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Test 5

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TEST NO : 05 DURATION : 3 hrs


1. In which year the population of 6. In which year, regional rural c) Atomic energy
India crossed one billion mark? banks came into existence? d) Atomic minerals
         
  
a) 2000 b) 2001 a) 1965 b) 1970 a) 
c) 2005 d) 1991 c) 1975 d) 1980 b)    
2. The special economic zones 7. The recommended nutritional in- 
policy was announced in .......... take per person in rural areas. c) 
a) April 2000 b) July 1990 a) 2100 calories d) 
c) April 1980 d) July 1970 b) 2200 calories 10. How do you term the employ-
   c) 2300 calories ment occurring only on a particu-
 lar season?
d) 2400 calories
a)  b)  a) Open b) Disguised
  
c)  d)  c) Seasonal d) Rural
3. In sex ratio, Tamil Nadu ranks   
a) 
  
a) First b) Second b)  
c) Third d) Fourth c)  a)  b) 
 d)  c)  d) 
a)  b)  8. “An Indian farmer is born in debt, 11. Identify the year in which na-
c)  d)  lives in debt, dies in debt and be- tional rural health mission was
4. Tamil Nadu is rich in queaths debt” - who said this? launched.
a) Forest resource a) Adam smith   
b) Human resource b) Gandhi 

c) Mineral resource c) Amartya sen a) 2000 b) 2005

d) All the above d) Sir malcolm darling c) 2010 d) 2015
 “ 12. Indicate the cause for rural pov-
   erty
a) 
    a) lack of non-farmer
b)  ”  employment
c)   b) High employment
d)  a)  c) Low inflation rate
5. When did the government of In- b)  d) High investment
dia declared its first industrial
c)    
d)  
   
  9. The industry which was de-re- a) 
 served in 1993? b) 
a) 1956 b) 1991 a) Railway c) 
c) 1948 d) 2000 b) Mining of copper and zinc d) 
Thoothukudi 0461-4000970, Tirunelveli 0462-2560123, Ramanathapuram 75503 52916, Madurai 9843110566 1
13. The PQLI was developed by........ a) Rural marketing 
a) Planning commission b) Rural employment a) 
b) Nehru c) Rural development b) 
c) Morris d) All the above c) 
d) Morrisd.Biswajeet    d) 
   23. The new foreign trade policy was
 a)  announced in the year
a)  b)  b)  
c)  d)  c)  
14. Expansion of FPI d)  a) 2000 b) 2002

a) Foreign Portfolio investment 19. The new economic policy is con- c) 2010 d) 2015

b) Foreign Private investment cerned with the following 24. Foreign investmentincludes ........

c) Foreign direct investment a) Foreign investment a) FDI only b) FPI and FFI

d) Forex private investment b) Foreign technology c) FDI and FPI d) FDI and FFI

FPI  c) Foreign trade   

d) All the above 
a) 
   a) FDI  b) FPI FFI
b) 
  c) FDI FPI
c)   d) FDI FFI
d)    a) 
 25. The advocate of democratic so-
b)  cialism was
15. India is the largest producer of
........... in the world. c)  a) Jawaharlal Nehru

a) Fruits b) Gold d)  b) P.C.Mahalanobis

c) Petrol d) Diesel 20. T.R.Malthus published his book c) Dr.Rajendra Prasad

“Essay on the Principles of Popu- d) Indira Gandhi
    lation” in
     
  “  
”  
a)  b)   a) 
c)  d)  a) 1896 b) 1776 b) P.C.
16. The oldest large scale industry in c) 1857 d) 1798 c) 
India d) 
21. V.K.R.V.Rao was a student of
a) Cotton b) Jute 26. Law of Demand establishes
a) J.M.Keynes b) Colin clark
c) Steel d) Cement a) inverse relationship between
c) Adam smith
  price and quantity
 d) Alfred marshal
b) Positive relationship between
a)  b)  V.K.R.V.   price and quantity
c)  d)  c) Both
a) J.M. b)
17. Anuual plans formed in the d) None of these
year.... c)  d)
 22. When a person lives below the
minimum subsistence level, he is a)   
 
said to live in poverty.
a) 1989 - 1991 b) 1990 - 1992 b)   
a) Absolute b) Relative
c) 2000 - 2001 d) 1981 - 1983 
c) Abstract d) None
18. Identify the advantages of rural c) 
roads.   
    d) 

Thoothukudi 0461-4000970, Tirunelveli 0462-2560123, Ramanathapuram 75503 52916, Madurai 9843110566 2

27. Arrange the pattern of Industrial a) Small land holdings and their 35. Perspective Plan covers a period
growth in India correctly remedies of
1. Intermediate goods b) Problem of Indian Currency a) 5 years
2. Basic goods c) Economics of socialism b) 10 years
3. Capital goods d) All of them c) 20 to 25 years
4. Consumer goods    d) 15 years
     
  
  
 a)   
a) 
  
b) 
  b) 
c)  c) 
 
d)  d) 
 
