Biotransformation of Hop Aroma Terpenoids by Yeasts

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FEMS Yeast Research 3 (2003) 53^62

Biotransformation of hop aroma terpenoids by ale and lager yeasts

Andrew J. King 1 , J. Richard Dickinson
Cardi¡ School of Biosciences, Cardi¡ University, PO Box 915, Cardi¡ CF10 3TL, UK

Received 29 April 2002; received in revised form 28 June 2002; accepted 28 June 2002

First published online 12 August 2002


Terpenoids are important natural flavour compounds, which are introduced to beer via hopping. It has been shown recently that yeasts
are able to biotransform some monoterpene alcohols. As a first step towards examining whether yeasts are capable of altering hop
terpenoids during the brewing of beer, we investigated whether they were transformed when an ale and lager yeast were cultured in the
presence of a commercially available syrup. Both yeasts transformed the monoterpene alcohols geraniol and linalool. The lager yeast also
produced acetate esters of geraniol and citronellol. The major terpenoids of hop oil, however, were not biotransformed. Oxygenated
terpenoids persisted much longer than the alkenes.
+ 2002 Federation of European Microbiological Societies. Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords : Saccharomyces cerevisiae ; Saccharomyces bayanus; Hop aroma terpenoid

1. Introduction which have the most complex essential oil known. Over
200 constituents have been identi¢ed to date [3]. In past
Terpenoids are a class of compounds derived from a times, hops were added to beers to impart £avour (bitter-
common precursor, isopentyl pyrophosphate. They are ness and aroma) and to act as a preservative. The preser-
found widely in nature and include monoterpenoids vative e¡ect of hops today is disputed, but in medieval
(C10 ), sesquiterpenoids (C15 ), diterpenoids (C20 ), triterpe- times beer was probably brewed to a much lower alcohol
noids (C30 ), carotenoids, sterols, phytols and quinones. content than today. Thus a preservative e¡ect seems likely.
Monoterpenoids and sesquiterpenoids are compounds Recently, we reported the biotransformation of a num-
with strong sensory qualities, and are found in the essen- ber of monoterpene alcohols by Saccharomyces cerevisiae,
tial oils of many plants [1]. Consequently, they are used Torulaspora delbrueckii and Kluyveromyces lactis [4]. The
extensively in those industries where £avour and/or fra- present work is a ¢rst step towards examining whether
grance are important. The structures of terpenoids rele- yeasts may alter hop terpenoids during the brewing of
vant to brewing and their aromas are shown in Fig. 1. beers. This is a somewhat novel perspective, because the
The aromas of terpenoids vary widely and include £oral, major focus of brewing chemists for many years has been
fruity, minty and peppery. Di¡erent isomers of a given upon the wort-boiling process. Brewers’ worts di¡er
terpenoid can have varying aromas. For example, geraniol greatly from the media used in most academic studies.
(Fig. 1) has a rose-like, ‘citrus’ odour, whereas the cis Worts contain high concentrations of sugar ( s 10%),
isomer, nerol (Fig. 1), has a fresh, ‘green’ odour [1]. In comprising mainly mono-, di- and trisaccharides. A typical
plants, monoterpenoids and sesquiterpenoids are produced laboratory medium may contain only 2% of a single
via the 1-deoxy-D-xylulose-5-phosphate pathway [2]. Of all monosaccharide. Since carbon catabolite repression is a
plants, hops (Humulus lupulus) are perhaps the species major regulator of virtually every aspect of yeast metabo-
lism [5], we decided to investigate whether hop terpenoids
were transformed when an ale and lager yeast were cul-
* Corresponding author. Tel. : +44 (29) 2087-5762; tured in the presence of a commercially available syrup at
Fax : +44 (29) 2087-4305.
concentrations more akin to wort than academic labora-
E-mail address : dickinson@cardi¡ (J.R. Dickinson).
tory media. Oxygen is severely limited during the brewing
Present address: KPMG, 8 Salisbury Square, London EC4Y 8BB, process. Usually, the wort is sparged prior to the addition
UK. of the yeast (pitching), and then oxygen will not be pro-
1567-1356 / 02 / $22.00 + 2002 Federation of European Microbiological Societies. Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII : S 1 5 6 7 - 1 3 5 6 ( 0 2 ) 0 0 1 4 1 - 1

