Appium Book-V0.9.1
Appium Book-V0.9.1
Appium Book-V0.9.1
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
Kobiton, Inc.
Atlanta, GA
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
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Making the move to automation testing with Appium
Table of Contents
Forward 8
Introduction 11
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
Android 107
iOS 108
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
Image matching: Find occurance of partial image in the full image 231
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
About: Jonathan Lipps has been making things out of code as long as he can
remember. Jonathan is an Appium lead maintainer and architect and founding
principal of Cloud Grey, the mobile automation consultancy. Before founding Cloud
Grey, he was Director of Open Source at Sauce Labs. He has worked as a
programmer in tech startups for over a decade, but is also passionate about
academic discussion in various fields. Jonathan has master's degrees in philosophy
and linguistics, from Stanford and Oxford respectively. Jonathan lives in Vancouver,
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
Congratulations on taking the first step to automated mobile testing with Appium.
We’re excited to have you with us on this journey.
With most organizations adopting a ‘mobile-first’ policy and the increasing criticality
that mobile devices play in our everyday lives, the importance of rigourous mobile
testing is as important than ever.
And with the increasing pressure to release more, faster and with better quality,
companies need to integrate automated testing into their Quality Assurance process.
A task often made more difficult thanks to the fragmented mobile ecosystem
requiring development and testing across many different device and operating
system combinations.
There are plenty of testing tools out there to test app functionality (Especially User
Interface testing) of these hybrid, mobile web, and native mobile applications.
So why Appium?
Ideally, to answer that question we need to understand that there are certain
characteristics that must be present in an Automation tool, including:
Appium checks all these boxes, and that’s why it’s considered to be the leading
mobile test automation tool.
Appium is wrapper built upon Selenium WebDriver that translates Selenium
commands into iOS and Android specific commands, making the Selenium
WebDriver compatible with mobile. Selenium supports Java, Python C#, Ruby,
JavaScript, PHP.
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
In the coming chapters we’ll be doing a deep-dive into Appium. By the time you work
through this book, you will be a very accomplished and capable Appium test
engineer. The first place to start your journey is setting up your environment. So
grab a cup of coffee and let’s get started.
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
Installation on Windows
Software required:
1. Java
2. Android SDK (Android Studio)
3. Node.js
4. Appium Desktop Server
▪ Right click My Computer and select Properties.
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
▪ Right click My Computer and select Properties.
3) Installation of Node.js
1. Install Node.js from:
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
Please follow the above steps correctly in order to have a seamless Appium
setup experience.
Installation on Mac
Software required:
1. Java
2. Android SDK (Android Studio)
3. Node.js
4. XCode
5. Appium Desktop Server
▪ Right click My Computer and select Properties.
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
2. Open Android Studio and then download the needed Android SDK
files from Tools > Android > SDK Manager
2. Now to you need to go into insert mode by pressing the `i` key from
the keyboard, and write the following text at the end of the file.
export ANDROID_HOME=/Users/username/Library/Android/sdk
export PATH
3. Press ESC key followed by :wq which will save the .bash_profile
4. You can check that JAVA_HOME & ANDROID_HOME are properly set
by executing commands $ java -version & $ echo
$ANDROID_HOME Respectively.
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
4) Installation of Node.js
1. Install Node.js from:
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
4. Install libimobiledevice:
▪ Execute below command on Terminal:
$ brew install libimobiledevice --HEAD
5. Install ios-deploy:
▪ Execute below command on Terminal:
$ npm install -g ios-deploy
6. Install carthage:
▪ Execute below command on Terminal:
$ brew install carthage
NOTE: Now you are set to run your iOS Appium Script on Simulator
1. Automatic configuration
The easiest way to get up-and-running with Appium's XCUITest support on
iOS real devices is to use the automatic configuration strategy. There are two
ways to do this:
"xcodeOrgId": "<Team ID>",
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
2) Create a .xcconfig file somewhere on your file system and add the
following to it
After this you need to set the desired capabilities and set the path to
.xcconfig file:
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
2. Manual configuration
There are many cases in which the basic automatic configuration is not
enough. This usually has to do with code signing and the configuration of the
project to be able to be run on the real device under test. Often this happens
when the development account being used is a "Free" one, in which case it is
not possible to create a wildcard provisioning profile, and will often not
create one for the default application bundle.
$ cd
$ sh Scripts/
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
Figure-12: XCode: Change Bundle Id, Select and Select Valid Team Project
● Also ensure that you should have installed the valid Provisioning
profile(Of course compatible with entered Certificate and Bundle
Identifier). Now move to WebDriverAgentRunner again and 1) Select
valid Provisioning Profile under Signing (Debug) and 2) Select valid
Provisioning Profile under Signing (Release).
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
● You can observe that when you click on Test/Run button the
WebDriverAgent application will be installed to iOS device and it will
open and give you the black screen for a moment and automatically
closed. That means Success. Now you can able to Run Appium script
on this device.(In fact it applies to all the valid devices registered
under selected provisioning profile).
NOTE: Please install Appium-Doctor(Node Utility) using npm, It will diagnose and fix
common Node, iOS and Android configuration issues before starting Appium.
$ npm install -g appium-doctor
$ appium-doctor
//it will give checklist of which things are okay and
which are not
Installation on Ubuntu(Linux)
Software required:
1. Java
2. Android SDK (Android Studio)
3. Node.js
4. Appium Desktop Server
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64
export PATH=${PATH}:${JAVA_HOME}/bin
NOTE: Use the command: $ which java to find out exact path to which java
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
● Now android studio will open.Click next and let it download required
export ANDROID_HOME=/home/user_name/Android/Sdk
export PATH=$PATH:/home/user_name/Android/Sdk/tools
export PATH=$PATH:/home/user_name/Android/Sdk/platform-tools
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
We’re going to cover a lot of ground in this chapter but it will be well worth it. By the
end of this chapter you’ll have grasped the basics of Appium and writing test cases.
Appium supports Native, Hybrid and Web application testing, and you can execute
Appium scripts on Real Physical devices(iOS/Android), simulators(iOS) and
The best thing about Appium is it has no dependency on the Mobile OS or Mobile
Application, meaning you can Appium scripts can run everywhere. For Automation
Testing with Appium you will just need the APK or IPA file.
Under the hood, Appium is just wrapper that translates Selenium Webdriver
commands into XCUITest for iOS and UiAutomator2 for Android. XCUITest and
UiAutomator2 are Test frameworks for XCode and Android Studio respectively.
Appium supports all the programming languages which Selenium supports such as
Java, C#, Python, Ruby, Javascript with Node.js etc.
For the examples that follow, we will be using Java since Appium was written in Java,
and you can find many resources online on Appium and Java, which makes your
learning journey a little easier. In our examples we will be using a Mac, but of course
you will be fine on any supported operating system.
Please make sure you followed the previous chapter and installed Appium properly.
Now that Appium is installed, we’ll be installing our development environment. If
you already have a development environment installed, you can skim through the
steps that follow. However, it may be easier for you to follow these instructions and
have your environment mimic ours for easier reference.
Note: The steps may seem a little daunting especially when you want to write a
simple test case. However, this is really a one-time effort. Once your environment is
configured and you’re comfortable with concepts such as dependency management,
you’ll find writing the Appium scripts is a relatively straightforward task. So stay with
us through this section, and it will get easier, we promise.
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
We will start by installing an IDE to create Java based Appium Scripts. You can either
select IntelliJ IDEA or Eclipse IDE (or any IDE of your choice). We will be using IntelliJ.
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
3. If you are installing IntelliJ Idea first time, then you need to select the
“ Do not import settings” option.
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
2. Type ‘testng’ and search it, if it is installed properly you can see the
Right tick icon right next to ‘TestNg’ text. And if it is not installed you
need to install by clicking on Install JetBrains plugin… > Search for
‘testng’ > Install it.
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
However you can use Maven if you prefer (We just need to add few
NOTE: For better project management it is better to give a proper Group Id and
Artifact Id.
Visit: to
learn more about it.
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
Now we are ready to add Appium dependencies and then start coding
the first automation test case.
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
sourceCompatibility = 1.8
repositories {
dependencies {
compile group: 'org.seleniumhq.selenium', name:
'selenium-java', version: '3.14.0'
Now continue to our project, open build.gradle file and add the following
dependencies to the build.gradle file.
dependencies {
testCompile group: 'io.appium', name: 'java-client', version:
testCompile group: 'org.testng', name: 'testng', version:
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
Figure-14: build.gradle
"platformName": "Android",
"platformVersion": "8.0",
"app": "/Users/username/Downloads/sample.apk",
"deviceName": "c4e3f3cda"
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
"platformName": "iOS",
"platformVersion": "11.4.1",
"app": "/Users/username/Downloads/sample.ipa",
"deviceName": "John’s iPhone",
"udid": "bea36e2b0262ae4b77bd3463bd462922ee935d24"
We will look at both an Android and iOS test case. However, please review both
sections even if you are not testing on a particular platform. For each, we explore
a different scenario and you will be exposed to different features. If you don’t
have the specific platform, just read along so that you can get the gist of what we
are doing.
1. We will look at an Android test first. After setting the valid
DesiredCapabilities, we need to pass them to the AndroidDriver class
along with the Appium Server URL(
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
4. After creating the test case we need to add the Appium logic to
interact with the UI elements. In Appium we need each element’s
locator to interact with. If you want to tap on some button, you need
to find the locator of that button first and then after that you can
perform a click() action upon it. We will be exploring locators in
detail in a subsequent chapter.
This code will find the Login Screen textview locator and simply click
on it:
driver.findElement("Login Screen")).click();
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
import io.appium.java_client.AppiumDriver;
import org.openqa.selenium.By;
import org.openqa.selenium.remote.DesiredCapabilities;
import org.testng.annotations.BeforeTest;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;
public void setUp() throws MalformedURLException {
String appiumServerURL =
public void firstTest() throws InterruptedException {
driver.findElement("Login Screen")).click();
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
c. Please make sure that device screen is unlocked and that it’s
connected properly. Now move to intelliJ Idea and select the
test case name > Right click on it > Run ‘firstTest()’
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
Although we will be turning to iOS next, be sure to read this section even if you
are not doing iOS testing. In this example, we get just a little more sophisticated
with our test and also expose you to using an assert statement.
1. Let’s make our test case a little more sophisticated, while also looking
how we can work with iOS. Again, if if you are not planning on using
iOS, we suggest you read this section as we’ll be introducing new
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
concepts applicable to both iOS and Android. For our iOS sample test
case we will create a separate Test Case file named iOSSampleTest
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
a. Find the locator of TextField A and enter the value (ie. Send
keys) from the keyboard.
driver.findElement("IntegerA")).sendKeys(5 + "");
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
driver.findElement("IntegerB")).sendKeys(10 + "");
c. Find the locator of ‘Compute Sum’ and click on it, so the result
would be displayed below the ‘Compute Sum’ textview.
String answer =
NOTE: The getText() method is used to get the Text(in String format) from UI
d. Get the text of the result and compare it with the expected
result, so if you enter 5 into TextField A, 10 into TextField B
and when you click on ‘Compute Sum’ textview the result 15
should be displayed under ‘Compute Sum’.
TestNG is the Testing framework and work best with Appium(Mobile Automation)
and Selenium(Website Automation), you can learn more about the TestNG
Annotations and methods here:
4. Below is the full code of our test which will enter 2 values into text
fields, click on ‘Compute Result’, get the result from app and compare
it with the expected result.
