ADIGRAT UNIVERSITY - Fikadu.finsh - by Negasi

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COURSE CODE: ChEg (3142)





APRIL 29/9/2010 E.C

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Chapter One ............................................................................................................................................................... 4
Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................... 4
What Is Biodiesel.................................................................................................................................................... 4
Chapter Two ............................................................................................................................................................... 5
Uses Of Biodiesel ....................................................................................................................................................... 5
Phsical And Chemical Property Of Biodiesel .......................................................................................................... 5
Why We Select Castor Oil For The Production Of Biodiesel .................................................................................. 5
Castor Oil And Its Properties .............................................................................................................................. 6
Castor Oil Extraction .......................................................................................................................................... 7
Commercial Continuous Screw Press Assembly. ............................................................................................... 7
Castor Oil Filtration/Purification ........................................................................................................................ 8
Castor Oil Refining.............................................................................................................................................. 8
Crude Castor Oil Refining ................................................................................................................................... 9
Degumming ...................................................................................................................................................... 10
Water Degumming ........................................................................................................................................... 11
Acid Degumming .............................................................................................................................................. 11
Enzymatic Degumming .................................................................................................................................... 11
Neutralization .................................................................................................................................................. 11
Bleaching .......................................................................................................................................................... 12
Deodorization................................................................................................................................................... 13
Winterization ................................................................................................................................................... 13
Chapter Three .......................................................................................................................................................... 14
Raw Materials Used ................................................................................................................................................. 14
Reaction Involved................................................................................................................................................. 14
Chapter Four ............................................................................................................................................................ 15
Biodiesel Production ................................................................................................................................................ 15
Process Description .............................................................................................................................................. 15
References ............................................................................................................................................................... 18

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First and foremost, we would like to thank God Almighty for giving us the
Strength, Knowledge, ability and opportunity to undertake this project and to
persevere and complete it satisfactorily. Without his blessings, this achievement
Would not have been possible.
In addition we will like to thank instructor BASHA MEKONEN for his guidance the
Format of the project and giving information about editing to do this project.

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Biodiesel is a cleaner-burning fuel for diesel engines made from domestically produced renewable fats
and oils such as soybean oil and castor oil. Biodiesel burns substantially cleaner than petroleum-based
diesel fuel. It is an option for improving our environment while reducing dependence on foreign oil,
stretching our fossil fuel reserves and providing value-added markets for agricultural products. It can
be used in compression-ignition (diesel) engines with no modifications. Biodiesel is simple to use,
biodegradable, nontoxic and essentially free of sulfur and aromatics. Pure biodiesel (B100) contains no
petroleum, but it can be blended at any level with petroleum diesel to create a biodiesel blend.

Generally biodiesel is defined as:

 Biodiesel is a clean burning renewable fuel made using natural vegetable oils and fats.
 Biodiesel is made through a chemical process which converts oils and fats of natural origin
into fatty acid methyl esters (FAME). Biodiesel IS NOT vegetable oil.
 Biodiesel is intended to be used as a replacement for petroleum diesel fuel, or can be blended
with petroleum diesel fuel in any proportion.
 Biodiesel does not require modifications to a diesel engine to be used.
 Biodiesel has reduced exhaust emissions compared to petroleum diesel fuel.
 Biodiesel has lower toxicity compared to petroleum diesel fuel.
 Biodiesel is safer to handle compared to petroleum diesel fuel.
 Biodiesel quality is governed by ASTM D 6751 quality parameters.
 Biodiesel is biodegradable.

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 Biodiesel provides significant lubricity improvement over petroleum diesel fuel.

 Reliable engine performance: Biodiesel’s increased lubricity means excellent engine
performance and fuel economy.
 Cleaner and renewable: Biodiesel reduces exhaust emissions, minimizing black smoke, odor,
greenhouse gas emissions, air toxics and particulates; and does not contribute to sulfur dioxide
emissions (acid rain).


The physical and chemical properties such as viscosity, density, flash point, cloud point, cetane number, and
acid value etc. affect the biodiesel engine performance and emission.

Table1: physical and chemical property of biodiesel


The transesterification of castor oil with ethanol in the presence of sodium ethoxide as catalyst is
an exceptional option for biodiesel production, because the castor nut is quite available in the
country. Chemically, its oil contains about 90% of ricinoleic acid that gives to the oil some
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beneficial characteristics such as its alcohol solubility at 30 degrees C.