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vided [6]. This limited amount of oxygen is added to sat- reaching an OD600 nm of 6^10 (approximately 6U107 -108
isfy the yeast cells’ requirement for sterols and unsaturated cells ml31 ), cells were harvested by centrifugation at
fatty acids, which cannot be made under anaerobic con- 1000Ug for 10 min at room temperature. The cell pellets
ditions [7^8]. To circumvent any metabolic consequences were then transferred to European Brewery Convention
of oxygen limitation whilst still retaining conditions with tall tubes [14] so as to give an estimated OD600 nm of 2.0
some resemblance to a brewery fermentation, we opted to (approximately 2U107 cells ml31 ). The tall tubes (total
pitch aerobically grown yeast into air-saturated medium. capacity just over 1.1 l) contained 800 ml of sparged
The terpenoids selected for this study were geraniol, (50 min with ¢lter-sterilised air) medium. The fermenta-
linalool, L-myrcene, L-caryophyllene, and K-humulene tions were at 18‡C, and 50-ml samples were removed peri-
(Fig. 1). Geraniol and linalool have already been shown odically under aseptic conditions. Progress of fermentation
to undergo biotransformation under laboratory condi- was monitored by measuring the speci¢c gravity of de-
tions. These monoterpene alcohols have also been detected gassed wort, with a Paar DMA46 Calculating Digital
in beer in a number of studies [9^12]. Additionally, lina- Density Meter (Paar Scienti¢c Ltd, London, UK).
lool has been shown to be an important indicator of hop Samples for gas chromatography^mass spectrometry
variety [13]. The monoterpene L-myrcene, and the two (GC^MS) analysis were prepared following the method
sesquiterpenes L-caryophyllene and K-humulene are the of Cocito et al. [15]. Cell-free medium (50 ml), spiked
most abundant terpenoids found in the essential oil of with 500 Wg of 2-octanol (as an internal standard) was
hops. L-myrcene constitutes around 30% of hop oil, extracted once with 25 ml of dichloromethane (DCM)
whereas K-humulene and L-caryophylene make up 8^ and then twice with 15 ml of DCM, in an ultrasonic
33% and 4^22% of hop oil, respectively [3]. These terpe- waterbath. The combined extracts were then dried over
noids were selected as a starting point to examine whether anhydrous magnesium sulfate, before concentration by ro-
they are transformed by brewing yeasts. tary evaporation at 50‡C, without vacuum. The extracts
were then transferred to 2-ml GC^MS sample vials prior
to analysis. Eluted peaks were identi¢ed and quanti¢ed by
2. Materials and methods comparing the retention times and mass spectra with those
of authentic standards. GC^MS samples were analysed
All terpenoids used in this study are commercially avail- with a CE Instruments (Altrincham, UK) GC800 series
able from Sigma, Aldrich or Fluka, and were purchased as chromatograph coupled to a CE Instruments MD800
the purest form available. Terpenoids were introduced into mass spectrometer, using electron ionisation. The chroma-
the culture medium by addition from ethanolic stock so- tograph was ¢tted with a SupelcoWax 10 column (30 m,
lutions, prepared at a concentration of 100 mg ml31 . The 0.32 mm ID, 0.25 Wm ¢lm thickness) (Supelco, Poole,
exception to this was L-myrcene, which is insoluble in UK). 1 Wl of sample was injected, via a CE Instruments
ethanol, and was therefore prepared in diethyl ether, AS800 autosampler. The temperature programme was set
also at a concentration of 100 mg ml31 . Control cultures up as follows : The injector port was set at 250‡C. The
(i.e. with no added terpenoids) contained equivalent vol- initial temperature, 50‡C for 10 min, was raised to
umes of ethanol or ether. RM-81 Fermentose syrup 150‡C at a rate of 4‡C min31 , and then held at 150‡C
(74.07% maltose, 22.87% maltotriose, 1.59% sucrose, for 10 min. The mass spectrometer was set up to detect
1.35% glucose and 0.12% fructose) was obtained from ions with a mass-to-charge ratio (m/z) of between 30 and
Tunnel Re¢neries, London, UK. 400.
S. cerevisiae NCYC 1681 and Saccharomyces bayanus
NCYC 1324 (National Collection of Yeast Cultures, Nor-
wich, UK) were used as representative brewing ale and 3. Results
lager strains, respectively. For preliminary experiments
to determine the recovery of terpenoids, S. cerevisiae pro- 3.1. The recovery of terpenoids
totrophic haploid strain IWD72 [4] was grown in YEPD
medium which comprised 1% (w/v) yeast extract, 2% (w/v) Preliminary experiments were performed to monitor the
bacteriological peptone (Difco), 2% (w/v) glucose, 0.01% recovery of terpenoids. In these experiments cells were in-
(w/v) adenine and 0.01% (w/v) uracil. For all other experi- oculated into YEPD medium, containing terpenoids at a
ments media were prepared containing RM-81 Fermentose concentration of 100 Wg ml31 . After 24 h the cells were
syrup diluted with distilled water to give a speci¢c density harvested by centrifugation and the culture medium was
in the range 1.045^1.050. Other nutrients were provided as ¢ltered and extracted with DCM. Additionally, the pellets
ammonium sulfate (5.87 g l31 ) and Bacto yeast nitrogen of yeast cells were washed with 5 ml of 50% (v/v) ethanol
base (without ammonium sulfate, 1.7 g l31 ). Inocula for to recover any terpenoids which might have been bound
fermentations were produced by growing overnight aero- to, or entered the cells [16].
bic cultures in 1000-ml conical £asks containing 250 ml of Table 1 indicates the recovery of di¡erent compounds
medium at 30‡C, with orbital shaking at 150 r.p.m. After from each of the cultures. Geraniol was converted mainly

