Industry 4.0: A Classification Scheme: January 2018
Industry 4.0: A Classification Scheme: January 2018
Industry 4.0: A Classification Scheme: January 2018
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3 authors:
Andrés Boza
Universitat Politècnica de València
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Abstract One of the most novel concepts that has been applied to companies in
recent years is “Industry 4.0”. This is a wide term that implies a drastic change in
the way companies operate. This paper reviews some of its existing literature in
order to give an accurate definition of such a concept. A classification scheme
based in two main pillars, on one hand the features which characterize that term
and on the other hand the technologies and concepts that support their develop-
ment is also defined. All results are based on a structured literature review.
1 Introduction
This lack of roadmaps and guides supporting its implementation, as well as its
high complexity makes “Industry 4.0” too uncertain (Erol et al. 2016). Moreover,
they are discouraging the early, orderly and effective implementation of the
In addition to that, the many contributions of research centers, companies, uni-
versities and professionals are making the term “Industry 4.0” even more confuse.
Even the key promoters of the idea only describe the vision, the basic technol-
ogies the idea aims at, and selected scenarios but don’t provide a clear definition.
As a result, a generally accepted definition of Industry 4.0 has not been published
so far (Herman et al. 2015).
Maybe, one of the underlying causes is that too many different technologies
and concepts are grouped under the wide term “Industry 4.0”, as it is stated by
Herman et al. (2015): “Industrie 4.0 is a collective term for technologies and con-
cepts of value chain organization”.
This paper aims to collect and organize all the relevant terms related to “Indus-
try 4.0” in order to facilitate its implementation by different users such as compa-
nies, technologists, computer engineers and final users.
The paper is structured as follows: In Chapter 2 a classification scheme is pro-
posed, and in Chapter 4, some conclusions are drawn.
A classification scheme from the analysis of the previous works is proposed, that
leads to a better understanding of the concept “Industry 4.0”.
This classification scheme is based on two pillars: the features that characterize
such a concept and the technologies or concepts that support them. Besides, the
technologies or concepts that enable the development of the former individual fea-
tures are also pointed out.
First, a list of different characteristic features of the term “Industry 4.0” were
determined based on the frequency they were quoted in the structured literature
review, composed by twelve main papers (Anon 2014; Herman et al. 2015; Lasi et
al. 2014; Schlechtendahl et al. 2014; Lee et al. 2015; Shrouf et al. 2014; Atzori et
al. 2010; Miorandi et al. 2012; Herčko et al. 2015; Pfohl et al. 2015; Stiel &
Teuteberg 2015; Erol et al. 2016), selected from the initial search results. Then,
these features were contrasted with others classification schemes, as the ones of
Herman et al. (2015) and Pfohl et al. (2015). As a result, eight characterizing fea-
tures were selected as the most representative ones, although a few other ones en-
countered in the literature were also added if they matched them. Their description
is as follows:
1. Virtualization: means that companies are able to monitor physical processes.
These sensor data are linked to virtual plant models and simulation models.
Thus, a virtual copy of the physical world is created (Herman et al. 2015). An-
other close feature is digitalization.
2. Interoperability: means that all the systems, in and out the company are con-
nected. Standards are a key success factor for communication (Herman et al.
2015). Other close features are socialization or network collaboration.
3. Autonomization: “Industry 4.0” technologies and concepts are enabling ma-
chines and algorithms of future companies to make decisions and perform
learning-activities autonomously. This autonomous decision-making and learn-
ing is based on man-made algorithms and enables whole factories and manufac-
turing facilities to work with minimum human-machine interaction (Pfohl et al.
2015). Another close feature is decentralization.
4. Real-time availability: for organizational tasks it is necessary that data is col-
lected and analyzed in real time. So, the status of the plant is permanently
tracked and analyzed (Herman et al. 2015). Other close features are remote
monitoring and mobility.
5. Flexibility: due to new and more complex demands requirements, processes
such as products development, products production processes or decision mak-
ing procedures need to be performed faster (Lasi et al. 2014). Another close
feature is mass-customization.
6. Service Orientation: the services of companies over Internet can be utilized by
other participants. They can be offered both internally and across company
borders. (Herman et al. 2015)
7. Energy efficiency: climate change and scarcity of resources are megatrends
that will affect to future industry players. These megatrends leverage energy
decentralization for plants, triggering the need for the use of carbon-neutral
technologies in manufacturing. Using renewable energies will be more finan-
cially attractive for companies. (Anon 2014)
Secondly, a list of different technologies and concepts that support and contrib-
ute to the future development of the concept of “Industry 4.0” was also consid-
For this purpose, a two-step approach was applied. In the first step, a list of
technologies and concepts were extracted from the literature review. This list was
too long, so it was attempted to reduce its complexity. For that, in the second step,
four technologies/concepts that had the highest relevance and the widest scope
were selected forming four groups: cyber-physical systems, Internet of
Things/Services, Smart Data and Smart Factory. The remaining ones were then al-
located in each of them (Figures 1-4). It is important to remark that the selected
technologies/concepts overlap so that some concepts could have been allocated in
different groups. In this work just the most representative one was chosen to allo-
cate them.
In the following, the four selected technologies/concepts are reflected and de-
scribed in detail.