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
import io.appium.java_client.ios.IOSDriver;
import io.appium.java_client.ios.IOSElement;
import org.openqa.selenium.By;
import org.openqa.selenium.remote.DesiredCapabilities;
import org.testng.Assert;
import org.testng.annotations.BeforeTest;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;
public void setUp() throws MalformedURLException {
String appiumServerURL =
DesiredCapabilities dc = new
dc.setCapability("platformName", "iOS");
dc.setCapability("platformVersion", "11.4");
dc.setCapability("deviceName", "iPhone X");
public void secondTest() throws InterruptedException {
int a = 5;
int b = 10;
driver.findElement("IntegerA")).sendKeys(a +
driver.findElement("IntegerB")).sendKeys(b +
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
String answer =
Assert.assertEquals(answer, a + b + "", "Expected
and Actual Result didn't match!");
You can get this example code on our github page.
Along the way you learned a little bit about desired capabilities, locators and
assertions. All of this is a great grounding to continue your education into the world
of Automated testing and Appium.
Take a break and let’s continue our journey when you get back.
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
Desired Capabilities help us to configure the Appium server and provide the criteria
which we wish to use for running our automation script. For example, we can
request the environment (emulator or real-device), which version of the operating
system to run the test on, and more. Desired Capabilities are key/value pairs
encoded in JSON format and are sent to the Appium Server by the Appium client
when a new automation session is requested.
Figure-1:Appium Architecture.
As Appium supports both Android and iOS, There are separate capabilities for
both. However most of the capabilities remain common to both platforms.
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
"platformName": "Android",
"platformVersion": "8.0",
"app": "/Users/username/Downloads/sample.apk",
"deviceName": "c4e3f3cda"
"automationName": "UiAutomator2"
"platformName": "iOS",
"platformVersion": "11.4.1",
"app": "/path/to/.ipa/file",
"deviceName": "John’s iPhone",
"udid": "bea36e2b0262ae4b77bd3463bd462922ee935d24"
"automationName": "XCUITest"
The above is the JSON representation. To use this in code you can define the Desired
Capabilities (for Android) as below:
In the above code snippet instead of defining Capability Name in a String you can use
the Appium predefined interfaces such as MobileCapabilityType,
IOSMobileCapabilityType and AndroidMobileCapabilityType to get Capability Names,
so the above code snippet can be written in a better way:
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
We have many desired capabilities at our disposal depending on what we are trying
to accomplish. However, there are specific capabilities we need to set based on what
we are trying to test:
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
While you clearly don’t need to memorize all of these, we do suggest you spend
the time to familiarize yourself with these capabilities. As you use Appium more
and more and continue to consult this list, you will eventually have a good sense
of what capabilities are available to you.
General capabilities
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
browserName Name of mobile web browser to automate. 'Safari' for iOS and
Should be an empty string if automating an 'Chrome',
app instead. 'Chromium', or
'Browser' for Android
newCommandTi How long (in seconds) Appium will wait for a e.g. 60
meout new command from the client before
assuming the client quit and ending the
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
simulator / emulator.
noReset Don't reset app state before this session. See true, false
here for more details
fullReset Perform a complete reset. See here for more true, false
printPageSource When a find operation fails, print the current e.g., true
OnFindFailure page source. Defaults to false.
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
Android capabilities
These Capabilities are available only on Android-based drivers (like UiAutomator2 for
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
dontStopAppOnRes Doesn't stop the process of the app under true or false
et test, before starting the app using adb. If
the app under test is created by another
anchor app, setting this false, allows the
process of the anchor app to be still alive,
during the start of the test app using adb.
In other words, with
dontStopAppOnReset set to true, we will
not include the -Sflag in the adb shell am
start call. With this capability omitted or
set to false, we include the -S flag. Default
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
to false
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
Defaults to 20000
iOS capabilities
These Capabilities are available only on the XCUITest Driver and the deprecated
UIAutomation Driver.
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
webkitResponseTim (Real device only) Set the time, in ms, to e.g., 10000
eout wait for a response from WebKit in a Safari
session. Defaults to 5000
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
remoteDebugProxy (Sim only, <= 11.2) If set, Appium sends e.g. 12000 or
and receives remote debugging messages "/tmp/my.proxy.soc
through a proxy on either the local port ket"
(Sim only, <= 11.2) or a proxy on this unix
socket (Sim only >= 11.3) instead of
communicating with the iOS remote
debugger directly.
Important capabilities
1) Reset strategies
true true Error: The 'noReset' and 'fullReset' capabilities are mutually
exclusive and should not both be set to true
true false Do not destroy or shut down Do not stop app, do not clear
simulator after test. Start tests app data, and do not uninstall
running on whichever simulator apk.
is running, or device is plugged
false true Uninstall app after real device Stop app, clear app data and
test, destroy Simulator after sim uninstall apk after test.
false false Shut down simulator after test. Stop and clear app data after
Do not destroy simulator. Do test. Do not uninstall apk
not uninstall app from real
NOTE: You can know more about Appium Capabilities on Official Appium Docs
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
The following additional capabilities are reprinted with permission from Jonathan
Lipps, Founding Principal of Cloud Grey, a mobile testing services company. Refer
to footnote for the source link.
2) Android-specific capabilities1
The only way to check for toast messages on Android is for the Appium
UiAutomator2 driver to run a loop constantly checking the state of the
device. Running a loop like this takes up valuable CPU cycles and has been
observed to make scrolling less consistent, for example. If you don't need the
features that require the watcher loop (like toast verification), then set this
cap to true to turn it off entirely and save your device some cycles.
Set to true to have Appium attempt to automatically determine your app
permissions and grant them, for example to avoid system pop ups asking for
permission later on in the test.
Appium doesn't assume that your device is unlocked, and it should be to
successfully run tests. So it installs and runs a little helper app that tries to
unlock the screen before a test. Sometimes this works, and sometimes this
doesn't. But that's beside the point: either way, it takes time! If you know
your screen is unlocked, because you're managing screen state with
something other than Appium, tell Appium not to bother with this little
startup routine and save yourself a second or three, by setting this cap to
In this scenario, you need to tell Appium to wait for the correct activity, since
the one it automatically retrieves from your app manifest will be the launch
activity. You can use the appWaitPackage and appWaitActivity to tell Appium
to consider a session started (and hence return control to your test code)
only when the package and activity specified have become active. This can
From Jonathan Lipps’ blog:
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
greatly help the stability of session start, because your test code can assume
your app is on the activity expects when the session starts.
Android has two modes for expressing its layout hierarchy: normal and
"compressed". The compressed layout hierarchy is a subset of the hierarchy
that the OS itself sees, restricted to elements which the OS thinks are more
relevant for users, for example elements with accessibility information set on
them. Because compressed mode generates a smaller XML file, and perhaps
for other Android-internal reasons, it's often faster to get the hierarchy in
compressed mode. If you're running into page source queries taking a very
long time, you might try setting this cap to true.
Note that the XML returned in the different modes is ... different. Which
means that XPath queries that worked in one mode will likely not work in the
other. Make sure you don't change this back and forth if you rely on XPath!
3) iOS-specific capabilities2
For large applications, it can be faster for Appium to deal with the app
hierarchy internally as JSON, rather than XML, and convert it to XML at the
"edge", so to speak---in the Appium driver itself, rather than lower in the
stack. Basically, give this a try if getting the iOS app source is taking forever.
Sometimes, large iOS applications can take a while to launch, but there's no
way for Appium to automatically detect when an app is ready for use or not.
If you have such an app, set this cap to the number of milliseconds you'd like
Appium to wait after WebDriverAgent thinks the app is online, before
Appium hands back control to your test script. It might help make session
startup a bit more stable.
If you notice errors during typing, for example the wrong keys being pressed
Jonathan Lipps’ blog:
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
or visual oddities you notice while watching a test, try slowing the typing
down. Set this cap to an integer and play around with the value until things
work. Lower is slower, higher is faster! The default is 60.
Appium has its own methods for capturing screenshots from simulators and
devices, but especially on real devices this can be slow and/or flaky. If you're
a fan of the libimobiledevice suite and happen to have idevicescreenshot on
your system, you can use this cap to let Appium know you'd prefer to retrieve
the screenshot via a call to that binary instead of using its own internal
methods. To make it happen, simply set this cap to the string
Element visibility checks in XCUITest are fraught with flakiness and
complexity. By default, the visibility checks available don't always do a great
job. Appium implemented another type of visibility check inside of
WebDriverAgent that might be more reliable for your app, though it comes
with the downside that the checks could take longer for some apps. As with
many things in life, we sometimes have to make trade-offs between speed
and reliability.
NOTE: You can learn more about Android & iOS specific Capabilities on Jonathan
Lipps’ (Appium project lead and architect) blog:
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
In Mobile (or Web) Automation Testing automating any scenario follows these 2
In this chapter we focus on the first step and will look into all the available Locator
Finding Strategies and discuss each strategy’s pros and cons.
If you recall our simple test cases in Chapter 2, our Android example used the
following code for identifying the Textview:
driver.findElement("Login Screen")).click();
Here id is the Locator strategy and Login Screen is the unique id(address). Think
of reading it as “Finding the element by <locator strategy> <element unique id>”. So
in this example we’re telling Appium to use the “id” strategy (used for finding
elements by unique ID) and the ID we’re using is “Login Screen”.
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
The below image describes how can you find the Textview element for any android
application (in Java).
As you may expect, there are many different locator strategies available to you,
1) Accessibility ID
2) Class name
3) ID
4) Name
5) XPath
6) Image (Recently Introduced)
7) Android UiAutomator (UiAutomator2 only)
8) Android View Tag (Espresso only)
9) IOS UIAutomation
Learning which type of Locator Strategy to use is part of the learning process of
becoming comfortable with Appium. We will go through all Locator Strategies and
discuss them in detail. Don’t worry about memorizing all of them … at this stage in
your journey you just need to become familiar with them and eventually you’ll
understand which are best to use in which scenarios. In fact, there are some tricks
coming up later that will automatically suggest which strategy to use! Often during
your script development you’ll wrestle with trying to identify a UI element. When
that happens, refer back to these different locator strategies to see which might best
fit your needs.
NOTE: All of the above Locator Strategies can be inspected using the Appium
Inspector Tool(for Android and iOS both). We will learn about that tool in the next
chapter. The screenshots that follow are using this Inspector to illustrate the locator.
The mobile app is depicted in the leftmost pane and when clicking an element we see
the attributes in the rightmost pane.
1) Accessibility ID
● This is the best preferred locator strategy in Appium. Always use this
one if you can.
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
1) Java:
WebElement chromeButtonElement =
MobileElement mobileElement =
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
2) Python:
element = self.driver.
3) JavaScript:
let element = await driver.
4) Ruby:
5) PHP:
$els = $this->element($this->using('accessibility id')-
2) Class Name
● Finding an element using Class Name is generic and it does not
guarantee to find the unique element because many elements have
the same class name.
● iOS: In iOS the class name is the fully qualified name of UIAutomation
class, and it starts with “UIA” keyword such as UIAButton,
UIARadioButton and UIATextField for old versions of iPhone
Apps, and on recent versions made on Swift programming language
you can find the “XCUITest” keyword.
● Android: In Android, the class name is the fully qualified name of the
UIAutomator class and these are examples of it:
android.widget.TextView , android.widget.Button,
android.widget.ImageButton, android.widget.CheckBox
● Now, in the above image (fig. 2), as you can see for the Chrome
Button the class name is android.widget.ImageButton which is
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
same for the User Registry button. Which leaves the question, how do
you get the right button? The answer is using “Indexing”
● You can get the indexed values using the relevant programming
languages methods.
● This JAVA code will get the User Registry Image Button which has
Class name= android.widget.ImageButton and Index=2.
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
NOTE: Actually You can get locators by two ways in Appium (for id, name,
className, and xpath).
// OR
WebElement element =
// OR
3) ID
In Mobile Application Automation id is are in form of Native context, it is not
similar to Selenium WebDriver’s CSS id.
● id are also cross-platform locator strategy similar like
accessibility id.
● iOS: It will find elements by name and label attribute but before
that Appium will try to search for a accessibility id that will
match with the given id string.