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into citronellol and nerol. Small quantities of linalool pro-

duction had occurred and traces of geranyl acetate were
found, indicating that ester production occurred in YEPD
medium. From linalool, no products were detected. With
citronellol, small quantities of citronellyl acetate were de-
tected, providing further evidence of esterase activity. No
products were detected from K-terpineol, but some of the
terpenoid was recovered from the cell pellets. Hence, the
recovery of the monoterpene alcohols from the medium
was in all cases greater than 80% and, with the exception
of K-terpineol, greater than 90%. Small amounts (10% of
the geraniol supplement, less of the other monoterpene
alcohols) were recovered from the cells.
Recovery of the monoterpenes and sesquiterpene al-
kenes was much lower. With L-carophyllene, only 0.3%
of the original terpenoid was recovered. A small quantity
of K-humulene was recovered and slightly higher levels of
the products L-carophyllene and carophyllene oxide. No
L-myrcene was recovered and no products were observed
to derive from it. In theory at least, there are three possi-
ble explanations for the low recoveries of these com-
pounds. Firstly, they might have all evaporated; secondly,
Fig. 1. The structures of terpenoids relevant to brewing and their aro-
perhaps they could not be recovered by 50% ethanol; or,
mas. 1: geraniol (£oral, rose-like, citrus) ; 2: linalool (£oral, fresh, cor-
iander); 3: citronellol (sweet, rose-like, citrus); 4: nerol (£oral, fresh,
thirdly and least likely, they might have been assimilated
green); 5: K-terpineol (lilac); 6: terpinen-4-ol (spicy, medicinal) ; 7: lina- by the yeast. These would all be irrelevant to the brewing
lool oxide (herbaceous, medicinal) ; 8: nerolidol (£oral); 9: farnesol (£o- of beers, because only those compounds which are present
ral); 10: L-myrcene (medicinal) ; 11: K-pinene (pine) ; 12: L-pinene in the medium (i.e. the beer) will contribute to its £avour.
(pine); 13: limonene (sweet, spicy, citrus) ; 14: K-humulene (medicinal);
An important point to note was that there were no novel
15: L-carophyllene (herbaceous); 16: L-carophyllene oxide (spicy). The
aromas assigned to each compound are as in Bauer et al. [1].
or unidenti¢ed compounds detected.

