof of our reliabilty.

Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition


General Introduction
Energy Needs Intelligent Solutions

Power Transmission Systems 1

High Voltage 2

Medium Voltage 3

Low Voltage 4

Transformers 5

Protection and Substation Control 6

Power Systems Control and Energy Management 7

Metering 8

Services 9

System Planning 10

Conversion Factors and Tables

Contacts and Internet Addresses
Conditions of Sales and Delivery

Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition

General Introduction

Energy management systems are also im-

portant, to ensure safe and reliable opera- Main substation with transformers up to 63 MVA
tion of the transmission network.

Distribution HV switchgear MV switchgear

In order to feed local medium-voltage dis-
tribution systems of urban, industrial or ru-
ral distribution areas, HV/MV main substa-
tions are connected to the subtransmission
systems. Main substations have to be lo-
cated next to the MV load center for rea-
sons of economy. Thus, the subtransmis-
sion systems of voltage levels up to 145 kV Local medium-voltage distribution system
have to penetrate even further into the
populated load centers.
The far-reaching power distribution system
in the load center areas is tailored exclusive-
ly to the needs of users with large numbers
of appliances, lamps, motor drives, heating,
chemical processes, etc. Most of these
are connected to the low-voltage level. Ring type Feeder cable Spot system
The structure of the low-voltage distribu-
tion system is determined by load and re- Public supply Connection of Industrial supply
liability requirements of the consumers, as large consumer and large buildings
well as by nature and dimensions of the
area to be served. Different consumer char-
acteristics in public, industrial and commer- Medium voltage substations
cial supply will need different LV network
configurations and adequate switchgear MV/LV substation Circuit-
and transformer layout. Especially for indus- looped in MV cable breaker
trial supply systems with their high number by load-break switch- Load-
of motors and high costs for supply inter- gear in different break
ruptions, LV switchgear design is of great combinations for switch
individual substation
importance for flexible and reliable opera- design, transformers Consumer-connection substation looped
tion. up to 1000 kVA in or connected to feeder cable with circuit-
Independent from individual supply charac- breaker and load-break switches for connec-
teristics in order to avoid uneconomical LV fuses tion of spot system in different layout
high losses, however, the substations with
the MV/LV transformers should be located
as close as possible to the LV load centers. MV/LV
The compact load center substations should transformer
be installed right in the industrial produc- level
tion area near to the LV consumers.
The superposed medium-voltage system
has to be configured to the needs of these Low-voltage supply system
substations and the available sources (main
substation, generation) and leads again to Public supply Large buildings with Industrial supply with
different solutions for urban or rural public with pillars and distributed transformers distributed transformers
supply, industry and large building centers. house connections vertical LV risers and with subdistribution board
internal installation internal installation per floor and motor control center
In addition distribution management sys-
tems can be tailored to the needs, from
small to large systems and for specific re-
quirements. Consumers

Fig. 2: Distribution: Principle configuration of distribution systems

Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition

General Introduction

Despite the individual layout of networks,

common philosophy should be an utmost Power system substation
simple and clear network design to obtain
■ flexible system operation Power system switchgear
■ clear protection coordination
■ short fault clearing time and Bay protection Bay switching
■ efficient system automation. interlocking
– Overcurrent
The wide range of power requirements for – Distance
individual consumers from a few kW to – Differential etc. Control
some MW, together with the high number Other Other
of similar network elements, are the main bays Bay coordination level bays
characteristics of the distribution system
and the reason for the comparatively high
specific costs. Therefore, utmost standard-
ization of equipment and use of mainte- Substation coordination level
nance-free components are of decisive im- BB and BF (busbar
portance for economical system layout. and breaker failure) Substation control Data processing
Siemens components and systems cater protection
to these requirements based on worldwide
experience in transmission and distribution Switchgear Automation
Data and signal
networks. interlocking input/output Metering

Protection, operation, control

and metering
Safe, reliable and economical energy supply Power network telecommunication systems
is also a matter of fast, efficient and reliable Other Other
system protection, data transmission and sub- sub-
processing for system operation. The com- stations stations
ponents required for protection and opera- Power line carrier Fiber-optic
tion benefit from the rapid development of communication communication
information and communication technology.
Modern digital relays provide extensive
possibilities for selective relay setting and
protection coordination for fast fault clear-
ing and minimized interruption times. Re-
mote Terminal Units (RTUs) or Substation System coordination level
Automation Systems (SAS) provide the data
for the centralized monitoring and control
of the power plants and substations by the SCADA functions Distribution Network analysis
energy management system. functions
Siemens energy management systems
ensure a high supply quality, minimize gen-
eration and transmission costs and opti- Power and Grafical Training simulator
mally manage the energy transactions. scheduling information
Modularity and open architecture offer the applications systems
flexibility needed to cope with changed or
new requirements originating e.g. from de-
regulation or changes in the supply area
size. The broad range of applications in-
cludes generation control and scheduling,
management of transmission and distribu- Control room equipment
tion networks, as well as energy trading.
Metering devices and systems are impor-
tant tools for efficiency and economy to
survive in the deregulated market. For ex-
ample, Demand Side Management (DSM)
allows an electricity supply utility from a
control center to remotely control certain
consumers on the supply network for load
control purposes. Energy meters are used
for measuring the consumption of electricity,
gas, heat and water for purposes of billing
in the fields of households, commerce,
Fig. 3: System Automation:
industry and grid metering. Principle configuration of protection, control and communication systems

Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition

General Introduction

Overall solutions – System planning

Of crucial importance for the quality of
power transmission and distribution is the
integration of diverse components to form
overall solutions. Generation
Especially in countries where the increase Transmission
in power consumption is well above the
average besides the installation of gener- Distribution
ating capacity, construction and extension
of transmission and distribution systems Consumers
must be developed simultaneously and
together with equipment for protection,
supervision, control and metering. Also, for
the existing systems, changing load struc-
tures, changing requirements due to energy
market deregulation and liberalization and/
or environmental regulations, together with
the need for replacement of aged equip-
ment will require new installations.
Integral power network solutions are far
more than just a combination of products Applications
and components. Peculiarities in urban de-
velopment, protection of the countryside
and of the environment, and the suitability
for expansion and harmonious integration Light Power Heat
in existing networks are just a few of the
factors which future-oriented power sys-
tem planning must take into account.
Monitoring, Control, Automation
The electrical energy supply (generation,
transmission and distribution) is like a pyra-
mid based on the number of components
and their widespread use. This pyramid Fig. 4: Industrial applications
rests on a foundation formed by local expan-
sion of the distribution networks and pow-
er demand in the overall system, which is
determined solely by the consumers and
their use of light, power and heat. These
basic applications arise in many variations
and different intensities throughout the en-
tire private, commercial and industrial sec-
tor (Fig. 4).
Reliability, safety and quality (i.e. voltage
and frequency stability) of the energy sup-
ply are therefore absolute essentials and
must be assured by the distribution net-
works and transmission systems.

Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition

Energy Needs Intelligent Solutions

The changing state of the world’s ener-

gy markets and the need to conserve re-
sources is promoting more intelligent
solutions to the distribution of man’s
silent servant, electricity. Change is gen-
erally wrought by necessity, often driven
by a variety of factors, not least social,
political, economic, environmental and
technological considerations. Currently
the world’s energy supply industries –
principally gas and electricity – are in
the process of undergoing radical and
crucial change that is driven by a mix-
ture of all these considerations. The col-
lective name given to the factors affect-
ing the electricity supply industry
worldwide is deregulation.
This is the changing operating scenario the
electricity supply industry as a whole faces
as it moves inexorably into the 21st century.
How can it rise to the challenge of liberal-
ized markets and the opportunities presented
by deregulation? One of the answers is the
better use of information technology and
“intelligent” control to affect the necessary
changes born of deregulation. However, to Fig. 5: Superconducting current limiter: lightning fast response
achieve this utilities need to be very sure
of the technical and commercial compe-
tence of their systems suppliers. Failure
could prove to be very costly not just in fi- ogies is to be found in decentralized energy is a crucial factor in the economic and so-
nancial terms, but also for a utility’s reputa- supply concepts and in meeting the needs cial development of a particular country. In
tion with its consumers in what is becom- of urban conurbations. Siemens is no longer the industrialized countries the concept of
ing increasingly a buyer’s market. Forming just a manufacturer of systems and equip- the “decentralized power supply” is also
and maintaining close partnerships with ment, it is now much more. Overall con- gaining ground, largely because of environ-
long-established systems suppliers such as cepts are becoming ever more important. mental concern. This has had its conse-
Siemens is the best way of ensuring suc- quences for the generation of electricity:
cess with deregulation into the millennium. All change! wind power is experiencing a renaissance,
Siemens can look back on over 100 years Power distribution technology has not more development work is being carried
of working in close co-operation with power changed significantly over the past forty out into photovoltaic devices and combined
utilities throughout the world. This accumu- years… indeed, the “rules of the game” heat and power cogeneration plants are
lated experience allows the company’s have remained the same for a much longer growing in popularity in many areas for
Power Transmission and Distribution Group period of time. both ecological and economic reasons.
to address not just technical issues, but These developments are resulting in some
also better appreciate many of the opera- A new challenge entirely new energy network structures.
tional and commercial aspects of electricity
Recently decentralized power supply sys- Additional tasks...
distribution. Experience gained over the past
tems have cornered a growing share of the
decade with the many-and-varied aspects of The scope and purpose of tomorrow’s dis-
market for a number of reasons. In devel-
deregulation puts the Group in an almost tribution systems will no longer be to sim-
oping and industrializing countries, it has
unique position to advise utilities as to the ply “supply electricity”. In future they will
become clear that the energy policies and
best solutions for taking full advantage of be required to “harvest” power and redis-
systems solutions adopted by nations with
the opportunities offered by deregulation. tribute it more economically and take into
well-established energy infrastructures are
not always appropriate. Frequently it is account, among other considerations, envi-
Innovation the issue of change more prudent to start with small decentral- ronmental needs. In the past it was no easy
Although today’s technology obviously ized power networks and to expand later in task to supply precisely the right amount of
plays a very important role in the company’s a progressive way as demand and eco- electricity according to demand because, as
current business, innovation has always nomics permit. Much benefit can also be is well-known, electricity cannot be readily
been at the vanguard of its activities; gained if generation makes use of natural stored and the loads were continually chang-
indeed it is the common thread that has or indigenous resources such as the sun, ing. Demand scheduling was very much
run through the company since its incep- water, wind or biomass. Countries that based on statistical forecasting – not an ex-
tion 150 years ago. In future power dis- struggle with population growth and migra- act science and one that cannot by its very
tribution technology, computer software, tion to the towns and cities clearly need to nature take into account realtime variations.
power electronics and superconductivity pay close attention to protecting their bal- Demand scheduling problems can become
will play increasingly prominent roles in in- ance of payments. In such cases, the expan- particularly acute when power stations of
novative solutions. Scope for new technol- sion of power supplies into the countryside limited generating capacity are on line.

Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition

Energy Needs Intelligent Solutions

Nowadays these and similar problems are

not insoluble because of decentralized
power supplies and the use of “intelligent”
control. The Power Transmission and Dis-
tribution Group has developed concepts for
the economic resolution of peak energy de-
mand. One is to use energy stores. Batteries
are an obvious choice, for these can be
equipped with power electronics to en-
hance energy quality as well as storing

Intelligent energy management…

One of the options for matching the amount
of electricity available to the amount being
demanded is, even today, the rarely used
technique of load control. Energy saving
can mean much more than just consuming
as few kilowatt-hours as possible. It can
also mean achieving the flexibility of demand
that can make a valuable contribution to a
country’s economy. Naturally, in places such
as hospitals, textile factories and electronic
chip fabrication plants it is extremely impor-
tant for the power supply not to fail – not
even for a second. In other areas of elec-
tricity consumption, however, there is much
more room for manoeuvre. Controlled in-
Fig. 6: Silicon carbide
terruptions of a few minutes, and even a
few hours, can often be tolerated without
causing very much difficulty to those in-
volved. There are other applications where
the time constant or resilience is high, e.g.
cold stores and air-conditioning plants, where
energy can be stored for periods of up to
several hours. Through the application of
“intelligent” control and with suitable finan-
cial encouragement (usually in the form of
flexible tariff rates) there is no doubt that
very much more could be made of load

Improving energy quality…

Power electronics systems, for example
SIPCON, can help improve energy quality –
an increasingly important factor in deregu-
lated energy markets. Energy has now be-
come a product. It has its price and a de-
fined quality. Consumers want a definite Fig. 7: GIL
quality of energy, but they also produce
reaction effects on the system that are
detrimental to quality (e.g. harmonics or Alternatives… resistance from people living nearby, it
reactive power). It should be appreciated, however, that de- would be possible to use gas-insulated lines
Energy quality first has to be measured and centralized power supplies are not a pana- (GIL), an economical alternative investigated
documented, for example with the SIMEAS® cea. For those places where energy density by Siemens.
family of quality recorders. These measure- requirements are high, large power stations The development aim of reducing costs has
ments are important for price setting, and are still the answer, and especially when meanwhile been attained here, and cost-
can serve as the basis for remedial action, they can supply district heating. Theoreti- effective applications involving distances of
such as with active or passive filters. Power cally, it should still be possible to employ serveral kilometres are therefore possible.
electronics development has opened up conventional technology to transport very The system costs for the gas-insulated trans-
many new possibilities here, although con- large amounts of electricity to the megaci- mission lines (GIL) developed by Siemens
siderable progress may still be made in ties of the 21st Century. Even if the use of exceed those of overhead lines only by
this area – a breakthrough in silicon carbide overhead power lines was not an option, about a factor of 10.
technology, for example. due to say there being insufficient space or

Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition

Energy Needs Intelligent Solutions

Energy management via satellite

Long-distance DC transmission

Wind energy
Power plants
Solar energy Converter station Pumping station

Biomass power plant Irrigation system

Switching station Fuel cells

Energy store

GIL Distribution station Cooling station (liquid nitrogen)

Fig. 8: The mega-cities of the 21st century and the open countryside will need different solutions – very high values of connection density in the former and decentralised
configurations in the latter

This has been achieved by laying the tubu- ers are demanding a more reasonable re- nies and independent operating utilities will
lar conductor using methods similar to those turn on their investment. Deregulation gen- no longer confine their activities to just en-
employed with pipelines. Savings were erally means privatization; profit orientation ergy production; they will be expected to
also made by simplifying and standardizing is therefore clearly going to take over from become increasingly involved in energy dis-
the individual components and by using a concern with cost. In addition this means tribution too.
gas mixture consisting of sulfur hexafluo- that competition will inevitably produce
ride (SF6) and nitrogen (N2). some concessions in the price of electrici- Potential for the future
The advantages of this new technology ty, which will increase the pressure on en- The ongoing development of high-temper-
are low resistive and capacitive losses. The ergy suppliers. Many power supply compa- ature superconductors will doubtless ena-
electric field outside of the enclosure is zero, nies are striving to introduce additional ble much to be achieved. Major operational
and the magnetic field is negligibly small. energy services, thereby making the pure innovations will, nonetheless, come from
No cooling and no phase angle compensa- price of energy not the only yardstick their the more pervasive use of communications
tion are required. GILs are not a fire hazard customers apply when deciding how to and data systems – two areas of technolo-
and are simple to repair. make their purchases. gy where innovations can be seen every
18 months. Consequently, it will be from
Energy trade these areas that the enabling impetus for
The new “rules of the game” that are being Siemens – the energy systems house significant advances in power engineering
introduced in power supply business eve- Siemens is offering solutions to the prob- will come.
rywhere are demanding more capability lems that are governed by the new “rules
from utility IT systems, especially in areas of the game”. The company possesses con-
such as energy trading. Siemens has been siderable expertise, mainly because it is a
in the fortunate position of being able to global player, but also because it covers the
accumulate early practical experience in total spectrum of products necessary for the
this field in markets where deregulation is efficient transmission and distribution of
being introduced very quickly – such as the electricity. As with other Groups within the
United Kingdom, Scandinavia and the USA company, Power Transmission and Distribu-
– and so is now able to offer sophisticated tion no longer regards itself as simply a pur-
systems and expertise with which utilities veyor of hardware. In future Siemens will
can get to grips with the demands of the be more of a provider of services and total
new commercial environment. solutions. This will mean embracing many
In the past it was always security of supply new disciplines and skills, not least finan-
that took the highest priority for a utility. cial control and complete project manage-
Now, however, although it remains an im- ment. One of the reasons is that in future
portant subject, more and more sharehold- “BOT” (Build, Operate & Transfer) compa-

Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition

High Voltage

Contents Page
Introduction ...................................... 2/2
Outdoor Substations ....................... 2/4
General ............................................. 2/10
72 kV up to 245 kV .......................... 2/12
245 kV up to 800 kV ........................ 2/14
Live-Tank Circuit-Breakers .......... 2/16
Dead-Tank Circuit-Breakers ........ 2/20
Surge Arresters .............................. 2/24
Gas-Insulated Switchgear
for Substations
Introduction ..................................... 2/28
Main Product Range ..................... 2/29
Special Arrangements .................. 2/33
Specification Guide ....................... 2/34
Scope of Supply ............................. 2/37
Transmission Lines (GIL) .............. 2/38
Overhead Power Lines ................. 2/40
High-Voltage Direct
Current Transmission .................... 2/49
Power Compensation in
Transmission Systems .................. 2/52

High-Voltage Switchgear for Substations

High-voltage substations form an important
link in the power transmission chain be-
tween generation source and consumer.
Two basic designs are possible:

Air-insulated outdoor switchgear
of open design (AIS)
AIS are favorably priced high-voltage sub-
stations for rated voltages up to 800 kV
3 which are popular wherever space restric-
tions and environmental circumstances do
not have to be considered. The individual
electrical and mechanical components of
an AIS installation are assembled on site.
Air-insulated outdoor substations of open
4 design are not completely safe to touch
and are directly exposed to the effects of
weather and the environment (Fig. 1). Fig. 1: Outdoor switchgear

Gas-insulated indoor or outdoor

5 switchgear (GIS)
GIS compact dimensions and design make
it possible to install substations up to
550 kV right in the middle of load centers
of urban or industrial areas. Each circuit-
6 breaker bay is factory assembled and
includes the full complement of isolator
switches, grounding switches (regular
or make-proof), instrument transformers,
control and protection equipment, inter-
locking and monitoring facilities commonly
7 used for this type of installation. The
earthed metal enclosures of GIS assure
not only insensitivity to contamination but
also safety from electric shock (Fig. 2).

8 Gas-insulated transmission lines (GIL)

A special application of gas-insulated
equipment are gas-insulated transmission
lines (GIL). They are used where high-volt-
age overhead lines are not suitable for any
9 reason. GIL have a high power transmis-
sion capability, even when laid under-
ground, low resistive and capacitive losses
and low electromagnetic fields.


Fig. 2: GIS substations in metropolitan areas

2/2 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
High-Voltage Switchgear for Substations

Turnkey Installations
High-voltage switchgear is normally com-
bined with transformers and other equip- 1
ment to complete transformer substations
in order to Major com- Structural
■ Step-up from generator voltage level ponents, Steelwork
to high-voltage system (MV/HV) e.g. trans- Gantries and
■ Transform voltage levels within the former substructures 2
high-voltage grid system(HV/HV) Substation
■ Step-down to medium-voltage level Control Civil
of distribution system (HV/MV) Control and Engineering
The High Voltage Division plans and con- monitoring, Buildings,
structs individual high-voltage switchgear measurement, roads, 3
installations or complete transformer sub- protection, etc. foundations
stations, comprising high-voltage switch- Fire
gear, medium-voltage switchgear, major AC/DC es protection
components such as transformers, and auxililia Env
all ancillary equipment such as auxiliaries,
rge s Ancillary pro menta 4
control systems, protective equipment, Su erter equipment
tion l
etc., on a turnkey basis or even as general div g Li
in gh

contractor. rth e m tn

Carrier- ent


l and
E st g
The spectrum of installations supplied equipm


n ti

ranges from basic substations with single

signal c

frequ. 5

busbar to regional transformer substations

with multiple busbars or 1 1/2 circuit-break-

er arrangement for rated voltages up to
800 kV, rated currents up to 8000 A and
short-circuit currents up to 100 kA, all over
the world.
The services offered range from system Fig. 3: Engineering of high-voltage switchgear
planning to commissioning and after-sales
service, including training of customer per- always fully informed of the state of the Know how, experience and worldwide
sonnel. art, even before a new standard or specifi- presence
The process of handling such an installa- cation is published.
tion starts with preparation of a quotation,
A worldwide network of liaison and sales 7
offices, along with the specialist depart-
and proceeds through clarification of the
Quality/Environmental Management ments in Germany, support and advise our
order, design, manufacture, supply and
customers in all matters of switchgear
cost-accounting until the project is finally Our own high-performance, internationally
billed. Processing such an order hinges on accredited test laboratories and a certified
methodical data processing that in turn QM system testify to the quality of our Siemens has for many years been a lead- 8
contributes to systematic project handling. products and services. ing supplier of high-voltage equipment,
regardless of whether AIS, GIS or GIL has
All these high-voltage installations have Milestones:
been concerned. For example, outdoor
in common their high-standard of engi- ■ 1983: Introduction of a quality system substations of longitudinal in-line design
neering, which covers power systems, on the basis of Canadian standard are still known in many countries under
steel structures, civil engineering, fire pre-
cautions, environmental protection and
CSA Z 299 Level 1 the Siemens registered tradename “Kiel- 9
■ 1989: Certification of the SWH quality linie”. Back in 1968, Siemens supplied the
control systems (Fig. 3).
system in accordance with world’s first GIS substation using SF6 as
Every aspect of technology and each work DIN EN ISO 9001 by the German insulating and quenching medium. Gas-in-
stage is handled by experienced engineers. Association for Certification of sulated transmission lines have featured
With the aid of high-performance computer Quality Systems (DQS) in the range of products since 1976.
programs, e.g. the finite element meth- ■ 1992: Repetition audit and extension 10
od (FEM), installations can be reliably de- of the quality system to the complete
signed even for extreme stresses, such EV H Division
as those encountered in earthquake zones. ■ 1992: Accreditation of the test labora-
All planning documentation is produced on tories in accordance with DIN EN 45001
modern CAD systems; data exchange with by the German Accreditation Body for
other CAD systems is possible via stand- Technology (DATech)
ardized interfaces. ■ 1994: Certification of the environmental-
By virtue of their active involvement in systems in accordance with
national and international associations and DIN EN ISO 14001 by the DQS
standardization bodies, our engineers are ■ 1995: Mutual QEM Certificate

Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 2/3
Design of Air-Insulated Outdoor Substations

Standards Stresses Variables affecting switchgear

■ Electrical stresses, e.g. rated current,
1 short-circuit current, adequate creepage
Air-insulated outdoor substations of open distances and clearances
design must not be touched. Therefore,
■ Mechanical stresses (normal stressing), Switchgear design is significantly influ-
air-insulated switchgear (AIS) is always set
e.g. weight, static and dynamic loads, enced by:
up in the form of a fenced-in electrical op-
ice, wind ■ Minimum clearances (depending on
erating area, to which only authorized per-
2 sons have access. ■ Mechanical stresses (exceptional rated voltages) between various active
stresses), e.g. weight and constant parts and between active parts and
Relevant IEC 60060 specifications apply to loads in simultaneous combination with earth
outdoor switchgear equipment. Insulation maximum switching forces or short-
coordination, including minimum phase- ■ Arrangement of conductors
circuit forces, etc.
to-phase and phase-to-ground clearances, ■ Rated and short-circuit currents
■ Special stresses, e.g. caused by instal-
3 is effected in accordance with IEC 60071.
lation altitudes of more than 1000 m
■ Clarity for operating staff
Outdoor switchgear is directly exposed to ■ Availability during maintenance work,
above sea level, or earthquakes
the effects of the environment such as the redundancy
weather. Therefore it has to be designed ■ Availability of land and topography
based on not only electrical but also envi- ■ Type and arrangement of the busbar
ronmental specifications. disconnectors
Currently there is no international standard The design of a substation determines its
covering the setup of air-insulated outdoor accessibility, availability and clarity. The
substations of open design. Siemens de- design must therefore be coordinated in
signs AIS in accordance with DIN/VDE close cooperation with the customer. The
standards, in line with national standards following basic principles apply:
5 or customer specifications. Accessibility and availability increase with
The German standard DIN VDE 0101 (erec- the number of busbars. At the same time,
tion of power installations with rated volt- however, clarity decreases. Installations
ages above 1 kV) demonstrates typically involving single busbars require minimum
the protective measures and stresses that investment, but they offer only limited flex-
6 have to be taken into consideration for air- ibility for operation management and main-
insulated switchgear. tenance. Designs involving 1 1/2 and 2 cir-
cuit-breaker arrangements assure a high
redundancy, but they also entail the high-
Protective measures est costs. Systems with auxiliary or bypass
Protective measures against direct contact, busbars have proved to be economical.
7 i. e. protection in the form of covering, The circuit-breaker of the coupling feeder
obstruction or clearance and appropriately for the auxiliary bus allows uninterrupted
positioned protective devices and mini- replacement of each feeder circuit-breaker.
ker mum heights. For busbars and feeder lines, mostly wire
Protective measures against indirect touch- conductors and aluminum are used. Multi-
8 ing by means of relevant grounding meas- ple conductors are required where currents
ures in accordance with DIN VDE 0141. are high. Owing to the additional short-
Protective measures during work on circuit forces between the subconductors
equipment, i.e. during installation must (pinch effect), however, multiple conduc-
be planned such that the specifications tors cause higher mechanical stressing at
of DIN EN 50110 (VDE 0105) (e.g. 5 safety the tension points. When wire conductors,
9 rules) are complied with particularly multiple conductors, are used
higher short-circuit currents cause a rise
■ Protective measures during operation, not only in the aforementioned pinch ef-
e.g. use of switchgear interlock equip- fect but in further force maxima in the
ment event of swinging and dropping of the con-
■ Protective measures against voltage ductor bundle (cable pull). This in turn re-
10 surges and lightning strike sults in higher mechanical stresses on the
■ Protective measures against fire, water switchgear components. These effects can
and, if applicable, noise insulation. be calculated in an FEM (Finite Element
Method) simulation (Fig. 4).

2/4 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
Design of Air-Insulated Outdoor Substations

When rated and short-circuit currents are Preferred designs

high, aluminum tubes are increasingly used
to replace wire conductors for busbars 1
and feeder lines. They can handle rated The multitude of conceivable designs in-
currents up to 8000 A and short-circuit clude certain preferred versions, which are
currents up to 80 kA without difficulty. dependent on the type and arrangement of
Not only the availability of land, but also the busbar disconnectors:
the lie of the land, the accessibility and lo- 2
cation of incoming and outgoing overhead H arrangement
lines together with the number of trans- The H arrangement (Fig. 5) is preferrably
formers and voltage levels considerably used in applications for feeding industrial
influence the switchgear design as well. consumers. Two overhead lines are con-
A one or two-line arrangement, and possi- nected with two transformers and inter-
bly a U arrangement, may be the proper linked by a single-bus coupler. Thus each 3
solution. Each outdoor switchgear installa- feeder of the switchgear can be main-
tion, especially for step-up substations in tained without disturbance of the other
connection with power stations and large feeders. This arrangement assures a high
transformer substations in the extra-high- availability.
voltage transmission system, is therefore
unique, depending on the local conditions. 4
HV/MV transformer substations of the dis- Special layouts for single busbars up to
tribution system, with repeatedly used 145 kV with withdrawable circuit-break-
equipment and a scheme of one incoming er and modular switchbay arrangement
and one outgoing line as well as two trans- Further to the H arrangement that is built
formers together with medium-voltage in many variants, there are also designs 5
switchgear and auxiliary equipment, are with withdrawable circuit-breakers and
more subject to a standardized design modular switchbays for this voltage range.
from the individual power supply compa-
nies. For detailed information see the following
– Q8 – Q8
Vertical displacement in m

–0.8 – Q0 – Q0

–1.0 M – Q1 – Q1 M

– T5 – T5
–1.2 8
– T1 – T1
– T1 – T1
– Q1 M – Q10 – Q11 M – Q1
– Q0 – Q0
–2.0 displacement in m
– F1 – F1
–1.4 –1.0 –0.6 –0.2 0 0.2 0.6 1.0 1.4 10
= T1 = T1

Fig. 4: FEM calculation of deflection of wire conductors in the event of short circuit Fig. 5: Module plan view

Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 2/5
Design of Air-Insulated Outdoor Substations

Withdrawable circuit-breaker without disconnectors). The isolating dis- tance. An electromechanical motive unit
tance is reached with the moving of the ensures the uninterrupted constant moving
1 circuit-breaker along the rails, similar to the motion to both end positions. The circuit-
For 123/145 kV substations with single well-known withdrawable-unit design tech- breaker can only be operated if one of the
busbar system a suitable alternative is the nique of medium-voltage switchgear. In end positions has been reached. Move-
withdrawable circuit-breaker. In this kind of disconnected position busbar, circuit-break- ment with switched-on circuit-breaker is
switchgear busbar- and outgoing discon- er and outgoing circuit are separated from impossible. Incorrect movement, which
nector become inapplicable (switchgear each other by a good visible isolating dis- would be equivalent to operating a discon-
2 nector under load, is interlocked. In the
6300 event of possible malfunction of the posi-
2500 2500
tion switch, or of interruptions to travel
between disconnected position and operat-
ing position, the operation of the circuit-
3 breaker is stopped.
7600 The space required for the switchgear is
2247 reduced considerably. Due to the arrange-
ment of the instrument transformers on
-Q11 -T1/ 1050
-Q12 -Q9 -T5 -Q0 the common steel frame a reduction in the
-Q11-Q12 =T1 -F1 -Q0 -T1 required space up to about 45% in compar-
4 2530 3000 2530 3100 625 7000 625 3100 ison to the conventional switchgear sec-
7000 6400 7000 2500 4500 14450 tion is achieved.
A common steel frame forms the base for
all components necessary for reliable oper-
5 ation. The withdrawable circuit-breaker
■ Circuit-breaker type 3AP1F
■ Electromechanical motive unit
■ Measuring transformer for protection
6 and measuring purposes
■ Local control cubicle
All systems are preassembled as far as
possible. Therefore the withdrawable CB
can be installed quite easily and efficiently
7 on site.
The advantages at a glance
■ Complete system and therefore lower
Fig. 6a: H arrangement with withdrawable circuit-breaker, plan view and sections costs for coordination and adaptation.
■ A reduction in required space by about
8 45% compared with conventional
■ Clear wiring and cabling arrangement
■ Clear circuit state
■ Use as an indoor switchbay is also pos-
9 sible.

Technical data

10 Nominal voltage [kV] 123 kV (145 kV)

Nominal current [A] 1250 A (2000 A)
Nominal short [kA] 31.5 kA, 1s,
time current (40 kA, 3s)
Auxiliary supply/ 230/400 V AC
motive unit [V]
Control voltage [V] 220 V DC

Fig. 6b: H arrangement with withdrawable circuit-breaker, ISO view Fig. 7: Technical data

2/6 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
Design of Air-Insulated Outdoor Substations

Modular switchbay Description The advantages at a glance

General A common steel frame forms the base for ■ Complete system and therefore lower
As an alternative to conventional substa-
all components necessary for a reliable op- costs for coordination and adaptation. 1
eration. The modul contains: ■ Thanks to the integrated control cubicle,
tions an air-insulated modular switchbay
can often be used for common layouts. ■ Circuit-breaker type 3AP1F upgrading of the control room is
In this case the functions of several HV ■ Motor-operated disconnecting device scarecely necessary.
devices are combined with each other. ■ Current transformer for protection and ■ A modular switchbay can be inserted
This makes it possible to offer a standard- measuring purposes very quickly in case of total breakdown 2
ized module. ■ Local control cubicle
or for temporary use during reconstruc-
Appropriate conventional air-insulated tion.
All systems are preassembled as far as
switchbays consist of separately mounted ■ A reduction in required space by about
possible. Therefore the module can be in-
HV devices (for example circuit-breaker, stalled quite easily and efficiently on site. 50% compared with conventional
disconnector, earthing switches, transform- switchbays is achieved by virtue of the
ers), which are connected to each other by compact and tested design of the mod- 3
conductors/tubes. Every device needs its ule (Fig. 8).
own foundations, steel structures, earthing ■ The application as an indoor switchbay is
connections, primary and secondary termi- possible.
nals (secondary cable routes etc.).
Technical data
2000 2000
Nominal voltage 123 kV (145 kV)
Nominal current 1250 A (2000 A)
8000 Nominal short 31.5 kA, 1s,
current (40 kA, 3s)
Auxiliary supply 230/400 V AC
Control voltage 220 V DC 6
-Q8 -Q0-Q1 -T1 -Q10/-Q11 -T1 -Q1 -Q0 -F1 =T1
Fig. 9: Technical data
3000 4500 4500 3000 4000

7500 11500


19000 3000
A 9

8000 10

7500 11500

Fig. 8: Plan view and side view of H arrangement with modular switchbays

Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 2/7
Design of Air-Insulated Outdoor Substations

In-line longitudinal layout, with rotary

disconnectors, preferable up to 170 kV Dimensions in mm
Section A-A
1 The busbar disconnectors are lined up one R1 S1 T1 T2 S2 R2 2500
behind the other and parallel to the longitu-
dinal axis of the busbar. It is preferable to 8000
have either wire-type or tubular busbars
located at the top of the feeder conductors. 20500 8400 19400
2 Where tubular busbars are used, gantries 48300
are required for the outgoing overhead
lines only. The system design requires only Top view
two conductor levels and is therefore clear.
If, in the case of duplicate busbars, the 6500
second busbar is arranged in U form rela- End bay
3 tive to the first busbar, it is possible to ar- 4500 A
range feeders going out on both sides of
the busbar without a third conductor level
(Fig. 10). Normal 9000
Fig. 10: Substation with rotary disconnector, in-line design
Central tower layout with rotary
disconnectors, normally only for 245 kV Dimensions in mm
5 3000
The busbar disconnectors are arranged
side by side and parallel to the longitudinal
axis of the feeder. Wire-type busbars locat- 12500
ed at the top are commonly used; tubular
busbars are also conceivable. This arrange- 9000
6 ment enables the conductors to be easliy
jumpered over the circuit-breakers and the 7000 18000 17000 17000
bay width to be made smaller than that of
in-line designs. With three conductor levels
the system is relatively clear, but the cost
of the gantries is high (Fig. 11).

Fig.11: Central tower design

Diagonal layout with pantograph

disconnectors, preferable up to 245 kV Section Dimensions in mm
9 The pantograph disconnectors are placed Bus system Bypass bus
diagonally to the axis of the busbars and
feeder. This results in a very clear, space- 13300
saving arrangement. Wire and tubular con-
ductors are customary. The busbars can
be located above or below the feeder con- 10000 8000 28000 48000 10000
10 ductors (Fig. 12). 10400

Top view

18000 4000

Fig. 12: Busbar area with pantograph disconnector of diagonal design, rated voltage 420 kV

2/8 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
Design of Air-Insulated Outdoor Substations

1 1/2 circuit-breaker layout,

preferable up to 245 kV
Planning principles
The 1 1/2 circuit-breaker arrangement as- 1
sures high supply reliability; however, ex- For air-insulated outdoor substations of
penditure for equipment is high as well. open design, the following planning princi-
ples must be taken into account:
The busbar disconnectors are of the panto-
graph, rotary and vertical-break type. Verti- ■ High reliability
cal-break disconnectors are preferred for – Reliable mastering of normal and 2
the feeders. The busbars located at the top exceptional stresses
can be of wire or tubular type. Of advan- – Protection against surges and light-
tage are the equipment connections, which ning strikes
are very short and enable (even in the case – Protection against surges directly
of multiple conductors) high short-circuit on the equipment concerned (e.g.
currents to be mastered. Two arrange- transformer, HV cable)
ments are customary:
■ Good clarity and accessibility
■ External busbar, feeders in line with
– Clear conductor routing with few
three conductor levels conductor levels
■ Internal busbar, feeders in H arrange-
– Free accessibility to all areas (no 4
ment with two conductor levels (Fig. 13). equipment located at inaccessible
– Adequate protective clearances for
Dimensions in mm installation, maintenance and transpor-
4000 tation work
– Adequately dimensioned transport 5
■ Positive incorporation into surroundings
– As few overhead conductors as
8500 48000 29000 – Tubular instead of wire-type busbars 6
– Unobtrusive steel structures
– Minimal noise and disturbance level
■ EMC grounding system
for modern control and protection
18000 7
■ Fire precautions and environmental
– Adherence to fire protection speci-
fications and use of flame-retardant
Fig.13 : 1 1/2 Circuit-breaker design and nonflammable materials 8
– Use of environmentally compatible
technology and products

For further information please contact:

Fax: ++ 49 - 9131- 73 18 58 9


Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 2/9
Circuit-Breakers for 72 kV up to 800 kV

Circuit-breaker for air-insulated switchgear
Circuit-breakers are the main module of
both AIS and GIS switchgear. They have to
meet high requirements in terms of:
■ Reliable opening and closing
2 ■ Consistent quenching performance with
rated and short-circuit currents even
after many switching operations
■ High-performance, reliable maintenance-
free operating mechanisms.
Technology reflecting the latest state of
3 the art and years of operating experience
are put to use in constant further develop-
ment and optimization of Siemens circuit-
breakers. This makes Siemens circuit-
breakers able to meet all the demands
4 placed on high-voltage switchgear.
The comprehensive quality system,
ISO 9001 certified, covers development,
manufacture, sales, installation and after-
sales service. Test laboratories are accred-
ited to EN 45001 and PEHLA/STL.
Main construction elements
Each circuit-breaker bay for gas-insulated
6 switchgear includes the full complement
of isolator switches, grounding switches Control Interrupter
(regular or proven), instrument transform- elements unit
ers, control and protection equipment, in-
terlocking and monitoring facilities com-
monly used for this type of installation
7 (See chapter GIS, page 2/30 and following).
Circuit-breakers for air-insulated switch-
gear are individual components and are
assembled together with all individual
electrical and mechanical components of
8 an AIS installation on site.
All Siemens circuit-breaker types, whether
air or gas-insulated, are made up of the
same range of components, i.e.:
■ Interrupter unit
9 ■ Operating mechanism
■ Sealing system
■ Operating rod
■ Control elements.


Circuit-breaker in SF6-insulated switchgear

Fig. 14: Circuit-breaker parts

2/10 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
Circuit-Breakers for 72 kV up to 800 kV

The twin-nozzle system has also proven Specific use of the electrohydraulic
Interrupter unit – itself in special applications. Its specific mechanism
two arc-quenching principles properties support switching without re-
The actuating energy required for the 3AQ
striking of small inductive and capacitive
currents. By virtue of its high arc resist- and 3AT high-voltage circuit-breakers at
The Siemens product range includes high- ance, the twin-nozzle system is particularly higher voltage levels is provided by proven
voltage circuit-breakers with self-compres- suitable for breaking certain types of short electrohydraulic mechanisms. The inter-
sion interrupter chambers and twin-nozzle circuit (e.g. short circuits close to genera- rupter chambers of these switching devic-
interrupter chambers – for optimum tor terminals) on account of its high arc re- es are based on the graphite twin-nozzle 2
switching performance under every operat- sistance. system.
ing condition for every voltage level.
Advantages of the electrohydraulic
Self-compression breakers Operating mechanism – mechanism at a glance:
3AP high-voltage circuit-breakers for the two principles for all ■ Electrohydraulic mechanisms provide the 3
lower voltage range ensure optimum use specific requirements high actuating energy that makes it pos-
of the thermal energy of the arc in the sible to have reliable control even over
contact tube. This is achieved by the self- very high switching capacities and to be
compression switching unit. The operating mechanism is a central mod- in full command of very high loads in the
Siemens patented this arc-quenching prin- ule of the high-voltage circuit-breakers. shortest switching time.
ciple in 1973. Since then, we have contin- Two different mechanism types are availa- 4
■ The switch positions are held safely
ued to develop the technology of the self- ble for Siemens circuit-breakers: even in the event of an auxiliary power
compression interrupter chamber. One of ■ Stored-energy spring actuated failure.
the technical innovations is that the arc en- mechanism, ■ A number of autoreclosing operations
ergy is being increasingly used to quench ■ Electrohydraulic mechanism, are possible without the need for
the arc. In short-circuit breaking operations
depending on the area of application and recharging. 5
the actuating energy required is reduced to
voltage level, thus every time ensuring the ■ Energy reserves can be reliably con-
that needed for mechanical contact move-
best system of actuation. The advantages trolled at any time.
ment. That means the operating energy is
are trouble-free, economical and reliable ■ Electrohydraulic mechanisms are mainte-
truly minimized. The result is that the self-
circuit-breaker operation for all specific re- nance-free, economical and have a long
compression interrupter chamber allows
the use of a compact stored-energy spring
quirements. service life. 6
mechanism with unrestrictedly high de- ■ They satisfy the most stringent require-
pendability. Specific use of the stored-energy ments regarding environmental safety.
spring mechanism This has been proven by electrohydraulic
mechanisms in Siemens high-voltage
Twin-nozzle breakers The actuation concept of the 3AP high-volt- circuit-breakers over many years of serv-
On the 3AQ and 3AT switching devices, a
age circuit-breaker is based on the stored- ice. 7
energy spring principle. The use of such an
contact system with graphite twin-nozzles
operating mechanism in the lower voltage
ensures consistent arc-quenching behavior
range became appropriate as a result of
and constant electric strength, irrespective
development of a self-compression inter-
of pre-stressing, i.e. the number of breaks
rupter chamber that requires only minimal
and the switched current. The graphite
actuation energy. 8
twin-nozzles are resistant to burning and
thus have a very long service life. As a
consequence, the interrupter unit of the Advantages of the stored-energy spring
twin-nozzle breaker is particularly mechanism at a glance:
Moreover, this type of interrupter chamber
■ The stored-energy spring mechanism of- 9
fers the highest degree of operational
offers other essential advantages. General- safety. It is of simple and sturdy design
ly, twin-nozzle interrupter chambers oper- – with few moving parts. Due to the
ate with low overpressures during arc- self-compression principle of the inter-
quenching. Minimal actuating energy is rupter chamber, only low actuating forc-
adequate in this operating system as well. es are required. 10
The resulting arc plasma has a compara- ■ Stored-energy spring mechanisms are
tively low conductivity, and the switching readily available and have a long service
capacity is additionally favourably influ- life: Minimal stressing of the latch mech-
enced as a result. anisms and rolling-contact bearings in
the operating mechanism ensure reliable
and wear-free transmission of forces.
■ Stored-energy spring mechanisms are
maintenance-free: the spring charging
gear is fitted with wear-free spur gears,
enabling load-free decoupling.

Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 2/11
Circuit-Breakers for 72 kV up to 245 kV

Siemens circuit-breakers for the lower Breaking operating currents Major features:
voltage levels 72 kV up to 245 kV, whether
During the opening process, the main con- ■ Self-compression interrupter chamber
1 for air-insulated or gas-insulated switch-
tact (4) opens first and the current commu- ■ Use of the thermal energy of the arc
gear, are equipped with self-compression
tates on the still closed arcing contact. If ■ Minimized energy consumption
switching units and spring-stored energy
this contact is subsequently opened, an
operating mechanisms. ■ High reliability for a long time
arc is drawn between the contacts (5). At
the same time, the contact cylinder (6)
2 moves into the base (7) and compresses
the quenching gas there. The gas then
The interrupter unit flows in the reverse direction through the
contact cylinder (6) towards the arcing con-
Self-compression system tact (5) and quenches the arc there.

3 The current path

Breaking fault currents
In the event of high short-circuit currents,
The current path is formed by the terminal the quenching gas on the arcing contact is
plates (1) and (8), the contact support (2), heated substantially by the energy of the
the base (7) and the moving contact cylin- arc. This leads to a rise in pressure in the
der (6). In closed state the operating cur- contact cylinder. In this case the energy for
4 rent flows through the main contact (4). creation of the required quenching pres-
An arcing contact (5) acts parallel to this. sure does not have to be produced by the
operating mechanism.
Subsequently, the fixed arcing contact re-
leases the outflow through the nozzle (3).
5 The gas flows out of the contact cylinder
back into the nozzle and quenches the arc.

Closed position Opening Opening Open position

6 Main contact open Arcing contact open

1 Terminal plate
1 2 Contact support
2 3 Nozzle
4 Main contact
5 Arc contact
6 Contact
5 cylinder
8 7 Base
6 8 Terminal plate



Fig. 15: The interrupter unit

2/12 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
Circuit-Breakers for 72 kV up to 245 kV

The operating mechanism

1 Corner gears
Spring-stored energy type
2 Coupling linkage
Siemens circuit-breakers for voltages up to
245 kV are equipped with spring-stored en- 3 Operating rod
ergy operating mechanisms. These drives 4 Closing release
are based on the same principle that has 1 5 Cam plate 2
been proving its worth in Siemens low and
medium-voltage circuit-breakers for dec- 6 Charging shaft
ades. The design is simple and robust with 7 Closing spring
few moving parts and a vibration-isolated 2 connecting rod
latch system of highest reliability. All com- 8 Closing spring
ponents of the operating mechanism, the 3
control and monitoring equipment and all 9 Hand-wound mechanism
terminal blocks are arranged compact and 10 Charging mechanism
yet clear in one cabinet. 11 Roller level
Depending on the design of the operat- 12 Closing damper
ing mechanism, the energy required for 3
9 13 Operating shaft 4
switching is provided by individual com-
pression springs (i.e. one per pole) or by 14 Opening damper
springs that function jointly on a triple-pole 15 Opening release
basis. 4 10 16 Opening spring
The principle of the operating mechanism connecting rod
with charging gear and latching is identical 5
5 17 Mechanism housing
on all types. The differences between
mechanism types are in the number, size 6 11 18 Opening spring
and arrangement of the opening and clos-
7 12
ing springs.
Major features at a glance
■ Uncomplicated, robust construction
with few moving parts
■ Maintenance-free 15
■ Vibration-isolated latches 16
■ Load-free uncoupling of charging
mechanism 17
■ Ease of access 8
■ 10,000 operating cycles 18

Fig. 16


Fig. 17: Combined operating mechanism

and monitoring cabinet

Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 2/13
Circuit-Breakers for 245 kV up to 800 kV

Siemens circuit-breakers for the higher Arc-quenching assembly Major features

voltage levels 245 kV up to 800 kV, wheth-
The fixed tubes (2) are connected by ■ Erosion-resistant graphite nozzles
1 er for air-insulated or gas-insulated switch-
the contact tube (3) when the breaker is ■ Consistently high dielectric strength
gear, are equipped with twin-nozzle inter-
closed. The contact tube (3) is rigidly cou- ■ Consistent quenching capability across
rupter chambers and electrohydraulic
pled to the blast cylinder (4), the two to- the entire performance range
operating mechanisms.
gether with a fixed annular piston (5) in
■ High number of short-circuit breaking
between forming the moving part of the
2 break chamber. The moving part is driven
■ High levels of availability
by an operating rod (8) to the effect that
■ Long maintenance intervals.
The interrupter unit the SF6 pressure between the piston (5)
and the blast cylinder (4) increases.
When the contacts separate, the moving
Twin-nozzle system
contact tube (3), which acts as a shutoff
3 valve, releases the SF6. An arc is drawn
Current path assembly
between one nozzle (6) and the contact
The conducting path is made up of the tube (3). It is driven in a matter of millisec-
terminal plates (1 and 7), the fixed tubes onds between the nozzles (6) by the gas
(2) and the spring-loaded contact fingers jet and its own electrodynamic forces and
4 arranged in a ring in the moving contact is safely extinguished.
tube (3). The blast cylinder (4) encloses the arc-
quenching arrangement like a pressure
chamber. The compressed SF6 flows ra-
dially into the break by the shortest route
and is discharged axially through the noz-
5 zles (6). After arc extinction, the contact
tube (3) moves into the open position.
In the final position, handling of test volt-
ages in accordance with IEC 60000 and
ANSI is fully assured, even after a number
6 of short-circuit switching operations.

7 Breaker in Precompression Gas flow during Breaker in

closed position arc quenching open position

1 Upper terminal
8 plate
2 2 Fixed tubes
3 Moving contact
6 Arc 4 Blast cylinder
5 Blast piston
6 Arc-quenching
5 nozzles
7 Lower terminal
10 2 plate
8 8 Operating rod

Fig. 18: The interrupter unit

2/14 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
Circuit-Breakers for 245 kV up to 800 kV

The operating mechanism ■ Tripping:

The hydraulic valve is changed over
electromagnetically, thus relieving the 1
Electrohydraulic type larger piston surface of pressure and
All hydraulically operated Siemens circuit- causing the piston to move onto the
breakers have a uniform operating mecha- OFF position. The breaker is ready for
nism concept. Identical operating mecha- instant operation because the smaller
nisms (modules) are used for single or tri- piston surface is under constant pres-
ple-pole switching of outdoor circuit- sure. Two electrically separate tripping 2
breakers. circuits are available for changing the
valve over for tripping.
The electrohydraulic operating mecha-
nisms have proved their worth all over the
world. The power reserves are ample, the
switching speed is high and the storage 3
capacity substantial. The working capacity
is indicated by the permanent self-monitor-
ing system.
The force required to move the piston and
piston rod is provided by differential oil 4
pressure inside a sealed system. A hydrau-
lic storage cylinder filled with compressed
nitrogen provides the necessary energy.
Electromagnetic valves control the oil flow
between the high and low-pressure side in
the form of a closed circuit. 5
Main features:
■ Plenty of operating energy
■ Long switching sequences
■ Reliable check of energy reserves 6
at any time
■ Switching positions are reliably
maintained, even when the auxiliary
supply fails
■ Excessive strong foundations Fig. 19: Operating unit of the Q range AIS circuit Fig. 20: Operating cylinder with valve block and
breakers magnetic releases 7
■ Low-noise switching
■ No oil leakage and consequently
environmentally compatible Monitoring unit
■ Maintenance-free. and hydraulic
pump with motor P P
Description of function
Oil tank 8
■ Closing:
The hydraulic valve is opened by elec- Hydraulic storage
tromagnetic means. Pressure from the cylinder M
hydraulic storage cylinder is thereby ap-
plied to the piston with two different N2 9
surface areas. The breaker is closed via
couplers and operating rods moved by
the force which acts on the larger sur-
face of the piston. The operating mech-
anism is designed to ensure that, in the Operating cylinder
event of a pressure loss, the breaker 10
remains in the particular position.
Operating piston
Main valve

switch Pilot control

Releases On Off

Fig. 21: Schematic diagram of a Q-range operating mechanism

Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 2/15
Live-Tank Circuit-Breakers for 72 kV up to 800 kV

1 for air-insulated switchgear
Standard live-tank breakers
The construction
2 All live-tank circuit-breakers are of the
same general design, as shown in the illus-
trations. They consist of the following main
1) Interrupter unit
2) Closing resistor (if applicable)
3 3) Operating mechanism
4) Insulator column (AIS)
5) Operating rod
6) Breaker base
4 7) Control unit
The uncomplicated design of the breakers
and the use of many similar components,
such as interrupter units, operating rods
and control cabinets, ensure high reliability Fig. 22: 145 kV circuit-breaker 3AP1FG with triple-pole Fig. 23: 800 kV circuit-breaker 3AT5
because the experience of many breakers spring stored-energy operating mechanism
5 in service has been applied in improvement
of the design. The twin nozzle interrupter
unit for example has proven its reliability in
more than 60,000 units all over the world.
The control unit includes all necessary
6 devices for circuit-breaker control and mon-
itoring, such as:
■ Pressure/SF6 density monitors
■ Gauges for SF6 and hydraulic pressure
(if applicable)
7 ■ Relays for alarms and lockout
■ Antipumping devices
■ Operation counters (upon request)
■ Local breaker control (upon request)
■ Anticondensation heaters.
Transport, installation and commissioning
are performed with expertise and effi-
The tested circuit-breaker is shipped in
9 the form of a small number of compact
units. If desired, Siemens can provide
appropriately qualified personnel for instal-
lation and commissioning.


Fig. 24: 245 kV circuit-breaker 3AQ2

2/16 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
Live-Tank Circuit-Breakers for 72 kV up to 800 kV

1 2 7 3 5 6

1 2 2

1 Interrupter unit
2 Closing resistor 9
3 Valve unit
4 Electrohydraulic
operating 13
mechanism 12 4
5 Insulator columns
6 Breaker base 10
7 Control unit 11
3 5
1 Interrupter unit
7 2 Arc-quenching nozzles
3 Moving contact 6
6 4 Filter
5 Blast piston
Fig. 25: Type 3AT4/5
6 Blast cylinder
7 Bell-crank mechanism
8 Insulator column
9 Operating rod
10 Hydraulic operating mechanism
1 11 ON/OFF indicator
12 Oil tank
13 Control unit
Fig. 27: Type 3AQ2



5 1 Interrupter unit
2 Post insulator
4 3 Circuit-breaker base
4 Operating mechanism
and control cubicle
5 Pillar

Fig. 26: Type 3AP1FG

Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 2/17
Live-Tank Circuit-Breakers for 72 kV up to 800 kV

Technical data

4 Type 3AP1/3AQ1 3AP2/3AQ2

Rated voltage [kV] 72.5 123 145 170 245/300 362 420
Number of interrupter units per pole 1 1 1 1 1 2 2
5 Rated power-frequency withstand [kV] 140 230 275 325 460 520 610
voltage 1 min.
Rated lightning impulse withstand [kV] 325 550 650 750 1050 1175 1425
voltage 1.2 / 50 µs
Rated switching impulse [kV] – – – – –/850 950 1050
6 withstand voltage
Rated current up to [A] 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000
Rated short-time current (3 s) up to [kA] 40 40 40 40/50 50 63 63
Rated peak withstand current up to [kA] 108 108 108 135 135 170 170
7 Rated short-circuit-breaking [kA] 40 40 40 40/50 50 63 63
current up to
Rated short-circuit making [kA] 108 108 108 135 135 170 170
current up to
Rated duty cycle O - 0.3 s - CO - 3 min - CO or CO - 15 s - CO
8 Break time [cycles] 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Frequency [Hz] 50/60 50/60 50/60 50/60 50/60 50/60 50/60
Operating mechanism type Spring-stored energy mechanism/Electrohydraulic mechanism
Control voltage [V, DC] 60…250
9 Motor voltage [V, DC] 60…250
[V, DC] 120…240, 50/60 Hz
Design data of the basic version:
Clearance Phase/earth [mm] 700 1250 1250 1500 2200 2750 3400
in air across the contact gap [mm] 1200 1200 1200 1400 1900/2200 2700 3200
10 Minimum creepage Phase/earth [mm] 2248 3625 3625 4250 6150/7626 7875 10375
distance across the contact gap [mm] 3625 3625 3625 4250 6125/7500 9050 10500
Height [mm] 2750 3300 3300 4030 5220/5520 4150 4800
Width [mm] 3200 3900 3900 4200 6600/7000 8800 9400
Depth [mm] 660 660 660 660 800 3500 4100
Distance between pole centers [mm] 1350 1700 1700 1850 2800/3000 3800 4100
Weight of circuit-breaker [kg] 1350 1500 1500 1600 3000 4700 5000
Inspection after 25 years
Fig. 28a

2/18 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
Live-Tank Circuit-Breakers for 72 kV up to 800 kV

3AT2/3AT3* 3AT4/3AT5* 4

245 300 362 420 550 362 420 550 800

2 2 2 2 2 4 4 4 4
460 460 520 610 800 520 610 800 1150 5
1050 1050 1175 1425 1550 1175 1425 1550 2100

– 850 950 1050 1175 950 1050 1175 1425

4000 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000
80 63 63 63 63 80 80 63 63
216 170 170 170 170 200 200 160 160
80 63 63 63 63 80 80 63 63 7
216 170 170 170 170 200 200 160 160

O - 0.3 s - CO - 3 min - CO or CO - 15 s - CO
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 8
50/60 50/60 50/60 50/60 50/60 50/60 50/60 50/60 50/60
Electrohydraulic mechanism
48…250 or 9
208/120…500/289 50/60 Hz

2200 2200 2700 3300 3800 2700 3300 3800 5000

2000 2400 2700 3200 3800 4000 4000 4800 6400
6050 6050 7165 9075 13750 7165 9075 10190 13860 10
6070 8568 9360 11390 13750 12140 12140 17136 22780

4490 4490 6000 6000 6700 4990 6000 6550 8400

7340 8010 9300 10100 13690 10600 11400 16600 22200
4060 4025 4280 4280 5135 6830 6830 7505 9060
3000 3400 3900 4300 5100 4350 4750 7200 10000
5980 6430 9090 8600 12500 14400 14700 19200 23400
25 years

Fig. 28b * with closing resistor

Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 2/19
Dead-Tank Circuit-Breakers for 72 kV up to 245 kV

1 in dead-tank design
For certain substation designs, dead-tank
circuit-breakers might be required instead
of the standard live-tank breakers. For
these purposes Siemens can offer the
2 dead-tank circuit breaker types.

Main features at a glance

Reliable opening and closing
■ Proven contact and arc-quenching
■ Consistent quenching performance
4 with rated and short-circuit currents
even after many switching operations
■ Similar uncomplicated design for all

High-performance, reliable operating

5 mechanisms
■ Easy-to-actuate spring operating
■ Hydraulic operating mechanisms with
6 on-line monitoring

Economy Fig. 29a: SPS-2 circuit-breaker 72.5 kV

■ Perfect finish
■ Simplified, quick installation process
7 ■ Long maintenance intervals
■ High number of operating cycles
■ Long service life

Individual service

8 ■ Close proximity to the customer

■ Order specific documentation
■ Solutions tailored to specific problems
■ After-sales service available promptly
9 The right qualifications
■ Expertise in all power supply matters
■ 30 years of experience with SF6-insulat-
ed circuit breakers
10 ■ A quality system certified to ISO 9001,
covering development, manufacture,
sales, installation and after-sales service
■ Test laboratories accredited to EN 45001

Fig. 29b: SPS-2 circuit-breaker 170 kV

2/20 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
Dead-Tank Circuit-Breakers for 72 kV up to 245 kV

Subtransmission breaker Operating mechanism Included in the control cabinet are neces-
sary auxiliary switches, cutoff switch, latch
Type SPS-2 and 3AP1-DT The type FA2/4 mechanically and electrical-
ly trip-free spring mechanism is used on check switch, alarm switch and operation 1
counter. The control relays and three con-
type SPS-2 breakers. The type FA2/4 clos-
Type SPS-2 power circuit-breakers trol knife switches (one each for the con-
ing and opening springs hold a charge for
(Fig. 29a/b) are designed as general, defi- trol, heater and motor) are mounted on a
storing ”open-close-open“ operations
nite-purpose breakers for use at maximum control panel. Terminal blocks on the side
A weatherproof control cabinet has a large and rear of the housing are available for
rated voltages of 72.5 and 245 kV. door, sealed with rubber gaskets, for easy control and transformer wiring. 2
access during inspection and maintenance.
Condensation is prevented by units offer- For non US markets the control cabinet is
The construction also available similar to the 3AP cabinet
ing continuous inside/outside temperature
The type SPS-2 breaker consists of three differential and by ventilation. (3AP1-DT).
identical pole units mounted on a common
support frame. The opening and closing 3
force of the FA2/4 spring operating mecha-
nism is transferred to the moving contacts
of the interrupter through a system of con-
necting rods and a rotating seal at the side
of each phase.
The tanks and the porcelain bushings Technical data
are charged with SF6 gas at a nominal
pressure of 6.0 bar. The SF6 serves as both
insulation and arc-quenching medium.
A control cabinet mounted at one end
of the breaker houses the spring operating 5
mechanism and breaker control compo-
Interrupters are located in the aluminum
housings of each pole unit. The interrupt-
ers use the latest Siemens puffer arc- 6
quenching system.
The spring operating mechanism is the
same design as used with the Siemens
3AP breakers. This design has been in ser-
vice for years, and has a well documented 7
reliability record.
Customers can specify up to four (in some
cases, up to six) bushing-type current Type SPS-2/3AP1-DT
transformers (CT) per phase. These CTs,
mounted externally on the aluminum hous-
ings, can be removed without disturbing
Rated voltage [kV] 38 48.3 72.5 121 145 169 242 8
the bushings. Rated power-frequency [kV] 80 105 160 260 310 365 425
withstand voltage
Rated lighting impulse [kV] 200 250 350 550 650 750 900/1050
withstand voltage
Rated switching impulse [kV] – – – – – – –/850
withstand voltage
Rated nominal current up to [A] 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000
Rated breaking current up to [kA] 40 40 40 63 63 63 63 10
Operating mechanism type Spring-stored-energy mechanism

Fig. 30

Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 2/21
Dead-Tank Circuit-Breakers for 550 kV

Circuit-breaker Hydraulic drive For further information please contact:

Type 3AT2/3-DT The operating energy required for the Fax: ++ 49 - 3 03 86 - 2 58 67
1 3AT2/3-DT interrupters is provided by the
hydraulic drive, which is manufactured in-
Composite insulators house by Siemens. The functional principle
The 3AT2/3-DT is available with bushings of the hydraulic drive constitutes a techni-
made from composite insulators – cally clear solution which offers certain
2 this has many practical advantages. fundamental advantages.
The SIMOTEC® composite insulators man- Hydraulic drives provide high amounts of
ufactured by Siemens consist of a basic energy economically and reliably. In this
body made of epoxy resin reinforced glass way, even the most demanding switching
fibre tubes. The external tube surface is requirements can be mastered in short
opening times.
3 coated with vulcanized silicon. As is the
case with porcelain insulators, the external Siemens hydraulic drives are maintenance-
shape of the insulator has a multished free and have a particulary long operating
profile. Field grading is implemented by life. They meet the strictest criteria for
means of a specially shaped screening enviromental acceptability. In this respect,
electrode in the lower part of the compos- too, Siemens hydraulic drives have proven
4 ite insulator. themselves throughout years of operation.
The bushings and the metal tank of the
circuit-breaker surround a common gas
volume. The composite insulator used on
the bushing of the 3AT2/3-DT is a one- Technical data
5 piece insulating unit. Compared with con-
ventional housings, composite insulators
offer a wide range of advantages in terms
of economy, efficiency and safety.

6 Interrupter unit
The 3AT2/3-DT pole consists of two break-
ing units in series impressive in the sheer
simplicity of their design. The proven Siemens
contact system with double graphite noz-
zles assures faultless operation, consist-
7 ently high arc-quenching capacity and a
long operating life, even at high switching
frequencies. Thanks to constant further de-
velopment, optimization and consistent
quality assurance, Siemens arc-quencing
8 systems meet all the requirements placed
on modern high-voltage technology. Type 3AT 2/3-DT

Rated voltage [kV] 550

Rated power-frequency [kV] 860
9 withstand voltage
Rated lighting impulse [kV] 1800
withstand voltage
Rated switching impulse [kV] 1300
10 withstand voltage
Rated nominal current up to [A] 4000
Rated breaking current up to [kA] 50/63
Operating mechanism type Electrohydraulic mechanism

Fig. 31

2/22 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
Dead-Tank Circuit-Breakers for 550 kV

Fig. 32: The 3AT2/3-DT circuit-breaker with SIMOTEC composite insulator bushings


Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 2/23
Surge Arresters

Introduction Nonlinear resistors MO arresters are used in medium, high

and extra-high-voltage power systems.
Nonlinear resistors, comprising metal
1 oxide (MO), have proved especially suita-
Here, the very low protection level and the
The main task of an arrester is to protect high energy absorption capability provided
ble for this.
equipment from the effects of overvolt- during switching surges are especially im-
ages. During normal operation, it should The nonlinearity of MO resistors is consid- portant. For high voltage levels, the simple
have no negative effect on the power erably high. For this reason, MO arresters, construction of MO arresters is always an
system. Moreover, the arrester must be as the arresters with MO resistors are advantage.
2 able to withstand typical surges without known today, do not need series gaps.
Another very important advantage of MO
incurring any damage. Nonlinear resistors Siemens has many years of experience arresters is their high degree of reliability
with the following properties fulfill these with arresters – with the previous gapped when used in areas with a problematic
requirements: SiC-arresters and the new gapless MO ar- climate, for example in coastal and desert
■ Low resistance during surges so that resters – in low-voltage systems, distribu- areas, or regions affected by heavy indus-
3 overvoltages are limited tion systems and transmission systems. trial air pollution. Furthermore, some spe-
■ High resistance during normal operation, They are usually used for protecting trans- cial applications have become possible
so as to avoid negative effects on the formers, generators, motors, capacitors, only with the introduction of MO arresters.
power system and traction vehicles, cables and substations. One instance is the protection of capacitor
There are special applications such as the banks in series reactive-power compen-
■ Sufficient energy absorption capability
protection of sation equipment which requires extremly
for stable operation
4 With this kind of nonlinear resistor, there ■ Equipment in areas subject to high energy absorption capabilities.
is only a small flow of current when contin- earthquakes or heavy pollution
uous operating voltage is being applied. ■ Surge-sensitive motors and dry-type Arresters with polymer housings
When there are surges, however, excess transformers
energy can be quickly removed from the ■ Generators in power stations with Fig. 34 shows two Siemens MO arresters
5 power system by a high discharge current. arresters which posses a high degree with different types of housing. In addition
of short-circuit current strength to what has been usual up to now – the
porcelain housing – Siemens offers also
■ Gas-insulated high-voltage metal-
the latest generation of high-voltage surge
enclosed switchgear (GIS)
arresters with polymer housing.
■ Thyristors in HVDC transmission
6 installations
■ Static compensators
■ Airport lighting systems
■ Electric smelting furnaces in the glass
and metals industries
■ High-voltage cable sheaths
■ Test laboratory apparatus.

Arrester voltage referred Rated voltage ÛR

to continuous operating
Continuous operating
8 voltage Û/ÛC
voltage ÛC


10 1
20 °C
Fig. 34: Measurement of residual voltage on
115 °C porcelain-housed (foreground) and polymer-housed
(background) arresters
150 °C

10-4 10-3 10-2 10-1 1 10 102 103 104
Current through arrester Ia [A]

Fig. 33: Current/voltage characteristics of a non-linear MO arrester

2/24 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
Surge Arresters

Fig. 35 shows the sectional view of such The polymer-housed high-voltage arrest- be limited more effectively. Secondly, com-
an arrester. The housing consists of a fiber- er design chosen by Siemens and the high- pared with the outdoor type, inductance of
glass-reinforced plastic tube with insulating quality materials used by Siemens provide the installation is lower (both that of the 1
sheds made of silicon rubber. The advan- a whole series of advantages including connecting conductors and that of the ar-
tages of this design which has the same long life and suitability for outdoor use, rester itself). This means that the protec-
pressure relief device as an arrester with high mechanical stability and ease of dis- tion offered by GIS arresters is much better
porcelain housing are absolutely safe and posal. than by any other method, especially in the
reliable pressure relief characteristics, high Another important design shown in Fig. 36 case of surges with a very steep rate of
mechanical strength even after pressure are the gas-insulated metal-enclosed surge rise or high frequency, to which gas-insu- 2
relief and excellent pollution-resistant prop- arresters (GIS arresters) which have been lated switchgear is exceptionally sensitive.
erties. The very good mechanical features made by Siemens for more then 25 years. Please find an overview of the complete
mean that Siemens arresters with polymer There are two reasons why, when GIS ar- range of Siemens arresters in Figs. 37 and 38,
housing (type 3EQ/R) can serve as post resters are used with gas-insulated switch- pages 26 and 27.
insulators as well. The pollution-resistant gear, they usually offer a higher protective 3
properties are the result of the water-repel- safety margin than when outdoor-type ar-
lent effect (hydrophobicity) of the silicon resters are used (see also IEC 60099-5,
rubber, which even transfers its effects to For further information please contact:
1996-02, Section Firstly, they can
pollution. be installed closer to the item to be pro- Fax: ++ 49 - 3 03 86 -2 67 21
tected so that traveling wave effects can e-mail:

SF6-SF6 bushing
(SF6 -Oil bushing on request) 5
Flange with gas diverter nozzle
Access cover with
Seal pressure relief
device and filter

Pressure relief diaphragm

Compressing spring
Spring contact

Metal oxide resistors Grading hood


Composite polymer housing Metal-oxide resistors

FRP tube/silicon sheds
Supporting rods 8


Fig. 36: Gas-insulated metal-enclosed arrester

(GIS arrester)

Fig. 35: Cross-section of a polymer-housed arrester

Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 2/25
Low-Voltage and Medium-Voltage Arresters
and Limiters (230/400 V to 52 kV)

Type Low-voltage arresters Medium-voltage arresters

and limiters
3EA2 3EF1 3EC3 3EE2 3EH2 3EG5 3EK5 3EK7 3EQ1-B
2 3EF5

Applications Low- Motors, DC sys- Gene- Distri- Distri- Distri- Distri- AC and DC
voltage dry-type tems (loco- rators, bution bution bution bution locomotives,
over- transformers, motives, motors, systems systems systems systems overhead
head airfield light- overhead melting metal- and and and contact lines
3 line sys- ing systems, contact furnaces, enclosed medium- medium- medium-
tems sheath voltage lines) 6-arrester gas-in- voltage voltage voltage
limiters, connec- sulated switch- switch- switch-
protection tions, switch- gear gear gear
of converters power gear
for drives plants with
4 plug-in

Nom. syst. [kV] 1 10 3 30 45 30 60 30 25

5 voltage (max.)
Highest [kV] 12 4 36 52 36 72.5 36 30
voltage for
equipment (max.)
6 Maximum [kV] 1 15 4 45 52 45 75 45 37 (AC)
rated 4 (DC)
Nominal [kA] 5 1 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
7 current
Maximum [kJ/kV] – 3EF1/2 0.8 10 10 1.3 3 5 3 10
energy 3EF3 9
absorbing 3EF4 12.5
capability 3EF5 8
8 (at thermal
Maximum [A] 1 x 380 3EF4 1500 1200 1200 200 300 500 300 1200
long 20 x 250 3EF5 1200
9 current
2 ms
Maximum [kA] Line dis- 40 40 300 16 20 20 20 40
short- connec-
10 circuit tion
Housing Polymer Polymer Porcelain Porcelain Metal Porcelain Porcelain Polymer Polymer

Fig. 37: Low and medium-voltage arresters

2/26 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
High-Voltage Arresters
(72.5 to 800 kV)

Type Metal-oxide surge arresters

3EP1 3EP4 3EP2 3EP3 3EQ1 3EQ4 3EQ3 3EP2-K 3EP2-K3 3EP3-K 1
Applications Medium- Medium- High- High- Medium- High- High- High- High- High-
and and voltage voltage and voltage voltage voltage voltage voltage
high- high- systems, systems, high- systems, systems, systems, systems, systems,
voltage voltage outdoor outdoor voltage outdoor outdoor metal- metal- metal- 2
systems, systems, instal- instal- systems, instal- instal- enclosed enclosed enclosed
outdoor outdoor lations lations, outdoor lations lations, gas- gas- gas-
instal- instal- HVDC, instal- HVDC, insulated insulated insulated
lations lations SC & SVC lations SC & SVC switch- switch- switch-
appli- appli- gear gear gear
cations cations 3
Nom. syst. [kV] 60 150 500 765 275 500 765 150 150 500
Highest [kV] 72.5 170 550 800 300 550 800 170 170 550 4
voltage for
equip. (max.)
Maximum [kV] 84 147 468 612 240 468 612 180 180 444
voltage 5
Nominal [kA] 10 10 10/20 10/20 10 10/20 20 10/20 10/20 20
Maximum 2 3 5 5 3 5 5 4 4 5 6
Maximum [kJ/kV] 5 8 12.5 20 8 12.5 20 10 10 12.5
energy 7
(at thermal
Maximum [A] 500 850 1500 3900 850 1500 3900 1200 1200 1500 8
2 ms
Maximum [kA] 40 65 65 100 50 65 80 – – –
Minimum [kNm]2) 2.12) 4.52) 12.52) 342)
Maximum [MPSL] 63) 213) 723) – – –
Housing Porcelain Porcelain Porcelain Porcelain Polymer1) Polymer1) Polymer1) Metal Metal Metal
1) Silicon rubber sheds 2) Acc. to DIN 48113 3) Acc. to IEC TC 37 WG5 03.99; > 50% of this value are maintained after pressure relief

Fig. 38: High-voltage arresters

Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 2/27
Gas-Insulated Switchgear for Substations

Introduction Protection of the environment Each circuit-breaker bay includes the full
complement of disconnecting and ground-
1 The necessity to protect the environment ing switches (regular or make-proof),
Common characteristic features of often makes it difficult to erect outdoor instrument transformers, control and pro-
switchgear installation switchgear of conventional design, where- tection equipment, interlocking and moni-
as buildings containing compact SF6-insu- toring facilities commonly used for this
Because of its small size and outstanding lated switchgear can almost always be
compatibility with the environment, SF6 - type of installation (Fig. 39).
designed so that they blend well with the
2 insulated switchgear (GIS) is gaining con- surroundings. Beside the conventional circuit-breaker
stantly on other types. Siemens has been bay, other arrangements can be supplied
a leader in this sector from the very start. SF6-insulated metal-enclosed switchgear such as single-bus, ring cable with load-break
is, due to the modular system, very flexible switches and circuit-breakers, single-bus
The concept of SF6 - insulated metal-en- and can meet all requirements of configu-
closed high-voltage switchgear has proved arrangement with bypass-bus, coupler and
ration given by network design and operat- bay for triplicate bus. Combined circuit-
itself in more than 70,000 bay operating ing conditions.
3 years in over 6,000 installations in all parts breaker and load-break switch feeder, ring
of the world. It offers the following out- cable with load-break switches, etc. are
standing advantages. furthermore available for the 145 kV level.

Minimal space requirements

4 The availability and price of land play an
important part in selecting the type of
switchgear to be used. Siting problems
arise in
■ Large towns
5 ■ Industrial conurbations
■ Mountainous regions with narrow
■ Underground power stations
In cases such as these, SF6-insulated
switchgear is replacing conventional
6 switchgear because of its very small space

Full protection
against contact with live parts
7 The all-round metal enclosure affords
maximum safety for personnel under
all operating and fault conditions.

Protection against pollution

8 Its metal enclosure fully protects the

switchgear interior against environmental
effects such as salt deposits in coastal
regions, industrial vapors and precipitates,
as well as sandstorms. The compact
switchgear can be installed in buildings
9 of uncomplicated design in order to mini-
mize the cost of cleaning and inspection
and to make necessary repairs independ-
ent of weather conditions.

Free choice of installation site

10 The small site area required for SF6-insu-
lated switchgear saves expensive grading
and foundation work, e.g. in permafrost
zones. Other advantages are the short
erection times and the fact that switchgear
installed indoors can be serviced regard-
less of the climate or the weather.

Fig. 39: Typical circuit arrangements of SF6-switchgear

2/28 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
Gas-Insulated Switchgear for Substations

Main product range of GIS This objective is attained only by incorpo- Minimal-weight construction
rating all processes in the quality manage- through the use of aluminum alloy and the
for substations ment system, which has been introduced 1
exploitation of innovations in development
and certified according to DIN EN ISO such as computer-aided design tools.
SF6 switchgear up to 550 kV 9001 (EN 29001).
(the total product range covers GIS from Siemens GIS switchgear meets all Safe encapsulation
66 up to 800 kV rated voltage): Fig. 40. the performance, quality and reliability means an outstanding level of safety
The development of the switchgear is demands such as: based on new manufacturing methods 2
always based on an overall production con- and optimized shape of enclosures.
Compact space-saving design
cept, which assures the achievement of Environmental compatibility
the high technical standards required means uncomplicated foundations, a wide
of the HV switchgear whilst providing the range of options in the utilization of space, means no restrictions on choice of location
maximum customer benefit. less space taken up by the switchgear. through minimal space requirement, ex-
tremely low noise emission and effective 3
gas sealing system (leakage < 1% per year
per gas compartment).
Economical transport
5170 means simplified and fast transport and
reduced costs because of maximum possi-
ble size of shipping units.


Minimal operating costs

means the switchgear is practically mainte-
nance-free, e.g. contacts of circuit-breakers 5
3500 4740 500 and disconnectors designed for extremely
long endurance, motor-operated mecha-
nisms self-lubricating for life, corrosion-free
Switchgear type 8DN8 8DN9 8DQ1 enclosure. This ensures that the first in-
spection will not be necessary until after
25 years of operation. 6
Details on page 2/30 2/31 2/32
Rated voltage [kV] up to 145 up to 245 up to 550 means our overall product concept which
Rated power- [kV] up to 275 up to 460 up to 740 includes, but is not limited to, the use of
finite elements method (FEM), three-
dimensional design programs, stereolitho-
withstand voltage
graphy, and electrical field development
Rated lightning [kV] up to 650 up to 1050 up to 1800 programs assuring the high standard of
impulse withstand quality.
Smooth and efficient
Rated switching [kV] – up to 850 up to 1250 installation and commissioning
impulse withstand
voltage transport units are fully assembled and
tested at the factory and filled with SF6 gas
Rated (normal) current [A] up to 3150 up to 3150 up to 6300 at reduced pressure. Plug connection of all
busbar switches, all of which are motorized, fur-
Rated (normal) current [A] up to 2500 up to 3150 up to 4000 ther improves the speediness of site instal- 9
feeder lation and substantially reduces field wiring
Rated breaking [kA] up to 40 up to 50 up to 63
current Routine tests
Rated short-time [kA] up to 40 up to 50 up to 63 All measurements are automatically docu-
withstand current mented and stored in the EDP information
system, which enables quick access to
Rated peak [kA] up to 108 up to 135 up to 170 measured data even if years have passed.
withstand current
Inspection [Years] > 25 > 25 > 25
For further information please contact:
Bay width [mm] 800 1200/1500 3600
Fax: ++ 49- 9131-7-34498
All dimensions in mm e-mail:
Fig. 40: Main product range

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Gas-Insulated Switchgear for Substations

SF6-insulated switchgear
up to 145 kV, type 8DN8 1 7 2 8 6
1 Gas-tight bushing
Gas-permeable bushing
Three-phase enclosures are used for type
8DN8 switchgear in order to achieve ex-
tremely low component dimensions. The
2 low bay weight ensures minimal floorload-
ing and eliminates the need for complex
foundations. Its compact dimensions and
low weight enable it to be installed almost 10
anywhere. This means that capital costs can
be reduced by using smaller buildings, or
3 by making use of existing ones, for instance
when medium voltage switchgear
is replaced by 145 kV GIS. 5
The bay ist based on a circuit-breaker
mounted on a supporting frame (Fig. 41). 4
A special multifunctional cross-coupling
4 module combines the functions of the dis-
connector and earthing switch in a three-
position switching device. It can be used as
■ an active busbar with integrated discon-
nector and work-in-progress earthing 9
5 switch (Fig. 41/Pos. 3 and 4),
■ outgoing feeder module with integrated
disconnector and work-in-progress earth-
ing switch (Fig. 41/Pos. 5),
■ busbar sectionalizer with busbar earthing.
6 For cable termination, a cable termination
module can be equipped with either con-
ventional sealing ends or the latest plug-in
connectors (Fig. 41/Pos. 9). Flexible single-
pole modules are used to connect overhead 1 Interrupter unit of the 5 Outgoing feeder module
lines and transformers by using a splitting circuit-breaker with disconnector and
7 module which links the 3-phase encapsulated 2 Spring-stored energy earthing switch
3 4
switchgear to the single pole connections. mechanism with circuit-breaker 6 Make-proof earthing switch
Thanks to the compact design, up to three control unit (high-speed) 1
completely assembled and works-tested 3 Busbar I with disconnector 7 Current transformer 7
bays can be shipped as one transport unit. and earthing system 5
8 Voltage transformer
Fast erection and commissioning on site 4 Busbar II with disconnector 8
8 ensure the highest possible quality.
9 Cable sealing end 6
and earthing system
10 Integrated local control cubicle 9
The feeder control and protection can be
located in a bay-integrated local control Fig. 41: Switchgear bay 8DN8 up to 145 kV
cubicle, mounted in the front of each bay
(Fig. 42). It goes without saying that we
9 supply our gas-insulated switchgear with all
types of currently available bay control sys-
tems – ranging from contactor circuit con-
trols to digital processor bus-capable bay
control systems, for example the modern
10 SICAM HV system based on serial bus
communication. This system offers
■ Online diagnosis and trend analysis ena-
bling early warning, fault recognition and
condition monitoring.
■ Individual parameterization, ensuring the
best possible incorporation of customized
control facilities.
■ Use of modern current and voltage sensors.
This results in a longer service life and lower
operating costs, in turn attaining a consider-
able reduction in life cycle costs.
Fig. 42: 8DN8 switchgear for rated voltage 145 kV Fig. 43

2/30 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
Gas-Insulated Switchgear for Substations

SF6-insulated switchgear
Gas-tight bushing 7 3 10 9 12
up to 245 kV, type 8DN9 1
Gas-permeable bushing
The clear bay configuration of the light-
weight and compact 8DN9 switchgear is 14 4 6 5
evident at first sight. Control and monitoring
facilities are easily accessible in spite of 2
the compact design of the switchgear.
The horizontally arranged circuit-breaker
forms the basis of every bay configuration.
The operating mechanism is easily acces-
sible from the operator area. The other bay
modules – of single-phase encapsulated
design like the circuit-breaker module – are
located on top of the circuit-breaker. The
three-phase encapsulated passive busbar
is partitioned off from the active equipment.
Thanks to “single-function” assemblies 4
(assignment of just one task to each module)
and the versatile modular structure, even
unconventional arrangements can be set
up out of a pool of only 20 different modules.
The modules are connected to each other 5
by a standard interface which allows an
extensive range of bay structures. The
switchgear design with standardized mod-
ules and the scope of services mean that
all kinds of bay structures can be set up in 2 1 11 8 13
a minimal area. 6
The compact design permits the supply of 1 Circuit-breaker interrupter unit 8 Earthing switch
double bays fully assembled, tested in the 2 Spring-stored energy (work-in-progress)
factory and filled with SF6 gas at reduced mechanism with circuit-breaker 9 Outgoing-disconnector
pressure, which assures smooth and effi- 3 5
control unit 10 Make-proof earthing switch
cient installation and commissioning. 3 Busbar disconnector I (high-speed) 7 7
The following major feeder control level 4 Busbar I 11 Current transformer
functions are performed in the local control 1
5 Busbar disconnector II 12 Voltage transformer 11
cubicle for each bay, which is integrated in 8
the operating front of the 8DN9 switch-
6 Busbar II 13 Cable sealing end
7 Earthing switch 14 Integrated local control cubicle 9 12
(work-in-progress) 10 8
■ Fully interlocked local operation and 13
state-indication of all switching devices
managed reliably by the Siemens digital
switchgear interlock system Fig. 44: Switchgear bay 8DN9 up to 245 kV
■ Practical dialog between the digital feed-
er protection system and central proces- 9
sor of the feeder control system
■ Visual display of all signals required for
operation and monitoring, together with
measured values for current, voltage and
power 10
■ Protection of all auxiliary current and
voltage transformer circuits
■ Transmission of all feeder information to
the substation control and protection
Factory assembly and tests are significant
parts of the overall production concept
mentioned above. Two bays at a time un-
dergo mechanical and electrical testing
Fig. 45: 8DN9 switchgear for
with the aid of computer-controlled stands. rated voltage 245 kV

Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 2/31
Gas-Insulated Switchgear for Substations

SF6-insulated switchgear
1 up to 550 kV, type 8DQ1 12 11 10 9 8 7 1 6

The GIS type 8DQ1 is a modular switch-

gear system for high power switching sta-
tions with individual enclosure of all mod- 4
2 ules for the three-phase system.
The base unit for the switchgear forms a
horizontally arranged circuit-breaker on top 5
of which are mounted the housings con-
taining disconnectors, grounding switches, 3
current transformers, etc. The busbar mod-
3 2
ules are also single-phase encapsulated
and partitioned off from the active equip-
As a matter of course the busbar modules
of this switchgear system are passive
elements, too.
Additional main characteristic features of
the switchgear installation are:
13 14 15 16 17 18
■ Circuit-breakers with two interrupter
units up to operating voltages of 550 kV 3
and breaking currents of 63 kA (from 1 Circuit-breaker 10 Grounding switch
5 63 kA to 100 kA, circuit-breakers with 2 Busbar disconnector I 11 Current transformer

four interrupter units have to be con- 3 Busbar I 12 Cable sealing end 2 4

sidered) 4 Busbar disconnector II 13 Local control cubicle 6
■ Low switchgear center of gravity by 14
5 Busbar II Gas monitoring unit 1
means of circuit-breaker arranged hori- (as part of control unit)
6 Grounding switch 11
6 zontally in the lower portion
7 Voltage transformer 15 Circuit-breaker control unit 10
■ Utilization of the circuit-breaker trans- 16 Electrohydraulic operating unit
port frame as supporting device for the
8 Make-proof grounding 9
switch 17 Oil tank 8
entire bay
9 Cable disconnector 18 Hydraulic storage cylinder 12
■ The use of only a few modules and
combinations of equipment in one enclo-
7 sure reduces the length of sealing faces Fig. 46: Switchgear bay 8DQ1 up to 550 kV
and consequently lowers the risk of


Fig. 47: 8DQ1 switchgear for rated voltage 420 kV

2/32 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
Gas-Insulated Switchgear for Substations

Some examples for special 1 Cable termination 7 Current transformer

arrangement 2 Make-proof earthing 8 Outgoing 1
switch disconnector 1
3 Outgoing 9 Make-proof earthing
Gas-insulated switchgear – usually accom-
disconnector switch
modated in buildings (as shown in a tower- 2
type substation) – is expedient whenever 4 Earthing switch 10 Voltage transformer
5 Circuit breaker 11 Outdoor termination 3
the floor area is very expensive or restrict-
6 Earthing switch
ed or whenever ambient conditions neces-
sitate their use (Fig. 50, page 2/34).
For smaller switching stations, or in cases
of expansion when there is no advantage 5
in constructing a building, a favorable
solution is to install the substation in a 6 3
container (Fig. 49). 7

Mobile containerized switchgear –
even for high voltage 9
At medium-voltage levels, mobile contain-
erized switchgear is the state of the art.
But even high-voltage switching stations
can be built in this way and economically
operated in many applications. 11

The heart is the metal-enclosed SF6-in- 5

sulated switchgear, installed either in a
Fig. 48: Containerized 8DN9 switchgear with stub feed in this example
sheet-steel container or in a block house
made of prefabricated concrete elements.
In contrast to conventional stationary sively independent operation of the instal- GIS up to 245 kV in a standard container
switchgear, there is no need for complicat- lation on site. Containerized switchgear is
The dimensions of the 8DN9 switchgear
ed constructions; mobile switching sta- preassembled in the factory and ready for
tions have their own ”building“. made it possible to accommodate all active
operation. On site, it is merely necessary
components of the switchgear (circuit-
to set up the containers, fit the exterior
breaker, disconnector, grounding switch)
system parts and make the external con-
and the local control cabinet in a standard
nections. Shifting the switchgear assembly
work to the factory enhances the quality
container. 7
and operational reliability. Mobile container- The floor area of 20 ft x 8 ft complies
ized switchgear requires little space and with the ISO 668 standard. Although the
usually fits in well with the environment. container is higher than the standard
Rapid availability and short commissioning dimension of 8 ft, this will not cause any
times are additional, significant advantages problems during transportation as proven
for the operators. Considerable cost re- by previously supplied equipment. 8
ductions are achieved in the planning, con- German Lloyd, an approval authority, has
struction work and assembly. already issued a test certificate for an even
Building authority approvals are either not higher container construction.
required or only in a simple form. The in- The standard dimensions and ISO corner
stallation can be operated at various loca- fittings will facilitate handling during trans- 9
tions in succession, and adaptation to local port in the 20 ft frame of a container ship
circumstances is not a problem. These are and on a low-loader truck.
Fig. 49: 8DN9 switchgear bay in a container the possible applications for containerized
Operating staff can enter the container
through two access doors.
■ Intermediate solutions for the 10
modernization of switching stations Rent a GIS
Mobile containerized switching stations ■ Low-cost transitional solutions when Containerized gas-insulated high voltage
can be of single or multi-bay design using tedious formalities are involved in the substations for hire are now available. In
a large number of different circuits and new construction of transformer sub- this way, we can step into every breach,
arrangements. All the usual connection stations, such as in the procurement of instantly and in a remarkably cost-effective
components can be employed, such as land or establishing cable routes manner.
outdoor bushings, cable adapter boxes and ■ Quick erection as an emergency station Whether for a few weeks, months or even
SF6 tubular connections. If necessary, all in the event of malfunctions in existing 2 to 3 years, a fair rent makes our Instant
the equipment for control and protection switchgear Power Service unbeatably economical.
and for the local supply can be accommo- ■ Switching stations for movable, geo-
dated in the container. This allows exten- thermal power plants

Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 2/33
Gas-Insulated Switchgear for Substations

All dimensions in m Air con- Specification guide for

1 ditioning metal-enclosed SF6-insulated
The points below are not considered to
be comprehensive, but are a selection of
2 Relay room the important ones.

These specifications cover the technical
23.20 data applicable to metal-enclosed SF6 gas-
3 insulated switchgear for switching and
distribution of power in cable and/or over-
head line systems and at transformers.
Key technical data are contained in the
data sheet and the single-line diagram
attached to the inquiry.
4 A general “Single-line diagram” and a
Gas-insulated sketch showing the general arrangement
switchgear type of the substation and the transmission line
8DN9 exist and shall form part of a proposal.
The switchgear quoted shall be complete
5 to form a functional, safe and reliable sys-
tem after installation, even if certain parts
15.95 required to this end are not specifically
called for.
13.8 kV
switchgear Applicable standards
Shunt All equipment shall be designed, built,
reactor tested and installed to the latest revisions
of the applicable IEC 60 standards (IEC
Publ. 60517 “High-voltage metal-enclosed
11.50 switchgear for rated voltages of 72.5 kV
7 and above”, IEC Publ. 60129 “Alternating
current disconnectors (isolators) and
grounding switches”, IEC Publ. 60056
Cable duct “High-voltage alternating-current circuit-
8.90 breakers”), and IEC Publ. 60044 for instru-
8 ment transformers.

Compensator Local conditions

The equipment described herein will be
installed indoors. Suitable lightweight,
prefabricated buildings shall be quoted if
9 Radiators available from the supplier.
Only a flat concrete floor will be provided
by the buyer with possible cutouts in case
40 MVA transformer of cable installation. The switchgear shall
be equipped with adjustable supports
10 (feet). If steel support structures are re-
2.20 quired for the switchgear, these shall be
provided by the supplier.
For design purposes indoor temperatures
of – 5 °C to +40 °C and outdoor temper-
atures of – 25 °C to +40 °C shall be consid-
For parts to be installed outdoors (over-
head line connections) the applicable con-
ditions in IEC Publication 60517 shall also
Fig. 50: Special arrangement for limited space. Sectional view of a building showing the compact nature of
be observed.
gas-insulated substations

2/34 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
Gas-Insulated Switchgear for Substations

Work, material and design Each gas-filled compartment shall be The circuit breaker shall be designed to
equipped with static filters of a capacity withstand at least 18–20 operations
Aluminium or aluminium alloys shall be
used preferabely for the enclosures.
to absorb any water vapor penetrating into (depending on the voltage level) at full 1
the switchgear installation over a period short-circuit rating without the necessity
Maximum reliability through minimum of at least 25 years. to open the circuit-breaker for service or
amount of erection work on site is re- maintenance.
Long intervals between the necessary in-
quired. Subassemblies must be erected
spections shall keep the maintenance cost The maximum tolerance for phase dis-
and tested in the factory to the maximum
to a minimum. A minor inspection shall agreement shall be 3 ms, i.e. until the last 2
extent. The size of the subassemblies shall
only become necessary after ten years and pole has been closed or opened respec-
be limited only by the transport conditions.
a major inspection preferably after a period tively after the first.
The material and thickness of the enclo- exceeding 25 years of operation, unless A standard station battery required for
sure shall be selected to withstand an in- the permissible number of operations is control and tripping may also be used for
ternal arc and to prevent a burn-through or met at an earlier date. recharging the operating mechanism.
puncturing of the housing within the first
The energy storage system (hydraulic or
stage of protection, referred to a short-
circuit current of 40 kA. Arrangement and modules spring operating system) will hold suf-
Arrangement ficient energy for all standard IEC close-
Normally exterior surfaces of the switch-
open duty cycles.
gear shall not require painting. If done for The arrangement shall be single-phase or The control system shall provide alarm
aesthetic reasons, surfaces shall be appro- three-phase enclosed.
priately prepared before painting, i.e. all signals and internal interlocks, but inhibit 4
The assembly shall consist of completely tripping or closing of the circuit-breaker
enclosures are free of grease and blasted.
separate pressurized sections designed when there is insufficient energy capacity
Thereafter the housings shall be painted
to minimize the risk of damage to person- in the energy storage system, or the
with no particular thickness required but
nel or adjacent sections in the event of a SF6 density within the circuit-breaker has
to visually cover the surface for decorative
failure occurring within the equipment. dropped below a minimum permissible
reasons only. The interior color shall be
Rupture diaphragms shall be provided to level. 5
light (white or light grey).
prevent the enclosures from uncontrolled
All joints shall be machined and all cast- Disconnectors
bursting and suitable deflectors provide
ings spotfaced for bolt heads, nuts and protection for the operating personnel. All isolating switches shall be of the single-
washers. In order to achieve maximum operating break type. DC motor operation (110, 125,
Assemblies shall have reliable provisions reliability, no internal relief devices may 220 or 250 V), completely suitable for re-
to absorb thermal expansion and contrac- be installed because adjacent compart- mote operation, and a manual emergency 6
tions created by temperature cycling. For ments would be affected. drive mechanism is required.
this purpose metal bellows-type compen- Modular design, complete segregation, Each motor-drive shall be self-contained
sators shall be installed. They must be arc-proof bushings and “plug-in” connec- and equipped with auxiliary switches in
provided with adjustable tensioners. tion pieces shall allow ready removal of addition to the mechanical indicators.
All solid post insulators shall be provided any section and replacement with mini- Life lubrication of the bearings is required. 7
with ribs (skirts). mum disturbance of the remaining pres-
surized switchgear. Grounding switches
For supervision of the gas within the en- Work-in-progress grounding switches shall
closures, density monitors with electrical Busbars generally be provided on either side of the
contacts for at least two pressure levels All busbars shall be three-phase or single- circuit-breaker. Additional grounding switch-
shall be installed. The circuit-breakers, phase enclosed and be plug-connected es may be used for the grounding of bus 8
however, might be monitored by density from bay to bay. sections or other groups of the assembly.
gauges fitted in circuit-breaker control
Circuit-breakers DC motor operation (110, 125, 220 or
The circuit-breaker shall be of the single 250 V), completely suitable for remote
The manufacturer assures that the pres- operation, and a manual emergency drive
sure loss within each individual gas com- pressure (puffer) type with one interrupter
partment – and not referred to the per phase*. Heaters for the SF6 gas are mechanism is required. 9
not permitted. Each motor drive shall be self-contained
total switchgear installation only – will be
The arc chambers and contacts of the and equipped with auxiliary position
not more than 1% per year per gas com-
circuit-breaker shall be freely accessible. switches in addition to the mechanical in-
The circuit-breaker shall be designed to dicators. Life lubrication of the bearings
is required.
minimize switching overvoltages and also 10
to be suitable for out-of-phase switching.
The specified arc interruption performance
must be consistent over the entire operat-
ing range, from line-charging currents to
full short-circuit currents.

* two interrupters for voltages exceeding 245 kV

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Gas-Insulated Switchgear for Substations

Make-proof high-speed grounding switches

shall generally be installed at cable and
1 overhead-line terminals. DC motor opera-
tion (110, 125, 220 or 250 V), completely
suitable for remote operation, and a manu-
al emergency drive mechanism is required.
Each motor drive shall be self-contained
2 and equipped with auxiliary position
switches in addition to the mechanical in-
dicators. Life lubrication of the bearings
is required.
These switches shall be equipped with
a rapid closing mechanism to provide fault-
3 making capability.
Instrument transformers
Current transformers (CTs) shall be of the
dry-type design not using epoxy resin as
insulation material. Cores shall be provided
4 with the accuracies and burdens as shown
on the SLD. Voltage transformers shall be
of the inductive type, with ratings up to Fig. 52: Cable termination module –
200 VA. They shall be foil-gas-insulated. Cable termination modules conforming to IEC are Fig. 54: Transformer/reactor termination module –
available for connecting the switchgear to high-volt- These termination modules form the direct connec-
Cable terminations age cables. The standardized construction of these tion between the GIS and oil-insulated transformers
5 Single or three-phase, SF6 gas-insulated,
modules allows connection of various cross-sections or reactance coils. They can be matched economi-
and insulation types. Parallel cable connections for cally to various transformer dimensions by way of
metal-enclosed cable-end housings shall higher rated currents are also possible using the standardized modules.
be provided. The stress cone and suitable same module.
sealings to prevent oil or gas from leaking
into the SF6 switchgear are part of the
6 cable manufacturer’s supply. A mating con- Overhead line terminations
nection piece, which has to be fitted to the Terminations for the connection of over-
cable end, shall be made available by the head lines shall be supplied complete
switchgear supplier. with SF6-to-air bushings, but without line
The cable end housing shall be suitable clamps.
7 for oil-type, gas-pressure-type and plastic-
insulated (PE, PVC, etc.) cables as speci-
fied on the SLD, or the data sheets.
Facilities to safely isolate a feeder cable
and to connect a high-voltage test cable
to the switchgear or the cable shall be
8 provided.

9 Fig. 55: Transformer termination modules

An electromechanical or solid-state inter-
locking control board shall be supplied as a
10 standard for each switchgear bay. This fail-
safe interlock system will positively pre-
vent maloperations. Mimic diagrams and
position indicators shall give clear demon-
stration of the operation to the operating
Fig. 53: Outdoor termination module – personnel.
High-voltage bushings are used for transition from Provisions for remote control shall be
SF6-to-air as insulating medium. The bushings can be supplied.
matched to the particular requirements with regard
to arcing and creepage distances. The connection
Fig. 51: Three phase cable termination module. with the switchgear is made by means of variable-
Example for plug-in type cables. design angular-type modules.

2/36 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
Gas-Insulated Switchgear for Substations

Tests required Power frequency tests Scope of supply

Partial discharge tests Each assembly shall be subjected to pow-
er-frequency withstand tests to verify the 1
All solid insulators fitted into the switch- For all types of GIS Siemens supplies
correct installation of the conductors and
gear shall be subjected to a routine partial the following items and observes these
also the fact that the insulator surfaces are
discharge test prior to being installed. interface points:
clean and the switchgear as a whole is not
No measurable partial discharge is allowed polluted inside. ■ Switchgear bay with circuit-breaker inter-
at 1.1 line-to-line voltage (approx. twice rupters, disconnectors and grounding
the phase-to-ground voltage). This test en- switches, instrument transformers, and 2
Additional technical data
sures maximum safety against insulator busbar housings as specified. For the
failure, good long-term performance and The supplier shall point out all dimensions, different feeder types, the following lim-
thus a very high degree of reliability. weights and other applicable data of the its apply:
switchgear that may affect the local con- – Overhead line feeder:
Pressure tests ditions and handling of the equipment. the connecting stud at the SF6-to-air 3
Each cast aluminium enclosure of the Drawings showing the assembly of the bushing without the line clamp.
switchgear shall be pressure-tested to at switchgear shall be part of the quotation. – Cable feeder:
least double the service pressure. according to IEC 60859 the termina-
Leakage tests Instructions tion housing, conductor coupling, and
connecting plate are part of the GIS
Leakage tests performed on the subassem- Detailed instruction manuals about instal- delivery, while the cable stress cone 4
blies shall ensure that the flanges and cover lation, operation and maintenance of the with matching flange is part of the ca-
faces are clean, and that the guaranteed equipment shall be supplied by the con- ble supply (see Fig. 52 on page 2/36).
leakage rate will not be exceeded. tractor in case of an order. – Transformer feeder:
connecting flange at switchgear bay
and connecting bus ducts to trans- 5
former including any expansion joint
are delivered by Siemens. The SF6-
to-oil bushings plus terminal enclo-
sures are part of the transformer
delivery, unless agreed otherwise
(see Fig. 54 on page 2/36)*. 6
■ Each feeder bay is equipped with
grounding pads. The local grounding
network and the connections to the
switchgear are in the delivery scope
of the installation contractor. 7
■ Initial SF6-gas filling for the entire
switchgear as supplied by Siemens is
included. All gas interconnections from
the switchgear bay to the integral gas
service and monitoring panel are sup-
plied by Siemens as well. 8
■ Hydraulic oil for all circuit-breaker operat-
ing mechanisms is supplied with the
■ Terminals and circuit protection for aux-
iliary drive and control power are pro- 9
vided with the equipment. Feeder cir-
cuits and cables, and installation material
for them are part of the installation con-
tractor’s supply.
■ Local control, monitoring, and interlock-
ing panels are supplied for each circuit- 10
breaker bay to form completely oper-
ational systems. Terminals for remote
monitoring and control are provided.
■ Mechanical support structures above
ground are supplied by Siemens; em-
bedded steel and foundation work is
part of the installation contractor’s scope.

* Note: this interface point should always be closely

Fig. 56: The modular system of the 8DQ1 switchgear enables all conceivable customer requirements to be met coordinated between switchgear manufacturer and
with just a small number of components transformer supplier.

Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 2/37
Gas-Insulated Transmission Lines (GIL)

Introduction The gas-insulated transmission line tech-

nique is a highly reliable system in terms
1 of mechanical and electrical failures. Once
For high-power transmission systems a system is commissioned and in service,
where overhead lines are not suitable, it runs reliably without any dielectrical or
alternatives are gas-insulated transmission mechanical failures as experience over the
lines (GIL). course of 20 years shows. For example,
The GIL exhibits the following differences one particular Siemens GIL will not under-
2 in comparison with cables: go its scheduled inspection after 20 years
of service, as there has been no indication
■ High power ratings
of any weak point.
(transmission capacity up to 3000 MVA
Fig. 57 shows the arrangement of six
per System)
phases in a tunnel.
■ High overload capability
3 ■ Suitable for long distances
(100 km and more without compensa- Basic design
tion of reactive power) In order to meet mechanical stability crite-
■ High short-circuit withstand capability ria, gas-insulated lines need minimum Fig. 57: GIL arrangement in the tunnel of the Wehr
(including internal arc faults) cross-sections of enclosure and conductor. pumped storage station
4 ■ Possibility of direct connection to gas- With these minimum cross-sections, high (4000 m length, in service since 1975)
insulated switchgear (GIS) and gas-insu- power transmission ratings are given.
lated arresters without cable entrance Due to the gas as insulating medium, low
fitting capacitive loads are given so that compen-
■ Multiple earthing points possible sation of reactive power is not needed,
even for long distances of 100 km and
5 ■ Non-flammable, no fire risk in case of
The innovations in the latest Siemens GIL
development are the considerable reduc-
tion of costs and the introduction of buried
laying technique for GIL for long-distance
6 power transmission.
SF6 has been replaced by a gas mixture
of SF6 and N2 as insulating medium.

Siemens experience
Back in the 1960s with the introduction of
sulphur hexafluoride (SF6) as an insulating
and switching gas, the basis was found for
the development of gas-insulated switch-
gear (GIS).
8 On the basis of GIS experience, Siemens
developed SF6 gas-insulated lines to trans-
mit electrical energy too. In the early 1970s
initial projects were planned and imple-
mented. Such gas-insulated lines were Fig. 58: Long-term test set-up at the IPH, Berlin
9 usually used within substations as busbars
Reduction of SF6 content
or bus ducts to connect gas-insulated The characteristics of N2/SF6 gas mixtures
switchgear with overhead lines, the aim Several tests have been carried out in show that with an SF6 content of only
being to reduce clearances in comparison Siemens facilities as well as in other test 15–25% and a slightly higher pressure,
to air-insulated overhead lines. laboratories world-wide since many years. the insulating capability of pure SF6 can be
Implemented projects include GIL laying in attained. Besides, the arcing behavior is
Results of these investigations show that
10 tunnels, in sloping galleries, in vertical
the bulk of the insulating gas for industrial improved through this mixture. Tests have
shafts and in open air installation. proven that there would be no external
projects involving a considerable amount
Flanging as well as welding has been ap- damage or fire caused by an internal fail-
of gas should be nitrogen, a nontoxic nat-
plied as jointing technique. ure.
ural gas.
However, another insulating gas should be The technical data of the GIL are shown in
added to nitrogen in order to improve the Fig. 59.
insulating capability and to minimize size
and pressure. A N2/SF6 gas mixture with
high nitrogen content (and sulphur hexa-
fluoride portion as low as possible) was
finally chosen as insulating medium.