// OR
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
// OR
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
4) Name
● iOS & Android: It’s the Name of the element on both platforms. This
isn’t used as often as accessibility id and id strategies are
mostly used.
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
5) XPath
● This locator strategy analyzes the XML structure of the app and
locates the element with respect to the other elements.
● This strategy comes to the rescue when you’ve tried the above
strategies and failed. As it depends on Parent XML nodes it’s really
very fragile because when any new UI element gets added or
removed, the XML structure is changed rendering your locators
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
● If you are using the Appium Inspector for inspection of the Application
XML structure then Appium will give you the XPath directly without
any extra effort.
// OR
MobileElement computeSumButton =
// OR
● You can learn more about how you can find the Xpath from:, and from this
link you can learn more about how you can properly use XPath with
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
6) Image
● Appium supports Image Comparison as a locator strategy which is
using the OpenCV library in the backend.
● The strings which are being used by this locator strategy are Base64-
encoded image files.
● In this example we find the first Button element having the text Login:
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
9) IOS UIAutomation
● This is iOS Platform specific locator strategy. It uses Apple’s
Instruments framework.
● Example:
String selector = "**/XCUIElementTypeCell[`name BEGINSWITH
● In the above example we will find the 4th button anywhere under the
UI hierarchy and whose name begins with the character ‘P’.
Hopefully you’re starting to get an idea of when to use which locator. Don’t worry if
it isn’t immediately clear … the more you start building Appium scripts and the more
you keep reviewing these it will become more intuitive.
Generally speaking you will find you should mostly likely use Accessibly Id and Id
automation strategies. XPath is incredibly flexible as a fallback when no ID exists, but
tends to be brittle. Your best option is to work with the developers to add unique IDs
if they don’t exist. This will make for far more robust test scripts.
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
However, if you haven’t already realized (you soon will!), finding these unique
elements can sometimes be painful. And this is where the Appium Inspector comes
into play.
NOTE: The Appium Inspection tool does not support finding the locators on Web
Browser(Chrome) as it is specifically designed to fetch the attributes for Native
Mobile Application only.
The Appium Desktop Application is a combination of the Appium server itself and the
Element inspector, which is designed to help you discover all the visible elements of
your mobile application while developing your test scripts.
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
3) To record your manual actions with the app: In order to record your actions,
you need either the Appium Inspector or some other tool that can access
those elements.
1) Appium Inspector:
You can use this inspector for both Android and iOS apps (for iOS apps, you
would need a Mac)
2) UiAutomatorViewer(Android):
This is a tool provided by Android Studio that lets you inspect elements in
your mobile app.
There is one important factor in that the way you inspect elements in mobile
app is exactly the same in UIAutomatorViewer and Appium Desktop
Inspector. The are slight differences in the UI of both the tools, but the
underlying logic of identifying elements remains the same.
● Find element by ID
● Find element by ClassName
● Find element by Accessibility ID
● Find element by XPath
3) Accessibility Inspector(iOS):
The Accessibility Inspector is a tool that shows all of the properties and
values, methods (actions that can occur from elements on the screen), and
position of the object that's currently being selected on the screen.
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
In this chapter we will discuss the most used and popular tools to find the unique
and correct element locator.
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
3) Click on the Search button and open the Appium Inspector Session.
"platformName": "Android",
"platformVersion": "8.1", //<<Android Version of connected
"app": "/path/to/.apk/file",
"deviceName": "c33143r", //<<get device name using: $ adb
"automationName": "UiAutomator2"
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
iOS(Real Device):
"platformName": "iOS",
"platformVersion": "11.4",
"app": "/path/to/.ipa/file",
"deviceName": "John’s iPhone", //<<get it using iTunes>>
"udid": "bea36e2b0262ae4b77bd3463bd462922ee935d24", //<<get
it using iTunes>>
"automationName": "XCUITest"
"platformName": "iOS",
"platformVersion": "11.4",
"app": "/Users/username/Downloads/sample.ipa",
"deviceName": "iPhone X", //<<(iPhone 7, iPhone 7 Plus
etc..)You can get devices from: "$ instruments -s devices">>
"automationName": "XCUITest"
Below are the screenshots of Desired Capabilities for Android(Real Device) and
iOS(Real Device and Simulator).
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
5) You can also save the Desired Capabilities for a particular configuration by
clicking on the Save/Save As.. button.
6) Click on the Start Session button - it will take some time because the Appium
server will install the mentioned app to your connected device/simulator and
then it will analyze the Application XML and underlying structure. After some
time you can see the a window similar to:
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
As you can see you can get the XML structure of all the visible elements on
the screen. Using the best or most appropriate locators strategy(accessibility
id, id, class name, xpath etc.) you can get the valid unique locators.
Additionally, Appium inspector supports many features:
● A great feature of Appium is it will give you the best locator strategies
listed automatically, so in the above image you can see that Appium is
suggesting accessibility id and xpath selectors for the selected
TextField on the screen. Isn’t that convenient?
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
7) There is also a feature where you can Attach to existing Session. You need to
provide just the session-id (as shown in the following screenshot). It is useful
for when you already have an Appium session running. This (attaching
session) is possible because the inspector is an Appium client, not Appium
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
8) You can inspect elements on another custom appium server by providing the
following information under the “Custom Server” tab:
1) Remote Host Ip address.
2) Remote Host Port.
3) Remote Host Path.
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
1) Kobiton,
2) Saucelabs,
3) TestObject,
4) Headspin,
5) BrowserStack,
6) Bitbar cloud,
7) Kobiton.
text Name
resource-id Id
content-desc Accessibility Id
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
name Name, Id
label Id
accessibility id Accessibility Id
In this chapter we learned how to find elements using the Appium Inspector tool. In
the next chapter we are going to see an alternative option UiAutomationViewer
(only for Android) to inspect the UI elements. Before that, let’s turn to how we can
use Appium to extract elements on the mobile web browser.
Make sure you use the mobile version of the site you’re looking to test. For example is the mobile website, while is
the default website on Desktop. However you can open on
your Desktop and can get the mobile view on your desktop. So ultimately the first
thing is we need to get the Mobile website which we are interested in to be
After getting the Website URL we need to find the locators of the elements we will
be interacting with. This is a bit different to getting the elements from a Mobile
Native application. On a Mobile Native application we can get the elements using the
Appium Inspector while for Website automation we can get the UI elements from
the browser itself, we don’t need to rely on any third party tool.
If you’re familiar with Selenium then you already know how to get website UI
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
● XPath
● LinkText
● Partial Link Text
1) ID
● Id = “m_login_email” for the “Mobile number or email address”
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
● Selector Code:
NOTE: If you assign ‘#’ before id name, it becomes the CSS Selector.
2) Name
● Name = “email” for the “Mobile number or email address” textfield
● Selector Code:
3) Class Name
● Class Name = “_56bg _4u9z _5ruq” for the “Mobile number or email
address” textfield. Please note that use this locator when the class
name is defined only once in DOM. If more than one class name found
in DOM, please don’t use it.
● Selector Code:
driver.findElement(By.className(“_56bg _4u9z _5ruq”));
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
4) CSS Selector
● CSS Selector = “._56bg._4u9z._5ruq” for the “Mobile number or
email address” textfield.
● In order to use CSS Selector using Id, You need to place # before the
So for Id = “m_login_email” the CSS Selector =
● In order to use CSS Selector using Name or other Attribute, You need
to define the attribute in square brackets like:
[attribute _name = ”attribute_value”]
For Name = “”
So for Name = “email” the CSS Selector =
● Selector Code:
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
5) XPath
● XPath Selector = “//*[@class=’_56bg _4u9z _5ruq’]” OR
“//input[@id='m_login_email']” OR “//input[@name='email']” for
the “Mobile number or email address” textfield.
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
● Selector Code:
driver.findElement(By.xpath("//*[@class=’_56bg _4u9z
● Partial LinkText Selector = “Help Cent” will work the same way as
above (full) LinkText locator.
● This locator strategy applies to get the UI Locator for the Link Text.
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
You can find the Android Code below:
import io.appium.java_client.AppiumDriver;
import io.appium.java_client.remote.IOSMobileCapabilityType;
import io.appium.java_client.remote.MobileCapabilityType;
import org.openqa.selenium.By;
import org.openqa.selenium.remote.BrowserType;
import org.openqa.selenium.remote.CapabilityType;
import org.openqa.selenium.remote.DesiredCapabilities;
import org.testng.annotations.BeforeTest;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;
public void setUp() throws MalformedURLException {
String appiumServerURL =
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
public void verifyUserCanLoginToFaceBook() throws
InterruptedException {
String username = ""; // Enter your valid facebook
String password = ""; // Enter your valid facebook
You can find the iOS Code below:
import io.appium.java_client.ios.IOSDriver;
import io.appium.java_client.ios.IOSElement;
import io.appium.java_client.remote.MobileCapabilityType;
import org.openqa.selenium.By;
import org.openqa.selenium.remote.BrowserType;
import org.openqa.selenium.remote.DesiredCapabilities;
import org.testng.Assert;
import org.testng.annotations.BeforeTest;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
public void setUp() throws MalformedURLException {
String appiumServerURL =
"iPhone X");
public void verifyValidUserCanLoginToFaceBook() throws
InterruptedException {
String username = ""; // Enter your valid facebook
String password = ""; // Enter your valid facebook
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
Chapter-6: Walkthrough of
UIAutomator for Android and
Accessibility Inspector for iOS for
Element Extraction.
In the last chapter we discussed the Appium Inspector tool and learned how we can
extract the elements for any application. Appium Inspector is a great tool to extract
elements from Android and iOS both. However, it can take some time to do so.
In this chapter we will look into UiAutomatorViewer and Accessibility Inspector tools.
1. UiAutomatorViewer:
UiAutomatorViewer is the Android SDK part and it’s packaged with it, so you
don’t need to install it separately. It’s a tool like Appium Inspector which lets you
inspect the UI(XML Structure) of the application and gives you the attributes of
UI element.
NOTE: Before using this tool make sure SDK is properly downloaded and the PATH
is set properly.
1) The first step to work with UiAutomatorViewer is you need to connect the
Real(Physical) Android device to your computer (using USB cable).
2) Once you connect the device you can find the device name using: $ adb
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
If your device is not connected properly then you might get error: “No
Android devices were detected by adb.”
3) After connecting the device, you need to open the UiAutomatorViewer from
SDK directory. You can find UiAutomatorViewer under Android SDK>tools>bin
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
4) Now open the specific application screen on the connected device for which
you want to extract the elements.
5) In order to fetch that screen’s XML structure you need to press the (second)
mobile icon on UiAutomatorViewer window.
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
You can observe here that left side part gives you the screenshot of the
current screen from your connected device and the right side is divided into 2
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
1) The upper half contains the XML hierarchy of Screen and selected
2) The lower half contains the selected node’s attributes with their
Now you can get the valid selectors such as cont-desc(accessibility id), id,
class name, xpath etc. from the attributes section and start automating the
application right away.
The following table gives the mapping between attributes and Appium
locator strategies:
text Name
resource-id Id
content-desc Accessibility Id
So, as you can see this tool is similar to the Appium Inspector, but the only
difference is this tool doesn't take much time to get UI element locators.
2. Accessibility Inspector:
Accessibility Inspector is a common Inspector tool included in XCode and
specially designed for Mac OS to get the basic details such as Label, Title, Value
and Type for any UI element from opened application on Mac OS.
It does not give many details and attributes of UI elements but it is handy tool to
get the basic information about the element rapidly.
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
2) After XCode is open, on the Menu bar Select the XCode > Open Developer
Tool > Accessibility Inspector
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
5) Now click on this icon: and select the “Compute Sum” textfield on
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
As you can see you can get the Basic attributes such as Label, Title, Value and
While with the Appium Inspector you get many more attributes:
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
Here, Appium Inspector adds more value to the iOS part, whereas the Accessibility
Inspector provides only basics values which in some case may not be sufficient.