31. The father of New Economics is 36. The birth of economics of edu-
a) 3,1,2,4 b) 2,1,3,4 cation was announced by
c) 3,2,4,1 d) 2,3,4,1 a) Adam Smith b) Marshall
a) Marshall b) Karl Marx
28. Increase in demand is shown by c) Karl Marx d) J.M.Keynes
c) Schultz d) Keynes
a) Movement along the same 
   
demand curve
b) Shifts of the demand curve a)  b) 
a)  b) 
c) The highest point on the c)  d) J.M.
c)  d) 
demand curve 32. The first ever SEZ in India was set
up at 37. The number of pupils in India
d) Lowest point on the demand
outnumber the total population
curve a) Mumbai b) Chennai
   c) Kandla d) Cochin
a) England
   
a)       b) France
  c) Canada and Norway
b)    a)  b)  d) all the countries put together
 c)  d)    
c)   33. Currency with the public is   
 known as 
d)    a) 
29. Identify the cause for rural in-  b) 
debtedness in India. a) M1 b) M2 c) 
a) Poverty c) M3 d) M4 d) 
b) High population 34. The first country to introduce 38. The planning commission was
c) High productivity Five Year Plan was setup in the year.........
d) Full employment a) U.K b) U.S.A 
   c) Former Soviet Russia a) 1950 b) 1955
 d) France c) 1960 d) 1952
a)     39. Public finance is concerned with
b)   the income and expenditure of
c)  a)  a) Private sector
d)  b)  b) Agricultural sector
30. Ambedkar the problem studied c)  c) Public authorities
by in the context of Indian d) 
Economy is.......... d) Industrial sector

Thoothukudi 0461-4000970, Tirunelveli 0462-2560123, Ramanathapuram 75503 52916, Madurai 9843110566 3

    money has been used for financ- a) 1966 b) 1960
 ing ____ dealings c) 1968 d) 1970
a)  a) Transaction 47. Bank rate is raised during
b)  b) Precautionary a) deflation
c)  c) Speculative b) inflation
d)  d) Cheap money c) stable prices
40. A situation marked by rising  d) unemployment
prices and stagnation in demand 
is known as _____  

a) cost - push inflation   a) 

 b) 
b) demand - pull inflation
a)  c) 
c) stagflation
b)  d) 
d) wage - push inflation
c)  48. Bharat Nirman Programme aims
  
 d)  a) to provide educational facili-
 42. Amartya kumara sen received the ties to rural people
a)  nobel prize in economics in the b) to provide basic amenities to
year rural people
b) 
  c) to provide employment op-
c)   portunities to rural people
d)  a) 1998 b) 2000 d) to provide health facilities to
41. In recent times unaccounted c) 2008 d) 2010 rural people
43. Match it : 
A) Prof. Dimock 1. Budget a)    
B) Prof.Fisher 2. Public finance
C) Prof.Seligman 3. Equation of exchange b)   
D) Prof.Dalton 4. Tax
c)   
 
A)    d)    
B)    
C)    49. Which is the correct sequence of
D)    various sectors in GDP of India in
the descending order?
a) Primary sector, Secondary
a) 1 3 4 2 b) 1 2 4 3 sector, Tertiary secto
c) 3 1 2 4 d) 4 3 2 1 b) Primary sector, Tertiary
44. In many commercial banks were     sector, Secondary sector
nationalised in 1969?     c) Secondary sector, Tertiary
    sector, Primary sector
 a)  d) Tertiary sector, Secondary
a) 10 b) 12 c) 14 d) 16 b)  sector, Primary sector
45. RBI controls credit supply by c)    
changing bank rate or .......... GDP   
d) 
a) REPO rate   
46. When was the birth of Human 
b) Bank rate capital theory announced?
a)   
c) Cash reserve ratio       
d) Statutory Liquidity  
Thoothukudi 0461-4000970, Tirunelveli 0462-2560123, Ramanathapuram 75503 52916, Madurai 9843110566 4
b)        c) Indirect tax
     d) Net factor income from
  abroad.
c)  a)       
 
  
d)  b)  
 c)  a) 
50. The first Five Year Plan of India d)  b) 
was launched in
55. The programme Sarva Shiksha 
   Abhiyan is aimed at c) 
a) providing free food for the d) 
a) 1947 b) 1951 poor people 
c) 1956 d) 1961 b) providing education for chil- 60. The chairman of the 15th Finance
51. The new industrial policy was an- dren Commission
nounced in c) providing financial assistance
a) N.K.Singh b) Y.V.Reddy
 to unemployed
c) Urjit Patel d) Rangarajan
 d) providing free medical aid to
the poor ‘’ 
a) 1980 b) 1984
‘’ a) 
c) 1991 d) 2001
 b) 
52. The contribution of agricultural
a)    c) 
sector to the GDP has deciline to
   d) 
b)   
 61. Name the committee
 emphasised the need for sub-
c)    stantial disinvestment in India in
a) 29.7% b) 56.1%
 Public Sector Enterprises
c) 27.9% d) 26%
d)    a) Rangarajan Committee
53. Who was the chairman of the 
Fourteenth finance commission? b) Arjun sengupta Committee
56. IBRD was set up in
a) A.M Khusro c) Tarapore Committee
b) Dr.Y.V. Reddy d) Narasimham Committee
a) 1983 b) 1844
c) N.K.P. Salve   
c) 1948 d) 1944
   
d) Vijay Kelkar 57. The first bank in India was estab- 
 lished in
 a) 
   
a) A.M   b) 

b)  a) 1770 b) 1806 c) 

c)  c) 1801 d) 1782 d) 