2/38 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
Gas-Insulated Transmission Lines (GIL)

Technical data
Rated voltage up to 550 kV
Rated current lr 2000 – 4600 A
Transmission 1500 – 3000 MVA
capacity 2
Capacitance ≈ 60 nF/km
Typical length 1–100 km
Gas mixture SF6/N2 10%/90%
ranging from up to 35%/65% 3

Laying directly buried Fig. 60: GIL laying technique

in tunnels/ clean assembly and productivity is enhan- dures for power cables. The test proce-
sloping galleries/ ced by a high level of automation of the dure consisted of load cycles with doubled
voltage and increased current as well as
vertical shafts overall process.
frequently repeated high-voltage tests.
open air Anti-corrosion protection The assembly and repair procedures under
installation Directly buried gas-insulated transmission realistic site conditions were examined
lines will be safeguarded by a passive and too. The Siemens GIL is the first one in
Fig. 59: GIL technical data active corrosion protection system. The the world that has passed these tests,
passive corrosion protection system com- without any objection. Fig. 58 shows the 5
Jointing technique prises a PE or PP coating and assures at test setup arranged in a tunnel of 3 m di-
In order to improve the gas-tightness least 40 years of protection. The active cor- ameter, corresponding to the tunnel used
and to facilitate laying, flanges have been rosion protection system provides protec- in Berlin for installing a 420 kV transmis-
avoided as jointing technique. Instead, tion potential in relation to the aluminum sion link through the city.
welding has been chosen to join the vari- sheath. An important requirement taken
ous GIL construction units. into account is the situation of an earth
References 6
fault with a high current of up to 63 kA to Siemens has gathered experience with
The welding process is highly automated,
earth. gas-insulated transmission lines at rated
with the use of an orbital welding machine voltages of up to 550 kV and with system
to ensure high quality of the joints. This Testing lengths totalling more than 30 km.
orbital welding machine contributes to high
The GIL is already tested according to The first GIL stretch built by Siemens was 7
productivity in the welding process and
the report IEC 61640 (1998) “Rigid high- the connection of the turbine generator/
therefore speeds up laying. The reliability
voltage, gas-insulated transmission lines pumping motor of a pumped storage
of the welding process is controlled by an
for voltages of 72.5 kV and above.” station with the switchyard. The 420 kV
integrated computerized quality GIL is laid in a tunnel through a mountain
assurance system. Long-term performances and has a length of 4000 m (Fig. 57). This
Laying Besides nearly 25 years of field experience connection was commissioned in 1975 at 8
with GIL installations world wide, the long- the Wehr pumped storage station in the
The most recently developed Siemens term performance of the GIL for long-dis- Black Forest in Southern Germany.
GILs are scheduled for directly buried tance installations has been proven by the
laying. For further information please contact:
independent test laboratory IPH, Berlin,
The laying technique must be as compat- Fax: ++ 49-9131-7-3 44 98
ible as possible with the landscape and
Germany and the Berlin power utility 9
BEWAG according to long-term test proce- e-mail:
must take account of the sequence of
seasons. The laying techniques for pipe-
lines have been improved over many years
and they are applicable for GIL as a ”pipe-
line for electrical current“too. However, 10
the GIL needs slightly different treatment
where the pipeline technique has to be
adapted.The laying process is illustrated
in Fig. 60.
The assembly area needs to be protected
against dust, particles, humidity and other
environmental factors that might disturb
the dielectric system. Clean assembly
therefore plays an important role in setting
up cross-country GILs under normal envi-
ronmental conditions. The combination of Fig. 61: Siemens lab prototype for dielectric tests

Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 2/39
Overhead Power Lines

1 2000
Since the very beginning of electric power,
overhead lines have constituted the most
important component for transmission and
distribution. Their portion of overall length MW Power per circuit
of electric circuits depends on the voltage
2 level as well as on local conditions and 1000
practice. In densely populated areas like
Central Europe, underground cables prevail
in the distribution sector and overhead
power lines in the high-voltage sector. In
other parts of the world, for example in 750 kV
3 North America, overhead lines are often
used also for distribution purposes within
cities. Siemens has planned, designed and
erected overhead power lines on all impor-
tant voltage levels in many parts of the
4 world.
Selection of line voltage 380 kV

5 For distribution and transmission of electric

power standardized voltages according to
IEC 60038 are used worldwide.
For three-phase AC applications, three volt-
age levels are distinguished:
■ The low-voltage level up to 1 kV 220 kV
6 ■ The medium-voltage level between 1 kV 50
and 36 kV and
■ The high-voltage level up to 800 kV.
For DC transmission the voltages vary
from the mentioned data.
7 Low-voltage lines serve households and
small business consumers. Lines on the 20
medium-voltage level supply small settle-
ments, individual industrial plants and 110 kV
larger consumers, the electric power being
8 typically less than 10 MVA per circuit. Transmission distance
The high-voltage circuits up to 145 kV 10
serve for subtransmission of the electric 10 20 50 100 200 500
power regionally and feed the medium- km
voltage network. This high-voltage level
network is often adopted to support the Fig. 62: Selection of rated voltage for power transmission
9 medium-voltage level even if the electric
power is below 10 MVA. Moreover, some 245 kV lines were used in Central Europe The 420 kV level represents the highest
of these high-voltage lines also transmit for interconnection of utility networks be- voltage used for AC transmission in
the electric power from medium-sized gen- fore the changeover to the 420 kV level for Central Europe with the task of intercon-
erating stations, such as hydro plants on this purpose. Long-distance transmission, necting the utility networks and of trans-
10 small and medium rivers, and supply large- for example between the hydro power mitting the energy over long distances.
scale consumers, such as sizable industrial plants in the Alps and the consumers, was Some 420 kV lines connect the national
plants or steel mills. They constitute the performed out by 245 kV lines. grids of the individual European countries
connection between the interconnected Nowadays, the importance of 245 kV enabling Europewide interconnected net-
high-voltage grid and the local distribution lines is decreasing due to the application work operation. Large power plants, such
networks. The bandwidth of electrical pow- of 420 kV. as nuclear stations, feed directly into the
er transported corresponds to the broad 420 kV network. The thermal capacity of
range of utilization, but, rarely exceeds the 420 kV circuits may reach 2000 MVA
100 MVA per circuit, while the surge im- with a surge impedance load of approxi-
pedance load is 35 MVA (approximately). mately 600 MVA and a transmission capacity
up to 1200 MVA.

2/40 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
Overhead Power Lines

Selection of conductors
Rated voltage
and ground wires 1
[kV] 20 110 220 380 750
Conductors represent the most important
components of an overhead power line
Highest system voltage [kV] 24 123 245 420 800 since they have to ensure economical and
reliable transmission and contribute con- 2
siderably to the total line costs.
Nominal bundle bundle bundle bundle For many years aluminum and its alloys
cross-section [mm2] 50 120 150 300 435 2x240 4x240 2x560 4x560 have been the prevailing conducting mate-
rials for power lines due to the favorable
price, the low weight and the necessity of
Conductor diameter [mm] 9.6 15.5 17.1 24.5 28.8 2x21.9 4x21.9 2x32.2 4x32.2
certain minimum cross-sections. 3
The conductors are prone to corrosion.
Aluminum, in principle, is a very corrosive
Ampacity (at 80 °C con-
210 410 470 740 900 1290 2580 2080 4160 metal. However, a dense oxide layer is
ductor temperature) [A]
formed which stops further corrosive at-
tacks. Therefore, aluminum conductors 4
Thermal capacity [MVA] 7 14 90 140 340 490 1700 1370 5400 are well-suited also for corrosive areas, for
example a maritime climate.
For aluminum conductors there are a num-
Resistance at 20 °C [Ω/km] 0.59 0.24 0.19 0.10 0.067 0.059 0.030 0.026 0.013 ber of different designs in use. All-aluminum
conductors (AAC) have the highest conduc-
tivity for a given cross-section, however 5
Reactance at 50 Hz [Ω/km] 0.39 0.34 0.41 0.38 0.4 0.32 0.26 0.27 0.28 possess only a low mechanical strength,
which limits their application to short
spans and low tensile forces. To increase
Effective the mechanical strength, wires made of
capacitance [nF/km] 9.7 11.2 9.3 10 9.5 11.5 14.4 13.8 13.1 aluminum-magnesium-silicon alloys are 6
adopted, the strength of which is twice
that of pure aluminum.
Capacitance All-aluminum and aluminum alloy con-
to ground [nF/km] 3.4 3.6 4.0 4.2 4.8 6.3 6.5 6.4 6.1 ductors have shown susceptibility against
eolian vibrations. Compound conductors
Charging power [kVA/km] 1.2 1.4 35 38 145 175 650 625 2320
with a steel core, so-called aluminum 7
cables, steel reinforced (ACSR), avoid this
disadvantage. The ratio between aluminum
Ground-fault current [A/km] 0.04 0.04 0.25 0.25 0.58 0.76 1.35 1.32 2.48 and steel ranges from 4.3:1 to 11:1. Expe-
rience has demonstrated that ACSR has a
long life, too.
Surge impedance [Ω] 360 310 375 350 365 300 240 250 260 Conductors are selected according to elec-
trical, thermal, mechanical and economic
aspects. The electric resistance as a result
Surge of the conducting material and its cross-
impedance load [MVA] – – 32 35 135 160 600 577 2170 section is the most important feature
affecting the voltage drop and the energy 9
losses along the line and, therefore, the
Fig. 63: Electric characteristics of AC overhead power lines (Data refer to one circuit of a double-circuit line)
transmission costs. The cross-section has
to be selected such that the permissible
Overhead power lines with voltages high- The voltage level has to be selected based temperatures will not be exceeded during
er than 420 kV are needed to economically on the duty of the line within the network normal operation as well as under short
transmit bulk electric power over long dis- or on results of network planning. Siemens circuit. With increasing cross-section the 10
tances, a task typically arising when utiliz- has carried out such studies for utilities all line costs increase, while the costs for
ing hydro energy potentials far away from over the world. losses decrease. Depending on the duty
consumer centers. Fig. 62 depicts sche- of a line and its power, a cross-section can
matically the range of application for the be determined which results in lowest
individual voltage levels depending transmission costs. This cross-section
on the distance of transmission and the should be aimed for. The heat balance of
power rating. ohmic losses and solar radiation against
convection and radiation determines the
conductor temperature. A current density
of 0.5 to 1.0 A /mm2 has proven to be an
economical solution.

Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 2/41
Overhead Power Lines

High voltage results in correspondingly Selection of insulators

high-voltage gradients at the conductors
1 and in corona-related effects such as visi-
ble discharges, radio interference, audible Overhead line insulators are subject to
noise and energy losses. When selecting electrical and mechanical stress since they
the conductors, the voltage gradient has have to insulate the conductors from po-
to be limited to values between 15 and tential to ground and must provide physical
17 kV/cm. This aspect is important for supports. Insulators must be capable of
2 lines with voltages of 245 kV and above. withstanding these stresses under all con-
Therefore, bundle conductors are adopted ditions encountered in a specific line.
for extra-high-voltage lines. Fig. 63 shows The electrical stresses result from
typical conductor configurations.
■ The power frequency voltage
From the mechanical point of view the ■ Temporary overvoltages at power
3 conductors have to be designed for every- frequency and
day conditions and for maximum loads Fig. 64: Cap and pin-type insulator
■ Switching and lightning overvoltages.
exerted on the conductor by wind and ice.
As a rough figure, an everyday stress of Various insulator designs are in use,
approximately 20% of the conductor ulti- depending on the requirements and the
mate tensile stress can be adopted, result- experience with certain insulator types.
4 ing in a limited risk of conductor damage. Cap and pin-type insulators (Fig. 64) are
made of porcelain or glass. The individual
Ground wires can protect a line against units are connected by fittings of malleable
direct lightning strokes and improve the cast iron. The insulating bodies are not
system behavior in case of short circuits; puncture-proof which is the reason for rel-
therefore, lines with single-phase voltages atively numerous insulator failures.
5 of 110 kV and above are usually equipped
In Central Europe long-rod insulators
with ground wires. Ground wires made
of ACSR with a sufficiently high aluminum (Fig. 65) are most frequently adopted.
cross-section satisfy both requirements. These insulators are puncture-proof. Fail-
ures under operation are extremely rare.
Long-rod insulators show a superior be-
6 havior especially under pollution. The ten-
sile loading of the porcelain body forms
a disadvantage, which requires relatively
large cross-sections. Composite insulators
are made of a core with fiberglass-rein-
forced resin and sheds of differing plastic
7 materials. They offer light weight and high
tensile strength and will gain increasing
importance for high-voltage lines.
Insulator sets must provide a creepage
path long enough for the expected pollu-
8 tion level, which is classified according
to IEC 60815 from light with 16 mm/kV up
to very heavy with 31 mm/kV.
To cope with switching and lightning over-
voltages, the insulator sets have to be de-
9 signed with respect to insulation coordina-
tion according to IEC 60071-1. These
design aspects determine the gap be-
tween the grounded fittings and the live
Suspension insulator sets carry the con-
10 ductor weight and are arranged more or
less vertically. There are I-shaped (Fig. 66a)
and V-shaped sets in use. Single, double or
triple sets cope with the mechanical load-
ings and the design requirements.
Tension insulator sets (Fig. 66b, c) termi-
nate the conductors and are arranged in
the direction of the conductors. They are
loaded by the conductor tensile force and Fig. 65: Long-rod insulator with clevis and tongue
have to be rated accordingly. connection

2/42 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
Overhead Power Lines

Cross arm

Fig. 66a: I-shaped suspension insulator set for 245 kV

Cross arm

Fig. 66b: Double tension insulator set for 245 kV (elevation)


Cross arm Conductor


Fig. 66c: Double tension insulator set for 245 kV (plan)

Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 2/43
Overhead Power Lines

Selection and design of supports

a b c d
Together with the line voltage, number of
circuits and type of conductors the config-
uration of the circuits determines the de-
sign of overhead power lines. Additionally,
lightning protection by ground wires, the
2 terrain and the available space at the tower
sites have to be considered. In densely
populated areas like Central Europe, the
width of right-of-way and the space for the
tower sites are limited. In the case of ex-
tra-high voltages the conductor configura-
3 tion affects the electrical characteristics
and the transmission capacity of the line.
Very often there are contradicting require-
ments, such as a tower height as low as
possible and a narrow right-of-way, which
4 can only be met partly by compromises.
The mutual clearance of the conductors Fig. 67: Configurations of medium-voltage supports
depends on the voltage and the conductor
sag. In ice-prone areas conductors should
not be arranged vertically in order to avoid
5 conductor clashing after ice shedding. a b c d
For low- and medium-voltage lines horizon-
tal conductor configurations prevail which
feature line post insulators as well as sus-
pension insulators. Preferably poles made
of wood, concrete or steel are used.
6 Fig. 67 shows some typical line configura-
tions. Ground wires are omitted at this
voltage level.
For high and extra-high-voltage power lines
a large variety of configurations are availa-
7 ble which depend on the number of cir-
cuits and on local conditions. Due to the
very limited right-of-way, more or less all
high-voltage lines in Central Europe com-
e f g h
prise at least two circuits. Fig. 68 shows a
series of typical tower configurations. Ar-
8 rangement e) is called the ”Danube“ con-
figuration and is most often adopted. It
represents a fair compromise with respect
to width of right-of-way, tower height and
line costs.
9 For lines comprising more than two cir-
cuits there are many possibilities for con-
figuring the supports. In the case of cir-
cuits with differing voltages those circuits
with the lower voltage should be arranged
in the lowermost position (Fig. 68g).
10 The arrangement of insulators depends
on the task of a support within the line.
Suspension towers support the conductors
in straight-line sections and at small bends.
This tower type results in the lowest
costs; special attention should therefore be
paid to using this tower type as often as

Fig. 68: Tower configurations for high-voltage lines

2/44 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
Overhead Power Lines

Angle towers have to carry the conductor

tensile forces at angle points of the line.
The tension insulator sets permanently 1
exert high forces on the supports. Various
loading conditions have to be met when
designing angle towers. The climatic con-
ditions are a determining factor as well.
Finally, dead-end towers are used at the 2
ends of a transmission line. They carry the
total conductor tensile forces of the con-
nection to the substations.
Depending on the size of the supports
and the acting forces, differing designs and
materials are adopted. Poles made of 3
wood, concrete or steel are very often
used for low and medium-voltage lines.
Towers with lattice steel design, however,
prevail at voltage levels of 110 kV and
above (Fig. 69). When designing the sup- 4
port a number of conditions have to be
considered. High wind and ice loads cause
the maximum forces to act on suspension
towers. In ice-prone areas unbalanced con-
ductor tensile forces can result in torsional
loading. Additionally, special loading condi- 5
tions are adopted for the purpose of failure
containment, i.e. to limit the extent of
damage. Finally, provisions have to be
made for construction and maintenance Fig. 69: Lattice steel towers of a high-voltage line
Siemens adopts modern computer pro-
grams for tower design in order to opti-
mize the structures, select components Pad-and-chimney Auger-bored
and joints and determine foundation foundation foundation
The stability of the support poles and tow- 7
ers needs also accordingly designed foun-
dations. The type of towers and poles, the
loads, the soil conditions as well as the ac-
cessibility to the line route and the availa-
bility of machinery determine the selection
and design of foundation.
Concrete blocks or concrete piers are
in use for poles which exert bending
moments on the foundation. For towers
with four legs a foundation is provided
for each individual leg (Fig. 70). Pad-and- Rock anchor Pile foundation 9
chimney and concrete block foundations foundation
require good bearing soil conditions
without ground water. Driven or augured
piles and piers are adopted for low bearing
soil, for sites with bearing soil in a greater
depth and for high ground water level.
In this case the soil conditions must permit
pile driving. Concrete slabs can be used
for good bearing soil, when subsoil and
ground water level prohibit pad and chim-
ney foundations as well as piles. Siemens
can design all types of foundation and has
the necessary equipment, such as pile
drivers, grouting devices, soil and rock
drills, at its command to build all types of
power line foundations. Fig. 70: Foundations for four-legged towers

Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 2/45
Overhead Power Lines

302.50 f40=6.15 300.70

1 fE =6.60
0.47 292.00 fE =
2 16.00
10.00 13.00 16.20
282.00 1
279.00 1
1 2
3 WA+0 T+0


9 175.00 o. D. 286.50 276.50 273.50 280.00 283.00 275.50 270.50 270.00 265.00 263.
281.50 273.00 280.50 284.50 275.00 270.50 272.50 267.50 264.00

0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4

0.0 66.0 132.0 194.0 264.0 302.0 331.0 360.0 405.0 462
10 36.0 106.0 166.0 251.0 291.0 316.0 346.0 386.0 426.0

190.00g Left conductor 251.47 m M20

6.0 60.0m 50g 251.0 4.0 42
6.0 20 kV line 4.0
190.00g Ro
60.0m M21

Fig. 71: Line profile established by computer

2/46 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
Overhead Power Lines

T+8 Arable land Stream
fE =16.52 Meadow Road
Fallow land Forest
284.20 2

17.30 16.75
16.38 15.86 Ground wire: ACSR 265/35 * 80.00 N/mm2
Conductor: ACSR 265/35 * 80.00 N/mm2
Equivalent sag: 11.21 m at 40 °C
7.55 Equivalent span: 340.44 m
11.38 8.44
Bushes, height
263.00 up to 5 m
24.20 4
fE =5.87





0 263.00 265.50 261.50 260.00 260.00 236.00 223.00 209.00 9

64.00 266.50 264.00 258.50 260.00 247.50 229.00 215.50 207.00

4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9

0 462.0 534.0 586.0 666.0 688.0 776.0 826.0 904.0
426.0 506.0 544.0 626.0 676.0 744.0 804.0 848.0 910.0 10
Road to XXX Left conductor 235.45 m 169.00g
425.0 13.9g 4.0 234.0 5.8
4.0 5.8
Road crossing
at km 10.543 169.00g

Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 2/47
Overhead Power Lines

Route selection Siemens’ activities and

1 and tower spotting experience
Route selection and planning represent Siemens has been active in the overhead
increasingly difficult tasks since the right- power line field for more than 100 years.
of-way for transmission lines is limited and The activities comprise design and con-
2 many aspects and interests have to be struction of rural electrification schemes,
considered. Route selection and approval low and medium-voltage distribution lines,
depend on the statutory conditions and high-voltage lines and extra-high-voltage
procedures and always involve iterative installations. To give an indication of what
studies carried out in the office and sur- has been carried out by Siemens, approxi-
veys in the terrain which consider and eval- mately 20,000 km of high-voltage lines up
3 uate a great variety of alternatives. After to 245 kV and 10,000 km of extra-high-volt-
definition of the route the longitudinal pro- age lines above 245 kV have been set up
file has to be surveyed, identifying all so far. Overhead power lines have been
crossings over roads, rivers, railways, erected by Siemens in Germany and Cen-
buildings and other overhead power lines. tral Europe as well as in the Middle East,
The results are evaluated with computer Africa, the Far East and South America.
4 programs to calculate and plot the line pro- The 420 kV transmission lines across the
file. The towers are spotted by means of Elbe river in Germany comprising four cir-
computer programs as well, which take cuits and requiring 235 m tall towers as
into account the conductor sags under dif- well as the 420 kV line across the Bospho-
ferent conditions, the ground clearances, rus in Turkey with a span of approximately
5 objects crossed by the line, technical data 1800 m (Fig. 72) are worthy of special
of the available tower range, tower and mention.
foundation costs and costs for compensa-
tion of landowners. The result is an eco-
nomical design of a line, which accounts For further information please contact:
for all the technical and environmental con- Fax: ++ 49 - 9131- 33 5 44
6 ditions. Line planning forms the basis for e-mail: heinz-juergen.theymann@erls04.
material acquisition and line erection.
Fig. 71 shows a line profile established
by computer.

BT1 BS1 BS suspension tower BS2 BT2

BT tension tower

124 124

112 119 70 125 162.5

Dimensions in m

674 1757 668

Europe Bosphorus Asia

Fig. 72: 420 kV line across the Bosphorus, longitudinal profile

2/48 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
High-Voltage Direct Current Transmission

When technical and/or economical feasibility
of conventional high voltage AC transmis-
sion technology reach their limits, high
voltage DC can offer the solution, namely
■ For economical transmission of bulk
power over long distances
■ For interconnection of asynchronous
power grids
■ For power transmission across the sea,
when a cable length is long
■ For interconnection of synchronous but 3
weak power grids, adding to their stability
■ For additional exchange of active power
with other grids without having to increase
the short-circuit power of the system
■ For increasing the transmission capacity 4
of existing rights-of-way by changing
from AC to DC transmission system
Siemens offers HVDC systems as Fig. 76: Earthquake-proof, fire-retardant thyristor valves in Sylmar East, Los Angeles
■ Back-to-Back (B/B) stations to interconnect
asynchronous networks, without any DC systems for all functions. 5
transmission line in between Redundant design for fault-tolerant
■ Power transmission via Dc submarine systems.
Fig. 75: Long-distance transmission Filter technology
■ Power transmission via long-distance DC
overhead lines Single, double and triple-tuned as well
Special features as high-pass passive filters, or any combi- 6
nation thereof, can be installed.
Back-to-Back (B/B): Valve technology Active filters, mainly for the DC circuit,
To connect asynchronous high voltage ■ Simple, easy-to-maintain mechanical are available.
power systems or systems with different design Wherever possible, identical filters are
frequencies. selected so that the performance does not
To stabilize weak AC links or to supply
■ Use of fire-retardant, self-extinguish-
significantly change when one filter has 7
ing material
even more active power, where the AC to be switched off.
■ Minimized number of electrical
system reaches the limit of short-circuit Turnkey service
capability. connections
■ Minimized number of components Our experienced staff are prepared to de-
■ Avoidance of potential sources of sign, install and commission the whole
failure HVDC system on a turnkey basis. 8
■ ”Parallel“ cooling for the valve levels Project financing
■ Oxygen-saturated cooling water. We are in a position to assist our custom-
Fig. 73: Back-to-back link between asynchronous grids After more than 20 years of operation, thy- ers in finding proper project financing, too.
ristor valves based on this technology have
demonstrated their excellent reliability.
General services 9
Cable transmission (CT):
■ Extended support to customers from the
To transmit power across the sea with ■ The recent introduction of direct light-
very beginning of HVDC system plan-
cables to supply islands/offshore platforms triggered thyristors with integrated over-
ning including
from the mainland and vice-versa. voltage protection further simplifies the
valve and reduces maintenance require- – Feasibility studies
ments. – Drafting the specification 10
Control system – Project execution
– System operation and
In our HVDC control system, high-perform-
ance components with proven records in – Long-term maintenance
Fig. 74: Submarine cable transmission – Consultancy on upgrading/replace-
many other standard fields of application
have been integrated, thus adding to the ment of components/redesign of older
Long-distance transmission (LD): schemes, e.g. retrofit of mercury-arc
overall reliability of the system.
For transmission of bulk power over long Use of ”state-of-the-art“ microprocessor valves or relay-based controls
distances (beyond approx. 600 km, consid-
ered as the break-even distance).

Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 2/49
High-Voltage Direct Current Transmission

■ Studies during contract execution on:

– HVDC systems basic design
1 – System dynamic response
– Load flow and reactive power
– Harmonic voltage distortion
– Insulation coordination
2 – Interference of radio and PLC
– Special studies, if any

Typical ratings
Some typical ratings for HVDC schemes
3 are given below for orientation purposes only:
B/B: 100 ... 600 MW
CT: 100 ... 800 MW
LD: 300 ... 3000 MW (bipolar),
whereby the lower rating is mainly deter-
4 mined by economic aspects and the higher
one limited by the constraints of the inter-
connected networks.
5 In recent years, the following innovative
technologies and equipment have for ex-
ample been successfully implemented by Fig. 78: HVDC outdoor valves, 533 kV (Cahora Bassa Rehabilitation, Southern Africa)
Siemens in diverse HVDC projects world-
■ Direct light-triggered thyristors
Rehabilitation and
6 (already mentioned above) modernization of existing
■ Hybrid-optical DC measuring system
(Fig. 77)
HVDC stations (Fig. 78)
■ Active harmonic filters
■ Advanced eletrode line monitoring of The integration of state-of-the-art micro-
7 bipolar HVDC systems processor systems or thyristors allows the
■ An SF6 HVDC circuit-breaker for use as
owner better utilization of his investment,
Metallic Return Transfer Breaker, devel- e.g.
oped from a standard AC high-voltage ■ Higher availability
breaker. ■ Fewer outages
8 ■ Lower losses
■ Better performance values
■ Less maintenance.
Higher availability means more operating
2 hours, better utilization and higher profits
9 for the owner.
The new Human-Machine Interface (HMI)
system enhances the user-friendliness and
increases the reliability considerably due
to the operator guidance. This rules out
1 maloperation by the operator, because an
10 incorrect command will be ignored by the

Fig. 77: Conventional DC measuring device (1) vs. the

new hybrid-optical device (2) with composite
insulator (3) shows the reduced space requirement
for the new system (installed at HVDC converter sta-
tion Sylmar, USA)

2/50 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
High-Voltage Direct Current Transmission

For further information please contact:

Fax: ++ 49 - 9131- 73 45 52



Pole 1 Pole 1 SC Pole 2 Pole 2

CLC CLC cation link to
HMI Human-machine Interface the load dis-
Pole 1 Pole 2 patch center
GPS Global Positioning System
OLC Open-Loop Control
CLC Closed-Loop Control
VBE Valve Base Electronics Communi- Communi-
VCS Valve Cooling Systems cation link to TFR DC Protection TFR cation link to
the remote the remote
SER Sequence of Event
station station
TFR Transient Fault Recording 10
LAN Local Area Network DC Yard

Fig. 79: Human-Machine Interface with structure of HVDC control system

Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 2/51
Power Compensation in Transmission Systems

In many countries increasing power
consumption leads to growing and more
interconnected AC power systems. These
complex systems consist of all types of
electrical equipment, such as power plants,
2 transmission lines, switchgear transform-
ers, cables etc., and the consumers.
Since power is often generated in those
areas of a country with little demand, the
transmission and distribution system has
3 to provide the link between power gener-
ation and load centers.
Wherever power is to be transported, the
same basic requirements apply:
■ Power transmission must be economical
4 ■ The risk of power system failure must
be low
■ The quality of the power supply must
be high
However, transmission systems do not
5 behave in an ideal manner. The systems
react dynamically to changes in active and
reactive power, influencing the magnitude
and profile of the power systems voltage.
Fig. 80: STATCOM inverter hall
■ A load rejection at the end of a long-dis- Further information please contact:
tance transmission line will cause high
Fax: ++ 49 - 9131- 73 45 54
overvoltages at the line end. However, a
high load flow across the same line will e-mail:
decrease the voltage at its end.
7 ■ The transport of reactive power through
a grid system produces additional losses
and limits the transmission of active
power via overhead lines or cables.
■ Load-flow distribution on parallel lines is
8 often a problem. One line could be load-
ed up to its limit, while another only car-
ries half or less of the rated current.
Such operating conditions limit the actu-
al transmittable amount of active power.
■ In some systems load switching and/or
9 load rejection can lead to power swings
which, if not instantaneously damped,
can destabilize the complete grid system
and then result in a “Black Out”.
Reactive power compensation helps to
10 avoid these and some other problems.
In order to find the best solution for a grid
system problem, studies have to be car-
ried out simulating the behavior of the sys-
tem during normal and continuous operat-
ing conditions, and also for transient
events. Study facilities which cover digital
simulations via computer as well as analog
ones in a transient network analyzer labo-
ratory are available at Siemens.

2/52 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
Power Compensation in Transmission Systems

Types of reactive power

Concept Operating diagram
compensation 1
Parallel compensation 1 Un
Parallel compensation is defined as any
type of reactive power compensation em-
ploying either switched or controlled units, 2
which are connected parallel to the trans-
mission network at a power system node.
In many cases switched compensation
(reactors, capacitor banks or filters) can
provide an economical solution for reactive 3
power compensation using conventional
2 4 4 3 Iind Icap
Static VAr compensator (SVC)
In comparison to mechanically-switched 1 Transformer
reactive power compensation, controlled 2 Thyristor-controlled reactor (TCR) 4
compensation (SVC, Fig. 81) offers the ad- 3 Fixed connected capacitor/filter bank
vantage that rapid dynamic control of the 4 Thyristor-switched capacitor bank (TSC)
reactive power is possible within narrow
limits, thus maintaining reactive power Fig. 81: Static VAr compensator (SVC)
Fig. 82 is a general outline of the problem-
solving applications of SVCs in high-voltage
systems. Voltage control
STATCOM Reactive power control
Overvoltage limitation at load rejection
The availability of high power gate-turn-off
Improvement of AC system stability
(GTO) thyristors has led to the develop-
ment of a Static Synchronous Compensa- Damping of power oscillations
tor (STATCOM), Fig. 80, page 2/52. Reactive power flow control
The STATCOM is an “electronic generator” Increase of transmission capability
Load reduction by voltage reduction
of dynamic reactive power, which is con- 7
nected in shunt with the transmission line Subsynchronous oscillation damping
(Fig. 83) and designed to provide smooth,
continuous voltage regulation, to prevent
voltage collapse, to improve transmission Fig. 82: Duties of SVCs
stability and to dampen power oscillations.
The STATCOM supports subcycle speed of 8
response (transition between full capaci- Concept Operating diagram
tive and full inductive rating) and superior
performance during system disturbances UN
to reduce system harmonics and resonanc- UN
es. Particular advantages of the equipment I
are the compact and modular construction 9
that enables ease of siting and relocation,
as well as flexibility in future rating up-
grades (as grid requirements change) and US
the generation of reactive current irrespec-
tive of network voltage. 10

Iind Icap

Fig. 83: STATCOM

Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 2/53
Power Compensation in Transmission Systems

Series compensation Synchronous Series Compensation (SSSC)

Series compensation is defined as insertion The Static Synchronous Series Compensa-
1 of reactive power elements into transmis- tor (SSSC) is a solid-state voltage genera-
sion lines. The most common application is tor connected in series with the transmis-
the series capacitor. sion line through an insertion transformer
(Fig. 85). The generation of a boost voltage
Thyristor-Controlled advancing or lagging behind the line cur-
2 Series Compensation (TCSC) rent by 90° affects the voltage drop caused
By providing continuous control of trans- at the line reactance and can be used to
mission line impendance, the Thyristor Con- dampen transient oscillations and control
trolled Series Compensation (TCSC, Fig. 84) real power flow independent of the magni-
offers several advantages over conventional tude of the line current.
fixed series capacitor installations. These
3 advantages include:
■ Continuous control of desired
compensation level
■ Direct smooth control of power flow
within the network Concept Operating diagram
4 ■ Improved capacitor bank protection
■ Local mitigation of subsynchronous UT I
oscillations (SSR). This permits higher Inductive Capacitive
levels of compensation in networks I
where interactions with turbine-generator
5 torsional vibrations or with other control
or measuring systems are of concern.
■ Damping of electromechanical (0.5–2 Hz)
power oscillations which often arise be-
tween areas in a large interconnected
power network. These oscillations are
6 due to the dynamics of interarea power Id
transfer and often exhibit poor damping UD UT
when the aggregate power transfer over
a corridor is high relative to the transmis-
sion strength. Fig. 85: Static Synchronous Series Compensator (SSSC)

Concept Operating diagram
Bypass switch

8 Bank Bypass circuit breaker Bank [Z]

disconnect disconnect Inadmissible
switch 1 switch 2 area
MOV arrester

9 Capacitors Damping

10 Thyristor
Thyristor controlled

Valve arrester Inductive Capacitive

Triggered spark gap 90° Ignition angle α 180°

Fig. 84: Thyristor controlled Series Compensation (TCSC). Example: Single line diagram TCSC S. da Mesa

2/54 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
Power Compensation in Transmission Systems

Unified Power Flow Controller (UPFC)

The Unified Power Flow Controller (UPFC) Concept Vector diagram
is the fastest and most versatile FACTS 1
controller (Fig. 86). The UPFC constitutes UT
a combination of the STATCOM and the UT
SSSC. It can provide simultaneously and
Ua Ub
independently real time control of all basic
power system parameters (transmission 2
voltage, impedance and phase angle), de-
terminig the transmitted real and reactive
power flow to optimize line utilization and
system capability. The UPFC can enhance Ua Ub
transmission stability and dampen system
oscillations. GTO GTO 3
Converter 1 Converter 2

Fig. 86: Unified power-flow controller (UPFC)

Comparison of reactive power 5

compensation facilities
The following tables show the character-
istics and application areas of UPFC
(Fig. 87a), parallel compensation and series 6
compensation (Fig. 87b, page 2/56) and
the influence on various parameters such
as short-circuit rating, transmission phase
angle and voltage behavior at this load.
Behavior of compensation element
Compen- Location Short- Voltage Transmis- Voltage Applications
sation circuit influence sion phase after load
element level angle rejection
UPFC (Parallel and/or series compensation)

1 UPFC Reduced Controlled Controlled Limited by Real and reactive power 9

control flow control, enhancing
E U transmission stability
UPFC and dampening system
Fig. 87a: Components for reactive power compensation, UPFC

Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 2/55
Power Compensation in Transmission Systems

Behavior of compensation element

1 Compen- Location Short- Voltage Transmis- Voltage Applications
sation circuit influence sion phase after load
element level angle rejection

Parallel compensation
2 Shunt Little Voltage Little High Voltage stabilization
capacitor influence rise influence at high load

3 Shunt Little Voltage Little Low Reactive power
reactor influence drop influence compensation at low
E U load; limitation of
temporary overvoltage
4 Static Little Controlled Little Limited by Reactive power and
VAr com- influence influence control voltage control,
pensator SVC damping of power
5 (SVC) swings to improve
system stability

5 STATCOM No Controlled Little Limited by Reactive power and

influence influence control voltage control,
damping of power
6 E ST U

Series compensation
6 Series Increased Very good Much (Very) low Long transmission lines
capacitor smaller with high transmission
E U power rating

7 Series Reduced (Very) slight (Much) (Very) high Short lines, limitation
reactor larger of SC power

8 Thyristor Variable Very good Much (Very) low Long transmission lines,
Controlled TCSC smaller power flow distribution
SeriesCom- between parallel lines
10 pensation
and SSR damping

9 SSSC Reduced Controlled Controlled Limited by Real power flow

SSSC control control, damping of
transient oscillations

Fig. 87b: Components of reactive power compensation, parallel compensation/series compensation

2/56 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition

Contents Page
Introduction ...................................... 3/2

Primary Distribution
Selection Criteria and
Explanations ...................................... 3/4
Selection Matrix ............................... 3/6
Air-Insulated Switchgear ............... 3/8
SF6-Insulated Switchgear ............ 3/24

Secondary Distribution
General ............................................. 3/46
Selection Matrix ............................. 3/48
Ring-Main Units ............................. 3/50
Consumer Substations .................. 3/60
Transformer Substations .............. 3/66

Industrial Load Center .................. 3/68

Medium-Voltage Devices
Product Range ................................ 3/72
Vacuum Circuit-Breakers
and Contactors ............................... 3/74
Vacuum Interrupters ..................... 3/85
Grounding Switches ...................... 3/86
HRC Fuses ....................................... 3/88
Insulators and Bushings .............. 3/89
Current Transformers/
Voltage Transformers .................... 3/90
Surge Arresters .............................. 3/90

Medium-Voltage Switchgear

Introduction ‘Primary distribution’ means the switch- ‘Secondary distribution’ is the local area
gear installation in the HV/MV transformer supply of the individual MV/LV substations
1 main substations. The capacity of equip- or consumer connecting stations.
Primary and secondary distribution stands ment must be sufficient to transport the The power capacity of MV/LV substa-
for the two basic functions of the medium- electrical energy from the HV/MV trans- tions depends on the requirements of the
voltage level in the distribution system. former input (up to 63 MVA) via busbar LV system. To reduce the network losses,
‘Power Supply Systems’ (PSS) includes the to the outgoing distribution lines or cable the transformer substations should be
equipment of the Primary and Secondary feeders. The switchgear in these main installed directly at the load centers with
2 Distribution, all interconnecting equipment substations is of high importance for the typical transformer ratings of 400 kVA to
(cables, transformers, control systems, safe and flexible operation of the distribu- max. 1000 kVA. Due to the great number
etc.) down to LV consumer distributions as tion system. It has to be very reliable dur- of stations, they must be space-saving and
well as all the relating planning, engineer- ing its lifetime, flexible in configuration, maintenance-free.
ing, project/site management, installation and easy to operate with a minimum of For high availability, MV/LV substations are
3 and commissioning work involved, includ- maintenance. mostly looped in by load-break switches.
ing turnkey projects with all necessary The type of switchgear insulation (air or The line configuration is mostly of the
electrical and civil works equipment (Fig. 1). SF6) is determined by local conditions, e.g. open-operated ring type or of radial strands
space available, economic considerations, with opposite switching station. In the
building costs, environmental conditions event of a line fault, the disturbed section
and the relative importance of mainte- will be switched free and the supply is
4 nance. continued by the second side of the line.
Design and configuration of the busbar This calls for reliable switchgear in the sub-
are determined by the requirements of the stations. Such transformer substations can
local distribution system. be prefabricated units or single compo-
nents, installed in any building or rooms
These are: existing on site, consisting of medium-volt-
5 ■ The number of feeders is given by the age switchgear, transformers and low-volt-
outgoing lines of the system age distri-bution.
■ The busbar configuration depends on Because of the extremely high number
the system (ring, feeder lines, opposite of units in the network, high standardiza-
station, etc.) tion of equipment is necessary. The most
6 ■ Mode of operation under normal condi- economical solution for such substations
tions and in case of faults should have climate-independent and
■ Reliability requirements of consumers, maintenance-free equipment, so that oper-
etc. ation of equipment does not require any
Double busbars with longitudinal sectional- maintenance during its lifetime.
7 izing give the best flexibility in operation. Consumers with high power requirements
However, for most of the operating situa- have mostly their own distribution system
tions, single busbars are sufficient if the on their building area. In this case, a con-
distribution system has adequate redun- sumer connection station with metering is
dancy (e.g. ring-type system). necessary. Depending on the downstream
If there are only a few feeder lines which consumer system, circuit breakers or load-
8 call for higher security, a mixed configura- break switches have to be installed.
tion is advisable. For such transformer substations nonex-
It is important to prepare enough spare tensible and extensible switchgear, for in-
feeders or at least space in order to extend stance RMUs, has been developed using
the switchgear in case of further develop- SF6 gas as insulation and arc-quenching
9 ment and the need for additional feeders. medium in the case of load-break systems
As these substations, especially in densely (RMUs), and SF6-gas insulation and vacu-
populated areas, have to be located right in um (for vcb feeders) as arc-quenching me-
the load center, the switchgear must be dium in the case of extensible modular
space-saving and easy to install. switchgear, consisting of load-break panels
The installation of this switchgear needs with or without fuses, circuit-breaker pan-
10 thorough planning in advance, including the els and measuring panels.
system configuration and future area de-
velopment. Especially where existing in-
stallations have to be upgraded, the situa-
tion of the distribution system should be
analyzed for simplification (system plan-
ning and architectural system design).

3/2 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
Medium-Voltage Switchgear

Main substation Subtransmission up to 145 kV 1

HV/MV transformers up to 63 MVA

Primary distribution 3
MV up to 36 kV

Secondary distribution

open ring 7

closed ring

Diagram 1: Diagram 2: Diagram 3:


Substation Customer station with circuit-breaker Extensible switchgear for substation

incoming panel and load-break switch with circuit-breakers e.g. Type 8DH
outgoing panels

Fig. 1: Medium voltage up to 36 kV – Distribution system with two basic functions: Primary distribution and secondary distribution

Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 3/3
Primary Distribution
Selection Criteria and Explanations

General Single busbar with Double busbars with

1 bus-tie breaker dual-feeder breakers
Codes, standards and specifications
Design, rating, manufacture and testing of
our medium-voltage switchboards is gov-
erned by international and national stand-
2 ards. Most applicable IEC recommenda-
tions and VDE/DIN standards apply to our
products, whereby it should be noted that
in Europe all national electrotechnical
standards have been harmonized within
the framework of the current IEC recom-
3 mendations.
Our major products in this section comply
specifically with the following code publi-
■ IEC 60 298 AC metal-enclosed switch-
4 gear and controlgear for rated voltages Double busbars with Double-busbar switchboard
above 1 kV and up to and including single-feeder breakers with single-busbar feeders
72.5 kV
■ IEC 60 694 Common clauses for high-
voltage switchgear and controlgear
5 standards
■ IEC 60 056 High-voltage alternating-cur-
rent circuit-breakers
■ IEC 60 265-1 High-voltage switches
■ IEC 60 470 High-voltage alternating cur-
6 rent contactors
■ IEC 60 129 Alternating current discon-
nectors (isolators) and grounding switch-
■ IEC 60 185 Current transformers
■ IEC 60 186 Voltage transformers
7 ■ IEC 60 282 High-voltage fuses Fig. 2: Basic basbar configurations for medium-voltage switchgear
In terms of electrical rating and testing,
other national codes and specifications can ■ Balancing of feeder on two systems dur- Since 1982, insulating sulfur-hexafluoride
be met as well, e.g. ANSI C37, 20C, ing operation gas (SF6-gas) at slight overpressure has
BS 5227, etc. ■ Access to busbars required during oper- also been used inside totally encapsulated
8 In case of switchgear manufactured out- ation. switchboards as insulating medium for
In double-busbar switchboards with dual medium voltages to totally exclude these
side of Germany in Siemens factories or
feeder breakers it is possible to connect disturbing effects.
workshops, certain local standards can also
be met; for specifics please inquire. consumers of less importance by single- All switchgear types in this section, with
busbar panels. This assures the high availa- the exception of the gas-insulated models
bility of a double-busbar switchboard for 8D and NX PLUS, use air as their primary
9 Busbar system important panels, e.g. incoming feeders, insulation medium. Ribbed vacuum-potted
Switchgear installations for normal service with the low costs and the low space re- epoxy-resin post insulators are used as
conditions are preferably equipped with quirement of a single-busbar switchboard structural supports for busbars and circuit
single-busbar systems. These switch- for less important panels. These composite breakers throughout.
boards are clear in their arrangement, switchboards can be achieved with the In the gas-insulated metal-clad switchgear
10 simple to operate, require relatively little types 8BK20 and 8DC11. 8D and NX PLUS, all effects of the envi-
space, and are low in inital cost and oper- ronment on high-voltage-carrying parts are
ating expenses. Type of insulation eliminated.
Double-busbar switchboards can offer The most common insulating medium Thus, not only an extremely compact and
advantages in the following cases: has been air at atmospheric pressure, plus safe, but also an exceptionally reliable
some solid dielectric materials. Under se- piece of switchgear is available. The addi-
■ Operation with asynchronous feeders
vere climatic conditions this requires pre- tional effort for encapsulating and sealing
■ Feeders with different degrees of impor- cautions to be taken against internal con- the high-voltage-carrying parts requires
tance to maintain operation during emer- tamination, condensation, corrosion, or a higher price – at least in voltage ratings
gency conditions reduced dielectric strength in high alti- below 24 kV. For a price comparison, see
■ Isolation of consumers with shock load- tudes. the curves on the following page (Figs. 3, 4).
ing from the normal network

3/4 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
Primary Distribution
Selection Criteria and Explanations

Enclosure, Compartmentalization
Single busbar Double busbar
IEC Publ. 60 298 subdivides metal-en-
closed switchgear and controlgear into !
Percentage (8BK20 = 100)
Percentage (8BK20 = 100)
three types:
160 160
■ Metal-clad switchgear and controlgear
■ Compartmented switchgear and con-
trolgear 130 130
■ Cubicle switchgear and controlgear. 2
120 8DA10 120
Thus “metal-clad” and “cubicle” are sub- 110
divisions of metal-enclosed switchgear, NX PLUS 110
100 100 8BK20
further describing construction details. 8BK20
90 90
In metal-clad switchgear the components NX AIR
80 80 8DB10
are arranged in 3 separate compartments: 70 8DC11 70 8DC11
■ Busbar compartment 0 0
■ Circuit-breaker compartment 7.2 12 15 24 kV 36 Voltage 7.2 12 15 24 kV 36 Voltage
■ Feeder-circuit compartment Fig. 3: Price relation Fig. 4: Price relation
with earthed metal partitions between
each compartment. 4
to dielectric stressing by high voltage, able in all ratings – see selection matrix on
IEC 60 298-1990-12 Annex AA specifies a it is possible and safe to utilize totally en- pages 3/72–3/73 for all power switchgear
“Method for testing the metal-enclosed closed, fixed-mounted and gas-insulated listed in this section. Due to their mainte-
switchgear and controlgear under condi- switchgear. Models 8DA, 8DB, 8DC and nance-free design these breakers can be
tions of arcing due to an internal fault”. NX PLUS described in this section are of installed inside totally enclosed and gas-
Basically, the purpose of this test is to this design. Due to far fewer moving parts insulated switchgear. 5
show that persons standing in front of, or and their total shielding from the environ-
adjacent to a switchboard during internal ment, they have proved to be much more To 2: Vacuum contactors
arcing are not endangered by the effects reliable. Vacuum contactors are used for frequent
of such arcs. All switchboards described switching operations in motor, transformer
All air-insulated switchgear models in this
in this section have successfully passed and capacitor bank feeders. They are type-
these type tests.
section are of the withdrawable type.
tested, extremely reliable and compact de-
vices and they are totally maintenance-free.
Switching device Since contactors cannot interrupt fault cur-
Isolating method
Depending on the switching duty in indi- rents, they must always be used with cur-
To perform maintenance operations safely, rent-limiting fuses to protect the equip-
vidual switchboards and feeders, basically
one of two basic precautions must be ment connected. Vacuum contactors can 7
the following types of primary switching
taken before grounding and short-circuiting be installed in the metal-enclosed, metal-
devices are used in the switchgear cubi-
the feeder: clad switchgear types 8BK20, 8BK30 and
cles in this section:
■ 1. Opening of an isolator switch with (Note: Not all types of switching devices can be used in
NXAIR for 7.2 kV/31.5 kA.
clear indication of the OPEN condition. all types of cubicle.)
■ 2. Withdrawal of the interrupter carrier To 3: Vacuum switches or …
■ 1. Vacuum circuit-breakers 8
from the operating into the isolation ■ 2. Vacuum contactors in conjunction Vacuum switches, switch disconnectors
position. with HRC fuses and gas-insulated three-position switch
In both cases, the isolation gap must be ■ 3. Vacuum switches, switch disconnec-
disconnectors in primary distribution switch-
larger than the sparkover distance from tors or gas-insulated three-position boards are used mostly for small trans-
live parts to ground to avoid sparkover switch disconnectors in conjunction with former feeders such as auxiliary transform-
of incoming overvoltages across the gap. HRC fuses. ers or load center substations. Because of 9
The first method is commonly found in their inability to interrupt fault currents
fixed-mounted interrupter switchgear, To 1: Vacuum circuit-breakers they must always be used with current-
whereas the second method is applied limiting fuses. Vacuum switches and switch
In the continuing efforts for safer and more
in withdrawable switchgear. disconnectors can be installed in the air-
reliable medium-voltage circuit-breakers,
insulated switchboard types 8BK20 and
Withdrawable switchgear has primarily the vacuum interrupter is clearly the first
NXAIR. Gas-insulated three-position switch 10
been designed to provide a safe environ- choice of buyers of new circuit-breakers
disconnectors can be installed in the
ment for maintenance work on circuit inter- worldwide.
switchboard type 8DC11.
rupters and instrument transformers. It is maintenancefree up to 10,000 oper-
Therefore, if interrupters and instrument ating cycles without any limitation in terms
transformers are available that do not re- of time and it is recommended for all gen-
quire maintenance during their lifetime, the eralpurpose applications. If high numbers
withdrawable feature becomes obsolete. of switching operations are anticipated
With the introduction of maintenance-free (especially autoreclosing in overhead line
For further information please contact:
vacuum circuit-breaker bottles, and instru- systems and switching of high-voltage mo-
ment transformers which are not subject tors), their use is indicated. They are avail- ++ 49 - 91 31-73 46 39

Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 3/5
Primary Distribution
Selection Matrix

Standards Insulation Busbar system Enclosure, Isolating method Sw

1 compartmentalization de

Metal-enclosed, Draw-out section
metal-clad Vac

Single busbar Metal-enclosed, Draw-out section Vac

4 Metal-enclosed, Draw-out section Vac

Type-tested Air-insulated
indoor switchgear
to IEC 60 298 Vac
Metal-enclosed, Draw-out section
5 metal-clad Vac
cubicle-type Vac

Metal-enclosed, Draw-out section Vac

6 Vac
Double busbar

Metal-enclosed, Draw-out section Vac

metal-clad Vac
cubicle-type Sw
Triple-pole Disconnector, Vac
metal-enclosed, fixed-mounted
Single busbar Triple-pole Disconnector, Vac
metal-enclosed, fixed-mounted Sw

9 Single-pole Disconnector, Vac

metal-enclosed, fixed-mounted
SF6-insulated metal-clad

Disconnector, Vac
10 Triple-pole
metal-enclosed, fixed-mounted Sw
Double busbar

Single-pole Disconnector, Vac

metal-enclosed, fixed-mounted

Fig. 5: Primary Distribution Selection Matrix

3/6 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
Primary Distribution
Selection Matrix

Switching Switchgear Technical data Page

device type 1
Maximum rated short-time Maximum busbar rated Maximum feeder rated
current [kA], 1/3 s current [A] current [A]
7.2 12/15 17.5/24 36 7.2 12/15 17.5/24 36 7.2 12/15 17.5/24 36
kV kV kV kV kV kV kV kV kV kV kV kV

Vacuum circuit-breaker 50 50 25 – 4000 4000 2500 – 4000 4000 2000 – 3/8

Vacuum switch

Vacuum contactor
8BK30 50 50 – – 4000 4000 – – 400 400 – – 3/13

8BK40 63 63 63* – 5000 5000 5000* – 5000 5000 5000* – 3/16

Vacuum circuit-breaker
Vacuum switch
NXAIR 31.5 31.5 25 – 2500 2500 2500 – 2500 2500 2500 – 3/20 5
Switch disconnector
Vacuum contactor

Vacuum circuit-breaker
8BK20 50 50 25 – 4000 4000 2500 – 4000 4000 2000 – 3/8
Vacuum switch 6

Vacuum circuit-breaker
Vacuum switch NXAIR 31.5 31.5 25 – 2500 2500 2500 – 2500 2500 2500 – 3/20
Switch disconnector 7
Vacuum circuit-breaker
NX PLUS 31.5 31.5 31.5 31.5 2500 2500 2500 2500 2500 2500 2500 2500 3/38

Vacuum circuit-breaker
Switch disconnector 8DC11 25 25 25 – 1250 1250 1250 – 1250 1250 1250 – 3/24

Vacuum circuit-breaker
8DA10 40 40 40 40 3150 3150 3150 2500 2500 2500 2500 2500 3/30

Vacuum circuit-breaker
Switch disconnector 8DC11 25 25 25 – 1250 1250 1250 – 1250 1250 1250 – 3/24

8DB10 40 40 40 40 3150 3150 3150 2500 2500 2500 2500 2500 3/30

* up to 17.5 kV

Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 3/7
Air-Insulated Switchgear
Type 8BK20

Metal-clad switchgear 8BK20,

1 air-insulated

■ From 7.2 to 24 kV
■ Single and double-busbar
(back-to-back or face-to-face)
2 ■ Air-insulated
■ Type-tested
■ Metal-enclosed
■ Metal-clad
■ Withdrawable vacuum breaker
3 ■ Vacuum switch optional
■ For indoor installation

Specific features
4 ■ General-purpose switchgear
■ Circuit-breaker mounted on horizontal
slide behind front door
■ Cable connections from front or rear

5 Safety for operating and maintenance

■ All switching operations behind closed
■ Positive and robust mechanical
6 interlocks
■ Arc-fault-tested metal enclosure
■ Complete protection against contact Fig. 6: Metal-clad switchgear type 8BK20 (inter-cubicle partition removed)
with live parts
■ Line test with breaker inserted (option)
Stationary part Breaker carriage
7 ■ Maintenance-free vacuum breaker
The cubicle is built as a self-supporting The carriage normally supports a vacuum
Tolerance to environment structure, bolted together from rolled gal- circuit-breaker with the associated operat-
vanized steel sheets and profile sections. ing mechanism and auxiliary devices.
■ Metal enclosure with optional gaskets Each cubicle is divided into three sealed Fused vacuum switches are optional.
■ Complete corrosion protection and and isolated compartments by partitions, By manually moving the carriage with the
8 tropicalization of all parts. i.e. the busbar, cable connection and circuit- spindle drive it can be brought into a dis-
■ Vacuum-potted ribbed epoxy insulators breaker compartment. tinct ”Connected“ and ”Disconnected/
with high tracking resistance The fixed contacts of the primary discon- Test“ position. To this effect, the arc and
nectors are located within bushings, effec- pressure-proof front door remains closed.
General description tively maintaining the compartmentalization To remove the switching element com-
9 8BK20 switchboards consist of metal-clad
in all operating states of the switchgear. pletely from its compartment, a central
The bushings are covered by automatic service truck is used. Inspection can easily
cubicles of air-insulated switchgear with steel safety shutters upon removal of the and safely be carried out with the circuit-
withdrawable vacuum circuit-breakers. circuit-breaker carriage from the ”Con- breaker in the ”Disconnected/Test“ posi-
Fused vacuum switches can be used nected“ position. tion. All electrical and mechanical parts are
optionally. The breaker carriage is fully in- easily accessible in this position.
Each compartment in every model has its
10 terlocked with the interrupter and the sta-
own pressure-relief device. To reduce inter- Mechanical spring-charge and contact-
tionary cubicle. It is manually moved in
nal arcing times and thus consequential position indicators are visible through the
a horizontal direction from the ”Connect-
damage, pressure switches can be in- closed door. Local mechanical ON/OFF
ed“ position behind the closed front door
stalled that trip the incoming feeder circuit- pushbuttons are actived through the door
and without the use of auxiliary equip-
breaker(s) in less than 100 msec. This is an as well.
economical alternative to busbar differen- For complete remote control, the circuit-
A fully isolated low-voltage compartment
tial protection. breaker carriage can be equipped for motor
is integrated. All commonly used feeder
circuits and auxiliary devices are available. operation.
The switchgear cubicles and interrupters
are factory-assembled and type-tested as
per the applicable standards.

3/8 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
Air-Insulated Switchgear
Type 8BK20

Cable and bar connections

Cables and bars are connected from
below; entrance from above requires an 1
auxiliary structure behind the cubicle.
Single-phase or three-phase solid-dielectric
cables can be connected from the front or
the rear of the cubicle (specify); stress
cones are installed conveniently inside the 2
Make-proof grounding switches with man-
ual operation can be installed below the
CTs, engaging contacts behind the cable
lugs. Operation of the fully interlocked
grounding switch is possible only with the 3
breaker carriage in the ”Disconnected/
Test“ position.

Interlocking system
A series of sturdy mechanical interlocks
forces the operator into the only safe oper-
ating sequence of the switchgear, prevent-
ing positively the following:
■ Moving the carriage with the breaker
closed. 5
■ Switching the breaker in any but the
locked ”Connected“ or ”Disconnected/
Fig. 7: Cross-section through 8BK20 cubicle
Test“ position
■ Engaging the grounding switch with the
Low-voltage compartment Busbars and primary disconnectors carriage in the ”Connected“ position, 6
and moving the carriage into this posi-
All protective relays, monitoring and con- Rectangular busbars drawn from pure cop- tion with the grounding switch engaged.
trol devices of a feeder can be accommo- per are used exclusively. They are mount-
dated in a metal-enclosed LV compartment ed on ribbed, cast-resin post insulators
on top of the HV enclosure. Device-mount- which are sized to take up the dynamic Degrees of protection
ing plates, cabling troughs, and the central forces resulting from short circuits. Solid- Standard degree of protection IP 3XD 7
LV terminal strip(s) are located behind a dielectric busbar insulation is available. according to IEC 60529.
separate lockable door. Full or partial plex- The movable parts of the line and load-
iglass windows, or mimic diagrams are side primary disconnectors have flat, Optionally, the cubicles can be protected
available for these doors. spring-loaded and silver-plated hemispheri- against harmful internal deposits of dust
cal pressure contacts for low contact re- and against dripping water (IP 51), available
sistance and good ventilation. The parallel only for cubicles without ventilation slots. 8
Main enclosure connecting arms are designed to increase
The totally enclosed and sealed cubicle contact pressure during short circuits. The
permits installation in most equipment fixed contacts are silver-plated stubs within
rooms. With the optional dust protection, the circuit-breaker bushings or the busbar
the switchgear is safeguarded against mountings. 9
internal contamination, small animals and
rodents, and naturally against contact with
Instrument transformers
live parts. This eliminates the usual rea-
sons for arc faults. Up to three multicore block-type current
Should arcing occur, nevertheless, the transformers plus three single-phase
arc can be guided towards the end of the potential transformers can be installed in 10
lineup, where damage is repaired most the lower compartment, PTs optionally on
easily. For the latter reason, parititions be- withdrawable modules.
tween individual cubicles of the same bus The CTs carry the cable-connecting bars
sections are normally not used. and lugs, and the fixed contacts of the (op-
tional) grounding switch. All common bur-
den and accuracy ratings of instrument
transformers are available. Busbar meter-
ing PTs with their current-limiting fuses are
installed on withdrawable carriages, identi-
cally to breaker carriages.

Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 3/9
Air-Insulated Switchgear
Type 8BK20

The switchboards are shipped in sections
1 of up to three cubicles on stable wooden
pallets which are suitable for rolling and
forklift handling. These sections are bolted
or spot-welded to channel iron sections
embedded in a flat and level concrete floor.
2 Front-connected types can be installed
against the wall or free-standing; rear-con-
nected cubicles require service aisles.
Double-busbar installations in back-to-back
configuration are installed free-standing.
Cable feed-in is through corresponding
3 cut-outs in the floor, plans for which are
part of the switchgear supply. Three-phase
(armored) cables for voltages above 12 kV
require sufficient clearance below the
switchgear to split up the phases (cable-
floor, etc.). Circuit-breakers are shipped Fig. 8: Cross-section through switchgear type 8BK20
4 mounted on their carriages inside the in back-to-back double-busbar arrangement for rated voltages up to 24 kV
switchgear cubicles. For dimensions and
weights, see Fig. 9.

5 Weights and dimensions

Rated voltage [kV] 7.2 12 15 17.5 24

Panel spacing [mm] 800 800 800 1000 1000

Width [mm] 2050 2050 2050 2250 2250

Depth front conn.

without channel [mm] 1650 1650 1650 2025 2025
with channel [mm] 1775 1775 1775 2150 2150
Depth rear conn. [mm] 1775 1775 1775 2150 2150

Approx. weight [kg] 800 800 800 1000 1000

incl. breaker
8 Fig. 9


3/10 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
Air-Insulated Switchgear
Type 8BK20

Technical data 1

Rated Rated Rated short- Rated short- Rated Rated normal feeder current* Rated normal busbar current
voltage lightning time power circuit-breaking short-
impulse frequency current/short- circuit
voltage voltage time current making 2
(1 or 3 s current
630 1250 2000 2500 3150 4000 1) 1250 2000 2500 3150 4000
[kV] [kV] [kV] [kA] (rms) [kA] [A] [A] [A] [A] [A] [A] [A] [A] [A] [A] [A]
7.2 60 20 31.5 80 – ■ ■ ■ – – ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
40* 110 – ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
50* 125 – ■ – ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

12 75 28 31.5 80 – ■ ■ ■ – – ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
40* 110 – ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
50* 125 – ■ – ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

15 95 36 31.5 80 – ■ ■ ■ – – ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 5
40* 110 – ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
50* 125 – ■ – ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

17.5 95 38 16 40 ■ ■ – – – – ■ ■ ■ – –
20 50 ■ ■ – – – – ■ ■ ■ – –
25 63 ■ ■ ■ – – – ■ ■ ■ – –

24 125 50 16 40 ■ ■ – – – – ■ ■ ■ – –
20 50 ■ ■ ■ – – – ■ ■ ■ – – 7
25 63 – ■ ■ – – – ■ ■ ■ – –

1) Ventilation unit with or without fan and ventilation slots in the front of the cubicle required.

Fig. 10


Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 3/11
Air-Insulated Switchgear
Type 8BK20

1 8BK20 switchgear up to 24 kV

Fixed parts Withdraw- Busbar Sectionalizer Bus riser panel Metering Busbar connec-
ableparts modules panel tion panel

Fig. 11: Available circuit options


3/12 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
Air-Insulated Switchgear
Type 8BK30

Vacuum contactor
motor starters 8BK30, 1

■ From 3.6–12 kV
■ Single-busbar 2
■ Type-tested
■ Metal-enclosed
■ Metal-clad
■ Withdrawable vacuum contactors
and HRC current-limiting fuses 3
■ For direct lineup with 8BK20 switchgear
■ For indoor installation

Specific features
■ Designed as extension to 8BK20 switch- 4
gear with identical cross section
■ Contactor mounted on horizontally mov-
ing truck – 400 mm panel spacing
■ Cable connection from front or rear
■ Central or individual control power trans- 5
■ Integrally-mounted electronic multifunc-
tion motor-protection relays available.

Safety of operating and maintenance 6

■ All switching operations behind closed
■ Positive and robust mechanical inter-
locks 7
■ Arc-fault-tested metal enclosure
■ Complete protection against contact
with live parts
■ Absolutely safe fuse replacement
■ Maintenance-free vacuum interrupter 8

Fig. 12: Metal-clad switchgear type 8BK30 with vacuum contactor (inter-cubicle partition removed)
Tolerance to environment
■ Metal enclosure with optional gaskets
■ Complete corrosion protection and tropi- 9
calization of all parts Technical data
■ Vacuum-potted ribbed expoy insulators
with high tracking resistance Rated BIL PFWV Maximum Feeder Rated busbar current
voltage rating of rating
motor 10
1250 2000 2500 3150 4000
[kV] [kV] [kV] [kW] [A] [A] [A] [A] [A] [A]

3.6 40 10 1000 400 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

7.2 60 20 2000 400 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
12 60 28 3000 400 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

Fig. 13

Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 3/13
Air-Insulated Switchgear
Type 8BK30

1 Full-voltage Reduced-voltage nonreversing (RVNR) Reduced-voltage nonreversing (RVNR)

nonreversing with starter (reactor starting) with external reactor autotransformer
(FVNR) ”Korndorffer Method“

Fig. 14: Available circuits

General description The stationary part Busbars and primary disconnectors
8BK30 motor starters consist of metal- The cubicle is constructed basically the Horizontal busbars are identical to the ones
enclosed, air-insulated and metal-clad cubi- same as the matching switchgear cubicles in the associated 8BK20 switchgear.
cles. Vacuum contactors on withdrawable 8BK20, with the exception of the contactor Primary disconnectors are adapted to the
7 trucks, with or without control power truck. low feeder fault currents of these starters.
transformers, are used in conjunction with Silver-plated tulip contacts with round con-
current-limiting fuses as starter devices. tact rods are used.
The truck is fully interlocked with the struc- Contactor truck
ture and is manually moved from the Vacuum contactor, HRC fuses, and control
CTs and cable connection
8 ”Connected“ to the ”Disconnected/Test“ power transformer with fuses (if ordered)
position. A fully isolated low-voltage com- are mounted on the withdrawable truck. Due to the limited let-through current of
partment is integrated. All commonly used Auxiliary devices and interlocking compo- the HRC fuse, block-type CTs with lower
starter circuits and auxiliary devices are nents, plus the primary disconnects com- thermal rating can be used. Depending on
available. plete the assembly. the protection scheme used, CTs with one
The starter cubicles and contactors are or two secondary windings are
9 factory-assembled and type-tested as per installed.
Low-voltage compartment
applicable standards. All commonly used feeder cables up to
Space is provided for regular bimetallic or 300 mm2 can be terminated and connect-
electronic motor-protection relays, plus the ed at the lower CT terminals.
usual auxiliary relays for starter control.
The compartment is metal-enclosed and Grounding switches or surge-voltage
10 has its own lockable door. All customer limiters are installed optionally below the
wiring is terminated on a central terminal current transformers.
strip within this compartment.

Main enclosure
Practically identical to the associated
8BK20 switchgear.

3/14 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
Air-Insulated Switchgear
Type 8BK30

Interlocking system
Contactor, truck and low-voltage plugs are
integrated into the interlocking system to 1
assure the following safeguards:
■ The truck cannot be moved into the
”Connected“ position before the LV plug
is inserted.
■ The LV plug cannot be disconnected 2
with the truck in the ”Connected“ posi-
■ The truck cannot be moved with the
contactor in the ON position.
■ The contactor cannot be operated with 3
the truck in any other but the locked
”Connected“ or ”Disconnected/Test“
■ The truck cannot be brought into the
”Connected“ position with the ground-
ing switch engaged. 4
■ The grounding switch cannot be en-
gaged with the truck in the ”Connect-
ed“ position.

Degrees of protection 5
Standard degree of protection IP 3XD
according to IEC 60529.
Optionally, the starters can be protected
against harmful internal deposits of dust
and against dripping water in the 6
”Operating“ position (IP 51).
Fig. 15: Cross-section through switchgear type 8BK30
Identical to the procedures outlined for 7
8BK20 switchgear. Only the HRC fuses are Weights and dimensions
shipped outside the enclosure, separately
Rated voltage [kV] 3.6 7.2 12

Width [mm] 2 x 400 2 x 400 2 x 400 8

Height [mm] 2050 2050 2050

Depth [mm] 1650 1650 1650

Approx. weight [kg] 700 700 700 9

incl. contactor

Fig. 16


Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 3/15
Air-Insulated Switchgear
Type 8BK40

Metal-clad switchgear 8BK40,

1 air-insulated

■ From 7.2 to 17.5 kV

■ Single and double-busbar
(back-to-back or face-to-face)
2 ■ Air-insulated
■ Type-tested
■ Metal-enclosed
■ Metal-clad
■ Withdrawable vacuum breaker
3 ■ For indoor installation

Specific features
■ General-purpose switchgear for rated
4 feeder/busbar current up to 5000 A and
short-circuit breaking current up to
63 kA
■ Circuit-breaker mounted on horizontally
moving truck
■ Cable connections from front
Safety of operating and maintenance
■ All switching operations behind closed
Fig. 17: Metal-clad switchgear type 8BK40 with vacuum circuit-breaker 3AH
6 (inter-cubicle partition removed)
■ Positive and robust mechanical
■ Complete protection against contact
with live parts
■ Line test with breaker inserted (option)
7 ■ Maintenance-free vacuum circuit-

Tolerance to environment
8 ■ Sealed metal enclosure with optional
■ Complete corrosion protection and tropi-
calization of all parts
■ Vacuum-potted ribbed epoxy-insulators
with high tracking resistance
Generator vacuum circuit-breaker panel
■ Suitable for use in steam, gas-turbine,
hydro and pumped-storage power plants
10 ■ Suitable for use in horizontal, L-shaped
or vertical generator lead routing

Fig. 18: Cross-section through type 8BK40 generator panel

3/16 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
Air-Insulated Switchgear
Type 8BK40

General description
8BK40 switchboards consist of metal-clad
cubicles of air-insulated switchgear with 1
withdrawable vacuum circuit-breakers. The
breaker truck is fully interlocked with the
interrupter and the stationary cubicle.
It is manually moved in a horizontal direc-
tion from the ”Connected“ position behind 2
the closed front door and without the use
of auxiliary equipment. A fully isolated low-
voltage compartment is integrated.
All commonly used feeder circuits and aux-
iliary devices are available.
The switchgear cubicles and interrupters 3
are factory-assembled and type-tested as
per applicable standards.

Stationary part
The cubicle is built as a self-supporting
structure, bolted together from rolled gal-
vanized steel sheets and profile sections.
Cubicles for rated voltages up to 17.5 kV
are of identical construction. Each cubicle
is divided into three sealed and isolated 5
compartments by partitions, i.e. the bus-
bar, cable connection and circuit-breaker
The fixed contacts of the primary discon- Fig. 19: Cross-section through panel type 8BK40
nectors are located within insulating breaker 6
bushings, effectively maintaining the com-
partmentalization in all operating states of
the switchgear. The bushings are covered tion indicators are visible through the towards the end of the lineup, where dam-
by automatic steel safety shutters upon closed door. Local mechanical ON/OFF age is repaired most easily. For the latter
removal of the circuit-breaker element pushbuttons are actived through the door reason, partitions between individual cubi-
from the ”Connected“ position. as well. cles of the same bus sections are normally 7
Each compartment in every model has its For complete remote control, the circuit- not used.
own pressure-relief device. To reduce inter- breaker carriage can be equipped for motor
nal arcing times and thus consequential operation. Busbars and primary disconnectors
damage, pressure-switches can be installed
Rectangular busbars drawn from pure
that trip the incoming-feeder circuit-breaker(s)
Low-voltage compartment copper are used exclusively. They are 8
in less than 100 msec. This is an economic
alternative to busbar differential protection. All protective relays, monitoring and con- mounted on ribbed, cast-resin post insula-
trol devices of a feeder can be accommo- tors which are sized to take up the dyna-
dated in a metal-enclosed LV compartment mic forces resulting from short circuits.
Interrupter truck
on top of the HV enclosure. Device-mount- The movable parts of the line and load-
The truck normally supports a vacuum ing plates, cabling troughs, and the central side primary disconnectors have flat, 9
circuit-breaker with the associated operat- LV terminal strip(s) are located behind a spring-loaded and silver-plated hemispheri-
ing mechanism and auxiliary devices. separate lockable door. Full or partial plex- cal pressure contacts for low contact re-
By manually moving the truck with the iglass windows, or mimic diagrams sistance and good ventilation. The parallel
spindle drive it can be brought into a dis- are available for these doors. connecting arms are designed to increase
tinct ”Connected“ and ”Disconnected/ contact pressure during short circuits. The
Test“ position. To this effect, the front fixed contacts are silver-plated stubs within 10
Main enclosure the circuit-breaker bushings.
door remains closed.
Inspection can easily and safely be carried The totally enclosed and sealed cubicle
out with the circuit-breaker in the ”Discon- permits installation in most equipment
Instrument transformers
nected/Test“ position. All electrical and rooms. With the optional dust protection,
mechanical parts are easily accessible in the switchgear is safeguarded against Up to three multicore block-type current
this position. internal contamination, small animals and transformers plus three single-phase
rodents, and naturally against contact with potential transformers can be installed in
Mechanical spring-charge and contact-posi- live parts. This eliminates the usual rea- the lower compartment, PTs optionally
sons for arc faults. Should arcing occur, on withdrawable modules.
nevertheless, the arc can be guided

Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 3/17
Air-Insulated Switchgear
Type 8BK40

The CTs carry the cable-connecting bars

and lugs, and the fixed contacts of the (op- Weight and dimensions
1 tional) grounding switch. All common bur-
den and accuracy ratings of instrument
transformers are available. Busbar meter- Rated voltage [kV] 7.2 12 15 17.5
ing PTs with their current-limiting fuses are
installed on a withdrawable truck, identical Width [mm] 1100 1100 1100 1100
to the breaker truck.
2 Height [mm] 2500 2500 2500 2500
Cable and bar connections
Depth [mm] 2300 2300 2300 2300
Cables and bars are connected from
below; entrance from above requires an Approx. weight [kg] 2800 2800 2800 2800
3 auxiliary structure behind the cubicle. incl. breaker
Single-phase or three-phase solid-dielectric
cables can be connected from the front of Fig. 20
the cubicle; stress cones are installed con-
veniently inside the cubicle.
Regular and make-proof grounding switch-
4 es with manual operation can be installed
Technical data
below the CTs, engaging contacts behind
the cable lugs. Operation of the fully inter- Rated Rated Rated Rated Rated Rated normal feeder Rated
locked grounding switch is possible only voltage lightning- short-time short- short- current normal
with the breaker carriage in the ”Discon- impulse power- circuit- circuit- busbar
5 nected/Test“ position. voltage frequency breaking making current
voltage current/ current
short time
Interlocking system
A series of sturdy mechanical interlocks 1250 2500 3150 5000 5000
forces the operator into the only safe oper- [kV] [kV] [kV] kA [rms] [kA] [A] [A] [A] [A] [A]
6 ating sequence of the switchgear, prevent-
ing positively the following: 7.2 60 20 50 125
63 160
■ Moving the truck with the breaker
■ Switching the breaker in any but the
12 75 28 50 125
63 160
7 locked ”Connected“ or ”Disconnected/
Test“ position.
15 95 36 50 125
■ Engaging the grounding switch with
63 160
the truck in the ”Connected“ position,
and moving the truck into this position
with the grounding switch engaged. 17.5 95 38 50 125
8 63 160

Degrees of protection
Fig. 21
Degree of protection IP 4X:
In the ”Connected“ and the ”Disconnect-
9 ed/Test“ position of the truck, the switch-
gear is totally protected against contact
with live parts by objects larger than 2 mm Front-connected types can be installed
in diameter. against the wall or free-standing. Double-
Optionally, the cubicles can be protected busbar installations in back-to-back configu-
against harmful internal deposits of dust ration are installed free-standing.
10 and against drip water (IP 51). Cable feed-in is through corresponding cut-
outs in the floor; plans for which are part
of the switchgear scope of supply. Three-
Installation phase (armored) cables for voltages above
The switchboards are shipped in sections 12 kV require sufficient clearance below
of one cubicle on stable wooden pallets the switchgear to split up the phases (cable
which are suitable for rolling and forklift floor, etc.). Circuit-breakers are shipped
handling. These sections are bolted or mounted on their trucks inside the switch-
spot-welded to channel iron sections em- gear cubicles. For preliminary dimensions
bedded in a flat and level concrete floor. and weights, see Fig. 20.

3/18 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
Air-Insulated Switchgear
Type 8BK40

8BK40 switchgear up to 17.5 kV

Fixed parts Withdraw- Metering Busbar Sectionalizer Bus riser panel 2
ableparts panel modules

8BK40 generator vacuum CB panel

Variants Additional parts Optional parts


Fig. 22: Available circuit options for switchgear/generator panel type 8BK40

Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 3/19
Air-Insulated Switchgear

Metal-clad or cubicle type Renewed availability

switchgear NXAIR, air-insulated ■ Internal fault withstand capability satis-

1 fied according to standards
■ Separate pressure relief for every com-
■ From 3.6 to 24 kV partment
■ Single- and double-busbar (back to back ■ Standard direction of pressure relief
or face-to-face) upwards
2 ■ Air-insulated ■ Busbar fittings (e.g. voltage transform-
■ Metal-enclosed ers, current transformers in run of bus-
bar or make-proof earthing switches) ar-
■ Metal-clad or cubicle type
ranged in separate compartments above
■ Modular construction of individual panels busbar compartments
■ Supplied as standard with bushing-
3 type transformers for selective tripping
■ Pressure-resistant additional compart-
ments with pressure-proof barrier to
of feeders without any additional busbar compartment
■ Pressure-resistant floor covering
■ Vacuum circuit-breaker module
■ Control cables inside panels arranged in
type NXACT
metallic cable ducts
4 ■ Cable testing without isolation of busbar
Specific features assured by separately opening shutters
■ General-purpose switchgear of module compartment
■ Circuit-breaker mounted on horizontal ■ Easy replacement of compartments by
slide or truck behind front door virtue of self-supporting, modular and
5 ■ Cable connections from front or rear bolted construction
■ Replacement of module compartments
and/or connection compartments possi-
Safety of operating and maintenance ble without having to isolate busbar
■ Bushing-type transformers for selective
■ All switching operations behind closed disconnection of feeders
6 doors
■ Switchgear modules with intgrated inter- Fig. 23: Metal-clad switchgear type NXAIR Standards
locking and control board
■ Panels tested for internal arcs to ■ The switchgear cubicles and interrupters
IEC 60 298, App. AA are factory assembled and type-tested
7 ■ Complete protection against contact Flexibility
according to VDE 0670 Part 6 and
IEC 60 298.
with live parts
■ Wall mounting or free-standing arrange-
■ Mechanical switch position indication on ment
panel front for switching device, discon- Degrees of protection
■ Cable connection from front or rear
nector and earthing switch Standard degree of protection IP3XD
■ Connection of all familiar types of cables
8 ■ Earthing of feeders by means of make- according to IEC 60 529
proof earthing switches. ■ Available in truck-type or withdrawable
construction Optionally, the cubicles can be protected
■ Operation of all switching, disconnecting against harmful internal deposits of dust
and earthing functions from panel front ■ Optional left or right-hand arrangement
and against dripping water (IP 51), available
of hinges
– Unambiguous assignment of actuating only for cubicles without ventilation slots.
openings and control elements to me- – of high-voltage doors
9 chanical switch position indications – of doors of low-voltage compartments
– Mechanical switch position indications ■ Extension of existing switchgear at both
integrated in mimic diagram ends without modification of panels
– Convenient height of actuating open- ■ Easy replacement of bushing-type trans-
ings, control elements and mechanical formers from front
10 switch position indications on high- ■ Screw-type mating contacts on bushing-
voltage door, as well as low-voltage type transformers can be easily replaced
unit in door of low-voltage compart- from front (from module compartment).
ment. ■ Reconnection of current transformers on
– Logical interlocks prevent malopera- secondary side
■ Option: verification of dead state with
high-voltage door closed, by means of a
voltage detection system according to
IEC 61 243-5

3/20 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
Air-Insulated Switchgear

NXAIR is of modular construction.

The main components are: 1 Pressure relief duct
A Module compartment 2 Busbars
B Busbar compartment E 3 Bushing-type insulator
C Connection compartment B
1 4 Bushing-type transformer
D NXACT vacuum circuit-breaker module 5 Make-proof earthing switch
E Low-voltage compartment 2 A 6 Cable connection for 2 cables
per phase
3 9
Module compartment 7 Cables
4 10 8 Cable brackets
Basic features
D 9 Withdrawable part
■ Housings are of sendzimir-galvanized 5 11
10 Vacuum interrupters 3
sheet-steel 12
6 11 Combined operating and
■ High-voltage door and front frame with interlocking unit for circuit-
additional epoxy resin powder coating C breaker, disconnector and
■ Module compartment to accomodate earthing switch
necessary components (vacuum circuit- 8 13 12 Contact system
breaker module, vacuum contactor mod-
14 13 Earthing busbar 4
ule, disconnector module, metering
14 Option: truck
module and transformer feeder module)
for implementing various panel versions
■ With shutter operating mechanism
■ High-voltage door pressure-proof in Fig. 24: Cross-section through cubicle type NXAIR
event of internal arcs in panel
■ Metallic cable ducts on side for laying Solid-state HMI
control cables (internal and external) (human-machine interface) Door of low-voltage
■ Option: test sockets for capactive volt- Bay controller SIPROTEC 4 type 7SJ62 for compartment
age detection system control and protection (Fig.25)
■ Low-voltage plug connectors for connec-
tion of switchgear modules to auxiliary Features
voltage circuits. 1 LCD for process and equipment data,
e.g. for:
NXACT vacuum circuit-breaker module – Measuring and metering values
– Binary data for status of switchpanel 7
Features and device
■ Integrated mechanical interlocks be- – Protection data
tween operating mechanisms – General signals
■ Integrated mechanical switch position – Alarm
indications for circuit-breaker, withdrawa- 2 Keys for navigation in menus and for 8
ble part and earthing switch functions entering values
■ Easy movement since only withdrawable 3 Seven programmable LEDs with possi-
part is moved ble application-related inscriptions, for
■ Permanent interlock of carriage mecha- indicating any desired process and
nism of switchgear module in panel equipment data 1 9
4 Four programmable function keys for
Low-voltage compartment frequently performed actions.
■ Accommodates equipment for protec-
tion, control, measuring and metering, 3
e.g. bay controller SIPROTEC 4 type 10
■ Shock-protected from high-voltage 4
section by barriers
■ Low-voltage compartment can be
removed; ring and control cables are
plugged in
■ Option: low-voltage compartment of Bay controller SIPROTEC 4
increased height (980 mm) possible type 7SJ62
■ Option: partition wall between panels.
Fig. 25: Bay controller

Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 3/21
Air-Insulated Switchgear

Technical data
Rated voltage [kV] 12 15 17.5 24
Rated short-time
2 voltage [kV] 28 1) 36 38 50
Rated lightning
impulse voltage [kV] 75 95 95 125
Rated short-circuit
3 breaking current max. [kA] 31.5 31.5 25 25
Rated short-time
withstand current max. [kA] 31.5 31.5 25 25
Rated short-circuit
making current max. [kA] 80 80 63 63
Rated normal
current of busbar max. [A] 2500 2500 2500 2500
Rated normal
current of feeder max. [A] 2500 2500 2500 2500
5 Rated normal
current of trans-
former feeder Depends on rated current of fuse used
panels with
HV HRC fuses 2)
6 1) 42 kV on request
2) At 7.2 kV: max. rated current 250 A
at 12 kV: max rated current 150 A
at 15/17.5/24 kV: max. rated current 100 A

Fig. 26

Weights and dimensions

8 Width [mm] 800 800 800 800*) / 1000

Height [mm] 2000 2300 2300 2300
Height with high [mm] 2350 2650 2650 2650
LV compartment
9 Depth [mm] 1350 1550 1550 1550
Weight (approx.) [kg] 600
*) up to 1250 A rated normal current of feeder

10 Fig. 27

3/22 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
Air-Insulated Switchgear

Incoming and Outgoing feeder Metering panel Transformer

outgoing feeder panel with with metering feeder panel with 1
panel with circuit- disconnector module transformer
breaker module module feeder module
and fuses

Switch Sectionalizer Bus riser panel Spur panel with
disconnector panel of the bus of the bus circuit-breaker
panel sectionalizer sectionalizer module

Feeder panel with Feeder panel with Feeder panel Feeder panel with
busbar current busbar earthing with busbar busbar voltage
metering switch connection metering 8
(optional)* (optional)* (optional)* (optional)*


Components shown with dashes are optional

* Not for feeder panels with open-circuit ventilation,
busbar current metering up to 12 kV, 25 kA

Fig. 28: Available circuit options

Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 3/23
SF6-Insulated Switchgear
Type 8DC11

Gas-insulated switchgear
1 type 8DC11

■ From 3.6 up to 24 kV
■ Triple-pole primary enclosure
■ SF6-insulated
2 ■ Vacuum circuit-breakers, fixed-mounted
■ Hermetically-sealed, welded, stainless-
steel switchgear enclosure
■ Three-position disconnector as busbar
disconnector and feeder earthing switch
3 ■ Make-proof grounding with
vacuum circuit breaker
■ Width 600 mm for all versions
up to 24 kV
■ Plug-in, single-pole, solid-insulated bus-
4 bars with outer conductive coating
■ Cable termination with external cone
connection system to EN 50181

Operator safety
5 ■ Safe-to-touch and hermetically-sealed
primary enclosure
■ All high-voltage parts, including the cable
sealing ends, busbars and voltage trans-
formers are surrounded by grounded
6 layers or metal enclosures
■ Capacitive voltage indication for check-
ing for ”dead“ state
■ Operating mechanisms and auxiliary
switches safely accessible outside the
primary enclosure (switchgear enclo-
7 sure)
■ Type-tested enclosure and interrogation
interlocking provide high degree of inter-
nal arcing protection
■ Arc-fault-tested acc. to IEC 60 298
8 ■ No need to interfere with the SF6-insu-
lation Fig. 29: Gas-insulated swichgear with vacuum circuit-breakers

Operational reliability
■ Hermetically-sealed primary enclosure ■ Complete switchgear interlocking with The 8DC11 is the result of the economical
9 for protection against environmental mechanical interrogation interlocks combination of SF6-insulation and vacuum
effects (dirt, moisture, insects and ro- ■ Welded switchgear enclosure, perma- technology. The insulating gas SF6 is used
dents). Degree of protection IP65 nently sealed for internal insulation only; circuit interrup-
■ Operating mechanism components ■ Minimum fire contribution tion takes place in standard vacuum break-
maintenance-free in indoor environment er bottles. The safety for the personnel
■ Installation independent of attitude for
10 (DIN VDE 0670 Part 1000) and the environment is maximized. The
feeders without HRC fuses
■ Breaker-operating mechanisms accessi- 8DC11 is completely maintenance-free.
■ Corrosion protection for all climates The welded gas-tight enclosure of the pri-
ble outside the enclosure (primary enclo-
sure) mary part assures an endurance of 30 years
General description without any work on the gas system.
■ Inductive voltage transformer metal-
enclosed for plug-in mounting outside Due to the excellent experience with vacu-
the main circuit um circuit breaker gas-insulated switch-
■ Toroidal-core current transformers gear, there is a worldwide rapidly increas-
located outside the primary enclosure, ing demand of this kind of switchgear even
i.e. free of dielectric stress in the so-called low-range field.

3/24 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
SF6-Insulated Switchgear
Type 8DC11

1. Modular design and compact

The 8DC switchboards consist of:
1 1 Low-voltage compartment 1
■ The maintenance-free SF6-gas-insulated 2 Busbar voltage transformer
switching module is three-phase encap-
sulated and contains the vacuum circuit- 3 Busbar current transformer
breaker and 3 position selector switch 2 4 Busbar 2
■ Parts for which single-phase encapsula- 5 SF6-filled enclosure
tion is essential are safe to touch, easily
accessible and not located in the switch- 3 6 Three-position switch
ing module, e.g. current and potential 4
transformers 7 Three-position switch
5 operating mechanism 3
■ The busbars are even single-phase
encapsulated, i.e. they are insulated by 8 Circuit-breaker operating
silicone rubber with an outer grounded mechanism
coating. The pluggable design assures a 7 6
high degree of flexibility and makes also 9 Circuit-breaker
the installation of busbar CTs and PTs (Vacuum interrupter) 4
8 10 Current transformers
2. Factory-assembled well-proven test- 9 11 Double cable connection
ed components with T-plugs
Switchgear based on well-proven compo- 10 5
12 PT disconnector
The 8DC switchgear design is based on 11 12 13 Voltage transformers
assembling methods and components
which have been used for years in our SF6- 14 Cable
insulated Ring Main Units (RMUs). For ex- 6
ample, the stainless-steel switchgear en- 15 Pressure relief duct
closure is hermetically-sealed by welding 13
without any gaskets. Bushings for the bus-
bar, cable and PT connection are welded in
this enclosure, as well as the rupture disc,
which is installed for pressure relief in the 7
unlikely event of an internal fault. Siemens
has had experience with this technique
since 1982; 50,000 RMUs are running trou- 15
Cable plugs with the so-called outer-cone
Fig. 30: Cross section through switchgear type 8DC11
system have been on the market for many
The gas pressure monitoring system is nei-
ther affected by temperature fluctuations
nor by pressure fluctuations and shows 2 5 3
clearly whether the switchpanel is ”ready
for service“ or not. The monitor is magnet- 1 ”Ready for service“ indicator
ically coupled to an internal gas-pressure
reference cell; mechanical penetration 2 Pressure cell
through the housing is not required. A de- 1 3 Red indicator: Not ready
sign safe and reliable and, of course, well-
4 Green indicator: Ready
proven in our RMUs.
The vacuum circuit-breaker, i.e. the vacu- 5 Magnetic coupling
um interrupters and the operating mecha- Stainless-steel 4
nism, is also used in our standard switch- enclosure filled with
boards. The driving force for the primary SF6 gas at 0.5 bar
contacts of the vacuum interrupters is (gauge) at 20 °C
transferred via metal bellows into the SF6-
gas-filled enclosure. A technology that has
been successfully in operation in more
than 100,000 vacuum interrupters over 20 Fig. 31: Principle of gas monitoring (with ”Ready for service“ indicator)

Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 3/25
SF6-Insulated Switchgear
Type 8DC11

3. Current and potential transformers 4. No gas work at site and simplified HV tests can be omitted. Factory-tested
as per user’s application installation quality is ensured thanks to simplified
1 A step forward in switchgear design with- The demand for reliable, economical and
installation without any final adjustments
or difficult assembly work.
out any restriction to the existing system! maintenance-free switchgear is increasing
New switchgear developments are some- more and more in all power supply sys-
times overdesigned with the need for high- tems. Industrial companies and power sup- 5. Minimum space and maintenance-
ly sophisticated secondary monitoring and ply utilities are aware of the high invest- free, cost-saving factors
2 protection equipment, because current- ment and service costs needed to keep a
Panel dimensions reduced, cable-connec-
and potential-measuring devices are used reliable network running. Preventive main-
tenance must be carried out by trained and tion compartment enlarged!
with limited rated outputs.
costly personnel. The panel width of 600 mm and the depth
The result: of 1225 mm are just half of the truth. More
A modern switchgear design should not
Limited application in distribution systems only reduce the investment costs, but also important is the maximized size of the 8DC
3 due to interface problems with existing the service costs in the long run! switchgear cable-connection compartment.
devices; difficult operation and resetting of The access is from the switchgear front
parameters. The Siemens 8DC switchgear has been and the gap from the cable terminal to the
developed to fulfill those requirements. switchgear floor amounts to 740 mm.
The Siemens 8DC switchgear has no re- The modular concept with the mainte-
strictions. Current and potential transform- There is no need for any aisle behind the
nance-free units does not call for installa- switchgear lineup and a cable cellar is su-
4 ers with conventional characteristics are tion specialists and expensive testing and
available for all kinds of protection require- perfluous. A cable trench saves civil engi-
commissioning procedures. The switching neering costs and is fully sufficient with
ments. They are always fitted outside the module with the circuit-breaker and the
SF6-gas-filled container in areas of single- compact dimensions, such as width 500
three-position disconnector is sealed for mm and depth 600 mm.
pole accessibility, the safe-to-touch design life by gas-tight welding without any gas-
of both makes any kind of setting and test- kets. All other high-voltage components Consequently, the costs for the plot of land
5 ing under all service conditions easy. are connected by means of plugs, a tech- and civil work are reduced. Even more,
Current transformers can be installed in nology well-known from cable plugs with a substation can be located closer to the
the cable connection compartment at the long- lasting service and proven experience. consumer which can also solve cable
bushings and, if required additionally, at routing problems.
All cables will be connected by cable plugs
the cables (inside the cable connection with external cone connection system.
6 compartment). Busbar CTs for measuring In the case of XLPE cables, several manu- Busbar
and protection can be placed around the facturers even offer cable plugs with an
silicone-rubber-insulated busbars in any outer conductive coating (also standard for Features
panel. the busbars). Paper-insulated mass-impreg- ■ Single-pole, plug-in version
Potential transformers are of the metal- nated cables can be connected as well by ■ Made of round-bar copper, silicon-
clad pluggable design. Busbar PTs are Raychem heat-shrinkable sealing ends and
7 designed for repeated tests with 80% of adapters.
the rated power-frequency withstand volt- ■ Busbar connection with cross pieces
The pluggable busbars and PTs do not and end pieces, silicon-insulated
age, cable PTs can be isolated from the require work on the SF6 system at site. In-
live parts by means of a disconnection ■ Field control with the aid of electro-
stallation costs are considerably reduced conductive layers on the silicon-rubber
device which is part of the SF6-gas-filled (all components are pluggable) because,
switching module. This allows high-voltage insulation (both inside and outside)
8 testing of the switchboard with AC and the
contrary to standard GIS, even the site
■ External layers earthed with the switch-
cable with DC without having to remove gear enclosure to permit access
the PTs. ■ Insensitive to dirt and condensation
■ Shock-hazard protected in form of metal
9 ■ Switchgear can be extended or panels
replaced without affecting the SF6 gas


Fig. 32: Plug-in busbar (front view with removed low-voltage panel)

3/26 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
SF6-Insulated Switchgear
Type 8DC11

Fig. 33: Vacuum circuit-breaker (open on operating-mechanism side)

4 5 6 7 8 2 9 3 1 Primary part SF6-insulated,
with vacuum interrupter
2 Part of switchgear enclosure
3 Operating-mechanism box
(open) 5
4 Fixed contact element
5 Pole support
6 Vacuum interrupter
7 Movable contact element
8 Metal bellows
1 9 Operating mechanism

Fig. 34: Vacuum circuit-breaker (sectional view)

Switch-disconnector Metering
Circuit-breaker panel Disconnector panel Busbar section
panel with fuses


Basic versions
Vacuum circuit-breaker Disconnector panel Switch-disconnector Busbar section with Switch-disconnector
panel and three-position with three-position panel with three-position 2 three-position panel with three-position
disconnector disconnector switch disconnector disconnectors and switch disconnector
and HV HCR fuses vacuum circuit-breaker and HV HCR fuses
in one panel
Optional equipment indicated by means of broken lines 1) Current transformer: electrically, this is assigned to the switchpanel,
can be installed/omitted in part or whole. its actual physical location, however, is on the adjacent panel.

Fig. 35: Switchpanel versions

Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 3/27
SF6-Insulated Switchgear
Type 8DC11

Technical data Weights and dimensions

Rated voltage [kV] 7.2 12 15 17.5 24 Width [mm] 600

Height [mm] 2250

Rated power-frequency
2 withstand voltage [kV] 20 28 36 38 50
Depth single-busbar [mm] 1225
double-busbar [mm] 2370
Rated lightning impulse
withstand voltage [kV] 60 75 95 95 125 Weight single-busbar [kg] 700
(approx.) double-busbar [kg] 1200
3 Rated short-circuit
breaking current Fig. 37
Rated short-time
current, 3 s max. [kA] 25 25 25 25 25
Cable connection systems
4 Rated short-circuit
making current [kA] 63 63 63 63 63

[A] ■ 8DC11 switchgear for thermoplastic-

Rated busbar current 1250 1250 1250 1250 1250
insulated cables with cross-sections
up to 630 mm2
5 Rated feeder current max. [A] 1250 1250 1250 1250 1250 ■ Standard cable termination height of
740 mm
Rated current of switch- ■ High connection point, simplifying
disconnector panels assembly and cable-testing work
with fuses max. fuse [A] 100 80 63 63 50
■ Phase reversal simple, if necessary,
6 Fig. 36: Technical data of switchgear type 8DC11
due to symmetrical arrangement of
cable sealing ends
■ Cover panel of cable termination com-
partment earthed
Climate and ambient conditions Internal arc test ■ Nonconnected feeders:
7 The 8DC11 fixed-mounted circuit breaker Tests have been carried out with 8DC11 – Isolate
is fully enclosed and entirely unaffected switchgear in order to verify its behavior – Ground
by ambient conditions. under conditions of internal arcing. – Secure against re-energizing
■ All medium-voltage switching devices The resistance to internal arcing complies (e.g. with padlock)
are enclosed in a stainless-steel housing, with the requirements of:
8 which is welded gas-tight and filled with ■ IEC 60 298 AA Types of cable termination
SF6 gas
■ DIN VDE 0670 Part 601, 9.84 Circuit-breaker and disconnector panels
■ Live parts outside the switchgear enclo- with cable T-plugs for bushings, with M16
These guidelines have been applied in
sure are single-pole enclosed terminal thread according to EN 50181
accordance with PEHLA Guideline No. 4.
■ There are no points at which leakage type C.
currents of high-voltage potentials are
9 able to flow off to ground Protection against electric shock Switch disconnector panels with elbow
and the ingress of water and solid cable plugs for bushings, with plug-in con-
■ All essential components of the operat- nection according to EN 50181 type A.
ing mechanism are made of noncorrod- foreign bodies
ing materials The 8DC11 fixed-mounted circuit breaker
■ Ambient temperature range: offer the following degrees of protection in
10 –5 to +55°C. accordance with IEC 60 259:
■ IP3XD for external enclosure
■ IP65 for high-voltage components of
switchpanels without HV HRC fuses

3/28 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
SF6-Insulated Switchgear
Type 8DC11

1 Low-voltage compartment 1
5 2 Operating mechanism
1 3 Cable connection
4 Current transformer 2
6 5 Panel link
6 Busbar
7 Gas compartment
2 8 8 Three-position switch
9 Voltage transformer



Fig. 38: Double busbar: Back-to-back arrangement (cross section)


Single cable Double cable Termination for surge arrester Termination

for switch discon-
nector panel


Fig. 39: Types of cable termination, outer cone system

Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 3/29
SF6-Insulated Switchgear
Type 8DA/8DB10

Gas-insulated switchgear General description 3. Three-position switch and circuit-

type 8DA/8DB10 The switchgear type 8DA10 represents the
1 successful generation of gas-insulated me- The required isolation of any feeder from
dium-voltage switchgear with fixed-mount- the busbar, and its often desired grounding
■ Single-busbar: type 8DA ed, maintenance-free vacuum circuit-break- is provided by means of a sturdy, mainte-
Double-busbar: type 8DB ers. The insulating gas SF6 is used for nance-free three-way switch arranged be-
internal insulation only; circuit interruption tween the busbars and the vacuum break-
■ From 7.2 to 40.5 kV
2 ■ Single and double-busbar
takes place in standard vacuum breaker er bottles. This switch is mechanically
bottles. interlocked with the circuit breaker. The
■ Gas-insulated operations ”On/Isolated“ and ”Isolated/
■ Type-tested Grounding selected“ are carried out by
1. Encapsulation means of two different rotary levers. The
■ Metal-clad (encapsulated)
■ Compartmented All high-voltage conductors and interrupter grounding of the feeder is completed by
3 ■ Fixed-mounted vacuum breaker elements are enclosed in two identical closing the circuit-breaker. To facilitate
cast-aluminum housings, which are ar- replacement of a vacuum tube with the
ranged at 90° angles to each other. The busbars live, the switch is located entirely
Specific features aluminum alloy used is corrosion-free. within the busbar compartment.
■ Practically maintenance-free compact The upper container carries the copper The vacuum circuit-breakers used are of
switchgear for the most severe service busbars with its associated vacuum-potted
4 epoxy insulators, and the three-way selec-
the type 3AH described on pages 3/74 ff
conditions of this section. Mounted in the gas-insulat-
■ Fixed-mounted maintenance-free vacu- tor switch for the feeder with the three ed switchgear, the operating mechanism is
um breakers positions ON/ISOLATED/GROUNDING placed at the switchgear front and the vac-
SELECTED. The other housing contains uum interrupters are located inside the gas
■ Only two moving parts and two dynamic
the vacuum breaker interrupter. The two filled enclosures. The number of operating
seals in gas enclosure of each pole
5 ■ Feeder grounding via circuit-breaker
housings are sealed against each other, cycles is 30,000. Since any switching arc
and against the cable connecting area by that occurs is contained within the vacuum
■ Only 600 mm bay width and identical arc-proof and gas-tight epoxy bushings tube, contamination of the insulating gas is
dimensions from 7.2 to 40.5 kV with O-ring seals. Busbar enclosure and not possible.
breaker enclosures form separate gas
Safety and reliability compartments.
6 The hermetical sealing of all HV compo-
4. Instrument transformers
■ Safe to touch – hermetically-sealed
grounded metal enclosure. nents prevents contamination, moisture, Toroidal-type current transformers with
and foreign objects of any kind – the lead- multiple secondary windings are arranged
■ All HV and internal mechanism parts
ing cause of arcing faults – from entering outside the metallic enclosure around the
maintenance-free for 20 years the switchgear. This reduces the require- cable terminations. Thus there is no high
■ Minor gas service only after 10 years
7 ■ Arc-fault-tested
ment for maintenance and the probability potential exposed on these CTs and sec-
of a fault due to the above to practically ondary connections are readily accessible.
■ Single-phase encapsulation – zero. All moving parts and items requiring All commonly used burden and accuracy
no phase-to-phase arcing inspection and occasional lubrication are ratings are available.
■ All switching operations from dead-front readily accessible. Bus metering and measuring are by induc-
operating panel tive, gas-insulated potential transformers
8 ■ Live line test facility on panel front which are plugged into fully insulated and
2. Insulation medium
■ Drive mechanism and CT secondaries gas-tight bushings on top of the switch-
Sulfur-hexafluoride (SF6) gas is the prime gear.
freely and safely accessible
insulation medium in this switchgear.
■ Fully insulated cable and busbar connec-
Vacuum-potted cast-resin insulators and
tions available bushings supplement the gas and can 5. Feeder connections
9 ■ Positive mechanical interlocking withstand the operating voltage in the ex- All commonly used solid-dielectric insulat-
■ External parts of instrument transform- tremely unlikely case of a total gas loss in ed single and three-phase cables can be
ers free of dielectric stresses. a compartment. The SF6 gas serves addi- connected conveniently to the breaker en-
tionally as corrosion inhibiter by keeping closures from below. Normally, fully insu-
Tolerance to environment oxygen away from the inner components. lated plug-in terminations are used. Also,
10 ■ Hermetically-sealed enclosure protects
The guaranteed leakage rate of any gas fully insulated and gas-insulated busbar
compartment is less than 1% per year. systems of the DURESCA/GAS LINK type
all high-voltage parts from the environ-
Thus no scheduled replenishment of gas is can be used. The latter two termination
required. Each compartment has its methods maintain the fully insulated and
■ Installation independent of altitude own gas supervision by contact-pressure safe-to-touch concept of the entire switch-
■ Corrosion protection for all climates. gauges. gear, rendering the terminations mainte-
nance-free as well.
In special cases, air-insulated conventional
cable connection is available.

3/30 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
SF6-Insulated Switchgear
Type 8DA/8DB10

8DA10 1
1 Low-voltage cubicle
2 2 Secondary equipment (SIPROTEC 4)

3 3 Busbar
4 Cast aluminum 2
4 5 Disconnector
6 Operating mechanism and
interlocking device
for three-position switch 3
6 7 Three-position switch
7 8 CB pole with upper and lower
9 CB operating mechanism
9 10 Vacuum interrupter
10 11 Connection
12 Current transformer
13 Rack
12 5

Fig. 40: Schematic cross-section for switchgear type 8DA10, single-busbar 6


3 8

9 10

Fig. 41: Schematic cross-section for switchgear type 8DB10, double-busbar

Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 3/31
SF6-Insulated Switchgear
Type 8DA/8DB10

6. Low-voltage cabinet
All feeder-related electronic protection
1 devices, auxiliary relays, and measuring
and indicating devices are installed in met-
al-enclosed low-voltage cabinets on top of
each breaker bay. A central terminal strip
of the lineup type is also located there for
2 all LV customer wiring. PCB-type protec-
tion relays and individual-type protection
devices are normally used, depending on
the number of protective functions re-
3 7. Interlocking system
The circuit-breaker is fully interlocked with
the isolator/grounding switch by means of
solid mechanical linkages. It is impossible
to operate the isolator with the breaker
4 closed, or to remove the switch from the
GROUND SELECTED position with the
breaker closed. Actual grounding is done
via the circuit-breaker itself.
Busbar grounding is possible with the 600
5 available make-proof grounding switch.
If a bus sectionalizer or bus coupler is in-
stalled, busbar grounding can be done via 1525
the three-way switch and the correspond-
ing circuit-breaker of these panels.
The actual isolator position is positively dis-
6 played by rigid mechanical indicators. Fig. 42: Dimensions of switchgear type 8DA10, double-busbar

Switchgear type 8DB10, double-busbar

The double-busbar switchgear has been
developed from the components of the
7 switchgear type 8DA10. Two three-position
switches are used for the selection of the

busbars. They have their own gas-filled

components. The second busbar system is
located phasewise behind the first busbar
8 system.
The bay width of the switchgear remains
unchanged; depth and height of each bay
are increased (see dimension drawings 2350
Fig. 43).
For parallel bus couplings, only one bay is
9 required.