Table 1
The recovery of terpenoids from 50-ml samples of a laboratory haploid strain grown for 24 h in YEPD medium supplemented with 100 Wg ml31 of var-
ious terpenoids
Terpenoid Residual terpenoid at Products at Terpenoids extracted from Approximate recovery Ratio of free to
24 h (Wg ml31 ) 24 h (Wg ml31 ) cells (Wg) (%) bound terpenoids
16.9 nerol 202.2 geraniol 100 10.9:1
Geraniol 37.9 36.7 citronellol 23.2 nerol
2.4 linalool trace:geranyl 194.8 citronellol
Linalool 90 none 145.0 linalool 94 31.3:1
Citronellol 83.3 5.5 citronellyl acetate 181.7 citronellol 92 28.7:1
6.7 geraniol 60.2 nerol 93 69.1:1
Nerol 79.6 5.3 citronellol trace :K- 3.5 citronellol
K-Terpineol 79.0 none 75.4 K-terpineol 80.5 52.4:1
Linalool oxide 95.7 none 40.1 linalool oxide 97 119.3:1
Nerolidol 79.0 none 1295 nerolidol 100 3.1:1
Farnesol 32.0 none 3171 farnesol 95 0.5:1
L-Myrcene 0.0 none none 0 N/A
K-Pinene 0.0 none none 0 N/A
L-Pinene 0.0 none none 0 NIA
Limonene 0.0 none none 0 N/A
K-Humulene 2.9 caryophyllene none 3.6 N/A
0.2 0.5 caryophyllene oxide
L-Caryophyllene 0.3 none none 0.3 N/A
Caryophyllene oxide 23.7 none 540.6 caryophyllene oxide 35 2.2:1
The results are the means of duplicate experiments. The variations between determinations in all cases were 5^10%. ‘N/A’ indicates ‘not applicable’ in
cases where either no terpenoid remained in the medium or none was extracted from the cell pellet (or both).

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Fig. 2. Progress of fermentations with S. cerevisiae NCYC 1681 and S. bayanus NCYC 1324, in the presence of 10 Wg ml31 of terpenoids as shown in
the key. The fermentations were carried out at 18‡C. The results shown are the means of three speci¢c density calculations, which varied no more than