There are also many third party software and tools available which helps to identify
the UI locators.
Ultimately you will figure out which tool best fits into your workflow, but it is a good
idea to have a broad understanding of the choices at your disposal.
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
So far we have looked into the basics of Appium and learned how can you build a
simple test case.
But that was just the beginning! It’s time to ramp our skills up a notch.
Now that you know how to locate elements, we could continue exploring the
different actions you can perform on those elements. However, we’re going to leave
that for a later section, and cover an important topic. Technically, the material
covered here is optional, but we’d urge you to follow along.
In the real world, Appium is used to automate an entire mobile application and the
simple idea to put all element locators, and interactions with those locators, into one
file (as we have been doing) won’t help us. It’s just bad design...when we inevitably
go back to increase automation test coverage we would likely end up with an
unmaintainable project - large project files, complex code and duplicate usage of
element locators will become the bane of your daily automation life.
Moreover, even a small change in the application UI would break the existing
working locators, and if we use the linear structure in our test code it will become so
difficult to fix that locator because we need to replace the invalid locator from each
place in the code.
For Example, most apps or websites have a ‘home’ page, such as a dashboard,
containing a number of menu options. Many automation test cases might click on
these menu options to perform a specific task. Now imagine that the UI is
changed/revamped and menu buttons are relocated and some of them removed -
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
this will lead to automation tests failure because scripts will not be able to find the
particular element.
So in order to reduce that pain we need to use some kind of structure which can eliminate
those difficulties. And that masterpiece code structure (or framework as it’s more commonly
called!) is known as Page Object Modeling.
Page Object is an object-oriented class that keeps all the element locators referring
to a particular page of your Application Under Test and it has interaction methods
for all relevant locators that have been defined. These will be used by the Test Cases
in a particular order according to the test requirements of the feature being tested.
The main advantage to using this is that whenever a UI change causes a test script
failure, you only need to apply changes on Page Object classes to fix the
automation script.
The basic structure of the Page Object Model framework is depicted below:
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
NOTE: The above structure just illustrates one possible Page Object Model structure -
It may vary according to the needs of your app and test cases, and POM works best
for multi page applications.
You don’t need quite as complex a POM structure as shown above, especially when
you’re learning. In this tutorial we will use a “lighter” version of POM illustrated
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
But here we are dealing with iOS and Android Devices only so in lieu of creating a
separate WebDriverManager class we can include the WebDriver creation logic
inside of BaseTestCase.
Follow the below steps to implement this (steps shown below remain same for
Intellij IDEA and Eclipse IDE):
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
5) When you click on the Finish button it will build the whole project and link
the default dependencies.
6) As we are using Gradle as a build tool(No offense to Maven), the first thing
you need to do is to add the gradle dependencies and Import the changes.
Figure-8: build.gradle
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
7) You can observe that there is a src directory created by default (By Gradle).
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
8) After adding the Appium and TestNG dependencies we will create the Page
Object package inside src > test > java
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
10) The first step is to add the file under resources/
directory. Now what do we mean by this? According to the Page Object
Model we need to put all the configuration related values in one file and in
Java we can use a .properties file for it.
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
To get the value of a key from the .properties file we need to implement
methods and we will use the PropertyUtils class for that.
11) Now we need to add Utility classes such as PropertyUtils, WaitUtils etc.
● In test automation Wait has got a vital role. In application automation
when you navigate to another screen or page, there will be a delay
due to resource loading and if we don’t apply the wait then
Automation test scripts can break. That is, the script is attempting to
operate on elements that have not yet rendered or loaded. So to
avoid that we need to tell Appium’s webdriver object that we are
expecting some delay to get the mobile element on the new
screen/page and this is known as a Wait.
We will see more about Wait in an upcoming chapter. Here is our code
which you can use right now, and you will learn more about how it
works in a subsequent section. For right now, just know that you have
this WaitUtility class that you will use.
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
package utils;
import io.appium.java_client.ios.IOSElement;
import org.openqa.selenium.By;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
* This will contain all wait related utility methods.
* @author prat3ik
public class WaitUtils {
* This method is for static wait
* @param millis
public void staticWait(final long millis) {
try {
} catch (final InterruptedException e) {
* To wait for button to be clickable
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
* @param driver
* @param element
public void waitForElementToBeClickable(final WebElement
element, final WebDriver driver) {
new WebDriverWait(driver, this.explicitWaitDefault)
* To wait for element (By) to be invisible
* @param driver
* @param locator
public void waitForElementToBeInvisible(final By locator,
final WebDriver driver) {
long s = System.currentTimeMillis();
new WebDriverWait(driver, this.explicitWaitDefault)
* To wait for given element (By) to be present
* @param driver
* @param locator
public void waitForElementToBePresent(final By locator,
final WebDriver driver) {
new WebDriverWait(driver, this.explicitWaitDefault)
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
* To wait for element to be visible
* @param driver
* @param element
public void waitForElementToBeVisible(final WebElement
element, final WebDriver driver) {
long s = System.currentTimeMillis();
new WebDriverWait(driver,
* To wait for element to be visible for given amount of
* @param element
* @param driver
* @param time
public void waitForElementToBeVisible(final IOSElement
element, final WebDriver driver, int time) {
long s = System.currentTimeMillis();
new WebDriverWait(driver,
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
ement, locator));
package utils;
import java.util.Properties;
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
private PropertyUtils() {
* This method can read Property value for any given key
* @param key
* @return
public static String getProperty(final String key) {
* This method will read any integer property value
* @param key
* @param defaultValue
* @return
public static int getIntegerProperty(final String key,
final int defaultValue) {
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
int integerValue = 0;
final String value =
if (value == null) {
return defaultValue;
integerValue = Integer.parseInt(value);
return integerValue;
* If key couldn't be found then it will return default
* @param key
* @param defaultValue
* @return
public static String getProperty(final String key, final
String defaultValue) {
* This method will load properties file in Properties
* @param path
public void loadProperties(final String path) {
InputStream inputStream = null;
try {
inputStream =
if (inputStream != null) {
} else {
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
throw new
UnableToLoadPropertiesException("property file '" + path + "'
not found in the classpath");
} catch (final Exception e) {
} finally {
try {
} catch (final IOException e) {
* @return Properties
public static Properties getProps() {
return PropertyUtils.getInstance().props;
UnableToLoadPropertiesException(final String s) {
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
12) Now the most important step is to create our BaseTestCase class and include
the logic of WebDriver creation which would be the responsible to manage
the WebDriver object throughout the automation project.
● Create a BaseTestCase class file under the testcases package.
public void setUp() {
System.out.println("Before Method executed..!");
public void test() {
public void tearDown() {
System.out.println("After Method executed..!");
So when you execute the above test by selecting the test method >
Right Click > Run ‘test()’ it will execute the setUp() method before test
executes → test() method → tearDown() method after the test
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
Have a look at this screenshot to see how to execute the test case and
refer to the second screenshot for the output:
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
● The idea is to put the code for creation of the WebDriver object inside
the @BeforeMethod, because we want the webdriver object in place
before starting the test case(method).
public void setUpAppium() throws MalformedURLException {
DesiredCapabilities capabilities = new
driver = new AppiumDriver(new URL(,
* It will set the DesiredCapabilities for the local
* @param desiredCapabilities
private void
desiredCapabilities) {
String PLATFORM_NAME = PropertyUtils.getProperty("android.platform");
String PLATFORM_VERSION = PropertyUtils.getProperty("android.platform.versio
String APP_NAME = PropertyUtils.getProperty("");
String APP_RELATIVE_PATH = PropertyUtils.getProperty("")
String APP_PATH = getAbsolutePath(APP_RELATIVE_PATH);
String DEVICE_NAME = PropertyUtils.getProperty("");
String APP_PACKAGE_NAME = PropertyUtils.getProperty("
String APP_ACTIVITY_NAME = PropertyUtils.getProperty("
String APP_FULL_RESET = PropertyUtils.getProperty("");
String APP_NO_RESET = PropertyUtils.getProperty("");
desiredCapabilities.setCapability(MobileCapabilityType.AUTOMATION_NAME, "uia
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
desiredCapabilities.setCapability(MobileCapabilityType.DEVICE_NAME, DEVICE_N
desiredCapabilities.setCapability(MobileCapabilityType.PLATFORM_NAME, PLATFO
desiredCapabilities.setCapability(MobileCapabilityType.PLATFORM_VERSION, PLA
desiredCapabilities.setCapability(MobileCapabilityType.APP, APP_PATH);
desiredCapabilities.setCapability(AndroidMobileCapabilityType.APP_PACKAGE, A
desiredCapabilities.setCapability(MobileCapabilityType.FULL_RESET, APP_FULL_
desiredCapabilities.setCapability(MobileCapabilityType.NO_RESET, APP_NO_RESE
* This will quite the android driver instance
private void quitDriver() {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
This code illustrates how you can leverage the @BeforeMethod and
@AfterMethod to leverage WebDriver object creation and deletion.
Every Test Case class file will extend this BaseTest Class file, so all the
methods in the BaseTest class file are available to your test cases. You just
have to focus on Test methods creation on file.
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
● Now every other Page Object class like LoginPO will extend the
BasePO class, so the constructor of BasePO is always called first and
the initElements method will be called on BasePO constructor. In
simple language initElements will always called first whenever any
Page Object class gets called.
Figure-17: BasePO.
Here you can also see some objects and variables defined.
IMPLICIT_WAIT is getting the values defined in properties file of
java which will be stored under resources/ dir.
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
● In the Page Object class you need to define the element’s locators
using the below approach:
For iOS:
@iOSFindBy(xpath = “//XCUIElementTypeTextField”)
IOSElement emailTextField;
For Android:
@AndroidFindBy(xpath =
"//android.widget.TextView[@text='Login Screen']")
AndroidElement loginScreenTextView;
● In this example we will work with the sample Android application and
we will use the UiAutomatorViewer inspection tool as it is a speedy
way to get the element’s locator.
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
● And you can create methods in the Page Object class(like in LoginPO)
for the element locators for example if you want to Tap on Login
TextView then you can create method such as
package pageobject;
import io.appium.java_client.AppiumDriver;
import io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.AndroidFindBy;
@AndroidFindBy(xpath =
"//android.widget.TextView[@text='Login Screen']")
AndroidElement loginScreenTextView;
* This method will click on Login Screen textview.
public void tapOnLoginScreenTextView(){;
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
Figure-19: HomeScreenPO.
14) Now that we have created our first Page Object class and added our first
locator into it, we are ready to create a very basic simple test on TestCase
15) Before creating the test case you need to provide the correct path to the
application. You can either:
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
16) Now finally it’s time to create the TestCase java file under the testcases
package and it should extend the BaseTest java file which controls the
webdriver creation before the test starts and deletion at the end of test
execution. So you don't have to take care of that in the TestCase file.
NOTE: Before executing the Test Case make sure Appium server is running on
public class TestCases extends BaseTest{
public void test() {
HomeScreenPO homeScreenPO = new HomeScreenPO(driver);
public void setUpPage() {}
As you can see here, our test case is not concerned with how to locate the element
and how to perform the action. That is taken care of by our homeScreenPO object.
Our test case can focus on the business logic or what we are actually testing.
If the element location changes, you can update the homeScreenPO object and your
test case remains unaffected.
Execute the above test by selecting the test method > Right Click > Run ‘test()’
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
If you can execute the test case successfully then you will get the above screenshot.
You can get the code of above explained framework from our github project.
Phew! That was a ride! Right now you may be thinking that was a lot of work to
create a simple test case - but that simple test case is misleading. You’ve done all the
groundwork - adding more test cases reusing those elements are much quicker.