Fig. 43: Dimensions of switchgear type 8DB10, double-busbar

3/32 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
SF6-Insulated Switchgear
Type 8DA/8DB10

Degrees of protection
Cable cross-sections for plug-in terminations 1)
In accordance with IEC 60529:
■ Degree of protection IP 3XD:
Interface Rated voltage
The operating mechanism and the low- type
voltage cubicle have degree of protection 7.2/12/15 kV 17.5/24 kV 36 kV
IP 3XD against contact with live parts with Cable cross-section
objects larger than 1 mm in diameter. Pro-
tection against dripping water is optionally [mm2] [mm2] [mm2] 2
available. Space heaters inside the operat-
ing mechanism and the LV cabinet are 2 up to 300 up to 300 up to 185
available for tropical climates.
■ Degree of protection IP 65: 3 400 to 630 400 to 630 240 to 500
By the nature of the enclosure, all high- 3
voltage-carrying parts are totally protected 4 up to 1200 up to 1200 up to 1200
against contact with live parts, dust and
water jets. 1) The plug-in terminations are of the inside cone type acc. to EN 50181: 1997

Fig. 44
Installation 4
The switchgear bays are shipped in prefab-
ricated assemblies up to 5 bays wide on Weights and dimensions
solid wooden pallets, suitable for rolling,
skidding and fork-lift handling. Double-bus-
bar sections are shipped as single or dou- 5
ble bays. The switchgear is designed for Width [mm] 600
indoor operation; outdoor prefabricated en-
closures are available. Each bay is set onto
Height single-busbar (8DA) [mm] 2250
embedded steel profile sections in a flat
concrete floor, with suitable cutouts for the
double-busbar (8DB) [mm] 2350
cables or busbars. All conventional cables 6
can be connected, either with fully insulat- Depth single-busbar (8DA) [mm] 1525
ed plug-in terminations (preferred), or with double-busbar (8DB) [mm] 2660
conventional air-insulated stress cones.
Fully insulated busbars are also connected
directly, without any HV-carrying parts ex- Weight per bay single-busbar (8DA) [kg] approx. 600 7
posed. Operating aisles are required in double-busbar (8DB) [kg] approx. 1150
front of and (in case of double-busbar sys-
tems) behind the switchgear lineup. Fig. 45

Ambient temperature and current-carrying capacity:

Rated ambient temperature (peak) 40 °C

Rated 24-h mean temperature 35 °C

Minimum temperature –5 °C

At elevated ambient temperatures, 30 °C = 110% 10

the equipment must be derated as follows
(expressed in percent of current at rated 35 °C = 105%
ambient conditions).
40 °C = 100%

45 °C = 90%

50 °C = 80%

Fig. 46

Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 3/33
SF6-Insulated Switchgear
Type 8DA/8DB10

Options for circuit-breaker feeder of

1 switchgear type 8DA10, single-busbar

Busbar accessories
Mounted on
breaker housing

Mounted on current
3 transformer housing
Panel connection
options per phase Mounted
on panel
Voltage connections
4 nondisconnectable 1 x plug-in cable
or disconnectable termination
Interface type 2 and 3 Mounted
on panel
or Make-proof or connections
5 Totally gas or Mounted
solid-insulated bar on panel
Cable or bar connections
or or
nondisconnectable 3 x plug-in cable termination
or disconnectable Interface type 2
or Sectionalizer or 3 x plug-in cable Mounted
without additional
space required termination on panel
Interface type 3 connections

7 Busbar current Current

or or 5 x plug-in cable Mounted
transformer transformer
termination on panel
Interface type 2 connections

2 x plug-in cable
8 or termination
Interface type 2 and 3 Mounted
with plug-in voltage on panel
transformer connections

9 Totally solid-insulated
bar with plug-in
voltage transformer
10 Air-insulated cable

Air-insulated bar

Plug-in cable terminations are of the

Inside Cone Type acc. to EN 50181: 1997

Fig. 47

3/34 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
SF6-Insulated Switchgear
Type 8DA/8DB10

Options for circuit-breaker feeder of

switchgear type 8DB10, double-busbar 1

Busbar accessories
Mounted on
breaker housing

Mounted on current 3
transformer housing
Panel connection Mounted
options per phase on panel
Voltage connections
nondisconnectable 4
1 x plug-in cable
termination Mounted
Interface type 2 and 3 on panel
BB1 or BB2 Voltage or connections
Totally gas or
solid-insulated bar on panel
or Make-proof or connections
switch 3 x plug-in cable termination
Interface type 2 6
BB1 BB2 or BB1 Cable or bar or
and BB2 connection,
nondisconnectable 3 x plug-in cable termination
Interface type 3
Cable or bar or 5 x plug-in cable termination Current
BB1 BB2 or BB1 connection,
and BB2 Interface type 2 transformer

Busbar current or
2 x plug-in cable termination 8
Interface type 2 and 3
BB1 or BB2 transformer with plug-in voltage Mounted on
transformer panel connections

or BB1 Sectionalizer
BB2 without additional
or 9
space required Totally solid insulated
bar with plug-in
voltage transformer

Air-insulated cable Surge
termination arrester

or Air-insulated bar

Plug-in cable terminations are of the

Inside Cone Type acc. to EN 50181: 1997

Fig. 48

Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 3/35
SF6-Insulated Switchgear
Type 8DA/8DB10

Technical data
Rated voltage [kV] 7.2 12 15 17.5 24 36 40.5

Rated power-frequency [kV] 20 28 36 38 50 70 85

2 withstand voltage

Rated lightning-impulse [kV] 60 75 95 95 125 170 180

withstand voltage (200)

3 Rated short-circuit max. [kA] 40 40 40 40 40 40 40

breaking current
and rated short-time
current 3s,

Rated short-circuit max. [kA] 110 110 110 110 110 110 110
4 making current

Rated current busbar max. [A] 3150 3150 3150 3150 3150 2500 2500
with twin busbar max. [A] 4500 4500 4500 4500 4500 4500 4500

5 Rated current feeder max. [A] 2500 2500 2500 2500 2500 2500 2500

Fig. 49

6 Further Applications Twin-Busbar System (TBS)

This primary distribution switchgear is
Power Supply for Railway Systems based on the worldwide proven SF6-insu-
Type 8DA10 SF6 gas-insulated switchgear lated type 8DA / 8DB switchgear and has
(single and double-pole) (Fig. 50a). been supplemented by a twin busbar
7 This type has been upgraded for service in (Fig. 50b).
railway networks with a basic-impulse in- The use of standard components allowed
sulation level (BIL) of 200 (230) kV. us in a remarkably short time to create
It is therefore the ideal switchgear from a modular, compact type of switch-
for 1 x 25 kV and 2 x 25 kV (50/60 Hz) gear a high-current system unbeatable in
8 railway networks. terms of minimal space requirement.
Typical occurrences in railway networks The modular-structure busbars were ar-
prove the suitability of the switchgear for ranged in twin-busbar form. This twin-busbar
such applications: system is supplied via a twin circuit-breaker
■ Effects of lightning strikes
and respective twin disconnector. All stand-
ard panel types required (incoming feeder,
9 ■ Switching impulse voltage
coupler, outgoing feeder) are available.
■ Breaking under asynchronous conditions
with a 180° phase difference
■ Recovery voltage after breaking under
asynchronous conditions with a 180°
10 phase difference.

3/36 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
SF6-Insulated Switchgear
Type 8DA/8DB10

Further applications for 8DA/8DB

a) Power Supply for Railway Systems

1-pole 2-pole

b) High Power Busbar 4500 A with Twin Busbar System (TBS)

8DA (single busbar) 8DB (double busbar)



Fig. 50 a/b

Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 3/37
SF6-Insulated Switchgear

Gas-insulated switchgear type Specific features Panel construction

NX PLUS ■ Used in transformer stations and sub-
1 stations
■ Practically maintenance-free compact
■ From 7.2 up to 36 kV switchgear for the most severe service Panel with integrated inside cone
■ Single-busbar conditions
■ Metal enclosed/metal-clad ■ Panel width 600 mm
2 ■ Three-pole primary enclosure (with bus sectionalizer panel 900 mm) Features
■ Gas-insulated for all voltages up to 36 kV ■ Rated voltage up to 36 kV
■ Fixed-mounted circuit-breakers ■ Rated short-circuit breaking current
■ Three-position switch as busbar discon- General description up to 31.5 kA
nector and feeder earthing switch ■ Rated normal currents of busbars and
The switchgear type NX PLUS combines
3 ■ Make-proof earthing with vacuum compact design, long service life, climate- feeders up to 2500 A.
circuit-breaker resistance and freedom from maintenance

1. Reliablility
■ Hermetically sealed primary enclosure
4 for protection against environmental ef-
fects (dirt, moisture and small animals)
■ Operating mechanism components
maintenance-free in indoor environment
(DIN VDE 0670 Part 1000)
■ Breaker operating mechanisms acces-
5 sible outside the switchgear container
(primary enclosure)
■ Inductive voltage transformers metal-
enclosed for plug-in mounting outside
the main circuit
6 ■ Ring-core current transformers located
outside the primary enclosure
■ Complete interrogative interlocking
■ Welded switchgear container, sealed Panel with separate inside cone
7 for life
■ Minimum fire load. Features
2. Insulation medium ■ Rated voltage up to 36 kV
■ Rated short-circuit breaking current
Due to the excellent experience with vacu-
up to 31.5 kA
um circuit-breaker gas-insulated switch-
8 gear, there is a worldwide rapidly increas- ■ Rated normal currents of busbars and
ing demand of this kind of switchgear even feeders up to 2500 A.
in the so-called low-range field.
The insulating gas SF6 is used for internal
insulation only; circuit interruption takes
9 place in standard vacuum breaker bottles.
The safety for the personnel and the envi-
ronment is maximized. Panel with outside cone
The NX PLUS is completely maintenance-
free. The welded gas-tight enclosure of the
primary part assures a full service life with- Features
10 out any work on the gas system. ■ Rated voltage up to 24 kV
■ Rated short-circuit breaking current up
to 25 kA
Fig. 51: SF6-insulated switchgear
Type NX PLUS with SIPROTEC ■ Rated normal currents of busbars up
to 2500 A and feeders up to 1250 A.

Fig. 52

3/38 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
SF6-Insulated Switchgear

1 Door of low-voltage compartment
2 SIPROTEC 4 bay controller, type
7SJ63, for control and protection
3 EMERGENCY OFF pushbutton 2
4 Door to mechanical control board
6 15 5 Cover of connection compartment
29 6 Busbar cover
8 7 Busbar module, welded, 3
16 SF6-insulated
1 9
8 Three-pole busbar system
17 9 Three-position switch, SF6-insulated,
10 with the three positions:
2 18 ON – OFF – EARTH 4
11 10 Module coupling between busbar
module and circuit-breaker module
12 19
3 11 Circuit-breaker module, welded,
29 SF6-insulated, with integrated cable
4 20 connection 5
13 12 Vacuum interrupter of circuit-breaker
5 21
13 Pressure-relief duct
14 22 14 Integrated cable connection as inside
15 Optional low-voltage compartment
1100 mm high
16 Standard low-voltage compartment
730 mm high
17 Ring-core current transformer 7
18 Manual and motor operating
29 mechanism of three-position switch
19 Mechanical control board
20 Manual and motor operating
17 mechanism of circuit-breaker 8
24 21 Voltage transformer connection
29 21
socket as inside cone
25 22 22 Cable connection compartment
23 Module coupling between 9
circuit-breaker and cable connection
24 Cable connection module, welded,
SF6-insulated, with separate cable
29 connection
11 25 Separate cable connection as inside
17 cone
26 Voltage transformer connection
26 socket as outside cone
27 22 27 Cable connection as outside cone
28 28 Connection cables
29 Rupture diaphragm

Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 3/39
SF6-Insulated Switchgear

Tolerance to environment
■ Hermetically-sealed enclosure protects Technical data
1 all high-voltage parts from the environ-
ment Rated voltage up to [kV] 24 36 (40.5*)
■ Installation independent of altitude
Rated frequency [Hz] 50/60 50/60
■ Corrosion protection for all climates.
Rated short-time power-frequency voltage [kV] 50 70 (85*)
2 Operator safety Rated lightning impulse voltage [kV] 125 170 (185*)
■ Safe-to-touch and hermetically sealed Rated short-circuit max. [kA] 31.5 31.5
primary enclosure breaking current
■ All HV parts, including the cable sealing and rated short-time
ends, busbars and voltage transformers, withstand current, 3 s
3 are surrounded by earthed layers or met- Rated short-circuit making current max. [kA] 80 80
al enclosures
■ Capacitive voltage detection system for Rated normal current of busbar max. [A] 2500 2500
verification of safe isolation from supply Rated normal current of feeder max. [A] 2500 2500
■ Operating mechanisms and auxiliary
4 switches safely accessible outside the *) On request
primary enclosure (switchgear container)
■ Protective system interlock to prevent Fig. 53
operation when enclosure is open
■ Type-tested enclosure and interrogative
5 interlocks provide high degree of internal Weights and dimensions
arcing protection.

Width [mm] 600

Width of sectionalizer panel (≤ 2000 A) 900

6 Width sectionalizer panel (> 2000 A) [mm] 1200

Height [mm] 2450
Height with higher LV compartment [mm] 2630
Depth [mm] 1600
7 Weight per panel (approx.) [kg] 800

Fig. 54


3/40 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
SF6-Insulated Switchgear

Control board Solid-state HMI with panel door SIPROTEC 4 bay controller,
closed type 7SJ63 1
(The basic unit for this is in the
Bay controller
low-voltage compartment)
Solid-state HMI
(human-machine interface)
SIPROTEC 4 bay controller, type 7SJ63,
PROFIBUS-capable, control and protection 2
for stand-alone or master operation. 5 1


1 LCD for process and equipment information, graphically as feeder mimic control
diagram and as text
2 Keys for navigating in menus, in feeder mimic control diagram and for entering values
3 Keys for controlling the process
4 Four programmable function keys for frequently performed actions 5
5 Fourteen programmable LEDs with possible application-related inscriptions for
indicating any desired process and equipment data
6 Two key-operated switches for “changeover between local and remote control“ and
“changeover between interlocked and non-interlocked position“.

Fig. 55 6
Mechanical control board
Mechanical control board 1 ON/OFF position indication for three-
Features with panel door open position switch
■ Arranged behind panel door 2 ON/OFF operating shaft for three-position 7
■ Opening of door switches of the switch
SIPROTEC 4 bay controller, type 7SJ63, 1 2 3 4 3 OFF/EARTHING PREPARED operating
automatically shaft for three-position switch
■ Three-position switch interlocked
with circuit-breaker
indication for three-position switch 8
■ Cancelling of feeder earthing can be 5
blocked mechanically. 6 5 Mimic diagram
6 Ready indication for busbar module
7 (gas compartment monitoring)
8 7 Ready indication for circuit-breaker
module (gas compartment monitoring)
10 8 Interlocking for preselection
11 9 ON/OFF position indication for circuit-
12 breaker
10 Manual spring charging for circuit-breaker 10
14 11 ON pushbutton for circuit-breaker with
sealable cap
12 OFF pushbutton for circuit-breaker
13 Locking device for ”feeder earthed”
14 ”Spring charged” indication for circuit-
15 Operating cycle counter for circuit-breaker

Fig. 56

Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 3/41
SF6-Insulated Switchgear

Options for circuit-breaker panel

with cable connection as inside cone for:
1 Busbar fittings
■ Rated voltage up to 36 kV
■ Rated short-circuit breaking current up to before circuit-breaker module
31.5 kA
■ Rated normal currents of busbars and Fittings
feeders up to 2500 A. after circuit-breaker module 4)
2 1)
Also available as Disconnector panel. 1) Panel connection

Panel connection

4 Capacitive 1 x plug-in Voltage Current

voltage cable, sizes trans- trans-
detection 2 or 3 former, former
system plug-in

or 2) 1 x plug-in or 2 x plug-in
cable, cable, sizes
size 2 2 or 3

or 2) Voltage or 3 x plug-in
trans- cable, sizes
former, 2 or 3
7 type

or 2) Surge or 4 x plug-in
arrester, cable, size 2
8 type

and 3) Busbar or Solid-

9 current
former (e.g. Duresca bar)

10 Surge arrester,
plug-in type

1) Capacitive voltage detection system according to LRM or IVDS system.

2) Not possible with rated normal current of feeder of 2500 A.
3) Not possible with busbar voltage transformer.
4) Requires cable connection with container for separate inside cone.

Fig. 57

3/42 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
SF6-Insulated Switchgear

Options for circuit-breaker panel

with cable connection as outside cone for:
Busbar fittings
■ Rated voltage up to 24 kV
■ Rated short-circuit breaking current up to before circuit-breaker module
25 kA
■ Rated normal currents of busbars up to Fittings
2500 A and feeders up to 1250 A. after circuit-breaker module
Also available as Disconnector panel. 1)
1) Panel connection

Panel connection

Capaci- 1 x plug-in Voltage Current 4

tive cable trans- trans-
voltage former, former
detection discon-
system nectable
or 1 x plug-in or 2 x plug-in
cable, cable
size 2

or Voltage or 3 x plug-in
trans- cable
type 7

or Surge
type 8

and 2) Busbar

Surge arrester 10
or limiter,
plug-in type

1) Capacitive voltage detection system according to LRM or IVDS system.

2) Not possible with busbar voltage transformer.

Fig. 58

Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 3/43
SF6-Insulated Switchgear

Options for sectionalizer panel

■ Rated voltage up to 36 kV Sectionalizer panel
1 ■ Rated short-circuit breaking current up to
31.5 kA
■ Rated normal currents of busbar up to
2500 A.
Busbar Fittings before circuit-
fittings breaker module

Capacitive Current
4 1)
voltage transformer

5 Busbar
and current

1) Not possible with rated normal current of busbar of 2500 A.

Fig. 59


3/44 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
SF6-Insulated Switchgear

Standards, specifications, Internal arc test, Protection against electric shock,

resistance to internal arcs the ingress of water and solid foreign
guidelines bodies 1
Internal arc test
The NX PLUS fixed-mounted circuit-break-
Standards Tests have been carried out with NX PLUS er switchgear is fully enclosed and entirely
switchgear, in order to verify its behaviour unaffected by climatic influences.
The NX PLUS switchgear complies with under conditions of internal arcing. ■ All medium-voltage switching devices
the standards and specifications listed
below: The resistance to internal arcing complies are enclosed in a stainless steel contain- 2
with the requirements of er, which is welded gas-tight and filled
■ VDE 0670, Part 1000 with SF6 gas.
■ VDE 0670, Part 6, Appendix AA
■ VDE 0670, Part 6 ■ Live parts outside the switchgear con-
■ IEC 60 298, Appendix AA.
■ VDE 0670, Part 101 et seq. tainer are single-pole insulated and
■ VDE 0670, Part 2 Resistance to internal arcs screened.
■ IEC 60 694 The possibility of faults in the NX PLUS ■ There are no points at which leakage
■ IEC 60 298 fixed-mounted circuit-breaker switchgear is currents of high-voltage potential are
■ IEC 60 056 much less than in previous types, due to able to flow off to earth.
■ IEC 60 129. the single-pole enclosure of external com- ■ All essential components of the operat-
ponents and the SF6 insulation of the ing mechanism are made of non-corrod-
In accordance with the obligatory harmoni- 4
switchgear: ing materials.
zation in the European Community, the na-
tional standards of the member countries ■ All external fault-causing factors have
conform to IEC 60 298. been eliminated, such as: Degrees of protection
– Pollution deposits The NX PLUS fixed-mounted circuit-break-
Type of service location – Moisture er switchgear offers the following degrees
– Small animals and foreign bodies of protection in accordance with IEC 60 529: 5
NX PLUS switchgear can be used as an
■ Maloperations are prevented by the ■ IP3XD for external enclosure
indoor installation in accordance with
clear, logical layout of the operating ele- ■ IP65 for parts under high voltage
VDE 0101:
■ Outside closed electrical operating areas ■ The three-position switch and the vacu-
in locations not accessible to the general um circuit-breaker provide short-circuit- 6
public. Tools are required to remove proof earthing of the feeder.
switchgear enclosures.
Should arcing occur in spite of this, the
■ In closed electrical operating areas. pressure is relieved towards the rear into a
A closed electrical operating area is a duct.
room or area which is used solely for
the operation of electrical installations. In the improbable event of a fault inside 7
This type of area is locked at all times the switchgear container, the SF6 insula-
and accessible only to authorized trained tion restricts the arc energy to only about
personnel and other skilled staff. Un- 1/3 of that for air. The pressure-relief facil-
trained or unskilled persons must be ac- ity in the rear panel of the switchgear con-
companied by authorized personnel. tainer is designed to operate in an over-
pressure range of 2 to 3.5 bar. The gases 8
are discharged towards the rear into a duct.
The pressure-relief duct diverts the gases
“Make-proof earthing switches“ are earth- upwards.
ing switches with short-circuit making ca-
pacity (VDE 0670, Part 2). 9


Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 3/45
Secondary Distribution
Switchgear and Transformer Substations

General Features Standards

■ The fixed-mounted ring-main units
1 Maximum personnel safety
type 8DJ10, 8DJ20, 8DJ40 and 8DH10
The secondary distribution network with
■ High-grade steel housing and cable con- comply with the following standards:
its basic design of ring-main systems with
nection compartment tested for resist-
counter stations as well as radial-feed
ance to internal arcing
transformer substations is designed in
order to reduce network losses and to ■ Logical interlocking IEC Standard VDE Standard
2 provide an economical solution for switch- ■ Guided operating procedures
gear and transformer substations. ■ Capacitive voltage indication integrated
in unit IEC 60 694 VDE 0670 Part 1000
These are installed with an extremely high
number of units in the distribution net- ■ Safe testing for dead state on the IEC 60 298 VDE 0670 Part 6
work. Therefore, high standardization of closed-off operating front IEC 60 129 VDE 0670 Part 2
3 equipment is necessary and economical. ■ Locked, grounded covers for fuse as-
IEC 60 282 VDE 0670 Part 4
The described switchgear will show such sembly and cable connection compart-
qualities. ments IEC 60 265-1 VDE 0670 Part 301
To reduce the network losses the trans- Safe, reliable, maintenance-free IEC 60 420 VDE 0670 Part 303
former substations should be installed
directly at the load centers. ■ Corrosion-resistant hermetically welded IEC 60 056 VDE 0670 Part 101–107
4 high-grade steel housing without seals
The transformer substations consisting of IEC 61 243-5 EVDE 0682 Part 415
and resistant to pressure cycles
medium-voltage switchgear, transformers EN 61 243-5(E)
■ Insulating gas retaining its insulating and
and low-voltage distribution can be de-
quenching properties throughout the Fig. 60
signed as prefabricated units or single
service life
components installed in any building or
5 ■ Single-phase encapsulation outside In accordance with the harmonization
rooms existing on site.
the housing agreement reached by the European Union
Due to the large number of units in the member states that their national specifica-
■ Clear indication of readiness for
networks the most economical solution for tions conform to IEC Publication
operation, unaffected by temperature
such substations should have climate-inde- No. 60 298.
or altitude
pendent and maintenance-free equipment
■ Complete protection of the switch
6 so that operation of the equipment does
disconnector/fuse combination, even Resistance to internal arcing
not need any maintenance work during its
lifetime. in the event of thermal overload of
– IEC Publ. 60 298, Annex AA
the HV HRC fuse (thermal protection
For such transformer substations, nonex- function) – VDE 0670, Part 6
tensible and extensible switchgear, for in-
■ Reliable, maintenance-free switching
stance ring-main units (RMUs), have been
7 developed using SF6 gas as insulation and
arc-quenching medium in the case of load- Excellent resistance to ambient conditions For further information please contact:
break systems (RMUs), and SF6 gas insula-
■ Robust, corrosion-resistant and mainte- Fax: ++ 49 - 91 31-73 46 36
tion and vacuum as arc-quenching medium
in the case of extensible modular switch- nance-free operating mechanisms
■ Maintenance-free, all-climate, safe-to-
8 gear, consisting of load-break panels with
touch cable terminations
or without fuses, circuit-breaker panels and
metering panels. ■ Creepage-proof and free from partial
Siemens has developed RMUs in accord- discharges
ance with these requirements. ■ Maintenance-free, safe-to-touch,
all-climate HV HRC fuse assembly
9 Ring-main units type 8DJ10, 8DJ20, 8DJ40
and 8DH10 are type-tested, factory-fin- Environmental compatibility
ished, metal-enclosed, SF6-insulated indoor
■ Simple, problem-free disposal of the
switchgear installations. They verifiably
meet all the demands encountered in net- SF6 gas
work operation by virtue of the following ■ Housing material can be recycled by
10 features: normal methods

3/46 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
Secondary Distribution
Switchgear and Transformer Substations

G 2


RMU for transformer Extensible switchgear Extensible switchgear

substations for consumer for substations with 10
Type 8DJ substations circuit-breakers
Type 8DH or 8AA Type 8DH or 8AA

Fig. 61: Secondary Distribution Network

Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 3/47
Secondary Distribution
Selection Matrix

1 Switchgear

Codes, Type of Insulation Enclosure Switching Appl

standards installation device

Metal-enclosed subst
Nonextensible SF6-gas-insulated Load-break switch cable
indoor switchgear,
type-tested RMU
low s
according to: housi
IEC 60 298
6 DIN VDE 0670, Part 6

Load-break switch Cons

SF6-gas-insulated Metal-enclosed Vacuum CB
fixed-mounted CB sw
Measurement panels up to

Load-break switch Cons

Air-insulated Metal-enclosed Vacuum CB CB sw
8 Measurement panels up to

Transformer substations Execution of
the transformer substation


Prefabricated, factory-assembled substations, with different type of housings,

made of concrete, galvanized sheet steel or aluminium

Fig. 62

3/48 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
Secondary Distribution
Selection Matrix

Application Switchgear Technical data Page

Rated lightning Rated voltage Maximum rated Rated normal current
impulse withstand short-time
voltage at: withstand current Busbar max. Feeder
7.2/12 17.5/24 [kV] [kA] [kA] [A] [A]
[kV] [kV] 1s 3s
RMU for transformer
substations, plug and
conventional cable 8DJ10 60/75 95/125 7.2–24 25 20 630 up to 630 3/50
Standard Range 1
RMU for transformer 7.2–12 25 14.3
substations, high
cable connection, 8DJ20 60/75 95/125 630 up to 630 3/53
Standard Range 2 7.2–24 20 20
RMU for extremely
low substation 8DJ40 60/75 95/125 7.2–24 20 11.5 630 up to 630 3/58
7.2–15 25 20
Consumer substation/
CB switchgear 8DH10 60/75 95/125 1250 up to 630 3/60
up to 630 A 17.5–24 20 11.5 7

7.2–12 20 11.5 1000 up to 1000

Consumer substation/
CB switchgear 8AA20 60/75 95/125 3/64
up to 630 A 17.5–24 16 9.3 630 up to 630 8

Package Type of housing HV section Transformer Page
substation type Medium-voltage rating
(Example) switchgear type

8FB10 8DJ10 630 kVA 10

8FB11 8DJ20
8FB12 8DJ40 3/66
8FB15 up to 1000/1250 kVA

Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 3/49
Secondary Distribution
Switchgear Type 8DJ10

Ring-main unit
1 type 8DJ10, 7.2–24 kV
nonextensible, SF6-insulated
Standard Range 1

2 Typical use
SF6-insulated, metal-enclosed fixed-mount-
ed ring-main units (RMU) type 8DJ10 are
used for outdoor transformer substations
and indoor substation rooms with a varia-
3 bility of 25 different schemes as a standard
delivery program.
More than 60,000 RMUs of type 8DJ10
are in worldwide operation.

4 Specific features
■ Maintenance-free, all-climate
■ SF6 housings have no seals
■ Remote-controlled motor operating
mechanism for all auxiliary voltages from
5 24 V DC to 230 V AC
■ Easily extensible by virtue of trouble-free
replacement of units with identical cable
connection geometry
■ Standardized unit variants for operator-
compatible concepts
6 ■ Variable transformer cable connection
■ Excellent economy by virtue of ambient
condition-resistant, maintenance-free
7 ■ Versatile cable connection facilities,
optional connection of mass-impregnat-
ed or plastic-insulated cables or plug
connectors Fig. 63: Example: Scheme 10
■ Cables easily tested without having to
8 be dismantled


3/50 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
Secondary Distribution
Switchgear Type 8DJ10

Technical data (rated values)1) 1

Rated voltage [kV] 7.2 12 15 17.5 24

Rated frequency [Hz] 50/60 50/60 50/60 50/60 50/60

Rated current of [A] 400/630 400/630 400/630 400/630 400/630
cable feeders

Rated current of [A] 200 200 200 200 200

transformer feeders2) 3
Rated power-frequency [kV] 20 28 36 38 50
withstand voltage

Rated lightning-impulse [kV] 60 75 95 95 125

withstand voltage 4
Rated short-circuit [kA] 63 52 52 52 40
making current of cable
feeder switches

Rated short-circuit [kA] 25 25 25 25 25 5

making current of
transformer switches

Rated short-circuit current, 1s [kA] 25 21 21 21 16

Ambient temperature [°C] min. – 50 min. – 50 min. – 50 min. – 50 min. – 50 6

max. +80 max. +80 max. +80 max. +80 max. +80

1) Higher values on request

2) Depending on HV HRC fuse assembly
Fig. 64

1 1 HRC fuse boxes
2 Hermetically-scaled welded
stainless steel enclosure
3 SF6 insulation/quenching gas
3 4 Three-position load-break switch
5 Feeder cable with insulated
4 connection alternative with
T-plug system

6 6 Maintenance-free stored energy 10


Fig. 65: Cross section of SF6-insulated ring-main unit 8DJ10 Fig. 66: “Three-position load-break switch”

Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 3/51
Secondary Distribution
Switchgear Type 8DJ10

Examples out of 25 standard schemes

With integrated HV HRC fuse assembly

Scheme 10 Scheme 71 Scheme 81

Dimensions [mm]

5 Width 800 1170 1630

Depth 800 800 800
Height Version with
low support frame 1360 1360 1360
Version with
6 high support frame 1760 1760 1760

Without HV HRC fuses Combinations

Scheme 70 Scheme 61 Scheme 64


10 Dimensions [mm]

Width 1450 1700 2070

Depth 800 800 800
Height Version with
low support frame 1105 1360 1360
Version with
high support frame 1505 1760 1760

Fig. 67: Schemes and dimensions

3/52 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
Secondary Distribution
Switchgear Type 8DJ20

Ring-main unit
type 8DJ20, 7.2–24 kV 1
non extensible, SF6-insulated
Standard Range 2

Typical use 2
Same system as type 8DJ10 (page 3/50)
but other geometrical dimensions and
design, also single panel for transformer
■ Substations with control aisles 3
■ Compact substations, substations by
■ Tower base substations
■ 7.2 kV to 24 kV
■ Up to 25 kA 4
Specific features
■ Minimal dimensions
■ Ease of operation
■ Proven components from the
8DJ10 range
■ Metal-enclosed
■ All-climate
■ Maintenance-free
■ Capacitive voltage taps for
– incoming feeder cable
– outgoing transformer feeder
■ Optional double cable connection Fig. 68: Example: Scheme 10 (width 1060 mm)
■ Optional surge arrester connection
■ Transformer cable connected via straight
or elbow plug
■ Motor operating mechanism for auxiliary
voltages of 24 V DC – 230 V AC

8DJ20 switchgear
■ Overall heights 1200 mm, 1400 mm
or 1650 mm
■ High cable termination
■ For cable T-plugs 9
■ Detachable lever mechanism
■ Option: rotary operating mechanism


Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 3/53
Secondary Distribution
Switchgear Type 8DJ20

Technical data
Rated voltage Ur [kV] 7.2 12 15 17.5 24

Rated insulation level: [kV] 20 28 36 38 50

Rated power-frequency withstand voltage Ud
Rated lightning impulse voltage Up [kV] 60 75 95 95 125

Rated frequency fr [Hz] 50/60 50/60 50/60 50/60 50/60

Rated normal current Ir [A] 400 400 400 400 400

3 for ring-main feeders 630 630 630 630 630

for transformer feeders depending on the HV HRC fuse [A] 200 200 200 200 200

Rated short-time withstand current Ik, 1 s [kA] 20 20 21 21 16

25 25 25 25 21
Rated short-time withstand current Ik, 3 s [kA] 20 20 20 20 20

Rated peak-withstand current Ip [kA] 50 50 52 52 40

63 63 63 63 52
5 Rated short-time making current Ima [kA] 25 25 25 25 25
for transformer feeder
for ring-main feeder [kA] 50 50 52 52 40
63 63 63 63 52
6 Ambient temperature T [°C] –40 to +70

Rated filling pressure (at 20 °C) [hpa] 500 500 500 500 500
for insulation pre and for operation prm

7 Fig. 69


3/54 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
Secondary Distribution
Switchgear Type 8DJ20

Transformer feeder 1
Section A-A

1 HV HRC fuse compartment

1 2
2 RMU vessel, filled with SF6 gas
3 Three position load-break
switch ON-OFF-Earth
2 4 Transformer cable with elbow
5 Spring-assisted/stored-energy


Cable termination for elbow plugs
(Option:cable-T-plugs), cable bushing
directed downlwards 7

Fig. 70: Panel design / Example: ring-main transformer block, scheme 10


Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 3/55
Secondary Distribution
Switchgear Type 8DJ20

Transformer feeder Ring-main units without Combinations with

1 panels with HV HRC fuses HV HRC fuses HV HRC fuses2)

Scheme 01 Scheme 21 Scheme 11/32/70/84 Scheme 20 Scheme 10

6 Ring-main feeders 0 0 2–5 1 2

Cable connection with

cable plugs, compatible
with bushings ASG 36-400
7 to DIN 47 636 with thread
connection M 16 x 2,
connection at front
Transformer feeders 1 1 0 1 1

8 Cable connection with

cable plugs, compatible
with bushings ASG 24-250
to DIN 47 636, optionally
ASG 36 400 with plug/thread
9 connection M 16 x 2
Location of bushings
optionally at front or –
at bottom
Dimensions in mm
Width 510 710 710 + 350/per additional feeder 710 1060
Depth 780 780 780 780 780
Height 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200
1400 1400 1400 1400 1400
1760 1760 1760 1760 1760

Fig. 71 2) others on request

3/56 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
Secondary Distribution
Switchgear Type 8DJ20

e 10 Scheme 71 Scheme 72 Scheme 81 Scheme 82

3 4 2 3 6

1 1 2 2

1410 1760 1410 1760
780 780 780 780
1200 1200 1200 1200
1400 1400 1400 1400
1760 1760 1760 1760

Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 3/57
Secondary Distribution
Switchgear Type 8DJ40

Ring-main unit
1 type 8DJ40, 7.2–24 kV
nonextensible, SF6-insulated

Typical use
2 SF6-insulated, metal-enclosed, fixed-
mounted. Ring-main units type 8DJ40 are
mainly used for transformer compact sub-
stations. The main advantage of this switch-
gear is the extremely high cable termina-
tion for easy cable connection and cable
3 testing work.

Specific features
8DJ40 units are type-tested, factory-
4 finished, metal-enclosed SF6-insulated
switchgear installations and meet the
following operational specifications:
■ High level of personnel safety and Fig. 72: Nonextensible RMU, type 8DJ40
■ High availability
■ High-level cable connection Technical data (rated values)1)
■ Minimum space requirement
■ Uncomplicated design
Rated voltage [kV] 12 24
■ Separate operating mechanism
actuation for switch disconnector
6 and make-proof grounding switch, Rated frequency [Hz] 50 50
same switching direction in line
with VDEW recommendation Rated current of [A]
cable feeders 400/630* 400/630*
■ Ease of installation
■ Motor operating mechanism Rated current of [A] ≤ 200 ≤ 200
7 retrofittable transformer feeders
■ Optional stored-energy release for
ring cable feeders Rated power-frequency [kV] 28 50
withstand voltage
■ Maintenance-free
■ All-climate Rated lightning-impulse [kV] 75 125
8 withstand voltage
Rated short-circuit [kA]
making current of 50 (31.5)* 40 (31.5)*
cable feeder switches

9 Rated short-circuit [kA] 25 25

making current of
transformer switches2)
Rated short-time current [kA]
of cable feeder switches 20 (12.5)* 16 (12.5)*
10 Rated short-circuit time [s] 1 1

Rated filling pressure [barg] 0.5 0.5

at 20 °C
Ambient temperature [°C] min. – 40 min. – 40
max. + 70 max. + 70
1) Higher values on request
2) Depending on HV HRC fuse assembly
* With snap-action/stored-energy operating mechanism up to 400 A/12.5 kA, 1s

Fig. 73

3/58 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
Secondary Distribution
Switchgear Type 8DJ40

Scheme 10 Scheme 32 Scheme 71


Dimensions [mm]

Width 1140 909 1442

Depth 760 760 760 6

Height 1400/1250 1400/1250 1400/1250

Fig. 74: Schemes and dimensions


Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 3/59
Secondary Distribution
Switchgear Type 8DH10

Consumer substation
1 modular switchgear type 8DH10
extensible, SF6-insulated

Typical use
2 SF6-insulated, metal-enclosed fixed-mount-
ed switchgear units type 8DH10 are indoor
installations and are mainly used for power
distribution in customer substations or
main substations.
3 The units are particularly well suited for
installation in industrial environments,
damp river valleys, exposed dusty or sandy
areas and in built-up urban areas.
They can also be installed at high altitude
or where the ambient temperature is very
4 high.

Specific features
8DH10 fixed-mounted switchgear units are
5 type-tested, factory-assembled, SF6-insulat-
ed, metal-enclosed switchgear units com-
prising circuit-breaker panels, disconnector
panels and metering panels.
They meet the demands made on medi-
um-voltage switchgear, such as
6 ■ High degree of operator safety, reliability
and availability Fig. 75: Extensible, modular switchgear type 8DH10
■ No local SF6 work
■ Simple to install and extend
■ The units have a grounded outer enclo-
■ Operation not affected by environmental
7 factors
sure and are thus shockproof. This also
applies to the fuse assembly and the
■ Minimum space requirements cable terminations. Plug-in cable sealing
■ Freedom from maintenance is met sub- ends are housed in a shock-proof metal-
stantially better by these units than by enclosed support frame
earlier designs. ■ Fuses and cable connections are only
8 ■ Busbars from panel blocks are located accessible when earthed
within the SF6 gas compartment. Con- ■ All bushings for electrical and mechani-
nections with individual panels and other cal connections are welded gas-tight
blocks are provided by solid-insulated without gaskets
plug-in busbars ■ Three-position switches are fitted for
9 ■ Single-phase cast-resin enclosed insulat- load switching, disconnection and
ed fuse mounting outside the switch- grounding, with the following switch
gear housing ensures security against positions: closed, open and grounded.
phase-to-phase faults Make-proof earthing is effected by the
■ All live components are protected three-position switch (shown on page
against humidity, contamination, corro- 3/51)
10 sive gases and vapours, dust and small ■ Each switchgear unit can be composed
animals as required from single panels and
■ All normal types of T-plugs for thermo- (preferably) panel blocks, which may
plastic-insulated cables up to 300 m2 comprise up to three combined single
cross-section can be accommodated panels
■ The 8DH10 switchgear is maintenance-
■ Integrated current transformer suitable
for digital protection relays and protec-
tion systems for CT operation release

3/60 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
Secondary Distribution
Switchgear Type 8DH10


2 4
3 6
5 9 4

1 Fuse assembly 1 Low-voltage compartment 6 Three-position switch

2 Three-position switch 2 Circuit-breaker operating mechanism 7 Ring-main cable termination 5
(400/630 A T-plug system)
3 Transformer/cable feeder connection 3 Metal bellow welded to the gas tank
8 Hermetically-welded RMU housing
4 Hermetically-welded gas tank 4 Pole-end kinematics 9 Busbar (up to 1250 A)
5 Plug-in busbar up to 1250 A 5 Spring-assisted mechanism 10 Overpressure release system
Fig. 76: Cross section of transformer feeder panel Fig. 77: Cross section of circuit-breaker feeder panel

LV cabinet


extensible extensible

1 Plug bushing welded to the gas tank

2 Silicon adapter 10
3 Silicon-insulated busbar
4 Removable insulation cover to
assemble the system at site

Fig. 78: Combination of single panels with plug-in type, silicon-insulated busbar. Fig. 79: Cross-section of silicon-plugged
No local SF6 gas work required during assembly or extension busbar section.

Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 3/61
Secondary Distribution
Switchgear Type 8DH10

Technical data (rated values)1)

Rated voltage [kV] 7.2 12 15 17.5 24

Rated frequency [Hz] 50/60 50/60 50/60 50/60 50/60

Rated power-frequency [kV] 20 28 36 38 50
withstand voltage

Rated lightning-impulse [kV] 60 75 95 95 125

3 withstand voltage

Rated short-circuit [kA] 25 25 20 20 16

breaking current of

4 Rated short-circuit [kA] 25 25 20 20 16

current, 1s

Rated short-circuit [kA] 63 63 50 50 50

making current
5 Busbar rated current [A] 630 630 630 630 630
1250 1250 1250 1250 1250
Feeder rated current
– Circuit-breaker panels [max. A] 400/630 400/630 400/630 400/630 400/630
6 – Ring-main panels [max. A] 400/630 400/630 400/630 400/630 400/630
– Transformer panels2) [max. A] 200 200 200 200 200
Rated current of bus
sectionalizer panels
– without HV HRC fuses [A] 400/630 400/630 400/630 400/630 400/630
7 – with HV HRC fuses2) [A] 200 200 200 200 200

1) Higher values on request

2) Depending on HV HRC fuse assembly

Fig. 80


3/62 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
Secondary Distribution
Switchgear Type 8DH10

Individual panels

Ring-main panel Transformer panel Circuit-breaker panel Billing metering Busbar metering
panel and grounding panel

Dimensions [mm] 5
Width 500 500 350 600*/850 500

Depth 780 780 780 780 780

Height 1400 2000 1400 1400/2000** 1450 6

* Width for version with combined instrument transformer
** With low-voltage compartment

Blocks 7

2 Ring-main feeders
3 Ring-main feeders 2 Transformer feeders 3 Transformer feeders

Dimensions [mm]
Width 700 1050 1000 1500

Depth 780 780 780 780

Height 1400 1400 1400 1400

Fig. 81: Schemes and dimensions

Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 3/63
Secondary Distribution
Switchgear Type 8AA20

Consumer substation
1 modular switchgear
type 8AA20, 7.2–24 kV
extensible, air-insulated

2 Typical use
This air-insulated modular indoor switch-
gear is used as a flexible system with a lot
of panel variations. Panels with fused and
unfused load-break switches, with truck-
3 type vacuum circuit-breakers and metering
panels can be combined with air-insulated
The 8AA20 ring-main units are type-tested,
factory-assembled metal-enclosed indoor
switchgear installations. They meet opera-
4 tional requirements by virtue of the follow-
ing features:

Fig. 82: Extensible modulares switchgear type 8AA20

Personnel safety
5 ■ Sheet-steel enclosure tested for resist-
ance to internal arcing Technical data (rated values)1)
■ All switching operations with door
■ Testing for dead state with door closed Rated voltage and 7.2 12 17.5 24
■ Insertion of barrier with door closed insulation level
Rated power-frequency [kV] 20 28 38 50
Safety, reliability/maintenance withstand voltage
■ Complete mechanical interlocking
Rated lightning-impulse [kV] 60 75 95 125
■ Preventive interlocking between barrier withstand voltage
7 and switch disconnector
■ Door locking Rated short-time current 1s [kA] 20 20 16 16
Rated short-circuit [kA] 50 50 40 40
Excellent resistance to ambient making current
8 ■ High level of pollution protection by
Rated busbar current1) [A] 630 630 630 630
virtue of sealed enclosure in all operat- Rated feeder current [A] 630 630 630 630
ing states
■ Insulators with high pollution-layer 1) Higher values on request
9 Fig. 83

Dimensions Width Height Depth

12/24 kV 12/24 kV
10 [mm] [mm] [mm]

Load-breaker panels 600/750 2000 665/790 or 931/1131

Circuit-breaker panels 750/750 2000 931/1131
Metering panels 600/750 2000 665/790 or 931/1131

Fig. 84: Dimensions

3/64 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
Secondary Distribution
Switchgear Type 8AA20

■ The switchgear complies with the
following standards: 1

IEC Standard VDE Standard 1

IEC 60 694 VDE 0670 Part 1000
IEC 60 298 VDE 0670 Part 6 2
IEC 60 129 VDE 0670 Part 2 2
IEC 60 282 VDE 0670 Part 4
4 3 3
IEC 60 265-1 VDE 0670 Part 301
IEC 60 420 VDE 0670 Part 303
IEC 60 056 VDE 0670 Part 101–107 1 Load-break switch 1 Vacuum circuit-breaker
2 Grounding switch 2 Current transformer
IEC 61 243-5 EVDE 0682 Part 415
EN 61 243-5(E)
3 Potential transformer 4
4 Grounding switch
Fig. 85
Fig. 86a: Cross-section of cable feeder panel Fig. 86b: Cross-section of withdrawable type
In accordance with the harmonization vacuum circuit-breaker panel
agreement reached by the EC member
states, their national specifications con- 5
form to IEC Publ. No. 60 298.

Resistance to internal arcing

– IEC Publ. 60298, Annex AA 6
– VDE 0670, Part 6

Type of service location Individual panels

Air-insulated ring-main units can be used
in service locations and in closed electrical Circuit-breaker panels 7
service locations in accordance with
VDE 0101. Scheme 11/12 Scheme 13/14

Specific features
■ Switch disconnector fixed-mounted
■ Switch disconnector with integrated
central operating mechanism
■ Standard program includes numerous Load-break panels
circuit variants
■ Operations enabled by protective inter-
Scheme 21/22 Scheme 23/24 Scheme 25/26 9
locks; the insulating barrier is included in
the interlocking
■ Extensible by virtue of panel design
■ Cubicles compartmentalized (option)
■ Minimal cubicle dimensions without 10
extensive use of plastics Metering and cable panels
■ Lines up with earlier type 8AA10 Scheme 33/34
■ Withdrawable circuit-breaker section can
be moved into the service and discon-
nected position with the door closed

Fig. 87: Schemes

Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 3/65
Secondary Distribution
Transformer Substations

1 packaged substations
type 8FB1 (example)
Factory-assembled transformer substations
are available in different designs and di-
2 mensions. As an example of a typical sub-
station program, type 8FB1 is shown here.
Other types are available on request.
The transformer substations type 8FB1
with up to 1000 kVA transformer ratings
3 and 7.2–24 kV are prefabricated and facto-
ry-assembled, ready for connection of net-
work cables on site.
Special foundation not necessary.
■ Distribution substations for
4 public power supply
■ Nonwalk-in type
■ Switchgear operated with open substa-
tion doors

5 General features/Applications
■ Power supply for LV systems, especially
in load centers for public supply Fig. 88: Steel-clad outdoor substation 8FB1 for rated voltages up to 24 kV and transformers up to 1000 kVA
■ Power supply for small and medium
industrial plants with existing HV side
HV section (as an example): LV section:
6 cable terminations
■ Particularly suitable for installation at 8DJ SF6-insulated ring-main unit The LV section can take various forms to
sites subject to high atmospheric humid- (for details please refer to RMUs pages suit the differing base configurations. The
ity, hostile environment, and stringent 2/48–2/61) connection to the transformer is made by
demands regarding blending of the sta- parallel cables instead of bare conductors.
tion with the surroundings Technical data:
7 Incoming circuit: Circuit breaker, fused load
■ Extra reliability ensured by SF6-insulated ■ Rated voltages and insulation levels disconnector, fuses or isolating links.
ring-main units type 8DJ, which require 7.2 kV 12 kV 15 kV 17.5 kV 24 kV Outgoing circuits: Tandem-type fuses,
no maintenance and are not affected by 60 75 95 95 125 kV (BIL) load-break switches, MCCB, or any other
the climate ■ Rating of cable circuits: 400 / 630 A requested systems.
■ Rating of transformer circuits: 200 A Basic measuring and metering equipment
8 Brief description ■ Degree of protection for HV parts: IP 65 to suit the individual requirements.
The substation housing consists of a tor- ■ Ambient temperature range:
sion-resistant bottom unit, with a concrete –30°C/+55°C (other on request)
trough for the transformer, embedded in
the ground, and a hot-dip galvanized steel Transformer section:
9 structure mounted on it. It is subdivided
into three sections: HV section, transform- Oil-cooled transformer with ratings up to
er section and LV section. The lateral sec- max. 1000 kVA. The transformer is con-
tion of the concrete trough serves as nected with the 8DJ10 ring-main unit by
mounting surface for the HV and LV cubi- three single-core screened 35 mm2 plastic
cles and also closes off the cable entry insulated cables. The connection is made
10 compartments at the sides. These com- by means of right-angle plugs or standard
partments are closed off at the bottom and air-insulated sealing ends possible at the
front by hot-dip galvanized bolted steel transformer side.
Four threaded bushes for lifting the com-
plete substation are located in the floor of
the concrete trough. The substations are
arc-fault-tested in order to ensure safety
for personnel during operation and for the
pedestrians passing by the installed sub-

3/66 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
Secondary Distribution
Transformer Substations

Substation 8FB10 8FB11 8FB12 8FB15 8FB16 8FB17

housing type: 1
HV section:
SF6 -insulated
ring-main unit
H High-voltage H T L H T L T H T L H T L T
T Transformer
section L H L H
L Low-voltage

Transformer rating 630 kVA 630 kVA 630 kVA 1000 kVA 1000 kVA 1000 kVA

Overall dimensions,
Length [mm] 3290 2570 2100 3860 3120 2350
Width [mm] 1300 2100 2100 1550 2300 2300
Height above [mm] 1650 1650 1650 1700 1700 1700
ground 5
Height overall [mm] 2100 2100 2100 2350 2350 2350
Floor area [mm2] 4.28 5.40 4.41 5.98 7.18 5.41
Volume [mm3] 7.06 8.91 7.28 10.17 12.20 9.19
Weight without [kg] approx. 2280 approx. 2530 approx. 2400 approx. 3400 approx. 3800 approx. 3600
transformer 6
Fig. 89: Technical data, dimensions and weights

Fig. 90: HV section: Fig. 91: Transformer section: Fig. 92: LV section:
Compact substation 8FB with SF6-insulated RMU Cable terminations to the transformer, as a example Example of LV distribution board
(two loop switches, one transformer feeder switch 10
with HRC fuses)

Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 3/67
Industrial Load Center Substation

Industrial power supply systems call for a
maximum level of operator safety, opera-
tional reliability, economic efficiency and
flexibility. And they likewise necessitate an
integral concept which includes “before”
2 and “after” customer service, which can
cope with the specific load requirements
and, above all, which is tailored to each
individually occurring situation.
With SITRABLOC® such a concept can be
easily turned into reality.

For further information please contact:

Fax: ++ 49 - 91 31-73 15 73

Fig. 93
SITRABLOC is an acronym for
SIemens TRAnsformer BLOC-type.
SITRABLOC is supplied with power from
a medium-voltage substation via a fuse/
switch-disconnector combination and a ra-
6 dial cable. In the load center, where SITRA-
BLOC is installed, several SITRABLOCs are
connected together by means of cables or

7 Load-centre
Features substation
■ Due to the fuse/switch-disconnector Supply company's
combination, the short-circuit current substation
is limited, which means that the radial
8 cable can be dimensioned according to
the size of the transformer.
■ In the event of cable faults, only one
■ The short-circuit strength is increased
9 due to connection of several stations in
the load center. The effect of this is that, LV busways
in the event of a fault, large loads are
selectively disconnected in a very short
10 ■ The transmission losses are optimized
since only short connections to the
loads are necessary. Fig. 94: Example of a schematic diagram
■ SITRABLOC has, in principle, two trans-
former outputs:
– 1250 kVA during AN operation
(ambient temperature up to 40 °C)
– 1750 kVA during AF operation
(140% with forced cooling).
These features ensure that, if one station
fails for whatever reason, supply of the
loads is maintained without interruption.

3/68 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
Industrial Load Center Substation

The SITRABLOC components are:

■ Transformer housing LV Busway
with roof-mounted ventilation for AN/AF 1
operating mode
■ GEAFOL Transformer
Tap-Off Unit with
(cast-resin insulated) with make-proof HRC Fuses
earthing switch
AN operating mode: 100% load up to 2
an ambient temperature of 40 °C
AF operating mode: 140% load
■ LV circuit-breaker
as per transformer AF load Consumer
■ Automatic power factor correction Distribution
equipment (tuned/detuned) incl. Control 3
■ Control and metering panel as well as
central monitoring interface SITRABLOC
■ Universal connection to the LV distribu-
Fig. 95: Location sketch
tion busway system
Whether in the automobile or food indus- Technical data
try, in paintshops or bottling lines, putting
SITRABLOC to work in the right place con-
siderably reduces transmission losses. Rated voltage 12 kV and 24 kV
The energy is transformed in the production Transformer rating AN/AF 1250 kVA/1750 kVA 5
area itself, as close as possible to the
loads. For installation of the system itself,
Transformer operating mode 100% AN up to 40 °C
no special building or fire-protection meas- 140% AF
ures are necessary. Power factor correction up to 500 kVAr without reactors
up to 300 kVAr with reactors
Available with any level of output Busway system 1250 A, 1600 A, 2500 A 6
SITRABLOC can be supplied with any level Degree of protection IP 23 for transformer housing
of power output, the latter being controlled IP 43 for LV cubicles
and protected by a fuse/switch-disconnec- Dimensions (min) (LxHxD) 3600 mm x 2560 mm x 1400 mm
tor combination.
Weight approx. 6000 kg 7
A high-current busbar system into which
up to four transformers can feed power Fig. 96
ensures that even large loads can be
brought onto load without any loss of Reliability of supply
energy. Due to the interconnection of units,
it is also ensured that large loads are With the correctly designed transformer 8
switched off selectively in the event of output, the n-1criterion is no longer a prob-
a fault. lem. Even if one module fails (e.g. a medi-
um-voltage switching device, a cable or
transformer) power continues to be sup-
Integrated automatic power plied without the slightest interruption.
factor correction None of the drives comes to a standstill 9
With SITRABLOC, power factor correction and the whole manufacturing plant contin-
is integrated from the very beginning. ues to run reliably. These examples show
Unavoidable energy losses – e.g. due to that, with SITRABLOC, the power is there
magnetization in the case of motors and when you need it – and safe, reliable and
economical into the bargain.
transformers – are balanced out with pow- 10
er capacitors directly in the low-voltage
network. The advantages are that the level
of active power transmitted increases and
energy costs are reduced (Fig. 97).

Fig. 97: Capacitor Banks

Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 3/69
Industrial Load Center Substation

N-1 operating mode N -1 criteria

With the respective design of a factory grid
1 on the MV side as well as on the LV side
How to understand this mode: the so called n-1 criteria is fulfilled. In case
one component fails on the line side of the
Normal operating mode: 4x1250 kVA AN operating mode (100%) transformer e.g. circuit breaker or trans-
N -1 operating mode: 3x1750 kVA AF operating mode (≤ 140%) former or cable to transformer, no interup-
2 tion of the supply on the LV side will occur.

Power distribution Example Fig 98:

Load required 5000 kVA = 4 x 1250 kVA.
In case one load centre (SITRABLOC)
3 is disconnected from the MV network
the missing load will be supplied via
Supply company’s substation
the remaining three (N-1) load centres.

Circuit-breakers and switch disconnectors
Substation with HV HRC fuses

5 t < 10 ms


M M M Production M M M

Operator safety
7 Reduced costs
Low system losses

Fig. 98: N-1 operating mode

8 SITRABLOC is a combination of everything

which present-day technology has to offer.
Just one example of this are our GEAFOL®
cast-resin transformers.
Their output: 100% load without fans plus
9 reserves of up to 140% with fans. And as
far as persons are concerned, their safety
is ensured even in the direct vicinity of the
Another example is the SENTRON high-
10 current busbar system. It can be laid out in
any arrangement, is quick to install and
conducts the current wherever you like –
with almost no losses.
The most important thing, however, is the
uniformity of SITRABLOC throughout, irre-
spective of the layout of the modules.

Fig. 99: Transformer and earthing switch, LV Bloc

3/70 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
Industrial Load Center Substation

The technology at a glance

SITRABLOC can cope with any require- Information distribution
ments. Its features include 1
■ A transformer cubicle with or without
fans (AN/AF operation)
■ GEAFOL cast-resin transformers with
make-proof earthing switch – AN opera-
tion 1250 kVA, AF operation 1750 kVA 2
■ External medium-voltage switchgear
with fuse switch-disconnectors
■ Low-voltage circuit-breakers S7-400 S7-300 S5-155U
■ Automatic reactive-power compensation
– up to 500 kVAr unrestricted, PROFIBUS-DP 3
up to 300 kVAr restricted
■ The SENTRON high-current busbar sys-
tem – Connection to high-current busbar
systems from all directions
■ An ET 200 /PROFIBUS interface for cen- 4
tral monitoring system (if required).

ET 200B ET 200C Field devices

Communications interface

ET 200M 12/24 kV

GEAFOL transformer 8
with built-on
make-proof earthing switch

LV installation with circuit-
breakers and automatic reactive-
power compensation

0.4 kV
LV busbar system
with sliding link
(e.g. SENTRON busways)

Fig. 100

Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 3/71
Medium-Voltage Devices
Product Range

Devices for
Device Type Rated Short- Short-time
1 medium-voltage switchgear voltage circuit current
current (3s)
With the equipment program for switch-
[kV] [kA] [kA]
gear Siemens can deliver nearly every
device which is required in the medium-
2 voltage range between 7.2 and 36 kV.
Indoor vacuum 3AH 7.2 … 36 13.1 … 80 13.1 … 80
Fig. 101 gives an overview of the available
devices and their main characteristics.
All components and devices conform to NX ACT 12 25 25
international and national standards,
Outdoor vacuum 3AF 36 25 25
as there are:
3 circuit-breaker

Vacuum circuit-breakers
■ IEC 60 056 Components for 3AY2 12 … 36 16 … 40 16 … 40
■ IEC 60 694 3AH VCB
4 ■ BS5311

Indoor vacuum switch 3CG 7.2 … 24 – 16 … 20

Vacuum switches
■ IEC 60 265-1
in combination with Siemens fuses:
5 ■ IEC 60 420 Indoor vacuum 3TL 7.2 … 24 – 8 (1s)
Vacuum contactors
■ IEC 60 470 Vacuum interrupter VS 7.2 … 40.5 12.5 … 80 12.5 … 80
6 ■ UL 347

Switch disconnectors
■ IEC 60 129
Indoor switch 3CJ 12 … 24 – 18 … 26 (1s)
■ IEC 60 265-1
HV HRC fuses Indoor disconnecting 3D 12 … 36 – 16 ... 63 (1s)
■ IEC 60 282 and grounding switch

8 Current and voltage transformers

HV HRC fuses 3GD 7.2 … 36 31.5 … 80 –
■ IEC 60 185, 60 186
■ BS 3938, 3941
■ ANSI C57.13
Fuse bases 3GH 7.2 … 36 44 –
9 peak withstand
For further information please contact:
Fax: ++ 49 - 91 31 - 73 46 54
Indoor post insulators, 3FA 3.6 … 36 – –
Bushings 3FH/3FM
Indoor and outdoor 4M 12 … 36 – –
current and voltage

Surge arresters 3E 3.6 … 42 – –

Fig. 101: Equipment program for medium-voltage switchgear

3/72 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
Medium-Voltage Devices
Product Range

Rated Operating cycles Applications/remarks Page

current 1
mechanical with rated with short-
current circuit current

800 … 12,000 10,000 … 10,000 … 25 … 100 All applications, e.g. overhead lines, cables, transformers, 3/74 2
120,000 30,000 motors, generators, capacitors, filter circuits, arc furnaces
1250 … 2500 10,000 10,000 25 … 50 3/78

1600 10,000 10,000 50 All applications, e.g. overhead lines, cables, transformers, 3/80
motors, generators, capacitors, filter circuits 3

1250 … 2500 – – – Original equipment manufacturer (OEM) and retrofit 3/81

800 10,000 10,000 – All applications, e.g. overhead lines, cables, transformers, 3/82
motors, capacitors; high number of operations; fuses
necessary for short-circuit protection

400 … 800 1x106 ... 3x106 0.25x105 ... 2x106 – All applications, especially motors with very high number 3/84 5
of operating cycles

630 … 4000 10,000 … 10,000 … 25 … 100 For circuit breakers, switches and gas-insulated switchgear 3/85
30,000 30,000 6

630 1000 20 – Small number of operations, e.g. distribution transformers 3/86

630 … 3000 – – – Protection of personnel working on equipment 3/87

6.3 … 250 – – – Short-circuit protection; short-circuit current limitation 3/88

400 – – – Accommodation of HV HRC fuse links 3/88


– – – – Insulation of live parts from another, 3/89

carrying and supporting function
– – – – Measuring and protection 3/90

– – – – Overvoltage protection 3/90

Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 3/73
Medium-Voltage Devices
Type 3AH

As standard circuit-breakers they are avail- Properties of 3AH circuit breakers:

Indoor vacuum circuit-breakers able for the entire medium-voltage range.
1 type 3AH Circuit-breakers with reduced pole center No relubrication
distances, circuit-breakers for very high Nonwearing material pairs at the bearing
numbers of switching cycles and single- points and nonaging greases make relubri-
The 3AH vacuum circuit-breakers are phase versions are part of the program. cation superfluous on 3AH circuit-breakers
three-phase medium-voltage circuit-break- The following breaker types are available: up to 10,000 operating cycles, even after
ers for indoor installations.
2 The 3AH circuit-breakers are suitable for:
■ 3AH1 – the maintenance-free circuit- long periods of standstill.
breaker which covers the range
■ Rapid load transfer, synchronization between 7.2 kV and 24 kV. It has High availability
■ Automatic reclosing up to 31.5 kA a lifetime of 10,000 operating cycles Continuous tests have proven that the
■ 3AH2 – the circuit-breaker for 60,000 3AHs are maintenance-free up to 10,000
■ Breaking short-circuit currents with
operating cycles in the range between operating cycles: accelerated temperature/
3 very high initial rates of rise of the recov-
7.2 kV and 24 kV humidity change cycles between –25 and
ery voltage
+60 °C prove that the 3AH functions relia-
■ Switching motors and generators ■ 3AH3 – the maintenance-free circuit-
bly without maintenance.
breaker for high breaking capacities in
■ Switching transformers and reactors
the range between 7.2 kV and 36 kV. Assured quality
■ Switching overhead lines and cables It has a lifetime of 10,000 operating
4 ■ Switching capacitors cycles Exemplary quality control with some hun-
dred switching cycles per circuit-breaker,
■ Switching arc furnaces ■ 3AH4 – the circuit-breaker for up to certified to DIN/ISO 9001.
■ Switching filter circuits 120,000 operating cycles
■ 3AH5 – the economical circuit-breaker in No readjustment
the lower range for 10,000 maintenance- Narrow tolerances in the production of
5 free operating cycles the 3AH permanently prevent impermissi-
ble play: even after frequent switching
the 3AH circuit-breaker does not need to
be readjusted up to 10,000 operating
Electrical data and products summary

Rated Vacuum circuit-breaker (Type)

7 voltage at Rated short-circuit breaking current1) (Rated short-circuit making current)
[kV] [kA] [kA] [kA] [kA] [kA] [kA] [kA] [kA] [kA]
13.1 16 20 25 31.5 40 50 63 up to 80
(32.8) (40) (50) (63) (80) (100) (125) (160) (225)
8 7.2 3AH1 3AH1 3AH1 3AH1 3AH3 3AH3
3AH2 3AH2
12 3AH5 3AH5 3AH5 3AH5 3AH1 3AH1 3AH1 3AH3 3AH3
3AH1 3AH2 3AH2

9 15 3AH1 3AH1 3AH1 3AH1 3AH3 3AH3

3AH2 3AH2
17.5 3AH1 3AH5 3AH1 3AH1 3AH1 3AH3 3AH3 3AH38*)
3AH2 3AH2
24 3AH1 3AH1 3AH1 3AH3
10 3AH5 3AH2 3AH4
36 3AH5 3AH3 3AH3
3AH4 3AH4
800 A 800 A 800 A 800 A 800 A 800 A 1250 A 2500 A 1250 A 1250 A 1250 A 8000 A
to to to to to to to to to to
1250 A 1250 A 2500 A 1250 A 2500 A 2500 A2) 3150 A 3150 A 4000 A 12000 A
Rated normal current
1) DC component 36% (higher values on request). 2) 3150 A for rated voltage 17.5 kV. *) 3 switches in parallel

Fig. 102: The complete 3AH program

3/74 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
Medium-Voltage Devices
Type 3AH

3AH1 3AH2 3AH4

24 kV, 25 kA, 1250 A 24 kV, 25 kA, 2500 A 24 kV, 40 kA, 2500 A 1

Fig. 103: Vacuum circuit-breakers type 3AH

Advantages of the 5
vacuum switching principle
The most important advantages of the
principle of arc extinction in a vacuum have
made the circuit-breakers a technically su-
perior product and the principle on which 6
they work the most economical extinction
method available:
■ Constant dielectric:
In a vacuum there are no decomposition
products and because the vacuum inter-
rupter is hermetically sealed there are 7
no environmental influences on it.
■ Constant contact resistance:
The absence of oxidization in a vacuum
keeps the metal contact surface clean.
For this reason, contact resistance can 8
be guaranteed to remain low over the
whole life of the equipment.
■ High total current:
Because there is little erosion of con-
tacts, the rated normal current can be Fig. 104: Front view of vacuum circuit-breaker 3AH1
interrupted up to 30,000 times, the 9
short-circuit breaking current an average
of 50 times
■ Low chopping current:
The chopping current in the Siemens
vacuum interrupter is only 4 to 5 A due 10
to the use of a special contact material.
■ High reliability:
The vacuum interrupters need no seal-
ings as conventional circuit-breakers.
This and the small number of moving
parts inside makes them extremely relia-

Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 3/75
Medium-Voltage Devices
Type 3AH

1 12 kV 604 520
20 kA, up to 1250 A 522 190
210 210
25 kA, up to 1250 A

2 105

437 473

Dimensions in mm

3AH1, 3AH2, 550
12 kV 549
5 210 210
25 kA, 2500 A,
31.5 kA, 2500 A,
40 kA, 3150 A 105



Dimensions in mm 565

3AH1, 708
24 kV 565
662 190
9 16 kA, up to 1250 A, 275 275
20 kA, up to 1250 A,
25 kA, up to 1250 A 105

10 535

Dimensions in mm

Fig. 105a: Dimensions of typical vacuum circuit-breakers type 3AH (Examples)

3/76 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
Medium-Voltage Devices
Type 3AH

708 595
3AH1, 3AH2,
24 kV 670 190 1
275 275
20kA, 2500 A
25 kA, 2500 A

437 648

Dimensions in mm

3AH3, 750 211 483

12 kV
275 275 5
63 kA, 4000 A

564 733

Dimensions in mm 776

820 211 526
3AH3, 3AH4,
36 kV 350 350

31.5 kA, 2500 A, 9

40 kA, 2500 A

564 734 1000 10

Dimensions in mm 853

Fig. 105b: Dimensions of typical vacuum circuit-breakers type 3AH (Examples)

Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 3/77
Medium-Voltage Devices

Indoor vacuum circuit-breaker

1 module type NXACT

NXACT combines the advantages of vacu-
um circuit-breakers with additional integrat-
2 ed functions.

More functions
Disconnector, earthing switch, operator
3 panel and interlock are integrated in a sin-
gle breaker module. The module is sup-
plied pretested and ready for installation.

Ease of integration …
4 For the system builder, this means mini-
mum project planning, ease of installation
even with subsequent retrofitting, no more
testing, simplified logistics – these fea-
tures mean that NXACT is unbeatable,
even with the overall cost of the substa-
5 tion.
Its compact design minimizes installation
and commissioning time.
In operation, NXACT is notable for the
clear layout of its control panel, which is
6 always accessible at the front of the Fig. 106: NXACT vacuum circuit-breaker module, 12 kV

Applications Technical data

7 ■ Universal circuit-breaker module for all
common medium-voltage switchgear Rated voltage [kV] 12
■ As three-pole medium-voltage circuit-
Rated power-frequency [kV] 28
breakers for all switching duties in in-
door installations
withstand voltage
■ For switching all resistive, inductive and Rated lightning impulse [kV] 75
8 capacitive currents. withstand voltage
Rated frequency [Hz] 50/60
Typical uses
Rated short-circuit [kA] 25
■ Overhead transmission lines breaking current (max.)
9 ■ Cables
■ Transformers Rated short-circuit [kA] 63
■ Capacitors making current (max.)
■ Filter circuits* Rated short-time [kA] 25
■ Motors withstand current 3 sec. (max.)
10 ■ Reactor coils Rated normal current [A] 1250/2500

Fig. 107

* Filter circuits cause an increase in voltage

at the series-connected switching device.

3/78 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
Medium-Voltage Devices

■ Integrated, mechanical interlocks be-
tween operating mechanisms. 1
■ Integrated, mechanical switch position
indications for circuit-breaker, withdrawa-
ble part and earthing switch function
■ Easy to withdraw, since only withdrawa- 2
ble part is moved.
■ Fixed interlocking of circuit-breaker mod-
ule with a switchpanel is possible.
■ Manual or motor operating mechanism
(optional for the operating mechanisms). 3
■ Enforced connection of low-voltage plug
with the switchpanel, as soon as the
module is installed in a panel.
■ Maintenance-free operating mechanisms
within scope of switching cycles.

Fig. 108 6

NXACT vacuum circuit-breaker module

Front view Side view

517 200 188

730 140* 767

646 156
Operating mechanism
for earthing switch
Dimensions in mm * Travel

Fig. 109

Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 3/79
Medium-Voltage Devices
Type 3AF

Outdoor vacuum circuit-

Technical data
1 breakers type 3AF
Vacuum circuit-breaker type Type 3AF
The Siemens outdoor vacuum circuit-
breakers are structure-mounted, easy-to-
install vacuum circuit-breakers for use in Rated voltage [kV] 36
2 systems up to 36 kV. The pole construc-
tion is a porcelain-clad construction similar
to conventional outdoor high-voltage Rated frequency [Hz] 50/60
switchgear. The triple-pole circuit-breaker
is fitted with reliable and well proven vacu- Rated lightning- [kV] 170
um interrupters. Adequate phase spacing impulse withstand voltage
3 and height have been provided to meet
standards and safety requirements. Rated power-frequency [kV] 70
It is suitable for direct connection to over- withstand voltage (dry and wet)
head lines.
The type design incorporates a minimum Rated short-circuit [kA] 25
of moving parts and a simplicity of assem- breaking current
bly assuring a long mechanical and electri-
cal life. All the fundamental advantages of Rated short-circuit [kA] 63
using vacuum interrupters like low operat- making current
ing energy, lightweight construction, vir-
tually shock-free performance leading to Rated current [A] 1600
5 ease of erection and reduction in founda-
tion requirements, etc. have been retained. Fig. 111: Ratings for outdoor vacuum circuit-breakers
The Siemens outdoor vacuum circuit-
breakers are designed and tested to meet
the requirements of IEC 60 056/IS 13118.
6 Front view Side view
Advantages at a glance
1830 285
■ High reliability 285
190 725 725
■ Negligible maintenance
■ Suitable for rapid autoreclosing duty
7 ■ Long electrical and mechanical life 350 350
■ Completely environmentally compatible

9 2410


1730 450
1930 650
Dimensions in mm

Fig. 110: Outdoor vacuum circuit-breaker Fig. 112: Dimensions of outdoor circuit-breaker type 3AF for 36 kV
type 3AF for 36 kV

3/80 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
Medium-Voltage Devices
Components, Type 3AY2

Components for vacuum circuit-

breaker type 3AH 1
Vacuum circuit-breakers are available in
fixed-mounted as well as withdrawable
form. When they are installed in substa-
tions, isolating contacts, as well as fixed 2
mating contacts and bushings are neces-
sary. With the appropriate components,
the 3AH vacuum circuit-breakers can be
upgraded to the status of switchgear
The following components can be ordered:
■ Isolating contacts Fig. 114: Switchgear module 12 kV, 25 kA, 1250 A
■ Cup-type bushings with fixed mating 4
■ Truck with/or without interlocks Front view Side view
■ Switchgear module
(Dimensions as per Figs. 115 and 116)
800 227 1019 5
Technical data and product range

Components for 12 kV
Up to 2500 A /to 40 kA /1 sec. 945 6
For 800 mm switchgear panel width:
With 3AH1 – 7.2/12 kV breaker
210 mm pole centre distance
With 3AH5 – 12 kV breaker
210 mm pole centre distance 7
Components for 24 kV
Dimensions in mm
To 2500 A /to 25 kA /1 sec.
For 1000 mm switchgear panel width: Fig. 115: 12 kV switchgear module
With 3AH1 – 24 kV breaker 8
275 mm pole centre distance
With 3AH5 – 24 kV breaker Front view Side view
275 mm pole centre distance
On request: components for 15 kV 1000 295 1224
To 2500 A /to 40 kA /1 sec.
For 800 mm switchgear panel width:
With 3AH1 – 15 kV breaker
210 mm pole centre distance
With 3AH5 – 17.5 kV breaker 10
210 mm pole centre distance 1030
Components for 36 kV

To 1250 A /to 16 kA /1 sec.

For 1200 mm switchgear panel width:
With 3AH5 – 36 kV breaker
350 mm pole centre distance Dimensions in mm

Fig. 113 Fig. 116: 24 kV switchgear module

Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 3/81
Medium-Voltage Devices
Type 3CG

Indoor vacuum switches

Technical data
1 type 3CG
Rated voltage U [kV] 7.2 12 15 24
The 3CG vacuum switches are multipur-
pose switches conforming to IEC 60 265-1
and DIN VDE 0670 Part 301. Rated lightning-impulse [kV] 60 75 95 125
withstand voltage Ul,
2 With these, all loads can be switched with-
out any restriction and with a high degree Rated short-circuit making [kA] 50 50 50 40
of reliability. The electrical and mechanical current I ma
data are greater than for conventional 20 20
Rated short-time current I m (3s) [kA] 20 16
switches. Moreover, the 3CG are mainte-
nance free.
3 Rated normal current I n [A] 800 800 800 800
The vacuum switch is therefore extremely
Vacuum switches are suitable for the Rated ring-main breaking [A] 800 800 800 800
following switching duties: current I c 1
4 ■ Overhead lines Rated transformer breaking current [A] 10 10 10 10
■ Cables
■ Transformers Rated capacitor breaking current [A] 800 800 800 800
■ Motors
■ Capacitors 63
Rated cable-charging [A] 63 63 63
5 ■ Switching under ground-fault conditions breaking current I c
Rated breaking current for [A] 2500 1600 1250 –
3CG switches can be combined with HV
HRC fuses up to 250 A. When installed in
stalled motors I d
Siemens switchgear they comply with the Transfer current according to IEC 60 420, [A] 5000 3000 2000 2000
specifications of IEC 60 420 and VDE 0670, Inductive switching capacity
6 Part 303. Maximum ratings of fuses on (cosϕ ≤ 0.15)
Switching capacity under
ground fault conditions:
– Rated ground fault breaking current I e [A] 630 630 630 630
– Rated cable-charging breaking [A] 63 63 63 63
7 current
– Rated cable charging breaking [A] 63+800 63+800 63+800 63+800
current with superimposed load

8 Number of switching cycles with I n 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000

Fig. 117: Ratings for vacuum switches type 3CG


Fig. 118: Vacuum switch type 3CG for 12 kV, 800 A

3/82 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
Medium-Voltage Devices
Type 3CG

7.2 and 12 kV 1
530 492

210 210

435 482

568 5
592 170
Dimensions in mm

3 CG,
24 kV
630 7
275 275

379 597 9


708 170
Dimensions in mm

Fig. 119: Dimensions of vacuum switch type 3CG (Examples)

Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 3/83
Medium-Voltage Devices
Type 3TL

Vacuum contactors 280 mm 220 mm

1 Type 3TL
The three-pole vacuum contactors type
3TL are for medium-voltage systems be-
tween 7.2 kV and 24 kV and incorporate
375 mm
2 a solenoid-operated mechanism for high
switching frequency and unlimited closing 325 mm
duration.They are suitable for the opera-
tional switching of AC devices in indoor
systems and can perform, for example,
the following switching duties:
3 ■ Switching of three-phase motors in 340 mm 390 mm
AC-3 and AC-4 operation
■ Switching of transformers Fig. 120: Vacuum contactor type 3TL6 for fixed Fig. 121: Vacuum contactor type 3TL8 for fixed
■ Switching of capacitors mounting mounting
■ Switching of ohmic loads
4 (e.g. arc furnaces)
Technical data of the 3TL 6/7/8 vacuum contactor
3TL vacuum contactors have the following
features: Vacuum contactor type 3TL 61 3TL 65 3TL 71 3TL 81
■ Small dimensions
5 ■ Long electrical life Rated normal voltage [kV] 7.2 12 24 7.2
(up to 106 operating cycles)
Rated frequency [Hz] 50/60 50/60 50/60 50/60
■ Maintenance-free
Rated normal current [A] 450 450 800 400
■ Vertical or horizontal mounting
Switching capacity according
6 The vacuum contactors comply with the to utilization category
standards for high-voltage AC contactors AC-4 (cos ϕ = 0.35)
between 1 kV and 12 kV according to IEC Rated making current [A] 4500 4500 4500 4000
Publication 60 470-1970 and DIN VDE 0660 Rated breaking current [A] 3600 3600 3600 3200
Part 103.
3TL 6 and 3TL 8 contactors also comply Mechanical life of
7 with UL Standard 347. contactor Switching cycles 3 x 106 1 x 106 1 x 106 1 x 106
Mechanical life of
vacuum interrupter Switching cycles 2 x 106 1 x 106 1 x 106 0.25 x 106
The vacuum contactors are available in
different designs: Electrical life of
■ Type 3TL 6 with compact dimensions
vacuum interrupter
8 (Rated normal current) Switching cycles 1 x 106 0.5 x 106 1 x 106 0.25 x 106
■ Type 3TL 71 and 3TL 81 with slender
design Fig. 122: Ratings for vacuum contactors type 3TL


3/84 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
Medium-Voltage Devices
Type VS

Vacuum interrupters
Vacuum interrupters for the medium-volt-
age range are available from Siemens for
all applications on the international market
from 1 kV up to 40.5 kV.

■ Vacuum circuit-breakers
■ Vacuum switches
■ Vacuum contactors
■ Transformer tap changers 3
■ Circuit breakers for railway applications
■ Autoreclosers
■ Special applications, e.g. in nuclear
Compact designs
Siemens vacuum interrupters provide very
high switching capacity in very compact
dimensions: for example vacuum interrupt-
ers for 15 kV/40 kA with housing dimen- 5
sions of 125 mm diameter by 161 mm
length, or for 12 kV/13.1 kA with 68 mm
diameter by 115 mm length.

Fig. 123: Vacuum interrupters from 1 kV up to 40.5 kV

Consistant quality assurance 6
Complete quality assurance (TQM and
DIN/ISO 9001), rigorous material checking Product range (extract)
of every delivery and 100% tests of the
interrupters for vacuum sealing assure reli-
able operation and the long life of Siemens Interrupters for vacuum circuit-breakers 7
vacuum interrupters. Rated voltage [kV] 7.2 to 40.5
Rated normal current [A] 630 to 4000
Environmental protection
Rated short-circuit breaking current [kA] 12.5 to 80
In the manufacture of our vacuum inter-
rupters we only use environmentally com- 8
patible materials, such as copper, ceramics Interrupters for vacuum contactors
and high-grade steel. Rated voltage [kV] 1 to 24
The manufacturing processes do not dam-
Rated normal current [A] 400 to 800
age the environment. For example, no
CFCs are used in production (fulfilling the Fig. 124a: Range of ratings for vacuum interrupters for CBs 9
Montreal agreement); the components are
cleaned in a ultrasonic plant.
During operation vacuum interrupters do
not affect the environment and are them-
selves not affected by the environment.
Know-how for special applications
If necessary, Siemens is prepared to sup-
plement the wide standard program
by way of tailored, customized concepts.

Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 3/85
Medium-Voltage Devices
Type 3CJ1

Switch disconnectors
1 type 3CJ1
Indoor switch disconnectors type 3CJ1 are
multipurpose types and meet all the rele-
vant standards both as the basic version
2 and in combination with (make-proof)
grounding switches.
The 3CJ1 indoor switch-disconnectors
have the following features:
■ A modular system with all important
3 modules such as fuses, (make-proof)
grounding switches, motor operating
mechanism, shunt releases and auxiliary
■ Good dielectric properties even under
difficult climatic conditions because of
4 the exclusive use of standard post insu-
lators for insulation against ground
■ No insulating partitions even with small
phase spacings
■ Simple maintenance and inspection
Fig. 125: Switch disconnector type 3CJ1

6 Technical data

Rated voltage [kV] 12 15 24

7 Rated short-time [kA] 20 26 18

withstand current

Rated short-circuit [kA] 50 65 45

making current
Rated normal current [A] 630 630 630

Fig. 126: Ratings for switch disconnectors type 3CJ1


3/86 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
Medium-Voltage Devices
Type 3D

Disconnecting and grounding

switches type 3D 1
Disconnecting and grounding switches
type 3D are suitable for indoor installations
from 12 kV up to 36 kV.
Disconnectors are mainly used to protect 2
personnel working on equipment and must
therefore be very reliable and safe.
This is assured even under difficult climatic
Disconnecting and grounding switches 3
type 3D are supplied with a manual or
motor drive operating mechanism.

Fig. 127: Disconnecting switch type 3DC

Technical data

Rated voltage [kV] 12 24 36

Rated short-time [kA] 20 to 63 20 to 31.5 20 to 31.5

withstand current (1s)

Rated short-circuit [kA] 50 to 160 50 to 80 50 to 80

making current
Rated normal current [A] 630 to 2500 630 to 2500 630 to 2500

Fig. 128: Ratings for disconnectors type 3DC

Technical data

Rated voltage [kV] 12 24 36

Rated short-time 20 to 63 20 to 31.5 20 to 31.5
withstand current (1s) [kA]

Rated peak [kA] 50 to 160 50 to 80 50 to 80

withstand current

Fig. 129: Ratings for grounding switches type 3DE

Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 3/87
Medium-Voltage Devices
Type 3GD/3GH

HV HRC fuses
1 type 3GD
HV HRC (high-voltage high-rupturing-capac-
ity) fuses are used for short-circuit protec-
tion in high-voltage switchgear. They pro-
2 tect switchgear and components, such as
transformers, motors, capacitors, voltage
transformers and cable feeders, from the
dynamic and thermal effects of high short-
circuit currents by breaking them as they
3 The HV HRC fuse links can only be used Fig. 130: HV HRC fuse type 3GD
to a limited degree as overload protection
because they only operate with certainty
when their minimum breaking current has Technical data
already been exceeded. Up to this current
4 the integrated thermal striker prevents a
thermal overload on the fuse when used in Rated voltage [kV] 7.2 12 24 36
circuit breaker/fuse combinations.
Siemens HV HRC fuse links have the fol- Rated short-circuit [kA] 63 to 80 40 to 63 31.5 to 40 31.5
lowing features: breaking current
5 ■ Use in indoor and outdoor installations
■ Nonaging because the fuse element Rated normal current [A] 6.3 to 250 6.3 to 160 6.3 to 100 6.3 to 40
is made of pure silver
■ Thermal tripping Fig. 131: Ratings for HV HRC fuse links type 3GD
■ Absolutely watertight
6 ■ Low power loss
With our 30 years of experience in the
manufacture of HV HRC fuse links and
with production and quality assurance
that complies with DIN/ISO 9001,
Siemens HV HRC fuse links meet the
7 toughest demands for safety and reliability.

Fuse-bases type 3GH

8 3GH fuse bases are used to accomodate
HV HRC fuse links in switchgear.
These fuse bases are suitable for:
■ Indoor installations
■ High air humidity
9 ■ Occasional condensation
3GH HV HRC fuse bases are available as Fig. 132: Fuse bases type 3GH with HV HRC fuse links
single-phase and three-phase versions.
On request, a switching state indicator
with an auxiliary switch can be installed.
10 Technical data

Rated voltage [kV] 3.6/7.2 12 24 36

Peak withstand [kA] 44 44 44 44


Rated current [A] 400 400 400 400

Fig. 133: Ratings for fuse bases type 3GH

3/88 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
Medium-Voltage Devices
Insulators and Bushings

Post insulators type 3FA 1
and bushings type 3FH/3FM
Insulators (post insulators and bushings)
are used to insulate live parts from one an-
other and also fulfill mechanical carrying 2
and supporting functions.
The materials for insulators are various
cast resins and porcelains. The use of
these materials, which have proved them-
selves over many years of exposure to the 3
roughest operating and ambient conditions,
and the high quality standard to DIN/ISO
9001 assure the high degree of reliability
of the insulators.
Special ribbed forms ensure high electrical
strength even when materials are deposit-
ed on the surface and occasional conden-
sation is formed.
Post insulators and bushings are manufac-
tured in various designs for indoor and out-
door use depending on the application. 5
Fig. 135: Post insulators type 3FA1/2
Innovative solutions, such as the 3FA4
divider post insulator with an integrated
expulsion-type arrester, provide optimum
utility for the customer. Technical data
Special designs are possible if requested 6
by the customer.
Rated voltage [kV] 3.6 12 24 36

Lightning-impulse [kV] 60 to 65 to 100 to 145 to

withstand voltage 65 90 145 190 7
Rated power-frequency [kV] 27 to 35 to 55 to 75 to
withstand voltage 40 50 75 105

Minimum failing load [kN] 3.75 to 3.75 to 3.75 to 3.75 to

16 25 25 16 8
Fig. 136: Ratings for post insulators type 3FA1/2

L Conductor
U Operating voltage
U1 U1 Partial voltage
C1 M across C1
U U2 Partial voltage across 10
C2 and indicator
V C2 A C1 Coupling capacitance
C2 Undercapacitance
V Arrester
A Indicator
M Measuring socket

Fig. 134: Draw-lead bushing type 3FH5/6 Fig. 137: The principle of capacitive voltage indication with the 3FA4 divider post insulator

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Medium-Voltage Devices
Type 4M and Type 3E

Current and voltage

1 transformers type 4M
Measuring transformers are electrical
devices that transform primary electrical
quantities (currents and voltages) to pro-
2 portional and in-phase quantities which are
safe for connected equipment and operat-
ing personnel.
The indoor post insulator current and volt-
age transformers of the block type have
DIN-conformant dimensions and are used
3 in air-insulated switchgear. A maximum of
operational safety is assured even under Fig. 138: Block current transformer type 4MA Fig. 139: Outdoor voltage transformer type 4MS4
difficult climatic conditions by the use of
cycloalyphatic resin systems and proven
cast-resin technology.
Technical data
4 Special customized versions (e.g. up to
3 cores for current transformers, switcha-
ble windings, capacitance layer for voltage Current transformers Voltage transformers
indication) can be supplied on request.
The program also includes cast-resin insu- Rated voltage [kV] 12 24 36 12 24 36
5 lated-bushing current transformers and
outdoor current and voltage transformers.
Primary rated [A] 10 to 10 to 10 to
current 2500 2500 2500

Max. thermal rated [kA] 80 80 80

6 short time current

Sec. thermal [A] 5 to 10 5 to 13 8 to 17

limit current

Fig. 140: Ratings for current and voltage transformers

Surge arresters type 3E
Surge arresters have the function of pro-
8 tecting the insulation of installations or
components from impermissible strain due
to voltage surges.
The product range includes:
■ Surge arresters for the protection
9 of high-voltage motors and dry-type
Range 3EF for cable networks up to
15 kV.
■ Plug-in surge arresters for the protection
Fig. 141: Surge arrester type 3EE2
10 of distribution networks.
Range 3EH2 for networks up to 42 kV.
■ Special arresters for the protection Technical data and product range
of rotary machines and furnaces.
Range 3EE2 for networks up to 42 kV.
3EF 3EH2 3EE2

For networks of [kV] 3.6 to 15 4.7 to 42 4.5 to 42

Rated discharge surge current [kA] 1 10 10
Short-circuit current strength [kA] 1 to 40 16 50 to 300

Fig. 142

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Contents Page
Introduction .................................... 4/2
Advantages .................................... 4/2
Technical data ............................... 4/3
Cubicle design ............................... 4/4
Busbar system ............................... 4/5
Installation designs ...................... 4/6
Circuit-breaker design ................. 4/6
Withdrawable-unit design .......... 4/7
In-line plug-in design ................. 4/13
In-line-type plug-in
design 3NJ6 ................................. 4/14
Fixed-mounted design ................ 4/15
Communication with
PROFIBUS®-DP ........................... 4/16
Frame and enclosure ................. 4/17
Forms of internal separation .... 4/18
Installation details ...................... 4/19

Low-Voltage Switchboards

Introduction Reliable power supplies are conditional General

on good availability, flexibility for process- The SIVACON low-voltage switchboard
1 related modifications and high operating is an economical, practical and type-tested
Low-voltage switchboards form the link safety on the part of the switchboard.
between equipment for generation, trans- switchgear and controlgear assembly
mission (cables, overhead lines) and Power distribution in a system usually (Fig. 3), used for example in power engi-
transformation of electrical energy on the comes via a main switchboard (power neering, in the chemical, oil and capital
one hand, and the loads, such as motors, control center or main distribution board) goods industries and in public and private
2 solenoid valves, actuators and devices and a number of subdistribution boards building systems.
for heating, lighting and air conditioning or motor control centers (Fig. 1). It is notable for its good availability and
on the other. high degree of personnel and system
As the majority of applications are supplied safety. It can be used on all power levels
with low voltage, the low-voltage switch- up to 6300 A:
3 board is of special significance in both ■ As main switchboard (power control
public supply systems and industrial plants. center or main distribution board)
■ As motor control centre
■ As subdistribution board.
With the many combinations that the
4 SIVACON modular design allows, a wide
range of demands can be met both in
up to 4 MVA
fixed-mounted plug-in and in withdrawable-
up to 690 V Cable or busbar system unit design.
All modules used are type-tested (TTA), i.e
they comply with the following standards:
5 up to 6300 A Incoming circuit-breaker
■ IEC 60439-1
■ DIN EN 60439-1
3-50 Hz LT Main switchboard
■ VDE 0660 Part 500
Circuit-breakers as also
feeders to the sub- ■ DIN VDE 0106 Part 100
6 up to 5000 A distribution boards ■ VDE 0660 Part 500, supplement 2,
IEC 61641 (arcing faults)
Certification DIN EN ISO 9001
Connecting cables
Advantages of a SIVACON
ET FT switchboard

■ Type-tested standard modules

8 up to up to
up to 630 A ■ Space-saving base areas from
630 A 400 x 400 mm
100 A
■ Solid wall design for safe cubicle-
to-cubicle separation
up to ■ High packing density with
9 630 A
board e. g. services
up to 40 feeders per cubicle
up to (Lighting, heating,
air conditioning, ■ Standard operator interface for all
100 A
etc.) withdrawable units
■ Test and disconnected position
M M M M M M M M with door closed
10 Motor control center 1 Motor control center 2 up to 100 A ■ Visible isolating gaps and points
in withdrawable-unit in withdrawable-unit of contact
design for production/ design for production/ ■ Alternative busbar positioning
manufacturing manufacturing Control
at top or rear
■ Cable/bar connection from above
LT = Circuit-breaker design or below
ET = Withdrawable-unit design
FT = Fixed-mounted design
ST = Plug-in design
Fig. 1: Typical low-voltage network in an industrial plant

4/2 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
Low-Voltage Switchboards

Technical data at a glance


Rated insulation voltage (Ui) 1000 V

Rated operational voltage (Ue) up to 690 V 2
Busbar currents (3- and 4-pole):
Horizontal main busbars
Rated current up to 6300 A
Rated impulse withstand current (Ipk) up to 250 kA
Rated short-time withstand current (Icw) up to 100 kA
Vertical busbars
for circuit-breakers design
See horizontal main busbars 4
for fixed-mounted design / plug-in design
Rated current up to 2000 A
Rated impulse withstand current (Ipk) up to 110 kA
Rated short-time withstand current (Icw) up to 50 kA* 5
for withdrawable-unit design
Rated current up to 1000 A
Rated impulse withstand current (Ipk) up to 143 kA
Rated short-time withstand current (Icw) up to 65 kA* 6
Device rated
Circuit-breakers up to 6300 A
Cable feeders up to 1600 A
Motor feeders up to 630 A 7
Power loss per cubicle with combination
of various cubicles (Pv) approx. 600 W**
Degree of protection to IEC 60529, EN 60529 IP 20 up to IP 54
* Rated conditional short-circuit current Icc up to 100 kA 8
** Mean value at simultaneity factor of all feeders of 0.6
Fig. 2

1 2 3 4
1 Circuit-breaker-design cubicle
with withdrawable circuit-breaker
3WN, 1600 A
2 Withdrawable-unit-design cubicle
with miniature and normal
withdrawable units up to 250 kW
3 Plug-in design cubicle with in-line
modules and plug-in fuse strips
4 Fixed-mounted-design cubicle
with modular function units

Fig. 3: SIVACON low-voltage switchboard

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Low-Voltage Switchboards

Cubicle design
The cubicle is structured in modular grid 400 600
based on one modular spacing (1 M)
corresponding to 175 mm. The effective
device installation space with a height of
1750 mm therefore represents a height
2 of 10 M. The top and bottom space each
has a height of 225 mm (Fig. 5).
A cubicle is subdivided into four function
■ Busbar compartment
3 ■ Device compartment
■ Cable connection compartment
■ Cross-wiring compartment
In 400 mm deep cubicles, the busbar com-
partment is at the top; in 600 mm deep
4 cubicles it is at the rear. In double-front
systems (1000 mm depth) and in a power
control center (1200 mm depth), the bus-
bar compartment is located centrally.
The switching device compartment
5 accommodates switchgear and auxiliary
The cable connection compartment is lo-
cated on the right-hand side of the cubicle.
With circuit-breaker design, however, it is
below the switching device compartment 600 400 400 400 400
6 (Fig. 4).
The cross-wiring compartment is located
at the top front and is provided for leading
control and loop lines from cubicle to


Busbar compartment Cable connection compartment

Device compartment Cross-wiring compartment

Dimensions in mm

Fig. 4: Cubicle design

4/4 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
Low-Voltage Switchboards

Busbar system
Together with the PEN or PE busbars,
and if applicable the N busbars, the phase
conductor busbars L1, L2 and L3 form
the busbar system of a switchboard. Top space Switching device compartment
One or more distribution buses 2
and/or incoming and outgoing feeders
can be connected to a horizontal main
busbar. Depending on requirements, 225 225
this main busbar passes through several
cubicles and can be linked with another
main busbar via a coupling. 3
A vertical distribution busbar is connected
with the main busbar and supplies
outgoing feeders within a cubicle. 2200 10 x 10 x
175 175
In a 400 mm deep cubicle (Fig. 5a) the
phase conductors of the main busbar are 4
always at the top; the PEN or PE and N
conductors are always at the bottom.
The maximum rated current at 35 °C is
1965 A (non-ventilated), and 2250 A (venti-
225 225
lated); the maximum short-circuit strength
is Ipk = 110 kA or Icw = 50 kA, respectively. 400 200 400
In single-front systems with 600 mm
cubicle depth (Fig. 5b), the main busbars Bottom space
are behind the switching device compart- a) b)
ment. In double-front systems of 1000 mm
depth (Fig. 5c), they are between the two 6
switching device compartments (central).
The phase conductors can be arranged at
the top or bottom; PEN, PE and N conduc-
tors are always at the bottom. The maxi-
mum rated current is at 35 °C 3250 A
(non-ventilated) or 3500 A (ventilated); 7
Ipk = 250 kA or Icw = 100 kA, respectively. 225 225
In 1200 mm deep systems (power control
center) (Fig. 5d) the conductors are
arranged as for double-front systems, but
in duplicate; the phase conductors are 8
always at the top. The maximum rated
current at 35 °C is 4850 A (non-ventilated) 2200 10 x 2200 10 x
or 6300 A (ventilated); Ipk = 220 kA, 175 175
Icw = 100 kA.

225 225

400 200 400 400 400 400


c) d)

Dimensions in mm

Fig. 5: Modular grid and location of main busbars

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Low-Voltage Switchboards

Installation designs
The following designs are available
for the duties specified:
■ Circuit-breaker design
■ Withdrawable-unit design
2 ■ Plug-in design
■ Fixed-mounted design

Circuit-breaker design
Distribution boards for substantial energy
requirements are generally followed by
a number of subdistribution boards and
loads. Particular demands are therefore
4 made in terms of long-term reliability and
safety. That is to say, ”supply“, ”coupling“
and ”feeder“ functions must be reliably
available over long periods of time. Mainte-
nance and testing must not involve long
standstill times. The circuit-breaker design
5 components meet these requirements.
The circuit-breaker cubicles have separate
function spaces for a switching device
compartment, auxiliary equipment com-
partment and cable/busbar connection
6 compartment (Fig. 7).
The auxiliary equipment compartment is
above the switching device compartment.
The cable or busbar connection compart-
ment is located below. With supply from
7 above, the arrangement is a like a mirror
image. The cubicle width is determined by
the breaker rated current.

Breaker rated Cubicle width

8 [A] [mm]

IN to 1600 400/500
Fig. 7: Circuit-breaker cubicle with withdrawable circuit-breaker 3WN, 1600 A rated current
IN to 2500 600
IN to 3200 800
9 IN to 6300 1000
The high short-time current-carrying capaci- In the test position the auxiliary contacts
ty for time-graded short-circuit protection are closed. In the disconnected position
(up to 500 ms) assures reliable operation both main and auxiliary contacts are open.
Fig. 6 of sections of the switchboard not affected Mechanical interlocks ensure that, in the
by a short circuit. process of moving from one position to
Circuit-breaker design 3WN
With the aid of short-time grading control another, the circuit-breaker always reaches
10 The 3WN circuit-breakers in withdrawable- for very brief delay times (50 ms), the the OPEN state or that closing is not
unit or fixed-mounted design are used stresses and damage suffered by a switch- possible when the breaker is between
for incoming supply, outgoing feeders and board in the event of a short-circuit can be two positions.
couplings (longitudinal and transverse). substantially minimized, regardless of the The circuit-breaker is always moved with
The operational current can be shown on preset delay time of the switching device the door closed. The actual position in
an LCD display in the control panel; there concerned. which it is can be telecommunicated via
is consequently no need for an ammeter The withdrawable circuit-breaker has a signaling switch.
or current transformer. three positions between which it can be A kit, switch or withdrawable unit can
moved with the aid of a crank or spindle be used for grounding and short-circuiting.
mechanism. In the connected position the
main and auxiliary contacts are closed.

4/6 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
Low-Voltage Switchboards

Withdrawable-unit design A distinction is made between miniature

(sizes 1/4 and 1/2) and normal withdraw-
able units (sizes 1, 2, 3 and 4) (Fig. 9). 1
A major feature of withdrawable-unit The normal withdrawable unit of size 1
design is removability and ease of replace- has a height of one modular spacing
ment of equipment combinations under (175 mm) and can, with the use of a mini-
operating conditions, i.e. a switchboard ature withdrawable unit adapter, be re-
can be adapted to process-related modifi- placed by 4 withdrawable units of size 1/4
cations without having to be shut down. or 2 units of size 1/2. The withdrawable
Withdrawable-unit design is used therefore units of sizes 2, 3 and 4 have a height of
mainly for switching and control of motors 2, 3 and 4 modular spacings, respectively.
(Fig. 8). The maximum complement of a cubicle is,
for example, 10 full-size withdrawable
Withdrawable units units of size 1 or 40 miniature withdrawa- 3
ble units of size 1/4 .
The equipment of the main circuit of an
outgoing feeder and the relevant auxiliary
equipment are integrated as a function unit
in a withdrawable unit, which can be easily
accommodated in a cubicle. 4
In basic state, all equipment and movable
parts are within the withdrawable unit con-
tours and thereby protected from damage.
The facility for equipping the withdrawable
units from the rear allows plenty of space
for auxiliary devices. Measuring instru- 5
ments, indicator lights, pushbuttons, etc.
are located on a hinged instrument panel,
such that settings (e.g. on the overload
relay) can be easily performed during
operation. 6


Fig. 8: High packing density with up to 40 feeders per Fig. 9: SIVACON withdrawable units size 1, size 1/4 and 1/2

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Low-Voltage Switchboards

Moving isolating contact system

For main and auxiliary circuits the with-
1 L3 drawable units are equipped with a moving
L2 isolating contact system. It has contacts
on both the incoming and outgoing side;
L1 they can be moved by handcrank such that
N Connected position they come laterally out of the withdrawa-
2 ble unit and engage with the fixed contacts
in the cubicle. On miniature withdrawable
units the isolating contact system moves
upwards into the miniature withdrawable
unit adapter.
A distinction is made between connected,
3 disconnected and test position (Fig. 10).
In the connected position both main and
auxiliary contacts are closed; in the discon-
L3 nected position they are open. The test
position allows testing of the withdrawable
4 L1
unit for proper function in no-load (cold)
state, in which the main contacts are open,
N Disconnected position but the auxiliary contacts are closed for the
incoming control voltage.
In all three positions the doors are closed
and the withdrawable unit mechanically
5 connected with the switchboard.
This assures optimal safety for personnel
and the degree of protection is upheld.
Movement from the connected into the
test position and vice-versa always passes
6 through the disconnected position; this
assures that all contactors drop out.
Operating error protection
N Test position Integrated maloperation protection in
7 each withdrawable unit reliably prevents
moving of the isolating contacts with the
main circuit-breaker ”CLOSED“ (handcrank
cannot be attached) (Fig. 11).

Fig. 10: Withdrawable-unit principle


Fig. 11: Operating error protection prevents travel of the isolating contacts when the master switch is “ON”

4/8 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
Low-Voltage Switchboards

Indicating and signaling

The current position of a withdrawable 1
AZNV Test AZNV/Test unit is clearly indicated on the instrument
panel. Such signals as ”feeder not avail-
able“ (AZNV), ”test“ and ”AZNV and test“
21 can be given by additional alarm switches.
The alarm switch in the compartment
- S21 (S21) is a limit switch of NC design; that 2
- X19 - X19 - X19 COM in the withdrawable unit (S20) is of NO
design. Both are actuated by the main
21 21 isolating contacts of the withdrawable unit
- Q1 - S21 - Q1 - S21 (Fig. 12).
- S20 22 3
WU Compt. WU Compt. WU Compt.