d)  58. In literacy rate, TN ranks 62. Planning in India is

54. Which of the following is correct a) Second b) Fourth a) Centralized planning

as per the population census of c) Sixth d) Eighth b) Democratic planning
2011?  c) Partial planning
a) 940 females for 1000 of a)  b)  d) Indicative planning
c)  d)  
b) 933 females for 1000 of
59. The difference between NNP and a) 
NDP is b) 
c) 950 females for 1000 of
a) Depreciation c) 
b) Current transfers from rest of d) 
d) 953 females for 1000 of
the world
Thoothukudi 0461-4000970, Tirunelveli 0462-2560123, Ramanathapuram 75503 52916, Madurai 9843110566 5
63. Which district has the lowest sures d) 
child sex ratio? III. Adjustment in trade and tar- 70. Which of the following is wrongly
a) Madurai b) Theni iff policies matched.
c) Ariyalur d) Cuddalore a) I only b) I and II a) Gateway of -
   c) I,II and III d) III only ThoothukudiTamil Nadu
   b) Home textile -Erode
a)  b)     city
c)  d)   c) Steel city - Salem
64. In which position, the India’s larg- I.  d) Pump city - Coimbatore
est Bank, the state owned SBI II    
ranks among the top 100 Global III.  
banks?  a)   
    a) I  b) I  II 
    b)   
     c) I,II  III d) III 
 68. There was plan Holiday in India
from c)   
a) 95 b) 75 c) 55 d) 45
   d)   
65. How do you term people em-
ployed in excess over and above  71. India recorded the highest
the requirements? a) 1966 - 69 b) 1961 - 63 growth rate of National Income
a) Unemployment c) 1980 - 84 d) 2002 - 2004
a) I Five Year Plan
b) Under employment 69. Second Green Revolution strat-
egy was adopted during the b) V Five Year Plan
c) Full employment
a) 11th five year plan c) VI Five Year Plan
d) Self - employment
b) 12 five year plan d) VIII Five Year Plan
  
 th
c) 10 five year plan    
a)  d) 9th five year plan
b)  
a) I 
c)  
a)  b) V 
d) 
b)  c) VI 
66. Disguised unemployment implies
c)  d) VIII 
a) Technological inefficiency
b) Zero marginal productivity of 72. Match the following
labour A) Employment assurance scheme 1. April 1999
c) Full employment B) Disguised unemployment 2. Engineering
d) Unemployment C) Jawahar gram samridhi yojana 3. Rural works programme
 D) Indian Educational System 4. low productivity Employment
a)  E) Underemployment 5. 199
b)   
 A)   
c)  B)  
d)  C)  
67. Which of the following is/are rec- D)  
ommended for reducing infla-
tion? E)  
I. Demand Management mea- A B C D E A B C D E
sures a) 5 4 2 3 1 c) 5 4 2 1 3
II. Supply Management mea- b) 5 4 1 2 3 d) 5 1 2 4 3
Thoothukudi 0461-4000970, Tirunelveli 0462-2560123, Ramanathapuram 75503 52916, Madurai 9843110566 6
73. The chief aim of “AMRUT” d)    79. The largest contribution to GSDP
scheme is  in Tamil Nadu comes from
a) Rural infrastructure 76. In which year was the New popu- a) Agriculture b) Industry
b) Urban infrastructure lation policy announced in India?
a) January 15 , 1978 c) Mining d) Services
c) Education infrastructure
d) Communication infrastructure b) October 18 , 1979   
c) April 16, 1976 
“AMRUT” 
d) July 16, 1990
a)  a)  b) 
   ‘
b)  ’ c)  d) 
c)   80. During which Five Year Plan was
d)  a)  the Primary responsibility of
74. How much share of rural families b)  India’s development shifted to
in India is in debt? c)  the public sector?
a) Half b) One fourth d) 
77. What is the minimum reserve a) I Five Year Plan
c) Two third d) Three fourth
   system of RBI? b) II Five Year Plan
   a) Rs. 300 crores, of which c) III Five Year Plan
 atleast Rs. 200 crores should
be in gold d) IV Five Year Plan
a) 
b) Rs. 500 crores, of which    
b) 
atleast Rs.300 crores in gold   
c) 
c) Rs. 700 crores, of which   
d)  atleast 400 crores in gold 
75. National Policy on Skill Develop- d) Rs. 200 crores, of which
ment was formulated by the a) 
atleast Rs. 115 crores in gold
a) Ministry of Human Resource    b) 
development  c) 
b) Ministry of Labour and a)     d) 
Employment    
c) Ministry of Finance  81. The structure of Indian Financial
d) Ministry of Commerce and b)     System does not include
Industry     a) Industrial finance
   
b) Agricultural finance
  c)    
   c) Development finance
 d) Deficit finance
a)  d)    
b)      
   
 
c)  a) 
b) 
78. Match the following and select the correct answer
c) 
A) Tax revenue 1. Provident funds d) 
B) Capital receipts 2. Taxes on income and expenditure 82. When was demonetisation an-
C) Non-plan expenditure 3. Sales tax nounced in India?
D) Value added tax 4. Interest payments a) December 31 , 2015
 b) November 08, 2016
A)    c) November 16, 2016
B)    d) April 01, 2017
C)    
D)   
a) 
b) 
a) 4 3 2 1 b) 1 3 4 2
c) 
c) 2 1 4 3 d) 2 3 4 1
d) 
Thoothukudi 0461-4000970, Tirunelveli 0462-2560123, Ramanathapuram 75503 52916, Madurai 9843110566 7
83. When was the Industrial Devel- awards Dr.A.P.J. Abdul Kalam 
opment Bank of India was started award for a Tamilian for his/her 
in India? contribution to II.   
   a) Development of rural health 
 services 
a) 1965 b) 1963 b) Scientific, art and literature III.  
c) 1964 d) 1966 development, humanities  
84. When was National Planning and student welfare 
Commission set up by Central c) Tamil literature development IV.    
Government? d) Development of Sports  
I. March 1947 II. March 1948     
III. March 1949 IV. March 1950     a) I  II b) II  III
a) I only b) II only  c) I  IV d) II  IV
c) III only d) IV only a)  89. The phase of rapid growth of
    b)  population in India falls
     a) between 1891- 1921
I.  II.   b) between 1921 - 1951
III.  VI.  c)  c) between 1951 - 1981
a) I  b) II  88. The MGNREGS differs from other d) between 1981 - 2001
poverty alliviation measures in   
c) III  d) IV 
the following respects   
85. In an open economy, GDP is the I. It focuses on income genera- 
sum of tion to the targeted poor. a) 1891- 1921 
a) Consumption, gross II. It is built around the notions b) 1921 - 1951 
investment, government of citizenship and entitlement c) 1951 - 1981
spending and net exports III. It facilitates disclosure by d) 1981 - 2001 
b) Consumption, net means of regular and social
investment, government 90. The position of Indian Economy
spending and net export among the other strongest
IV. It operates as per the direc- economies in the world is............
c) Consumption, gross tions of the State/Central
investment, government a) Fourth b) Sixth
spending and gross exports c) Fifth d) Tenth
a) I and II b) II and III
d) Wages, rent, interest, profit  
c) I and IV d) II and IV
and depreciation   
MGNREGS    
 