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
@AndroidFindBy(xpath =
"//android.widget.Button[@text='Login Screen']")
AndroidElement loginScreenTextView;
That’s it! As you can see we just need to change the locator in the Page Object class
and everything works normally again - that is the beauty of using this framework! If
you are not using the framework then you might need to change the locator from
every affected place in code, which is not advisable and can also break something
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
Structuring your test cases like this will make for a far more maintainable test
automation suite. Learning the rigors to do it following this design pattern will
benefit you and your organization for years to come!
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
If two or more components are working together in parallel at the same pace or rate,
synchronization comes into play.
We see it in almost every application whenever the screen changes it takes a few
milliseconds (or seconds) to load, and if you do not manage the proper
synchronization in your code then you might face the dreaded
“ElementNotVisibleException” or “NoSuchElementException” exceptions. This is
because the screen hasn’t finished loading and is not synchronized with your test
code. That is, your test code is over eager and starts trying to perform an action on
an element that hasn’t been loaded yet. To avoid this we need to implement proper
synchronization in our automation script.
1) Unconditional,
2) Conditional.
1) Unconditional synchronization
Unconditional Synchronization is also known as Static Synchronization or Static
As the name suggests, it specifies a particular fixed (static) time to wait before
starting the execution. Here Appium(or any program) will wait the specified
amount of time and then it will resume the execution.
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
However it is a viable strategy to use it when you are working with some 3rd
party interfaces and where you can not identify the underlying condition you
need to wait on OR you are sure about the response time.
2) Conditional synchronization
Conditional synchronization depends on some underlying condition. So in
addition to a specified absolute time to wait, the condition is also passed into the
method. Here the script(or program) will resume execution as soon as the
condition is met - or, in the event the condition isn’t met, it will resume after the
specified time.
1) Implicit wait
2) Explicit wait
3) Fluent wait
1) Implicit wait
Implicit wait tells the Appium’s webdriver object to poll the DOM for the
specified amount of time while trying to find the element before throwing an
“ElementNotVisibleException” or “NoSuchElementException” exceptions.
The big advantage of using Implicit wait is it’s lifespan. As we apply Implicit
wait on the Webdriver object, it will be valid for the webdriver object’s
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
Below is the code to apply the Implicit wait of 10 seconds on the Webdriver
// Define AppiumDriver(WebDriver)
AppiumDriver driver = new AppiumDriver(new
URL(, capabilities);
NOTE: Ideally you should set the implicit wait as soon as you initialize the
So ideally you need to specify a condition that Appium should locate the
Login Button element(on the home screen) within 10 seconds after starting
the script and if the element is not present (or the home screen has not
appeared) after 10 seconds, only then throw Exceptions.
You can write the following statement after writing the above (webdriver
initialization and set implicit wait of 10 sec.) code:
You will notice that we don’t need to specify anything else to the code as we
already added the 10 seconds implicit wait to the AppiumDriver object. Now
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
it will be polling the DOM for 10 seconds until the Login Button is found and
as soon as the button is found, it will be clicked.
2) There is a chance that the time for the implicit wait isn’t enough. For
example as we mentioned earlier where we’re waiting 5 seconds but
limited network connectivity causes the screen to take 10 seconds to
load. In that case Implicit wait will break.
2) Explicit wait
Explicit waits are the best synchronization methods for dynamic responses in
the application.
And if the AppiumDriver is able to meet the condition within the specified
amount of time then the code will get executed.
In explicit wait we need to tell the WebDriver object to wait for a specific
condition using the ExpectedConditions class. So, actually this wait is
specific to a particular single element rather than the whole WebDriver
object (unlike implicit wait).
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
Now let’s take one simple example to understand the use of Explicit wait.
In almost all mobile applications when you perform a Login it takes some
time to load the dashboard or home screen and its elements. For example
purposes, let’s say there is a menu button on the dashboard screen. You can
use an Explicit wait with the condition of wait till menu button element is
(ExpectedConditions.visibilityOf(<menu_button_element>)) on
Dashboard screen.
1) WebDriver object.
2) Number of seconds
After creation of the WebDriver object you need to call the until() method
and need to pass the ExpectedConditions.<condition_name>()
inside it.
There are many conditions are defined in ExpectedConditions class, but we can
list down a few popular ones3:
Official Selenium API docs on the Github project.
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
You can find more details about ExpectedConditions class and it’s
methods on Official Selenium docs, but remember not all are applicable to
Mobile Applications, however all the methods are valid for Mobile Web
3) Fluent wait
Fluent wait is part of WebDriverWait, The only difference is it’s more
configurable than Explicit wait.
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
3) Maximum wait time: The total maximum amount of time to wait for
a condition is met before throwing an exception.
Implicit When you need to apply common wait without any condition.
Fluent When you need to test expected condition for an element after a
specific amount of time like every x seconds/minutes.
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
You can see there are many wait methods(of Implicit and Explicit wait) are
defined in file, Now let’s create a simple example to use WaitUtils
using the WaitUtils object at the Page Object and Test Class level.
public class WaitUtils {
public void staticWait(final long millis) {
try {
} catch (final InterruptedException e) {
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
public void test() {
HomeScreenPO homeScreenPO = new
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
Many beginner Appium developers sometimes wonder when to wait and for how
long. Using wait in your scripts will become intuitive the more you use them and the
more you run into certain conditions. And don’t worry, you’ll be greeted with
exceptions when you forget to include the proper wait!
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
In this chapter we are going to discuss how you can leverage parallel test execution
on simulators and emulators to test more, faster.
Before going too deep into parallelization details we will go through the basics of
TestNG is a open source testing framework written in Java, featuring:
● All tests can be run from one place via the testng.xml file that specifies the
tests to be executed.
● It has a grouping feature so you can group the test cases and can run them
group wise.
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
For example, if you want to execute the same test cases having different data
each time, you don’t need to create separate test cases with different data.
Let’s take a refresher on how you can execute test cases from a Test Class file in
IntelliJ Idea. You will recall that you just need to select the Test Method Name >
Right click on it > Run.
Now before jumping into parallel testing, let’s revisit the following simple code for
iOS we used in an earlier chapter. This is the code we will be using as an example for
parallel execution:
import io.appium.java_client.ios.IOSDriver;
import io.appium.java_client.ios.IOSElement;
import org.openqa.selenium.By;
import org.openqa.selenium.remote.DesiredCapabilities;
import org.testng.Assert;
import org.testng.annotations.BeforeTest;
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
import org.testng.annotations.Test;
public void setUp() throws MalformedURLException {
String appiumServerURL =
DesiredCapabilities dc = new
dc.setCapability("platformName", "iOS");
dc.setCapability("platformVersion", "11.4");
dc.setCapability("deviceName", "iPhone X");
public void sampleTestCase() throws
InterruptedException {
int a = 5;
int b = 10;
driver.findElement("IntegerA")).sendKeys(a +
driver.findElement("IntegerB")).sendKeys(b +
String answer =
Assert.assertEquals(answer, a + b + "", "Expected
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
After putting the above test script into a IntelliJ java project, we can execute the test
cases. But right now we will use the testng.xml method for execution.
Creation of testng.xml
Unfortunately, by default testng.xml is not available to the project so we need to
create it. But you can do it in 2 ways:
b) Specifying the Test Class name, to execute tests for particular Test
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE suite SYSTEM "">
<suite name="All Test Suite">
<test verbose="2" preserve-order="true"
Execution on Parallel simulators and emulators">
<class name="testcases.IOSTestCases">
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
And after that you can create a testng.xml file to run the test cases for
a sample group.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE suite SYSTEM "">
<suite name="All Test Suite">
<test verbose="2" preserve-order="true"
Execution on Parallel simulators and emulators">
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
<include name="sample"/>
<class name="testcases.IOSTestCases"/>
That may seem a little confusing right now since you don’t yet know the
details of
what all of that does. Hang in there, it’ll start making sense in a bit.
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
● Search for “Create testng” type string and you will find the plugin
named “Create TestNG XML”
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
● Now after restarting the IntelliJ IDEA, you are able to generate a
TestNG xml file.
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
You can also change the testng.xml and make it run at the package,
class, method and group level.
And that’s it, your tests under the IOSTestCases will start the execution sequentially.
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
So the best option left to us is to create and run 3 Appium servers at runtime,
and using Java you can easily create the Runtime Appium Server by
mentioning the particular port. In our case we will need 3 different ports to
start 3 different Appium Servers(or Sessions).
Below is the code which will start and stop the Appium server for port 4725.
// Create AppiumDriverLocalService object with specifying the
AppiumDriverLocalService service = new
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
// To start Appium server.
Now we need to pass these values from testng.xml to our Test Class before
all initialization of the WebDriver takes place. And we will use the TestNG
@Parameters annotation for that.
@Parameters({"wda", "deviceName", "port"})
public void setUp(long wda, String deviceName, String port){
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE suite SYSTEM "">
<suite name="All Test Suite">
<test name="test1">
<parameter name="wda" value="8100"/>
<parameter name="deviceName" value="iPhone 7"/>
<parameter name="port" value="4725"/>
<class name="testcases.IOSTestCases"/>
Now let’s come to the parallelization part. If you want to run test cases in parallel
then you need to use attributes along with the <suite> tag.
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
<test name="test1">
<parameter name="wda" value="8100"/>
<parameter name="deviceName" value="iPhone 7"/>
<parameter name="port" value="4725"/>
<class name="testcases.IOSTestCases"/>
<test name="test2">
<parameter name="wda" value="8200"/>
<parameter name="deviceName" value="iPhone 8"/>
<parameter name="port" value="4726"/>
<class name="testcases.IOSTestCases"/>
<test name="test3">
<parameter name="wda" value="8300"/>
<parameter name="deviceName" value="iPhone X"/>
<parameter name="port" value="4727"/>
<class name="testcases.IOSTestCases"/>
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
After adding this to testng.xml you just need to Right click on it and select Run
option, and you will see the 3 iOS Simulators will open and each of them will
execute test cases in parallel. Great!
We have discussed only one possible way to achieve parallelization. There are
many other ways out there and you can also create your own.
The answer is pretty simple - we just need to pass UDID as a 4th parameter.
Let’s understand this by way of an example. Let’s say we have 2 real iOS Devices
connected to our Mac host and we want to run the test cases on that in parallel.
Please look at the table below for Device capability and Port information.
No. Appium Real UDID WDA
Server Port Device Local
Name Port
@Parameters({"wda", "udid", "deviceName", "port"})
public void setUp(long wda, String udid, String deviceName,
String port){
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE suite SYSTEM "">
<suite name="All Test Suite" parallel="tests" thread-
<test name="test1">
<parameter name="wda" value="8100"/>
<parameter name="udid"
<parameter name="deviceName" value="John’s
<parameter name="port" value="4725"/>
<class name="testcases.IOSTestCases"/>
<test name="test2">
<parameter name="wda" value="8200"/>
<parameter name="udid"
<parameter name="deviceName" value="iPhone"/>
<parameter name="port" value="4726"/>
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
<class name="testcases.IOSTestCases"/>
<test name="test3">
<parameter name="wda" value="8300"/>
<parameter name="udid"
<parameter name="deviceName" value="iPhone X"/>
<parameter name="port" value="4727"/>
<class name="testcases.IOSTestCases"/>
@Parameters({"platformVersion", "deviceName", "port"})
public void setUp(String platformVersion, String deviceName,
String port) throws MalformedURLException {
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE suite SYSTEM "">
<suite name="Android Test Suite" parallel="tests" thread-
<test name="test1">
<parameter name="platformVersion" value="8.0"/>
<parameter name="deviceName" value="emulator-
<parameter name="port" value="4729"/>
<class name="testcases.AndroidTestCases"/>
<test name="test2">
<parameter name="platformVersion" value="9.0"/>
<parameter name="deviceName" value="emulator-
<parameter name="port" value="4730"/>
<class name="testcases.AndroidTestCases"/>
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
When you execute the above testng.xml you can get output result similar to the
below image.
