Test 5
Test 5
Test 5
1. In which year the population of 6. In which year, regional rural c) Atomic energy
India crossed one billion mark? banks came into existence? d) Atomic minerals
a) 2000 b) 2001 a) 1965 b) 1970 a)
c) 2005 d) 1991 c) 1975 d) 1980 b)
2. The special economic zones 7. The recommended nutritional in-
policy was announced in .......... take per person in rural areas. c)
a) April 2000 b) July 1990 a) 2100 calories d)
c) April 1980 d) July 1970 b) 2200 calories 10. How do you term the employ-
c) 2300 calories ment occurring only on a particu-
lar season?
d) 2400 calories
a) b) a) Open b) Disguised
c) d) c) Seasonal d) Rural
3. In sex ratio, Tamil Nadu ranks
a) First b) Second b)
c) Third d) Fourth c) a) b)
d) c) d)
a) b) 8. “An Indian farmer is born in debt, 11. Identify the year in which na-
c) d) lives in debt, dies in debt and be- tional rural health mission was
4. Tamil Nadu is rich in queaths debt” - who said this? launched.
a) Forest resource a) Adam smith
b) Human resource b) Gandhi
a) Foreign Portfolio investment 19. The new economic policy is con- c) 2010 d) 2015
b) Foreign Private investment cerned with the following 24. Foreign investmentincludes ........
c) Foreign direct investment a) Foreign investment a) FDI only b) FPI and FFI
d) Forex private investment b) Foreign technology c) FDI and FPI d) FDI and FFI
122.In the Union budget 2013-14, Rs. a) (A) only is correct d) Interest tax
1,000 crores has been allocated b) (A) and (B) are correct
for funding women empower- c) Only (B) is correct
ment and safety. The name of the a)
fund is called d) Both (A) and (B) are wrong
a) Abhaya fund
A) ‘Operation flood’ c)
b) Nirbhaya fund
c) Soubagya fund d)
d) Sumangali fund 127. The minimum support prices are
B) a means of supporting the
a) farmers b) comsumers
c) industries d) retailers
a) A b) A B
c) B d) A B
124.Which of the following is correctly matched?
a) According to 2011 census of India most a)
populous state is - Sikkim b)
b) According to 2011 census of India c)
least populous state is - UP
c) The Motto of the 2011 census is - Our census Our future
128.The expansion of e-PPS is
d) According to 2011 census highest
proportion of Urban population is in - Chennai a) Electronic Project Proposal
b) Electronic Population Predic-
a) 2011 tion System
c) Electronic Polymer Purchas-
b) 2011 ing System
d) Electronic Petrol Purchasing
c) 2011 System
d) 2011
125.The factors which influence In- d) Human factor and b)
dian Economy’s development are Mechanical factors
a) Economic and Non - c)
Economic Factors
b) Social and Industrial factors a) d)
c) Technological and
Communications factors
Thoothukudi 0461-4000970, Tirunelveli 0462-2560123, Ramanathapuram 75503 52916, Madurai 9843110566 12
129.Who gave the slogan “Ecology is c) Indian Indepdence Act of
permanent economy”? 1947
a) M.S.Swaminathan d) Indian constitution
b) Sunderlal Bahuguna a)
c) Gaura Devi a) b)
d) Chandi Prasad Bhatt b) c)
“ ” c) d)
136.’Devaluation is a measure of
a) d) monetary authority’ :
b) 133.Vazhvoli Thittam Which of the following item does
match the below statement?
c) a) Domination in technical edu-
cation a) To reduce the foreign value of
the domestic currency mainly
130.Rate of Saving is measured as a b) Reducing gender disparities
to increase exports
proportion of Gross Domestic c) Access to schools
b) To increase money supply
prodcut (GDP) at d) Special school health
c) To increase the current ac-
a) Constant prices programme
count deficit
b) Market prices
d) To contain inflation
c) Relative prices a)
d) None of the above b)
c) ”
134.Which one of the following is not
a) the feature of democratic social- a)
b) ism?
c) a) A socialist society aims at the
removal of poverty
131.Match the Nation with their cur- b) No faith in a mixed economy
rency. c) Aims at the reduction of in-
A. Vietnam - Kyat equalities of income and
wealth c)
B. Spain - Dong
d) Aims at the provision of equal
C. Cuba - Euro d)
opportunities to all
D. Myanmar - Peso
137. Arrange the following sectors in
India descending order according
A to the commercial energy con-
a) sumption
1. Household sector
C b)
2. Agriculture
c) 3. Industries
4. Transport
a) 3 2 1 4
b) 2 3 4 1 d)
c) 3 4 2 1
d) 4 3 1 2 135.In an Economy 1. 2.