Castor oil is a vegetable oil obtained by pressing the seeds of the castor oil plant (Ricinus
communis).The common name "castor oil", from which the plant gets its name, probably comes from its
use as a replacement for castoreum, a perfume base made from the dried perineal glands of
the beaver (castor in Latin).

Castor oil is a colorless to very pale yellow liquid with a distinct taste and odor. Its boiling point is
313 °C (595 °F) and its density is 961 kg/m3. It is a triglyceride in which approximately 90 percent of
fatty acid chains are ricinoleates. Oleate and linoleates are the other significant components.

Castor oil and its derivatives are used in the manufacturing of soaps, lubricants, hydraulic and brake
fluids, paints, dyes, coatings, inks, cold resistant plastics, waxes and
polishes, nylon, pharmaceuticals and perfumes.


Castor beans are cultivated for their seeds yielding a viscous, pale yellow nonvolatile and nondrying
castor oil. The physical properties of castor oil have been studied.

Comparative analysis showed that the values of viscosity, density, thermal conductivity, and pour point
for castor oil were higher than the values of a standard lubricant (SAE 40 engine oil).

Viscosity (centistokes) 889.3

Density (g/mL) 0.959

Thermal conductivity (W/m°C) 4.727

Specific heat (kJ/kg/K) 0.089

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Flash point (°C) 145

Pour point (°C) 2.7

Melting point (°C) 1.480

Table 2: physical and chemical property of castor oil


Castor oil seed contains about 30%–50% oil. Castor oil can be extracted from castor beans by either
mechanical pressing, solvent extraction, or a combination of pressing and extraction. After harvesting,
the seeds are allowed to dry so that the seed hull will split open, releasing the seed inside. The
extraction process begins with the removal of the hull from the seeds. This can be accomplished
mechanically with the aid of a castor bean dehuller or manually with the hands. When economically
feasible, the use of a machine to aid in the dehulling process is more preferable.

After the hull is removed from the seed, the seeds are then cleaned to remove any foreign materials such
as sticks, stems, leaves, sand, or dirt. These materials can usually be removed using a series of revolving
screens or reels. Magnets used above the conveyer belts can remove iron.

The seeds can then be heated to harden the interior of the seeds for extraction. In this process, the seeds
are warmed in a steam-jacketed press to remove moisture, and this hardening process will aid in
extraction. The cooked seeds are then dried before the extraction process begins. A continuous screw or
hydraulic press is used to crush the castor oil seeds to facilitate removal of the oil. The first part of this
extraction phase is called prepressing. Prepressing usually involves using a screw press called an oil
expeller. The oil expeller is a high-pressure continuous screw press to extract the oil.


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Although this process can be done at a low temperature, mechanical pressing leads to only about 45%
recovery of oil from the castor beans.

Higher temperatures can increase the efficiency of the extraction. Yields of up to 80% of the available
oil can be obtained by using high-temperature hydraulic pressing in the extraction process. The
extraction temperature can be controlled by circulating cold water through a pressing machine
responsible for cold pressing of the seeds.

Cold-pressed castor oil has lower acid and iodine content and is lighter in color than solvent-extracted
castor oil. Following extraction, the oil is collected and filtered and the filtered material is combined
back with new, fresh seeds for repeat extraction. In this way, the bulk filtered material keeps getting
collected and runs through several extraction cycles combining with new bulk material as the process
gets repeated. This material is finally ejected from the press and is known as castor cake. The castor
cake from the press contains up to approximately 10% castor oil content.

After crushing and extracting oil from the bulk of the castor oil seeds, further extraction of oil from the
leftover castor cake material can be accomplished by crushing the castor cake and by using solvent
extraction methods. A Soxhlet or commercial solvent extractor is used for extracting oil from the castor
cake. Use of organic solvents such as hexane, heptane, or a petroleum ether as a solvent in the
extraction process then results in removal of most of the residual oil still inaccessible in the remaining
seed bulk.