   a)  b) 
 c)  d) 
I. MGNREGS 
a)    
 91. Match the following
b)  A) First census 1. No.of death per 1000
 B) Positive check 2. 2000
c)     C) Death rate 3. Limit the size of the family
 D) National Population Policy 4. famine
d)    E) Family Planning 5. 1871
 
86. The Nutrient Based Subsidy A)  
(NBS) policy for fertilizers was
B)   
implemented in India in
C)   
 
  D)   
 E)   
a) 1966 b) 1977 A B C D E A B C D E
c) 1991 d) 2010 a) 5 4 2 3 1 b) 5 4 1 2 3
87. Government of Tamilnadu c) 5 4 2 1 3 d) 5 1 2 4 3
Thoothukudi 0461-4000970, Tirunelveli 0462-2560123, Ramanathapuram 75503 52916, Madurai 9843110566 8
92. Indian State Financial Corpora-  99. Credit creation is the function of
tions have given assistance    a) Reserve Bank of India
mainly to develop
  b) Commercial Banks
a) Small - Scale Industries    c) Monetary Authority of India
b) Medium - Scale Industries    
d) Government of India
c) Medium and Small Scale   
   
Industries 
d) Irrigation projects a) 
a) 
    b)  b) 
   
c)  c) 
a)  d)  d) 
b)  96. The term demographic dividend 100.As per census 2011 there were
refers to _____ lakh disabled persons in
c) 
a) decline in population Tamil Nadu.
b) increase in working class a) 24.34 lakhs b) 23.28 lakhs
d) 
c) 16.42 lakhs d) 20.18 lakhs
93. The Dowry Prohibition Act was c) decline in birth rate
enactment by the parliament in    
d) decline in fertility rate
the year   
       
  
 _______ 
 
 a)  a)  b) 
a) 1952 b) 1961 b)    c)  d) 
c) 2000 d) 2011  101.The largest share of energy is con-
c)  sumed by
94. Golden Handshake scheme is as-
sociated with d)  a) Agriculture
a) Establishing joint enterprises 97. ‘ The Hindu Rate of Growth’ b) Rural power supply
b) Inviting foreign companies coined by raj krishna refers to c) Urban power supply
c) Private investment in public a) Low rate of economic growth d) Industry
enterprises   
b) High proportion of Hindu
d) Voluntary retirement 
   a) 
c) Stable GDP
 b) 
d) None of these
a)    c) 
 ‘
d) 
b)   ’
102.The GATT was biased in favour of
 a)  the developed countries and was
c)    b)    called informally
  a) Rich men’s club
d)  c) GDP b) League of nation
95. Fill up the blanks: d)  c) WTO
National population policy 98. The recommendation of d) Axis nation
adopted in 2000 with a view to
narashimham committee report GATT 
encourage ................... and aim
was submitted in the year ...........  
at stabilizing the population by
............    
a) Two child norm, 2020    a) 
 b) 
b) One child norm, 2030
a) 1990 b) 1991 c) 
c) Two children norm, 2046
d) One child norm, 2050 c) 1995 d) 2000 d) 

Thoothukudi 0461-4000970, Tirunelveli 0462-2560123, Ramanathapuram 75503 52916, Madurai 9843110566 9

103.The Lorenz curve is a measure of 106.Name the economist played a c) 60% d) 100%
a) poverty leading role in the second five 110.The major method of disinvest-
year plan. ment used in India is
b) income inequalities
a) Jaya Prakash Narayan a) Open auction sale
c) inflation rate
b) P.C. Mahalanobsis b) Public offering
d) tax structure
c) J.C. Kumarappa c) Strategic sale
    
 d) Dr. William Gadd d) Coupon method
a)      
     
b) 
   
c)  
a) 
d)  a) 
b)   
104.Agricultural unemployment may b)  
be classified into:
c)  c)   
I. Seasonal unemployment
d)  
II. Disguised unemployment
107.When was the crop. Insurance d) 
III. Chronic unemployment Scheme introduced? 111.As on march 31, 1990 , the
Which is the correct answer? a) May - 1985 growth of investment in public
a) I and II only b) April - 1985 sector in monetary terms was
b) II and III only c) June - 1986 a) Rs. 75,860 crores
c) I and III only d) December - 1990 b) Rs. 68, 991 crores
d) I, II and III     c) Rs. 86,000 crores
  d) Rs. 89, 000 crores
 a)       
I.  b)     
II.  
c) 
III.  a) 
d) 
 b) 
108.“Indian poverty and Un-British
a) I  II  rule in India” was written by c) 
b) II  III  a) R.C.Dutt d) 
c) I  III  b) M.G.Ranade 112.Which one of the following is a
d) I, II  III basic characteristics of Indian
c) Dadabhai Naoroji
105.In India, present trend of rapid d) G.V.Joshi
urbanisation is due to a) High standard of living of the
“   average Indians
a) Influence of cinema and   ” 
electronic media b) Unequal distribution of
income and wealth
b) Break-up of Joint family a) R.C.
system c) Absence of capital formation
b) M.G.
c) Abolition of zamindari system d) Low density of population
c) 
d) Lack of employment  
d) G.V.  
opportunities in rural areas
109.The raja chelliah committee on 
  trade policy reforms suggested
 a)   
the peak rate on import duties at 
a)    
 b)   
   
b)    
c) 
c)  
 d)   
d)  
 a) 25% b) 50%

Thoothukudi 0461-4000970, Tirunelveli 0462-2560123, Ramanathapuram 75503 52916, Madurai 9843110566 10