X19 = Auxiliary isolating contact
S20 = Alarm switch in withdrawable unit*
S21 = Alarm switch in compartment*
WU = Withdrawable unit
Compt. = Compartment

*actuated by main isolating contact


Main isolating Aux. isolating In with- In compartment
contact contact drawable unit
- S 20 - S 21
1 NO 1 NC






*No signal, as auxiliary isolating contact open

Fig. 12: Circuitry and position of main and auxiliary contacts

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Low-Voltage Switchboards

Vertical distribution bus (plug-on bus)

The vertical plug-on bus with the phase
1 conductors L1, L2 and L3 is located on the
left-hand side of the cubicle and features
safe-to-touch tap openings (Fig. 13).
The vertical PE, PEN and N busbars are
on the right-hand side of the cubicle in
2 a separate, 400 mm wide cable connection
compartment, equipped with variable cable

Fig. 13: Arcing fault-protected plug-on bar system

5 embedded in the left of the cubicle

Rated currents – fused and withdraw-

able unit sizes of cable feeders Device Rated With-
current drawable
6 unit

Type [A]
7 D306 35 1/4 / 1/2
3KL50 63 1
3KL52 125 1
3KL53 160 2
8 3KL55 250 2
3KL57 400 2
3KL61 630 3
Rated currents – non-fused and with-
drawable unit sizes of cable feeders Device Rated With-
current drawable
9 unit
Type [A]
3RV101 12 1/4 / 1/2
3RV102 25 1/4 / 1/2 / 1
3RV103 50 1/2 / 1
3RV104 160 1
3VF3 160 1
3VF4 250 2
3VF5 400 2
3VF6 630 4

Fig. 14

4/10 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
Low-Voltage Switchboards

Power ratings – fused and withdraw-

able unit sizes of motor feeders
FVNR FVR Star-delta starters

Full-voltage Full-voltage Full-voltage Star-delta starters Withdrawable

non-reversing (FVNR) non-reversing (FVNR) reversing (FVR) [kW] unit size
motor starters motor starters motor starters 6
Normal-duty start [kW] Heavy-duty start [kW] Reversing circuit [kW]

400 V 500 V 690 V 400 V 500 V 690 V 400 V 500 V 690 V 400 V 500 V 690 V
11 11 11 7.5 7.5 11 5.5 5.5 5.5 – – – 1/4
18.5 22 22 15 15 22 18.5 22 22 – – – 1/2 7
22 22 37 22 30 37 22 22 22 30 37 55 1
75 90 90 45 55 90 45 55 55 55 75 90 2
160 200 160 90 132 132 110 132 160 132 160 160 3
250 355 500 160 200 375 250 315 375 – – – 4 8
– – – 250 315 400 3+3
– – – 355 355 500 4+4
Fig. 15


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Low-Voltage Switchboards

Power ratings – non-fused with

overload relay and withdrawable unit sizes of motor feeders
FVNR FVR Star-delta starters

3 I I I

Coordination type 1

Full-voltage Full-voltage Full-voltage Star-delta starters Withdrawable

non-reversing (FVNR) non-reversing (FVNR) reversing (FVR) [kW] unit size
6 motor starters motor starters motor starters
Normal-duty start [kW] Heavy-duty start [kW] Reversing circuit [kW]

400 V 500 V 690 V 400 V 500 V 690 V 400 V 500 V 690 V 400 V 500 V 690 V
7 11 11 – 4 3 – 5.5 5.5 – – – – 1/4
18.5 18.5 – 11 15 – 11 11 – – – – 1/2
22 30 – 11 15 – 22 30 – 22 30 – 1
75 90 – 37 45 – 75 90 – 55 75 – 2
8 160 200 – 132 160 – 160 200 – 110 132 – 3
250 250 – 160 200 – 250 315 – 200 250 – 4

Coordination type 2
9 Full-voltage Full-voltage Full-voltage Star-delta starters Withdrawable
non-reversing (FVNR) non-reversing (FVNR) reversing (FVR) [kW] unit size
motor starters motor starters motor starters
Normal-duty start [kW] Heavy-duty start [kW] Reversing circuit [kW]

10 400 V 500 V 690 V 400 V 500 V 690 V 400 V 500 V 690 V 400 V 500 V 690 V

7.5 7.5 – 4 0.37 – 0.55 0.75 – – – – 1/4

18.5 18.5 – 11 11 – 7.5 7.5 – – – – 1/2
22 30 – 11 15 – 22 30 – 22 30 – 1
75 90 – 37 45 – 55 75 – 55 75 – 2
160 200 – 132 160 – 160 200 – 110 132 – 3
250 315 160 200 – 250 315 – 160 100 – 4
Fig. 16

4/12 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
Low-Voltage Switchboards

In-line plug-in design Rated currents – non fused and modul-

height of cable feeders
The in-line plug-in design represents a low-
priced alternative to both the classic fixed- Device Rated Modul-
mounted and the convenient withdrawable current height
unit design. By virtue of the supply-side
plug-in contact, the modules provide the Type [A] [mm]
facility for quick interchangeability without 2
the switchboard having to be isolated. This 3RV101 12 50
design is therefore used wherever chang-
3RV102 25 50
ing requirements are imposed on opera-
tion, if for example motor ratings have to 3RV103 50 100
be changed or new loads connected. 3RV104 100 100 3
In-line plug-in modules, a cost-effective,
compact design for: Fig. 18
■ Load outgoing feeders up to 45 kW
■ 3RV outgoing circuit-breaker units up to
100 A 4
Power ratings – non-fused with
The modules are fitted with the new overload relay and module height of motor feeders
SIRIUSTM 3R switching devices. The com-
pact overall width of the SIRIUS 3R devic-
es, as well as the facility for lining them up FVNR FVR
with connecting modules, are particulary
noticeable in the extremely narrow con- 5
struction of the in-line modules. A lateral
guide rail in the cubicle facilitates handling
when replacing a module and at the same
time ensures positive contact with the
plug-in bus system. I I 6

Coordination type 1
Full-voltage non-reversing (FVNR) Full-voltage reversing (FVR) Modulheight 8
motor starters motor starters [mm]
Normal-duty start [kW] Reversing circuit [kW]

400 V 400 V
11 – 50 9
45 11 100
– 45 200

Coordination type 2
Full-voltage non-reversing (FVNR) Full-voltage reversing (FVR) Modulheight
motor starters motor starters [mm]
Normal-duty start [kW] Reversing circuit [kW]

400 V 400 V
7.5 – 50
45 7.5 100
– 45 200

Fig. 17: In-line plug-in design combined with plug-in Fig. 19

fuse strips 3NJ6

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Low-Voltage Switchboards

In-line-type plug-in design 3NJ6

In-line-type switching devices allow space-
saving installation of cable feeders in
a cubicle and are particularly notable for
their compact design (Fig. 20).
The in-line-type switching devices feature
2 plug-in contacts on the incoming side.
They are alternatively available for cable
feeders up to 630 A as:
■ Fuse module
■ Fuse-switch disconnectors
3 (single-break)
■ Fuse-switch disconnectors
with or without solid-state fuse monitoring
■ Switch disconnectors
The single- or double-break in-line-type
switching devices allow fuse changing
in dead state.
The main switch is actuated by pulling
5 a vertical handle to the side.
The modular design allows quick reequip-
ping and easy replacement of in-line-type
switching devices under operating condi-
6 The in-line-type switching devices have
a height of 50 mm, 100 mm or 200 mm.
A cubicle can consequently be equipped
with up to 35 in-line-type switching

7 Vertical distribution bus (plug-on bus)

The vertical plug-on bus with the phase
conductors L1, L2 and L3 is located at the
back in the cubicle and can be additionally
fitted with a shock-hazard protection.
8 The vertical PE, PEN and N busbars are
on the right-hand side of the cubicle in Fig. 20: Cubicle with in-line-type switching devices
a separate, 400 mm wide cable connection
compartment, equipped with variable cable
9 Fuse-switch disconnector Device Rated In-line-
(single break) current type size

10 Type [A] Height [mm]

3NJ6110 160 50

3NJ6120 250 100

3NJ6140 400 200

3NJ6160 630 200

Fig. 21: Rated currents and installation data of in-line-type switching devices

4/14 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
Low-Voltage Switchboards

Fixed-mounted design
In certain applications, e.g. in building
installation systems, either there is no
need to replace components under
operating conditions or short standstill
times do not result in exceptional costs.
In such cases the fixed-mounted design
(Fig. 22) offers excellent economy, high
reliability and flexibility by virtue of:
■ Any combination of modular function
■ Easy replacement of function units after 3
deenergizing the switchboard
■ Brief modification or standstill times
by virtue of lateral vertical cubicle
■ Add-on components for subdivision and 4
even compartmentalization in accord-
ance with requirements.

Modular function units

The modular function units enable versatile 5
and efficient installation, above all when-
ever operationally required changes or ad-
aptations to new load data are necessary
(Fig. 23). The subracks can be equipped as
required with switching devices or combi- 6
nations thereof; the function units can be
combined as required within one cubicle.
When the function modules are fitted in
the cubicle they are first attached in the
openings provided and then bolted to the
cubicle. This securing system enables 7
uncomplicated ”one-man assembly“.

Vertical distribution bus (cubicle busbar)

The vertical cubicle busbar with the phase
conductors L1, L2 and L3 is fastened to 8
the left-hand side wall of the cubicle and Fig. 22: Variable fixed-mounted design
offers many connection facilities (without
the need for drilling or perforation) for
cables and bars. It can be subdivided at
the top or bottom once per cubicle (for 9
group circuits or couplings). The connec-
tions are easily accessible and therefore
equally easy to check. A transparent
shock-hazard protection allows visual
inspection and assures a very high degree
of personnel safety. 10
The vertical PE, PEN and N busbars are on
the right-hand side of the cubicle in a sepa-
rate, up to 400 mm wide cable connection
compartment, equipped with variable cable

Fig. 23: Fused modular function unit with direct protection, 45 kW

Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 4/15
Low-Voltage Switchboards

Communication with
With SIMOCODE®-DP for motor and
cable feeders and the interface DP/3WN
for circuit-breakers type 3WN, SIVACON
2 offers an economical possibility of ex-
changing data with automation systems.
The widespread standardized, cross-manu-
facturer-PROFIBUS®-DP serves as the bus
system, offering links to a very diverse
range of programmable controllers.
3 ■ Easy installation planning
■ Saving in wiring

Communication-capable circuit-breaker
3WN (Fig. 25)
■ Remote-control for opening and closing
■ Remote diagnostics for preventive main-
■ Signalling of operating states Fig. 24 Fig. 25: 3WN circuit-breaker
5 ■ Transmission of current values e.g. for
power management

Communication-capable motor
protection and control device
6 SIMOCODE-DP (Fig. 26)
■ Integrated full motor protection
■ Extensive control functions
■ Convenient diagnostics possibilities
■ Autonomous operation of each feeder
7 via an operator control block

AS-interface (Fig. 27)

■ Status messages via AS-I modules

Fig. 26: SIMOCODE-DP in size 1/4 withdrawable unit Fig. 27: AS-interface modules 41


4/16 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
Low-Voltage Switchboards

Frame and enclosure

Top busbar 1
The galvanized SIVACON cubicle frames system
are of solid wall design and ensure reliable
cubicle-to-cubicle separation.
The enclosure is made of powder-coated
steel sheets (Fig. 28 and 29).
A cubicle front features one or more doors,
depending on requirements and cubicle
type. These doors are of 2 mm thick, pow-
der-coated sheet steel and are hinged
on the right or left (attached to the frame).
Spring-loaded door locks prevent the doors 3
from flying open unintentionally, and also
ensure safe pressure equalization in the
event of an arcing fault.

Degree of protection (against foreign 4

bodies/water, and personnel safety)
A distinction is made between ventilated
and non-ventilated cubicles.
Ventilated cubicles are provided with slits
in the base space door and in the top plate 5
and attain degree of protection in relation
to the operating area of IP 20/21 or
IP 40/41, respectively. Rear busbar
Non-ventilated cubicles attain degree system
of protection IP 54.
In relation to the cable compartment, 6
degree of protection IP 00 or IP 40, is Fig. 28: Rear and top busbar system Fig. 29: Device compartment can be separated from
generally attained. interconnected busbar

Cubicle dimensions and 7

average weights
Height Width Depth Rated current Approx. weight
[mm] [mm] [mm] [A] [kg]
Circuit-breaker design 8
2200 500 400 up to 1600 285
600 up to 2000 390
500 600 up to 1600 325
600 up to 1600 335
600 up to 2500 440 9
800 up to 3200 540
1000 up to 4000 700
1000 1200 up to 6300 1200

Withdrawable-unit design/plug-in design 10

2200 1000 400 420
600 480
1000 690
Fixed-mounted design

2200 1000 400 320

600 380
1000 550

Fig. 30: Cubicle dimensions and average weights

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Low-Voltage Switchboards

Form of internal separation

1 Form 1
Functional unit
In accordance with IEC 60439-1, (Fig. 32)
Depending on requirements, the function 1 Terminal for external conductors
compartments can be subdivided as per 2 2
1 Main busbar
the following table: 4 2 Busbar
2 4 4 4 3 Incoming circuit
4 4 Outgoing circuit
1 2a 2b 3a 3b 4a 4b
3 Circuit-
With- Form 2a Form 2b
4 unit
1 1
design 2 2 2 2
Plug-in 4 4
design 4 4 4 4 4 4
– 3 NJ6 3 3
5 – In-line 4 4
4 4
Fixed- 4 4
6 – Modular
– Compen-
sation Form 3a Form 3b

Fig. 31 1 1
7 2 2 2 2
4 4
4 4 4 4 4 4
3 3
4 4
8 4 4
4 4

Form 4a Form 4b

1 1
2 2 2 2
10 4 4
4 4 4 4 4 4
3 3
4 4
4 4
4 4

Fig. 32: Forms of internal separation to IEC 60439-1

4/18 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
Low-Voltage Switchboards

Installation details Floor penetrations

The cubicles feature floor penetrations
for leading in cables for connection, or for
Transport units an incoming supply from below (Fig. 35).
For transport purposes, individual cubicles
of a switchboard are combined to form
a transport unit, up to a maximum length
Cubicle depth 400 mm
of 2400 mm. 2
The transport base is 200 mm longer than 25 Diameter 14.1
the transport unit and is 190 mm high. The
transport base depth is:
323 215 400
depth [mm] 400 600 1000 1200 75
Cubicle width - 100
base depth [mm] 900 1050 1460 1660
Cubicle width 4
Fig. 33
Cubicle depth 600 mm
If the busbar is at the top, the main bus-
bars between two transport units are con- 25 Diameter 14.1
nected via lugs which are bolted to the 5
busbar system.
If the busbar is at the rear, the individual
bars can be bolted together via connection 523
elements, as the conductors of the
right-hand transport unit are offset to the
left and protrude beyond the cubicle edge. 323 6
250 600

Mounting 75
Cubicle depths 400 mm and 600 mm: Cubicle width - 100
■ Wall- or 7
■ Floor-mounting Cubicle width
Cubicle depths 1000 mm and 1200 mm:
■ Floor-mounting Cubicle depth 1000 mm, 1200 mm
The following minimum clearances
25 Diameter 14.1 8
between the switchboard and any
obstacles must be observed:

Clearances 250
Cubicle or
100 mm 75 mm 100 mm depth - 77 1200

Switchboard 250 10

38.5 75
Cubicle width - 100
Fig. 34
Cubicle width
There must be a minimum clearance of
400 mm between the top and sides of the Free space for cables and
cubicle and any obstacles. bar penetrations

Fig. 35: Floor penetrations

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Low-Voltage Switchboards

Operating and maintenance gangways

All doors of a SIVACON switchboard can
1 be fitted such that they close in the direc-
tion of an escape route or emergency exit.
If they are fitted differently, care must be
taken that when doors are open, there is
a minimum gangway of 500 mm (Fig. 36).
2 20001) In general, the door width must be taken
into account, i.e. a door must open through
at least 90°. (In circuit-breaker and fixed-
mounted designs the maximum door width
is 1000 mm.)
3 If a lifting truck is used to install a circuit-
breaker, the gangway widths must suit the
dimensions of the lifting truck.

600 600
700 700 700 700
Dimensions of lifting truck [mm]
1) Minimum gangway height under covers or enclosures Height 2000
Width 680
Depth 920

Minimum gangway width [mm]

Approx. 1500
Fig. 37

Min. gangway width Free min. width
Escape route 600 or 700 mm 500 mm1)


10 1) Where switchboard fronts face each other, narrowing of the gangway

as a result of open doors (i.e. doors that do not close in the direction
of the escape route) is reckoned with only on one side
2) Note door widths, i.e. it must be possible to open the door
through at least 90°

Dimensions in mm
For further information please contact:
Fax: ++ 49 - 3 41- 4 47 04 00
Fig. 36: Reduced gangways in area of open doors

4/20 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition

Contents Page
Introduction ....................................... 5/2
Product Range .................................. 5/3
Electrical Design .............................. 5/4
Transformer Loss Evaluation ......... 5/6
Mechanical Design ......................... 5/8
Connection Systems ....................... 5/9
Accessories and
Protective Devices ........................ 5/11
Technical Data
Distribution Transformers ............ 5/13
Technical Data
Power Transformers ...................... 5/18
On-load Tap Changers .................. 5/26
Cast-resin Dry-type
Transformers, GEAFOL .................. 5/27
Technical Data
GEAFOL Cast-resin
Dry-type Transformers .................. 5/31
Special Transformers .................... 5/35

Ohne Namen-1 1 22.09.1999, 16:22 Uhr

Transformers are one of the primary In addition, there are various special- Standards and specifications, general
components for the transmission and purpose transformers such as converter
The transformers comply with the relevant
1 distribution of electrical energy. transformers, which can be both in the
VDE specifications, i.e. DIN VDE 0532
Their design results mainly from the range range of power transformers and in the
”Transformers and reactors“ and the
of application, the construction, the rated range of distribution transformers as far
”Technical conditions of supply for three-
power and the voltage level. as rated power and rated voltage are con-
phase transformers“ issued by VDEW
The scope of transformer types starts with cerned.
and ZVEI.
2 generator transformers and ends with dis- As special elements for network stabili-
Therefore they also satisfy the require-
tribution transformers. zation, arc-suppression coils and com-
ments of IEC Publication 76, Parts 1 to 5
Transformers which are directly connected pensating reactors are available. Arc-sup-
together with the standards and specifi-
to the generator of the power station are pression coils compensate the capacitive
cations (HD and EN) of the European
called generator transformers. Their power current flowing through a ground fault and
Union (EU).
range goes up to far above 1000 MVA. thus guarantee uninterrupted energy sup-
3 Their voltage range extends to approx. ply. Compensating reactors compensate Enquiries should be directed to the manu-
1500 kV. the capacitive power of the cable networks facturer where other standards and spe-
and reduce overvoltages in case of load cifications are concerned. Only the US
The connection between the different high-
rejection; the economic efficiency and (ANSI/NEMA) and Canadian (CSA) stand-
voltage system levels is made via network
stablility of the power transmission are im- ards differ from IEC by any substantial de-
transformers (network interconnecting
proved. gree. A design according to these stand-
4 transformers). Their power range exceeds
ards is also possible.
1000 MVA. The voltage range exceeds The general overview of our manufactur-
1500 kV. ing/delivery program is shown in the
Distribution transformers are within the table ”Product Range“. Important additional standards
range from 50 to 2500 kVA and max. ■ DIN 42 500, HD 428: oil-immersed
36 kV. In the last step, they distribute three-phase distribution transformers
5 the electrical energy to the consumers Rated Max. Figs. 50–2500 kVA
by feeding from the high-voltage into the power operating on ■ DIN 42 504: oil-immersed three-phase
low-voltage distribution network. These voltage page transformers 2–10 MVA
are designed either as liquid-filled or as
[MVA] [kV] ■ DIN 42 508: oil-immersed three-phase
dry-type transformers.
transformers 12.5–80 MVA
6 Transformers with a rated power up to ■ DIN 42 523, HD 538: three-phase
2.5 MVA and a voltage up to 36 kV are Oil 0.05–2.5 ≤ 36 5/13– dry-type transformers 100–2500 kVA
referred to as distribution transformers; distribution 5/17 ■ DIN 45 635 T30: noise level
all transformers of higher ratings are transformers
classified as power transformers. ■ IEC 289: reactance coils and neutral
grounding transformers
Power 2.5–3000 36–1500 5/18–
7 transformers 5/25 ■ IEC 551: measurement of noise level
■ IEC 726: dry-type transformers
GEAFOL- 0.10–20 ≤ 36 5/27– ■ RAL: coating/varnish
cast-resin 5/34
Fig. 1: Transformer types


5/2 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition

Ohne Namen-1 2 22.09.1999, 16:23 Uhr

Product Range

Oil-immersed 50 to 2 500 kVA, highest voltage for equipment up to 36 kV,

distribution transformers, with copper or aluminum windings, hermetically sealed (TUMETIC®) or 1
TUMETIC, TUNORMA with conservator (TUNORMA®) of three- or single-phase design

Generator and power Above 2.5 MVA up to more than 1000 MVA, above 30 kV up to 1500 kV
transformers (system and system interconnecting transformers, with separate windings or
auto-connected), with on-load tap changers or off-circuit tap changers,
of three- or single-phase design

Cast-resin distribution 100 kVA to more than 20 MVA, highest voltage for equipment up to 36 kV,
and power transformers of three- or single-phase design
GEAFOL GEAFOL®-SL substations

Special transformers Furnace and converter transformers
for industry, traction Traction transformers mounted on rolling stock and appropriate on-load tap-changers
and HVDC transmission Substation transformers for traction systems
systems Transformers for train heating and point heating
Transformers for HVDC transmission systems 6
Transformers for audio frequencies in power supply systems
Three-phase neutral electromagnetic couplers and grounding transformers
Ignition transformers

Reactors Liquid-immersed shunt and current-limiting reactors up to
the highest rated powers
Reactors for HVDC transmission systems

Accessories Buchholz relays, oil testing equipment,

oil flow indicators and other monitoring devices 9
Fan control cabinets, control cabinets for parallel operation and
automatic voltage control
Sensors (PTC, Pt 100)

Service Advisory services for transformer specifications
Organization, coordination and supervision of transportation
Supervision of assembly and commissioning
Service/inspection troubleshooting services
Training of customer personnel
Investigation and assessment of oil problems

Fig. 2

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Ohne Namen-1 3 22.09.1999, 16:23 Uhr

Electrical Design

Power ratings and type of cooling

All power ratings in this guide are the pro-
1 duct of rated voltage (times phase-factor
for three-phase transformers) and rated Dy1 1 Yd1 I
current of the line side winding (at center
tap, if several taps are provided), expres- 1
iii i
sed in kVA or MVA, as defined in IEC 76-1. iii i
2 If only one power rating and no cooling III ii II
method are shown, natural oil-air cooling III ii II
(ONAN or OA) is implied for oil-immersed
transformers. If two ratings are shown,
forced-air cooling (ONAF or FA) in one or
two steps is applicable. I
Dy5 Yd5 I
3 For cast resin transformers, natural air
cooling (AN) is standard. Forced air cooling ii iii iii
(AF) is also applicable. ii
5 III i II
Temperature rise
4 5
In accordance with IEC-76 the standard
temperature rise for oil-immersed power 11
and distribution transformers is: Dy11 I Yd11 I
■ 65 K average winding temperature 11
(measured by the resistance method) i
5 ■ 60 K top oil temperature
ii i
iii ii
(measured by thermometer) III II
III iii II
The standard temperature rise for Siemens
cast-resin transformers is
■ 100 K (insulation class F) at HV and
6 LV winding. Fig. 3: Most commonly used vector groups
Whereby the standard ambient tempera-
tures are defined as follows:
■ 40 °C maximum temperature, ■ 2% increase for every 500 m altitude (or The primary winding (HV) is normally
■ 30 °C average on any one day, part there of) in excess of 1000 m, or connected in delta, the secondary winding
7 ■ 20 °C average in any one year, ■ 2% reduction of rated power for each (LV) in wye. The electrical offset of the
500 m altitude (or part there of) in ex- windings in respect to each other is either
■ –25 °C lowest temperature outdoors,
cess of 1000 m. 30, 150 or 330 degrees standard (Dy1,
■ –5 °C lowest temperature indoors. Dy5, Dy11). Other vector groups as
Higher ambient temperatures require a well as single-phase transformers and
Transformer losses and efficiencies
corresponding reduction in temperature autotransformers on request (Fig. 3).
8 rise, and thus affect price or rated power Losses and efficiencies stated in this guide
as follows: are average values for guidance only. They Power transformers
are applicable if no loss evaluation figure is
■ 1.5% surcharge for each 1 K above Generator transformers and large power
stated in the inquiry (see following chapter)
standard temperature conditions, or transformers are usually connected in Yd.
and they are subject to the tolerances stat-
■ 1.0% reduction of rated power for each ed in IEC 76-1, namely +10% of the total For HV windings higher than 110 kV, the
9 1 K above standard temperature condi- losses, or +15% of each component loss, neutral has a reduced insulation level.
tions. provided that the tolerance for the total For star/star-connected transformers and
These adjustment factors are applicable losses is not exceeded. autotransformers normally a tertiary wind-
up to 15 K above standard temperature ing in delta, whose rating is a third of that
If optimized and/or guaranteed losses with- of the transformer, has to be added. This
out tolerances are required, this must be stabilizes the phase-to phase voltages in
10 stated in the inquiry. the case of an unbalanced load and pre-
Altitude of installation vents the displacement of the neutral
The transformers are suitable for operation Connections and vector groups point.
at altitudes up to 1000 meters above sea Single-phase transformers and autotrans-
Distribution transformers
level. Site altitudes above 1000 m necessi- formers are used when the transportation
tate the use of special designs and an in- The transformers listed in this guide are possibilities are limited. They will be con-
crease/or a reduction of the transformer all three-phase transformers with one set nected at site to three-phase transformer
ratings as follows (approximate values): of windings connected in star (wye) and banks.
the other one in delta, whereby the neutral
of the star-connected winding is fully rated
and brought to the outside.

5/4 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition

Ohne Namen-1 4 22.09.1999, 16:23 Uhr

Electrical Design

Insulation level Conversion to 60 Hz – possibilities Transformer cell (indoor installation)

Power-frequency withstand voltages and All ratings in the selection tables of this The transformer cell must have the neces-
lightning-impulse withstand voltages are in guide are based on 50 Hz operation. sary electrical clearances when an open air 1
accordance with IEC 76-3, Para. 5, Table II, For 60 Hz operation, the following options connection is used. The ventilation system
as follows: apply: must be large enough to fulfill the recom-
■ 1. Rated power and impedance voltage mendations for the maximum tempera-
are increased by 10%, all other parame- tures according to IEC.
Highest Rated Rated lightning- ters remain identical. For larger power transformers either an 2
voltage short- impulse with- ■ 2. Rated power increases by 20%, but oil/water cooling system has to be used or
for equip- duration stand voltage no-load losses increase by 30% and the oil/air cooler (radiator bank) has to be
ment Um power- (peak) noise level increases by 3 dB, all other installed outside the transformer cell.
(r. m. s.) frequency parameters remain identical (this lay-
withstand In these cases a ventilation system has
out is not possible for cast-resin trans-
voltage formers).
to be installed also to remove the heat 3
(r. m. s.) caused by the convection of the transform-
■ 3. All technical data remain identical, er tank.
price is reduced by 5%.
List 1 List 2
■ 4. Temperature rise is reduced by 10 K,
[kV] [kV] [kV] [kV]
load losses are reduced by 15%, all
other parameters remain identical. 4
≤ 1.1 3 – –
3.6 10 20 40 Overloading of Siemens transformers is
guided by the relevant IEC-354 ”Loading
guide for oil-immersed transformers“ 5
7.2 20 40 60 and the (similar) ANSI C57.92 ”Guide for
loading mineral-oil-immersed power trans-
12.0 28 60 75
Overloading of GEAFOL cast-resin trans-
formers on request. 6
17.5 38 75 95
Routine and special tests
24.0 50 95 125 All transformers are subjected to the
following routine tests in the factory:
■ Measurement of winding resistance
36.0 70 145 170
■ Measurement of voltage ratio and check
of polarity or vector group
52.0 95 250 ■ Measurement of impedance voltage
■ Measurement of load loss
■ Measurement of no-load loss and
72.5 140 325
no-load current
■ Induced overvoltage withstand test
123.0 185 450 ■ Seperate-source voltage withstand test
■ Partial discharge test (only GEAFOL
cast-resin transformers). 9
230 550
The following special tests are optional and
145.0 must be specified in the inquiry:
275 650 ■ Lightning-impulse voltage test (LI test),
full-wave and chopped-wave (specify)
■ Partial discharge test 10
325 750
170.0 ■ Heat-run test at natural or forced cooling
360 850 ■ Noise level test
■ Short-circuit test.
245.0 395 950 Test certificates are issued for all the
above tests on request.
Higher test voltage withstand requirements must be
stated in the inquiry and may result in a higher price.

Fig. 4: Insulation level

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Ohne Namen-1 5 22.09.1999, 16:23 Uhr

Transformer Loss Evaluation

The sharply increased cost of electrical

energy has made it almost mandatory for
1 buyers of electrical machinery to carefully
evaluate the inherent losses of these A. Capital cost
items. In case of distribution and power
transformers, which operate continuously
and most frequently in loaded condition,
this is especially important. As an example, Cp · r amount
2 the added cost of loss-optimized trans- Cc = year
formers can in most cases be recovered 100
via savings in energy use in less than three
Cp = purchase price
Low-loss transformers use more and
3 better materials for their construction and
p · qn
= depreciation factor
thus initially cost more. By stipulating loss qn – 1
evaluation figures in the transformer in- p
quiry, the manufacturer receives the nec- q= + 1 = interest factor
essary incentive to provide a loss-opti-
mized transformer rather than the low- p = interest rate in % p.a.
4 cost model. n = depreciation period
Detailed loss evaluation methods for in years
transformers have been developed and
are described accurately in the literature,
taking the project-specific evaluation fac- B. Cost of no-load loss
5 tors of a given customer into account.
The following simplified method for a quick
evaluation of different quoted transformer amount
losses is given, making the following as- CP0 = Ce · 8760 h/year · P0 year
6 ■ The transformers are operated con-
Ce = energy charges
tinuously kWh
■ The transformers operate at partial load,
but this partial load is constant P0 = no-load loss [kW]
■ Additional cost and inflation factors are
not considered
7 C. Cost of load loss
■ Demand charges are based on 100%
The total cost of owning and operating a
transformer for one year is thus defined as
CPk = Ce · 8760 h/year · α2 · Pk amount
8 ■ A. Capital cost Cc
taking into account the purchase price constant operation load
α =
Cp, the interest rate p, and the depre- rated load
ciation period n
■ B. Cost of no-load loss CP0,
Pk = copper loss [kW]
9 based on the no-load loss P0, and
energy cost Ce
■ C. Cost of load loss Cpk, D. Cost resulting from demands charges
based on the copper loss Pk, the equi-
valent annual load factor a, and energy
cost Ce
10 ■ D. Demand charges Cd, CD = Cd (P0 + Pk) amount
based on the amount set by the utility,
and the total kW of connected load. amount
These individual costs are calculated as Cd = demand charges
kW · year

Fig. 5

5/6 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition

Ohne Namen-1 6 22.09.1999, 16:23 Uhr

Transformer Loss Evaluation

To demonstrate the usefulness of such

calculations, the following arbitrary exam-
ples are shown, using factors that can 1
be considered typical in Germany, and
neglecting the effects of inflation on the
rate assumed:

Example: 1600 kVA distribution transformer

Depreciation period n = 20 years Depreciation factor

Interest rate p = 12% p. a. r = 13.39 3
Energy charge Ce = 0.25 DM/kWh

Demand charge Cd = 350 DM

kW · yr
Equivalent annual load factor α = 0.8 4
A. Low-cost transformer B. Loss-optimized transformer

P0 = 2.6 kW no-load loss P0 = 1.7 kW no-load loss 5

Pk = 20 kW load loss Pk = 17 kW load loss
Cp = DM 25 000 purchase price Cp = DM 28 000 purchase price

Cc = 25000 · 13.39 Cc = 28000 · 13.39 6

100 100
= DM 3348/year = DM 3 749/year

CP0 = 0.25 · 8760 · 2.6 CP0 = 0.25 · 8760 · 1.7

= DM 5694/year = DM 3 723/year

CPk = 0.25 · 8760 · 0.64 · 20 CPk = 0.25 · 8760 · 0.64 · 17

= DM 28 032/year = DM 23 827/year
CD = 350 · (2.6 + 20) CD = 350 · (1.7 + 17)
= DM 7910/year = DM 6 545/year

Total cost of owning and operating this Total cost of owning and operating this
transformer is thus: transformer is thus:
DM 44 984.–/year DM 37 844.–/year

The energy saving of the optimized distribution transformer of DM 7140 per year
pays for the increased purchase price in less than one year.

Fig. 6

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Ohne Namen-1 7 22.09.1999, 16:23 Uhr

Mechanical Design

General mechanical design Distribution transformers with

conservator, TUNORMA®
1 for oil-immersed transformers: This is the standard distribution transform-
er design in all ratings. The oil level in the
■ Iron core made of grain-oriented tank and the top-mounted bushings is kept
electrical sheet steel insulated on both constant by a conservator vessel or expan-
sides, core-type. sion tank mounted at the highest point of
2 ■ Windings consisting of copper section the transformer. Oil-level changes due to
wire or copper strip. The insulation thermal cycling affect the conservator only.
has a high disruptive strength and is The ambient air is prevented from direct
temperature-resistant, thus guaranteeing contact with the insulating oil through oil-
a long service life. traps and dehydrating breathers.
■ Designed to withstand short circuit for Tanks from 50 to approximately 4000 kVA
3 at least 2 seconds (IEC). are preferably of the corrugated steel de-
■ Oil-filled tank designed as tank with sign, whereby the sidewalls are formed on
strong corrugated walls or as radiator automatic machines into integral cooling
tank. pockets. Suitable spot welds and braces
render the required mechanical stability.
■ Transformer base with plain or flanged Tank bottom and cover are fabricated from
4 wheels (skid base available). rolled and welded steel plate.
■ Cooling/insulation liquid: Mineral oil
according to VDE 0370/IEC 296. Silicone Conventional radiators are available.
oil or synthetic liquids are available.
■ Standard coating for indoor installation. Power transformers
5 Coatings for outdoor installation and Power transformers of all ratings are
Fig. 7: Cross section of a TUMETIC three-phase
for special applications (e.g. aggressive equipped with conservators. Both the open
distribution transformer
atmosphere) are available. and closed system are available.
With the closed system ”TUPROTECT®“
the oil does not come into contact with the
surrounding air. The oil expansion is com-
6 Tank design and pensated with an air bag. (This design is
oil preservation system also available for greater distribution trans-
formers on request).
The sealing bag consists of strong nylon
Sealed-tank distribution transformers, braid with a special double lining of ozone
7 TUMETIC® and oil-resistant nitrile rubber. The interior
In ratings up to 2500 kVA and 170 kV LI of this bag is in contact with the ambient
this is the standard sealed-tank distribution air through a dehydrating breather;
transformer without conservator and gas the outside of this bag is in direct contact
cushion. The TUMETIC transformer is with the oil.
always completely filled with oil; oil expan- All tanks, radiators and conservators
8 sion is taken up by the flexible corrugated (incl. conservator with airbag) are designed
steel tank (variable volume tank design), for vacuum filling of the oil.
whereby the maximum operating pressure For transformers with on-load tap changers
remains at only a fraction of the usual. a seperate smaller conservator is neces-
Fig. 8: 630 kVA, three-phase, TUNORMA
These transformers are always shipped sary for the diverter switch compartment. 20 kV ± 2.5 %/0.4 kV distribution transformer
This seperate conservator (without air bag)
9 completely filled with oil and sealed for
is normally an integrated part of the main
their lifetime. Bushings can be exchanged
from the outside without draining the oil conservator with its own magnetic oil level
below the top of the active part. indicator.
Power transformers up to 10 MVA are
The hermetically sealed system prevents fitted with weld-on radiators and are
oxygen, nitrogen, or humidity from contact
10 with the insulating oil. This improves the
shipped extensively assembled; shipping
conditions permitting.
aging properties of the oil to the extent Ratings above 10 MVA require detachable
that no maintenance is required on these radiators with individual butterfly valves,
transformers for their lifetime. Generally and partial dismantling of components for
the TUMETIC transformer is lower than shipment.
the TUNORMA transformer. This design All the usual fittings and accessories for oil
has been in successful service since 1973. treatment, shipping and installation of
A special TUMETIC-Protection device has these transformers are provided as stand-
been developed for this transformer. ard. For monitoring and protective devices, Fig. 9: Practically maintenancefree: transformer with
see the listing on page 5/11. the TUPROTECT air-sealing system built into the con-

5/8 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition

Ohne Namen-1 8 22.09.1999, 16:23 Uhr

Connection Systems

Distribution transformers
All Siemens transformers have top-mount-
ed HV and LV bushings according to DIN in
their standard version. Besides the open
bushing arrangement for direct connection
of bare or insulated wires, three basic insu-
lated termination systems are available: 2
Fully enclosed terminal box for cables
(Fig. 11)
Available for either HV or LV side, or for
both. Horizontally split design in degree 3
of protection IP 44 or IP 54. (Totally en-
closed and fully protected against contact
with live parts, plus protection against drip,
splash, or spray water.)
Cable installation through split cable glands 4
and removable plates facing diagonally
downwards. Optional conduit hubs. Suit- Fig. 11: Fully enclosed cable connection box
able for single-core or three-phase cables
with solid dielectric insulation, with or
without stress cones. Multiple cables per
phase are terminated on auxiliary bus 5
structures attached to the bushings. Re-
moval of transformer by simply bending
back the cables.

Insulated plug connectors (Fig. 12) 6

For substation installations, suitable
HV can be attached via insulated
elbow connectors in LI ratings up to
170 kV.
Flange connection (Fig. 13)
Air-insulated bus ducts, insulated busbars,
or throat-connected switchgear cubicles
are connected via standardized flanges on
steel terminal enclosures. These can ac- 8
commodate either HV, LV, or both bush-
ings. Fiberglass-reinforced epoxy partitions Fig. 12: Grounded metal-elbow plug connectors
are available between HV and LV bushings
if flange/flange arrangements are chosen.
The following combinations of connection 9
systems are possible besides open bush-
ing arrangements:

HV LV 10
Cable box Cable box
Cable box Flange/throat
Flange Cable box
Flange Flange/throat
Elbow connector Cable box
Elbow connector Flange/throat
Fig. 10: Combination of connection systems Fig 13: Flange connection for switchgear and bus ducts

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Ohne Namen-1 9 22.09.1999, 16:23 Uhr

Connection Systems

Power transformers
The most frequently used type of connec-
tion for transformers is the outdoor bush-
Depending on voltage, current, system
2 conditions and transport requirements, the
transformers will be supplied with bush-
ings arranged vertically, horizontally or in-
clined. Up to about 110 kV it is usual to
use oil-filled bushings according to DIN;
condenser bushings are normally used for
3 higher voltages.
Limited space or other design considera-
tions often make it necessary to connect
cables directly to the transformer. For volt-
ages up to 30 kV air-filled cable boxes are
4 used. For higher voltages the boxes are
oil-filled. They may be attached to the tank
cover or to its walls (Fig. 14).
The space-saving design of SF6-insulated
switchgear is one of its major advantages.
The substation transformer is connected
5 directly to the SF6 switchgear. This elimi-
nates the need for an intermediate link
(cable, overhead line) between transform-
er and system (Fig. 15).

Fig. 14: Transformers with oil-filled HV cable boxes


Fig. 15: Direct SF6-connection of the transformer to the switchgear

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Ohne Namen-1 10 22.09.1999, 16:23 Uhr

Accessories and Protective Devices
Accessories not listed completely.
Deviations are possible.

Double-float Buchholz relay (Fig. 16)

For sudden pressure rise and gas detec-
tion in oil-immersed transformer tanks with 1
conservator. Installed in the connecting
pipe between tank and conservator and
responding to internal arcing faults and
slow decomposition of insulating materials.
Additionally, backup function of oil alarm. 2
The relay is actuated either by pressure
waves or gas accumulation, or by loss of
oil below the relay level. Seperate contacts
are installed for alarm and tripping.
In case of a gas accumulation alarm, gas 3
samples can be drawn directly at the relay
with a small chemical testing kit. Discolor-
ing of two liquids indicates either arcing by-
products or insulation decomposition prod-
ucts in the oil. No change in color indicates
an air bubble. Fig. 16: Double-float Buchholz relay

Dial-type contact thermometer (Fig. 17)

Indicates actual top-oil temperature via
capillary tube. Sensor mounted in well in 5
tank cover. Up to four separately adjust-
able alarm contacts and one maximum
pointer are available. Installed to be read-
able from the ground.
With the addition of a CT-fed thermal re-
plica circuit, the simulated hot-spot wind- 6
ing temperature of one or more phases
can be indicated on identical thermo-
meters. These instruments can also be
used to control forced cooling equipment.

Fig. 17: Dial-type contact thermometer 8

Magnetic oil-level indicator (Fig. 18)
The float position inside of the conservator
is transmitted magnetically through the
tank wall to the indicator to preserve the 9
tank sealing standard device without con-
tacts; devices supplied with limit (position)
switches for high- and low-level alarm are
available. Readable from the ground.

Fig. 18: Magnetic oil-level indicator

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Ohne Namen-1 11 22.09.1999, 16:23 Uhr

Accessories and Protective Devices

Protective device (Fig. 19) for hermeti-

cally sealed transformers (TUMETIC)
1 For use on hermetically sealed TUMETIC
distribution transformers. Gives alarm
upon loss of oil and gas accumulation.
Mounted directly at the (permanently
sealed) filler pipe of these transformers.
Pressure relief device (Fig. 20)
Relieves abnormally high internal pressure
shock waves. Easily visible operation
pointer and alarm contact. Reseals posi-
3 tively after operation and continues to
function without operator action.

Dehydrating breather (Fig. 21, 22)

A dehydrating breather removes most of
4 the moisture from the air which is drawn
into the conservator as the transformer
cools down. The absence of moisture in
the air largely eliminates any reduction in
the breakdown strength of the insulation
5 and prevents any buildup of condensation
in the conservator. Therefore, the dehy-
drating breather contributes to safe and
reliable operation of the transformer.
Fig. 19: Protective device for hermetically sealed Fig. 20: Pressure relief device with alarm contact and
transformers (TUMETIC) automatic resetting
6 Bushing current transformer
Up to three ring-type current transformers
per phase can be installed in power trans-
formers on the upper and lower voltage
side. These multiratio CTs are supplied in
7 all common accuracy and burden ratings
for metering and protection. Their second-
ary terminals are brought out to short-
circuiting-type terminal blocks in watertight
terminal boxes.

8 Additional accessories
Besides the standard accessories and pro-
tective devices there are additional items
available, especially for large power trans-
formers. They will be offered and installed
9 on request.
Examples are:
■ Fiber-optic temperature measurements
■ Permanent gas-in-oil analysis
■ Permanent water-content measurement
■ Sudden pressure rise relay,

Fig. 21: Dehydrating breather A DIN 42 567 Fig. 22: Dehydrating breather L DIN 42 562
up to 5 MVA over 5 MVA

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Ohne Namen-1 12 22.09.1999, 16:23 Uhr

Technical Data Distribution Transformers

Oil-immersed TUMETIC 12
and TUNORMA three-phase 11 1
10 3 8
distribution transformers
2N 2U 2V 2W

■ Standard: DIN 42500 H1 1U 2U 1W B1

■ Rated power: 50–2500 kVA 7 2
■ Rated frequency: 50 Hz
9 6
■ HV rating: up to 36 kV
■ Taps on ± 2.5 % or ± 2 x 2.5 % 2 8
E E A1
HV side:
■ LV rating: 400–720 V 3
2 Oil drain plug 9 Towing eye, 30 mm dia.
(special designs for up
to 12 kV can be built) 3 Thermometer pocket 10 Lashing lug
6 Adjustment for off-load tap changer 11 Filler pipe
■ Connection: HV winding: delta
7 Rating plate (relocatable) 12 Mounting facility for
LV winding: star protective device
8 Grounding terminals
(up to 100 kVA: zigzag)
■ Impedance 4 % (only up to HV
Fig. 24: TUMETIC distribution transformer (sealed tank)
voltage at rated rating 24 kV and
current: ≤ 630 kVA) or
6 % (with rated power 5
≥ 630 kVA or with 4 1
HV rating > 24 kV) 5
■ Cooling: ONAN 10 3 8
■ Protection class: IP00
2N 2U 2V 2W
■ Final coating: RAL 7033 (other H1
colours are available) 1U 2U 1W B1
7 6
9 6
2 8
[kV] [kV] [kV] E E A1
1 Oil level indicator 6 Adjustment for off-load tap changer 7
1.1 – 3
2 Oil drain plug 7 Rating plate (relocatable)
12 75 28 3 Thermometer pocket 8 Grounding terminals
4 Buchholz relay (optional extra) 9 Towing eye, 30 mm dia.
24 125 50 5 Dehydrating breather (optional extra) 10 Lashing lug
36 170 70 Notes: Tank with strong corrugated walls shown in illustration is the preferred design. With HV ratings up to 24 kV
and rated power up to 250 kVA (and with HV ratings > 24-36 kV and rated power up to 800 kVA), the conservator is fitted
on the long side just above the LV bushings.
LI Lightning-impulse test voltage
AC Power-frequency test voltage Fig. 25: TUNORMA distribution transformer (with conservator)

Losses The combinations B-A’ (normal losses) 9

Fig. 23: Insulation level (IP00) The standard HD 428.1.S1 (= DIN 42500 and A-C’ (reduced losses) are approxi-
Part 1) applies to three-phase oil-immersed mately in line with previous standards.
distribution transformers 50 Hz, from 50 In addition there is the C-C’ combination.
kVA to 2500 kVA, Um to 24 kV. Transformers of this kind with additionally
reduced losses are especially economical
For load losses (Pk), three different listings with energy (maximum efficiency > 99%). 10
(A, B and C) were specified. There were The higher costs of these transformers are
also three listings (A’, B’ and C’) for no-load counteracted by the energy savings which
losses (P0) and corresponding sound lev- they make.
els. Standard HD 428.3.S1 (= DIN 42500-3)
Due to the different requirements, pairs specifies the losses for oil distribution
of values were proposed which, in the transformers up to Um = 36 kV. For load
national standard, permit one or several losses the listings D and E, for no-load
combinations of losses. losses the listings D’ and E’ were speci-
DIN 42500 specifies the combinations fied. In order to find the most efficient
A-C’, C-C’ and B-A’ as being most suitable. transformer, please see part ”Transformer
loss evaluation“.

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Ohne Namen-1 13 22.09.1999, 16:23 Uhr

Technical Data Distribution Transformers

Rated Max. Impe- Type Combi- No-load Load Sound Sound Total Dimensions Dist.
power rated dance nation of losses losses press. power weight between
1 volt. voltage losses level level Length Width Height wheel
HV acc. 1m A1 B1 H1 centers
side CENELEC toler-








+ 3 dB
2 Sn Um U2 P0 Pk 75* LPA LWA E
[kVA] [kV] [%] 4JB… 4HB… [W] [W] [dB] [dB] [kg] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm]

50 12 4 ..4744-3LB B-A' 190 1350 42 55 340 350 860 980 660 660 1210 1085 520

3 4 ..4744-3RB A-C' 125 1100 34 47 400 430 825 1045 660 660 1210 1085 520
4 ..4744-3TB C-C' 125 875 34 47 420 440 835 985 660 660 1220 1095 520
24 4 ..4767-3LB B-A' 190 1350 42 55 370 380 760 860 660 660 1315 1235 520
4 ..4767-3RB A-C' 125 1100 34 47 430 460 860 860 660 660 1300 1220 520
4 ..4767-3TB C-C' 125 875 33 47 480 510 880 1100 685 660 1385 1265 520
36 6 ..4780-3CB E-D´ 230 1450 x 52 500 x 1000 x 710 x 1530 x 520
100 12 4 ..5044-3LB B-A' 320 2150 45 59 500 500 1090 1020 660 660 1275 1110 520
4 ..5044-3RB A-C' 210 1750 35 49 570 570 980 980 660 660 1315 1145 520
4 ..5044-3TB C-C' 210 1475 35 49 600 620 1030 930 660 660 1320 1150 520
24 4 ..5067-3LB B-A' 320 2150 45 59 520 530 1020 1140 685 660 1360 1245 520
6 4 ..5067-3RB A-C' 210 1750 35 49 600 610 1030 1030 690 660 1400 1280 520
4 ..5067-3TB C-C' 210 1475 35 49 640 680 960 1060 695 660 1425 1305 520
36 6 ..5080-3CB E-D´ 380 2350 x 56 660 x 1050 x 780 x 1600 x 520
7 160 12 4 ..5244 -3LA B-A' 460 3100 47 62 620 610 1140 1140 710 710 1350 1185 520
4 ..5244-3RA A-C' 300 2350 37 52 700 690 1130 1010 660 660 1390 1220 520
4 ..5244-3TA C-C' 300 2000 38 52 760 780 985 1085 660 660 1380 1215 520

8 24 4 ..5267-3LA B-A' 460 3100 47 62 660 640 1150 1150 695 660 1440 1320 520
4 ..5267-3RA A-C' 300 2350 37 52 730 730 1030 930 695 660 1540 1420 520
4 ..5267-3TA C-C' 300 2000 37 52 800 820 1120 1120 710 660 1475 1355 520
36 6 ..5280-3CA E-D´ 520 3350 x 59 900 x 1120 x 800 x 1700 x 520
(200) 12 4 ..5344-3LA B-A' 550 3600 48 63 720 710 1190 1190 680 680 1450 1285 520
4 ..5344-3RA A-C' 360 2760 38 53 840 830 1070 1120 660 660 1470 1300 520
4 ..5344-3TA C-C' 360 2350 38 53 900 920 1130 1130 660 680 1450 1285 520
24 4 ..5367-3LA B-A' 550 3600 48 63 800 780 1290 1290 820 800 1595 1425 520
4 ..5367-3RA A-C' 360 2760 38 53 890 910 1110 1230 755 680 1630 1460 520
4 ..5367-3TA C-C' 360 2350 38 53 950 980 1080 1180 705 690 1595 1430 520
36 6 ..5380-3CA E-D´ 600 3800 x 61 1000 x 1250 x 800 x 1700 x 520

Dimensions and weights are approximate values. Rated power figures in parentheses are not standardized. x: on request
* In case of short-circuits at 75 °C

Fig. 26: Selection table: oil-immersed distribution transformers 50 to 2500 kVA

5/14 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition

Ohne Namen-1 14 22.09.1999, 16:23 Uhr

Technical Data Distribution Transformers

Rated Max. Impe- Type Combi- No-load Load Sound Sound Total Dimensions Dist.
power rated dance nation of losses losses press. power weight between 1
volt. voltage losses level level Length Width Height wheel
HV acc. 1m A1 B1 H1 centers
side CENELEC toler-








+ 3 dB

Sn Um U2 P0 Pk 75* LPA LWA E 2

[kVA] [kV] [%] 4JB… 4HB… [W] [W] [dB] [dB] [kg] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm]

250 12 4 ..5444-3LA B-A' 650 4200 50 65 830 820 1300 1300 810 810 1450 1285 520
4 ..5444-3RA A-C' 425 3250 40 55 940 920 1260 1260 670 820 1480 1415 520 3
4 ..5444-3TA C-C' 425 2750 40 55 1050 1070 1220 1220 690 700 1530 1310 520
24 4 ..5467-3LA B-A' 650 4200 49 65 920 900 1340 1340 800 760 1620 1450 520
4 ..5467-3RA A-C' 425 3250 39 55 1010 1010 1140 1190 760 680 1675 1510 520
4 ..5467-3TA C-C' 425 2750 40 55 1120 1140 1220 1340 715 710 1640 1475 520
36 6 ..5480-3CA E-E´ 650 4250 x 62 1100 x 1350 x 800 x 1680 x 520
(315) 12 4 ..5544-3LA B-A' 780 5000 50 66 980 960 1440 1330 820 820 1655 1385 670
4 ..5544-3RA A-C' 510 3850 40 56 1120 1100 1400 1250 820 820 1690 1415 670
4 ..5544-3TA C-C' 510 3250 40 56 1240 1260 1380 1260 820 820 1665 1390 670
24 4 ..5567-3LA B-A' 780 5000 50 66 1050 1030 1450 1350 840 840 1655 1510 670
4 ..5567-3RA A-C' 510 3850 40 56 1170 1150 1410 1270 820 820 1755 1610 670
4 ..5567-3TA C-C' 510 3250 40 56 1250 1280 1395 1290 820 820 1675 1540 670
36 6 ..5580-3CA E-E´ 760 5400 x 64 1220 x 1420 x 960 x 1700 x 670

400 12 4 ..5644-3LA B-A' 930 6000 52 68 1180 1160 1470 1390 930 930 1700 1425 670 7
4 ..5644-3RA A-C' 610 4600 42 58 1320 1310 1400 1360 820 820 1700 1430 670
4 ..5644-3TA C-C' 610 3850 42 58 1470 1470 1410 1390 820 820 1695 1420 670
24 4 ..5667-3LA B-A' 930 6000 52 68 1240 1220 1570 1570 940 940 1655 1510 670 8
4 ..5667-3RA A-C' 610 4600 42 58 1370 1350 1475 1400 820 820 1760 1615 670
4 ..5667-3TA C-C' 610 3850 42 58 1490 1520 1440 1400 820 820 1765 1540 670
36 6 ..5580-3CA E-E´ 930 6200 x 65 1480 x 1470 x 990 x 1830 x 670
(500) 12 4 ..5744-3LA B-A' 1100 7100 53 69 1410 1380 1500 1430 840 840 1710 1440 670
4 ..5744-3RA A-C' 720 5450 42 59 1650 1620 1560 1550 890 890 1745 1470 670
4 ..5744-3TA C-C' 720 4550 43 59 1700 1710 1500 1470 820 820 1745 1470 670
24 4 ..5767-3LA B-A' 1100 7100 53 69 1460 1440 1470 1530 835 850 1755 1610 670
4 ..5767-3RA A-C' 720 5450 42 59 1650 1620 1495 1420 835 820 1815 1665 670
4 ..5767-3TA C-C' 720 4550 43 59 1860 1910 1535 1500 820 820 1860 1645 670
36 6 ..5780-3CA E-E´ 1050 7800 x 66 1680 x 1510 x 1030 x 1900 x 670

Dimensions and weights are approximate values. Rated power figures in parentheses are not standardized. x: on request
* In case of short-circuits at 75 °C

Fig. 27: Selection table: oil-immersed distribution transformers 50 to 2500 kVA

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Ohne Namen-1 15 22.09.1999, 16:23 Uhr

Technical Data Distribution Transformers

Rated Max. Impe- Type Combi- No-load Load Sound Sound Total Dimensions Dist.
power rated dance nation of losses losses press. power weight between
1 volt. voltage losses level level Length Width Height wheel
HV acc. 1m A1 B1 H1 centers
side CENELEC toler-








+ 3 dB

2 Sn Um U2 P0 Pk 75* LPA LWA E

[kVA] [kV] [%] 4JB… 4HB… [W] [W] [dB] [dB] [kg] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm]

630 12 4 ..5844-3LA B-A' 1300 8400 53 70 1660 1660 1680 1480 880 880 1755 1585 670
4 ..5844-3RA A-C' 860 6500 43 60 1850 1810 1495 1420 835 820 1785 1510 670
4 ..5844-3TA C-C' 860 5400 43 60 2000 1990 1535 1380 820 820 1860 1520 670
6 ..5844-3PA B-A' 1200 8700 53 70 1750 1760 1720 1560 890 890 1920 1685 670
6 ..5844-3SA A-C' 800 6750 43 60 1950 1920 1665 1600 870 870 1740 1400 670
6 ..5844-3UA C-C' 800 5600 43 60 2160 2130 1670 1560 830 830 1840 1500 670
24 4 ..5867-3LA B-A' 1300 8400 53 70 1690 1650 1665 1640 860 860 1810 1595 670
4 ..5867-3RA A-C' 860 6500 43 60 1940 1920 1685 1680 870 870 1910 1695 670
4 ..5867-3TA C-C' 860 5400 43 60 2100 2130 1600 1490 820 820 1940 1725 670
6 ..5867-3PA B-A' 1200 8700 53 70 1730 1720 1780 1580 880 880 1760 1610 670
6 ..5867-3SA A-C' 800 6750 43 60 1970 1960 1645 1640 830 830 1810 1595 670
6 6 ..5867-3UA C-C' 800 5600 43 60 2240 2210 1740 1670 880 880 1840 1625 670
36 6 ..5880-3CA E-E´ 1300 8800 x 67 1950 x 1740 x 1080 x 1940 x 670

(800) 12 6 ..5944-3PA B-A' 1450 10700 55 72 1990 1960 1780 1540 1000 1000 1905 1660 670
7 6 ..5944-3SA A-C' 950 8500 45 62 2210 2290 1720 1830 900 960 1935 1630 670
6 ..5944-3UA C-C' 950 7400 44 62 2520 2490 1760 1710 920 920 1975 1730 670
24 6 ..5967-3PA B-A' 1450 10700 55 72 2000 1950 1720 1710 1000 1000 1885 1670 670

8 6 ..5967-3SA A-C' 950 8500 45 62 2390 2340 1760 1710 960 960 1945 1730 670
6 ..5967-3UA C-C' 950 7400 44 62 2590 2550 1770 1700 930 930 1985 1780 670
36 6 ..5980-3CA E-E´ 1520 11000 x 68 2400 x 1800 x 1100 x 2030 x 670
1000 12 6 ..6044-3PA B-A' 1700 13000 55 73 2450 2640 1790 1630 1000 1000 2095 2070 820
6 ..6044-3SA A-C' 1100 10500 45 63 2660 2610 1830 1830 1040 1040 2025 1770 820
6 ..6044-3UA C-C' 1100 9500 45 63 2800 2750 1830 1830 1040 1040 2105 1840 820
24 6 ..6067-3PA B-A' 1700 13000 55 73 2530 2720 1830 1670 1090 1010 2095 2120 820
6 ..6067-3SA A-C' 1100 10500 45 63 2750 2690 1790 1740 1050 1050 2055 1840 820
6 ..6067-3UA C-C' 1100 9500 45 63 2830 2810 1725 1770 990 990 2065 1850 820
36 6 ..6080 -3CA E-E´ 1700 13000 x 68 2850 x 2120 x 1160 x 2220 x 820

Dimensions and weights are approximate values. Rated power figures in parentheses are not standardized. x: on request
* In case of short-circuits at 75 °C

Fig. 28: Selection table: oil-immersed distribution transformers 50 to 2500 kVA

5/16 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition

Ohne Namen-1 16 22.09.1999, 16:23 Uhr

Technical Data Distribution Transformers

Rated Max. Impe- Type Combi- No-load Load Sound Sound Total Dimensions Dist.
power rated dance nation of losses losses press. power weight between
volt. voltage losses level level Length Width Height wheel 1
HV acc. 1m A1 B1 H1 centers
side CENELEC toler-








+ 3 dB

Sn Um U2 P0 Pk 75* LPA LWA E 2

[kVA] [kV] [%] 4JB… 4HB… [W] [W] [dB] [dB] [kg] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm]

(1250) 12 6 ..6144-3PA B-A' 2100 16000 56 74 2900 3080 1930 1850 1260 1100 2110 2070 820
6 ..6144-3SA A-C' 1300 13200 46 64 3100 3040 1810 1780 990 990 2145 1880 820
6 ..6144-3UA C-C' 1300 11400 46 64 3340 3040 1755 1720 1015 1000 2235 1970 820

24 6 ..6167-3PA B-A' 2100 16000 56 74 2950 3200 2020 1780 1260 1100 2110 2220 820
6 ..6167-3SA A-C' 1300 13200 46 64 3190 3120 1840 1810 1060 1060 2115 1900 820
6 ..6167-3UA C-C' 1300 11400 46 64 3390 3330 1810 1780 1015 990 2245 2030 820
36 6 ..6180-3CA E-E´ 2150 16400 x 70 3360 x 2150 x 1250 x 2350 x 820
1600 12 6 ..6244-3PA B-A' 2600 20000 57 76 3450 3590 1970 1870 1220 1140 2315 2095 820

6 ..6244-3SA A-C' 1700 17000 47 66 3640 3590 2030 1760 1080 1090 2315 2010 820
6 ..6244-3UA C-C' 1700 14000 47 66 3930 3880 2020 1900 1110 1100 2395 2070 820
24 6 ..6267-3PA B-A' 2600 20000 57 76 3470 3690 2070 1830 1280 1120 2335 2320 820
6 ..6267-3SA A-C' 1700 17000 47 66 3670 3850 2030 2000 1230 1070 2265 2120 820 6
6 ..6267-3UA C-C' 1700 14000 47 66 4010 3950 2000 1850 1030 1030 2305 2010 820

36 6 ..6280-3CA E-E´ 2600 19200 x 71 3930 x 2170 x 1340 x 2480 x 820

(2000) 12 6 ..6344-3PA B-A' 2900 25300 58 78 4390 4450 2100 1890 1330 1330 2555 2540 1070 7
6 ..6344-3SA A-C' 2050 21200 49 68 4270 4430 2080 1840 1330 1330 2455 2250 1070
6 ..6344-3UA C-C' 2050 17500 49 68 4730 4710 2020 1730 1330 1330 2495 2170 1070
24 6 ..6367-3PA B-A' 2900 25300 58 78 4480 4500 2020 1860 1330 1330 2655 2660 1070 8
6 ..6367-3SA A-C' 2050 21200 49 68 4290 4490 2190 2030 1330 1330 2425 2280 1070
6 ..6367-3UA C-C' 2050 17500 49 68 4910 4840 2110 1980 1330 1330 2475 2180 1070

36 6 ..6380-3CA E-E´ 3200 22000 x 75 5100 x 2260 x 1380 x 2560 x 1070

2500 12 6 ..6444-3PA B-A' 3500 29000 61 81 5200 5090 2115 2030 1345 1330 2685 2550 1070
6 ..6444-3SA A-C' 2500 26500 51 71 5150 5110 2195 1950 1345 1330 2535 2450 1070

6 ..6444-3UA C-C' 2500 22000 51 71 5790 5660 2190 2190 1330 1330 2565 2240 1070
24 6 ..6467-3PA B-A' 3500 29000 61 81 5420 5220 2115 2030 1335 1330 2785 2675 1070

6 ..6467-3SA A-C' 2500 26500 51 71 5260 5220 2195 2030 1335 1335 2585 2580 1070
6 ..6467-3UA C-C' 2500 22000 51 71 5640 5470 2160 2080 1330 1330 2605 2305 1070
36 6 ..6480-3CA E-E´ 3800 29400 x 76 5900 x 2320 x 1390 x 2790 x 1070
Dimensions and weights are approximate values. Rated power figures in parentheses are not standardized. x: on request
* In case of short-circuits at 75 °C

Fig. 29: Selection table: oil-immersed distribution transformers 50 to 2500 kVA

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Ohne Namen-1 17 22.09.1999, 16:23 Uhr

Power Transformers – General

Oil-immersed three-phase
1 power transformers with off- Rated power HV range Type of Figure/
and on-load tap changers tap changer page

[MVA] [kV]
Cooling methods
2 Transformers up to 10 MVA are designed 3.15 to 10 25 to 123 off-load Fig. 31, page 5/19
for ONAN cooling.
By adding fans to these transformers, the 3.15 to 10 25 to 123 on-load Fig. 33, page 5/20
rating can be increased by 25%.
However, in general it is more economical 10/16 to 20/31.5 up to 36 off-load Fig. 35, page 5/21
to select higher ONAN ratings rather than
3 to add fans. 10/16 to 20/31.5 up to 36 on-load Fig. 38, page 5/22
Transformers larger than 10 MVA are de-
signed with ONAN/ONAF cooling. 10/16 to 63/100 72.5 to 145 on-load Fig. 41, page 5/23
Explanation of cooling methods:
Note: Off-load tap changers are designed to be operated de-energized only.
■ ONAN: Oil-natural, air-natural cooling
4 Fig. 30: Types of power transformers
■ ONAF: Oil-natural, air-forced cooling (in
one or two steps)
The arrangement with the attached radia-
tors, as shown in the illustrations, is the
preferred design. However, other arrange-
5 ments of the cooling equipment are also
Depending on transportation possibilities
the bushings, radiators and expansion tank
have be removed. If necessary, the oil has
6 to be drained and shipped separately.


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Ohne Namen-1 18 22.09.1999, 16:23 Uhr

Power Transformers – Selection Tables
Technical Data, Dimensions and Weights

Oil-immersed three-phase
power transformers with 1
off-load tap changer
3 150–10 000 kVA,
HV rating: up to 123 kV
■ Taps on
HV side: ± 2 x 2.5 % H
■ Rated frequency: 50 Hz
■ Impedance 6-10 %
voltage: 3
■ Connection: HV winding: star-
delta connection
alternatively available E E L
up to 24 kV
LV winding: W
star or delta

Fig. 31

Rated power HV rating LV rating No-load Load loss Total Oil Dimensions E
loss at 75 °C weight weight L/W/H
[kVA] [kV] [kV] [kW] [kW] [kg] [kg] [mm] [mm]
3150 6.1–36 3–24 4.6 28 7200 1600 2800/1850/2870 1070

4000 7.8–36 3–24 5.5 33 8400 1900 3200/2170/2940 1070

50–72.5 3–24 6.8 35 10800 3100 3100/2300/3630 1070

5000 9.5–36 4–24 6.5 38 9800 2300 2550/2510/3020 1070

50–72.5 4–24 8.0 41 12200 3300 3150/2490/3730 1070

90–123 5–36 9.8 46 17500 6300 4560/2200/4540 1505 8

6300 12.2–36 5–24 7.7 45 11700 2500 2550/2840/3200 1505

50–72.5 5–24 9.3 48 13600 3700 3200/2690/3080 1505

90–123 5–36 11.0 53 18900 6600 4780/2600/4540 1505 9

8000 12.2–36 5–24 9.4 54 14000 3300 2580/2770/3530 1505

50–72.5 5–24 11.0 56 15900 4200 3250/2850/4000 1505

90–123 5–36 12.5 62 21500 7300 4880/2630/4590 1505 10

10000 15.2–36 6–24 11.0 63 16600 3900 2670/2900/3720 1505

50–72.5 6–24 12.5 65 18200 4700 4060/2750/4170 1505

90–123 5–36 14.0 72 25000 8600 4970/2900/4810 1505

Fig. 32

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Ohne Namen-1 19 22.09.1999, 16:23 Uhr

Power Transformers – Selection Tables
Technical Data, Dimensions and Weights

Oil-immersed three-phase
1 power transformers
with on-load tap changer
3 150–10 000 kVA,
HV rating: up to 123 kV
2 H

■ Taps on ± 16 % in ± 8 steps
HV side: of 2 %
■ Rated frequency: 50 Hz
■ Impedance 6–10 %
3 voltage:
■ Connection: HV winding: star E E L
LV winding: W
star or delta

4 Fig. 33

Rated power HV rating LV rating No-load Load loss Total Oil Dimensions E
loss at 75 °C weight weight L/W/H
[kVA] [kV] [kV] kW [kW] [kg] [kg] [mm] [mm]

3150 10.9–36 3–24 4.8 29 9100 2300 3400/2300/2900 1070

6 4000 9.2–36 3–24 5.8 35 10300 2600 3500/2700/3000 1070

50–72.5 4–24 7.1 37 13700 4100 4150/2350/3600 1070

5000 11.5–36 4–24 6.8 40 12300 3100 3600/2400/3200 1070

7 50–72.5 5–24 8.4 43 15200 4500 4200/2700/3700 1070

90–123 5–36 9.8 49 21800 8000 5300/2700/4650 1505

6300 14.4–36 5–24 8.1 47 14000 3600 3700/2700/3300 1505

50–72.5 5–24 9.8 50 17000 5000 4300/2900/3850 1505

90–123 5–36 11.5 56 23000 8500 5600/2900/4650 1505

8000 18.3–36 5–24 9.9 57 17000 4500 3850/2500/3500 1505

50–72.5 5–24 11.5 59 19700 6000 4600/2800/4050 1505

90–123 5–36 13.1 65 25500 9000 5650/2950/4650 1505

10 10000 22.9–36 6–24 11.5 66 20000 5200 4400/2600/3650 1505

50–72.5 6–24 13.1 68 22500 6500 5200/2850/4100 1505

90–123 5–36 14.7 76 29500 10250 5750/2950/4700 1505

Fig. 34

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Ohne Namen-1 20 22.09.1999, 16:23 Uhr

Power Transformers – Selection Tables
Technical Data, Dimensions and Weights

Oil-immersed three-phase
power transformers 1
with off-load tap changer
10/16 to 20/31.5 MVA
HV rating: up to 36 kV H
Hs 2
■ Rated frequency: 50 Hz, tapping range
± 2 x 2.5 %
■ Connection of star
HV winding:
■ Connection of star or delta E E L 3
LV winding: W Ls
■ Cooling method: ONAN/ONAF
■ LV range: 6 kV to 36 kV
Fig. 35

Rated power at No-load Load loss at Impedance voltage of

[MVA] [MVA] [kW] [kW] [kW] [%] [%]

10 16 12 31 80 6.3 10

12.5 20 14 37 95 6.3 10 6
16 25 16 45 110 6.4 10

20 31.5 19 52 130 6.4 10

Fig. 36

Rated power at Dimensions Total Oil Shipping Shipping

ONAN ONAF L x W x H weight weight dimensions weight 8
Ls x Ws x Hs incl. oil

[MVA] [MVA] [mm] [kg] [kg] [mm] [kg]

10 16 3700 2350 3900 22 4200 3600 1550 2650 22000

12.5 20 3800 2350 4000 25 4500 3700 1600 2800 23000

16 25 3900 2400 4100 30 5000 3800 1600 2800 27000

20 31.5 4200 2450 4600 35 5700 3900 1650 3000 31500 10

Fig. 37

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Ohne Namen-1 21 22.09.1999, 16:23 Uhr

Power Transformers – Selection Tables
Technical Data, Dimensions and Weights

Oil-immersed three-phase
1 power transformer
with on-load tap changer
10/16 to 20/31.5 MVA,
HV rating: up to 36 kV
■ Rated frequency: 50 Hz, tapping range
± 16 % in ± 9 steps
■ Connection of star
HV winding:
3 ■ Connection of star or delta Ls Ws
LV winding: W
■ Cooling method: ONAN/ONAF
■ LV range: 6 kV to 36 kV
Fig. 38

Rated power at No-load Load loss at Impedance voltage of

[MVA] [MVA] [kW] [kW] [kW] [%] [%]

10 16 12 31 80 6.3 10
6 12.5 20 14 37 95 6.3 10

16 25 16 45 111 6.4 10

20 31.5 19 52 130 6.4 10

7 Fig. 39

Rated power at Dimensions Total Oil Shipping Shipping

ONAN ONAF L x W x H weight weight dimensions weight
8 Ls x Ws x Hs incl. oil

[MVA] [MVA] [mm] [kg] [kg] [mm] [kg]

10 16 4800 2450 3900 27000 6200 4400 1550 2600 24000

12.5 20 4900 2500 4000 30000 6700 4500 1600 2650 27000

16 25 5050 2500 4100 34000 7000 4650 1650 2650 31000

20 31.5 5300 2550 4600 41 000 9000 5000 1700 3000 37000
Fig. 40

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Ohne Namen-1 22 22.09.1999, 16:24 Uhr

Power Transformers – Selection Tables
Technical Data, Dimensions and Weights

Oil-immersed three-phase
Rated power at No-load Load loss at Impedance voltage of
power transformers with ONAN ONAF loss ONAN ONAF ONAN ONAF 1
on-load tap changer
10/16 to 63/100 MVA, [MVA] [MVA] [kW] [kW] [kW] [%] [%]
HV rating: from 72.5 to 145 kV
10 16 13 42 108 9.6 15.4 2
■ Rated frequency: 50 Hz, tapping range
12.5 20 15 45 115 9.4 15.0
± 16 % in ± 9 steps
■ Connection of star 16 25 17 51 125 9.6 15.0
HV winding:
■ Connection star or delta 20 31.5 20 56 140 9.6 15.1 3
of LV winding:
■ Cooling method: ONAN/ONAF 25 40 24 63 160 9.5 15.2

31.5 50 28 71 180 9.5 15.0

40 63 35 86 214 9.8 15.5

50 80 41 91 232 10.0 16.0

63 100 49 113 285 10.5 16.7

Fig. 41

Rated power at Dimensions Total Oil Shipping dimensions Shipping

ONAN ONAF L x W x H weight weight Ls x Ws x Hs weight 6
incl. oil
[MVA] [MVA] [mm] [kg] [kg] [mm] [kg]

10 16 6600 2650 4700 39000 12000 5200 1900 3000 35000 7

12.5 20 6700 2700 4800 43000 12500 5300 1950 3100 39000

16 25 6750 2750 5300 48000 13500 5400 2000 3000 43000

20 31.5 6800 2800 5400 54000 14000 5500 2000 3100 49000 8
25 40 6900 2900 5400 61000 14500 5700 2100 3150 56000

31.5 50 7050 2950 5500 70000 17000 5850 2150 3350 65000

40 63 7100 3000 5700 82000 18000 6100 2200 3450 75000 9

50 80 7400 3100 5800 97000 20500 6250 2300 3700 90000

63 100 7800 3250 6100 118000 25500 6800 2450 4000 109000

Fig. 42

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Ohne Namen-1 23 22.09.1999, 16:24 Uhr

Power Transformers
above 100 MVA

The power rating range above 100 MVA

comprises mainly generator transformers
1 and system-interconnecting transformers
with off-load and/or on-load tap changers.
Depending on the on-site requirements, they
can be designed as transformers with sepa-
rate windings or as autotransformers, three-
2 or single-phase, for power ratings up to over
1000 MVA and voltages up to 1500 kV.
We manufacture these units according to
IEC 76, VDE 0532 or other national specifi-
3 Offers for transformers larger than 100 MVA
only on request.

Fig. 43: Coal-fired power station in Germany with two 850-MVA generator transformers:
Low-noise design, extended setting range and continuous overload capacity up to 1100 MVA

1 Five-limb core 12
2 LV winding
3 HV winding
8 4 Tapped winding
5 Tap leads
6 LV bushings 6
7 HV bushings
8 Clamping frame
9 9 On-load tap changer 8
10 Motor drive
11 Schnabel-car-tank
12 Conservator
13 Water-cooling system 9 11
10 13


3 5
2 4

Fig. 44: View into an 850/1100-MVA generator transformer

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Ohne Namen-1 24 22.09.1999, 16:24 Uhr

Power Transformers
Monitoring System

Siemens Monitoring System:

Efficient Condition Recording 1
and Diagnosis for Power Trans-
Complete acquisition and evaluation of up 2
to 45 measured variables, automatic trend
analysis, diagnosis and early warning – the
new Siemens Monitoring System makes
use of all possible ways of monitoring
power transformers: Round the clock, with
precision sensors for voltage, temperature 3
or quality of insulation, and with powerful
software for measured data processing,
display or documentation – with on-line
communication over any distance.
Maintenance and utilization of power trans- 4
formers are made more efficient all-round.
Because the comprehensive information
provided on the condition of the equipment
and auxiliaries ensures that maintenance is
carried out just where it's needed, costly
routine inspections are a thing of the past. 5
And because the maintenance is always
preventive, faults are reliably ruled out.
All these advantages enhance availability –
and thus ensure a long service life of your
power transformers. This applies equally to 6
new and old transformers.
Equipping new transformers with the
Siemens Monitoring System ensures that
right from the start the user is in posses-
sion of all essential data–for quick, compre-
hensive analysis. And retrofitting on trans- 7
formers already in service for considerable
periods pays off as well.
Particularly in the case of old transformers,
constant monitoring significantly reduces
the growing risk of failure.
Offers for transformers larger 100 MVA
only on request.

Fig. 45: An integrated solution – the complete Monitoring System housed in a cubicle of the transformer itself


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Ohne Namen-1 25 22.09.1999, 16:25 Uhr

On-load Tap Changers

The on-load tap changers installed in For operation under extremely onerous
Siemens power transformers are manufac- conditions an oil filter unit is available
1 tured by Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen (MR). for filtering or filtering and drying of the
MR is a supplier of technically advanced switching oil. Voltage monitoring is effect-
on-load tap changers for oil-immersed ed by microprocessor-controlled operation
power transformers covering an application control systems or voltage regulators
range from 100 A to 4,500 A and up to which include a great variety of data input
420 kV. About 90,000 MR high-speed re- and output facilities.
2 sistor-type tap changers are succesfully in In combination with a parallel control unit,
service worldwide. several transformers connected in parallel
The great variety of tap changer models is can be automatically controlled and moni-
based on a modular system which is capa- tored.
ble of meeting the individual customer’s Furthermore, Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen
3 specifications for the respective operating offers a worldwide technical service to
conditions of the transformer. Depending maintain their high quality standard.
on the required application range selector, Inspections at regular intervals with only
switches or diverter switches with tap se- small maintenance requirements guarantee
lectors can be used, both available for neu- the reliable operation expected with MR
4 tral, delta or single-pole connection. Up to products.
107 operating positions can be achieved by
the use of a multiple course tap selector.
In addition to the well-known on-load tap-
changer for installation in oil-immersed
transformers, MR offers also a standard-
5 ized gas-insulated tap changer for indoor
installation which will be mounted on dry-
type transformers up to approx. 30 MVA
and 36 kV, or SF6-type transformers up to
40 MVA and 123 kV.
6 The main characteristics of MR
products are:
■ Compact design
■ Optimum adaption and economic
solutions offered by the great number
of variants Type VT
■ High reliability
Fig. 46: MR motor drive ED 100 S Fig. 47: Gas-insulated on-load tap changer
■ Long life
■ Reduced maintenance
■ Service friendliness
8 The tap changers are mechanically
driven – via the drive shafts and the bevel
gear – by a motor drive attached to the
transformer tank. It is controlled according
to the step-by-step principle. Electrical and
mechanical safety devices prevent over-
9 running of the end positions. Further safe-
ty measures, such as the automatic restart
function, a safety circuit to prevent false
phase sequence and running through posi-
tions, ensure the reliable operation of mo-
tor drives.

Type V Type H Type M Type G

Fig. 48: Selection of on-load tap changers from the MR product range

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Ohne Namen-1 26 22.09.1999, 16:25 Uhr

Cast-resin Dry-type Transformers, GEAFOL

Standards and regulations They only make use of flame-retardent location. This reduces civil works, cable
inorganic insulating materials which free costs, transmission losses, and installation
GEAFOL® cast-resin dry-type transformers
comply with IEC recommendation
these transformers from all restrictions costs. 1
that apply to oil-filled electrical equipment, GEAFOL transformers are fully LI-rated.
No. 726, CENELEC HD 464, HD 538
such as oil-collecting pits, fire walls, fire- They have similar noise levels to compara-
and DIN 42 523.
extinguishing equipment, etc. ble oil-filled transformers. Taking the above
GEAFOL transformers are installed wher- indirect cost reductions into account, they
Advantages and applications ever oil-filled units cannot be used: inside are also frequently cost-competitive.
buildings, in tunnels, on ships, cranes and By virtue of their design, GEAFOL trans-
GEAFOL distribution and power trans- offshore platforms, in ground-water catch-
formers in ratings from 100 to more than formers are completely maintenance-free
ment areas, in food processing plants, etc. for their lifetime.
20 000 kVA and LI values up to 170 kV Often they are combined with their prima-
are full substitutes for oil-immersed trans- GEAFOL transformers have been in
ry and secondary switchgear and distribu-
formers with comparable electrical and successful service since 1965. A lot of
tion boards into compact substations that 3
mechanical data. licenses have been granted to major
are installed directly at their point of use.
manufactures throughout the world since.
GEAFOL transformers are designed for As thyristor-converter transformers for
indoor installation close to their point of variable speed drives they can be installed
use at the center of the major consumers. together with the converters at the drive

LV terminals Three-leg core

Normal arrangement: Made of grain-oriented,
Top, rear low-loss electrolami-
Special version: Bottom, nations insulated on 5
available on request at both sides
extra charge
Resilient spacers
HV terminals To insulate core and
Variable arrangements, windings from mechani-
for optimal station design. cal vibrations, resulting 6
HV tapping links on low- in low noise emissions
voltage side for adjust-
ment to system con- HV winding
ditions, reconnectable
in de-energized state Consisting of vacuum-
Cross-flow fans
potted single foil-type
aluminum coils.
Permitting a 50% in- See enlarged detail
crease in the rated power in Fig. 50

LV winding
Temperature monitoring Made of aluminum strip. 8
By PTC thermistor detec- Turns firmly glued
tors in the LV winding together by means of
insulating sheet wrapper
Paint finish on material
steel parts
Multiple coating, Insulation: 9
RAL 5009. On request:
Two-component varnish Mixture of epoxy resin
or hot-dip galvanizing and quartz powder
(for particularly aggressive Makes the transformer
environments) maintenance-free, moist-
ure-proof, tropicalized,
Ambient class E2 flame-resistant and self- 10
Climatic category C2 extinguishing
(If the transformer is in-
stalled outdoors, degree Clamping frame and truck
of protection IP 23 must
be assured) Rollers can be swung
around for lengthways or
Fire class F1 sideways travel
* on-load tap changers on request.

Fig. 49: GEAFOL cast-resin dry-type transformer

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Ohne Namen-1 27 22.09.1999, 16:25 Uhr

Cast-resin Dry-type Transformers, GEAFOL

HV winding
The high-voltage windings are wound
1 from aluminum foil, interleaved with high-
grade polypropylene insulating foil. The
assembled and connected individual coils
are placed in a heated mold, and are pot-
ted in a vaccum furnace with a mixture
2 of pure silica (quartz sand) and specially
blended epoxy resins. The only connec-
tions to the outside are copper bushings,
which are internally bonded to the alumi-
num winding connections.
The external star or delta connections
3 are made of insulated copper connectors
to guarantee an optimal installation design.
The resulting high-voltage windings are
fire-resistant, moistureproof, corrosion-
proof, and show excellent aging properties
under all indoor operating conditions.
4 (For outdoor use, specially designed sheet-
metal enclosures are available.)
The foil windings combine a simple wind-
ing technique with a high degree of elec-
trical safety. The insulation is subjected
5 to less electrical stress than in other
types of windings. In a conven-
tional round-wire winding,
the interturn voltage
can add up to twice the
interlayer voltage, while
6 in a foil winding it never exeeds the volt- 8
age per turn because a layer consists of
only one winding turn. Result: a high AC 8
voltage and impulse-voltage withstand
capacity. 7
7 Why aluminum? The thermal expansion
7 8
coefficients of aluminum and cast resin are 2
so similar that thermal stresses resulting
from load changes are kept to a minimum 6 3 7
(see Fig. 50). 6
6 4
8 LV winding 5
4 4 3 3 2 2 1
The standard low-voltage winding with its
considerably reduced dielectric stresses is
wound from single aluminum sheets with Strip
interleaved cast-resin impregnated fiber-
9 glass fabric.
The assembled coils are then oven-cured
to form uniformly bonded solid cylinders
that are impervious to moisture. Through U 2 4 6 8
the single-sheet winding design, excellent
10 dynamic stability under short-circuit con-
ditions is achieved. Connections are sub-
merged-arc-welded to the aluminum
sheets and are extended either as alu-
minum or copper busbars to the secondary 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 3 5 7
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Fig. 50: High-voltage encapsulated winding design of GEAFOL cast-resin transformer and voltage stress of a
conventional round-wire winding (above) and the foil winding (below)

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Ohne Namen-1 28 22.09.1999, 16:25 Uhr

Cast-resin Dry-type Transformers, GEAFOL

Fire safety The properties laid down in the standards Insulation class and temperature rise
GEAFOL transformers use only flame- for ratings within the approximate category
The high-voltage winding and the low-
retardent and self-extinguishing materials relating to environment (humidity), climate
voltage winding utilize class F insulating 1
in their construction. No additional sub- and fire behavior have to be demonstrated
materials with a mean temperature rise
stances, such as aluminum oxide trihy- by means of tests.
of 100 K (standard design).
drate, which could negatively influence These tests are described for the environ-
the mechanical stability of the cast-resin mental category (code number E0, E1 and
molding material, are used. Internal arcing E2) and for the climatic category (code Overload capability
from electrical faults and externally applied number C1, C2) in DIN VDE 0532 Part 6
GEAFOL transformers can be overloaded
flames do not cause the transformers to (corresponding to HD 464). According to permanently up to 50% (with a corre-
burst or burn. After the source of ignition this standard, they are to be carried out on sponding increase in impedance voltage)
is removed, the transformer is self-extin- complete transformers. if additional radial cooling fans are installed.
guishing. This design has been approved The tests of fire behavior (fire category (Dimensions increase by approximately
by fire officials in many countries for instal- code numbers F0 and F1) are limited to 200 mm in length and width.) Short-time 3
lation in populated buildings and other tests on a duplication of a complete trans- overloads are uncritical as long as the
structures. former. It consists of a core leg, a low-volt- maximum winding temperatures are not
The environmental safety of the combus- age winding and a high-voltage winding. exceeded for extended periods of time.
tion residues has been proven in many The specifications for fire category F2 are
tests. determined by agreement between the 4
Temperature monitoring
manufacturer and the customer.
Categorization of cast-resin Siemens have carried out a lot of tests. Each GEAFOL transformer is fitted with
transformers three temperature sensors installed in
The results for our GEAFOL transformers the LV winding, and a solid-state tripping
Dry-type transformers have to be cate- are something to be proud of: device with relay output. The PTC thermis-
gorized under the sections listed below: ■ Environmental category E2 tors used for sensing are selected for the 5
■ Environmental category ■ Climatic category C2 applicable maximum hot-spot winding tem-
■ Climatic category ■ Fire category F1 perature. Additional sets of sensors with
■ Fire category lower temperature points can be installed
This good behavior is solely due to the
These categories have to be shown on the for them and for fan control purposes. Ad-
GEAFOL cast-resin mix which has been
rating plate of each dry-type transformer. ditional dial-type thermometers and Pt100
used successfully for decades. 6
are available, too. For operating voltages
of the LV winding of 3.6 kV and higher,
special temperature measuring equipment
can be provided.
Auxiliary wiring is run in protective conduit
and terminated in a central LV terminal 7
box (optional). Each wire and terminal is
identified, and a wiring diagram is perma-
nently attached to the inside cover of this
terminal box.

Installation and enclosures
Indoor installation in electrical operating
rooms or in various sheet-metal enclosures
is the preferred method of installation.
The transformers need only be protected
against access to the terminals or the
winding surfaces, against direct sunlight,
and against water. Sufficient ventilation
must be provided by the installation loca-
tion or the enclosure. Otherwise forced-air
cooling must be specified or provided by 10

Fig. 51: Flammability test of cast-resin transformer

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Ohne Namen-1 29 22.09.1999, 16:25 Uhr

Cast-resin Dry-type Transformers, GEAFOL

Instead of the standard open terminals,

insulated plug-type elbow connectors can
1 be supplied for the high-voltage side with
LI ratings up to 170 kV. Primary cables are
usually fed to the transformer from trench-
es below, but can also be connected from
2 Secondary connections can be made by
multiple insulated cables, or by busbars,
from either below or above. Secondary
terminals are either aluminum or copper
busbar stubs, drilled to specification.
A variety of indoor and outdoor enclosures
3 in different protection classes are available
for the transformers alone, or for indoor
compact substations in conjunction with
high- and low-voltage switchgear cubicles.

4 Recycling of GEAFOL transformers

Of all the GEAFOL transformers manufac-
tured since 1965, even the oldest units are
not about to reach the end of their service
life expectancy. In spite of this, a lot of
5 experiences have been made over the
years with the recycling of coils that have
become unusable due to faulty manufac-
ture or damage. These experiences show
that all the metallic components, i.e. ap-
prox. 90% of all materials, can be fully re-
6 covered economically. The recycling meth-
od used by Siemens does not pollute the
environment. In view of the value of the
secondary raw materials, the procedure
can be economical even considering the
7 currently small amounts. Fig. 52: GEAFOL transformer with plug-type cable connections


Fig. 53: Radial cooling fans on GEAFOL transformer for AF cooling Fig. 54: GEAFOL transformer in protective housing to IP 20/40

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GEAFOL Cast-resin Selection Tables,
Technical Data, Dimensions and Weights

■ Standard: DIN 42523 Um LJ AC

■ Rated power: 100–20000 kVA*
[kV] [kV] [kV] 1
■ Rated frequency: 50 Hz
■ HV rating: up to 36 kV 1.1 – 3
■ LV rating: up to 780 V; 12 75 28
special designs
for up to 12 kV are 24 95** 50
* power rating > 2.5 MVA upon request
possible 36 145** 70 ** other levels upon request 2
■ Tappings on ± 2.5 % or ± 2 x 2.5 %
Fig. 55: Insulation level
HV side:
■ Connection: HV winding: delta
LV winding: star 2U 2V 2W 2N
■ Impedance 4–8 % 3
voltage at rated
■ Insulation class: HV/LV = F/F
■ Temperature HV/LV = 100/100 K H1
■ Color of metal RAL 5009 (other
parts: colors are available)

A1 B1
Fig. 56: GEAFOL cast-resin transformer

Rated Rated Impe- Type No-load Load Load Sound Sound Total Dimensions Distance
power voltage dance losses losses losses press. power weight between
voltage level level Length Width Height wheel
1m centers 6
+ 3 dB
Sn Um U2 P0 Pk 75* Pk 120** LPA LWA GGES A1 B1 H1 E
[kVA] [kV] [%] 4GB… [W] [W] [W] [dB] [dB] [kg] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm]
100 12 4 .5044-3CA 440 1600 1900 45 59 630 1210 705 835 without wheels
4 .5044-3GA 320 1600 1900 37 51 760 1230 710 890 without wheels
6 .5044-3DA 360 2000 2300 45 59 590 1190 705 860 without wheels
6 .5044-3HA 300 2000 2300 37 51 660 1230 710 855 without wheels 8
24 4 .5064-3CA 600 1500 1750 45 59 750 1310 755 935 without wheels
4 .5064-3GA 400 1500 1750 37 51 830 1300 755 940 without wheels
6 .5064-3DA 420 1800 2050 45 59 660 1250 750 915 without wheels
6 .5064-3HA 330 1800 2050 37 51 770 1300 755 930 without wheels 9
160 12 4 .5244-3CA 610 2300 2600 47 62 770 1220 710 1040 520
4 .5244-3GA 440 2300 2600 39 54 920 1290 720 1050 520
6 .5244-3DA 500 2300 2700 47 62 750 1270 720 990 520
6 .5244-3HA 400 2300 2700 39 54 850 1300 725 985 520 10
24 4 .5264-3CA 800 2200 2500 47 62 910 1330 725 1090 520
4 .5264-3GA 580 2200 2500 39 54 940 1310 720 1095 520
6 .5264-3DA 600 2500 2900 47 62 820 1310 725 1075 520
6 .5264-3HA 480 2500 2900 39 54 900 1350 765 1060 520
Dimensions and weights are approximate values and valid for 400 V on the secondary side, vector-group can be Dyn 5 or Dyn 11. Rated power figures in parentheses are not standardized.
* In case of short-circuits at 75 °C
** In case of short-circuits at 120 °C

Fig. 57: GEAFOL cast-resin transformers 50 to 2500 kVA

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GEAFOL Cast-resin Selection Tables,
Technical Data, Dimensions and Weights

Rated Rated Impe- Type No-load Load Load Sound Sound Total Dimensions Distance
power voltage dance losses losses losses press. power weight between
1 voltage level level Length Width Height wheel
1m centers
+ 3 dB
Sn Um U2 P0 Pk 75* Pk 120** LPA LWA GGES A1 B1 H1 E
2 [kVA] [kV] [%] 4GB… [W] [W] [W] [dB] [dB] [kg] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm]

250 12 4 .5444-3CA 820 3000 3500 50 65 1040 1330 730 1110 520
4 .5444-3GA 600 3000 3400 42 57 1170 1330 730 1135 520
6 .5444-3DA 700 2900 3300 50 65 990 1350 740 1065 520
3 6 .5444-3HA 570 2900 3300 42 57 1120 1390 745 1090 520
24 4 .5464-3CA 1050 2900 3300 50 65 1190 1390 735 1120 520
4 .5464-3GA 800 2900 3300 41 57 1230 1400 735 1150 520
6 .5464-3DA 880 3100 3600 50 65 990 1360 735 1140 520
4 6 .5464-3HA 650 3100 3600 41 57 1180 1430 745 1160 520
36 6 .5475-3DA 1300 3800 4370 50 65 1700 1900 900 1350 520
(315) 12 4 .5544-3CA 980 3300 3800 52 67 1160 1370 820 1125 670
4 .5544-3GA 720 3300 3800 43 59 1320 1380 820 1195 670
6 .5544-3DA 850 3400 3900 51 67 1150 1380 830 1140 670
6 .5544-3HA 680 3400 3900 43 59 1290 1410 830 1165 670
24 4 .5564-3CA 1250 3400 3900 51 67 1250 1410 820 1195 670
4 .5564-3GA 930 3400 3900 43 59 1400 1440 825 1205 670
6 .5564-3DA 1000 3600 4100 51 67 1190 1410 825 1185 670
6 .5564-3HA 780 3600 4100 43 59 1300 1460 830 1195 670
36 6 .5575-3DA 1450 4500 5170 51 67 1900 1950 920 1400 670
400 12 4 .5644-3CA 1150 4300 4900 52 68 1310 1380 820 1265 670
4 .5644-3GA 880 4300 4900 44 60 1430 1380 820 1290 670
6 .5644-3DA 1000 4300 4900 52 68 1250 1410 825 1195 670
6 .5644-3HA 820 4300 4900 44 60 1350 1430 830 1195 670

8 24 4 .5664-3CA 1450 3900 4500 52 68 1410 1440 825 1280 670

4 .5664-3GA 1100 3900 4500 44 60 1570 1460 830 1280 670
6 .5664-3DA 1200 4100 4700 52 68 1350 1480 835 1275 670
6 .5664-3HA 940 4100 4700 44 60 1460 1480 835 1280 670
9 36 6 .5675-3DA 1700 5100 5860 52 68 2100 2000 920 1440 670
(500) 12 4 .5744-3CA 1350 4900 5600 53 69 1520 1410 830 1320 670
4 .5744-3GA 1000 4900 5600 45 61 1740 1450 835 1345 670
6 .5744-3DA 1200 5600 6400 53 69 1470 1460 845 1275 670
10 6 .5744-3HA 980 5600 6400 45 61 1620 1490 845 1290 670
24 4 .5764-3CA 1700 4800 5500 53 69 1620 1500 835 1330 670
4 .5764-3GA 1270 4800 5500 44 61 1830 1540 840 1350 670
6 .5764-3DA 1400 5000 5700 53 69 1580 1540 850 1305 670
6 .5764-3HA 1100 5000 5700 45 61 1720 1560 850 1320 670
36 6 .5775-3DA 1900 6000 6900 53 69 2600 2050 940 1500 670
Dimensions and weights are approximate values and valid for 400 V on the secondary side, vector-group can be Dyn 5 or Dyn 11. Rated power figures in parentheses are not standardized.
* In case of short-circuits at 75 °C
** In case of short-circuits at 120 °C

Fig. 58: GEAFOL cast-resin transformers 50 to 2500 kVA

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GEAFOL Cast-resin Selection Tables,
Technical Data, Dimensions and Weights

Rated Rated Impe- Type No-load Load Load Sound Sound Total Dimensions Distance
power voltage dance losses losses losses press. power weight between
voltage level level Length Width Height wheel 1
1m centers
+ 3 dB
Sn Um U2 P0 Pk 75* Pk 120** LPA LWA GGES A1 B1 H1 E
[kVA] [kV] [%] 4GB… [W] [W] [W] [dB] [dB] [kg] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] 2
630 12 4 .5844-3CA 1500 6400 7300 54 70 1830 1510 840 1345 670
4 .5844-3GA 1150 6400 7300 45 62 2070 1470 835 1505 670
6 .5844-3DA 1370 6400 7400 54 70 1770 1550 860 1295 670
6 .5844-3HA 1150 6400 7400 45 62 1990 1590 865 1310 670
24 4 .5864-3CA 1950 6000 6900 53 70 1860 1550 845 1380 670
4 .5864-3GA 1500 6000 6900 45 62 2100 1600 850 1400 670
6 .5864-3DA 1650 6400 7300 53 70 1810 1580 855 1345 670
6 .5864-3HA 1250 6400 7300 45 62 2050 1620 860 1370 670
36 6 .5875-3DA 2200 7000 8000 53 70 2900 2070 940 1650 670
(800) 12 4 .5944-3CA 1850 7800 9000 55 72 2080 1570 850 1560 670
4 .5944-3GA 1450 7800 9000 47 64 2430 1590 855 1640 670
6 .5944-3DA 1700 7600 8700 55 72 2060 1560 865 1490 670
6 .5944-3HA 1350 7600 8700 47 64 2330 1600 870 1530 670
24 4 .5964-3CA 2100 7500 8600 55 72 2150 1610 845 1580 670
4 .5964-3GA 1600 7500 8600 47 64 2550 1650 855 1620 670
6 .5964-3DA 1900 7900 9100 55 71 2110 1610 860 1590 670
6 .5964-3HA 1450 7900 9100 47 64 2390 1630 865 1595 670
36 6 .5975-3DA 2600 8200 9400 55 72 3300 2140 950 1850 670
1000 12 4 .6044-3CA 2200 8900 10200 55 73 2480 1590 990 1775 820
4 .6044-3GA 1650 8900 10200 47 65 2850 1620 990 1795 820
6 .6044-3DA 2000 8500 9700 56 73 2420 1620 990 1560 820
6 .6044-3HA 1500 8500 9700 47 65 2750 1660 990 1560 820
24 4 .6064-3CA 2400 8700 10000 55 73 2570 1660 990 1730 820 8
4 ..6064-3GA 1850 8700 10000 47 65 3060 1680 990 1815 820
6 .6064-3DA 2300 9200 10500 55 73 2510 1680 990 1620 820
6 .6064-3HA 1750 9600 11000 47 65 2910 1730 990 1645 820
36 6 .6075-3DA 3000 9500 10900 55 73 3900 2200 1050 1900 820 9
(1250) 12 6 .6144-3DA 2400 9600 11000 57 75 2900 1780 990 1605 820
6 .6144-3HA 1850 10500 12000 49 67 3370 1790 990 1705 820
24 6 .6164-3DA 2700 10000 11500 57 75 3020 1820 990 1635 820
6 .6164-3HA 2100 10500 12000 49 67 3490 1850 990 1675 820 10
36 6 .6175-3DA 3500 11000 12600 57 75 4500 2300 1060 2000 520

Dimensions and weights are approximate values and valid for 400 V on the secondary side, vector-group can be Dyn 5 or Dyn 11. Rated power figures in parentheses are not standardized.
* In case of short-circuits at 75 °C
** In case of short-circuits at 120 °C

Fig. 59: GEAFOL cast-resin transformers 50 to 2500 kVA

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Ohne Namen-1 33 22.09.1999, 16:26 Uhr

GEAFOL Cast-resin Selection Tables,
Technical Data, Dimensions and Weights

Rated Rated Impe- Type No-load Load Load Sound Sound Total Dimensions Distance
power voltage dance losses losses losses press. power weight between
1 voltage level level Length Width Height wheel
1m centers
+ 3 dB

2 Sn Um U2 P0 Pk 75* Pk 120** LPA LWA GGES A1 B1 H1 E

[kVA] [kV] [%] 4GB… [W] [W] [W] [dB] [dB] [kg] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm]

1600 12 6 .6244-3DA 2800 11000 12500 58 76 3550 1840 995 2025 1070
6 .6244-3HA 2100 11400 13000 50 68 4170 1880 1005 2065 1070
3 24 6 .6264-3DA 3100 11800 13500 58 76 3640 1880 995 2035 1070
6 .6264-3HA 2400 12300 14000 49 68 4080 1900 1005 2035 1070
36 6 .6275-3DA 4300 12700 14600 58 76 5600 2500 1100 2400 1070
(2000) 12 6 .6344-3DA 3600 14000 16000 59 78 4380 1950 1280 2150 1070
4 6 .6344-3HA 2650 14500 16500 51 70 5140 1990 1280 2205 1070
24 6 .6364-3DA 4000 14500 16500 59 78 4410 2020 1280 2160 1070
6 .6364-3HA 3000 14900 17000 51 70 4920 2040 1280 2180 1070
36 6 .6375-3DA 5100 15400 17700 59 78 6300 2500 1280 2400 1070
5 2500 12 6 .6444-3DA 4300 17600 20000 62 81 5130 2110 1280 2150 1070
6 .6444-3HA 3000 18400 21000 51 71 6230 2170 1280 2205 1070
24 6 .6464-3DA 5000 17600 20000 61 81 5280 2170 1280 2160 1070
6 .6464-3HA 3600 18000 20500 51 71 6220 2220 1280 2180 1070
6 36 6 .6475-3DA 6400 18700 21500 61 81 7900 2700 1280 2400 1070

Dimensions and weights are approximate values and valid for 400 V on the secondary side, vector-group can be Dyn 5 or Dyn 11. Rated power figures in parentheses are not standardized.
* In case of short-circuits at 75 °C
** In case of short-circuits at 120 °C
Rated power >2500 kVA to 20 MVA on request.
Fig. 60: GEAFOL cast-resin transformers 50 to 2500 kVA


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Special Transformers

GEAFOL cast-resin transformers Linking single-pole tap-changer modules

together in threes by means of insulating
with oil-free tap-changers shafts produces a triple-pole tap-changer in 1
either star or delta connection for regulat-
The voltage-regulating cast-resin trans- ing the output voltage of GEAFOL trans-
formers connected on the load side of the formers. In its nine operating positions,
medium-voltage power supply system feed this type of tap-changer has a rated
through-current of 500 A and a rated volt-
the plant-side distribution transformers.
age of 900 V per step. This allows voltage 2
The tap-changer-controlled transformers
used in these medium-voltage systems fluctuations of up to 8100 V to be kept un-
need to have appropriately high ratings. der control. However, the maximum con-
Siemens offers suitable transformers in its trol range utilizes only 20% of the
GEAFOL design which has proved suc- rated voltage.
cessful over many years and is available in 3
ratings of up to 20 MVA. With forced cool-
ing it is even possible to increase the pow-
er ratings still further by 40%. The range of
rated voltage extends to 36 kV and the
maximum impulse voltage is 200 kV. The
main applications of this type of transform- 4
er are in modern industrial plants, hospi-
tals, office and appartment blocks and
shopping centers.


Fig. 61: 16/22-MVA GEAFOL cast-resin transformer with oil-free on-load tap changer

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Special Transformers

Transformers for thyristor

1 converters

These are special oil-immersed or cast-

resin power transformers that are desig-
ned for the special demands of thyristor
2 converter or diode rectifier operation.
The effects of such conversion equipment
on transformers and additional construc-
tion requirements are as follows:
■ Increased load by harmonic currents
3 ■ Balancing of phase currents in multiple
winding systems (e.g. 12-pulse systems)
■ Overload factor up to 2.5
■ Types for 12-pulse systems, if required.
Siemens supplies oil-filled converter trans-
4 formers of all ratings and configurations
known today, and dry-type cast-resin con-
verter transformers up to more than
20 MVA and 200 kV LI.
To define and quote for such transformers,
it is necessary to know considerable de-
5 tails on the converter to be supplied and
on the line feeding it. These transformers
are almost exclusively inquired together
with the respective drive or rectifier sys-
tem and are always custom-engineered for
6 the given application.

Neutral grounding transformers

7 When a neutral grounding reactor or
ground-fault neutralizer is required in a
three-phase system and no suitable neutral
is available, a neutral must be provided
Fig. 62: Dry-type converter transformer GEAFOL
by using a neutral grounding transformer.
8 Neutral grounding transformers are avail-
able for continuous operation or short-time
The zero impedance is normally low.
The standard vector groups are zigzag or
9 wye/delta. Some other vector groups are
also possible.
Neutral grounding transformers can be
built by Siemens in all common power For further information please contact:
ratings. Distribution transformers:
10 Normally, the neutral grounding transform- Fax: ++49-7021-508548
ers are built in oil-immersed design, how-
ever, they can also be built in cast-resin Power transformers:
design. Fax: ++49-911-4342147

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Protection and
Substation Control

Contents Page
Local and Remote Control
Introduction ................................. 6/71
Overview ...................................... 6/74
Substation automation
distributed structure .................. 6/78
Substation automation
centralized structure
(Enhanced RTU) .......................... 6/91
Compact remote
terminal units .............................. 6/93
SICAM Overview ........................ 6/96
SICAM RTU Remote terminal
units (RTUs) ................................. 6/97
Substation automation ............ 6/108
Substation automation ............ 6/118
Contents Page Device dimensions .................. 6/125
General overview ........................ 6/2 Power Quality
Application hints ......................... 6/4 Introduction ............................... 6/131
Power System Protection Measuring and recording ...... 6/132
Introduction ................................... 6/8 Compensation systems
Introduction ............................... 6/146
Relay selection guide ................ 6/22
Passive compensation
Relay portraits ............................ 6/25 systems ...................................... 6/147
Typical protection schemes ..... 6/42 Active compensation
Protection coordination ............ 6/62 systems ...................................... 6/154

Protection and Substation Control
General Overview

General overview System control centers

IEC 60870-5-101
Three trends have emerged in the sphere
of substation secondary equipment: intelli- SICAM WinCC SICAM plusTools
gent electronic devices (IEDs), open com- GPS
munication and operation with a PC. Moni- Para-
Numerical relays and cumputerized substa- toring Automation meterizing
2 tion control are now state-of-the-art. and
The multitude of conventional, individual
devices prevalent in the past as well as Wire
comprehensive parallel wiring are being IEC 60 870-5-103 SIPROTEC-IEDs:
PROFIBUS RS485 – Relays
replaced by a small number of multifunc- O.F. – Bay control units
3 tional devices with serial connections. – Transducers
– etc.