Following extraction of the oil through the use of a press, there still remain impurities in the extracted
oil. To aid in the removal of the remaining impurities, filtration systems are usually employed. The
filtration systems are able to remove large and small size particulates, any dissolved gases, acids, and
even water from the oil. The filtration system equipment normally used for this task is the filter press.
Crude castor seed oil is pale yellow or straw colored but can be made colorless or near colorless
following refining and bleaching. The crude oil also has a distinct odor but can also be deodorized
during the refining process.


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After filtration, the crude or unrefined oil is sent to a refinery for processing. During the refining
process, impurities such as colloidal matter, phospholipids, excess free fatty acids (FFAs), and coloring
agents are removed from the oil. Removal of these impurities facilitates the oil not to deteriorate during
extended storage.

The refining process steps include degumming, neutralization, bleaching, and deodorization. The oil is
degummed by adding hot water to the oil, allowing the mixture to sit, and finally the aqueous layer is
removed. This process can be repeated. Following the degumming step, a strong base such as sodium
hydroxide is added for neutralization.

The base is then removed using hot water and separation between the aqueous layer and oil allows for
removal of the water layer. Neutralization is followed by bleaching to remove color, remaining
phospholipids, and any leftover oxidation products. The castor oil is then deodorized to remove any
odor from the oil. The refined castor oil typically has a long shelf life about 12 months as long as it is
not subjected to excessive heat. The steps involved in crude castor oil refining are further discussed in
the next section.


While the previous section briefly discussed the general overview involved in a castor oil refining step,
this section thoroughly explains each of the processes involved in it. Unrefined castor oil leads to rapid
degradation due to the presence of impurities as mentioned in “Castor oil refining” section, making it
less suitable for most applications. Hence, a refining process has to be conducted prior to the
derivatization of the oil. The order of the steps performed in the refining process, which includes
degumming, neutralization, bleaching, deodorization, and sometimes winterization, should be taken into
consideration for efficient oil refining and are described extensively and specifically in a castor oil
industry setting in “Degumming”, “Neutralization”, “Bleaching”, “Deodorization”, and
“Winterization” sections.

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Castor processing flow diagram.


The first step in the castor oil refining process, called degumming, is used to reduce the phosphatides
and the metal content of the crude oil. The phosphatides present in crude castor oil can be found in the
form of lecithin, cephalin, and phosphatidic acids. These phosphatides can be classified into two
different types: hydratable and nonhydratable, and accordingly, a suitable degumming procedure
(water degumming, acid degumming, and enzymatic degumming) has to be performed for efficient
removal of these phosphatides. In general, crude vegetable oil contains about 10% of nonhydratable
phosphatides. However, the amount may vary significantly depending on various factors such as the
type of seed, quality of seed, and conditions applied during the milling operation. While hydratable
phosphatides can be removed in most part by water degumming, nonhydratable phosphatides can only
be removed by means of acid or enzymatic degumming procedures.

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Water degumming is a relatively simple, inexpensive process to remove as much gums as possible in the
initial stages of oil refining. In this process, the crude oil is heated to approximately 60°C–70°C. Water
is then added to the crude oil and the resulting mixture is stirred well and allowed to stand for 30
minutes during which time, the phosphatides present in the crude oil become hydrated and thereby
become oil-insoluble. The hydrated phosphatides can be removed either by decantation or
centrifugation. Water degumming allows the removal of even small amounts of nonhydratable
phosphatides along with the hydratable phosphatides. The extracted gums can be processed into lecithin
for food, feed, or technical purposes.


In general, the acid degumming process can be considered as the best alternative to the water
degumming process if the crude oil possesses a significant amount of nonhydratable phosphatides In the
acid degumming process, the crude castor oil is treated with an acid (phosphoric acid, malic acid, or
citric acid) in the presence of water. Acid degumming is usually carried out at elevated temperature,
typically around 90°C. The precipitated gums are then separated by centrifugation followed by vacuum
drying of the degummed oil.


The conversion of nonhydratable phosphatides to hydratable phosphatides can also be attained using
enzymes. Here, the enzyme solution, which is a mixture of an aqueous solution of citric acid, caustic
soda, and enzymes, is dispersed into the filtered oil at mild temperatures normally between 45°C and
65°C. A high-speed rotating mixer is used for effective mixing of oil and enzyme. The oil is then
separated from the hydrated gum by mechanical separation and is subjected to vacuum drying. A variety
of these so-called “microbial enzymes” exist.