113.Match the following: 
A) Red Revolution 1. Meat / Tomato 
B) Pink Revolution 2. Eggs I. 
C) Golden Revolution 3. Shrimp II. 
D) Silver Revolution 4. Fruits / Apple III.   
IV. 
A)  1. 
V. 
B)  2.  
C)  3.  a) I,II V 
D)  4.  b) I,II,III V 
A B C D A B C D c) I,III,IV V 
a) 1 2 3 4 b) 4 3 2 1 d) I,III  IV 
c) 1 3 4 2 d) 2 3 1 4 119.Which plan had set the correct
goal in the form of moving “To-
114.“Money is what money does” II. 
wards faster and more inclusive
said by III.  growth”?
a) Sir John Hicks IV.  a) 10th plan b) 9th plan
b) Robertson a) I, II, III, IV b) III, IV c) 11th plan d) 12th plan
c) G.D.H.Cole c) III d) II, III, IV   
d) Kent 117.‘Garibi Hatao’ means  
“    a) Destruction of food crop “
”    
b) Diffusion of knowledge ”
a) 
c) Removal of poverty a) 10 b) 9
b) 
d) Eradication of illiteracy c) 11 d) 12
c) G.D.H.
‘’ 120. In India, Carbon tax is im-
d) 
a)  posed on
115.The Vice Chairman of NITI Aayog is
b)  I. Gas II. Oil III. Coal
a) Mr. Aravind Panagariya
c)  a) I only b) III only
b) Mr. Rajiv Kumar
d)  c) II and III d) I and II
c) Mr. Bimal Jalan
118.Privatisation is supported for the     
d) Mr. Y.V. Reddy following reasons, point out 
 which of the following statement I.  II. 
is/statements are correct.
a) Mr.  III. 
I. To improve efficiency
b) Mr.  a) I  b) III 
II. To reduce government interfer-
c) Mr.  c) II III d) I II
d) Mr. Y.V.  121.The human resource develop-
III. To increase freedom and speed of
116.India’s Human Development In- decision making ment is a composite index of each
dex HDI in 2011 was better than country is
IV. To disown the resposibility of the
that of a) Health Status, Education, Per
I. China Capita GDP
V. To promote private sector culture
II. Srilanka by introducing competition. b) Health Status, Education, Per
Capita GNP
III. Bangladesh a) I, II and V are correct
c) Health Status, Education, Per
IV. South Africa b) I, II,III and V are correct Capita NNP
 c) I, III,IV and V are correct d) Health Status, Education, Per
d) I, III and IV are correct Capita NDP
I.  0461-4000970, Tirunelveli 0462-2560123, Ramanathapuram 75503 52916, Madurai 9843110566 11
    a)  b)   
   b)  
 c)  c)   
a)     d)  
   123.Consider the following state- d)    
 ments: 
b)  A) ‘Operation flood’ was a 126.Which one of the following is an
 programme for women em- indirect tax ?
c)      powerment.
a) Income tax
 B) Under this programme rural
women involved in dairy de- b) Service tax
d) 
 velopment c) Corporation tax

122.In the Union budget 2013-14, Rs. a) (A) only is correct d) Interest tax
1,000 crores has been allocated b) (A) and (B) are correct   
for funding women empower- c) Only (B) is correct 
ment and safety. The name of the a) 
fund is called d) Both (A) and (B) are wrong
 b) 
a) Abhaya fund
A) ‘Operation flood’  c) 
b) Nirbhaya fund
c) Soubagya fund    d) 
d) Sumangali fund  127. The minimum support prices are
     B)     a means of supporting the
    a) farmers b) comsumers
  
c) industries d) retailers
 a) A  b) A B
 
c) B  d) A B    
124.Which of the following is correctly matched? 
a) According to 2011 census of India most a) 
populous state is - Sikkim b) 
b) According to 2011 census of India c) 
least populous state is - UP
d) 
c) The Motto of the 2011 census is - Our census Our future
128.The expansion of e-PPS is
d) According to 2011 census highest
proportion of Urban population is in - Chennai a) Electronic Project Proposal
b) Electronic Population Predic-
a) 2011  tion System
  
c) Electronic Polymer Purchas-
b) 2011  ing System
  
d) Electronic Petrol Purchasing
c) 2011    System
 
d) 2011 
   a)   
125.The factors which influence In- d) Human factor and b)   
dian Economy’s development are Mechanical factors 
a) Economic and Non -  c)   
Economic Factors  
b) Social and Industrial factors a)   d) 
c) Technological and  
Communications factors
Thoothukudi 0461-4000970, Tirunelveli 0462-2560123, Ramanathapuram 75503 52916, Madurai 9843110566 12
129.Who gave the slogan “Ecology is c) Indian Indepdence Act of    
permanent economy”? 1947    
a) M.S.Swaminathan d) Indian constitution 
b) Sunderlal Bahuguna  a) 
c) Gaura Devi a)  b) 
d) Chandi Prasad Bhatt b)  c) 
“  ” c)     d) 
  136.’Devaluation is a measure of
a)  d)  monetary authority’ :
b)  133.Vazhvoli Thittam Which of the following item does
match the below statement?
c)  a) Domination in technical edu-
cation a) To reduce the foreign value of
d) 
the domestic currency mainly
130.Rate of Saving is measured as a b) Reducing gender disparities
to increase exports
proportion of Gross Domestic c) Access to schools
b) To increase money supply
prodcut (GDP) at d) Special school health
c) To increase the current ac-
a) Constant prices programme
count deficit
b) Market prices 
d) To contain inflation
c) Relative prices a) 
“  
d) None of the above b)   
    c)  ”
    d)  
 