One design for all applications

In this respect, Siemens offers a uniform,
universal technology for the entire func-
4 tional scope of secondary equipment, both
in the construction and connection of the
devices and in their operation and commu-
nication. This results in uniformity of de-
sign, coordinated interfaces and the same Fig. 1: The digital substation control system SICAM implements all of the control, measurement and automation
functions of a substation. Protection relays are connected serially
operating concept being established
5 throughout, whether in power system and
generator protection, in measurement and
recording systems, in substation control
and protection or in telecontrol.
All devices are highly compact and im-
6 mune to interference, and are therefore
also suitable for direct installation in
switchgear cells. Furthermore, all devices
and systems are largely self-monitoring,
which means that previously costly mainte-
nance can be reduced considerably.
“Complete technology from one partner“
The Protection and Substation Control Sys-
tems Division of the Siemens Power Trans-
mission and Distribution Group supplies
8 devices and systems for: Fig. 2a: Protection and control in HV GIS switchgear Fig. 2b: Protection and control in bay dedicated
kiosks of an EHV switchyard
■ Power System Protection
■ Substation Control
■ Remote Control (RTUs) Rationalization of operation by means of SCADA-like operation control
■ Measurement and Recording
and high-performance, uniformly operable PC tools
9 ■ Monitoring and Conditioning of Power Savings in terms of space by means of integration of many functions
Quality and costs into one unit and compact equipment design
This covers all of the measurement, con-
trol, automation and protection functions Simplified planning and by means of uniform design,
operational reliability coordinated interfaces and universally identical EMC
for substations*.
10 Furthermore, our activities cover: Efficient parameterization by means of PC tools with uniform operator
and operation interface
■ Consulting
■ Planning High levels of reliability by means of type-tested system technology, complete
■ Design and availability self-monitoring and the use of proven technology
■ Commissioning and Service – 20 years of practical experience with digital protection,
more than 150,000 devices in operation (1999)
This uniform technology ”all from one
source“ saves the user time and money in – 15 years of practical experience with substation
automation (SINAUT LSA and SICAM), over
the planning, assembly and operation of
1500 substations in operation (1999)
his substations.
*An exception is revenue metering. Meters are separate
products of our Metering Division. Fig. 3: For the user, “complete technology from one source” has many advantages

6/2 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
Protection and Substation Control
General Overview

Protection and substation automation 1

Substation automation Protection Power quality



overcurrent/overload relays Fault recorders
Substation automation Substation automation
7SJ5 and 7SJ6 (Oscillostores)
systems, centralized and systems, LAN-based
decentralized (Profibus)

Line protection SIMEAS Q, M, N

distance relays Power quality 4
7SA5 recorders
Remote terminal units SICAM PCC
Energy automation
based on PC and LAN
(Profibus) Line protection SIMEAS T
pilot protection relays
Enhanced RTU
Transformer protection SIPCON
Power conditioners
7UT5 6
Compact unit
Generator/motor protection
Minicompact unit
6MB553 7UM5
Busbar protection
7SS5 and 7VH8

Fig. 4: Siemens Protection and Substation Control comprises these systems and product ranges

System Protection The integration of additional protection Thus the on-line measurements and fault
and other functions, such as real-time data registered in the protective relays
Siemens offers a complete spectrum of
multifunctional, numerical relays for all
operational measurements, event and fault can be used for local and remote control 9
recording, all in one unit economizes on or can be transmitted via telephone mo-
applications in the field of network and
space, design and wiring costs. dem connections to the workplace of the
machine protection.
Setting and programming of the devices service engineer.
Uniform design and electromagnetic-inter-
can be performed through the integral, Siemens supplies individual devices as
ference-free construction in metal housings
plaintext, menu-guided operator display or well as complete protection systems in 10
with conventional connection terminals in by using the comfortable PC program DIG- factory finished cubicles. For complex ap-
accordance with public utility requirements SI for Windows*. plications, for example, in the field of extra-
assure simple system design and usage
Open serial interfaces, IEC 870-5-103-com- high-voltage transmission, type and design
just as with conventional relays.
pliant, allow free communication with high- test facilities are available together with an
Numerical measurement techniques en- er level control systems, including those extensive and comprehensive network
sure precise operation and necessitate less from other manufacturers. Connection to a model using the most modern simulation
maintenance thanks to their continuous Profibus substation LAN is optionally possible. and evaluation techniques.
self-monitoring capability.

* Windows is a registered product of Microsoft

Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 6/3
Protection and Substation Control
General Overview

Substation control Switchgear interlocking Advantages for the user

The digital substation control systems The digital interlocking system 8TK is used The concept of ”Complete technology
1 SICAM and SINAUT LSA provide all con- for important substations in particular with from one partner“ offers the user many
trol, measurement and automation func- multiple busbar arrangements. It prevents advantages:
tions (e.g. transformer tap changing) re- false switching and provides an additional ■ High-level security for his systems
quired by a switching station. They operate local bay control function which allows fail- and operational rationalization possibili-
with distributed intelligence. Commu- safe switching, even when the substation ties
2 nication between feeder-located devices control system is not available. Therefore
– powerful system solutions with the
and central unit is made via interference- the safety of operating personnel and
most modern technology
free fiber optic connections. equipment is considerabely enhanced.
Devices are extremely compact and can be – compliance with international standards
The 8TK system can be used as a stand-
built directly into medium and high-voltage ■ Integration in the overall system
alone interlocked control, or as back-up
system together with the digital 6MB sub-
3 To input data, set and program the system, station control. ■ Space and cost savings
the unique PC programs SICAM PlusTools – integration of many functions into one
and LSA-TOOLS are available. Parameters unit and compact equipment packaging
Power Quality
and values are input at the central unit and (Measurement, recording and power ■ Simple planning and secure operation
downloaded to the field devices, thus en- compensation) – unified design, matched interfaces
4 suring error-free and consistent data trans-
The SIMEAS product range offers equip-
and EMI security throughout
fer. ■ Rationalized programming and handling
ment for the superversion of power supply
The operator interface is menu-guided, – menu-guided PC Tools and unified
quality (harmonic content, distortion factor,
with SCADA comparable functions, that is, keypads and displays
peak loads, power factor, etc.), fault re-
with a level of convenience which was pre- ■ Fast, flexible mounting, reduced wiring
corders (Oscillostore), data logging printers
viously only available in a network control
5 center. Optional telecontrol functions can
and measurement transducers. ■ Simple, fast commissioning
Stored data can be transmitted manually or ■ Effective spare part stocking, high
be added to allow coupling of the system
automatically to PC evaluation systems flexibility
to one or more network control centers.
where it can be analyzed by intelligent pro- ■ High-level operational security and avail-
In contrast to conventional controls, digital ability
grams. Expert systems are also applied
technology saves enormously on space
here. This leads to rapid fault analysis and – continuous self-monitoring and proven
6 and wiring. SICAM and LSA systems are
valuable indicators for the improvement of technology:
subjected to full factory tests and are deliv-
network reliability. – 20 years digital relay experience (more
ered in fully functional condition.
For local bulk data storage and transmis- than 150,000 units in operation)
sion, the central processor DAKON can – 10 years of SINAUT LSA and SICAM
Remote control be installed at substation level. Data trans- substation control (more than 1500
7 Siemens remote control equipment mission circuits for analog telephone or systems in operation)
6MB55* and 6MD2010 fulfills all the clas- digital ISDN networks are incorporated as ■ Rapid problem solving
sic functions of remote measurement and standard. Connection to local or wide-area – comprehensive advice and fast re-
control. Furthermore, because of the pow- networks (LAN, WAN) is equally possible. sponse from local sales and
erful microprocessors with 32-bit technolo- We also have the SIMEAS T series of com- workshop facilities worldwide.
8 gy, they provide comprehensive data pre- pact and powerful measurement transduc-
processing, automation functions and bulk ers with analog and digital outputs.
storage of operational and fault informa- The SIPCON Power Conditioner solves
Application hints
tion. numerous system problems. It compen-
In the classic case, connections to the sates (for example) unbalanced loads or All named devices and systems for pro-
switchgear are made through coupling re- system voltage dips and suppresses tection, metering and control are designed
9 lays and transducers. This method allows system harmonics. It performs these func- to be used in the harsh environment of
an economically favorable solution when tions so that sensitive loads are assured of electrical substations, power plants and
modernizing or renewing the secondary suitable voltage quality at all times. In addi- the various industrial application areas.
systems in older installations. Alternatively, tion, the system ist also capable of elimi- When the devices were developed, special
especially for new installations, direct con- nating the perturbation produced by irregu- emphasis was placed on EMI. The devices
10 nection is also possible. Digital protection lar loads. The use of SIPCON can enable are in accordance with IEC 60 255 stand-
devices can be connected by serial links energy suppliers worldwide to provide the ards. Detailed information is contained in
through fiber-optic conductors. end consumer with distinctive quality of the device manuals.
In addition, the functions ”operating and supply.
Reliable operation of the devices is not
monitoring“ can be provided by the con-
affected by the usual interference from
nection of a PC, thus raising the telecontrol
the switchgear, even when the device is
unit to the level of a central station control
mounted directly in a low-voltage compart-
system. Using the facility of nodal func-
ment of a medium-voltage cubicle.
tions, it is also possible to build regional
control points so that several substations
can be controlled from one location.

6/4 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
Protection and Substation Control
Application Hints

It must, however, be ensured that the coils Electromagnetic compatibility

of auxiliary relays located on the same
panel, or in the same cubicle, are fitted EC Conformity declaration (CE mark): 1
with suitable spike quenching elements All Siemens protection and control prod-
(e.g. free-wheeling diodes). ucts recommended in this guide comply
When used in conjunction with switchgear with the EMC Directive 99/336/EEC of the
for 100 kV or above, all external connection Council of the European Community and
cables should be fitted with a screen further relevant IEC 255 standards on elec- 2
grounded at both ends and capable of car- tromagnetic compatibility.
rying currents. That means that the cross All products carry the CE mark.
section of the screen should be at least
4 mm2 for a single cable and 2.5 mm2 for
multiple cables in one cable duct. EMC tests; immunity (type tests)
All equipment proposed in this guide ■ Standards: 3
is built-up either in closed housings IEC 60255-22 (product standard)
(type 7XP20) or cubicles with protection EN 50082-2 (generic standard)
degree IP 51 according to IEC 60 529: ■ High frequency
■ Protected against access to dangerous IEC 60255-22-1 class III
parts with a wire – 2.5 kV (peak); 4
■ Sealed against dust 1 MHz; τ = 15 µs;
400 shots/s;
■ Protected against dripping water
duration 2 s
■ Electrostatic discharge
Climatic conditions: IEC 60255-22-2 class III
■ Permissible temperature during and EN 61 000-4-2 class III 5
service – 4 kV contact discharge;
–5 °C to +55 °C 8 kV air discharge;
permissible temperature during storage both polarities;
–25 °C to +55 °C 150 pF; Ri = 330 Ohm
permissible temperature during transport ■ Radio-frequency electromagnetic field, 6
–25 °C to +70 °C nonmodulated;
Storage and transport with standard IEC 60255-22-3 (report) class III
Fig. 5: Installation of the numerical protection in the
works packaging door of the low-voltage section of medium-voltage cell – 10 V/m; 27 MHz to 500 MHz
■ Permissible humidity ■ Radio-frequency electromagnetic field,
Mean value per year ≤ 75% relative hu- amplitude-modulated;
midity; on 30 days per year 95% relative Vibration and shock during transport ENV 50140, class III
humidity; Condensation not permissible – 10 V/m; 80 MHz to 1000 MHz, 80%;
■ Standards: 1 kHz; AM
We recommend that units be installed IEC 60255-21and IEC 60068-2
such that they are not subjected to direct ■ Radio-frequency electromagnetic field,
■ Vibration pulse-modulated;
sunlight, nor to large temperature fluctua-
tions which may give rise to condensation. – sinusoidal ENV 50140/ENV 50 204, class III 8
IEC 60255-21-1, class 2 – 10 V/m; 900 MHz;
– 5 Hz to 8 Hz: repetition frequency 200 Hz;
Mechanical stress ± 7.5 mm amplitude; duty cycle 50%
Vibration and shock during operation IEC 60068-2-6 ■ Fast transients
■ Standards:
– 8 Hz to 150 Hz: 2 g acceleration IEC 60255-22-4 and EN 61000-4-4, 9
sweep rate 1 octave/min class III
IEC 60 255-21 and IEC 60068-2 20 cycles in 3 orthogonal axes – 2 kV; 5/50 ns; 5 kHz;
■ Vibration ■ Shock burst length 15 ms; repetition rate
– sinusoidal IEC 60255 -21-2, class 1 300 ms; both polarities;
IEC 60 255-21-1, class 1 IEC 60068 -2-27 Ri = 50 Ohm; duration 1 min
– 10 Hz to 60 Hz: ■ Conducted disturbances induced by 10
± 0.035 mm amplitude; Insulation tests
radio-frequency fields HF,
IEC 600 68-2-6 amplitude-modulated
■ Standards: ENV 50141, class III
– 60 Hz to 150 Hz:
0.5 g acceleration IEC 60255-5 – 10 V; 150 kHz to 80 MHz;
sweep rate 10 octaves/min – High-voltage test (routine test) 80%; 1kHz; AM
20 cycles in 3 orthogonal axes 2 kV (rms), 50 Hz ■ Power-frequency magnetic field
– Impulse voltage test (type test) EN 61000-4-8, class IV
all circuits, class III – 30 A/m continuous;
5 kV (peak); 1.2/50 µs; 0.5 J; 3 positive 300 A/m for 3 s; 50 Hz
and 3 negative shots at intervals of 5 s

Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 6/5
Protection and Substation Control
Application Hints

EMC tests; emission (type tests) Cores for revenue metering The required c.t. accuracy-limiting factor
KALF can be determined by calculation,
■ Standard: In this case, class 0.2 M is normally
1 EN 50081-2 (generic standard) required.
as shown in Fig. 6.
■ Interference field strength CISPR 11, The overdimensioning factor KOF depends
EN 55011, class A Protection cores: on the type of relay and the primary d.c.
The size of the protection core depends time constant. For the normal case, with
– 30 MHz to 1000 MHz
mainly on the maximum short-circuit cur- short-circuit time constants lower than
■ Conducted interference voltage, 100 ms, the necessary value for K*ALF can
2 aux. voltage CISPR 22, EN 55022, rent and the total burden (internal c.t. bur-
be taken from the table in Fig. 9.
class B den, plus burden of connecting leads, plus
relay burden). The recommended values are based on
– 150 kHz to 30 MHz extensive type tests.
Further, an overdimensioning factor has to
be considered to cover the influence of the C.t. design according to BS 3938
Instrument transformers
3 d.c. component in the short-circuit current.
Instrument transformers must comply In this case the c.t. is defined by the knee-
In general, an accuracy of 1% (class 5 P) is point voltage UKN and the internal second-
with the applicable IEC recommendations specified. The accuracy limiting factor KALF
IEC 60044, formerly IEC 60185 (c.t.) and ary resistance Ri.
should normally be designed so that The design values according to IEC 60 185
186 (p.t.), ANSI/IEEE C57.13 or other com- at least the maximum short-circuit current
parable standards. can be approximately transferred into the
can be transmitted without saturation BS standard definition by the following
4 (d.c. component not considered). formula:
Potential transformers This results, as a rule, in rated accuracy
Potential transformers (p.t.) in single- or limiting factors of 10 or 20 dependent on (RNC + Ri) • I2N • KALF
double-pole design for all primary voltages the rated burden of the c.t. in relation to UKN =
the connected burden. A typical specifica- 1.3
have single or dual secondary windings of
5 100, 110 or 120 V/ 3, with output ratings tion for protection cores for distribution I2N = Nominal secondary current
between 10 and 300 VA, and accuracies feeders is 5P10, 15 VA or 5P20, 10 VA. Example:
of 0.2, 0.5 or 1% to suit the particular The requirements for protective current IEC 185 : 600/1, 15 VA, 5P10, Ri = 4 Ohm
application. Primary BIL values are select- transformers for transient performance are (15 + 4) • 1 • 10
ed to match those of the associated specified in IEC 60044-6. The recom- BS : UKN = = 146 V
6 switchgear. mended calculation procedure for satura- Ri = 4 Ohm
tion-free design, however, leads to very
high c.t. dimensions. Fig. 7: BS c.t. definition
Current transformers In many practical cases, the c.t.s cannot
Current transformers (c.t.) are usually of be designed to avoid saturation under all C.t. design
the single-ratio type with wound or bar- circumstances because of cost and space according to ANSI/IEEE C 57.13
7 type primaries of adequate thermal rating. reasons, particularly with metal-enclosed Class C of this standard defines the c.t. by
Single, dual or triple secondary windings of switchgear. its secondary terminal voltage at 20 times
1 or 5 A are standard. The Siemens relays are therefore designed nominal current, for which the ratio error
1 A rating however should be preferred, to tolerate c.t. saturation to a large extent. shall not exceed 10%. Standard classes
particularly in HV and EHV stations, to re- The numerical relays proposed in this are C100, C200, C400 and C800 for 5 A
duce the burden of the connecting leads. guide are particularly stable in this case nominal secondary current.
8 Output power (rated burden in VA), accura- due to their integral saturation detection This terminal voltage can be approximately
cy and saturation characteristics (accuracy function. calculated from the IEC data as follows:
limiting factor) of the cores and secondary
windings must meet the particular applica-
tion. RBC + Ri
The c.t. classification code of IEC is used KALF > K*ALF KALF
9 RBN + Ri Vs.t. max = 20 x 5 A x RBN •
in the following: 20
KALF : Rated c.t. accuracy limiting factor
Measuring cores with:
K*ALF : Effective c.t. accuracy
They are normally specified with 0.5% or limiting factor RBN = PBN and INsec = 5 A , we get
1.0% accuracy (class 0.5 M or 1.0 M), and RBN : Rated burden resistance INsec2
10 an accuracy limiting factor of 5 or 10. RBC : Connected burden
The required output power (rated burden) Ri : Internal c.t. burden (resistance
must be higher than the actually connect- Vs.t. max =
of the c.t. secondary winding)
ed burden. Typical values are 5, 10, 15 VA. 5
Higher values are normally not necessary with:
when only electronic meters and recorders K*ALF > KOF Example:
are connected. IN IEC 185 : 600/5, 25 VA, 5P20,
A typical specification could be: 0.5 M 10, Iscc.max. = Maximum short-circuit current 25 • 20
15 VA. IN = Rated primary c.t. current ANSI C57.13: Vs.t. max = =
KOF = Overdimensioning factor = 100, i.e. class C100
Fig. 6: C.t. dimensioning formulae Fig. 8: ANSI c.t. definition

6/6 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
Protection and Substation Control
Application Hints

Minimum K*ALF Example: Stability-verification of the

Relay type numerical busbar protection 7SS50 1
Given case:
o/c protection IHigh set point
7SJ511, 512, 551, = , at least 20
7SJ60, 61, 62, 63

differential protection >
– 50 for each side

Line differential Iscc. max. (external fault) [K*ALF . IN](line-end 1)

600/1 l = 50 m
7SS5 3
(fiber-optic) protection = and 1 < <3 5 P 10, A = 6 mm2
IN 3 [K*ALF . IN](line-end 2) 15 VA,
Ri = 4 Ohm
I scc.max. = 30 kA
Line differential Iscc. max. (external fault) K*
(pilot wire) protection = and 3 < ALF (line-end 1) < 4 4
IN 4 K*ALF (line-end 2) 3

= 30,000 = 50
Numerical busbar I
protection (low impe- = 1 scc. max. (outflowing current for ext. fault)
dance type) 7SS5 2 IN
IN 600 5

According to Fig. 9:
Iscc. max. (close-in fault) TN < 50 ms:
Distance protection = a
IN a=2
7SA511, 7SA513,
50 = 25 6
7SA522 TN < 100 ms: 2
a = 3 for 7SA511
a = 2 for 7SA513
and 7SA522 15 VA
RBN = = 15 Ohm; 7
1 A2
and 1.5 VA
Iscc. max. (line-end fault) RRelay = = 1.5 Ohm
= 10 1 A2
Fig. 9: Required effective accuracy limiting factor K*ALF 2 0.0179 50
Rl = = 0.3 Ohm
Relay burden Burden of the connection leads 6
The c.t. burdens of the numerical relays of The resistance of the current loop from
Siemens are below 0.1 VA and can there- the c.t. to the relay has to be considered:
fore be neglected for a practical estimation. RBC = Rl + RRelay = 9
Exceptions are the busbar protection 7SS50
= 0.3 + 1.5 = 1.8 Ohm
(1.5 VA) and the pilot wire relays 7SD502, 2 ρ l
7SD600 (4 VA) and 7SD503 (3 VA + 9 VA per Rl = Ohm
100 Ohm pilot wire resistance).
Intermediate c.t.s are normally no longer
applicable as the ratio adaption for busbar l = single conductor length KALF >
1.8 + 4
25 = 7.6
and transformer protection is numerically 15 + 4
performed in the relay. from the c.t. to the relay in m.
Analog static relays in gereral also have
burdens below about 1 VA. Result:
Mechanical relays, however, have a much Specific resistance:
The rated KALF-factor (10) is higher
Ohm mm2
higher burden, up to the order of 10 VA. ρ = 0.0179 m (copper wires) than the calculated value (7.6).
This has to be considered when older re- Therefore, the stability criterium is
lays are connected to the same c.t. circuit. A = conductor cross section
In any case, the relevant relay manuals in mm2
should always be consulted for the actual
burden values. Fig. 10 Fig. 11

Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 6/7
Power System Protection

Introduction SIPROTEC 3 SIPROTEC 4

Siemens is one of the world’s leading sup-
pliers of protective equipment for power
Thousands of our relays ensure first-class
performance in transmission and distribu-
2 tion networks on all voltage levels, all over
the world, in countries of tropical heat or
arctic frost.
For many years, Siemens has also signifi-
cantly influenced the development of pro-
3 tection technology.
■ In 1976, the first minicomputer (process
computer)-based protection system was
commissioned: A total of 10 systems
for 110/20 kV substations were supplied
4 and are still operating satisfactorily today.
■ Since 1985, we have been the first to
manufacture a range of fully numerical Fig. 12: Numerical relay ranges of Siemens
relays with standardized communication
Today, Siemens offers a complete pro-
5 gram of protective relays for all applica- State of the art
tions including numerical busbar protec- Mechanical and solid-state (static) relays
tion. have been almost completely phased out
To date (1999), more than 150,000 numer- of our production because numerical relays
ical protection relays from Siemens are are now preferred by the users due to
6 providing successful service, as stand- their decisive advantages:
alone devices in traditional systems or
■ Compact design and lower cost due to
as components of coordinated protec-
tion and substation control. integration of many functions into one
Meanwhile, the innovative SIPROTEC 4 relay
series has been launched, incorporating ■ High availability even with less mainte-
7 the many years of operational experi- nance due to integral self-monitoring
ence with thousands of relays, together ■ No drift (aging) of measuring characteris-
with users’ requirements (power author- tics due to fully numerical processing
ity recommendations). ■ High measuring accuracy due to digital
filtering and optimized measuring algo-
8 ■ Many integrated add-on functions,
for example, for load-monitoring and
event/fault recording
■ Local operation keypad and display de-
signed to modern ergonomic criteria
9 ■ Easy and secure read-out of information
via serial interfaces with a PC, locally or
■ Possibility to communicate with higher-
level control systems using standardized
10 protocols (open communication)

6/8 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
Power System Protection


21 67N FL 79 25 SM ER FR BM


Serial link to station – or personal computer
to remote line end kA,
Hz, 01.10.93
21 Distance protection MW,
67N Directional ground-fault protection MVAr, 4
Load monitor MVA,
FL Distance-to-fault locator
79 Autoreclosure Fault report
25 Synchro-check Fault record
85 Carrier interface (teleprotection) 5
SM Self-monitoring Relay monitor
ER Event recording
Breaker monitor
FR Fault recording
BM Breaker monitor Supervisory control
Fig. 13: Numerical relays, increased information availability

Modern protection management All relays can stand fully alone. Thus, the Measuring included 7
traditional protection concept of separate
All the functions, for example, of a line pro- For many applications, the protective-current
main and alternate protection as well as
tection scheme can be incorporated in one transformer accuracy is sufficient for oper-
the external connection to the switchyard
unit: ational measuring. The additional mea-
remain unchanged.
■ Distance protection with associated suring c.t. was more for protection of
add-on and monitoring functions measuring instruments under system fault 8
■ Universal teleprotection interface
”One feeder, one relay“ concept conditions. Due to the low thermal with-
stand ability of the measuring instruments,
■ Autoreclose and synchronism check Analog protection schemes have been en-
they could not be connected to the protec-
gineered and assembled from individual
tion c.t.. Consequently, additional measur-
Protection-related information can be relays. Interwiring between these relays
ing c.t.s and measuring instruments are
called up on-line or off-line, such as: and scheme testing has been carried out
now only necessary where high accuracy 9
manually in the workshop.
■ Distance to fault is required, e.g. for revenue metering.
■ Fault currents and voltages
Data sharing now allows for the integration
of several protection and protection related
■ Relay operation data (fault detector pick-
tasks into one single numerical relay. Only
up, operating times etc.)
a few external devices may be required for 10
■ Set values completion of the total scheme. This has
■ Line load data (kV, A, MW, kVAr) significantly lowered the costs of engineer-
To fulfill vital protection redundancy require- ing, assembly, panel wiring, testing and
ments, only those functions which are in- commissioning. Scheme failure probability
terdependent and directly associated with has also been lowered.
each other are integrated in the same unit. Engineering has moved from schematic
For back-up protection, one or more addi- diagrams towards a parameter definition
tional units have to be provided. procedure. The documentation is provided
by the relay itself. Free allocation of LED
operation indicators and output contacts
provides more application design flexibility.

Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 6/9
Power System Protection

On-line remote data exchange

A powerful serial data link provides for
1 interrogation of digitized measured values Personal computer Recording
and other information stored in the pro- DIGSI
tection units, for printout and further
processing at the substation or system
control level.
2 In the opposite direction, settings may be
altered or test routines initiated from a re-
mote control center. Assigning
For greater distances, especially in outdoor
switchyards, fiber-optic cables are prefera-
bly used. This technique has the advantage
3 that it is totally unaffected by electromag- Protection Laptop
netic interference.

Off-line dialog with numerical relays DIGSI

4 A simple built-in operator panel which Recording and
requires no special software knowledge or confirmation
codeword tables is used for parameter
input and readout.
This allows operator dialog with the protec-
tion relay. Answers appear largely in plain-
5 text on the display of the operator panel. Fig. 14: PC-aided setting procedure
Dialog is divided into three main phases:
■ Input, alternation and readout of settings
■ Testing the functions of the protection to remote control
device and System level
6 ■ Readout of relay operation data for the
three last system faults and the autore-
close counter. Substation Coordinated
protection & control
Modern system protection Modem
7 management (option)
A more versatile notebook PC may be ERTU RTU
used for upgraded protection manage- Data
The MS Windows-compatible relay opera-
8 tion program DIGSI is available for entering
and readout of setpoints and archiving of Bay level
protection data.
The relays may be set in 2 steps. First, all 52
relay settings are prepared in the office
9 with the aid of a local PC and stored on a
floppy or the hard disk. At site, the set- Relay Control
tings can then be downloaded from a PC
into the relay. The relay confirms the set-
tings and thus provides an unquestionable
10 Vice versa, after a system fault, the relay Fig. 15: Communication options
memory can be uploaded to a PC, and
comprehensive fault analysis can then take
place in the engineer’s office.
Alternatively, the total relay dialog can be
guided from any remote location through a
modem-telephone connection (Fig. 15).

6/10 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
Power System Protection

Relay data management

Analog-distribution-type relays have some
20–30 setpoints. If we consider a power
Setpoints Relay operations 1
system with about 500 relays, then the
number adds up to 10,000 settings. This 300 faults p. a.
requires considerable expenditure in set- 10 000 1200 approx. 6,000 km
ting the relays and filing retrieval setpoints. setpoints flags OHL (fault rate:
A personal computer-aided man-machine
1 p. a. 5 p. a. and 100 km) 2
dialog and archiving program, e.g. DIGSI, approx.
assists the relay engineer in data filing and 500
retrieval. The program files all settings system
200 relays
systematically in substation-feeder-relay
order. setpoints
Corrective rather than preventive 1
20 sub 4
setpoints flags
Numerical relays monitor their own hard-
ware and software. Exhaustive self-moni- 4
toring and failure diagnostic routines are 1 bay
not restricted to the protective relay itself, bay
but are methodically carried through from
current transformer circuits to tripping re-
lay coils.
Equipment failures and faults in the c.t. cir- Fig. 16: System-wide setting and relay operation library
cuits are immediately reported and the pro-
tective relay blocked.
Thus, the service personnel are now able
to correct the failure upon occurrence, re-
sulting in a significantly upgraded availability 6
of the protection system.
1000 Parameter
1000 1100
ParameterLine data
Adaptive relaying
Numerical relays now offer secure, con- 1100 Line data O/C Phase settings
venient and comprehensive matching to
1000 1200
changing conditions. Matching may be initi- 1000 1100 Line data O/C Phase settings
ated either by the relay’s own intelligence 1500
A O/C Earth settings
or from the outside world via contacts or 1100 Line data O/C Phase settings
1200 1500 O/C EarthFault
2800 settings
serial telegrams. Modern numerical relays
contain a number of parameter sets that 1200 O/C PhaseO/C
1500 settings
2800 Earth settings 8
can be pretested during commissioning of Fault
3900 Recording
Breaker Fall
the scheme (Fig. 17). One set is normally 1500 O/C Ground settings
operative. Transfer to the other sets can be 2800 Fault Recording
3900 Breaker Fall
controlled via binary inputs or serial data
link. There are a number of applications for 2800 Fault recording
3900 Breaker Fall
which multiple setting groups can upgrade 9
the scheme performance, e.g. 3900 Breaker fail
a) for use as a voltage-dependent control
of o/c relay pickup values to overcome
alternator fault current decrement to be-
low normal load current when the AVR 10
is not in automatic operation. Fig. 17: Alternate parameter groups
b) for maintaining short operation times
with lower fault currents, e.g. automatic
change of settings if one supply trans- d) for autoreclose programs, i.e. instanta-
former is taken out of service. neous operation for first trip and delayed
c) for “switch-onto-fault” protection to pro- operation after unsuccessful reclosure.
vide shorter time settings when energiz- e) for cold load pick-up problems where
ing a circuit after maintenance. high starting currents may cause relay
The normal settings can be restored operation.
automatically after a time delay. f) for ”ring open“ or ”ring closed“ operation.

Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 6/11
Power System Protection
Relay Design and Operation

Mode of operation PC interface

Numerical protection relays operate on the LSA interface
1 basis of numerical measuring principles.
The analog measured values of current and
voltage are decoupled galvanically from the Meas. Input filter V.24 FO Input/ Binary
plant secondary circuits via input transduc- inputs output inputs
Serial ports
ers (Fig. 18). After analog filtering, the
2 sampling and the analog-to-digital conver-
sion take place. The sampling rate is, de-
pending on the different protection princi-
ples, between 12 and 20 samples per Alarm
period. With certain devices (e.g. generator Current Amplifier relay
protection) a continuous adjustment of the inputs
3 sampling rate takes place depending on (100 x /N,
1 s)
the actual system frequency.
The protection principle is based on a cy- Com-
clic calculation algorithm, utilizing the sam- mand
pled current and voltage analog measured relay
4 values. The fault detections determined by Voltage A/D Processor Memory:
this process must be established in several inputs converter system RAM Input/ LED
sequential calculations before protection (140 V output
contin- EEPROM dis-
reactions can follow. 0001 units plays
uous) 0101 EPROM
A trip command is transferred to the com- 0011
mand relay by the processor, utilizing a
5 dual channel control.
The numerical protection concept offers a 100 V/1 A, 10 V digital Input/output
variety of advantages, especially with re- 5 A analog analog contacts
gard to higher security, reliability and user
Fig. 18: Block diagram of numerical protection
friendliness, such as:
6 ■ High measurement accuracy:
The high ultilization of adaptive algo-
rithms produce accurate results even Plausibility check of input quantities
during problematic conditions e.g. iL1 + iL2 + iL3 = iE
■ Good long-term stability: uL1 + uL2 + uL3 = uE
7 Due to the digital mode of operation,
drift phenomena at components due to
ageing do not lead to changes in accura-
cy of measurement or time delays Check of analog-to-digital conversion
■ Security against over and underfunction A by comparison with
With this concept, the danger of an unde- converted reference quantities
8 tected error in the device causing protec- D
tion failure in the event of a network fault
is clearly reduced when compared to con-
ventional protection technology. Cyclical Hardware and software monitoring of
and preventive maintenance services have Micro- the microprocessor system incl. memory,
9 therefore become largely obsolete. processor e.g. by watchdog and
system cyclic memory checks
The integrated self-monitoring system
(Fig. 19) encompasses the following areas:
– Analog inputs
– Microprocessor system Relay Monitoring of the tripping relays
10 – Command relays. operated via dual channels

Tripping check or test reclosure by local

or remote operation (not automatic)

Fig. 19: Self-monitoring system

6/12 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
Power System Protection
Relay Design and Operation

Implemented Functions
SIOPROTEC relays are available with a
variety of protective functions. See relay 1
charts (page 6/20 and following).
The high processing power of modern nu-
merical devices allow further integration of
non-protective add-on functions.
The question as to whether separate or
combined relays should be used for pro-
tection and control cannot be uniformly an-
swered. In transmission type substations,
separation into independent hardware units
is still preferred, whereas on the distribu- 3
tion level a trend towards higher function
integration can be observed. Here, com-
bined feeder relays for protection, monitor-
ing and control are on the march (Fig. 20).
Most of the relays of this guide are stand- 4
alone protection relays. The exception in
the SIPROTEC 3 series is the distribution
feeder relay 7SJ531 that also integrates
control functions. Per feeder, only one re-
lay package ist needed in this case leading
to a considerable reduction in space und 5
wiring. Fig. 20: Switchgear with numerical relay (7SJ62) Switchgear with combined protection
and traditional control and control relay (7SJ63)
With the new SIPROTEC 4 series (types
7SJ61, 62 and 63), Siemens supports both
stand-alone and combined solutions on the
basis of a single hardware and software The following solutions are available within ■ Combined feeder relays for protection, 6
platform. The user can decide within wide one relay family: monitoring and control
limits on the configuration of the control ■ Separate control and protection relays Mixed use of the different relay types is
and protection functions in the feeder, ■ Protection relays including remote con- readily possible on account of the uniform
without compromising the reliability of the trol of the feeder breaker via the serial operation and communication procedures.
protection functions (Fig. 21). communication link 7

7SJ61/ 7SJ62/63
Busbar 62/63
Local/Remote control PLC logic Vf (option) Directional (option)
Commands/Feedback indications
Trip circuit Fault locator Rotating field
supervision Lockout 810/U 59 27 monitoring
Motor & 21FL
control 74TC 86 47
(only 7SJ63) 9
HMI Communica- Fault Metering values V, Watts,
tions module recording Vars f.p.f.
RS23/485 I2 limit values
fiber optic
IEC 60 870-5-103 Metered power Calculated
values pulses
Motor protection (option)
Starting time 67 67N
50 51 50N 51N 46 49 restrain 50BF
37 48 66/86
Breaker Directional ground-
failure Start fault detection (option)
Auto reclosing protection 14 Locked inhibit
79M rotor

60N 51N 67 64

Fig. 21: SIPROTEC 4 relays 7SJ61/62/63, implemented function

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Power System Protection
Relay Design and Operation

Integration of relays in the substation

1 Basically, Siemens numerical relays
are all equipped with an interface to IEC Telephone
60870-5-103 for open communication with SICAM
substation control systems either from SAS
Siemens (SINAUT LSA or SICAM, see
2 page 6/71 ff) or of any other supplier.
The relays of the newer SIPROTEC 4 Modem IEC 60870-5-103
series, however, are even more flexible
and equipped with communication options. DIGSI 4
SIPROTEC 4 relays may also be connected
3 to the SINAUT LSA system or to a system
of another supplier via IEC 60870-5-103.
But, SICAM 4 relays were originally de-
signed as components of the new SICAM
substation automation system, and their IEC 60870-5-103
common use offers the most technical and
4 cost benefits.
SIPROTEC 4 protection and SICAM station Fig. 22: SIPROTEC 4 relays, communication options
control, which is based on SIMATIC, are of
uniform design, and communication is based
on the Profibus standard.
5 SIPROTEC 4 relays can in this case be
connected to the Profibus substation LAN
of the SICAM system via one serial inter- 1
face. Through a second serial interface, 1
e.g. IEC 60 870-5-103, the relay can sepa-
6 rately communicate with a remote PC via a 2
modem-telephone line (Fig. 22).

3 3
Local relay operation
All operator actions can be executed and 4
7 information displayed on an integrated user 4 5
6 6
Many advantages are already to be found
on the clear and user-friendly front panel: 7
■ Positioning and grouping of the keys
8 supports the natural operating process
(ergonomic design) 1 Large illuminated display 4 Control (7SJ61/62 6 Freely programmable
■ Large non-reflective back-lit display 2 Cursor keys uses function keys) function keys
■ Programmable (freely assignable) LEDs 3 LED with reset key 5 Key switches 7 Numerical keypad
for important messages
9 ■ Arrows arrangement of the keys for Fig. 23: Front view of the protection relay 7SJ62 Fig. 24: Front view of the combined protection,
easy navigation in the function tree monitoring and control relay 7SJ63
■ Operator-friendly input of the setting val-
ues via the numeric keys or with a PC
by using the operating program DIGSI 4
■ Command input protected by key lock
10 (6MD63/7SJ63 only) or password
■ Four programmable keys for frequently
used functions >at the press of a but-

6/14 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
Power System Protection
Relay Design and Operation

DIGSI 4 the PC program for operating

SIPROTEC 4 relays
For the user, DIGSI is synonymous with 1
convenient, user-friendly parameterizing
and operation of digital protection relays.
DIGSI 4 is a logical innovation for operation
of protection and bay control units of the
SIPROTEC 4 family. 2
The PC operating program DIGSI 4 is the
human-machine interface between the
user and the SIPROTEC 4 units. It features
modern, intuitive operating procedures.
With DIGSI 4, the SIPROTEC 4 units ca be
configured and queried. 3
■ The interface provides you only with
what is really necessary, irrespective of
which unit you are currently configuring. Fig. 25: Substation manager for managing of substation and device data
■ Contextual menus for every situation
provide you with made-to-measure func- 4
tionality – searching through menu
hierarchies is a thing of the past.
■ Explorer – operation on the MS Win-
dows 95® Standard – shows the options
in logically structured form. 5
■ Even with marshalling, you have the
overall picture – a matrix shows you at a
glance, for example, which LEDs are
linked to which protection control
function(s). It just takes a click with the
mouse to establish these links by a 6
■ Thus, you can also use the PC to link up
with the relay via star coupler or channel
switch, as well via the PROFIBUS® of a
substation control system. The integrat- 7
ed administrating system ensures clear
addressing of the feeders and relays of a
■ Access authorization by means of pass-
words protects the individual functions,
such as for example parameterizing, 8
commissioning and control, from unau-
thorized access. Fig. 26: Function range
■ When configuring the operator environ-
ment and interfaces, we have attached
importance to continuity with the SICAM 9
automation system. This means that you
can readily use DIGSI on the station con-
trol level in conjunction with SICAM.
Thus, the way is open to the SIMATIC
automation world.

Fig. 27: Range of operational measured values

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Power System Protection
Relay Design and Operation

DIGSI 4 matrix
The DIGSI 4 matrix allows the user to see
1 the overall view of the relay configuration
at a glance. For example, you can display
all the LEDs that are linked to binary inputs
or show external signals that are connect-
ed to the relay. And with one click of
2 the button, connections can be switched
(Fig. 28).

Display editor
A display editor is available to design the
3 display on SIPROTEC 4 units. The prede-
fined symbol sets can be expanded to suit
the user. The drawing of a one-line dia-
gram is extremely simple. Load monitoring
values (analog values) can be placed where Fig. 28: DIGSI 4 allocation matrix
required (Fig. 29).
Special attention has been paid to commis-
sioning. All binary inputs and outputs can
5 be read and set directly. This can simplify
the wire checking process significantly for
the user.

CFC: Planning instead of programming

6 logic
With the help of the graphical CFC (Contin-
uous Function Chart)Tool, you can config-
ure interlocks and switching sequences
simply by drawing the logic sequences; no
7 special knowledge of software is required.
Logical elements such as AND, OR and
time elements are available (Fig. 30) .

Hardware and software platform

8 ■ Pentium 133 MHz or above, with at
least 32 Mbytes RAM Fig. 29: Display Editor
■ DIGSI requires about 200 Mbytes hard-
disk space
■ Additional hard-disk space per installed
9 protection device 2 Mbytes
■ One free serial interface to the protec-
tion device (COM 1 to COM 4)
■ One CD ROM drive (required for in-
■ WINDOWS 95/98 or NT 4

Fig. 30: CFC logic with module library

6/16 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
Power System Protection
Relay Design and Operation

Operation of SIPROTEC 3 Relays

Most of the Siemens numerical relays be-
long to the series SIPROTEC 3. (Only the 1
distribution protection relays 7SJ61/62,
the combined protection and control relay
7SJ63 and the line protection 7SA522 are
presently available in the version SIPRO-
TEC 4). 2
Both relay series are widely compatible and
can be used together in protection and con-
trol systems. SIPROTEC 3 relays however
are not applicable with PROFIBUS but only
with the IEC 60870-5-103 communication
standard. 3
The operation of SIPROTEC 3 and 4 relays
is very similar. Some novel features of the
PC operating program DIGSI 4 like the CFC
function and the graphical setting matrix
are however not contained in DIGSI 3. 4
Operation of SIPROTEC 3 relays via inte- Fig. 31: Operation of the protection relays using PC and DIGSI 3 software program
gral key pad and LCD display:
Each parameter can be accessed and al-
tered via the integrated operator panel or a
PC connected to the front side serial com-
munication interface.
The setting values can be accessed directly
via 4-digit addresses or by paging through
the menu. The display appears on an alpha- 6
numeric LCD display with 2 lines with
16 characters per line.
Also the rear side IEC 60870-5-103 com-
patible serial interface can be used for the
relay dialog with a PC, when not occupied 7
for the connection to a substation automa-
tion system. This rear side interface is in
particular used for remote relay communi-
cation with a PC (see page 6/19).
Most relays allow for the storage of several
setting groups (in general 4) which can be Fig. 32: Parameterization using DIGSI 3
activated via binary relay input, serial inter-
face or operator panel.
Binary inputs, alarm contact outputs, indi- DIGSI 3 the PC program for operating ■ PC 386 SX or above, with at least
cating LEDs and command output relays SIPROTEC 3 relays 4 Mbytes Ram
can be freely assigned to the internal relay For setting of SIPROTEC 3 relays, the ■ 10 Mbytes hard-disc space for DIGSI 3 9
functions. DIGSI 3 version is applicable. (Figs. 31 and ■ 2 to 3 Mbytes additional hard-disc space
32). It is a WINDOWS-based program that per installed protection device
allows comfortable user-guided relay set- ■ One free serial interface to the protec-
ting, load monitoring and readout of stored tion device (COM 1 to COM 4)
fault reports, including oscillographic fault ■ One floppy disc drive 3.5", high density 10
records. It is also a valuable tool for com- with 1.44 Mbytes or CD ROM drive for
missioning as it allows an online overview program installation
display of all measuring values. ■ WINDOWS version 3.1 or higher
DIGSI comes with the program DIGRA for These requirements relate to the case
graphic display and evaluation of oscillo- when DIGSI 3 is used as stand-alone ver-
graphic fault records (see next page). sion. When used together with DIGSI 4,
For remote relay communication, the pro- the requirements for DIGSI 4 apply. In this
gram WINDIMOD is offered (option). case DIGSI 3 and DIGSI 4 run under the
common DIGSI 4 substation manager.
The DIGSI 3 program requires the follow-
ing hardware and software platform:

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Power System Protection
Relay Design and Operation

Fault analysis
The evaluation of faults is simplified by nu-
1 merical protection technology. In the event
of a fault in the network, all events as well
as the analog traces of the measured volt-
ages and currents are recorded.
The following types of memory are avail-
2 able:
■ 1 operational event memory
Alarms that are not directly assigned to
a fault in the network (e.g. monitoring
alarms, alternation of a set value, block-
3 ing of the automatic reclose function).
■ 5 fault-event histories
Alarms that occurred during the last
3 faults on the network (e.g. type of
fault detection, trip commands, fault lo-
cation, autoreclose commands). A re-
4 close cycle with one or more reclosures
is treated as one fault history. Each new
fault in the network overrides the oldest
fault history.
■ A memory for the fault recordings for Fig. 33: Display and evaluation of a fault record using DIGSI
5 voltage and current. Up to 8 fault record-
ings are stored. The fault recording
memory is organized as a ring buffer, i.e. Evaluation of the fault recording Data security, data interfaces
a new fault entry overrides the oldest
fault record. Readout of the fault record from the pro- DIGSI is a closed system as far as protec-
■ 1 earth-fault event memory (optional for tection device by DIGSI is done by fault- tion parameter security is concerned. The
6 isolated or resonant grounded networks) proof scanning procedures in accordance security of the stored data of the operating
Event record of the sensitive earth fault with the standard recommendation for PC is ensured by checksums. This means
detector (e.g. faulted phase, real compo- transmission of fault records. that it is only possible to change data with
nent of residual current). A fault record can also be read out repeat- DIGSI, which subsequently calculates a
edly. In addition to analog values, such as checksum for the changed data and stores
The time tag attached to the fault-record
voltage and current, binary tracks can also it with the data. Changes in the data and
7 events is a relative time from fault detec-
be transferred and presented. thus in safety-related protection data are
tion with a resolution of 1 ms. In the case
DIGSI is supplied together with the reliably detected.
of devices with integrated battery back-up
clock, the operational events as well as the DIGRA (Digsi Graphic) program, which DIGSI is, however, also an open system.
fault detection are assigned the internal provides the customer with full graphical The data export function supports export
clock time and date stamp. operating and evaluation functionality like of parameterization and marshalling data in
8 The memory for operational events and
that of the digital fault recorders (Oscil- standard ASCII format. This permits simple
lostores) from Siemens (see Fig. 33). access to these data by other programs,
fault record events is protected against fail-
Real-time presentation of analog distur- such as test programs, without endanger-
ure of auxiliary supply with battery back-up
bance records, overlaying and zooming of ing the security of data within the DIGSI
curves and visualization of binary tracks program system.
The integrated operator interface or a PC
(e.g. trip command, reclose command, etc.) With the import and export of fault records
9 supported by the programming tool DIGSI
are also part of the extensive graphical in IEEE standard format COMTRADE (ANSI),
is used to retrieve fault reports as well as
functionality, as are setting of measurement a high-performance data interface is pro-
for the input of settings and marshalling.
cursors, spectrum analysis and fault resist- duced which supports import and export of
ance derivation. fault records into the DIGSI partner program
10 This enables the export of fault records
from Siemens protection units to custom-
er-specific programs via the COMTRADE

6/18 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
Power System Protection
Relay Design and Operation

Remote relay interrogation

The numerical relay range of Siemens can Office
also be operated from a remotely located 1
PC via modem-telephone connection.
Up to 254 relays can be addressed via ISDN
one modem connection if the star coupler
7XV53 is used as a communication node DIGSI Modem
(Fig. 34). PC, remotely located 2
The relays are connected to the star cou-
pler via optical fiber links.
Every protection device which belongs to Substation
a DIGSI substation structure has a unique
Star coupler
address. 3
The attached relays are always listening,
but only the addressed one answers the DIGSI 7XV53
operator command which comes from the Modem,
PC,centrally located optionally with
central PC. in the substation call-back function
If the relay located in a station is to be op- (option) 4
erated from a remote office, then a device
file is opened in DIGSI and protection dia-
log is chosen via modem. Signal converter
After password input, DIGSI establishes a
connection to the protection device after opt.
receiving a call-back from the system. RS485 RS485 Bus 5
In this way secure and timesaving remote
setting and readout of data are possible.
Diagnostics and control of test routines are
also possible without the need to visit the
substation. 6
7SJ60 7RW60 7SD60 7**5 7**6
Housing and terminal system
The protection devices and the corre-
sponding supplementary devices are avail- Fig. 34: Remote relay communication
able mainly in 7XP20 housings (Figs. 35 to 7
42). The dimension drawings are to be
found on 6/36 and the following pages. The heavy-duty current plug connectors For mounting of devices into cubicles, the
Installing of the modules in a cubicle with- provide automatic shorting of the c.t. cir- 8MC cubicle system is recommended. It is
out the housing is not permissible. cuits whenever the modules are with- described in Siemens Catalog NV21.
The width of the housing conforms to the drawn. This does not release from the care The standard cubicle has the following 8
19" system with the divisions 1/6, 1/3, 1/2 to be taken when c.t. secondary circuits dimensions:
or 1/1 of a 19" rack. The termination mod- are concerned. 2200 mm x 900 mm x 600 mm (HxWxD).
ule is located at the rear of devices for In the housing version for surface mount- These cubicles are provided with a 44 U
panel flush mounting or cubicle mounting. ing, the terminations are wired up on ter- high mounting rack (standard height unit
minal strips on the top and bottom of the U = 44.45 mm). It can swivel as much as
For electrical connection, screwed termi- 180° in a swing frame. 9
nals of the SIPROTEC 3 relay series and device. For this purpose two-tier terminal
also parallel crimp contacts are provided. blocks are used to attain the required num- The rack provides for a mounting width of
For field wiring, the use of the screwed ber of terminals (Fig. 36 right). 19", allowing, for example, 2 devices with
terminals is recommended; snap-in con- According to IEC 60529 the degree of pro- a width of 1/2 x 19" to be mounted. The
nection requires special tools. tection is indicated by the identifying IP, devices in the 7XP20 housing are secured
followed by a number for the degree of to rails by screws. Module racks are not 10
To withdraw crimp contact terminations of required (see Fig. 65b on page 6/33).
the SIPROTEC 3 relay series the following protection. The first digit indicates the pro-
tool is recommended: tection against accidental contact and in-
Extraction tool No. 135900 (from Weid- gress of solid foreign bodies, the second
müller, Paderbornstrasse 157, D-32760 digit indicates the protection against water.
Detmold). 7XP20 housings are protected against ac-
cess to dangerous parts by wire, dust and
dripping water (IP 51).

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Power System Protection
Relay Design and Operation

SIPROTEC 3 Relay Series

SIPROTEC 3 relays come in 1/6 to 1/1 of
19" wide cases with a standard height of
243 mm.
Their size is compatible with SIPROTEC 4
2 relays. Therefore, exchange is always pos-
Versions for flush and surface mounting
are available.

3 Terminations:

1/1 of 19" width

Flush-mounted version:
Each termination may be made via screw
4 terminal or crimp contact. The termination
modules used each contain:
4 termination points for measured volt-
ages, binary inputs or relay outputs
(max. 1.5 mm2) or
5 2 termination points for measured cur-
rents (screw termination max. 4 mm2,
crimp contact max. 2.5 mm2)
2 FSMA plugs for the fiber optic termina-
tion of the serial communication link
Surface mounted version:
1/3 1/2 of 19" width
Screw terminals (max. wire cross sec-
tion 7 mm2) for all wired terminations at
the top and bottom of the housing Fig. 35a/b: Numerical protection relays of the SIPROTEC 3 series in 7XP20 standard housing
2 FMS plugs for fiber optic termination
of the serial communication link at the
bottom of the housing

Fig. 35c


Fig. 36: SIPROTEC 3 relays left: Connection method Fig. 36 Right: Connection method for panel surface
for panel flush mounting including fiber-optic inter- mounting

6/20 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
Power System Protection
Relay Design and Operation

SIPROTEC 4 Relay Series

SIPROTEC 4 relays come in 1/6 to 1/1 of
19" wide cases with a standard height of
243 mm.
Their size is compatible with SIPROTEC 3
relays. Therefore, compatible exchange is
always possible.
All wires (cables) are connected at the rear
side of the relay via ring tongue terminals.
A special relay version with loose cable-
connected operator panel (Fig. 42) is also
available. It allows for example installation
of the relay itself in the low-voltage com-
Fig. 38: 1/6 of 19" Fig. 39: 1/3 of 19"
partment and of the operator panel sepa-
rately in the door of the switchgear.
In this version voltage terminals are of the
plug-in type. Current terminals are again 4


Standard relay version with 5

screw terminals:
Current terminals:
Connection Wmax = 12mm W
ring cable lugs d1 = 5mm d1 6

Wire size 2.7 – 4 mm2

(AWG 13–11)
Direct Solid conductor, flexible
connection lead, connector sleeve Fig. 40: 1/2 of 19" Fig. 41: SIPROTEC 4 relay case versions
Wire size 2.7 – 4 mm2
(AWG 13–11)
Voltage terminals: 8
Connection Wmax = 10mm
ring cable lugs d1 = 4 mm
Wire size 1.0 – 2.6 mm2
(AWG 17–13)
Solid conductor, flexible
lead, connector sleeve
Wire size 0.5 – 2.5 mm2
(AWG 20–13)

Special relay version (Fig. 42)

with plug-in terminals: 10
Current terminals:
Screw type as above
Voltage terminals:
2-pin or 3-pin 0.5 – 1.0mm2
connectors 0.75 – 1.5mm2
Wire size 1.0 – 2.5mm2

Fig. 37 Fig. 42: SIPROTEC 4 combined protection, control and monitoring relay 7SJ63 with separate operator panel

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Power System Protection
Relay Selection Guide

Relay Selection Guide


Pilot wire differential

Generator protection
Fiber-optic current

Motor protection







Protection functions

ANSI Description
4 No.*
14 Zero speed and underspeed dev. – – – – – – – – – – ■ – – – – ■ – – – – – – – – –
21 Distance protection, phase ■ ■ ■ – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – ■
5 21N Distance protection, ground ■ ■ ■ – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
24 Overfluxing – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – ■ –
25 Synchronism check ■ ■ ■ – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
27 Undervoltage – – – – – – – – – – ■ – – ■ ■ ■ – – – – – ■ ■ ■ –
27/59/ U/f protection – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – ■ –
32 Directional power – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – ■ – – ■

7 32F Forward power – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – ■ ■ – ■

32R Reverse power – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – ■ ■ – ■
37 Undercurrent or underpower – – – – – – – – – – ■ – ■ ■ ■ ■ – – – – – – ■ – –
40 Field failure – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – ■ – – –
46 Load unbalance, negative phase – – – – – – – – – – ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ – – – – – ■ ■ – ■
sequence overcurrent
47 Phase sequence voltage ■ ■ ■ – – – – – – – – – ■ ■ – – – – – – – – – –
48 Incomplete sequence, locked – – – – – – – – – – ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ – – – – – – – – –
9 rotor, failure to accelerate
49 Thermal overload ■ – – – ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ – ■ ■ – – ■ – – –
49R Rotor thermal protection – – – – – – – – – – ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ – – – – – – – – –
49S Stator thermal protection – – – – – – – – – – ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ – – – – – ■ – – –
50 Instantaneous overcurrent – – – – – – – – ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ – ■ ■ – – ■ – – –
50N Instantaneous ground fault – – – – – – – – ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ – – – – – – – – –
51G Ground overcurrent relay – – – – – – – – – – ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ – ■ – – – – ■ ■ –

* ANSI/IEEE C 37.2: IEEE Standard Electrical Power System Device Function Numbers

Fig. 43a

6/22 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
Power System Protection
Relay Selection Guide

Pilot wire differential

Generator protection
Fiber-optic current

Motor protection








Protection functions

ANSI Description
51GN Stator ground-fault overcurrent – – – – – – – – – – – ■ – – – – ■ – – – – – ■ ■ ■ –
51 Overcurrent with time delay – – – – ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ – ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ – ■ ■ – – ■ ■ – ■
51N Ground-fault overcurrent ■ ■ ■ – – – ■ ■ ■ – – ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ – – – – – ■ ■ – – 5
with time delay
59 Overvoltage – ■ ■ – – – – – – – – ■ – – ■ ■ ■ – – – – – ■ ■ ■ –
59N Residual voltage ground-fault – – – – – – – – – ■ – ■ – – ■ ■ – – – – – – ■ – ■ ■
64R Rotor ground fault – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – ■ ■ ■ –
67 Directional overcurrent – – – – – – – – – ■ – ■ – – ■ ■ – – – – – – – – – –
67N Directional ground-fault ■ ■ – – – – – – – ■ – ■ – – ■ ■ ■ – – – – – – – – –
overcurrent 7
67G Stator ground-fault, directional – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – ■ – –
68/78 Out-of-step protection ■ ■ ■ – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – ■
79 Autoreclose ■ ■ ■ – – – – ■ – ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ – – – – – – – – – – 8
81 Frequency relay – – – – – – – – – – – – – – ■ ■ – – – – – – ■ ■ ■ –
85 Carrier interface ■ ■ ■ – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
86 Lockout relay, start inhibit – – – – – – – – – – – ■ – ■ ■ ■ ■ – – – – – – – – –
87G Differential protection, generator – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – ■ ■ – – – – – –
87T Differential protection, transf. – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – ■ ■ – – – – – –
87B Differential protection, bus-bar – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – ■ ■ – – – –
87M Differential protection, motor – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – ■ ■ – ■ – – – – 10
87L Differential protection, line – – – ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
87N Restricted earth-fault protection – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – ■ – ■ – – – – – –
92 Voltage and power directional rel. – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
50BF Breaker failure – ■ ■ – – – – – ■ ■ – ■ – ■ ■ ■ – – – – ■ – – – – –

* ANSI/IEEE C 37.2: IEEE Standard Electrical Power System Device Function Numbers

Fig. 43b

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Power System Protection
Relay Selection Guide

Relay Selection Guide

1 Synchronism check

Voltage, Frequency
Breaker failure
Autoreclose +




Protection functions

ANSI Description
24 Overfluxing – – – – ■
25 Synchronism check ■ – – – –
5 Synchronizing – ■ – – –
27 Undervoltage – – – – ■
27/59/ U/f protection – – – – ■
6 50BF Breaker failure – – ■ ■ –
59 Overvoltage – – – – ■
79 Autoreclose ■ – – – –
7 81 Frequency relay – – – – ■


* ANSI/IEEE C 37.2: IEEE Standard Electrical Power System Device

Function Numbers

Fig. 43c

6/24 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
Power System Protection
Relay Portraits

Relay portraits
Siemens manufactures a complete series
of numerical relays for all kinds of protec-
tion application.
The series is briefly portrayed on the fol-
lowing pages.

Universal overcurrent
and overload protection
■ Phase-segregated measurement and
indication (Input 3 ph, IE calculated)
■ All instantaneous, i.d.m.t. and d.t.
characteristics can be set individually
for phase and ground faults
■ Selectable setting groups
■ Integral autoreclose function (option)
■ Thermal overload, unbalanced load * only with 7SJ512
and locked rotor protection
■ Suitable for busbar protection with *
50 50N 49 48 50 50N BF 67N 5
reverse interlocking
■ With load monitoring, event and fault * *
memory 51 51N 46 79 51 51N 67 79

Fig. 44: 7SJ600/7SJ602 Fig. 45: 7SJ511/512 6
Universal overcurrent
and overload protection
Functions as 7SJ600, however additionally:
■ Fourth current input transformer for con- Universal overcurrent protection
nection to an independent ground cur- ■ Phase-segregated measurement and
rent source (e.g. core-balance CT) indication (3 ph and E)
■ Optical data interface as alternative to ■ I.d.m.t and d.t. characteristics can be set
the wired RS485 version (located at the individually for phase and ground faults
relay bottom) ■ Suitable for busbar protection with
■ Serial PC interface at the relay front reverse interlocking 8
■ With integral breaker failure
■ With load monitoring, event and fault
■ Inrush stabilization 9

Digital overcurrent-time protection

with additional functions
Same features as 7SJ511, plus:
■ Autoreclose
■ Sensitive directional ground-fault protec-
tion for isolated, resonant or high-resist-
ance grounded networks
■ Directional module when used as
directional overcurrent relay (optional)
■ Selectable setting groups
*) Commencement of delivery planned for end of 1999 ■ Inrush stabilization

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Power System Protection
Relay Portraits


1 Universal overcurrent
and overload protection with
control functions
■ Phase-segregated measurement and
indication (input 3 ph and E)
2 ■ All instantaneous, i.d.m.t. and d.t. char-
acteristics can be set individually for
phase and ground faults
■ Selectable setting groups
■ Inrush stabilization
3 ■ Integral autoreclose function (option)
■ Thermal overload, unbalanced load and
locked rotor protection
■ Suitable for busbar protection with
reserve interlocking
■ With load monitoring, event and fault
4 memory 7SJ61
■ With integral breaker failure protection
■ With trip circuit supervision 56 50N 50BF 79 86 27 49R 51N

Control functions:
5 51 51N 74TC 37 50 59 48 51
■ Measured-value acquisition (current)
■ Limit values of current
■ Control of 1 C.B. 7SJ62 additionally: 46 50G 86 49 51G
■ Switchgear interlocking isolator/C.B.
67 76N 27 59 81o/u
6 7SJ62
FL 46 49 47
Digital overcurrent and overload protection
with additional functions
Features as 7SJ61, plus: Fig. 46: 7SJ61/7SJ62 Fig. 47: 7SJ551
7 ■ Sensitive directional ground-fault protec-
tion for isolated, resonant or high-
resistance grounded networks 7SJ551
■ Directional overcurrent protection Universal motor protection
■ Selectable setting groups and overcurrent relay
8 ■ Over and undervoltage protection
■ Thermal overload pretection
■ Over and underfrequency protection
– separate thermal replica for stator and
■ Distance to fault locator (option) rotor based on true RMS current
Control functions: measurement
– up to 2 heating time constants for the
9 ■ Measured-value acquisition (voltage) stator thermal replica
■ P, Q, cos ϕ and meter-reading calculation – separate cooling time constants for
■ Measured-value recording stator and rotor thermal replica
■ Limit values of I, V, P, Q, f, cos ϕ – ambient temperature biasing of
thermal replica
10 ■ Connection of up to 8 RTD sensors
ground elements
■ Real-Time Clock: last 3 events are stored
with real-time stamps of alarm and trip

6/26 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
Power System Protection
Relay Portraits

Combined feeder protection and control

relay 7SJ63
Line protection
■ Nondirectional time overcurrent
■ Directional time overcurrent
■ IEC/ANSI and user definable TOC curves
■ Overload protection 2
■ Sensitive directional ground fault 50 50N 46 79
■ Negative sequence overcurrent
■ Under/Overvoltage
50BF 51 51N 49
■ Under/Overfrequency
■ Breaker failure 3
■ Autoreclosure 49LR 81u/o 67 67N
■ Fault locator
Motor protection 59 27 14 37
■ Thermal overload 4
■ Locked rotor 48 66/86 21FL 33
■ Start inhibit
■ Undercurrent
74TC 86
Control functions
■ Control up to 5 C.B.
■ Switchgear interlocking isolator/C.B. Fig. 49: 7SJ63
■ Key-operated switching authority
■ Feeder control diagram Combined feeder protection and control
■ Status indication of feeder devices at relay 7SJ531 6
graphic display
■ Measured-value acquisition Line protection
■ Signal and command indications ■ Nondirectional time overcurrent
■ P, Q, cos ϕ and meter-reading calculation ■ Directional time overcurrent
■ Measured-value recording ■ IEC/ANSI and user-definable TOC curves 7
■ Event logging ■ Overload protection
■ Switching statistics ■ Sensitive directional ground fault
■ Switchgear interlocking ■ Negative sequence overcurrent
■ 2 measuring transducer inputs ■ Under/Overvoltage
■ Breaker failure 8
I/O Capability
■ Autoreclosure
■ Fault locator
7SJ631 7SJ632/3 7SJ635/6
Motor protection
Binary 11 24/20 37/33 ■ Thermal overload 9
inputs ■ Locked rotor
■ Start inhibit
Contact 8+Life 11+Life 14+Life
outputs ■ Undercurrent
50 50N 79 49 59
Control functions
Motor 0 4(2) 8(4) 10
control ■ Measured-value acquisition 51 51N 67N 49LR 27
outputs ■ Signal and command indications
■ P, Q, cos ϕ and meter-reading calculation
Control of 3 5 5 ■ Measured-value recording 64 BF 46 37 5
switching ■ Event logging
■ Switching statistics
■ Feeder control diagram with load Fig. 50: 7SJ531
Cases 1/2 of 19" 1/1 of 19" 1/1 of 19"
Fig. 48 ■ Switchgear interlocking

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Power System Protection
Relay Portraits


1 Line protection with

distance-to-fault locator
Universal distance relay for all networks,
with many additional functions, including
■ Universal carrier interface (PUTT, POTT,
2 Blocking, Unblocking)
■ Power swing blocking or tripping
■ Selectable setting groups
■ Sensitive directional ground-fault deter-
mining for isolated and compensated
3 networks
■ High-resistance ground-fault protection
for grounded networks
■ Single and three-pole autoreclose
■ Synchrocheck
4 ■ Thermal overload protection for cables
21 25 68 49 21 67N 78
■ Free marshalling of optocoupler inputs 67N
and relay outputs
■ Line load monitoring, event and fault re- 21N 85 51N 78 79 21N 85 49
■ Selectable setting groups
5 47

Fig. 51: 7SA511 Fig. 52: 7SA510
Line protection with distance-to-fault locator
6 (Reduced version of 7SA511)
Universal distance protection, suitable for
all networks, with additional functions,
■ Universal carrier interface (PUTT, POTT,
7 Blocking, Unblocking)
■ Power swing blocking and/or tripping
■ Selectable setting groups
■ Sensitive directional ground-fault deter-
mining for isolated and compensated
8 networks
■ High-resistance ground-fault protection
for grounded networks
■ Thermal overload protection for cables
■ Free marshalling of optocoupler inputs
9 and relay outputs
■ Line load monitoring, event and fault
■ Three-pole autoreclose


6/28 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
Power System Protection
Relay Portraits


Full scheme distance protection 1

with add-on functions
■ Quadrilateral or MHO characteristic
■ Sub-cycle operating time
■ Universal teleprotection interface (PUTT,
POTT, Blocking, Unblocking) 2
■ Weak infeed protection
■ Power swing blocking/tripping
■ High-resistance ground-fault protection
(time delayed or as directional compari-
son scheme) 3
■ Overvoltage protection
■ Switch-onto-fault protection
■ Stub bus O/C protection
■ Single and three-pole multi-shot auto-
21 21N FL 50N
■ Synchro-check*) 51N
■ Breaker failure protection*)
■ Trip circuit supervision 68 79 85 85N 59
■ Fault locator w./w.o. parallel line com-
25 50BF 5
■ Oscillographic fault recording
■ Voltage phase sequence
Fig. 53: 7SA522

Transmission line protection

with distance-to-fault locator
■ Full scheme distance protection, with
operating times less than one cycle
(20 ms at 50 Hz), with a package of
extra functions which cover all the de- 7
mands of extra-high-voltage applications
■ Suitable for series-compensated lines
■ Universal carrier interface (permissive
and blocking procedures programmable)
■ Power swing blocking or tripping 8
■ Parallel line compensation
■ Load compensation that ensures high
accuracy even for high-resistance faults
and double-end infeed
■ High-resistance ground fault protection
50N 50
■ Backup ground-fault protection 21 25 67N BF 79 FL
■ Overvoltage protection
■ Single and three-pole autoreclose
21N 59 85 85N 68 78
■ Synchrocheck option
■ Breaker failure protection 10
■ Free marshalling of a comprehensive
Fig. 54: 7SA513
range of optocoupler inputs and relay
■ Selectable setting groups
■ Line load monitoring, event and fault
■ High-performance measurement using
digital signal processors
■ Flash EPROM memories
*) available with Version 4.1 (Commencement of delivery planned for Oct. 1999)

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Power System Protection
Relay Portraits


1 Current-comparison protection
for overhead lines and cables
■ With phase-segregated measurement
■ For serial data transmission
(19.2 kbits/sec)
2 – with integrated optical transmitter/
receiver for direct fiber-optic link up
to approx. 15 km distance
– or with the additional digital signal
transmission device 7VR5012 up to
150 km fiber-optic length
3 – or through a 64 kbit/s channel of avail-
able multipurpose PCM devices, via
fiber-optic or microwave link
■ Integral overload and breaker failure
4 ■ Emergency operation as overcurrent
backup protection on failure of data link
■ Automatic measurement and correction
of signal transmission time, i.e. channel-
swapping is permissible 50 51 50
87L 51 87L
5 ■ Line load monitoring, event and fault
49 BF 49 BF 79

6 Current-comparison protection
Fig. 55: 7SD511 Fig. 56: 7SD512
for overhead lines and cables
with functions as 7SD511, but additionally
with autoreclose function for single and
three-pole fast and delayed autoreclosure.
■ Pilot-wire differential protection for lines
and cables (2 pilot wires)
■ Up to about 25 km telephone-type pilot
8 wire length
■ With integrated overcurrent back-up and
overload protection
■ Also applicable to 3-terminal lines
(2 devices at each end)
■ Pilot-wire differential protection for lines
and cables (3 pilot wires)
■ Up to about 15 km pilot wire length
10 ■ With integrated overcurrent back-up and
overload protection 87L 50
■ Also applicable to 3-terminal lines
(2 devices at each end)
49 51

Fig. 57: 7SD502/503

6/30 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
Power System Protection
Relay Portraits


Pilot wire differential protection for lines 1

and cables (2 pilot wires)
■ Up to about 10 km telephone-type pilot
wire length
■ Connection to an external current sum-
mation transformer 2
■ Pilot wire supervision (option)
■ Remote trip command
■ External current summation transformer
4AM4930 to be ordered separately

87 L

Fig. 58: 7SD600 6


Differential protection for machines and

power transformers 7
with additional functions, such as:
■ Numerical matching to transformer ratio
and connection group (no matching
transformers necessary)
■ Thermal overload protection 8
■ Backup overcurrent protection
■ Measured-value indication for commis-
sioning (no separate instruments neces-
■ Load monitor, event and fault recording 9

Differential protection
for three-winding transformers 10
with the same functions as 7UT512, plus:
■ Sensitive restricted ground-fault * 87 *
87T 49 50/51 87T 50G REF
■ Sensitive d.t. or i.d.m.t. ground-fault-
o/c-protection 49 50/51
* 87REF or 50G

Fig. 59: 7UT512 Fig. 60: 7UT513

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Power System Protection
Relay Portraits

2 Central unit

Optic fibers

1 2 3 48

Bay units

87 BF

Fig. 61: 7SS50 Fig. 62: 7SS52

5 7SS50
Numerical busbar and
breaker failure protection
■ With absolutely secure 2-out-of-2 meas-
6 urement and additional check zone, each
processed on separate microprocessor
■ Mixed current measurement
■ With fast operating time (< 15 ms)
7 ■ Extreme stability against c.t. saturation
■ Completely self-monitoring, including c.t.
circuits, isolator positions and run time
■ With integrated circuit-breaker failure
8 ■ With commissioning-friendly aids (indica- 87
tion of all feeder, operating and stabiliz-
ing currents)
■ With event and fault recording Fig. 64: 7VH80
■ Designed for single and multiple bus- 87
bars, up to 8 busbar sections and 32
9 bays ■ Inrush stabilized through filtering
Fig. 63: 7VH83 ■ Fast operation: 15 ms (l > 5 x setting)
■ Optionally, external voltage limiters
Distributed numerical busbar (varistor)
■ With commissioning-friendly aids (indica-
and breaker failure protection
10 tion of all feeder, operating and stabiliz-
■ With absolutely secure 2-out-of-2 meas- ing currents)
urement and additional check zone, each ■ With event and fault recording High impedance differential relay
processed on separate microprocessor ■ Designed for single and multiple bus-
hardware ■ Three-phase type
bars, up to 12 busbar sections and 48
■ Phase-segregated measurement bays ■ Robust solid-state design
■ With fast operating time (< 15 ms) ■ Integral buswire supervision
■ Extreme stability against c.t. saturation 7VH80 ■ Integral c.t. shorting relay
■ Completely self-monitoring, including c.t. ■ Inrush stabilized through filtering
High impedance differential relay
circuits, isolator positions and run time ■ Fast operation: 21 ms (l > 5 x setting)
■ With integrated 2-stage circuit-breaker ■ Single-phase type ■ Optionally, external voltage limiters
failure protection ■ Robust solid-state design (varistors)

6/32 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
Power System Protection
Relay Portraits


Multifunctional devices 1
for machine protection
■ With 10 protection functions on average,
with flexible combination to form com-
plete protection systems, from the
smallest to the largest motor generator 2
units (see Fig. 66)
■ With improved measurement methods
based on Fourier filters and the evalua-
tion of symmetrical components (fully 7SJ511
numeric, frequency compensated)
■ With load monitoring, event and fault
See also separate reference list for
machine protection.
Order No. E50001-U321-A39-X-7600 7VE51 4
Paralleling device
for synchronization of generators and 5
■ Absolutely secure against spurious
switching due to duplicate measurement
with different procedures G
■ With numerical measurand filtering that 6
ensures exact synchronization even in
networks suffering transients
■ With synchrocheck option
■ Available in two versions: 7VE511 with-
out, 7VE512 with voltage and frequency 7UT512

7SJ511 51 Fig. 65b: Numerical protection of a generating unit

(example). Cubicle design.
7UT513 87T

7VE51 25 Synchronizing
7UM512 59N 64R 46

7UM511 81u 59 32 40 49

7UT512 87G

Fig. 65a: Numerical protection of a generating unit

(example). Single-line diagram.

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Power System Protection
Relay Portraits

Fig. 66
Numerical generator protection
1 Protection functions




No.* Function
2 51 Overcurrent I>, t(+U<) ■ ■
IE>, t ■2)
I>>, t ■
51, 37 Overcurrent/Undercurrent I ><, t ■
49 Thermal overload I2t ■
46 Load unbalance I2ln>, t ■ ■ ■
(I2lln)2 t ■ ■ ■

4 87 Differential protection ∆lG>

59 Overvoltage U>, t ■ ■ ■
5 U>>, t ■ ■ ■
27 Undervoltage U>, t ■
t = f(U<) ■
U< with frequency evaluation U(f)<, t ■
6 Direct voltage U=><, t ■
59GN Stator UE >,t ■6) ■ ■ ■
ground fault protection <90% UE + lE>,t ■
53GN Stator RE <,t ■
ground fault protection 100%
Interturn fault protection UW >,t ■
81o Overfrequency f> ■3) ■4) ■3)
8 81u Underfrequency f< ■3) ■4) ■3)
3Z Reverse power (–P)>, t ■ ■7) ■
Forward power1) (+P)>, t ■ ■
40 Underexcitation (field failure) ϑ>, t ■ ■7)
9 protection ϑ1 + Ue>, t ■
64R Rotor RE<, t(fN) ■
ground fault protection RE<, t(1Hz) ■
IE>, t(fN) ■2)
10 1) for special applications
24 Overexcitation U/f >, t ■
(U/f)2 t 2) IE> sensitive stage,
protection ■
suitable for rotor or stator
21 Impedance protection Z<, t ■ earth fault protection
78 Out-of-step protection ϑ(Z) >, n ■ 3) altogether 4 frequency stages,
to be used as either f> or f<
87N Restricted ground fault prot. ∆lE 4) altogether 4 frequency stages,
Trip control inputs t, trip 4 4 4 4 to be used as either f> or f<
5) tank protection
Trip circuit monitoring 2 2 2 2
6) evaluation of displacement voltage
* ANSI/IEEE C 37.2: IEEE Standard Electrical Power System Device Function Numbers 7) 1 stage

6/34 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
Power System Protection
Relay Portraits

7VK512 7RW600

Autoreclose and check-synchronism relay Voltage and Frequency Relay 1

Highly flexible autoreclose relay with or ■ Intelligent protection and monitoring
without check-synchronism function. device
Available functions include: ■ Two separate voltage measuring inputs
■ Single or/and three-pole auto-reclosure ■ Applicable as two independent single-
■ Up to 10 autoreclose shots phase units or one multiphase unit 2
■ Independently settable dead times and
(positive sequence voltage)
reclaim time ■ High-set and low-set voltage supervision
■ Sequential fault recognition
U>>, U>, U<
■ Check-synchronism or dead line/dead
■ 4-step frequency supervision f><
bus charging ■ 4-step rate of change of frequency 3
■ Selectable setting groups
supervision df/dt>
■ Event and fault recording (voltage inputs)
■ All voltage, frequency and df/dt steps
with separate definite time delay setting
■ Overfluxing (overexcitation) protection
7SV512 U/f (t) as thermal model,
U/f >> (DT delay) 4
Breaker failure protection relay
■ Voltage and frequency indication
■ Variable and failsafe breaker failure pro- ■ Fault recording
tection (2-out-of-4 current check, (momentary or RMS values)
2-channel logic and trip circuits) ■ RS485 serial interface for connection of 59 27 59N 81
■ Phase selective for single and three-pole a PC or coordination with control 5
autoreclosure systems
■ Reset time < 10 ms (sinusoidal current) 24
< 20 ms worst case
■ “No current“ condition control using the
breaker auxiliary contacts Fig. 67: 7RW600 6
■ Integral end fault protection
■ Selectable setting groups
■ Event and fault recording

7SV600 7
Breaker failure protection relay
■ Phase selective for single and three-pole
■ Reset time < 10 ms (Sinusoidal current) 8
< 20 ms worst case
■ “No current“ condition control using the
breaker auxiliary contacts
■ Selectable setting groups
■ Event and fault recording 9
■ Lockout of trip command



Fig. 68: 7SV600

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Power System Protection
Relay Dimensions

Case 7XP20 for relays 7SJ600, 7RW600, 7SD600, 7SV600

Back view Side view Panel cutout
70 71+2
7.3 56.5±0.3

2 ø5
266 245+1 255±0.3


75 37 172 29.5
4 Fig. 69

Case 7XP2030-2 for relays 7SD511, 7SJ511/12, 7SJ531, 7UT512, 7VE51, 7SV512, 7SK512
5 Front view Side view Panel cutout
145 30 172 29.5 7.3 131.5
13.2 105 5.4

6 10 ø5
Optical 244 266 245 M4 255.8
1.5 ø6

150 231.5 146

Fig. 70
Case 7XP2040-2 for relays 7SA511, 7UT513, 7SD512, 7UM5**, 7VE512, 7SD502/503

Front view Side view Panel cutout

9 Optical fiber interface 7.3 206.5
220 30 172 29.5 13.6 180

10 ø5
266 245 M4 255.8
10 1,5

225 231.5 221

All dimensions in mm.
Fig. 71

6/36 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
Power System Protection
Relay Dimensions

Case 7XP2020-2 for relay 7VH83

Front view Side view Back view Panel cutout
75 30 172 29.5 70 7.3 56.3
13.2 30 5.4

244 266 245 255.8

ø6 3

Fig. 72 4

Case 7XP2010-2 for relay 7VH80, 7TR93

Front view Side view Back view Panel cutout 5

75 30 172 29.5 70 7.3 56.3
20.5 30 5.4

or M4
111.0 133 112 122.5 6

Fig. 73

Case for relay 7SJ551

Front view Side view Back view 8

105 30 172 29.5 86.4

244 266 255.9 10

All dimensions in mm.
Fig. 74

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Power System Protection
Relay Dimensions

Case 7XP2060-2 for relay 7SA513

Front view Side view Panel cutout
450 30 172 29.5 7.3 431.5
445 13.2 405 5.4
ø 5 or M4
266 266 245 255.8
3 1.5

Optical fiber 446

4 interface

Fig. 75

5 Case for 7SJ61, 62
Rear view 1
Panel cutout
Side 29.5 172/6.77 34
view 1.16 1.33
Mounting plate
ø5 or M4/
0.2 diameter
FO ø6/0.24

2 diameter
0.07 SUB-D

8 RS232-port

Fig. 76a

Case for 7SJ631/632/633 225/8.85 221/8.70

Rear view 1 Panel cutout
9 Side 29.5 172/6.77
view 1.16
Mounting plate
ø5 or M4/
0.2 diameter

10 255.8/10.07
FO ø6/0.24

2 diameter
0.07 SUB-D

Fig. 76b All dimensions in mm.

6/38 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
Power System Protection
Relay Dimensions

Case for 7SJ631/632/633 Detached operator panel

Special version with detached operator panel 1

Side view Rear view Side view

220/8.66 Mounting 2
29.5 27.1 plate
202.5/7.97 29 30 1.16 1.06
1.14 1.18

266/10.47 312/12.28 244/9.61

Connection cable
68 poles to basic 5
unit length 2.5 m/8 ft.,
port 2.4 in
Mounting plate

Fig. 77: 7SJ63, 1/2 surface mounting case (only with detached panel, see Fig. 42, page 6/21)

Case for 7SJ635/636:

Special version with detached operator panel Rear view

Side view 450/17.71 7

202.5/7.97 29 30 445/17.51
1.14 1.18

266/10.47 312/12.28 244/9.61

FO 9

Mounting plate

Fig. 78: 7SJ63, 1/1 surface mounting case (only with detached panel, see Fig. 42, page 6/21) All dimensions in mm.

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Power System Protection
Relay Dimensions

7XR9672 Core-balance current transformer (zero sequence c.t.)


120 L

3 102
55 96 104
k l
14.5 x 6.5 K

200 2 120
Fig. 79

7XR9600 Core-balance current transformer (zero sequence c.t.)


12 80 Diam.

7 81

143 54
8 170

Fig. 80


6/40 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
Power System Protection
Relay Dimensions

4AM4930 Current summation transformer for relay 7SD600

110 92

G H I K L M Y 2

90 62

64 A B C D E F Z

63.5 100 63.5



Fig. 81


Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 6/41
Power System Protection
Typical Protection Schemes

Application Circuit Circuit equipment Page

1 group number protected

Cables and 1 Radial feeder circuit 6/43

overhead lines
2 Ring main circuit 6/43
3 Distribution feeder with reclosers 6/44
4 Parallel feeder circuit 6/44
5 Cable or short overhead line with infeed 6/45
from both ends
6 Overhead lines or longer cables with infeed 6/45
from both ends
7 Subtransmission line 6/46
8 Transmission line with reactor 6/48
9 Transmission line or cable 6/49
(with wide band communication)
10 Transmission line, breaker-and-a-half terminal 6/49

5 Transformers 11 Small transformer infeed 6/51

12 Large or important transformer infeed 6/51
13 Dual infeed with single transformer 6/52
14 Parallel incoming transformer feeder 6/52
15 Parallel incoming transformer feeder with bus tie 6/53
16 Three-winding transformer 6/53
17 Autotransformer 6/54
7 18 Large autotransformer bank 6/54

Motors 19 Small and medium-sized motors 6/55

20 Large HV motors 6/55

8 Smallest generator < 500 kW 6/56

Generators 21
22 Small generator, around 1 MW 6/56
23 Large generator > 1 MW 6/57

9 24 Large generator >1 MW feeding into a network 6/57

with isolated neutral
25 Generator-transformer unit 6/59

Busbars 26 Busbar protection by o/c relays with 6/60

10 reverse interlocking
27 High-impedance differential busbar protection 6/61
28 Low-impedance differential busbar protection 6/61

Fig. 82

6/42 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
Power System Protection
Typical Protection Schemes

1. Radial feeder circuit

Notes: 1
1) Autoreclosure 79 only with O.H. lines. Transformer
2) Negative sequence o/c protection 46 as protection,
sensitive backup protection against un- see Fig. 94
symmetrical faults.
General hints:
– The relay at the far end (D) gets the B I>, t IE>, t I2>, t ARC
shortest operating time. Further 51 51N 46 79 7SJ60
Relays further upstream have to be feeders
time-graded against the next down- 2) 1)
stream relay in steps of about 0.3 3
C I>, t IE>, t I2>, t
– Inverse-time curves can be selected
according to the following criteria: 51 51N 46 7SJ60
– Definite time:
source impedance large compared to 4
the line impedance, i.e. small current
variation between near and far end Load
D I>, t IE>, t I2>, t
– Inverse time:
Longer lines, where the fault current is 51 51N 46 7SJ60
much less at the end of the line than at 5
the local end.
– Very or extremely inverse time:
Load Load
Lines where the line impedance is large
compared to the source impedance
(high difference for close-in and remote Fig. 83 6
faults) or lines, where coordination with
fuses or reclosers is necessary.
Steeper characteristics provide also
higher stability on service restoration Infeed
(cold load pick-up and transformer in Transformer
rush currents) protection, 7
see Fig. 97

2. Ring main circuit 52 52

General hints:
7SJ60 7SJ60
– Operating time of overcurrent relays to 8
52 I>, t IE>, t I2>, t ϑ> 52 I>, t IE>, t I2>, t ϑ>
be coordinated with downstream fuses
of load transformers. 51 51N 46 49 51 51N 46 49
(Preferably very inverse time characteris-
tic with about 0.2 s grading-time delay
– Thermal overload protection for the 9
cables (option)
– Negative sequence o/c protection 46 as
sensitive protection against unsymmetri-
cal faults (option)

Fig. 84

Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 6/43
Power System Protection
Typical Protection Schemes

3. Distribution feeder with

Infeed reclosers
General hints:
– The feeder relay operating characteris-
tics, delay times and autoreclosure
cycles must be carefully coordinated
2 with downstream reclosers, sectionaliz-
ers and fuses.
52 I>>, IE>>, I2>, t 52 The instantaneous zone 50/50N is nor-
I>, t IE>, t mally set to reach out to the first main
50/ 50N/ 7SJ60 feeder sectionalizing point. It has to en-
51 51N sure fast clearing of close-in faults and
3 prevent blowing of fuses in this area
79 Auto- (“fuse saving”). Fast autoreclosure is
reclose initiated in this case.
feeders Further time delayed tripping and reclo-
sure steps (normally 2 or 3) have to be
graded against the recloser.
4 – The o/c relay should automatically
switch over to less sensitive characteris-
Sectionalizers tics after longer breaker interruption
times to enable overriding of subse-
quent cold load pick-up and transformer
5 Fuses
inrush currents.

6 Fig. 85

4. Parallel feeder circuit

General hints:
7 – This circuit is preferably used for the
52 interruption-free supply of important
consumers without significant backfeed.
52 I>, t IE>, t ϑ> I2>, t 52 – The directional o/c protection 67/67N
trips instantaneously for faults on the
51 51N 49 46 7SJ60
8 protected line. This allows the saving
of one time-grading interval for the o/c-
O H line or Protection relays at the infeed.
O H line or
cable 1 cable 2 same as – The o/c relay functions 51/51N have
line or cable 1 each to be time-graded against the
relays located upstream.
9 51 51N 7SJ62
67 67N


10 52

52 52

Load Load

Fig. 86

6/44 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
Power System Protection
Typical Protection Schemes

5. Cables or short overhead lines with

infeed from both ends Infeed
Notes: 52
1) Autoreclosure only with overhead lines 52
2) Overload protection only with cables
52 7SJ60 1) 52
3) Differential protection options: 79
– Type 7SD511/12 with direct fiber-optic 2) 2
connection up to about 20 km or via a 51N/ 87L 49 7SD600 or 4)
64 kbit/s channel of a general purpose 51N 7SD5**
PCM connection (optical fiber, micro- Same
wave) Line or protection
7SJ60 3)
– Type 7SD600 with 2-wire pilot cables cable for parallel line,
up to about 10 km if applicable
7SD600 or
– Type 7SD502 with 2-wire pilot cables 51N/ 87L 49 7SD5**
51N 4)
up to about 20 km
– Type 7SD503 with 3-wire pilot cables
up to about 10 km. 52 79 52
1) 4
4) Functions 49 and 79 only with relays
7SD5**. 7SD600 is a cost-effective solu- 52
tion where only the function 87L is
required (external current summation 52 52 52 52
transformer 4AM4930 to be ordered
Load Backfeed 5

Fig. 87

6. Overhead lines or longer cables with 6

infeed from both ends Infeed

1) Teleprotection logic 85 for transfer trip 52
or blocking schemes. Signal transmis- 7
sion via pilot wire, power-line carrier,
microwave or optical fiber (to be pro- 52 52
vided separately). The teleprotection
supplement is only necessary if fast 21/ 2)
fault clearance on 100% line length is 21N
required, i.e. second zone tripping 3) 8
(about 0.3 s delay) cannot be accepted 85 79 4) Same
for far end faults. Line or protection
2) Directional ground-fault protection 67N cable for parallel line,
1) if applicable
with inverse-time delay against high-
resistance faults
3) Single or multishot autoreclosure 79 85 79
3) 9
only with overhead lines 7SA511
4) Reduced version 7SA510 may be used 21/
where no, or only 3-pole autoreclosure 21N 67N 4)
is required.
52 52 10


52 52 52 52

Load Backfeed

Fig. 88

Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 6/45
Power System Protection
Typical Protection Schemes

7. Subtransmission line

1 Note:
1) Connection to open delta winding if
available. Relays 7SA511 and 7SJ512
can, however, also be set to calculate
the zero-sequence voltage internally.
2 General hints:
– Distance teleprotection is proposed as
main, and time graded directional O/C as
backup protection.
1) – The 67N function of 7SA511 provides
3 additional high-resistance ground fault
protection. It can be used in a directional
comparison scheme in parallel with the
21 67 21/21N-function, but only in POTT mode.
25 79 21N 67N If the distance protection scheme ope-
4 rates in PUTT mode, 67N is only availa-
68 51 ble as time-delayed function.
78 67N 51N – Recommended schemes:
PUTT on medium and long lines with
phase shift carrier or other secure com-
BF 7SJ62 munication channel.
5 POTT on short lines.
BLOCKING with On/Off carrier (all line
S lengths).
85 CH To remote
R line end

6 7SA511
Signal transmission

Fig. 89


6/46 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
Power System Protection
Typical Protection Schemes

Application criteria for frequently used teleprotection schemes

Permissive under- Permissive over- Blocking Unblocking 1

reaching transferred reaching transferred
tripping (PUTT) tripping (POTT)
Preferred Signal trans- Secure and dependable channel: ■ Dependable chan- Applicable only with
application mission: ■ Frequency shift power line carrier (phase-to- nel (only with ex- ■ Frequency shift
phase HF coupling to the protected line, better ternal faults) power line carrier 2
HF coupling to a parallel running line to avoid ■ Amplitude modu-
sending through the fault) lated ON/OFF
■ Microwave, in particular digital (PCM) power line carrier
■ Fiber optic cables (same frequency
can be used at all 3

Line con- Normally used with ■ Short lines in particu- All kinds of line EHV lines
figuration: medium and long lines lar when high fault re- (Preferred US
sistance coverage is practice)
required 4
(7SA511/513 relays al- ■ Multi-terminal and
low use also with short tapped lines with in-
lines due to their inde- termediate infeed ef-
pendent X and R setting fects
of all distance zones).
Advantages: ■ Simple method ■ No distance zone
■ Tripping of underrea- overreaching pro-
ching zone does not blems, when applied
depend on the chan- with CCVTs on short
nel (release signal lines
from the remote line ■ Applicable to extreme
end not necessary). short lines below the same as same as
■ No distance zone or minimum zone setting for POTT for POTT
time coordination be- limit
tween line ends ne- ■ No problems with the
cessary, i.e. this mode impact of parallel line 7
can easily be used coupling.
with different relay

Drawbacks: ■ Parallel, teed and ■ Distance zone and Same as for POTT,
tapped lines may time coordination with same as however, loss of re- 8
cause underreach remote line end relays for POTT mote end signal
problems. Careful necessary does not completely
consideration of zero- ■ Tripping depends on Except that a weak block the protection
sequence coupling receipt of remote end infeed supplement scheme. Tripping is
and intermediate in- signal (additional inde- is not necessary in this case released 9
feed effects is neces- pendent underrea- with a short time
sary. ching zone of 7SA511/ No continuous on- delay of about
■ Not applicable with 513 relays avoids this line supervision of 20 ms (unblocking
weak infeed termi- problem). the channel possi- logic).
nals. ■ Weak infeed supple- ble!
ment necessary 10
Fig. 90

Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 6/47
Power System Protection
Typical Protection Schemes

8. Transmission line with reactor – Operating time of the 7SA513 relay is in – Both 7SA513 and 7SA511 can practise
the range of 15 to 25 ms dependent on selective single-pole and/or three-pole
1 Note: the particular fault condition, while the tripping and autoreclosure.
1) 51G only applicable with grounded reac- operating time of the 7SA511 is 25 to The ground current directional compari-
tor neutral. 35 ms respectively. son protection 67N of the 7SA513 relay
These tripping times are valid for faults uses phase selectors based on symmet-
2) If phase CTs at the low-voltage reactor in the underreaching distance zone rical components. Thus, single pole au-
side are not available, the high-voltage (80 to 85% of the line length). Remote toreclosure can also be practised with
2 phase CTs and the CT in the neutral can end faults must be cleared by the super- high-resistance faults.
be connected to a restricted ground fault imposed teleprotection scheme. Its The 67N function of the 7SA511 relay
protection using one 7VH80 high-imped- overall operating time depends on the should be used as time delayed direc-
ance relay. signal transmission time of the channel tional O/C backup in this case.
(typically 15 to 20 ms for frequency shift – The 67N functions are provided as high-
3 General hints: audio-tone PLC or Microwave channels, impendance fault protection. 67N of the
and lower than 10 ms for ON/OFF PLC 7SA513 relay is normally used with an
– Distance relays are proposed as main 1 or digital PCM signalling via optical additional channel as separate carrier
and main 2 protection. Duplicated 7SA513 fibres). scheme. Use of a common channel with
is recommended for long (>100 km) and
Teleprotection schemes based on distance protection is only possible in
heavily loaded lines or series-compensat-
7SA513 and 7SA511 have therefore ope- the POTT mode. The 67N function in the
4 ed lines and in all cases where extreme
rating times in the order of 40 ms and 7SA511 is blocked when function 21/
short operating times are required due
50 ms each. With state-of-the-art two- 21N picks up. It can therefore only be
to system stability problems.
cycle circuit breakers, fault clearing used in parallel with the distance direc-
7SA513 as main 1 and 7SA511 as main times well below 100 ms (4 to 5 cycles) tional comparison scheme POTT using
2 can be used in the normal case. can normally be achived. one common channel. Alternatively, it can
– Dissimilar carrier schemes are recom- be used as time-delayed backup protec-
5 mended for main 1 and main 2 protec- tion.
tion, for example PUTT, and POTT or

51N BF

8 Reactor 87R 7VH83

21 21
25 59 21N 25 21N 2)

79 67N 79 67N
9 51G 7SJ600

68 68 7SA522 or
BF 85 7SA511 BF
79 79 BF, 59
S Direct Trip
85 7SA513 R Channel
10 52L
S Channel To remote
R 2 line end

S Channel
R 3

Fig. 91

6/48 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
Power System Protection
Typical Protection Schemes

9. Transmission line or cable

(with wide band communication)
Note: 52L
1) Overvoltage protection only with
General hints:
– Digital PCM coded communication (with
n x 64 kBit/s channels) between line
ends is now getting more and more fre- 1)
quently available, either directly by opti- 21
79 97L 25 59 21N
cal or microwave point-to-point links, or
via a general purpose digital communica- 3
tion network. BF 79 67N
In both cases, the unit-type current com-
parison protection 7SD511/12 can be
applied. It provides absolute phase and-
zone selectivity by phase-segregated
measurement, and is not affected by 68
85 BF
7SA522 or 4
power swing or parallel line zero-se- 79 7SA511
quence coupling effects. It is further a
current-only protection that does not 7SD512 S Channel
need VT connection. For this reason, the R 1
adverse effects of CVT transients are
To remote
not applicable. optial fiber FO S
This makes it in particular suitable for X.21 PCM line end
Wire R
double and multicircuit lines where com-
plex fault situations can occur. Direct connection with dedicated
Pilot wire protection can only be applied fibers up to about 20 km
to short lines or cables due to the inher- 6
ent limitation of the applied measuring
Fig. 92
principle. The 7SD511/12 can be applied
to lines up to about 20 km in direct re-
lay-to-relay connection via dedicated op- 10. Transmission line, breaker-and-a-half
tical fiber cores (see also application 5), terminal
and also to much longer distances up to
about 100 km by using separate PCM Notes:
devices for optical fiber or microwave
1) When the line is switched off and the
line isolator is open, high through-fault-
The 7SD511/512 then uses only a small
currents in the diameter may cause mal-
part (64 kBit/s) of the total transmission
operation of the distance relay due to 8
capacity being in the order of Mbits/s.
unequal CT errors (saturation).
– The unit protection 7SD511 can be com- Normal practice is therefore to block the
bined with the distance relay 7SA513 or distance protection (21/21N) and the di-
7SA511 to form a redundant protection rectional ground fault protection (67N)
system with dissimilar measuring princi- under this condition via an auxiliary con-
ples complementing each other. This tact of the line isolator. Instead, a stand-
provides the highest degree of availabili- by overcurrent function (50/50N, 51/51N)
ty. Also, separate signal transmission is released to protect the remaining stub
ways should be used for main 1 and between the breakers (“stub“protection).
main 2 protection, e.g. optical fiber or
2) Overvoltage protection only with
micro-wave, and power line carrier 10
1. The criteria for selection of 7SA513 or General hints:
7SA511 are the same as discussed in
– The protection functions of one diame-
application 8.
ter of a breaker-and-a-half arrangement
The current comparison protection
are shown.
has a typical operating time of 25 ms
for faults on 100% line length includ- – The currents of two CTs have each to be
ing signalling time. summed up to get the relevant line
current as input for main 1 and 2 line

Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 6/49
Power System Protection
Typical Protection Schemes

– The location of the CTs on both sides of – For the selection of the main 1 and main one breaker and the manual closure of
the circuit-breakers is typical for substa- 2 line protection schemes, the com- the other breaker, may be made selecta-
1 tions with dead-tank breakers. Live-tank ments of application examples 8 and 9 ble by a control switch.
breakers may have CTs only on one side apply. – A coordinated scheme of control circuits
to reduce cost. A Fault between circuit – Autoreclosure (79) and synchrocheck is necessary to ensure selective tripping,
breakers and CT (end fault) may then function (25) are each assigned directly interlocking and reclosing of the two
still be fed from one side even when the to the circuit breakers and controlled by breakers of one line (or transformer
breaker has opened. Consequently, final main 1 and 2 line protection in parallel. feeder).
2 fault clearing by cascaded tripping has to In case of a line fault, both adjacent – The voltages for synchrochecking have
be accepted in this case. breakers have to be tripped by the line to be selected according to the breaker
The 7SV512 relay provides the neces- protection. The sequence of automatic and isolator positions by a voltage repli-
sary end fault protection function and reclosure of both breakers or, alterna- ca circuit.
trips the breakers of the remaining in- tively, the automatic reclosure of only
3 feeding circuits.

4 87 7SS5. or
BB1 7VH83

7SV512 or
7VK512 7SV600
BF 85
5 UBB1 7SA522 or
1) 1) 2) 7SA511
79 21 50 51
21N 67N 50N 51N 59
6 UL1 or UL2
or UBB2 UL1

Line 1

7 7VK512 87L 7SD511/12

UL1 or UBB1
8 25
UL2 or UBB2
7SV512 or
Line 2
9 7VK512 UL2

Main 1
UL2 or 52 Protection of Line 2
UL1 or UBB1 (or transformer,
10 25
Main 2 if applicable)
7SV512 or

87 7SS5. or
BB2 7VH83

Fig. 93

6/50 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
Power System Protection
Typical Protection Schemes

11. Small transformer infeed

HV infeed
General hints: 1
– Ground-faults on the secondary side are 52 I>> I>, t IE> ϑ> I2>, t
detected by current relay 51G which,
however, has to be time-graded against 50 51 50N 49 46 7SJ60
downstream feeder protection relays.
The restricted ground-fault relay 87N can 2
optionally be provided to achieve fast Optional resistor or
clearance of ground faults in the trans- 63 reactor
former secondary winding.
Relay 7VH80 is of the high-impedance
type and requires class X CTs with equal
transformation ratio. I>> 3
– Primary breaker and relay may be re- 87N
placed by fuses.
52 7VH80 7SJ60
Distribution bus

o/c- Fuse
Load Load

Fig. 94

12. Large or important transformer 6

HV infeed High voltage, e.g. 115 kV
1) Three winding transformer relay 52 I>> I>, t IE> ϑ> I2>, t
type 7UT513 may be replaced by two-
winding type 7UT512 plus high-imped- 50 51 51N 49 46 7SJ60 or 7
ance-type restricted ground-fault relay
7VH80. However, class X CT cores
would additionally be necessary in this
case. (See small transformer protection) 7SJ60
2) 51G may additionally be provided, 63 8
in particular for the protection of the
neutral resistance, if provided.
3) Relays 7UT512/513 provide numerical 1)
ratio and vector group adaption.
Matching transformers as used with 87N 87T 7UT513
traditional relays are therefore no longer
applicable. I>, t IE>, t

51 51N

52 7SJ60
Load bus, e.g. 13.8 kV

52 52

Load Load

Fig. 95

Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 6/51
Power System Protection
Typical Protection Schemes

13. Dual-infeed with single transformer

1 Protection line 1 Protection line 2 Notes:

same as line 2 21/21N or 87L + 51 + optionally 67/67N
1) Line CTs are to be connected to sepa-
52 52 rate stabilizing inputs of the differential
relay 87T in order to assure stability in
7SJ60 or case of line through-fault currents.
2 I>> I>, t IE>, t
2) Relay 7UT513 provides numerical ratio
and vector group adaption. Matching
transformers, as used with traditional
50 51 51N
relays, are therefore no longer applica-
46 49
I2> ϑ>
63 87N 87T 7UT513

4 7SJ60 51G

I>> IE>
51 51N
5 52
52 52 52
Fig. 96

14. Parallel incoming transformer

7SJ60 or feeders
7 HV infeed 1 7SJ61 HV infeed 2
52 52 Note:
I>> I>, t IE>, t ϑ> I2>, t
1) The directional functions 67 and 67N
50 51 51N 49 46 do not apply for cases where the trans-
formers are equipped with transformer
8 differential relays 87T.

same as
63 infeed 1
9 51G IE>, t I>, t IE>, t I> IE>
51 51N 67 67N

10 1)
52 52
52 52 52

Load Load Load

Fig. 97

6/52 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
Power System Protection
Typical Protection Schemes

15. Parallel incoming transformer

feeders with bus tie
Infeed 1 7SJ60 Infeed 2 1
1) Overcurrent relays 51, 51N each con- I>> I>, t IE>, t ϑ> I2>, t
nected as a partial differential scheme. 50 51 51N 49 46
This provides simple and fast busbar
protection and saves one time-grading Protection
same as
63 63 infeed 1

7SJ60 7SJ60

51G I>, t IE>, t IE>, t I>, t 3

51 51N 51N 51

16. Three-winding transformer

52 52
Notes: 52
1) The zero-sequence current must be
blocked from entering the differential 52 52
relay by a delta winding in the CT con- 5
nection on the transformer sides with Load Load
grounded winding neutral. This is to avoid
false operation with external ground
faults (numerical relays provide this func- Fig. 98
tion by calculation). About 30% sensitivi- 6
ty, however, is then lost in case of inter-
nal faults.
Optionally, the zero-sequence current HV Infeed
can be regained by introducing the wind-
ing neutral current in the differential re- 52 I>> I>, t ϑ> I2>, t
lay (87T). Relay type 7UT513 provides
50 51 49 46
7SJ60 or 7
two current inputs for this purpose. 7SJ61
By using this feature, the ground fault
sensitivity can be upgraded again to its
original value.
2) Restricted ground fault protection (87T)
is optional. It provides back-up protec- 51G 7SJ60 51G 7SJ60
tion for ground faults and increased
ground fault sensitivity (about 10%IN, 87T 7UT513
compared to about 20 to 30%IN of the 1)
transformer differential relay). 87N 7VH80 87N 7VH80
Separate class X CT-cores with equal 9
transmission ratio are additionally re-
quired for this protection.
General hint: I>,t IE>, t I>,t IE>, t

– In this example, the transformer feeds 51 51N 51 51N

two different distribution networks with 7SJ60 7SJ60 10
cogeneration. Restraining differential re-
lay inputs are therefore provided at each M.V. M.V.
transformer side. 52 52 52 52
If both distribution networks only con-
sume load and no through-feed is possi-
ble from one MV network to the other,
parallel connection of the CTs of the two Load Backfeed Load Backfeed
MV transformer windings is admissible
allowing the use of a two-winding differ-
ential relay (7UT512). Fig. 99

Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 6/53
Power System Protection
Typical Protection Schemes

17. Autotransformer
7SJ60 or
1 7SJ61 52
1) 87N high-impedance protection requires
51N 50 46 50 87N 7VH80 special class X current transformer cores
BF 51 2)
with equal transmission ratio.
2) The 7SJ60 relay can alternatively be
2 connected in series with the 7UT513 re-
lay to save this CT core.
General hint:
7UT513 87T 49
63 – Two different protection schemes are
3 87T is chosen as low-impedance three-
52 52 winding version (7UT513). 87N is a sin-
1) gle-phase high-impedance relay (7VH80)
51 connected as restricted ground fault pro-
51 tection. (In this example, it is assumed
4 46 that the phaseends of the transformer
winding are not accessible on the neu-
50 tral side, i.e. there exists a CT only in the
59N BF 1) 50
BF neutral grounding connection.)
7RW60 7SJ60

Fig. 100
18. Large autotransformer bank
21 21N 78 7SA513 General hints:
7SV600 7SV600
– The transformer bank is connected in a
7 50 50 11/2 breaker arrangement.
BF BF Duplicated differential protection is pro-
EHV 52 52 posed:
Main 1: Low-impedance differential pro-
tection 87TL (7UT513) connected to the
transformer bushing CTs.
8 HV
Main 2: High-impedance overall differen-
tial protection 87TH (7VH83). Separate
87 50 class X cores and equal CT ratios are re-
7VH83 TH BF 7SV600 quired for this type of protection.
52 – Back-up protection is provided by dis-
9 tance relays (7SA513 and 7SA511), each
7SA511 “looking“ with an instantaneous first
7UT513 87 49 zone about 80% into the transformer
TL 21 and with a time-delayed zone beyond
63 the transformer.
– The tertiary winding is assumed to feed
10 21N a small station supply network with iso-
52 lated neutral.