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
You can also find this example on our Github page as well:
In the next chapter we’ll look at how you can use the Kobiton cloud testing
service to execute your test scripts against real-devices in the cloud.
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
The question then becomes “how”? After all, it would seem that working with
simulators/emulators is much simpler than buying physical devices which are
constantly being released. Fortunately, there are services which makes this a breeze.
A Cloud Device Provider provides a set of real devices on the cloud at scale. The main
purpose of any cloud device provider is to provide the testing infrastructure upon
which the test cases will be executed on, so the team is can be focused on producing
the test scripts.
The main advantage to use a cloud device service is that you will always have access
to the latest (and older) set of devices.
Another advantage is that users can see the test execution details such as
screenshots, execution logs, failure log details and even video. And if you have a
geographically dispersed team, everybody has access to the devices and the session
Introduction to Kobiton
Kobiton focuses exclusively on real devices rather than emulators and simulators.
Kobiton uses its own Appium Server so you don’t need to worry about starting your
own Appium server - you focus on the test scripts!
Kobiton provides4:
Kobiton Website:
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
3) Powerful APIs
Kobiton provides the full support of Appium with major programming
languages such as Java, Python, C#, Node.js, Ruby and PHP and they have
also did partnership with Katalon Studio(A highly acclaimed and innovative
test automation tool).
Now let’s see how easy it is to test your Appium script on real-devices in the
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
Step-by-step guide
2) After the successful registration you will get an email for the confirmation
from the Kobiton so you can confirm it.
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
3) Now you can access the Kobiton portal by providing valid credentials.
4) As part of the free trial, you get 120 minutes. By completing the survey you
can get an additional 30 minutes of testing.
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
5) Once you click on “Claim your 30 minutes!” you will be redirected to the
dashboard where you can see the devices.
NOTE: Please make sure the device upon which you want to start execution is
Online (Available for execution) otherwise you will get the exception saying:
org.openqa.selenium.SessionNotCreatedException: No device matching the
desired capabilities. Note that Kobiton provides exclusive/private devices if
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
7) Once the application is uploaded successfully you can get the app id for the
uploaded application because you need to pass this id as value of app key in
Desired Capabilities.
capabilities.setCapability("app", "kobiton-store:22304");
Or you can also select the application in the automation settings dialog, so
that you don’t need to manually write the app value in desired capabilities.
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
8) After noting down the app value you can move to the Devices section and in
the automation settings you will get the set of the Desired Capabilities (for
every programming language) which you need to use in order to execute the
test case on Kobiton device.
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
As we want to execute test cases for a mobile application, you need to select
the ”Hybrid/Native from Apps” option.
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
9) Now all we need to do is paste the desired capabilities to our test script and
run it. And here we are using the same android script which we have gone
through in early chapters.
10) Now when you run the script, you can see the session is created for the
selected Kobiton device.
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
11) Once execution is finished, you are able to analyze the logs, screenshots,
video and even HTTP commands.
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
Testing for mobile web is really easy - you just need to select the ”Web” option in
the Automation settings for the device and simply copy the desired capabilities. And
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
because we’re testing a web application in this case, there is no need to upload an
In this manual mode you can control the real device the same as if you had the
device in-hand.
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
Kobiton offers many features including the ability to combine your own on-
premises devices with the cloud devices. A detailed review of all the Kobiton
capabilities are beyond the scope of this book but if you visit you can find lots of additional information and
services offered by Kobiton.
And for Manual testing with Kobiton you can find good documentation here:
Real-device testing should be a key part of your quality process. Fortunately this
is made easy by cloud device providers. Other providers apart from Kobiton
include Perfecto, Browserstack and Saucelabs.
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
Chapter-11: Automating
Up until now we have looked into basic Appium automation, such as finding and
clicking on a button or typing text into a text field. However, “real world” mobile
applications are more sophisticated and contain many complex UI elements that
require user interactions such as double tap, long press, swipe left/right, pull
up/down and even multi-touch actions.
Official Appium API docs from the github page:
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
For example, most games are coded using the Unity3D platform rather than
native coding, so there would not be a single element that can be located by any
tool or even by the appium inspector. However we are not talking about game
automation right now.
The main takeaway here is that if you are not able to get the selector for any
element for any reason then only one survival option remains. Which is to get
the x, y coordinates for that element.
NOTE: Please remember that you can only click on that element using appium.
Now the question is how can you get the x,y coordinate?
● It depends...
● Because you can get the Pointer location in Android but you can not get it in
iOS devices.
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
1) Tap on element
Method: tap(TapOptions tapOptions)
Usage: It is the simplest action, as the name suggests it will simply click/tap
on a particular location. It is a combination of press() and release()
TouchAction touchAction = new TouchAction(driver);
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
NOTE: Here you can also put the wait along with the tap action, for example:
new TouchAction(driver)
2) Tap on x, y coordinates
Method: tap(PointOption pointOptions)
TouchAction touchAction = new TouchAction(driver);
touchAction.tap(PointOption.point(1280, 1013))
NOTE: Similar like Tap on element you can put the wait along with the tap action,
for example:
new TouchAction(driver)
.tap(point(x, y))
Usage: It is used to apply the press action. After the press action you also
need to release so that the state would be in press mode. You do so by calling
the release() function after calling press().
TouchAction touchAction = new TouchAction(driver);
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
TouchAction touchAction = new TouchAction(driver);,y))
Before we look into the Horizontal swipe let’s understand how we can
swipe actions generally.
If you recall, using the press method requires you to eventually call the
release method. So we are basically mimicking a swipe by entering the press
state, moving to a location, and THEN releasing.
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
moveTo() methods.
And also please note these appium methods to get the device screen
int heightOfScreen =
int widthOfScreen =
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
The secret to moveTo lies in the coordinates - you need to mention the
starting and ending x,y coordinates in such a way that swiping can done from
left → right OR right → left direction. Note that when we say swipe right, we
mean moving the content from right to left, but the physical gesture is is
moving to the left. See figure 4 below for clarification.
Example: Let say we want to swipe right on the screen, so in practice you
need to press on the right side and, without taking your finger off of the
device, move your finger to left side. So we need to move from in the Right to
Left direction in order to make the Right Swipe.
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
This is just one scenario for achieving a swipe gesture. Ideally first we need to
make a decision as to what is the “right side of the screen”. We do this by
considering 90% of the screen width. For example, if the screen resolution is
1920 x 1080, 1080 is the width of Screen and 90% of that width would equals
to 972, so we have got our X coordinate for what we consider the “Right”
side. In a similar manner we will need the X coordinate for the Left side and
this time we can consider 10% of the width which would give us an X
coordinate of about 108. So we have got X coordinates for Left and Right
direction. For the Y coordinate we can choose any value as long as it falls in
the swiping area - for example, let’s say our swiping area is between (0, 360)
to (1080, 780), so you can choose any value for the Y coordinate in between
360 to 780.
NOTE: It is important that the Y coordinate have same value because we are
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
focusing on only swiping (not scrolling) so only the X coordinate will change
during the process and Y will remain constant. Ideally you should choose the
half height of swiping area for Y coordinate.
Same way if you want to swipe in the left direction you have to first press on
the left side and move to the right side.
NOTE: This method works in a similar way on Android and iOS but the
location differs according to Mobile device being used (given the swipe is
dependent on coordinates which is dependent on screen resolution).
Moreover on the iOS side you can’t find the location directly so you will need
to use a trial and error approach.
2) Mark the scrolling points (We will use the height from scrolling area
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
Scroll up will work the same but with different location points.
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
8) MultiTouch
As the name suggests it means multiple touches happening at the same time.
For example on iOS if you want to move to the Main screen, you need to use
5 fingers and do a swipe.
OR if you want to perform multi touch on particular elements then use the
below code snippet.
TouchAction touchAction1 = new TouchAction(driver)
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
In this chapter we have looked into the most used scenarios in the Appium
world. These methods all work on both Android and iOS.
More details about all the different TouchAction methods can be found on the
official appium docs on the github project.
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
Appium is a sophisticated and ever updating testing platform, and with a growing
user base forming, you’re bound to see some cool tricks by monitoring discussion
boards and blogs.
In this chapter, we’ll look at some practical tips that you can put into practice
immediately to improve your test case authoring. Let’s get started!
A very simple (but common!) use case requires testing a part of the app that
is only accessible to logged-in users. So every time you execute your test
case, the first step would be to login which is a time consuming operation
(from an execution perspective).
We can skip the login if we’ve already logged in on the previous test
execution, as it takes unnecessary time. We can do 2 things:
1) Set the desiredcapabilities for “noReset” as true and “fullReset” as
false. So if your app has already been installed, Appium neither
uninstalls it nor clear the cache data. It will simply open the app every
time, So login will take place only at once, when you open the app
first time after installing it.
Now the question is how would you fire this command within your
programming language?
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
String line;
Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("adb shell pm list
BufferedReader input = new BufferedReader(new
while ((line = input.readLine()) != null) {
There are case in which you cannot access the remote device before
executing the automation test cases. So you will need some way to enable
the pointer location on that devices at run time.
If you want to enable mouse pointer location using the terminal then fire
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
Process pc = pb.start();
You can find this example on our github page on our github page:
Note: Cloud device platforms like Kobiton offer the ability to automatically
take not only screenshots of every action, but also record full video of your
test sessions as well as detailed Appium and device logs.
But we need to call this method only if test cases are failing or being skipped.
Thus we need to check the status of the test case, and, as we are using the
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
TestNG test framework, we can use its methods to check the status of the
executing test case.
@AfterMethod(alwaysRun = true)
public void afterMethod(final ITestResult result) throws
IOException {
if (result.getStatus() == ITestResult.FAILURE ||
result.getStatus() == ITestResult.SKIP) {
() + "_" + System.currentTimeMillis());
This code example works for both iOS and Android. The code is implemented
in the github repository
In some scenarios when you are not able to get the dialog elements, you can
leverage the Appium image comparison feature and find the element by
image. We will look more into that feature in a subsequent chapter.
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
Appium provides a super easy way to open notifications - you just have to call
the openNotifications() method.
You can get the title of the notification using android:id/title and the
content of the notification using android:id/text locators.
For example:
List<AndroidElement> titleElement =
List<AndroidElement> contentElement =
Using the newCommandTimeout desired capability you can specify the time
in seconds for which Appium will wait for a new command from the client
before assuming the client quit and ending the session.
capabilities.setCapability("newCommandTimeout", 15);
If you are executing the test cases locally you want them to fail quickly, so
ideally you should wait for 10 to 20 seconds (depends on app) because during
that time app will load all the resources. With remote devices, due to
network latency and other reasons, apps on remote device may take more
time to load the resources so for remote execution that time period should
be closer to 60 seconds.
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
And with continuous deployment, there is a good chance your test case
becomes obsolete before that glorious bug is discovered.
The following tips will help you to develop test cases at a faster pace:
● Use a local appium server and local device: Appium performs the
best with a locally installed appium server and having the script
execute on a physically connected real device. Save the cloud device
testing for increased coverage testing and for full regression tests.
● Extract all the UI element locators of the application at first go: You
can simply navigate the whole app with Appium Inspector (or another
tool) and note down all relevant Ids, text or class name for the UI
elements. The objective here is to save time by getting all the element
locators at first go, so you won’t have to find the locator of element
when you are in the middle of writing your test case.
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
XPath, stop to ask why and see if you can have the dev team provide
unique IDs instead.
For example if you want to turn on only wifi(Not mobile data and airplane
mode), you can use this command:
ConnectionState state = driver.setConnection(new
This API works based on the android device OS versions so please go through
the official appium documentation in order to get more information.
NOTE: The above mentioned APIs are not available for iOS.