Good quality castor seeds stored under controlled conditions produce only low FFA content of
approximately 0.3%. Occasionally, oil seeds that are old or stored for more than 12 months with high
moisture content produce a high FFA content of about 5% level. This excess FFA present in the castor
oil does not provide the same functionality as the neutral oil and has the ability to alter its reactivity

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with different substances. Hence, it is highly essential to remove the high FFA content so as to produce
a high-quality castor oil. This process of removal of FFA from the degummed oil is referred to as

In general, the refining process can be divided into two methods: chemical and physical refining.
Physical refining is usually done by maintaining a high temperature above 200°C with a low vacuum
pressure. Under these processing conditions, the low boiling point FFA is vacuum distilled from the
high boiling point triglycerides. However, physical refining is not recommended in the case of castor oil,
due to its sensitivity to heat as it normally starts disintegrating above 150°C, which can result in the
hydrolysis of the hydroxyl groups. On the other hand, chemical refining is based on the solubility
principle of triglycerides and soaps of fatty acids. FFAs (acid) react with alkali (strong base) to form
soaps of fatty acids. The formed soap is generally insoluble in the oil and, hence, can be easily
separated from the oil based on the difference in specific gravity between the soap and triglycerides.
The specific gravity of soap is higher than that of triglycerides and therefore tends to settle at the bottom
of the reactor. Most of the modern refineries use high-speed centrifuges to separate soap and oil

Castor oil neutralization is a high loss-refining step. This loss is presumably due to the small difference
in specific gravity of the generated soap and neutral viscous castor oil.


Castor oil is used for many applications where the final product’s appearance is extremely important.
For instance, cosmetics formulations, lubricant additives, and biomaterial manufacturing all demand
the final product’s color to be within a certain limit. Although castor oil obtained after degumming and
neutralization processes yield a clear liquid by appearance, it may still contain colored bodies, natural
pigments, and antioxidants (tocopherols and tocotrienols), which were extracted along with the crude
oil from the castor beans.

The color pigments are extremely small ranging from 10 to 50 nm, which cannot be removed from the
oil by any unit operation. However, an adsorption process called “bleaching” can be used to remove
such colored pigments and remaining phospholipids, using activated earths under moderate vacuum
conditions between 50 and 100 mmHg. The reduction in the oil color can be measured using an
analytical instrument, called a tintometer.

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Activated earths are clay ores that contain minerals, namely, bentonite and montmorillonite. These types
of clay are generally found on every continent generated through unique geographical movements
millions of years ago. The efficiency of bleaching earth, also called the bleachability, depends on the
ability to adsorb color pigments and other impurities on its surface. Normally, unprocessed clay has
lower bleachability than acid-activated or processed clays.

The unprocessed clays when activated by concentrated acid followed by washing and drying acquire
more adsorptive power to adsorb color pigments from the oil. Bleaching of castor oil can be done under
vacuum at around 100°C while constantly stirring the oil with an appropriate amount of activated
earths and carbon. The bleaching process requires around 2% bleaching earth and carbon to produce
desirable light colored oil.

Under these processing conditions, colored bodies, soap, and phosphatides adsorb onto the activated
earth and carbon. The activated earth and carbon are removed by using a commercial filter. The spent
earth-carbon, thus obtained, retains around 20%–25% oil content. Bleaching castor oil containing
higher phosphatide and soap content often leads to high retention of oil due to the large amount of
activated earth used and thus causes filtration issues. Although this retained oil on the spent earth can
be recovered by boiling the spent earth in water or by a solvent extraction method, the recovered oil
from the spent earth is highly colored with high FFA and high peroxide content, normally greater than
10 mg KOH/g and 20 meq/kg, respectively.


Deodorization is simply a vacuum steam distillation process that removes the relatively volatile
components that give rise to undesirable flavors, colors, and odors in fats and oils. Unlike other
vegetable oils, castor oil requires limited or no deodorization, as it is a nonedible oil where slight
pungent odor is not an issue for most of its applications, with the only exception being pharmaceutical
grade castor oil. Deodorization is usually done under high vacuum and at high temperature above
250°C to remove undesirable odors caused by ketones, aldehydes, sterols, triterpene alcohols, and
short-chain fatty acids. Pharmaceutical grade castor oil is deodorized at low temperatures,
approximately 150°C–170°C under high vacuum for 8–10 hours to avoid.