132.The Reserve Bank of India was “Too much of money chasing too 3. 4.
established by the few goods” - situation is called a) 4, 3, 1, 2 b) 3, 4, 1, 2
a) the Act of 1919 a) Depression b) Prosperity c) 3, 4, 2, 1 d) 4, 1, 3, 2
b) the Act of 1935 c) Inflation d) Deflation
Thoothukudi 0461-4000970, Tirunelveli 0462-2560123, Ramanathapuram 75503 52916, Madurai 9843110566 13
138.Which among the following b)
industries generates invisible
a) Fishing b) Tourism c) a) 40 b) 50
c) Jewellery d) Handicrafts c) 60 d) 70
d) 146.National Agricultural policy aims
142.When was the Slogan ‘Garibi at a growth rate of ..................%
a) hatao’ (removal of poverty) was per year.
a) I five year plan
b) II five year plan
c) III five year plan a) 3% b) 4% c) 6% d) 8%
139.The concept of Goods and Ser-
vices Tax (GST) was originated d) IV five year plan 147. In which plan period HYV seeds
from and New Agriculture strategy
was adopted in Indian agricul-
a) Canada b) USA
c) Britain d) Germany a) I
a) 2ndplan b) 3rdplan
(GST) b) II
c) Annual plan d) 5thplan
c) III
a) d) IV
b) 143.Who designed the AADHAAR HYV
c) logo?
d) a) Atul S.Pande a)
140. The Indian Government gets b) R.K.Pachuri b)
_______ percent of India’s total c) Sree Ramamurthy Janaki c)
energy needs are met through
imports d) Pandit Ravi Shankar d)
a) 30 percent b) 40 percent 148.The state that has literacy rate
lower than the national average
c) 20 percent d) 35 percent is
a) West Bengal
b) Maharastra
c) c) Andhra Pradesh
a) b) d) d) Karnataka
c) d) 144.Which of the following agricul-
141.Choose the following item that tural commodity of India gives
does not comprise under food largest interms of export value?
subsidy in India a) Tea b) Basmathi Rice a)
a) Subsidies to farmers through c) Spices d) Cotton b)
support price c)
b) Subsidies to consumers
through Public Distribution 149.Naional income of a country can
System be calculated by
c) Subsidies to the Food Corpo- a) 2 methods b) 3 methods
ration of India b)
c) 4 methods d) 5 methods
d) Subsidies to fertilizer c)
145.What percentage of the total a) b)
a) population live in rural area, as
per 2011 censes? c) d)
Thoothukudi 0461-4000970, Tirunelveli 0462-2560123, Ramanathapuram 75503 52916, Madurai 9843110566 14
150.Who introduced the national de- stantial disinvestment in India in
velopment council in India? CSO Public Sector Enterprises
a) Ambedkar a) Rangarajan Committee
b) Jawaharlal Nehru a) 1993-1994 b) 1994-1995 b) Arjun sengupta Committee
c) Radhakrishnan c) 1999-2000 d) 2004-2005 c) Tarapore Committee
d) V.K.R.V.Rao 154.National Services Schemes was d) Narasimham Committee
launched in the year
a) 1965 b) 1966 a)
c) 1968 d) 1969 b)
c) c)
155.The programme Sarva Shiksha
d) V.K.R.V. Abhiyan is aimed at d)
151.Which one of the formula is mea- a) providing free food for the 158.In which year Pradhan Mantri
sures the population is optimum poor people Gramodaya Yojana (PMGY) was
or not? introduced?
b) providing education for chil-
M = Mal-adjustment in level of dren
output (PMGY)
c) providing financial assistance
A = Real population to unemployed a) 1976-77 b) 1992-93
O = Optimum population d) providing free medical aid to c) 1998-99 d) 2000-2001
the poor ‘’ 159.“Intangible goods”
‘’ a) Machinary, instruments, in-
M = a) b) Waste goods
A =
c) Oil seeds
O = b)
d) Health, Research, Quality
OA OA c)
a) M= b) M=
c) M= d) M=
O O b)
156.A survey in which information is
152.Kutir Jothi scheme is related to collected from each and every c)
a) Farmers individual of the population is d)
known as
b) Industrial workers
a) Census 160.West Bengal’s move of giving pro-
c) Single point Electricity
b) Secondary data tection to share croppers is
connection to households
c) Schedule known as
d) Electricity connection to
d) Data collection method a) Operation Barga
industrial units
b) Green Operation
c) White Revolution
d) Operation Blue Star
c) a)
c) a)
d) b)
153.Recently CSO has changed the
base year for National income 157.Name the committee c)
estimates. The new base year is emphasised the need for sub- d)