Antisepsis/Disinfection/Sterilization: S4 Oral Abstracts / American Journal of Infection Control 47 (2019) S2 S14

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S4 Oral Abstracts / American Journal of Infection Control 47 (2019) S2−S14

compared to SMP2. There was 3.4 times higher views (range 2.8, 5) when to clean floors and high-touch surfaces. The debate has now shifted
comparing SMP1 without paid advertising to SMP2. as to whether the laundering processes can effectively and consis-
CONCLUSIONS: Utilizing a social media platform with multiple ways tently remove bioburden and return the textiles to a state of "hygien-
to post content resulted in the greatest viewership. Paid advertising ically clean", or if disposable, single-use products are necessary to
increased viewership significantly. Reactions to the videos have reduce the risk of cross-contamination. To better understand the
been positive. risks, mops and towels returned from institutional laundry facilities
were assessed for total bioburden, genetic diversity of contamination,
and the presence of biofilm.
Presentation Number ASR-5 Methods: Samples of mops and towels were retrieved from
Creating Meaningful Meetings: A Rural several different healthcare facilities. Portions of each sample were
Health Approach for Engagement in assessed using standard methods to determine the total aerobic
Antimicrobial Stewardship and Multidrug microorganisms and fungi and the bacterial microbiome. Select
Resistant Organism Tracking samples with confirmed contamination were examined for
biofilm structures using confocal microscopy before and after
Martha Jaworski MS, RN, CIC - Quality Improvement Principal, hydration. Unused non-relaunderable mops served as negative
Comagine Health; Susan Heppler BSN, RN; Matthew C. Burns BS controls.
RESULTS: Several samples of relaundered mop pads and towels con-
BACKGROUND: In response to the Center for Disease Control and tained diverse populations of bacteria with levels in some samples
Prevention’s (CDC) Antibiotic Resistance Threats Report in 2013, exceeding 10,000 total microorganisms. Analysis of the microbiome
the National Strategy for Combating Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria revealed over a dozen genera or families of bacteria, including species
provided recommendations to decrease the burden of multi-drug known to cause healthcare-acquired infections. Although typical bio-
resistant organisms (MDROs). These recommendations included film structures were difficult to differentiate from debris entrapped in
support for antimicrobial stewardship (AMS) programs across set- dry samples, examination after rehydration revealed clear evidence of
tings as well as improved surveillance of MDROs. Our goal was to biofilms. No viable microbes were recovered from unused, non-relaun-
set up regional meetings to 1) engage healthcare providers from derable mops.
diverse, rural settings on AMS and infection prevention topics and CONCLUSIONS: Results indicate that mops and towels can be contam-
provide a forum for collaboration; 2) encourage submission of car- inated with a diverse community of microbes, especially bacteria. The
bapenem-resistant organisms (CROs) and antibiogram data to the microbial populations included bacteria that can cause infections. At
state laboratory; 3) identify opportunities for goal-setting and allo- least some of the microbes survive the laundering process by forming
cation of state-level resources. biofilms on debris entrapped in the textiles. It is recommended to
METHODS: A Quality Innovation Network-Quality Improvement Orga- consider alternatives such as disposable, single-use mops and towels
nization collaborated with three programs within the state Department rather than rely on the laundry process to effectively clean and disin-
of Health (Healthcare Associated Infection (HAI), Medicare Beneficiary fect textiles after use.
Quality Improvement Program (MBQIP) and the Bureau of Laboratories)
to hold a series of four face-to-face, cross-setting regional meetings. Presentation Number ADS-7
Meeting satisfaction was evaluated by a brief on-site survey. CRO sam- Evaluation of High-level Disinfection
ple and antibiogram submissions were tracked before and after the Processes for Linear Endoscopic
meetings. Meeting discussions were documented and grouped by topic. Ultrasound Scopes Following New Delhi
RESULTS: Four regional meetings were completed between April-Sep- Metallo-beta-lactamase Carbapenem-
tember, 2018 with 103 attendees representing 21 hospitals, 17 long- resistant Enterobacteriaceae bacteremia
term care facilities and 6 ambulatory settings. Overall participant satis-
faction was 4.35/5. The number of CRO isolates that were tested in our Emily Moulton MSN, RN - Infection Preventionist, Inova Fairfax
state laboratory increased by 200% and the number of organizations Medical Campus; Regan Trappler MPH, RN, CIC; Lucy He MLS(ASCP)
that agreed to submit antibiogram data increased from three to 10 CM; Holly Taylor MPH, CIC - System Director, Infection Prevention
(233% increase) following the events. Major areas of concern identified and Control, Inova Health System; Deeb Oweis RN, CNOR
by participants were: 1) care transitions; 2) physician AMS education;
3) public education on MDRO risk and the role of AMS.
CONCLUSIONS: Regional meetings that uniquely align infection pre- BACKGROUND: A patient with New Delhi metallo-beta-lactamase
vention, pharmacy and laboratory are a highly effective forum to pro- (NDM) carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae (CRE) bacteremia
mote cross-setting engagement and collaboration in a rural state was readmitted four days following a procedure with a linear endo-
with limited resources. scopic ultrasound scope (EUS) and duodenoscope. Prior outbreaks of
CRE have been linked to the elevator mechanism in duodenoscopes.
An elevator mechanism is also present in linear EUS and contributes
Antisepsis/Disinfection/Sterilization to the complexity of cleaning and disinfection. However, EUS are not
included in the FDA supplemental measures for duodenoscope
Presentation Number ADS-6 reprocessing. This study aims to evaluate need for standardized
cleaning and disinfection recommendations for all endoscopes with
Beyond the Naked Eye: Biofilms and an elevator mechanism.
Microbial Diversity in Re-laundered Mops METHODS: High level disinfection (HLD) processes were evaluated
and Towels Used in Healthcare Facilities via direct observation and culturing endoscopes used on the
index patient. The EUS and duodenoscope were sequestered
Mark Wiencek PhD, T-CHEST - Lead Microbiologist, Contec, Inc.
following the isolation of CRE and reprocessed prior to culture.
FDA guidance for duodenoscope surveillance culturing was fol-
BACKGROUND: Most Environmental Services departments have lowed. Cultures were processed by a certified environmental test-
switched from cotton-based mops and towels to microfiber products ing laboratory.

APIC 46th Annual Educational Conference & International Meeting| Philadelphia, PA | June 12-14 2019

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