3.2. E¡ects of terpenoids on the progress of fermentation 4 days with the ale yeast (NCYC 1681), and 1.4 Wg ml31
with the lager yeast (NCYC 1324). However, with the
All the terpenoids were supplemented in the commercial lager yeast it declined to around 1.0 Wg ml31 between 7
syrup-based medium at a concentration of 10 Wg ml31: and 15 days. Linalool was the terpene alcohol with the
These concentrations were much higher than those which next highest concentration. In both cases, production of
would actually be present in a hopped wort, but were linalool occurred at a steady rate for the ¢rst 11 days, and
convenient for analysis where only 50-ml samples were then declined. The concentration reached around 0.75 Wg
extracted. The progress of the fermentations is shown in ml31 for the ale yeast, and 0.45 Wg ml31 for the lager
Fig. 2. None of the terpenoids had an e¡ect on the rate of yeast. Nerol production also followed a similar pattern
attenuation of the medium (compared to the control cul- in both yeasts, with the peak concentration reaching about
tures with no added terpenoid), indicating that at these 0.25 Wg ml31 in the 2^4-day period. There was then a
concentrations, they are not toxic to the yeasts. However, steady decline in nerol concentration, to around 0.15 Wg
it is worth commenting that these fermentations were quite ml31 at 15 days. Steady production of small quantities of
slow compared to typical beer fermentations, which would K-terpineol was also observed with the ale and lager
have been completed within 15 days. yeasts, reaching concentrations of around 1.2 Wg ml31
and 0.9 Wg ml31 , respectively. With the lager yeast, ester
3.3. Biotransformation of geraniol formation also occurred. The esters detected were geranyl
acetate, and citronellyl acetate. Geranyl acetate reached a
We have previously shown that monoterpenoids do not concentration of just over 0.3 Wg ml31 after 4 days, and
undergo spontaneous transformation and that S. cerevisiae then declined to 0.1 Wg ml31 by 15 days. Citronellyl ace-
does not produce these compounds [4]. In the present tate concentrations were higher: reaching 0.5 Wg ml31
study, parallel control experiments were conducted in after 4 days, and then remaining fairly constant. However,
which the terpenoids of interest were incubated in the this terpenoid was not observed until the second day of
absence of either yeast strain. No conversion products the experiment. Overall, around 3 Wg ml31 of terpenoids
were observed in these controls. In addition, we did not could be detected in both fermentations after 15 days,
detect any such compounds in cultures which contained although the concentrations were still declining slowly.
yeast but no added terpenoid. Hence, the compounds de-
tected in cultures which were inoculated with a yeast and 3.4. Biotransformation of linalool
supplemented with a terpenoid must be the genuine prod-
ucts of yeast biochemical activity. Figs. 3 and 4 show the Figs. 5 and 6 show biotransformation products formed
products formed from geraniol. In the presence of both from linalool by S. cerevisiae NCYC 1681 and S. bayanus
the ale and lager strains, a range of products were de- NCYC 1324. From linalool, fewer products were detected.
tected. In both cases, citronellol was the most abundant In both cases, K-terpineol was formed steadily, and
product, reaching a concentration of over 1.5 Wg ml31 in reached a concentration of over 0.4 Wg ml31 after 15 days

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Fig. 3. Biotransformation of geraniol by ale yeast S. cerevisiae NCYC 1681. Geraniol was ‘fed’ at a concentration of 10 Wg ml31 . Samples of the me-
dium were taken over a 15-day period and then analysed by GC^MS. The levels of (a) substrate and (b^e) product are shown, along with the total con-
centration of terpenoids detected (f). The results shown are the averages of two independent injections. The results varied by no more than 5%.

and still appeared to be increasing. Both yeasts also This was probably due to the relative insolubility of these
formed very small quantities of geraniol and nerol. These terpenoids. With L-caryophyllene, the initial detected con-
were ¢rst detected after 4 days with the ale yeast, and after centrations were 0.38 Wg ml31 for NCYC 1681 and 0.78 Wg
2 days with the lager yeast. Geraniol concentrations ml31 for NCYC 1324. After 24 h, these levels had de-
reached 0.08 Wg ml31 and nerol concentrations were just creased to around 0.05 Wg ml31 in both cases. However,
below 0.05 Wg ml31 . The total levels of terpenoids de- these concentrations rose, peaking at 4 days in the case of
creased to around 3.5 Wg ml31 after 15 days, in both cases. NCYC 1681 and 7 days in the case of NCYC 1324. We
believe this to be due to the increased alcohol concentra-
3.5. Fate of L-myrcene, L-caryophyllene and K-humulene tions of the partially fermented medium, allowing more of
the terpenoids to dissolve, and to di¡erential adsorption
With experiments where L-myrcene, L-caryophyllene or and desorption onto yeast cell components, re£ecting
K-humulene were added to the medium, no products were changes in the composition of the cells at di¡erent stages
detected. In the case of myrcene, none of the original of the fermentation. By 15 days, no L-caryophyllene was
terpenoid could be detected either. Fig. 7 shows the levels detected in either the ale or lager yeast fermentations.
of L-caryophyllene and K-humulene detected over the 15- With K-humulene, the initial concentrations recorded
day period. The initial levels of the terpenoids detected in were 0.2 Wg ml31 and 0.9 Wg ml31 respectively for
the medium were much lower than the amounts added. NCYC 1681 and NCYC 1324. These levels then decreased