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The majority of vegetable oils contain high concentrations of waxes, fatty acids, and lipids. Hence, it is
subjected to the process of winterization before its final use. Winterization of oil is a process, whereby
waxes are crystallized and removed by a filtering process to avoid clouding of the liquid fraction at
cooler temperatures. Kieselguhr is the generally used filter aid and the filter cake obtained at the end
can be recycled to a feed ingredient. In certain cases, a similar process called “dewaxing” can also be
utilized as a means to clarify oil when the amount of cloudiness persists.



 Castor oil
 Alcohol: like methanol, ethanol and propanol
 Catalysts: like NaOH,KOH and H2SO4


Transesterification is the process of separating the fatty acids from their glycerol backbone to form
fatty acid Estes (FAE) and free glycerol.

Animal and plant fats and oils are composed of triglycerides, which are esters formed by the reactions of
three free fatty acids and the trihydric alcohol, glycerol. In the transesterification process, the added
alcohol (commonly, methanol or ethanol) is deprotonated with a base to make it a stronger nucleophile.

As can be seen, the reaction has no other inputs than the triglyceride and the alcohol. Under normal
conditions, this reaction will proceed either exceedingly slowly or not at all, so heat, as well as catalysts
(acid and/or base) are used to speed the reaction.

It is important to note that the acid or base are not consumed by the transesterification reaction, thus they
are not reactants, but catalysts. Common catalysts for transesterification include sodium
hydroxide, potassium hydroxide, and sodium methoxide.

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Key Reaction.

The main reaction for converting oil to biodiesel is called transesterification. The
transesterification process reacts an alcohol (like methanol) with the triglyceride oils contained
in vegetable oils, animal fats, or recycled greases, forming fatty acid alkyl esters (biodiesel) and
glycerin. The reaction requires heat and a strong base catalyst, such as sodium hydroxide or
potassium hydroxide. The simplified transesterification reaction is shown below.

Triglycerides + Free Fatty Acids (<4%) + Alcohol ——> Alkyl esters + glycerin
Triglycerides + Free Fatty Acids (>4%) + Alcohol ——> Alkyl esters + triglycerides


 Acid Esterification: Oil feedstock containing more than 4% free fatty acids go
through an acid esterification process to increase the yield of biodiesel. These
feedstocks are filtered and preprocessed to remove water and contaminants, and then
fed to the acid esterification process. The catalyst, sulfuric acid, is dissolved in
methanol and then mixed with the pretreated oil. The mixture is heated and stirred,
and the free fatty acids are converted to biodiesel. Once the reaction is complete, it is
dewatered and then fed to the transesterification process.

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 Transesterification: Oil feedstocks containing less than 4% free fatty acids are
filtered and preprocessed to remove water and contaminants and then fed directly to
the transesterification process along with any products of the acid esterification
process. The catalyst, potassium hydroxide, is dissolved in methanol and then mixed
with and the pretreated oil. If an acid esterification process is used, then extra base
catalyst must be added to neutralize the acid added in that step. Once the reaction is
complete, the major co-products, biodiesel and glycerin, are separated into two
 Methanol recovery: The methanol is typically removed after the biodiesel and
glycerin have been separated, to prevent the reaction from reversing itself. The
methanol is cleaned and recycled back to the beginning of the process.
 Biodiesel refining: Once separated from the glycerin, the biodiesel goes through a
clean-up or purification process to remove excess alcohol, residual catalyst and
soaps. This consists of one or more washings with clean water. It is then dried and
sent to storage. Sometimes the biodiesel goes through an additional distillation step to
produce a colorless, odorless, zero-sulfur biodiesel.
 Glycerin refining: The glycerin by-product contains unreacted catalyst and soaps that
are neutralized with an acid. Water and alcohol are removed to produce 50%-80%
crude glycerin. The remaining contaminants include unreacted fats and oils. In large
biodiesel plants, the glycerin can be further purified, to 99% or higher purity, for sale
to the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries.

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Flow chart of biodiesel production from castor oil

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