134.Which one of the following is not
a)  the feature of democratic social- a)   
b)  ism?   
c)  a) A socialist society aims at the  
removal of poverty  
d)  
131.Match the Nation with their cur- b) No faith in a mixed economy
b)   
rency. c) Aims at the reduction of in- 
A. Vietnam - Kyat equalities of income and
wealth c) 
B. Spain - Dong 
d) Aims at the provision of equal
C. Cuba - Euro d)  
opportunities to all
D. Myanmar - Peso 
  
      137. Arrange the following sectors in
  India descending order according
A    to the commercial energy con-
a)   sumption
B    
1. Household sector
C    b)  
 2. Agriculture
D   
c)                3. Industries
   4. Transport
a) 3 2 1 4     
b) 2 3 4 1 d)     
c) 3 4 2 1  
d) 4 3 1 2 135.In an Economy 1.  2. 
132.The Reserve Bank of India was “Too much of money chasing too 3.  4. 
established by the few goods” - situation is called a) 4, 3, 1, 2 b) 3, 4, 1, 2
a) the Act of 1919 a) Depression b) Prosperity c) 3, 4, 2, 1 d) 4, 1, 3, 2
b) the Act of 1935 c) Inflation d) Deflation
Thoothukudi 0461-4000970, Tirunelveli 0462-2560123, Ramanathapuram 75503 52916, Madurai 9843110566 13
138.Which among the following b)      
industries generates invisible  
exports?  
a) Fishing b) Tourism c)    a) 40 b) 50
c) Jewellery d) Handicrafts  c) 60 d) 70
  d)  146.National Agricultural policy aims
 142.When was the Slogan ‘Garibi at a growth rate of ..................%
a)  hatao’ (removal of poverty) was per year.
raised?   
b) 
a) I five year plan 
c) 
b) II five year plan 
d) 
c) III five year plan a) 3% b) 4% c) 6% d) 8%
139.The concept of Goods and Ser-
vices Tax (GST) was originated d) IV five year plan 147. In which plan period HYV seeds
from and New Agriculture strategy
was adopted in Indian agricul-
a) Canada b) USA 
c) Britain d) Germany a) I 
a) 2ndplan b) 3rdplan
    (GST) b) II 
c) Annual plan d) 5thplan
 c) III 
a)  d) IV     
b)  143.Who designed the AADHAAR  HYV   
c)  logo? 
d)  a) Atul S.Pande a) 
140. The Indian Government gets b) R.K.Pachuri b) 
_______ percent of India’s total c) Sree Ramamurthy Janaki c) 
energy needs are met through
imports d) Pandit Ravi Shankar d) 

a) 30 percent b) 40 percent    148.The state that has literacy rate
 lower than the national average
c) 20 percent d) 35 percent is
a) 
   a) West Bengal
 b) 
b) Maharastra
 c)  c) Andhra Pradesh
a)  b)  d)  d) Karnataka
c)  d)  144.Which of the following agricul- 
141.Choose the following item that tural commodity of India gives    
does not comprise under food largest interms of export value? 
subsidy in India a) Tea b) Basmathi Rice a) 
a) Subsidies to farmers through c) Spices d) Cotton b) 
support price c) 
   d) 
b) Subsidies to consumers   
through Public Distribution  149.Naional income of a country can
System be calculated by
a) 
c) Subsidies to the Food Corpo- a) 2 methods b) 3 methods
ration of India b) 
c) 4 methods d) 5 methods
d) Subsidies to fertilizer c) 
  
   d)  
 145.What percentage of the total a)  b) 
a)   population live in rural area, as
per 2011 censes? c)  d) 
Thoothukudi 0461-4000970, Tirunelveli 0462-2560123, Ramanathapuram 75503 52916, Madurai 9843110566 14
150.Who introduced the national de-   stantial disinvestment in India in
velopment council in India?   CSO  Public Sector Enterprises
a) Ambedkar  a) Rangarajan Committee
b) Jawaharlal Nehru a) 1993-1994 b) 1994-1995 b) Arjun sengupta Committee
c) Radhakrishnan c) 1999-2000 d) 2004-2005 c) Tarapore Committee
d) V.K.R.V.Rao 154.National Services Schemes was d) Narasimham Committee
launched in the year
     
      
 
a) 
a) 1965 b) 1966 a) 
b) 
c) 1968 d) 1969 b) 
c)  c) 
155.The programme Sarva Shiksha
d) V.K.R.V. Abhiyan is aimed at d) 
151.Which one of the formula is mea- a) providing free food for the 158.In which year Pradhan Mantri
sures the population is optimum poor people Gramodaya Yojana (PMGY) was
or not? introduced?
b) providing education for chil-
M = Mal-adjustment in level of dren  
output (PMGY)
c) providing financial assistance
A = Real population to unemployed a) 1976-77 b) 1992-93
O = Optimum population d) providing free medical aid to c) 1998-99 d) 2000-2001
    the poor ‘’ 159.“Intangible goods”
   ‘’ a) Machinary, instruments, in-
  dustries
M = a)    b) Waste goods
A = 
c) Oil seeds
O = b)   
d) Health, Research, Quality
OA OA c)   
a) M= b) M= 
A O 
a)   
d)   
AA A O 
c) M= d) M= 
O O b) 
156.A survey in which information is
152.Kutir Jothi scheme is related to collected from each and every c) 
a) Farmers individual of the population is d)    
known as 
b) Industrial workers
a) Census 160.West Bengal’s move of giving pro-
c) Single point Electricity
b) Secondary data tection to share croppers is
connection to households
c) Schedule known as
d) Electricity connection to
d) Data collection method a) Operation Barga
industrial units
   b) Green Operation
  c) White Revolution
a) 
   d) Operation Blue Star
b)  
   
c)     a)  
b)  
d)  
c)  a) 
d)  b) 
153.Recently CSO has changed the
base year for National income 157.Name the committee c) 
estimates. The new base year is emphasised the need for sub- d) 