Using the below code you can get the current context of your app:
In a similar way you can get the all contexts available to automate using:
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
And using this code you can change the context to WEBVIEW:
You can use the this method in order to change the context to WEBVIEW if it
is found:
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
Now when you are thinking to integrate appium UI test cases with Jenkins (or
generally within in a CI/CD pipeline) you have two options to start the Jenkins
1) Specify the command($appium&) in the build section of Jenkins to
run the appium server.
2) Start the Appium server by writing the code in the test framework in
such a way that the server starts before the tests execute, and quits
automatically at the end of the execution.
Here, option 1 is not advisable because if a test failure occurs then the
Appium server will be continuously running and occupying memory of the
physical server. While in option 2 we have server quit code written at the end
of execution, so even if failure occurs it will quit the Appium server and free
the space in memory.
AppiumDriverLocalService appiumDriverLocalService =
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
In the above example Appium will start the server using default url and port.
You can find this example at our github project.
AppiumServiceBuilder builder;
AppiumDriverLocalService appiumDriverLocalService;
Here as you can see appium will use Port: 4729, URL: with some
Desired Capabilities and flags.
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
Hopefully you found (or will find!) these tips and tricks useful as you progress your
journey of being an Appium expert. The Appium community is constantly expanding
and you’ll find tremendous tips and tricks shared by other developers and testers.
Keep reading forums and blogs to keep your knowledge up to date.
Jonathan Lipps, the project lead of Appium, has created an amazing blog at in which he has compiled some of the best practices and
tricks to use Appium in an effective way. We strongly recommend you visit this blog
and subscribe to the helpful mailing list to continue learning interesting things about
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
Most of the AI solutions are being developed by 3rd party vendors and not within
the Appium framework directly. However, the Appium community recently
introduced the Image comparison feature which is great for testing at the UI level
and comparing images, which makes our test scripts less brittle. Essentially, we get
the benefit of a new Image locator strategy we can use in our test scripts.
The feature was developed by incorporating OpenCV, one of the leading image
comparison libraries.
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
1) Make sure you have installed node and npm. If you have brew
installed on your mac then you can just execute: $ brew install
node to install node.js along with npm.
5) Now find the actual path of the appium binary and move to it.
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
As you can see in the above screenshot all globally defined node modules are
present under /usr/local/lib/node_modules location, so you have to install
the OpenCV library at this global location.
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
NOTE: You can also install the opencv4nodejs package inside the
appium > node_modules directory instead of linking.
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
That’s it, now you are ready to use Image comparison feature in Appium.
NOTE: You can also directly install the opencv4nodejs node module under
Appium node_modules, the steps would be:
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
option. With the new image comparison feature inside Appium, we have an image
locator strategy. Using this locator we locate elements based on their image.
With the image locator strategy, instead of typical unique locators, you need to pass
the string which is the Base64 encoded format of the image.
There are many ways to get the Base64 encoded version of the Image, but we use
the simplest.
Now that we have the image encoded as Base64, we can locate elements by this
NOTE: Just as with the other locator strategies we can perform actions like click(),
getText(), sendKeys() etc...
Now to understand this better let’s take one practical automation test case which
uses the image locator strategy.
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
Now the main problem is that the DOM structure contains no details for the image
view, so we won’t be able to verify whether image view is visible or not after clicking
on submit. Moreover even if we verify that image view is visible it won’t give us
confidence that the displayed images are being fetched from given image URL. So in
order to check this use case, we need to use Appium’s image comparison
Here we will download the image from the given URL and will check that the
downloaded image is present on the application(after clicking the submit button).
But before moving to the business logic part we need to integrate the latest version
of the Appium java-client(7.0.0) which supports the new image locator strategy.
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
dependencies {
testCompile group: 'io.appium', name: 'java-client',
version: '7.0.0'
1) Download the image from the image URL and convert it to Base64-encoded
In the image locator strategy we are dealing with the base64-encoded format of
the image so downloading the image is not sufficient, we need to convert it to
base64-encoded format. Below method will convert any image from it’s URL to
base64-encoded format.
public String getBase64FormatOfImageFromURL(String imageURL)
throws IOException, URISyntaxException {
URL url = new URL(;
try {
InputStream is = url.openStream();
byte[] bytes =;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Please check the network
on your server! It seems disconnected.");
2) Verify downloaded image is present on the app (after entering the image
URL and clicking on the Submit button).
After getting the base64 format of the downloaded image, you need to check
that base64-encoded string of that image is present on the application (after
entering the image URL and clicking on the submit button on the app).
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
try {
ent) driver.findElementByImage(base64FormatImage)), "Expected
Image did not appear on dashboard Screen.");
} catch (NoSuchElementException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Expected image didn't
display on Application!");
In the above code, notice how we have put a static wait of 5 seconds - this is
because as soon as the SUBMIT button is tapped, it will take some time to fetch
and display the image on the app from the image URL.
NOTE: Here we could have put the dynamic wait instead of static if Image view
was present in DOM for the displayed image.
We’re going to use a somewhat contrived sample application but it will help
demonstate the concept. In this sample application there are 3 icons (pretend that
they’re buttons!) and none of them have any id or unique locator assigned (You
could use the indexing but we want to focus on the image locator strategy). When
you click on the first image the textview will be visible saying “First Icon clicked!”.
Similarly when you click on the second or third image, the textview will visible
We want to click on the first button and want to assert that the “First Icon clicked!”
textview is visible. This will be 3 step process:
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
Here we can use the 2nd approach since it is more convenient for our
example. We can inspect the elements along with the image screenshot in
the uiautomatorviewer tool and using snipping tool(windows)/image
capture(mac) we can simple capture the image of selected area easily. Going
with a capture is going to be inaccurate - your best bet is to get the source
image file from the developers or UI/UX team.
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
Here we will pass the image name as an argument in the method which we have
from step 1. And using this code we can get the element from image.
String base64FormatOfImageFromImage =
WebElement iconButton =
And on the last step we will make assertion that “First Icon clicked!” textview is
visible when click() action performs.
String expectedText = "First Icon clicked!";
String actualText =
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
This feature opens the door to new possibilities because there were cases when the
traditional locator strategy could not help us. But now, by using the Image locator
strategy you can literally find any UI element and apply an action upon it.
These are the steps to assert that the partial image is present in the full image:
1) First of all we need to convert both partial and full images to the Base64
encoded byte format. Below method is responsible to convert any image to
it’s Base64 encoded byte format.
* This method is used to convert Image(.png file) to Base64
Byte format.
* @param imgName
* @return
* @throws URISyntaxException
* @throws IOException
public static byte[] getBase64ByteFormatOfImage(String
imgName) throws URISyntaxException, IOException {
URL refImgUrl =
File refImgFile = Paths.get(refImgUrl.toURI()).toFile();
return Files.readAllBytes(refImgFile.toPath());
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
3) Add the assertion by checking that the length of visualization is greater than
Assert.assertTrue(imageOccurrence.getVisualization().length >
0 , "Partial image is not present!");
public void testVisulization() throws IOException,
URISyntaxException {
byte[] fullImage =
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
byte[] partialImage =
OccurrenceMatchingResult imageOccurrence =
androidDriver.findImageOccurrence(fullImage, partialImage,
Assert.assertTrue(imageOccurrence.getVisualization().length >
0 , "Partial image is not present!");
In order to get more details on image comparison visit the official appium docs.
You can find the above complete examples on our GitHub page.
If you want to know more about the image locator strategy, please review this article
on Jonathan Lipps’ blog:
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
This chapter aims to help you bring in all the moving pieces and combines everything
you’ve learned up to now by showing you how to apply all your knowledge in an
“end-to-end” test. At times we’ll reference previous sections, and we’ll also rehash
some information we’ve previously covered. Seeing coverage from another angle
will help solidify your knowledge.
1) Setting up Appium.
2) Test Planning.
3) Test Setup.
4) Test Case Writing and Execution.
1) Setting up Appium
This is a section we won’t repeat here as it was covered extensively in the
first chapter. Setting up environments isn’t ever any fun but once it’s setup
you’re good to go. We’re going to assume you have everything setup - and
refer to the first chapter if you need some help.
2) Test Planning
As the expression goes - “Measure twice, cut once”. Some planning up-front
is going to save you a lot of headache later on. And good test planning means
a little experimentation with manual testing before starting automation.
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
work with the development team to see if they can assign unique
locators to UI elements.
2) After verifying the availability of unique locators, you need to explore
the whole application thoroughly, you need to understand each and
every feature of the app and need to prepare the list of the most
important ones. After preparing the list you can prepare manual test
cases. With automation and parallel execution, keep in mind that your
test could be executed in a random order at any point of time so it
should be very granular, and it is important that the test cases you
design are modular and independent.
This is all done within your test code - the Appium server will interact with
the application artifacts(.ipa or .apk) and your test code:
So you can create a native mobile application on XCode(for iOS) and Android
Studio(for Android) OR you can also use the build (.ipa/.apk) directly, write
the UI test cases in your preferred programming language and executes them
manually from the IntelliJ IDEA, Eclipse IDE, Visual Studio or IntelliJ
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
So first thing first is you need to get the build(.ipa/.apk), choose the
programming language for your automation code and get the physical
device/Simulator/Emulator for testing.
Now let’s discuss the scenario which we want to automate. We have selected
the Google message application(v 3.9.039) for automation.
But before starting the automation we will need to plan our test. So as
per our above discussion, we need to take care of 2 things.
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
As you can see above, the button has a unique resource-id - The
Google developers have assigned unique ids to all UI elements, so the first
step is clear.
Here are the manual steps we will perform and then use this to create the
No. Test Steps Expected Output
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
3 Type the contact no. in ‘To’ textfield. ‘Send to contact no.’ row should be
Now, both the conditions are satisfied so we can move forward and start
writing the automation test case. We will use the page object model framework for
writing the automation test case and using it involves just a few steps - it may seem
like overkill for this test case but we’re putting in a good baseline for a larger more
sophisticated automation project:
1) You can get the POM-based automation framework from our GitHub
8) Write the automation test case using the created page object’s
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
The First 4 steps are straight forward - now we get to the desired capabilities
NOTE: The Google message application will change periodically so there are
chances that the element IDs may change over time, so please modify the
automation script accordingly.
There are 4 screens we need to take care of for automating our scenario:
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
After identifying the screens, we need to get the selectors of each element from all
screens which will be needed while automating our test case.
New ‘Send to 432- Not present on DOM, but we can skip this by
conversation 5235’ textview tapping on ENTER from keyboard.
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
If you look at the above table closely you can notice that most of elements
have unique Ids, however a few elements have some issues with their id:
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
driver.pressKey(new KeyEvent().withKey(AndroidKey.ENTER));
@AndroidFindBy(xpath =
List<AndroidElement> sentMessageLayout;
This game of finding the right locator strategy to use is very common
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
Now that we have all the unique locators which we wanted, we can start
creating our actions in the PO classes.
@AndroidFindBy(id =
AndroidElement startChatButton;
public NewConversationPO tapOnStartChatButton() {;
return new NewConversationPO(driver);
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
NOTE: All PO class should extend the BasePO class as it contains the logic
which initializes the page factory and other utility classes. You can look into
the chapter titled: “Developing Test Automation Framework for Appium using
Page Object Modeling(POM)“ for more details.
We have created the below table which gives the mapping between screen
names and corresponding method names.
Create the test case and use action methods from PO classes
This is the final and easiest, yet most powerful, step of automation test case
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
writing. Here you have to organize all the methods from your PO classes in
order to make the complete automation test case and validate the result
using assertions.
Assertions are fundamental in test case writing - without them you’re just
doing automation, and not automated testing. Ideally, you would put as
many assertions as you can. Assertions can be thought of as checkpoints. At
the end of any action method you will have some expected results, and to
measure those expected results you have to put assertion statements in the
Assertions simply compares the value of expected and actual values. If the
expected and actual values are equal then the assertion ‘passes’ and we
continue with code execution. If it fails (the actual result does not match the
expected result) the user defined message is thrown.