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Fig. 4. Biotransformation of geraniol by lager yeast S. bayanus NCYC 1324. Geraniol was ‘fed’ at a concentration of 10 Wg ml31 . Samples of the me-
dium were taken over a 15-day period and then analysed by GC^MS. The levels of (a) substrate and (b^g) product are shown, along with the total con-
centration of terpenoids detected (h). The values are the means of duplicate determinations which varied by no more than 5%.

rapidly, and K-humulene could not be detected after transform terpenoids found in hops under simulated brew-
11 days in the case of NCYC 1681, and 15 days in the ing conditions. Geraniol was converted mainly into citro-
case of NCYC 1324. nellol ; linalool and nerol were also detected. This linalool
and nerol was further converted into K-terpineol. The la-
ger yeast S. bayanus NCYC 1324 also produced terpenoid
4. Discussion esters ^ both geranyl and citronellyl acetate. It is not
known whether citronellyl acetate was formed from ester-
We have shown that brewing yeasts have the ability to i¢cation of citronellol, reduction of geranyl acetate, or via

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Fig. 5. Biotransformation of linalool by ale yeast S. cerevisiae NCYC 1681. Linalool was ‘fed’ at a concentration of 10 Wg ml31 . Samples of the me-
dium were taken over a 15-day period and then analysed by GC^MS. The levels of (a) substrate and (b^d) product are shown, along with the total
concentration of terpenoids detected (e). The values are the means of duplicate determinations which varied by no more than 5%.

both mechanisms (Fig. 8). Moir et al. [12] have detected number of genes corresponding to (a) new pathway(s). In
geranyl and citronellyl esters at higher concentrations in this context it should be noted that the fermentations were
late-hopped lagers than in lagers hopped at other stages in carried out at 18‡C. It could be argued that this temper-
the brewing process. Whilst esters of terpene alcohols have ature was too high for the lager yeast and that a more
previously been found in hop oils, this study has shown appropriate temperature would have been (say) 12‡C.
that yeasts may also contribute to their presence in beer Whilst this may be true, the higher temperature has clearly
via esteri¢cation during the brewing process. The forma- not prevented the expression of any activities in lager yeast
tion of terpenoid esters by the lager strain but not by the that are present in the ale yeast. Instead, the contrary was
ale strain is clearly a re£ection of the genetic (and conse- observed.
quent biochemical) di¡erences between these organisms. The appearance of small quantities of geraniol and ne-
Whilst our knowledge of terpenoid transformation path- rol in the linalool supplementation experiments indicates
ways in the two yeasts remains incomplete, we can only that some biotransformation reactions are reversible (i.e.
speculate whether this arises from (say) the possession of a geraniol to linalool, nerol to linalool). These terpenoids
single gene for an additional ‘ester synthase’ or a larger appeared midway through the fermentations where the

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Fig. 6. Biotransformation of linalool by lager yeast S. bayanus NCYC 1324. Linalool was ‘fed’ at a concentration of 10 Wg ml31 . Samples of the me-
dium were taken over a 15-day period and then analysed by GC^MS. The levels of (a) substrate and (b^d) product are shown, along with the total
concentration of terpenoids detected (e). The values are the means of duplicate determinations which varied by no more than 5%.