Thoothukudi 0461-4000970, Tirunelveli 0462-2560123, Ramanathapuram 75503 52916, Madurai 9843110566 15

161.Which one of the following d) & c) 3.5 kgs of food grains per
programmes is related to em- 164.Who can issue one rupee note of person per day
ployment generation? India? d) 35 kgs of food grains per
a) Sarva Swasthya Abhiyan a) Reserve bank of India person per year
b) Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan b) State bank of India 
c) Swarna Jayanti Gram 
c) The ministry of finance
Swarozgar Yojana a)    
d) Public finance authority 
d) Indira Awaas Yojana
    b)   
   
  
 a)  c) 
a)  b)  

b)  c)  d)   

c)    d) 
 167.The million wells scheme was
165.Which of the following statement
launched in the year
d)  is/are true?
  
162.Statement (A): Green Revolution I. Sarva Siksha Abhiyan (SSA) is
was in troduced in 1967 in India. a programme for
universalisation of elemen- a) 1988-89 b) 1990-91
Reason (B) :It started to raise the tary education.
agricultural production in India. c) 1991-92 d) 1993-94
II. Mid- day Meal scheme is a 168.What is the amount of calories
a) ‘A’ is correct but ‘B’ is wrong Centrally Sponsored Scheme needed for a hardworking Indian
b) ‘B’ is correct but ‘A’ is incor- for children. Model Women (IRW), when she
rect III. Mid- day Meal Scheme will is working?
c) ‘A’ and ‘B’ is correct not be covered under Right to    
d) ‘A’ and ‘B’ is incorrect Information Act.  (IRW), 
a) I and III b) I and II 
 (A): 
1967 c) II and III d) II only
a) 1610 b) 1800
 (B)      
    c) 900 d) 826
 I.      169.The main driver of inflation in In-
a) ‘A’ ‘B’     dia in the last few years has been
b) B  ‘A’   a) Increased rural wages
c) ‘A’ ‘B’  II.     b) Escalated food prices,
d) ‘A’  ‘B’   c) Increased cost of intermedi-
ate products
163.Bench Terracing is famous in III. 
 d) Increased fuel cost
a) Tanjore & Namakkal
a) I  III b) I II    
b) Ooti & Nilgiri
   
c) Salem & Dharmapuri c) II  III d) II  
d) Madurai & Dindugal 166.Under National Food Security Act a) 
2013, the poorest of the poor will
   b)   
 
a) 35 kgs of food grains per
a) & c)   
household per month
b) & 
b) 35kgs of food grains per
c) & person per month d) 

Thoothukudi 0461-4000970, Tirunelveli 0462-2560123, Ramanathapuram 75503 52916, Madurai 9843110566 16

170.Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana d)     
(PMAY) is the programme of gov-  
ernment of India to ensure 173.Which one of the following is not a) 
a) Good health to all by 2022 an aspect of Green Revolution? b) 
b) Clean India by 2022 a) High yield varieties of seeds c) 
c) Housing for all by 2022 b) Use of chemical fertilisers and d)  
pesticides 
d) Insurance for all by 2022
c) Mechanisation of agricultural 176. The Measurements standards
    activities
(PMAY)   Laboratory of India is
 d) Enforcing high level of labour a) Indian Institute of Science
use in agriculture
a)  b) National Aero space
   Laboratories
b)   
c)   c) National Physical Laboratory
a)  d) National Metallurgical
d) 
171.The National Food Security Act b) 
   
was gazetted in
a) September , 2013 c)  
 a) 
b) August, 2013
d)  b)  
c) September , 2012  
d) August, 2012 174.Disguised unemployment implies c) 
    a) Technological inefficiency d) 
 177.Who is the author of “The theory
b) Zero marginal productivity of
a)  labour of Industrial organisation”?
b)  c) Full employment a) Patrick Modiano
c)  d) Unemployment b) Jean Tirole
d)   c) Richard Flanagan
172.UDAN (Ude Desh Ka Aam Nagrik) a)  d) Malala Yousafzai
is a scheme related to b)    
a) Regional Employment  
Scheme for Backward States c)  a) 
b) Regional Connectivity d)  b) 
Scheme for Water Ways c) 
175.Which among the following
c) Regional Connectivity programmes aims at ensuring a d) 
Scheme for Civil Aviation bank account in every family?
178. EDGE stands for
d) Regional Connectivity a) Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan
Scheme for Communication EDGE 
UDAN  a) Extended Data for GSM
b) Saansad Adarsh Grama
a)   Yojana
b) Enhanced Data for GSM
 c) Swachh Bharat Mission
b)    Abhiyan Yojana
c) Enhanced Data for Global
 d) Integrated Child Protection
c)   
d) Extended Data for Global
    
  

Thoothukudi 0461-4000970, Tirunelveli 0462-2560123, Ramanathapuram 75503 52916, Madurai 9843110566 17

179.Which of the following is correctly matched? c) SEPUP d) JRY
I. First Finance Commission - Chairman K. Santhanam 184.The Consumer Protection Act
II. Second Finance Commission - Chairman K.C. Neogy 1986, granted the District forum
can adjudicate the matter upto
III. Third Finance Commission - Chairman A.K. Chanda
IV. Fourth Finance Commission - Chairman K.Brahmanand Reddy a) 20 Lakhs b) 25 Lakhs
 c) 15 Lakhs d) 30 Lakhs
I.   K.  
II.   K.C.    
  