Assert.assertTrue(conversationPO.isMessageSent(), "Message:'"
+ messageText + "' is not being sent!");
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
(timestamp), "Last sent message is different than expected!,
Original message is: '" +
conversationPO.getLastSentMessageText() + "', while the
expected substring is: " + timestamp + "'");
After organizing the action methods from the PO and adding our
assertions we have our complete test case which will send the
message to a particular contact number.
public void verifyUserCanSendMessage() {
final String phoneNo = "00011122233";
final String timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis() +
final String messageText = "Hello, there. Current
time is: " + timestamp;
NewConversationPO newConversationPO =
ConversationPO conversationPO =
isConversationScreenDisplayed(), "Conversation screen didn't
"Message:'" + messageText + "' is not being sent!");
(timestamp), "Last sent message is different than expected!,
Original message is: '" +
conversationPO.getLastSentMessageText() + "', while the
expected substring is: " + timestamp + "'");
public void setUpPage() throws MalformedURLException {
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
The full code is available on github here.
As we said at the outset, this app may have changed by the time this guide was
published. A new UI could render some of our test cases invalid. We have however
tried to lay out a methodical and disciplined approach to tackling any test
automation project. You should be to apply this approach for any mobile application.
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
Strictly speaking, design patterns are optional. There are many ways to code a
solution. Your organization may enforce certain patterns precisely because of
maintainability. Although optional, knowledge of various design patterns and
knowing when to use them will improve your skills in test automation design. And
that’s what we’re going to do in this chapter.
We already looked into one the best test automation design patterns - the Page
Object Model - in the Developing a test automation framework using appium
chapter. But there are many other framework patterns out there used by
automation teams, and that’s what we will explore in this chapter. Be forewarned
though, this is quite a technical chapter. A suggested approach may be to skim
through the content and then revisit it a second time in more detail.
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
PO classes containing the mobile elements needs to be initialized using the Page
Factory before it can be used, and this can be achieved by simply calling the
initElements function of PageFactory. In that method you need to initialize the
AppiumFieldDecorator class by passing the Appium Driver and Implicit wait
duration objects.
PageFactory.initElements(new AppiumFieldDecorator(driver,
Duration.ofSeconds(IMPLICIT_WAIT)), this);
Or you can put the code in the constructor of the BasePO class.
Whenever the above code is used, the driver object will find it on the current
mobile screen and simulate the action.
With this pattern, you will need to design a Page Object class according to the
particular screen you wish to automate. For example, for the Login screen you
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
can create a LoginPO class and can put all the UI element locators as variables
iin the LoginPO class. And don’t forget that every PO class will extend the
BasePO class where we are calling the PageFactory initElements method in the
In the Page Object Pattern all the locators will be reside in the relevant Page
Object Classes such as LoginPO, RegisterPO, DashboardPO etc.. and the
method from that PO classes gets used by the Test Classes - and this is the main
advantage to using the Page Object pattern as locators and tests are residing in
different places. So whenever any UI locator is changed you just need to apply
changes on the particular Page Object classes to fix the automation script. This is
the primary reason why the Page Object pattern is so widely used in automation
This design pattern is best suited to when you are working with Android and iOS
and both having the same accessibility id on iOS and content-desc in Android. So
here the Factory class will create the relevant driver object (either Android or
iOS) and always returns a newly created object or re-initialized one, so you don’t
have to check the platform every time.
We have implemented a factory class that creates a Driver object based on a
specific input(platform name). This factory is very simple but it is perfect fit for
our purpose.
You can design the factory class and it’s methods for more complex applications.
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
3) Facade Pattern
The Facade pattern provides a simple interface to deal with complex code.
In the facade pattern, as applied to test automation, we design the facade class
which has methods that combine actions executed on different pages.
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
Here we are going to automate a simple workflow using the facade pattern, like
first login to the application and move to the dashboard page, and from there
The Facade pattern is just an extension of the Page Object pattern, so basically in
order to automate the above scenario we need to create page objects for
different screens, so here we need to create 2 PO classes:
1) LoginPO
2) DashboardPO
Now we need to create one additional class, LoginFacade, which contains the
objects of PO classes and it also contains the business logic using those objects.
So the advantage of facade is you don’t have to deal with the PO classes
individually in your test script, you just need to use the facade class.
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
public class LoginFacade {
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
So as you can see in above example you only have to use the
loginAndLogout() method in order to do login and logout without
depending on other PO classes.
Now in case any workflow changes in your test cases you just need to change it
in one place, and if you want to add some additional business logic, you can
directly add them to the facade class.
For large and complex applications, If you don't use facade pattern then it’s
totally fine, but you may face some complexity in your automation framework
and your code may ultimately become unwieldy.
4) Singleton Pattern
A Singleton class means only one instance of it can exist at any time.
Well it is very useful in a case when you need to use the same object across the
whole framework. A Singleton class returns the same instance every time you try
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
Sample of SingletonClass:
public class SingletonClass {
public static SingletonClass singletonClass;
private SingletonClass() {
System.out.println("Singleton Class object
Singleton Class object created.
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
In above example we have created a Singleton class and we have defined two
objects which are instantiating the SingeltonClass two times but as you can see in
the output, the SingletonClass instantiates only once, after that it will re-use the
created instance.
1) We can ensure a single driver instance is used throughout our test cases.
2) Loading test data or other files just once rather than loading them
So whenever you feel that particular objects should only be instantiated once,
you need to use the Singleton pattern. For example if a properties file in java is
loaded once you don’t want to load it again every time, consuming memory and
resources. Using the singleton pattern you can do just that.
In the following example we will create a Singleton class to create the
AppiumDriver(for iOS) only once.
public class SingletonAppiumDriver {
private SingletonAppiumDriver() {
appiumDriver = new IOSDriver(new URL(,
private DesiredCapabilities
getDesiredCapabilitiesForIOS() throws
MalformedURLException {
// set desired capabilities for iOS
return desiredCapabilities;
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
Using this Singleton class we can create test cases which will reuse the
appiumdriver object instead of creating a new one every time.
public class IOSTestCase {
public void sampleTestCase1() throws
MalformedURLException {
int a = 9;
int b = 1;
SingletonAppiumDriver singletonAppiumDriver =
AppiumDriver driver =
driver.findElement("IntegerA")).sendKeys(a +
driver.findElement("IntegerB")).sendKeys(b +
String answer =
Assert.assertEquals(answer, a + b + "", "Expected
and Actual Result didn't match!");
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
public void sampleTestCase2() throws
MalformedURLException {
int a = 1;
int b = 1;
SingletonAppiumDriver singletonAppiumDriver =
AppiumDriver driver =
driver.findElement("IntegerA")).sendKeys(a +
driver.findElement("IntegerB")).sendKeys(b +
String answer =
Assert.assertEquals(answer, a + b + "", "Expected
and Actual Result didn't match!");
In the fluent page object pattern every method which is responsible to perform
an action returns “this” in order to implement chaining methods for the business
logic of the test.
But please note that doesn’t mean we never return the other screen PO class.
Please refer to this example:.
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
public class TestCases extends BaseTest {
public void testUserCanLoginAndLogout() {
String username = "pratik";
String password = "test123";
"Login Page did not appear after logout");
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
One this is implemented, the chained method call is far more elegant:
For those that are interested, there are many other design patterns. Most of these
are used extensively in software development, but arguably less so in test case
As we said on the onset, using design patterns is optional from a purely technical
perspective and there are many ways to implement a solution. The more complex
your environment, the more likely you are to benefit from the rigor imposed by
design patterns. Also, many people new to test automation are intimidated at using
design patterns. Our recommendation is to get comfortable with appium and test
automation first, and then slowly expand your knowledge by incorporating design
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
Chapter 16 - Industry
In this chapter we have the privilege of getting some thoughts on the state of QA
from industry leaders. It is a great way of concluding this book and leaving you
with different perspectives.
● Patrik Patel
● Paul Grizzaffi
● Mush Honda
Pratik Patel
Pratik is one of the primary authors of this book. He shares his thoughts on the
mobile application testing market:
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
Paul Grizzaffi
There are two points that I'd like to see the automation discipline embrace.
The first is to evaluate automation endeavors with business lenses. That is
to say, let's not automate just because we "are agile" or because we are
"doing Scrum". We should only automate when there is value. If there is no
value in automating for every work item, then don't automate for every
work item. If there is a higher value in creating scripts to generate data
than there is to create traditional smoke test scripts, then build the data
generation scripts first. I challenge the discipline to be more responsible in
how we spend our automation dollars.
Secondly, I challenge the tool vendors to focus more on reducing the effort
of automation maintenance as opposed to reducing the time it takes to
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
Mush Honda
It is very important that testers learn and apply automation tools as part of
their testing strategy, since the market demands are simple: Deliver faster,
with quality! With the rapid adoption of Continuous Delivery, it is very
important that testers apply automation tools to supplement the business
assurance testing that is being performed; again, testers should not simply
focus on being experts with tools only, they should also be learning to
becoming better testers (by learning domains, new testing concepts, etc).
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
The testing industry is at a very exciting stage, where it has great support
from AI/ML based tools, as well as acknowledgement from the business
teams that have realized the important role that testers (and testing) play:
we help deliver software with HIGH CONFIDENCE, whether it is for an
enterprise’s digital transformation or a startup’s MVP into the consumer’s
About Mush: Mush is a leading expert in the testing industry known for his
practice leadership, solutions development and cross-industry expertise. During
his career tenure, he has worked with applications in insurance, healthcare,
speech analytics and financial services. Further, he has a proven track record of
creating, modifying, and innovating on test solutions and bringing them
successfully to market. Mush has been featured in several leading industry
publications as a thought leader on topics in the QA industry. Mush Honda is the
Vice President of Testing at KMS Technology, Inc. He is a driven IT leader with
over 15 years of experience in software testing and practice management
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
@ E
@AfterMethod · 142 Element extraction · 91
@BeforeMethod · 142 emulators · 161
enablePerformanceLogging · 61
eventTimings · 60
A Explicit wait · 152
Accessibility ID · 78
adbPort · 63 F
Android Studio · 15
Android UiAutomator · 87 Fluent wait · 152, 157
Android View Tag · 88 fullReset · 60
androidCoverageEndIntent · 62
androidDeviceReadyTimeout · 62
androidDeviceSocket · 63 G
androidInstallPath · 63
androidInstallTimeout · 63
Gradle · 40
app · 59
appActivity · 61
Appium Desktop Application · 89
Appium Inspector · 89, 90 I
appPackage · 61
appWaitActivity · 62 Image · 87
appWaitDuration · 62 Image comparison · 221
appWaitPackage · 62 Image Comparison · 87
Attach to existing Session · 99 Implicit wait · 152
autoGrantPermission · 74 Installation · 13
Automating Gestures · 196 IntelliJ IDEA · 32
automationName · 58 IOS UIAutomation · 88
autoWebview · 60
avd · 63
avdArgs · 64 K
avdLaunchTimeout · 63
avdReadyTimeout · 64 keystorePassword · 64
keystorePath · 64
Kobiton · 175, 181
browserName · 59 L
language · 60
C LinkText · 107
locale · 60
Class Name · 80 Locator strategy · 77
Conditional synchronization · 152 Locators · 77
Desired Capabilities · 54 newCommandTimeout · 59
deviceName · 59 noReset · 60
deviceReadyTimeout · 62
disableAndroidWatchers · 73
Making the move to automation testing with Appium
systemPort · 63
OpenCV · 222
orientation · 60
TestNG · 161
Page Object Modeling · 122
Parallel testing · 162
Partial LinkText · 107 udid · 60
platformName · 58 UiAutomatorViewer · 112
platformVersion · 58 Unconditional synchronization · 151
printPageSourceOnFindFailure · 61 useKeystore · 64
XPath · 85, 106
synchronization · 151
---THE END---