yeasts’ external environment would have changed. For ex- K-humulene gave rise to small amounts of L-carophyllene
ample, there would have been lower levels of utilisable and carophyllene oxide. It should be noted, however, that
nutrients, more ethanol, and no remaining oxygen. Intra- the addition of L-carophyllene to YEPD medium resulted
cellular stores of sterols would also be depleted at this in none of that compound being recovered and no prod-
time. Any one of, or a combination of these factors may ucts being formed from it. Likewise, there was no bio-
lead to the conditions where these biotransformation re- transformation and only 35% recovery when carophyllene
actions operate in the reverse direction. Most of the ter- oxide was added to YEPD medium. Hence, there are no
pene alcohols were lost from the fermentations within the real contradictions between our di¡erent experiments. In-
¢rst few days of the fermentations, and after that, the deed, a number of other studies have highlighted the fact
decreases occurred at much lower and steadier rates. that terpene alkenes are not present at high concentrations
This indicates that the loss of terpenoids was associated in ¢nished beer, if at all [9^12,17]. Our results are in agree-
with the increase in yeast biomass. ment with these studies. The relative insolubility of these
In the Fermentose-based medium no transformation compounds does not favour their presence in the ¢nal
products were detected from the terpene alkenes; the ac- product. Oxygenated derivatives may however contribute
tual added terpenoids themselves were present at very low to hop aroma in beer. Although the terpene alkenes were
concentrations and undetectable by the end of the fermen- present initially at much lower concentrations than the
tations. This was very slightly di¡erent from the prelimi- terpene alcohols, decreases in the observed concentrations
nary experiment in YEPD medium where, after 24 h, again occurred much more rapidly in the early part of the

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Fig. 7. Fate of L-caryophyllene (a and c) and K-humulene (b and d) when incubated with S. cerevisiae NCYC 1681 (a and b) and S. bayanus NCYC
1324 (c and d). Both terpenoids were added at an initial concentration of 10 Wg ml31 . Samples of the medium were taken over a 15-day period and
then analysed by GC^MS. The values are the means of duplicate determinations which varied by no more than 5%.

fermentation. This may also have been due to binding to analysed oxygenated products of hops which form during
the yeast biomass. The evidence presented in this study hop storage. These studies have involved ¢rstly subjecting
suggests that oxygenated terpenoids are much more likely humulene epoxides and caryophyllene epoxide (which
to remain in beer than alkenes. A number of workers have form during hop storage) to hydroxylation and then using

Fig. 8. Potential routes for the formation of citronellyl acetate by S. bayanus NCYC 1324.

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GC^MS and nuclear magnetic resonance to determine the and Schweizer, M, Eds.), pp. 23^55. Taylor and Francis, London,
Philadelphia, PA.
structures of the products [18,19]. Only by concentrating
[6] Hough, J.S., Briggs, D.E. and Stevens, R. (1971) Malting and Brew-
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determine a number of terpenoids and their sensory prop- [7] Andreasen, A.A. and Stier, T.J.B. (1953) Anaerobic nutrition of Sac-
erties in beer for the ¢rst time [20,21]. Many of these had charomyces cerevisiae. I. Ergosterol requirement for growth in a de-
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[8] Andreasen, A.A. and Stier, T.J.B. (1954) Anaerobic nutrition of Sac-
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ence of yeast. growth in a de¢ned medium. J. Cell. Comp. Physiol. 43, 271^281.
Since carbon catabolite repression is a major regulator [9] Peacock, V.E. and Deinzer, M.L. (1981) Chemistry of hop aroma in
of yeast metabolism [5], the idea behind this study was to beer. J. Am. Soc. Brew. Chem. 39, 136^141.
examine the transformation of hop terpenoids in media [10] Peacock, V.E. and Dienzer, M.L. (1988) Fate of hop oil components
in beer. J. Am. Soc. Brew. Chem. 48, 104^107.
with high concentrations of sugars which more closely
[11] Peacock, V.E., Deinzer, M.L., Likens, S.T., Nickerson, G.B. and
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pounds. EBC Symp. on Hops, Zoeterwoude, The Netherlands, pp.
This project was sponsored by a BBSRC CASE student-
181^197. European Brewery Convention, Monogr. XXII.
ship with Whitbread plc (grant number 96/A3/F/0232). [18] Yang, X. and Deinzer, M.L. (1992) Hydrolysis and reversible isomer-
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References [19] Yang, X. and Deinzer, M. (1994) Hydrolysis and rearrangement re-
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