BF 50
BF 7SV600
59N 51G

7RW60 7SJ60 7SJ60

Fig. 101

6/54 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
Power System Protection
Typical Protection Schemes

19. Small and medium-sized motors

< about 1 MW
a) With effective or low-resistance 52 I>> I E> ϑ> Locked I 2> 1
grounded infeed (IE ≥ IN Motor) rotor
49 7SJ60
General hint: 50 51N 49 CR 46
– Applicable to low-voltage motors and
high-voltage motors with low-resistance 2
grounded infeed (IE ≥ IN Motor). M
Fig. 102a

b) With high-resistance grounded infeed
(IE ≤ IN Motor)
Notes: 52 I>> ϑ> Locked I 2> I<
1) Window-type zero sequence CT. 49 7SJ62 or
2) Sensitive directional ground-fault protec-
50 49
CR 46 37
7SJ551 4
tion 67N only applicable with infeed 3)
from isolated or Peterson-coil-grounded I E> 2)
network. 7XR96
(For dimensioning of the sensitive direc- 1) 51G 67G
tional ground fault protection, see also 60/1A
application circuit No. 24)
3) If 67G ist not applicable, relay 7SJ602
can be applied.
Fig. 102b 6
20. Large HV motors > about 1 MW

7SJ62 or
1) Window-type zero sequence CT. 7SJ551 7
2) Sensitive directional ground-fault protec-
tion 67N only applicable with infeed 52 I>> ϑ> Locked I2> U<
from isolated or Peterson-coil-grounded rotor
network. 50 49 49 46 27
3) This function is only needed for motors CR
where the runup time is longer than the
safe stall time tE. IE> 2) I< 37
According to IEC 79-7, the tE-time is the 7XR96
1) 51G 67G
time needed to heat up AC windings, 60/1A
when carrying the starting current IA,
from the temperature reached in rated Startup 9
service and at maximum ambient tem- super- 49T 87M 7UT512
perature to the limiting temperature. visior 3) 5) 6)
A separate speed switch is used to
supervise actual starting of the motor. 3)
The motor breaker is tripped if the motor Speed RTD's 4)
does not reach speed in the preset time. switch M 10
The speed switch is part of the motor
delivery itself.
4) Pt100, Ni100, Ni120
5) 49T only available with relay type 7SJ5
6) High impedance relay 7VH83 may be
used instead of 7UT12 if separate
class x CTs. are provided at the terminal
and star-point side of the motor winding. Fig. 103

Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 6/55
Power System Protection
Typical Protection Schemes

21. Smallest generators < 500 kW


G I>, IE>, t I2> ϑ>

2 51 7SJ60
51N 46 49

3 Fig. 104a: With solidly grounded neutral

MV 1) If a window-type zero-sequence CT is
4 provided for sensitive ground fault pro-
tection, relay 7SJ602 with separate
G1 I>, IE>, t I2> ϑ> ground current input can be used
(similar to Fig. 102b of application exam-
Generator 2 51
46 49 7SJ60 ple 19b).
RN =
√3 • (0.5 to 1) • Irated

Fig. 104b: With resistance grounded neutral

22. Small generator, typically 1 MW

7 Note:
52 1) Two CTs in V connection also sufficient.


9 G 64R

I>, t P I2 > L.O.F

51 32 46 40 7UM511
IE>, t


Fig. 105

6/56 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
Power System Protection
Typical Protection Schemes

23. Smallest generators > 1 MW

Notes: MV
1) Functions 81 und 59 only required
where prime mover can assume excess 3)
speed and voltage regulator may permit
rise of output voltage above upper limit. O/C 7SJ60
2) 51 v.c.
2) Differential relaying options:
– 7UT512: Low-impedance differential
protection 87 87
– 7UT513: Low-impedance differen-
27 U<
tial 87 with integral restricted ground- 87G
fault protection 87G
– 7VH83: High-impedance differential 81 f> 3
protection 87 (requires class X CTs)
3) 7SJ60 used as voltage-controlled o/c RE Field< 1)
protection. G 64R 59 U>
Function 27 of 7UM511 is used to
switch over to a second, more sensitive Field I>, t P I2> L.O.F. ϑ> 4
setting group.
51 32 46 40 49

IE>, t 7UM511

Fig. 106

24. Large generator > 1 MW feeding into

a network with isolated neutral Relay ground current input Minimum relay setting: Comments:
connected to: 7
General hints:
– The setting range of the directional Core-balance c.t. 60/1 A:
ground fault protection 67G in the 1 single CT 2 mA
7UM511 relay is 2 – 100 mA. 2 parallel CTs 5 mA
Dependent on the current transformer 3 parallel CTs 8 mA
accuracy, a certain minimum setting is 4 parallel CTs 12 mA
required to avoid false operation on load
or transient rush currents:
Three-phase-CTs in 1A CT: ca. 50 mA In general not suitable for
residual (Holmgreen) 5A CT: ca. 200 mA sensitive earth fault
connection protection 9
Three-phase-CTs in 2 – 3‰ of secondary 1A CTs are not
residual (Holmgreen) rated CT current In SEC: recommented in
connection with special this case
factory calibration to 10 – 15 mA with 5A CTs
minimum residual false
current (≤ 2 mA)

Fig. 107

Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 6/57
Power System Protection
Typical Protection Schemes

– In practice, efforts are generally made to

protect about 90% of the machine wind-
Small grid with isolated neutral
1 ing, measured from the machine termi-
nals. The full ground current for a termi- 3)
nal fault must then be ten times the 52
setting value which corresponds to the transformer
fault current of a fault at 10% distance 7XR96 1)
60/1A UN 100 500
from the machine neutral. V 59
2 For the most sensitive setting of 2 mA, 3 3 3 G
we need therefore 20 mA secondary
ground current, corresponding to (60/1) x
20 mA = 1.2 A primary. 52 62
This current may be delivered by the
network ground capacitances if enough RB
3 cables are contained. In this case, the 87
directional ground fault protection (67G)
has to be set to reactive power mea- 7UT512 Field U< U> f
surement (U x I x sin w).
64 67
If sufficient capacitive ground current is
not available, a grounding transformer
27 59 81

with resistive zero-sequence load can be Uo >

installed as ground current source at the 7UM512
station busbar. The 67G function has in G
this case to be set to active (wattmetric) 4)
power measurement (U x I x cosw). I>,t I2> P L.O.F
5 The smallest standard grounding trans-
51 46 32 40
former TGAG 3541 has a 20 s short time
rating of PG = 27 kVA.

In a 5kV network, it would deliver:

6 2)
A 3 x PG A 3 x 27,000VA Single-phase VT
IG 20s = ––––––- = –––––––––––– = 9.4 A
UN 5000V

7 corresponding to a relay input current of Fig. 108

9.4 A x 1/60 = 156 mA. This would pro-
vide a 90% protection range with a set-
ting of about 15 mA, allowing the use of Notes:
4 parallel connected core balance CTs.
8 The resistance at the 500V open-delta 1) The standard core-balance CT 7XR96
winding of the grounding transformer has a transformation ratio of 60/1 A.
would then have to be designed for 2) Instead of an open delta winding at the
RG = USEC2 / PG = 500 V2 / 27,000 VA = terminal VT, a single-phase VT at the
9.26 Ohm (27 KW, 20 s). machine neutral could be used as zero-
For a 5 MVA machine and 600/5 A CTs sequence polarizing voltage.
9 with special calibration for minimum re- 3) The grounding transformer is designed
sidual false current, we would get a sec- for a short-time rating of 20 seconds. To
ondary current of IG SEC = 9.4 A /(600/5) = prevent overloading, the load resistor is
78 mA. automatically switched off by a time-de-
With a relay setting of 12 mA, the pro- layed zero-sequence voltage relay (59G
tection range would in this case be + 62) and a contactor (52).
10 12
100 (1- ––) = 85%.
78 4) During the startup time of the generator
with open breaker, the grounding source
is not available. To ensure ground fault
protection during this time interval, an
auxilliary contact of the breaker can be
used to change over the directional
ground fault relay function (67G) to a
zero-sequence voltage detection func-
tion (59G) via a contact converter input.

6/58 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
Power System Protection
Typical Protection Schemes

25. Generator-transformer unit

Notes: 1
1) 100% stator ground-fault protection
based on 20 Hz voltage injection
52 2) Sensitive field ground-fault protection
63 Transf. fault press based on 1 Hz voltage injection
3) Only used functions shown, further 2
71 Oil low integrated functions available in each re-
87 lay type (see ”Relay Selection Guide“,
Fig. 43).

51 3
Transf. neut. OC Unit aux.
Unit diff.
Oil low
fault press 71

Overvolt. 59 aux.

51 6
Overfreq. TN
Loss of 24 neut.
sync. OC
40 87T
Stator A 7
O.L. Loss of Trans.
field diff.
49S 32
Reverse 8
G 87G power Relay
Functions 3) Number
of relays
Gen. required
2) diff.
R2 64R
7UM511 40 46 59 81N 49 64R 1 9
Field Field 46 21
grd. grd. 59
Neg. Sys. 7UM516 32 21 78 1
seq. backup GN

1) 2)
7UM515 24 51 64
1 10
59 GN
Gen. 7UT512 87G 87T and optionally 87 optionally
neut. OV TU 3
51 1)
7UT513 87U 1

7SJ60 51N 51 3
Fig. 109

Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 6/59
Power System Protection
Typical Protection Schemes

26. Busbar protection by O/C relays

with reverse interlocking
Infeed General hint:
Applicable to distribution busbars without
substantial (< 0.25 x IN) backfeed from the
outgoing feeders

Reverse interlocking

3 I>, t0 I>, t
50 51 7SJ60
50N 51N

4 t0 = 50 ms

52 52 52
I> I>, t I> I>, t I> I>, t
6 50 51 50 51 50 51
50N 51N 50N 51N 50N 51N

7SJ60 7SJ60 7SJ60


8 Fig. 110


6/60 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
Power System Protection
Typical Protection Schemes

27. High impedance busbar

General hints: Transformer
– Normally used with single busbar
and 1 1/2 breaker schemes
– Requires separate class X current trans-
former cores. All CTs must have the 51 2
same transformation ratio 7VH83
87 87
1) A varistor is normally applied accross BB S.V.
the relay input terminals to limit the volt-
age to a value safety below the insula- 1) 3
tion voltage of the secondary circuits
(see page 6/70). 86
52 52 52

Feeder Feeder Feeder

protection protection protection
G Load
Fig. 111
28. Low-impedance busbar protection
General hints:
– Preferably used for multiple bus-
Transformer protection
barschemes where an isolator replica is 7
– The numerical busbar protection 7SS5
provides additional breaker failure pro- 50N
– CT transformation ratios can be differ- 52
ent, e.g. 600/1 A in the feeders and
2000/1 at the bus tie
– The protection system and the isolator
replica are continuously self-monitored
by the 7SS5
– Feeder protection can be connected to 9
the same CT core. Isolator
52 replica 7SS5

Bus tie 87
protection BB 10
52 52
Feeder Feeder
protection protection

Load Back-feed

Fig. 112

Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 6/61
Power System Protection
Protection Coordination

Protection coordination Peak value of inrush current

Relay operating characteristics and their ^ 12.0
setting must be carefully coordinated in IRush
order to achieve selectivity. The aim is ba- ^ 11.0
sically to switch off only the faulted com-
ponent and to leave the rest of the power 10.0
2 system in service in order to minimize sup-
ply interruptions and to assure stability.
Protection should be as sensitive as possi- 7.0
3 ble to detect faults at the lowest possible 6.0
current level.
At the same time, however, it should 5.0
remain stable under all permissible load,
overload and through-fault conditions. 4.0

4 3.0
Phase-fault relays
The pick-up values of phase o/c relays are
normally set 30% above the maximum 1.0
load current, provided that sufficient short-
5 circuit current is available. 2 10 100 400
This practice is recommmended in particu- Rated transformer power [MVA]
lar for mechanical relays with reset ratios
of 0.8 to 0.85.
Time constant of inrush current
Numerical relays have high reset ratios
near 0.95 and allow therefore about 10%
6 lower setting. Nominal power 0.5 . . . 1.0 1.0 . . . 10 >10
Feeders with high transformer and/or [MVA]
motor load require special consideration.
Time constant 0.16 . . . 0.2 0.2 . . . 1.2 1.2 . . . 720
Transformer feeders [s]
7 The energizing of transformers causes
inrush currents that may last for seconds,
depending on their size (Fig. 113).
Fig. 113: Transformer inrush currents, typical data
Selection of the pickup current and as-
signed time delay have to be coordinated
so that the rush current decreases below High-resistance grounding requires much An even more sensitive setting is applied
8 the relay o/c reset value before the set more sensitive setting in the order of in isolated or Peterson-coil-grounded net-
operating time has elapsed. some amperes primary. works where very low ground currents occur
The rush current typically contains only The ground-fault current of motors and with single-phase-to-ground faults.
about 50% fundamental frequency compo- generators, for example, should be limited Settings of 20 mA and less may then be
nent. to values below 10 A in order to avoid iron required depending on the minimum
burning. ground-fault current.
9 Numerical relays that filter out harmonics
Sensitive directional ground-fault relays
and the DC component of the rush current Residual-current relays in the star point
can therefore be set more sensitive. The connection of CTs can in this case not be (integrated in the relays 7SJ512, 7SJ55
inrush current peak values of Fig. 113 will used, in particular with rated CT primary and 7SA511) allow settings as low as 5 mA.
be nearly reduced to one half in this case. currents higher than 200 A. The pickup
value of the zero-sequence relay would
10 Ground-fault relays
in this case be in the order of the error
currents of the CTs.
Residual-current relays enable a much A special zero-sequence CT is therefore
more sensitive setting, as load currents do used in this case as ground current sensor.
not have to be considered (except 4-wire The window-type current transformer
circuits with single-phase load). In solidly 7XR96 is designed for a ratio of 60/1 A.
and low-resistance grounded systems a The detection of 6 A primary would then
setting of 10 to 20% rated load current is require a relay pickup setting of 0.1 A
generally applied. secondary.

6/62 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
Power System Protection
Protection Coordination

Differential relays (87)

Transformer differential relays are normally Time in seconds
set to pickup values between 20 and 30% 1
rated current. The higher value has to be 10000
chosen when the transformer is fitted
with a tap changer. 1000
Restricted ground-fault relays and high-
resistance motor/generator differential re- 100 2
lays are, as a rule, set to about 10% rated
current. 10

Instantaneous o/c protection (50) 1

This is typically applied on the final supply
.1 3
load or on any protective device with suffi-
cient circuit impedance between itself and
the next downstream protective device. .01
The setting at transformers, for example,
must be chosen about 20 to 30% higher .001
than the maximum through-fault current. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Current in multplies of full-load amps
Motor feeders
The energizing of motors causes a starting Motor starting current High set instantaneous o/c step
current of initially 5 to 6 times rated cur-
rent (locked rotor current). Locked rotor current Motor thermal limit curve 5
A typical time-current curve for an induction Overload protection characteristic Permissible locked rotor time
motor is shown in Fig. 114.
In the first 100 ms, a fast decaying assy- Fig. 114: Typical motor current-time characteristics
metrical inrush current appears additional-
ly. With conventional relays it was current 6
practice to set the instantaneous o/c step
for short-circuit protection 20 to 30% Time
above the locked-rotor current with a short-
time delay of 50 to 100 ms to override the 51
asymmetrical inrush period.
Numerical relays are able to filter out the 7
asymmetrical current component very fast
so that the setting of an additional time 51 51
delay is no longer applicable.
The overload protection characteristic
should follow the thermal motor character- 8
istic as closely as possible. The adaption is Main
to be made by setting of the pickup value 0.2–0.4 seconds
and the thermal time constant, using the Feeder
data supplied by the motor manufacturer.
Further, the locked-rotor protection timer
has to be set according to the characteristic Current 9
motor value. Maximum feeder fault level

Fig. 115: Coordination of inverse-time relays

Time grading of o/c relays (51)
The selectivity of overcurrent protection
be high for mechanical relays (about 0.1 s) If the same characteristic is used for all re- 10
is based on time grading of the relay oper-
and negligible for numerical relays lays, or when the upstream relay has a
ating characteristics. The relay closer to
(20 ms). steeper characteristic (e.g. very much over
the infeed (upstream relay) is time-delayed
normal inverse), then selectivity is automati-
against the relay further away from the
cally fulfilled at lower currents.
infeed (downstream relay). Inverse-time relays (51)
This is shown in Fig. 116 by the example For the time grading of inverse-time relays,
of definite time o/c relays. the same rules apply in principle as for the
The overshoot times takes into account definite time relays. The time grading is
the fact that the measuring relay contin- first calculated for the maximum fault level
ues to operate due to its inertia, even and then checked for lower current levels
when the fault current is interrupted. This (Fig. 115).

Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 6/63
Power System Protection
Protection Coordination

1 Operating time
52 M

2 M

52 F 52 F
51 51
3 F F

Time grading
Fault Fault Interruption of
inception detection fault current

5 I> t51F t52F

Set time delay Interruption time

6 Overshoot*
I> Margin tM

* also called overtravel or

7 coasting time

t51M – t51F = t52F + tOS + tM

8 Time grading tTG

Example 1
Mechanical relays: tOS = 0.15 s
Oil circuit-breaker t52F = 0.10 s tTG = 0.10 + 0.15 + 0.15 = 0.40 s
Safety margin for measuring errors,
etc.: tM = 0.15
Example 2

Numerical relays: tOS = 0.02 s

Vacuum breaker: t52F = 0.08 s
tTG = 0.08 + 0.02 + 0.10 = 0.20 s
Safety margin: tM = 0.10 s

Fig. 116: Time grading of overcurrent-time relays

6/64 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
Power System Protection
Protection Coordination

Calculation example
The feeder configuration of Fig. 117 and Example: Time grading of inverse-time relays for a radial feeder
the assigned load and short-circuit currents 1
are given. Load
Numerical o/c relays 7SJ60 with normal A F4 B F3 C F2 13.8 kV/ Fuse: D F1
inverse-time characteristic are applied. 0.4 kV 160 A
The relay operating times dependent on Load
13.8 kV
current can be taken from the diagram or
1.0 MVA
L.V. 75. 2
derived from the formula given in Fig. 118.
51 7SJ60 51 7SJ60 51 7SJ60 5.0%
The IP /IN settings shown in Fig. 117 have Load
been chosen to get pickup values safely
above maximum load current. Station Max. Load Iscc. max.* CT ratio Ip/IN ** Iprim*** Iscc. max.
I /Ip =
This current setting shall be lowest for [A] [A] [A] Iprim
the relay farthest downstream. The relays 3
further upstream shall each have equal or A 300 4500 400/5 1.0 400 11.25
higher current setting. 2690 200/5 1.1 220 12.23
B 170
The time multiplier settings can now be
calculated as follows: C 50 1395 100/5 0.7 70 19.93

Station C: D – 523 – – – – 4
*) Iscc.max. = Maximum short-circuit current
■ For coordination with the fuses, we
** Ip/IN = Relay current multiplier setting
consider the fault in location F1. *** Iprim = Primary setting current corresponding to Ip/IN
The short-circuit current related to
13.8 kV is 523 A. Fig. 117
This results in 7.47 for I/IP at the o/c 5
relay in location C.
■ With this value and TP = 0.05 The setting values for the relay at station B
are herewith t [s]
we derive from Fig. 118
an operating time of tA = 0.17 s ■ Current tap: IP /IN = 1.1 100
This setting was selected for the o/c relay ■ Time multiplier TP = 0.11 6
to get a safe grading time over the fuse on Given these settings, we can also check 50
the transformer low-voltage side. the operating time of the relay in B for a 40
The setting values for the relay at station C close-in fault in F3: 30
are therefore: The short-circuit current increases in this Tp [s]
■ Current tap: IP /IN = 0.7 case to 2690 A (see Fig. 117). The corre-
sponding I/IP value is 12.23.
■ Time multipler: TP = 0.05 10
■ With this value and the set value of 3.2
Station B: TP = 0.11 5
The relay in B has a back-up function for we obtain again from Fig. 118 4
the relay in C. an operating time of 0.3 s. 1.6
The maximum through-fault current of 8
1.395 A becomes effective for a fault in Station A: 2 0.8
location F2. ■ We add the time grading interval of
For the relay in C, we obtain an operating 0.3 s and find the desired operating time 1 0.4
time of 0.11 s (I/IP = 19.9). tA = 0.3 + 0.3 = 0.6 s.
We assume that no special requirements
for short operating times exist and can
Following the same procedure as for the 0.50
0.4 0.2 9
relay in station B we obtain the following
therefore choose an average time grading values for the relay in station A: 0.3
interval of 0.3 s. The operating time of the 0.1
■ Current tap: IP /IN = 1.0 0.2
relay in B can then be calculated:
■ Time multiplier: TP = 0.17
■ tB = 0.11 + 0.3 = 0.41 s 0.05
■ Value of IP /IN = 1395 A = 6.34
■ For the close-in fault at location F4 we 0.1 10
obtain an operating time of 0.48 s.
220 A
see Fig. 117.
■ With the operating time 0.41 s
2 4 6 8 10 20
and IP /IN = 6.34, Normal inverse I/Ip [A]
we can now derive TP = 0.11 0.14
from Fig. 118. t= . Tp [s]
(I/Ip)0.02 – 1

Fig. 118: Normal inverse time-characteristic of

relay 7SJ60

Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 6/65
Power System Protection
Protection Coordination

= 16.000 kA
Iscc = 1395 A
Iscc = 2690 A
Imax = 4500 A
I – 0.4 kVmax

Setting range Setting

t [min]
t [s]

2 400/5 A I>> Ip = 0.10 – 4.00 xIn Ip = 1.0 xIn

100 I>, t 7SJ600 Tp = 0.05 – 3.2 s Tp = 0.17 s
I>>= 0.1 – 25. xIn I>> = ∞
1 52
3 Bus-B
5 200/5 A I>> Ip = 0.10 – 4.00 xIn Ip = 1.1 xIn
2 I>, t 7SJ600 Tp = 0.05 – 3.2 s Tp = 0.11 s
4 I>> = 0.1 – 25. xIn I>> = ∞
1 52
5 IA>,t
2 IB>,t
100/5 A Ip = 0.10 – 4.00 xIn Ip = 0.7 xIn
5 .1 IC>,t I>>
5 I>, t 7SJ600 Tp = 0.05 – 3.2 s Tp = 0.05 s
I>> = 0.1 – 25. xIn I>> = ∞
2 52
5 13.8/0.4 KV
2 TR 1.0 MVA
7 10 2 5 100 2 5 1000 2 5 10 4 fuse VDE 160 HRC fuse 160 A
13.80 kV
I [A] 0.40 kV
1000 2 5 10 4 2 5 10 5 2

Fig. 119: O/c time grading diagram

The normal way Note:

9 To prove the selectivity over the whole
To simplify calculations, only inverse-time
characteristics have been used for this ex-
range of possible short-circuit currents, it is ample. About 0.1 s shorter operating times
normal practice to draw the set operating could have been reached for high-current
curves in a common diagram with double faults by additionally applying the instanta-
log scales. These diagrams can be manual- neous zones I>> of the 7SJ60 relays.
10 ly calculated and drawn point by point or
constructed by using templates.
Today computer programs are also availa-
ble for this purpose. Fig. 119 shows the re-
lay coordination diagram for the example
selected, as calculated by the Siemens
program CUSS (computer-aided protective

6/66 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
Power System Protection
Protection Coordination

Coordination of o/c relays with fuses

and low-voltage trip devices
The procedure is similar to the above de- 1
scribed grading of o/c relays. Usually a Time MV
time interval between 0.1 and 0.2 seconds
Inverse relay 51
is sufficient for a safe time coordination.
Very and extremely inverse characteristics
are often more suitable than normal in- 2
verse curves in this case. Fig. 120 shows Other Fuse
typical examples. consumers
Simple consumer-utility interrupts use a
power fuse on the primary side of the sup-
ply transformers (Fig. 120a).
In this case, the operating characteristic of n 3
the o/c relay at the infeed has to be coordi- a
LV bus
nated with the fuse curve.
Very inverse characteristics may be used 0.2 seconds
with expulsion-type fuses (fuse cutouts) Fuse
while extremly inverse versions adapt bet-
ter to current limiting fuses. a) 4
In any case, the final decision should be Maximum fault available at HV bus Current
made by plotting the curves in the log-log
coordination diagram.
Electronic trip devices of LV breakers have
long-delay, short-delay and instantaneous MV bus 5
Numerical o/c relays with one inverse time 50
o/c relay 51
and two definite-time zones can be closely
adapted (Fig. 120b). I1>, t1

Secondary I2>, t2 n
0.2 seconds LV bus 7


Maximum fault level at MV bus Current 8

Fig. 120: Coordination of an o/c relay with an MV fuse and a low-voltage breaker trip device


Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 6/67
Power System Protection
Protection Coordination

Grading of zone times

The first zone normally operates unde-
1 Operating
layed. For the grading of the time intervals
of the second and third zones, the same
Z3A rules as for o/c relays apply (see Fig. 116).
t3 For the quadrilateral characteristics (relays
Z2A Z2B 7SA511 and 7SA513) only the reactance
2 t2
values (X values) have to be considered
Z1A Z1B Z1C for the reach setting. The setting of the
R values should cover the line resistance
and possible arc or fault resistances. The
arc resistance can be roughly estimated
A B C D Load as follows:
3 Z1A = 0.85 • ZLA-B Load Load

Z2A = 0.85 • (ZLA-B+Z1B)

Z3A = 0.85 • (ZLA-B+Z2B) IArc x 2kV/m
RArc =
4 Fig. 121: Grading of distance zones
IArc = arc length in m
Iscc Min = minimum short-circuit current

X Fig. 123
X3A ■ Typical settings of the ratio R/X are:
– Short lines and cables (≤ 10 km):
X2A R/X = 2 to 10
B – Medium line lengths < 25 km: R/X = 2
6 – Longer lines 25 to 50 km: R/X = 1

Shortest feeder protectable by

distance relays
7 The shortest feeder that can be protected
by underreach distance zones without the
need for signaling links depends on the
shortest settable relay reactance.
XPrimary Minimum =
= XRelay Min x [Ohm]
9 Fig. 122: Operating characteristic of Siemens distance relays 7SA511 and 7SA513
XPrim.Min [Ohm]
Coordination of distance relays Where measured line or cable impedances Imin = [km]
are available, the reach setting may also be X’Line [Ohm/km]
The reach setting of distance times must
extended to 90%. The second and third
take into account the limited relay accuracy
zones have to keep a safety margin of
10 including transient overreach (5% accord-
about 15 to 20% to the corresponding
Fig. 124
ing to IEC 60255-6), the CT error (1% for
zones of the following lines. The shortest
class 5P and 3% for class 10P) and a secu-
following line has always to be considered The shortest setting of the numerical
rity margin of about 5%. Further, the line
(Fig. 121). Siemens relays is 0.05 ohms for 1 A
parameters are normally only calculated,
not measured. This is a further source of As a general rule, the second zone should relays, corresponding to 0.01 ohms for
errors. at least reach 20% over the next station to 5 A relays.
ensure back-up for busbar faults, and the This allows distance protection of distribu-
A setting of 80–85% is therefore common
third zone should cover the largest follow- tion cables down to the range of some
practice; 80% is used for mechanical relays
ing line as back-up for the line protection. 500 meters.
while 85% can be used for the more accu-
rate numerical relays.

6/68 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
Power System Protection
Protection Coordination

Breaker failure protection setting

Most digital relays of this guide provide the
BF protection as an integral function. The
initiation of the BF protection by the inter-
nal protection functions then takes place
via software logic. However, the BF protec-
tion function may also be initiated from
outside via binary inputs by an alternate 2
protection. In this case the operating time 50
of intermediate relays (BFI time) may have BF
to be considered. Finally, the tripping of A
the infeeding breakers needs auxiliary re- Breaker failure protection, P1 D
lays which add a small time delay (BFT) to logic circuit O 3
the overall fault clearing time. R
This is in particular the case with 1-and-
1/2-breaker or ring bus arrangements P1 : primary P2 : alternate
where a separate breaker failure relay protection protection
(7SV600 or 7SV512) is used per breaker
(see application example 10).
Fig. 125 4
The deciding criterion of BF protection
time coordination is the reset time of the
current detector (50BF) which must not be
exceeded under any condition of current
interruption. The reset times specified in Fault incidence BFI =
breaker failure
the Siemens digital relay manuals are valid Normal interrupting time initiation time 5
for the worst-case condition: interruption (intermediate
of a fully offset short-circuit current and Current relays, if any)
low current pick-up setting (0.1 to 0.2 detector
(50 BF) BFT =
times rated CT current). Protect. Breaker inter. reset time Margin breaker failure
The reset time is 1 cycle for EHV relays tripping time
(7SA513, 7SV512) and 1.5 to 2 cycles for time time (auxilary relays,
(1~) (2,5~)
distribution type relays (7SJ***). (1~) (2~) [2,5~] if any)
[2~] [2~]
Fig. 126 shows the time chart for a typical [4~]
breaker failure protection scheme. The
stated times in parentheses apply for
(5~) (2~)
transmission system protection and the 0,5~ [8~] 0,5~ [4~] 7
times in square brackets for distribution
system protection.
BFI BF timer (F) (62BF) BFT Adjacent
Total breaker failure interrupting time int. time

(9~) [15~]

Fig. 126


Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 6/69
Power System Protection
Protection Coordination

High-impedance differential Differential relay Stability with external faults

protection: Verification of design The differential relay must be a high- This check is made by assuming an exter-
1 impedance relay designed as sensitive nal fault with maximum through-fault
current relay (7VH80/83: 20 mA) with current and full saturation of the CT in the
The following design series resistor. If the series resistor is faulted feeder. The saturated CT ist then
data must be established: integrated in the relay, the setting values only effective with its secondary winding
may be directly calibrated in volts, as with resistance RCT, and the appearing relay volt-
2 CT data the relays 7VH80/83 (6 to 60 V or 24 to age VR corresponds to the voltage drop of
The CTs must all have the same ratio and 240 V). the infeeding currents (through-fault
should be of low leakage flux design ac- current) at RCT and RL. The current at the
cording to Class TPS of IEC 44-6 (Class X relay must under this condition safely stay
of BS 3938). The excitation characteristic For the relay to operate in case of an inter- below the relay pickup value.
and the secondary winding resistance are nal fault, the primary current must reach a In practice, the wiring resistances RL may
3 to be provided by the manufacturer. minimum value to supply the set relay not be equal. In this case, the worst
The knee-point voltage of the CT is required pickup current (IR-set), the varistor leakage condition with the highest relay voltage
to be designed at least for two times the current (Ivar) and the magnetizing currents (corresponding to the highest relay current)
relay pick-up voltage to assure dependable of all parallel-connected CTs (n·ImR). must be sought by considering all possible
operation with internal faults. Low relay voltage setting and CTs with low external feeder faults.
magnetizing demand therefore increase
4 the protection sensitivity.
The setting is always a trade-off between
1 2 3 n sensitivity and stability. A higher voltage
Voltage limitation by a varistor setting leads to enhanced through-fault
is required if: stability, but, also to higher CT magnetizing
and varistor leakage currents resulting con-
sequently in a higher primary pickup cur-
VRmax = 2 2VKN (VF –VKN) > 2kV
RL RL RL RL IFmax Through A higher voltage setting also requires a
with VF = (RCT + 2·RL + RR) higher knee-point voltage of the CTs and
therefore greater size of the CTs.
6 Fig. 129 A sensitivity of 10 to 20% IN is normal for
motor and transformer differential protec-
RR tion, or for restricted ground-fault protection.
With busbar protection a pickup value
87B Calculation example: ≥ 50 % IN is normally applied.
An increased pickup value can be achie-
7 Given: n = 8 feeders
ved by connecting a resistor in parallel to
Fig. 127 N = 600/1 A the relay.
VKN = 500 V
RCT = 4 Ohm
Sensitivity: ImR = 30 mA (at relay setpoint) Voltage limitation by a varistor is needed if
8 peak voltages near or above the insulation
IFmin = N·(IRset + Ivar + n·ImR) RL = 3 Ohm (max.) voltage (2 kV) are to be expected. A limita-
Stability: IRset = 20 mA tion to 1500 V rms is then recommended.
RR RR = 10 kOhm This can be checked for the maximum in-
IFThrough max < N· ·I ternal fault current by applying the formula
RL + RCT Rset IVar = 50 mA (at relay setpoint)
shown for VR-max.
N = CT ratio
9 Sensitivity: A restricted ground-fault protection may
IRset = Set relay pickup current normally not require a varistor, but, a bus-
IVar = Varistor spill current IFmin = N·(IRset + Ivar + n·ImR) bar protection in general does.
ImR = CT magnetizing current at The electrical varistor characteristic can be
IFmin = 600 ·(0.02 + 0.05 + 8·0.03) expressed as V=K·IB. K and B are the varis-
relay pickup voltage 1
tor constants.
10 V IFmin = 186 A (31% IN)

VKN Stability:
VKN =CT knee
point voltage RR Relay K B Varistor
IFmaxThrough < N· ·I
RL + RCT Rset setting type
VR =RR·IRset
VR VKN ≥ 2·VR IFmax Through < 600 · 10,000 ·0.02 V rms
1 3+4
≤125 450 0.25 600A/S1/S256
IFmax Through < 17 kA (28·IN)
ImR Im 125–240 900 0.25 600A/S1/S1088

Fig. 128 Fig. 130 Fig. 131

6/70 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
Local and Remote Control

Modern protection and substation control
uses microprocessor technology and serial Traditional protection and substation control
communication to upgrade substation op-
eration, to enhance reliability and to reduce
overall life cycle cost.
The traditional conglomeration of often to-
tally different devices such as relays, me- To network control center 2
ters, switchboards and RTUs is replaced by
a few multifunctional, intelligent devices
of uniform design. And, instead of exten-
sive parallel wiring (centralized solution,
Fig. 132), only a few serial links are used
(decentralized solution, Fig. 133). 3
Control of the substation takes place with
menu-guided procedures at a central VDU
workplace. Alarm annunciation
Remote terminal unit and local control

Marshalling rack 6
Approx. 20 to
40 cores per bay


Control Monitoring Protection 10

Mimic display Indication lamps e.g.
Pushbuttons Measuring instruments Overcurrent relays
Position indicators Transducers Ground-fault relays
Interposing relays Terminal blocks Reclosing relays
Local/remote switch Miniature circuit breakers Auxiliary relays

Fig. 132: Central structure of traditional protection and control

Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 6/71
Local and Remote Control

1 Coordinated protection and substation control system

Control center

Compact central PC
control unit *
including RTU functions


Profibus Substation LAN


Control Protection Combined protection
I/O unit relay and control relay

Low-voltage compartment
Shown with
10 open door
of the medium-voltage

* The compact central control unit can be located in a separate cubicle or

directly in the low-voltage compartment of the switchgear

Fig. 133: Decentralized structure of modern protection and control

6/72 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
Local and Remote Control

Substation control and The SICAM family offers of the following – Central process connection
protection system options: – PLC functions
For numerical substation control and pro- ■ SICAM SAS, the substation automation – Communication with Control Center 1
tection system applications, two different system with the following features: ■ SICAM PCC, the PC-based Substation
systems are available: – Principal function: Control System with the following fea-
■ SINAUT LSA substation automation tures:
■ SICAM – Decentralized and centralized process – Principal function: local substation su-
By virtue of their different functions and connection pervision and control 2
specific advantages, the two systems cov- – Local control and monitoring with ar- – Decentralized process connection
er different applications. This means that it chive function – LAN/WAN communication with
is possible to configure an optimum sys- – Communication with the System IEC 60870-6 TASE.2
tem for every application. Control Center – Flexible communication
SINAUT LSA is typically used primarily for ■ SICAM RTU, the telecontrol system with – Linkage to Office® products. 3
medium-voltage and high-voltage applica- central process connection and the fol-
tions in power supply utilities. lowing features:
The principal use for SICAM products is – Principal function: information commu-
currently in medium-voltage applications nication
for power suppliers and industry. 4
Other features in which they differ are Principal application aspects of SINAUT LSA and SICAM
summarized in Fig. 134.

SINAUT LSA substation control system SINAUT LSA SICAM

Central and
Since 1986, SINAUT LSA systems have decentral 5
proved themselves in practice in over 1500 connection SAS RTU PCC
substations. The SINAUT LSA substation
automation system was the first digital
system to have integrated all the following Telecontrol data concentrator +++ ++
functions in a single equipment family:
(connection of telecontrol remote
stations) 6
■ Telecontrol
■ Local Control Telecontrol communication via + + +++
■ Monitoring
■ Automation and Telecontrol communication using +++ +++ +++
■ Protection standard protocols IEC 870-5-101,
SINAUT LSA has significantly extended the
scope of performance and functionality of Supplementing of project-specific + ++ ++ +++
conventional secondary equipment. It is telecontrol protocols
design and operation-friendly to a very con-
siderable extent. Supply of existing telecontrol +++ + + +
SINAUT LSA is a system matched to re-
protocols 8
quirements – from the hardware to the PC IED link using IEC 870-5-103 +++ +++ ++
tools – and is tailored in optimum form to +++ +++
the function of numerical substation con- IED link using DNP3.0
trol and protection systems. Expansion of existing +++ ++(1) ++(1)
Fig. 134 shows the principal application SINAUT LSA substations 9
aspects of the SINAUT LSA substation
Expansion of existing SICAM +++ +++ +++
control and protection system in compari- substations
son with the SICAM systems.
Incorporation in SIMATIC + +++ +++ +
SICAM Substation Automation System
automation solutions 10
Linkage of PROFIBUS DP-IEDs +++ ++ ++
Units of the SICAM family have been in
service since 1996. The SICAM system is Addition of project-specific IED + + +++
based on SIMATIC*) and PC standard protocols
modules. SICAM possesses an open com-
munication system with standardized inter- Uncomplicated, low-cost design + ++ +++ +++
faces. Thus, SICAM is a flexible system
capable of uncomplicated further develop- (1)
Linkage as telecontrol remote station +++ Ideally suitable
ment. IED – Intelligent Electronic Device ++ Very suitable
+ Suitable
*)Siemens PLCs and Industrial Automation Systems.
For detailed information see: Catalog ST 70, Fig. 134: Table shows the principal application aspects of the SICAM and SINAUT LSA system families.
Siemens Components for Totally Integrated Automation.

Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 6/73
Local and Remote Control
SINAUT LSA – Overview

Technical proceedings
System Control Center Engineering
The first coordinated protection and sub-
1 station control system SINAUT LSA was
commissioned in 1986 and continuously
further developed over subsequent years.
It now features the following main charac-
teristics: Operator’s LSA
desk PROCESS Time signal
2 ■ Coordinated system structure
■ Optical communication network
(star configuration) VDU Modem
■ High processing power
(32-bit µP technology) Station Event Logger
level Modem
3 ■ Standardized serial interfaces and com-
munication protocols
■ Uniform design of all components
■ Complete range of protection and con- ”Master Unit“ (i. e. 6MB55)
trol functions
1… …n
4 ■ Comprehensive user-software support
Currently (1999) over 1500 systems are in
Bay Control Unit Bay Protection 7S
successful operation on all voltage levels Bay 6 MB 524 including
up to 400 kV. level interlocking
5 System structure
and scope of functions
The SINAUT LSA system performs super-
visory local control, switchgear interlock- Switchyard
ing, bay and station protection, synchro-
Serial Parallel
6 nizing, transformer tap-changer control,
switching sequence programs, event and
Fig. 135: Distributed structure of coordinated protection and control system SINAUT LSA
fault recording, telecontrol, etc.
It consists of the independent subsystems
(Fig. 135): Data sharing between protection and con- ing: local feeder control, overcurrent and
■ Supervisory control 6MB5** trol via the so-called informative interface overload protection, breaker-failure protec-
7 ■ Protection 7S*** according to IEC 60 870-5-103 is restricted tion and metering.
to noncritical measuring or event recording
Normally, switchgear interlocking is inte- functions. The protection units, for exam-
grated as a software program in the super- ple, deliver r.m.s. values of currents, volt- Supervisory control
visory control system. Local bay control is ages, power, instantaneous values for os- The substation is monitored and controlled
implemented in the bay-dedicated I/O con- cillographic fault recording and time-tagged from the operator‘s desk (Fig. 136). The
8 trol units 6MB524. operating events for fault reporting. VDU shows overview diagrams and com-
For complex substations with multiple bus- Besides the high data transmission securi- plete details of the switchgear including
bars, however, the interlocking function ty, the system also provides self-monitor- measurands on a color display. All event
can also be provided as an independent ing of individual components. and alarm annunciations are selectable in
backup system (System 8TK). The distributed structure also makes the the form of lists. The control procedure is
9 Communication and data exchange be- SINAUT LSA system attractive for refur- menu-guided and uses mouse and keyboard.
tween components is performed via serial bishment programs or extensions, where The operation is therefore extremely user-
data links. Optical-fiber connections are conventional secondary equipment has to friendly.
preferred to ensure EMI compatibility. be integrated.
The communication structure of the con- It is general practice to provide protection Automatic functions
trol system is designed as a hierarchical of HV and EHV substations as separate, Apart from the switchgear interlocking pro-
10 star configuration. It operates in the polling self-contained relays that can communi- vided, a series of automatic functions en-
procedure with a fixed assignment of the cate with the control system, but function sure effective and secure system operation.
master function to the central unit. The otherwise completely independently. Automatic switching sequences, such as
data transmission mode is asynchronous, At lower voltage levels, however, higher changing of busbars, can be user-pro-
half-duplex, protected with a hamming integrated solutions are accepted for cost grammed and started locally or remotely.
distance d = 4, and complies with the reasons. Furthermore, the synchronizing function
IEC Standard 60 870-5. For distribution-type substations combined has been integrated into the system soft-
Each subsystem can operate fully in stand- protection and control feeder units (e.g. ware and is available as an option.
alone mode even in the event of loss of 7SJ63) are available which integrate all
communication. necessary functions of one feeder, includ-

6/74 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
Local and Remote Control
SINAUT LSA – Overview

The synchronizing function runs on the rel-

evant 6MB524 bay control units. The per-
formance of these functions corresponds 1
to modern digital stand-alone units. The
advantages of the integrated solution,
however, are:
■ External auxiliary relay circuits for the
selection of measurands are no longer 2
■ Adaptive parameter setting becomes
possible from local or remote control
High processing power
The processing power of the central con-
trol unit has been enormously increased
by the introduction of the 32-bit µP tech-
nology. This permits, on the one hand, a
more compact design and provides, on the
other hand, sufficient processing reserve 4
for the future introduction of additional
functions. Fig. 136: Digital substation control, operator desk. Control of a 400 kV substation (double control unit)
Static memories
A decisive step in the direction of user
friendliness has been made with the imple-
mentation of large nonvolatile Flash EPROM
memories. The system parameters can be
loaded via a serial port at the front panel of
the central unit. Bay level parameters are
automatically downloaded. 6
Analog value processing
The further processing of raw measured
data, such as the calculation of maximum,
minimum or effective values, with as-
signed real time, is contained as standard 7
A Flash EPROM mass storage can option-
ally be provided to record measured values,
fault events or fault oscillograms.The stored
information can be read out locally or re-
motely by a telephone modem connection. 8
Further data evaluation (harmonic analysis,
etc.) is then possible by means of a special
PC program (LSA PROCESS).
Compact design Fig. 137: Switchgear-integrated control Fig. 138: View of a low-voltage compartment
and protection
A real reduction in space and cost has
been achieved by the creation of compact
I/O and central units. The processing hard- Switchgear interlocking The interlocking function ensures fail-safe
ware is enclosed in metallic cases with and local control switching and personal safety down to the
EMI-proof terminals and optical serial inter- lowest control level, i.e. directly at the
With the introduction of the bay control
faces. All units are type tested according switchpanel, even when supervisory con- 10
unit 6MB524, the switchgear interlocking
to the latest IEC standards. trol is not available.
and the local control function have been
In this way, the complete control and pro- The bay control unit 6MB524 uses code-
integrated completely into the SINAUT
tection equipment can be directly integrat- words to protect the switchgear from un-
LSA station control system. That means
ed into the MV or HV switchgear authorized operation. With these code-
that there is no technical need for an addi-
(Fig. 137, 138). words, the authorization for local switch-
tional switchgear interlocking like the 8TK
ing and unlocked local switching can be
system, because the SINAUT LSA system
reached. The bay-to-bay interlocking condi-
has the same reliability according to the
tions are checked in the SINAUT LSA cen-
testing of interlocking conditions. However,
tral unit. Each 6MB524 bay control unit has
the 8TK system is still available for the case
an optical fiber link to this central unit.
that an interlocking system with seperate
hardware and software is required.

Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 6/75
Local and Remote Control
SINAUT LSA – Overview

Numerical protection
A complete range of fully digital (numeri-
1 cal) relays is available (see chapter Power
System Protection 6/8 and following System Management
pages). control terminal
They all have a uniform design compatible center
with the control units (Fig. 139). This ap-
2 plies to the hardware as well as to the soft-
ware structure and the operating proce- Modem
dures. Metallic standard cases, IEC 60255-
tested, with EMI-secure terminals, ensure
an uncomplicated application comparable VF Modem
to mechanical relays. The LCD display and
3 setting keypad are integrated. Additionally
a RS232 port is provided on the front panel Remote control Telephone network
for the connection of a PC as an HMI.
The rear terminal block contains an optical-
fiber interface for the data communication VF Modem
with the SINAUT LSA control system.
4 The relays are normally linked directly to Substation
the relevant I/O control unit at the bay level
level. Connection to the central control
system unit is, however, also possible. ERTU
The numerical relays are multifunctional
5 and contain, for example, all the necessary
protection functions for a line feeder or Printer Operator
transformer. At higher voltage levels, addi- Marshalling rack terminal
tional, main or back-up relays are applied.
The new relay generation has extended
memory capacity for fault recording (5 sec- Bay level Interposing relays,
6 onds, 1 ms resolution) and nonvolatile transducers
memory for important fault information.
The serial link between protection and con-
trol uses standard protocols in accordance Existing
with IEC 60870-5-103. Extended switchyard
7 In this way, supplier compatibility and
interchangeability of protection devices is
achieved. Fig. 140: Enhanced remote terminal unit 6MB55, application options

Enhanced remote terminal units Communication with control centres

For substations with existing remote ter- The SINAUT LSA system uses protocols
minal units, an enhancement towards the that comply with IEC Standard 60 870-5. In
decentralized SINAUT LSA performance many cases an adaption to existing propri-
level is feasible. etary protocols is necessary, when the sys-
The telecontrol system 6MB55 replaces tem control center has been supplied by
9 outdated remote terminal units (Fig. 140). another manufacturer.
Conventional RTUs are connected to the For this purpose, an extensive protocol li-
switchgear via interposing relays and brary has been developed (approx. 100
measuring transducers with a marshalling protocol variants). Further protocols can be
rack as a common interface. provided on demand.
10 The centralized version SINAUT LSA can
be directly connected to this interface. The
totally parallel wiring can be left in its origi-
nal state.
In this manner, it is possible to enhance
the RTU function and to include substation
monitoring and control with the same
performance level as the decentralized
Fig. 139: Numerical protection, standard design
SINAUT LSA system.
Upgrading of existing substations can thus
be achieved with a minimum of cost and

6/76 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
Local and Remote Control
SINAUT LSA – Overview

Engineering system LSATOOLS

In parallel with the upgrading of the central 1
unit hardware, a novel parameterizing and
documentation system LSATOOLS has
been developed. It uses modern graphical
presentation management methods,
including pull-down menus and multiwin-
Parameterizing Documentation
dowing. 2
LSATOOLS enables the complete configu-
ration, parameterization and documentation
of the system to be carried out on a PC
Engineering system workstation. It ensures that a consistent
database for the project is maintained from
design to commissioning (Fig. 141). 3
Parameter data Documentation The system parameters, generated by
LSATOOLS, can be serially loaded into the
Flash EPROM memory of the central control
unit and will then be automatically down-
Fig. 141: Engineering system LSATOOLS loaded to the bay level devices 4
(Fig. 142).
Care has been taken to ensure that chang-
es and expansions are possible without
LSATOOLS requiring a complete retest of the system.
Network control center Because of the object-oriented structure of
parameterization station
LSATOOLS, it is easily possible for the sys- 5
Documentation tem engineer to add new bays with all
necessary information.

Master unit

Loading of
parameters 7

Downloading of parameters
during startup 8
PC inputs

Fig. 142: PC-aided parameterization of SINAUT LSA with LSATOOLS and downloading of parameters

Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 6/77
Local and Remote Control
SINAUT LSA – Distributed Structure

In the SINAUT LSA substation control sys-

tem the functions can be distributed be-
1 tween station and bay control levels.
The input/output devices have the Higher-level Station control center Central evaluation
following tasks on the bay control level: control system station (PC)
■ Signal acquisition
■ Acquisition of measured values and Telecontrol channel Telephone channel
2 metering data
■ Monitoring the execution of control
commands, e.g. for
– Control of switchgear
– Transformer tap changing Normal time

3 – Setting of Peterson coils

Data processing, such as Central control unit 6MB51
– Limit monitoring of measured values,
including initiation of responses to Station
limit violations level
1 n
– Calculation of derived operational
4 measured values (e.g. P, Q, cos ϕ )
and/or operational parameters (for ex- Busbar and
ample r.m.s. values, slave pointer) breaker failure
from the logged instantaneous values protection 7SS5
for current and voltage
5 – Deciding how much information to
transmit to the control master unit in
each polling cycle
– Generation of group signals and deriv-
ing of signals internally, e.g. from
6 ■ Switchgear-related automation tasks
Bay Bay control unit Protection relays
level 6MB524 7S/7U
– Switching sequences in response to
switching commands or to process
– Synchronization
7 ■ Local control and operation
(only bay control unit 6MB524): Substation
– Display of actual bay status (single
line diagram) Serial interface Parallel interface
– Local control of circuit-breaker and
8 disconnectors
Fig. 143: SINAUT LSA protection and substation control system system
– Display of measurement values and
event recording
■ Transmission of data from numerical pro- functions of the numerical protection re-
stations together with overcurrent/overload
tection relays to the control master unit relays 7SJ60 and digital measuring trans- lays can be used. These can also provide
9 ■ Local display of status and measured ducers 7KG60. (see application example, local indication of measuring values.
values. Fig. 165). The local bay control is intended to be per-
All further bay control devices contain an formed by the existing, switchgear-integrated
Input/output devices optic serial interface for connection to the mechanical control.
A complete range of devices is available to central control unit, and an RS232 serial
interface on the front side for connection Compact devices 6MB522/523
10 meet the particular demands concerning
of an operating PC. Further, integral dis- They provide a higher number of signal
process signal capacity and functionality
(see Fig. 149). All units are built up in mod- plays for measuring values and LEDs for inputs and outputs, and contain additional
ern 7XP20 housings and can be directly status indication are provided. measuring functions. One measuring value
installed in the low-voltage compartments or other preprocessed information can be
Minicompact device 6MB525 displayed on the 2-row, 16-character alpha-
of the switchgear or in separate cubicles.
The smallest device 6MB525 is designed It contains signal inputs and command out- numeric display.
as a low-cost version and contains only puts for substation control. Analog measur- If local control is required, the bay control
control functions. It is provided with an ing inputs, where needed, have to be pro- unit 6MB524 is the right choice.
RS485-wired serial interface and is normal- vided by additional measuring transducers,
ly used for simple distribution-type sub- type 7KG60. Alternatively, the measuring

6/78 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
Local and Remote Control
SINAUT LSA – Distributed Structure

Bay control unit 6MB524

This bay control device can be delivered in
five versions, depending on the peripheral
It provides all control and measuring func-
tions needed for switchgear bays up to the
EHV level.
Switching status, measuring values and 2
alarms are indicated on a large graphic dis-
play. Measuring instruments can therefore
be widely dispensed with.
Bay control is, in this case, performed by
the integrated keypad. The synchronizing
function is included in the software. 3
Combined protection
and control device 7SJ531
This fully integrated device provides all pro-
tection, control and measuring functions
Fig. 144: Minicompact Fig. 145: Compact I/O device Fig. 146: Combined protection and control device 4
for simple line/cable, motor or transformer
I/O device 6MB525 6MD62 7SJ63
feeders. Protection includes overcurrent,
overload and ground-fault protection, as
well as breaker-failure protection, auto-
reclosure and motor supervision functions
(see page 6/27). 5
Only one unit is needed per feeder. Space,
assembly and wiring costs can therefore
be considerably reduced.
Measured value display and local bay con-
trol is performed in the same way as with
the bay control unit 6MB524 with a large 6
display and a keypad.

Combined protection and control devices

7SJ61, 7SJ62, 7SJ63 and bay control unit
6MD63 (SIPROTEC 4 series)
These new SIPROTEC 4 devices have been
available since December 1998. With a
large graphical display and ergonomically
designed keypad, they offer new possibili-
ties for bay control and protection. Via the Fig. 147: Compact I/O unit with Fig. 148: Combined protection and
IEC 60870-5-103 interface, connection to local (bay) control 6MB5240-0 control device 7SJ531 8
the substation control system SINAUT LSA
is handled. The protection devices include
overcurrent, over/undervoltage and motor
protection functions (see page 6/27).
The smaller 7SJ61 and 7SJ62 devices are 9
delivered with an alphanumerical display
with 4 lines of text for displaying of meas-
urement values, alarms, metering values
and status of switching devices.
The 7SJ63 and 6MD63 units include a
large illuminated graphic display for a clearly 10
visible single-line diagram of the switchgear,
alarm lists, measured and metered values
as well as status messages. With the inte-
grated key switches, the user authorization
is regulated.
For complete description of the new
SIPROTEC 4 devices, refer to the protection
chapter (page 6/8).

Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 6/79
Local and Remote Control
SINAUT LSA – Distributed Structure

Design Type Commands Signal inputs Analog inputs Components

1 Double Single Double Single Direct Connection to
connection measure
to transformer transducer

Minicompact1) 6MB525 2 – 6 – – – Double commands and alarms

2 configurable also as ”single“

Compact1) 6MB523 1 – 3 5 1xI – For simple switchgear cubicles

6MB522-0 3 1 3 5 2 x U, 1 x I 2 with one switching device
6MB522-1 6 2 6 10 3 x U, 3 x I –
6MB522-2 6 2 6 10 4 x U, 2 x I 2 with P, Q calculation
Compact with 6MB5240-0 4 1 8 – 2 x U, 1 x I 1 High-end bay control for
local (bay) control -1 6 1 12 – 3 x U, 3 x I 2 HV and EHV
and large display -2 8 2 16 – 3 x U, 3 x I 2 Double commands and alarms
also usable as ”single“
4 -3 20 5 40 – 9 x U, 6 x I 5
-4 12 3 24 – 6 x U, 3 x I 2
Combined control 7SJ531 1 – – – 3 x U, 3 x I Double commands and alarms
and protection also usable as ”single“
device with
5 local (bay) control
Compact with local 6MD631 4 – 5 1 4 x I, 3 x U – Bay control units in new
bay control 6MD632 5 + 43) 1 12 – 4 x I, 3 x U – design, optimized for medium-
(SIPROTEC 4 design voltage switchgear with
with large graphic 6MD633 5 + 43) 1 10 – 4 x I, 3 x U 2 11/2-pole control
6 display) 2) (max. 7 switching devices).
2-pole control also possible
6MD634 3 + 43) – 10 – – – (max. 4 switching devices).
6MD635 7 + 83) – 18 1 4 x I, 3 x U –
Double commands and alarms
7 + 83) also usable as ”single“
7 6MD636 – 16 1 4 x I, 3 x U 2

6MD637 4 + 83) 1 16 1 – –

Combined control 7SJ610 – 4 – 3 4xI – Combined control and protec-

8 and protection 7SJ612 – 6 – 11 4xI – tion devices. 7SJ61 and 7SJ62
device with local 7SJ621 – 8 – 7 4 x I, 3 x U – with 4 line text display, 7SJ63
bay control with graphic display. Optimized
7SJ622 – 7 – 11 4 x I, 3 x U – for 11/2-pole control
(SIPROTEC 4 7SJ631 4 – 5 1 4 x I, 3 x U –
design with large (max. 7 switching devices).
graphic display) 2) 7SJ632 5 + 43) 1 12 – 4 x I, 3 x U – 2-pole switching is also poss-
9 ible (max. 4 switching devices).
7SJ633 5 + 43) 1 10 – 4 x I, 3 x U 2
Double commands and alarms
7SJ635 7 + 83) – 18 1 4 x I, 3 x U – also usable as ”single“

7SJ636 7 + 83) – 16 1 4 x I, 3 x U 2
1) Local (bay) control has to be provided separately if desired. In distribution-
type substations, mechanical local control of the switchgear may be sufficient.
2) Control of switching devices: 11/ -pole; 2-pole control possible
3) Second figure is number of heavy duty relays

Fig. 149: Standardized input/output devices with serial interfaces

6/80 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
Local and Remote Control
SINAUT LSA – Distributed Structure

The 6MB51 control master unit System monitoring primarily involves eval-
This unit lies at the heart of the 6MB sub- uating the self-monitoring results of the
station control system and, with its 32-bit devices and serial interfaces which are 1
80486 processor, satisfies the most de- coordinated by the control master unit.
manding requirements. In particular, in important EHV substations,
It is a compact unit inside the standard some users require redundancy of the con-
housing used in Siemens substation sec- trol master unit. In these cases, two con-
trol master units are connected to each
ondary equipment.
other via a serial interface. System moni-
The 6MB51 control master unit manages
the input/output devices, controls the inter- toring then consists of mutual error recog-
action between the control centers in the nition and, if necessary, automatic transfer
substation and the higher control levels, of control of the process to the redundant
processes information for the entire station control master unit.
and archives data in accordance with the 3
parameterized requirements of the user. The SINAUT LSA station control center
Specifically, the control master unit coordi-
nates communication The standard equipment of the station con-
trol center includes
■ to the higher network control levels
■ The PC with color monitor and LSAVIEW
■ to the substation control center
software package for displaying Fig. 150: Compact control master unit 6MB513 for a
■ to an analysis center located either in maximum of 32 serial interfaces to bay control units.
the station or connected remotely via – Station overview
Extended version 6MB514 for 64 serial interfaces to
a telephone line using a modem – Detailed pictures bay control units (double width) additionally available
■ to the input/output devices and/or the – Event and alarm lists
numerical protection units (bay control – Alarm information
■ A printer for the output reports
■ to lower-level stations. The operator can access the required infor-
This is for the purpose of controlling and mation or initiate the desired operation
monitoring activities at the substation and quickly and safely with just a few keystrokes.
network control levels as well as providing
data for use by engineers. 6
Other tasks of the control master unit are
■ Event logging with a time resolution of
1 or 10 ms
■ Archiving of events, variations in meas-
ured values and fault records on mass-
storage units
■ Time synchronization using radio clock
(GPS, DCF77 or Rugby) or using a signal
from a higher-level control station
■ Automation tasks affecting more than 8
one bay:
– Parallel control of transformers
– Synchronizing
(measured value selection)
– Switching sequences 9
– Busbar voltage simulation
– Switchgear interlocking
■ Parameter management to meet the
relevant requirements specification
■ Self-monitoring and system monitoring. 10

Fig. 151: SINAUT LSA PC station control center with function keyboard

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Local and Remote Control
SINAUT LSA – Local Control Functions

Local control functions Control master unit Switchyard overview diagram

The process data acquired in the input/out- A switchyard single-line diagram can be
1 put unit are scanned cyclically by the con- configured to show an overview of the
Tasks of local control trol master unit. The control master unit substation. This diagram is used to give
The Siemens SINAUT LSA station control performs further information processing the operator a quick overview of the entire
system performs at first all tasks for con- of all data called from the feeders for sta- switchyard status and shows, for example,
ventional local control: tion tasks ”local control and telecontrol“ which feeders are connected or discon-
2 ■ Local control of and checkback indica-
with the associated event logging and fault nected. Current and other analog values
recording and therefore replaces the com- can also be displayed.
tions from the switching devices
plicated conventional marshalling distribu- Information about raised or cleared opera-
■ Acquisition, display and registration of tor racks. Marshalling is implemented un- tional and alarm indications is also dis-
analog values der microprocessor control in the control played along the top edge of the screen.
■ Acquisition, display and registration of master unit. It is not possible to perform control actions
3 alarms and fault indications in real time from the switchyard overview. If the opera-
■ Measurement data acquisition and pro- tor wants to switch a device, he has to
cessing Serial protection interface select a detailed diagram, say ”110 kV
■ Fault recording All protection indications and fault record- detailed diagram“. If the appropriate func-
■ Transformer open-loop and closed-loop ing data acquired for fault analysis in pro- tion key is pressed, the 110 kV detailed
tection relays are called by the control diagram (Fig. 153) appears. This display
4 control
master unit via the serial interface. shows the switching state of all switching
■ Synchronizing/paralleling
These include instantaneous values for devices of the feeders.
Unlike the previous conventional technolo- fault current and voltage of all phases and
gy with completely centralized processing ground, sampled with a resolution of 1 ms,
of these tasks and complicated parallel Function field control
as well as distance-to-fault location.
wiring and marshalling of process data, the
5 new microprocessor-controlled technology
In the menu of the function fields, it is pos-
sible, for example, to select between con-
benefits from the distribution of tasks to Serial data exchange trol switching devices and tap changing.
the central control master unit and the dis- The serial data exchange between the bay The control diagram shows details of sta-
tributed input/output units, and from the components and the control master unit tion components and allows control and
serial data exchange in telegrams between has important economic advantages. This defining of display properties or functions
6 these units. is especially true when one considers the (e.g. change in color/flashing). Further-
preparation and forwarding of the informa- more, the popup diagram window can be
Tasks of the input/output unit tion via serial data link to the control center opened from here, where switching opera-
communication module which is a compo- tions with control elements are performed.
The input/output unit performs the follow- nent of the control master unit. This mod- The configured switching operation works
ing bay-related tasks: ule is a single, system-compatible micro-
7 ■ Fast distributed acquisition of process processor module on which both the
as follows:
■ Selecting the switch: A click with the
data such as indications, analog values telecontrol tasks and telegram adaptation
to telegram structures of existing remote left mouse button on the switch symbol
and switching device positions and their
transmission systems are implemented. opens the popup window for command
preprocessing and buffering
This makes the station control independent output
■ Command output and monitoring
■ Output of the command. On clicking the
8 ■ Assignment of the time for each event of the telecontrol technology and the asso-
operate button in the popup window the
(time tag) ciated telegram structure used in the net-
work control center at a higher level of the command is output
■ Isolation from the switchyard via heavy-
hierarchy. The color of the switch symbol depends
duty relay contacts
on the state. If the command is found to
■ Run-time monitoring be safe after a check has been made for
9 ■ Limit value supervision Station control center
violations of interlock conditions, the
■ Paralleling/synchronizing The peripheral devices for operating and switching device in question is operated.
■ Local control and monitoring visualization (station control center) are In the case where a mouse is available,
Analog values can be input to the bay con- also connected to the control master unit. the appropriate device is selected by the
trol unit both via analog value transducers The following devices are part of the sta- usual mouse operation.
tion control center:
10 and by direct connection to CTs and VTs. Once the switching command has been
The required r.m.s. values for current and ■ A color VDU with a function keyboard executed and a checkback signal has been
voltage are digitized and calculated as well or mouse for display, control, event and received, the blinking symbol changes to
as active and reactive power. The advan- alarm indication, the new actual state on the VDU.
tage is that separate measuring cores and ■ A printer for on-line logging (event list), In this way, switching operations can be
analog value transducers for operational ■ Mass storage. performed very simply and absolutely with-
measurement are eliminated. out error. If commands violate the interlock
conditions or if the switch position is not
adopted by a switching device, for exam-
ple, because of a drive fault, the relevant
fault indications or notes are displayed on
the screen.

6/82 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
Local and Remote Control
SINAUT LSA – Local Control Functions

Event list
All events are logged in chronological or-
der. The event list can be displayed on the 1
VDU whenever called or printed out on
a printer or stored on a mass-storage me-
dium. Fig. 153 shows a section of this
event list as it appears on the VDU.
The event list can also be incorporated in 2
the detailed displays. The bay-related
events can therefore also be shown in the
detailed displays.

Example event list (Fig. 154) 3

The date can be seen in the left-hand area
and the events are shown in order of prior-
ity. Switching commands and fault indi-
cations are displayed with a precision of up
to 1 ms and events with high priority and
protection indications after a fault-detec- Fig. 152a: Compact I/O unit with local (bay) control, extended version 6MB5240-3
tion are shown with millisecond resolution.
A command that is accepted by the control This system with representation in the tion leads the user to the display of meas-
system is also displayed. This can be seen alarm list therefore supersedes danger urands, metering values, alarm lists and
by the index ”+“ of the command (OP), alarm equipment with two-frequency blink- status messages. The keypad design with
otherwise ”OP–“ would appear. ing lamps traditionally used with conven- 6 colors supports the operator for quick 5
If the switchgear device itself does not tional equipment. and secure operation. User authorization is
execute the command, ”FB–“ (checkback As stated above, all events can also be handled via password, for example un-
negative) indicates this. ”FB+“ results continuously logged in chronological order locked switching.
after successful command execution. The on the associated printer, too. The appear- The new SIPROTEC4 devices also allow
texts chosen are suggestions and can be ance of this event list is identical to that on local bay control. At the 7SJ63 and 6MD63
parameterized differently. the VDU. The alarm list can also be incor- devices, a large graphic display and an er- 6
The event list shows that a protection porated in the detailed displays. The bay- gonomic keypad assist the operator in con-
fault-detection (general start GS) has oc- related alarms can therefore also be trol of the switching devices and read out
curred with all the associated details. The shown in the detailed displays. messages, measurements and metering
real time is shown in the left-hand column values. In the 7SJ61 and 7SJ62 protection
and the relative time with millisecond pre- units, the user interface consists of a 4-line
cision in the right-hand column, permitting
Mass storage
text display. These smaller units also make
clear and fast fault analysis. The fault loca- It is also possible to store historic fault it possible to control the feeder circuit-
tion, 17 km in this case, is also displayed. data, i.e. fault recording data and events on breaker.
The lower section of the event list shows mass-storage medium. All SIPROTEC4 devices are parameterized
examples of raised (RAI) and cleared (CLE) It can accept data from the control master with the operating program DIGSI4.
alarm indications, such as ”voltage trans- units and stores it on Flash EPROMs. This 8
former miniature-circuit-breaker tripped“. static memory is completely maintenance-
This fault has been remedied as can be free when compared to floppy or hard disc
seen from the corresponding cleared indi- systems. 8Mbyte of recorded data can be
cation. The letter S in the top line, called stored. The locally or remotely readable
the indication bar, indicates that a fault indi- memory permits evaluation of the data us-
cation has been received that is stored in ing a PC. This personal computer can be 9
a separate ”warning list“. set up separately from the control equip-
ment, e.g. in an office. Communication
then takes place via a telephone-modem
Example alarm list (Fig. 155) connection.
When the alarm list is selected, it is dis- In addition to fault recording data, opera-
played on the VDU. In this danger alarm tional data, such as load-monitoring values 10
concept a distinction is made between (current, voltage, power, etc.) and events
cleared and raised and between acknowl- can be stored.
edged and unacknowledged indications.
Raised indications are shown in red, Local bay control (Fig.152a, Fig. 152b)
cleared indications are green (similar to
the fast/slow blinking lamp principle). With the 6MB524 bay control units, local
The letter Q is placed in front of an indica- control and monitoring directly in the bay is
tion that has not yet been acknowledged. possible. The large graphic display can
Indications that are raised and cleared and show customer-specific single-line dia-
acknowledged are displayed in white in grams. A convenient menu-guided opera- Fig. 152b: 6MD63 bay control unit
the list.

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Local and Remote Control
SINAUT LSA – Local Control Functions

Fig. 153: SINAUT LSA substation control, example: overview picture Fig. 154: SINAUT LSA substation control, example: event list

Fig. 155: SINAUT LSA substation control, example: alarm list Fig. 156: 6MB substation control system, example: fault recording

Example fault recording (Fig. 156) 12 ms after the general start, the circuit The important point is that this fault re-
breaker was tripped (OFF) and after further cording is possible in all feeders that are
After a fault, the millisecond-precision val- 80 ms, the fault was cleared. equipped with the microprocessor-control-
ues for the phase currents and voltages After approx. 120 ms the protection reset. led protection having a serial interface
10 and the ground current and ground voltage Voltage recovery after disconnection was according to IEC 60870-5-103.
are buffered in the feeder protection. recorded up to 600 ms after the general
These values are called from the numerical start.
feeder protection by the control master
unit and can be output as curves with the This format permits quick and clear analy-
program LSAPROCESS (Fig. 156). sis of a fault. The correct operation of the
The time marking 0 indicates the time of protection and the circuit breaker can be
fault detection, i.e. the relay general start seen in the fault recording (Fig. 156).
(GS). Approx. 5 ms before the general The high-voltage feeder protection present-
start, a three-phase fault to ground oc- ly includes a time range of at least 5 sec-
curred, which can be seen by the rise in onds for the fault recording.
phase currents and the ground current.

6/84 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
Local and Remote Control
SINAUT LSA – Application Examples

Application examples
The flexible use of the components of the
Coordinated Protection and Substation
Control System SINAUT LSA is demon- Bay 1 2 n Bus coupler
strated in the following for some typical
application examples.
Application in high-voltage substations
with relay kiosks
Fig. 157 shows the arrangement of the
local components. Each two bays (line or 3
transformer) are assigned to one kiosk.
Each bay has at least one input/output unit
for control (bay control unit) and one pro-
tection unit. In extra-high voltage, the pro-
tection is normally doubled (main and back-
up protection). 4
Local control is performed at the bay units
(6MB524) using the integrated graphic dis- FPR FPR FPR FPR
play and keypad. BCU BCU BCU BCU
Switchgear interlocking is included in the
bay control units and in the central control
kiosks 5
The protection relays are serially connect-
ed to the bay control unit by optical-fiber
links. To the network
Control control center
CCU with
CCC and MS Modem
To the operations
and maintenance
Parallel 7

CCU Central control unit VDU Visual display unit
CCC Control center coupling FPR Feeder protection relays
MS Mass storage BCU Bay control unit 9

Fig. 157: Application example of outdoor HV or EHV substations with relay kiosks


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Local and Remote Control
SINAUT LSA – Application Examples

In extremely important substations, mainly

extra-high voltage, there exists a doubling
1 philosophy. In these substations, the feed-
er protection, the DC supply, the operating
coils and the telecontrol interface are dou- Network control center
bled. In such cases, the station control sys-
tem with its serial connections, and the Printer Printer
master unit with the control center cou-
2 pling can also be doubled.
Both master units are brought up-to-date
in signal direction. The operation manage-
ment can be switched over between the
two master units (Fig. 158).

4 Control system Control Control Control system

master unit 1 center center master unit 2
with mass coupling Switchover and coupling with mass
storage 1 monitoring* storage 2

5 Local
control •••••••••••• ••••••••••••

control level

Protec- Bay Bay Protec-

tion relay Control •••••••••••• Control tion relay
unit unit

Feeder 1 Switchgear Feeder n

9 Parallel Serial
*only principle shown

Fig. 158: System concept with double central control


6/86 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
Local and Remote Control
SINAUT LSA – Application Examples

Application in indoor high-voltage

substations Control room Switchgear room
The following example (Fig. 159) shows an
indoor high-voltage substation. All decen- VDU
tralized control system components, such Switchgear Bus
bay 1 bay 2 … coupler
as bay control unit and feeder protection
are also grouped per bay and installed To the office Modem
close to the switchgear. They are connect- 2
ed to the central control unit in the same
way as described in the outdoor version
via fiber-optic cables.


Application in medium-voltage
and FPR
substations pro-
The same basic arrangement is also appli- tection BCU
cable to medium-voltage (distribution-type) BCU BCU cubicles CCU
substations (Fig. 160 and 161). To the net-
The feeder protection and the compact in- work control
put/output units are, however, preferably center 4
installed in the low-voltage compartment Parallel Serial
of the feeders (Fig. 160) to save costs.
There is now a trend to apply combined
control and protection units. The relay
7SJ63, for example, provides protection 5
and measurement, and has integrated CCU Central control unit with control FPR Feeder protection relays
graphic display and keypad for bay control. center coupling and mass storage BCU Bay control unit
Thus, only one device is needed per cable, VDU Monitor
motor or O H line feeder.
Fig. 159: Typical example of indoor substations with switchgear interlocking system 6

Protection and substation control SINAUT LSA with input/output units and numerical
protection installed in low-voltage compartments of the switchgear
VDU with keyboard Printer Network control Operation place

1 2 3 4 5 1 Feeder protection unit

(e.g. 7UT51 transformer protection) 9
2 Feeder I/O contol unit (e.g. 6MB524)
3 Combined control and
protection feeder unit 7SJ53
Central control
unit with optical- 4 Miniature I/O unit 6MB525 10
fiber link 5 Feeder protection
(e.g. 7SD5 line differential protection)

Fig. 160: Protection and substation control system SINAUT LSA for a distribution-type substation

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Local and Remote Control
SINAUT LSA – Application Examples

Fig. 162 shows an example for the most

simple wiring of the feeder units. Control room Switchgear room
1 The voltages between the bay control unit
and the protection can be paralleled at the
bay control unit because the plug-in mod- VDU Bus
Switchgear coupler
ules have a double connection facility.
The current is connected in series be- To the office Modem
tween the devices. The current input at
2 the bay control unit is dimensioned for
100xIN, 1 s (protection dimensioning). BCUFPR BCU FPR CCU BCUFPR
The plug-in modules have a short-circuiting
facility to avoid opening of CT circuits.
The accuracy of the operational measure-
3 ments depends on the protection charac-
teristics. Normally, it is approx. 2% of IN.
If more exact values are required, a sepa-
rate measuring core must be provided.
The serial interface of the protection is
connected to the bay control unit.
4 The protection data is transferred to the
control central unit via the connection be- Parallel To the network control center
tween the bay control unit and the central
unit. Thus, only one serial connection to the
central unit is required per feeder.
5 Key:
CCU Central control unit FPR Feeder protection For o/c feeder or
with mass storage and relay motor protection also
control center coupling available as one com-
BCU Bay Control Unit bined unit (e.g. 7SJ63)
VDU Monitor
Fig. 161: Application example of medium-voltage switchgear

7 Bay Control Unit 1) Numerical 1)

Plug-in module 6MB52 Protection

Switching status

close close
CB ON/OFF 2) or 2) or 2)
open trip

9 Protection Short-circuiting
core I facility


1) For o/c feeder protection or motor protection Serial data connection

also available as combined control
and protection unit 7SJ63
2) Only one circuit shown

Fig. 162: Principle wiring diagram of the medium-voltage feeder components

6/88 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
Local and Remote Control
SINAUT LSA – Application Examples

System configuration They can also be used for load monitor-

ing and indication (accuracy about 2% of Incoming transformer bays
The system arrangement depends on the
type of substation, the number of feeders
rated value). In this way, the number of 1
analog inputs of the bay control units
and the required control and protection
can be reduced. This is often practised OF To the central
functions. The basic equipment can be
in distribution-type substations. control unit
chosen according to the following criteria: OF
The device selection is discussed in the
Central control master unit following example. OF
has to be chosen according to the
number of bay control units to be serially
Substation control configuration
■ 6MB513 for a maximum of 32 serial Fig. 163 shows the arrangement of a
interfaces typical distribution-type substation with
■ 6MB514 for a maximum of 64 serial
two incoming transformers, 10 outgoing 3
feeders and a bus tie. 6MB5240-2 7SJ61 7UT512
At the most 9 more serial interfaces are The required inputs and outputs at bay HV
available for connection of data channels to level are listed in Fig. 164 for the incoming
load dispatch centers, local substation con- transformer feeders and in Fig. 165 for the M
trol PCs, printers, etc. outgoing line feeders, the bus tie and the 4
VT bay. M
Substation control center Each bay control unit is connected to the
central control unit via fiber-optic cables 50/
It normally consists of a PC with keyboard 51
and a mouse, color monitor, LSAVIEW soft- (graded index fibers). V
ware and a printer for the output of reports. The o/c relays 7SJ60, the minicompact 87T
For exact time synchronization of 1 milli- I/O units 6MB5250 and the measuring
RTD's 63 5
second accuracy, a GPS or DCF77 receiver transducers 7KG60 each have RS 485
with antenna may be used. communication interfaces and are connect-
ed to a bus of a twisted pair of wires. M
Bay control units An RS485 converter to fiber-optic is there- M MV
Normally, a separate bay control unit is as- fore additionally provided to adapt the seri-
signed to every substation bay. The type al wire link to the fiber-optic inputs of the
has to be selected according to the follow- central unit. Data acqusition
ing requirements: Recommendations for the selection of
■ Number of command outputs: the protection relays are given in the sec- 1 x DSI Isolator HV side
that means the sum of circuit breakers, tion System Protection (6/8 and following
1 x DSI Circuit-breaker HV side
isolators and other equipment to be cen- pages). 7
The selection of the combined control/pro- 1 x DSI Isolator MV side
trally or remotely controlled. The stated
double commands are normally provided tection units 7SJ531 or 7SJ63 is recom- 1 x DSI Circuit-breaker MV side
for double-pole (”+“ and ”–“) control of mended when local control at bay level is
8 x DSI Transformer
trip or closing coils. to be provided by the bay control unit. The
tap-changer positions
low-cost solution 7SJ60 + 6MB5250
Each double-pole command can be sep-
should be selected where switchgear inte- 1 x SSI Alarm Buchholz 1 8
arated into two single-pole commands
where stated (Fig. 149, page 6/80). grated mechanical local control is acceptable. 1 x SSI Alarm Buchholz 2
■ Number of digital signal inputs: 3 x V, 3 x J, 8 xϑ Measuring values
as the sum of alarms, breaker and iso- Typical distribution-type substation
lator positions, tap changer positions, Control
binary coded meter values, etc, to be 9
acquired, processed or monitored. 2 x DCO Isolator HV side
Position monitoring requires double 2 x DCO Circuit-breaker HV side
signal inputs while single inputs are 2 x DCO Isolator MV side
sufficient for normal alarms. 115 kV 115 kV
2 x DCO Circuit-breaker MV side
■ Number of analog inputs:
2 x SCO Tap changer, higher, lower
depends on the number of voltages, 13.8 kV 13.8 kV
currents and other analog values 1 x SCO Emergency trip
(e.g. temperatures) to be monitored.
Currents (rated 1 A or 5 A ) or voltages SSI Single signal input
(normally rated 100 to 110 V) can be DSI Double signal input
directly connected to the bay control
DCO Double command
units. No transducers are required.
Numerical protection relays also acquire SCO Single command
and process currents and voltages. 5 feeders 5 feeders
Fig. 163: Typical distribution-type substation Fig. 164: Typical I/O signal requirements for a trans-
former bay

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Local and Remote Control
SINAUT LSA – Application Examples

To load dispatch
2 unit

To transformer 6MB513
OF VDU Printer Mass
(option) storage

4 RS485/O F


6 7KG60 6MB 7SJ60 6MB 7SJ60 6MB 7SJ60 7SJ531 7SJ531

5250 5250 5250 or 7SJ63 or 7SJ63

7 51


51 51 51 51

9 Voltage transformer-bay Per feeder Bus tie Per feeder

1 x DSI Isolator 1 x DSI Isolator

1 x DSI Grounding switch 1 x DSI Grounding switch
1 x DSI Circuit-breaker 1 x DSI Circuit-breaker 1 x DSI Circuit-breaker
5 x SSI 5 alarms 9 x SSI 9 alarms 5 x SSI 5 alarms

Load currents are taken from the protection relays Measuring values
1 x 7KG60 (3 x V, 3 x I) from protection

2 x DCO Circuit-breaker 2 x DCO Circuit-breaker 2 x DCO Circuit-breaker

Fig. 165: Typical I/O signal requirements for feeders of a distribution-type substation

6/90 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
Local and Remote Control
SINAUT LSA – Centralized (RTU) Structure

Enhanced remote
terminal units 6MB551 System Station control center (option) Central evaluation 1
control center station (PC)
The 6MB55 telecontrol system is based on
the same hardware and software modules
Remote control Telephone channel
as the 6MB51 substation control system. channel
The functions of the inupt/output devices 2
have been taken away from the bays and Radio time
relocated to the central unit at station con- (option)
trol level. The result is the 6MB551 en-
hanced remote terminal unit (ERTU). Enhanced terminal unit 6MB551
Special plug-in modules for control and
acquisition of process signals are used 3
instead of the bay dedicated input/output 1 … … n
devices: Marshalling rack
■ Digital input (32 DI) Station protection
Transducers and 7SS5
■ Analog input (32 AI grouped, interposing relays
16 AI isolated) 4
■ Command output (32 CO) and
(option) (option)
■ Command enabling
These modules communicate with the
central modules in the same frame via the
internal standard LSA bus. The bus can be 5
extended to further frames by parallel in- Protection relay Bay Control Unit
terfaces. 7S/7U 6MB52*
The 6MB551 station control unit therefore
has the basic structure of a remote termi-
nal unit but offers all the functions of the
6MB51 substation control system such as:
Substation Extension to substation
■ to the higher network control levels Serial interface Parallel interface
■ to an analysis center located either in
the station or connected remotely via Fig. 166: Protection and substation control system LSA 678 for a distribution-type substation 7
a telephone line using a modem
■ to the bay control unit and/or the numer-
ical protection units (bay control units)
■ to lower-level stations (node function).
This is for the purpose of controlling and 8
monitoring activities at the substation and
network control levels as well as providing
data for system planning and analysis.


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Local and Remote Control
SINAUT LSA – Centralized (RTU) Structure

Other tasks of the enhanced RTU are These distributed input/output devices
■ Event logging with a time resolution of can then be connected via serial interface
1 1 or 10 ms to the telecontrol equipment. Additional
■ Archiving of events, variations in meas- parameterization takes care of their actual
ured values and fault records on mass integration in the operational hierarchy.
storage units The 6MB551 RTU system is also available
■ Time synchronization using radio clock as standard cubicle version SINAUT LSA
2 (GPS, DCF77 or Rugby) or using a signal COMPACT 6MB5540. The modules and
from a higher-level control station the bus system have been kept; the rack
■ Automation tasks affecting more than design and the connection technology,
one bay: however, have been cost-optimized (fixed
rack only and plug connectors).
– Parallel control of transformers
This version is limited to a baseframe
3 – Synchronizing plus one extension frame with altogether
(measured value selection) 33 I/O modules, and a maximum of 5 seri-
– Switching sequences al interfaces for telecontrol connection
– Busbar voltage simulation without communication to bay control
– Switchgear interlocking units or numerical protection units.
4 ■ Parameter management to meet the
relevant requirements specification
■ Self-monitoring and system monitoring.
■ Up to 96 serial fiber-optic interfaces to
distributed bay control units
■ Up to 5 expansion frames.
5 Configuration including signal I/O modules
can be parameterized as desired.
Up to 121 signal I/O modules can be used
Fig. 167: 6MB551 enhanced remote terminal unit, in-
stalled in an 8MC standard cubicle with baseframe (21 per frame minus one in the baseframe
and expansion frame for each expansion frame, i.e. totally
6 6 x 21 – 5 = 121).
The 6MB551 station control unit can
therefore be expanded from having simple
telecontrol data processing functions to
assuming the complex functionality of a
7 substation control system.
The same applies to the process signal
capacity. In one unit, more than 4 000 data
points can be addressed and, by means of
serial interfacing of subsystems, this figure
can be increased even further.
8 The 6MB551 station control unit simplifies
the incorporation of extensions to the sub-
station by using the decentralized 6MB52*
bay control units for the additional substa-
tion bays.


6/92 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
Local and Remote Control
SINAUT LSA – Remote Terminal Units

Remote terminal units (RTUs)

The following range of intelligent RTUs are
designed for high-performance data acqui-
sition, data processing and remote control
of substations. The compact versions
6MB552/553 of SINAUT LSA are intended
for use in smaller substations. 2

Fig. 170: 6MB5530-0 minicompact RTU for small

process signal capacity

Fig. 168: 6MB552 compact RTU for medium process Fig. 169: SINAUT LSA COMPACT 6MB5540 remote Fig. 171: 6MB5530-1 remote terminal unit (RTC) with
signal capacity terminal unit installed in a cubicle cable-shield communication 7
Design Type Single Alarm Analog Serial ports Serial ports
commands inputs inputs to control to bay units
Minicompact 6MB5530-0A 8 8 – 1 –
RTU* 6MB5530-0B 8 24 8
6MB5530-0C 8 32 –

Remote ter- 6MB5530-1A 8 8 – 1 – 9

minal unit with 6MB5530-1C 8 32 – additional
cable shield gateway

Compact RTU 6MB552-0A 321)/8 72 32 1 7

6MB552-0B 321)/8 40 162) Option 2
6MB552-0C 321)/8 104 –
6MB552-0D 8 136 –

* Further 3 minicompact RTUs can be serially connected in cascade

for extension (maximum distance 100 m)
1) With switching-current check
2) Potential-free

Fig. 172: Remote terminal units, process signal volumes

Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 6/93
Local and Remote Control
SINAUT LSA – Remote Terminal Units

1 Control Control
center center
1… …n

Modem Modem

Telecontrol channel
Point to point con. 1)
Line connection 1) Optical fiber
M M …… M 1)
2) 2) 2)
RTU Marshalling rack
Bay level Protection
M relays and
Interposing relays, transducers I/O units
RTU M Loop configuration
M Existing switchgear Extended switchgear
1) Telecontrol channel
RTU 2) Only with compact RTU 6MB552
M = Modem

7 Fig. 173: RTU interfaces

RTU interfaces
The described RTUs are connected to the
switchgear via interposing relays and meas-
8 uring transducers (± 2.5 to ± 20 mA DC)
(Fig. 173). Serial connection of numerical
protection relays and control I/O units is
possible with the compact RTU type
9 The communication protocols for the serial
connection to system control centers can
be IEC standard 870-5-101 or the Siemens
proprietary protocols 8FW.
For the communication with protection
relays, the IEC standard 870-5-103 is im-
10 plemented.
Besides these standard protocols, more
than 100 legacy protocols including deriva-
tives are implemented for remote control
links up to system control centers and
down to remote substations (see table

Fig. 174: VF coupler with ferrite core 35 mm

6/94 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
Local and Remote Control
SINAUT LSA – Remote Terminal Units

List of implemented legacy protocols: ■ IEC 870-5-BAG Cable-shield communication

■ ADLP 180 ■ IEC 870-5-VEAG The minicompact RTU can be delivered
■ ANSI X3.28 ■ Indactic 21 in a special version for communication via
■ CETT 20 ■ Indactic 23 cable shield (Type 6MB5530-1).
■ CETT 50 ■ Indactic 33 It does not need a separate signaling link.
■ DNP3.0 ■ Indactic ZM20 The coded voice frequency (9.4 and
■ DUST 3964R
9.9 kHz) is coupled to the cable shield with
(SINAUT 8-FW-data structure) ■ Modbus
a special ferrite core (35 mm or 100 mm 2
window diameter) as shown in Fig. 174.
■ EFD 300 ■ Netcon 8830 The special modem for cable-shield com-
■ EFD 400 ■ RP570 munication is integrated in the RTU.
■ F4F ■ SAT 1703 Fig. 175 shows as an example the struc-
■ FW 535 ■ SEAB 1F ture of a remote control network for
■ FW 537 ■ SINAUT 8-FW monitoring and control of a local supply 3
■ Geadat 90 network.
■ Geadat 81GT ■ SINAUT ST1
■ GI74 ■ Telegyr 709E
■ Granit ■ Telegyr 809
■ Harris 5000
■ Tracec 130
■ IDS ■ Ursatron 8000
■ IEC 60870-5-101 ■ Wisp+

Higher telecontrol level
Power cable (typically 5 km)

Modem VF couplers VF couplers VF couplers VF couplers
Signal Modem Modem
loop Channel 1 Channel 2 Channel 1 Channel 2
Branch 1
Mini RTU Mini RTU
6MB5530-1 (RTC) 6MB5530-1 (RTC) 7

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Multiplexer Distribution station Distribution station
(optional) … Branch 2 1st station of branch 1 16th station of branch 1
Modem …
Channel 1 Channel 2 Power cable (typically 5 km)
Communication … 9
control unit
6MB5530-1 (CCU) VF couplers VF couplers VF couplers
Signal Modem Modem
loop Channel 1 Channel 2 Channel 1 Channel 2
VF couplers
Mini RTU Mini RTU 10
6MB5530-1 (RTC) 6MB5530-1 (RTC)

Substation Substation
1st station of branch 8 16th station of branch 8

Fig. 175: Remote control network based on remote terminal units with cable-shield communication

Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 6/95
Local and Remote Control
SICAM – Overview

SICAM is an equipment family consisting

of products for digital power automation. SICAM RTU
1 The system is continuous, from the sys-
tem control center, through the information
IEC 60 870-5-101
technology, to the bay protection and con- SINAUT 8-FW
trol units. PROFIBUS
The SICAM System is based on SIMATIC*) Industrial Ethernet
2 and PC standard modules. SICAM is thus
an open system with standardized inter-
faces, readily lending itself to further de- PROFIBUS

The SICAM family consists of the follow-
ing individual systems (see Fig. 176): Marshalling rack ... ...
■ SICAM RTU, the telecontrol system with
the following features Interposing relays, transducers SIMEAS IEDs
Q or T Trans- (Relays, etc.)
– Principal function: information transfer ducers
– Central process connection Switchgear
– PLC functions
4 – Communication with control center SICAM SAS
■ SICAM SAS, the decentralized automa-
tion system System Control center
– Principal function: substation automa- SICAM IEC 60 870-5-101
tion WinCC
5 – Decentralized and centralized process
– Local operation and monitoring with
archiving functions
– Communication with the control
6 center

■ SICAM PCC, the PC-based Station Con- IEC 60870-5-103

trol System with the following features
– Principal function:
Substation supervision and control
7 – Decentralized process connection IEC 60 870-5-103
– LAN/WAN communication with SIPROTEC 4 Process Other SIPROTEC 3
IEC 60870-6 TASE.2 Protection and control unit IEDs Protection relays
control devices
– Flexible communication
– Linkage to Office® products SICAM PCC
Other WAN Corporate infor-
networks e.g. ICCP mation system

9 System
Control center


IEC 60870-5-103

Protection and Other IEDs Protection relays
control devices
*) Siemens PLCs and Industrial Automation
Systems (see Catalog ST70) Fig. 176: The SICAM family

6/96 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
Local and Remote Control
SICAM RTU – Design

SICAM: Open system structure


Database Data Software Communi- Communication
recording cation



SICAM plusTOOLS Central I/O


Bay control devices SIPROTEC Protective devices

Fig.177: SICAM system structure

System control center
SICAM RTU 6MD201 ■ CT and VT graded measuring value ac-
quisition via serially connected numerical
Enhanced Remote Terminal Unit transducers SIMEAS Q or T
(see page 6/132) 8
Overview ■ Acquisition of short-time event signals
with 1 ms resolution and real-time
The SICAM RTU Remote Terminal Unit is stamping
based on the SIMATIC S7-400, a powerful ■ Preprocessing of information acquired
PLC version of the Siemens product range
for industrial automation. The SIMATIC S7-
(e.g. double indications, metered values)
■ Fail-safe process control (e.g., 1-out-of-n
400 has been supplemented by the addi-
tion of modules and functions so as to pro- check, switching current check)
vide a flexible, efficient remote terminal ■ Secure long-distance data transmission SICAM
unit. Based on worldwide used SIMATIC using the IEC 60870-5-101 or SINAUT RTU
8-FW protocol
S7-400, it is possible to add project-specif- 10
ic automation functions to the existing tel- ■ Remote diagnostic capability
econtrol functions. The open and uniform system structure is
The SIMATIC S7-400 System has been ex- illustrated in Fig. 177, showing the essen-
panded to include the following properties: tial modules.
■ All-round isolation of all connections with A variety of SICAM equipment family prod-
2.5 kV electric strength ucts are available depending on the differ-
■ Heavy duty output contacts (10 A, ent requirements and applications.
Central process
150 VDC, 240 AC) on external relay mo- The individual system modules are de- connection
dule (type LR with up to 16 command scribed in detail in the sections below.
relays) Fig. 178: SICAM RTU remote terminal unit

Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 6/97
Local and Remote Control
SICAM RTU – Design

System architecture
The SICAM RTU is a modular system. It is
1 suitable for substation sizes from approxi-
mately 300 up to 2048 data points.
The SICAM RTU consists of the:
■ SICAM S7-400 basic rack with its exten-
sion facilities and
2 ■ Any S7-400 CPU (412 to 477, with/with-
out PROFIBUS connection). As standard
CPU, the CPU 412 or CPU 413 is used.
To supplement the SIMATIC S7-400 mod-
ules, telecontrol-specific modules have
3 been developed in order to fulfill the re-
quired properties and functions, such as
for example electric insulation strength and
time resolution.
These are the following modules:
4 ■ Power supply
– Voltage range from 19 V–72 V DC
Fig. 179: SICAM mounting rack
– 88 V–288 V AC/DC
■ Process input and output modules
– Digital input DI (32 inputs) for status
5 indications, counting pulses, bit pat-
terns and transformer tap settings
• voltage ranges:
24–60 V DC
110–125 V DC
– Analog input AI (32 analog inputs
6 grouped, 16 AIR (analog inputs iso-
lated) for currents (0.5 mA–24 mA)
and voltages (0.5 V–10 V)
– Command output (32 CO) for
commands and digital setpoints
7 • voltage range: 24 –125 V DC
– Command release (8 DI, 8 DO) for
local inputs and outputs and monitor-
ing of command output circuits
• voltage ranges:
24–60 V DC
8 110–125 V DC
■ Communication module
– Telecontrol processor TP1 for commu-
nication with the system control cen-
ter with protocols IEC 60870-5-101
9 and SINAUT 8-FW and as time signal
receivers for DCF77 or GPS reception.
The Power Supply and the I/O modules
can also be used in SICAM SAS.


6/98 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
Local and Remote Control
SICAM RTU – Design

The SICAM RTU is based on the SIMATIC
S7-400. The construction of the SICAM 1
RTU is therefore, as is the case with
SIMATIC, highly compact, straightforward
and simple to operate:
■ All connections are accessible from the
front. Therefore, no swivel frame is nec- 2
■ The modules are enclosed and therefore
extremely rugged.
■ Plugging and unplugging of modules is
possible while in operation; therefore 3
maintenance work can be carried out in
a minimum of time (reduced MTTR).
■ Direct process connection is effected by
means of self-coding front plug connec-
tors of screw-in or crimp design.
■ During configuration, no module slot 4
rules have to be observed; the SICAM
RTU permits free module fitting.
■ No forms of setting are necessary on
the modules; replacement can be carried
out in a minimum of time. 5
Dependent on configuration level and cus-
tomer requirements, there are two housing Fig. 180a: SICAM RTU wall-mounting cabinet
■ a floor-mounting cabinet and
■ a wall-mounting cabinet. 6
Both housing variants are optimized for the
SICAM RTU; they are of flexible modular
construction. Thus, for example, provision
is made for installation of accessories to
provide a cost-effective rack system. 7


Fig. 180b: SICAM RTU floor-mounting cabinet

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Local and Remote Control
SICAM RTU – Design

SICAM Modules
SICAM RTU modules have been developed
1 to be SIMATIC-compatible and can there-
fore be used in a standard SIMATIC S7-400,
for example for the following applications:
■ Acquisition of status indications with a
resolution of 1 ms and an accuracy of
2 ± 2 ms
■ Time synchronization of the SIMATIC
CPU to within an accuracy of ± 2 ms
■ An analog input module with 32 channels
with current or voltage inputs
3 ■ Use of modules with 2.5 kV electric insu-
lation strength in order to save interpos-
ing relays
The modules are used for example in hydro-
power plants for acquisition of fault events
via digital input with a resolution of 1 ms
4 and relaying them to a power station sys-
tem, for example via an Industrial Ethernet.
The other application is the use of the com-
munication module TP1 in a SIMATIC NET -
IEC 60870-5-101 gateway. Fig. 182 shows
5 an example of a PROFIBUS gateway.

Fig. 181: SICAM module



8 IEC 60870-5-101
Industrial Ethernet

9 Gateway




Fig. 182: Gateway: PROFIBUS – IEC 60870-5-101

6/100 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
Local and Remote Control
SICAM RTU – Functions

SICAM RTU functions

SICAM RTU possesses telecontrol func-
tions, such as: 1
■ Alarm acquisition and processing, includ-
– Single point information
– Double point information
– Bit patterns
– Transformer taps
– Metering pulses
■ Measured value acquisition and process-
ing, including:
– parameterizable current inputs in
ranges from
0.5 mA–24 mA
– parameterizable voltage inputs in
ranges from 0.5 V – 10 V
1. Select a module from the Hardware Catalog and
■ Fail-safe command output, including: 2. Drag it to the desired module location – 4
automatic plausibility checking and addressing
– Single commands
– Double commands
– Bit pattern outputs
– Transformer tap change control Fig. 183: plusTOOLS for SICAM RTU, hardware configuration
– Pulse commands 5
– Continuous commands ■ Time synchronization via DCF or GPS re- Engineering
■ Telecontrol communication with a maxi- ceiver on the TP1 module. The SICAM RTU is designed such that all
mum of two system control centers The SIMATIC CPU is synchronized to telecontrol functions are parameterizable.
with different telecontrol messages, within an accuracy of 1 ms. Comprehensive Help texts assist the oper-
with the standardized IEC 60870-5-101 ■ Serial interface to a maximum of two ator during configuration. The following 6
and/or with the worldwide proven control centers. configuration steps are carried out with the
SINAUT 8-FW protocol. In addition to selection of the telecontrol aid of the intuitive-operation program plus-
In addition to the standard RTU functions, protocols IEC 60870-5-101 and SINAUT TOOLS for SICAM RTU:
the SICAM RTU provides additional func- 8-FW, the scope of status indications, ■ Creation of hardware configuration,
tions, such as: measured values and commands per
control center per interface can be con-
SIMATIC modules and SICAM modules 7
■ Efficient operation mode control with 15 ■ Setting of module parameters on the
priorities and various send lists, figured, with separate telecontrol proto-
cols, different process data, different SIMATIC modules and SICAM modules
such as: ■ Assignment of process data to the mes-
message addresses and different modes.
– Spontaneous lists with/without time sage addresses
■ Can be extended up to 4096 information
– Scan lists for measured values, me-
tered values or status indications
points ■ Assignment of message addresses to 8
■ Comprehensive remote diagnostic facili- the message lists in the mode control
– Cyclic lists system, stipulation of send priorities.
ties locally or in remote form with the aid
– Time-controlled lists of the SIMATIC TeleService. ■ Checking of all parameters for plausibil-
With the aid of this mode control system, ■ Output of analog setpoints via the ity.
it is possible to optimize the data flow be- S7-400 AO module (1500 kV insulated) ■ Loading of parameters into a non-volatile
tween remote terminal unit and system flash EPROM of the CPU. 9
■ SICAM RTU is maintenance-free and
control center. requires no fan cooling Fig. 183 shows as an example the mask
■ The variety of available module types for hardware configuration.
with wide-range inputs is kept to a mini-
mum; the value ranges are parameterizble.

Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 6/101
Local and Remote Control
SICAM RTU – Functions

Automation functions
The SICAM RTU is based on the SIMATIC
1 S7-400. Therefore, all modules of the
SIMATIC S7-400 System can be used in a
SICAM RTU: For example, a CPU 413-DP
with PROFIBUS connection or the com-
munication processor CP 441, e.g. for con-
2 nection of a Modbus device.
If additional functions are to be introduced
project-specifically by S7 PLC means,
these can be integrated with the aid of the
internal API Interface (Application Program
Interface). Thus, for example, the data re-
3 ceived via the CP 441 can be processed
internally and sent via the TP1 to the sys-
tem control center.
The following functions can for example
be implemented:
4 ■ Initiate functions by commands from
the system control center
■ Derive commands as a function of
measured value changes (e.g. load
shedding when a frequency drop has
Fig. 184a: Operator Panel
5 been measured)
■ Connection of an operator panel to the
serial system interface (Fig. 184a/b)
■ Connection of decentralized peripherals


Fig. 184b: Operator Panel mounted in a cubicle door

6/102 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
Local and Remote Control


Small Remote Terminal Unit 1
Supplementary to the SICAM RTU, the
following small remote terminal units are
available for low-level upgrades: 2
■ SICAM microRTU 6MD203 up to
50 process inputs/outputs
■ SICAM miniRTU 6MD202 up to
300 process inputs/outputs
The two remote terminal units are based 3
on the SIMATIC S7-200.
Supplementary to the SIMATIC modules, a
“SICAM TCM” communication module has
been developed for the SICAM miniRTU.
The TCM module is installed in a S7-214 Fig. 185: SICAM microRTU 4
The SICAM micro and miniRTUs provide
small remote terminal units which handle SICAM microRTU 6MD203
the process data and communicate by
means of an assured IEC 60870-5-101 tel-
econtrol protocol with the system control For the SICAM microRTU, it is possible to
center. The SICAM miniRTU makes it pos- use an S7-214 or an S8-216 CPU. The PPI
sible to supplement project-specific func- interface is used for loading the programs
tions. and the parameters and also for communi-
Both units possess the following advantag- cation with the system control center.
es of the SIMATIC S7-200 System in terms The standardized transmission protocol IEC 6
of construction: 60870-5-101 has been implemented. Un-
balanced mode has been chosen as traffic
■ Compact design mode because small remote terminal units
■ Quick mounting by snapping onto a hat are generally operated in partyline (that is
rail to say polling) mode.
■ Low power consumption The SICAM microRTU performs the follow-
■ Extensive range of expansion modules ing functions:
– Digital inputs ■ Acquisition and processing of a maxi-
– Relay outputs mum of 24 single point items of infor-
– Electronic outputs mation
– Analog inputs ■ Acquisition and processing of metering 8
– Analog outputs pulses (maximum 20 Hz) for a maximum
■ Connection of expansion modules by of 4 metered values
means of plug-in system ■ Acquisition of a maximum of 12 meas-
■ Connection of process signals by means ured values
of screw terminals ■ Command output as pulse or persistent 9
command for a maximum of 14 digital
■ Automatic recognition of upgrade level
■ Transmission of data (priority-controlled)
spontaneously or on demand in half du-
plex mode
■ Transmission rate: 300 – 9600 bit/sec
Parameterizing takes place with STEP7
MicroWIN. All parameters are preset; they
only have to be adapted slightly. The pa-
rameters are loaded locally from the PC.
For transmission, there is a gradable V.23
hat-rail-mounted modem with an RS-485
interface. The transmission rate is 1200

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Local and Remote Control

SICAM miniRTU 6MD2020

The SICAM miniRTU differs from a SICAM
microRTU in the following respects:
■ Volume of data: 300 instead of 50 infor-
2 mation points
■ Clock control: messages with time
stamp are possible
■ An integrated V.21 modem is available
■ Project-specific additions can be intro-
3 duced via the API interface
The SICAM miniRTU is a small, efficient
modular remote terminal unit with a wide
range of functions. The SICAM miniRTU
can be upgraded from a configuration level
of 14 digital inputs up to a medium-sized
4 terminal with a maximum of 300 process Fig. 186: SICAM miniRTU with TCM and S7-214 CPU
For the SICAM miniRTU, it is possible to
Functions ■ Acquisition and processing of measured
use the S7-200 CPUs 27-214 or S7-216. In
addition, the TCM (telecontrol module) The SICAM miniRTU performs the follow- values, threshold processing, threshold
5 communication module is required. The ing functions or incorporates the following matchable by means of message.
TCM incorporates an RS-232 interface for features: Transmission with or without time in
communication with the system control message.
■ Acquisition and processing of single
center; this implements the entire mes- ■ Command output as pulse commands
point and double point information. with 1-out-of-n monitoring and command
sage interchange. The standard transmis- Transmission with or without time in
sion protocol is implemented: IEC 60870-5- release. Persistent command output is
6 101, unbalanced mode. IEC 60870-5-101
message. possible.
■ Acquisition and processing of metering
balanced mode and SINAUT 8-FW point-to- ■ Analog setpoint output.
pulses (maximum 20 Hz). Re-storing by
point traffic are in preparation. ■ Bit-by-bit assignment of process infor-
means of internal timer or by means of
Fig. 186 illustrates a minimum configura- message from the system control center. mation to processing functions
tion level of a SICAM miniRTU with an Transmission with or without time in ■ Clock control with synchronization by
7 S7-214 CPU. Fig. 187 shows in diagram- message. message from system control center
matic form a maximum configuration level
with 3 S7-200 CPUs.

2-wire, partyline traffic, transmission on demand

IEC 60870-5-101
unbalanced mode


Fig. 187: SICAM miniRTU with TCM and three S7-214 CPUs

6/104 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
Local and Remote Control

Communication with the system control To control center
center is carried out by the SICAM miniRTU Point-to-point traffic 1
with the TCM communicaton module.
A gradable V.21 modem is already integrat-
ed in the TCM, so that the SICAM miniRTU
can be used directly.
Other communication characteristics are: 2
■ Transmission speed of 300 – 9600 bit/ SINAUT LSA
sec. adjustable data concentrator
■ Mode control with 15 priorities which
can be freely assigned
■ Different send lists for: 3
– Spontaneous mode
– Polling mode
– Cyclic mode
Linkage of small remote transmission units
generally takes place by means of trans- 4
mission on demand. The lines with the re- 2-wire, polling mode
mote transmission units are compressed
with the aid of a data concentrator and are
relayed to the system control center.
Fig. 188 shows an example of configura-
Rail-mounted modems with RS-232 inter-
face are available for transmission with an
external modem:
Fig. 188: SICAM miniRTU, typical configuration
■ Gradable V.23 modem with 1200 bit/sec
transmission speed 6
■ Dedicated line modem – V.32 modem – Project-specific expansion options
with a transmission speed of 9600 bit/
In the SICAM miniRTU, an API interface
(Application Program Interface) is availa-
ble. Project-specific programs can thus be
upgraded. Access by the API interface to 7
communication is supported by the sys-
tem. That is to say, the information from
the control center can be processed in the
user program; information derived in the
user program can be remotely controlled. 8
Examples of this are:
■ Formation of group alarms,
■ Transmitting internally formed meas-
ured values or metered values to the
control center, 9
■ Initiating functions by means of com-
mands from the control center,
■ Influencing of alarm processing,
for example filtering, relaying via API,
■ Activating PROFIBUS link on an S7-215.

Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 6/105
Local and Remote Control

Parameterizing is effected with the plus- Design RTU Type Single point Single Analog Analog Serial ports
1 TOOLS program for miniRTU. The program information 1) commands 1) inputs outputs to CC
can be run on Windows 95, 98 or NT 4.
Parameterizing takes place operator-guided
by means of menus. Extensive help texts SICAM RTU 6MD201 typical up to 2048 2
facilitate operation. Figs. 190 and 191 illus- maximum: 4096
2 trate as examples the mask for hardware
configuration and the mask for assignment SICAM 6MD202 192 2) 192 2) 36 2) 12 2) 1
of message addresses. miniRTU
The parameters are checked for plausibility SICAM 6MD203 24 16 12 4 1
prior to loading. They are loaded in non- microRTU
3 volatile form from the PC into the flash
EPROM of the TCM. All parameters of a 1)
Processing of double point information and double commands is also
SICAM miniRTU can be read locally with possible. The table is intended solely to represent the number
the PC. For this purpose, the parameter of connection points.
set of the station to be read out does not 2)
Maximum values; note combination options!
have to be present on the PC. Modification
4 and reloading is possible.
Fig. 189: Remote terminal units, process signal volumes

Fig. 190: plusTOOLS, generation of hardware configuration Fig. 191: plusTOOLS, parameterizing of communication


6/106 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
Local and Remote Control
SICAM SAS – Overview

SICAM SAS Overview

In order to assure security of supply, the
substation automation system must be ca-
pable in normal operation of real-time ac-
quisition and evaluation of a large volume
of individual items of information.
In the event of a fault, additional informa-
tion is required to assist rapid fault diagno-
sis. Graphic display functions, logs and
curve evaluations are aids suitable for this
purpose. The SICAM SAS substation con-
trol and protection system provides a sys- 3
tem solution for efficient implementation
of these functions.
SICAM SAS is designed as an open-type
system which, based on international
standards, provides simple interfaces for 4
integration of additional bay control units or
new transmission protocols, as well as in-
terfaces for implementation of project-spe-
cific automation functions.

Field of application
SICAM SAS is used in power transmission
and distribution for automation of medium-
voltage and high-voltage substations.
It is used wherever: 6
■ Distributed processes are to be moni-
tored and controlled.
■ Functions previously available on a high-
er control level are being decentralized Fig.192: SICAM SAS components: SICAM SC Substation Controller,
and implemented locally.
■ High standards of electric insulation
SIPROTEC 4 relays and 6MB525 bay control units 7
strength and electromagnetic compatibil-
ity are demanded. Functions
■ A real-time capability system is required. SAS assumes the following functions in a
■ Reliability is very important. substation:
■ Communication with other control sys-
■ Monitoring
tems must be possible. ■ Data exchange with and operation of se-
rially connected protection devices and
other IEDs
■ Local and remote control with interlock
■ Teleindication
■ Automation
■ Local processing and display
■ Archiving and logging


Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 6/107
Local and Remote Control
SICAM SAS – Structure

System architecture
The typical configuration of a SICAM SAS System control center(s) or telecontrol node(s)
1 consists of:
IEC 60 870-5-101
■ SICAM SC Substation Controller GPS SINAUT 8-FW
■ Connection to higher-level system con-
trol centers SICAM plusTOOLS
■ Connection to bay level SICAM SC
2 ■ Bay control units, protection relays or Substation
combined control and protection bay Controller
■ Configuration PC with SICAM plusTOOLS
■ Operation and monitoring with SICAM
3 WinCC SIMATIC NET IEC 60870-5-103
The modular construction of the system PROFIBUS FMS
permits a wide range of combination op- wire
RS485 O.F. O.F.
tions within the scope of the system limits.
In the SICAM SC substation controller, the
4 SICAM I/O modules can be used for alter-
native central connection of process inputs
and outputs (see description of the SICAM
Operator control, SIPROTEC 4 protection 6MB525 bay SIPROTEC 3
5 monitoring, and control devices control units protection relays
and archiving and 7**6
Fig. 193: Typical configuration of a SICAM SAS


6/108 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
Local and Remote Control
SICAM SAS – SC Substation Controller

SICAM SC Substation Controller Hardware Construction

The hardware of the SICAM Substation Like the SICAM RTU, the SICAM SC is
Controller is based on the standard mod- based on the SIMATIC 400. Consequently, 1
The SICAM SC is an open-type, modular
ules of the SIMATIC S7/M7- 400 automa- the statements on construction of the
construction telecontrol and substation
tion system and on additional modules SICAM RTU are also applicable to the
controller. The specific functions of a tele-
which have been developed for the special SICAM SC.
control system are combined with those of
a programmable automation system (PLC). requirements of control and protection.
Standard functions of the automation sys- The following modules form the basic com- Software 2
tem and control and protection-specific plement of the SICAM SC:
The bases of the run-time system (SICAM
applications, such as real-time processing, ■ Power Supply RTC for SAS) in the SICAM SC are to be
fail-safe command output or telecontrol ■ SIMATIC M7- 400 CPU found both on the M7-CPU and on the
functions, combine to form a rugged, (Pentium processor) MCP module real-time operating systems
future-oriented hardware system. ■ MCP (Modular Communication for event-controlled program execution. 3
The basis of the SICAM SC is formed by Processor) Among other things, this assures an es-
the SIMATIC M7- 400 family of systems. In The MCP module is the function module sential requirement for control applications:
order to meet the increased requirements which supports the communication func- State change of information may not be
of telecontrol and substation control tech- tions, such as telecontrol connection to lost or remain unnoticed in critical situa-
nology for electric insulation strength, you tions (→ alarm surge).
now have at your disposal a wide range of
higher-level system control centers, e.g. 4
with the IEC 60870-5-101 protocol, and
modules and devices to supplement the serial connection of bay control units by
SIMATIC standard modules. The communi- means of the IEC 60870-5-103 protocol. In
cation processors of the system support addition, it is in SICAM SAS the time mas-
the IEC 60870-5-101, SINAUT 8FW, ter, to which can be connected time signal
IEC 60870-5-103, PROFIBUS FMS, PROFI- receivers for DCF77 or GPS. 5
BUS DP and Industrial Ethernet communi-
cation protocols. Additionally available for the MCP are the
XC2 (eXtension Copper 2 interfaces) and
XF6 (eXtension Fiber optic 6 interfaces)
extension modules for additional communi-
cation interfaces to higher-level system 6
control centers and bay control units
(IEC 60870-5-103).
In addition, the following modules can be
used for supplementary functions in the
■ For central process connection:
SICAM I/O modules (see description of
the SICAM RTU) and SIMATIC 400
Standard I/O modules (see Siemens Cat-
alog ST 70)
■ For connection of bay control units via 8
Profibus DP and FMS:
SIMATIC 400 communication processor
■ For connection to SICAM WinCC:
SIMATIC 400 modules for Profibus FMS 9
and Industrial Ethernet


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Local and Remote Control
SICAM SAS – SC Substation Controller

System security Measured value capturing System capacity

SICAM SAS fulfills to a very considerable ■ Live zero monitoring (4 –20 mA) The maximum configuration of the
1 extent the reliability and security require- SICAM SC substation controller consists
ments imposed on a substation control Command output of:
and protection system. In the case of all Safe command output, i.e. ■ 1 baseframe with 7 to 11 free module
electronic devices incorporated in the locations, dependent on choice of MCP
SAS SICAM System, special attention has ■ Destination monitoring (1-out-of-n)
communication link and
2 been paid to electromagnetic compatibility. ■ Switching current check
■ Maximum of 6 expansion racks,
■ Interference voltage monitoring
Interruption of power supply each with 14 free module locations
■ Determination of the coil resistance
Thus, you have available a maximum of
The SICAM SAS System is designed to be The SICAM SC system provides the follow- 95 free module locations which you can
maintenance-free, that is to say no backup ing five operating modes, thus allowing the equip for example with 95 I/O modules or
batteries are required for restart after user to take into account different safety
3 mains failure. requirements for process output:
a further 4 MCP(4) communication assem-
blies and 75 I/O modules. For connection
Safety functions ■ 1-pole command output of bay control units via PROFIBUS FMS, up
■ 1 /2-pole command output to 4 CP443-5 base communication proces-
Hardware self-test: On startup and cyclical- sors can be plugged into the baseframe.
ly in the background. ■ 2-pole command output
1 Each CP443-5 requires one module loca-
4 General check: At start of the transfer time ■ 1 /2-pole command output with separate tion. For connection of PROFIBUS DP de-
system and creep mode in background. command release through CR module vices, an interface module is used which is
■ 2-pole command output with separate plugged into a module shaft of the CPU
Communication command release through CR module module. Connection to Industrial Ethernet
Errors in data transmission due to electro- By combining the CO module with the can be implemented via the CP443-1 com-
magnetic effects, earth potential differenc- CR module, a single error (in case of 11/2- munication processor and will then require
5 es, ageing of components and other sourc- pole command output) in the command one module location. Alternatively, you can
es of interference and noise on the trans- output circuit results in the command not also however use the CP1401 interface
mission channels are reliably detected. being executed. module which is plugged into a module
The safety measures of the protocols pro- Through the test and monitoring measures shaft of the CPU module.
vide protection from: provided by the CR module, which make it Under these conditions, it is possible to im-
6 ■ Bit and message errors possible to distribute the command output plement up to a maximum of 3040 items
■ Information loss circuit to two independent modules, high of information to a SICAM SC via central-
■ Unwanted information requirements are met. ized process connection. With the use of
bay control units – linked to the SICAM SC
■ Separation or interference of assembled
via MCP communication assemblies or
items of information PROFIBUS – it is possible for up to 10,000
7 Priority-controlled message initialization items of information to be managed, for
decentralized process connection.
Messages initiated by events are initialized
quickly (priority-controlled).
Failure indication
8 The failure status is derived in case of:
The variability and expansion capability of
a substation control and protection system
■ Contact chatter depends primarily on its outward interfac-
■ Signalling-circuit voltage failure es. SICAM SAS supports international
standards, such as PROFIBUS, the
■ Module out of order
IEC 60870 5-101 telecontrol protocol or
9 A telecontrol malfunction group alarm can the IEC 60870-5-103 relay communication
be parameterized from individual pieces of protocol and thus assures optimum flexibili-
information, for example: ty of substation planning.
■ MCB trip The SICAM communication modules of the
■ Voice-frequency telegraphy error SICAM SC are equipped with serial inter-
10 ■ Channel error faces (parameterizable as RS232 or as
■ No signalling-circuit voltage RS422/485) and with optical fiber links.
They are combined, according to applica-
■ Module out of order
tion, to form MCP communication assem-
■ Buffer overflow blies which consist of the MCP communi-
cation processor and XC2 and/or XF expan-
sion modules.

6/110 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
Local and Remote Control
SICAM SAS – SC Substation Controller

Telecontrol interfaces
Via the serial interfaces of the MCP com-
munication processor and the XC2 expan-
Substation bus Telecommunication 1
sion modules, one can connect the SICAM
– Industrial Ethernet – IEC 60 870-5-103
SC to a maximum of three higher-level sys- SINAUT 8FW
tem control centers. – PPROFIBUS FMS
Connection to SICAM Module MCP (XC2, XF6)
The telecontrol interfaces are operated WinCC
with the IEC 60870-5-101 or SINAUT 8FW Module CP443-1 2
transmission protocols and are parameter- or -5
izable as RS232, RS422/RS485 or optical
fiber interfaces.

Bay control unit interfaces

For connection of decentralized items of
information via bay control interfaces, vari-
ous options are available:
■ A maximum of 4 CP 443-5 base mod-
ules for connection of bay control units Field bus
with PROFIBUS FMS interface. One 4
can connect a maximum of 48 devices – PROFIBUS FMS IED-communication
(SIPROTEC 4, 6MB525) per module; the Connection to SIPROTEC
total number in the design may not Module CP443-5 – IEC 60 870-5-103
however exceed 96 devices. – PROFIBUS DP protection relays and
■ One IF964-DP interface module for con- DP-“devices“ bay units 5
nection of a maximum of 20 SU200 bay Module IF964 Module MCP (XC2, XF6)
control units and/or SIMEAS measuring
transducers via PROFIBUS DP. For all
Fig. 194: SICAM SC communication interfaces
other bay control units with PROFIBUS
DP interface, the upper limit of 127 de-
vices will apply. 6
■ A maximum of 4 MCP(4) communication Design tools Bay control units
assemblies, each consisting of one MCP
Design of the SICAM SC is carried out with In the design and parameterizing of sub-
communication processor and 4 XF6 ex-
SICAM plusTOOLS which is based on the device connections, SICAM plusTOOLS
pansion modules with optical fiber inter-
SIMATIC basic modules: STEP7, SIMATIC accesses databases which describe the
faces for a maximum of 96 bay control 7
CFC and Borland C/C++. interface complement of the devices.
units (IEC 60870-5-103). Creation of a new protection unit type with
■ A maximum of 1 MCP (1) communica- IEC 60870-5-103 transmission protocol is
tion assembly (consisting of 1 MCP Process visualization made possible by the parameterizer in
communication processor and 1 XC2 ex- For visualization and control of the process, SICAM plusTOOLS.
pansion module) and 1 MCP communi- SICAM WinCC is used; this is based on
cation assembly (consisting of 1 MCP SIMATIC WinCC. Protocols 8
communication processor) for a maxi-
Telecontrol and field bus protocols will in
mum of 186 bay control units via a maxi-
Expandability future be incorporated in modular fashion
mum of 6 RS485 lines (IEC 60870-5-103).
by means of an expansion interface.
Combinations of the above examples are SICAM has been designed for a new gen-
possible, but the quantity of 10,000 infor-
mation points should not be exceeded.
eration of devices and function modules for SIMATIC modules 9
the automation of substations in power Within SICAM SAS, it is possible to use
supply. the SIMATIC Standard I/O modules (see
MPI interface
SICAM integrates complementary and Siemens Catalog ST70, Siemens Compo-
On the CPU module is located 1 MPI inter- compatible product lines and is the logical nents for Totally Integrated Automation.)
face (token ring multipoint-capability bus continuation of proven, available modules.
structure) for design, parameterizing, diag- 10
nostics. By virtue of its open system concept,
SICAM SAS is adaptable to the growing
Time signal reception demands of the future. System expansion
and further development are readily possible.
The MCP communication processor pos-
sesses an interface for receipt of an exter-
nal time signal. Time synchronization is
effected by means of DCF77 or GPS.

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Local and Remote Control
SICAM SAS – Bay Control Units

Bay control units 6MB525 Mini Bay Unit

Serial connection of distributed bay control (see description of SINAUT LSA)
1 units allows access to extensive detailed This low-end unit with its limited range of
information about your switchgear in the information is preferably used in single-
substation control and protection system. busbar substations. It can be connected
For this purpose, SICAM SAS offers bay via RS485 with IEC 60870-5-103 or via
control units with differing scope of infor- PROFIBUS FMS to the SICAM SC.
2 mation and function. The range extends,
according to requirements, from pure bay 7SJ531 Combined
control units and protection relays on the Bay Control and Protection Unit
one hand, to combined devices on the oth- (see description of SINAUT LSA and Pow-
er hand which provide the bay protection er System Protection)
and control functions in a single unit.
3 SICAM SAS supports bay control units The 7SJ531 possesses, in addition to pro-
with IEC 60870-5-103, PROFIBUS FMS tection functions, the facility for controlling
and PROFIBUS DP interface. a switching device (also remotely). It can
be integrated in the SICAM SAS with
IEC 60870-5-103 via optical fiber link.
Design Type Commands Signal inputs Analog inputs Components
Double Single Double Single Direct Connection
connection to measure
to transformer transducer
Compact bay 6MD631 4 – 5 1 4 x I, 3 x U – Bay control units in new
control unit 6MD632 5 + 4 2) 1 12 – 4 x I, 3 x U – design, optimized for medium
(SIPROTEC 4 voltage switchgear with
design with large 6MD633 5 + 4 2) 1 10 – 4 x I, 3 x U 2 11/2-pole control (max. 7
graphic display) 1) switching devices). 2-pole
6 2) control is also possible (with
6MD634 3+4 – 10 – – – max. 4 switching devices).
6MD635 7 + 8 2) – 18 1 4 x I, 3 x U –
Double commands and alarms
also usable as ”single“
6MD636 7 + 8 2) – 16 1 4 x I, 3 x U 2
6MD637 4 + 8 2) 1 16 1 – –

Combined control 7SJ610 – 4 – 3 4xI – Combined control and protection

and protection 7SJ612 – 6 – 11 4xI – devices. 7SJ61 and 7SJ62 with
8 device with local 7SJ621 – 8 – 7 4 x I, 3 x U – 4 line text display, 7SJ63 with
bay control 1) graphic display. Optimized for
7SJ622 – 7 – 11 4 x I, 3 x U – 11/2 pole control (max.7
7SJ631 4 – 5 1 4 x I, 3 x U – switching devices). 2-pole
7SJ632 5 + 4 2) 1 12 – 4 x I, 3 x U – control is also possible
(with max. 4 switching devices).
7SJ633 5 + 4 2) 1 10 – 4 x I, 3 x U 2
9 Double commands and alarms
7SJ635 7 + 8 2) – 18 1 4 x I, 3 x U – also usable as ”single“

7SJ636 7 + 8 2) – 16 1 4 x I, 3 x U 2

10 1) 11/2-pole control; 2-pole control possible

2) Second figure is number of heavy duty relays

Fig. 195: Survey of bay units

6/112 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
Local and Remote Control
SICAM SAS – Bay Control Units

(see description of Power System
Protection) 1
The 7SJ63 and the 6MD63 are designed
for larger volumes of information and thus
are also suitable for use in duplicate-busbar
substations. System control center or telecontrol node
SIPROTEC 4 units are preferably connect-
IEC 80 870-5-101
Connection via IEC 60870-5-103 with re-
duced functionality (compared to the use SIMATIC plusTOOLS
of PROFIBUS FM) is also possible. Configuration
The SIPROTEC 4 7SJ61 and 7SJ62 relays Substation 3
can also be used via Profibus FMS and Controller
IEC 60870-5-103 in SICAM SAS. These
two units support control of the feeder cir-

Protective relays (V3 type) MPI 4

By means of IEC 60870-5-103, all PROFIBUS FMS
SIPROTEC 3 protective relays (see Power
System Protection, page 6/8), and also pro- Fiber optic OLM
tection relays of other manufacturers supp- cables (Optical Link Module)
orting IEC 60870-5-103 can be connected 5
to the SICAM SC substation controller.
Fiber optic
Other bay control units cables
In addition, the following can be connected SICAM WinCC
to the SICAM SC: Operator control
■ SIMEAS T transducer via
and monitoring, 6
IEC 60870-5-103
■ SIMEAS Q Power Quality via
■ Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen transform-
er tap voltage controllers (for example SIPROTEC 4 devices via PROFIBUS FMS 7
VC100, MK30E) via IEC 60870-5-103
■ Eberle transformer tap voltage controller Fig.196: SICAM SAS, connection of SIPROTEC 4 bay control units via PROFIBUS FMS and optical fiber
(RegD) via IEC 60870-5-103
■ SU200 bay control unit for high-voltage
use via PROFIBUS DP 8
■ Decentralized peripherals via PROFIBUS
DP (for example ET200)


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Local and Remote Control
SICAM SAS – Human-Machine Interface

SICAM WinCC protection systems. One can use them for

designing detail images. The symbols are
In the SICAM SAS substation automation
1 system, SICAM WinCC is the human-ma-
selected from the library and placed in a
detail image using the Drag & Drop func-
chine interface HMI between the user and
tion. The symbols are dynamized. Thus, for
the computer-assisted monitoring and con-
example, there are several different views
trol system.
of a circuit-breaker which visualize the ON,
For efficient system management, numer-
OFF or fault position switching states.
2 ous single information items must be dis-
played quickly and clearly.
The state of the substation must be dis-
played and logged correctly at all times.
Important indications, along with measured
and metered values of past time periods
3 must be archived in such a way that they
are available for specific evaluation in the
form of curves or tables at any time.
The SICAM WinCC human-machine inter-
face meets these requirements for efficient
system management and also provides the
4 user with numerous options for individual
design of the system user interface and
numerous open interfaces for implement-
ing operation-specific functions. The win-
dowing technique of SICAM WinCC makes
5 it easier to work with. In designing the
graphic displays, the user has every degree
of freedom and also has the support of a
pool of predefined substation automation
symbols such as switchgear, transformers
or bay devices.
6 SICAM WinCC consists of the WinCC
process visualization system and SICAM
software components.
■ WinCC
WinCC offers standard function modules
7 for graphical display, for messaging, ar- Fig. 197: Overview diagram in Graphics Designer
chiving and reporting. Its powerful proc-
ess interface, fast display refresh and
reliable data archiving function assure
high availability.
S7-PMC serves as a basis for a chrono-
8 logical messaging and archiving of data.
■ SICAM components
They consist of:
– SICAM symbol library,
– SICAM message management
9 expansion,
– SICAM wizards,
– SICAM processing functions and
– SICAM Valpro, (Measured/ Metered
Value Processing Unit)
SICAM symbol library
The SICAM symbol library contains switch-
gear, bay devices, transformers and other
object templates for bay representations
which are typical for substation control and

Fig. 198: Selecting a circuit-breaker from the symbol library

6/114 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
Local and Remote Control
SICAM SAS – Human-Machine Interface

SICAM message management

The SICAM message management expan-
sion ensures a chronological messaging
and archiving of data. On the basis of
S7-PMC, the SICAM Format DLL evaluates
the data and assigns the corresponding
messages to them. Based on this, a milli- 2
second resolution of all events is given and
for every event not only the state of indica-
tion itself is available, but also additional
information without the need for additional
parameterizing effort.
For message assignment, the format DLL 3
recurs to the WinCC text libary. You can
adapt the texts contained in the text library
to meet your project-specific requirements.

SICAM wizards Fig.199: SICAM WinCC event list

The SICAM wizards assist the user in cre-
ating a new WinCC project. The following
tasks are carried out with help of the wiz- ■ Taking over messages from SICAM
ards: plusTOOLS:
■ Creating SICAM structure types: The Import SICAM messages wizard 5
The Create SICAM tag structure types helps the user to import messages from
wizard helps the user to generate the SICAM plusTOOLS into WinCC.
structure types for structured tags which This function allows the user to report
are necessary in a SICAM system. information in the message management
Structure types are needed for importing system which was configured and param-
tags from SICAM plusTOOLS. eterized with SICAM plusTOOLS. This 6
function allows the user to visualize
■ Taking over tags from SICAM plusTOOLS:
information from SICAM plusTOOLS
The Import SICAM tags wizard helps to
under WinCC, i.e. to use it in process
import tags from SICAM plusTOOLS
into SICAM WinCC.
■ Creating the SICAM archiving system:
This function allows the user to visualize
The Create SICAM archives wizard helps
information, i.e. to represent it in proc-
ess diagrams, configured and parameter- generation of an archiving system under
ized with SICAM plusTOOLS. WinCC. The SICAM WinCC archiving
system consists of:
■ Creating the SICAM message manage-
ment: – a sequence archive for measured
values and 8
The SICAM message management wiz-
– a sequence archive for metered
ard helps the user to generate a mes-
sage management system under WinCC
which meets the specific requirements One can import metered values und meas-
of a substation automation system. ured values from SICAM plusTOOLS into
In addition to a message archive, the this archiving system. 9
SICAM message management includes ■ Integrating the SICAM symbol library:
the following templates: event list, alarm The Import SICAM libary wizard helps
list and protection message list. the user to load the SICAM symbol li-
Each of these lists always contains mes- brary into the current project. One can
sage blocks, message window tem- use the symbol library for designing indi-
plates, message line formats, message vidual detail images. 10
classes, message sequence reports, lay-
outs and texts.

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Local and Remote Control
SICAM SAS – Engineering Tools

SICAM Valpro
Curve and tabular display of archived
1 measured values and metered values is
carried out by means of the SICAM Valpro
program. Valpro provides the facility for us-
ing archived values for various evaluation
purposes, without altering them in the ar-
2 chive. The user decides at the time of eval-
uation (in a dialog) which values should be
displayed in which raster. In addition to the
variables to be displayed, he specifies the
time range, the color and if necessary the
mathematical function to be carried out.
3 One can have totals, averages, maximums,
minimums or the power factor formed and
displayed. The calculation interval can be
individually specified. Stored presets can
be altered at any time.
Engineering System SICAM plus TOOLS
With SICAM plusTOOLS, a versatile and Fig. 200: Example of curve evaluation using Valpro
powerful system solution is available,
which supports the user efficiently in con-
5 figuring and parameterizing the SICAM
SAS (SICAM Substation Automation Sys-
tem). SICAM plusTOOLS is based on
Windows 95 and Windows NT. Thus the
user moves within a familiar system envi-
ronment and can recur to the well-known,
6 convenient functionality of the Windows
SICAM plusTOOLS allows a flexible proce-
dure when configuring and parameterizing
a station, while providing consequent user
7 guidance at the same time.
Plausibility checks allow only operations
and combinations which are permissible in
the respective context.
■ Permissible input variables are displayed
8 in drop-down lists or scroll boxes.
■ The Drag & Drop function makes it easy
to group, separate or move data.
■ Context-sensitive help texts explain the
text boxes and the permissible input var-
9 ■ Copy functions on different levels opti- Fig. 201: Hardware Configuration of a demo station
mize the configuration procedure.
■ Help texts which are organized accord- SIMATIC Manager Hardware Configuration
ing to topics explain the configuration.
The SIMATIC Manager is the platform of The Hardware (HW) Configuration applica-
SICAM plusTOOLS. With the help of the tion serves for configuring the modules
10 The SICAM plusTOOLS Software SIMATIC Manager, the user defines and and their parameters. The configuration is
Package manages the project and calls the individ- represented as a table on the screen. The
The SICAM plusTOOLS configuration sys- ual applications. user chooses the components from a
tem is divided into individual, function-spe- The project structure is created automati- Hardware Catalog and places them into
cific applications. cally in the course of the configuration pro- the hardware configuration window using
cedure. The data areas are organized in Drag & Drop or double-clicks. The tabs for
separate containers. parameterizing the modules are already
In the navigation window of the SIMATIC filled with the default values, which can be
Manager, the project structure is repre- modified by the user.
sented similar to a Windows 95 directory
tree. Each container corresponds to a
folder on the respective hierarchical level.

6/116 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
Local and Remote Control
SICAM SAS – Engineering Tools

The COM IED application (Communication
to Intelligent Electronic Devices) serves for
configuring the connection of bay devices
in control and monitoring direction.
The bay devices are imported into COM
IED with their maximum information vol-
ume from an IED Catalog using Drag & 2
Drop. The information volume can be re-
duced later. If SIPROTEC 4 bay units with
Profibus FMS communication are used,
then the information parameterized with
DIGSI 4 will be taken over automatically.
The COM TC application manages all pa-
rameters which are related to the informa-
tion exchange with higher-level control
centers. The telegrams are configured sep- 4
arately for control and monitoring direction.
For the transmission of the telegrams in
monitoring direction, these are assigned to Fig. 202: MCP Parameterizing
priority-specific and type-specific lists. The
list types are provided in a Telecontrol List
Catalog and are copied into COM TC using 5
Drag & Drop.

In the SICAM SAS System, automation
functions, such as: 6
■ Bay-related and cross-bay interlocks
■ Switching sequences (busbar changes,
■ Status indication and command deriva-
tives (group indications, load shedding, 7
■ Measured value and metered value
processing (limit value processing, com-
parative functions, etc.)
are projected graphically with the CFC 8
(Continuous Function Chart).
The scope of supply of SICAM plusTOOLS
includes a comprehensive library of SICAM Fig. 203: COM IED and bay units catalog
SAS components. The designer makes his
selection from this library, positions the se- 9
lected component by Drag and Drop on his
worksheet and interconnects the compo-
nents required for its function to one an-
other and to the process signals.


Fig. 204: CFC with Component Library

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Local and Remote Control
SICAM PCC – System Design

1 ICCP (ISO/IEC 870-6 TASE.2)
Changing requirements Link To Control Center SICAM PCC
The ongoing deregulation of the power (Optional)
supply industry has been creating a com-
petitive environment with new challenges
2 for the utilities:
■ The liberalized production, transmission Router
and distribution of electrical power call
for more flexible operation of the power Substation LAN
system resulting in more complex con-
trol, metering and accounting procedures.
3 ■ The deregulated system structure re-
quires the extension of load and quality
of supply monitoring, as well as event
and disturbance recording, to control the
business processes and to care for liabil-
4 ity cases. LAN-Enabled IEDs (Legacy) IEDs
■ Operation data that has traditionally
been used only within a given utility
must now be shared by a number of Fig. 205: Sample Substation with SICAM PCC
players in various locations, such as utili-
ties, independent power producers, sys-
5 tem operators and metering or billing
companies. More effective data acquisi- Legacy Protocol ICCP
tion, archiving and communication is (e.g., DNP, IEC 870-5) (ISO/IEC 870-6
therefore needed. Link To Control Center TASE.2)
■ Competition requires that costs have to
Link To Control
6 be reduced wherever possible. The opti-
mization of processes has consequently
been given high priority. System automa-
tion and in particular distribution automa- (Legacy)
tion including automatic meter reading IEDs
and customer load control can therefore SICAM Router
7 be observed as the future trend. Substation SICAM
The SICAM PCC meets these require- Controller PCC
ments by integrating modern PC-technolo-
gy and open communication.
Substation Substation
8 LAN “A” LAN “B”

9 (LAN-Enabled IEDs)

Fig. 206: Sample Substation with SICAM PCC and SICAM SC

10 Some Typical Configurations ■ One or more legacy IEDs, connected to

the PCC in a star configuration.
PC-Based Substation Automation ■ One or more RTUs.
Fig. 203 illustrates a typical configuration ■ ICCP communications to a Control Center
employing the SICAM PCC. The compo- (optional).
nents of such a configuration include: ■ Siemens’ SICAM WinCC Human Machine
■ SICAM PCC. Interface (HMI) (optional component of
■ Substation LAN.
■ One or more LAN Enabled Intelligent
Electronic Devices (IEDs).

6/118 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
Local and Remote Control
SICAM PCC – System Design

A PLC can be added

This, of course, is not the only way in which
the SICAM PCC may be used in a substa- DSI “DSI”
tion configuration. Fig. 206 illustrates a API Application
slightly more complex substation configu- Real-Time
ration which includes both the SICAM PCC Data ODBC
User Interface
and the SICAM Substation Controller (SC)1). For Configuration
The SICAM Substation Controller is an 2
advanced Programmable Logic Controller ODBC
(PLC) (see 6/109 and following pages).
DSI Central Status Data
Open-ness Server
A product is not ”open“ just because its ODBC
manufacturer decides to publish the speci- 3
fications of a proprietary communications Configuration Data Configuration
protocol. A product is really open if it sup-
ports standard and de facto industry stand-
ard communications. Status Data
There was a time, not so very long ago, RDBMS 4
when vendors of substation and control
center equipment offered only proprietary Configuration Data
solutions. The designer and maintainer of
substations was forced to choose among a
number of options, many – in fact almost Fig. 207: DSI with RDBMS
all-of which would force the designer to 5
use a proprietary communications protocol.
After the choice, either the future options
became very limited or one was forced to PCC At A Glance The architecture uses the data distribution
deal with the problem of installing protocol subsystem to augment the RDBMS to
gateways. With SICAM, those days are Platform
over. SICAM, and specifically the SICAM
meet those data distribution performance 6
The SICAM PCC executes on Intel-based requirements which the RDBMS cannot
PCC, are designed with ”open-ness“ as a hardware running the Microsoft Windows address.
primary design consideration. Siemens’ NT operating system (Version 4.0 and The presence of both the data distribution
goal in designing this product line is to pro- above). Siemens chose this platform be- subsystem and the RDBMS is largely
vide the tools and features which enable cause it offers an effective combination of transparent to the average user. However,
the user to design and upgrade the substa- low hardware and software cost, ease of for designers and programmers who wish
tions the way he wants. use, scalability, flexibility, and easy access to interface to the PCC infrastructure,
The sample configuration diagrams shown to support. Siemens publishes full details of the Appli-
are not meant to illustrate all the possible cations Programming Interface (API) pro-
configurations using the PCC and other Distributed Architecture & Database vided by the data distribution system, in-
components of the SICAM product line. The SICAM PCC uses a high-performance cluding all details of the RDBMS data 8
Rather, they show that the components of data distribution subsystem for distribution model used by SICAM PCC.
the SICAM product line are designed so of real-time data among system compo- DSI (Distributed System Infrastructure) is a
that users may take a ”building block” ap- nents. The data distribution subsystem simple data distribution switch which oper-
proach to designing or upgrading their sub- permits distribution of applications across ates in conjunction with a standard RDBMS.
stations. multiple computers to address perform- While DSI does have some characteristics
ance, physical connectivity and redundan- of a database, it lacks certain others, so it
cy requirements. This means that if a con- is not referred to as a database.
figuration contains more devices than can DSI allows distributed applications to share
physically be connected to a single compu- data in a consistent, efficient (i.e. high-per-
ter, one can distribute the system across formance) manner.
multiple computers. Or, if the applications
require more processing power than can There are three basic components which 10
be provided by a single computer, one can make up DSI:
solve the problem by adding additional ■ A central application called the DSI cen-
computers to the system and distributing tral server.
the processing load. ■ A collection of interface functions which
In designing the PCC, the data distribution make up the DSI API.
subsystem was combined with a standard ■ A data model which describes the
1) In PCC version 2.0, WinCC is required for configura- third-party RDBMS. The PCC architecture RDBMS tables used to store the configu-
tions in which there is communication between PCC and uses the RDBMS to do what an RDBMS ration and status information used by DSI
the SICAM Substation Controller. does best – organize and store data. and applications which interface to DSI.

Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 6/119
Local and Remote Control
SICAM PCC – System Design

Interfacing to Other Systems

The PCC is designed to be an effective in-
1 tegration platform by including support for
both modern and legacy communications
The SICAM PCC does several things to ODBC DSI API
simplify the task of interfacing to other Configuration Real-Time
2 systems: Data Data
■ The interface to PCC’s data distribution
subsystem is fully externalized and doc- Device Master
umented. All interfaces are available for
use by customers or third parties in de-
3 veloping software (including gateways) Device Master API
to interface to the PCC. Siemens pro-
vides a Software Development Kit which
can automatically generate the basis for
a working application, as well as the
user interface windows to configure it. Protocol Module
4 PCC’s DB Gateway feature allows you DSI Central
to use familiar RDBMS tools and tech- RDBMS Server
niques to exchange data with the PCC.
DB Gateway provides a bidirectional
mechanism which may be used to insert
data into the real-time data distribution
5 system via the RDBMS. That is, one can
write an object into the RDBMS using,
for example, SQL statements. DB Gate-
way will retrieve that object from the Fig. 208: Device Master
RDBMS and enter it into the real-time
6 data distribution stream for distribution
to other components of the system.
”Enterprise” Protocols ”Legacy“ Protocols
Similarly, one can configure DB Gateway
to accept data objects from the real-time Siemens is the acknowledged leader in Perhaps the largest problem the user will
data distribution stream and write them delivering ICCP solutions. The PCC’s full- tackle in attempting to upgrade and auto-
into the RDBMS. The user can then read featured ICCP implementation allows com- mate existing substations arises from the
7 them using RDBMS tools and techniques. munication with any system which sup- large number of communications protocols
All of this can be done with almost no ports this popular protocol. PCC’s ICCP used by existing equipment in those sub-
knowledge of the internals of the PCC currently supports Conformance Blocks stations. Many of these devices simply will
architecture – all one needs to know is 1, 2, 5, and 8. not talk to each other. Many of them will
which RDBMS table to read and/or Whenever a power system disturbance not talk to the control center. Even if a com-
which to write. pletely new substation is built, one may
8 occurs or even during normal operations,
face this problem because the choice of
Fig. 208 illustrates the position of Device it is very useful to be able to collect a log
Master in the architecture. In this picture, of changes in one or more data objects. devices may be limited by the suite of pro-
it is easy to visualize a protocol module Many modern field devices (e.g. relays, tocols which are supported by the existing
which is isolated from other system meters, etc.) allow collection of this type SCADA or EMS system.
components while at the same time has of data within the device itself. However, A primary design consideration in the PCC
9 full access to all system services required. many others do not. PCC’s Sequence of is the ability to support legacy1) protocols.
■ Version 2.0 of PCC makes available a Events Logger option allows collection and The ability to support these protocols has
set of ActiveX controls which can be storage to the RDBMS of any data objects been enhanced by a PCC feature called
embedded into an ActiveX container processed by PCC’s data distribution sub- Device Master. It allows Siemens (and
application. This feature is included as a system. Data may be collected either peri- third parties) to develop protocol modules
“proof of concept“ feature to explore odically or ”on event“. Since data are in much less time than would be required
10 the scope of the ability to embed a real- stored into the RDBMS, they may be re- for a traditional system. This means that
time value from PCC’s data distribution trieved for analysis using standard RDBMS more protocols can be made available
subsystem into a “web” document. tools and techniques. more quickly and at reduced cost.

1}”Legacy“, when used to refer to communications

protocols, is an euphemism for ”old and proprietary”.

6/120 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
Local and Remote Control
SICAM PCC – System Design

Data Conditioning Human-Machine Interface.

The SICAM PCC includes the feature Data Frequently, it is desirable for personnel
Normalization (or simply Normalization) working in a substation to have access to 1
which provides a simplified method by HMI displays. If an HMI is available in the
which normalize procedures may be as- substation, costs can be reduced by elimi-
sociated with data objects. These normal- nating or reducing the size of local control
ize procedures perform transformations on panels and the wiring associated with them.
data objects as they enter and leave PCC’s Additionally, well-designed HMI displays 2
data distribution subsystem. The types of can reduce the risk of error by presenting
transformation which may be performed data and controls in a logical schematic rep-
include (but are not limited to): jitter sup- resentation – interlocks can be included to
pression, deadband calculations, linear prevent certain operations or to ”remind”
transformation, and curve-based transfor- personnel to follow certain procedures.
mation. In addition, custom procedures can If an HMI is used in a substation automa- 3
be developed and added to the system to tion and integration system like the PCC,
perform any type of calculation and data it is important to ensure that the HMI inte-
transformation. Up to 16 normalization pro- grates well into the system. The HMI must
cedures may be concatenated and applied be integrated in such a way that it does
to a single data object. PCC’s user inter- not become a performance ”bottleneck”.
face provides a simple, intuitive way to 4
The HMI must not be the ”center” of the
create custom normalization procedures substation automation architecture. No
and associate normalization procedures HMI offers a sufficient level of data distri-
with individual data objects or groups of bution performance to allow it to be used
data objects. as the “center” of the architecture. Anoth-
er strong consideration in integrating an 5
HMI is to ensure that whoever has the job
of configuring the system is not required
to enter data a number of times. Nor should
the HMI require the user to become a com-
puter programmer.
The PCC’s optional HMI Gateway provides
a pathway through which data are ex-
changed between PCC’s data distribution
subsystem and the HMI. Point and click
methods are used to select data objects
which are to be exchanged with the HMI. 7
If one adds, for example, a new meter to
the substation and one wants to place
some data from that meter on an HMI
one-line display, only a few mouse clicks
are required to perform the task. Typing
the name of a data object is at no time re- 8
quired. Definition of data objects may be
performed either via PCC’s user interface
or from within the HMI.
The recommended HMI is the WinCC
product from Siemens. While WinCC is a 9
superior product, it is recognized that
some customers have ”standardized” on
another product. The Siemens HMI Gate-
way however is designed to simplify cus-
tomization to meet these requirements.

Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 6/121
Local and Remote Control
SICAM PCC – User Interface

Fig. 209: PCC Main Configuration Window


7 Fig. 210: PCC Configuration Window – Distributed System

User Interface User Interface for Configuration The navigation window has four elements:
The PCC user interface is started just like ■ A Systems folder: By opening this fold-
any other Windows 95 or Windows NT 4.0 er, one sees an icon for each computer
8 The user interface used to configure and
program: in the PCC configuration.
operate the PCC is very much influenced
1. Click on the Start button of the taskbar. ■ An Interfaces folder: By opening this
by de facto industry standards. Specifically,
folder, one sees the interfaces which are
the user interface has a ”look and feel” 2. Select Programs from the menu which
configured on the PCC.
established by Microsoft’s Windows 95. appears.
The great popularity of Windows 95 made ■ A Normalization folder: By opening this
3. Select the SICAM PCC folder from the
9 this an easy decision. The choice of a Win- menu which then appears.
folder, one is able to create custom nor-
dows 95 ”look and feel” means that the malize procedures.
4. Double-click on SICAM PCC.
user interface is familiar to anyone who has ■ A Tools icon: By opening this, one sees
Now a window appears like shown in a number of tools which may be used in
used Windows 95 software. The PCC de-
Fig. 209. configuration mode.
velopment team has worked with Siemens
human factors engineers to make the user It looks like the Windows Explorer of
10 interface as intuitive as possible. Windows 95 and Windows NT 4.0. On
Fig. 210 illustrates the PCC main window
(configuration mode) with several folders
the left is a navigation window. At the top open. In this case, the system is a distrib-
The PCC’s user interface is divided into
is a menu bar and a tool bar. The naviga- uted configuration with two computers.
two parts:
tion window can be undocked and then
■ User Interface for Configuration, also resized or moved around on your screen.
called the PCC Configuration Manager.
■ User Interface for Operation, also called
the PCC Operations Manager.

6/122 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
Local and Remote Control
SICAM PCC – User Interface

When the user wishes to work with an in-

terface or device, it is done by double-click-
ing on the device he wishes to work with. 1
For example, Fig. 211 shows the PCC user
interface after double-clicking on Meter1
(a relay which speaks the DNP 3.0 proto-
col). As one can see in this illustration, a
new window has appeared on the right-
hand side of the PCC main window. In this 2
case, the new window contains a tabbed
display which may be used to select and
rename data objects from Meter1.

If a mistake is made…
The user can change interface and device
parameters by double-clicking on the ap-
propriate folders and / or icons. For exam-
ple, by a double-click on the icon for a de-
vice, windows appear which are almost
identical to those used to initially configure 4
the device. By working with these win-
dows, one can make any necessary chang-
es to the PCC configuration.
Fig. 211: Working with an Existing Device
User Interface for Operation 5
The user interface for operation is very
much like what has already been shown.
One can switch between two modes by
clicking on toolbar buttons:
selects configuration mode.

selects operational mode.

The user interface in operational mode
looks like the illustration in Fig. 212.
Navigation in operational mode is just like
configuration mode. The items displayed 8
on the navigation tree are very similar.
■ Operations Manager: By double-clicking
on this, the Operations Manager is opened
which allows the user to view and con-
trol the status of the software and de-
vices which make up the PCC system. 9
■ Event Log: This is a tool which opens Fig. 212: User Interface (Operation Mode)
the Windows NT event log viewer. It is
used to examine messages which PCC
software places in the event log.
■ SCADA Value Viewer: This is a tool ■ Generic Value Viewer: This is a tool The PCC’s Operations Manager displays 10
which allows the user to examine data which allows the user to view details of are built automatically during system con-
which is being distributed by PCC’s data complex data types used within PCC. figuration. The configuration mode to add a
distribution subsystem. Using this tool, Like the SCADA Value Viewer, it can new interface or device will appear on the
one can verify that changes which occur also be used to view data being distrib- Operations Manager display the next time
in a device are being correctly communi- uted by PCC’s data distribution subsys- the Operations Manager is started.
cated throughout the system. tem. It can also be used to introduce For those who want to customize their dis-
manual changes in data for debugging, play, the PCC user interface provides an
testing, and checkout. interactive tool for customizing colors and
text on status indicators.

Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 6/123
Local and Remote Control
SICAM PCC – Application Example

Application example for Sicam PCC

Distributed SICAM PCC Substation control system
The example shows the application of
1 SICAM PCC to a large industrial power
supply system with distributed substa- FO-ETHERNET ICCP
tions. (Fig. 213)
Remote substation 1 has been built com-
pletely new. In the existing substation 2 SICAM PCC SICAM
2 only the secondary equipment has been Win CC PCC
refurbished. Control of both substations
takes place at the operator workstation in
substation 2. The operator workstation in
substation 2 is only used in special cases 2 incoming feeders
for local control (maintenance, emergency
3 control).
CU/RS 485
Substation 1: (IEC 970-5-103)
Consists of two half-bars, each with 2 in-
coming cable bays and 8 outgoing feeder CU/RS 485
4 bays.
The incoming feeder bays are all equipped … …
with a bay control unit 6MD63 for com-
mand output, data acquisition and local bay
control. In addition, cable differential pro- 8 outgoing feeders
tection 7SD600 and overcurrent protection
5 relays 7SJ600 are also provided.
2 incoming feeders
The outgoing feeders each have a com-
bined protection and control relay 7SJ63,
providing overcurrent protection and bay-
related measuring, data acquisition and
control functions.
6 The SICAM PCC station serves in this sub-
station predominantly as data concentrator CU/RS 485
and communication node for the distribut-
ed bay units. The connection of the bay …
units is established by a copper-based mul-
7 ti-drop link (RS 485 bus) according to the
IEC 870-5-103 standard. 8 outgoing feeders

Substation 2: Substation 2 Substation 1

Combined protection and control relays
7SJ63 are used in this substation in all
8 feeder bays. Connection to the substation Fig. 213: System Configuration
control system SICAM PCC is again estab-
lished with the wired RS485-bus as in sub-
station 1. This configuration provides numerous facil-
The SICAM PCC, located in the control ities for expansion. Thus, for example, it
9 room of this substation, is designed as a is possible to expand bays in each of the
full server and uses WinCC as operating remote stations and to link the devices on
and monitoring tool. The data concentrator the bay level necessary for protection and
SICAM PCC of substation 1 is connected control via Profibus or IEC 60 870-5-103 to
to this common SICAM PCC control sta- the existing PCC. Additional devices can
tion in substation 2 via an optical fiber net- also be connected to the control room
10 work using the network-capable protocol PCC. For expansion of a complete remote
IEC 60870-6 TASE.2. station, it is possible for example to use
a further Device Interface Processor as
SICAM PCC, to which in turn devices on
the bay level are connected. For expansion
of the operating and monitoring function,
it is possible, instead of the Single-User
WinCC System, to use for example a
WinCC Client Server System with several
operator terminals. This system offers re-
dundancy as an option.

6/124 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
Local and Remote Control
Device Dimensions

6MB5515 1
Front view Side view Rear view
482.6 251
84 E = 426.72 182
6 U = 266.7

57.15 133.35





All dimensions in mm.

Fig. 214: Enhanced RTU 6MB551


Front view Side view Rear view

482.6 6
456.1 217

84 TE = 426.72 182
3 U m = 266.87

57.15 133.35

… … Subrack








One screw terminal block at top, one at bottom,

per transducer module (two of each per module BF)
All dimensions in mm.

Fig. 215: SINAULT LSA COMPACT 6MB5540, basic frame

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Local and Remote Control
Device Dimensions

1 6MB5130

Side view Rear view Panel cutout

2 29.5 172 37 39 7.3 225 7.3 206.5

13.2 220 13.2 180 5.4

3 ø 5 or M4
266 244 245 255.8

4 ø6

277.5 221
All dimensions in mm.

Fig. 216: Compact central control unit 6MB513


Side view Rear view Panel cutout

29.5 172 37 39 7.3 450 7.3 431.5
13.2 445 13.2 405 5.4

266 245 255.8

9 ø6

277.5 446

All dimensions in mm.

Fig. 217: Compact central control unit 6MB514

6/126 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
Local and Remote Control
Device Dimensions

6MB522 Side view Rear view Panel cutout

FSMA 30 29.5 220 206.5
optical-fiber 180 5.4

4 2
ø 5 or M4
244 266 245 255.8

ø6 3
All dimensions in mm. 277 225 221
Fig. 218: Compact input/output device 6MB522 4

6MB523 Front view Side view Panel cutout

145 30 29.5 7.3 131.5 5


244 245 255.8

All dimensions in mm. 160 5.4
231.5 146
Fig. 219: Compact input/output device 6MB523

6MB524-0, 1, 2 Side view Rear view Panel cutout
29.5 30 225
172 9 7.3 206.5±0.3
220 13.2 180±0.5 5.4 9
6 ø 5 or M4
266 FE D C BA
245+1 255.8±0.3 10
2 ø6

Terminal Terminal Optical-fiber 221+2

All dimensions in mm. blocks blocks sockets
Fig. 220: Compact I/0 unit with local (bay) control 6MB524-0,1,2

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Local and Remote Control
Device Dimensions

6MB5240-3, -4

Side view Rear view Panel cutout

30 450 7.3 431±0.3
2 29.5 172 9
445 13.2 405±0.5 5.4

3 5
266 244 245+1 255.8±0.3
3 ø5 ø6
Terminal Terminal Optical-fiber 446+2
block block sockets
All dimensions in mm.
5 Fig. 221: Compact I/0 unit with local (bay) control, extended version 6MB5240-3

Side view Rear view Panel cutout

29.5 172 37 75 71+2

7.3 56.5±0.3
8 266 244 245+1 255.8±0.3

block ø6
All dimensions in mm.

Fig. 222: Minicompact I/0 device 6MB525


6/128 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
Local and Remote Control
Device Dimensions

Case for 6MD631/632/633/634/637

Side view Rear view Panel cutout

172/6.77 34 225/8.85 221/8.70

1.16 1.33 220/8.66 2

ø 5 or M4/
0.2 diameter 3
266/10.47 244/9.61 245/ 255.8/
9.64 10.07
0.07 SUB-D
Connector ø 6/0.24 diameter
RS232- 180/7.08
Mounting plate
port 206.5/8.12

Fig. 223: 6MD63 in 1/2 flush-mounting case for surface mounting with detachable operator panel 5

Case for 6MD63

Side view Rear view Side view Rear view

29.5 27.1 450/17.71 225/8.85

Mounting 445/17.51 29 30 220/8.66
1.16 1.06 202.5/7.97 1.14 1.18
plate 7

266/ 246.2/ 266/ 312/12.28 244/9.61
10.47 9.69 10.47 FO

Connection cable
RS232- 68 poles to basic SUB-D
port unit length 2.5 m/ Connector
Mounting plate
8 ft., 2.4 in
Detached 1M case 1/2 case1) 10
operator panel
1) applicable to 6MD631/632/633/634/637
1) applicable to 6MD635/636

Fig. 224: 6MD63 in 1/2 and 1/1 surface mounting case (only with detached operator panel, see Fig. 42, page 6/21)

Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 6/129
Local and Remote Control
Device Dimensions

1 6MB552

Side view Rear view Panel cutout

29.5 172 39 220 7.3 206.5 ±0.3
8 13.2 180 ±0.5 5.4

Bus cover
ø 5 or M4
266 244 BNC socket for 1) 2) 255.8 ±0.3
antenna 245+1
Optical-fiber socket
FSMA for connection
of bay units
5 225 221+2

All dimensions in mm.

6 Fig. 225: Compact RTU 6MB552 in 7XP20 housing

6MB5530-0 and -1

Front view Side view Rear view Wall mount

8 300 1.5 200 20 18

35 20 8

9 20 8.2

10 25 Section A-A

15 A
Cable bushing

All dimensions in mm.

Fig. 226: Minicompact RTU 6MB5530

6/130 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
Power Quality
Measuring, Recording, Compensation

Introduction The IEC series 1000 and the standards

IEEE 519 and EN 50160 describe the com-
patibility level required by equipment con- 1
For more than 100 years, electrical energy nected to the network, as well as the lim-
has been a product, measured, for exam- its of emissions from these devices. This
ple, in kilowatt-hours, and its value was requires the use of suitable measuring in-
determined by the amount of energy sup- struments in order to verify compliance
plied. In addition, the time of day could be with the limits defined for the individual
considered in the price calculation (cheap characteristics as laid down in the relevant 2
night current, expensive peak time tariffs) standards.
and agreements could be made on the If these limit values are exceeded, the pol-
maximum and minimum power consump- luter may be requested to provide for cor-
tion within defined periods. The latest de- rective action.
velopment shows an increased tendency
to include the aspect of voltage quality into
the purchase orders and cost calculations. Competitive advantage though
Previously, the term “quality” was associ- power quality
ated mainly with the reliable availability of In addition to the requirements stated in
energy and the prevention of major devia- standards, the liberalization of the energy
tions from the rated voltage. Over the last markets forces the utilities to make them- 4
few years, however, the term of voltage selves stand out against their competitors,
quality has gained a completely new sig- to offer energy at lower prices and to take
nificance. On the one hand, devices have cost-saving measures. These demands re-
become more and more sensitive and de- sult in the following consequences for the
pend on the adherence to certain limit val- supplier:
ues in voltage, frequency and waveshape; ■ The energy tariffs will have to reflect the
on the other hand, these quantities are in- quality supplied.
creasingly affected by extreme load varia-
■ Customers polluting the network with
tions (e.g. in steelworks) and non-linear
consumers (electronic devices, fluorescent negative effects on power quality will
lamps). have to expect higher power rates –
“polluter-must-pay” principle. 6
■ Cost saving through network planning
Power Quality standards and distribution is different from today’s
The specific characteristics of supply volt- practice in network systems, which is
age have been defined in standards which oriented towards the customers with
are used to determine the level of quality the highest power requirements. 7
with reference to The significant aspect for the customer is
■ frequency that non-satisfying quality and availability of
power supply may cause production losses
■ voltage level
resulting in high costs or leading to poor
■ waveshape product quality.
■ symmetry of the three phase voltages.
Examples are in particular
These characteristics are permanently in-
■ Semiconductor industry
fluenced by accidental changes resulting
from load variations, disturbances from ■ Paper industry
other machines and by the occurrence of ■ Automotive industry (welding processes)
insulation faults. In contrast to usual com- ■ Industries with high energy requirements 9
modity trade, the quality of voltage de- Siemens offers a wide range of products
pends not only on the individual supplier including different types of recording equip-
but, to an even larger degree, on the cus- ment, as well as systems for active quality
tomers. improvement.

Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 6/131
Power Quality
Measuring and Recording

The SIMEAS T Measuring Serial interface

Transducer Block diagram
SIMEAS T is a new generation of measur-
RS 232
ing transducers for quantities present in UH RS 485
electrical power supply systems. The com- Digital output
2 pact housings are mounted to a standard
rail with the help of a snap-on mechanism.
Depending on the specific application, the IL1
devices are available with or without auxil- Analog output 1
iary power supply or can be provided with IL2
a multi-purpose measuring transducer which
3 can be configured according to individual
Analog output 2
Applications UL1
■ Electrical isolation and conditioning UL2
4 of electrical measurands for further
processing. UL3 Analog output 3
■ Industrial plants, power plants and N AC
■ Easy-to-instal, space-saving device.
Fig. 227: Measuring transducer 7KG60, block diagram

Front view


Fig. 228: Measuring transducer 7KG60

Side view
Connection terminals



All dimensions in mm

Fig. 229: Measuring transducer 7KG60, dimensions

6/132 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
Power Quality
Measuring and Recording

Functions Outputs Serial interface

Conversion of the measured values into ■ 3 isolated outputs for ± 20 mA or ± 10 V Standard-type RS 232 C (V.28) interface for
analog or digital values suitable for systems and smaller values, connection to a personal computer for con- 1
in the fields of automatic control, energy ■ 1 contact, definable for error or limit indi- figuration, calibration and transfer of the
optimization and operational control. cation or as energy pulse, measured values; an RS 485-type serial in-
■ 1 serial interface type RS 232C (V.28) or, terface is available with an additional bus
Special features function according to IEC 60 870-5-103.
as an option, type RS 485 for connection
■ Minimum dimensions, to a personal computer for configuration
Auxiliary power
■ Short delivery time, standard types and data transmission.
delivered ex-warehouse, Two versions: 24 to 60 V DC and 110 to
Types of connection 250 V DC, as well as 100 to 230 V AC.
■ Complies with all relevant standards,
■ High-capacity output signals, ■ Single-phase,
Characteristic line with breakpoint
■ Electrical isolation at high test voltage, ■ Three-wire three-phase current with 3
constant/balanced load, The start and end periods of the analog
■ Suitable to extend the beginning and end
■ Three-wire three-phase current with outputs can be extended according to re-
of the measuring range,
any load, quirements. This enables enlarging of the
■ Design variants for true r.m.s measure- display of the operating range of voltages,
ment. ■ Four-wire three-phase current with
constant/balanced load, while the less interesting overcurrent
Additional features of the multi-purpose
■ Four-wire three-phase current with
range can be compressed. 4
measuring transducers:
any load, Configuration and adjustment
■ Acquisition of up to 16 measurands, ■ Connected either directly or via external
■ Connection to any type of single-phase transformer. With the help of a personal computer con-
or three-phase systems, 16 2/3, 50, nected to the serial interface, the type of
Measured and calculated quantities network, the measurands and the output
60 Hz,
signals can be configured to suit the indi-
■ 3 electrically isolated outputs, ± 10 V and ■ R.m.s. values of the line-to-line and star
± 20 mA, vidual situation. The SIMEAS PAR software
program enables easy adjustment of the
■ 1 binary output, ■ R.m.s. value of the zero sequence voltage, devices to different requirements. Since
■ Type of network, measurand, measuring ■ R.m.s. value of the line-to-line currents, only one type needs to be kept on stock,
range, etc. can be freely programmed, ■ R.m.s. value of the zero sequence current, the user can benefit from the advantages 6
■ V.28 or RS 485 serial interface for con- ■ Active and reactive power of the single of reduced storage costs and easier project
figuration and output of the measured phases and the sum thereof, planning and ordering procedures. The soft-
values. ware also supports and facilitates the ad-
■ Power factors of the single phases and
Measurands the sum thereof, justment of the transducers.
■ Total apparent power, 7
■ AC voltage,
■ Active energy, incoming supply at the Data output with SIMEAS T PAR
■ AC current,
single phases and the sum thereof
■ Extension of the measuring range is SIMEAS T PAR can also be used to contin-
possible. uously collect the data of 12 measurands
■ Active energy, exported supply at the from the transducer and to display them
Additional features of the multi-purpose single phases and the sum thereof both graphically and numerically on the 8
measuring transducer: (pulses), screen. These data can then be saved or
■ AC voltage and current, ■ Reactive energy, inductive, at the single printed.
■ Active, reactive and apparent power, phases and the sum thereof (pulses),
power factor, phase angle, ■ Reactive energy, capacitive, at the single Bus operation with IEC protocol
■ System frequency, phases and the sum thereof (pulses), The transducer is suitable for the acquisi-
■ Energy pulses, Line frequency. tion of up to 43 measurands and for the 9
■ Limit-value monitoring. monitoring of up to 39 measurands. With
Alarm contact three analog outputs and one contact out-
Special features of the parameterizable put only part of these data can be trans-
multi-purpose measuring transducer ■ Violation of the min./max. limits for ferred. With the help of the RS 485 serial
voltage, current, active power, reactive interface which uses the IEC 60 870-5-103
Input quantities power, frequency, protocol, however, any number of meas-
■ 3 voltage inputs for 0 –346 V, up to 600 V ■ Violation of the min. limit for power ured data can be transmitted to a central
line-to-line voltage in the three-phase factor, unit (e.g. LSA or PC). As this protocol re-
system, ■ Functional error. stricts the number of data units to 9 or 16
■ 3 current inputs for 0–10 A. measuring points, the function parameters
for file transfer can be assigned in such a
way as to bypass this restriction and to
load any desired number of data.

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Measuring and Recording

SIMEAS T PAR parameterization

By means of the SIMEAS T PAR software,
SIMEAS T transducers with an RS232 or
an RS485 interface can be parameterized
2 or calibrated swiftly and easily. Measured
quantities can be displayed on the PC on-
line via a graphical meter or can be record-
ed and stored over a period of up to one
SIMEAS T PAR was designed for installa- Fig. 230: Parameterization of the basic parameters Fig. 231: Parameterization of the binary output
3 tion on a commercially available PC or lap-
top with the MS-DOS operating system. It
is operated via the MS-Windows V3.1 or
Windows 95 graphical user interface by PC
mouse and keyboard. Operating instructions
4 can be created by printing the ”Help“ file.
Communication with the transducer is a-
chieved by means of a cable (optionally
available) connected via the interface that
is available on every PC or laptop. For units
featuring an RS232 interface, use the con-
5 necting cable 7KG6051-8BA or, for units
featuring an RS485 interface, use the con-
verter 7KG6051-8EB/EC. Three mutually
independent program sections can be Fig. 232: Parameterization of an analog output Fig. 233: Calibrating an analog output
called up.
6 Parameterization Features Calibration
Parameterization serves to set the trans- ■ Extremely simple and straightforward As the transducer features neither setting
ducer to the required measured quantities, operation potentiometers nor other hardware con-
measuring ranges and output signals etc. ■ Storage of parameterization data under trols, it is calibrated easily by means of the
Users are able to parameterize the trans- a user-defined name even without the SIMEAS T PARA software, by selection of
7 ducer themselves in only a few steps. transducer the ”Calibrate“ function.
Entry of the data in the windows provided ■ Parameters are sent to transducers even Generally, all the transducers are already
is clear and simple, supported with ”Help“ after installation on the site calibrated and factory-set when delivered.
windows. ■ When ”Receive“ is selected, the trans- Recalibration of the transducers is normally
Parameterization is also possible without ducer‘s parameters are read into the only necessary after repairs or in the event
8 the transducer. After storage of the data ”Parameterization window“, can be of readjustment.
under a separate name, the transducers modified and can be sent back by select-
It goes without saying that the windows
can be adjusted with the ”Send file“ com- ing ”Send“
and graphical characteristics displayed in
mand. They can also be reparameterized ■ Entered data is subjected to an exten- the ”Calibrate“ program can be operated
online during operation. sive plausibility check and a message with ease.
and ”Help“ are displayed in the event of
9 invalid inputs Here also, the test setup and explanations
of how to operate the programm are pro-
■ A parameterization list with the specific
vided in ”Help“ windows.
connection diagram of the transducer
can be printed Features
■ A self-adhesive data plate can be printed
■ Sealed for life design
10 and affixed to the transducer, including a
■ Calibration without tools or special
possibility of entering three lines of text
containing the name and location etc. devices
■ When units featuring an RS485 interface ■ No test field environment is needed
are chosen, an additional window is Current inputs, voltage inputs and the indi-
available for entry of the bus parameters vidual analog outputs can be calibrated in-
dependently of one another.

6/134 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
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Measuring and Recording

Reading out data

With graphical instruments, all measured
quantities calculated in the transducer and 1
power quantities can be displayed online
on a PC or laptop, and either in analog
form or digitally.
To improve the resolution of the graphics,
users can freely choose the number of in- 2
struments on the screen and can freely as-
sign the measured quantity and measuring
These are selected and assigned independ-
Fig. 234: Measured value display with 3 measured Fig. 235: Measured value display with 6 measured
quantities quantities
ently of the unit’s analog outputs. 3
Displayed measured values can be stored,
printed or recorded for the EVAL evaluation

■ Online measurements in the system
with high accuracy
■ The meters for the 3 analog outputs
with the appropiate measuring range ap-
pear automatically when the program
part is called up 5
■ Easy addition or modification of meters
with measured quantity and measuring
■ Selection of measured quantities inde-
pendently of the analog outputs 6
■ Storage of the layout under a file name
■ Printing of the instantaneous values of
the displayed measured quantities
■ Recording and storage of measured val-
ues for the EVAL evaluation software
SIMEAS EVAL evaluation software
Fig. 236: SIMEAS EVAL, overview recorded values
With a PC or a notebook with the SIMEAS T 8
PAR software installed on it, up to 25 meas-
ured quantities can be displayed and re-
corded online with the SIMEAS T digital
transducer. A maximum of one week can
be recorded. Every second, one complete
set of measured values is recorded with 9
time information. The complete recording
can then be saved under a chosen name.
Using the SIMEAS EVAL evaluation soft-
ware, the stored values can then be edit-
ed, evaluated and printed in the form of 10
a graphic or a table (Figs. 236 to 238).

Fig. 237: After setting cursors in the overview, the affiliated measurements and times are displayed in the table

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Measuring and Recording

SIMEAS EVAL is a typical Windows pro-

gram, i.e. it is completely Windows-orient-
1 ed and all functions can be operated with
the mouse or keyboard.
SIMEAS EVAL is installed together with
SIMEAS T PAR and is started by double
clicking on the EVAL icon. A window con-
2 taining the series of measurements record-
ed by SIMEAS T PAR is displayed for se-

■ Automatic diagram marking
3 ■ Graphic or tabular representation
■ Sampling frequency: 1 s
■ A measured value from the table can
be dragged to the graphic by simply
right-clicking it
4 ■ Add your own text to graphics
■ Select measured quantities and the
measuring range Fig. 238: When a cursor is moved by the mouse,
the measured values and times in the table are adapted automatically
■ Easy zooming with automatic adaption
of the diagram captions on the X and Y
5 axes
— — —
■ Up to 8 cursors can be set or moved 1000√ 3, 110√ 3, 200√ 3. The devices can
anywhere be pre-configured at the factory according
■ Tabular online display of the chosen to customer requirements or configuration
cursor positions with values and times can be performed by the customer himself.
■ Characteristics can be placed over one The latter possibility facilitates and consid-
6 another for improved analysis erably reduces the customer’s expense for
storage and spare parts service. All usual
■ The sequence of displayed measured
variants of connection (two, three or four-
quantities can be selected and modified
wire systems, constant/balanced or any/
■ The complete recording or edited unbalanced load 16 2/3, 50, 60 Hz) can be
graphic can be printed, including a possi- configured according to individual require-
7 bility of selecting the number of curves ments.
on each sheet
Please note that two different types are
■ The table can be printed with measured
available which differ in their types of inter-
values and times pertaining to the cursor
face: V.28 (RS 232C) and RS 458. The stand-
ard interface (V.28) is used for configuration.
8 It enables loading of the measured values
Information for SIMEAS T Project to a personal computer, whereby only one
Planning transducer can be connected to a com-
The transducer is suitable for low-voltage puter. Both versions are operated with
applications, 400 V three-phase and 230 V the SIMEAS PAR software. The RS 485
enables connection to a bus, i.e. up to
9 single-phase voltages, (max. measuring
31 transducers can be connected to a cen-
600 L-L) and currents of 1, 5, 10 A (max.
measurement 12 Ar.m.s), either directly or tral device (e.g. PC) simultaneously. Data
via current transformers, as well as for transmission is based on IEC 60 870-5-103
connection to voltage transformers of protocol.
The type of power supply is to be speci-
10 fied when ordering, either 24..60 V DC or
100..230 V AC/DC. Please note that analog
output 1 and the serial interface use the
same potential and can be operated simul-
taneously only under certain conditions.

6/136 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
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Measuring and Recording

Power Meter SIMEAS P

Front view
The SIMEAS P power meter is suitable for
SIMEAS P panel mounting. The digital multi-function
display can replace any measuring devices
usually required for a three-phase feeder.
Furthermore, it offers a variety of addition-
al functions. The optional equipment with a 2
96 (3.78")
PROFIBUS enables centralized access to
the measured values.

All systems used for the generation and 3
distribution of electrical power. The device
can be easily installed for stationary use.
96 (3.78")
Measuring instrument for all relevant
Side view measurands of a feeder. Combination of 4
several measuring instruments in one unit.

Special features
Dimensions for panel mounting according
to DIN (front frame 96 x 96 mm). Integrated 5
PROFIBUS as optional equipment. Data
86 (3.39") output is effected via the Profibus.

Measuring inputs
■ 3 voltage inputs up to 347 V (L-E), 600 V
■ 3 current inputs for 5 A rated current,
measuring range up to 10 A with an
162.2 (6.39") overload of 25%.
Communication 7
Fig. 239: Power Meter SIMEAS P, views and dimensions ■ LCD display with background illumina-
■ Simultaneous display of four measuring
■ Parameter assignment by using the keys 8
on the front panel,
■ 1 serial interface type RS 485 for con-
nection to the Profibus (option).


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Measuring and Recording

Auxiliary power
Two versions: 24 to 60 V DC and 85 to SIMEAS P
1 240 V AC/DC.

Measured and calculated quantities

■ R.m.s. values of the line-to-ground or
line-to-line voltages and the mean value,
2 ■ R.m.s. values of the line-to-line currents SHORTING BLOCK or TEST BLOCK
and the mean value,
■ Line frequency,
■ Power factor (incl. sign),
■ Active, reactive and apparent power,
3 separately for each phase and as a Barrier-type
whole, imported supply, terminals
(ring or spade
■ Total harmonic distortion (THD) for volt- connectors)
age and currents, separately for each PROFIBUS
phase, up to the 15th harmonic order, DE
Thumbscrew PWR
4 ■ Unbalanced voltage and current,
Active and reactive power (import,
export), total sum, difference,
■ Apparent power, total sum, Chassis ground
■ Minimum and maximum values of most AWG 14
quantities. (2.5 mm)
5 V V V V
N– L+ G Captured-wire
Basic Function terminals
Display of the measured quantities and
transfer to the Profibus.

6 Information for Project Planning Fuses 2 Amp

The SIMEAS P can be delivered in differ-
ent designs varying with regard to the
measuring voltage, auxiliary voltage, line Power supply connections,
frequency and type of terminals. It is always phase voltage and current Phase voltage and
7 designed for four-wire connection at any connections, and fuse, power supply connections:
AWG 12 to AWG 14
load. The measuring voltages are: CT and PT details depend
on the configuration of the (2.5 mm to 4.0 mm)
■ 120 V, 277 V, 347 V L-N for screw
power system.
clamps, up to max. 277 V for self-
clamping contacts.
8 ■ The basic rated current value is 5 A; Fig. 240: Power Meter SIMEAS P, back panel diagram
fully controlled it is 10 A.
Two variants are to be considered for
the auxiliary voltage: standard version
and 85–240 V AC/DC and, as an option
20–60 V DC.
9 The standard version of the device can be
used only for the display of the different
measurands. Communication with a cen-
tralized system is possible only in connec-
tion with the Profibus which can be or-
10 dered as optional equipment.

6/138 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
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Measuring and Recording

The SIMEAS Q Quality Recorder Front view

SIMEAS Q is a measuring and recording
device which enables monitoring of all
PROFIBUS-DP 20 21 22 23 24 25
characteristics related to the voltage quali-
ty in three-phase systems according to SIMEAS Q RUN BF DIA
the specifications defined in the standards 7KG-8000-8AB/BB 75
EN 50160 and IEC 61000. It is mounted on 2
a standard rail with the help of a snap-on
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Fig. 241: The SIMEAS Q quality recorder
Medium and low-voltage systems. 90 3
The device requires only little space and
can be easily installed for stationary use. Communication Side view
Functions ■ 2 optorelays as signaling output, availa- Terminal block
ble either for
Instrument for network quality measure-
ment. All relevant measurands and operands
– device in operation, 4
– energy pulse,
are continuously recorded at freely defina-
– signaling the direction of energy flow
ble intervals or, if a limit value is violated,
(import, export),
the values are averaged. This enables the
– value below min. limit for cos ϕ,
registration of all characteristics of voltage
– pulse indicating a voltage dip,
quality according to the relevant standards.
■ 3 LEDs indicating the operating status 5
The measured values can be automatically
transferred to a central computer system and PROFIBUS activity,
at freely definable intervals via a standard- ■ 1 RS 485 serial interface for connection
ized PROFIBUS DP interface and at a to the PROFIBUS.
transmission rate of up to 1.5 Mbit/s. Auxiliary power 90
105 6
Special features Two versions: 24 to 60 V DC and 110 to
■ Cost-effective solution. 250 V DC, as well as 100 to 230 V AC.
Connection terminals
■ Comprehensive measuring functions Measured and calculated quantities
which can also be used in the field of 20 21 22 23 24 25
■ R.m.s. values of the line-to-ground or
automatic control engineering.
line-to-line voltages,
■ Minimum dimensions. PROFIBUS-DP Aux. Volt.

■ Integrated PROFIBUS DP.

■ R.m.s. values of the line-to-line currents,
■ The integrated clock can be synchro-
■ Line frequency (from the first voltage 7KG-8000-8AB/BB
nized via the PROFIBUS. Configuration input),
and data output via PROFIBUS DP. ■ Active, reactive and apparent power,
separately for each phase and as a
Input: Current AC Input: Volt. AC
Measuring inputs whole,
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
3 voltage inputs, 0 – 280 V, ■ Harmonics for voltages and currents up
3 current inputs, 0 – 6 A. to the 40th order,
All dimensions in mm
■ Total harmonic distortion (THD), voltages
and currents of each phase,
Fig. 242: The SIMEAS Q quality recorder,
■ Unbalanced voltage and current in the dimension drawings
three-phase system,
■ Flicker irritability factor.
Averaging intervals
■ Voltages and currents from 10 ms to
60 min.,
■ Other quantities from 1s to 60 min.

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Power Quality
Measuring and Recording

Operating modes
■ Continuous measurement with definable Single phase – alternating current
1 averaging intervals,
■ Event-controlled measurement with Connection terminals SIMEAS Q
definable averaging intervals. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Storage capacity
k l
2 Up to 20,000 measured and calculated val-
ues. Parameters for the measuring points L1
can be freely defined. The PROFIBUS DP K L
enables quick loading of the measured val-
ues, so that the apparently small storage
capacity is absolutely sufficient. Assuming
3 a usual parameter setting with regard to 4-wire – 3-phase with any load (low voltage network)
the measuring points and averaging inter-
vals for quality monitoring, the storage
Connection terminals SIMEAS Q
capacity will last for seven days in case
of a PROFIBUS failure. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
4 Basic Functions
k l k l k l
In the course of continuous measurement,
the selected measuring data are stored in L1
the memory or transferred directly via the L2
PROFIBUS. The averaging interval can be K L
5 selected separately for the different meas- N
In the event-controlled mode of operation,
the data will be stored only if a limit value
has been violated within an averaging inter- 3-wires – 3-phase with any load
6 val.
Apart from the mean values, the maximum Connection terminals SIMEAS Q
and minimum values within an averaging 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
interval can be stored, with the exception
of flicker irritability factors and the values
from energy measurement. k l k l u v u v
Parameter assignment and adjustment of
the device are performed via the Profibus U V U V
interface. L1
8 Information for SIMEAS Q Project K L
Up to 400 V (L-L), the device is connected
directly, or, if higher voltages are applied, 4-wire – 3-phase with any load (high voltage network)
via a external transformer. The rated cur-
9 rent values are 1 and 5 A (max. 6 A can
Connection terminals SIMEAS Q
be measured) without switchover. Commu-
nication with the device is effected via 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
PROFIBUS DP or, as an option, via modem
(telephone network). u u u
k l k l k l
Auxiliary voltage is available in two vari-
10 ants: 24 to 60 V DC and 110 to 250 V DC
or 100 to 230 V AC. X X X

Fig. 243: SIMEAS Q connection terminals

6/140 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
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Measuring and Recording

The SIMEAS N Quality Recorder Communication Function

■ 1 input for trigger signal, Continuous measurement without storage
■ 1 contact as alarm output, roughly corresponds to the function of a
SIMEAS N is a measuring and recording
device which is used to monitor all charac- ■ 1 integrated thermal printer, multimeter. The selected values to be
teristics referring to the voltage quality in ■ 1 3.5" floppy disk drive, 1.44 MB for measured are continuously displayed and
three-phase systems in compliance with parameters and data storage, the whole screen content including the
the requirements stated in the EN 50160 graphic illustrations can be printed on the
■ 1 serial interface type RS 232C (V.24) for
and IEC 1000 Standards. connection to a personal computer for
integrated thermal printer by key command. 2
This operating mode is used to check cor-
configuration and data transmission.
Application rect connection of the device and is suitable
Measured and calculated quantities for general measurement tasks. Monitoring
Medium and low-voltage systems, laborato- of the network quality is effected by contin-
ries, test bays. Portable device for mobile use. ■ R.m.s. values of voltages, AC, AC+DC,
uously calculating and storing the mean val-
DC, ues of the measured quantities. In the stor- 3
■ Peak voltage values during transient age mode, the averaging interval can be
Device for network quality measurement. measurement, configured individually from one period of
The measurands and operands are continu- ■ R.m.s values of currents, AC, AC+DC, the system voltage up to several months.
ously recorded over definable intervals; in DC (depending on transducer or clamp- Two types of storage modes can be select-
case of limit violations, the values will be on probes), ed, either linear mode (stops when the
averaged. This enables the recording of all ■ Voltage dips and voltage cutoffs, memory is full) or overwrite mode (the old-
characteristics relevant to voltage quality. ■ Overvoltages, est data will be overwritten by the new in-
In addition, this multi-purpose device can formation).
■ System frequency,
be used for general measurement tasks in
■ Active, reactive and apparent power, With the help of the OSCOP Q program, the
the field of AC power engineering.
1- to 3 phases, measuring data can be transmitted to
Special features ■ Phase angle, a personal computer for detailed analysis. 5
Comprehensive measuring functions. A lock- ■ Harmonics of voltages and currents up
able cover protects the terminals against to the 50th order, Information for Project Planning
accidental contact. The operator access can ■ Total harmonic distortion (THD), voltages The basic version of the device is fully
be password-protected. Clamp-on probes and currents, unweighted or weighted capable of simultaneous acquisition of up to
with an error correction function facilitate inductively or capacitively, 55 measurands.
connection. A back-up battery stores the ■ Unbalanced voltage and current in the
measured data in case of voltage failure. three-phase system. The voltage range of 400 V +15% is suita-
The integrated battery-backed real-time clock ble for connection to 400 V three-phase sys-
will be usable until the year 2097. Connection types tems. Clamp-on probes (10, 100 and 1000
A) for current measurement are available.
Output of the measured values via inte- ■ Single phase,
The connection of a transducer is possible, 7
grated thermal printer, floppy disk or serial ■ Four-wire three-phase current. if a resistor provides a voltage drop of 1 V
interface. nominal value.
Measurands and operands,
Measuring inputs available as an option The device can also be delivered for high-
speed processing which enables simultane-
■ 4 voltage inputs, 0–460 V, ■ Direction of harmonics,
■ Flicker measurement,
ous acquisition of up to 186 different meas- 8
■ 3 of these inputs with additional transient urands.
acquisition ± 2650 Vpeak at a sampling ■ Digital storage oscilloscope.
Optional functions which can be added at a
rate of 2 MHz,
Operating modes later date by software installation:
■ 4 voltage/current inputs, voltage
0–460 V/clamp-on probe or transducer. ■ Continuous measurement with display ■ Power measurement of individual har-
at one-second intervals, monics and their direction in order to 9
■ Continuous measurement with data stor-
identify the cause.
age, ■ Extension of the device functions for use
■ Event-controlled measurement with data
as an additional three-channel digital oscil-
storage. loscope.
■ Flicker measurement according to
Storage capacity IEC 60 868.
Up to 500,000 measured and calculated
values; various options for defining the
measuring points.

Fig. 244: SIMEAS N Quality Recorder

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Power Quality
Measuring and Recording

Recording Equipment
The SIMEAS R Fault and Digital Recorder

■ Stand-alone stationary recorder for extra-
high, high and medium-voltage systems.
■ Component of secondary equipment of
power stations and substations or indus-
trial plants.
3 Fault recorder, digital recorder, frequency/
power fault recorder, power quality record- Fig. 245: SIMEAS R Systems
er, event recorder. are used in power plants …
All functions can be performed simultane-
ously and are combined in one unit with no
4 need for additional devices to carry out the
different tasks.

Special features
Fig. 247: Fault record
■ The modular design enables the realiza-
tion of different variants starting from
5 systems with 8 analog and 16 binary in-
puts up to the acquisition of data from Fault detection is effected with the help of
any number of analog and binary chan- trigger functions. With analog quantities
nels. this refers to
■ Clock with time synchronization using
■ exceeding the limit values for voltage,
6 GPS or DCF77.
current and unbalanced load (positive
■ Data output via postscript printer, re- and negative phase sequence system).
mote data transmission with a modem
■ falling below the limit values for voltage,
via the telephone line, connection to Fig. 246: … and to monitor transmission lines current and unbalanced load (positive
LAN and WAN.
and negative phase sequence system).
7 ■ limit values for sudden changes in up or
Fault Recording (DFR) downward direction.
This function is used for the continuous Monitoring of the binary signals includes
monitoring of the AC voltages and cur- ■ signal status (high, low)
rents, binary signals and direct voltages or ■ status changes
8 currents with a high time resolution. If a
fault event, e.g. a short-circuit, occurs, the
specific fault will be registered including
its history. The recorded data are then ar-
chived and can either be printed directly in
the form of graphics or be transferred to a
9 diagnosis system which can, for example,
be used to identify the fault location.


6/142 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
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Measuring and Recording

Logical triggers In single-phase and three-phase systems, Sequence of Event (SOE) Recording
the following measurands are recorded:
Logical triggers can be defined by combin- Each status change occurring at the binary
ing any types of trigger event (analog or ■ R.m.s. values of voltages and currents inputs is registered with a resolution of 1
binary). They are used to avoid undesired ■ Active power, phase-segregated and 0.5 ms and is then provided with a time
recording by increasing the selectivity of overall stamp indicating the time information from
the trigger function. The device can distin- ■ Reactive power, phase-segregated and the year down to the millisecond.
guish between different causes of a fault, overall (displacement or total reactive 200 status changes per second can be
e.g. between a voltage dip caused by a power) stored for each group of 32 inputs. The 2
short-circuit (low voltage, high current) ■ Power factor, phase-segregated and mass memory of the device can be config-
which needs to be recorded, and the dis- overall ured according to requirements (a 5 MB
connection of a feeder (voltage low, cur- memory, for example, enables the storage
■ Frequency
rent low) which does not need to be re- of approx. 120,000 status changes). Mod-
corded. ■ Positive and negative sequence voltage
ules for signal voltages between 24 and
and current
250 V are available. 3
Sequential control ■ Weighted and unweighted total harmon-
ic distortion (THD) The time-synchronous output enables
An intelligent logic operation is used to the combined representation with analog
make sure that each record refers to the ■ 5 th to 50 th harmonics (depending on
the averaging time) curves, e.g. of alarm and command signals
actual duration of the fault event. This is to together with the course of relay voltages
■ DC signals, e.g. from transducers
prevent continuous violation of a limit value and currents. With the help of the OSCOP P 4
(e.g. undervoltage) from causing perma- Depending on the individual network con- program, the event signals can however
nent recording and blocking of the device. figuration, a three or four-wire connection also be displayed in the form of a text list
is used. in chronological order. The use of a sepa-
Analog measurands
rate sequence of event recorder will no
16-bit resolution for voltages and DC quan- longer be required.
tities and 2 x 16-bit resolution for AC volt-
Frequency/Power Recording (FPR) 5
ages. This function uses the same principle as a
The sampling frequency is 256 times the fault recorder. It continuously monitors the
period length, i.e. 12.8 kHz at 50 Hz and gradient of the frequency and/or power of
15.36 kHz at 60 Hz for each channel. one or more three-phase feeders. If major
A new current transformer concept ena- deviations are detected, e.g. caused by the 6
bles a measuring range between 0.5 mA outage of a power plant or when great loads
and 400 A r.m.s. with tolerances of <0.2% are applied, the profile of the measurands
at <7 Ar.m.s. and <1% at >7 Ar.m.s. Further- will be recorded including their history. The
more, direct current is registered in the recorder is also used for the registration of
range above 7 A; this enables a true image power swings.
of the transient DC component in the 7
short-circuit current.
■ Frequency of one of the voltages,
Binary signals (limit of error ± 1 mHz)
The sampling frequency at the binary in- ■ Active power, reactive power
puts is 2 kHz. (reactive displacement power), 8
(limit of error ≤ 0.2%)
Data compression ■ Power factor
For best utilization of the memory space Averaging interval Fig. 248: SIMEAS R for 8 analog and 16 binary inputs,
and for high-speed remote transmission 1
/2 19'' design
the data can be compressed to as little as A value between 1 and 250 periods of the
2% of their original size. network frequency can be selected. 9
Fault diagnosis History
Performed with the OSCOP P software Depends on the averaging interval;
package. 10 s times the averaging periods.

Automatic power analysis

Digital Recording (DR)
With the help of the OSCOP software pack-
This function is used for the continuous age (see The OSCOP P) a power analysis
registration of the mean values of the of a station can be created automatically.
measurands at intervals which can be free-
ly defined (min. interval is one period). The
main function of this device is the continu-
ous recording of quantities at the feeders
and to make these values available for the
analysis of the network quality.

Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 6/143
Power Quality
Measuring and Recording

The OSCOP P Evaluation Program The individual diagrams can, of course, be Information for Project Planning
adjusted to individual requirements with with SIMEAS R
The OSCOP P software package is suitable
1 for use in personal computers provided with
the help of variable scaling and zoom func-
The secondary components of high or
tions. Records from different devices can
the operating systems MS WINDOWS 95/98 medium-voltage systems can either be
be combined in one diagram. The different
or WINDOWS NT. It is used for remote accommodated in a central relay room or
quantities measured can be immediately
transmission, evaluation and archiving (da- in the feeder dedicated low-voltage com-
calculated by marking a specific point in a
tabase system) of the data received from partments of switchgear panels. For this
diagram with the cursor (impedance, reac-
tance, active and reactive power, harmon-
reason, the SIMEAS R system has been
digital protection devices. The program designed in such a way as to allow both
ics, peak value, r.m.s. value, symmetry, etc.).
includes a parameterization function for centralized or decentralized installation.
remote configuration of SIMEAS R and Additional diagnosis modules can be used
The acquisition unit can be delivered in
OSCILLOSTORE units. to perform an automatic analysis of fault
two different widths, either 1/2 19" or 19"
events and to identify the fault location.
The program enables fully-automated data (full width). The first version is favorable
3 transmission of all recorded events from
The program also supports server/client
if measurands of only one feeder are to be
the acquisition units to one or more evalua- considered (8 analog and 16 binary signals).
tion stations via dedicated line, switched This often applies to high-voltage plants
line or a network; the received data can where each feeder is provided with an ex-
then be immediately displayed on a moni- tra relay kiosk for the secondary equipment.
4 tor and/or printed (Fig. 249). In all other cases, the full-width version of
The OSCOP P program is provided with 19" is more economical, since it enables the
a very convenient graphical evaluation pro- processing of up to 32 analog and 64 bina-
gram for the creation of a time diagram ry signals. The modular structure with a
with the curve profiles, diagrams of the variety of interface modules (DAUs) provides
r.m.s. values or vector diagrams (Fig. 252). a maximum of flexibility. The number of
5 DAUs which can be integrated in the ac-
quisition system is unlimited.

6 Load Dispatch Center Office

RMS values Spontaneous Spontaneous Containerized Configuration Evaluation

+ diagnostic print print Data Base
ISDN Office
X.25 LAN
Station Level Decentralized Data Base

Configuration Diagnostic system

Evaluation DAKON Data compression

Printer Remote control, automatic mode


Bay Level SIMEAS R

8 analog/
16 binary inputs

Fig. 249: Example of a distributed recording system realized with SIMEAS R recorders and data central unit DAKON

6/144 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
Power Quality
Measuring and Recording

With the help of a DAKON, several devices

can be interlinked and automatically con- Use of the interface modules
trolled. In addition, digital protection devic- 1
es of different make can be connected to
the DAKON. DAU Type Measurands Application
The voltage inputs are designed for direct
connection to low-voltage networks or to
low-voltage transformers. Current inputs VCDAU 4 AC voltages, Monitoring of voltages and currents of 2
are suitable for direct connection to current 4 AC currents, three-phase feeders or transformers including
transformers (IN = 1 or 5 A). All inputs 16 binary signals the signals from protective equipment.
comply with the relevant requirements for All recorder functions can be run simultaneously.
protection devices acc. to IEC 60 255.
The binary inputs are connected to floating
contacts. VDAU 8 AC voltages, Monitoring of busbar voltages 3
16 binary signals
Data transmission is preferably effected
via telephone network or WAN (Wide Area
Network). If more than one SIMEAS R is CDAU 8 AC currents, Monitoring of feeder and transformer currents
installed, we recommend the use of a 16 binary signals or currents at the infeeds and couplings of busbars
DAKON (data concentrator). The DAKON 4
creates connection with the OSCOP P
evaluation program, e.g. via the telephone DDAU 8 DC currents or For monitoring of quantities received from
network. Moreover, the DAKON automati- 16 binary signals measuring transducers and telecontrol units,
cally collects all information registered by 20 mA or 1 and 10 V.
the devices connected and stores these
data on a decentralized basis, e.g. in the BDAU 16 binary signals Event recording of alarm signals, disconnector 5
substation. The DAKON performs a great status signals, circuit-breaker monitoring
variety of different functions, e.g. it sup-
ports the automatic fax transmission of
the data. A database management system Fig. 251: Use of the data acquisition units
distributes the recorded data to different
stations either automatically or on special 6

Fig. 250: Rear view of a SIMEAS R unit with terminals
for the signals and interfaces for data transmission

Fig. 252: OSCOP P Program, evaluation of a fault record

Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 6/145
Compensation – Introduction Power Quality

Compensations Systems For industry, especially in the case of com-

plex manufacturing processes (such as for
1 example in the semiconductor industry)
Many consumers of electrical energy (trans- ”Premium Energy“ is an absolute necessity.
formers, engines, fluorescent lamps) may SIPCON is capable of effectively suppress-
cause a number of different problems: ing system perturbation, such as for exam-
reactive displacement power, non-linear ple harmonics. Here as well, tariff changes
loads (rectifiers, transformers), resulting in are to be expected worldwide in the fu-
2 distorted waveshapes. Harmonics are gen- ture. Investigations in Europe have shown
erated and, finally, an unbalanced load at that the increase in harmonics is imposing
the three phases leads to increased appar- a particular strain on systems. Such har-
ent power and thus to increased power monics occur through the operation of vari-
consumption. This is accompanied by high- able speed drives, of rectifiers – for exam-
er conduction losses, which require the ple in electroplating – and of induction
3 installation of lines and operating equipment furnaces or wind power plants. In private
suitable for higher capacities and at higher houses, the principal loads are single-
costs than actually necessary. The cost for phase, such as TV sets and personal com-
power rates in relation to the apparent pow- puters. With the aid of selective recording
er and distortion should also be considered. of weaknesses in the electrical system and
4 In many cases it is favorable to perform subsequent use of the SIPCON Power
compensation of the undesired components. Conditioner, it will be possible to improve
Siemens offers two different systems for system loading and to significantly rational-
the compensation of reactive power and of ize the high capital investment necessary
harmonics – SIPCON T and SIPCON DVR/ for system expansion.
DSTATCOM – both suitable for three-phase
5 LV systems up to a rated voltage of 690 V.
The latter system is available in designs Frequency of
also capable of compensating short-term voltage dips [%]
voltage dips and surges, as well as load
Passive systems using switched
capacitors or capacitors with permanent
7 Active systems using IGBT converters
for quick and continuous operation. 15.00 Magnitude
of voltage
The use of SIPCON can enable energy 10.00 dip [%]
suppliers worldwide to provide the end
consumer with distinctive quality of supply. 10 to 30
5.00 30 to 60
As it is now possible with this technology
8 to supply ”Premium Energy“, an energy 60 to 100
0.00 interruption 100
supplier can formulate differing tariffs for 10 ms 100 ms 500 ms 1s 3s 20 s
his product – electrical energy – so that he to 100 ms to 500 ms to 1 s to 3 s to 20 s to 60 s
will stand out from his competitors.
Duration of voltage dips
9 Fig. 253: Frequency and duration of voltage dips


Fig. 254: Active compensation system

(Power Conditioner DSTATCOM)

6/146 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
Power Quality
Passive Compensation – Power Factor Correction

Under unfavorable conditions, adherence

The SIPCON T Passive Filters to this rule may lead to a power factor
and Compensation Systems smaller than 0.9. In this case, centralized Individual correction 1
correction should be performed additionally.
All consumers based on an electromagnet- Group Correction
ic operation principle (e.g. motors, trans-
formers, fluorescent lamps with series re- A group of consumers, e.g. motors or fluo-
rescent lamps, operated by one common
actors) require a lagging reactive power.
switch, can be compensated with one sin-
This leads to an increase in the amount of
apparent power and consequently in current. gle capacitor (Fig. 256).
The supply of reactive power from the mains
Centralized Correction
leads to additional load applied to the oper-
ating equipment which, as a result, needs The solution for correcting the power fac-
to be configured for higher capacities than tor for a great number of small consumers M 3
actually required. The higher current is ac- with varying power consumption is a cen-
companied by an increased power loss. tralized compensation principle (Fig. 257)
However, the required reactive power can using switched capacitor modules and a Fig. 255: Individual correction
also be generated close to the consumer controller. The low losses of the capacitors
with the help of capacitors which prevent allows them to be integrated directly in the
the above mentioned disadvantages. When switchboards or distributors.
selecting the capacity it is general practice A programmable controller is used to mon- Group correction
to calculate with a power factor of 0.9 or itor the power factor and to switch the ca-
higher. pacitors according to the reactive-power
Compensation can be effected according to flow.
three different principles: individual correc-
The devices for group correction differ in 5
tion, group correction and centralized cor-
rection. their power and in their number of switch-
ing steps. For example, a unit with 250 kVA
Individual Correction can be switched in steps of 50 kVA.
We recommend the use of units suitable
This type of compensation is reasonable
for consumers with high capacities,
for switching between five and twelve 6
constant load and long operating times.
(Fig. 255). M M M
■ The capacitor is installed close to the op-
erating equipment. The lower current
flows already in the line from the busbar Fig. 256: Group correction 7
to the consumer.
■ The capacitor and the consumer are
turned on and off together; an additional
switch is not required. Centralized correction
When selecting the type of capacitors 8
please note that in the case of induction
motors, the reactive power supplied by the
capacitor must not exceed approx. 90% of
the motor reactive power in idle operation.
Otherwise, disconnection might cause self-
excitation by the resonance frequency, 9
since the motor and the capacitor form a
resonant circuit. This effect may lead to
high overvoltages at the terminals and af-
fect the insulation of the operating equip-
ment. As a general rule, the following val- M M M
ues should be considered for the capacitor:
■ Approx. 35% of the motor power
at ≥ 40 kW,
■ Approx. 40% of the motor power from
20 to 39 kW, M M M
■ Approx. 50% of the motor power
at < 20 kW.
Fig. 257: Centralized correction

Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 6/147
Power Quality
Passive Compensation – Power Factor Control

The SIMEAS C Power Factor

1 Q1 Controller
Q2 QC The centralized correction principle is ef-
fected with the help of a controller. This
unit is designed for panel mounting (front
2 P S2 S1
frame dimensions 144 x 144 mm accord-
ing to DIN) in the door of the compensa-
tion equipment. It is connected to L1, L2
ϕ1 and L3 of the mains voltage; the current is
ϕ2 taken from a current transformer in L1 rated
1 A or 5 A.
3 All capacitor modules connected are
switched stepwise in such a way as to
enable best approximation to the setpoint
value of the power factor. Defined waiting
Fig. 258: SIMEAS C Power Factor Controller Fig. 259: Effect of compensation periods prevent excessive switching opera-
4 tions and ensure that the capacitor will be
discharged properly before the next con-
nection. Two setpoints (cos ϕ1 and cos ϕ2)
Two examples can be specified separately to enable dif-
ferent modes for day and night time.
5 Each capacitor module is operated by con-
1 Uncompensated system, rated voltage 400 V tactors which are controlled by means of
six contacts. A further contact is used for
Active power Pa 550 kW error indication. One input for a floating
Power factor cos ϕ1 0.6
Pa 550 kW contact is used to select one of the two
S1 = = = 920 kVA
Apparent power S1 920 kVA cos ϕ1 0.6 setpoints for the power factor. Apart from
6 Current I1 1330 A
the control function, the device also offers
a great amount of information on the sta-
S1 920 kVA tus of the supply system. It shows:
I1 = = = 1330 A ■ Setpoint cos ϕ1,
√3 • U √3 • 400 V
■ Setpoint cos ϕ2 (e.g. night operation),
7 ■ Line current,
2 Compensated system, rated voltage 400 V ■ Voltages,
■ Active power in kW,
Power factor cos ϕ2 0.9 ■ Apparent power in kVA,
Capacitor power QC 470 kvar QC = Pa (tan ϕ1 – tan ϕ2) ■ Actual reactive power in kvar,
8 Apparent power S2 610 kVA ■ Deviation of the reactive power from
Current I2 880 A the setpoint value,
■ Reactive power of the activated
Pa 550 kW capacitors,
S2 = = = 610 kVA
cos ϕ2 0.9 ■ Harmonics of voltage U5,
9 ■ Harmonics of voltage U7,
■ Harmonics of voltage U11,
S2 610 kVA ■ Harmonics of current U5,
I2 = = = 880 A
√3 • U √3 • 400 V ■ Harmonics of current U7,
■ Harmonics of current U11.
10 A fiber-optic interface is accessible at the
The correction of the power factor from rear of the device. On request, a cable
cos ϕ1 = 0.6 to cos ϕ2 = 0.9, results in a S1 – S2 suitable for the conversion of optical puls-
34% reduction in apparent power trans- = 0.34 es into RS 232C (V.2) signals can be sup-
mitted. Line losses can be reduced by
plied. This cable enables connection to a
56%. personal computer which can be used to
I12 – I22 program the controller and to read out pa-
= 0.56 rameters, as well as the measured values.

Fig. 260: Examples of power factor control

6/148 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
Power Quality
Passive Compensation – Power Factor Control

Selecting the Capacitor Power Correction of the Power Factor in

Networks with Harmonics Ripple control Reactor/capacitor
When defining the capacitor power for a 1
system, the active power P and the power Consumers with non-linear resistors, i.e. frequencies ratio p
factor cos ϕ1 of the system have to be with non-sinusoidal power consumption,
considered. In order to upgrade cos ϕ1 to cause a distorted voltage waveshape.
< 250 Hz 14%
cos ϕ2, the following applies to the power However, all waveshapes are made up of
QC of the capacitor: sine curves the frequencies of which are
integer multiples of the system frequency > 250 Hz ≥ 7% 2
– the harmonics. When using capacitors
for power factor correction, the capacity of
> 350 Hz ≥ 5%
QC = Pa·(tan ϕ1 – tan ϕ2) these capacitors and the inductivity of the
network (supplying transformer) form a se-
ries resonant circuit. Fig. 263: Types of compensation for different ripple
Fig. 261
The two impedances of the resonance fre- control frequencies 3
quency are the same and cancel each oth-
er out; the relatively low active resistance,
The diagram in Fig. 259 shows how the however, causes current peaks which may Only in cases with a higher capacitor pow-
apparent power S1 – caused by active possibly lead to the tripping of protection er should the power supply companies be
power Pa and reactive power Q1 – is re- devices. This may occur if the resonance consulted for an agreement on the use of
duced to the value S2 by the capacitor frequency equals or is close to the fre- audio frequency hold-offs. With frequen- 4
power QC. When taking into account that quency of a present harmonic. cies greater than 250 Hz, capacitor powers
the current is proportional to the apparent without audio frequency hold-off are ad-
power, whereby the loss caused by the This effect can be corrected by the use of missible only up to 10 kvar. If the capacitor
current increases by the power of two, the capacitor units equipped with an inductor. power exceeds this value, audio frequency
saving is remarkable. This result is possibly These inductors are designed in such a hold-offs are to be integrated. This refers
supported by a lower energy tariff to be way that the resonance frequency in com- mainly to parallel resonant circuits which 5
paid. bination with the network inductivity falls are connected to the capacitors in series
below the fifth harmonic. With all higher and which show a high impedance in their
With systems in the planning stage we can harmonics, the capacitor unit is then induc-
assume that the reactive load is caused resonance frequency.
tive which excludes the generation of reso-
mainly by induction motors. These motors nances. In networks where harmonics are clearly
operate with an average power factor of present, inductor-capacitor units should be 6
≥ 0.7. Increasing the power factor to 0.9 We recommend use of these inductor-ca- used for compensation in any case. The
requires a capacitor power of approx. 50% pacitor units in all cases where more than specific type of compensation equipment
of the active power. 20% of the power is caused by harmonics- is to be selected with consideration of the
generating equipment. ripple control frequency. Fig. 263 shows
In present industrial plants, the required
capacitor power can be determined on the some guide values for this procedure.
Compensation in Networks with
basis of the energy bill, provided the plant
is equipped with an active and reactive en- Ripple Control Compensation of Harmonics
ergy meter. Ripple control is effected by superimpos- The continuous progress in power semi-
ing the network voltage with signals of a conductor technology has resulted in an
frequency between 160 and 1350 Hz.
E r– (E a • tan ϕ2) Since the capacitor conductance is rising in
increased use of controlled rectifiers and 8
frequency converters, e.g. for variable-
QC = a linear manner in relation to the frequen- speed drives. The common and character-
t cy, these signals can be practically short- istic feature of these devices is their non-
circuited. For this reason, the influence of sinusoidal power consumption. This leads
Er = reactive energy (kvarh) the compensation measures should be to distortion of the network voltage, i.e. it
Ea = active energy (kWh)
considered and, if inadmissible, it should contains harmonics. This distortion is then 9
be corrected. VDEW (German Utility Board) forced upon other consumers connected
t = operating time in hours over has issued a recommendation on this sub-
the accounting period to the same network and will also have an
ject, where the impedance factor α has effect on higher voltage levels. This disad-
tan ϕ2= calculated from the setpoint been defined as the ratio of the network vantage may lead to operational failures
value for cos ϕ2 impedance to that of the compensation and cause a higher apparent power in the
equipment at the frequency of the ripple network. In order to keep to the limit val- 10
control signal. ues as specified in the EN 50160 standard,
Fig. 262
The practical consequence is that in net- filtering may become necessary.
works without harmonics and with ripple
If no reactive energy meters are installed,
control frequencies of less than 250 Hz,
the required data can be determined with
capacitors without inductors can be used
the help of a reactive power recorder.
to correct the power factor at a capacity of
up to 35% of the apparent transformer
power. In this case, follow-up measure-
ments can be omitted.

Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 6/149
Power Quality
Passive Compensation – Harmonics Filter

The following example shows the harmon-

ics present in a typical three-phase, fully-
1 controlled, bridge-circuit rectifier (Fig. 264).

ν = 6 · k ± 1, k = 1, 2, 3, …
Fig. 266

The amplitude of the currents decreases

inversely to the increase of the order
3 number, ideally, in a linear manner in rela-
tion to the frequency:

Iν =
· I1
4 ν

Fig. 267

Fig. 264: Three-phase bridge circuit Actually, the values are often slightly high-
5 er, since the DC current is not completely
smoothed. Harmonics of the fifth, seventh,
eleventh and thirteenth order may show
amplitudes which need to be reduced;
harmonics of a higher order can usually
be neglected.
6 Primary distribution network The effect of harmonic currents on the
system can be reduced considerably by the
use of filters. This is effected by generat-
Transformer ing a series resonant circuit from a capaci-
tor and an inductor which is then adjusted
7 Drive Low-voltage exactly to the corresponding frequency for
each harmonic to be absorbed. The two
impedances cancel each other out, so that
the remaining ohmic resistance is reduced
to a negligible amount, compared to the
network impedance. The harmonic currents
8 ν =5 ν =7 ν =11… are absorbed to a large extent; the rest
remains present in the supply network.
This results in a lower voltage distortion
and a considerable increase in voltage
M quality.
9 Reactive power
Referring to the fundamental component,
the filters form a capacitive load. This sup-
Active power ports the general reactive power compen-
sation. This measure enables the corre-
sponding equipment to be designed for
lower capacities (Fig. 265).
Fig. 265: Correction of the power factor with the help of filters

6/150 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
Power Quality
Passive Compensation – Selection Guide

Help for Selection Type Series 4RF6

Siemens offers capacitors with and with- Fixed reactor-capacitor units for stationary
out reactors, suitable for single-phase and compensation in networks with a non-line- 1
three-phase systems for reactive powers ar load percentage of more than 20% re-
between 5 and 100 kvar and for nominal lated to the supply transformer apparent
voltages between 230 and 690 V. These power rating. Voltages between 400 and
capacitors are suitable for the compensa- 690 V, rating from 5 to 50 kvar. Reactor/
tion of constant reactive power. capacitor ratios: 5.67%, 7% or 14%. 2
Type Series 4RB Type Series 4RF14
MKK Power Capacitors for fixed compen- Passive, adjusted filter circuits for the ab-
sation without reactors, ratings 5 to 25 kvar. sorption of harmonics. Voltages from 400
The three-phase capacitors can be directly to 690 V, rating from 29 to 195 kvar. In the
connected at the load. Discharge resistor course of project planning, the customer 3
4RX92 are to be connected in parallel. will be requested to specify the currents of
the generated harmonics, the harmonic
Type Series 4RD content in the higher-level network and the
Fig. 269: 4RY56 Capacitor module 100 kvar, switchable
MKK power capacitors for fixed compen- short-circuit reactance at the connecting as 2 x 50 kvar module for cable connection
sation without reactors, mounted in a pro- point. 4
tective housing or on a plate. Ratings 5 to
Type Series 4RF1
100 kvar. Discharge resistors included.
Fully-equipped compensation systems with
Type Series 4RY reactor suitable for 400 to 690 V, with a
Complete small systems without reactors capacitor rating up to 800 kvar and with
for the automatic stepwise control of the additional reactors for a total rating up to 5
power factor with and without integrated 1000 kvar. The controller function is real-
audio frequency hold-off in different hous- ized by SIMEAS C.
ings and at different ratings. The units are
equipped with a BLR-CC controller suitable
for 8 switching steps. Without audio fre- Version Reactor/capacitor 6
quency hold-off, the capacity ranges from ratio Fig. 270: 4RY19 power factor correction unit in sheet-
10 to 100 kvar, with hold-off from 12 to steel wall cabinet, 50 kvar
50 kvar. The nominal voltage for both ver-
sions is 400 V, the frequency is 50 Hz. 4RF16 5.67%
Larger, fully-equipped systems without
reactors are delivered in cabinets. The 4RF17 7%
ratings of these systems range from 37.5
up to 500 kvar for nominal values between
230 V and 690 V and frequencies between 4RF18 8%
50 and 60 Hz. With these systems the
SIMEAS C controller for operation in six 4RF19 14% 8
switching steps is used. This controller
optimizes the switching sequence for con-
stant use of the capacitors. For voltages Fig. 268
of 400 V, systems with ratings between
75 and 300 kvar and with an integrated Type Series 4RF3
audio frequency hold-off are available. 9
Fully-equipped compensation systems with
Type Series 4RY56 reactors suitable for 400 to 525 V (and also
for other voltages on request) for ratings
Capacitor modules without reactors be- between 200 and 400 kvar. Special feature:
tween 20 and 100 kvar for installation in audio frequency blocking and simultaneous
racks of 600 or 800 mm in width. filtering of harmonics. The controller func- 10
Type Series 4RF56 tion is realized by SIMEAS C.

Reactor-capacitor modules from 5 to

100 kvar for installation in racks of 600 or
800 mm in width.

For technical data of SIPCON T Passive Filters and Com- Fig. 271: 4RF1 power factor correction unit
pensation Systems see Power Quality Catalog SR 10.6 250 kvar (5 x 50 kvar) in a cabinet 2275 x 625 mm

Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 6/151
Power Quality
Passive Compensation – Selection Guide

The flowcharts can be used as a reference
1 when selecting the suitable compensation Percentage of
equipment with regard to the individual non-linear load in
preconditions of the specific network. the network
< 20% of Sr*)

No Must resonances
with the higher-
level network be
Ripple control in No No Ripple control in
the network? the network?

Yes Yes
Audio frequency No Audio frequency No
> 250 Hz > 250 Hz? 1
Go to
Yes flowchart 2
U5 < 3% No
U7 < 2% 2
6 present in the
Capacitors and Special audio Capacitor type Equipment for
7 compensation frequency hold- 4RB, stationary power factor
units without off on request or compensation correction,
4RY. Audio fre- compensation equipm. type type 4RF17,
quency hold-off unit with reactor 4RD. Equipment reactors (7%).
on the supply (7%). for power factor Filtering of 5th
side. correction with- harmonic up
8 out reactors, approx. 30%
type 4RY.

*) Sr is the apparent power of the upstream infeeding system (transformer)

9 Fig. 272: Flowchart 1: Power factor correction for low, non-linear load


6/152 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
Power Quality
Passive Compensation – Selection Guide

Percentage of
No non-linear load Yes 1
in the network
≥ 20% of Sr *)

Improving the
power factor 2

Avoiding resonances
with higher level network
Partial filtering of self- Filtering a large amount
generated harmonics of self-generated

No Ripple control Ripple control present
present in the network? in the netwok?

No Yes No 5
Audio frequency
> 350 Hz?

1 Audio frequency
< 250 Hz? 6
2 Yes

Compensation 4RF34 or 4RF36 Requires special Passive, tuned

equipment for special reactor version, available filter circuit 7
power factor connected power on request. type 4RF14 re-
correction, type factor correction quired, available
4RF16, with unit, or power on request.
reactors (5.67%). factor correction
Filtering of self- unit, type 4RF19,
generated 5th with reactors
harmonic up to (14%). 8
approx. 50%.

*) Sr is the apparent power of the upstream infeeding system (transformer)

Fig. 273: Flowchart 2: Power factor correction for large non-linear load 9


Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 6/153
Power Quality
Active Compensation

SIPCON-DVR/SIPCON-DSTATCOM Advantages of Active There are two systems available, the DVR
Compensation Equipment (Dynamic Voltage Restorer) and the DSTAT-
1 Active Filter and Compensation ■ No capacitance, in order to exclude the
COM (Distributed Static Compensator)
Systems which differ in their specific design and ap-
generation of undesired resonances.
plication. DSTATCOM is designed for paral-
■ Reactive power and harmonics are lel and the DVR for serial connection.
A great number of industrial processes treated independently of each other; the
compensation of harmonics has no ef- The DSTATCOM is connected to the net-
based on the supply of electrical energy work between the incoming supply line
2 require a high degree of reliability in power fect on the power factor and vice versa.
and the consumer or a group of consum-
supply, including the constancy of the volt- ■ The audio frequency ripple control levels
ers as shown in Fig. 274. The compensa-
age applied and the waveshape. A short- remain unaffected.
tion unit functions as a current source and
time voltage failure or voltage dip may cau- ■ Stepless control avoids sudden changes sink. Correction includes all network char-
se the destruction of a component presently and enables compensation at any de- acteristics related to the reactive power.
being processed in an NC machine or of a gree of accuracy.
3 whole production lot in the semiconductor,
The DSTATCOM is used to compensate
■ Most rapid reaction to load changes with load reactions on the network.
chemical or steel industry. In the automo- a minimum delay.
tive and semiconductor industries, for ex- Connection of the DVR requires some more
■ No overvoltages caused by switching effort, since the system is to be looped
ample, the cost incurred by these losses operations.
may quickly accumulate to millions of dollars. into the line (Fig. 275) in series connection.
■ The equipment protects itself against In this connection, the DVR can influence
4 In return, some production processes cau-
overload. the line current flow which enables a com-
se unacceptable perturbations in the supply
network resulting from voltage dips (rolling ■ The functions will not be affected by plete compensation of voltage dips as
mills), flickers and asymmetries (steel mills). ageing of the power capacitors. occurring, for example, in the event of
■ The user can re-configure the system at short-circuits in the network. The DVR im-
Correction is possible with the help of proves the voltage quality of the supply
any time; this greatly enhances flexibility,
active compensation systems. These sys-
5 tems are capable of absorbing harmonics
even if the specific tasks have changed. system.
and of compensating voltage dips, reactive
power, imbalance in the three-phase sys-
tem and flicker problems. Their characteris-
tic features go far beyond the capabilities Net- Load
6 of passive systems (e.g. SIPCON T) and work
offer great advantages when compared
with other applications. The function princi-
ple is based on a pulse-width modulated,
three-phase bridge-circuit rectifier, as used Converter
for example in variable-speed drives. The
7 switching elements – IGBTs (insulated gate
bipolar transistors) – are controlled by means Intermediate-
of pulses of a certain length and phase an- circuit capacitor
gle. These pulses initiate charging and dis-
charging of a capacitor, used as an energy Fig. 274: DSTATCOM
store, at periodical intervals in order to achie-
8 ve the desired effect of influencing the cur-
rent flow direction. The control function is
performed by means of a microprocessor- Net- Load
based, programmable control unit. work

Fig. 275: DVR

6/154 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
Power Quality
Active Compensation

The DSTATCOM Compensation

Equipment Net-
The DSTATCOM is used to compensate work
Load 1
reactive power, harmonics, unbalanced
load and flickers caused by a consumer.
The current supplied from the network is
LCL filter
measured and modified by injecting correc-
tive current in such a way as to prevent
violation of the limit values defined for re-
active power and for specific harmonics
flowing to the supply system; flicker prob-
lems can also be reduced. The power re-
quired for this compensation is derived
from the intermediate-circuit capacitor 3
which is simultaneously re-charged with
line current. This line current is also used
to correct the network current. Apart from
the comparatively low losses, no active PWM
power flow occurs. The DSTATCOM reduc- IGBT converter
es or fully compensates perturbations on
the network caused by the consumer.

Intermediate-circuit capacitor 5

Fig. 277: Basic diagram of the DSTATCOM

Net- Reactive power Load 6
work Imbalance
Flickers Function Principle Fig. 277 shows the basic diagram of the
system. The IGBT rectifier bridge is con-
The DSTATCOM unit measures the current
nected to the network via an LCL filter.
applied to the supply side and injects a cor-
The impedance of the inductivity causes
rective current which compensates load
perturbations in the supply system or re-
the pulse-width modulated voltage to im- 7
press a current into the network and ab-
duces them to the admissible amount.
Fig. 276: Load perturbations are compensated sorb components of higher frequency.
Since no capacitors are used for correc-
With the help of capacitors, the filter effect
tion, the risk of resonances, as with pas-
will be improved. DC voltage is applied to
sive systems, can be neglected. Inductors
the intermediate-circuit capacitor which is
are not required.
adjusted according to its specific function. 8
The signals from the audio frequency rip- The current is measured on the network
ple control systems are not affected. The side with the result that the correcting
use of audio frequency hold-offs can be functions improve the network current and
omitted. reduce the load reactions on the system.
The DSTATCOM is available in two control 9
variants: control variant 1 for standard op-
eration and variant 2 for flicker mode.


Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 6/155
Power Quality
Active Compensation

Application of Variant 1
This is the standard design used to fulfill
1 the tasks as described below. All functions
can be performed simultaneously; they are
carried out completely independently and
do not affect each other, as occurs when
using solutions with passive components
2 (capacitors).
DSTATCOM protects itself against overload
by limiting the current. The individual tasks
can be allocated to different priority levels.
In case of overload, the tasks with the low-
est priority will then be skipped and the de-
3 vice will use its full capacity for the other
tasks. The control functions with the high-
est priority level will be the last ones re-
maining active.
In this operating mode the DSTATCOM
4 shows excellent dynamic behavior. Within
only a few network periods, the system
will reach the setpoint value. Operating var-
iant 1 is used for:
■ Absorption of Harmonics
5 A maximum of 4 harmonics up to the
13th order, e.g. 5, 7, 11 and 13, are com-
pensated. The remaining residual current
can be adjusted. This option avoids ex- Fig. 278: Example: SIPCON DSTATCOM LV
cessive system load, since the increas-
ing effect of correction causes a decline
6 in the internal resistance for the corre- Applications of Variant 2
sponding frequency. In return, the load- Variable loads require an even quicker reac- L1
caused current will considerably increase tion than can be realized with variant 1.
and with it the losses, which might re- Three-phase Active
Therefore, variant 2 has been optimized in
sult in a system overload. Therefore, it is system load
such a way as to enable reactive power
reasonable to correct the harmonics only
7 up to the limit specified by the supplier.
compensation and load balancing within
the shortest time. Possible applications of
■ Reactive Power Compensation this variant are:
Reactive power compensation, i.e. cor-
■ Reduction of flickers
rection of the power factor, is possible
for both inductive and capacitive loads. Heavy load surges as occurring, for ex-
8 The continuous control principle avoids ample, in welding machines, presses or
switching peaks and deviations which during the startup of drives, may cause
might occur when switching from one voltage line drops. Fluorescent lamps Fig. 279: Steinmetz compensator
step to the next. react to these voltage drops with varia-
tions in their brightness, called flickers.
■ Correction of Unbalanced Load ■ Correction of unbalanced load conditions
The reactive components of the load
9 Loads in single and two-phase connec- current have usually a greater effect in The DSTATCOM is suitable to fully cor-
tion cause voltage imbalance in the this case. The DSTATCOM can be oper- rect unbalanced loads of the three phas-
three-phase system which may also ated in the flicker mode which provides es. Until now, this was achieved with
have negative effects on other consum- an optimized reaction within the shortest the help of stepwise controlled inductors
ers. Especially three-phase motors may time in order to reduce these voltage and capacitors, but now correction can
then be exposed to overheat. variations to a large extent. The delay be performed continuously and very
10 An active load can be symmetrized by time of the system is only 1/60 of the precisely. The quick reaction of the
means of a Steinmetz compensator. period length and control is completed DSTATCOM in the flicker mode enables
While this compensator can correct only within one network period. control within only one network period.
constant loads, the SIPCOM is capable Consumers in single or two-phase con-
of adjusting its correction dynamically to nection, such as welding devices, will
the load, even if this load is changing no longer affect symmetry.

6/156 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
Power Quality
Active Compensation

Information for Project Planning

When selecting a DSTATCOM, three as-
pects should be considered: 100% use for the filtering The whole nominal current of the DSTATCOM can be 1
of harmonics used for the filtering of harmonics.
1. The nominal voltage. Reactive power compensation and load balancing can
Nominal voltages of 400 V, 525 V, 690 V also be performed.
and for medium-voltage applications up This function should be used if the device is mainly used
to 20 kV. for the filtering of harmonics
2. The supply current ISN required by the 2
DSTATCOM. Only 50% of the DSTATCOM nominal current is used
50% use for the filtering
3. The type of application. of harmonics for the filtering of harmonics.
Application can be broken down into The remaining current can be used for reactive power
three types of different tasks (Fig. 280). compensation and load balancing.
Flicker mode Instead of harmonics filtering, the whole nominal current
is used to perform highly dynamic reactive power
compensation and load balancing.
Compared with other control variants, the dynamic
behavior is many times better.
Required The required nominal current for the DSTATCOM is
nominal current calculated as the geometrical sum of the required partial
currents according to the following formula:

ISN = √ I12+ I52+ I72+ I112+ I132

I1 = Reactive component of
the fundamental current 6
I5…I13 = Current harmonics

Fig. 280: Application modes of DSTATCOM

SIPCON can be used for the generation of
either capacitive or inductive reactive cur- Control range
rent. Since the latter can usually be neglect- with permanent
ed as regards reactive power compensa- compensation
tion, the working point of the DSTATCOM 8
can be displaced by means of fixed com- Net- Load
pensation with the help of traditional com- work
pensation (SIPCON T). The power of the 2 x capacitive
DSTATCOM can thus be almost doubled.
(Fig. 281).

SIPCON Permanent
DSTATCOM compensation 10
Control range

Fig. 281: Displaced control range

Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 6/157
Power Quality
Active Compensation

The DVR Compensation Equipment

The DVR unit is used to correct interfering Net-
1 influences from the supply network on the work
consumer. Short-time and even longer volt-
age dips, harmonics and unbalanced load
may cause considerable damage to sensi-
IGBT converter LCL filter
tive consumers. The DVR has been de-
2 signed for the compensation of such faults
in order to improve the quality in power
supply and to prevent production loss and

4 Voltage dips
Net- Voltage overshoots Load
work Harmonics

Fig. 282: Improving the quality in power supply Fig. 283: Block diagram – DVR

Function Principle
The DVR is used as a voltage source
which is integrated in the feeder line be-
tween the supply system and the consum-
7 er in series connection. The voltage ap-
plied to the consumer is measured and if it
deviates from the ideal values, the missing
components will be injected, so that the
consumer voltage remains constant. Apart
from the prevention of voltage dips, the
8 DVR is also used to correct overvoltages
and unsymmetries. The highly dynamic
system is capable of realizing the full com-
pensation of voltage dips within a period of
2 to 3 milliseconds.


6/158 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
Power Quality
Active Compensation

The signals from audio frequency ripple Information for Project Planning
control systems are not affected. An audio
In contrast to the principle of SIPCON
frequency hold-off is not required.
DSTATCOM, which corrects the reactive
Application power only for the parallel-connected load,
the whole load current flows through the
The DVR is basically used to improve the DVR system. Therefore, all preconditions
quality of the voltage supplied by the pow- and marginal conditions are to be consid-
er supply system. ered to enable correct configuration. Basi- 2
■ Correction of voltage variations cally, the following points should be taken
Remote short-circuits in the supply net- into account:
work occasionally result in voltage dips ■ Fault characteristics:
of different strength and of a duration of What kind of network faults are to be
only few tenths of a second. In weak corrected (single, two or three-phase)
networks it may also occur that the usu- and up to which residual voltage value
al voltage limits cannot be held over a and fault duration shall correction be-
long period of time or that sensitive con- come effective.
sumers require smaller tolerances than ■ Load:
offered by the power supply company.
Nominal value of the apparent power,
With the DVR, single, two and three- type of load, e.g. what types of drive, 4
phase voltage dips up to a certain inten- resistance load, etc. are to be supplied
sity can be compensated independently with the help of the DVR.
of their duration. Additional power is tak-
■ Corrective behavior:
en from the rectifier part from the net-
work, even if the voltage is too low; this What degree of accuracy is to be ob-
power is then supplied to the series served for the voltage on the load side. 5
transformer on the load side via the con- It will often be sufficient if the DVR sup-
verter. The value of the nominal power plies only part of the nominal load. To en-
of the DVR is reciprocal to the voltages sure correct project planning, a Siemens
to be corrected. Statistics show that expert should be consulted.
most of the short-time voltage dips have
a residual voltage of at least 70 to 80%.
The power to be generated by the DVR
must be sufficient to compensate the
missing part.
■ Compensation of unbalanced load Further information:
The DVR can be used to inject a positive 7
phase-sequence voltage which enables
the compensation of imbalance in the
supply voltage in order to avoid exces-
sive temperatures of three-phase ma-
■ Absorption of harmonics
The quick-action control of the DVR ena-
bles elimination of harmonics by correct-
ing distortions of the voltage waveshape.
Since the system can be configured for
different tasks, it can also be used to 9
process harmonics of the fifth, seventh,
eleventh and thirteenth order, either sep-
arately or as a whole.


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6/160 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
Power Systems Control
Energy Management

Contents Page
Energy Management Solutions
Introduction ....................................... 7/2
SINAUT Spectrum ........................... 7/2
EMS from Siemens –
a key to success .............................. 7/3
Available Services ........................... 7/3

Integrated IT Solutions
for Utilities ........................................ 7/4

Power Network Telecommunication

Introduction ....................................... 7/5
Power Line Carrier .......................... 7/6
Fibre Optic Communication ......... 7/13

Energy Management Solutions

Introduction SINAUT Spectrum Expandability

SINAUT Spectrum consists of self-con-
1 tained subsystems that intercommunicate
Energy market liberalization is changing the General via defined interfaces. This modularity
world of energy companies. Deregulation
SINAUT Spectrum® is the open, modular makes it possible to combine subsystems
of the energy sector is going ahead through-
and distributed control system for electrical for a specific application. Via a flexible sys-
out many countries. The focal point of
networks as well as for gas, water and re- tem configuration control center functions
energy company business used to be on
2 the technical side with emphasis on supply mote heating networks. It reflects the ex- can be adapted to customer-specific re-
perience of more than 600 electricity net- quirements.
reliability and cost minimization, but the
business side with competition and optimi- work control systems installed worldwide The demands on network control systems
zation of earnings will be the most impor- since the early sixties. keep on growing as secure and economic
tant aspect in future. More intensive and Its extensive and modular functionality pro- energy management is becoming ever
efficient use of information systems is the vides scalable solutions tailored to the more important.
3 means to the company’s success. needs and budgets of: To expand or modify the system it is easy
Deregulation of the energy market places ■ Municipalities to replace modules or add further modules
new demands on the network control cen- ■ Large industries with their own networks without a time-consuming and high cost
ters of energy companies. New tasks have redesign. Due to its modular and distribut-
■ Regional distribution companies
to be handled in addition to adapting such ed system architecture SINAUT Spectrum
4 traditional activities as network supervision
■ National and regional generation and offers unlimited horizontal and vertical
transmission companies growth opportunities, e.g. from a small en-
and control, network analysis and optimiza-
tion, generation control and scheduling and ■ Traction power supply networks try-level SCADA system up to a large EMS
distribution management. or combined SCADA/EMS/DMS.
Siemens is in a position to deliver optimum, Open architecture
5 state-of-the-art solutions in close coopera- SINAUT Spectrum is solidly based on in-
tion with the customers. dustry standards. Therefore the system
As technological pacemaker Siemens in- can be upgraded to take advantage of the
vests considerable funds annually in the rapidly moving technology in the IT market,
further development of its products. without losing any of the software invest-
Planned for the long term, the user-oriented ment built up over the years.
6 product lines have release compatibility to
guarantee that the benefits of tomorrow’s
Modular and distributed architecture
R&D investments can still be adopted by
systems delivered today. Each SINAUT Spectrum system consists
Siemens furthers this strategy by partici- of individual functional subsystems which
7 pating in a variety of IEC, IEEE, EPRI, are distributed among an optimum number
CIGRE and CIRED committees and by en- of servers. Shortest reaction times are
listing support from active user groups. achieved by assigning time-critical applica-
tions and applications requiring a lot of
The quality management certified by DQS computational power to dedicated servers.
according ISO 9001 ensures quality prod-
8 ucts and a smooth and reliable project im-
plementation within contractual schedule
and budget.
Siemens has a large support staff of dedi-
cated experts with power industry experi-
With its broad range of products Siemens
is able to supply the control systems, all
necessary components (communication
equipment, control room equipment, unin-
terruptible power supplies, products for
10 deregulated energy markets, etc.) from one
supplier on a turnkey basis.

The following is a short overview of our

systems and services.

Please find detailed information in the

internet under:
control Fig. 1: Network Control System SINAUT Spectrum at VEW Energie AG, Bochum, Germany

7/2 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
Energy Management Solutions

Functionality Energy Management Solutions Available services

The state-of-the-art functions of SINAUT from Siemens –
Spectrum cover the entire performance
range of dispatch centers, district control a key to success Siemens offers services for all important
centers, distribution network control cent- areas:
ers and combined control centers for ■ Consulting
municipalities (for more than one type of Network control centers have to operate
■ Studies
power) and for suppliers on the deregulated economically and efficiently over long peri- 2
ods. Therefore Siemens is committed to: ■ Planning, engineering
energy market (GenCos, TransCos, DisCos).
■ Project implementation
The functional packages in ■ Designing systems that can incorporate
new standards and technologies over ■ Installation, supervision of installation
SINAUT Spectrum:
time to keep the system current ■ Commissioning
■ Flexible, fast and uncomplicated ■ Avoiding dependence on proprietary ■ Training
Source Data Management tools and methods ■ Hardware/software maintenance
■ Clear and easy to use User Inter- ■ Using accepted and de facto standards ■ System upgrading
face ■ Meeting the growing need for informa- ■ System migration
■ Data acquisition and preprocessing tion management throughout an energy ■ IT system integration
by Telecontrol Interfaces with dis- company ■ Control center design
tributed system architecture for flex- The long-term commitments also include: 4
ible and redundant configurations
■ A full product spectrum
■ Full range of SCADA and enhanced
■ Complete turnkey projects
SCADA functions
■ Complete spectrum of services
■ Storing, archiving and subsequent
■ Active user groups
reconstruction of the process data
■ Strong R&D
with the Historical Information
■ Communication applications for
data exchange with other systems
via various interfaces
■ Multisite operation of control cent- 6
ers for configuring flexible and dy-
namic system management in multi-
site systems
■ Optimum distribution of generator
power and cost optimized control of 7
the power plants on the network
with Power applications
■ Optimization of operation with
Scheduling applications for fore-
casting the system load and plan-
ning 8
■ Fast and comprehensive analysis
and optimization of the current net-
work status with Network applica-
■ Training Simulator for practical 9
exercises with a realistic network
behavior using set scenarios
■ Distribution Management applica-
tions for efficient and economical
operation of the distribution networks
■ Demand Side Management, e.g.
energy demand control for optimal
utilization of the energy supply con-
■ Deregulation applications for opti-
mizing productivity and profitability
for energy companies in deregulated

Fig. 2: Control Center of Stadtwerke Frankenthal, Germany

Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 7/3
Integrated IT Solutions for Energy Companies

Integrated IT Solutions for Energy companies in deregulated markets

1 Energy Companies
Segmen- Generation Transmission Distribution Retail
Competition due to the deregulation of the tation
energy markets and the privatization of the
energy sector in a number of countries
2 force the energy companies worldwide to
increase productivity and profitability. To
become faster, flexible and more produc-
tive, energy companies have to reengineer
and improve their business processes. Generation Network Customer
Manage- Wholesale Manage- Retail Manage-
Support of the business processes by inte- Trading Trading
3 grated IT solutions improves the competi-
ment ment ment
tive position of the energy companies.
Siemens is in a unique position in the
energy company IT market by covering Reengi-
Strategy Processes Technology Employee
solutions for all IT needs of our customers neering
4 within one company: network manage-
ment, generation management, energy
trading and the meter related part of cus-
tomer management, business operation Process Analysis and optimization of business processes
systems (e.g. SAP, Baan), customer infor- orientation
mation & billing solutions and call center as
5 well as general IT solutions.
Combination, parameterization and inter- Information Integrated and process oriented information flow
facing of newly implemented and existing flow IT integration, workflow management, data management
products and systems is our goal.
Within the whole area of energy and infor-
6 mation management, Siemens provides a Fig. 3: Utilities in deregulated markets
unique framework of services and IT solu-
tions for energy companies.
Seminars and workshops in all areas, from
generation scheduling, energy planning Mainten- Geographical In-
7 over GIS integration up to risk manage- Business Operations
ance formation System
ment for energy trading help our custom- Facilities Ma-
ers to empower their employees and to Crew Ma-
Business Finance & nagement nagement
streamline their business. In the area of Control Sales &
Planning Marketing Outage Ma-
consulting we help to engineer and justify nagement Network
the business processes as well as design Purchasing Human Archive Planning
8 and implement customer-specific energy & Supply Resources (EDM) SCADA/
Data Ware- Remote EMS/DMS
trading solutions. Our implementation of
products and systems fills the gap between Workflow house Terminal Network
Manage- Unit Management
financial enterprise resource planning ment
(ERP) systems, customer relation manage- Billing Customer
9 ment systems and technical control or in- Information Energy Scheduling Plant
formation systems. Meter Ma- Communi- Trading Applications Control
nagement cation
We offer a whole suit of consulting and Call
IT services together with products and sys- Center Contract Power Plant
& Risk Ma- Sales Applications Operations
tems as complete IT solutions to enable the Meter Forecast
energy companies to serve their customers Customer nagement
10 best. Management Generation Management
Energy Trading
For further information please contact:
Fax: ++49-911-433-8122 Fig. 4: IT systems in a utility
and visit our homepage under:

7/4 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
Power Network Telecommunication

Introduction As shown in the block diagram below, All systems and network elements de-
we are offering systems and network scribed meet the relevant international
elements for analog transmission as well recommendations and are designed, devel- 1
Safe, reliable and economical energy as systems for digital transmission. oped and manufactured in accordance with
supply is also a matter of fast, efficient The systems and network elements the requirements of the quality systems
and reliable transmission of information shown in this survey of products have of DIN EN ISO 9001.
and data. been specially developed for power in-
International operation, automation and dustry applications and therefore fulfill 2
computer-controlled optimization of net- the requirements with regard to quality
work operations, as well as changing com- and workmanship as well as reliability
munications requirements and the rapid and security.
progress in technology have considerably
increased the demands placed on systems up to 500 km
and components of communications net-
Line trap 3
The same careful planning and organizing
of communications networks are as neces- PLC
sary in the power industry as for the gener-
ation and distribution of energy itself. 4
Siemens offers a wide range of systems
and network elements specifically de-
signed to solve communications problems
in this area. Distance protection SWT F6
All systems and network elements are 50 ... 2400 Bd 5
adapted to one another in such a way that FWT
the power industry’s future communica- 64 kbit/s
tions requirements can be satisfied opti-
mally both technically and economically. ESB
Siemens is offering advice, planning,
production, delivery, installation, operation 6
and training – one source for the customer.
Siemens provides expertise and commit-
ment as the complexity of the problem
Put your trust in the extensive know-how
of our specialists and in the solidity of the
internationally proven Siemens communi-
Dig. current SWT D
cations systems.
comparison and
distance protection
Flexible network configuration 8
with communications systems and Data
network elements 50 Bd ... n x 64 kbit/s
The gradual transition from analog to digital MUX
information networks in the power industry Speech
and other privately operated networks re- 9
quires a great variety of systems and net-
work elements for widely differing uses.
Prior to a decision as to which system
could be used for the best technical and AKE Coupling unit
economical solution, it is first necessary to PLC Power line carrier communication
clarify such requirements as quantity of CC Coupling capacitor 10
speech, data and teleprotection channels CVT Capacitive voltage transformer
to be transmitted, length of transmission SWT F6 Teleprotection signaling system for analog transmission links
link, existing transmission media, infra- FWT Telecontrol – and data transmission system
structure, reliability, etc. ESB Power line carrier system
Hicom ISDN telephone system
Depending on those clarifications the most SWT 2 D Teleprotection signaling system for digital transmission links
cost-efficient and best technical solution MUX Multiplex system
can be chosen. LFH Fiber optic transmission system
O.F. Optical fiber cable

Fig. 5: General overview

Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 7/5
Power Network Telecommunication

Power Line Carrier (PLC) 1 Conduit with weather-resistant

1 Communication 13 PLC cable screw connection
11 2 Terminal for coupling capacitor
AKE 100 coupling unit 3 Grounding switch with
9 switch-rod eye
For carrier frequency communication via 10 4 Main ground connection
power lines or via communication circuits 1
2 subject to interference from power lines,
5 External shock hazard protection
the high-frequency currents from and to 6 1 or 2-pole coarse voltage arrester
the PLC terminals must be fed into or 7 Drain and tuning coil
tapped from the lines at chosen points 8 Isolating capacitor
without the operating personnel or PLC 6 9 Isolating transformer
3 terminals being exposed to a high-voltage
10 Resistor for phase-to-phase coupling
hazard. (balancing resistor)
The PLC terminals are connected to the 2
11 Gas-type surge arrester
power line via coupling capacitors or via (optional extra)
capacitive voltage transformers and the 12 PLC cable terminals
coupling unit. In order to prevent the PLC
4 currents from flowing to the power switch- 13 HF hybrid transformer
5 4 3
gear or in other undesired directions (e. g.
spur lines), traps (coils) are used, which are Fig. 6: AKE 100 coupling unit with built-in HF hybrid transformer
rated for the operating and short-circuit
currents of the power installation and
5 which involve no significant loss for the A: Phase-to-ground
power distribution system. coupling
The AKE 100 coupling unit described Line trap
here, together with a high-voltage coupling CC or CVT
capacitor, forms a high-pass filter for the
required carrier frequencies, whose lower AKE 100 PLC System
6 cut-off frequency is determined by the rat-
ing of coupling capacitor and the chosen
matching ratio.
The AKE 100 coupling unit is supplied in
B: Phase-to-phase
four versions and is used for:
7 coupling
■ Phase-to-ground
Line trap
coupling to overhead power lines CC or CVT
■ Phase-to-phase
coupling to overhead power lines AKE 100 PLC System
■ Phase-to-ground
8 coupling to power cables
■ Phase-to-phase coupling to power cables
■ Intersystem coupling with two
phase-to-ground coupling units C: Intersystem
The coupling units for phase-to-phase
Line trap Line trap
9 coupling are adaptable for use as phase-
CC or CVT CC or
to-ground coupling units. The versions for CVT
phase-to-ground coupling can be retrofitted
for phase-to-phase coupling or can be used AKE 100 HF hybrid AKE 100
for intersystem coupling.
PLC System
Fig. 7: Coupling modes

Coupling mode Costs Attenuation Reliability

A: Phase-to-ground coupling Minimum Greater than B&C Minimum

B: Phase-to-phase coupling Twice than A Minimum Greater than A
C: Intersystem coupling Twice than A Greater than B Maximum

Fig. 8: Comparison of the coupling modes

7/6 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
Power Network Telecommunication

ESB 2000i power line carrier system


PABX 64 kbit/s

e. g. Hicom
So 64 kbit/s Line trap 4
PAX/ unit
Remote Service
2/4-wire subscriber telephone

Distance protection

SWT 2000 F6

Data V.28 up to
2400 Bd or via MODEM

Modem, ≤ 19,2 kbits/s ESB 2000i

Data V.28
up to 2400 Bd

FWT 2000i Service PC

Fig. 9: ESB 2000i power line carrier system

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Power Network Telecommunication

ESB 2000i power line carrier system

Modern PLC systems must not only take
1 into account the specific characteristics of
the high-voltage line but must guarantee
first and foremost that they will be eco- Modulation Power
nomically and technically usable in future amplifier
digital networks.
2 The ESB 2000i digital PLC system meets -
these requirements through Interface- Digital
signal Central control
■ State-of-the-art digital signal processor modules
technology (DSP) processing
■ User-oriented service features, e. g. -
3 – automatic line equalization
– automatic frequency control (AFC) Demodulation Receive
– remote supervision/maintenance selection
– programming of parameters by PC
■ Integration of data transmission systems
4 (channel circuits KS 2000 and KS 2000i)
■ Digital interfaces for transmission up
Fig. 10: ESB 2000i functional units
to 64 kbit/s
■ Integration of Teleprotection Signalling
System SWT2000F6
5 Use of the ESB 2000i PLC system also
enables the full advantages of digital trans-
mission to be exploited when employing
the high-voltage line as a transmission me-
dium. The ESB 2000i PLC system also sat-
isfies economic requirements such as low
6 investment costs, reduction of expenditure
for maintenance and service and technical
requirements with respect to security,
availability and reliability.

The ESB 2000i PLC system permits carrier
transmission of speech, fax, data, tele-
control and teleprotection signals in the
frequency range from 24 kHz to 500 kHz
8 ■ Overhead power lines and
■ Cables
in high- and medium-voltage systems.
The information is transmitted using the
single-sideband (SSB) method with sup-
9 pressed carrier. This method permits:
■ Large ranges due to maximum utiliza-
tion of the transmitter energy for signal Fig. 11: ESB 2000i PLC System with 40 W amplifier
■ The smallest possible bandwidth and
10 therefore optimum utilization of the
spectrum space of the frequency range
permitted for the transmission
■ Improved privacy due to carrier

7/8 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
Power Network Telecommunication

Digital PLC-System ESB 2000i

for information transmission
up to 64 kbit/s 1
ESB 2000i
Increased transmission capacity
In comparison to a PLC System with
analog interfaces, the digital PLC System
combined with an external multiplex
system can transmit a multiple of voice Digital Digital SSB- PLC line HF-
and data channels. trans- interface modulator/ unit bandwidth
Using the Multiplex System PMX 2000 mission X.21/V.11 demodula- 2.5 to
with voice compression at 4.8 kbit/s, up to from 9.6 tor 8 kHz
12 voice channels can be transmitted at an to 64 kbit/s
aggregate bitstream of 64 kbit/s. 3
Compared with analog PLC Systems a
maximum of 2 voice channels can be
Service channel
Digital PLC System ESB 2000
Interlink between digital networks in PDH 4
and SDH design and PLC Networks Central processor
With the international standardized inter-
face X.21 acc. to ITU-T, the PLC System
can be connected to a primary multiplexer, Service Service PC
e.g. FMX (Flexible Multiplex System). telephone network management 5
On the transmission side the information is
connected via optical or electrical 2 Mbits/s
interfaces to the PDH or SDH network.
Fig. 12: Basic diagram of the ESB 2000i PLC System for digital transmission
PLC links as integrated part of digital
communication networks 6
Transmission capacity, available interfaces
and data rate are significant factors for the
selection of systems to be used in modern 19.2 kbit/s
communication networks.
The PLC System ESB 2000i with digital 7
interface together with the Muliplex Sys-
tem PMX 2000, meets the requirements in 32 kbit/s
terms of transmission capacity, interfaces
and fast data transmission for a wide range
of applications. 40 kbit/s
Digital PLC System ESB 2000i with
add/drop facility
64 kbit/s
The digital PLC System ESB 2000i in
combination with the Multiplex System
PMX 2000 provides the add/drop function 9
for insertion and drop-out of voice and data
channels in intermediate stations.
Bandwidth 2.5 kHz Note:
Networking of digital voice communication A service channel for
systems (e.g. Hicom) with ISDN basic remote maintenance and
access So for service telephone is 10
Bandwidth 4 (3.75) kHz
Networking of voice communication sys- provided in addition to the
tems via So-interface, e.g. 2 voice chan- above nominal bit rates.
nels with 64 kbits/s and 1 service channel
with 64 kbits/s (2B+D), can be utilized with Bandwidth 5 kHz
the PLC System ESB 2000i equipped with
digital interface together with a multiplex
system that provides the So-interface and Bandwidth 8 (7.5) kHz
suitable voice compression method.

Fig. 13: Transmission rates of the digital interface of the PLC system according to the available bandwidth

Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 7/9
Power Network Telecommunication

SWT 2000 F6 protection signaling

system for analog transmission links
1 The task of power system protection
equipment in the event of faults in high-
voltage installations is to selectively dis-
connect the defective part of the system
within the shortest possible time. In view
2 of constantly increasing power plant capac-
ities and the ever closer meshing of high-
voltage networks, superlative demands are
placed on power network protection sys-
tems in terms of reliability and availability.
Network protection systems featuring ab-
3 solute selectivity therefore need secure
and high-speed transmission systems for
the exchange of information between the
individual substations.
The SWT 2000 system for transmission of
protection commands provides optimum Fig. 14: SWT 2000 F6 teleprotection signal transmission system (stand-alone version)
4 security and reliability while simultaneously
offering the shortest possible transmission

5 The SWT 2000 F6 system is for fast and Distance
IF 4 Electrical line
reliable transmission of one or more pro- protection connection
tection commands and / or special switch- CLE
ing functions in power networks.
■ Protection
6 – Protection commands can be trans- Optical line
mitted for the protection of two connection
three-phase systems or one three-
phase system with individual-phase
– High-voltage circuit-breakers can be IF 4M
7 Annunciations
actuated either in conjunction with
selective protection relays or directly.
■ Special switching functions
– When the system is used for special
switching functions, it is possible to
8 transmit four signals. Each signal is
assigned a priority.
Transmission paths
Depending on the type of supply network, 24 ... 60 V dc
the following transmission paths can be Service PC Alarms 110/220 V dc/ac
9 utilized:
■ High and medium-voltage overhead lines
Fig. 15: Block diagram of the SWT 2000 F6
■ High and medium-voltage cables
■ Aerial and buried cables
■ Radio relay links

7/10 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
Power Network Telecommunication

FWT 2000i telecontrol and data trans-

mission system for analog/digital trans-
mission links 1
In all areas related to the telemonitoring of
systems, automation technology and the
control of decentralized equipment, it must
be possible to transmit signals and meas-
ured values economically and reliably. 2
The new FWT 2000i System for telecontrol
and data transmission can be flexibly used
to perform the various transmission tasks
involved in system management not only
in public utilities, railway companies and
refineries, but also in the areas of environ-
mental protection and civil defense, as
well as in hydrographic and meteorological
The following characteristics of the
FWT 2000i system make it suitable for 4
meeting users’ special requirements:
■ Safe operating method around
high-voltage systems
■ High degree of reliability and safety
■ Short process cycle times Fig. 16: FWT 2000i telecontrol and data transmission system
■ Easy handling
■ Economical use
Transmitter and receiver Additional benefits
The FWT 2000i system offers a variety of
modules for the widest possible range of as separate modules
In addition to the system features, the
transmission tasks. Thanks to the unlimit- Separate modules that function only as FWT 2000i system provides all users with 6
ed equipping options of the frame, virtually a receiver or only as a transmitter are avail- the cost-effective and technical benefits
all system variants necessary for operation able for this operating method. expected and required when this system
can be implemented on a customer-spe- is used.
cific basis. Flexibility ■ Economical stocking of spare parts
Universal for all frequencies By using additional modules the system is possible since, from now on, only 7
can be extended for alternative path one module is needed for all rates and
and transmission rates up to 2400 Bd
switching or transmission of the control frequencies.
The KS 2000i channel unit accommodates frequencies of a multistation control ■ The system can be placed in service
a transmitter and receiver assembly. All system. quickly and easily thanks to automatic
transmission rates from 50 to 2400 Bd can level adjustment and automatic com-
be set in all frequencies within the 30 Hz Fast and easy fault localization pensation of distortion. 8
raster, including in the frequency raster to ■ The use of state-of-the-art digital proces-
A variety of supervisory facilities and
ITU-T. sors and components ensures that the
automatic fault signaling systems ensure
Transmission in the superimposed optimum operation and fault-free trans- system will have a long service life and
frequency band mission of data. a high rate of availability.

The FWT 2000i System permits transmis-

Transmission media
sion in the frequency range from 300 to
7200 Hz. Suitable transmission media are under-
ground cables, grounding conductor aerial
Modularity cables, aerial cables on crossarms of
power line towers, PLC/carrier frequency
The modularity of the KS 2000i channel
channels via power lines, carrier links,
unit is typified by its integration in various
PCM links and Telecom-owned current
other systems, i.e. its use is not limited to
the FWT 2000i system.
The overall concept of the FWT 2000i sys-
For instance, the channel unit can be
tem meets the stringent demands placed
integrated in:
on power supply and distribution networks.
■ The ESB 2000i PLC system The FWT 2000i meets the special require-
■ The SWT 2000 F6 protection signaling ments with regard to reliable operation and
system electromagnetic compatibility.
■ Telecontrol systems.

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Power Network Telecommunication

KS 2000i channel unit

The new KS 2000i channel unit is suitable
1 for transmission of asynchronous or trans-
parent data channels on analog media and
as such forms a complete and versatile
VFT modem.
Both transmitter and receiver are acco-
2 modated on only one plug-in card either
to be used as a stand-alone unit (separate
frame) or to be integrated in an ESB 2000i
PLC terminal or in a remote terminal unit
3 Frequency shift as well as transmission
speed are independently adjustable.
With a maximum transmission speed of
up to 2400 Bd the VFT channel approaches
applications traditionally realized with high-
speed modems only.
4 Beside others the KS 2000i channel unit
provides the following features:
■ High reliability
■ High flexibility
■ Easy detection of faults
5 ■ Excellent transmission characteristics

Fig. 17: KS 2000i channel unit


7/12 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
Power Network Telecommunication

Fiber optic communication


The LFH 2000 system

Telecommunication requirements in power utilities
Electrical link (CU)
Fiber-optic link





34 Mbit/s
Protection 6

Energy Communi-
management cations network
system management center
4 x 2 Mbit/s
34 Mbit/s 2 Mbit/s

4 x 2 Mbit/s 8


Communications room OLE 34 2 Mbit/s 2 Mbit/s

OLE 34 OLE 8



34 Mbit/s
4 x 2 Mbit/s 4 x 2 Mbit/s 4 x 2 Mbit/s

Fig. 18: The LFH 2000 fiber optic transmission system – Telecommunication requirements in power utilities

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Power Network Telecommunication

LFH 2000 fiber optic The incorporation of the SWT 2000 D digit- LFH 2000 is provided with internationally
transmission system al protection data system provides addi- standardized interfaces so that transmis-
1 Flexible network configuration and future
tional functions required for most applica- sion systems of other manufacturers
tions in power companies. which are also equipped with internation-
communications requirements of private
The basic version can be optionally ally standardized interfaces can communi-
network users, such as power companies,
equipped with service telephone units, cate with LFH 2000. This also makes it
call for universal network elements for
optical line terminating units with higher possible to combine LFH 2000 with digital
transmission in digital communications net-
transmission speeds or with other service transmission system of other manufactur-
2 works.
channel modules so that the system can ers.
LFH 2000 has been designed and devel-
be conveniently adapted to the individual The incorporation of LFH 2000 with the
oped on the basis of extensive experience
transmission requirements. expansion element (e.g. flexible multiplex
gained with fiber optic transmission sys-
Further network elements may be con- system) into a network hierarchy with
tems in public networks and transmission
nected to LFH 2000 via internationally differing transmission rates as currently
elements specially developed for such sys-
3 tems. It was tailored to the needs of pow- standardized interfaces if the number of planned and implemented by private net-
required channels and the types of inter- work operator can be easily achieved
er companies and other private network
faces, i.e. the capacity of the system, using the compatible network elements
have to be extended. available today.
In its basic version LFH 2000 consists of
Depending on the number and type of the The call for a user-friendly network man-
a 19-inch subrack equipped with an optical
4 transmission interfaces required, LFH 2000 agement can be fulfilled by adding the
line terminating unit TRCV2 and a service
can be expanded by connecting flexible required hardware and software.
channel module. Even in its simplest con-
figuration, LFH 2000 offers various types multiplex systems. LFH 2000 meets the requirements of the
of interfaces for the transmission of power companies and private network
speech and data channels such as: operators due to its flexibility, availability
of internationally standardized interfaces
5 ■ Line interfaces up to 34 Mbit/s
and compatibility with regard to its incor-
■ So-interface for networking digital poration into existing private networks.
telephone systems (e.g. Hicom)
■ QD 2-interface for network manage-

DPU Digital processor unit
IF4 Interface module for
distance protection relays
OM Optomodule for connection
of digital current comparison
protection system
DPU IF 4 IF 4 PS Service
PS Power supply TRCV 2 or telephone
or or TRCV 8 or ST-A or
9 ST-A Module for service tele- OM OM TRCV 34 ST-B
phone with DTMF signaling
ST-B Module for nondialing O.F.
service telephone
10 AUX Service channel unit
Alarm Distance OFC TRCV 2 or AUX or
AUX 1+1 Service channel unit with and protection (Fiber- TRCV 8 or AUX 1+1 or
protection switching event or optic TRCV 34 AUX BUS
re- digital current cables)
AUXBUS Bus channel unit corder comparison

TRCV Optical transceiver O.F. Tele-

O.F. Optical fiber system

Fig. 19: LFH 2000 fiber optic transmission system

7/14 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
Power Network Telecommunication

SWT 2000 D protection signaling

system for digital communication links
In comparison with analog protection
signaling, the use of digital transmission
links provides noise-free communication.
Switching operations, atmospheric condi-
tions and other sources of interference
on power lines do not impair secure and 2
reliable transmission of protection signals.
The SWT 2000 D system for the transmis-
sion of protection signals on digital trans-
mission links, mainly fiber optics, provides
optimum security and reliability while
simultaneously offering the quickest possi-
ble transmission speed.

The SWT 2000 D system is used for fast
and secure transmission of one or several 4
independent binary signals for protection
and special switching functions in power
networks and/or the transmission of serial
protection data.
The system is avaliable in versions for the
transmission of protection data on sepa- 5
rate fibers and on 64 kbit/s PCM channels.
As an optimized solution between these
two possibilities, the system offers trans-
mission of the protection data in the serv- Fig. 20: SWT 2000 D for flush panel mounting with integrated TRCV2 optical line equipment
ice channel of an optical line termination 6
system (e. g. OLTS, OLTE 8) which en-
sures maximum independence of the pro-
tection data from voice and data transmis-
sion despite the common use of fibers in 2 Mbit/s 40/60 V dc
fiber optic cables.
■ All types of distance protection
(permissive tripping, blocking, etc.)
■ Direct transfer tripping 1300 nm
longitudinal O.F.
1500 nm
■ Special switching functions differential 820 nm 8
■ Digital current comparison protection protection n x 64 kbit/s OM O.F.
(differential protection) with optical serial (7SD51) X.21/V.11
interface ≤ 19.2 kBd (e. g. with 7SD511). G.703
■ Up to 8 parallel (binary) commands, Distance IF 4 9
bi-directional protection
■ Up to 2 serial protection data, route
bi-directional IF 4
■ Simultaneous transmission of serial
protection data and up to 4 binary pro- 10
tection commands
■ High-performance microcontroller
■ Permanent self-supervision
■ Automatic loop testing
■ Event recorder with real-time clock 24 ... 60 V dc
(readable via hand-held terminal or PC). Service PC Alarms 110/220 V dc/ac

Fig. 21: Block diagram SWT 2000 D

Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 7/15
Power Network Telecommunication

Flexible Multiplexer (FMX)

Depending on the number and type of
1 the transmission interfaces required, the ISDN Basic access unit I4SO 4x S0 interface
LFH 2000 optical fiber transmission system
can be extended by connecting the flexible
multiplex system (FMX). I4UK4 NTP UK0 interface, 2B1Q or
The FMX multiplexer is based on a flexible 4x
I4UK4 LTP 4B3T, NT-mode or LT-mode
2 design which is considerably different from
normal PCM systems. For terminal oper-
n x 64 kbit /s G.703 codirectional or
ation, it contains a central unit CUA or for
DSC6-nx64G 6x n x 64 kbit /s G.703 contradirectional
drop/insert function the central unit CUD
or centralized clock
as well as the withdrawable channels.
Thanks to the software-controlled configu-
3 ration and parametrization of the multiplex- DSC2-nx64 2x X.21or V.24/V.28 bis
ers they can be integrated quickly and (switchable)
easily into the network.
The 19'' inset has sockets for two central
units (CU, CUA, CUD), twelve channel DSC8x21 8x X.21/V.11 ≤ 64 kbit/s
units, a supervision unit and two power
4 supply units.

User Interfaces V.35 ≤ 64 kbit/s or

DSC4V35 or DSC4V36 4x
V.36 ≤ 64 kbit/s
(see Fig. 22)

5 The LFH 2000 System – Overview Central unit, standard,

(see Fig. 23 on page 7/17) or central unit for add/drop operation

Conclusion DSC8V24 8x V.24/V.28 < 64 kbit/s

The described digital and analog network
elements are, of course, only a small se- 10 x
DSC104CO 64 kbit/s G.703 co-directional
lection from the multitude of network ele-
ments which Siemens has on hand for the
implementation of transmission networks.
7 We have focused on those products which SLB62 6x 2-wire LB subscriber
have been specifically developed for the
transmission of information in power utili-
ties and which are indispensable for the
operation of such companies. SLX102 10 x Exchange, 2-wire
8 It has also been our intention to show the
uses for our products and how they can be
integrated in transmission networks with SUB102 10 x Subscriber, 2-wire
varying network elements and network
9 The great variety of products in the field
SEM106 or SEM108 10 x
2-wire NF and 2 E&M or
of digital transmission systems and the 4-wire NF and 2 E&M
different requirements of our customers
with regard to the implementation of digit-
al transmission networks make customer- CUA or CUD Central unit, standard,
specific planning, advice and selection of or central unit for add/drop operation
10 network elements an absolute necessity.
Detailed descriptions of all products can
be sent to you upon request.
Fig. 22: FMX interfaces

For further information please contact:

Fax: ++ 49 - 89 -7 22-2 44 53 or
++ 49 - 89 -7 22-4 19 82

7/16 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
Power Network Telecommunication

The LFH 2000 System – Overview SDH 1

155 Mbit/s
2,5 Gbit/s

EMOS QD2 Network
management system 34
Mbit/s Mbit/s
EMS Energy 3
management system

SDH 155/622 34 Mbit/s 34 Mbit/s 2 Mbit/s

2 Mbit/s
subscriber 4
External and/or 4x2
internal exchange 4x2
Mbit/s Mbit/s
Substation RTU
control and

Data interfaces Data 6

e.g. X.21, V.11 Protection
V.24, LAN
Data and voice Speech
of PLC links four-wire
Distance protection Protection Speech
or digital current four-wire
comparison + E&M
Data RTU
2 Mbit/s
4 x 2 Mbit/s 34 Mbit/s 2 Mbit/s
4 x 2 Mbit/s
4 x 2 Mbit/s PLC
n x 64 kbit/s

TRCV SMUQ Service channel MUX Cross connect

Fig. 23: The LFH 2000 System – Overview

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7/18 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition

Contents Page
General ............................................... 8/2
Overview ............................................ 8/3
Electricity Meters ............................ 8/4
Gas and Heat Meters ...................... 8/6
Demand Side Management ........... 8/7
Energy Data Acquisition ................. 8/8
Payment Systems .......................... 8/10
Business & Consulting Services 8/11


The Metering Division provides support for
energy supply utilities, with particular em-
phasis on network and account manage-
Energy meters are used for measuring the
2 consumption of electricity, gas, heat and
water for purposes of billing. In this regard,
modern energy meters should be able to
handle differing regional tariff structures as
well as complex tariffs in industrial applica-
3 tions.
Siemens makes a decisive contribution
to the increased competitiveness of their
customers, leading to tangible improve-
ments in the control of energy flows, in the
acquisition and processing of meter data,
4 in meter management and in customer
communications. Siemens Metering sup-
plies integrated solutions, from energy
metering to billing. From a single meter
to a complete billing system.
5 We supply tailored solutions for market
sectors as diverse as production, transport,
industry, services, retail and residential.

Making energy pay
After metering, the data is collected, the bill
is sent, and finally, the receipt of payment
is recorded. Siemens Metering Division im-
7 proves efficiency by optimizing business

Protecting investment
The compatibility of the products and sys-
tems provides for subsequent functional
8 enhancements. Their functionality can be
adapted to emerging requirements at any
time. Take DLMS (DLMS Device Language
Message Specification), for example:
Siemens co-developed this new common
9 standard which will be the meter reading
protocol of the future.

Environmental certification
Siemens supplemented the quality man-
agement system with an environmental
10 management system. Siemens Metering
has ISO 14001 certification.

8/2 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition


Energy Generation
ce Tran
suran spo
s 3

Page 8/11



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Page 8/10 Page 8/4


Page 8/7 Page 8/8 Page 8/6

Have a look at our Internet Home Page:

Fig. 1: Portfolio Siemens Metering

Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 8/3

Electricity meters

For the last hundred years Siemens and
Landis & Gyr have been producing high-
quality electricity meters. In 1971 we were
the first manufacturer in the world to pro-
duce solid-state meters, securing our posi-
tion as market leader in this field as well.
The latest generation of meters sets new
standards in economy and efficiency.
E.g. the Dialog range is already equipped
to communicate with the equipment and
systems of other manufacturers.

Area of Applications
Fig. 2: Landis & Gyr Dialog meter Fig. 3: Ferraris poly-phase meter 7CA54
The meters supports all applicable stand-
ards worldwide and practically all applica-
tions in the field of energy measurement.
Fig. 7 provides an general overview about
electricity meters and their applications.
They are used for residential, commercial,
industrial, transmission and generation
(grid metering) applications.

Accurate measuring on its own is not
enough. A forward-looking meter must
be equipped for future modifications and
enhancements. Meter reading is another
major area where energy supply processes
can be considerably simplified. Here, too,
Siemens offer specific solutions for reduc-
ing operating costs.
Fig. 4: Meter for ANSI standards Fig. 5: High precision meter Z.U

Technical data DIN/IEC BS ANSI

Production and transmission ■

Commerce and light industry ■ ■

Industry ■ ■

Households ■ ■ ■

Payment Systems ■ ■

Fig. 6: Siemens Meters satisfy the various standards around the world.

8/4 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition

8_4 4 08.12.1999, 18:32 Uhr


Siemens offers a wide range of energy

Application fields House- Commer- Industry Grid meters for all fields of application. These
holds cial, Light metering tables show the main product range of the 1
Functions Industry Siemens electricity meters.
For further information, please refer to the
Technology Ferraris ■ ■ corresponding Siemens address in your
country. There you will be informed whether
Electronic ■ ■ ■ ■ the required meter type is approved in
your country. 2
Measurement Single-phase ■

Poly-phase ■ ■ ■ ■

Direct connection ■ ■ ■ 3
Transformer connection ■ ■ ■ ■

Active energy ■ ■ ■ ■

Active+reactive energy ■ ■ ■ 4
Import ■ ■ ■ ■

Import+export ■ ■ ■

Tariff 1 or 2 rate tariff ■ ■ ■ ■ 5

Multi tariff ■ ■ ■

Communication IEC 61107 ■ ■ ■ ■

DLMS ■ ■ ■ ■

IEC 60870 ■ ■ ■ ■

Accuracy Class 0.2S ■

Class 0.5S ■ ■

Class 1.0 ■ ■

Class 2.0 ■ ■ ■
Additional Prepayment ■ ■ ■
RC Receiver ■ ■ ■

Interfaces Optical ■ ■ ■ 9
CS ■ ■ ■

RS232 ■ ■ ■

RS485 ■ ■ ■ 10
Int. Modem ■ ■ ■

■ = Options
Fig. 7: Overview
Electricity meters – functions and applications

Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 8/5

Gas and heat meters

Gas meters for gas suppliers
Adaptive gas meters measure with a high
degree of accuracy, their sturdy, modular
design makes them expandable and pro-
2 tects them against external interference
and manipulation. They can be fitted any-
where and without any wear parts.
Each meter is built to provide a service
life of around 20 years. Whatever happens,
3 adaptive gas meters will be able to cope
with even the most drastic changes. The
integrated EN 61107 interface provides for
trouble-free data exchange, and the LCD
display provides for quick reading.
The meters are fully compatible with pre-
4 payment systems.
Fig. 9: Adaptive 2000 Domestic gas meter

Adaptive Domestic Gas Meters

■ High accuracy Nominal flow rate Length [mm] T = Thread Nominal Pressure
QN [m3/h] F = Flange
5 ■ Future proof
■ With integral valve
0.75 110 T to PN25
1.50 110 T to PN25

6 Heat meters 0.75 190 T, F to PN25

1.50 190 T, F to PN25
The type ULTRAHEAT 2WR4 will provide 3 190 T, F to PN25
many years of accurate and reliable service.
Even small quantities can be metered and 6 260 T, F to PN40 (F)
7 billed with precision. Flow rates are meas- 10 300 T, F to PN40 (F)
ured via a wear-free ultrasonic technology
with no moving parts. This patented system 15 270 F to PN40
means that the meter will operate reliably,
regardless of flow profile, installation con- 25 300 F to PN40
ditions and water temperature
8 (Fig. 10 and 11).
Fig. 10: The complete range of heat meters

The meters are approved for use through-

out Europe and fulfill the forthcoming CEN
requirements by complying with EN 1434.
They are system-integration ready thanks
9 to communication units. The meters can
be upgraded at any time during service.
The complete meter range offers the right
solution for any application (Fig. 10).


Fig. 8: Ultrasonic Heat Meter Ultraheat 2WR4 Fig. 11: Availability of standard flow tube lengths and flow rates

8/6 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition

Demand Side Mangement with

Ripple Control Systems 1
Ripple control allows a electricity supply
utility from control center to remotely con-
trol certain consumers on the supply net- 2
work. Consumers with energy storing ca-
pabilities, such as room heating systems,
hot water storage systems, air conditioning
systems or pumping stations, are particu-
larly suitable for load control purposes. 3
Operation and background
Audio frequency pulses, which can be en- Ripple Control Center
coded for all necessary switching commands,
are transmitted via radio or the available low 4
and high voltage lines. More than 3700 ripple
control systems and 6 billions receivers
are daily in use for several decades, at the Ripple control Transmitter
facilities of more than 1000 customers in
approx. 20 countries.
The components of a ripple control system
include (Fig. 12):
■ command units in the control center, 6
which issues the switching commands
and provides for operating parameter
selection and control.
■ transmitters, which generate the audio
frequency pulses and coupling devices 7
which feed the signals into the network.
■ receivers to decode the ripple control
signals in the distribution network.
Radio frequency ripple control
Customer value 8
The installation of a ripple control system
pays off especially quickly in the area of Ripple control receiver
load management by minimizing the costs
of generation, import and distribution of
the energy that is supplied to customers. Fig. 12: Ripple Control Overview
It allows investments in energy supply 9
facilities to be drastically reduced. Around
7–30% of the investment required to gen- Radio frequency ripple control
erate one megawatt of energy will produce
A joint venture between four major utilities
an equivalent energy saving if invested in
in Germany was founded to provide radio
ripple control.
frequency ripple control as a service, mak- 10
Ripple control provides a major help for ing the advantages of ripple control availa-
network operators in observing their con- ble to utilities without their own transmit-
tracts with energy producers in the dereg- ters. A central computer system and two
ulated market (optimization of load curves, long-wave transmitters broadcasts custom-
observation of energy import schedules, er signals and, at regular intervals, the exact
improved utilization of supply networks). time and date. The transmitters and central
computer system operate redundantly and
are controlled by the utilities via DATEX-P.

Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 8/7

Energy Data Acquisition (EDA) EDA Product Overview Components

1 Measuring, Metering
Managing the energy data ■ Electronic Polyphase Meters
To improve logistics and accounts in a de- ■ Polyphase Ferraris Meters
regulate environment energy data acquisi- ■ Electronic High-Precision Polyphase Measuring metering
tion and processing is used in energy data Meters
2 management system. ■ Multi-functional, electronic polyphase
Local Data Processing and Control meters (series ZMB)
The careful utilization of energy requires
■ Encoders ■ Electromechanical polyphase meters
meticulous acquisition of all relevant data –
(type MM 2000)
and then proper interpretation. Siemens ■ Universal Telemetering Devices
telemetering systems help people in all ■ Electronic combimeters with housings for sur-
■ Metcom Modems
sectors of energy supply and industry to face (type Z.U/Z.W) mounting or chassis for
3 utilize the available energy sparingly and Communication 19" rack mounting
selectively. ■ Communication sets with VFT Channels ■ Hand-held terminal for meter reading and
ripple-control receiver programming
Central Stations and Software
High demands on technology Local data processing/control
■ Landis & Gyr® DG C300/ C2000
4 Metering points form the interface between ■ Encoder (type FBC)
the individual market players. Measuring ■ Universal telemetering device (type FAG)
accuracy and long-term durability are taken ■ Tariff device (type EKM640)
for granted. Logging of load profiles creates ■ Ripple-Control Receiver
the necessary clarity. Depending on the
field of application, whether in the high or ■ METCOM modems
5 medium voltage range or in industry, differ- Communication
ent technologies are required and quality
features are becoming increasingly signifi- ■ Communication sets with VFT channels
cant. and modems
The use of cheap communication channels
6 places high demands on communication
systems. High transfer rates, multiple pro-
tocol capability and compatibility with a va-
riety of media are a must. The data simply
has to be made available for billing and eval- Central station
uation as quickly as possible.
7 ■ DG C300/C500/C2000

Keeping one step ahead

Energy Data Acquisition Systems perform
complex tasks, and central stations calcu-
8 late a wide range of values. Whether for Data post – processing
billing, statistics, network planning or tariff
analysis, Siemens EDA systems are availa- ■ EDP – Electronic Data Processing
ble as single-user or client-server solutions.
They are compatible with the equipment of
all leading manufacturers and are ready to Fig. 13: Siemens EDA systems for billing statistics, Fig. 14: Overview Energy Data Acquisition
9 meet the challenges of the future. network planning, tariff analysis etc.


8/8 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition

Production and transmission Manufacturing industry Light industry and service




FAG FBC Datacard EKM


System platform



Fig. 15: High-Precision Polyphase Meters and Univer- Fig. 16: ZMB Polyphase Meters Fig. 17: Central station analyses and displays the col-
sal Telemetering device Landis & Gyr FAG with Metcom Modem lected data in graphic or numeric form

Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 8/9

Payment Systems
Payment Systems increase efficiency
and simplify account management.

Secure Revenue Stream

2 With increasing deregulation, this subject
is fast becoming an important issue. The
customer pays for energy as he uses when
convenient for him. The utility achieves
cashflow and secures increased liquidity, Fig. 18: Buying energy as much as required at the Fig. 19: Easy Pay-a simple payment module
3 and eliminates problem payers. Willingness point of sales
to pay is no longer an issue.
Our solutions for different applications
Optimization made simple
Keypad Solution Smart Card Solution
No costly customer visits. Fewer time-
4 consuming customer support issues. The Simple vending of energy with Comprehensive management of the amount
accounting process is considerably simpli- minimal infrastructure of customers who are disproportionately
fied. There is no longer any need to cut expensive to manage
Secure currency and tariff transfer
off and restore supplies to late payers, or
to visit customer premise for a change of Capable of vending energy over the Reduces cost of meter operation concerning
5 occupancy. internet or from call centre reading and tenancy changes
Control of cash flow and bad debt Control of cash flow and bad debt
Intelligent communications
Fig. 20: Our Payment System Solution
Tariff changes can be applied immediately by
remote communication. Impending changes
6 can be entered in advance for action at a fu-
ture date for all customers, or just a select-
ed group. Meter readings at specified
times can be recorded and transmitted to
the control center by centralized command.
Complete system solutions
The two-way systems provide the ability to
tailor customer service, initiated by routine
payments using the customer card. Our key-
8 pad systems simply vend energy to end cus-
tomers. Siemens Metering Division provides
everything for a customized solution – from
the in-house installation to comprehensive
system solutions and services.


Fig. 21: Cash Power 2000 Fig. 22: Smart Card System

8/10 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition

Business and Consulting

Consulting Services: Process Analysis, Process Reengineering
Services 1
Warranty Procurement Integrated
General Services
Training Warehouse/Logistic
Customer optimized processes and reduce
costs the tasks of Business and Consulting Parameterisation Project Management Meter Management
Services. Services 2
On-call Repair & Maintenance Planning/Installation
In the rapidly changing energy market, con- Data Management Services
centrating on core business must not mean Contract Repair & Customized
neglecting business processes. Maintenance Services Meter & Data
With Siemens Metering Division as your Management Services
partner, outsourcing means a decisive step Hot Line Support
Exchange 3
towards a cost-effective and customer- Customer Management
Upgrade & Migration Services
friendly future. We provide innovative solu- Refurbishing
tions for existing activities and for the crea- Lifetime Product Integrated Customer
tion of new business opportunities with Recycling
Support Management Services
new technologies and processes while
maintaining strict confidentiality.
Complementary Services 4
Financing Services: Leasing, Rental, Project Financing
Customer-oriented modules
Fig. 23: Portfolio Services
■ Energy metering: from inventory
management, through to recycling 5
■ Payment systems: from the point of sale
to accounting
■ Data management: meter reading and
transmission of data
■ Billing: from invoice preparation to data
■ Customer data management: from the
administration to the call centre.
Depending on the task, Siemens Metering
Division provides assistance in specific
areas, or offers complete system solutions 7
and flexible financing – whatever the cus-
tomer needs. (Fig. 23)

Siemens Metering Division applies the Build

three-step DBO concept (Design, Build, Having identified the concept, it then has
Operate) for customer-oriented imple- to be deployed. Siemens provide compe-
mentation: tent support for the incorporation of servic-
es and outsourced business processes into
existing business operations.
Improvements begin with a careful analysis 9
of the present situation from the various Operate
viewpoints. The goal is to help the custom- The goal for this on-going partnership is
ers achieve greater success and to reduce to run the new business processes to the
their costs. Depending on requirements, highest standards of quality, guaranteeing
Siemens create a comprehensive solution maximum profitability.
for a complete or partial concept – what-
Have a look at our Internet Home Page: 10
ever the customer needs.

Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 8/11


8/12 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
Services for 1

Power Transmission 2

and Distribution 3


Contents Page
Introduction ....................................... 9/2
From Initial Planning
to Integrated Solutions ................... 9/3
Financial Solutions .......................... 9/3
Service and Training ....................... 9/4

Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 9/1


Introduction Your partner What we have to offer

As a true partner in everything to do with This chapter is intended to high-light our
1 power supplies we offer it all. Siemens truly comprehensive range of services for
The energy market is changing, and so are
Services attend to all the tasks that help the energy market.
the “rules of the game”. The focus of at-
you to achieve not only the best possible Take a look and see the enormous breadth
tention is gradually moving away from the
economy in a competitive world but also of what we have to offer – for your prod-
old individual power suppliers and coming
reliability of supply, optimum technical per- ucts, your systems, your plant and equip-
to rest more and more on what we now
2 call “energy service providers” who can
formance and safety. ment – everything to do with power trans-
Our range of services extends across the mission and distribution.
master every aspect of power generation,
board into every area of power transmission
transmission and distribution.
and distribution, from analysis, planning
Anyone who wants to make the most of the and project design throughout the whole
opportunities offered by a deregulated and lifetime of an installation to its eventual
3 liberalized market needs a business partner disposal.
For further information please contact:
who can advise and support, who offers
an individual service and a high standard of Fax: ++ 49 - 91 31- 73 44 49
training and who is always available when
you need him – twenty-four hours a day.

Fig. 1

9/2 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition

From Initial Planning meter management system, the DEMS de-

centralized energy management system, the
to Integrated Solutions SINAUT® Spectrum open network control 1
system and the SICAM® system for substa-
tion automation.
Power System Planning – The first step
towards economical solutions
Project development and
The first step towards a new, extended or
modified network always is a reliable initial
construction of large-scale systems 2
planning. No matter if this step involves Infrastructural and industrial projects call for
network analysis, equipment, plant or sys- a broad range of products and services. The
tem design, or the integration of various demands frequently go beyond the scope
network components – we have the right of just power transmission and distribution. Fig. 2
know-how to perform any of these tasks. In such cases, your competent Siemens 3
Our services include counselling, power contact can open up the door to everything
system calculation, planning and design as we have to offer in terms of power engi-
well as the analysis of networks of all volt- neering.
age levels. In international project business, there is
Our innovative approach and experience nowadays an increasing trend towards in-
of many years allow us to meet all the de- volving consulting engineers, general con- 4
mands of our customers. To assist us in tractors and project developers.
this task, we developed several high-level Because of the global interconnection of
simulation programs such as NETOMAC®, this business it is essential to have an ef-
the world’s most powerful tool for calcu- fective communication in place. With our
lating electromagnetic and electromechani- experience over decades we contribute to 5
cal transient response, and SINCAL® for an efficient project execution of such inter-
the study of interconnected networks. We national projects including external and in-
also perform on-site measurements and ternal Siemens partners. Fig. 3
advise our customers about viable options
to improve and optimize their power sys-
Fit for the energy market –
tem. With our AC/DC real-time simulator
with integrated IT solutions
we determine control and protection set-
tings for HVDC systems, FACTS and pow- With the ongoing development in informa-
er quality equipment. A team of experts will tion technology IT over the last decade, it is
always assist you with the installation and possible to build up integrated IT solutions,
commissioning of these devices on site. designed to solve your problems and help
you to optimize your business processes. 7
However, the world of IT is still character-
Decentralized supplies can be ized by so-called island solutions, which
planned-in too should be integrated into an overall system.
There is no doubt that in the future some Our IT solutions cover all your tasks: Network
Fig. 4
existing large concentrations of generating Management, Energy Trading, Customer 8
capacity will be replaced by a larger num- Management and Business Operations.
ber of smaller decentralized units. Such One good example of our integrated solu-
units can be powered by wind, biomass or tions is meter management, where the busi- Financial Solutions
solar light and will soon be generating be- ness process flow from meter reading to
tween 10 and 15% of all the electricity that consumption billing is efficiently supported.
is needed. Intelligent systems will provide So that none of your projects fall at the 9
the control and ensure an optimum energy hurdle of finance, we can advise you on
mix. A partner in system administration how to finance them in the most suitable
This will make great demands on the plan- Whether it be extending a system or simply way for you.
ning and implementation of integrated en- looking after it properly, as your partner we
ergy management systems that cover the can also undertake all your system and data The international trend: Operator models 10
whole distributed network right up to final management. That could be of great inter-
consumption. est for large-scale system administration in Project finance is in world-wide demand
connection with power system management, these days, for major schemes sponsored
Our partnership with you also means pro- by both governments and the private sec-
viding generation management, load man- for example. Typical tasks of this kind are
the editing of system parameters, regular tor. It is this that provides the necessary
agement, delivery management and com- freedom of action for investment. We help
munications, with consumers too, integrat- checking of system security and the addi-
tion and editing of mimic diagrams, listings you to explore many new avenues of ap-
ed into the network itself. For this purpose proach – total customized solutions, capital
we employ intelligent supply systems, in- and records. In this area we can provide
backup either through on-site service or by finance from the world‘s money markets –
cluding subsystems such as the NEXUS to fit your needs at attractive rates.
means of teleservice.

Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 9/3

Service and Training for Expert surveys for economical answers Training for any task

Substations, Switchgear and Whether it be task planning, status evalua- Just as important as good service are good
1 tion or damage analysis, we will be happy operating staff. Only someone who has
System Components – to arrange expert surveys for you at any been properly trained can recognize early
Customized Concepts time. Such results are an important prereq- on the need for service attention, plan it
uisite for economical future planning and properly when it is needed and respond
for skilled repairs or maintenance. correctly to any operational disturbances
2 Every plant, every installation, every system that might occur.
and every product associated with electrici- In order to cover this aspect of demand we
ty supplies can gain in value from skilled Arranging for waste disposal
offer an extensive range of training programs
expert service, whether it be through opti- When installations, plants or parts of them that have been tailored specifically to the
mum availability, long service life, economi- have come to the end of their useful life, needs of our customers. Various courses,
cal operation or fast help in the event of a you will have to dispose of them properly based on theory but practical in nature, are
3 problem. and in an environmentally compatible man- held for small groups of participants.
Whatever the task – we have the experts ner. We will be happy to give you full back-
to deal with it. They are on the spot almost up and take care for arrangements by dis-
immediately after you call and you can rely posal experts. Overall training program
on them to get the job done properly. As well as the actual training itself, we can
4 On-call service and failure analysis also take care of all your training manage-
ment needs. This means the organization
From a single service to total care Our hotline gives you access to immediate and implementation of individual training
You can choose from a truly comprehensive help. One call is enough to get you all the activities as a package including all the as-
range of services. Whether you want a sin- support and backup you need – over the sociated tasks of booking hotels, designing
gle-contract relationship with us or a long- telephone or by specialist staff on-site. programs and looking after participants from
5 term maintenance concept offering optimum the time they arrive to the time they leave.
availability, we have the right one for you.

Customized maintenance contracts

One way of ensuring that you get the best
6 possible service is to arrange a mainte-
nance contract. Such documents lay down
what individual maintenance services will Residual wear margin
be provided by us – for example, 24-hour
on-call availability, coordination of service
7 activities, specific maintenance tasks, fault
analysis, etc., etc., etc. The advantage of Reference
this for you is that you can tailor the scope Reference conditioning conditioning
of the services to your own individual (at initial commissioning) (after repair)
requirements and so do what is best for
you in terms of economy. Actual conditioning
8 deviation Z0 – Z1

World-wide service – Actual conditioning Z1

solving problems on-site
It makes no difference where you are: We
have a service network and a spares deliv-
9 ery service that span the globe, allowing
us to solve your problems quickly, fully and
reliably. Damage limit

Modernize with RETROFIT –

10 at the right price Lifetime
Modernization instead of new investment –
this is where RETROFIT comes in. Failure
Inspection t1 Inspection t2 Inspection t3
RETROFIT is our economical total concept Repair
for looking after the technical side of your time
installations and for adapting everything
to comply with the latest standards. That
means greater safety for your employees,
and greater reliability for the supplies you Fig. 5: Condition-based maintenance:
provide. The right time for action is when costs can be cut and availability can be enhanced.

9/4 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition
System Planning

Contents Page
Overall Solutions for
Electrical Power Supply ............. 10/2

Ohne Namen-1 1 27.09.1999, 18:04 Uhr
System Planning

Overall Solutions for ■ System design and creative system lay- behavior has to be analyzed or a postfault
out, based on the load center require- clarification done, the System Planning
1 Electrical Power Supply ments and the geographical situation Division, certified to DIN ISO 9001, is com-
■ Component layout, according to tech- petent and has the know-how needed to
nical and economic assumptions and find the right answer. The investigations
Integral power system solutions are far
standards cover all voltage levels, from high voltage
more than just a combination of switch-
■ Operation performance, analyzing and to low voltage, and comprise system stud-
gear, transformers, lines or cables, togeth-
simulation of system behavior under ies for long-distance transmission systems
2 er with equipment for protection, supervi-
normal and fault conditions and urban power networks, as well as for
sion, control, communication and whatever
particular distribution systems in industrial
more. Of crucial importance for the quality ■ Protection design and coordination,
plants and large-scale installations for build-
of power transmission and distribution is matched to the power system.
ing centers. In addition the protection de-
the integration of different components in
sign must be optimized for all transmission
an optimized overall solution in terms of: Siemens System Planning
3 and distribution systems for highest and
Whether a new system has to be planned efficient power quality. In all these tasks,
or an existing system extended or updat- System Planning works in close coopera-
ed, whether normal or abnormal system tion with its customers and other Siemens
Groups (Fig. 1).

4 Tasks Solutions Results

System design System analysis, Economical solutions for distribution

system documentation and transmission systems
Load development
Cable restructuring System calculations,
5 Upgrading installations load-flow and short-circuit
Selecting voltage levels Uncomplicated and reliable operation
System takeover Planning and calculating AC and
DC transmission
Defining new transfomer
substations Determining economic alternatives Minimization of losses
System interconnection
6 Connecting power stations Specifying the configuration of
Using new protection schemes the system
Reduction of the effects,
Design of electrical installations extent and duration of faults

Component layout Design of protection system,

selecting equipment, selective
7 Generator coordination and real-time tests Optimized fault clearance for
Transformer reduced system black-outs
Circuit-breaker Customer acceptance tests of
Overhead line protection equipment
Cable Simulation of complete system Priorities in system extension
Compensation equipment and secondary equipment Replacement of old installations,
8 Equipment for reconstruction, extension or
neutral grounding Switching operations, layout of new constructions
Protection equipment overvoltage protection system,
Control equipment insulation coordination
Analysis of harmonics, layout of Extensively standardized
9 Grounding
filter circuits, closed-loop system components
and open-loop control circuits
for power converters
Operation performance Simulation of system dynamics Compliance with specified
performance values
Voltage quality Layout of power electronic
10 System perturbations equipment (FACTS)
Neutral grounding
Fault clearing Method of neutral grounding Short tripping times for reduction
Overload of system stresses
Reliability analysis
Selective Tripping Schemes Earthing arrangement and
Asymmetry measurement Safety for persons
Transient phenomena Investigation of interference
Reactive power balance
Power-station reserve Propagation of ripple-control signals Economical alternatives

Fig. 1: Tasks, Solutions and Results

10/2 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition

Ohne Namen-1 2 27.09.1999, 18:04 Uhr

System Planning

The Power Supply System

The power supply system is like a pyramid
based on the requirements of consumers 1
and the applications and topped by power
generation (Fig. 2). Power
The power system is basically tailored to generation
the needs of consumers. Main characteris-
tics are the wide range of power require- 2
ments for the individual consumers from Transmission system
a few kW to several MW, the high number Transmission function up to 550 kV with HV/HV
of similar network elements, and the wide- bulk substations
spread supply areas. These characteristics Subtransmission system up to 145 kV
are the reason for the comparatively high
specific costs of the distribution system.
with HV/MV main substations 3
Thus, standardization of equipment, use Medium-voltage distribution system up to 36 kV
of maintenance-free components, and sim- Distribution function MV/LV transformer public substations
plified system configuration have to be con- and consumer connection substations
sidered for an economical system layout. Low-voltage distribution system up to 1 kV.
Public supply system or internal installation system
The load situation at the LV level deter- 4
mines the most suitable location of public
MV/LV substations and consumer connec- Consumer power application industry, commerce, trade,
tion stations and, to a high degree, the public services, private sector
electrical and geographical configuration of
the superposed medium-voltage distribu-
tion network as well. 5
Fig. 2: The Pyramid of Power Supply
HV/MV main substations feeding the
medium-voltage distribution system should
be located as close as possible to the load
centers of the medium-voltage distribution
areas. The subtransmission system feed- Load 6
ing the main substations is configured development
according to their location and the location
of the bulk power substations of the trans- System System
mission system. The largely interconnect- analysis architecture
ed transmission system, e.g. up to 550 kV,
balances the daily and seasonal differences 7
between load requirements and different
available generation sources.
Network Energy Supply Network
representation ”reliable and economical“ calculation
Basic conditions for system design
Industry, trade and commerce as well as
public services (transportation and commu-
nication systems), but not forgetting the Investment Protection
private sector (households), depend highly planning analysis
upon a reliable and adequate energy sup-
ply of high quality on highly economical Protection 9
terms. In order to achieve these aims, coordination
several aspects must be considered
(Fig. 3). International and national stand-
ards are the basic fundamentals for sys-
tem design. The choice of system voltage Fig. 3: Aspects of system planning
levels and steps is of decisive importance 10
for economical design and operation.
Reliability requires adequate dimensioning never be avoided completely, it has to be
of components with regard to current- assured that the time of interruption is
carrying capacity, short-circuit stress and minimized. This is a question of reserve in
other relevant parameters. Although inter- the system. Different degrees of reserve
ruptions in supply due to environmental can be provided depending on the require-
influence or faults in components can ments.

Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 10/3

Ohne Namen-1 3 27.09.1999, 18:04 Uhr

System Planning

System Planning, a complex activity intended for special load situations, such Protection
as single loads with great fluctuations or
System planning and configuration are The increasing demand from consumers in
1 comparable with architectural work, finding
welding systems.
industry and utility systems and in distribu-
the best technical and economical solution. Medium-voltage systems are primarily tion and transmission networks in terms of
System planning has therefore to start governed in their configuration by the loca- power quality imposes strong requirements
with a thorough task definition and system tions of the system and consumer stations on system protection. Short tripping times,
analysis of the present status, based on to be supplied. high functionality, communication, fault re-
2 the given quality requirements. Alternative The most suitable arrangements for public cording etc. will be provided by state-of-
system concepts (system architecture) supplies are open-ring systems or line sys- the-art numerical relays. To come from pure
in several expansion stages ensure the tems to a remote substation. equipment protection to selective and co-
dynamic development of the system, ordinated system protection, the responsible
For industrial and building power supply
adapted to structure and load requirements staff have to be well trained.
systems, the higher load densities result
of the subposed voltage level. Component
3 in shorter distances between substations.
design and the infeed from the super- To get the fastest tripping schemes with
This leads for reasons of economy to the
posed voltage level have to be considered the highest selectivity, knowledge of the
spot system with radial-operated trans-
as well. Technical calculations and eco- research and development is necessary. For
nomic investigations complete the plan- the optimization of protection under diffi-
ning work and are essential for the choice Industrial power supplies differ from public cult system conditions, online simulation
of the solution (Fig. 4). networks inasmuch as they have a high like RTDS systems (Real-Time Digital Sys-
4 proportion of motor loads and often inplant tem Simulators) must be available.
Load Development generation. Depending on the capacity,
units will be connected to normal low-volt-
The load analysis and estimation in the Tools
age level, intermediate low-voltage level or
distribution system are always a matter
medium-voltage. Besides great experience and know-how
of distributed loads in a certain area.
5 In urban and rural areas, natural borders – The technically and economically optimal Siemens System Planning applies powerful
such as rivers, railway lines or major roads configuration of distribution systems calls tools to assist the engineers in their highly
and parks or woodlands – allow the whole for wide-ranging practical experience from responsible work.
supply district to be subdivided into a a large number of different projects and
number of subareas. must determine switchgear configuration SINCAL
as well. (Siemens Network Calculation) for analysis
6 In large commercial complexes, such as
airports or university and hospital centers and planning purposes. Any size of system
Transmission with line and cable routing is simulated,
as well as in industrial areas, the load esti-
mation is based on the individual buildings The design of transmission systems is to displayed and evaluated with the SINCAL
and workshops. a great extent individually tailored to the program system. With the help of an inte-
location of generating plants and bulk sub- grated database and easy-to-use graphics
Different methods are used for load esti-
7 mation, such as annual growth rates for
stations feeding the subtransmission sys- system, schematic and topological equiva-
tem. Planning of high-voltage interconnected lent systems can be digitized or converted
existing public areas, load density for new to other systems.
networks and transmission networks is
developing residential areas, installed
a complex matter since they operate over
capacity and simultaneity factor for com- NETOMAC
several different voltage levels and mostly
mercial and industrial supply.
meshed systems are used. This and the (Network Torsion Machine Control) is a
8 Distribution regional and seasonal difference of genera- program for simulation and optimization
tion input and consumer demand as well of electrical systems which consist of net-
Network configuration for power distribu- as the many different sizes of lines, cables work, machines and closed-loop and open-
tion is a matter of visualization and will not and transformers, make load-flow distribu- loop control equipment. Two modes of
be executed successfully without the geo- tion complicated and require detailed calcu- time simulation, instantaneous value mode
graphical information of load and source lations of system behavior and the operat- and stability mode, can be used separately
9 location for public supply and industrial or ing conditions of power generation during or in combination. The program serves for
large building supply as well. Thus, each planning work. As well as the actual plan-
distribution system must be planned indi- ■ Simulation of electromechanical
ning, the work includes numerous investi-
vidually. But, for the basic design, a certain and magnetic phenomena
gations, for instance, to determine the con-
standard configuration has proved optimal figuration of switchgear and various equip- ■ Special load-flow calculations
in terms of ■ Frequency-range analysis
10 ment. This also entails detailed studies of
■ Uncomplicated configuration the reactive power, voltage stability, insu- ■ Analysis of eigenvalues
■ Ease of operation and lation coordination, and testing of the dy- ■ Simulation of torsional systems
■ Economical installation
namic and transient behavior in the net- ■ Parameter identification
work resul-ting from faults. Connection of
Low-voltage systems are usually operated ■ Reduction of passive systems
neighboring transmission systems via AC/
as open radial networks. Industrial systems ■ Optimization
DC coupling, the implementation of HVDC
in particular contain facilities for transfer to transmission or superposing a new volt-
standby. Meshed operation is usually only age level need comprehensive planning
and investigation work (Fig. 5).

10/4 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition

Ohne Namen-1 4 27.09.1999, 18:04 Uhr

System Planning

Simulation and testing of numerical pro-
Technical standards, Task definitions, Weak point tection relays. 1
Reliability require- System analysis of determination
ments present status Immediate action CTDIM
is a program for protective current trans-
former dimensioning. Main task is techni-
Expansion project cal and economical optimization. 2
Load development PRIMUS
Superposed Subposed voltage level
voltage level Load structure works out the most suitable voltage for
Infeed a DC transmission project together with
System architecture the most important electrical data and
Alternative system the costs.
concepts for stages
Protectivecoordination SECOND
Component design Method of neutral
grounding is used to calculate the electrical character-
Technical/economical istics and costs of a given AC transmission
calculations and project. 4
permits calculation of electrical and mag-
Proposal for netic fields which occur during operation
system layout
and fault conditions in the environment of 5
one, two and three-phase systems (e.g.
Fig. 4: Steps for network planning overhead lines and railway lines) in a two-
dimensional way.

Tasks permits calculation of the electrical charac- 6
Load development and teristics of overhead lines and cables.
power plant schedules
Voltage steps and
transformer substation is for calculating the potential fields of
sizes grounding installations. 7
Installation type
and configuration KABEIN
Voltage-control is used for calculating the inductive inter-
and reactive-power ference to which telecommunication lines
and pipelines are subjected by the operat- 8
Load-flow control
and stability criteria ing currents or fault currents of high-volt-
age overhead lines or cables at any levels
Dynamic and
transient behavior of exposure.
System management SUNICO
(normal and faulted)
calculates how to make optimum use of 9
power stations. It indicates the best choice
Existing system from among the available power units and
Planned the best way of dividing up the system load
among the individual units used.
Fig. 5: Planning tasks for interconnected transmission system
is used for calculating harmonic voltages
DISTAL CUSS and currents in electrical systems.
(Distance Protection Grading) calculates (Computer-Aided Protective Grading) indi-
the setting values of the impedance for cates grading paths and grading diagrams,
the three steps and for the overreach zones checks the interaction of the current-time (Filter-circuit design) is for dealing effi-
(automatic reclosing and signal compari- characteristics with regard to selectivity ciently with harmonic compensation.
son) of distance protection equipment in and generates setting tables for the pro-
any kind of meshed network. tection equipment.

Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 10/5

Ohne Namen-1 5 27.09.1999, 18:04 Uhr

System Planning

Power Generation Digital Sequence

1 G ∆u, ∆f, ∆φ Controllers

2 AC/DC Systems … Positive and Zero

Sequence Components

8 Test Stations 1…6 7 8 Measuring, Protection
and Control

HVDC/FACTS Protection Custom Power

5 Simulator Interfaces Signal Generation and

=1 =1
Signal Acquisition System

Real-Time Computer Playback Computer

6 Simulation RTDS NETOMAC, EMTDC, EMTP Simulation

Since 1996
Fig. 6: Advanced AC/DC Real-Time Simulator facilities – Overview

Advanced AC/DC real-time simulation Measurements

The development and testing of measur- Sometimes only field measurements can
8 ing, protection and control equipment of provide an accurate picture of the actual
large power supply installations need to situation and will be conducted for acquisi-
take place under real system conditions. tion of data, clarification of disturbances
Siemens System Planning utilizes a realtime and verification of functions.
simulator based on a modular principle so
that different layouts and structures of the
9 projects can be dealt with flexibly. Instruction and Training
In the simulator, there are 8 test stations Training matched to the particular needs
which enable parallel work to be carried of our customers, acquainting them with
out. Six of them are specially designed for installations, methods of planning and use
testing large power converters such as of software tools will be provided. Custom-
HVDC and FACTS units. Station 7 has spe- ers need today also well trained protection
10 cial interfaces for testing system protec- staff who are able to handle modern numer-
tion schemes. Custom power station 8 is ical relays in parallel with older installed
used for Advanced Power Electronic Appli- static and mechanical ones.
cations such as SIPCON (Siemens Power Siemens System Planning provides the
Conditioner). In addition to the classic type right training for protection design and co-
of simulator with physical elements, real- ordination.
time injection of transient signals from dig- All the training courses can be held world- For further information please contact:
ital simulations is also possible, e.g. with wide and also in Siemens Trainings Centers.
NETOMAC or RTDS, so that computer and Fax: ++ 49 - 91 31-73 44 45
analog simulation complement each other. e-mail:

10/6 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition

Ohne Namen-1 6 27.09.1999, 18:05 Uhr

Conversion Factors and Tables

Cross-sectional conductor areas Temperature

to Metric and US Standards

Metric cross- American wire gauge °F °C

sectional areas Non-metric system SI system
acc. to IEC

Cross- Equivalent AWG or MCM 320° 160° 1 mil 0.0254 mm

sectional Metric CSA 1 in 2.54 cm = 25.4 mm
conductor 305° 1 ft 30.48 cm = 0.305 m
area 1 yd 0.914 m
[mm2] [mm2] 140° 1 mile 1.609 km = 1609 m
130° SI system Non-metric system
0.653 19 AWG 260°
0.832 18 1 mm 39.37 mil
245° 120°
1.040 17 1 cm 0.394 in
1.310 16
230° 110° 1m 3.281 ft = 39.370 in
1.650 15 = 1.094 yd
2.080 14 212° 100° 1 km 0.621 mile = 1.094 yd
2.50 2.620 13 200°
3.310 12 90°
4.00 185°
4.170 11 80°
5.260 10 170°
6.630 9 70°
155° Non-metric system SI system
8.370 8
10.00 10.550 7 140° 60° 1 in2 6.452 cm2 = 654.16 mm2
13.300 6 1 ft2 0.093 m2 = 929 cm2
16.00 16.770 5 50° 1 yd2 0.836 m2
21.150 4 110° 1 acre 4046.9 m2
25.00 40°
26.670 3 1 mile2 2.59 km2
33.630 2
35.00 30° SI system Non-metric system
42.410 1 80°
50.00 53.480 1/0 20° 1 mm2 0.00155 in2
70.00 67.430 2/0 1cm2 0.155 in2
50° 10°
95.00 85.030 3/0 1 m2 10.76 ft2 = 1550 in2
107.200 4/0 = 1.196 yd2
120.00 250 MCM 32° 0°
126.640 1 km2 0.366 mile2
150.00 152.000 300 20°
185.00 –10°
202.710 400

240.00 253.350 500
300.00 304.000 600 –10°
354.710 700
400.00 800 –25° –30°
500.00 506.710 1000
625.00 –40° –40°

Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition

Conversion Factors and Tables

Volume Volume rate of flow Pressure

Non-metric system SI system Non-metric system SI system Non-metric system SI system

1 in3 16.387 cm3 1 gallon/s 3.785 l/s 1 in HG 0.034 bar

1 ft3 28.317 dm3 = 0.028 m3 1 gallon/min 0.227 m3/h = 227 l/h 1 psi 0.069 bar
1 yd3 0.765 m3 1 ft3/s 101.941 m3/h 1 lbf/ft2 4.788 x 10-4 bar =
1 fl. oz. 29.574 cm3 1 ft3/min 1.699 m3/h 4.882 x 10-4 kgf/cm2
1 quart 0.946 dm3 = 0.946 l 1 lbf/in2 0.069 bar = 0.070 kgf/cm2
SI system Non-metric system
1 pint 0.473 dm3 = 0.473 l 1 tonf/ft2 1.072 bar = 1.093 kgf/cm2
1 gallon 3.785 dm3 = 3.785 l 1 l/s 0.264 gallon/s 1 tonf/in2 154.443 bar =
1 barrel 158,987 dm3 = 1.589 m3 1 l/h 0.0044 gallon/min 157.488 kgf/cm2
= 159 l 1 m3/h 4.405 gallon/min =
SI system Non-metric system
0.589 ft3/min = 0.0098 ft3/s
SI system Non-metric system
1 bar 29.53 in Hg =
1 cm3 0.061 in3 = 0.034 fl. oz. Force = 105 pa 14.504 psi =
= 102 kpa 2088.54 lbf/ft2 =
1 dm3 61.024 in3 =
Non-metric system SI system 14.504 lbf/in2 =
=1l 0.035 ft3 = 1.057 quart =
0.932 tonf/ft2 =
2.114 pint = 0.264 gallon 1 lbf 4.448 N 6.457 x 10-3 tonf/in2
1 m3 0.629 barrel 1 kgf 9.807 N (= 1.02 kgf/cm2)
1 tonf 9.964 kN

Velocity SI system Non-metric system Energy, work, heat

1N 0.225 lbf = 0.102 kgf

Non-metric system SI system Non-metric system SI system
1 kN 0.100 tonf
1 ft/s 0.305 m/s = 1.097 km/h 1 hp h 0.746 kWh = 2.684 x 106 J
Torque, moment of force = 2.737 x 105 kgf m
1 mile/h 0.447 m/s = 1.609 km/h
1 ft lbf 0.138 kgf m
SI system Non-metric system Non-metric system SI system 1 Btu 1.055 kJ = 1055.06 J
(= 0.252 kcal)
1 m/s 3.281 ft/s = 2.237 mile/h 1 lbf in 0.113 Nm = 0.012 kgf m
1 km/h 0.911 ft/s = 0.621 mile/h 1 lbf ft 1.356 Nm = 0.138 kgf m SI system Non-metric system

SI system Non-metric system 1 kWh 1.341 hp h = 2.655 kgf m

Mass, weight = 3.6 x 105 J
1 Nm 8.851 lbf in = 0.738 lbf ft
(= 0.102 kgf m) 1J 3.725 x 10-7 hp h =
0.738 ft lbf =
Non-metric system SI system
9.478 x 10-4 Btu
Moment of inertia J. (= 2.388 x 10-4 kcal)
1 oz 28.35 g
2 1 kgf m 3.653 x 10-6 hp h =
1 lb 0.454 kg = 453.6 g Numerical value equation: J = GD = Wr 2
1 sh ton 0.907 t = 907.2 kg 4 7.233 ft lbf
Non-metric system SI system
SI system Non-metric system
1 lbf ft2 0.04214 kg m2
1g 0.035 oz
1 kg 2.205 lb = 35.27 oz SI system Non-metric system

1t 1.102 sh ton = 2205 lb 1 kg m2 23.73 lb ft2

Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition

Conversion Factors and Tables

Power Examples for decimal multiples

and submultiples of metric units
Non-metric system SI system

1 hp 0.746 kW = 745.70 W = 1 km = 1000 m;

76.040 kgf m/s 1 m = 100 cm = 1000 mm
(= 1.014 PS) 1 km2 = 1000 000 m2;
1 ft lbf/s 1.356 W (= 0.138 kgf in/s) 1 m2 = 10 000 cm2;
1 kcal/h 1.163 W 1 cm2 = 100 mm2
1 Btu/h 0.293 W 1 m3 = 1000 000 cm3;
1 cm3 = 1000 mm3
SI system Non-metric system 1 t = 1000 kg; 1 kg = 1000 g
1 kW 1.341 hp = 1 kW = 1000 W
101.972 kgf m/s
(= 1.36 PS)
1W 0.738 ft lbf/s = 0.86 kcal/h
= 3.412 Btu
(= 0.102 kgf m/s)

Specific steam consumption

Non-metric system SI system

1 lb/hp h 0.608 kg/kWh

SI system Non-metric system

1 kg/kWh 1.644 lb/hp h


Non-metric system SI system

°F °C 5
9 (ϑF – 32) = ϑC
°F K 5
ϑF + 255.37 = T

SI system Non-metric system

°C °F 9
5 ϑC + 32 = ϑF
K °F 9
ϑ T – 459.67 = ϑF
Quantity Symbol Unit
Fahrenheit ϑF* °F
Celsius (Centigrade) ϑC* °C
Thermodynamic T K
temperature (Kelvin)
* The letter t may be used instead of ϑ

Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition

Contacts and Internet Addresses

General: Gas-insulated Switchgear

for Substations (GIS)
Siemens AG Fax: ++49 - 91 31 - 7 3 44 98 5 Transformers e-mail: Distribution Transformers
Power Transmission and
Gas-insulated Transmission Lines (GIL) Fax: ++49 - 70 21 - 50 85 48
Distribution (EV)
Fax: ++49 - 91 31 - 73 44 98
e-mail: distributiontransformers
Sales Locations Worldwide (EV) Power Transformers Fax: ++49 - 9 11 - 4 34 21 47
Overhead Powerlines (OHL)
Fax: ++49 - 91 31 - 73 35 44
International Business
Development e-mail: heinz-juergen.theymann@erls04. Protection and Substation
6 Control
High Voltage Direct
Technical: Current Transmission (HVDC)
Fax: ++49 - 91 31 - 73 45 52
Power Engineering Guides e-mail:
Transmission and Distribution Power Compensation 7 Energy Management
Fax: ++49 - 91 31 - 73 45 54
Industrial Applications
e-mail: powersystemscontrol

3 Medium Voltage Integrated IT Solutions

Decentralized Energy
Supply Systems Fax: ++49 - 9 11 - 4 33 - 81 22 Power Network Telecommunication Fax: ++49 - 89 - 7 22 - 2 44 53 or
Primary Distribution Switchgear
++49 - 89 - 7 22 - 4 19 82
Fax: ++49 - 91 31 - 73 46 39
1 Power Transmission Systems

Secondary Distribution Switchgear and

8 Metering
Fax: ++49 - 91 31-73 46 72 Transformer Substations
e-mail: Fax: ++49 - 91 31 - 73 46 36

Industrial Load Center 9 Services

2 High Voltage Fax: ++49 - 91 31 - 73 15 73
Fax: ++49 - 91 31 - 73 44 49
Medium Voltage Devices e-mail:
Fax: ++49 - 91 31 - 73 46 54
Air Insulated Outdoor Substations (AIS)
Fax: ++49 - 91 31-73 18 58
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Fax: ++49 - 91 31 - 73 44 45
Circuit-Breakers Sivacon
Fax: ++49 - 3 03 86 - 2 58 67 Fax: ++49 - 3 41 - 4 47 04 00
Surge Arresters
Fax: ++49 - 3 03 86 - 2 67 21

Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition

Contacts and Internet Addresses

Subject to the “General Conditions of Sup-

ply and Delivery for Products and Services
of the Electrical and Electronics Industry”.

The technical data, dimensions and

weights are subject to change unless
otherwise stated on the individual pages
of this catalog.
The illustrations are for reference only.

Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition

Power Transmission
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