3. Smart Data: cloud computing, big data, storing and analyzing data, position and
status of an object (traceability), position or condition of a tool, electronic documents,
drawings, simulation models, production status, energy consumption behavior, materi-
al movements, customer orders and feedback suppliers’ data, sensor data
Fig. 3 Third relevant technology/concept and its related ones.
4. Smart Factory: Smart Product, Smart Logistics, Smart Machines, Smart De-
vices, Smart Manufacturing Processes, Smart Engineering, Manufacturing IT, Contin-
uous Innovation, Modularization of processes and products, Calm-systems, resilient
and self-adaptable machines, decentralized intelligence, self-optimization and recon-
figuration machines, automatic solutions, versatile operations, autonomous manufac-
turing cells, efficient manufacturing, adjusted production schedules, optimized capaci-
ty, carbon-neutral technologies in manufacturing, renewable energies, generate own
power, 3D visualization, 4.0 supplier network, 3D-printing, autonomous vehicle, dis-
persed locations businesses, industrial democracy, small and autonomous manufactur-
ing cells, fragmentation of the value chain, new business models, design thinking,
continuous training and development in the workplace, collaborative and cross-cultural
competencies, standardization, interdisciplinary skills, analytics specialists, engineers
and programmers, data scientist, cyber safety guards, highly interactive, socio-
technical systems, intelligently networked objects in manufacturing, technological in-
novations, new knowledge and capabilities, new principles of work and leadership,
demography-resistant work design, dynamic production networks, energy and re-
source efficiency, increased productivity, horizontal and vertical integration through
value networks, end-to-end digital integration of engineering, Business 4.0, e-
Residency, fractal company, self-similarity, self-organization, self-optimization, goal-
orientation, adaptable manufacturing organizations, cross–company information inter-
faces, form structures of high internal interaction and exchange of resources, green
transport corridors, self-organizing, adaptive logistics, customer integrated engineer-
ing, SC-based Business Models, open Innovation Models, Service Design Models,
complex and intertwined manufacturing networks, fragmentation of the value chain,
cross–company information interfaces, sustainability aspects, transparency and trace-
ability of the products during life-cycle, sustainable product design
Fig. 4 Fourth relevant technology/concept and its related ones.
The final goal of this paper is to understand the relevance of the many interre-
lated technologies /concepts with respect to the achievement of the aforemen-
tioned “Industry 4.0” characterizing features.
For that, it was individually collected the contribution of all the technolo-
gies/concepts, and analyzed whether or not they enabled the virtualization, in-
teroperability, autonomization, real-time availability, flexibility, service orienta-
tion and energy efficiency within the supply chain.
Table 1 shows the contribution of the different relevant technologies/concepts
to the development of the features characterizing the “Industry 4.0”.
Features / Relevant Concepts CPS IoT / IoS Smart Data Smart Factory
Virtualization X X X
Interoperability X X
Autonomization X X X
Real Time Availability X X X
Flexibility X
Service Orientation X X X
Energy Efficiency X
1. CPS
• M2M: it is a broad label that can be used to describe any technology that ena-
bles networked devices to exchange information and perform actions without
the manual assistance of humans. M2M communication is often used for re-
mote monitoring
2. IoT/IoS
• Sensors: it is a device that detects and responds to some type of input from the
physical environment. The specific input could be light, heat, motion, moisture,
pressure, or any one of a great number of other environmental phenomena. The
output is generally a signal that is converted to human-readable display at the
sensor location or transmitted electronically over a network for reading or fur-
ther processing.
• RFID: it is a technology that incorporates the use of electromagnetic or electro-
static coupling in the radio frequency (RF) portion of the electromagnetic spec-
trum to uniquely identify an object, animal, or person. It is coming into increas-
ing use in industry as an alternative to the bar code. The advantage of this
technology is that it does not require direct contact or line-of-sight scanning.
3. Smart Data
• Cloud Computing: it is a general term for the delivery of hosted services over
the Internet. It enables companies to consume compute resources as a utility ra-
ther than having to build and maintain computing infrastructures in-house. It
promises several attractive benefits for businesses and end users
4. Smart Factory
• Smart Products: they are specializations of hybrid products with physical reali-
zations of product categories and digital product descriptions that provide the
following characteristics: situated, personalized, adaptive, pro-active, business
aware, location aware and network capable. Since smart products combine a
physical product with additional services, they are a form of product service
3 Conclusions
Based on a structured literature review, the meaning of the so-popular and at the
same time so wide concept “Industry 4.0” was understood. This was performed by
proposing a classification scheme made up of two main inputs.
On one hand analyzing which features may better characterize the term “Indus-
try 4.0”. It was stated that the main features were virtualization, interoperability,
autonomization, real-time availability, flexibility, service orientation and energy
efficiency. On the other hand analyzing which technologies and concepts may be
classified under the term “Industry 4.0”. Many technologies and concepts were
analyzed within the literature, grouping them into 4 relevant and representative
ones: Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS), Internet of Things/Services (IoT/IoS), Smart
Data, Smart Factory. Finally, it was stated how these technologies and concepts
individually contributed to enable the achievement of the aforementioned charac-
terizing features.
4 Acknowledgements
This research has been carried out in the framework of the project “Identificación
de la información proporcionada por los nuevos sistemas de detección accesibles
mediante internet en el ámbito de las -sensing enterprises- para la mejora de la
toma de decisiones en la planificación de la producción” (GV/2014/010), funded
by the Generalitat Valenciana.
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