III.   A.K. 
IV.   K. 
a)  b) 
a) I b) II c) III d) IV
c)  d) 
180.With the help of the following 181.The aim of Rajiv Awas Yojana 185.Who among the following is the
clues find out the kind of budget: (RAY) is to make the country pioneer of the theory of neo-re-
A It is called a surplus budget a) Canals free alism?
B. It is also a case of deficit bud- b) Slum free a) Kenneth Waltz
get b) Hans Morgenthau
c) Mosquito free
C. Modern economists argue
d) None of the above c) Barry Buzan
that it is very useful for
achieving economic stability    (RAY) d) Raul Prebish
     
D. The government’s income or
     
tax revenue and expenditure
 
are not equal
a)  a) 
a) Revenue budget
b)  b) 
b) Balanced budget
c)  c) 
c) Zero based budget
d)  d) 
d) Unbalanced budget
182.Human Development Report of 186.Given below are two statements,
  
the world prepared and released one labelled as assertion (A) and
  
by the other labelled as Reason (R)
  
 a) UNDP b) UNEP Assertion (A) : India’s Public Sec-
c) IBRD d) ADB tor helped in the development of
A. 
    a sounds industrial base
B.   
  Reason (R) : Public Sector is un-
 der State Information Appropri-
C.     ate Policies and providing finan-
a)  b) 
 cial and other support has helped
   c)  d) 
the Public Sector
  
183.Which of the following is the
 a) (A) is correct but (R) is wrong
scheme launched in April 1989
D.   merging the former two b) Both (A) and (R) are correct
 schemes, viz. NREP and RLEGP? c) (A) is wrong but (R) is correct
a)  NREP RLEGP  d) Both (A) and (R) are Wrong
1989  
b)    
c)   (A) 
d) 
Thoothukudi 0461-4000970, Tirunelveli 0462-2560123, Ramanathapuram 75503 52916, Madurai 9843110566 18
 (R)    d) to provide health facilities to
  rural people
 (A) :  
   a) 
a)    
b)  
(R) 
c)  b)   
  
    d) 
    c)   
189.“Pragati “ Scholarship Scheme of
     
the Government of India is
 meant for d)    
a) (A)(R)  
a) Higher education of girls
b) (A)  (R)  192.Frictional unemployment exists
b) Technical education of girls
 a) When there is a decrease in
c) Secondary education of girls
c) (A)   (R) real GDP
 d) Elementary education of girls
b) Because it takes time to find
d) (A)  (R) ““ a job when one is first
  entering labour force
187.‘Communism in Health’ means, a)  c) As a result of technological
health must be provided b)  change
a) according to life expectancy c)   d) When an individual retires
b) according to the need and not     
according to the ability to pay d)  
c) only to the children 190.The tax system in which both tax a) 
rate and tax base are positively 
d) only to the aged people
related b)    
‘ ’ 
a) Proportional Tax   
a)  b) Progressive Tax
c)   
b)  c) Regressive Tax 
     d) Degressive Tax d)     
  
    
    193.Madan Mohan Malviya National
c)     Mission is about
a)  a) Police and Cops
d) 
b)  b) Teachers and Teaching
c)  c) Students and Parents
188.The much debated GST introduc-
tion experienced in its first month d)  d) Army and Nation
a) Below the target tax 191.Bharat Nirman Programme aims    
collection 
a) to provide educational facili-
b) Excess to the target tax ties to rural people a) 
b) to provide basic amenities to b) 
c) Just near to target tax rural people
collection c) 
c) to provide employment op-
d) Collected as par target portunities to rural people d) 

Thoothukudi 0461-4000970, Tirunelveli 0462-2560123, Ramanathapuram 75503 52916, Madurai 9843110566 19

194.The NDC decided to launch a b) i.e every fifth Indian lives in c) Society for Worldwide
programme to incentive the poverty Internet Financial Transaction
states to increase the share to c) i.e every fourth Indian lives in d) Standard for Worldwide Inter-
investment in agriculture in their poverty bank Financial Telecommuni-
state plans. This programme is cation
called as d) i.e every third Indian lives in
poverty SWIFT 
NDC  
   a)   
           
       
  b)    
a) RKVY b) PMGY a)    
  c)    
c) CDB d) MIDH  
195.Estimates of physical capital for- b)   
mation in India is done by d)   
   
a) Central Statistical  
Organisation c)    200.The Nehru-Mahalanobis model
b) Reserve Bank of India   was introduced in the
c) State Treasury a) First plan
d)   
d) Regional Banks b) Second plan
 
     c) Third plan
  
198.The new agricultural technology d) Fourth plan
was tried as a pilot project and
a)  was called as    
b)  
a) Integrated Rural Develop-
c)  ment Programme [IRDP] a) 
d) 
b) Integrated District Develop- b) 
196.According to World Development ment Programme [IDDP] c) 
Report per capita consumption
of energy in India c) Intensive Agricultural Devel- d) 
opment Programme [IADP]
a) 12% of Japan
d) Intensive Agricultural District
b) 4% of USA Programme [IADP]
c) 2% of China     
d) 1% of Russia   
  
 a) 
a) 
b)   
b)  
c) 
c) 
d) 
d) 
199.SWIFT is
197. Tendulkar report (December
2009) says that 37.2 percent of a) Society for Worldwide Inter-
the Indian population lives below bank Financial Telecommuni-
the poverty line cation
a) i.e every sixth Indian lives in b) Standard Worldwide Internet
poverty Financial Transaction

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